Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread D. Chester

From: Peter Markavage [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pick up a 50's QST and count the monthly ads. Pick up a current QST and
count the ads. Most likely, you'll find that given the total number of
magazine pages in each one, there will be a higher  percentage of ads per
month in the 50's mag.

But look at the content of those ads.  Probably as many of those pages of 
ads are for components and other material useful for building, experimenting 
and modifying, as for finished products by major equipment manufacturers 
like Collins and EF Johnson.  National company used to run a full-page every 
month in QST that was very informative, usually a technical description of 
the workings and design of one of their products explaining why the company 
built it as they did.

I sometimes find the ads in old QST's, CQ's and RADIO's just as interesting 
as the articles.

The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
80's. No reason to keep it in QST.

That's one of my biggest gripes about the League.  QST has been BASTARDIZED.

bas·tard·ize /'bæstər·daiz/ verb, -ized, iz·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to lower in condition or worth; debase (from

That definition describes PRECISELY what moving the in-depth technical 
articles to a separate publication did to QST.

QST has been turned into an appliance operator's journal aimed primarily at 
new licensees. I think it's a ripoff off that as a full member I would have 
to pay $24 a year extra for QEX on top of the $39 for membership dues/QST 
subscription in order to have access to articles on the facet of amateur 
radio that interests me the most, while QST, which used to be filled with 
plenty of good technical information and construction articles, is now 
filled with nauseating human interest drivel crammed in between glossy 
multi-page display ads. If it was practical to include in-depth technical 
articles in QST 28 years ago, why would it not be practical to-day?

As for the reports on League organisational happenings, FCC and other 
amateur radio news, and operating events that appear in QST,  99% of that 
information is already stale news by the time it arrives in the mail with 
the magazine, because I have already read it on the ARRL website,, 
e-Ham, Newsline, This Week in Amateur Radio, or found out about it on the AM 
Forum or this reflector, or one of the numerous other amateur radio websites 
WEEKS before QST was even delivered to the post office by the printer.

Lacking any significant quantity of  technical information that interest me, 
or amateur radio related news that is useful to me, QST is wasted paper that 
contributes to the clutter in my house, nearly indistinguishable from the 
rest of the junk mail that piles up on my kitchen table

Since QEX is a much thinner magazine than QST and only comes out every two 
months, it would not add to QST that much additional printing cost or 
weight,  to put half of the content that goes into QEX, into QST every 
month. Who knows, some of the newbies just might be curious enough to READ 
some of that technical content and actually learn something , and expand 
their amateur radio horizon beyond buying the latest and greatest plastic 
plug 'n play appliance.

I suspect there  lies a profit motive behind having two separate 
publications, each with its own paid subscribers, so it is unlikely that QST 
would ever again be combined with QEX into one publication.  Since nearly 
all the League happenings and amateur radio news that it printed in QST is 
freely and abundantly available over the internet, as a paid member I should 
at least be given a choice between receiving QST or QEX as my membership 

When my current membership expires, I am seriously considering letting it 
lapse, and instead subscribing to QEX as a non-member, and I would urge 
anyone else who is as disgusted as I am by what QST has become, to do the 

Don k4kyv

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread EP Swynar
On 24th April, Kim wrote:

...P.S.: You want some real fun? Organize an AM-only contest!



It's odd that you should mention this point...

Back in the early 90's, when I was still a stalwart ARRL member, I
petitioned the League --- by way of letters mailed to both the Contest
Advisory chairman, as well as to my regional representative on the
committee --- to give consideration to incorporating AM phone in the annual
Straight Key Night activity, as an adjunct to those Hams who either  (A)
were never fond of CW in the first place, or, (B) were physically unable to
send code manually anymore due to age, physical disability, etc.

I never received a response from ANYONE in the matter...however, some months
later, there was a summary printed in QST of one of the regular general ARRL
meetings which are held on a regular basis: the CAC had its input therein,
alright...the notion of incorporating AM was laughingly referred in passing
in it.

Now, what was that you were saying again about bringing change from
within...? Pretty tough nut to crack when the forces within don't
listen...and no, it was NOT any ...real fun, either...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread Kim Elmore
Good for you, Ed!  But no change comes without a struggle. Had 
Jefferson given up when he saw the markups on his first submission of 
the Declaration of Independence, well... Where would we be?

