Re: OT: which tape technology/drive to use

2005-01-05 Thread Martin Hepworth
I'd echo Glenn's comments about airflow / ambient temp.
I've had 3 DLTs (HP) die on me, all when in a non temp controlled rooms. 
Since we moved 2/3 into temp controlled environment I've had (touches 
wood) no problems with those.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Glenn English wrote:
On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 18:48 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:

Is DLT a sensible choice at this day and age? Any caveats with above
drives, if any? Sorry for the dumb questions, but I have only very
limited experience with tape backups.

I'm not real experienced either. but I just went from DDS4 to DLT (VS160
from Quantum), and I like it a whole lot. The drive is expensive and the
tapes cost a fortune, but I had the same complaint about DDS longevity
you do, and from my research, I'm expecting DLT to be a significant

The VS160 is also a whole lot faster. On my system, IDE disks (DMA,
idebus=66) couldn't stream it -- SCSI and SATA can.
One note: If you go with DLT anything like mine, be *sure* to keep a
decent airflow on it or it will get awfully hot.
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Re: Amanda server crashed!!!

2005-01-31 Thread Martin Hepworth
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Kevin Alford wrote:
My Amanda backup server crashed, and I had to rebuild it.  I was running
Amanda 2.4.2p2 on AIX 5.1 ML6.
I desperately need to restore the data from my Amanda tapes, but I don't
have the Amanda index files.
Isn't there a way I can use native Unix to read and restore my tapes
written by Amanda?
Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Kevin D. Alford

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Re: How to reconfigure email notifications?

2005-02-24 Thread Martin Hepworth
so what happens if you email out as root to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
do the emails arrive?
have a look in the maillog for clues..
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Matt Emmott wrote:
This sounds like an easy mod, but I can't for the life of me find out
where to make the change.
Our backup box sends its report emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whenever a backup job is completed. However, I just switched the box
from sendmail to postfix so that I could do some internal email stuff
on it unrelated to backups. The problem is, now I'm no longer
receiving email notifications when backup jobs are completed. Can
someone tell me where/ how the mail MTA is specified, and how to
modify it?
Again, I apologize if this is a basic question - I can't seem to find
any info on it.
Matt Emmott
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Re: SATA hardware raid/multiple disk controllers/pci bus performance (was Re: slow client)

2005-04-13 Thread Martin Hepworth
hdparm is good for getting raw info, but you'll need something like 
bonnie++ to get actual file stats.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
On Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
My current amanda server lives on one big 1.4TB partition on an SATA
hardware raid controller. Copying from the holding disk to file-tapes on
the same device has so far been limited to about 15MB/s. This seems
quite slow to me. Does amanda add any overhead above a simple copy on
the same device? An hdparm -t on this system when it's idle gives around

Just for comparison...
I don't use a holding disk, but my vtapes are on the same (single) SATA disk as
the other data on my backup machine.
While hdparm -t claims ca. 55 MB/s for the raw disk, level 0 dumps (actually
tars) from my digital picture collection (ca 1.3 MB/file) to the vtapes are
performed at 10-13 MB/s.
Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. But
when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.
-- Linus Torvalds
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Re: Example of amanda implement the infinite grandfather-father-son strategy dumpcycle.

2005-04-13 Thread Martin Hepworth
Amanda does it's own cycling of full and incremental backups, tying to 
get an even backup size/time over the tape sets.

If you want to do 'permanent archive' sets (we do) then you need a 
separate config  that only does level 0 backups and has the tapes marked 
as don't reuse.

Have a read of the documentation and esp how the planner handles 
incrementals/full backups.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Chuck Amadi wrote:
Has anyone example of amanda implement the infinite
grandfather-father-son strategy.
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Re: Example of amanda implement the infinite grandfather-father-son strategy dumpcycle.

2005-04-13 Thread Martin Hepworth
err ... no
amanda's planner will decide when to do the full dumps, based on how 
big/how long the dumps take.

if you want a definite archive set you need a separate config that just 
has a zero dumpcyle..

maxdumps 1
dumpcycle 0
runspercycle 1
tapecycle 2000 tapes## I run this once per month so it give me lots 
of tapes...

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Chuck Amadi wrote:
Hi Yes I have but before I run my first test I would like confirmation
that my amanda.conf handle incremental monday to thursday and a full
backup on a friday and I will pull out the last friday of that month.
dumpcycle 1 week # Incremental weekday mon-thurs dump only 
runpercycle 5 # Friday Full dump and thus I will pull out for
archives(12 tapes).

tapecycle 25 # Number of tapes in circulation to be overwritten.
# NB 3 tapes for error/ampflush and one tape for cleaning purposes.
Am I on the right track.
On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 11:40 +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
Amanda does it's own cycling of full and incremental backups, tying to 
get an even backup size/time over the tape sets.

If you want to do 'permanent archive' sets (we do) then you need a 
separate config  that only does level 0 backups and has the tapes marked 
as don't reuse.

Have a read of the documentation and esp how the planner handles 
incrementals/full backups.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Chuck Amadi wrote:
Has anyone example of amanda implement the infinite
grandfather-father-son strategy.
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Re: WARNING: selfcheck request timed out. Host down?

2005-05-09 Thread Martin Hepworth
the .amandahosts should be something like root amanda
odd output from netstat -a, this shouldn't respond until you 'ping' the 
appropriate port..

also check the logs (usually /tmp/amanda for any clues, as well as 
making sure the amanda in /etc/xinet.d is properly configured to allow 
the local host access to itself.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Chuck Amadi wrote:
Hi I added the files amanda and amandaix to /etc/xinetd.d
enable running chkconfig -s xinetd 345 and rebooted.
server:~ # netstat -a | grep -i amanda
tcp0  0 *:amandaidx *:*
udp0  0 *:amanda*:*
server:~ # lsof | grep amanda
xinetd5774 root5u  IPv4   8186UDP
xinetd5774 root8u  IPv4   8188TCP
*:amandaidx (LISTEN)
server:~ #
Also in /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts I have my client
#localhost amanda /etc comp-root-tar

But I still get WARNING: selfcheck request timed
out.  Host down?
Any Ideas relating to my Client being down.
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Re: WARNING: selfcheck request timed out. Host down?

2005-05-17 Thread Martin Hepworth
so nothing in /tmp/amanda
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Chuck Amadi wrote:
I have nuked the source version of amanda and installed amanada version
rpm's 2.4.4 using Yast2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise server.
I have used chkconfig --list'  to see if amanda service is up or not
and it is there and also when I use Yast2 > xinetd services if not
and then I run # /etc/xinetd.d restart
I stopped SuSE internal firewall.
I've ensured and checked that the appropriate lines are in /etc/services:
amanda  10080/tcp  # Amanda
amanda  10080/udp  # Amanda
amandaidx   10082/tcp
amidxtape   10083/tcp
I've made sure that the amanda user does have permissions to run 
amandad by running /usr/sbin as amanda user this generated the /tmp/amanda
directory as I was getting Permissions Denied So rm -rf and restarted amcheck as amanda
to re produce the /tmp/amanda dir
, and write to /tmp/amanda. Details below:

drwx--S---   2 amanda   users 576 May 17 13:28 amanda
-rwxr-xr-x  1 amanda disk 52631 Jul  1  2004 amandad
The FQDN is listed in /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts and in the disklist,
and in /etc/hosts as follows
I suppose I should mention that the server and client are the same 

Does anyone have any ideas? 
When I run the following

server:/usr/lib/amanda # su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck -c DailySet1"
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.003 seconds, 1 problem found
As I am back to this - going backwards. I have read and digested the doc's
but this is now getting frustrating .
My /var/log/messages info as below
server su: pam_unix2: session started for user amanda, service su
May 17 13:51:46 server su: pam_unix2: session finished for user amanda, service 
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Re: Using 10 tapes for fortnightly DailySet backup scheme and for a Monthly Config 12 tapes.

2005-06-15 Thread Martin Hepworth


on closer thought

dumpcycle will need to be zero

as the config assumes one run per day - ie the dumopcycle is really per 
invocation of this config, and doesn't count actual days

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator wrote:

Hi again

If I run a Monthly config 

#'sudo -u amanda crontab -e
# Backup check running amcheck at 4.30pm on the 2nd day of each and
every month.
30 16 2 1-12 * /usr/sbin/amcheck MonthlySet1

Thus use 12 DSS-4 DAT Tapes and set the Monthly amanda.conf as below

dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 1  # One run per month
tapecycle 12 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation 12 per Year.

Would these be better

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 17:50 +0100, Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator


Hi Again

Thus continue and labelling  DailySet101 - 110 as So far, to Dailyset
122 Thus end of each month pull that tape and carry on as usual.

Thus as I started the backup with tape DailySet102 for tuesday as I want
DailySet101 for first week monday. Have I got to edit the tapelist

Do I just 

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 10:24 -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 02:03:19PM +0100, Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator 

Hi Great

Yes I am going to use 10 tapes in total and reuse the first tape after
10 week days worth of backups.

Thus is it fine to pull the last Friday tape at the end of the Month for
archiving and then re-label the tape I pulled.

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 08:21 -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 12:45:07PM +0100, Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator 

Hi I have 10 dat tapes that I will run per my cycle 5 per 5 day week.
Thus every fortnight.
I am correctly concluding I need only a tapecycle of 10 tapes
I hope to pull out the last Friday tape in that Month to archive and
thus label another tape to replace it.

Here's my config file.

dumpcycle 0 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 1 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
   # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just
tapecycle 10 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation
   # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week
   # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that

Think of tapecycle as how many "different" tapes amanda must use
before it will reuse the first one.  In your setup, it looks like
full backups every run, tapecycle is as critical as a setup doing
mixed full and incrementals.  Set it to whatever you want, or are
comfortable, having amanda not overwrite before being allowed to
reuse.  If you want the last 10 full dumps to be sure to be around,
then set it to 10.  If the last 5 is comfortable, you can set it
to 5, but still use 10 tapes.  Amanda will only check that at least
5 are still the most recent.

I just want to make certain I'm not confusing
your intent because of terminology.

You want to "pull" the monthly tape and
"relabel the tape you pulled".

That second part (relabelling) is a different tape,
right?  If so, it is not "relabelling" but just
an initial label for that tape.

Now, if you mean to use the same label as the one
pulled, think twice.  Amanda keeps indexes of what
is on a tape.  If you use the same label as the
pulled tape, then you will soon lose the index
for the pulled tape (when the new tape is used).

Instead, when you pull a tape, mark it a "no-reuse".
The index will be retained.  But the new tape will
need to have a different label.

In fact, you could label up 22 tapes, 10 for cycling,
12 in anticipation of pulling monthly for a year.
Your tapecycle could be set to 10, and you could
cycle through your first 10, or all 22.  Amanda will
still ensure that the most recently used 10 are not
overwritten.  Monthly, just pull whichever of the
22 was used.  You will have a "hole" in your tape
cycle, but amanda won't care.

But maybe the human (you) will :))  If so, set your
label scheme up to be something like DS-xx.y where
xx is your ordering sequence and y is which replac-
ment.  Maybe you label up DS-01.0 to DS-10.0.  At
the end of the month, say you have to "pull" DS-05.0
Mark it as no-reuse and label up a new DS-05.1.  This
preserves your ordering and tells you it is a tape
not in the initial cycle.  Might be important for
some tapes (eg. DAT) which have a fairly short life.

Just some ideas.


Unix/ Linux Systems Administrator
Chuck Amadi
The Surgical Material Testing Laboratory (SMTL), 
Princess of Wales Hospital 
Coity Road 
United Kingdom, CF31 1RQ.

Tel: +44 1656 752820 
Fax: +44 1656 752830



Re: Using 10 tapes for fortnightly DailySet backup scheme and for a Monthly Config 12 tapes.

2005-06-15 Thread Martin Hepworth




labelstr "^MonthlySet1[0-1][0-9]*$"

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator wrote:

Hi Martin

Please check over

So create in /etc/amanda/MonthlySet1/amanda.conf

dumpcycle 0 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 1  # One run per month
tapecycle 12 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation 12 per Year.

In my crontab for amanda user 

# sudo -u amanda crontab -e
# Backup check running amcheck at 4.30pm on the 2nd day of each and
every month.
30 16 2 1-12 * /usr/sbin/amcheckMonthlySet1
#  Backup dump running amdump at 18.30pm on the 2nd day of each and
every month.
30 18 2 1-12 * /usr/sbin/amdump MonthlySet1

Thus label 12 Monthly tapes MonthlySet101 to MonthlySet112.
Tobe pulled and archived accordingly.

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 14:55 +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:

dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump


runspercycle 1  # One run per month
tapecycle 12 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation 12 per



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full backups all the time not working

2001-12-07 Thread Martin Hepworth


I've got amanda 2.4.2p2 on FreeBSD 4.3 and am running fine on 'normal' 
style backup schedules.

However when I try and do an 'archive' backup set that should use the 
'always-full' and 'always-fulltar' dump styles I get failures like the 
following for all disks on the disklist even the local machine.

  sol/usr lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

Nothing backs up and the planner is constantly adding new disk to the DB.

I've checked the log files and can't see  anything obvious.

Any ideas?

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: full backups all the time not working

2001-12-10 Thread Martin Hepworth

Hmm I'll try the record no thing as that's the only thing I can see 

more tomorrow after the run.


Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 at 9:32am, Martin Hepworth wrote
>>However when I try and do an 'archive' backup set that should use the 
>>'always-full' and 'always-fulltar' dump styles I get failures like the 
>>following for all disks on the disklist even the local machine.
>>  sol/usr lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
> What exactly does your dumptype look like?  What do you have for 
> dumpcycle/runspercycle/tapecycle?
> This is what I use for our archival setup:
> dumpcycle 0 days  # Can also be specified in dumptype
> runspercycle 1# Doesn't matter
> tapecycle 1000 tapes# Always a new one..
> define dumptype always-full {
> global
> comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
> program "GNUTAR"
> priority high
> compress none
> record no
> }
> Where global contains only 'index yes'.  You want to set 'record no' 
> otherwise the archive setup will interfere with incrementals on the daily 
> setup.

