cant switch to incremental dump

2002-12-20 Thread ahall

(I sent a mail about this a few days ago, so if I am duplicating info
please forgive)

I still cannot get one of my disks to dump correctly.  It is reporting the
error can't switch to incremental dump.  I have unforced the dump w/
amadmin just in case.  I have a tape with more then enough space to
archive this data.  I have plenty of space in my holding disk.  I just
cannnot figure out why this dump is trying to do an incremental dump and
why it cannot.  If I use amadmin and force a level 0, shouldn't amanda
only run a level 0?  The logs in /tmp/amanda dont point me to the solution

I am really confused here and any help would be appreicated.

Thank You.


can't switch to incremental dump

2002-12-18 Thread ahall

I have a question about one of my dumps.  I have a disk that currently has
only 32G of data.  I forced a level 0 a couple of days ago and each night
since I have received the message can't switch to incremental dump.  My
holding disk is about 90G.  My tape is and AIT-2 tape with 50G native
capacity, with the correct tape type.  I have an AIT-2 tape in the drive.

I have looked at the sendsize output and it shows calculations for a level
4,5 and 0.  The odd thing is that the sendbackup is a level 4???

Should I use amadmin to unforce this backup?   How can I research why it
wants to run an incremental backup?

Thank you


Re: Help with disklist.

2002-11-14 Thread ahall
The syntax is:

archive_server  //win_host/sharedumptype.

See the file SAMBA in the docs subdirectory of your source.


On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, [iso-8859-1] Hélio Dubeux wrote:

 How do i set up my disklist file do backup a windows share?

 Hélio Dubeux Neto

 MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil.

smbclient question

2002-11-06 Thread ahall
Good Morning,

I have setup amanda to archive my win 2k clients, and all appeared to be
well in testing.  I have a client that has a 63G file, that smbclient is
only showing as 170M.  This is what amanda archived and if I view the file
with smbclient the size of the file is reported as 170M.

I am running 2.4.2p2 on linux.

Any ideas why smbclient is reporting the size incorrectly?

Thank you,


Re: smbclient question

2002-11-06 Thread ahall
The interesting thing is that I restored it an it was only 170M locally on
my archive host.  Are you saying when I move it over it will expand?  I
really do not see how that is possible, but I am no smb expert..

Thank you,


On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Niall O Broin wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 10:38:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have setup amanda to archive my win 2k clients, and all appeared to be
  well in testing.  I have a client that has a 63G file, that smbclient is
  only showing as 170M.  This is what amanda archived and if I view the file
  with smbclient the size of the file is reported as 170M.

 I think this is a restriction of smbfs which has a maximum file size of 2GB.
 You'll probably find that 170M = actual file size MOD 2GB.


 Niall   O Broin

Re: Thoughts on Win32

2002-10-24 Thread ahall

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Galen Johnson wrote:


 I am about to attempt to archive my Win32 hosts with amanda.  I was
 wondering what the list users experience has been with samba and/or the
 Win32 amanda client.
 Thank you,
 I've had great luck with Samba.  I have avoided the win32 client mainly
 because it doesn't appear to be under development any longer.  Others
 have reported success with cygwin and compiling amanda on each win client.


In reading the list archives I found a message that stated that due the
the fact that the ctime is not perserved it causes amanda to run a full
backup every run.  Is this still the case?


Thoughts on Win32

2002-10-24 Thread ahall

I am about to attempt to archive my Win32 hosts with amanda.  I was
wondering what the list users experience has been with samba and/or the
Win32 amanda client.

Thank you,


Re: no bandwidth

2002-10-01 Thread ahall



On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Martin Schwarz wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 10:11:48AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have an amanda run that I have been watching over the last couple of
  days with amstatus.  I am receiving a no bandwitdh message for three of
  my four dumpers.  I have the netusage option in my amanda.conf file
  commented out.  Is this what is going on?  Does amanda have a compile time
  default that I am maxing out?  What is a good number for this?  I archive
  between 5 and 80Gs a day depending on the level of the backup.

 According to the amanda manpage, the default value for netusage is 300
 Kbps, which IMO is far too low for today's LAN technologies. I have set
 netusage to 12800 KBytes/sec, the theoretical maximum of a 100MBit/s
 ethernet, since I want amanda to use all the bandwith she can and needs.


Re: comments about amanda packages requested

2002-09-26 Thread ahall

I have just finished rolling my own debian dpkg for amanda as I need to
compile amanda specifically for our setup here.  I was using 2.4.2p2. My
biggest problem is that DESTDIR did not work.  I had to manually copy each
file into my package build directory.  If I speficied DESTDIR on the cmd
line the make file was created with DESTDIR = and nothing else.  Is this
a known issue?

 - what config options should be used?

Maybe --with-user, --with-group, --with-amandahosts, --with-fqdn

 - should tapetype be precompiled too?

Some newer AIT types would be nice.  I can provide AIT-1 and AIT-2 if
necessary.  (I believe both are aleady in the FAQ-o-matic).  Maybe break
tapetypes out of the example/amanda.conf and a file with default
tapetypes.  This would clean up the config file a bit.

 - how does a package handle the defaults like tape device, ...

The package could probe for the tape device or just ask the user prior to
install.  I know FreeBSD pkgs, Debian dpkgs, and RedHat rpms all have
this ability.  This would be true for any other default.

 - should an amanda specific user and backup group be created by
   the installation, which names?

Defaults could be there and a user could be prompted.  Maybe amanda or
backup.  The debian dpkg uses the backup user and group last time I
installed it.

 - should a default amanda configuration directory, with example
   conf files be installed

I am of the firm opinion that packages should never have config files
that are named the same as the default config file.  Meaning, this pkg
would not contain the file /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf but
/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf.example or something like
that.  This insures that the package will never overwrite an existing
config file.


tar and one-file-system advice

2002-09-03 Thread ahall


I use amanda 2.4.p2-4 with tar and I have a directory on one of my hosts
that has an odd setup.  I have seven mount points with seven
subdirectories that I need to archive.  Some of the sub directories have
data at any given time and some do not.  The data changes rapidly.  My
thought was that I could create a directory on / and symlink to the real
directories (see below), but that is not working.  What is happening is
that only the symlinks are getting archived.

/newdir/link0 - /mnt_pt0/dir
/newdir/link1 - /mnt_pt1/dir
/newdir/link2 - /mnt_pt2/dir

I believe that this is because of the one-file-system argument passed to
tar by amanda.  My question is two fold:

1) Is there any way to disable the one-file-system option?  If so can this
be done on a single disk list entry, new dumptype?

2) Should I just backup each directory seperate?   This make restores
confusing, as I have to issue a new amrestore cmd for each mount point.

Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time.


Odd behavior

2002-08-01 Thread ahall


This morning I all of my backups failed.  They all failed with the
message:  [no more holding disk space].

My setup:

Debian 2.2 w/ a 2.4.18 kernel
amanda 2.4.2p2

Yesterday I replaced a 18G drive with a 36G to increase my holding disk
capacity.  My holding disk is a software raid 1 set.  Its total capacity
is 81G.

This error to me means that the holdingdisk if full, yet there is no data
on my holdingdisk.

hostname:~# df
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  1968588516212   1352376  28% /
/dev/md0  84509240 32828  80183496   1% /holdingdisk
hostname:~# uname -a
Linux hostname 2.4.18 #9 SMP Mon Jun 17 14:28:08 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

Anybody know why amanda would believe the holding disk if full?

Thank you for you time.

Andrew Hall

Re: Odd behavior

2002-08-01 Thread ahall


Thanks for all the replys.  It was permissions. I thought I checked that
first, but I guess I overlooked it.

Thanks again.


On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

 On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 at 11:43am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

  This morning I all of my backups failed.  They all failed with the
  message:  [no more holding disk space].

  hostname:~# df
  Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda1  1968588516212   1352376  28% /
  /dev/md0  84509240 32828  80183496   1% /holdingdisk

 After rebuilding md0, did you make sure the amanda user still has
 permission to write in /holdingdisk?

 Joshua Baker-LePain
 Department of Biomedical Engineering
 Duke University

Re: amanda in an Andrew environment?

2002-07-11 Thread ahall


Amanda does not backup data.  She uses the filesystems native backup
utility, usually some form of dump.  So this way it is not amanda that
archives the data it is the filesystems utilities, which should account
for the locking issues.



On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Ronald O. Christian wrote:

 Let's say that for whatever reason an organization is a heavy user of
 the Andrew file system.  (No NFS at all -- all AFS.)  There are
 apparently locking issues with commercial backup software backing up
 Andrew file systems.  (or so I've been told) The company in question
 has been using Budtool forever, and hated every moment of it.

 How would amanda benefit this situation?


 Protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans
 unaccountably fail to throw paint over Hell's Angels.
 -- Terry Pratchett

scheduling question.

2002-06-23 Thread ahall


It is my understanding that amanda will run a level 0 dump when it meets
certian thresholds based upon definitions in the amanda.conf.  It is also
my understanding that amanda is not desigined to run a level 0 on some day
and some time.

Friday two of my hosts had a lvl 0 dump.  This morning when I checked the
status of the backups over the weekend I noticed that those same two hosts
ran a lvl 0 again today.  I am curious as to why amanda would run two
level 0 dumps in three days.

One last note.  Last week on wednesday I had to force level 0's on
everything with amadmin.  Could this be the cause?

Thanks in advance.


tapelist issue?

2002-06-04 Thread ahall


I needed to flush a dump to tape the day before yesterday.  I put the next
tape in the rotation in the drive and ran amflush.  That tape was tape8 in
my cycle.  Amflush reported an error saying tape8 was active and it would
not overwrite.  So I put in tape9 and ran the flush and it ran ok.  Now
the odd behavior.  The next day I put in tape10 and the backups wrote to
tape ok but the amanda mail is saying that tape8 is the next tape it
wanted to use.  Today tape11 was put in and it failed saying that the tape
was still active, and the amanda mail is still stating that tape8 is my
next tape.

1) why does amanda want to use a tape in a cycle when two tapes past said
tape are already used?

2) how do I get amanda to use the correct tape in my cycle.

3) any idea how this happened?

Thanks in advance.

PS (my naming of the tapes are only for the purpose of this mail, but the
numbers do coencide with reality).


Re: tapelist issue?

2002-06-04 Thread ahall

  3) any idea how this happened?

 Have you recently edited the tapelist file or changed the number of
 tapes in use?  Rotated a tape into or out of circulation?

Yes.  I have been replacing my AIT-1 tapes with AIT-2.  I have been
relabling them with the same label as the one I am removing.  I did not
see how this could have caused an error.


Re: Amanda and Encryption

2002-04-22 Thread ahall


Encryption is possible via gnupg and gzip.

Please read the info at the the following url:

I am in the process of writting a document to cover this.  It is about 90%
done and is not up to date with 2.4.3.  ( I dont know if there are any
differences with 2.4.3, I assume none)  If you would like I can forward
you what I have.  Its info is complete but it needs to be proof read
again, so understand its not perfect.

I am currently running this setup and love it.  It has not messed up on
me once.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Chad Morland wrote:

 I was wondering if it is possible to encrypt the traffic that amanda
 sends over a network. I have data that I need to backup and some of the
 data will have to travel over the public internet. Because this data
 contains sensitive information I do not want the data to be sent
 unencrypted. Has anyone configured amanda to use SSL/TLS or even SSH?