As for tacking AM on to SKN:  I'm a CW fan and SKN is about CW. I, 
too, would have resisted any dilution of SKN with anything not CW. 
Besides, that would have relegated AM to an alternative mode and if 
it's an AM event you want, it needs to stand alone as AM.

But there are surely historic events that could be commemorated with 
an AM Night. What about Fessenden's first audio transmission? Yes, I 
know, it's not well documented and is being challenged, it was 
possibly on Dec 20 and again on Dec 24th, but what of it? If not 
that, then how about the first broadcast transmission by Frank 
Conrad, 8XK. That was November 2, 1920. Imagine sponsorship by KDKA! 
You probably couldn't use that exact date, as there's no holiday 
associated with it, but you're a resourceful lot: improvise.

There are other historical events that you could use. How about 
something around Sept 26, 1919, when the Director of the Naval 
Communications Service lifted all restrictions on radio amateurs, 
opening up ham radio after its ban (and near annihilation) after 
WWI?   That would make a nice, Fall event. Or, you could simply 
declare an event date and do it then. Do you need an official 
sanction by the League? While that would be nice, it isn't a 
necessity. If not KDKA, maybe Electric Radio could sponsor the event; 
maybe some other body.

The point is, ladies and gentlemen, this is yours only if you want it 
badly enough.


Kim Elmore, N5OP

At 05:50 AM 4/25/2008, you wrote:

On 24th April, Kim wrote:

...P.S.: You want some real fun? Organize an AM-only contest!



It's odd that you should mention this point...

Back in the early 90's, when I was still a stalwart ARRL member, I
petitioned the League --- by way of letters mailed to both the Contest
Advisory chairman, as well as to my regional representative on the
committee --- to give consideration to incorporating AM phone in the annual
Straight Key Night activity, as an adjunct to those Hams who either  (A)
were never fond of CW in the first place, or, (B) were physically unable to
send code manually anymore due to age, physical disability, etc.

I never received a response from ANYONE in the matter...however, some months
later, there was a summary printed in QST of one of the regular general ARRL
meetings which are held on a regular basis: the CAC had its input therein,
alright...the notion of incorporating AM was laughingly referred in passing
in it.

Now, what was that you were saying again about bringing change from
within...? Pretty tough nut to crack when the forces within don't
listen...and no, it was NOT any ...real fun, either...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Peter Markavage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  **Not my problem. You're the one that dropped your membership. I can
  still vote when the time comes to elect a Director.

Which made it no longer my problem either. It seems the story for many
others as well, as in 'large percentage of licensed amateurs'.

  ** I'm not sure what junk you're talking about. Or is junk things that
  you're not interested in reading? QEX is a viable magazine for people who
  want in depth technical articles and it is generating additional revenue
  for them. Makes no sense to bring those types of technical articles back
  into QST.

You missed the point, Pete. Why does the League publish two magazines
for a shrinking amateur population? Some of the junk I refer to
includes the rows of contest results. There are articles and other
things of no interest to me in ER as well as other places, but I don't
see that as junk - just something of no interest to me.

  **I became a member to support an organization; I didn't become a member
  because I wanted a magazine subscription. I would have become a member
  even if they didn't have a monthly magazine.

I'd agree with that, except QST was always represented to me as the
face or voice of the ARRL, to its membership and by its membership.
Guess that says also says a lot about remaining members, save those
who bought life memberships years ago not knowing what lay ahead. But
again, I suspect many would do the same - join an organization to
support it - it it actually represented all it claims to, not just
some fraction thereof.

  ** You're behind the times. Full contest results haven't been in QST for
  years. They're in the members only part of the web site. In May 2008
  issue, a total of 7 pages devoted to some type of contest activity
  including one for contest calendar and one for upcoming Field Day. That's
  7 pages out of 168 pages. You do the math.

Once again, Pete - you missed or perhaps avoided the point. Compare
the 7-8 pages of contest results to other modes of amateur radio,
keeping in mind that contesting is an activity, not a mode. Even at
the 'reduced level', it's still clear where their focus is.