Re: full backups all the time not working

2001-12-11 Thread Martin Hepworth

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 at 9:32am, Martin Hepworth wrote
>>However when I try and do an 'archive' backup set that should use the 
>>'always-full' and 'always-fulltar' dump styles I get failures like the 
>>following for all disks on the disklist even the local machine.
>>  sol/usr lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
> What exactly does your dumptype look like?  What do you have for 
> dumpcycle/runspercycle/tapecycle?
> This is what I use for our archival setup:
> dumpcycle 0 days  # Can also be specified in dumptype
> runspercycle 1# Doesn't matter
> tapecycle 1000 tapes# Always a new one..
> define dumptype always-full {
> global
> comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
> program "GNUTAR"
> priority high
> compress none
> record no
> }
> Where global contains only 'index yes'.  You want to set 'record no' 
> otherwise the archive setup will interfere with incrementals on the daily 
> setup.

nope still no luck.

here's my amanda.conf...

org "Archive"   # your organization name for reports
mailto "root"   # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "amanda"   # the user to run dumps under

inparallel 3# maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
maxdumps 2  # maximum number of dumpers per client
netusage  6000 Kbps # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle 0 # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 1 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
 # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just 
tapecycle 2000 tapes
bumpsize 20 Mb
bumpdays 1
bumpmult 4

etimeout 300
runtapes 1
tapedev "/dev/nsa0" # the no-rewind tape device to be used
rawtapedev "/dev/nrsa0" # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
changerdev "/dev/null"

define tapetype HPDLT {
 comment "DLT1"
 length 40960 mbytes
 filemark 0 kbytes
 speed 1407 kps

define dumptype global {
 comment "Global definitions"
 index yes
 # record no

define dumptype always-full {
 comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
 #compress none
 compress server fast
 priority high
 dumpcycle 0
 record no

define dumptype always-fulltar {
 comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
 program "GNUTAR"
 #compress none
 compress server fast
 priority high
 dumpcycle 0
 record no

Re: full backups all the time not working

2001-12-11 Thread Martin Hepworth

Tried all that and same error

Joshua has commented that there may be issues if there's no tape in the 
drive, which is our case, as we'd like to do normally nightly backups 
and use this as the archive to be moved to somewhere else and kept for 

If this doesn't work "I'll be back(tm)" with some log dumps.


Re: full backups all the time not working

2001-12-12 Thread Martin Hepworth

yay it worked

adding the reserve 0 field in solved the problem..



Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 at 9:29am, Martin Hepworth wrote
>>nope still no luck.
> Somewhat random question -- there *is* a tape in the drive when you run 
> amdump, right?  IOW, these aren't degraded mode dumps, right?
>>here's my amanda.conf...
> That all looks good.  *sigh*  How about sending an email from one of your 
> runs, as well as the amdump.n and the log.*.

Re: backup Mac files on Windoze

2002-01-14 Thread Martin Hepworth


we do this without any problems. BUT the servers in Question are Unix 
(running netatalk or Pacers now defunct appletalk stuff) or running off 
a SNAP server which we use smblient to backup.

What happens if you try and open the file with w2k - do you still get 
the error?


Brian Whitehead wrote:

> I ran a backup of a Win2K Server using Amanda with smbclient tonight.  It
> worked perfectly with the exception of Macintosh created files.  Is there
> any special configuration that can be done to make it handle these files.
> It gives an error NT_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, or something similar.  The files
> do exist and can be seen just fine, but they have special characters in the
> name that MacOS creates.  If anyone has worked around this type of problem
> let me know.  I did copy these files across using the mget command in a
> smbclient session without a problem.
> Brian W.

Re: backing up a SNAP server

2002-02-12 Thread Martin Hepworth


I had the same problem and ended up using the smb option to back the 
thing up.

Martin (at home)

Matthew Boeckman wrote:

> I've got a SNAP!server 4000 here on my network, that I'd like to get 
> backups from. It exports the filesystem via NFS. Is there anyway to get 
> amanda to back this filesystem up while it is mounted to a box with the 
> amanda client on it? I have tried a variety of things with disklist to 
> make it "think" that the nfs mount point is a disk, all to no avail. Any 
> ideas?

Re: netusage, high or low?

2002-03-07 Thread Martin Hepworth


err you mention the le0 interface in the config.

Is this correct 'cos the the le0 interface is a 10base system, not 


Brandon Moro wrote:

> Hello all!
> I am having some troubles with my AMANDA backups running too long.  They
> often take 20+ hours,
> sometimes even breaking the 24-hour mark.  The average amount of data I get
> is only about 35GB.
> I am running my amanda-server on Solaris8, on a Sun Ultra5 400MHz with 256MB
> RAM, on a 100mbps
> connection.  I have 2 DLT 7000 tape drives set up (though it very rarely
> roles over).
> Recently, I put a larger holding disk on the server and found that my run
> time was cut more than in half!
> However, I notice that I am still only getting a total of about 3GB an hour.
> The data runs from the holding
> disk to tape at more like 6MB/s.  
> We have a couple of other backup systems running on almost identical
> hardware that puts more than 
> twice as much data to tape in slightly less time.  So I guess what I am
> really asking is, am I missing
> something in the configuration of AMANDA sthat will allow better usage of
> the network connection?
> I found this in the amanda.conf file:
> netusage 4000 Kbps  # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
> (blah blah)
> network interfaces
> . Attributes are:  
> use   - bandwidth above which amanda won't
> start 
>   backups using this interface.
> Note that if
>   a single backup will take more
> than that,
>   amanda won't try to make it run
> slower!
> define interface local {
> comment  "a local disk"
> use 1000 kbps 
> }
> define interface le0 {
>  comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>  use 4000 kbps
> So, does this mean that if my dumpers are using 4000kbps, amanda won't allow
> any more 
> dumpers to start (even if the maximum number of allowed dumpers has not been
> reached)?
> Can I improve performance by raising the netusage variable and "use"
> attribute to something
> more in line with the actual capacity of the amanda-server's network
> connection?
> Also, the network interface on the amanda-server is actually "hme0".  Are
> the above simply
> examples?  Should I create a new interface definition?
> Thanks for your help!
> Brandon Moro
> Systems Administration, Unify Corporation
> -
>>From meanness first this Portsmouth Yankey rose, And still to meanness all
> his conduct flows.--Oppression, A poem by an American (Boston, 1765).

Re: netusage, high or low?

2002-03-07 Thread Martin Hepworth


d'oh just read the whole email..

If your SUN is connected to a cisco switch make sure is actually running 
at 100m fdx as alot of the older SUNs and Cisco have some wierd problem 
with autonegotiate. I've also seen problems with Cisco's under high load 
  with SNMP turned on giving throughput problems.

If you do have problems 1) force the cisco and the SUN to 100 full 
duplex (see for the SUN). 2) 
turn off snmp on the cisco.


Brandon Moro wrote:

> Hello all!
> I am having some troubles with my AMANDA backups running too long.  They
> often take 20+ hours,
> sometimes even breaking the 24-hour mark.  The average amount of data I get
> is only about 35GB.
> I am running my amanda-server on Solaris8, on a Sun Ultra5 400MHz with 256MB
> RAM, on a 100mbps
> connection.  I have 2 DLT 7000 tape drives set up (though it very rarely
> roles over).
> Recently, I put a larger holding disk on the server and found that my run
> time was cut more than in half!
> However, I notice that I am still only getting a total of about 3GB an hour.
> The data runs from the holding
> disk to tape at more like 6MB/s.  
> We have a couple of other backup systems running on almost identical
> hardware that puts more than 
> twice as much data to tape in slightly less time.  So I guess what I am
> really asking is, am I missing
> something in the configuration of AMANDA sthat will allow better usage of
> the network connection?
> I found this in the amanda.conf file:
> netusage 4000 Kbps  # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
> (blah blah)
> network interfaces
> . Attributes are:  
> use   - bandwidth above which amanda won't
> start 
>   backups using this interface.
> Note that if
>   a single backup will take more
> than that,
>   amanda won't try to make it run
> slower!
> define interface local {
> comment  "a local disk"
> use 1000 kbps 
> }
> define interface le0 {
>  comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>  use 4000 kbps
> So, does this mean that if my dumpers are using 4000kbps, amanda won't allow
> any more 
> dumpers to start (even if the maximum number of allowed dumpers has not been
> reached)?
> Can I improve performance by raising the netusage variable and "use"
> attribute to something
> more in line with the actual capacity of the amanda-server's network
> connection?
> Also, the network interface on the amanda-server is actually "hme0".  Are
> the above simply
> examples?  Should I create a new interface definition?
> Thanks for your help!
> Brandon Moro
> Systems Administration, Unify Corporation
> -
>>From meanness first this Portsmouth Yankey rose, And still to meanness all
> his conduct flows.--Oppression, A poem by an American (Boston, 1765).

Re: netusage, high or low?

2002-03-08 Thread Martin Hepworth


 From what I've read on this list the netusage parameter is merely 
advisory to help with the planner.


Brandon Moro wrote:

> Also, as to my original question, I am still wondering whether I should bump
> these numbers up or down in order to increase the amount of traffice (or
> numbers of running dumpers) that amanda will allow.
>  netusage 4000 Kbps  # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
>  define interface le0 {
>   comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>   use 4000 kbps
> I'm pretty sure I RAISE the netusage variable, but what do I do to the
> interface 'use' attribute?
> B
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:32 AM
> Cc: Brandon Moro
> Subject: Re: netusage, high or low?
> Brandon
> err you mention the le0 interface in the config.
> Is this correct 'cos the the le0 interface is a 10base system, not 
> 100base!..
> --
> Martin
> Brandon Moro wrote:
>>Hello all!
>>I am having some troubles with my AMANDA backups running too long.  They
>>often take 20+ hours,
>>sometimes even breaking the 24-hour mark.  The average amount of data I
> get
>>is only about 35GB.
>>I am running my amanda-server on Solaris8, on a Sun Ultra5 400MHz with
> 256MB
>>RAM, on a 100mbps
>>connection.  I have 2 DLT 7000 tape drives set up (though it very rarely
>>roles over).
>>Recently, I put a larger holding disk on the server and found that my run
>>time was cut more than in half!
>>However, I notice that I am still only getting a total of about 3GB an
> hour.
>>The data runs from the holding
>>disk to tape at more like 6MB/s.  
>>We have a couple of other backup systems running on almost identical
>>hardware that puts more than 
>>twice as much data to tape in slightly less time.  So I guess what I am
>>really asking is, am I missing
>>something in the configuration of AMANDA sthat will allow better usage of
>>the network connection?
>>I found this in the amanda.conf file:
>>netusage 4000 Kbps  # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
>>(blah blah)
>>network interfaces
>>. Attributes are:  
>>use   - bandwidth above which amanda won't
>>  backups using this interface.
>>Note that if
>>  a single backup will take more
>>than that,
>>  amanda won't try to make it run
>>define interface local {
>>comment  "a local disk"
>>use 1000 kbps 
>>define interface le0 {
>> comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>> use 4000 kbps
>>So, does this mean that if my dumpers are using 4000kbps, amanda won't
> allow
>>any more 
>>dumpers to start (even if the maximum number of allowed dumpers has not
> been
>>Can I improve performance by raising the netusage variable and "use"
>>attribute to something
>>more in line with the actual capacity of the amanda-server's network
>>Also, the network interface on the amanda-server is actually "hme0".  Are
>>the above simply
>>examples?  Should I create a new interface definition?
>>Thanks for your help!
>>Brandon Moro
>>Systems Administration, Unify Corporation
>>>From meanness first this Portsmouth Yankey rose, And still to meanness all
>>his conduct flows.--Oppression, A poem by an American (Boston, 1765).

Re: Amanda users does not get full access to files

2002-04-08 Thread Martin Hepworth


make sure that the 'bin' user has access to the /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 (or 
whatever). It will probably need to be a member of  sys on a solaris 
box, check the file group membership of the actual device.


David Flood wrote:

> I've just upgraded from 2.4.2p2 to 2.4.3b3, at the same time I've changed my 
> amanda user from root to bin. I notice when I get the report at the end of a 
> level 0 backup. It has backed up nowhere near all the data that exists. 
> For example:
> /export/home/staff 
> has 11.8GB but is only backing up 235MB. Now when I do a du -sk 
> /export/home/staff as user bin it reports (Guess what) 235MB.
> This happened before when I upgraded to 2.4.2p2 I could not get a solution so I 
> swapped to user root which solved the problem. Some time after someone on the 
> list said the solution was to configure and make as the same user your going to 
> be using then do make install as root(obviously). So because it's not 
> recommended to have the amanda user as root I thought since I was upgrading 
> 2.4.3b3 I would kill two birds with one stone and put it back to bin. So again I 
> find myself in this position.
> To give more detail, I'm using dump as my backup method and my tapeserver is 
> Solaris 7. At the moment I'm only backing up the tapeserver i.e. localhost. It 
> is not a tape space problem as I'm using DLT's and the report said the total 
> original size was only 18GB.
> Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? If not what are the 
> security issues with the amanda user being root? 
> Thanks in advance
> David Flood
> Systems Administrator

not enough coffee to figure out samba restore

2002-05-24 Thread Martin Hepworth

Hi Guys..

well can't seem to figure out how to restore a file on a samba from the 
amanda server..

I did it when I was testing then thing, but didn't get around to 
documenting it for myself ;-(

I did the amrestore -C Daily -s myserver -t myserver -d /dev/sa0 but I 
can't seem to find the samba related tar files anywhere.

I use tar to backup the smb shares, but now I can't get my head around 
restoring a single file.

Will some one show my thick head how to do it - step by step.


Martin (off for more coffee :-)

Mac OSX 10.1.5 and dump ...

2002-06-18 Thread Martin Hepworth

HI guys

Trying to get amanda working on Mac OSX 10.1.5 using dump as the backup 
service. However when I try and run dump I get the following..

sendsize: debug 1 pid 354 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Mon Jun 17 21:30:01 2002
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.2p2
calculating for amname '/', dirname '/'
sendsize: getting size via dump for / level 0
sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0sf 1048576 - /"
running /usr/local/amanda/libexec/killpgrp
   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jun 17 21:30:01 2002
   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
   DUMP: Dumping / to standard output
   DUMP: bad sblock magic number
   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
(no size line match in above dump output)
asking killpgrp to terminate
sendsize: pid 354 finish time Mon Jun 17 21:30:02 2002

Any ideas?? I'll try with gtar and see what happens, but I'd prefer to 
use dump.


Re: netusage, high or low?

2002-06-23 Thread Martin Hepworth


d'oh just read the whole email..

