((((( hard or soft )))))

2001-03-02 Thread radar

thats the question.

hi to all carbon-units out there by the way.
(and sorry for my english)

i dont really understand the thing with the hardware
compression and how to handle it.

i have a  (hp c1537a dds3 125m 4mm) tapedrive
that can hold 12 gig uncompressed and says that it can
compress up to 24. i think you know it all.
my thougts was, hey, let the hardware do the compression
so your system is not under such a heavy load.

if i understand it right, the uncompressed data goes to the tape,
and the electronic in the tape do compress it.
but does the tapedrive do any response to the system, at what level
the data is compressed?
when i send 12 gig to the tape and the tape compress it down to
8, how do i know that there is another 4 gigs free on the tape?
or is it a question of trying it out?
what does amanda do when it has send 12 gig to the tape (uncompressed)?
will it stop? does it reads the tapelenght parameter? shall i manipulate
tapelenght so that amada thinks the tape is longer?

so many quetions?
oh oh

( radar )

wanna see a crashed spacestation under berlin/germany?
point your browser to www.c-base.org

Re: ((((( hard or soft )))))

2001-03-02 Thread Gerhard den Hollander

* radar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 11:32:22AM +0100)

> hi to all carbon-units out there by the way.
> (and sorry for my english)

> i dont really understand the thing with the hardware
> compression and how to handle it.

> if i understand it right, the uncompressed data goes to the tape,
> and the electronic in the tape do compress it.


> but does the tapedrive do any response to the system, at what level
> the data is compressed?


> when i send 12 gig to the tape and the tape compress it down to
> 8, how do i know that there is another 4 gigs free on the tape?

You don't.

> or is it a question of trying it out?

For typical data, you get about 1.5 compression (that is 12G compresses
down to 8, so if you have a 12G tape, you can expect to stick 18G on it)

But, this is trial and error ,
if you have only text on your disks, you can easily get 1:2 compression
(that is 24G for a 12G tape).
If you only have compressed data or random data (e.g. your entire mp3
collection) you will get no compression (or even less, using .mp3s I get
about .8 or .9 meaning that a 12G tape will only hold 10G of .mp3s if
compression is on).

> what does amanda do when it has send 12 gig to the tape (uncompressed)?
> will it stop? does it reads the tapelenght parameter? shall i manipulate
> the
> tapelenght so that amada thinks the tape is longer?

What you do is specify the tapelength to be 18G (12G times your expected
compression rate)

Currently listening to: Roger Waters-Dogs -In The Flesh (Disc 1)

Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==   
   __O  If your watch is wound, wound to run, it will
 =`\<,  If your time is due, due to come, it will
(=)/(=) Living this life, is like trying to learn latin
in a chines firedrill

[patch] chg-manual

2001-03-02 Thread Sergei Haller


I have a small patch for chg-manual (against the one in v 2.4.2p1) which
tells which tape it is expecting before asking to insert it.

please cc any comments to my eMail, because I am not on the list.

c ya

  WWW-page: http://www.hrz.uni-giessen.de/~gc1007/

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

--- chg-manual.orig Fri Feb 23 11:28:38 2001
+++ chg-manual  Fri Mar  2 12:51:50 2001
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@

 request() {
+   amadmin $ORG tape
echo "insert tape into slot $1 and press return" >/dev/tty
read ANSWER 

holding disk/taper semantics?

2001-03-02 Thread Carey Jung

Could someone please clarify the holding disk/taper semantics?  It appears
that amanda deletes files from the holding disk as they are taped off,
rather than after they are ALL successfully taped off.  We noticed this when
we had a tape problem.  When we put a good tape in and tried to re-flush the
files, they had disappeared from the holding disk.  Watching the behavior
since then seems to confirm this.


Re: gtar returns 2

2001-03-02 Thread Chris Karakas

Jeff Silverman wrote:
> 1) write a wrapper for gnu-tar, which what Paul Bijnens did ( I think).
> Where might I get a copy of the wrapper?

I did it too (for a different problem). Works fine. I used the following
as a starting template (thank you JJ):


> Is my understanding correct?  Do other people have this problem and if
> so, how do they deal with it?

I have seen a similar discussion on the list with respect to doing a
backup of an active database. Search the list archives with the string
"DB backup", for example.


Chris Karakas
DonĀ“t waste your cpu time - crack rc5: http://www.distributed.net

Re: holding disk/taper semantics?

