DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-15 Thread Roger Hicks

I am soliciting comments on the following proto-proposal:

AI: 1

Create a rule called Certification with Power 1 that reads:

A Player who performs one of the following actions without being certified
for that action is in violation of the rules:
* Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
* Supporting or opposing a dependent action
* Submitting a proposal for distribution

Players become certified for an action by obtaining a Certificate. A
Certificate is owned by a player, but is not Property and may not be traded
or exchanged. Each Certificate allows a Player to perform one specific
action. Each certificate has an expiration date. The holder of a Certificate
may exercise the action specified in the certificate freely while that
Certificate is valid. When the expiration date of a Certificate is reached,
it becomes invalid and ceases to exist.

A Player may hold any number of Certificates, and holding a Certificate does
not prevent another Player from holding a Certificate of the same type.

Create a rule called Licenses with Power 1 that reads:
Certain activities are regulated under Agoran law. These activities may only
be conducted by an Agoran Player who holds a license for that activity. Any
Agoran Player may purchase a License for one of the activities regulated by
this rule by making an announcement to the Public Forum and paying the cost
of that License in Currency to the Agoran Treasury.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each License
requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran Treasury. Unless
otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License shall be $2,500, and the
renewal fee for a license shall be $500. If a Player wishes to renew a
Licence, e may pay the renewal fee to the Agoran Treasury as soon as
possible after the beginning of a new month. If e doesn't, e loses that
License and if e wishes to become re-licensed in that activity again, e
shall have to pay the initial license purchase fee.

A License is owned by a Player, but is not Property and may not be
transferred. A Player may hold as many Licenses as e wishes, and each
License is available to all Agoran Players to purchase, unless otherwise
specified in another rule of equal or higher power.

The following Licenses are available for purchase:

Voter Certification License
A Player holding this license can (by announcement) issue a Voter's
Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no
further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Voter's
Certificate is certified to submit ballots on distributed Proposals.

Dependent Action License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Supporter's
Certificate or an Objector's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate
must have an expiration date no further than one week beyond the date of
issue. The holder of a Supporter's Certificate may support any dependent
action and the holder of an Objector's Certificate may object to any
dependent action.

Proposer Certification License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Proposer's
Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no
further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Proposer's
Certificate may submit proposals for distribution.

Contractor's License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) create one Land as
described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so within
the past week.

Digit Farming License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) farm Digit Ranches e
owns, as described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so
within the past week.

Equator's License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) process equations using
eir Equation Factories, as described in the rule Land Ownership.

Demolitions License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) destroy any one Land
owned by any Player, as long as e has not done so within the past week.

Create a rule called Digits with Power 1 that reads:

Digits are a type of Property that may be owned by Players. There are ten
types of Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the
same numerical value are fungible.

After an Ordinary Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends, any
Player may destroy digits e controls corresponding to the digits in the
number of that proposal by making an announcement to the Public Forum. This
has the effect of increasing eir Voting Limit on that Proposal by one. This
action may be performed multiple times by the same Player for the same

A Player may destroy one digit he controls of each of the ten digit types by
making an announcement to the Public Forum. If e does, e gains 1 VC.

When a Judge issues a judgment on a CFJ, e may destroy digits e controls
corresponding to the digits in the number of the CFJ and may specify one
Land controlled by any Player by 

Re: DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-14 Thread Ed Murphy

BobTHJ wrote:

Create a rule called Certification with Power 1 that reads:

A Player must be certified to perform any of the following actions:
* Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
* Supporting or opposing a dependent action
* Submitting a proposal for distribution
If a player who performs one of the above actions and is not certified 
to perform that action then that action is void and is treated as if the 
Player never attempted to perform that action.

Charging for proposals has historically led to stagnation.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each 
License requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran 
Treasury. Unless otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License 
shall be $2,500, and the renewal fee for a license shall be $500. The 
Secretary of the Treasury shall collect renewal fees from each Licensee 
as soon as possible after the first of each month.

If this and the other proposals were adopted today, there would be 19
players (not counting HP3-14 who are going away soon) and 8 offices, and
we would need a minimum of two licenses (proposing and voting).  Let's
look at how quickly the total money supply would shrink:

  Initial funds = (19 * $1,000) - (2 * $2,500) = $14,000

  Monthly change = (8 * $500) - (19 * $200) - (2 * $500) = -$800

This would bankrupt all players in about a year and a half, plus
about one month per new registration.  Do you intend for the players
to have to vote themselves more money every few months?

Re: DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-14 Thread Roger Hicks

On 5/14/07, Ed Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BobTHJ wrote:

 Create a rule called Certification with Power 1 that reads:

 A Player must be certified to perform any of the following actions:
 * Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
 * Supporting or opposing a dependent action
 * Submitting a proposal for distribution
 If a player who performs one of the above actions and is not certified
 to perform that action then that action is void and is treated as if the
 Player never attempted to perform that action.

Charging for proposals has historically led to stagnation.

Maybe that would be the case here, I don't have the experience to know.
However, a certificate gives you the ability to propose for a period of up
to two weeks, so you can prepare your protos and then buy a certificate once
you are ready to push them all through.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each
 License requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran
 Treasury. Unless otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License
 shall be $2,500, and the renewal fee for a license shall be $500. The
 Secretary of the Treasury shall collect renewal fees from each Licensee
 as soon as possible after the first of each month.

