Re: [AMaViS-user] amavisd-agent

2009-04-16 Thread Giuseppe Ghibò
Mark Martinec ha scritto:

 I was wondering whether it would be possible to add in amavisd-agent
 more statistical output about performances. E.g. the number of messages
 per seconds achievable in a certain period of time,

 You alerady have it: InMsgs gives a number of messages received
 by amavisd, and its hourly mail rate. To measure a peak througput
 with a given number of child processes, pause a MTA queue for
 a while so that some mail accumulates in the queue, then restart
 amavisd, flush the queue, and by the time a queue dries out
 see what the InMsgs mail rate is.

 or the average size of a message, etc.;

 You already have it:

 InMsgsSize2151MB  130MB/h 100.0 % (InMsgsSize)
 InMsgsSizeInbound 1370MB   83MB/h  63.7 % (InMsgsSize)
 InMsgsSizeInternal 303MB   18MB/h  14.1 % (InMsgsSize)
 InMsgsSizeOutbound 568MB   34MB/h  26.4 % (InMsgsSize)

Well, amavisd also process all the mails so maybe more statistic could 
be useful to be shown
directly (or maybe for getting processed later by some MRTG tools), 
without having to take
an handy calculator (e.g. taking the total number of MsgSize and divide 
by the number of messages) :-)
 I also obtain strange values for this parameter. E.g. I get a value of
 7-8 s/msg, mostly taken in TimeElapsedSpamCheck
 (which means around 0.1 msgs/s).

 This arithmetic would only be valid if you only used one amavisd
 child process. As usually there are dozens, especially on a
 multiprocessor host, parallelism must be taken into account,
 so mail rate would be about TimeElapsedTotal / $max_servers
 during times when all child processes are busy.
well, yep, it could be reasonable also to take into account the number 
of servers running.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Web Front-Ends

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Grossman
troxlinux wrote:
 that version of amavisd-new you have in production and of MailZu?, I
 am having problems to mount that scenario...


 2009/4/15 Jeff Grossman
 I installed Postvis and Mailzu today to see how they work.  I was
 wondering if anybody had an opinion about either of these two programs
 or what they use for a web front-end to Amavis.

I have version 2.6.2 of Amavis and version 0.8RC3 of MailZu.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] _destination_concurrency_limit vs

2009-04-16 Thread Giuseppe Ghibò
Gary V wrote:
 On 4/4/09, Giuseppe Ghibò wrote:
 In amavisd-new documentation README.postfix (version 148,
 BTW, the release online is outdate, as reports version 122
 there is reported that using amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit = XX
 is an alternative way to for controlling the maximum numbers of
 concurrent processes (which should be in sync with amavis $max_servers).
 Indeed I found that
 the number of concurrent lmtp processes named amavisdfeed
 exceed 1 unit the number in amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit. E.g.
 if I have amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit = 2, I get 3
 amavisfeed lmtp processes running,
 if I have amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit = 1 I get 1 lmtp
 process running and so on.

 I may be misunderstanding, but are you looking at the number of
 amavisd proceses running? If $max_servers is set to 2, you get one
 master and two child processes. Changing
 amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit limits the number of messages
 that Postfix will ask amavisd-new to process concurrently (not the
 number of amavisd processes that run). The number of child amavisd
I'm looking not at the number of amavis processes but at the number of 
postfix lmtp processes running under the name
amavisfeed, or to be precise at the output you achieve from ps -ef|grep 
amavisfeed which gives usually, entries like:

postfix  29543  2826  0 10:03 ?00:00:00 lmtp -n amavisfeed -t 
unix -u -c -o lmtp_data_done_timeout 1200 -o lmtp_send_xforward_command 
yes -o lmtp_cache_connection no -o max_use 20

according that the name choosen is amavisdfeed. Indeed if you set the 
number of processes to 2 in you get exactly
always 2 lmtp process to feed amavisd while setting in 
amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit, you get one more,
which IMHO could lead to timeouts (which is likely to occur if for 
instance you don't set the limit and leave it
to default, which is 100).


 It would be rare to use 1. If we are talking about your server that is
 a dual quad Zeon with 12GB ram, I would start out with something more
 like 20 or 30. I noticed in another thread that you are experiencing
 high latency due to network tests. Network tests are a vital part of
 spam detection and spamassassin does not work effectively without
 them. Most of the delay is caused by waiting for answers from remote
 servers (and getting timeouts for various reasons). To help with that,
 an effective thing to do is to increase concurrency by increasing the
 number of processes ($max_servers and complimentary
 amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit) up to a certain sweet spot,
 where you are processing as much mail as quickly as possible. Setting
 the number too high makes a mess and greatly decreases performance.

 Also, it's highly beneficial to run a local DNS cache. This increases
 speed and effectiveness of network tests.

Well, I already was using a standalone DNS with bind and forwarders 
(unless you mean something other),
but I didn't get significative increasing between two consecutive runs 
of spamassassin -t -D,
I get always around 12-15s, which IMHO is too much. With spamassassin -t 
-D -L the lowest
is around 2.6s, which I think it's high too (at least compared to older 
SA versions). The timing sound like this:

[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.007 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.009 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.010 . dns:A:myhostname
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.010 . dns:MX:my_hostname
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.012 . NS:from_hostname
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.013 . NS:someotherhost_appearing_in_mail
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.013 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.488 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.488 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 0.510 .
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 7.986 X
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 7.986 X
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 7.986 X
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 10.369 X
[1536] dbg: async: timing: 10.371 X

so I see much time is spent on Is that working or 
overloaded or maybe disabled? Why in that
case the caching doesn't seem working?


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[AMaViS-user] infected message forwarded / Avira for UNIX 3.x

2009-04-16 Thread Thomas Mueller

i've installed the new version from avira for unix, version 3.  @av_scanner 

  ### Avira for UNIX 3.x
  ['Avira AntiVir', ['avscan'],
'-s --batch --alert-action=none {}', [0], qr/ALERT:/,
qr/ALERT: (.+)/m ],

playing around i found a (maybe) misbehaviour of amavisd:

if qr/ALERT: (.+)/m  (i used a wrong one, this one works for me) doesn't 
the virus description, amavisd will ignore the virus. debug shows path/
parts INFECTED: and then continues and forwards the email instead of 
saving to the quarantine. 

i'm using amavisd 2.6.3-rc1

- Thomas

sample output of avscan if it found an infected file:

  file: /tmp/EICAR
last modified on  date: 2009-04-16  time: 16:36:17,  size: 70 bytes
ALERT: Eicar-Test-Signature ; virus ; Contains code of the 
Eicar-Test-Signature virus
  no action taken

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Re: [AMaViS-user] inspect_a_bounce_message failed

2009-04-16 Thread Thomas Mueller
On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:10:54 +0200, Richter, Danny wrote:

 hello Thomas,
 Try the release candidate for amavisd-2.6.3
 This is from the release notes:
 - provide a workaround for a Perl I/O bug, where a bounce killer could
   with: inspect_a_bounce_message failed: Error reading mail header
 Bad file descriptor at /usr/local/sbin/amavisd line 11486
indeed this seems to have solved the problem.


- Thomas

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Re: [AMaViS-user] Adding Header

2009-04-16 Thread mouss
Jeff Grossman a écrit :
 I have just started using Postfix along with Amavis and everything
 appears to be running pretty well.  I do have one question, and I am
 not sure if it relates to Amavis or to Postfix.  I was running
 Sendmail with MIMEDefang.  I had my filter in MIMEDefang configured so
 any e-mail that was received for user1 it would add an e-mail header
 called X-Forward: Yes and I send the e-mail to user1 and user2.
 User2 has a Sieve script configured that any e-mail with that header
 would automatically save to a particular folder.
 Now, with Postfix, I have it set using recipient_bcc to automatically
 copy any e-mail from user1 to user2.  But, there is no longer that
 header added and I don't know how to automatically filter those
 messages into a particular folder.  Can I add an e-mail header with
 Amavis so I can filter the message?  Or is there something I can do in
 Postfix that will allow me to automatically copy the message and file
 in a particular folder.
 I am using Dovecot's Deliver as the LDA.

do that in postfix. the simplest way is to use tagged addresses:

you can use address extensions and bcc your LDA
can then look for

if you don't want extensions, you can create a domain, say, and send copies to

followup on postfix-users list.

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Re: [AMaViS-user] Web Front-Ends

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Martinec

  I installed Postvis and Mailzu today to see how they work.  I was
  wondering if anybody had an opinion about either of these two programs
  or what they use for a web front-end to Amavis.

 troxlinux wrote:
  that version of amavisd-new you have in production and of MailZu?,
  I am having problems to mount that scenario...

 I have version 2.6.2 of Amavis and version 0.8RC3 of MailZu.

I'm not running it myself, but amavisd SQL schema and release procedure
hasn't changed for some time now, so if MailZu worked before, it should
continue to be compatible with 2.6.2 and 2.6.3.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Spamassassin Scores

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Martinec

 I have just started using Amavis and have a question regarding an
 discrepancy between the Spamassassin header in a spam message and the
 Spamassassin report included in the spam notification.

 Here is the report in the spam notification:
 Content analysis details:   (22.0 points, 5.0 required)

 And, here is the report in the header of the quarantined message:

 X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=21.973 tag=- tag2=8 kill=10
   tests=[AV:Sanesecurity.Junk.8084.UNOFFICIAL=0, AV_SS=7.5, BAYES_99=7,
   MSOE_MID_WRONG_CASE=0.82, SUBJ_ALL_CAPS=2.077] autolearn=spam

 How come the required value is only 5 in the spam notification while
 in the config files and the header it shows as 8?

As Daniel Luttermann explained, the '5.0 required' in the notification
comes from 'required_hits' in, the whole text section is
produced by SpamAssassin and not edited by amavisd - just inserted as-is.

The tag2 and kill levels are what really controls the amavisd behaviour,
the 'required_hits' in is never used, only spam score value
is taken from SA.

