Problems backing up NT/W2K computers

2001-02-02 Thread Alexander von Homeyer


we are using amanda 2.4.1p1 on a Suse Linuxas tapeserver for half a year
It worked quite fine, dispite some problems which I mostly solved
without to
much efforts. Recently I added other pc disks to our disklist (using
which resulted in those strange result:

  tapeserver//ntbox1/user lev 0 FAILED [missing result for
//ntbox1/user in tapeserver response]
  tapeserver //ntbox2/user lev 0 FAILED [missing result for
//ntbox2/user in tapeserver response]
  tapeserver //ntbox3/user lev 0 FAILED [missing result for
//ntbox3/user in tapeserver response]
  tapeserver //ntbox4/user lev 0 FAILED [missing result for
//ntbox4/user in tapeserver response]
   and so on

We have know 22 PC disks in the disklist. First I searched the  amanda
group and found the problem to be in /common-src/dgram.h. Alexandre
Oliva wrote 
there that increasing the maximum size of a UDP packet in MAX_DGRAM will
help. So
I edited my  dgram.h file and set MAX_DGRAM from 8kb to 64 kb like in
version 2.4.2 
and compiled all on out tapeserver again. But this didn't really help.
Only the first 
three PCs in the disklist were backed up. So what else could help?

Thanx a lot


Output formatting

2001-02-02 Thread Michael Russell

I'm using 2.4.2 and have noticed that the mailed output has some problems
  with some of the big disks' columns of info running together.  The column
  for the tape speed is too small too, since the advent of faster tape

-- - 
mti  /   0 116002234688608  40.4  92:32 844.5  12:396178.6
mti  /data   0 2285257 958976  42.0  16:19 979.6   2:425905.9

Any plans to fix these?

Also, while I have your attention, is this sort of message expected
  in the NOTES section for each run?  I don't remember seeing it several
  years ago when I ran an older version of amanda at a different facility.

  taper: tape mti-bk04 kb 45482304 fm 23 [OK]

Michael Russell
Mathematical Technologies, Inc.
Providence, RI  02906  USA

Re: Output formatting

2001-02-02 Thread Mitch Collinsworth

On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Michael Russell wrote:

> I'm using 2.4.2 and have noticed that the mailed output has some problems
>   with some of the big disks' columns of info running together.  The column
>   for the tape speed is too small too, since the advent of faster tape
>   drives:

You can adjust this to suit your needs with columnspec in amanda.conf.


Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Victor R. Cain

The beginning of my configuration file looks like:
 # /etc/amanda/Config1/amanda.conf
 org "Config1"   # your organization name for reports
of message recipients
 dumpuser "backup"   # the user to run dumps

Amcheck reports no errors, and the runs appear to be happening, 
but I'm getting no e-mail reports.  Is there something wrong 
with my "mailto" line?

Vic Cain

 [EMAIL PROTECTED](865)482-2597

Re: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Gerhard den Hollander

* Victor R. Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 10:36:20AM -0500)
> The beginning of my configuration file looks like:
>  # /etc/amanda/Config1/amanda.conf
>  org "Config1"   # your organization name for reports
> of message recipients
>  dumpuser "backup"   # the user to run dumps
> under

> Amcheck reports no errors, and the runs appear to be happening, 
> but I'm getting no e-mail reports.  Is there something wrong 
> with my "mailto" line?

It tries to send email to


Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander   Phone +31-10.280.1515
Technical Support Jason Geosystems BV   Fax   +31-10.280.1511
   (When calling please note: we are in GMT+1)
visit us at 3000 BN Rotterdam  
JASON...#1 in Reservoir CharacterizationThe Netherlands

  This e-mail and any attachment is/are intended solely for the named
  addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential and privileged.
   If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you do not
 disseminate, forward, distribute or copy this e-mail message.
  If you have received this e-mail message in error, please notify us
   immediately by telephone and destroy the original message.

Re: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Victor R. Cain

Gerhard den Hollander wrote:
> * Victor R. Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 10:36:20AM -0500)
> > The beginning of my configuration file looks like:
> >  # /etc/amanda/Config1/amanda.conf
> >  org "Config1"   # your organization name for reports
> > of message recipients
> >  dumpuser "backup"   # the user to run dumps
> > under
> > Amcheck reports no errors, and the runs appear to be happening,
> > but I'm getting no e-mail reports.  Is there something wrong
> > with my "mailto" line?
> It tries to send email to
> try
> Kind regards,
>  --
> Gerhard den Hollander   Phone +31-10.280.1515

I tried that line and amcheck gave all sorts of error messages, 
saying it expected a quoted string.  I also tried the quoted 
string with commas, with no difference.  

" Plus you have the wonderful narrative of how [Dubya] got where
he now is. It took his brother, his father, his father's  
friends, the Florida secretary of state, and the Supreme Court 
to pull it off.  His entire life gives fresh meaning to the 
phrase 'assisted living.'" 
-- Gary Trudeau quoted in The New Yorker, Jan. 8, 2001 
Victor R. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED](865)482-2597

Re: Barcode support outside of chg-scsi

2001-02-02 Thread Doug Munsinger

Jason -

Yes -
[amanda@ford amanda]$ amtape daily slot 13
amtape: could not load slot 0: illegal request

But with the change in code this now works.

Much thanks for pointing this out.


At 08:04 AM 2/2/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>On Fri, 02 Feb 2001, Doug Munsinger wrote:
> > I'm testing that test case - so far I hadn't had any trouble with that, 
> but
> > my testing may have stepped around it.
>I didn't notice it until I did an 'amtape  slot #'.  I was only testing
>with next, prev, current, etc for the longest time.
>Jason Hollinden
>SMG Systems Admin

Doug Munsinger

egenera, Inc.
563 Main Street, Bolton, MA  01740
Tel: 508-786-9444 ext. 2612
OR 508-481-5493
fax: 978 779-9730

Re: Output formatting

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>Also, while I have your attention, is this sort of message expected
>  in the NOTES section for each run?  ...
>  taper: tape mti-bk04 kb 45482304 fm 23 [OK]

It's normal and tells you how much taper wrote (~45 GBytes in this case).
This is particularly useful when it bangs into end of tape because it
gives you an idea of how much data you can store in real life, or to
track tapes that consistently don't perform well.

It also tells you how many files (backup images) were written (23 in
this case).  If you see an fm value of 1 and an error, either the tape
failed or the image is too big to fit.

>Michael Russell

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>Amcheck reports no errors, and the runs appear to be happening, 
>but I'm getting no e-mail reports.  Is there something wrong 
>with my "mailto" line?

Gerhard was mistaken with his suggestion.  The "mailto" parameter must
be a string inside double quotes and the entries must be separated by
whitespace, not commas.

First, do an "amadmin xx version | grep MAILER".  That will give you the
program Amanda uses to send mail.  Then try it like this (substituting
the mail program name for ):

  echo "A test" \

That's basically what Amanda does.  Make sure when you try this you use
the exact same path to the mail program amadmin reports.

You might also look in /tmp/amanda/amcheck*debug and see if it had any

>Vic Cain

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Dan Poirier

"name@IP Address" is not a valid address to send email to.  You must
use either "name@hostname" or "name@[IP address]".  This is in an RFC
somewhere.  I'd use name@hostname if I could; I'd not trust the mail
software to handle name@[IP address] correctly since it's used so

Estimate not timing out using tar

2001-02-02 Thread Oscar Ricardo Silva

I've been having trouble backing up one client, where I changed the 
dumptype to use tar on one of its filesystems (and I'm using tar 1.13.17 on 
the client).  All other clients use dump, and while I left the etimeout 
setting to the default of 600, the backup ran fine except for the client 
using tar.  The result would be that it would report a "Request timed out" 
but everything else would get backed up.  I decided to play around with the 
etimeout setting, and with the understanding that the timeout would be 
multiplied by the number of filesystems.  I changed etimeout to be 1800 (30 
minutes) and my backup was supposed to start last night at 10:00 p.m.  This 
client, client-a below, has five file systems, so it should have timed out 
after 2.5 hours.  Here is is 12:30 p.m. the next day and from running 
amstatus, I get:

Using /usr/local/amanda/daily/amdump from Tue Jan 30 22:30:00 CST 2001  getting estimate  getting estimate estimate   getting estimate   getting estimate  0   40777k  estimate done   0   55392k  estimate done   0   9449k   estimate done  0   68537k  estimate done   0   57491k  estimate done   0   22241k  estimate done

I don't see anything amanda related running on either the client or the 
amanda server.  I've seen the messages about tar-related backups taking an 
extremely long time but I think 15 hours seems kind of long.  On client-a, 
I'm only using tar for the '/' filesystem, which is 275MB.  On the client, 
the only files in /tmp/amanda with a timestamp from yesterday are 
selfcheck.debug and amandad.debug which are included below.

Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, admonishments?


selfcheck: debug 1 pid 20087 ruid 520 euid 520 start time Thu Feb  1 
19:00:07 2001
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/selfcheck: version 2.4.2
checking disk /local1: device /dev/sdb1: OK
checking disk /var: device /dev/sda6: OK
checking disk /usr: device /dev/sda5: OK
checking disk /home: device /dev/sda8: OK
checking disk /: device /: OK
selfcheck: pid 20087 finish time Thu Feb  1 19:00:07 2001

amandad: debug 1 pid 20086 ruid 520 euid 520 start time Thu Feb  1 19:00:07 
amandad: version 2.4.2
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.2"
amandad:BUILT_DATE="Thu Jul 6 13:33:02 CDT 2000"
amandad:BUILT_MACH="Linux 2.2.5-22 #1 Wed Jun 2 
09:17:03 EDT 1999 i686 unknown"
amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/local/amanda/bin"
amandad:mandir="/usr/local/man" AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda"
amandad:CONFIG_DIR="/usr/local/amanda/etc" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
amandad:RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" DUMP="/sbin/dump"
amandad:RESTORE="/sbin/restore" SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/bin/smbclient"
amandad:GNUTAR="/usr/local/bin/tar" COMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip"
amandad:UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" MAILER="/usr/bin/Mail"
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=""
got packet:

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 004-003C0808 SEQ 981075605
SERVICE selfcheck
DUMP /local1 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;
DUMP /var 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;
DUMP /usr 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;
DUMP /home 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;
GNUTAR / 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;exclude-list=/usr/local/amanda/exclude;

sending ack:

Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 004-003C0808 SEQ 981075605

bsd security: remote host user amanda local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
amandad: running service "/usr/local/amanda/libexec/selfcheck"
amandad: sending REP packet:

Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 004-003C0808 SEQ 981075605
OK /local1
OK /var
OK /usr
OK /home
OK /
OK /usr/local/amanda/libexec/runtar executable
OK /sbin/dump executable
OK /sbin/restore executable
OK /usr/local/bin/tar executable
OK /etc/amandates read/writable
OK /usr/local/amanda/var/gnutar-lists/. read/writable
OK /etc/dumpdates read/writable
OK /dev/null read/writable
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /tmp

Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread Suman Malla

Hi there,

Could someone pls enlighten me? I am trying to backup a filesystem on redhat
server (mogadon) but in vain. amcheck doesn't complain at all though. Amanda
is backing up 8 other servers without any problem for 
the last 4-5 months but with this server somehow it fails.

Messages from log files -

Amanda report:
 mogadon/etc lev 0 FAILED [disk /etc offline on mogadon?]
 mogadon   /etc   0   FAILED 


setting up estimates for mogadon:/etc
mogadon:/etc overdue 11355 days for level 0
setup_estimate: mogadon:/etc: command 0, options:
last_level -1 next_level0 -11355 level_days 0
getting estimates 0 (0) -1 (-1) -1 (-1)
got result for host mogadon disk /etc: 0 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K
  0: mogadon/etc

Any hint, point would be greatly appreciated.


Send a cool gift with your E-Card

Re: Estimate not timing out using tar

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, admonishments?

What's in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug on the client?

If you don't see anything running for your Amanda user on the server,
then it must have died since you can run amstatus (i.e. the amdump
file has not been renamed to amdump.1, unless you explicitly asked for
that file?).  That's kind of hard to do since the step to roll the file
names is very small and completely separate from the rest of Amanda in
the amdump script.

I assume this machine didn't get rebooted?  What's uptime say?  Any other
reason amdump would have been unceremoniously killed?

You might run amcleanup and see if it or the E-mail it (may) generates
has anything interesting to say.  I'd also look through the amdump file
(especially toward the end) for anything "odd".


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Christoph Scheeder

a short suggestion:
put this in your amanda.conf:
mailto "backup"

and in your /etc aliases put this:


and you get what you want..
at least, thats the way we do it.