If this and the other proposals were adopted today, there would be 19
players (not counting HP3-14 who are going away soon) and 8 offices, and
we would need a minimum of two licenses (proposing and voting).  Let's
look at how quickly the total money supply would shrink:

   Initial funds = (19 * $1,000) - (2 * $2,500) = $14,000

   Monthly change = (8 * $500) - (19 * $200) - (2 * $500) = -$800

This would bankrupt all players in about a year and a half, plus
about one month per new registration.  Do you intend for the players
to have to vote themselves more money every few months?

I'm sorry, I meant to specify and I forgot. I intend to change the initial

amount of Currency per player from $1k to $10k, thus the reason for these
numbers and not smaller ones. And, while there is a fixed amount of currency
in the economy (this is intended to make it a limited resource), it is never
destroyed. License fees are paid into the Treasury and then re-distributed
back out to Officers. I'm sure a social program could be developed as well
to award money from the Treasury to those who are less fortunate. Or a
government contracts system where the Treasury pays players to perform
services on it's behalf.


DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-14 Thread Kerim Aydin

Zefram wrote:
 Proposal proliferation is a good thing in a parliamentary nomic.  It is
 the very basis of the game.

I do not have time to wade through the implications of a dozen ill-conceived
and clashing proposals in a single distribution.  If I stay, I feel the
need so review them, lest one of them put me in a box (e.g. like I was during
CFJs 1413-1417).  The basis of the parliamentary nomic is parliamentary
procedure, not unfettered access to pure democracy (e.g. mob rule).

This is the main reason I just deregistered.

  At the very least, we should charge for raising AI to 1.1,
  currently a free end-run around the ordinary.

 On the contrary, that's (at least temporarily) an essential safeguard
 for democracy.

Why does the phrase it's just a temporary safeguard for democracy make
me feel uneasy?


Re: DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-14 Thread Zefram
Kerim Aydin wrote:
Why does the phrase it's just a temporary safeguard for democracy make
me feel uneasy?

Because you know some history.  I feel uncomfortable uttering the
phrase, too.  But this temporary safeguard has the unusual feature
that it operates by imposing a more democratic procedure than would
otherwise apply.  If it stays around, the worst that happens is that we
have less of the undemocratic subgame.


DIS: Proto: Economy

2007-05-13 Thread Roger Hicks

This proto-proposal goes with my previous two on Currency and the Treasury,
and rounds out the other two. It attempts to create an economy with supply
and demand and gives currency a reason for existing. The caveat is that it
is somewhat complex. I'm sure it will need a lot of work:

AI: 1

Create a rule called Certification with Power 1 that reads:

A Player must be certified to perform any of the following actions:
* Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
* Supporting or opposing a dependent action
* Submitting a proposal for distribution
If a player who performs one of the above actions and is not certified to
perform that action then that action is void and is treated as if the Player
never attempted to perform that action.

Players become certified for an action by obtaining a Certificate. A
Certificate is owned by a player, but is not property and may not be traded
or exchanged. Each Certificate allows a Player to perform one specific
action. Each certificate has an expiration date. The holder of a Certificate
may exercise the action specified in the certificate freely while that
Certificate is valid. When the expiration date of a Certificate is reached,
it becomes invalid and ceases to exist.

A Player may hold any number of Certificates, and holding a Certificate does
not prevent another Player from holding a Certificate of the same type.

Create a rule called Licenses with Power 1 that reads:
Certain activities are regulated under Agoran law. These activities may only
be conducted by an Agoran Player who holds a license for that activity. Any
Agoran Player may purchase a License for one of the activities regulated by
this rule by making an announcement to the Public Forum and paying the cost
of that License in Currency to the Agoran Treasury. An Agoran Player who
holds a License for a paticular activity may perform that activity on behalf
of other Agoran players, and is entitled to collect a fee for such services.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each License
requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran Treasury. Unless
otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License shall be $2,500, and the
renewal fee for a license shall be $500. The Secretary of the Treasury shall
collect renewal fees from each Licensee as soon as possible after the first
of each month.

A Player may hold as many licenses as e wishes, and each license is
available to all Agoran Players to purchase, unless otherwise specified in
another rule of equal or higher power.

A Player may choose not to pay a License renewal fee for a license e holds
by posting an announcement to the Public Forum. A player who is unable or
unwilling to pay a license renewal fee shall lose that license, and if e
wishes to become re-licensed in that activity again, e shall have to pay the
initial license purchase fee.

The following Licenses are available for purchase:

Voter Certification License
A Player holding this license may issue a Voter's Certificate to any Player.
This Certificate must have an expiration date no further than one week
beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Voter's Certificate is certified
to submit ballots on distributed Proposals.

Dependent Action License
A Player holding this License may issue a Supporter's Certificate or an
Objector's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an
expiration date no further than two weeks beyond the date of issue. The
holder of a Supporter's Certificate may support any dependent action and the
holder of an Objector's Certificate may object to any dependent action.

Proposer Certification License
A Player holding this License may issue a Proposer's Certificate to any
Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no further than two
weeks beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Proposer's Certificate may
submit proposals for distribution.

Contractor's License
A Player holding this License may once per week create one Land as described
in the rule Land Ownership.

Digit Farming License
A Player holding this License may farm Digit Ranches, as described in the
rule Land Ownership.

Equator's License
A Player holding this License may process equations using Equation
Factories, as described in the rule Land Ownership.

Demolitions License
A Player holding this License may once per week destroy any one Land owned
by any Player.

Create a rule called Digits with Power 1 that reads:

Digits are property that may be owned by Players. There are ten types of
digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same
numerical value are fungible and identical. As property, a player may freely
transfer digits e owns with other Players by making an announcement to the
Public Forum. Digits are regulated by the rules and may only be created or
destroyed when specified in a rule. A player may own any amount of each of
the ten Digit types.

After an Ordinary Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends,