Re: [AMRadio] April 1st already or a misprint

2006-02-28 Thread W2AGN


[Or to put it more succintly. There's a sucker born very mnute.]
That is what W2AGN had to say about the people buying the AC-1's. Well...I
just took a look at W2AGN's shack picutres at his web site. Based on the ton
of junk there it looks like he speaks from experience! hi hi


Actually, much of the ton of junk was acquired quite reasonably. Much 
was new back in the 60's and 70's, and was inherited or was stuff I 
had back then. The GPT-750 I purchased in 1973, for $350.00. Not a bad 
value per pound. But $300-400 for an AC-1? I don't think so. Heck, I got 
a Heath AT-1 just a couple years ago for $75.00. Oh yes, and a Davco 
DR30 receiver for the same price. It just takes careful shopping, and 
not depending on eBay.

  _ _ _ _ _  
 / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke

( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
 \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

Re: [AMRadio] April 1st already or a misprint

2006-02-28 Thread W2AGN

Tom wrote:

Isn't it funny that you can rationalize your purchase prices but 
someone else's rationalization makes him a sucker.

You are absolutely right. Sucker was a bad choice of words. I 
apologize to all those who bought AC-1's at $300-400. After all, look at 
what you have, a dandy little 15 watt crystal controlled transmitter, 
complete with unique chirp so you will be recognized.

I think idiot would have been better.

  _ _ _ _ _  
 / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke

( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
 \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

Re: [AMRadio] League Bandwidth petition - final tally

2006-02-23 Thread W2AGN

Brian Carling wrote:

On 23 Feb 2006 at 9:47, UVCM INC wrote:

I have experience in politics and running companies, would like to chat with
you about legal action, sometimes its the only way. or maybe their are other
ways if the ARRL would listen to us and modify there position.

Brad don't hold your breath to see THAT happen...
The ARRL Directors and top brass have demonstrated 
an incredible level of intransigence,  and treachery against 
the clearly communicated will of the majority of radio amateurs.

They have dug in to this amazingly stupid position for some 
time now. I don't expect them to change one bit. The fact of the
matter is that ARRL is broken! We need something else with 
some integrity to replace ARRL, or at least to become a 
viable alternative until such time as we amateurs who still 
love and value the hobby can see this obsolete, self-perpetuating

old boys' club deposed.

I know many are still holding out hope that the League can be 

All I see is that it gets worse and worse all the time.

Absolutely correct. I strongly object to them dubbing themselves The National 
Organization for Amateur Radio. The membership is a small percentage of Amateur 
Radio, and the3y represent only a small percentage of that.( Mainly Winlink users).

   _ _ _ _ _
  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
  \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

Re: [AMRadio] RM-11306 COMMENTS TALLY!

2006-02-19 Thread W2AGN


So this means that 99.9% supported the ARRL proposal?

I'm sure Pete and the ARRL would like to have us beleive that.

   _ _ _ _ _
  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
  \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

Re: [AMRadio] ARRL Bashing

2006-01-29 Thread W2AGN

Larry Knapp wrote:

It seems to me with all the skewering of the ARRL, one item that appears to be 
very relevant is
the communication to the members of a division and the reverse and thus to the board of the ARRL. 


The problem is not communications with the Directors. The Directors have NO SAY.
The ARRL is run by the Executive Committee (read Dave Sumner). The BoD exist
as a pap for the masses who actually beieve they have some say. The problem is,
they don't.

At one time the ARRL might have been a representative organization. It is no
longer. The ARRL is Of, By and FOR, the ARRL.
   _ _ _ _ _
  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
  \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

Re: [AMRadio] Sumner on Newington's scheme

2006-01-16 Thread w2agn

VJB wrote:

He then followed with the rationale that if someone
doesn't do something to foster a more friendly
environment for digital modes then the Amateur Service
will not present the image he/ARRL feels the hobby


Yep, anyone who can't see that Sumner/ARRL wants to turn HF into the 
Interenet with digital robots, etc, just isn't paying attention. Sadly, 
those SOB's are probably going to get away with it.


Re: [AMRadio] RE: Recent comments on AM

2006-01-14 Thread w2agn

peter markavage wrote:

On line Dictionary: A survey of the public or of a sample of public
opinion to acquire information.
Webster's (One of several meanings): A questioning or canvassing of
persons, usually selected at random or by quota from various groups, for
obtaining information or opinions, especially to be analyzed.