"Victor R. Cain" schrieb:
> Gerhard den Hollander wrote:
> >
> > * Victor R. Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 10:36:20AM -0500)
> > > The beginning of my configuration file looks like:
> > >  # /etc/amanda/Config1/amanda.conf
> > >  org "Config1"   # your organization name for reports
> > > of message recipients
> > >  dumpuser "backup"   # the user to run dumps
> > > under
> >
> > > Amcheck reports no errors, and the runs appear to be happening,
> > > but I'm getting no e-mail reports.  Is there something wrong
> > > with my "mailto" line?
> >
> > It tries to send email to
> >
> > try
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >  --
> > Gerhard den Hollander   Phone +31-10.280.1515
> I tried that line and amcheck gave all sorts of error messages,
> saying it expected a quoted string.  I also tried the quoted
> string with commas, with no difference.  
> ---
> " Plus you have the wonderful narrative of how [Dubya] got where
> he now is. It took his brother, his father, his father's
> friends, the Florida secretary of state, and the Supreme Court
> to pull it off.  His entire life gives fresh meaning to the
> phrase 'assisted living.'"
> -- Gary Trudeau quoted in The New Yorker, Jan. 8, 2001
> ---
> Victor R. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED](865)482-2597

Re: Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread Jonathan Dill

Hi Suman,

Did you check on the client to see what's in the debug files of the
/tmp/amanda directory?

Check the permissions on /usr/local/libexec/runtar--it must be owned by
root and SUID like this:

-rwsr-x---1 root amanda  78334 Nov 13 15:32

I had a problem recently where some genius decided to something like:

chown -R foobar.silly /usr/local

and backups of his machines stopped working because of it.  If possible,
you may just want to run "make install" again to make sure that the
permissions of everything are set correctly.

I imagine that it's also possible that you could have some sort of
security patched kernel which blocks SUID execution which would stop
runtar from working--I vaguely remember hearing of some sort of kernel
patch like that, but it wouldn't be in some stock kernel eg. from Red
Hat or another major distribution.

Suman Malla wrote:
> Hi there,
> Could someone pls enlighten me? I am trying to backup a filesystem on redhat
> server (mogadon) but in vain. amcheck doesn't complain at all though. Amanda
> is backing up 8 other servers without any problem for
> the last 4-5 months but with this server somehow it fails.
> Messages from log files -
> Amanda report:
> =
>  mogadon/etc lev 0 FAILED [disk /etc offline on mogadon?]
> [snip]...
>  mogadon   /etc   0   FAILED 
> [snip]...
> amdump.1:
> setting up estimates for mogadon:/etc
> mogadon:/etc overdue 11355 days for level 0
> setup_estimate: mogadon:/etc: command 0, options:
> last_level -1 next_level0 -11355 level_days 0
> getting estimates 0 (0) -1 (-1) -1 (-1)
> got result for host mogadon disk /etc: 0 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K
>   0: mogadon/etc
> Any hint, point would be greatly appreciated.
> TIA.
> -
> smallA
> ___
> Send a cool gift with your E-Card

"Jonathan F. Dill" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>got result for host mogadon disk /etc: 0 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K

What's in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug on mogadon?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread smallA

Thank you all for your prompt reply. Here comes the output of 
/tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug -

/usr/local/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.1p1
calculating for amname '/etc', dirname '/etc'
sendsize: getting size via dump for /etc level 0
sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0sf 1048576 - /etc"
running /usr/local/libexec/killpgrp
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Feb  1 23:45:01 2001
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda9 (/ (dir etc)) to standard output
  DUMP: Label: none
/dev/hda9: Permission denied while opening filesystem
(no size line match in above dump output)


On Fri, 02 Feb 2001 13:57:22 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  >got result for host mogadon disk /etc: 0 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K
>  What's in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug on mogadon?
>  >smallA  
>  John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send a cool gift with your E-Card


2001-02-02 Thread Adams, Christopher
Title: non-rewinding?

Hi all,

I finally got my changer working with the stctl driver SCSI II (Exabyte 10H with EXB 8500 series drive/tapes).  Running on Solaris 7 (sparc).  My changer finally sees all the tapes in it and now I have moved on to the point where I begin to  'amlabel' each of them.  The only problem is when I try and run 'amlabel' on them to make them ready for 'amdump' it tells me something along the lines of, "are you sure drive is not non-rewinding" and then quits without even labeling the tapes.  It tells me to check my amanda.conf file to verify that the drive is "non-rewinding".

I'm not sure what that really means to Amanda, I know what the wording "non-rewinding" means, but is there a way to work around it or to make Amanda NOT think my drive is non-rewinding so that it will continue to label my tapes for 'amdump'?