If your SUN is connected to a cisco switch make sure is actually running 
at 100m fdx as alot of the older SUNs and Cisco have some wierd problem 
with autonegotiate. I've also seen problems with Cisco's under high load 
  with SNMP turned on giving throughput problems.

If you do have problems 1) force the cisco and the SUN to 100 full 
duplex (see for the SUN). 2) 
turn off snmp on the cisco.


Brandon Moro wrote:

> Hello all!
> I am having some troubles with my AMANDA backups running too long.  They
> often take 20+ hours,
> sometimes even breaking the 24-hour mark.  The average amount of data I get
> is only about 35GB.
> I am running my amanda-server on Solaris8, on a Sun Ultra5 400MHz with 256MB
> RAM, on a 100mbps
> connection.  I have 2 DLT 7000 tape drives set up (though it very rarely
> roles over).
> Recently, I put a larger holding disk on the server and found that my run
> time was cut more than in half!
> However, I notice that I am still only getting a total of about 3GB an hour.
> The data runs from the holding
> disk to tape at more like 6MB/s.  
> We have a couple of other backup systems running on almost identical
> hardware that puts more than 
> twice as much data to tape in slightly less time.  So I guess what I am
> really asking is, am I missing
> something in the configuration of AMANDA sthat will allow better usage of
> the network connection?
> I found this in the amanda.conf file:
> netusage 4000 Kbps  # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
> (blah blah)
> network interfaces
> . Attributes are:  
> use   - bandwidth above which amanda won't
> start 
>   backups using this interface.
> Note that if
>   a single backup will take more
> than that,
>   amanda won't try to make it run
> slower!
> define interface local {
> comment  "a local disk"
> use 1000 kbps 
> }
> define interface le0 {
>  comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>  use 4000 kbps
> So, does this mean that if my dumpers are using 4000kbps, amanda won't allow
> any more 
> dumpers to start (even if the maximum number of allowed dumpers has not been
> reached)?
> Can I improve performance by raising the netusage variable and "use"
> attribute to something
> more in line with the actual capacity of the amanda-server's network
> connection?
> Also, the network interface on the amanda-server is actually "hme0".  Are
> the above simply
> examples?  Should I create a new interface definition?
> Thanks for your help!
> Brandon Moro
> Systems Administration, Unify Corporation
> -
>>From meanness first this Portsmouth Yankey rose, And still to meanness all
> his conduct flows.--Oppression, A poem by an American (Boston, 1765).

Re: full backups all the time not working

2002-06-23 Thread Martin Hepworth

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 at 9:32am, Martin Hepworth wrote
>>However when I try and do an 'archive' backup set that should use the 
>>'always-full' and 'always-fulltar' dump styles I get failures like the 
>>following for all disks on the disklist even the local machine.
>>  sol/usr lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
> What exactly does your dumptype look like?  What do you have for 
> dumpcycle/runspercycle/tapecycle?
> This is what I use for our archival setup:
> dumpcycle 0 days  # Can also be specified in dumptype
> runspercycle 1# Doesn't matter
> tapecycle 1000 tapes# Always a new one..
> define dumptype always-full {
> global
> comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
> program "GNUTAR"
> priority high
> compress none
> record no
> }
> Where global contains only 'index yes'.  You want to set 'record no' 
> otherwise the archive setup will interfere with incrementals on the daily 
> setup.

nope still no luck.

here's my amanda.conf...

org "Archive"   # your organization name for reports
mailto "root"   # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "amanda"   # the user to run dumps under

inparallel 3# maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
maxdumps 2  # maximum number of dumpers per client
netusage  6000 Kbps # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle 0 # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 1 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
 # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just 
tapecycle 2000 tapes
bumpsize 20 Mb
bumpdays 1
bumpmult 4

etimeout 300
runtapes 1
tapedev "/dev/nsa0" # the no-rewind tape device to be used
rawtapedev "/dev/nrsa0" # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
changerdev "/dev/null"

define tapetype HPDLT {
 comment "DLT1"
 length 40960 mbytes
 filemark 0 kbytes
 speed 1407 kps

define dumptype global {
 comment "Global definitions"
 index yes
 # record no

define dumptype always-full {
 comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
 #compress none
 compress server fast
 priority high
 dumpcycle 0
 record no

define dumptype always-fulltar {
 comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
 program "GNUTAR"
 #compress none
 compress server fast
 priority high
 dumpcycle 0
 record no

Re: GNU Tar for SunOS 4.1.3 Amanda client

2002-06-24 Thread Martin Hepworth


I've got amanda running here to Sunos 4.1.3/4 clients using dump as the 
file grabber.

If you wish I can have have a go at getting the latest version compiled 
on my systems. My current version of gnutar is 1.12, I can't remember if 
this works with amanda or not??


Jonathan R. Johnson wrote:
> Dear Amanda users,
> We have a legacy Sun Sparc II server (SunOS 4.1.3) that was, until
> recently, our only file server with a tape drive (an Exabyte 8200, 2.3
> Gb capacity).  We're in the process of centralizing files onto a RedHat
> 7.2 server running Amanda 2.4.2p2 (from the RPM -- no problems) with a
> Sony AIT-1 (SDX-300C) tape drive.
> Unfortunately, getting files off the Sun is proving to be tricky, due
> in large part to its outdated networking software.  I briefly tried to
> use NFS to mount a server file system on the Sun and copy over the
> files, but the NFS mount didn't work right...not my strong suit,
> anyway.  I've also tried various combinations of tar and rsh, to no
> avail so far.
> For now, I had hoped to just configure Amanda on it, even though this
> server will be taken off line as soon as its files have been securely
> set up on the new file server.  My first hurdle, though, is that the
> GNU tar 1.13.25 from is not compiling
> properly (we compiled and installed gcc 2.3.3 a long time ago),
> encountering parsing errors in intl/loadmsgcat.c.  Maybe this isn't the
> simplest way to take our files off this server...
> I'd love some suggestions here.  Ideally someone just knows where I can
> get tar 1.13.19 or newer precompiled for SunOS 4.1.3.  Otherwise, I'd
> probably have to recompile gcc with updated sources, etc.  In the short
> term, I suppose I could try using the existing dump software.
> We need to back this thing up before it dies!!  :-)
> Regards,
>   Jonathan

MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-26 Thread Martin Hepworth

Hi all

well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..

   stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]

and in the senbackup log I get...

sendbackup: debug 1 pid 588 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Tue Jun 25 23:31:07 
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/sendbackup: version 2.4.2p2
sendbackup: got input request: GNUTAR / 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 OPTIONS 
   parsed request as: program `GNUTAR'
  disk `/'
  lev 0
  since 1970:1:1:0:0:0
sendbackup: exclude list file "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar" does 
not exis
t, ignoring
sendbackup: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
   waiting for connect on 887, then 888, then 889
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
   got all connections
sendbackup-gnutar: doing level 0 dump as listed-incremental to 
sendbackup-gnutar: doing level 0 dump from date: 1970-01-01  0:00:00 GMT
sendbackup: spawning /usr/local/amanda/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / 
m --listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ 
--sparse --ign
ore-failed-read --totals .
sendbackup-gnutar: /usr/local/amanda/libexec/runtar: pid 591
sendbackup: started index creator: "/usr/bin/gnutar -tf - 2>/dev/null | 
sed -e '
sendbackup: index created successfully
error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002

Any ideas???


Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Martin Hepworth


Well it's not happy - amanda is constantly trying to do a level 0. So 
it's seeing this as a fail.


Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 03:47:41PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>Hi all
>>well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
>>back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..
>>  stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>[ snipped part and rearranged next line ]
>>sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / --one-file-system
>>--listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse
>>--ignore-failed-read --totals .
>[ snipped part ]
>>sendbackup: index created successfully
>>error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>>sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002
> Note: amanda uses the "--ignore-failed-read" option to tar.  To not use this
> would cause tar to abort if it ever failed to read a file successfully.
> Even something as benign as file removed before tar got to it.  But
> generally permissions problems.
> When using this flag, and encountering one or more failed reads,
> tar exits with a status of 2 rather than 0.  This is what amanda is
> telling you.  The interpretation is that tar had to skip one or more
> files.  I don't know of any way to determine which files.  The rest
> of the dump should be fine.

Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Martin Hepworth

Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:30:17AM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>Well it's not happy - amanda is constantly trying to do a level 0. So 
>>it's seeing this as a fail.
> I find it is generally easier to follow a thread
> if new comments are added at the bottom.
>>Jon LaBadie wrote:
>>>On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 03:47:41PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>>>Hi all
>>>>well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
>>>>back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..
>>>>stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>>>  [ snipped part and rearranged next line ]
>>>>sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / 
>>>>  --listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ 
>>>>  --sparse
>>>>  --ignore-failed-read --totals .
>>>  [ snipped part ]
>>>>sendbackup: index created successfully
>>>>error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>>>>sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002
>>>Note: amanda uses the "--ignore-failed-read" option to tar.  To not use 
>>>would cause tar to abort if it ever failed to read a file successfully.
>>>Even something as benign as file removed before tar got to it.  But
>>>generally permissions problems.
>>>When using this flag, and encountering one or more failed reads,
>>>tar exits with a status of 2 rather than 0.  This is what amanda is
>>>telling you.  The interpretation is that tar had to skip one or more
>>>files.  I don't know of any way to determine which files.  The rest
>>>of the dump should be fine.
>>>>End of included message <<<
> Well, I hate to suggest this, but ...
> On my unix system I use gnutar 1.13.25.
> I use the same gnutar version on an amanda client I run on a Win2K box under CYGWIN.
> The unix amanda is version 2.4.2, on the w2k box it is 2.4.3b2.
> The unix box never exhibits the problem you are seeing, the w2k box always "did".
> I don't know if my unix box, version 2.4.2, never sees any failed reads, or whether
> there is code in amanda 2.4.2 that accepts the exit status of 2 without considering
> it a failure.  But the 2.4.3b2 under w2k/cygwin is sensitive to an exit status of 2.
> So I had to remove the sensitivity or change gnutar so it did not exit 2.
> I chose to modify gnutar.  I always have amanda use its own copy of tar
> so if I want to customize it, or shell wrapper it, I can without affecting
> the system version of tar.
> If you are compiling or can compile your own gnutar, it is a simple change.
> At the end of main(), at the very end of the file tar.c is an if statement.
> Nominally it says "if the exit status is 2 (aka TAREXIT_FAILURE) print an
> error message".  I simply added an exit(0) in the if statement.  Actually,
> the curley braces, a comment, and the exit(0);.
> Here is the resulting code with the changes (at the end of tar.c).
> if (exit_status == TAREXIT_FAILURE)
> {
> error (0, 0, _("Error exit delayed from previous errors"));
> /* added for amanda */
> exit(0);
> }
> exit (exit_status);
> }
> I scanned the gnutar code and as far as I could see, the only place the
> "exit_status" variable is set to TAREXIT_FAILURE (defined as 2) is when a
> failed read occured and was ignored.  So I don't think any other failure mode
> would be affected.  But I've been wrong before :(


re reply areas: yeah I know - lack of caffene :-)

Re the other stuff.

The client/server are both using amanda 2.4.2.p2

Maybe I;m being totally stupid but I couldn't find anything above 1.13 
(ie I couldn't find the beta's anywhere, just mentions of it.). I'll 
have another dig tomorrow (knocking off time now). However if you have a 
URL to hand :-)

I'll have another dig tomorrow.


Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-29 Thread Martin Hepworth

Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 02:35:09PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>Ok got it, compiled it with the change you recommended and put it in a 
>>different location from the MacOSX one.
>>Recoompiled amanda client to point and the new tar and will test 
> Martin,
> Just came up with a different approach.  Helps to look at the amanda source :(
> In directory client-src, the two files sendbackup.c and sendbackup-gnutar.c
> each have a conditionally compiled in section as follows:
> === sendbackup.c (approx line 1000) ===
>   if(pid == tarpid) {
>   /*
>* tar bitches about active filesystems, but we do not care.
>   if(ret == 2) {
>   rc = 0;
>   }
>   }
>   #endif 
> === sendbackup-gnutar.c (approx line 520) ===
> /* GNUTAR produces a few error messages when files are modified or
>removed while it is running.  They may cause data to be lost, but
>then they may not.  We shouldn't consider them NORMAL until
>further investigation.  */
> { DMP_NORMAL, ": File .* shrunk by [0-9][0-9]* bytes, padding with zeros", 1 
> { DMP_NORMAL, ": Cannot add file .*: No such file or directory$", 1},
> { DMP_NORMAL, ": Error exit delayed from previous errors", 1},
>   #endif 
> I think, if add a "#define IGNORE_TAR_ERRORS" in sendbackup.h, amanda.h, or each of
> the two ".c" files, this should stop the problem you are seeing without modifying 


Ok I'll see how things went when I'm back at on Monday.

I'll also try this one anyway then I can use the stock MacOSX gnutar 

Now, would it be possible to have this option definable at run time, 
possibly from the amanda.conf, perhaps as part of the backup type 

In fact having alot of the compile time stuff (which dump, tar, smb 
program etc) available in at client side amanda.conf would be a really, 
really useful feature for me. What do you guys think?


Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-29 Thread Martin Hepworth

> Is anyone trying tomake this work with hfspax ?
> Dw


OK I checked the report from last night's run and it worked fine. Hurray.

I'll try Jon's patch for amanda next week.

BTW in case you've missed the earlier bits of this thread the f/s is (as 
far as I can tell) HFS+, it being the default f/s and I haven't 
reinstalled it from the base 10.1.4 that Apple installed.

More Later, but I finally have a good backup for this machine. Chears 


Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-07-01 Thread Martin Hepworth


OK I'll give it a go - got a copy hfspax I can download without having 
to muck around with sea.hqx files etc ie a tar.gz file so I can to this 
remotely with an ssh connection.


> Is anyone trying tomake this work with hfspax ?
> Dw

Re: MacOSX and gnutar problem

2002-07-01 Thread Martin Hepworth


the one at freeforums doesn't work and the the itunes site insists 
you're on a Mac. I'll do it later:-(


> On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>OK I'll give it a go - got a copy hfspax I can download without having
>>to muck around with sea.hqx files etc ie a tar.gz file so I can to this
>>remotely with an ssh connection.
> Trick for dealing with .hqx / .sit files; use the command Open (captial O)
> from the cmd line and in the directory where the .sit file is. This
> generally creates a folder locally - and you can then continue from
> thereon. Same trick with .dmgl see man hdutils.