RE: Amanda and Encryption

2002-04-22 Thread ahall

Agreed, but it does not encrypt the data on tape.  The setup I mentioned
is used to encrypt the dump itself, not the transport.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Bort, Paul wrote:

 Another option, depending on how many machines are on the public network, is
 a VPN tunnel, like FreeSWAN or CIPE. (This also provides a secure channel
 for other useful things like monitoring and remote control, if desired).

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 3:45 PM
  To: Chad Morland
  Subject: Re: Amanda and Encryption
  Encryption is possible via gnupg and gzip.
  Please read the info at the the following url:
  I am in the process of writting a document to cover this.  It
  is about 90%
  done and is not up to date with 2.4.3.  ( I dont know if there are any
  differences with 2.4.3, I assume none)  If you would like I
  can forward
  you what I have.  Its info is complete but it needs to be proof read
  again, so understand its not perfect.
  I am currently running this setup and love it.  It has not
  messed up on
  me once.
  On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Chad Morland wrote:
   I was wondering if it is possible to encrypt the traffic that amanda
   sends over a network. I have data that I need to backup and
  some of the
   data will have to travel over the public internet. Because this data
   contains sensitive information I do not want the data to be sent
   unencrypted. Has anyone configured amanda to use SSL/TLS or
  even SSH?

Duplicate mails

2002-04-16 Thread ahall


On two occasions this week I have received two Amanda mail report emails
at the completion of my dump.  Both emails were identical in every way.  I
am running amanda 2.4.2p2.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?   Thanks
in advance.

Andrew Hall

Re: Documentation

2002-03-14 Thread ahall

I have written two docuements.  One on excluding data with amanda, and one
on how to setup amanda to use gpg.  The exclude doc is now available in
the DOCS subdir, but it was about six months between when I finished it
and a new version of amanda was released.  Is there another location that
docs are archived and viewable?  Do the members of the list really want
docs flying around the list.  If so I would like to post my new gpg doc.



thoughts on amanda w/ gpg

2002-02-21 Thread ahall


After much heartache and one silly oversite on my part I have amanda and
gpg working correctly.  I can successfully archive and restore.  I have a
few thoughts that I could use some feedback on.

I am currently compressing on the client with the directive:

  compress client fast

For some of our servers I wish to not do the compression (encryption) on
the client I wish to do it on the server.  This is failing becuase tar is
failing with signal 13.  The server has the gzip wrapper script and is
recompiled to use it, yet it is failing.

I was thinking that if the server has the correct wrapper script and has
been recompiled correctly, and the compress directive is for server,
could you then get away w/o any changes on the client?  I have not been
able to get this to work, so I thought I would ask the experts.

Thank you again for your time.


thoughts on amanda w/ gpg Got It!

2002-02-21 Thread ahall


I just wanted to let everyone know that I just got this working.  I
deinstalled amanda on the client (I had build dpkgs), and reinstalled the
old amanda dpkgs.  I fixed my error that was causing tar to fail,
(actually it was gpg) and ran a dump and it worked great!!


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:39:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: thoughts on amanda w/ gpg


After much heartache and one silly oversite on my part I have amanda and
gpg working correctly.  I can successfully archive and restore.  I have a
few thoughts that I could use some feedback on.

I am currently compressing on the client with the directive:

  compress client fast

For some of our servers I wish to not do the compression (encryption) on
the client I wish to do it on the server.  This is failing becuase tar is
failing with signal 13.  The server has the gzip wrapper script and is
recompiled to use it, yet it is failing.

I was thinking that if the server has the correct wrapper script and has
been recompiled correctly, and the compress directive is for server,
could you then get away w/o any changes on the client?  I have not been
able to get this to work, so I thought I would ask the experts.

Thank you again for your time.


Re: .amanda.exclude.gtar

2002-02-18 Thread ahall


Use ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache if /home is the root of the
partition being backed up.  Remeber exclude are relative to the partition
being backed up.


On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Troy Nachtigall wrote:


 I'm using the .amanda.exclude.gtar script to exclude a few things from
 our backup.
 I am having a problem with netscape cache.  In the exclude script I have
 the following line:

 I still get problems in the backup report:
 ? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/13/cache3C2C0E93DA8B3B8.css:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0DF4D94B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0DF4D95B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0E94DB0B3B8.gif:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0E94DB4B3B8.gif:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D96B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D97B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D98B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D99B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/16/cache3C2C0DF6D9AB3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory

 Any suggestions?


amanda and gpg again

2002-02-18 Thread ahall


(I know this is not part of amanda's default behavior so if this is not ok
for this list please let me know)

I am having much trouble getting amanda to work with gpg.  I am little
confused and could use some pointers.

I have re-compiled the client and server and installed the new binaries.
I ran amdump and everything appeared to be working I saw the gtar process
running, I saw the gpg process, I saw the gzip process running, I have a
gpg.debug file in /tmp.  The image appeared to write to tape correctly.
The email output showed no signs of failure.

Here is the issue.  I can not restore from the image on tape no matter
what I try.  The error is:

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof

( I assume here that either the wrong data, or corrupted data made it to
tape, other issues??)

Also the /tmp/amanda/gpg.debug file is still on the disk after the backup

Here is the odd part.  I copied the gpg.debug file to my backup server and
manually ran: gpg -d --homedir=/var/backups/.gnupg/ -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gpg.debug  | tar tvfp -

And it worked perfectly.  So I guess my questions are:

Why does this setup write to /tmp/amanda/gpg.debug?

Why was this not written to tape?

Why was /tmp/amand/gpg.debug not removed?

What was written to tape?

Thank you again for all the awesome assistance in advance.


amanda and gpg

2002-02-14 Thread ahall


I am looking at the information on setting up amanda to use gpg.  The
document that I am looking at,
appears to be a written at least two years ago.

Before I get into this I must ask if amanda now has any native support for

Any issues with this setup if I use GNUTAR instead of dump?