I will agree, so as not to confuse the masses, that requested comments
from members and nonmembers on the proposal probably would have been a
better choice of words than to use something like they polled their
members for comments.

Pete, wa2cwa

Now this is just a typical ARRL attitude. Note the condescension of the 
phrase so as not to confuse the masses. It would seem to me that 
neither of the  definitions so patronizingly quoted from the dictionary 
are met by requesting comments.

W2AGN (one of the masses who is NOT confused, or misled by ARRL-Speak)

Re: [AMRadio] Your recent comments on AM (Tannehill)

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

Brian Carling wrote:

Reply to the FCC? By then it is mostly too late.
I read one place that ARRL were claiming that they had 
consulted with radio amateurs. If they REALLY claimed that

then they are bolder liars than I thought.

No, by the time this lunacy reaches FCC it is probably too late.

Discussion BEFORE the train leaves the station would make 
more sense, but it seems ARRL has moved well away from 
being any kind of accountable or representative style 
organization. Sad to say, but I have just about had it with 
them. I believe that HPM would roll over in his grave if he 
could see what  they have been doing the last few years.


Now we will hear the howls from the ARRL apologists. I am sure Pete will
be one of the first. I think the ARRL pays folks to make excuses for


Re: [AMRadio] recent comments on AM

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

peter markavage wrote:

Actually, whether RM-11305 or 11306 is accepted fully, or in part, it's
still a win-win for what the ARRL would like to see happen to the future
structure of the amateur radio service.


Yeah, the ARRL would like PACTOR Robots on ALL the bands, with Winlink 
pounding away sending email.  That's their vision of the future, or at 
least, Sumner's, who is the ONLY voice of the ARRL.


Re: [AMRadio] recent comments on AM

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

Jim Wilhite wrote:

I just wonder if we should start a campaign to have the BOD terminate 
Sumner?  He certainly needs to have an attitude changed in my estimation.

Maybe we should circulate petitions for recall of some of the Directors?

To still the voice of dissent is just plane wrong.

73  Jim

Fat chance. The BoD has NO say. They are just there so the Executive 
Committee can claim they reptresent the members. In the Atlantic 
Division, the Executive Committee disqualified a candidte for director 
who didn't suit them.


Re: [AMRadio] recent comments on AM

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

peter markavage wrote:

Wrong. Get your story straight. The potential candidate did not meet the
current Article 11, Articles of Association, eligibility requirements as
they are currently written.

However, at its annual meeting next week, the Board of Directors also
plans to review and discuss Article 11 of its Articles of Association,
which defines eligibility to hold League office.

Pete, wa2cwa


Sumner CLAIMED he did not meet the Article. If, like yourself, you 
believe all the lies from ARRL, then you'll buy that, too.


Re: [AMRadio] recent comments on AM

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

Brian Carling wrote:

No, you let us know how they did such a great job of polling radio
amateurs instead of side stepping and claiming that they did...

Where's the beef?


I think it fascinating to find Pete on every list and forum that 
disagrees with the ARRL. He is always there, pushing the party line. 
Must be a full time job these days.

And yes, that IS an ad hominem attack.


Re: [AMRadio] recent comments on AM

2006-01-13 Thread w2agn

Brian Carling wrote:

i.e. he should read it again until his conculsion coincides with your 
ideas Pete?

I am sure he has read it.

On 13 Jan 2006 at 15:13, peter markavage wrote:


Well, I you really believe that, then neither proposal should be to your
liking. You should go back and read the intent of the proposal.
Pete, wa2cwa

No, I just see between the lines as to the Intent of the proposal. 
Unfortunately there are those who actually think everything out of the 
ARRL is black and white, truth. I am not so naive, or stupid.


[AMRadio] Re: ARRL Ruins the AM, CW and DIGITAL bands.

2004-10-26 Thread W2AGN
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 06:13, Brian Carling wrote:
 It sounds like this ARRL action means they are going to
 further infringe on AM by limiting bandwidth and dividing up
 the bands on the basis of width rather than the present rules!

 It is SICKENING to think that they might further restrict
 AM operation! Also the Pactor-WInlink garbage has got to go...