Please help...

Thanks in advance,

Christopher A.
Los Angeles, Ca.

Re: Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread David Wolfskill

>Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 11:51:37 -0800 (PST)
>From: smallA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>/usr/local/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.1p1
>calculating for amname '/etc', dirname '/etc'
>sendsize: getting size via dump for /etc level 0
>sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0sf 1048576 - /etc"
>running /usr/local/libexec/killpgrp
>  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Feb  1 23:45:01 2001
>  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
>  DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda9 (/ (dir etc)) to standard output
>  DUMP: Label: none
>/dev/hda9: Permission denied while opening filesystem

Is the amanda user a member of a group that has read access to the raw
disk device?

David Wolfskill  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   UNIX System Administrator
Desk: 650/577-7158   TIE: 8/499-7158   Cell: 650/759-0823

Re: Strange dump summary...

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>Thank you all for your prompt reply.  ...

BTW, your E-mail address to reply to is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but that
seems to be bouncing:

... while talking to
<<< 550 Invalid recipient: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

You might want to get that fixed.

>Here comes the output of /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug -
>sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0sf 1048576 - /etc"
>  DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda9 (/ (dir etc)) to standard output
>  DUMP: Label: none
>/dev/hda9: Permission denied while opening filesystem

You cannot use dump to back up a subdirectory of a file system with
Amanda.  You must use GNU tar.  See the "program" directive in the
"dumptype" section of amanda.conf (or pick one of the dumptypes already
set up to use GNU tar).  Make sure you have either GNU tar 1.12 plus
the Amanda patches, or at least 1.13.17 (1.13.19 is probably even better).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Missing e-mail reports

2001-02-02 Thread Ben Hyatt

> and in your /etc aliases put this:
> and you get what you want..
> at least, thats the way we do it.
> Christoph

don't forget to run 'newaliases'


Re: non-rewinding?

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>...  It tells me to check my
>amanda.conf file to verify that the drive is "non-rewinding".

And did you?

Amanda **must** have a non-rewinding device.  For Solaris, that means
you need the name with an 'n' in it, e.g. /dev/rmt/0mn (as compared with
just 0m).

>... is there a way to work around it or to make
>Amanda NOT think my drive is non-rewinding so that it will continue to label
>my tapes for 'amdump'?

No.  Fix your config to refer to the right device names.

>Christopher A.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S.  Please turn off "send as HTML" in your mailer.  It's just a
waste of bandwidth.

Re: Barcode support outside of chg-scsi

2001-02-02 Thread Jason Hollinden

Ok, I'm a few steps closer to adding barcode support to a modified chg-zd-mtx
script.  I have a two questions for some people in the know.

chg-scsi has the following params:

I know the first 4, as they are documented in the TAPE.CHANGERS file.  I've
mostly figured out what -label  does, but to be sure I'm pretending to 

My question is, what do the last 5 items do?  By that I mean, what do they 
pass to the changer script, and what do they expect as return values.  For
instance, I "believe" that -label's  is the amlabel of the current tape.
The changer script puts that, and the barcode, into a file, then returns 
"0 0 0" if it worked.  If it fails, it returns the slot, and the tape device.

Also, what is the format that amtape needs the barcode file to be in?  Just for
testing I have it as:



   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

Re: Problems backing up NT/W2K computers

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>... So
>I edited my  dgram.h file and set MAX_DGRAM from 8kb to 64 kb like in
>version 2.4.2 
>and compiled all on out tapeserver again.  ...

I assume you also installed the result on "tapeserver"?  :-)

It's been a while since this problem has surfaced, but I think you
have to update Amanda on the Amanda tape server as well as the client
(if that's not your machine named "tapeserver").

>But this didn't really help.
>Only the first 
>three PCs in the disklist were backed up. So what else could help?

What's in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug on "tapeserver"?  If you can catch
/tmp/amanda/amandad*debug for the sendsize (as compared to it getting
clobbered by a selfcheck or senddump), that would be even more useful.
One way is to re-configure/re-install Amanda using --with-pid-debug-files.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with amdump

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>   I read in the archives that this error is usually caused by bad
>tapes, or write protect etc. I know that the tape is in good condition,
>because I tar'd to it before labeling.

This particular problem would not be caused by a bad tape.

>   On the client, the sendbackup.debug file says after the runtar
>   sendbackup [pid]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
>   sendbackup [pid]: error [/usr/local/bin/tar got signal 13]
>   The amdump.1 file has the following errors:
>driver: result time 548.663 from dumper0: FAILED 00-1 [data read:
> Connection  reset by peer]

For some reason, the network connection between client and server was
reset.  The server side saw the reset and reported that in amdump.1.
The client side saw that as a SIGPIPE (signal 13) and died because there
didn't appear to be anyone to talk to.

Any firewalls or that kind of thing between these two machines?

>   cjw

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having trouble with configuring an L280 on an E450

2001-02-02 Thread ABEDINI Annadiana T

I have been reading through the archive of messages and just can't find what
need to know

We have been using NetBackup with the L280 changer and reference the tape
as the nrmt0 device.  The changer is sg device c3t6l0:
/dev/sg/c3t6l0: Changer: "HP  C6280-7000"
but there is  only one device and if I use it as 'slot 1' chg-multi says
that it 
is empty (I know there is a tape in it).

I was reading through the archived messages and found message number 26763
John R. Jackson was good enough to provide compiled copies of the sst
for solaris 7.

I tried to install these, and add_drv said they were added, but the devices
not built on boot

I have been reading through everything I can find and I think I am more
than when I started  Maybe it is because it is friday.

Can someone help?

thank you in advance.

Followup information regarding our problem with L280 disk changer and amanda

2001-02-02 Thread ABEDINI Annadiana T

I was asked for some additional information regarding the configuration of
the system

System configuration:
Sun E450
Solaris 7
StorEdge L280 tape drive
Amanda 2.4.2

As I said in my previous message, we have been using the L280 with NetBackup
for several months, but have decided that it isn't the right solution for
our backup needs.

After reading through the README file in the amanda/contrib/sst
I downloaded the drivers that were provided by John the beginning of this
month and installed the 32 bit version in /usr/kernel/drv
I copied the sst.conf from the amanda/contrib/sst directory and changed the
target number of the device to 6 so thta it matches our /dev/sg device
number (/dev/sg/c3t6l0)
I did 
add_drv sst
and it said that the device was added but not attached

I also added 

to the /etc/ file

we did an init 0
and then boot -r

the devices were not built in /dev  and we have been unable to figure out
I have also tried to use the  /dev/sg/c3t6l0 device directly, but have had
no success...

thank you again for any help you can give.!
Anndiana  Abedini

Re: Followup information regarding our problem with L280 disk changer and amanda

2001-02-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>System configuration:
>Sun E450
>Solaris 7
>I downloaded the drivers that were provided by John the beginning of this
>month and installed the 32 bit version in /usr/kernel/drv

Umm, isn't an E450 an Ultra?  Are you running a 32 bit or 64 bit kernel?
If 64 bit, you need to use the 64 bit sst.

>I have also tried to use the  /dev/sg/c3t6l0 device directly, but have had
>no success...

I'm not sure what /dev/sg is, but it might accept raw SCSI commands,
in which case you might be able to use chg-scsi.

>   Anndiana  Abedini

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

progress... slowly

2001-02-02 Thread Chris Herrmann

Well I'm not getting the tapelist error any more, after fixing owners of
files, setuid bits etc, but now get this after amdump finishes running...
Where should I start looking? I can't see anything obviously different
between the partitions... Lot's of diskspace, tape space... arggh!!! If I
look in amandad.debug or sendsize.debug I can see that it actually does get
the size of each partition...

Any suggestions welcome :o)  (disklist is at the bottom)


These dumps were to tape CORBETT006.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: a new tape.

  driver: FATAL infofile update failed (gene,/dev/sda5)
  taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: w: unexpected EOF
  gene   /dev/sda2 RESULTS MISSING
  gene   /dev/sda6 RESULTS MISSING

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00   (0:00 start)
Output Size (meg) 166.5  166.50.0
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Dumped1  1  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   717.2  717.2--
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

  planner: Adding new disk gene:/dev/sda2.
  planner: Adding new disk gene:/dev/sda5.
  planner: Adding new disk gene:/dev/sda6.

-- -- --

gene  /dev/sda2
gene  /dev/sda5  00   170528   -- 3:58  717.2
gene  /dev/sda6

The disklist looks like:

gene/dev/sda2   holding-disk-1  local
gene/dev/sda5   comp-root   -1  local
gene/dev/sda6   comp-high   -1  local