Re: Configuring ADIC-1200D autochanger with integral Sony SDT-5000drive

2001-03-23 Thread Craig Dewick

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Jason Hollinden wrote:

> One that I know of it to be sure and grap the newest CVS version of
>, as the one that ships with 2.4.2p1 will not handle
> more than 9 tapes.

Done this.

On a related note, I've built and installed mtx-1.2.10 and it produces the
following with the SunOS 5.8 'sgen' driver configured and bound
successfully to the changer device set to ID 5:

7 root@lios #> mtx -f /dev/scsi/changer/c0t5d0 inquiry
mtx: I/O error
mtx: Request Sense: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
mtx: INQUIRY Command Failed

There is a hard drive on the same SCSI bus (it's the Amanda spool disk,
but isn't used for anything else), and I'm suspecting it might be causing
the problems because I'm seeing a lot of 'target did not disconnect after
sending DISCONNECT' messages in the console window.

Has anyone else successfully used amanda with mtx and the SunOS 'sgen'
driver? I'm going to try removing the drive off the same bus as the
changer to try and isolate the problems. Perhaps I should use the 'sst'
driver instead if that's known to work better?

The hard drive could be defective too.



Craig Dewick. Send email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  Point a web browser at '' to
access my archive of Sun information and links to other places. For info 
  about Sun Ripened Kernels, go to ""

Re: Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread Jonathan Dill

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >I checked the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files which had user/group
> >nobody with the id of 4294967294.  After I changed that ...
> Ummm, you changed the gid and uid of "nobody"?  That was probably kind
> of rash.  There are things floating around that know about that and
> expect a specific value.  Like NFS :-).

Yes, for example we have a piece of lab equipment from England which
requires an Acorn computer.  If you don't have other Acorn devices on
the network, usually the only way to print and share files is via PCNFS,
and to get that to work correctly I had to set UID nobody to some such
value as that, and changing the value would "break" printing and file
sharing from the Acorn.

"Jonathan F. Dill" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I checked the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files which had user/group
>nobody with the id of 4294967294.  After I changed that ...

Ummm, you changed the gid and uid of "nobody"?  That was probably kind
of rash.  There are things floating around that know about that and
expect a specific value.  Like NFS :-).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread Terry Koyama

Thanks to both John and Jonathan!!!

I checked the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files which had user/group
nobody with the id of 4294967294.  After I changed that, I ran amdump
and still got the same error.  I found a directory with the uid/gid as
4294967294.  When I changed that, no more errors!  

Thanks again,


"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >Anyone know what's going on with runtar?
> Runtar is a simple wrapper around GNU tar.  It's only point in life is
> to be setuid-root so it can pass that privilege on to GNU tar.  It's
> GNU tar that's having trouble with the unsigned long uid_t on AIX.
> Actually, that's not even quite true.  The tar header format has room
> for 8 *octal* characters in the uid field.  8**8 -> 16777215.
> The tar header extension (ustar) supports a login *name* rather than uid,
> so there might be hope.
> I could not find this message in the tar sources I looked at.
> What version of GNU tar are you using?  /usr/local/bin/tar --version
> You might also do this on hendrix:
>   find /usr -xdev -user 4294967294 -print
> and see what showed up on your system all of the sudden.  Note that
> 4294967294 is probably also known as -2.
> "If it hurts when you do that, don't do that."  :-)
> >Terry
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: GTAR Tape Changer problems

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I configured AMANDA that way to use the first time 8 magazines, each
>holding 5 tapes and one cleaning tape. For all filesystems GNU tar
>(GTAR) is used so I do not fall into problems when dumping images
>bigger than one tape.

I think you're confused about some things, so let me explain a bit.

Using GNU tar does not guarantee you avoid the problem of a dump bigger
than a tape.  That's a problem no matter what program you use with the
current version of Amanda.  Using GNU tar, however, allows you to break
up on large dump into several smaller ones by listing each top level
directory independently.

But if you have a 2 GByte tape (just to pick a number) and tell GNU tar
to dump something that is 5 GBytes, it's still not going to work.

>The first time this runs well, AMANDA  saved all the images out to
>two or three tapes (like the multi volume mechanism when using a
>simple tar -M backing up a big filesystem ...).  ...

But what really happened here was that when Amanda ran into EOT while
writing one image, it started that image over again **from the beginning**
on the next tape.

Also note that tar had no idea this was going on.  In fact, tar may not
even have been running any more if the dump was put in the holding disk
and Amanda is in the process of writing the image from there to tape.

>amlabel labels each used cartridge used by AMANDA and in the manner
>of using dump as the backup/save tool this means that each run is
>made to tapes with increasing numbers.

I didn't quite understand this, but I think I understand that you want
to label each tape with an increasing number (which is normal).

>At this moment, our magazines are filled up with cartridges each
>labeled with the same label, means mag one is completely labeled
>throughout each cartridge with LABEL00, the second mag's tapes
>LABEL01 ...

That was a mistake.  You need to put a unique label on each tape.

When Amanda wants a new tape, it looks in the "tapelist" file (probably in
the same directory as amanda.conf) and it looks at your tapecycle value.

If tapelist does not have as many tapes as tapecycle, Amanda will insist
on a new tape (one not listed in tapelist).

If there are enough tapes in tapelist, Amanda will ask for the oldest
one but will also accept a new one.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you want to do with your cartridges.
If one amdump run uses three of the five tapes, what does the next
run use?  Does it use the next two tapes in the same cartridge, or do
you want to put in the next cartridge?

>How can I delete each label a fast way? ERASE is not a good idea
>(using mt) due the fact it takes a long time for each tape to be
>cleaned and delabeled ...

You can use the -f option on amlabel.  Or you can "mt rewind ; mt eof",
but then you'll have to run amlabel again anyway.

>O. Hartmann

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>Anyone know what's going on with runtar?  

Runtar is a simple wrapper around GNU tar.  It's only point in life is
to be setuid-root so it can pass that privilege on to GNU tar.  It's
GNU tar that's having trouble with the unsigned long uid_t on AIX.

Actually, that's not even quite true.  The tar header format has room
for 8 *octal* characters in the uid field.  8**8 -> 16777215.

The tar header extension (ustar) supports a login *name* rather than uid,
so there might be hope.

I could not find this message in the tar sources I looked at.
What version of GNU tar are you using?  /usr/local/bin/tar --version

You might also do this on hendrix:

  find /usr -xdev -user 4294967294 -print

and see what showed up on your system all of the sudden.  Note that
4294967294 is probably also known as -2.

"If it hurts when you do that, don't do that."  :-)


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread Jonathan Dill

Hi Terry,

I have seen this problem with Unix computers running either Samba,
Appletalk sharing, or PCNFS.  Something, possibly a misconfigured Samba,
is probably using that UID as the "nobody" UID.  If you're not using
Samba for anything and it's just installed and "turned on" I think it
would be a good idea to turn it off as it could be a security liability,
plus that may take care of your UID problem.  You also might try
upgrading to tar-1.13.19 if you haven't already--that seems to clear up
some problems where an exit code should be returned to indicate a
"warning" rather than a total "failure."

Terry Koyama wrote:
> I ran amanda last night and received the below report.  The client with
> the error (hendrix) is an AIX machine running amanda v2.4.2p1.  I tried
> checking out the UID's in /usr but didn't find anything out of the
> ordinary.
> I've also included  sendback.debug and sendsize.debug to see the actual
> command that was executed.  The syntax of runtar looks kinda funky (to
> me anyway) but seems to run fine on all the other clients.  Plus, I
> don't have a clear understanding of how runtar and gnutar are related.

"Jonathan F. Dill" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
CARB Systems and Network Administrator
Home Page:

Re: scheduling dumps question

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>using the 'starttime' dumptype parameter to delay one dump to sort of force it
> to be the last one. That's because I want to backup the amanda database and t
>ar snapshot files to the same tape (with indexing turned off) to keep it all t
>ogether in one place (or rather tapes ;-) for easy restoring ...

By "tar snapshot files" are you talking about the index files used
with amrecover?

(btw, the online 
>chapter of the unix backup & restore book states incorrectly that this 'startt
>ime' is relative to the amdump start time, but I think I'm not the first one t
>o stumble over it).

Thanks for mentioning that.  I'm in the process of reviewing those pages
and will get this fixed.

>As far as I understand it (and could verify it with the help of the sources) ...

What???  You actually read the sources to see how it worked???  :-) :-)

>this is the designed behaviour ... Is this correct ...

Yes, you've got a pretty good handle on how dumps are ordered.

>is there any other
> trick/configuration/whatever that helps me achieve my goal ?

Not that I can think of without a bit of hacking on the sources.
Eventually, the infamous "taper rewrite" will add the ability to write
special files both at the beginning and end of a tape, which will do
what you want, but that's still a long ways off.

One idea that pops to mind is to insert a script of your own in the
planner -> driver pipeline in the amdump script.  The backup schedule is
plain text and is easily altered (you can see it in the amdump. file).
However, tricking driver into doing what is desired can be harder.

Here's what a typical dump schedule line looks like: /work 1 2 2001:3:21:4:47:48 89 3

The first and second fields are obviously the client and disk.  The next
field ("1") is a priority.  Don't get your hopes up -- it won't help :-).

The next four fields are the dump level ("2"), time of the last backup,
estimated size in KBytes and estimated time.  If this is a level 0,
a second set of four fields may appear to tell driver what to do in
degraded mode.

You might try changing the estimated size and time of just your special
"disk" (the one you want at the end) and crank it the values **way**
up, e.g. to something like a size of 1 (100 GBytes) and time of
10 (over 24 hours).  This should cause driver to not try and run
it through the holding disk and delay until the direct to tape pass.
Assuming the numbers are larger than anything else you have, it should
be the last one processed at that time.

Maybe.  :-)  I'm just guessing here.

Another thought that would involve a little C coding would be to define a
new priority number, e.g. -1000, and then special case that in driver to:

  a) put it at the end of the list in sort_by_time (do this code first):

   if(sched(a)->priority == DO_LAST_PRIORITY) {
 return 1;
   } else if(sched(b)->priority == DO_LAST_PRIORITY) {
 return -1;

  b) consider it as IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE by putting this right after the

   } else if(sched(diskp)->priority == DO_LAST_PRIORITY)
cur_idle = max(cur_idle, IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE);

I think that's all it would take.  By the time the code gets to doing
the direct to tape stuff, it works strictly in queue order.

Another possibility would be to create a "do this last" queue (based
on the special priority number) and build it in read_schedline() just
like the regular queue, then do the direct to tape loop twice, once with
runq to flush it out as it does now, then again with the new queue to
take care of the remainder.  This is a little cleaner since you don't
have to alter a sort routine and the start_some_dump() selection code
is also not changed (it will never see the new queue).

You don't need to change the code that parses the config file.  The
"priority" keyword can already handle a number as an argument.

Note: I have not come even close to testing any of this.  It's all


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Error: gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

2001-03-23 Thread Terry Koyama

I ran amanda last night and received the below report.  The client with
the error (hendrix) is an AIX machine running amanda v2.4.2p1.  I tried
checking out the UID's in /usr but didn't find anything out of the

I've also included  sendback.debug and sendsize.debug to see the actual
command that was executed.  The syntax of runtar looks kinda funky (to
me anyway) but seems to run fine on all the other clients.  Plus, I
don't have a clear understanding of how runtar and gnutar are related.  

Anyone know what's going on with runtar?  




These dumps were to tape noemix-daily01.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: noemix-daily02.

FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY: /usr lev 0 FAILED [/usr/local/bin/tar returned 2]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:01
Run Time (hrs:min) 2:44
Dump Time (hrs:min)1:04   1:04   0:00
Output Size (meg)9237.9 9237.90.0
Original Size (meg)  9237.9 9237.90.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- -- 
Filesystems Dumped   22 22  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  2464.8 2464.8-- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)2:29   2:29   0:00
Tape Size (meg)  9238.6 9238.60.0
Tape Used (%)  90.3   90.30.0
Filesystems Taped22 22  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1060.2 1060.2-- 


/-- /usr lev 0 FAILED [/usr/local/bin/tar returned 2]
sendbackup: start [ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
(NOTE:  ...this goes on for a while...)
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: uid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967294 too large (max=16777215)

| Total bytes written: 851374080
? gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
sendbackup: error [/usr/local/bin/tar returned 2]

  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  taper: tape noemix-daily01 kb 9460320 fm 22 [OK]

-- -

hendrix.noem /   04576   4576   --0:041023.5  
hendrix.noem /home   0  170880 170880   --0:592877.7   2:54
hendrix.noem /usr0 FAILED
hendrix.noem /var02112   2112   --0:03 761.8   0:02
keenan.noemi /etc02368   2368   --0:011747.5  
keenan.noemi /space/home 0 21468802146880   --   16:562113.6 
keenan.noemi -cal/flexlm 0  32 32   --0:00 214.1   0:02 
keenan.noemi -f/mnt/conf 0 128128   --0:00 405.6   0:02 
keenan.noemi -re/default 01152  

Re: Tapetype: Hardware compression

2001-03-23 Thread Yura Pismerov

Luc Lalonde wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I've been using Amanda on my network for sometime now and think that
> it's really a great distributed backup system.
> However, I'd like to create a "Monthly" profile to complement my
> "Daily" profile to do full backups of everything once a month.
> I  just have one problem in that I don't think that the "tapetype"
> program calculated the capacity of my tapes with hardware compression.
> Here's the result that I got (I posted it on the FAQ-O-MATIC):
> define tapetype Maxell-DDS4-Hardware-Compress {
> comment "Maxell HS-4/150s DDS-4 with hardware compression"
> # data provided by Luc Lalonde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> length 16985 mbytes
> filemark 400 kbytes
> speed 1579 kps
> }
> It seems to me that the length should be between 30 and 40 gigs with
> hardware compression.  I checked to see
> if the compression was on before the calculation with the command "mt -f
> /dev/nst0 datcomp" and I got an answer
> that it was indeed on.

Actually, you missed the point.
tapetype can not estimate how much data you can fit with the hw
compression on.
It writes random data in order to estimate so-called "native" capacity.
Basically it is the same if
you write software compressed data to the tape.
In case you have the compression on, the result will be less than it was
So turn off the compression and re-run tapetype.

> What am I missing here (I'm using linux-2.2.18 on a PentiumIII with an
> HP SureStore DAT40) ?
> Cheers.
> --
> Luc Lalonde, Responsable du reseau GIREF
> Telephone: (418) 656-2131 poste 6623


Yuri Pismerov, TUCOWS.COM INC.  (416) 535-0123  ext. 1352
 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Tapetype: Hardware compression

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>However, I'd like to create a "Monthly" profile to complement my
>"Daily" profile to do full backups of everything once a month.


>I  just have one problem in that I don't think that the "tapetype"
>program calculated the capacity of my tapes with hardware compression.

Tapetype deliberately defeats hardware compression by writing random data
(and it evens tells you that if you ask it for help).  It is meant for
determining the base (uncompressed) capacity of devices.

>It seems to me that the length should be between 30 and 40 gigs with
>hardware compression.  ...

That is **extremely** dependent on the data you're backing up.  If you
back up a file system of source, you'll get much higher compression than
if you back up a file system of JPEG images.

The Amanda approach to this (which needs work) is to set the compress
option to "none" in amanda.conf and to lie about the tape length based
on your own experience (i.e. set it to some number and if Amanda keeps
banging into EOT, crank it back some).  For instance, I have some DLT4000
drives and DLT-IV tapes, which gives me an uncompressed capacity of
~20 GBytes.  In my amanda.conf, I have "length 27000 mbytes" because
that seems to match the type of data we deal with.

>Luc Lalonde

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cotter


2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cotter

Re: user permissions problem

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>Whoops. Looks like samba sees about 8gb of the 11.1gb in the listing. dd
>gets about 3.5gb, and tar doesn't like it at all.
>Thoughts? Looks like samba is the culprit.

Agreed, although I don't know that I'd use the word "culprit" yet.
It could be some horrible stuff they have to do to get along in the PC
world (never blame the Unix side when you could blame the PC :-).

The next thing I'd try is a dump directly to /dev/null with a higher
debug level and see what the tail end has to say:

  $ smbclient //wiley/home -W wiley -U backup -E -d3 -Tqc - backups/2-22-01-all.bkf > 

Level 3 is where things start getting interesting.  Level 5 is throwing
a lot of stuff at you.  You might want to experiment a bit with a small
file (a couple hundred KBytes).

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tapetype: Hardware compression

2001-03-23 Thread Luc Lalonde

Hey folks,

I've been using Amanda on my network for sometime now and think that
it's really a great distributed backup system.

However, I'd like to create a "Monthly" profile to complement my
"Daily" profile to do full backups of everything once a month.
I  just have one problem in that I don't think that the "tapetype"
program calculated the capacity of my tapes with hardware compression.
Here's the result that I got (I posted it on the FAQ-O-MATIC):

define tapetype Maxell-DDS4-Hardware-Compress {
comment "Maxell HS-4/150s DDS-4 with hardware compression"
# data provided by Luc Lalonde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
length 16985 mbytes
filemark 400 kbytes
speed 1579 kps

It seems to me that the length should be between 30 and 40 gigs with
hardware compression.  I checked to see
if the compression was on before the calculation with the command "mt -f
/dev/nst0 datcomp" and I got an answer
that it was indeed on.

What am I missing here (I'm using linux-2.2.18 on a PentiumIII with an
HP SureStore DAT40) ?


Luc Lalonde, Responsable du reseau GIREF

Telephone: (418) 656-2131 poste 6623

org:Universite Laval;GIREF
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Administateur de reseau
fn:Luc Lalonde

RE: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Bort, Paul

The network monitoring tool we use here (Big Brother) solves the problem by
appending .DIST to all of the files that need to be edited before use. That
might help here. 

-Original Message-
From: John R. Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 2:13 PM
To: Alexandre Oliva
Cc: Nischal, Anurag; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Amanda Issue. 

>Maybe we should just say that in big blinking :-) letters at the top
>of the example file?

I couldn't get the blinking to work on all terminal types :-), but I've
added the appended notice at the top.

Not that I necessarily expect it to do any good.  :-)

>Alexandre Oliva

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

###  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  ###
###  ###
###  This file is not meant to be installed "as is", and in fact, it ###
###  WILL NOT WORK!  You must go through it and make changes appropriate ###
###  to your own situation.  See the documentation in this file, in the  ###
###  "man amanda" man page, in the "docs" directory and at the Amanda###
###  web page (  ###
###  ###
###  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  ###

Re: "ERRDOS smbclient returns 1" problem

2001-03-23 Thread Hurf Sheldon

Hi John,
Thanks for the advice.
kind regards,

"John R. Jackson" wrote:

> >We are having consistient problems* with a particular user's data.
> >...
> >? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile opening remote file \COM
> >S417\CS417_S01\5_Graphics_Hardware\WEB3_Sampling.ppt
> >(\COMS417\CS417_S01\5_Graphics_Hardware\)
> >? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d
> >...
> I think you're asking the wrong group.  This is clearly a Samba issue
> and you need to be asking them (or searching their archives), not the
> Amanda group.  Someone on the Amanda group may know the answer because
> they just happen to also know Samba, but asking the Samba group has got
> to have a better chance of success.
> >... I did see in the archives
> >a similar problem which had to do with large files and some settings in
> >the network interface.
> >The data does include some large (>50mb) Power Point files (ppt).
> 50 MBytes is not large when it comes to backups.  20 GBytes is large.  :-)
> >hurf
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>Maybe we should just say that in big blinking :-) letters at the top
>of the example file?

I couldn't get the blinking to work on all terminal types :-), but I've
added the appended notice at the top.

Not that I necessarily expect it to do any good.  :-)

>Alexandre Oliva

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

###  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  ###
###  ###
###  This file is not meant to be installed "as is", and in fact, it ###
###  WILL NOT WORK!  You must go through it and make changes appropriate ###
###  to your own situation.  See the documentation in this file, in the  ###
###  "man amanda" man page, in the "docs" directory and at the Amanda###
###  web page (  ###
###  ###
###  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  !!! WARNING !!!  ###

Re: fatal buffer mismanagement bug

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I get this message wither either a dump or the flush of the same files.

