DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Slone

I hereby place a bounty of one magic cookie and a (virtual) pat on the
back to the first person to write a good proto or proposal which would
repeal rules 1688, 1482, and 1030.  Goodness of protos and proposals
will be evaluated relative to my biases, of course.

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
Of course we should have a ruleset.  Just think of it has a handy
set of defaults. :-)
   -- root, in agora-discussion

DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Kerim Aydin

Curse you, Maud.  Now I am thinking of it.  I shouldn't be.  I've got 
two proto-proto entirely new systems lined up.

HOWEVER:  Is it possible to repeal R1482 with its silly "protective"
  No change to the Ruleset can occur that would cause a Rule
  to stipulate any other means of determining precedence
  between Rules of unequal Power.  

The answer is, only if we create a rule with higher precedence.
This means (a) it's a good thing we didn't make this power-4; (b)
that clause is not much help, except as a bureaucratic headache,
as once you get a power-3 coalition, some trivial rules ju-jitsu
will circumvent it.

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Zefram
Michael Slone wrote:
>repeal rules 1688, 1482, and 1030.

Do you intend there to be no precedence mechanism at all?  And what
about supermajority voting?


Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Slone

On 5/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do you intend there to be no precedence mechanism at all?  And what
about supermajority voting?

I don't intend that supermajority voting vanish.

As for precedence, there is almost certainly a nice system out there
that we haven't tried, since we've essentially only tried two (as far
as I am aware), Suber's and the current one.  It might be interesting
to see what would happens were the rules to pretend they contain no

I don't have a proposal of my own here, which is why the magic cookie
and (virtual) pat on the back are being offered.

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
It's your fault, H. Notary!
   -- Manu, in agora-discussion

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Zefram
Michael Slone wrote:
>I don't intend that supermajority voting vanish.

So we'll still need a mutability index, or something equivalent, you
just don't want it tied to precedence.

There's a basic problem with this.  Consider the whole class of
systems where precedence is a partial ordering among rules and proposal
adoption procedures differ only in the degree of supermajority required.
A rational proposal author may be presumed to use the easiest type of
proposal adoption that can achieve the level of precedence required.
If there is anywhere that a higher precedence can be achieved using
a lower supermajority, then proposal authors will use this option,
effectively making the higher supermajority (for less precedence) option
drop out of the system.  The system's effects, taking that phenomenon
into account, always yield a strictly non-decreasing supermajority
requirement along any chain of increasing precedence.

There are more exotic classes of system to consider, which may be what
you're looking for.

>  It might be interesting
>to see what would happens were the rules to pretend they contain no

Suber's initial ruleset actually works pretty much this way.  There are
several clauses along the lines of "if not prevented by other rules".
We've lost a lot of that cooperative flavour in the current ruleset.
With "instrument mechanics" I tried to bring some of it back, among the
Power=3 rules.

To make the whole ruleset work without contradictions is more difficult.
A functionally-equivalent transformation of the current ruleset would
have to add hundreds of clauses along the lines of "unless prevented by
a rule with Power>1 or Power=1 and Number<2128".  *Keeping* the ruleset
contradiction-free would entail a reliable procedure to statically
detect contradictions, and nullification of proposed rule changes that
breach the contradiction-free invariant.  We can't do the latter without
the former.  I'm envisioning writing the entire ruleset in a formal
denotational semantics language and automated theorem proving in the pi
calculus... we're not going to get there easily.

>I don't have a proposal of my own here,

There's a refinement of the present system that occurred to me a
while ago.  We currently have a total ordering precedence, but we could
loosen that to a generalised Boolean algebra.  Each rule has a set of
(zero or more) precedence flags.  If two rules conflict, and one has a
proper superset of the other's flags, then it takes precedence.  If the
two flag sets are equal then fall back on numbering for a tie break.
If the two flag sets are neither superset nor subset of each other, then
there is no precedence between the rules, and the contradiction stands.
Not sure what we should do in the no-precedence case, though.  Just have
the general idea that it would occur with rules that shouldn't interact
at all.


Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Maud wrote:

I hereby place a bounty of one magic cookie and a (virtual) pat on the
back to the first person to write a good proto or proposal which would
repeal rules 1688, 1482, and 1030.  Goodness of protos and proposals
will be evaluated relative to my biases, of course.

