[AMRadio] 29.000kc Broadcast stn.

2003-01-01 Thread k0pjg
GM ,

Broadcast stn has been on many times before.  I have called it in es folks @ 
ARRL have heard it.  Anyone else hear the stn ? Sounds like a Slavik language 
most times.  This morning though it is a SSB es speaking Italian ?  Up to S-4-5 
at times. Begins around 1330 es is still there now.
I did hear a carrier on 29.008kc this AM.  S-6 or so for abt ten min., but 
nothing said.  I think Band is open to EU.


Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723
To view Collins equipment ;
Life Member of A.R.R.L.  

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[AMRadio] Fw: Wire terminal post

2002-12-07 Thread K0PJG
Nice Code practice buzzer/light Bill. Sure beats what I started with.

Any binding posts out there.  Just need one for Bill.
Guess Antique Radio Supply would have them.

Tom - K0PJG

Bill is not a Ham as yet, but we are working on him.

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 9:38 AM
Subject: Wire terminal post

 ' mornin, Tom.  Greetings!

 This key was made by my father when he was a boy...I'd guess around 1917
 or so.  I used it for practice for years when I was young also.

 You can see that it is missing one post, and although I have no
 practical use for it any more, beyond it being a family treasure, it
 seems a pity not to replace the missing piece.

 Do you have catalogs that might show an identical piece?  I suppose I
 could try Radio Shack and Tidewater Communications, but I suspect that
 would be a waste of time.

 Hope y'all have a fine Cullowee day, with the only fire Tom sees is a
 nice one in your fireplace.


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Re: [AMRadio] New ARRL Member an AM'er!

2002-12-07 Thread K0PJG
Congrats Dave.

Watch that Digital stuff though, it will give you athlelet's foot :))

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
From: Geoff Edmonson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: AM Reflector amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] New ARRL Member an AM'er!

 Snipped from the ARRL Newsletter:

 * Dave Hassler, K7CCC, joins ARRL Headquarters staff: Dave Hassler,
 K7CCC, has joined the ARRL Headquarters staff as an assistant news editor.
 Hassler, 36, came aboard November 18. A native of Portland, Oregon,
 Hassler will edit a new QST column, ARRL in Action as well as handle
 routine news and feature stories for the ARRL Web site and The ARRL
 Letter. Hassler has been licensed for two years and holds a General
 ticket. He has a long interest in all things scientific. Both of my
 grandfathers were engineers (one was W7GER, SK), and they encouraged me
 to explore and helped me build things, he said. Sidetracked by high
 activities, educational pursuits and careers as a guitar player,
 volleyball coach and sportswriter, Hassler took advantage of his
 recuperation from knee surgery a couple of years ago to study for his
 Amateur Radio license. Hassler holds a bachelor's in English and an
 associate's degree in journalism. He also has completed some graduate
 courses. Most recently, he served as editor-in-chief of The Chronicle in
 St Helens, Oregon.

 Hassler enjoys AM and SSB ragchewing and building simple radios and
 accessories. He's also getting his feet wet with digital modes. Welcome

 Perhaps we've (AM'ers) got a new voice in the League?

 73 = Best Regards,

 AMRadio mailing list

[AMRadio] Ten mtr AM

2002-12-04 Thread K0PJG
Worked  GØMJY - Dave  29.020kc @ 1334z
WAØGAG - Andy  29.010kc  @1510z 
this morning.
I am monitoring 29.101kc  AM with 32V3 es 75A-2.


Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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[AMRadio] No opening to EU this morning

2002-12-03 Thread K0PJG
I did work K6CJA - Ken  es   WAØGAG - Andy, this morning. 
I do hear the Band Buzzer this AM very well.  Hope Uncle Sam is doing some good 
with that gadget ?


Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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Re: [AMRadio] 29.015kc G3UUR

2002-12-02 Thread K0PJG
GM Brian,

Just completed a QSO with G3UUR - David this morning.  All chipper es wanted
to know if you are on ten mtr AM ?

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
From: Brian Carling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] 29.015kc G3UUR

Sorry I missed him... that's our friend David Gordon-Smith, G3UUR who I knew
a teenager lo these many decades ago when I lived in England.

