Re: [AMaViS-user] Backscatter

2008-04-15 Thread Crosby, Scott F.
 A great document on helping with this problem is:

This certainly can help, but my tests have shown that SA catches pretty
much all of this type of backscatter, anyway.  In fact, most of the
messages caught by this method would end up with an SA score above 20 in
our configuration.

 There is something going on.  We're seeing a ton of backscatter as
 well.  It seems that spammers are resorting to mass joe jobs, and
 have been doing so for a couple of weeks.  There were a couple of
 posts over on the SA list recently saying that some people are seeing
 this same thing in spite of publishing SPF records.  So while SPF may
 be a deterrent, it appears not to be much of one in this case.  I'm
 not quite sure what to do about it except wait for it to subside. 
 Anybody have any ideas?

Could the amavisd penpals feature be of some help here?  For inbound
NDRs, the original recipient of the NDR could be checked for a
corresponding outbound message from the original sender.  Without a
match, the SA score could be bumped a few points.  It seems that the
major challenge would be in identifying all of the different forms that
an NDR could take...

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Re: [AMaViS-user] X-Spam headers from another amavisd/SA

2008-03-31 Thread Crosby, Scott F.
 [...] I should be able to get around that by 
 setting @lookup_sql_dsn to undef and leaving @storage_sql_dsn set.

This also didn't work, but I found a way around it.  It appears that
with @storage_sql_dsn set, an undef value for @lookup_sql_dsn will cause
amavisd to abort when attempting to look up a policy for that address.  

Mar 28 15:08:39 mailhost01 amavis[31006]: (31006-01) connect_to_sql:
trying ''
Mar 28 15:08:39 mailhost01 amavis[31006]: (31006-01) (!!)TROUBLE in
process_request: Can't connect to data source '' because I
can't work out what driver to use (it doesn't seem to contain a
'dbi:driver:' prefix and the DBI_DRIVER env var is not set)
at (eval 110) line 229
Mar 28 15:08:39 mailhost01 amavis[31006]: (31006-01) (!)Requesting
process rundown after fatal error

I created a dummy database with an empty policy table and set
@lookup_sql_dsn separately:

@storage_sql_dsn = (
'spam', 'edited'] );
@lookup_sql_dsn = (
['DBI:mysql:database=sa_dummy;;port=3307', 'spam',
'edited'] );

This seems to work, but is somewhat of a kludge.  Is there a cleaner way
to override the sql policies with those defined in amavisd.conf?  

 We use sql logging, so my solution is to insert a dummy amavisd on
 of the common internal mail exchanger hosts and log all traffic to a 
 common database.

 So you _are_ in position to get hold of such traffic, why not just
 re-route it to wherever you like.

It's complicated.  Our customers all have different rules about routing
and storing mail (all data, actually,) and things can get a bit hairy
with respect to what data goes where.  So our mail routing is
necessarily complex to guarantee that we live up to all of our
agreements and protect everyone's IP.

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Re: [AMaViS-user] X-Spam headers from another amavisd/SA

2008-03-27 Thread Crosby, Scott F.
 Hmm, this says the score is zero, which indicates to me that that
 message was scanned (by what? - nothing? I dunno). How did you
 disable spam scanning? To disable spam scanning try:

 @bypass_spam_checks_maps  = (1);

 You may also desire:
 @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1);
 @bypass_banned_checks_maps = (1);
 @bypass_header_checks_maps = (1);

Yes, this is the method I used to disable the various scanners.  I did
not have bypass_header_checks_maps set earlier, but I've set it now and
still see the following when I send a test message without a valid Date

X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER SECTION, Missing required header field:

Shouldn't that also disappear if I truly have header tests disabled?
This is a side issue, of course, but it is curious.
 Also, if you want to keep existing headers, add:
 $remove_existing_spam_headers  = 0;

Ah, that was part of what I was looking for.  Thanks!

 X-Spam headers are only inserted if the domain is considered local. If
 it makes no difference, try:

 @local_domains_maps = ( [''] );
 but it may not matter if spam and virus scanning are disabled.