My apologies.  I should have looked at the code first.  That really is
a message from Amanda.

There should be a bunch of stuff in your amdump.1 file.  Look for this

  taper: panic: buffer mismatch at ...

and please post it and what follows it.

>I see no system erorrs, but I have not yet totally ruled ou that solaris is
>having a problem with the striped metadevice.  ...

The backups are not relevant.  It's the writing to tape that is in
serious trouble.  This message is in a "cannot happen" section of code
(at least it was tested for :-).  Basically it's saying the reading and
writing sides of taper (two processes) got out sync.

Did you do anything particularly odd with ./configure or in your


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cotter


2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cotter

Re: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Alexandre Oliva

On Mar 22, 2001, "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Now in this stage it gives me an error.
>> "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate parameter,
>> prev def on line 74

> This is probably a problem in our release (that amanda.conf has a syntax
> error) and I'll see about changing that for the future.  You're the
> second person this week that has run into this.

The error is there on purpose.  The example file is not supposed to be
used unchanged.  You have to go through the various configuration
variables, particularly those, and make sure they match your

Maybe we should just say that in big blinking :-) letters at the top
of the example file?

Alexandre Oliva   Enjoy Guarana', see
Red Hat GCC Developer  aoliva@{,}
CS PhD student at IC-Unicampoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist*Please* write to mailing lists, not to me

Re: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

"Nischal, Anurag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I configure it again at client=20
>Login as amanda give a command ./configure --with-user=3Damanda
>then login as root giv command make, make install.  ...

FYI, you probably want to do the "make" as "amanda" and only do the
"make install" as root.  It's a bit safer.

Also FYI, if you ever rerun ./configure with a different set of parameters
(which you probably didn't this time), you need to run "make distclean"

># ls -la /usr/local/sbin/  =20

That's much better.

># su amanda "amcheck -c Daily"
>ksh: amcheck: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.

You obviously have some kind of permissions problem.  What groups is
user "amanda" a member of ("groups amanda")?  In particular, is it a
member of group "amanda"?

>$ su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
>amanda's Password:=20
>"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate parameter,
>prev def on line 74

We've already discussed this.  You haven't looked at those lines in
your amanda.conf and read the comments above them.  Pick one of those
"changerfile" lines and comment out the other two.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fatal buffer mismanagement bug

2001-03-23 Thread Jeff Engelhardt

"John R. Jackson" wrote:

> >We have recently changed our hardware and I am now getting a fatal
> >buffer mismanagement bug error.  ...
> Huh???  Amanda has no such message.  What, exactly, did you try to run
> and what, exactly, did Amanda report/log that led you to this statement?

I get this message wither either a dump or the flush of the same files.
Here is part of the flush message that was e-mailed:


The dumps were flushed to tape LTO-Daily17.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: DLT-Daily25.

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:10   0:00   0:00   (0:00 start, 0:10
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  amflush: /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010318/
too many taper retries, leaving file on disk
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
/var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010318/ too many
taper retries, leaving file on disk
  amflush: Could not rmdir /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010318.
Check for cruft.
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  amflush: /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010319/
too many taper retries, leaving file on disk
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
  taper: retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]

And here is the log file corresponding to the same flush

START amflush date 20010323
START taper datestamp 20010323 label LTO-Daily17 tape 0
INFO taper retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
INFO taper retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
WARNING amflush
/var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010322/ too many
taper retries, leaving file on disk
INFO taper retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
INFO taper retrying on new tape: [fatal buffer
mismanagement bug]
WARNING amflush
/var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010322/ too many
taper retries, leaving file on disk
WARNING amflush Could not rmdir /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk/20010322.
Check for cruft.
INFO taper tape LTO-Daily17 kb 2176 fm 4 [OK]
FINISH amflush date 20010323 time 20.653


I see no system erorrs, but I have not yet totally ruled ou that solaris is
having a problem with the striped metadevice.  To rule this out I am in the
process of moving some of the temp files to a different filesystem.


Jeff Engelhardt   Unix & Network Administrator
Departments of Information Technology
Gustavus Adolphus College

 (507)  933 7042
 FAX:   933 6316

Re: tapetype crashes

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>This happens after tapetype runs for 5 or so hours.  ...

>Error as follows: ahc1 target 4 synchronous at 10.0mghz, offset = 0xf

That's not an error message.  It's just information about the transfer

>Tapetype could not rewind /dev/nst0 Input/Output error .  ...
>Mt –f /dev/nst0 rewind  does not seem to work until a reboot.

That's got to be a hardware or driver problem.  I'd start working down
the usual suspects:

  * Drive configuration (e.g. DIP switches).

  * Termination.

  * Cable.

  * Connections.

  * Reseating boards.

  * Your OS vendor (latest driver)


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Nischal, Anurag

I configure it again at client 
Login as amanda give a command ./configure --with-user=amanda
then login as root giv command make, make install.and my home directory
of amanda user is /home/amanda. 
now the status is as follows
# ls -la /usr/local/sbin/   
total 10168
drwxr-xr-x   2 root system   512 Mar 23 13:10 .
drwxr-xr-x  12 bin  bin  512 Mar 19 16:11 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688917 Mar 23 13:09 amadmin
-rwsr-x---   1 root amanda721068 Mar 23 13:09 amcheck
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  1813 Mar 23 13:09 amcheckdb
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3938 Mar 23 13:09 amcleanup
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3785 Mar 23 13:09 amdump
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688191 Mar 23 13:09 amflush
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda272117 Mar 23 13:09 amgetconf
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda530104 Mar 23 13:09 amlabel
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  4261 Mar 23 13:09 amoverview
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  4463 Mar 23 13:10 amplot
-rwxr-x---   1 amanda   amanda639783 Mar 23 13:10 amrecover
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda620149 Mar 23 13:09 amreport
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda373828 Mar 23 13:10 amrestore
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6500 Mar 23 13:09 amrmtape
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 21364 Mar 23 13:09 amstatus
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda553398 Mar 23 13:09 amtape
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6888 Mar 23 13:09 amtoc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 11688 Mar 23 13:09 amverify
# pwd
# su amanda "amcheck -c Daily"
ksh: amcheck: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.
$ whoami
$ su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
amanda's Password: 
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 74
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 76: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 75
amcheck: could not find config file

-Original Message-
From: John R. Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 12:49 PM
To: Nischal, Anurag
Cc: Dr.Prabhakar Ganapathy; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Amanda Issue. 