This only achieves two-thirds of your goal, but...

Proto-Proposal:  Reversing precedent with Agoran consent
(AI = 3, please)

Repeal Rule 1482 (Precedence between Rules with Unequal Power).

Repeal Rule 1030 (Precedence between Rules with Equal Power).

Amend Rule 2124 (Agoran Consent) by replacing this text:

  (c) more players have announced (and not withdrawn) support than
  have announced (and not withdrawn) objections to the action
  since the intent was published.

with this text:

  (c) the support index exceeds one and meets or exceeds the
  consent index of the action.  The support index is the
  ratio of the number of other players who have announced
  (and not withdrawn) support to the number of other players
  who have announced (and not withdrawn) objections.  The
  consent index is one unless otherwise defined.

Create a rule titled "Precedence between rules" with Power=3 and this

  a) In a conflict between rules with different Power, the rule
 with higher Power takes precedence.

  b) In a conflict between rules with equal Power, the rule with
 lower number takes precedence.

  c) If at least one of the rules in conflict claims that it takes
 precedence over another rule (or type of rule) or defers to
 another rule (or type of rule), and none of the others
 contradict that claim, then that claim supersedes the previous
 methods of determining precedence.

  d) If all the rules in conflict agree on a different method of
 determining their precedence over one another, then that method
 supersedes the previous methods of determining precedence.

  e) A player may, with Agoran consent with a consent index of
 H/L, perform an action and cause a rule with Power L to take
 precedence over a rule with Power H with regard to that
 action.  E must be otherwise permitted to perform that action,
 taking the altered precedence into account.

  f) No change to the rules can occur that would provide any other
 means of determining precedence between rules.  This rule takes
 precedence over any rule that would permit such a change.

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Roger Hicks

You could always re-institute the Virus...


On 5/17/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maud wrote:

> I hereby place a bounty of one magic cookie and a (virtual) pat on the
> back to the first person to write a good proto or proposal which would
> repeal rules 1688, 1482, and 1030.  Goodness of protos and proposals
> will be evaluated relative to my biases, of course.

This only achieves two-thirds of your goal, but...

Proto-Proposal:  Reversing precedent with Agoran consent
(AI = 3, please)

Repeal Rule 1482 (Precedence between Rules with Unequal Power).

Repeal Rule 1030 (Precedence between Rules with Equal Power).

Amend Rule 2124 (Agoran Consent) by replacing this text:

   (c) more players have announced (and not withdrawn) support than
   have announced (and not withdrawn) objections to the action
   since the intent was published.

with this text:

   (c) the support index exceeds one and meets or exceeds the
   consent index of the action.  The support index is the
   ratio of the number of other players who have announced
   (and not withdrawn) support to the number of other players
   who have announced (and not withdrawn) objections.  The
   consent index is one unless otherwise defined.

Create a rule titled "Precedence between rules" with Power=3 and this

   a) In a conflict between rules with different Power, the rule
  with higher Power takes precedence.

   b) In a conflict between rules with equal Power, the rule with
  lower number takes precedence.

   c) If at least one of the rules in conflict claims that it takes
  precedence over another rule (or type of rule) or defers to
  another rule (or type of rule), and none of the others
  contradict that claim, then that claim supersedes the previous
  methods of determining precedence.

   d) If all the rules in conflict agree on a different method of
  determining their precedence over one another, then that method
  supersedes the previous methods of determining precedence.

   e) A player may, with Agoran consent with a consent index of
  H/L, perform an action and cause a rule with Power L to take
  precedence over a rule with Power H with regard to that
  action.  E must be otherwise permitted to perform that action,
  taking the altered precedence into account.

   f) No change to the rules can occur that would provide any other
  means of determining precedence between rules.  This rule takes
  precedence over any rule that would permit such a change.

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>  e) A player may, with Agoran consent with a consent index of
> H/L, perform an action and cause a rule with Power L to take
> precedence over a rule with Power H with regard to that
> action.  E must be otherwise permitted to perform that action,
> taking the altered precedence into account.

Sounds dangerous.  We have relied on the power-based precedence
relationships in drafting high-power rules.


Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Zefram
Kerim Aydin wrote:
>The answer is, only if we create a rule with higher precedence.

Not true.  That paragraph doesn't prevent repeal of the rule at all.
Also, if you want to change the precedence mechanism without repealing
R1482, all you have to do is amend R1482 to delete that paragraph.