  ** Maybe you just haven't given them a convincing argument as a member to
  make some specific changes.

Nor have the hundreds of thousands of others who choose not to
participate in a mute organization. They seem to hear at least one or
two groups clearly. The rest, well

  ** II think they only sponsor about 12 or 13 contests (phone and/or CW
  and/or RTTY) in a year. Lots of amateur interest in contests based on the
  number of participants. Some bad apples are bound to pop up. What's that
  have to do with ARRL membership?

Not lots of interest based on numbers, more based on noise. It seems
to me (I'm sure I'm not alone) that the League prefers to focus on the
groups that best represent their advertisers - be it contesting,
digital, and so on. In my opinion, they should focus on representing
all of amateur radio, not focus on only what they deem is marketable
and likely to bring them more $. They were founded as an organization
to represent US amateurs, not as a publishing house. They shouldn't
forsake the former for the latter.

  ** Membership is up; you should read the BoD meeting minutes. Actually, I
  don't think the ARRL has lost their way. I think there are some amateurs
  who resist change, like it the way it was back in the good old days,
  and believe they are being short-sheeted because their interest doesn't
  command a high visibility as it once did.

You're certainly free to think that, Pete. But I don't see AM or
classic tube gear as being the only things short-sheeted over the
years by the ARRL. A good many CW folks have left as well. Sure - you
can point at the implied minorities as being the real problem, but the
some of the 'small parts' is what creates the big picture. I bet if
you add up the AM, CW, SSB rag chewers, DXers, RTTY and a number of
other groups, you'd find the contesters badly outnumbered. Yet they
are allowed to take over the bands for days at a time. A few bad
apples? More like a really bad idea. But it feeds egos, and egos buy
more new radios from the advertisers.

BTW - I tried to send this reply yesterday afternoon but our network
was down. So if it seems a bit dated compared to the current
conversation, that's why.

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

  The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
  80's. No reason to keep it in QST.
If you don't like the technical article content, write one and 
submit it. TAs (technical advisors) perform the peer review for 
submissions to all League publications. Are you a TA? Have you seen 
the nature of what gets submitted? I am, and I do.


i use to write about the hf antennas i build back in the 70's the 
ARRL would not print any of them never really gave me a reason just 
they did not have any need for hf quad ,160 mt helicoil vertical or 
40 mt delta loops. Ham Radio grabbed each one of them up. then about 
2 years later i got a letter from the arrl asking permission to 
reprint my taming the monster quad . lol.. of course they wanted to 
print it for free as it had already ran in Ham Radio. some of my work 
was carried by the RSGB ,WIA and SARA.
I received many letters over the years about them. my good friend 
Rich N8UX and i were talking about all the 2mt ants. which qst had 
and when the last ant issue came out it made me sick. all the same 
crap. Rich send in a write up on an antenna he build for hf and also 
on a voice EQ and digital keyer . guess what qst turned him down flat 
on all of them. said they were too tech. for the readers. and that he 
could send them to the qex boys they might be interested. jezz.

what use to take me hours to read (qst) now takes me less then 10 
mins same review of another 2 mt rig or another 2 mt pvc ant. i have 
seen a couple reviews of new hf rigs that were interesting but they 
are far and few between.
i called the arrl once and asked them to stop sending me qst it was 
worthless and in stead send me qex in its place they laughed at me as 
if i was a nut case and were rude and told me to sub to qex if i 
wanted it  hi hi..

73 Tony


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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread k0ng

Don et al: I can maybe see a few problems in what you propose?

1. I am not currently subscribed to QEX but did so for many years when I was
interested in mainly VHF/UHF and Microwaves. They did a good job providing
articles there.

2. My latest QEX is Winter 1999 so things may have changed since then  
but there

was only one article that I think would interest most AM builders(?) Page 39.
What percent of its content (other than theory) applies to AM today??

3. I recall previously that there was a good AM article published in QEX and
that prompted several of its membership to threaten subscription

I like your idea of an option to supply QEX or QST with membership.

73,  Charlie,  K0NG

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-25 Thread Kim Elmore

At 09:48 AM 4/25/2008, you wrote:

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Kim Elmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I generally sit on my hands, but I'm feeling waggish so...