Re: autochanging tapes after tape is full...

2002-07-11 Thread Martin Hepworth


in a word 'no'

It's up to you to make sure that the individual dumps can fit on a 
single tape. For my money this is the amanda's greatest downfall. BUT 
you can get around it by using gnutar and splitting the filesystems up 
by user or group (or whatever) to make sure that it will fit onto a tape.

Once you've got each individual 'dumps' below the limit you can use the 
mtx etc to move the tapes around (or is this the actual problem you 


Patrick Schumacher wrote:
> hello list.
> after 4 days of work at least i made it und amanda and my tapechanger works.
> hmm, the mtx and amtape commands works. so i think everything is ok for the
> changer.
> so i go on an try to make a back up of one of my servers. i what to back up
> round about 50GB from the server.
> today i found a mail in my postbox, reporting me this:
> *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: Input/output error]].
> Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
> Run amflush to flush them to tape.
> The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
>   peppone/mnt/homes lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]
> [snip]
> hmm, i think the tape ist full, so amanda cannot write more data on the
> tape. is this right?
> and is there a away to auto-change the tape if the first is full?
> greets
> patrick
> Patrick Schumacher  |  technical department
> # easynet is part of the easynet group plc |

Re: Amcheck: acess denied

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Hepworth

Trevor Fraser wrote:
> Hello all.
> I've been through this problem before, I just can't remember hoe I fixed it.
> I've reinstalled RH 7.3 and copied the conf files onto the new installation.
> When I run amcheck, I get the error:
> ERROR: merlin: [access as amanda not allowed from root@merlin]
> amandahostsauth failed
> I've followed the installation guide and the docs say the .amandahosts file
> isn't configured properly or the inetd configuration file must have the
> wrong user name, I don't find such a file.. I've tried changing permissions
> (full permissions) on the .amandahosts file, but no luck. The file reads:
> merlin.systematic.lan root
> merlin.systematic.lanamanda
> What am I not doing?
> Reguards,
> Trevor.


run amcheck as the amanda user.


Re: Amcheck: acess denied

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Hepworth

Trevor Fraser wrote:
> I tried that, didn't work. Any other suggestions?
> Thanks, Trevor.
> - Original Message -
> From: Christoph Scheeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Trevor Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 2:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Amcheck: acess denied
>>Trevor Fraser wrote:
>>>Hello all.
>>>I've been through this problem before, I just can't remember hoe I fixed
> it.
>>>I've reinstalled RH 7.3 and copied the conf files onto the new
> installation.
>>>When I run amcheck, I get the error:
>>>ERROR: merlin: [access as amanda not allowed from root@merlin]
>>>amandahostsauth failed
>>>I've followed the installation guide and the docs say the .amandahosts
> file
>>>isn't configured properly or the inetd configuration file must have the
>>>wrong user name, I don't find such a file.. I've tried changing
> permissions
>>>(full permissions) on the .amandahosts file, but no luck. The file
> reads:
>>>merlin.systematic.lan root
>>>What am I not doing?
>>two things:
>>1.) run amcheck as user amanda, but that's not your real problem,
>>it's the folowing:
>>2.) the hostname in .amandahosts has to be exactly the name amcheck
>>complains about in the errormessage, in your case only "merlin",


What do the debug files say in /tmp/amanda on both the client and server?


Re: amanda sending mail

2002-07-19 Thread Martin Hepworth


in you amanda.conf make sure you have the mailto line set correctly and 
it should send an email out after each run.

Mine is

mailto "root"

and I alias root to real people in my /etc/aliases file.

Also I presume that the amanda server can use email anyhow?


Eduardo Ceva wrote:
> Hi Amanda users,
> How do I make AMANDA send e-mail to user operador, or user p81? 
> since I instales AMANDA I never receve mail from it!
> Thanks

Re: RedHat, amanda, and "permission denied"

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Hepworth


Did you configure amanda with the --with-user=operator config option?

If not that's prob the issue.


Peter Seebach wrote:
> I'm trying to set Amanda up on a redhat system.  I'm using an account
> "operator", which I moved into group "disk", the group listed as having r/w
> access to the disk devices.
> If I run:
>   su operator -c "amcheck config"
> I get a slew of "/dev/sda?: permission denied" messages.
> If I do:
>   su - operator
>   $ dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1
> it works fine.  So, I have permission to read the disk.
> What am I doing wrong?
> -s

Re: RedHat, amanda, and "permission denied"

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Hepworth

Peter Seebach wrote:
> In message <1027611162.2658.46.camel@stimpy>, Mark Cooke writes:
>>On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 16:24, Peter Seebach wrote:
>>>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Hepworth writes:
>>>>Did you configure amanda with the --with-user=operator config option?
>>>I think so; if nothing else, that's in amanda.conf.
>>Are you using an Officially released version of Amanda from RedHat?
>>If so it automatically uses --with-user=amanda.
> No... I looked around, and there wasn't one, so I assumed I'd be fine just
> downloading and compiling.  I guess I need to find the RPM.
> -s

Ok so when you compiled did to specify the user and group or not give 
theses params to configure ??

If you didn't you'll need to rerun configure with them in (I recommend 
and makle clean before hand).


Dump too big for tape

2006-07-04 Thread Martin Hepworth
Hi all

Amanda 2.4.2p2

Did a forced level 0 dump (dumpcycle 0, runspercycle 1) as normal over the

However many of the hosts failed due to "Dump too big for tape" which is a
complete lie..they've run for over 3 years with no errors on this config.
Tape size is 38500 mbytes and all the dumps are way less that this..

Any ideas where I should be looking for issues..

Martin Hepworth 
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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Re: Graphical User Interface for Amanda

2006-07-12 Thread Martin Hepworth

silpa kala wrote:


I am planning to develop the GUI for Amanda using Java
swings. I have two options . Please suggest me which
one is best.

1.Develop the new application for java and invoke the
planner and driver executable.Amanda code need not be

2.Convert the entire server code to Java and adding
the java swings for the Graphical User Interface.

Please help me out in this. 

Thanks & Regards,

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


I'd say go for option 1. Then people can add it should they wish.

Also means there's not fork in the code, ie you don't to re-implement 
every patch etc which you would have to do with option 2.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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Re: amrecover "Tape is not a dump tape" but amrestore works?

2006-07-13 Thread Martin Hepworth

Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 11:03:38AM -0400, Julian C. Dunn wrote:

On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Jon LaBadie wrote:

So whatever was fed by amrecover to the restore program did not
appear to be created by the corresponding dump program.

Do you use dump/restore in your amanda dumptypes or gnutar?
I use dump/restore. I was trying to restore files from babelfish (a 
FreeBSD 6.1 box) on the tape server aphrodite (a FreeBSD 4.9 box). One 
would think the dump/restore utilities would be the same between versions 

What filesystems have you got on babelfish.

FreeBSD 5.0 and later will use UFS2 as the default filesystem type, 
before this it was plain old UFS.

hance the dump/restore programs will different, which is prob why it's 
not working.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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Re: {Spam?} backup still messed up...

2006-08-21 Thread Martin Hepworth

Kristian Rink wrote:

Hello all;

after getting last weeks issues fixed, downgrading amanda
(now 2.5.0-20060424) as well as tar (now 1.14-2.2), Thursday and Friday
incremental dumps worked out. However, weekend dump once again didn't
to as it is supposed to. I had an eye on the amanda processes all the
weekend and it _seemed_ fine, but in the end it ain't. Some excerpts
and log dumps:

- according to amstatus, nothing has been written to tape:

backer:/tmp# /opt/sbin/amstatus --config Full
Using /var/log/amanda/Full/amdump.1 from Sa Aug 19 03:00:02 CEST 2006

backer:backervar getting estimate
backer:jka   getting estimate
backer:planc10304732110k partial estimate done
backer:planc30118291530k estimate done
backer:refastgetting estimate

SUMMARY  part  real  estimated
   size   size
partition   :   7
estimated   :   2423023640k
flush   :   0 0k
failed  :   00k   (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   00k   (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   00k   (  0.00%)
dumping :   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped  :   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait for writing:   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait to flush   :   0 0k 0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped   :   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
  tape 1:   0 0k 0k (  0.00%) Back00
5 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper idle
network free kps:   600
holding space   : 0k (  0.00%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

- Likewise, amverify (could this input/output error be caused by a
defective drive / tape or is this just the result of the tape being

Tapes:  Back00
Errors found: 
Back00 ():

amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: error reading file header: Input/output error
** No header
0+0 in
0+0 out

- amandad debug log: Is the timeout caused by tar taking too long to
actually calculate the size of the DLE in question?

amandad: time 1.161: sending PREP pkt:  

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;
planc3 0 SIZE 118291530
planc3 1 SIZE 2544890
planc1 0 SIZE 304732110
amandad: time 21600.749: /opt//libexec/sendsize timed out waiting for
REP data amandad: time 21600.761: sending NAK pkt:
ERROR timeout on reply pipe
amandad: time 21600.761: pid 23250 finish time Sat Aug 19 09:00:03 2006

- sendsize, again, is filled with error messages like those below, even
though the files definitely are around and usually an arbitrary
application also is capable of opening / reading them without a problem.

sendsize[23820]: time 9689.225: getting size via gnutar for
planc1 level 0 
sendsize[23268]: time 9689.226: waiting for any estimate child:
1 running 
sendsize[23820]: time 9689.324: spawning /opt//libexec/runtar
in pipeline 
sendsize[23820]: argument list: /bin/tar --create

--file /dev/null --directory /backup/PV/ --one-file-system --l
--sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals . 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.005: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d736/qw78xmm4/file.doc: Warning:
Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.016: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d754/vsbed359/class.all:
Warning: Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.016: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d754/vsbed359/file.doc: Warning:
Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

Again, same questions - hardware error? Tape error? Misconfiguration?
Right now, I tried to manually dump some data to the drive, ending like

backup:/tmp# tar czvf /dev/nst0 /backup/PV/
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot open: Input/output error

Ideas, enlightenments, hints, ... really much appreciated... :/

Thanks and bye,

Yeah - looks like the estimate timeout I had problems with on tar.

have a look at the client logs to see how long the estimate phase took 
and adjust  the etimeout parameter in amanda.conf accordingly (I had to 
make mine for an Apple Mac - SATA drives and dual PPCs, tar is really 

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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Re: Solaris ACLs

2004-03-09 Thread Martin Hepworth
Talking of snapshots, FreeBSD 5.x can do this too with the -L flag to dump.

Can someone remind me of how to generate a specific backup type (in 
amanda.conf) that passes the -L flag to dump on the remote system.


Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Jon LaBadie wrote:

As Solaris also can do FS snapshots, the OP should be informed
of that feature.  Not amanda specific, but "neat".
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Re: Tape error - how 'bad' is this?

2004-05-11 Thread Martin Hepworth

Being the person you are I presume you've...

cleaned the heads,
reseated the connectors,
sounds like a drive issue to me - there are some utils on the HP web 
site for diagnosis they will has you run, but you'll have to dig out a 
windows box to run them

I've got a DLT1 (same drive just a little slower) I could free up for a 
lunch time if you need a test unit..

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Dave Ewart wrote:

Many months of happy activity and then suddenly, last two nights, the
AMANDA job has failed to finish properly - the error in the AMANDA
report says:

These dumps were to tape Daily-014.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: Input/output error]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Daily-015.
 halcyon/root lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]

 Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:45
Run Time (hrs:min) 8:09
Dump Time (hrs:min)8:15   0:25   7:50
Output Size (meg)   10606.2 1315.9 9290.3
Original Size (meg) 22351.7 2115.120236.6
Avg Compressed Size (%)47.5   62.2   45.9   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   54 28 26   (1:21 2:4 4:1)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   365.7  888.3  337.6
Tape Time (hrs:min)0:14   0:08   0:06
Tape Size (meg)   612.8  332.6  280.2
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped36 26 10   (1:10)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   745.4  745.0  745.9

taper: tape Daily-014 kb 653792 fm 37 writing file: Input/output error
  driver: going into degraded mode because of tape error.

I notice it mentions "out of tape" above - that's definitely wrong.
There's certainly plenty of room for all the dumps.
And in the kernel logs for the AMANDA server:

[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x8000, Deferred st09:00: sns
+= f1  4
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 1
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf1 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x1, Current st09:00: sns =
+f0  3
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 2
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf0 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error on write filemark.
[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x8000, Deferred st09:00: sns
+= f1  4
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 1
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf1 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x1, Current st09:00: sns =
+f0  3
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 2
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf0 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x8000, Deferred st09:00: sns
+= f1  4
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 1
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf1 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x1, Current st09:00: sns =
+f0  3
[...] kernel: ASC=15 ASCQ= 2
[...] kernel: Raw sense data:0xf0 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x16 0x00 0x00
+0x4f 0xc8 0x15 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x82 0x01 0x55 0x00 0x00 0x25 0x3b 0x00 0x96 
0x32 0x50 0x00
[...] kernel: st0: Error on write filemark.

What looks like the problem here?  The drive itself?  The SCSI
controller?  We have a HP DLT-40 drive on an Adaptec 29160 controller.
There have been no configuration changes to the server.


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Re: Troubles with Amanda on AIX 5.2L:

2004-04-30 Thread Martin Hepworth
in /tmp/amanda on the AIX machine there will be some debug files.
what do they say?
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Dmitry Likhachev wrote:
I've some trouble with amanda on aix 5.2L (it's a client machine)
Maybe you can help me or introduce me, what caused this error.
I try to use amanda 2.4.2p2 patched with tar-1.12.patch and regex-3.6alpha.patch
Amanda have been compiled with following options:
 --with-gnutar='path to gnu-tar'

In "disklist" i use the "always-full-tar" option and path targeted to directory, not 
to device.
and there is i have follow  amanda report:
 -- my.system /directory lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
 sendbackup: start [my.system:/directory level 0]
 sendbackup: could not unlock /etc/amandates: Bad file number? dumper: strange 
[missing size line from sendbackup]
 dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]
What does this mean?
I was try to use amanda-2.4.2p2 without any patches and i again have this error.
My Amanda-server (amanda-2.4.2.p2) work on Linux machine and backup other systems (linux and hp-ux) fine.
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Re: newbie questions

2004-04-27 Thread Martin Hepworth

mogorva wrote:
Hi All,
I'm totally new to amanda so please excuse me for the long mail.
I have a linux box here (debian woody) with one disk and a DAT drive. 
There are 3 partitions on the disk (/boot, / , swap).

so far so good, but you'll need holding space in order to store the 
backups before they go to tape.

This PC will be a remote PC (it will be really far away from here) and I 
will have only ftp access.

needs amanda access via smb or amanda access via the cygwin 
implementation, so you'll need more than ftp..

My task is to create a method to archive the data from the disk. 
Fortunately (or not) the data is quite static (this means it changes 
very rarely) so it's not neccessary to do regular (daily or weekly) 
archives but it's a must to make a full archive in the nitht when some 
data has changed. Full archive means to save everything (all the files 
and directories of the application) not just the changed files.

I can handle this 'change management' (I can decide with a script if 
it's neccessary to make an archive or not) but I need some help to 
configure amanda.

amanda doesn't work like this - it's fairly static in the it does things 
and the planner likes to decide when to do full/incrementals.

As I told we need to archive specific directories and files so my first 
question is: is it possible to archive files and directories or amanda 
can archive only whole disks and/or partitions?

using gnutar as the 'dump' program you can do partial disks/partitions
The second question: We have tapes of 12 GB and an archive is going to 
be about 250-300 MB. We'd like to use a tape as long as it's possible 
without removing it from the drive (because it will be really far away 
from here). Can we 'force' amanda to use one tape until it's full?

no, one tape per backup run. There's a risk of tape corruption (eg 
server room fire, theft) if you leave tapes in the drive till full. 
Amanda forces you to change the tape every run.

I know, this won't be the best archiving system in the world, but it 
will do. :)

Can anyone help me to discuss the config files and write them?
Thank you,
You might want to have a good trawl through the docs on how amanda works..
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Re: BNCHMARK DLT1 tape Problem

2004-05-17 Thread Martin Hepworth
that will be
mt -f /dev/st0 rewind...
note the leading / and v not w in the path name...
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
nejat onay erkose wrote:
  I have a problem with BNCHMARK DLT1 tape . May machine doesnt seem to 
see the tape properly.

The below message is given in the booting time :
"scsi0 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.2.36
 Vendor: BNCHMARK  Model: DLT1  Rev: 5032
st: Version 20030406, bufsize 32768, max init. bufs 4, s/g segs "
This as well...
"SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
st: Version 20030406, bufsize 32768, max init. bufs 4, s/g segs 16
Attached scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0
st0: Block limits 2 - 16777214 bytes.
scsi : 0 hosts left."
and when I  " mt -f dew/st0 rewind "
the response is  "dew/st0: No such file or directory"
I would be glad if someone has an idea about this since so far i couldnt 
find any good clue on the internet to solve the problem.
Thank you...

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Re: BNCHMARK DLT1 tape Problem

2004-05-19 Thread Martin Hepworth
nejat onay erkose wrote:
Hello Again,
Yeah actually I mistyped "dev" as "dew" just on the email. I used "mt -f 
/dev/st0 rewind" on the command shell. But still, it is not working and 
I am not able to figure out what the problem is.

so what do you have in /dev ? you might have to manually do the mknod in 
order to create the device path.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Re: Archiving With Amanda?

2004-05-28 Thread Martin Hepworth
create a new backup set called 'archive', as opposed to the one you have 

then run it whenever...
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Steven Backus wrote:
I have some files I'd like to permanently remove from my system
(archiving to tape).  It would be nice to have them listed in
amanda's index and have amanda keep track of them for me.  Does
anyone know a way to do this?
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Re: streaming

2004-06-03 Thread Martin Hepworth
I'd check the logic in the kernel code that checks for 80 way cables etc 
etc. When I last looked at 2.4.19 it was doing some weird stuff - do the 
checks then reset the flag where the bit table for the capabilities of 
the drive is set. As opposed to reset, then do the checks!

I know you said you run 2.6.x but it's worth checking..
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Glenn English wrote:
On Wed, 2004-06-02 at 17:07, Frank Smith wrote:

If it's linux, try using hdparm to verify the modes and speed of your
disk.  Like Jon says, a good drive can have terrible performance if
it is running in the wrong mode.

hdparm is a nifty addition to my system monitoring toolkit (top, gnome's
cpu monitor icon, sticking my ear close to a drive to listen for seeks,
eyeballing the disk activity LED, and dump's data transfer messages).
hdparm uncovered some interesting information. The 2 drives on this
machine are identical and identically configured, except for one thing:
both are using dma, but one of them, hda, is udma2 and hdc is udma5. I
did a 'hdparm -X 69 /dev/hda' to set hda to udma5. hdparm said it did,
but hdparm -i still said udma2.
Jon implied that hdparm may be just kidding about this. hdparm -Tt gives
the following:

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   2800 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1399.51 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:   82 MB in  3.00 seconds =  27.33 MB/sec
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   2772 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1386.21 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  114 MB in  3.03 seconds =  37.62 MB/sec

Since I have no feel for what pio would be like, I don't know. But the
difference looks ballpark right for the different dma modes.
I looked at another system: an old Dell server downstairs with a Maxtor
PCI IDE card and a 2 or 3 year old Maxtor 60GB disk, also claiming to be
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.59 seconds =216.95 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.59 seconds = 40.25 MB/sec

Something is wrong here. The disks up here are much newer, and a lot
slower. I'm using the onboard controllers in an Intel D865GLC

  Also, make sure your kernel is using the correct chipset driver
for your IDE controller.  On a machine at home I replaced the
motherboard and my disk speeds dropped to under 2MB/sec.  I finally
figured out that since I had a different controller than the one I had
compiled in support for, the kernel had dropeed back to generic IDE
support.  Rebuilding the kernel with the proper driver made an over 10X
performance boost.

That's where I'm going next. Kernel dox, motherboard dox, Gentoo dox,
and hdparm's man page. And google, of course...
Does anyone know of an equivalent to hdparm -Tt for SCSI disks?
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Re: Q: prevent deleting existing files after recover a backup

2004-06-10 Thread Martin Hepworth
there's no way for the restore not to overwrite the files.
What I do is to cd to somewhere that's *not* the start point for the 
backup, restore the files then mv them to where I need them to be 
possibily with a new name eg fred.c.restore.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Sebastian Kösters wrote:

i got a question.

When I recover a backup into a directory in which already files exist 
(others than in the Backup), Amanda deletes the existing files after the 
backup. I don’t want Amanda to do that.


Is it possible to prevent this?

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Re: AW: Q: prevent deleting existing files after recover a backup

2004-06-10 Thread Martin Hepworth
same technique will work then you can manually merge the directories.
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Sebastian Kösters wrote:
The overwriting is not the Problem. That´s ok. When I recover in directory,
where files exist that are not in the backup (new files) Amanda deletes them
(not overwrite!). I want prevent that..the overwriting is ok!
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Auftrag von Martin Hepworth
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2004 10:54
Betreff: Re: Q: prevent deleting existing files after recover a backup
there's no way for the restore not to overwrite the files.
What I do is to cd to somewhere that's *not* the start point for the 
backup, restore the files then mv them to where I need them to be 
possibily with a new name eg fred.c.restore.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Sebastian Kösters wrote:

i got a question.

When I recover a backup into a directory in which already files exist 
(others than in the Backup), Amanda deletes the existing files after the 
backup. I don’t want Amanda to do that.

Is it possible to prevent this?


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Re: Rebuilding my backup server

2004-07-02 Thread Martin Hepworth
gab a copy of knoppix.
This a live cd version of Linux - ie you boot from it and you have a 
fully working linux from cd - doesn't touch the hard drive.

You can then run mount the hd drive, setup the ethernet (if not DHCP) 
and run amrestore/amrecover as needed (it's part of the knoppix 

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
Dear all,
Disaster strikes!!!
My Red Hat 8.0 backup server hard drive has died, and I need some advice in rebuilding 
I have all the backups tapes and I have backup up /etc /home /var and a few other 
My question is, "How do I get all the configuration files back from the tapes without having 
Amanda installed?

Any tips would be great!!!
Kind Regards,
Gavin Henry.
BEng (Hons) MIEE
Invsat Ltd.
Discovery Drive,
Arnhall Business Park,
AB32 6FG.
Tel: + 44 (0) 1224 428453
Fax:+ 44 (0) 1224 428401
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Re: Rebuilding my backup server

2004-07-02 Thread Martin Hepworth
(got coffee now and read the bit about *backup* server died :-)
I think you already got the advice about doing a manual restore of the 
proper files.

If you've got a knoppix disk you MAY be able to get the conf files etc 
off the broken disk by mounting the disk and copying to a USB keydisk 
thing.  Depends on how borken the disk is - ie will it mount and how 
good your debugfs skills are if it won't mount..

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
I do use knoppix heavily, maybe it's my ignorance, but how will it know what to 
restore without my disklists and conf files?
-Original Message-----
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 July 2004 10:18
To: Gavin Henry
Subject: Re: Rebuilding my backup server
gab a copy of knoppix.
This a live cd version of Linux - ie you boot from it and you have a 
fully working linux from cd - doesn't touch the hard drive.

You can then run mount the hd drive, setup the ethernet (if not DHCP) 
and run amrestore/amrecover as needed (it's part of the knoppix 

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
Dear all,
Disaster strikes!!!
My Red Hat 8.0 backup server hard drive has died, and I need some advice in rebuilding 
I have all the backups tapes and I have backup up /etc /home /var and a few other 
My question is, "How do I get all the configuration files back from the tapes without having 
Amanda installed?

Any tips would be great!!!
Kind Regards,
Gavin Henry.
BEng (Hons) MIEE
Invsat Ltd.
Discovery Drive,
Arnhall Business Park,
AB32 6FG.
Tel: + 44 (0) 1224 428453
Fax:+ 44 (0) 1224 428401
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Re: Rebuilding my backup server

2004-07-02 Thread Martin Hepworth
sure its the HD then and not the IDE - or is the disk SCSI??
CD-ROM drives are cheap anyhow..
Now that 1GB usb keyfob things are < £200 I wonder how long it will 
before we a knoppix for a USB dongle (for BIOS'es that can boot from 
these things!)

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
Good idea, I think it will mount, but my cdrom is also dead :-(
I need to buy one.
-Original Message-
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 July 2004 11:08
To: Gavin Henry
Subject: Re: Rebuilding my backup server
(got coffee now and read the bit about *backup* server died :-)
I think you already got the advice about doing a manual restore of the 
proper files.

If you've got a knoppix disk you MAY be able to get the conf files etc 
off the broken disk by mounting the disk and copying to a USB keydisk 
thing.  Depends on how borken the disk is - ie will it mount and how 
good your debugfs skills are if it won't mount..

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
I do use knoppix heavily, maybe it's my ignorance, but how will it know what to 
restore without my disklists and conf files?
-Original Message-
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 July 2004 10:18
To: Gavin Henry
Subject: Re: Rebuilding my backup server
gab a copy of knoppix.
This a live cd version of Linux - ie you boot from it and you have a 
fully working linux from cd - doesn't touch the hard drive.

You can then run mount the hd drive, setup the ethernet (if not DHCP) 
and run amrestore/amrecover as needed (it's part of the knoppix 

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:

Dear all,
Disaster strikes!!!
My Red Hat 8.0 backup server hard drive has died, and I need some advice in rebuilding 
I have all the backups tapes and I have backup up /etc /home /var and a few other 
My question is, "How do I get all the configuration files back from the tapes without having 
Amanda installed?

Any tips would be great!!!
Kind Regards,
Gavin Henry.
BEng (Hons) MIEE
Invsat Ltd.
Discovery Drive,
Arnhall Business Park,
AB32 6FG.
Tel: + 44 (0) 1224 428453
Fax:+ 44 (0) 1224 428401
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Re: data timeout - no replies...anyone???

2004-08-18 Thread Martin Hepworth
The problem isn't amanda, its with dump (and Linus' hate of the program!)
nocomp doesn't make a difference, apart from using more tape to store 
the results.

your could make sure you use a 'dump-type' that specifies to use tar 
with no issues..with or without compression.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Ranveer Attalia wrote:
We are currently using version 2.4.4 p1. Is the Linux ext3 file type
supported on a later version of Amanda where I can use the dumptype

-Original Message-
From: Christoph Scheeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2004 12:56
To: Ranveer Attalia
Subject: Re: data timeout - no replies...anyone???

If they are working, you can leave them. But i don't trust dump at all,
so i use tar for all my partitions.
So i would sugest switching them to tar, especialy as it gives you more
flexibility when it comes to restoring a crashed machine/disk.
If you used Dump to do the backups you should restore them to the same
type of filesystem they came from.
If you use tar, you even can restore them on a different OS onto a
completly different filesystem.
In short: tar gives you more flexibility.
But thats all my personal view, you'll have to decide what to do on your
Ranveer Attalia schrieb:
excellent - thanks just needed confirmation on that (new user) ok, so 
I am confused, currently I have only changed over about 3 partitions 
on my linux machine (tsslin1) to use root-tar dumptype. All the rest 
are still using nocomp. But all other partitions appear to be working.

Does this mean that I can leave those partitions using nocomp dumptype

well alone? (ie: if its not broken dont fix it scenario)
- Ranveer   

-Original Message-
From: Christoph Scheeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2004 12:36
To: Ranveer Attalia
Subject: Re: data timeout - no replies...anyone???
amrecover does feed the needed parameters to tar for you.
Ranveer Attalia schrieb:

Thanks for the replies.
One more question. If am using the dumptype root-tar, can I just use 
an amrecover as normal to restore any files?

- Ranveer
-Original Message-
From: Christoph Scheeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2004 08:31
Subject: Re: data timeout - no replies...anyone???
i don't recall when it went in, but AFAIK it was 1 subrelease after 
the point where a missing exclude-file began to get treated as an

;-) Perhaps its mentioned somewhere in a changelog.
Gene Heskett schrieb:

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 04:19, Christoph Scheeder wrote:

first sorry for the delay in answering.
The exclude-list option gives the path to a text-file containig 
patterns which describe what files should be excluded from the

mine contains lines like
etc the "./" at the start is required, without it won't work.
you'll have to create one meeting your requirements or, as Gene 
already pointed out, you can remove this line from the dumptype 
definition, or you can modify it to read:

exclude list optional "/path/to/your/exclude-list"
which makes it an optional file, and amanda will work with or 

it and stop complaining if it does not exist.

At what tarball version did that 'optional' get built in?  He may, if

a beginner, be trying to use an (spit) rpm.  I don't know, either I 
wasn't paying enough attention, or he didn't say.

Ranveer Attalia schrieb:

Hi Christoph
I've found the GNUTAR dumptype and changed the partition which was 
failing to backup:

tsslin1/export/mansun1_telco lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
define dumptype root-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none
exclude list "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar"
priority low
Disklist data:
tsslin1 / nocomp
tsslin1 /boot nocomp
tsslin1 /usr nocomp
tsslin1 /var nocomp
tsslin1 /opt nocomp
tsslin1 /databases nocomp
tsslin1 /export/home nocomp
tsslin1 /export/mansun1_tss nocomp
tsslin1 /export/mansun1_telco root-tar
When I run an amcheck Daily -C tsslin1, I get the following error.
Problem is, the exclude.gtar file doesnt actually exist on the 
server.. Can this just be downloaded?

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: tsslin1: [Can't open exclude file
'/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory] 
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.095 seconds, 1 problem found

-Original Message-
From: Christoph Scheeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 August 2004 11:24
To: Ranveer Attalia
Subject: Re: data timeout - no replies...anyone???
yes you can, go to your amanda.conf:
have a look at t

Re: Compression using gzip

2004-08-27 Thread Martin Hepworth
change to compress line from none to server or client depending on where 
you want the compression to actually be done...
or look at a different dumptype that already does this for you...

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

I wanted to enable gzip compression on my backups since i want to
accomodate lots of data on to a 40GB tape, At present I am using 

define dumptype root-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none
priority low
So I would really appreciate if anyone can through light on this
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exclude file issues..

2004-09-03 Thread Martin Hepworth
Hi all
got an exclude file setup which 'should' stop all but a single file 
being backed up. But on first invocation its done ALL files. File is 
below and debug stuff shows the file in the parameter list for tar.

it should do only os_private directory but it did everything..
this is amanda 2.4.2p2 (yes I know it old) on FreeBSD backing up a samba 

Anyone any pointers??
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Re: exclude file issues..

2004-09-03 Thread Martin Hepworth
trying to use the exclude list style where the file info is in the file.
I guess I could always nfs mount the entire thing and use the exclude 
list on that with a tar backup???

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Paul Bijnens wrote:
Martin Hepworth wrote:
got an exclude file setup which 'should' stop all but a single file 
being backed up. But on first invocation its done ALL files. File is 
below and debug stuff shows the file in the parameter list for tar.
this is amanda 2.4.2p2 (yes I know it old) on FreeBSD backing up a 
samba share..

Amanda support for samba can handle only one exclude file.
(Samba 2.x.x and later could handle more, but nobody needed it
so badly that he patched amanda for it, yet.)

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Re: Restoring an ArcServe tape on Linux without ArcServe

2004-09-08 Thread Martin Hepworth
dd the entire tape to disk, so you've got the binary to play with^W^W 

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Iulian Topliceanu wrote:
I don't want to get spefic files. I just want to have a big ugly dump 
(or whatever) to show them that in order to regain that information, we 
really have to install ArcServer (which won't happen because we switched 
some time ago to Amanda)

Christoph Scheeder wrote:
AFAIK, and i'm not an arcserve-guru...;-), arcserve uses a propietary 
format to store the data onto tape.
So you will have to install arcserve to restore from this tpes.
I'm not aware of any other tool to restore from these tapes.

Iulian Topliceanu schrieb:
This might be not the right place to post this question but I had no 
other clue.

How do I restore a full ArcServe tape (some backup utility) under 
linux without having ArcServe installed?

Or at least, how can I see if there is something on a tape or not? I 
tried to use amrestore (and obviously didn't work since it wasn't an 
Amanda tape) and restore gives an error like: restore: Tape read 
orror on the first record.

Thank you for your support.

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Re: Bacula vs. amanda?

2004-09-29 Thread Martin Hepworth
sounds like an index on a table was missing to me, that sort of 
performance from mysql isn't normal.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Kai Zimmer wrote:
Hi Jonathan,
i used Bacula before i came to Amanda. Bacula is really nice - easy to 
setup, good documentation and so on. It saves information about 
files/dumpdates and so on in a mysql database which (in my case) turned 
out to be a bad idea. My datasets are huge, consisting of millions of 
xml-snippets. So mysql had lots of work to do and grew enormously to 
over 6 GB. Doing a single-file restore works fine, but once i had to do 
a complete system-recovery: The restore-interface consulted mysql and it 
took more than one week, before i interrupted it and did a (not much 
faster) direct restore from tape. After all it took me 14 days to 
restore the system.

And that's why i switched to Amanda ;-)
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Re: Maybe OT but a big problem with SOLARIS

2004-11-23 Thread Martin Hepworth
There's of diagnostics you can do with a SUN. It may well be bad RAM or 
other hardware issue. SUN should be able to talk you through all this..

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Michael Schaller wrote:
Maybe this Thread is a little OT, maybe it isn't.
During a few days we've big problems with one of our servers.
It's a SUN FIRE V480R with external StorEdge an a external changer 
(Overland LoaderXpress with a single LTO-1 drive from HP) attached.

As I wrote a few weeks ago the system run fine with AMANDA and the 
changer. Only in the fist night after configuring AMANDA with the 
changer the automatic backup started and the complete system crashed!!
Solaris didn't give any messages in /var/adm/messages ...
The system was frozen, the only way to get the system back to life was a 
"poweroff". After that the system was really fine for a few weeks.

Last week the same shit happend. The complete system was frozen.
We opened a call but without any messages sun was not able to solve the 
problem. During the last two days the system crashed two times.
But now the system does a automatic reboot.

Anybody ANY hints??
I get crazy ...
Thanks in advance
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Re: Problems with HP SureStore VS80e (DLT1)

2004-11-25 Thread Martin Hepworth
Dave Ewart wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday, 25.11.2004 at 14:22 +0100, Andreas Haumer wrote:

The situation quickly became worse and at some point the tape drive
refused to eject the tape cartridge. We called the HP support and they
replaced the drive without problems. With the new drive, the nightly
backup again started to work fine.
After about 2 weeks, the same errors occured again. The nightly backup
runs began to fail up to the point where the drive refused to eject
the cartridge. So, HP replaced the drive again and we started to use
our third drive in about 7 months of usage.

Interesting.  Same thing happened to us with a Tandberg DLT1 vs80 drive,
which I believe is fundamentally the same as the HP model.
Same symptoms as the above, but we've only had one 'dead' drive.  I
assumed it was Just One Of Those Things.  The first drive lasted for
about 12 months and the second has been going fine for about 10 months
so far.
- -- 
Dave Ewart
And here - seems to be heat related. Of the drives that have died 
(2xDLT1's and 1x VS80 all HP), have died on hot days in not temp 
controlled rooms.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Re: Problems with HP SureStore VS80e (DLT1)

2004-11-25 Thread Martin Hepworth
Dave Ewart wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday, 25.11.2004 at 13:57 +, Martin Hepworth wrote:

The situation quickly became worse and at some point the tape drive
refused to eject the tape cartridge. We called the HP support and
they replaced the drive without problems. With the new drive, the
nightly backup again started to work fine.
After about 2 weeks, the same errors occured again. The nightly
backup runs began to fail up to the point where the drive refused to
eject the cartridge. So, HP replaced the drive again and we started
to use our third drive in about 7 months of usage.
Interesting.  Same thing happened to us with a Tandberg DLT1 vs80
drive, which I believe is fundamentally the same as the HP model.
Same symptoms as the above, but we've only had one 'dead' drive.  I
assumed it was Just One Of Those Things.  The first drive lasted for
about 12 months and the second has been going fine for about 10
months so far.
- -- 
Dave Ewart
And here - seems to be heat related. Of the drives that have died 
(2xDLT1's and 1x VS80 all HP), have died on hot days in not temp 
controlled rooms.

Hmmm - curious.  My notes show that our drive keeled over in May (not 10
months ago, as I said above), although it did survive the hot summer of
2003 :-)
Perhaps I should move ours into the air-conditioned room ...
- -- 
May 10 WAS the summer :-)
More seriously England was thundery according to BBC, but can't find a 
specific diary for Oxford..

Anyway just noticed they tended to die on hot days rather than cool 
ones..not had any troubles since all in rooms where temp <25c and fairly 

only a few months to go b4 all you kit gets a nice home anyway...temp 
controlled, smooth ac power  !

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Re: Problem with amandad?

2004-11-25 Thread Martin Hepworth
have a look in the /tmp/amanda directory on the client and see if any of 
the debug files there give you any further information.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Sören Edzen wrote:
amanda work for me for a few weeks when today amcheck reported
this error with the amandad:
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: zampo: selfcheck reply timed out.
Client check: 1 host checked in 90.220 seconds, 1 problem found
(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p4)
When I did a ps check for amandad I got the following:
amanda  6163 0.0 0.3 2296 844 ? Ss   18:29   0:00 amandad
amanda  6165 0.0 0.00   0 ? Z18:29   0:00 [amandad] 
Does  means that there's something wrong with amandad or
could there be some other problem. 

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Re: Problems with HP SureStore VS80e (DLT1)

2004-11-26 Thread Martin Hepworth
when my drives failed ambient temp was around 28c for a few days and one 
 died on hottest day in 2003.

From what I can remember two deaths on hot days, one where the drive 
refused to eject even after power cycle (over night off) even when in 
temp controlled environment. ltt showed nothingdrive replace anyway..

I think next drives I'll try are the LTO 3's which are now down below 
4,500 euro in the UK (2,900 UK pounds).

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Andreas Haumer wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Many thanks for your reports!
It's interesting to see that those drives seem to die quite often.
I didn't expect that!
Martin Hepworth wrote:
Dave Ewart wrote:
Hmmm - curious.  My notes show that our drive keeled over in May (not 10
months ago, as I said above), although it did survive the hot summer of
2003 :-)
Perhaps I should move ours into the air-conditioned room ...
- --

May 10 WAS the summer :-)
More seriously England was thundery according to BBC, but can't find a
specific diary for Oxford..
Anyway just noticed they tended to die on hot days rather than cool
ones..not had any troubles since all in rooms where temp <25c and fairly
Just noticed that both of you guys live in England.
Now I don't know what your definition of "summer" is... ;-)
I don't think that temperature is a problem in our case.
While the office where the drive is located indeed does
not have air-condition, it's quite cool in general
(typical Viennese late 19th century building).
Anyway, in the afternoon I had a call with a HP support
guy. He asked me to have the HP "ltt" software run against
the drive to get more diagnostics. But alas it seems the
drive is not responsive anymore. Replacement time, again...
The HP support guy also told me, that the active SCSI bus
termination on the VS80e drives is very sensitive and is
one of the main reasons those drives die. Thunderstorms
and electrical induction on the SCSI bus might have negative
influence. I'm not sure if the symptoms I see support this
theory, though.
- - andreas
- --
Andreas Haumer | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*x Software + Systeme  |
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A-1100 Vienna, Austria | Fax: +43-1-6060114-71
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Re: Amrecover on Redhat 7.3 failing

2004-12-01 Thread Martin Hepworth
it's not finding dump at that location. On Linux systems dump/restore 
isn't always a good option as Linus thinks they are outdated and thus 
doesn't make sure the filesystems are working with dump.

You might have to recompile with dump in the correct location, or use 
tar sa the backup program (see the backup styles in amanda.conf on the 
server). Again you have to compile with --tar= pointing to the correct spot.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
TJ wrote:
I have amanda set up on a Solaris 8 serevr and it is successfully
backing up and restoring Solaris and windows files.  However with
Redhat 7.3 I am getting the following errors
warning: restore program for /sbin/dump not available.
amrecover couldn't exec: No such file or directory
 problem executing restore
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Tariq Juneja
Hosting and Operations
MTV Networks Europe
00 44 207 478 6379
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Re: Upgrading via source from 2.4.4p3 to 2.4.4p4.

2004-12-03 Thread Martin Hepworth
that's what I do - anothe reason to document the configure options :-)
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
Gavin Henry wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
Just wondering if upgrading is just a simple case of compiling the new
sources with the same configure options, which should just replace the
existing binaries?
Any other preparation needed?
- --
Kind Regards,
Gavin Henry.
Managing Director.
T +44 (0) 1467 624141
M +44 (0) 7930 323266
F +44 (0) 1224 742001
Open Source. Open Solutions(tm).

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Re: Amrecover on Redhat 7.3 failing

2004-12-03 Thread Martin Hepworth
This is all client side. how did you install, from an RPM, hand compile???
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
TJ wrote:
Hi Martin
Thanks for this I am not really sure if you're saying that it has to
be recompiled on the main Amanda server? Also it sounds as if I do not
know my config that well - so will have to look at where the dump is
set for location at the moment.
On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 13:52:08 +0000, Martin Hepworth
it's not finding dump at that location. On Linux systems dump/restore
isn't always a good option as Linus thinks they are outdated and thus
doesn't make sure the filesystems are working with dump.
You might have to recompile with dump in the correct location, or use
tar sa the backup program (see the backup styles in amanda.conf on the
server). Again you have to compile with --tar= pointing to the correct spot.
Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

TJ wrote:
I have amanda set up on a Solaris 8 serevr and it is successfully
backing up and restoring Solaris and windows files.  However with
Redhat 7.3 I am getting the following errors
warning: restore program for /sbin/dump not available.
amrecover couldn't exec: No such file or directory
problem executing restore
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Tariq Juneja
Hosting and Operations
MTV Networks Europe
00 44 207 478 6379
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amanda 2.4.2p1 on SUNOS 4.1.3 compile problems

2001-02-22 Thread Martin Hepworth

Hi all

trying to compile 2.4.2p1 on SunOS 4.1.3 (just the client side) with
gcc2.6 which acording to the readme has been done, althought I'd bet
with SUN's compiler rather than gcc.

anyway in common-src I get the following error 

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../config -I./../regex-src -g -O2 -c
alloc.c -o alloc.o
In file included from alloc.c:33:
amanda.h:509: parse error before `areads_dataready'
amanda.h:509: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `alloc.lo'
Current working directory /home/sol/martinh/amanda-2.4.2p1/common-src
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'

I'ce tried tracking the typedefs etc, but I'm not having much luck.

Anyone got a binary I can have for this, or any pointers to I can
compile it with such an old gcc?