>that clause is not much help, except as a bureaucratic headache,

It prevents the adoption of a Power=1 rule that says that rules with
lower Power take precedence, and other such things that would create
ambiguity about the precedence mechanism.  That's what it's for.

>as once you get a power-3 coalition,

It does not prevent anything at Power=3, true.  Requiring AI=3 in order
to break precedence ought to be sufficient safeguard, because with AI=3
you can enact a rule that takes precedence over everything else even
without changing the precedence mechanism.


Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Kerim Aydin

here's the first one, the more political one.  The second one (later
sometime) is more mathematical.

Proto:  On all our houses

Repeal 1688, 1482, and 1030.
[Note:  order of things must be considered for this bootstrapping]

Enact the following Rule, entitled "All our houses"

House is a stuck switch for Rules, Proposals, Players,
and  CFJs with values Ordinary, Senatorial, Democratic,
and Constitutional.  A Player may change eir house at
any time, except a Player may not be Constitutional.

A Proposal may be submitted to any house (default
Ordinary), and adoption depends on the Rules of that
house.  A Constitutional Rule is submitted simultaneously
to all houses, and must be adopted by all houses to
take effect.

A non-Constitutional Proposal submitted to a specific
house may only change Rules within that house, following
submission and adoption procedures specified by that
house's rules.   If no adoption Rules exist in that house,
or a Constitutional Court finds the Rules of that house
do not allow the adoption of a proposal in reasonable
time, the default procedure for resolving decisions
is followed.

Enact the following Rule, entitled 'Judicial Houses'

A CFJ may be submitted to any house (default Senatorial).
A Constitutional CFJ (also called an "Appeal") convenes
a panel of one player from each house, appointed as
described by the Rules of that house.

A conflict bewteen Rules within a house is resolved
by a CFJ submitted to that house according to the
Rules of that house.  If no Rules exist in that house, or
a Constitutional Court finds the Rules of that house
do not allow the resolution of a CFJ in reasonable
time, the default procedure for resolving CFJs
is followed.

If Rules conflict between houses, they can only
be adjudicated by a Constitutional CFJ.  In such
cases, Constitional Rules may define methods for
which certain houses have precedence over others
for certain types of Rules.  If Constitutional
Rules are otherwise silent, precedence is ordered
as specified by the list of possible houses.

Enact the following Rule, entitled "Primary regulations"

If something is said by the Rules of a house to
be "primarily regulated" by that house, then
that house's rules have precedence over other
houses for that thing.  If Rules of two houses
conflict over claiming primary regulation, the
older (lower-Numbered) Rule so claiming shall
have precedence.

The above Rules are all made Constitutional.

Constitutional protections to add later [if this proto
is liked]

 1.  [Rights and privileges]
 2.  [If mechanism breaks down, a unaimous vote of
  all players can change rules of any house]
 3. [If all else fails, a CFJ can enpanel three
 players regardless of house to sort things out]
 4. [default procedures]

Upon the adoption of this Proposal, [All Rules]
are mapped onto [Houses] as follows:

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 e) A player may, with Agoran consent with a consent index of
H/L, perform an action and cause a rule with Power L to take
precedence over a rule with Power H with regard to that
action.  E must be otherwise permitted to perform that action,
taking the altered precedence into account.

Sounds dangerous.  We have relied on the power-based precedence
relationships in drafting high-power rules.

Which is why allowing e.g. a Power=1 rule to temporarily trump a
Power=3 rule would require >= 3/4 support on a case-by-case basis.

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Taral

On 5/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm envisioning writing the entire ruleset in a formal
denotational semantics language and automated theorem proving in the pi
calculus... we're not going to get there easily.

That was kind of the idea behind schemenomic -- perhaps having an
(authoritative) encoding of the rules in a logic, instead of a
programming language, would work better.

"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
   -- Unknown

Re: DIS: Bounty

2007-05-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Which is why allowing e.g. a Power=1 rule to temporarily trump a
>Power=3 rule would require >= 3/4 support on a case-by-case basis.

You'd also allow a Power=2 rule to trump a Power=3 rule with a 60%
supermajority, where currently a 75% supermajority would be required.
Pretty big difference, and more so if we start using Power=2.9 or other
intermediate levels.