Thankyou for your time.


Re: LTO and changers

2002-02-07 Thread ahall

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, John R. Jackson wrote:

 I know that amanda can not split a dump across multiple tapes, so if a
 dump was too large to fit on the tape, will amanda write the dump to the
 next available tape in the changer?

 Do you mean a bunch of stuff was written to the first tape and then
 one of the images hit EOT, but the image itself is smaller than a tape?
 If so, then yes, Amanda will go on to the next tape and start the image
 over again there (assuming you have configured it to do so).

Yes that is what I was asking.  I guess the question was a little

 Does amanda support more than one tape device, and if so can it write to
 more then one device at a time?

 Not yet.


Thanks again.  This list is great!


LTO and changers

2002-02-04 Thread ahall


I have a few question about tape changers LTO.

I know that amanda can not split a dump across multiple tapes, so if a
dump was too large to fit on the tape, will amanda write the dump to the
next available tape in the changer?

Does amanda support more than one tape device, and if so can it write to
more then one device at a time?

Has anyone had success using amanda and an LTO changer?



scheduling question.

2002-01-07 Thread ahall


It is my understanding that amanda will run a level 0 dump when it meets
certian thresholds based upon definitions in the amanda.conf.  It is also
my understanding that amanda is not desigined to run a level 0 on some day
and some time.

Friday two of my hosts had a lvl 0 dump.  This morning when I checked the
status of the backups over the weekend I noticed that those same two hosts
ran a lvl 0 again today.  I am curious as to why amanda would run two
level 0 dumps in three days.

One last note.  Last week on wednesday I had to force level 0's on
everything with amadmin.  Could this be the cause?

Thanks in advance.


Re: .amanda.exclude.gtar

2001-12-28 Thread ahall


Use ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache if /home is the root of the
partition being backed up.  Remeber exclude are relative to the partition
being backed up.


On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Troy Nachtigall wrote:


 I'm using the .amanda.exclude.gtar script to exclude a few things from
 our backup.
 I am having a problem with netscape cache.  In the exclude script I have
 the following line:

 I still get problems in the backup report:
 ? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/13/cache3C2C0E93DA8B3B8.css:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0DF4D94B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0DF4D95B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0E94DB0B3B8.gif:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/14/cache3C2C0E94DB4B3B8.gif:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D96B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D97B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D98B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/15/cache3C2C0DF5D99B3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./home/monachus/.netscape/cache/16/cache3C2C0DF6D9AB3B8.png:
Cannot stat: No such file or directory

 Any suggestions?


Re: Full dump not running in dumpcycle days

2001-12-05 Thread ahall

The only message in the FAILED AND STRANGE is that a file changed while
reading it.  amadmin CONFIG due tells me that each is overdue.  I am going
to do a little more looking into it today and will report my results


On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

 On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 at 2:42pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

  I do not have anything defined for runspercycle.   What messages are
  your refering to?  I have the mails for each day.

 OK, runspercycle defaults to be the same as dumpcycle.  Are you running
 amdump every night?

 Are there any messages in the FAILED AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY or under

 What does 'amadmin CONFIG due' say?

 Joshua Baker-LePain
 Department of Biomedical Engineering
 Duke University

Re: newbie: gnutar problem?

2001-12-05 Thread ahall

Use tar not restore.

amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fije /u3/mgmt | tar xfp -


On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Hussain Ali wrote:


 I have been using amanda without any problems for a while. I used to use
 dump but have switched to gnutar for dumps that are larger then the tape
 (ie using a more granular technique of direcotory partitioning )

 Now, it dumps fine, but i cannot recover the data that was archived via
 dump or gtar . I get the following error (for both gtarred and sumped

 [root@fiji /tmp/tar 899]$ amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fiji /u3/mgmt | restore
 ivbf 32 -
 amrestore: short file header block: 2048 bytes
 amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
 amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date Q
 Verify tape and initialize maps
 End-of-tape encountered
 Tape is not a dump tape

 note the tape is rewinded and dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1

 AMANDA: TAPESTART DATE 20011130 TAPE normal-012

 the tape is good, ie it worked before i started using tar. from what i
 gather from the archives alot there are those who encountered these errors
 with gtar, but the seemed solved... now how do i go about it?

 thanks, in advance for any help...


 * my environment:

 gtar  1.12

 * relevent amanda.conf:

 define dumptype mydir-nocompress {
 comment Mydir compress dump type
 compress none
 program GNUTAR
 index yes

  relevant inetd.conf

 amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amandad amandad
 amandaidx   stream  tcp nowait  backup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amindexd amindexd
 amidxtape   stream  tcp nowait  backup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amidxtaped 

 * screen shot (trying to to recover file that was dumped not
 * tared)
 amrecover add dmesg.boot
 Added /var/run/dmesg.boot
 amrecover extract

 Extracting files using tape drive /dev/st0 on host
 The following tapes are needed: normal-012

 Restoring files into directory /tmp/tar
 Continue? [Y/n]: y

 Load tape normal-012 now
 Continue? [Y/n]: y
 Dec  3 11:19:47 fiji inetd[14799]: connection from,
 service amidxtape (tcp)
 Dec  3 11:19:48 fiji /netbsd: isp0: Bus 1 Target 3 at 10MHz Max Offset 8
 EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on
 amrecover: short block 0 bytes
 amrecover: Can't read file header
 extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
 Continue? [Y/n]: n
 amrecover quit