2001-03-02 Thread Gerhard den Hollander

* Carey Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 07:06:26AM -0600)
> Could someone please clarify the holding disk/taper semantics?  It appears
> that amanda deletes files from the holding disk as they are taped off,
> rather than after they are ALL successfully taped off.  We noticed this when
> we had a tape problem.  When we put a good tape in and tried to re-flush the
> files, they had disappeared from the holding disk.  Watching the behavior
> since then seems to confirm this.

What amanda does (or should do) is:

Dumper dumps mutliple file(systems) to holding disk
taper writes them one by one to tape,
and after a susccesful write, removes them from disk.

so say holdingdisk holds
taper tapes A to tape.
taper reports succesfull write of A
now A gets deleted from holding disk leaving

In my case, I am dumping to LTO tapes, which hold upto 150G 
I don;t have a 150G holding disk
so if taper should only throw away *after* dumping everything to tape, I
would run out of holding disk space, whihc is seriously bad as it severly
degrades performance.
> Regards,
> Carey
Currently listening to: artist - Track 08 (title)

Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==   
   __O  If your watch is wound, wound to run, it will
 =`\<,  If your time is due, due to come, it will
(=)/(=) Living this life, is like trying to learn latin
in a chines firedrill

Thanks for all the tape changer help!

2001-03-02 Thread Stan Brown

I just wanted to say THAMK YOU! to all the helpfule people that were
invaluable in helping me to get Amanda to proeprly control my HP C15159B
DDS3 tape cahnger.

I woulnd up using Jason Hollinden's version of the chg-zd-mtx changer
script and 2.4.2pl1 , and now everytnign works great!

Next to figure out how to get the cleaning tape properly integrated inot
the sequence.

Oh, and since the magazine only holds 6 tapes, and i am used to having a
much larger tape set (24 or so) that than, has anyoone got any ideas on
using multiple magazines? Maybe an email to prompt to change magazines
after heting the last (cleanng) tape?

In any case, thanks very much to all the imensly helpful listmembers!

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

gtar and sockets

2001-03-02 Thread Tom Strickland

I'm running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and my / partition is getting rather
full. I decided to move the /var and /tmp partitions to another drive,
thus freeing up space. I tried to use:
# cd /var
# tar -cf - .;(cd /var-new; tar -xpf -)

and thus I discovered the 'socket ignored' problem with gtar. It won't
backup my postfix sockets. I know that this isn't specifically an
amanda question, but this is exactly the sort of thing that people on
this list know all about. Any tips?


Re: A question about chg-zd-mtx

2001-03-02 Thread Jason Hollinden

Here is a patch for the current CVS version of chg-zd-mtx.sh.in that
changes the $TAPE variable to $CHANGER.  It was only used 3 times, so it
was pretty painless.

On Thu, 01 Mar 2001, Joe Rhett wrote:

> As others have said, it uses the TAPE environment variable. I wish we could
> convince the maintainer to use CHANGER instead, so it doesn't conflict with
> mt's TAPE environment variable 
> Anyway, make sure you are using either the version we made 
>   http://www.noc.isite.net/?Projects
> or the version someone else did which supports barcodes. The version
> distributed with Amanda doesn't work with modern versions of mtx and has
> numerous bugs.
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:24:12PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> > I'm trying to get my first tape changer working, and I'm a little confused.
> > 
> > It appears that I need to use the chg-zd-mtx scriptm but the version of mtx
> > that I have is used like this:
> > 
> > mtx -f /dev/sg0 next
> > 
> > for instance. Now it appears to me that chg-zd-mtx just runs mtx like this:
> > 
> > mtx next
> > 
> > That is wihtout the device specifier. Now it is possible for my version of
> > mtx to use the CHANGER environment variable, instead of the -f  argument,
> > but I can't see anywhere that gets set in chg-zd-mtx either, and since this
> > will ultimatley be run fron cron, and thus potentialy be somewhat
> > "environmently chalenged", I am wondering how this is usually handled?
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
> > Charleston SC.
> > -- 
> > Windows 98: n.
> > useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
> > a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
> > originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
> > company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
> > -
> > (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
> -- 
> Joe Rhett Chief Technology Officer
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ISite Services, Inc.
> PGP keys and contact information:  http://www.noc.isite.net/Staff/

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

--- chg-zd-mtx.sh.in.20010302   Fri Mar  2 08:57:17 2001
+++ chg-zd-mtx.sh.inFri Mar  2 09:00:39 2001
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
 tape=`amgetconf$SUF tapedev`
-TAPE=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export TAPE # for mtx command
-if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$TAPE" = "/dev/null" ]; then
+CHANGER=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export CHANGER # for mtx command
+if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$CHANGER" = "/dev/null" ]; then
echo "Both tapedev and changerdev must be specified in config file";
exit 2;

Re: Thanks for all the tape changer help!

