Re First Time Changer User

2003-02-11 Thread David Flood
Thanks to Jon, Gene, Chris, Joshua, Jay and Liam for responding last week. I did 
the changer set up, turns out I just had to uncomment two lines in sgen.conf and 
Well it would have been if the changer's default SCSI id was not the same as the 
drive in solaris but once I got that sorted out mtx worked like a dream.

There is still a couple of questions I have about the changer scripts. Firstly 
what is the 
difference between ch-mtx, ch-zd-mtx and chg-scsi.
I tied getting ch-zd-mtx to work but could not so I used the script that come 
within the mtx distribution which seems to be working.

As most people on the list seem to be using ch-zd-mtx I would rather use that to 
make any future problem solving easier. I set my changerfile with the following 
values (If it's not listed here it has the default):


The chg-zd-mtx script it says to run "/path/to/amanda/libexec/chg-zd-mtx -info". 
When I run this I get different results depending on the values set in the 
changerfile but no matter what setting I put in the changer file the result does 
not make sense.

With cleanslot left at default which is -1 Iget the following error from 
"/path/to/amanda/libexec/chg-zd-mtx -info":

 cleanslot ('-1') not numeric in /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/CHANGER.conf

If I change cleanslot to 10 I get:

 cleancycle ('120') not numeric in /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/CHANGER.conf

I don't understand any of these especially since the script does not have a 
variable called cleancycle.

I'm running Solaris 8 with amanda 2.4.3 (See I am learning Jon)

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Force level 0 on certain days?

2003-02-07 Thread David Flood
I'm not sure if this is what you mean but amadmin has the ability to force level 0 


For example:

To force a level 0 of every disklist entry for the host backupserver in the config 

amadmin homes backupserver

To force a level 0 for backupserver:/export/home in conf homes:

amadmin homes backupserver /export/home

So if you wanted to run it every Friday you could put it in the crontab. There is 
maybe a 
more efficient way of doing this but this method will work.

See the amadmin man page for further details.

On 7 Feb 2003 at 9:47, wab wrote:

> I know that one of Amanda's greatest strengths is that it uses a good
> algorithm to adjust when to do level 0's, level 1's, etc. Leave it to me
> to want to mess it all up!
> I'm wondering if it's possible to Force a level 0 of a certain
> filesystem on a certain day, say, Friday.
> ~wab~

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: First time Changer user

2003-02-06 Thread David Flood
On 5 Feb 2003 at 14:20, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 06:06:33PM -0000, David Flood wrote:
> > We have had a tape changer running with amanda for a while but it was just being 
> > as the a single drive and the data is starting to exceed the size of the 
>tape.(DLT40 - 
> > 80G compressed)
> > 
> > I'm starting to look into utilizing the functionality of the changer. I've looked 
>at the docs 
> > and have the impression that all I have to do is specify the chg-scsi in the 
> > and set-up the chg-scsi.conf. Here are examples of the part of amanda.conf and 
> > chg-scsi.conf.
> > 
> > amanda.conf:
> > tpchanger "chg-scsi"  # the tape-changer glue script
> > tapedev "0"   # the no-rewind tape device to be used
> > changerfile "/opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/chg-scsi.conf"
> > 
> > chg-scsi.conf:
> > number_configs  1
> > eject 0   
> > sleep 60  
> > cleanmax  10
> > changerdev/dev/rsst4
> > #
> > # Next comes the data for drive 0
> > #
> > config0
> > drivenum  0
> > dev   /dev/rmt/0bn
> > startuse  0   
> > enduse4
> > statfile  /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-slot  
> > cleancart 5   
> > cleanfile /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-clean 
> > agecount/opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/totaltimef
> > tapestatus  /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-status
> > 
> > 
> > I think I understand the contents of this file but I don't know what to put for 
> > changerdev file. Up till now I've been using /dev/rmt/0 for backing up to a single 
>tape so 
> > how do I find what this value should be for my changer.(/dev/rsst4 does not exist)
> > 
> > Also when I've got the changer working how do the tape numbers work? If a night's 
> > backup tape starts on homes02 and spreads 2 tapes will amanda understand it's 
> > spread over homes02 and homes03? If so how does this affect restores?
> David,
> gotta learn to mention amanda version and OS type.  They may affect the replies.
> Seems to be Solaris you are using (a /opt and /dev/rmt).
> My changer, when installed according to HP's very good and specific directions,
> resulted in two separate /dev/rmt devices, 0 for the tape drive, 1 for the changer
> mechanism.  When earlier, I installed it following "Jon's" instructions and not
> RTFM'ing, I got one device.
> That doesn't mean you will always get 2 /dev/rmt devices, just that is one way
> of working and urging you to get to the docs for your brand and model and OS.
> In my case it even involved getting to the drive itself (removing the case)
> and setting some switches not accessible from outside.  It also required mods
> to the "st" (scsi tape) driver configuration file, /kernel/drv/st.conf.
> If your solaris is a recent update of Solaris 8, Sun has tried to generalize
> tape changer drivers.  It uses something called the "sgen" driver.  When
> configured, changers will be sensed and devices created in /dev/???/changer/XXX.
> I've not done the configuration because "don't fix what ain't broken".  But I
> think you can find stuff about setting it up on "", man sgen, and
> even this mail list archives on yahoo.
> Myself, I use mtx to manipulate the changer just like mt manipulates the drive.
> And I use chg-mtx, not even chg-zd-mtx.  It is simpler and it works for me.
> As to your final questions, you will also have to set the amanda.conf parameter
> "runtapes" to be more than 1.  Amanda will use extra tapes only if necessary,
> It will continue to use them in the same sequence it currently does, not skipping
> any tapes because it reports "next tapes are 5 and 6" but it only uses 5.  However
> you may want to increase the number of tapes in rotation so you can still get
> the same number of dumpcycles in the number of tapes.  Note, you can have more
> tapes in rotation than tapecycle specifies.  That is a minimum.
> Recovery?  No change.  Amanda knows what it put on each tape.  It asks you for
> what tapes are needed.

Firstly thankyou Jon and Gene for answering my first email. Sorry I forgot to specify 
setup. It's as follows:

amanda 2.4.3
Solaris 8
Overland DLT80 (10 tape changer)

Under /dev/rmt I only have '0' which is the one I'm using to get access to the drive. 
What is mtx and is it possible I could use this? There was no examples of this file 
the examples directory of the amanda distribution. I am looking at sgen and thus far 
don't really understand it but will keep trying. The method I used for setting up my 
autochanger was the one I thought was used for any new device attached to a sun:

add device
take system up to ok promt
boot -r

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262774
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

First time Changer user

2003-02-05 Thread David Flood
We have had a tape changer running with amanda for a while but it was just being used 
as the a single drive and the data is starting to exceed the size of the tape.(DLT40 - 
80G compressed)

I'm starting to look into utilizing the functionality of the changer. I've looked at 
the docs 
and have the impression that all I have to do is specify the chg-scsi in the 
and set-up the chg-scsi.conf. Here are examples of the part of amanda.conf and 

tpchanger "chg-scsi"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "0"   # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/chg-scsi.conf"

number_configs  1
eject 0   
sleep 60  
cleanmax  10
# Next comes the data for drive 0
drivenum  0
dev   /dev/rmt/0bn
startuse  0   
statfile  /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-slot  
cleancart 5   
cleanfile /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-clean 
tapestatus  /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/homes/tape0-status

I think I understand the contents of this file but I don't know what to put for the 
changerdev file. Up till now I've been using /dev/rmt/0 for backing up to a single 
tape so 
how do I find what this value should be for my changer.(/dev/rsst4 does not exist)

Also when I've got the changer working how do the tape numbers work? If a night's 
backup tape starts on homes02 and spreads 2 tapes will amanda understand it's 
spread over homes02 and homes03? If so how does this affect restores?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Dump does not support exclude file

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

I upgraded from amanda 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3 and while I was doing it I chenged my 
amanda user from root to bin. Firstly I started to get errors saying disklist, 
/var/adm/* and /tmp/amanda/* was not readable. I have .amandahosts in /usr/bin 
with the neccesary entries so I did not really understand this but I chowned 
them to bin anyway. Now when I do a amcheck I get the following:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /export/dumps/amanda: 9436770 KB disk space available, using 
8924770 KB
ERROR: cannot overwrite active tape SCMS14
   (expecting tape SCMS15 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 6.083 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: localhost: [DUMP does not support exclude file]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.200 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3b3)

I kept all the old database files hence it's expecting scms15 even though I have 
not been able done a backup with the updated amdna yet?

It should be noted that this config just backs up partitions on the localhost. 

I've just noticed that one of my dumps types has an exclude which is: 

exclude "/tmp"

Is the exclude format different in amanda 2.4.3b3? It should be noted that this 
config worked before going to *3b3 so I presume dump can handle excludes.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
The Rober Gordon University
Phone +44(0)1224 262721

NT share basckup

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

I've set up a share on my NT box.

I can do:

'smbclient //PC-NAME/SHARE -U username'

after entering the password I can see the contents of the share.

So I set up this share to be backed up by amanda. I have:

Created a share on the PC
Created /etc/amandapass with the correct information.
Created a dumptype for this backup which is using GNUTAR as required.
Added the entry to the disklist in the format:


where TAPESERVER is the server doing the backup but also has samba.

when I run amcheck config I get the following:

ERROR: father: [This client is not configured for samba: //wasp/backup]
ERROR: father: [GNUTAR program not available]
ERROR: father: [can not read/write /opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No 
such file or directory]
ERROR: father: [SMBCLIENT program not available]

Has anyone got any suggestions.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Question in case of disaster

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

> My interest is to know ow to restore an entire directory and all it's
> subdirectories and all their files content in the shortest time possible
> after an unwanted disaster may occur.

To do this in the shortest time possible the answer must be back 
up the amanda database files onto floppy disk on a regular basis, 
also test the floppy regularly. If your DB files won't fit onto a floppy 
consider CD or the tape your backing the other stuff on to. 
Although may have complicatyions with this method because the 
DB files will be open while amanda is running. In this scenario you 
only have to dig through the tape for the DB files restore them then 
restore as normal. 

This is the way we do it although touch wood we have not been 
faced with such a situation to date. Now that I've said that I know 
it's going to happen.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Backup failed

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

I keep having problems backing up the staff directory I though 
perhaps it's because of the size of it but I don't know so I thought 
I'd ask. Here is the parts of the email concerning the failure that I 
got sent at the end of the backup.

Any ideas

  arthur /export/home/staff lev 1 STRANGE


/-- arthur /export/home/staff lev 1 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [arthur:/export/home/staff level 1]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/gzip -dc 
-f... - sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz sendbackup: info 
end ? gtar:
./ml/Mail/linda.lock.1020915852.653.lili: Warning: Cannot stat: No 
file or directory | Total bytes written: 844554240 (805MB, 98kB/s)
sendbackup: size 824760 sendbackup: end \

Thanks in advance

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Amanda Email inconsistencies

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

OK thanks for everyone that replied, I've never noticed that before.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-06-23 Thread David Flood

On 23 Apr 2002, at 12:20, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 04:47:33PM +0100, David Flood wrote:
> > > To David, see if one (or more) systems are causing the total system
> > > to be slow to completion.
> > 
> > But the tapeserver concerned is only backing up itself so there are 
> > not any slow hosts slowing it down.
> > 
> > The tapeserver is a Sun E450 which is quite a chunky fileserver 
> > with 1.6GB ram.
> > 
> Any particular disklist entry causeing the slow estimate phase?

How would I check this.

> Any chance of switching to ufsdump?

These directories are all under /export/home/* but unfortunatly 
/export is an entire 80GB disk all in one slice(I did not set this up 
this way). So tar is the only option.

> -- 
>  JG Computing
>  4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
>  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street


2002-06-22 Thread David Flood

What is the significance of the group when configuring i.e. --with-
group.  Does it mean whoever is in this group can run the amanda 
utils as well as the amanda user?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street


2002-06-22 Thread David Flood

Sorry if this subject is off topic but can you use a 40/80 DLT tape 
in a 35/70 DLT tape drive. Although we'd only be using it as a 35/70 

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Question in case of disaster

2002-05-07 Thread David Flood

> My interest is to know ow to restore an entire directory and all it's
> subdirectories and all their files content in the shortest time possible
> after an unwanted disaster may occur.

To do this in the shortest time possible the answer must be back 
up the amanda database files onto floppy disk on a regular basis, 
also test the floppy regularly. If your DB files won't fit onto a floppy 
consider CD or the tape your backing the other stuff on to. 
Although may have complicatyions with this method because the 
DB files will be open while amanda is running. In this scenario you 
only have to dig through the tape for the DB files restore them then 
restore as normal. 

This is the way we do it although touch wood we have not been 
faced with such a situation to date. Now that I've said that I know 
it's going to happen.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Tape changers/libraries

2002-05-03 Thread David Flood

This is not really an amanda question but is an excellent place to 
get input. 

I have around £2000 to spend on a changer/library does any one 
have any suggestions, ideally I would like to be able to back up 
400GB but I realise this is maybe not possible for 2K so backup 
capability is the most important factor.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Amanda Email inconsistencies

2002-04-26 Thread David Flood

OK thanks for everyone that replied, I've never noticed that before.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Amanda Email inconsistencies

2002-04-26 Thread David Flood

I'm using amanda 2.4.3b3 on two tapeservers. One of them the 
emails work perfectly. The other one works sometimes but not 
others. When I do a amcheck -m conf I don't receive an email but I 
recieve an email when the same configuration completes it's 
backup run.

This has totally confused me as the emailing part of amanda must 
be working as I get the end of backup report. The two servers have 
been set up with the same amanda configuration. The only 
difference I can think of is the server causing the problems is 
running solaris 8 where the server that works is solaris 7.

Has anyone come across this before or got any ideas?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

sendsize.c for calcsize

2002-04-24 Thread David Flood

On 24 Apr 2002, at 14:20, David Flood wrote:

> On 24 Apr 2002, at 9:10, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> > > 1. Is there a version of sendsize.c that is compatibile with amanda  
> > > 2.4.3b3?
> > 
> > I don't know that there's a modified sendsize.c for 2.4.3.  *However*, is 
> > there a reason you need 2.4.3b3?  You realize 'b' is for beta, right?

Yes I knew b was for beta, I am using 3b3 because of it's exclusion 
file capability with samba. This is on the other tape server but I 
upgraded them both at the same time. There is no reason why the 
tapeserver causing the problems has to be 3b3. 

With this in mind I tried to recompile 2p2 with the sensize.c that 
makes use of calcsize but it still gave me errors when running 
make. I've attached the sendsize.c and the list of errors I got 
incase anyone is feeling bored. I've never programmed in C nor 
have enough experience with amanda to check this file. Failing this 
does anyone have a sendsize.c that works?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-24 Thread David Flood

On 24 Apr 2002, at 9:10, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> > 1. Is there a version of sendsize.c that is compatibile with amanda  
> > 2.4.3b3?
> I don't know that there's a modified sendsize.c for 2.4.3.  *However*, is 
> there a reason you need 2.4.3b3?  You realize 'b' is for beta, right?

Yes I know b is for beta but I was upgrading my other tapeserver to 
3b3 for use of the extended samba exclusion lists introduced in 
this version. So I upgraded both my servers at the same time but I 
suppose since the one causing the problems does not use any 
excludes especially samba I could put it back to version 2p2.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-24 Thread David Flood

On 23 Apr 2002, at 9:37, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> I found one posting dealing with how to use it -- it contains a modified 
> sendsize.c that it seems like you plop into place and recompile:\

I think this sendsize.c was maybe for amanda2.4.2p2 as I got 
errors when compiling it with amanda2.4.3b3 which is the version I 
use. This leaves me with the following questions: 

1. Is there a version of sendsize.c that is compatibile with amanda  

2. Is compiling the source with an updated sensize.c the only 
   method of using calcsize?

> The other suggestion I ran across was to use ufsdump rather than tar.  Is 
> there a reason you need to use tar?


David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-23 Thread David Flood

On 23 Apr 2002, at 12:20, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 04:47:33PM +0100, David Flood wrote:
> > > To David, see if one (or more) systems are causing the total system
> > > to be slow to completion.
> > 
> > But the tapeserver concerned is only backing up itself so there are 
> > not any slow hosts slowing it down.
> > 
> > The tapeserver is a Sun E450 which is quite a chunky fileserver 
> > with 1.6GB ram.
> > 
> Any particular disklist entry causeing the slow estimate phase?

How would I check this.

> Any chance of switching to ufsdump?

These directories are all under /export/home/* but unfortunatly 
/export is an entire 80GB disk all in one slice(I did not set this up 
this way). So tar is the only option.

> -- 
>  JG Computing
>  4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
>  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-23 Thread David Flood

I searched for calcsize and 
found only 7 results. Most of these were from people listing the contents of the 
libexec directory. There was one from John R Jackson where he told someone 
if they wanted to use calcsize to let hims know and he would find the posting 
about turning it on but there was no reply to that.
As I can't find these postings does anyone know anything about calcsize i.e. 
where to get it, how I configure/use it?

On 23 Apr 2002, at 8:55, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 at 1:19pm, David Flood wrote
> > I'm running: 
> > amanda 2.4.3b3
> > Solaris 7
> > Using tar
> > I'm restore onto a 35/70 DLT with software compression.
> Why is it always the Solaris machines that have speed issues?  (That was 
> rhetorical, btw).
> > Does anyone have any ideas, because the estimates are taking so 
> > long the backups are still running when the users come in - in the 
> > morning. This means the backups I'm getting if I get them are 'dirty' 
> > not to mention it slows the system down as backups and users are 
> > trying to access the same data.
> Search the archives for references to calcsize, an alternative estimator 
> with the disadvantage of not supporting excludes but the advantage of much 
> better speed.
> -- 
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-23 Thread David Flood

We kick off our backup at 10pm at the moment we are only 
backing up 4 seperate directorys i.e. 4 seperate disklist entries. 
These are estimated by amanda to be 17.4GB. The estimates are 
taking just short of 8 hours to complete which is unacceptable. 
This is after making every dump a full dump in an attempt to cut 
down time with doing estimates for level 1 & 2. To force it to do full 
dumps I have did the following in amanda.conf:

dumpcycle 0
strategey noinc
skip-incr yes

I'm running: 
amanda 2.4.3b3
Solaris 7
Using tar
I'm restore onto a 35/70 DLT with software compression.

The 4 directorys mentioned above are all on the tapeserver and 
those are the only thing the tapeserver is backing up.

Does anyone have any ideas, because the estimates are taking so 
long the backups are still running when the users come in - in the 
morning. This means the backups I'm getting if I get them are 'dirty' 
not to mention it slows the system down as backups and users are 
trying to access the same data.

Thanks in advance

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Adding clients to a configuration

2002-04-21 Thread David Flood

Your right amanda will do a level 0 of all filesystems added on the 
next run with any existing filesystems scheduled for a level 0 being 
pushed back in time if needed in order to fit on the tape. As time 
goes on amanda will spread the new filesystems over the 

On 21 Apr 2002, at 11:49, Niall O Broin wrote:

> If I want to add another client to a configuration, is it as simple as just
> adding the necessary filesystems to the configuration's disklist and of
> course configuring the client correctly ? I'm just wondering how amanda
> copes with having extra filesystems to cope with in the middle of a
> tapecycle - does it just notice the extra filesystem, see that they've never
> been backed up, and schedule them for a level0 backup ASAP ? What if, for
> argments sake, I add a client with two filesystems on the last day of a
> tapecycle. What happens then ? My gut feeling is that I can just happily add
> the clients and amanda will "catch up" but I'd like to check.
> Niall

David Flood
Systems Administrator


2002-04-19 Thread David Flood

We have been having a few problem with the holdingdisk getting full so last 
night I cut my backups down to the 4 most important partitions. I also mad them 
go straight to tape but when I do a amstatus I get the following:

Using /var/adm/amanda/scms/amdump from Thu Apr 18 22:00:00 BST 2002

arthur:/export/home/grad 1 1718939k dump done (1:59:43), wait 
for writing to tape
arthur:/export/home/msc  1 3298934k dump done (5:43:31), wait 
for writing to tape
arthur:/export/home/staff0 5643076k dump done (4:01:32), wait 
for writing to tape
arthur:/export/home/student  0 7876122k dumping0k (5:43:31)

SUMMARY  part real estimated
  size  size
partition   :   4
estimated   :   4   18606402k
flush   :   00k
failed  :   0  0k   (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   0  0k   (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0  0k   (  0.00%)
dumping :   10k  7876122k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped  :   3 10660949k 10730280k ( 99.35%) ( 57.30%)
wait for writing:   3 10660949k 10730280k ( 99.35%) ( 57.30%)
wait to flush   :   00k0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   00k0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   00k0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped   :   00k0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
9 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper writing, tapeq: 0
network free kps:39638
holding space   :  8577695k (100.00%)
 dumper0 busy   :  4:28:47  (100.00%)
   taper busy   :  4:28:47  (100.00%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
 1 dumper busy  :  4:28:47  (100.00%)not-idle:  4:28:47  (100.00%)

What's the story here, how can student be at 0% since 5.43am when it is now 
10am? Has this backup failed? Also if I've got 'holdingdisk no' in the dumptype 
for every backup I'm doing so why does the report say the dump is done but 
waiting to write to tape? How can it be waiting to write to tape if the dump is 
done when I'm not using a holdingdisk?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Samba Backup

2002-04-18 Thread David Flood

I'm trying to set up my first backup of a PC via samba. As far as I 
know everything is set up correctly. I'm getting the following error 
messages in the email sent at the end of the backup. The 
tapeserver and samba server are both father while the PC is wasp.

  father //wasp/backup lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]


/-- father //wasp/backup lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
sendbackup: start [father://wasp/backup level 0]
? dumper: strange [missing size line from sendbackup]
? dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: NT share backup

2002-04-15 Thread David Flood

> The other possibility, if you're using 2.4.3, is that the new multiple
> exclusion file code has a problem.  If you're using 2.4.3, what does
> "amadmin  disklist " have to say?

Got the above command to work - I put in wasp as the client 
before instead of father. Here is the part of the readout that is of 

./amadmin comp disklist father
line 20:
host father:
interface default
disk //wasp/backup:
program "GNUTAR"
priority 1
dumpcycle 28
maxdumps 1
strategy STANDARD
compress SERVER FAST
comprate 0.50 0.50
auth BSD
kencrypt NO
holdingdisk YES
record YES
index NO
    skip-incr NO
skip-full NO

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: NT share backup

2002-04-15 Thread David Flood

> The other possibility, if you're using 2.4.3, is that the new multiple
> exclusion file code has a problem.  If you're using 2.4.3, what does
> "amadmin  disklist " have to say?

I'm using amanda 2.4.3b3 and the above command results in an 
error message that says:

amadmin: no disk matched

This will probably be because I've never backed up this client and 
there are no records or index files. As a test I could probably try it 
without any exclude list but I note the docs said amanda can't 
backup up open files through samba. So what happens if amanda 
comes accross open files which it will as the server is a web 
server? Will it bomb out or will it just ignore those files?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: NT share basckup

2002-04-12 Thread David Flood

I'm almost their but now when I run amcheck it says:
exlude list file //wasp/backup/EXCLUDE does not exist

when it does. If my share is called //wasp/backup and my exlude 
file which is called EXCLUDE is in the route of the backup share 
what do I put in the dumptype? At the moment I've got: 
exclude list "//wasp/backup/EXCLUDE".

On 12 Apr 2002, at 11:34, Marc Mengel wrote:

> David Flood wrote:
> > With all this fixed I've got it down to one error:
> > 
> > ERROR: father: [can not read/write /opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-
> > lists/.:No such file or directory]
> > I suspect this is a default value because /opt/amanda/var/amanda 
> > does not exist for me. I keep my config files in 
> > /opt/amanda/etc/amanda/ and I keep my index files in 
> > /var/adm/amanda. So where can I set this value, is it in my 
> > amanda.conf and if so what keywords do I use? Also because I've 
> > never used GNUTAR until know I don't have any gnutar-lists. What 
> > are gnutar-lists?
> --with-gnutar-listdir
> It is where gnutar should keep its listed-incremental files for partial
> backups.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

RE: NT share basckup

2002-04-12 Thread David Flood

I did have the smbclient defined at configure time but I run the 
configure again and I noticed it was complaining about that address 
and said it would be ignored. I then realised I had put 
--with-smbclient=/opt/samba/bin/ instead of

I also discovered that my tar parameter was pointing to the wrong 
version of tar.

With all this fixed I've got it down to one error:

ERROR: father: [can not read/write /opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-
lists/.:No such file or directory]

I suspect this is a default value because /opt/amanda/var/amanda 
does not exist for me. I keep my config files in 
/opt/amanda/etc/amanda/ and I keep my index files in 
/var/adm/amanda. So where can I set this value, is it in my 
amanda.conf and if so what keywords do I use? Also because I've 
never used GNUTAR until know I don't have any gnutar-lists. What 
are gnutar-lists?

Thanks for the pointer Paul

On 12 Apr 2002, at 10:45, Bort, Paul wrote:

> Did you --with-smbclient when you built AMANDA? 
> Here's the batch file I used for building Amanda on my server, which does
> work with SAMBA: 
> #!/bin/bash
> ./configure \
> --with-user=amanda \
> --with-group=disk \
> --with-config=MYCONFIG \
> --with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
> --with-changer-device=/dev/sch0 \
> --exec-prefix=/usr \
> --sysconfdir=/ \
> --with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient \
> --with-gnutar=/bin/tar \
> --with-samba-user=username \
> --with-gnutar-listdir=/amanda/Krakow1/gnutar-list
> make 
> make install 
> I think the --with-smbclient and --with-samba-user options will be most
> helpful.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David Flood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:04 AM
> > Subject: NT share basckup
> > 
> > 
> > I've set up a share on my NT box.
> > 
> > I can do:
> > 
> > 'smbclient //PC-NAME/SHARE -U username'
> > 
> > after entering the password I can see the contents of the share.
> > 
> > So I set up this share to be backed up by amanda. I have:
> > 
> > Created a share on the PC
> > Created /etc/amandapass with the correct information.
> > Created a dumptype for this backup which is using GNUTAR as required.
> > Added the entry to the disklist in the format:
> > 
> > 
> > where TAPESERVER is the server doing the backup but also has samba.
> > 
> > when I run amcheck config I get the following:
> > 
> > ERROR: father: [This client is not configured for samba: 
> > //wasp/backup]
> > ERROR: father: [GNUTAR program not available]
> > ERROR: father: [can not read/write 
> > /opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No 
> > such file or directory]
> > ERROR: father: [SMBCLIENT program not available]
> > 
> > Has anyone got any suggestions.
> > 
> > David Flood
> > Systems Administrator
> > 

David Flood
Systems Administrator

NT share basckup

2002-04-12 Thread David Flood

I've set up a share on my NT box.

I can do:

'smbclient //PC-NAME/SHARE -U username'

after entering the password I can see the contents of the share.

So I set up this share to be backed up by amanda. I have:

Created a share on the PC
Created /etc/amandapass with the correct information.
Created a dumptype for this backup which is using GNUTAR as required.
Added the entry to the disklist in the format:


where TAPESERVER is the server doing the backup but also has samba.

when I run amcheck config I get the following:

ERROR: father: [This client is not configured for samba: //wasp/backup]
ERROR: father: [GNUTAR program not available]
ERROR: father: [can not read/write /opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No 
such file or directory]
ERROR: father: [SMBCLIENT program not available]

Has anyone got any suggestions.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Gnutar - found it

2002-04-12 Thread David Flood

I made the mistake of trying to do it from IE which failed miserably. 
I got it through unix. By the way the latest version of gnutar is 
1.13.25 but remember it's only an alpha release but apparently 
works with amanda which 1.13 apparently does not.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Where do I get Gnutar 1.13.19

2002-04-12 Thread David Flood
I looked at message 34157 from the archive where John points Someone to for gnutar 1.13.19 but I can't find or or So where can I get this software at this  version or later.
Note the version at is no use as it is version 1.13

David Flood
Systems Administrator

NT Share Backup

2002-04-11 Thread David Flood

Could someone possiblly give me a bullet list of things you have to 
do to get a backup of an NT box working. 

I've read docs/SAMBA and it says that the amanda client software 
and patched samba most be installed on the host 'pcserver'. By 
pcserver does it mean the actual PC itself or does it mean the 
server that runs samba and hence gives the PC all the unix shares.

If it means install the amanda client on the PC, where do I get it 
from and how do I do it?

Also by patched samba I presume it means you only have to patch 
samba if it's a version before 2.0.6?

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-11 Thread David Flood

> >> The first thing I'd try is cranking up maxdumps to 2 and see if that helps.
> >
> >Tried it for tonights backups(10/04/2002). Wasn't really sure where 
> >to put it so I put it in the global dumptype ...
> That should be OK.  You can check it with this:
>   amadmin  disklist arthur | egrep ' disk |maxdumps'

All the disk came up with maxdumps 2

> >[The amdump.1 file] Should be sitting waiting for you.
> Got it.  As I thought, things are very single threaded because of the
> maxdumps issue.  It also took a long time to do the estimates (three
> hours), which maxdumps should also help.
> I noticed it said all the disks are "new".  Any idea why it would
> think that?

This is because the amdump file you are looking at was the first 
one after moving from localhost to arthur - I finally took your advice.
> The tape write times are pretty respectable, around 5 MBytes/s.  But the
> dump times are pretty low, a few hundred KBytes/s.  Part of that is
> the compression.  But part may also be using dump instead of GNU tar.
> Try this (as root):
>   timex ufsdump 0f - /export/dbresearch | cat > /dev/null

The result was:
# timex ufsdump 0f - /export/dbresearch | cat > /dev/null
  DUMP: Writing 32 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Apr 11 10:49:47 2002
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/md/rdsk/d5 (arthur:/export) to standard 
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 1823628 blocks (890.44MB).
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 90.03% done, finished in 0:01
  DUMP: 1821630 blocks (889.47MB) on 1 volume at 1326 KB/sec

user   16.45

>   timex gtar cf - /export/dbresearch | cat > /dev/null

We don't appear to have gtar so I used tar instead.

The times for this was (What do these times mean/represent):

real 7:16.14

But this method also threw up lots of errors like the following - I've 
attched the complete read out as a text file:

symbolic link too long

ce_.o: filename is greater than 100

> Also, I've forgotten some of the history here.  Is there a reason you're
> not using incrementals?  That would significantly reduce the amount of
> data moved, which should lower the total time a lot.

We do use incrementals but everything in the amdump file you 
have is a level 0 because I'd changed from localhost to arthur the 
night before.
> However, I don't think you'll be able to do that with ufsdump and the
> subdirectories.  That's where ufsdump will draw the line.  You'll have
> to switch to GNU tar.

What do you mean?

> Note that you can mix and match.  Your "real" file systems ("/", "/var",
> "/opt" and "/usr") can still use ufsdump and the /export subdirectories
> can use GNU tar.

This makes me worry about the restore method. At the moment we 
use amrestore and pipe it through to ufsrestore. But there is not 
the same sort of interactive picking which files to restore when 
using tar. Unless I use amrecover which I don't know how to use 
and have seen a thew messages on this list with people having 
problems with amrecover. How do I get in to using it is there 
instructions some place?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

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holding disk vs straight to tape

2002-04-10 Thread David Flood

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using the holding disk? 

What are the advantages/disadvantages of dumping stuff straight to 

We have a tapeserver which is our fileserver and as such is just 
backing itself up. When we upgraded from 2.4.1p1 to 2.4.2p2 the 
backups suddenly started taking longer. It's just accured to me one 
of the differences I had to make that could be causing this. That is 
a negative chunksize was no longer supported in 2.4.2p2. A 
negative chunksize meant that all dumps larger than the chunksize 
value was dumped straight to disk. 

So I'm thinking about testing the backups on that server without 
using the holding disk. How is this done, is there a way of 
specifying it in the amanda.conf for all dumptypes as well as 
somehow specifying it for individual dumptypes?

Why was this disabled or has it been replaced by another feature I 
don't know about.
David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-09 Thread David Flood

Unfortunately the configuration and installation of 2.4.1p1 was 
before my time here.

Would using ufsdump the way we are slow the backups down. I've 
recently with the addition of a new DLT drive split up my backups 
as they were taking 22 hours to backup less than a DLT's worth of 

Now I've split them up, our fileserver is also a tapeserver but is only 
backing up itself. It starts at 10pm and is still running 
now(10.41am) having dumped 6.2GB and the 2 largest partitions 
comprising of 13GB still to be dumped. 

As you can imagine this is not satisfactory as amanda is trying to 
backup these partitions as users are accessing them. This server 
is a sun E450 and is only backing up it's internal disks. So I'm 
running out of ideas as to why it's so slow. Any ideas?

On 8 Apr 2002, at 15:15, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >... how would you explain 
> >(messed up index file or no) how it worked with bin as the user 
> >under 2.4.1p1?  ...
> I don't think it was.  I don't see any way it could have been working
> unless you were running it as root.
> Well, actually, you might have been able to configure Amanda using
> --with-rundump.  Do you recall doing that?
> >Was there something changed between 2.4.1p1 
> >and 2.4.2p2 that would affect this? 
> No.
> >I don't want to appear to be nagging ...
> No problem.  I'd be curious how you had it working, too.
> >David Flood
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread David Flood

OK thanks John that's explained a lot but how would you explain 
(messed up index file or no) how it worked with bin as the user 
under 2.4.1p1? Was there something changed between 2.4.1p1 
and 2.4.2p2 that would affect this? 

I don't want to appear to be nagging on but backups is one of the 
most important tasks if not the most important task a sys admin 
does so I'm quite keen to understand why things in amanda 
happen and work the way they do.

On 8 Apr 2002, at 11:52, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >The backups worked fine as bin when we were 
> >using amanda 2.4.1p1 ...
> You just think it was.  This cannot ever have been working 100% properly.
> >I think I maybe slipped up before when I said 
> >I'm using dump I should have said I'm using 
> >ufsdump.
> Same difference.
> >I know with dump(through reading this list) it 
> >can only do 'whole' volumes but is this the case 
> >with ufsdump? 
> Pretty much.  Many dump programs will flat out refuse to do
> subdirectories.  Some (like ufsdump) switch over to doing a different
> kind of backup.  In the case of ufsdump, it no longer uses the raw disk
> device but goes through the normal file system, exactly like GNU tar.
> So it has the same issues of needing to be run as root.
> But there's more.  I happen to know from helping someone else with a
> similar problem that the index files are not generated properly in this
> case, so amrecover is not going to work.
> So the general rule still applies -- don't use dump on anything other
> than a complete file system.
> >... it does not explain why this 
> >exact same setup works as root and worked as bin 
> >pre 2.4.2p2.
> It explains why it works as root (ufsdump has the permissions it needs to
> wander around in the directory tree).  Something else had to have been
> going on for it to work (if it really was) earlier.  However, even if
> you got it to back everything up, amrecover is still not going to work
> (if that's a problem for you).
> >David Flood
> JJ

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

RE: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread David Flood

I have not run a restore to check but last time when the symptoms 
were identical it was mostly directory structure taht was backed up 
and any files bin had access to.

To try and explain that a bit more let say I had a user named bob:


the backup tape would contain the directory structure 


The only files it would backup would be files the user bin had 
access to which in staff's home areas is not a lot.

On 8 Apr 2002, at 12:03, Morse, Richard E. wrote:

> David Flood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > I've just upgraded from 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3, at the same time 
> > I've changed my 
> > amanda user from root to bin. I notice when I get the report 
> > at the end of a 
> > level 0 backup. It has backed up nowhere near all the data 
> > that exists. 
> > 
> > For example:
> > 
> > /export/home/staff 
> > 
> > has 11.8GB but is only backing up 235MB. Now when I do a du -sk 
> > /export/home/staff as user bin it reports (Guess what) 235MB.
> Can you find out what the data that the amanda user isn't seeing is?
> Ricky

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread David Flood
I did this already in reply to either Toomas or Don's reply but I think  I only sent it to them instead of the list - Doh.

Here goes:

I'll use c0t0d0s0 in this example but all slices on all disk are the  same in terms of ownership and permissions.

ls -la /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  41 Apr  9  1999 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0  -> ../../devices/pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0:a

ls -la /devices/pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0:a

brw-r-   1 root sys   32,  0 Apr  9  1999 

Doing the same inspection for rdsk instead of dsk gives the same  result except for the c instead of a b as you would expect. 

if I do a 'groups bin':

bin sys uucp

On 8 Apr 2002, at 12:15, Martin Hepworth wrote:

> David
> make sure that the 'bin' user has access to the /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 (or 
> whatever). It will probably need to be a member of  sys on a solaris 
> box, check the file group membership of the actual device.
> --
> Martin
> David Flood wrote:
> > I've just upgraded from 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3, at the same time I've changed my 
> > amanda user from root to bin. I notice when I get the report at the end of a 
> > level 0 backup. It has backed up nowhere near all the data that exists. 
> > 
> > For example:
> > 
> > /export/home/staff 
> > 
> > has 11.8GB but is only backing up 235MB. Now when I do a du -sk 
> > /export/home/staff as user bin it reports (Guess what) 235MB.
> > 
> > This happened before when I upgraded to 2.4.2p2 I could not get a solution so I 
> > swapped to user root which solved the problem. Some time after someone on the 
> > list said the solution was to configure and make as the same user your going to 
> > be using then do make install as root(obviously). So because it's not 
> > recommended to have the amanda user as root I thought since I was upgrading 
> > 2.4.3b3 I would kill two birds with one stone and put it back to bin. So again I 
> > find myself in this position.
> > 
> > To give more detail, I'm using dump as my backup method and my tapeserver is 
> > Solaris 7. At the moment I'm only backing up the tapeserver i.e. localhost. It 
> > is not a tape space problem as I'm using DLT's and the report said the total 
> > original size was only 18GB.
> > 
> > Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? If not what are the 
> > security issues with the amanda user being root? 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
> > 
> > 
> > David Flood
> > Systems Administrator
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread David Flood

To confirm bin does have read access I did a 

dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 of=/tmp/foobar bs=512 count=1

as bin and it did not complain as it would if bin did not have read 

On 8 Apr 2002, at 9:08, Don Potter wrote:

> Does bin have read access on the raw devices /dev/rdsk (or /dev/vx/)??
> Toomas Aas wrote:
> >Hi David!
> >
> >On  8 Apr 02 at 10:57 you wrote:
> >
> >>I've just upgraded from 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3, at the same time I've changed my 
> >>amanda user from root to bin. I notice when I get the report at the end of a 
> >>level 0 backup. It has backed up nowhere near all the data that exists. 
> >>
> >>For example:
> >>
> >>/export/home/staff 
> >>
> >>has 11.8GB but is only backing up 235MB. Now when I do a du -sk 
> >>/export/home/staff as user bin it reports (Guess what) 235MB.
> >>
> >
> >I don't know about Solaris but in FreeBSD the user that Amanda runs as 
> >needs to have read access to disk devices (in my casem, a subset of 
> >/dev/da0s* and /dev/da1s*)
> >--
> >Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> >* No problem is so big that it can't be run away from.
> >

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street


2002-04-08 Thread David Flood

What is the significance of the group when configuring i.e. --with-
group.  Does it mean whoever is in this group can run the amanda 
utils as well as the amanda user?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread David Flood

I've just upgraded from 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3, at the same time I've changed my 
amanda user from root to bin. I notice when I get the report at the end of a 
level 0 backup. It has backed up nowhere near all the data that exists. 

For example:


has 11.8GB but is only backing up 235MB. Now when I do a du -sk 
/export/home/staff as user bin it reports (Guess what) 235MB.

This happened before when I upgraded to 2.4.2p2 I could not get a solution so I 
swapped to user root which solved the problem. Some time after someone on the 
list said the solution was to configure and make as the same user your going to 
be using then do make install as root(obviously). So because it's not 
recommended to have the amanda user as root I thought since I was upgrading 
2.4.3b3 I would kill two birds with one stone and put it back to bin. So again I 
find myself in this position.

To give more detail, I'm using dump as my backup method and my tapeserver is 
Solaris 7. At the moment I'm only backing up the tapeserver i.e. localhost. It 
is not a tape space problem as I'm using DLT's and the report said the total 
original size was only 18GB.

Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? If not what are the 
security issues with the amanda user being root? 

Thanks in advance

David Flood
Systems Administrator

Re: Dump does not support exclude file

2002-04-05 Thread David Flood

I actually knew that, don't know what I was thinking about when I wrote that 
email before.

It still begs the question why did amanda not complain before I upgraded.

>Hi David!
>On  5 Apr 02 at 11:25 you wrote:
>> ERROR: localhost: [DUMP does not support exclude file]
>Well, that is true. DUMP *does not* support exclude file, it can only 
>back up the entire filesystem. If you want to exclude something, you 
>need to use tar.
>Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>* Boy, that lightning came a little clo-!!***NO CARRIER

David Flood
Systems Administrator
The Rober Gordon University
Phone +44(0)1224 262721

Dump does not support exclude file

2002-04-05 Thread David Flood

I upgraded from amanda 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3 and while I was doing it I chenged my 
amanda user from root to bin. Firstly I started to get errors saying disklist, 
/var/adm/* and /tmp/amanda/* was not readable. I have .amandahosts in /usr/bin 
with the neccesary entries so I did not really understand this but I chowned 
them to bin anyway. Now when I do a amcheck I get the following:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /export/dumps/amanda: 9436770 KB disk space available, using 
8924770 KB
ERROR: cannot overwrite active tape SCMS14
   (expecting tape SCMS15 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 6.083 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: localhost: [DUMP does not support exclude file]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.200 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3b3)

I kept all the old database files hence it's expecting scms15 even though I have 
not been able done a backup with the updated amdna yet?

It should be noted that this config just backs up partitions on the localhost. 