 ** /tmp/amanda/amidxtaped
 amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 14799 ruid 32770 euid 32770 start time Mon Dec  3
 11:19:47 2001
 amidxtaped: version 2.4.2.p2
 bsd security: remote host user root local user backup
 amandahosts security check passed
 Ready to execv amrestore with:
 path = /usr/pkg/sbin/amrestore
 argv[0] = amrestore
 argv[1] = -h
 argv[2] = -p
 argv[3] = /dev/st0
 argv[4] = fiji
 argv[5] = ^wd0a$
 argv[6] = 20011130
 amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20011130 label normal-012
 amrestore: missing file header block
 amrestore:   1: reached end of tape: date 20011130
 amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 1
 Rewinding tape: done
 amidxtaped: pid 14799 finish time Mon Dec  3 11:19:53 2001

Full dump not running in dumpcycle days

2001-12-04 Thread ahall


I am seeing some strang behavior with my amanda setup.  I have an dump
that has a dumpcycle of 7 days, yet seven days has passed and I have not
see a full dump.  In fact my last full dump was on Nov 20.  I have had a
successful incremental dump every day since, but no full.  Below are the
line I believe are relavent from my amanda.conf.

dumpcycle 7 days# the number of days in the normal dump cycle
tapecycle 10 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation

bumpsize 20 MB  # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 - 2
bumpdays 1  # minimum days at each level
bumpmult 4  # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult
diskdir /holdingdisk  # where the holding disk is
disksize 25 GB  # how much space can we use on it

Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance.


Re: Full dump not running in dumpcycle days

2001-12-04 Thread ahall

I do not have anything defined for runspercycle.   What messages are
your refering to?  I have the mails for each day.


On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

 On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 at 10:51am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

  I am seeing some strang behavior with my amanda setup.  I have an dump
  that has a dumpcycle of 7 days, yet seven days has passed and I have not
  see a full dump.  In fact my last full dump was on Nov 20.  I have had a
  successful incremental dump every day since, but no full.  Below are the
  line I believe are relavent from my amanda.conf.
  dumpcycle 7 days# the number of days in the normal dump cycle
  tapecycle 10 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation
  bumpsize 20 MB  # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 - 2
  bumpdays 1  # minimum days at each level
  bumpmult 4  # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult
  diskdir /holdingdisk  # where the holding disk is
  disksize 25 GB  # how much space can we use on it

 What's runspercycle?  Are you getting any messages in your nightly reports
 from amanda?

 Joshua Baker-LePain
 Department of Biomedical Engineering
 Duke University

Re: Testing excludes

2001-11-30 Thread ahall


Since GNUTAR must be used as your dump program you can test with tar local
on the machine, or check out the exclude doc.  It is only available via
cvs currently.

Remember that all patterns are relative to your current partition.  For
example if you are archiving /var and want to exclude /var/log/messages
your exclude entry woule be exclude ./log/messages.


On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Stephen Carville wrote:

 Is there any way to test the patters in the exclude list for a
 disklist entry?

 -- Stephen Carville
 UNIX and Network Administrator
 Ace Flood USA

tapetype question

2001-10-26 Thread ahall


I have a Sony SDX-500C and tapetype reported the following:

define tapetype SDX-500C {
comment just produced by tapetype program
length 21709 mbytes
filemark 773 kbytes
speed 3660 kbytes

From the above output tapetype believes that this tape will only hold 21
Gigs.  The tape is an AIT-1 25/50G tape.  Is it ok for me to up the
length?  Why does tapetype report at least 4 gigs less then the native
capacity of the tape.

Thank you for your time.


ip not in list

2001-10-25 Thread ahall


I have question that is probably really easy.

I am receiving the error (i have changed the hostname):

ERROR: [ip address is not in
the ip list for]

The host in question has two ips that it round robins between.  This is
necessary and can not change.  They are and  For some odd reason if the client received the .254.244
ip as the servers ip it returns the above error.   Forward and reverse DNS
for this IP work.  I have both ips in the /etc/hosts on the client, and
the client is setup to check hosts then dns.



ip not in list (fwd) GOT IT!

2001-10-25 Thread ahall

Please disregard.  I figured it out.

Thanks anyways.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 15:39:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ip not in list


I have question that is probably really easy.

I am receiving the error (i have changed the hostname):

ERROR: [ip address is not in
the ip list for]

The host in question has two ips that it round robins between.  This is
necessary and can not change.  They are and  For some odd reason if the client received the .254.244
ip as the servers ip it returns the above error.   Forward and reverse DNS
for this IP work.  I have both ips in the /etc/hosts on the client, and
the client is setup to check hosts then dns.



exclude list question

2001-10-23 Thread ahall


I have a question about exclude lists:

If my dumptype looks like:

define dumptype test {
program GNUTAR
comment test
priority medium
exclude list /etc/amanda/ConfDir/exclude

I get the following process on the client:

25496 ?R  0:03 /bin/tar --create --directory /usr
--listed-incremental /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/
--sparse --one-file-system --ignore-failed-read --totals --file /dev/null
--exclude-from=/etc/amanda/ConfDir/exclude .

Which is what I expect to see, but if I attempt to use a directory that
begins with a dot . it does not work:

For example new dump type:

define dumptype test {
program GNUTAR
comment test
priority medium
exclude list .amexclude/exclude

Produces the following on the client:

5763 ?R  0:00 /bin/tar --create --directory /usr
--listed-incremental /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/
--sparse --one-file-system --ignore-failed-read --totals --file /dev/null

Any ideas?



Still trying to get gzip/gpg

2001-10-18 Thread ahall


I am still trying to get gzip/gpg working.  I did not receive any replies
from my last two mails, so let me try again not so broad.

If someone might be able to answer this, that would be awesome:

As I understand the process the data should be written to tape with gzip,
not dump.  But what is weird is that it appears that amanda is attempting
to backup the data with dump, but restore it with gzip.

sendbackup: start [localhost:sda1 level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/var/backups/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore
-f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end

Why is the BACKUP command /sbin/dump, and the RECOVER_CMD gzip?  How can I
change this?