2001-03-02 Thread Jason Hollinden

On Fri, 02 Mar 2001, Stan Brown wrote:

> Oh, and since the magazine only holds 6 tapes, and i am used to having a
> much larger tape set (24 or so) that than, has anyoone got any ideas on
> using multiple magazines? Maybe an email to prompt to change magazines
> after heting the last (cleanng) tape?

You could put this (or some equivalent) at the end of the readstatus()

if [ $usedslot -eq $lastslot ]; then
`echo "Time to change the magazine." | $mailer -s "Magazine change request on 
\`date\`" $email`

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

Re: Thanks for all the tape changer help!

2001-03-02 Thread Stan Brown

On Fri Mar  2 09:49:20 2001 Jason Hollinden wrote...
>On Fri, 02 Mar 2001, Stan Brown wrote:
>> Oh, and since the magazine only holds 6 tapes, and i am used to having a
>> much larger tape set (24 or so) that than, has anyoone got any ideas on
>> using multiple magazines? Maybe an email to prompt to change magazines
>> after heting the last (cleanng) tape?
>You could put this (or some equivalent) at the end of the readstatus()
>if [ $usedslot -eq $lastslot ]; then
>   `echo "Time to change the magazine." | $mailer -s "Magazine change request on 
>\`date\`" $email`


Thanks, again for the help.

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: ((((( hard or soft )))))

2001-03-02 Thread Chris Marble

radar wrote:
> i have a  (hp c1537a dds3 125m 4mm) tapedrive
> that can hold 12 gig uncompressed and says that it can
> compress up to 24. i think you know it all.
> my thougts was, hey, let the hardware do the compression
> so your system is not under such a heavy load.

I was going that way for a while - tape drive doing the compression.
But I have one computer with 30Gb of data that's mostly already been
gzipped.  To avoid expanding this data I chose to go with software
compression.  I don't compress this one disk's worth of data.  I
spread the compression among my clients and the tape server.
Going with software compression means I don't have to guess how
compressible my data is.  Amanda will learn the compression ratio
for the different disk partitions and start doing an excellent job of
making use of the tape.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - HMC UNIX Systems Manager
  My opinions are my own and probably don't represent anything anyway.

Re: Index issue with amrecover

2001-03-02 Thread Eric Helms

 > follows: /sbin/restore -ivf /data/hope
> > Verify tape and initialize maps
> > /data/sbin/restore: /data/hope: File too large
> try
> cat /data/hope | /sbin/restore -ivf -
My most humble and  sincere gratitude for Alexandre's and John's help in

assisting me with my various problems, and thanks to anyone else who
answered my questions.  Just wanted you guys to know that some people
here consider what you are doing as far as donation of time and energy
this list to be rather noble, and I hope that one day more things in the

world can be as open and giving as this community seems to be.  Thank

Eric Helms

Re: ((((( hard or soft )))))

2001-03-02 Thread Gerhard den Hollander

* Chris Marble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 07:56:00AM -0800)
> radar wrote:

>> i have a  (hp c1537a dds3 125m 4mm) tapedrive
>> that can hold 12 gig uncompressed and says that it can
>> compress up to 24. i think you know it all.
>> my thougts was, hey, let the hardware do the compression
>> so your system is not under such a heavy load.

> I was going that way for a while - tape drive doing the compression.
> But I have one computer with 30Gb of data that's mostly already been
> gzipped. 

The choice you make is between extra load on your server/clients or let the
hardware do the job.
For our big box (~ 500G of data [1] ) I have to let the LTO drive do the
compression, if I use software compression on that box, the load becomes so
high, the backup isn;t finished within 24 hours ;).

[1] spread out over serveral disks and tar-slices, so it's not backing all
~500G every time ;) 

Currently listening to: 8-Cocaine Decisions

Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==   
   __O  Standing above the crowd, he had a voice so strong and loud
 =`\<,  we'll miss him
(=)/(=) Ranting and pointing his finger, At everything but his heart
we'll miss him

Re: Full Backups Daily?

2001-03-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>We would like to change it to FULL backups 5 days a week.
>How would we do this?

dumpcycle 0

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

chg-scsi.conf with no cleaning tape config core dumping.