I've just noticed that one of my dumps types has an exclude which is: 

exclude "/tmp"

Is the exclude format different in amanda 2.4.3b3? It should be noted that this 
config worked before going to *3b3 so I presume dump can handle excludes.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
The Rober Gordon University
Phone +44(0)1224 262721

Amanda user

2002-04-04 Thread David Flood

If I want to change my amanda user (I have a good reason), am I 
right in thinking all I have to do is change the user in the 
amanda.conf of every config and change the user in inetd.conf and 
restart it on the server and every client? Or do I have to recompile 
amanda with the new user specified?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street


2002-04-03 Thread David Flood

Sorry if this subject is off topic but can you use a 40/80 DLT tape 
in a 35/70 DLT tape drive. Although we'd only be using it as a 35/70 

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Two tape drives

2002-04-01 Thread David Flood

I want to split my backups over two DLT drives. Is this possible and 
if so how is it best done? Can amanda be configured to do this 
somehow or do/can I run two instances of amanda at the same 

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Amanda server/client

2002-03-29 Thread David Flood

We have 2 amanda tape servers in our backup strategy, one has a 
35/70 DLT and the other has a DDS tape drive. Due to recent data 
volume increases the DDS drive is no where near large enough to 
backup all the data on that server. Is it possible to keep the DDS 
backing up what it is at the moment and backup the other recently 
added partitions with the other server which has the DLT. I suspect 
this is possible but will there be any issues with running two 
different backup sets(On different servers) which are backing up 
from the one server.

Another factor is I'm running one server(DLT) with amanda 2.4.2p2 
and backup user as root and the other server(DDS) is running 
2.4.3b3 with backup user as bin. I suspect I may have to change 
this so both servers are using the same backup user for the sake 
of the amandad in the inetd.conf. Would I also have to be running 
the same version of amanda on both servers?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Where has it gone?

2002-03-29 Thread David Flood

This totally confused me and my basic knolwedge of how amanda 
works. One of my partitions in my disklist came up yesterday with 
a no estimate, so I thought(This partition being my 2nd biggest) I'll 
up the timout. Today when I look at amstatus while the backups 
are still running that partition is not listed while it's definately still in 
the disk list. This partition is one of the most important partitions 
and finding it was not in amstatus this morning was rather 

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Re: Network Interfaces

2002-03-26 Thread David Flood

The sensize*debug on all my clients are showing a permission 
denied when trying to execute killpgrp. An extract from one of them 
is shown below:

sendsize: debug 1 pid 28939 ruid 0 euid 0 start 
time Thu Mar 21 21:59:53 2002
/opt/amanda/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.2p2
calculating for amname '/export/catullus/ir1', 
dirname '/export/catullus/ir1'
sendsize: getting size via dump for 
/export/catullus/ir1 level 0
sendsize: running "/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0Ssf 
1048576 - /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0"
running /opt/amanda/libexec/killpgrp
cannot execute /opt/amanda/libexec/killpgrp: 
Permission denied
asking killpgrp to terminate
sendsize: getting size via dump for 
/export/catullus/ir1 level 1
sendsize: running "/usr/sbin/ufsdump 1Ssf 
1048576 - /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0"
running /opt/amanda/libexec/killpgrp
cannot execute /opt/amanda/libexec/killpgrp: 
Permission denied

On each client /opt/amanda is an nfs mount from 
the backup server. The permissions on killpgrp 
are as follows:

-rwsr-x---   1 root bin75886 Feb 15 
16:25 killpgrp

what would cause this if the clients are running 
amanda as root(Not recommended I know)?

On 20 Mar 2002, at 18:17, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >I seem to remember someone saying a while ago on this list that it 
> >is possible to specify in the disklist what interface on the server an 
> >amanda client should use.
> Nope.  I don't know exactly what letter you're referring to, but Amanda
> knows **nothing** about the underlying network.
> The major cause of confusion here is a feature of Amanda called an
> "interface".  A lot of people (not unreasonably) think that if they put
> the name of their network interface there and a particular bandwidth
> value, Amanda will use that specific path and throttle itself to that
> limit.
> But that's not how it works.
> The "interface", in Amanda terms, is a pool to be drawn from when
> deciding whether it will be OK to start another dump.  For instance, if
> you have an "interface" named "fred" (and yes, that would be a perfectly
> good name) with a remaining bandwidth of 1 Mbit/s (after the currently
> running dumps have been subtracted out), and Amanda was considering a
> client/disk with an *estimated* bandwidth (based on estimated size and
> historical speed information) of 1.5 Mbit/s, that client/disk would be
> deferred until the bandwidth pool increased.
> If it did fit (e.g. the estimated bandwidth was .75 MBit/s), that value
> would be subtracted from the pool until the dump finished and then
> added back.
> >This is because my backups are taking an age or rather the 
> >estimates are taking an age.  ...
> Estimates take up almost zero bandwidth.  They run a simulated dump on
> the client and pass back a very small packet to planner on the server.
> If they are taking a long time, you need to look at the sendsize*debug
> files on the client first to find out what's going on.
> >I thought if I could tell each client to 
> >use the interface on that network so nothing is done through the 
> >router it might speed things up. My networking is not up to scratch 
> >but I don't know if the clients would use the most direct/efficient 
> >interface anyway?
> Amanda doesn't try to do anything special about routing.  It merely
> tells the OS "I need to talk to this port on this IP -- you figure out
> how to get there".
> Ditto for bandwidth throttling.  Amanda shoves data at the OS as fast as
> it can and leaves it up to the OS and hardware to do any needed sharing.
> >David Flood
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Network Interfaces

2002-03-19 Thread David Flood

I seem to remember someone saying a while ago on this list that it 
is possible to specify in the disklist what interface on the server an 
amanda client should use.

This is because my backups are taking an age or rather the 
estimates are taking an age. I thought if I could tell each client to 
use the interface on that network so nothing is done through the 
router it might speed things up. My networking is not up to scratch 
but I don't know if the clients would use the most direct/efficient 
interface anyway?

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street

Backups take to long

2002-03-14 Thread David Flood

I've asked this question before but I have a litle more information now. My backups 
kick off at 10pm but they are not finishing till 8pm and by that time there is no 
one in the office to change the tape for the next backups starting two hours later. 
This only seems to have taken this long since I upgraded to amanda 2.4.2p2 to avoid 
timeout problems I was having with 2.4.1p1. 

Also along with this problem and maybe part of the cause is the fact that 
/export/home/student, staff, grad, msc(the biggest and most important parts of the 
backup - especially staff and student) are not being dumped until afternoon when 
there is a lot of users on the system. Is there a way of forcing amanda to dump and 
tape these during the night when there is no(very little) users on the system? It 
should be noted that /export/blah/blah is contained on the localhost.

I'm using dump and the tapeserver is running Solaris 5.7, I have a tapelist 
containing 20 tapes with a seperate config for monthlys which are run every 4 weeks. 
The tapeserver has 4 network cards qfe0-3, One way of speeding things up was in the 
disklist forcing each host to use the network card for the network it's on, saving 
it from going through the router but I don't know if this is done automatically(my 
networking is not as it should be).

Besides the forcing of amanda to do those dumps during the night is there any tips 
for configuring amanda to do the backups faster? Is there any difference between 
amanda 2.4.2p2 and 2.4.1p1 that would cause this massive backup time difference?