>$ cd /usr/local/sbin
>$ ls -la
>total 10152
>drwxr-xr-x   2 root system   512 Mar 19 15:07 .
>drwxr-xr-x  12 bin  bin  512 Mar 19 16:11 ..
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688917 Mar 19 15:07 amadmin
>-rwxrwxrwx   1 amanda   amanda721068 Mar 19 15:07 amcheck
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  1813 Mar 19 15:07 amcheckdb
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3938 Mar 19 15:07 amcleanup
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3785 Mar 19 15:07 amdump
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688191 Mar 19 15:07 amflush
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda272117 Mar 19 15:07 amgetconf
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda530104 Mar 19 15:07 amlabel
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  4261 Mar 19 15:07 amoverview
>-rwxr-x---   1 amanda   amanda639783 Mar 19 15:07 amrecover
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda620149 Mar 19 15:07 amreport
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda373828 Mar 19 15:07 amrestore
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6500 Mar 19 15:07 amrmtape
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 21364 Mar 19 15:07 amstatus
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda553398 Mar 19 15:07 amtape
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6888 Mar 19 15:07 amtoc
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 11688 Mar 19 15:07 amverify

Those permissions (not just on amcheck, but on lots of the files)
are seriously broken.  Amcheck should not be mode 777 and needs to be
setuid-root, as do some of the others.

I think the best thing for you to do is re-install the Amanda software
(you don't need to change your configuration stuff yet, just redo the
software).  You did do the "make install" as root, didn't you?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amflush problem

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>That is what happens when I try to flush :
>  amflush: FATAL infofile update failed  (chailly99,c1t1d0s3)

This almost always means you have a permissions problem.

Look for the "infofile" keyword in your amanda.conf.  That should
point to a directory.  Inside there will be one directory per client,
and within each of those is one directory per disk and within each of
those is a file called "info".

Make sure each and every directory (in particular, the ones for chailly99
and c1t1d0s3) allow your Amanda user to read, write and execute (search),
and make sure the "info" file is able to be read and written.

Often times what has happened is you've run an Amanda command as root.
The only Amanda command you'll ever run as root is amrecover.  Everything
else should always be run as the Amanda user.

>Nadine OLIVIER 

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Complete restore of a host with many partitions

2001-03-23 Thread Jens Bech Madsen

"John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >I have to do a complete restore of a host that has many partitions
> >(~60). My dump cycle is 20 days, so if I use amrecover, which only
> >allows one partition per extraction, I have to change tapes a lot of
> >times.
> >
> >What I would like to do is going through all the tapes in the last
> >dump cycle one by one and extract the relevant partitions from each
> >tape, so I only have to change tapes 20 times.
> >
> >Does anyone have a good solution for this problem?
> First, are you planning on reloading the needed images to disk (e.g.
> your holding disk) and then restoring the host from there?  Or do you
> want to actually do the restore directly from tape?

This is going to be directly from tape.

[ snipped long and brilliant answer ]

This is great, down to 13 tapes, thanks a lot.

> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jens Bech Madsen
Jens Bech Madsen
The Stibo Group, Denmark

Re: "ERRDOS smbclient returns 1" problem

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>We are having consistient problems* with a particular user's data.
>? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile opening remote file \COM
>? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d

I think you're asking the wrong group.  This is clearly a Samba issue
and you need to be asking them (or searching their archives), not the
Amanda group.  Someone on the Amanda group may know the answer because
they just happen to also know Samba, but asking the Samba group has got
to have a better chance of success.

>... I did see in the archives
>a similar problem which had to do with large files and some settings in
>the network interface.
>The data does include some large (>50mb) Power Point files (ppt).

50 MBytes is not large when it comes to backups.  20 GBytes is large.  :-)


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fatal buffer mismanagement bug

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>We have recently changed our hardware and I am now getting a fatal
>buffer mismanagement bug error.  ...

Huh???  Amanda has no such message.  What, exactly, did you try to run
and what, exactly, did Amanda report/log that led you to this statement?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>$ cd /usr/local/sbin
>$ ls -la
>total 10152
>drwxr-xr-x   2 root system   512 Mar 19 15:07 .
>drwxr-xr-x  12 bin  bin  512 Mar 19 16:11 ..
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688917 Mar 19 15:07 amadmin
>-rwxrwxrwx   1 amanda   amanda721068 Mar 19 15:07 amcheck
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  1813 Mar 19 15:07 amcheckdb
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3938 Mar 19 15:07 amcleanup
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3785 Mar 19 15:07 amdump
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688191 Mar 19 15:07 amflush
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda272117 Mar 19 15:07 amgetconf
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda530104 Mar 19 15:07 amlabel
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  4261 Mar 19 15:07 amoverview
>-rwxr-x---   1 amanda   amanda639783 Mar 19 15:07 amrecover
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda620149 Mar 19 15:07 amreport
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda373828 Mar 19 15:07 amrestore
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6500 Mar 19 15:07 amrmtape
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 21364 Mar 19 15:07 amstatus
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda553398 Mar 19 15:07 amtape
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6888 Mar 19 15:07 amtoc
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 11688 Mar 19 15:07 amverify

Those permissions (not just on amcheck, but on lots of the files)
are seriously broken.  Amcheck should not be mode 777 and needs to be
setuid-root, as do some of the others.

I think the best thing for you to do is re-install the Amanda software
(you don't need to change your configuration stuff yet, just redo the
software).  You did do the "make install" as root, didn't you?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Complete restore of a host with many partitions

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I have to do a complete restore of a host that has many partitions
>(~60). My dump cycle is 20 days, so if I use amrecover, which only
>allows one partition per extraction, I have to change tapes a lot of
>What I would like to do is going through all the tapes in the last
>dump cycle one by one and extract the relevant partitions from each
>tape, so I only have to change tapes 20 times.
>Does anyone have a good solution for this problem?

First, are you planning on reloading the needed images to disk (e.g.
your holding disk) and then restoring the host from there?  Or do you
want to actually do the restore directly from tape?

If the former, then the idea from Johannes Niess is OK, but probably
a lot more work than needed.  For instance, you might go through all
the effort (time) of reading an entire tape, only to have everything
it brought back overlaid by the next tape.  For instance, if there is
a a level 1 of disk X on both tapes, only the later one is of interest.
Even more important, if you've brought back level 1 and 2 and then find
a level 0, the level 1 and 2 should be removed/ignored.

If you're not going to reload to disk images first, or dealing with
the "old" images I mentioned above will be a problem, then you need a
different plan.

Assuming you have all the Amanda database information (if you don't,
I'd get it back first), what I would do is this:

  * Run "amadmin  info ".  This will generate a listing
of the most recent backup image of each level for each disk on
that host.

Output looks like this (abbreviated):

  Current info for /u76:
Dumps: lev datestmp  tape file   origK   compK secs
0  20010318  040049/RCD304 2392896 2392928  917
1  20010320  040051/RCD265  146057  146080  176
2  20010323  040054/RCD270  240712  240736  255

Warning: if you're running something prior to 2.4.2, the database
may report old images that are no longer "active".  For instance,
in the above example, it might report a level 3 backup that was in
the previous dump cycle.

  * The following (ksh) script reduces the output to something that can
be worked with normal Unix tools:

  rm list-of-tapes
  egrep '^Current|^ *[0-9]' < amadmin.output \
| while read lev datestmp tape file thisdisk junk
  if [ $lev = Current ]
  if [ $datestmp -lt $last_datestmp ]
  continue  # only needed for pre-2.4.2
  echo $lev:$datestmp:$tape:$file:$disk >> list-of-tapes

The output has five colon separated columns:

  1: dump level
  2: date stamp
  3: tape
  4: file on tape
  5: disk

   * Use sort with the -u (unique) flag to get a list of tapes you'll need:

  sort -t: -u +2 -3 < list-of-tapes | cut -d: -f3

Here's the list for the system I'm checking this out on:


This configuration has a dumpcycle of 14 days, but notice I only
need to process 7 tapes.

  * Now, sort the list by datestamp and position on tape (and get rid
of the trailing colon on the disk):

  cut -d: -f1-5 < list-of-tapes \
| sort -t: +1n -2 +3n -4 > list-of-tapes-sorted

The output looks like this (from my sample system):


Note that, for instance, the only image of interest for /u77 is the
full dump on the last tape, 040054/RCD, yet if I had processed the
whole tape of each of the o

amflush problem

2001-03-23 Thread Nadine Olivier


That is what happens when I try to flush :

The dumps were flushed to tape CHAILLY99-J-08@01-02-2000.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: CHAILLY99-J-09@28-08-2000.

  amflush: FATAL infofile update failed  (chailly99,c1t1d0s3)
  taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: w: unexpected EOF
  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:01   0:00   0:01   (0:00 start)
Output Size (meg)  95.90.0   95.9
Original Size (meg)   164.90.0  164.9
Avg Compressed Size (%)58.2--58.2
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped1  0  1   (1:1)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- -- 
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2757.0--  2757.0

-- -- 
chailly99 c1t0d0s5  NO FILE TO FLUSH-- 
chailly99 c1t0d0s6  NO FILE TO FLUSH-- 
chailly99 c1t0d0s7  NO FILE TO FLUSH-- 
chailly99 c1t1d0s0  NO FILE TO FLUSH-- 
chailly99 c1t1d0s3   1   16886398208  58.2N/AN/A 0:36 
chailly99 c1t1d0s4  NO FILE TO FLUSH --- 
chailly99 c1t1d0s5  NO FILE TO FLUSH --- 

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.1p1)

About which infofile amanda is talking
The file chailly99.c1t1d0s3.1 is not removed from the holding disk
 About which infofile amanda is talking
Thanks for your help
Nadine OLIVIER  
 Centre de Recherche en Informatique - ENSMP
 35, rue Saint-Honoré 77305 FONTAINEBLEAU
 TEL: 33 01 64 69 48 35 ** FAX: 33 01 64 69 47 09 / 33 01 64 69 48 47

fatal buffer mismanagement bug

2001-03-23 Thread Jeff Engelhardt

We have recently changed our hardware and I am now getting a fatal
buffer mismanagement bug error.  We were using amanda v2.4.1p1, a
DLT-7000 drive being fed by a 40GB RAID-0 holding disk.  We then moved
to an LTO-Ultrium drive and it appeared to be working find until we
swittched the holding disk to add more space and improve performance to
take us to a total of 100GB.  We are using Solaris 8 on an Ultra 60 with
two CPUs and our holding disk and tape sections from the amanda.conf
look like the following:

holdingdisk main {
comment "main holding disk"
directory   "/var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk"
use 7 MB
chunksize   0

define tapetype LTO-Ultrium {
comment "HP Ultrium"
length 10 mbytes
filemark 8 kbytes
speed 15000 kbytes

I have tried varying some entries in the tapetype entry with no
percieved change.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Jeff Engelhardt   Unix Systems Administrator
Departments of Information Technology && Math/Computer Science
Gustavus Adolphus College

 (507)  933 7042
 FAX:   933 6316

RE: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Nischal, Anurag

As per ur mail i checked from amcheck -f Daily it gives me following

su amanda -f "amcheck Daily"
amanda's Password: 
ksh: amcheck: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.
which amcheck
I logged in as amanda and py path is  
$ pwd
and my home directory is /home/amanda
$ cd /usr/local/sbin
$ ls -la
total 10152
drwxr-xr-x   2 root system   512 Mar 19 15:07 .
drwxr-xr-x  12 bin  bin  512 Mar 19 16:11 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688917 Mar 19 15:07 amadmin
-rwxrwxrwx   1 amanda   amanda721068 Mar 19 15:07 amcheck
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  1813 Mar 19 15:07 amcheckdb
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3938 Mar 19 15:07 amcleanup
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  3785 Mar 19 15:07 amdump
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda688191 Mar 19 15:07 amflush
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda272117 Mar 19 15:07 amgetconf
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda530104 Mar 19 15:07 amlabel
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  4261 Mar 19 15:07 amoverview
-rwxr-x---   1 amanda   amanda639783 Mar 19 15:07 amrecover
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda620149 Mar 19 15:07 amreport
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda373828 Mar 19 15:07 amrestore
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6500 Mar 19 15:07 amrmtape
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 21364 Mar 19 15:07 amstatus
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda553398 Mar 19 15:07 amtape
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda  6888 Mar 19 15:07 amtoc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   amanda 11688 Mar 19 15:07 amverify
kindly advise
-Original Message-
From: Dr.Prabhakar Ganapathy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:33 AM
To: Nischal, Anurag
Subject: Re: Amanda Issue. 

Nischal ,
use amcheck -f Daily
- Original Message - 
From: "Nischal, Anurag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: Amanda Issue. 

> Hi,
> Now when i run a command from the client machine it gives me an error.
> su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
> amanda's Password: 
> "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate
> prev def on line 74
> "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 76: duplicate
> prev def on line 75
> amcheck: could not find config file
> "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf"
> $ 
> Kindly help me out
> Anurag
> -Original Message-
> From: John R. Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 4:18 PM
> To: Nischal, Anurag
> Subject: Re: Amanda Issue. 
> >Now in this stage it gives me an error.
> >"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate
> parameter,
> >prev def on line 74
> As Marc Mengel just said, if you look at your amanda.conf you'll see
> three duplicate lines and comments right above them that explain what
> to do (you're supposed to pick one or none).
> This is probably a problem in our release (that amanda.conf has a
> error) and I'll see about changing that for the future.  You're the
> second person this week that has run into this.
> >Anurag
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Script for tape index

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I am looking for a script that someone posted to this list a while ago.   It
>allows you to get a listing of what is on the backup tape.  ...

How about just:

  mt -f $TAPE rewind
  amrestore $TAPE no-such-host

This asks amrestore to find backups of "no-such-host", which it won't
find, but as it goes through the tape it will tell you about everything
it skips over.

If that's not fancy enough :-), I think the appended script from Gerhard
den Hollander might be what you were thinking of.

>I have problems
>that since I use 2 tapes per backup, the amtoc that I use either reports
>just what is on the second tape or reports completely incorrect information.

Here's what I used to do at 2.4.1p1 (ksh, adjust as needed):

  # Generate a table of contents for the tape(s) just written.

  diff tapelist.0 tapelist \
| grep '^> ' \
| while read flag date label junk
 echo "Creating TOC for $label"
 ${DEBUG} $base/sbin/amtoc ${config} -f -l $label

At 2.4.2 it looks like this:

  # Generate a table of contents for the tape(s) just written.

  log=$(ls -1t log..[0-9] | head -1)
  echo "Running $base/sbin/amtoc -a -s 's,/,_,g' $log"
  ${DEBUG} $base/sbin/amtoc -a -s 's,/,_,g' $log

I wouldn't know about amtoc reporting "completely incorrect information"
since you didn't give enough details to help figure that problem out.

>Michael Hendrix

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


$device = shift || die "Please specify full tapedevice\n";
$dd = "/bin/dd";
$mt = "/bin/mt";

print "Rewinding\n";
system("$mt -f $device rewind");

$tapeheader = `$dd if=$device bs=32k count=1`;
die "Amanda Label not found!\n$tapeheader\n" unless $tapeheader =~ /TAPESTART/;
print $tapeheader;

while ( ! $ierr ){
$foo = `$dd if=$device bs=32k count=1 | head -3`;
if ($foo =~ /TAPEEND/) {
print $foo;
} elsif ($foo =~ /FILE/) {
print $foo;
} else {
$foo =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9 \t\r\n/ /cs;
print "Unexpected thing: $foo\n";
$ierr = $?;
print "Rewinding\n";
system("$mt -f $device rewind");

Re: Is there any 'Planner'?

2001-03-23 Thread John R. Jackson

>I check the 'man amanda' pages, found nothing,

The first thing you *always* want to do when having trouble with Amanda
is run amcheck.  Since you're running 2.4.2, I suggest using the -c and
-l options which do everything except check the tape.

So what does it have to say about your system?

>Bernd Zimmermann

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Complete restore of a host with many partitions

2001-03-23 Thread Johannes Niess

Jens Bech Madsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have to do a complete restore of a host that has many partitions
> (~60). My dump cycle is 20 days, so if I use amrecover, which only
> allows one partition per extraction, I have to change tapes a lot of
> times.
> What I would like to do is going through all the tapes in the last
> dump cycle one by one and extract the relevant partitions from each
> tape, so I only have to change tapes 20 times.
> Does anyone have a good solution for this problem?


the non-interactive amrestore programm allows for regular expressions
for partitions to restore. Start with the oldest of all 20 tapes and
extract all partitions to the state 20 days ago. Then use the next
tape to update to 19 days ago etc...

Your command line should be something like 20 times "amrestore
/dev/ntape hostname", but requires a running amanda client on the
crashed box.

Using dd to extract whole tapes isn't that cumbersome if your tapes
hold only data from that host. Write a litte skript that "dd's" in a
while loop. Requiring all data sometimes makes live easier.

Johannes Niess

P.S: A great chance to move from partitions to using quotas...

"ERRDOS smbclient returns 1" problem

2001-03-23 Thread Hurf Sheldon

We are having consistient problems* with a particular user's data.
We've had the same problem on two very different machines
(both Dell, one  NT4.0/sp6, the other W2K/sp1 ) - we've checked out and
changed network
cables and path to the system - I did see in the archives
a similar problem which had to do with large files and some settings in
the network interface.
The data does include some large (>50mb) Power Point files (ppt).
We would appreciate any suggestions including diagnostic procedures.

*representative error posts
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile opening remote file \COM
? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile listing \COM S417\CS417_S01\6_Perception\*
? Error reading file \COM S417\CS417_S01\7_Color
Science\022601_LECTURE_perception_v6.ppt : ERRDOS - ERRbadfile
? Didn't get entire file. size=17660416, nread=0
? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x08
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile listing \COM S417\CS417_S01\7_Color Science\OLD\*
? Error reading file \COM S417\CS417_S01\7_Color
Science\SUPER_LECTURE_perception_v6.ppt : ERRDOS - ERRbadfile
? Didn't get entire file. size=17881600, nread=0
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile opening remote file \COM S417\CS417_S01\7_Color
Science\WEB_perception_v6.ppt (\COM S417\CS417_S01\7_Color Science\)
? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile listing \COM S417\CS417_S01\8_Review\*
? Error reading file \COM S417\CS417_S01\administration\Review.ppt :
ERRDOS - ERRbadfid
? Didn't get entire file. size=8650752, nread=0
? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile opening remote file \COM S417\CS417_S01\ARCH
375_Note.doc (\COM S417\CS417_S01\)
? invalid mid from server!
sendbackup: error [/usr/local/bin/smbclient returned 1]

Hurf Sheldon
Program of Computer Graphics
580 Rhodes Hall, Hoy Rd.
Cornell University
Ithaca, N.Y. 14853

voice:607 255 6713 fax:607 255 0806

RE: Is there any 'Planner'?

2001-03-23 Thread Bort, Paul

planner is an internal part of AMANDA, like driver or taper. IIRC, planner
is responsible for picking the level of backup to be performed for each
entry in the disklist. 

Here are a couple of things that might help: 

1. If /var/log and /etc are really disk partitions, try backing them up by
partition name instead of mount point. (Maybe /dev/hda6 instead of /etc if
you're using Linux.) 

2. Make sure that the amanda user has the right permissions on the raw
device if you're using dump or one of its siblings. 

3. If /var/log and /etc aren't disk partitions, and are just parts of one
(maybe mounted at /), make sure you're using tar to back them up instead of
dump. Checking this will involve tracing parameter inheritance through your
dumptypes in amanda.conf.

Good Luck. 

-Original Message-
From: Bernd Zimmermann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 8:13 AM
Subject: Is there any 'Planner'?

Hi Folk!

I check the 'man amanda' pages, found nothing,

root@daphne:/usr/adm/amanda/Daily > cat log.20010323.10 | more
START planner date 20010323
INFO planner Adding new disk
INFO planner Adding new disk
START driver date 20010323
FAIL planner /var/log 0 [disk /var/log offline on]
FAIL planner /etc 0 [disk /etc offline on]
-> why are the directories are 'offline'?
did 'nt get it.

FINISH planner date 20010323
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
-> what is this? Is there any 'Planner'?

STATS driver startup time 4.348
START taper datestamp 20010323 label DailySet1-000 tape 0
INFO taper tape DailySet1-000 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20010323 time 16.375


Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:24:22 +0100 (MET)

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-000.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  daphne.web /var/log lev 0 FAILED [disk /var/log offline on]
  daphne.web /etc lev 0 FAILED [disk /etc offline on]

-> is this a result of 'planner'?

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:00
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:00
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  driver: WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
  taper: tape DailySet1-000 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]

-- - 
daphne.webco /etc0 FAILED ---
daphne.webco /var/log0 FAILED ---

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2)


many thnks for helping hints!
Bernd Zimmermann

Re: Complete restore of a host with many partitions

2001-03-23 Thread Jason Hollinden

You may want to check the amanda-hackers list archive.  The 3rd (or so)
to last message talks about a program called "amclone" that is supposed
to take all the scattered parts of a machine from many tapes and
consolidate it to one tape.

It looks to be the 1st release of itv though, but you never know...

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Jens Bech Madsen wrote:

> I have to do a complete restore of a host that has many partitions
> (~60). My dump cycle is 20 days, so if I use amrecover, which only
> allows one partition per extraction, I have to change tapes a lot of
> times.
> What I would like to do is going through all the tapes in the last
> dump cycle one by one and extract the relevant partitions from each
> tape, so I only have to change tapes 20 times.
> Does anyone have a good solution for this problem?
> Thanks in advance
> Jens Bech Madsen
> -- 
> Jens Bech Madsen
> The Stibo Group

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

AW: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Bernd Zimmermann

Now when i run a command from the client machine it gives me an error.
su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
-> try to use the amanda-user to run amcheck, its better!

amanda's Password: 
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 74
-> whats written in this Line?
vi /usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf

"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 76: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 75
-> whats written in this Line?
vi /usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf

amcheck: could not find config file
try to use as an Amanda-user 'amcheck Daily'...

Kindly help me out



RE: Amanda Issue.

2001-03-23 Thread Nischal, Anurag

Now when i run a command from the client machine it gives me an error.
su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
amanda's Password: 
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 74
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 76: duplicate parameter,
prev def on line 75
amcheck: could not find config file
Kindly help me out

-Original Message-
From: John R. Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 4:18 PM
To: Nischal, Anurag
Subject: Re: Amanda Issue. 

>Now in this stage it gives me an error.
>"/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf", line 75: duplicate
>prev def on line 74

As Marc Mengel just said, if you look at your amanda.conf you'll see
three duplicate lines and comments right above them that explain what
to do (you're supposed to pick one or none).

This is probably a problem in our release (that amanda.conf has a syntax
error) and I'll see about changing that for the future.  You're the
second person this week that has run into this.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there any 'Planner'?

2001-03-23 Thread Bernd Zimmermann

Hi Folk!

I check the 'man amanda' pages, found nothing,

root@daphne:/usr/adm/amanda/Daily > cat log.20010323.10 | more
START planner date 20010323
INFO planner Adding new disk
INFO planner Adding new disk
START driver date 20010323
FAIL planner /var/log 0 [disk /var/log offline on]
FAIL planner /etc 0 [disk /etc offline on]
-> why are the directories are 'offline'?
did 'nt get it.

FINISH planner date 20010323
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
-> what is this? Is there any 'Planner'?

STATS driver startup time 4.348
START taper datestamp 20010323 label DailySet1-000 tape 0
INFO taper tape DailySet1-000 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20010323 time 16.375


Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:24:22 +0100 (MET)

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-000.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  daphne.web /var/log lev 0 FAILED [disk /var/log offline on]
  daphne.web /etc lev 0 FAILED [disk /etc offline on]

-> is this a result of 'planner'?

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:00
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:00
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

  planner: Adding new disk
  planner: Adding new disk
  driver: WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
  taper: tape DailySet1-000 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]

-- - 
daphne.webco /etc0 FAILED ---
daphne.webco /var/log0 FAILED ---

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2)


many thnks for helping hints!
Bernd Zimmermann

Complete restore of a host with many partitions

2001-03-23 Thread Jens Bech Madsen

I have to do a complete restore of a host that has many partitions
(~60). My dump cycle is 20 days, so if I use amrecover, which only
allows one partition per extraction, I have to change tapes a lot of

What I would like to do is going through all the tapes in the last
dump cycle one by one and extract the relevant partitions from each
tape, so I only have to change tapes 20 times.

Does anyone have a good solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance
Jens Bech Madsen
Jens Bech Madsen
The Stibo Group

Re: Configuring ADIC-1200D autochanger with integral Sony SDT-5000 drive

2001-03-23 Thread Jason Hollinden

One that I know of it to be sure and grap the newest CVS version of, as the one that ships with 2.4.2p1 will not handle
more than 9 tapes.

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Craig Dewick wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've obtained an ADIC 1200D 12-tape autochanger which has an integral Sony
> SDT-5000 DDS-2 drive. I'm about to try to set up amanda-2.4.2p1 to work
> with it using chg-zd-mtx as the tape changer type.
> I have mtx-1.2.9 here but there's probably a newer version by now.
> Are there any known caveats with the ADIC DAT autochangers that I should
> be aware of? I'll soon be replacing the SDT-5000 with an SDT-9000 (DDS-3
> drive)...
> BTW, I'm going to see if can get it all to work using Sun's 'sgen' driver
> instead of using the 'sst' driver code supplied with the amanda source.
> I've configure 'sgen.conf' so that when I reboot the device links are set
> up. Fingers crossed that it works!
> Regards,
> Craig.
> -- 
> Craig Dewick. Send email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>   Point a web browser at '' to
> access my archive of Sun information and links to other places. For info 
>   about Sun Ripened Kernels, go to ""

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

Configuring ADIC-1200D autochanger with integral Sony SDT-5000 drive

2001-03-23 Thread Craig Dewick

Hi everyone,

I've obtained an ADIC 1200D 12-tape autochanger which has an integral Sony
SDT-5000 DDS-2 drive. I'm about to try to set up amanda-2.4.2p1 to work
with it using chg-zd-mtx as the tape changer type.

I have mtx-1.2.9 here but there's probably a newer version by now.

Are there any known caveats with the ADIC DAT autochangers that I should
be aware of? I'll soon be replacing the SDT-5000 with an SDT-9000 (DDS-3

BTW, I'm going to see if can get it all to work using Sun's 'sgen' driver
instead of using the 'sst' driver code supplied with the amanda source.
I've configure 'sgen.conf' so that when I reboot the device links are set
up. Fingers crossed that it works!



Craig Dewick. Send email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  Point a web browser at '' to
access my archive of Sun information and links to other places. For info 
  about Sun Ripened Kernels, go to ""

Re: Script for tape index

2001-03-23 Thread Urban Petry

> I am using amanda 2.4.1p1 currently and need a way to examine the contents
> of the tapes.  I could not seem to find the script in the mail list
> archives.

there is a small script at the end of the docs/RESTORE document which might be what 
you're looking for. Since it's really short here we go: 

while mt -f $TAPEDEV fsf 1 ; do
  dd if=$TAPEDEV bs=32k count=1 | head -1
  sleep 1