2001-03-02 Thread Jeff Bearer

How do you set up the chg-scsi.conf so that all the slots are data tapes
and none are a cleaning tape?  I I comment out the 3 lines reguarding a
cleaning tape the chg-scsi program core dumps.

my chc-scsi.conf is pretty much out of the example  this config core
dumps, but if I un-comment the cleanmax, cleancart, and cleanfile lines
it runs fine.  If those lines are required, what should i put in them so
it knows there is no cleaning tape in the jukebox, and shouldn't worry
about cleaning?

eject   0   
sleep   60  
changerdev  /dev/rsst4
# drive 0
config  0
dev /dev/rmt/0bn
enduse  6   
#cleancart   5   
#cleanfile   /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tape0-clean 
usagecount  /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/DailySet1/totaltime
tapestatus  /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tape0-status

Jeff Bearer, RHCE

Re: gtar and sockets

2001-03-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>and thus I discovered the 'socket ignored' problem with gtar.  ... Any tips?

I would get the latest/greatest dump/restore and try them.  Note that
you'll have to mess around a bit in the new /var because everything will
be down a layer:

  cd /var-new
  dump 0f - / | restore xbf 2 - var
  cd var# now in /var-new/var
  mv * ..   # may also need to move ".??*" to get any "dot" entries
  ls -a # see what's left and deal with them
  cd .. # now in /var-new
  rmdir var # will fail if var not yet empty

Note that you probably want to do a move of /var in single user mode as
it's likely to have several files active in multi user.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amrestore problem

2001-03-02 Thread John R. Jackson

>> >The result of this run is :
>< >amindexd: debug 1 pid 3228 ruid 560 euid 560 start time Thu Mar  1
>> > 09:14:29 2001amindexd: version 2.4.2-19991216-beta1
>Is this ok or are you missing some?

There should be a lot more in there.

>In /etc/inetd.conf :
>amandaidx  stream  tcp  nowait  amanda  /usr/sbin/tcpd/  usr/local/libexec
>amidxtape  stream  tcp  nowait  amanda  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/local/libexe
>amanda  dgram  udp  wait  amanda  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/local/libexec  

Those cannot be right.  First, there is a trailing '/' on "tcpd" for
amandaidx.  Next, all the lines end with "libexec", which is a directory,
not a program.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A question about chg-zd-mtx

2001-03-02 Thread Joe Rhett

Sorry - wrong maintainer. The problem isn't chg-zd-mtx, it's the 'mtx'
program itself which uses the $TAPE environment variable. Sorry for the

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 09:22:44AM -0500, Jason Hollinden wrote:
> Here is a patch for the current CVS version of chg-zd-mtx.sh.in that
> changes the $TAPE variable to $CHANGER.  It was only used 3 times, so it
> was pretty painless.
> On Thu, 01 Mar 2001, Joe Rhett wrote:
> > As others have said, it uses the TAPE environment variable. I wish we could
> > convince the maintainer to use CHANGER instead, so it doesn't conflict with
> > mt's TAPE environment variable 
> > 
> > Anyway, make sure you are using either the version we made 
> > http://www.noc.isite.net/?Projects
> > 
> > or the version someone else did which supports barcodes. The version
> > distributed with Amanda doesn't work with modern versions of mtx and has
> > numerous bugs.
> > 
> > On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:24:12PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> > > I'm trying to get my first tape changer working, and I'm a little confused.
> > > 
> > > It appears that I need to use the chg-zd-mtx scriptm but the version of mtx
> > > that I have is used like this:
> > > 
> > > mtx -f /dev/sg0 next
> > > 
> > > for instance. Now it appears to me that chg-zd-mtx just runs mtx like this:
> > > 
> > > mtx next
> > > 
> > > That is wihtout the device specifier. Now it is possible for my version of
> > > mtx to use the CHANGER environment variable, instead of the -f  argument,
> > > but I can't see anywhere that gets set in chg-zd-mtx either, and since this
> > > will ultimatley be run fron cron, and thus potentialy be somewhat
> > > "environmently chalenged", I am wondering how this is usually handled?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
> > > Charleston SC.
> > > -- 
> > > Windows 98: n.
> > >   useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
> > >   a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
> > >   originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
> > >   company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
> > > -
> > > (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Joe Rhett Chief Technology Officer
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ISite Services, Inc.
> > 
> > PGP keys and contact information:  http://www.noc.isite.net/Staff/
> --
>Jason Hollinden
>SMG Systems Admin

> --- chg-zd-mtx.sh.in.20010302 Fri Mar  2 08:57:17 2001
> +++ chg-zd-mtx.sh.in  Fri Mar  2 09:00:39 2001
> @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
>  myname=$0
>  tape=`amgetconf$SUF tapedev`
> -TAPE=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export TAPE # for mtx command
> -if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$TAPE" = "/dev/null" ]; then
> +CHANGER=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export CHANGER # for mtx command
> +if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$CHANGER" = "/dev/null" ]; then
>   echo "Both tapedev and changerdev must be specified in config file";
>   exit 2;
>  fi

Joe Rhett Chief Technology Officer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ISite Services, Inc.