Below I have included a copy of the email sent at the end of the last backup (by the 
way what is that code 3 that ufsdump returned on /export/home/staff). I've also 
attached my amanda.conf which has an include for amanda.conf.dumptypes,, amanda.conf.tape (Simply to make amanda.conf less cluttered)which 
I've also included below.

Email Report:

> These dumps were to tape SCMS19.
> The next tape Amanda expects to use is: SCMS00.
>   vindaloo   /export/home lev 0 FAILED [Request to vindaloo timed out.]
>   bicycle/export/home lev 0 FAILED [Request to bicycle timed out.]
>   toast  /export/home lev 0 FAILED [Request to toast timed out.]
>   mrwhippy   /usr/people lev 0 FAILED [Request to mrwhippy timed out.]
>   localhost  /export/home/staff lev 1 FAILED [/usr/sbin/ufsdump returned 3]
>   Total   Full  Daily
> Estimate Time (hrs:min)9:23
> Run Time (hrs:min)21:57
> Dump Time (hrs:min)   16:40  10:36   6:04
> Output Size (meg)   20635.412104.2 8531.2
> Original Size (meg) 44814.625340.419474.2
> Avg Compressed Size (%)44.4   46.4   41.8   (level:#disks ...)
> Filesystems Dumped   48 14 34   (1:28 2:3 3:3)
> Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   352.2  324.9  399.8
> Tape Time (hrs:min)1:26   0:50   0:36
> Tape Size (meg) 20636.912104.6 8532.3
> Tape Used (%)  59.0   34.6   24.4   (level:#disks ...)
> Filesystems Taped48 14 34   (1:28 2:3 3:3)
> Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  4104.2 4162.9 4023.6
> /-- localhost  /export/home/staff lev 1 FAILED [/usr/sbin/ufsdump returned 3]
> sendbackup: start [localhost:/export/home/staff level 1]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/sbin/ufsdump
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/gzip -dc |/usr/sbin/ufsrestore -f... -
> sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
> sendbackup: info end
> |   DUMP: Writing 32 Kilobyte records
> |   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Mar 13 17:01:36 2002
> |   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
> |   DUMP: Dumping /dev/md/rdsk/d5 (arthur:/export) to standard output.
> |   DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
> ?   DUMP: Error in ftw (No such file or directory)
> |   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
> sendbackup: error [/usr/sbin/ufsdump returned 3]
> \
>   planner: Incremental of master:/export/home/mail bumped to level 3.
>   planner: Incremental of roadkill:/export/archive bumped to level 3.
>   planner: Incremental of roadkill:/export/local bumped to level 2.
>   planner: Incremental of localhost:/var bumped to level 2.
>   taper: tape SCMS19 kb 21132160 fm 48 [OK]
> -- - 
> air  -xport/home 1  63 32  50.8   0:02  15.1   0:02  27.0
> asterix  -xport/home 15983   1760  29.4   0:17 101.2   0:03 711.6
> besson   -xport/home 1  63 32  50.8   0:02  15.6   0:02  26.9
> bicycle  -xport/home 0 FAILED --


2002-03-11 Thread David Flood

Below is the result from a ls -la of /opt/amanda/lib 

There is no symlinks linking to anywhere else or am I 
misunderstanding you?


total 3124
drwxr-xr-x   2 root other512 Feb 15 
16:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x  11 root other512 Feb 26 
10:35 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root other 761834 Feb 15 
16:25 libamanda.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other662 Feb 15 
-rw-r--r--   1 root other 111758 Feb 15 
16:25 libamclient.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other668 Feb 15 
-rw-r--r--   1 root other 640368 Feb 15 
16:26 libamserver.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other668 Feb 15 
-rw-r--r--   1 root other  44988 Feb 15 
16:25 libamtape.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other662 Feb 15 


total 8206
drwxr-xr-x   2 root other   1024 Feb 15 
16:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x  11 root other512 Feb 26 
10:35 ../
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   123384 Feb 15 
16:25 amandad*
-rw-r--r--   1 root bin  227 Feb 15 
16:26 amcat.awk
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   196241 Feb 15 
16:26 amcleanupdisk*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   02 Feb 15 
16:26 amidxtaped*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   329565 Feb 15 
16:26 amindexd*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   147550 Feb 15 
16:26 amlogroll*
-rw-r--r--   1 root bin15709 Feb 15 
16:26 amplot.awk
-rw-r--r--   1 root bin 3283 Feb 15 
16:26 amplot.g
-rw-r--r--   1 root bin 3293 Feb 15 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   291959 Feb 15 
16:26 amtrmidx*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   290423 Feb 15 
16:26 amtrmlog*
-rwsr-x---   1 root bin95911 Feb 15 
16:25 calcsize*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin10061 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-chio*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 8254 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-chs*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 5789 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-manual*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 4102 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-mtx*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 9107 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-multi*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 6451 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-rth*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   316078 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-scsi*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin15759 Feb 15 
16:26 chg-zd-mtx*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   282374 Feb 15 
16:26 driver*
-rwsr-x---   1 root bin   257372 Feb 15 
16:26 dumper*
-rwsr-x---   1 root bin75886 Feb 15 
16:25 killpgrp*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin 4591 Feb 15 
16:25 patch-system*
-rwsr-x---   1 root bin   336749 Feb 15 
16:26 planner*
-rwxr-x---   1 root bin73505 Feb 15 
16:25 rundump*
-rwsr-x---   1 root bin73532 Feb 15 
16:25 runtar*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   106529 Feb 15 
16:25 selfcheck*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   217209 Feb 15 
16:25 sendbackup*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   183189 Feb 15 
16:25 sendsize*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   325888 Feb 15 
16:26 taper*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin73379 Feb 15 
16:25 versionsuffix*

On 11 Mar 2002, at 15:07, Jordi Vidal wrote:

> Or maybe libamserver is linked to the old library (2.4.p1), and "make 
> install" preserved the link. If libamserver-2.4.p2 exists you can try
> to remake the link.
> Regards
> >From: David Flood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: David Flood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: AMFLUSH
> >Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:55:47 + (GMT)
> >
> >I have recently upgraded from amanda 2.4.1p1 to 2.4.2p2 but when I try to 
> >do a
> >amflush I get the following error:
> >
> > /opt/amanda/sbin/amflush: fatal: open 
> >failed:
> >No such file or directory
> >Killed
> >
> >The amanda tapeserver is running on Solaris 5.8.
> >
> >Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? Every other part 
> >of
> >amanda seems to work as it should since the upgrade.
> >
> >
> >
> >David Flood
> >Systems Administrator
> >The Rober Gordon University
> >Phone +44(0)1224 262721
> >
> >
> _
> Hable con sus amigos en línea, pruebe MSN Messenger:

David Flood
Systems Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
The Robert Gordon University
School of Computing
St. Andrews Street


2002-03-11 Thread David Flood

I have recently upgraded from amanda 2.4.1p1 to 2.4.2p2 but when I try to do a 
amflush I get the following error: /opt/amanda/sbin/amflush: fatal: open failed: 
No such file or directory

The amanda tapeserver is running on Solaris 5.8.

Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? Every other part of 
amanda seems to work as it should since the upgrade.

David Flood
Systems Administrator
The Rober Gordon University
Phone +44(0)1224 262721