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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2001-02-22 Thread Martin Hepworth


Dear Mr List Admin can yor remove this - it look likes its setup as n
autoresponder ...

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Joseph Del Corso wrote:
> Is anyone else receiving the following emails as a result of this list??
> >Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 17:23:57 +0100
> >To: Joseph Del Corso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: tapelists
> >
> >Sehr geehrte Kunden,
> >
> >Ihre Anfrage ist bei uns eingegangen und wird umgehend bearbeitet.
> >
> >Mit freundlichen Gren
> >
> >Ihr PcW-Team
> >
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Re: amanda 2.4.2p1 on SUNOS 4.1.3 compile problems

2001-02-23 Thread Martin Hepworth

Still complains at the same place, same error...must be another issue

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >anyway in common-src I get the following error
> >
> >gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../config -I./../regex-src -g -O2 -c
> >alloc.c -o alloc.o
> >In file included from alloc.c:33:
> >amanda.h:509: parse error before `areads_dataready'
> >amanda.h:509: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
> >*** Error code 1
> >...
> This was reported with a patch just a couple of days ago.  Look in the
> E-mail archive for subject "file locking, 2.4.1 vs. 2.4.2".  I don't
> have a report back yet whether the patch fixes the problem.  I doubt
> it totally solves things because it needs a change to ./,
> which is hard to re-distribute.
> As an alternative, I think you could add this someplace:
>   -Dssize_t=int
> >Martin Hepworth
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: amanda 2.4.2p1 on SUNOS 4.1.3 compile problems

2001-02-26 Thread Martin Hepworth


well the patch didn't seem to do much (the huge one needs autoconf etc
which I don't have). I forced a #define ssize_t int into the top of
amanda.h and things seem to compile and amcheck OK. Just leaves a test
backup and restore to do. 

I'll let you know how we get on.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >Still complains at the same place, same error...must be another issue
> >somewhere
> That doesn't make any sense.  Please look at line 509 of amanda.h and
> post what it now is after you applied the patch.
> >Martin Hepworth
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ./configure - error

2001-02-26 Thread Martin Hepworth


have a look at the following URL for a little documentation on
install/configuring anr running amanda..

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Jürgen Weltzer wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new with amanda and in this list.
> When I try to ./configure amanda I get an error with
> *** --with-user=USER missing
> whats that?
> How can I get amanda running?
> --
> Viele Grüße
> Jürgen Weltzer
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Werbeagentur Weltzer
> Max-Eyth-Straße 8
> 71065 Sindelfingen
> Tel. +49 (0)
> Fax +49 (0)
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Windows95/98/NT: 32 bit extension and a graphical shell for a 16 bit
> patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit
> microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of
> competition

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Re: Backup time

2001-03-07 Thread Martin Hepworth


Is amanda doing compression? I backed up some really slow Suns and doing
local compression totally killed the performance of the backup. Also the
first time you do a backup of a system it does a level 0 (full) backup. 

Also I find its better to add one server a day to amanda so you don't
end up with with a huge backup cycle at the start, but that's just my preference.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Olivier Collet wrote:
> Hello,
> First I would like to thanks everybody in this mailing list.
> I have a doubt. I launched the backup yesterday at 18:00 and today it is
> 10:35 and it is still not done! I have put 'only' three servers in this
> backup as a test. Is it normal it is so slow ? How can I tell the backup
> is still going on ?
> The Bandwith I put in the amanda config is 5000 kbitsec, the network is
> 100 Mbits. What also is strange is I run snmp deamon on amanda server, and
> I read the info in cricket, and it shows me it uses not more than 2
> Mbit/sec.Is this normal or am I missing something ?
> Thanks
> regards
> Olivier Collet

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problems with nfs mount snap-server.

2001-07-12 Thread Martin hepworth

Hi all

We've been using amanda 2.4.2.p1 for a while now and every in the garden
is rosey.

We recently got a snap-server to try and off - load some of our desktop
machines that are being used as file servers (yes I know...).

I'm trying to backup the snap server by mounting thing via nfs on the
amanda server itself and then simply backup the nfs mount as a normal
local filesystem.

However when I do this is get the following error...

/caxton lev 0 FAILED [disk /caxton offline on dns?]

I also get this error if I use amcheck. 

Any ideas anyone???

BTW if you could cc me directly on any rely that would be great as I;ve
only just subscribed and not seen any messages yes so majordomo may not
have have reset the aliases.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: problems with nfs mount snap-server.

2001-07-12 Thread Martin hepworth

Looks like changing the dumptype to gnutar might work. amcheck doesn't
complain anymore so we'll see how the backup goes and then restoring a

I'll also checkout the samba option as well as it might make things

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Paul Bijnens wrote:
> Martin hepworth wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to backup the snap server by mounting thing via nfs on the
> > amanda server itself and then simply backup the nfs mount as a normal
> > local filesystem.
> >
> > However when I do this is get the following error...
> >
> > /caxton lev 0 FAILED [disk /caxton offline on dns?]
> Are you using dumptype DUMP?  You should use GNUTAR.
> Just a possibility.
> You didn't specify much detail of your configuration...
> --
> Paul Bijnens, Lant Tel  +32 16 40.51.40
> Interleuvenlaan 15 H, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM   Fax  +32 16 40.49.61
>   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ***
> * I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
> * quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
> * stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
> * PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
> * kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
> * ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *
> ***

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Re: problems with nfs mount snap-server.

2001-07-26 Thread Martin hepworth


had several responses to this, but the way that worked the best was to
treat it as an smbclient.

'root' had access to the device on the nfs mount, but it still didn't
seem to like it. Maybe I  should upgrade the 2.4.2p2 and try again, but
at the moment it works so i shan't fix it :-)

Thanks for all the advice

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Martin hepworth wrote:
> Hi all
> We've been using amanda 2.4.2.p1 for a while now and every in the garden
> is rosey.
> We recently got a snap-server to try and off - load some of our desktop
> machines that are being used as file servers (yes I know...).
> I'm trying to backup the snap server by mounting thing via nfs on the
> amanda server itself and then simply backup the nfs mount as a normal
> local filesystem.
> However when I do this is get the following error...
> /caxton lev 0 FAILED [disk /caxton offline on dns?]
> I also get this error if I use amcheck.
> Any ideas anyone???
> BTW if you could cc me directly on any rely that would be great as I;ve
> only just subscribed and not seen any messages yes so majordomo may not
> have have reset the aliases.
> --
> Martin Hepworth
> Senior Systems Administrator
> Solid State Logic Ltd
> +44 (0)1865 842300

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odd block size config problems

2002-12-11 Thread Martin Hepworth

I've been running amanda for a couple of years in our UK office, even 
running MacOS X clients (using gtar so the filetype/ownership can get 
lost but that's easy to fix) so I've got 1/2 a clue about all this.

BUT I'm trying to make amanda work on a Netmax Linux system which is 
proving fun on the tape side of things.

If I use 2.4.3 I have to specify the blocksize to get the thing to work 
(20). If I just it run I get short write errors and also problems about 
multiple block write errors in /var/log/messages. Same for trying to 
label a tape.

If I use 2.4.2p2 I get no joy at all with the same issues.

How can I force the block size in the amanda.conf (or elsewhere) to use 
20 rather than the 32 is looks like it uses by having a very quick look 
at the code. (yes I have messed with maxtapeblocks in the config line 
for 2.4.3)??

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Odd tape block size problems

2002-12-19 Thread Martin Hepworth

I've been running amanda for a couple of years in our UK office, even 
running MacOS X clients (using gtar so the filetype/ownership can get 
lost but that's easy to fix) so I've got 1/2 a clue about all this.

BUT I'm trying to make amanda work on a Netmax Linux system which is 
proving fun on the tape side of things.

If I use 2.4.3 I have to specify the blocksize to get tapetype to work 
(20). If I just it run I get short write errors and also problems about 
multiple block write errors in /var/log/messages. Same for trying to 
label a tape.

However I can't figure out how to force the block size on the rest of 
the programs. The default seems sto be 32 and the thing only works with 
20. I've messed with a few of the obvious '32' numbers in the tape-src 
but it makes no difference.

If I use 2.4.2p2 I get no joy at all with the same issues, even tapetype 
as theres no blocksize parameter.

Am I missing something in the amanda.conf file??

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Permissions with Amanda-client

2002-12-19 Thread Martin Hepworth

what's the permissions for /usr/local/libexec/runtar on the client? 
usually this is setuid root.

Oleksandr Darchuk wrote:
I'm newbie in amanda. I have worked server and now try to backup another host 
using amanda client. I've installed both server and client with same user(e. 
g. archiver). But when I run amcheck I have this error:

ERROR: meclient.mydomain: [can not execute /usr/local/libexec/runtar: 
Permission denied]

On server and on client user archiver can run runtar.
What's wrong?
Thax for any advises.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Permissions with Amanda-client

2002-12-19 Thread Martin Hepworth

Oleksandr Darchuk wrote:

On Thursday 19 December 2002 17:13, you wrote:


what's the permissions for /usr/local/libexec/runtar on the client?
usually this is setuid root.

This is from my client:
-rwsr-x---1 root archiver   114708 Dec 13 16:15 runtar
You are right about setuid, but as I understand, group archiver can execute 
this file. What probles?

hmm ok looks good, and the amanda user is group archiver I presume..

What do the debug files in /tmp/amanda on the client say?

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Permissions with Amanda-client

2002-12-19 Thread Martin Hepworth

Oleksandr Darchuk wrote:

On Thursday 19 December 2002 17:49, you wrote:

Oleksandr Darchuk wrote:

On Thursday 19 December 2002 17:13, you wrote:


what's the permissions for /usr/local/libexec/runtar on the client?
usually this is setuid root.

This is from my client:
-rwsr-x---1 root archiver   114708 Dec 13 16:15 runtar
You are right about setuid, but as I understand, group archiver can
execute this file. What probles?

hmm ok looks good, and the amanda user is group archiver I presume..

Yes. I have builded amanda with option --with-user archiver -with-group 

What do the debug files in /tmp/amanda on the client say?

ERROR [can not execute /usr/local/libexec/runtar: Permission denied]
OK /bin/gtar executable
ERROR [can not read/write /etc/amandates: Permission denied]
ERROR [can not read/write /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file 
or directory]
OK /bin/gzip executable
OK /dev/null read/writable

Nothing new as I see :( May be I've done something wrong, but what?

/etc/amdates and /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ must exist and be 
writable by the archiver user (in your case).

This is one thing that always gripes me about installing amanda, it's a 
bit of a  to actually configure, you've got to run through 
all the debug files etc to find out what's wrong.

Also you'll need the /usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude-gtar file as well

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: holding disk via nfs?

2002-12-19 Thread Martin Hepworth

Matthew Boeckman wrote:

Running amanda 2.4.2, and have configured for tapeless operation to 
spool backups to the holding disk. The holding disk is actually an NFS 
mounted volume on a SNAP server. Problem I'm having is how to define 
that 'partition'

the mount is

Normally I would say something like:
holdingdisk  amt_dump {
comment "blah"
directory "/bkup/amanda"
use 25 Gb
chunksize 15Gb

Which seems fine to me. What's happening is that lvl 0's on my biggest 
partition are failing:
  amt/dev/sda9 lev 0 FAILED [dump larger than tape, but cannot 
incremental dump new disk]

Here's the disk usage for that partition:
/dev/sda9 122G  4.7G  111G   5%

There are 188G free on that holding disk! Why is amanda whining about this?

Will this magically go away if I upgrade to 2.4.3 and use the file: driver?


This is prob to with the 'reserve' parameter in the holding disk. This 
is a precentage of the disk to keep for degraded mode backups.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: amandad without xinetd

2003-01-21 Thread Martin Hepworth

Kang, James wrote:

They don't want to run xinetd.
Is amandad capable of running "stand-alone" mode?
Please understand I am not trying to argue against your "default xinetd 
mode" solution with the latest xinetd.


There are alot of security policies out there that state - no (x)inetd 
on servers. Would be nice if we could at least run amanda on the clients 
 without running an inetd varient.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Tape error problems

2003-01-22 Thread Martin Hepworth
Rebecca Pakish Crum wrote:

I've been successfully using amanda for over a year now and all of a sudden it's all screwed up!
I'm using amanda 2.4.2p2 on a RH7.2 box.
amcheck is happy when it runs daily at 3 pm before I leave:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 13770716 KB disk space available, that's plenty
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape isymmdaily09 label ok
Server check took 10.881 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 3 hosts checked in 0.273 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

But that same night when my cron job tried to kick off the backup:
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [rewinding tape: No medium found].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: isymmdaily09.

And yes, the tape is in the drive. It's still in there now, hasn't been touched. This has happened to me almost every day for the last week. So it's not just this tape. I've cleaned the drive, turned the drive off, bounced the box...all of the little things.


Rebecca A. Crum  
Systems Administrator 
Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 
(219) 736-5579 ext. 184 

Does amcheck see the tape?

can the amanda backup user access the tape drive?

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Amanda correct hostname resolution

2003-01-22 Thread Martin Hepworth
Santiago wrote:

Hello. I am new to amanda, so please forgive any newbie questions. I 
have done my best to RTFM for all of the docs I can find googling 
amanda. My question relates to the hostname lookup performed by amanda - 
I have put the correct machine name/IP in /etc/hosts. There is no DNS 
resolution for this machine (or many other machines that I will be 
backing up). How do I correct this error and get amanda to resolve 
hostnames correctly (from my /etc/hosts file)?


Yes, the machine resolves to /etc/hosts first.