PGP keys and contact information:  http://www.noc.isite.net/Staff/

Backup tape issue

2001-03-02 Thread Richard G. Duvall

My supervisor would like me to implement a tape backup solution at the
office to back up our 2 unix servers.  We have a DNS server and a web
server.  We want to put a DDS4 tape drive in the web server, and an extra
hard drive as a dump drive.  We will be backing up both systems to the

With that all said, he would like to be able to put ANY tape in the drive
and have it succeed, basicly ignoring the tape lables.  In other words, he
want's it so that there will be a backup every day, but the people who
come in and don't know anything about the system will be able to just put
any tape in the drive rather than having to worry about puting them in any
specific order (like tape 1 monday, 2 tuesday, 3 wednesday, but not.)

If this doesn't make any sense, please let me know and I will elaborate.

Thanks for your help...


Richard G. Duvall

Re: A question about chg-zd-mtx

2001-03-02 Thread Jason Hollinden

Now I'm more confused.  :)

The docs for mtx-1.2.10 say to use CHANGER, while the older versions
seemed to use TAPE.  I assume that's why the chg-zd-mtx was written
with the $TAPE variable.  1.2.10 also will honor TAPE or CHANGER, which was 
why I had never changed it before.

If if it doesn't matter if it's called TAPE or CHANGER, I'd like to have
it as CHANGER, since that what their docs now suggest.


On Fri, 02 Mar 2001, Joe Rhett wrote:

> Sorry - wrong maintainer. The problem isn't chg-zd-mtx, it's the 'mtx'
> program itself which uses the $TAPE environment variable. Sorry for the
> confusion.
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 09:22:44AM -0500, Jason Hollinden wrote:
> > Here is a patch for the current CVS version of chg-zd-mtx.sh.in that
> > changes the $TAPE variable to $CHANGER.  It was only used 3 times, so it
> > was pretty painless.
> > 
> > On Thu, 01 Mar 2001, Joe Rhett wrote:
> > 
> > > As others have said, it uses the TAPE environment variable. I wish we could
> > > convince the maintainer to use CHANGER instead, so it doesn't conflict with
> > > mt's TAPE environment variable 
> > > 
> > > Anyway, make sure you are using either the version we made 
> > >   http://www.noc.isite.net/?Projects
> > > 
> > > or the version someone else did which supports barcodes. The version
> > > distributed with Amanda doesn't work with modern versions of mtx and has
> > > numerous bugs.
> > > 
> > > On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:24:12PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> > > > I'm trying to get my first tape changer working, and I'm a little confused.
> > > > 
> > > > It appears that I need to use the chg-zd-mtx scriptm but the version of mtx
> > > > that I have is used like this:
> > > > 
> > > > mtx -f /dev/sg0 next
> > > > 
> > > > for instance. Now it appears to me that chg-zd-mtx just runs mtx like this:
> > > > 
> > > > mtx next
> > > > 
> > > > That is wihtout the device specifier. Now it is possible for my version of
> > > > mtx to use the CHANGER environment variable, instead of the -f  argument,
> > > > but I can't see anywhere that gets set in chg-zd-mtx either, and since this
> > > > will ultimatley be run fron cron, and thus potentialy be somewhat
> > > > "environmently chalenged", I am wondering how this is usually handled?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
> > > > Charleston SC.
> > > > -- 
> > > > Windows 98: n.
> > > > useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
> > > > a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
> > > > originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
> > > > company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
> > > > -
> > > > (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Joe Rhett Chief Technology Officer
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ISite Services, Inc.
> > > 
> > > PGP keys and contact information:  http://www.noc.isite.net/Staff/
> > 
> > 
> > --
> >Jason Hollinden
> > 
> >SMG Systems Admin
> > --- chg-zd-mtx.sh.in.20010302   Fri Mar  2 08:57:17 2001
> > +++ chg-zd-mtx.sh.inFri Mar  2 09:00:39 2001
> > @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
> >  
> >  myname=$0
> >  tape=`amgetconf$SUF tapedev`
> > -TAPE=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export TAPE # for mtx command
> > -if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$TAPE" = "/dev/null" ]; then
> > +CHANGER=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export CHANGER # for mtx command
> > +if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$CHANGER" = "/dev/null" ]; then
> > echo "Both tapedev and changerdev must be specified in config file";
> > exit 2;
> >  fi
> -- 
> Joe Rhett Chief Technology Officer
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ISite Services, Inc.
> PGP keys and contact information:  http://www.noc.isite.net/Staff/

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin