AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-11-28 Thread Digby Millikan
  I was wondering if someone can tell me about statistical parameters,
why standard deviation and variance is used as opposed to mean absolute
deviation from the mean. It rings a bell that intergral calculus has
to do with it e.g. related to formulea for a normal distribution .
 M.David states the variogram uses the squared term as it makes calculations
easier, as it would being related to statistical parameters such as
covariance similarly, A.Journel informed me, as Donald exaplained Kriging
is Least Squared Error.

Thanks in advance,

Regards Digby Millikan B.Eng

Geolite Mining Systems
U4/16 First Ave.,
Payneham South SA 5070
Ph: +61 8 84312974


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-11-28 Thread Syed Abdul Rahman Shibli
On 29/11/02 5:32 AM, "Digby Millikan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if someone can tell me about statistical parameters,
> why standard deviation and variance is used as opposed to mean absolute
> deviation from the mean. It rings a bell that intergral calculus has

There are in fact situations where you might want to use the mean absolute
deviation from the mean (madogram) since any squared term would amplify the
effect of outliers or other extreme values on the spatial correlation
measure. For example, a range might be better defined from an inspection of
the madogram instead of the variogram.

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-04 Thread Digby Millikan

Hello, My inital enquiry about why variance is used 
as a basis for geostatistics appears 
to be the tip of the iceberg of many reasons and a large 
amount of complex 
mathematical theory. I have included a summary of 
further postings I have received concerning this 
matter and will later write a short summary of these reasons 
on the emails received.
Regards Digby Millikan B.EngGeolite Mining 
SystemsU4/16 First Ave.,Payneham South SA 5070Australia.Ph: +61 
8 84312974[EMAIL PROTECTED] Digby 
Millikan wrote: Hello,  I was wondering if someone can 
tell me about statistical parameters,why standard deviation and variance is 
used as opposed to mean absolutedeviation from the mean. It rings a bell 
that intergral calculus hassomethingto do with it e.g. related to 
formulea for a normal distribution . M.David states the variogram uses 
the squared term as it makes calculationseasier, as it would being related 
to statistical parameters such asvariance,covariance similarly, 
A.Journel informed me, as Donald exaplained Krigingis Least Squared 
Error.Thanks in advance,
Regards Digby 
This question comes up from time to time in statistics and it 
is likely that the answer pertains to optimization.  The variance 
is a second moment, i.e., it is related to a sum of squares. Problems 
pertaining to sums of squares arise in a number of places  (e.g., 
moment of inertia, PCA,  energy) but part of the reason for the 
emphasis on squares as opposed to absolute values probably has to do 
with differentiation. The absolute value function is not differentiable 
at zero whereas the sum of squares is differentiable. Moreove when 
optimizing a sum of squares one obtains a system of linear 
equations,  to optimize a function involving the absolute value 
does not lead to a nice analytic solution. Note that Newton used 
squares in his landmark study on errors. The absolute value is not 
exactly a first moment but it certainly is not a second moment. 
Consequently if one constructs an objective function using absolute 
values as opposed to squares it will behave differently. The 
absolute deviation probably more naturally relates to the median (than 
to the mean). In summary I don't think there is an absolute answer 
to your question and you may get different answers/explanations from 
different people but I think all will include some of the ideas 
above. Donald E. 
Virgil wrote;
Partly because way back in the days when calculators and 
computers were people, there were nicely developed shortcuts for calculating 
means and variances which were not available for medians and mean 
absolute deviations (MADs).Secondly, the theoretical analysis of 
Gaussian distributions was easier to develop in terms of means and variances 
than in terms of medians and MADs, and, originally, Gaussian were, by far, 
the most studied of the continuous distributions in the early days of 
statistics. Then Gossett developed the Student distributions, again 
strongly dependent on means and variances.
The reason is simple and comprehensiveAssume a population with 
ANY distribution of elements. Then randomly selecta number of sample 
elements from the population to characterize theunderlying population. That 
distribution of sample elements ALWAYS tendstoward a normal [Gaussian] 
distribution. And the mean and standard deviationof the sample distribution 
are unbiased representations of the mean andstandard deviation of the 
underlying population.WDAend

Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-05 Thread Isobel Clark
> The reason is simple and comprehensive
> Assume a population with ANY distribution of
> elements. Then randomly select
> a number of sample elements from the population to
> characterize the
> underlying population. That distribution of sample
> elements ALWAYS tends
> toward a normal [Gaussian] distribution. And the
> mean and standard deviation
> of the sample distribution are unbiased
> representations of the mean and
> standard deviation of the underlying population.
Things have obviously changed since I was a lad. I was
taught that the Central Limit Theorem was a theorem
NOT a law. There are distributions which do not
conform to this behaviour and (alas for us) the
lognormal is one of them.

The Central Limit theorem also does not apply to mixed
distributions or in cases of non-stationarity. Mind
you, neither does geostatistics

Isobel Clark

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-05 Thread Digby Millikan

> NOT a law. There are distributions which do not
> conform to this behaviour and (alas for us) the
> lognormal is one of them.

 Is this the reason for transforming the data (only upto page 14).
At the moment I am thinking kriging minimizes the variance of the
sampling distribution as I am also reading a book on classical

Is this distribution common in elements other than gold and uranium.

> The Central Limit theorem also does not apply to mixed
> distributions or in cases of non-stationarity. Mind
> you, neither does geostatistics

John Sturgul was my lecturer in mine evaluation, I think he mentioned your
1979 book in that course, but I did use it as a reference for a project I
did on geostatistics.

Thanks again,

Regards Digby Millikan B.Eng

Geolite Mining Systems
U4/16 First Ave.,
Payneham South SA 5070
Ph: +61 8 84312974


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-05 Thread Isobel Clark
I find this fascinating. 

Apparently what I said is almost entirely wrong.

What I said was 'I was taught that...' I do not
recollect Don Myers being in my classrooms as an
undergraduate (or during my MSC for that matter). 

You know, I welcome criticism, especially when I get
things wrong. I have a big problem with people who do
not actually read what I write but react at some
visceral level to what they think I said.

Also, I must be really stupid, because the comments
given by Don include the statement

" If any of the conditions in the theorem are not
satisfied then the theorem may not apply. "

Which, I am fairly sure, is what I was trying to say.
Isobel Clark

 --- "Donald E. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Regrettably the following statement by I. Clark is
> almost entirely wrong
> See below for a correct statement of the CLT, the
> problem in part is 
> simply carelessness in terminology and replacing
> correct 
> statements/formulations by sort of heuristic ones
> (which are not correct)
> Donald E. Myers
> Isobel Clark wrote:
> >>The reason is simple and comprehensive
> >>
> >>Assume a population with ANY distribution of
> >>elements. Then randomly select
> >>a number of sample elements from the population to
> >>characterize the
> >>underlying population. That distribution of sample
> >>elements ALWAYS tends
> >>toward a normal [Gaussian] distribution. And the
> >>mean and standard deviation
> >>of the sample distribution are unbiased
> >>representations of the mean and
> >>standard deviation of the underlying population.
> >>
> >
> >
> Let X_1,, X_n be a sequence of independent,
> identically distributed 
> random variables with common mean m and common
> standard deviation 
>  sigma. Let Z_n  be defined as a normalized sum
> Z_n  = [S_n  - m]/ (sigma/sqt root of n),  
> S_n   =   [Z_1 
> +.+ X_n]/n
> S_n is the sample mean
> Let  F_n(z) be the cumulative probability
> distribution function for Z_n 
> and let G(z) be the cumulative probability
> distribution function for the 
> standard Normal,. Then   F_n(z) --> G(z)  as n
> increases.
> Note two things about this statement, (1) the
> theorem does not say how 
> "fast"  the cdf for Z_n approaches the standard
> Normal, (2) the speed of 
> convergence depends on  z. Also the speed of
> convergence depends on the 
> distribution type of the X_i's
> If any of the conditions in the theorem are not
> satisfied then the 
> theorem may not apply. The convergence in this
> theorem is what is called 
> "convergence in distribution", this is one of the
> weakest forms of 
> convergence for a sequence of random variables. 
> There are theorems that 
> will give estimates or bounds on the speed of
> convergence. There are 
> also special cases of this theorem that are somewhat
> simpler such as the 
> the Normal approximation to the Binomial
> The simplest proof of the theorem above uses
> characteristic functions 
>  (Fourier Transforms of the densities).

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-05 Thread Digby Millikan
 The original email,

> > >>The reason is simple and comprehensive
> > >>
> > >>Assume a population with ANY distribution of
> > >>elements. Then randomly select
> > >>a number of sample elements from the population to
> > >>characterize the
> > >>underlying population. That distribution of sample
> > >>elements ALWAYS tends
> > >>toward a normal [Gaussian] distribution. And the
> > >>mean and standard deviation
> > >>of the sample distribution are unbiased
> > >>representations of the mean and
> > >>standard deviation of the underlying population.

was not written by Isobel, it came from W.D. Allen on sci.stat.math
which I posted in the summary of my replies.
Thankyou both for your help in this matter, I am currently reading 
Practical Geostatistics 2000 and have ordered the statistics books
as recommended by Donald. 

Regards Digby Millikan B.Eng

Geolite Mining Systems
U4/16 First Ave.,
Payneham South SA 5070
Ph: +61 8 84312974


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-05 Thread Ruben Roa
Isobel did not write the careless paragraph about the central limit theorem
(CLT) Don replied to, as pointed out by Digby. I wish to add something to
what Don said about the conditions under which the CLT applies, and that
people usually miss in considering the universality of the CLT. See below.

>> Let X_1,, X_n be a sequence of independent,
>> identically distributed
>> random variables with common mean m and common
>> standard deviation
>>  sigma. Let Z_n  be defined as a normalized sum
>> Z_n  = [S_n  - m]/ (sigma/sqt root of n),
>> S_n   =   [Z_1
>> +.+ X_n]/n
>> S_n is the sample mean
>> Let  F_n(z) be the cumulative probability
>> distribution function for Z_n
>> and let G(z) be the cumulative probability
>> distribution function for the
>> standard Normal,. Then   F_n(z) --> G(z)  as n
>> increases.
>> Note two things about this statement, (1) the
>> theorem does not say how
>> "fast"  the cdf for Z_n approaches the standard
>> Normal, (2) the speed of
>> convergence depends on  z. Also the speed of
>> convergence depends on the
>> distribution type of the X_i's

Note also the sum operation. The CLT, more precisely called the Additive
CLT, applies to sums of pairwise independent random variables as n tends to
infinity. But if the operation is multiplication with equal-signed r.v.,
then convergence in distribution is towards the lognormal, not the normal.
It might well be that when considering natural phenomena, multiplicative
processes be more or equally common than additive ones, as we oftenly
observed skewed continuous data.

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-06 Thread Isobel Clark
Thanks to Rubén and Digby for pointing out what I had
misunderstood about Don Myers' email.

It had not occurred to me (duh) that the lines
starting '>' would be read as being from me rather
than part of a forwarded email.

Another score on the dumb side. Apologies for the
strong reaction to Don's email if (on this occasion)
he was not criticising my contribution.


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Fwd: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation, Variance

2002-12-06 Thread Isobel Clark
Thank you

 --- "Donald E. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 12:05:54 -0700
> From: "Donald E. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Isobel Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Standard deviation,
> Variance
> I stand corrected on mistakingly attributing the
> "description" of the 
> CLT to  you
> Donald Myers
> Isobel Clark wrote:
> >Thanks to Rubén and Digby for pointing out what I
> had
> >misunderstood about Don Myers' email.
> >
> >It had not occurred to me (duh) that the lines
> >starting '>' would be read as being from me rather
> >than part of a forwarded email.
> >
> >Another score on the dumb side. Apologies for the
> >strong reaction to Don's email if (on this
> occasion)
> >he was not criticising my contribution.
> >
> >Isobel
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >__
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