I had tried @local_domains_maps = (); without luck.  Alas, your
suggestion also does not appear to have worked.

By the way, I'm running 2.6.0-rc1, not -pre1 as stated earlier.

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Re: [AMaViS-user] X-Spam headers from another amavisd/SA

2008-03-27 Thread Crosby, Scott F.
 I had tried @local_domains_maps = (); without luck.  Alas, your
 suggestion also does not appear to have worked.
 By the way, I'm running 2.6.0-rc1, not -pre1 as stated earlier.

Ah, found it.  The policy defined in the sql policy table for the
servers in the DMZ was overriding the settings in the config file for
the internal 'dummy' amavisd.  I should be able to get around that by
setting @lookup_sql_dsn to undef and leaving @storage_sql_dsn set.
Thanks for the help!  $remove_existing_spam_headers answered the other
half of the issue, as well.

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[AMaViS-user] X-Spam headers from another amavisd/SA

2008-03-26 Thread Crosby, Scott F.
Is there a way to configure amavisd to completely ignore X-Spam-*
headers that may have previously been applied by an earlier pass through
amavisd on a different host?  I realize that this could be a Very Bad
Thing, but here's my problem:

We send mail to several customer domains across private connections that
do not traverse the internet.  For various security reasons, many of
these customers require dedicated relays for their mail.

The problem lies with one of those private networks (actually several of
them, but we'll focus on one.)  Let's call it  All outbound
mail from our domain ( is delivered to via a private
connection, and some of the inbound mail from is returned via
the same path.   No problem there.  But some divisions within the super
maga corp don't route outbound mail back across this private
line... they route mail across the internet.  In accordance with the
agreements made with some divisions of, our outbound mail to
their domain may not traverse any internet-connected relay.

This is only an issue with respect to amavis' penpal support.  Inbound
replies sent in response to messages that went out across the private
line do not benefit from the penpal score reduction because the original
messages were never seen and logged by the internet-facing relays.  

We use sql logging, so my solution is to insert a dummy amavisd on one
of the common internal mail exchanger hosts and log all traffic to a
common database.  This dummy amavisd has the virus scanners and
spamassassin disabled, but it's destroying the X-Spam headers for
inbound internet-originated mail that was scanned on its way in by our
internet-facing amavisd/SA machines.  The original headers are replaced
with this:

 X-Spam-Flag: NO
 X-Spam-Score: 0
 X-Spam-Status: No, score=x tests=[]

The dummy amavisd appears to be inserting these header lines even if
they don't already exist.

The penpal feature is very important to us because this particular
customer domain is very commonly forged by spammers and the contents of
their legitimate communications are very sensitive to spam filters
(their messages are often quite spam-like.)

So, how can I get amavisd to leave pre-existing X-Spam headers alone AND
not insert them if they don't already exist?  Basically, to completely
ignore these headers.

Here are what I believe are the relevant portions of the amavisd.conf
file on the dummy server:

 @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1);
 @bypass_spam_checks_maps  = (1);
 $bypass_decode_parts = 1;
 $mydomain = '';
 @local_domains_maps = ( [''] );
 @mynetworks = qw( );

 $sa_tag_level_deflt  = undef;
 $sa_tag2_level_deflt = undef;
 $sa_kill_level_deflt = undef;
 $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = undef;
 $sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level = undef
 $final_spam_destiny   = D_PASS;

I've also tried arbitrarily high values (1000) for the various sa_tag
settings with no effect.  Blanking @mynetworks also had no effect.
SpamAssassin isn't even installed on the machine with the dummy amavisd.
We're using amavisd-new 2.6.0pre1.

Any thoughts?  I could probably do what I want by hacking on the amavisd
script itself, but I'd rather not do that if I don't have to.

On an unrelated note, has anyone thought of using the penpals feature to
check inbound NDRs for a corresponding outbound message?  If the message
ID contained within the inbound NDR doesn't match a valid message ID
from the apparent sender, such messages could be dropped.  Parsing the
inbound NDR for the message ID might be difficult, but I don't think
that it would be impossible.

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