The discrepancy is purely a cosmetic issue. The '5.0 required' in text
should be ignored, it has no effect. If it bothers you, the best
approach is to set 'required_hits' to the same value as tag2_level.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Spamassassin Scores

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Grossman
Mark Martinec wrote:

 I have just started using Amavis and have a question regarding an
 discrepancy between the Spamassassin header in a spam message and the
 Spamassassin report included in the spam notification.

 Here is the report in the spam notification:
 Content analysis details:   (22.0 points, 5.0 required)

 And, here is the report in the header of the quarantined message:

 X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=21.973 tag=- tag2=8 kill=10
   tests=[AV:Sanesecurity.Junk.8084.UNOFFICIAL=0, AV_SS=7.5, BAYES_99=7,
   MSOE_MID_WRONG_CASE=0.82, SUBJ_ALL_CAPS=2.077] autolearn=spam

 How come the required value is only 5 in the spam notification while
 in the config files and the header it shows as 8?

 As Daniel Luttermann explained, the '5.0 required' in the notification
 comes from 'required_hits' in, the whole text section is
 produced by SpamAssassin and not edited by amavisd - just inserted as-is.

 The tag2 and kill levels are what really controls the amavisd behaviour,
 the 'required_hits' in is never used, only spam score value
 is taken from SA.

 The discrepancy is purely a cosmetic issue. The '5.0 required' in text
 should be ignored, it has no effect. If it bothers you, the best
 approach is to set 'required_hits' to the same value as tag2_level.


Okay, that makes sense.  Thank you for the answer.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Adding Header

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Martinec

 I have just started using Postfix along with Amavis and everything
 appears to be running pretty well.  I do have one question, and I am
 not sure if it relates to Amavis or to Postfix.  I was running
 Sendmail with MIMEDefang.  I had my filter in MIMEDefang configured so
 any e-mail that was received for user1 it would add an e-mail header
 called X-Forward: Yes and I send the e-mail to user1 and user2.
 User2 has a Sieve script configured that any e-mail with that header
 would automatically save to a particular folder.

 Now, with Postfix, I have it set using recipient_bcc to automatically
 copy any e-mail from user1 to user2.  But, there is no longer that
 header added and I don't know how to automatically filter those
 messages into a particular folder.  Can I add an e-mail header with
 Amavis so I can filter the message?  Or is there something I can do in
 Postfix that will allow me to automatically copy the message and file
 in a particular folder.

 I am using Dovecot's Deliver as the LDA.

I'd use 'plus addressing', i.e. adding an extension to a recipient
address after a delimiter (usually a '+'), then the LDA can save
a message to a dedicated folder based on that extra string in a
recipient's address.

Something like:
  recipient_delimiter = +

the in alias or .forward or virtual aliases maps:
  user1  user1,
or in recipient_bcc_maps:

so a copy of a mail for user1 will also be delivered to user2,
with the envelope recipient address saying 'user2+user1'.

The it us up to a LDA to decide what to do with a '+user1'
extension - by default it is ignored, but can be used to
specify a folder name for example. I know cyrus can do it,
I'm sure Dovecot can do it too.


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[AMaViS-user] Adding winnow and safebrowsing SA rules and amavisd hooks?

2009-04-16 Thread Ricardo Stella

Does anyone have hooks for @virus_name_to_spam_score_maps and SA rules
to work with the newer Google safebrowsing, and winnow ClamAV sigs to
add scores similar to the ones posted earlier ( ?

I'm no perl programmer and figured someone else must have already done

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Re: [AMaViS-user] amavis and SRS

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Martinec

 can amavisd do SRS, the sender address rewrite, needed for correct
 email forwarding because of SPF checks ??

No, there is no such functionality in amavisd. Normally amavisd is
not rerouting mail, so I don't think there is any need for SRS there.
It is probably a question for your mailer's ML.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Using amavis-new in a pipe mode

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Martinec

 I'm using a mail solution based on exim v4 and amavis-new, all working
 perfect using a tcp/ip mode to exchange mail between exim and

 I would to change the tcp/ip mode to a pipe or unix socket, so, i don't
 find any documentation/howto about that, does amavis-new support this
 kind of transport?

Amavisd can receive and/or send mail over inet or over a unix socket,
using a SMTP protocol. The default protocol on input from a socket
is 'AM.PDP', so this must be overridden by a policy bank, e.g.:

server side:
  $unix_socketname = /var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-in.sock;
  $interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'FORCE-SMTP';
  $policy_bank{'FORCE-SMTP'} = { protocol = 'SMTP' };

client side:
  $forward_method = 'smtp:/var/amavis/yourmailer-smtp-out.sock';
  $notify_method = $forward_method;

I only tested it with 'socat', never tried it with a real MTA.
Note that CRLF line endings on a SMTP protocol are enforced,
so LF won't do.

Testing - client:
$ socat -v stdin unix-connect:/var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-in.sock,crnl

Testing - listener:
$ socat -v unix-listen:/var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-out.sock,crnl stdout


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