He is an AVID AM op on all bands.

On 20 Nov 2002 at 9:08, K0PJG wrote:

 Been listening to Dave - G3UUR for about 30 min in QSO with a State
 Side stn.  No time for chat this AM though.  Off to a photo shoot on
 my 2nd day off. Will be on again in the morning.

 Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
 8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
 Cullowhee, NC  28723

 To view Collins equipment ;

 Life Member of A.R.R.L.

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AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] Monitoring 14.286kc AM

2002-11-21 Thread K0PJG
GM  Geo,

I fired up agn last nite, but nothing hrd. Sure glad the V3 is up es running
agn. Been using it on ten AM a lot. Glad I took it toW3HM - Howard for
repair. He does FB work on these black faced rigs.


Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
From: George Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Monitoring 14.286kc AM

 I should be up and running again on 14.286 AM... Just got the quad up.
 have to add the gamma match and I'll be there again. Been off more than a
 month. The 4-1000A and 304tls are awaiting it's load!
 George AB2KC

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of K0PJG
 Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 7:09 PM
 To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: [AMRadio] Monitoring 14.286kc AM

 Will be monitoring for an hour or so.

 Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
 8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
 Cullowhee, NC  28723

 To view Collins equipment ;

 Life Member of A.R.R.L.

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 AMRadio mailing list

[AMRadio] 29.015kc G3UUR

2002-11-20 Thread K0PJG
Been listening to Dave - G3UUR for about 30 min in QSO with a State Side stn.  
No time for chat this AM though.  Off to a photo shoot on my 2nd day off. 
Will be on again in the morning.

Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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Re: [AMRadio] In Defense Of The ARRL

2002-11-20 Thread K0PJG
Tnx Don,

I could not agree more.

Life Member ARRL

- Original Message -
From: Merz Donald S [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:14 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] In Defense Of The ARRL

The ARRL is the only organized and funded voice that we have. All the
arguments below sound just like this one: I don't vote because all
politicians are bad. Well if you don't vote--or in this case, if you choose
not to support the ARRL, then you are assuredly getting what you deserve.

The management of spectrum and the technologies that use that spectrum are
continuously changing. For better or worse is a judgment call--change is the
only certainly.

If we want to protect what we have--if ham radio is to survive--then we MUST
have the ARRL or something like it. Example: All TV broadcast stations have
to go digital by 2007. Why not all ham stations? Are we next? If so, you can
forget AM--and sideband too!

If you believe in and love democracy, then by heaven please vote. If you
believe in and love ham radio, then for heaven's sake please support the
ARRL. To paraphrase Mr. Churchill, the ARRL is the worst form of a ham
organization--except that we have no other.

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:33 PM
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] interesting comments in

Geoff Edmonson wrote:

 Mark Bell  wrote in message ...

  Folks --
  Pete WA2CWA and I (Mark K3ZX) have made a proposal to the ARRL
  to offer an AM endorsement for the ARRL Worked All States (WAS)


 David Stinson  wrote in a message ...

 Getting the League to create this endorsement might be tough.
 There is a big bias against AM at the ARRL.
 And with Mr. FCC's negative comments at Dayton about
 using 6 KCs of bandwidth, that makes it double tough.


 V A Weiss  wrote in message

  I agree with Mr. Stinson.

  Personally I couldn't care less what the arrl does anymore. Their
 anti-CW spirit has me tossing the magazines from my lifetime subscription
 the waste can every month.

  The League speaks out of both sides of its mouth. On one hand they
 whine about 6 KC AM bandwidth being too much but then they condemn CW with
 its lesser bandwidth. But then they try to sell more magazines with their
 sappy covers with pictures of the fine, old vintage gear.



 Whatcha think, folks?