BTW, When I get this all figured out I will write a doc covering exactly
how to do this.



gnutar and gpg

2001-10-17 Thread ahall


I am attempting to setup amanda with gnutar and gpg.  I configured amanda
as such:

GZIP=/var/backups/bin/gzip ./configure --with-user=backup
--with-group=backup --without-force-uid --with-fqdn --with-amandahosts

My dumptype looks like:

define dumptype sw-test {
comment sw test
priority medium

My disklist:

localhost sda1 sw-test

Soif my dumptype is NOT using gnutar and I am NOT using a compress
line why is amanda attempting to use the gzip wrapper?


/-- localhost  sda1 lev 0 FAILED [/sbin/dump returned 3]
sendbackup: start [localhost:sda1 level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/var/backups/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore
-f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end
|   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Oct 16 11:07:05 2001
|   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
|   DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda1 (/boot) to standard output
|   DUMP: Label: none
? gpg: your_gpg_key_id: skipped: public key not found
? gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: public key not found
|   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
|   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
|   DUMP: estimated 2412 tape blocks.
|   DUMP: Volume 1 started at: Tue Oct 16 11:07:05 2001
|   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
|   DUMP: Broken pipe
|   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
sendbackup: error [/sbin/dump returned 3]

I understand the error about the key not being found, but why is it even
trying to use gzip.  Also why is the BACKUP using /sbin/dump and RESTORE
using gzip?

Thanks in Advance.


Re: Really simple Q (probably FA, but I couldn't find it)

2001-09-13 Thread ahall


The main reason that the FAQ and list suggest using gnutar 1.13.19 is
that versions below are known to not exclude data correctly.  If your need
is to backup everything on your machine any version of tar should be ok.

Andrew Hall

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, John Dalton wrote:


 I'm rolling out Amanda on our network, and using tar to do backups.

 I'm wondering why so many answeres in the FAQ and on this list say
 to use the latest version of tar?  I have FreeBSD boxes here ranging
 from 2.2.5 to 4.1 (which is several years worth of releases) and
 they all use GNU tar version 1.11.2 by default.  Putting a new
 version of tar on all of my machines when the FreeBSD developers
 seem quite happy with the version they're using is something that
 I'm cautious about. ;)

 In my testing so far I don't seem to have encountered any problems
 with tar, so why should I upgrade?  Pros/Cons?




   Systems Administrator  Phone: 1300 655 633
  Accounts:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Support:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regular Expression with gnutar examples

2001-08-04 Thread ahall


I am putting the finishing touchs on an document that covers excluding
data in amanda.  I am working on a  regular expression section and am
having a little difficulty doing anything other the basic regex.   I am
using gnutar 1.13.19.

If I use something like:


These seem to work ok.  If I try to use anything more advanced it just
does not seem to be working.  Could anyone provide me with any examples of
more complex regular expressions that work with tar.

Thank you in advance.

Andrew Hall

broken gnutar

2001-06-05 Thread ahall


I understand that there are some versions of gnutar that do not correctly
exclude data.  Does anyone know which version(s) are affected?  Thank you
in advance.


reuse tape issue

2001-05-16 Thread ahall


This morning I needed to overwrite an old tape.  I looked in the tapelist
file and my tape is listed as reuse.  If I try to flush data to that tape
I get the error cannot overwrite active tape.  Must I run an amrmtape
before I can reuse a tape?  I feel I am missing some piece of this puzzle,
so if one could shed some light.  Thanks again in advance for your help.

Andrew Hall

Re: reuse tape issue

2001-05-16 Thread ahall

Thanks for the help.  I had my tapecycle set too high.

I want to say that this is one of the most helpful lists I have ever been
subscribed to.  Thanks again.


On Wed, 16 May 2001, Chris Marble wrote:

  This morning I needed to overwrite an old tape.  I looked in the tapelist
  file and my tape is listed as reuse.  If I try to flush data to that tape
  I get the error cannot overwrite active tape.  Must I run an amrmtape
  before I can reuse a tape?  I feel I am missing some piece of this puzzle,
  so if one could shed some light.  Thanks again in advance for your help.

 In you amanda.conf file you specify tapecycle.  Using that and dumpcycle
 and runspercycle Amanda figures out how often you should reuse a tape.
 If you lower tapecycle then you should be able to reuse this tape without
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - HMC UNIX Systems Manager
   My opinions are my own and probably don't represent anything anyway..

can't switch to incremental dump

2001-05-14 Thread ahall


I ran an amadmin to force a level 0 dump, then ran amdump.  I received the
following error

can't switch to incremental dump

Why is amanda trying to do an incremental dump, when I just told it to do
a full?


Re: can't switch to incremental dump

2001-05-14 Thread ahall

You are correct.. I just missed it.  Sorry for the unnecessary mail...



On Mon, 14 May 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

 Why is amanda trying to do an incremental dump, when I just told it to do
 a full?

 Amanda always tries to fall back to an incremental if it cannot do
 a full dump.  The message is just telling you it couldn't fall back
 because you forced it to do a full.

 The reason it could not do the full should also be in the messages.


 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Easy Questions

2001-05-09 Thread ahall


I have a question about dumpcycle/tapecycle and reusing tapes.  Firstly I
have dumpcycle = 7, and tapecycle = 40.  I used 40 because I wanted a
months worth of tapes before I reuse a tape, + 10 for extra tapes.  Is
this logic ok?  Tomorrow I want to reuse tape 1.  Can I just put tape 1 in
the drive, or must I run an amrmtape before I can reuse it.

Thankyou for your time.

Andrew Hall

Re: IPSec for safety?

2001-05-03 Thread ahall


I am not using IPsec but there is a way to use tar and gpg to encrypt the
data.  Check out
for instructions.  I use this system and it works great.  I have not had
any problems restoring data.

Hope this helps.