Here is forwarded message that says it all better than I could:

It seems that the ARRL's plan for allowing unattended robot Pactor
stations to basically operate without regard to ongoing communications
has been proposed so the their rich yacht yuppie friends that are
cruising the oceans can have free access to internet email via the
Winlink system that is operated on tha amateur HF bands !  They have even
encouraged some of these yacht yuppies to get their ham license just so
the could use this service.  Yes, you read that right !  The ARRL is
wanting non hams that cruise the oceans in expensive yachts with six
digit price tags to get their license just so they can get free email
while on the ocean despite the fact that these people can afford more
efficient satelite email service and do the same thing !  I think it's
high time that ALL hams let our so called only game in town that is
supposed to be working for our common good called the ARRL to keep email
on the internet and off amateur radio !  The operation that they are
proposing, will allow unattended Pactor robot stations to transmit and
interfere with ongoing communications without you being able to do
anything about it !  That means that if you are working that rare DX
station and a Pactor robot station fires up on the same frequency you are
working the DX station on, you will have no recourse in resolving the
problem because the Pactor station will be within their full legal right
to do so !  Please, lets flood the ARRL directors with email telling them
that we do not want this to be put into effect.  You can get the email
addresses for each director from the ARRL website, so let them know how
you feel, and please pass this on to every ham you know !
John W2AGN

Re: [AMRadio] The PROPOSED ARRL Suggestions to FCC

2004-01-22 Thread W2AGN
On Thursday 22 January 2004 12:37, RoadKing wrote:

 A Much more important issue to me is the fact that CW is dead for all
 practical purposes, it IS still a means of communicating when nothing
 else will work.  but the FACT is the TIMES have changed,  YOU can go into
 the CW portion of the band and dial up and down for 100's of KC's and NEVER
 hear a signal.   And, you can call CQ at times for over and HOUR and
 finally just give up because NOBODY will come back to you.  Question to ASK
 YOURSELF.   When was the last time  YOU made a CW Contact? HUH? if its
 been at least  5 years or more then this will be a hoss you may want to

 My thought is that we petition the FCC, to OPEN  most all The CW portion of
 the band for Phone operation, leave 5 to 10 kc's for all the CW op's to be
 able to go there and find, a MUCH more used portion of the Band.  But
 reallocate the rest of the CW portion of the bands for phone operation,
 still maintaining some LICENSE classification separation!

Not sure what CW bands you have been listening to, but 90% of my operation is 
CW. QRP CW at that. Last year I was doing a lot of building, so only made 
about 700 QSOs, most years it is over 1000. 

When I do operate phone, I like AM, because most AMers are not the boxtop 
license crowd. 

BUT, CW is NOT dead. It is the 2nd most popular mode on Ham Radio. I would 
compromise, and call for 100 KhZ EXCLUSIVE CW on 80, 50 Khz on 40, 100 on 20 
and 15, and 200 on 10M. NO Pactor, AMTOR, or any other of the TORs. They can 
have their own sub-bands, or share with SSB. 

John W2AGN

Re: [AMRadio] Old radios never die...

2003-10-30 Thread W2AGN
On Thursday 30 October 2003 16:16, Mark Cobbeldick wrote:
 Old 2 MHz AM Marine radios never die!  They simply
 end-up on the 160 Meter Amateur Band...

 Brand New Bludworth Marine 2 MHz AM Radios for sale:

 Mark KB4CVN

Not at those ridiculous prices!

John W2AGN

Re: [AMRadio] Six meter AM Antenna

2003-06-14 Thread W2AGN
On 14 Jun 2003 at 17:50, Jim candela wrote:

   Hey Group,
   I was wondering what polarization is usually used for local, and DX six
 meter AM contacts on 50.4 Mhz? I know this is a dumb question, but I really
 don't know the answer. I was looking on Ebay, and Ku4ab sells several
 horizontal square loops for various bands including 6 meters. Are these any
 Jim candela
Hi Jim,

AM activity is mostly horizontally polarized. Those square loops are 
similar to the old Halo antennas. OK, but why not go with a 3 to 5 ele 

Catch you on 50.4

Gonset G-50
Lafayette HA-460
Heath Shawnee

+-++-++-++-++-+   John L. Sielke
|W||2||A||G||N| [UPDATED]

[AMRadio] 6M AM Activity?

2003-05-15 Thread W2AGN
Anyone on 6M AM in the Philadelphia/SNJ area. (or thereabouts)? Just got 
a G-50 going on 6AM and looking for activity.
+-++-++-++-++-+   John L. Sielke
|W||2||A||G||N| [UPDATED]