 73 = Best Regards,

Unfortunately it seems all too accurate IMHO. I've tried to discuss with
some of
the eastern ARRL bigwigs the 'real' problems with attracting new blood to
amateur radio - like the lack of a challenge or the lack of any feelling of
accomplishment or something to be proud of working towards. They'd rather
the internet and cellphones for it all, and instead dumb down the current
requirements even more if it will entice more newbies who'll buy
and new gear from their advertizers. Their actions seem to contradict their
about 'saving ham radio', because encouraging the basics and *any* mode
never seems to be the goal. Instead, they encourage what will sell magazines
more Yaecomewood disposable radios. I still remember the look in Mr. ARRL's
when he said we need to make it easier for people to become hams and I
why not make it something worth acheiving, instead of a hand out that is
tossed away when no effort was expended to earn it?. Then I had to gall to
mention AM as well as adding some articles to QST for a simple tube CW
transmitter or such. If he'd rolled his eyes any harder, I think they'd have
taken flight!

Some point out the the ARRL has taken more of an interest in AM and vintage
as of late. My response is 'why did they ever lose interest?'. If they've
anything at all, it hasn't been freely or happily, more grudgingly. Enough
people want to know about 'real radio' and how it works that they've been
to do something or lose any remaining credibility. When you look at all
done (or not done) in the past, it's difficult to see their more recent
attention as sincere.

What is the figure hams who are members? Something like 25%? That in itself
a lot right there. You'd think they'd embrace ALL aspects of amateur radio
do EVERYTHING they could to please all users without having to do one at the
expense of another. They seem content though to push books and sell
which is why so many refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail Lobby. A $10
million plus publishing house, basically.

What do you think the chances are of the ARRL sponsoring an AM contest some
weekend? Or a vintage gear event? As good as an AM WAS endorsement, or as
It's amazing how some consider AM operation to be a waste, yet have no
with contesters taking up so much 

[AMRadio] Support the ARRL

2002-11-20 Thread K0PJG
If you folks read QRZ.COM  under Talk es Opinions, you know very well I do not 
agree with what the ARRL has been/has not been doing.  
If more folks were Members, I feel there would be a stronger  voice from the 
If you feel very strongly that ARRL is beyond hope, then we need a new  ARRL 
Board that better represents the Rank es File. They are just folks like us. 
Most of the Staff even are licensed Hams. 
I grew up in Hamdom believing the Arrl was our only defense against loosing our 
privledges.  I still do. 
Perhaps new blood would help?  I don't know. 
I do know they need to put their ears to the ground es listen to the Members 
Turning away from the ARRL will not help. Not renewing your subscription will 
not help.  
Being an active Member es stating your views may/will get the job done. Not 
Voting, as Don says, NEVER HELPS.

Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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[AMRadio] Monitoring 14.286kc AM

2002-11-19 Thread K0PJG
Will be monitoring for an hour or so.

Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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[AMRadio] 29.000kc Broadcast station possilby Russian

2002-11-15 Thread K0PJG
Does anyone else hear this station ? 1300z to now past 1430z today.  Its still 
on now.

Thomas F. Fischel - KØPJG -
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Life Member of A.R.R.L.  


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[AMRadio] 10 mtrs ( AM window ) has been open this last week

2002-09-21 Thread K0PJG
Ten mtrs has been open enough that I have worked several Old Friends es
several new friends lately;
VK2BA -David
PA0LCD - Cor
G4XPY - Dave
KK7JK - Ray
I5KAP - Franko ( still 5 watts )
Looks like the Solar numbers will be peaking again in early Oct. So please
join in the fun on ten mtr AM when you can. Freq. most popular are 29.000 to


Thomas F. Fischel
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

[AMRadio] FS: Collins 75A-3

2002-08-28 Thread K0PJG
Its on QRZ.COM  with photo under URL;


Other photos available.  RF knob will be replaced.

Thomas F. Fischel
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, NC  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

Re: [AMRadio] Illegal 27 28 MHz amplifier sales

2002-08-23 Thread K0PJG
Very FB  Brian,

We need more folks writing the FCC on these matters.

Twenty years of :Law Breaking still does not make it RIGHT ! About time we
all stop saying sheesh ! Who Cares!  es DO something.

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
From: Brian Carling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Illegal 27  28 MHz amplifier sales

 Dear Riley Hollingsworth  FCC,

 Please look into these illegal companies and their activities.