Andrew Hall

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Charles Sprickman wrote:


 I looked at amanda some time ago, and everything looked really great
 except for lack of encryption/authentication (who wants their password
 files flying unencrypted all over the network?)...

 I'm discounting Kerberos, as that is another project to set up.

 One thing that has changed is that IPSec now ships on FreeBSD...  That
 seems to solve both problems.  Anyone doing this?  Everything work as
 expected?  Any hints?



 | Charles Sprickman  | Internet Channel
 | INCH System Administration Team| (212)243-5200

How amanda thinks

2001-04-30 Thread ahall


I have three questions about how amanda operates:

1) When I run an amflush I notice that the dump are put on tape starting
with the smallest and working its way up to the largest last.  Why is

2) When an incremental runs does it do the incremental based on what was
on the drive at the completion of the last full, or last incremental if
one has run after the full?

3) If a full backup fails, why does amanda continue with an incremental
the next day?



Re: How amanda thinks

2001-04-30 Thread ahall

On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

 1) When I run an amflush I notice that the dump are put on tape starting
 with the smallest and working its way up to the largest last.  Why is

 I suspect the theory is to get as many images safely out to tape as
 quickly as possible.

 Would you prefer it was done some other way?  Why?

This is fine by me, I was just curious.

 2) When an incremental runs does it do the incremental based on what was
 on the drive at the completion of the last full, or last incremental if
 one has run after the full?

 That depends on the dump program, not Amanda.

 In general, dump programs back up everything that has changed since
 the most recent backup at a lower level.  For instance, a level 2 will
 back up everything since the most recent level 1 (a level 3 would also
 back up everything since a level 1 if there had not been any level 2's
 in between).

I am using tar.  Where is this info about each file backed up saved, in
the amanda db file?

 3) If a full backup fails, why does amanda continue with an incremental
 the next day?

 What do you mean by fails?  Did the dump succeed but just not get to
 tape?  Or did it totally fall apart?

It completly fails.

 Full dumps can shift around in the Amanda cycle.  Amanda might decide
 to promote (move earlier in the cycle) a full dump one day but make a
 different decision another day, based on what else was going on.

OK.  So what I hear is that amanda is not guaranteed to do a level 0 on
the same day in each dumpcycle.  So if I have
dumpcycle 7 days
then I might get a lvl 0 on Monday on week, and Wed on the next?  Am I
correct, and if so how do I force amanda to do a full on the same day
every week?



Re: How amanda thinks

2001-04-30 Thread ahall

 [the level 0] completly fails.

 What incremental level did Amanda do the next day?  Did it go back to 1,
 or did it repeat whatever it had been doing before the full?

Check this out.  I received this in the mail: (my real hostname removed)

Day one:
  hostname sda5 lev 3 STRANGE

Day two:
  hostname sda5 lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed

Day three (Backup also failed, I had etimeout set too low):
  hostname sda5 lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed

Day four:
  hostname sda5 lev 3 STRANGE

It went from 3 - 0 - 0 - 3.  Did amanda just give up and go to a level
it believed it could complete?

Thanks again for all the assistance.


Estimate level 0, but ran level 4

2001-04-06 Thread ahall


I am having some strange behavoir with amanda.  This morning I came in and
my level 0 had failed due to the fact that the disk has more data then my
tape device is capable of backup up.  Thats cool.  I tweaked the exclude
file to backup only what will fit.  I ran amcheck - all good.  So here is
where it gets weird.  I ran amdump and started a new backup.  I was
watching /tmp/amanda/sendsize.debug to make sure everything is ok.  I got
the follown output from the estimate:

sendsize: getting size via gnutar for sda5 level 0
Total bytes written: 5240483840 (4.9GB, 9.1MB/s)

Which is great, expect when it went to actually create the tarball to send
it did a level 4 incremental backups:

sendsize: getting size via gnutar for sda5 level 4
Total bytes written: 891750400 (850MB, 1.1MB/s)

Why did it estimate a full, but actually run a inc?  How does one force a
full backup with amanda.

Andrew Hall

Re: Estimate level 0, but ran level 4

2001-04-06 Thread ahall

On 6 Apr 2001, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

 On Apr  6, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Why did it estimate a full, but actually run a inc?

 It estimated *both* a full and an inc, and decided to run an inc
 because either a full wasn't due or it wouldn't fit.

OK.  Here is the weird thing.  An estimate for the lvl4 was never ran.
Just the estimate for the full (4.9G), which will fit on my tape, then the
tar for the inc?  Is this an error I should be concerned about, or just
weird behavior.


Re: large filesystem problem

2001-04-05 Thread ahall


Check /tmp/amanda/ for log files of the tar attempt.  Specifically look at
sendsize.debug.  This will give you the output of your tar.  What size is
your tape drive?  What happens after "getting estimate"?


On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Jeff Heckart wrote:


 I have recently added a disk that is roughly 60gb in size.  One of the
 partitions is about 51gb.  This particular machine is running bsdi4.2.  This
 and the tapeserver are running amanda 2.4.2.

 My tape server is a redhat 6.1 machine, and is successfully backing up three
 other systems.  I am using dump, no compression, and level 0.

 When I run amdump, everything appears to be ok, but I use amcheck and it
 tells me that it is "getting estimate", on both the large 51gb part, and the
 smaller 50mb part.  When I try to backup only the 50mb part, it runs
 perfectly fine.  This has all started by introducing this large partition.

 I have spent a couple of hours looking through the mailing list and found
 people with similiar problems, but they all seemed to be using tar.  I am

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thank You,

 Jeff Heckart
 MICS Staff

Tape Duplication

2001-04-05 Thread ahall


Is there any way to duplicate a tape with amanda?