[root@backup root]# ping scratchy
PING scratchy ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from scratchy ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=0.652 ms
64 bytes from scratchy ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=0.286 ms

[root@backup root]# su amanda -c "amcheck Daily"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 218906388 KB disk space available, that's 
ERROR: /dev/nst0: No such file or directory
   (expecting a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/var/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo: does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run
Server check took 0.018 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: scratchy: [addr hostname lookup failed]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.061 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3)

What does the debug stuff in /tmp/amanda look like? There may be a clue 
in there as to why.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Windows backups

2003-01-23 Thread Martin Hepworth


have you tried amcleanup? Sounds like the first run didn't exit clean.

also make sure that the disktype doesn't mention an exclude list for the 
gtar varient.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Bill Hults wrote:
Taking the $ out didn't help. The first time I ran amcheck I got a message
that said something about (I thought I'd see it again) "smbclient doesn't
support exclude lists" and
that ampandapass was world writeable. When I fixed amandapass & ran amcheck
again I got the old message back - ERROR: NAK BS1: amandad busy.
Thanks for the help

-Original Message-
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:12 AM
To: Bill Hults
Subject: Re: Windows backups


try taking the $ out of the sharename. It's probably trying to interpret
the $ character oddly.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Bill Hults wrote:

I'm running Amanda 2.4.3 under RH8 backing up a few Linux boxes. This runs
I now would like to add some of my W2K machines to the backup.
As per the instructions -
I recompiled Amanda with --with-smbclient --user-amanda --group-disk
I created a amanda user with appropriate rights on the W2K box.
I created a hidden share (sharename$) on the W2K box.
I added the same amanda user to smbpasswd.
I created amandapass owned by amanda:disk
I added the line "//W2KServer/sharename$  amanda%passwd  WORKGROUP" to the
I added an entry to the disklist for the backup - "BS1
//W2KServer/sharename$ comp-user-tar"
When I run amcheck I get -
ERROR: NAK BS1: amandad busy
Client check: 8 hosts checked in 0.836 seconds, 1 problem found
What did I miss?

Bill Hults

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Re: Windows backups

2003-01-23 Thread Martin Hepworth

what do the debug files in /tmp/amanda say - anything interesting?

Bill Hults wrote:

amcleanup said there was nothing to do.
The disklist is as the documentation suggests. No exclude list.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:47 AM
To: Bill Hults
Cc: Amanda List
Subject: Re: Windows backups


have you tried amcleanup? Sounds like the first run didn't exit clean.

also make sure that the disktype doesn't mention an exclude list for the
gtar varient.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Bill Hults wrote:

Taking the $ out didn't help. The first time I ran amcheck I got a message
that said something about (I thought I'd see it again) "smbclient doesn't
support exclude lists" and
that ampandapass was world writeable. When I fixed amandapass & ran


again I got the old message back - ERROR: NAK BS1: amandad busy.
Thanks for the help

-Original Message-
From: Martin Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:12 AM
To: Bill Hults
Subject: Re: Windows backups


try taking the $ out of the sharename. It's probably trying to interpret
the $ character oddly.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Bill Hults wrote:

I'm running Amanda 2.4.3 under RH8 backing up a few Linux boxes. This runs
I now would like to add some of my W2K machines to the backup.
As per the instructions -
I recompiled Amanda with --with-smbclient --user-amanda --group-disk
I created a amanda user with appropriate rights on the W2K box.
I created a hidden share (sharename$) on the W2K box.
I added the same amanda user to smbpasswd.
I created amandapass owned by amanda:disk
I added the line "//W2KServer/sharename$  amanda%passwd  WORKGROUP" to the
I added an entry to the disklist for the backup - "BS1
//W2KServer/sharename$ comp-user-tar"
When I run amcheck I get -
ERROR: NAK BS1: amandad busy
Client check: 8 hosts checked in 0.836 seconds, 1 problem found
What did I miss?

Bill Hults

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Senior Systems Administrator
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Re: cannot fit anything on tape, bailing out ....

2003-01-31 Thread Martin Hepworth
Heiko Schellhorn wrote:

Am Freitag, 31. Januar 2003 13:12 schrieben Sie:

Sorry I forgot to attach some files more.

The configs are attached too.


so what happens if you don't specify the tapedev (ie comment it out). On 
the above comments from this line it does say that some changers need 
tapedev and others don't.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Backup problem

2003-02-03 Thread Martin Hepworth

normally amanda will balance the backups so that it will only do full 
backup every now and again with incrementals in between.

How are you attempting to restore the file? If you use use amrestore 
from the client in question it will tell you which tape it needs for a 
specific tape.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Angie Yee wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a problem with the amanda backup.
All the files are not seems fully backup to the backup tape every time.

For example, file A and file B are stored in the same folder C.  However,
there was only file A has been found in backup tape which under folder C.  I
have no idea why since I am a newbie and all the configurations was pre-set
by someone.

Please find an attachment of amanda.conf file.  Would you please advise
where is it gone wrong?

I am using amanda version 2.4.2p2.

Thanks very much for your help.


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Re: sol 2.6 HP-C1557A (12000e) changer device

2003-02-10 Thread Martin hepworth

Sounds like you need to get the chg- working first.

have a look at the docs in the tape-changer directory.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Gene Heskett wrote:

On Monday 10 February 2003 06:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I did lots of reading manuals and mailing lists but still not
succeeded in having amanda talk to the changer.

amanda 2.4.3
solaris 2.6
HP surestore C1557A (12000e)

Previous installation of Soltice jukebox uses '/dev/lus'. But
amanda cannot use it.

/dev/lus ->

[pbrazor1]/export/home/amanda$ amtape Daily show
amtape: could not get changer info: open: /dev/lus: Bad file
number ***

There is only 1 device in rmt '/dev/rmt/0...' .
Installation test-routine of the changer software says:

[pbrazor1]/etc/LGTOuscsi$ ./inquire
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:HP C1557A U709|Tape,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:HP C1557A U709|Autochanger (Jukebox)

/dev/rmt/0mbn -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@2,1/st@4,0:mbn

But there is no 'st@4,1' either.

So which software do I need to install or what configuration is

Thanks for any help

I don't believe this is an amanda problem, but a solaris kernel 
problem.  Unforch, I'll leave the definitive solaris answers to 

If its anything like linux, then you should find the correct device 
in the /var/log/dmesg (or whatever solaris calls it) file. If its 
not there, the next question is, is solaris doing a 'scan all luns' 
on boot, I believe it must in order to find the changer robot since 
many of them are located at the same bus address as the drive 
itself, but at a higher Logical Unit Number, aka 'lun'.  For a 
linux kernel, this must be turned on in the kernel config and the 
kernel rebuilt as it doesn't default to on.

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Re: Tape running out of space, NOT possible

2003-02-12 Thread Martin hepworth

What does the tapetype say in amanda.conf?

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

Rebecca Pakish Crum wrote:

Hi all - 

I have amanda 2.4.2p2 running on a RH 7.3 box with a Quantum SuperDLT 110GB tape drive. I am currently sending 11-13GB to this drive depending on the day...

amanda is telling me my dump is too big and degrading my level 0's to level 1! How is this possible? I run amdump from a script called by cron and have for some time. The first line in my script rewinds the tape, just in case. I have tried multiple tapes, so I don't believe it is a media issue.  Here is my amdump report:

These dumps were to tape uamonthly200301.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: uamonthly200301.

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:03
Run Time (hrs:min) 1:01
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:55   0:54   0:00
Output Size (meg)   11552.611507.8   44.8
Original Size (meg) 11552.611507.8   44.8
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --(level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   15 10  5   (1:5)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  3608.1 3614.8 2444.7

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:19   0:19   0:00
Tape Size (meg) 11553.111508.2   44.9
Tape Used (%)  99.8   99.40.4   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped15 10  5   (1:5)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) 10417.310525.0 2878.3

  planner: Last full dump of slaw:/usr on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of slaw:/home on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Incremental of bumped to level 2.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of slaw:/home delayed.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of delayed.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of delayed.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of delayed.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of delayed.
  taper: tape uamonthly200301 kb 11830368 fm 15 [OK]

-- - 
slaw /home   11184   1184   --0:003792.9   0:011187.5
slaw /usr0  692672 692672   --3:453083.4   0:5612399.8
smores.unter /etc02400   2400   --0:011713.4   0:03 847.8
smores.unter -xport/home 0 14187521418752   --8:472693.6   1:4113983.4
smores.unter /opt1   34976  34976   --0:113233.3   0:103381.3
smores.unter /usr0  464576 464576   --3:96.3   0:2916027.7
smores.unter /var16464   6464   --0:041564.9   0:015722.3
spork.unterl -xport/home 0 15429761542976   --6:273982.5   1:2617908.4
spork.unterl -min/testua 0 18540481854048   --6:005156.1   3:069981.8
spork.unterl -e/admin/ua 0 43280324328032   --   13:565175.1   6:5510435.5
spork.unterl /usr11216   1216   --0:02 529.6   0:02 711.7
spork.unterl /var12016   2016   --0:011675.4   0:021188.5
weber.unterl /opt0   17056  17056   --0:053723.8   0:0210528.9
weber.unterl /usr0  198272 198272   --1:092873.6   0:563546.9
weber.unterl /var0 12652481265248   --   10:481952.6   3:066791.8

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Any ideas?

Rebecca A. Crum  
Systems Administrator 
Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 
(219) 736

Re: question (if tape server crash)

2003-02-13 Thread Martin hepworth

If the tape server is crashed, and I  reinstall Amanda, can the NEW tape
recognize previous backup tapes and retrive the files?
It looks unlikely.
How solve this problem?

Thanks advanced!




Hopefully you're backing up the tape server and specifically the area 
where all the indexes etc are kept.

Then all you need to do is restore the amanda indexes, conf files etc to 
the new server.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Error after installing/configuring amanda

2003-02-17 Thread Martin hepworth

/usr/local/sbin probably isn't in your path.

so /usr/local/sbin/amcheck (options) should work..

Madhvi Gokool wrote:

I have encountered the following error when trying to run the following
command or any other amanda program on the tape server host
[amanda@backup sbin]$ amcheck -l
bash: amcheck: command not found

The permissions of the am* commands in /usr/local/sbin area s follows :-
34807 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   442325 Feb  4 16:30 amadmin
  34808 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   542304 Feb  4 16:30 amcheck
  34814 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 1811 Feb  4 16:30 amcheckdb
  34846 -rwsr-x---1 root root   542304 Feb 11 15:22 amcheck_old
  34815 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 3936 Feb  4 16:30 amcleanup
  34806 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   218270 Feb  4 16:30 amdd
  34816 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 3744 Feb  4 16:30 amdump
  34809 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   381176 Feb  4 16:30 amflush
  34810 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   197506 Feb  4 16:30 amgetconf
  34811 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   413403 Feb  4 16:30 amlabel
  34805 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   218366 Feb  4 16:30 ammt
  34817 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 4427 Feb  4 16:30 amoverview
  34824 -rwxr-x---1 amanda   operator   379886 Feb  4 16:30 amrecover
  34813 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   402562 Feb  4 16:30 amreport
  34823 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   312351 Feb  4 16:30 amrestore
  34818 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 6607 Feb  4 16:30 amrmtape
  34822 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator29050 Feb  4 16:30 amstatus
  34812 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator   422231 Feb  4 16:30 amtape
  34819 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 6888 Feb  4 16:30 amtoc
  34820 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator12053 Feb  4 16:30 amverify
  34821 -rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   operator 1123 Feb  4 16:30 amverifyrun

Where have I gone wrong ???

Thanx in asdvance

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: Tape Cycle calculations

2003-02-19 Thread Martin hepworth
Alex Page wrote:

I'm setting up an amanda system, and I'm a little confused by the
jargon. What I'm trying to do is one full backup a week (on Fridays) and
partial backups every other weeknight. I want to operate four weeks of
tapes in rotation, so at any time we have four weeks of backup down to
the granularity of one day.

Am I right in thinking that this is a dump cycle of 7 days, with 5
runs per cycle and 4 tapes per run? Sorry if this is alarmingly obvious,
I'm pretty new to all this :)



 err no.

Let amanda decide when to do full dumps - it will flatten out the load 
and figure out when to do full's itself.

ya want want

dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 20 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
# (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week --
tapecycle 20 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation

If ya want to do 'archive' runs then setup a separate backup set that 
only does full's (via the disklist and backuptype specifier)

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: no-rewind pass0 on FreeBSD

2003-02-24 Thread Martin hepworth
my kernel config just mentions the sa driver. (no zero or one etc)

that way it should detect the sa devices on boot. Once you've got that 
far you may need to make the /dev/*sa0 devices by

cd /dev
Makedev sa0

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300
Scott Lambert wrote:
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 09:23:10AM +0100, Konrad Dienst wrote:

Does your kernel include "device sa"?

Your tape should be recognized as /dev/.*sa[0-9]

For instance :

Waiting 5 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
sa0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 5 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 8)
sa1 at ahc0 bus 0 target 10 lun 0
sa1:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa1: 20.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 15, 16bit)
Sa0 is included in the Kernel, but the only thing I get is:

pass0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
pass0:  Removable Changer SCSI-3 device
pass0: 3.300MB/s transfers
The system recognizes only a passthrough device.

You probably want to start talking to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing 
list to figure out why you aren't getting a tape device, (sa, sequential

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Re: Help With Restore

2003-02-26 Thread Martin hepworth
Kenneth Sullivan wrote:
I'm trying to restore a directory on one of our servers.  First, I
want the directory to reside in a temporary location before I move it
to its original location.  I ran the following command in the temp
amrestore /dev/nst0  /.1/shares

Now I have a file in my temp directory named
._.1_shares.20030206.0.  I've tried to tar it to expand the
contents but the server just sits there, even when running tar
overnight.  I used:
tar xvpS ._.1_shares.20030206.0

What am I doing wrong?  I need to be able to pull a certain directory
out and trash the rest.  Any help will be appreciated.


well I tend to use amrecover myself

amrecover [ [ -C ] config ] [ -s index-server ] [ -t tape-server ] [ -d 
tape-device ]

(index and tape server tend to be same)

then inside amrecover you can set the dir/filesystem you want to 
recover, where you want it to go and from what date.

anyway back to your tar problem. you haven't used the 'f' option to tell 
tar to use a non default file ie..

tar xvpfS ._.1_shares.20030206.0

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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Re: help requested designing once a week dump cycle

2003-02-28 Thread Martin hepworth
Mark Stosberg wrote:

I'm interested in some advice on the best way to configure my dump
cycle. This cycle will run once a week and performs full backups.
Every forth week we take one tape out the cycle for archiving and
replace it with a new tape. So is this would this be the optimal
amanda.conf settings for that? 

runspercycle 4
tapecycle 4 tapes   

And then I should mark the 4th tape "no-reuse" ? I'm also not clear of
the best use of that feature as well. 





I do a separate run for the 'archive' tape. That way I can specify to 
just do level 0 dumps (ie full backups) always for all disks. If you 
just 'take out' a tape it will more than likely just have incrementals 
on it and an only level 0 if you by chance coincide with the amamda 
planner's view of when to do a level0.

Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
+44 (0)1865 842300

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