 Two issues:

 1 - CBR Electronics Inc.

 A HREF=http://www.cbrelectronics.com/keydowns.html;Click here:

 2 - E-BAY INC.

 Also eBay is running a lot of ilegal advertisements now!

  Take a look at these items currently selling now as we speak on
 ebay.1375120931 ,   1374519437  ,1374954044,1374119655 .
 Also see:
 1374401241, 1374437180, 1374749715, 1374941097

 These are ALL ILLEGAL CB amps being brazenly allowed by eBay.
 They are not legal to be sold for amateur use either, since
 they cover the 27-28 MHz bands which is against federal law.

 Others are telling me that eBay is now unwilling to take action
 to remove such ads they are running for illegal amplifiers.

 Fraudulent sales of illegal equipment needs to be stopped!

 AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] Check out keydowns.page ATTENTION: RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH

2002-08-21 Thread K0PJG
Hello John,

Mind if I use this e mail to help start more fuss with FCC ? Will also start
another discussion on QRZ.

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
Cc: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] Check out keydowns.page ATTENTION: RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH

  Hi Riley,

 Please check these guys out. I am willing to bet a 30S-1 they don't ask
for a
 foreign passport when someone wante to purchase an illegal amp!

 A HREF=http://www.cbrelectronics.com/keydowns.html;Click here:

 Thanks and 73,

 John,  W4AWM

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Re: [AMRadio] Illegal 27 MHz dealers

2002-08-21 Thread K0PJG
Hello Ed,

Mind if I use thios e mail to help start another fuss over this stuff with
FCC ?  Will also start a discussion on QRZ.

Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message -
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Cc: Brian Carling, AF4K [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Illegal 27 MHz dealers

 Hi Brian,

 It's worse than you think!

 In the last few years, a new type of CB activity has become very popular -
 the Keydown Superbowl.
 A group, or club of CB'ers will organize a meet where the participants get
 together to compete over who has the biggest linear, with the most power.
 Amps with power levels of anywhere from 10 KW to even 50KW are operated,
 (often into ruggedized vertical antennas).

 To generate the DC required for these amps, several 72 volt railroad
 alternators are daisy-chained together under the hoods of trucks (Chevy
 Suburbans are popular). 7 alternator power plants are not uncommon. The DC
 goes to large DC regulators, and then to the amps, mostly solid state, but
 occasionally tube amps are used too.  The solid state amps are typically
 multiple pill amps - 12 pill,  24 pill, up to 128 pill or more.
 Most of the amps are custom built by specialty shops, who advertise on the
 web, or at select CB shops.

 The favorite channel is 27.025, the superbowl channel.  The winner gets
 trophy, and sometimes some cash.  Veterans of such skill-testing
 competitions, like to show off large pickle jars filled with dead pills,
 the blown finals of their own, and competitor's amps.

 Some of the more technically talented prefer tube-type amps, with large
 broadcast tubes the preferred device. 3CX3000F1, and similar are quite
 popular, in pairs or quads. The amps often occupy most of the cargo space
 the vehicles, shared with the requisite extra batteries.

 So, the next time you wonder why the CB band is always open, while 10M
 isn't, consider that these people have the means to make their own
 propagation!  The other issue is not the spectrum polution, from these
 wickedly dirty often Class-C amps, but from the RF fields produced during
 the competition!  Never mind FCC enforcement, maybe the EPA should get

 Ed, VA3ES

 AMRadio mailing list

[AMRadio] CB Operations: Illegal Equipment es Use ( On QRZ )

2002-08-21 Thread K0PJG
  I with held names other than my own on this discussion started just now on 
QRZ.COM under Talk es Opinions.  Please feel free to Comment ther howver :))

 21 Aug 2002 @ 23:52:49 UTC Logged in as K0PJG  Log Out   

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Operations; Illegal Equipment es Use  

Topic: CB Operations; Illegal Equipment es Use, 
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Group: Members
Posts: 49
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Posted: Aug. 21 2002,16:52

Illegal CB Ops es the proliferation of Illegal equipment 
has not deminished one iota since the last round of discussions Ref: Illegal CB 
Ops in MX es US Truckers.
If anything, sales have not been better for the equipment 
in use through out North America es MX.
I am going to mention a few sites where anyone may purchase 
equipment targeted for the express use of Illegal CB operations es promoting 
Illegal Ops;

http://www.cbcintl.com/, Do not miss this one, it gives you 
your Freq charts to operate with (
There are many more...