Re: FreeBSD Build

2001-04-05 Thread ahall

cd /usr/ports/misc/amanda24-server  make install


On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, C Scott wrote:

   What is required to build amanda-2.4.2p2 on FreeBSD 4.2? I can't
 use the ported version because I have a CVS version of amanda installed on
 my clients which are all Linux and produced timeout errors with the
 version that FreeBSD has ported.  I have tried to build p2, but it fails
 at amoverview.

 make: don't know how to make amoverview. Stop
 *** Error code 1

 Casey Scott

Exclude question

2001-03-21 Thread ahall


I am working with exclude lists and am seeing weird behavior.  Lets say I
am backing up /src but do not want /src/1 and /src/2.  I do want /src/3
and /src/4 My exclude list looks like:


The problem is that when then dump runs it backs up the directory /src/1.
It does not get anything in the directory but it does backup the directory
itself.  How can I modify my exclude list to not get /src/1 at all.
Thankyou in advance.


Re: Can I back-up just certain directories?

2001-03-19 Thread ahall

Use the gtar and the exclude-list option.  Add something like this to your

options exclude-list "/some/dir/you/choose/file_name"

In this file you must refence the directories you don't want from the
directory they live in.  For example if you have /var on a partition and
did not want to backup /var/log your exclude file would look like:


The reason for this is the way that amanda creates the tarball.  To backup
only certain directories put all the dirs you do not want in the exclude

Andrew Hall

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:

 Is there a way to set amanda to only backup certain directories inside a
 file system instead of a whole partition?
 Daniel de los Reyes
 S2-Selling Soluciones
 Valencia Spain
 Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r2

Re: exclude list format

2001-03-16 Thread ahall

Thankyou.  I will add it.  Could the list members please provide me
details of this problem and the version of gnutar that have been known to
cause this error.  Thank you in advance.

Andrew Hall

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Tom Schutter wrote:

 I have a suggestion for you Andrew (of course it involves more work
 for you).

 A number of times I have seen on this list (and I have experienced it
 myself) that exclusion problems are related to broken versions of
 GNU tar.

 At a minimum, you should have a "Broken GNU tar" section, and let
 other people tell you what those broken versions are.

   Any volunteers?  (yeah, I thought not :-).
  I would be willing to write an EXCLUDE doc.  It took me over two hours
  yesterday to figure this one out.  The tar man page and a ps on the
  client were my  friends here.  I would need a least a week to allow my
  schedule to open up.  Is there any start point yet?
  Andrew Hall

 Tom Schutter (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Platte River Associates, Inc. (

Re: Need help understaning dump output

2001-03-15 Thread ahall

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

 ...  I am encrypting the backups with gnupg and using tar.  ...

 Huh?  How are you doing the encryption?  Amanda doesn't support that.

Check out this url:
Pretty easy to get going.  Just uses a wraper on the client.

 When I run  amdump I get
 the error "dump larger then tape, but cannot incremental dump new disk"

 This says the estimated dump size Amanda got is larger than 3274 mbytes
 (the "length" value in your tapetype).

So what I am hearing is that amanda can backup no partition larger then
the size of the tape drive + whatever compression is in use.

 Can amanda span a dump across multiple tapes?  ...

 Not yet.  I madly trying to work on this in the five spare minutes I get
 a day as I now have file systems that won't fit, even with compression.

OK.  One last question how do you specify to use hardware or sofware

Thankyou for your time.

Andrew Hall

exclude list format

2001-03-15 Thread ahall


I have a 25 gig partition that I need to backup.   My tape drive is only a
4/8 gig drive.  My thought was to create an exclude list and run the
backup in two steps on two tapes.  I am only using 12 of the 25 gigs.  My
dumptype has the line:

otions exclude-list "/etc/amanda/Backup-Test/exclude.sda5"

that file exists on the client and is owned by user and group backup.  The
contents are:


The problem is that even though I am telling it to exclude these files AND
use tar it still creates the tarball with those directories which causes
the dump to fail.  What is the syntax of the exclude file.  Does anyone
know of a GOOD place for amanda docs.  All I can find says use fearture A
but gives no way of how to use feature A.  For example the man page talks
about the exclude file but does not cover the format of the exclude file.
Why does amcheck not find these errors?

Thanks again for your time.

Andrew Hall

exclude list format GOT IT

2001-03-15 Thread ahall

ahhh it works on files not directories.

Sorry to send an unnecessary mail.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 16:18:30 + (GMT)
Subject: exclude list format


I have a 25 gig partition that I need to backup.   My tape drive is only a
4/8 gig drive.  My thought was to create an exclude list and run the
backup in two steps on two tapes.  I am only using 12 of the 25 gigs.  My
dumptype has the line:

otions exclude-list "/etc/amanda/Backup-Test/exclude.sda5"

that file exists on the client and is owned by user and group backup.  The
contents are:


The problem is that even though I am telling it to exclude these files AND
use tar it still creates the tarball with those directories which causes
the dump to fail.  What is the syntax of the exclude file.  Does anyone
know of a GOOD place for amanda docs.  All I can find says use fearture A
but gives no way of how to use feature A.  For example the man page talks
about the exclude file but does not cover the format of the exclude file.
Why does amcheck not find these errors?

Thanks again for your time.

Andrew Hall

Need help understaning dump output

2001-03-14 Thread ahall


I am new to amanda so please excuse the lay questions.  I have searched
the archives but did not find what I was looking for.  I have two servers.
The backup server has a SONY SDT 7000 4/8gig drive.  I have everything
setup, labeled the tapes and ran amcheck with no errors.  I am
encrypting the backups with gnupg and using tar.  When I run  amdump I get
the error "dump larger then tape, but cannot incremental dump new disk"
Can amanda span a dump across multiple tapes?  I assume you cannot due a
multiple tape backup with tar?  My tapetype is:

define tapetype SONY-SDT-7000 {
comment "Sony 4 gig"
length 3274 mbytes
filemark 107 kbytes
speed 638 kbytes

Thankyou for your time.

Andrew Hall