A few comments from Hams Ref: above sites;

#1 ( Name withheld by author's request )

It's worse than you think!

In the last few years, a new type of CB activity has become 
very popular - the Keydown Superbowl.
A group, or club of CB'ers will organize a meet where the 
participants get together to compete over who has the biggest linear, with the 
most power.
Amps with power levels of anywhere from 10 KW to even 50KW 
are operated,
(often into ruggedized vertical antennas).

To generate the DC required for these amps, several 72 volt 
railroad alternators are daisy-chained together under the hoods of trucks 
(Chevy Suburbans are popular). 7 alternator power plants are not uncommon. The 
goes to large DC regulators, and then to the amps, mostly 
solid state, but occasionally tube amps are used too.  The solid state amps are 
typically multiple pill amps - 12 pill,  24 pill, up to 128 pill or 
Most of the amps are custom built by specialty shops, who 
advertise on the web, or at select CB shops.

The favorite channel is 27.025, the superbowl channel.  
The winner gets a trophy, and sometimes some cash.  Veterans of such 
skill-testing competitions, like to show off large pickle jars filled with 
dead pills,
the blown finals of their own, and competitor's amps.

Some of the more technically talented prefer tube-type 
amps, with large broadcast tubes the preferred device. 3CX3000F1, and similar 
are quite popular, in pairs or quads. The amps often occupy most of the cargo 
space in
the vehicles, shared with the requisite extra batteries.

So, the next time you wonder why the CB band is always 
open, while 10M isn't, consider that these people have the means to make their 
own propagation!  The other issue is not the spectrum polution, from these
wickedly dirty often Class-C amps, but from the RF fields 
produced during the competition!  Never mind FCC enforcement, maybe the EPA 
should get involved!

#2 ( Name withheld by Author's request )

If you want to get a shock, do a serach on the phrase 10 
meter radios. 
These are targeted and being sold to CB'ers, and they all 
operate well above 
28 mHz. Just one example, (check out the rebel flag)


Then take a look at this CB channel chart. 29.655 is 
listed as channel 40, 
band D!!!..


Here's another..

(NEW! Expanded CB Channel  Frequency Chart (14Kb PDF). 
Free 1-page 
download covers Ch.1

[AMRadio] A.R.R.L. es AM mode

2002-08-16 Thread K0PJG
A discusion is ongoing under Talk es Opinions on QRZ.COM. Please do drop by es 
read/give your opinion on minute 64
of the last Board meeting.


Thomas F. Fischel
8274 Cullowhee Mountain Road
Cullowhee, Nc  28723

To view Collins equipment ;

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[AMRadio] Fw: Minute 64 adopted at the most recent ARRL Board of Directors meeting on ...

2002-08-15 Thread K0PJG
Hello Dale,

Will I am not one to shy away from standing up for AM, but read the response 
from our ARRL Pres. ;

Have they just not been specific enough on Minute 64 or is there something 
afoot Watson ?

 Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Minute 64 adopted at the most recent ARRL Board of Directors 
meeting on ...

  The ARRL is petitioning the FCC to regulate subbands by bandwidth. 

1.  First off, we do not have a petition. 

2.  You can't work phone in the subbands now. 

3.  What we are interested in is two new modes of digital. Clover 2000 and 
Pactor 3. 

4.  Under the present rules, 300 baud RTTY is the signal width standard. Clover 
2000 and Pactor 3 are a bit wider. It is felt that by being able to accommodate 
these two new technologies, amateur radio would be in compliance with its 
charge under part 97 to promote and enhance the art 

5. Presently our technical team is looking at what frame work is needed to 
accomplish the new modes. 

I hope this helps and if you would pass it on so as to quell the fears of the 


Jim Haynie, W5JBP 
President, ARRL 

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