Sorry, I don't have a Milkbone for you.  (o:

Well, it's the thought that counts

  A false premise. The same ratios roughly hold for the overall US 

 (I'm not talking only registered voters, I'm talking the eligible
 electorate). Given the premise made here, are we to assume that the large
 majority of the electorate that doesn't bother to vote feels the same way

Actually, it's not. Turnout for the 2004 national election was over 60
percent according to the US Census Bureau:

50% or higher most of the time in national elections, far better than
the ARRL (a national organization) can claim of licensed amateurs.

You're right, my bad. Still, the same principle holds.

When people feel their vote actually matters, they vote. How many
times have you heard someone lament that 'politicians' who do whatever
they want, regardless of what their constituents ask of them? Sounds a
lot like the complaints about ARRL officials.

Not to make too fine a point of it, but you're not a constituent of 
the ARRL because you aren't a member. Even so, you *are* a licensed 
ham and so what the ARRL does affects you, even if you aren't a member.

And no, it's not merely a case of sour grapes as you and Pete seem to
be implying. I've been told the same thing by ARRL officials as by
local politicians, when asked why they clearly go against the will of
the people at times: I was elected to do what I feel is best, to use
my judgement, to vote my conscience etc, not to necessarily do what
the people ask.

In some sense, they're right: it's a representative organization. 
Although, if shown evidence of a representative going against a 
strong majority, I expect a darned good answer. Otherwise, that 
representative gets booted.

  If you don't like the technical article content, write one and submit it.
 TAs (technical advisors) perform the peer review for submissions to all
 League publications. Are you a TA? Have you seen the nature of what gets
 submitted? I am, and I do.

You apparently missed this part Kim, but like many others, I'm one of
the folks who got sick of banging my head against the wall so fondly
known as the ARRL.

No, I didn't miss it. I get that part: you don;t like the fact that, 
for whatever reason, the ARRL doesn't see things eye to eye with you.

 I did request more diversified content of my
director, even volunteered to submit some myself. I was told in pretty
clear terms that it is not the 'vision' the ARRL has for the future.
Not that I couldn't submit it, just that I shouldn't expect to see it
printed (in so many words).

I'mnot going to hunt witches here, though there may be some to catch. 
Submit your article and let it stand or fall to the TA's peer review. 
That's where all the technical articles go and, believe me, there are 
some shining examples of the highest in our art submitted there along 
with some real dogs.

  But, I keep hearing that It's all those Yaecomwood ads that ruined QST.
 Or the vast, rice-box conspiracy to manipulate us into appliance operating
 zombies. Which is it?

You're really pushing the 'straw man' to the limit here, Kim. I've not
made that argument and I don't see that anyone else has.

I wasn't referring to you, and I admit that wasn't clear. My point is 
that I see both arguments presented by various contributors and I 
don't see anything constructive come from either one.

As AMers we
welcome anyone to the mode with whatever gear they can muster. We help
them to properly set up their rigs to get the most out of them in the
mode. It's then up to them whether they're content with what they have
or want something more or different.

The highest ideal, and I do commend it.

The issue of ads in QST relates more to what the magazine once was vs
what it has become, tracking with the ARRL leadership's handling. This
predates the perceived 'need' for a separate technical publication. My
argument was, and is - with the declining amateur population and
continued whining by the League in recent years about costs, income,
and the rest, why produce a monthly catalog/contest results and
separate technical publication along side? I can only guess that they
figure the technical types will thin out enough to drop QEX and leave
the glossy QST catalog as the only regular publication available to
the membership.

I don't believe in conspiracies and that's how this reads. Hence, I 
dismiss it out of hand. Besides, the TAs reviews often make 
recommendations about where particular articles should go, not 
necessarily the QST or QEX editor.

  Hmmm... The same holds for PSK-31, or RTTY, or MFSK16, or (gasp!)
 slopbucket! Red herring, methinks.

Okay, you're definitely not getting your doggy treat for that silly remark. :D

It was 

[AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread EP Swynar
Hi Paul et al,

Yes, the argument that if you're ...not part of the solution, then you're
part of the problem simply does not wash with me, either...

I honestly HAVE tried to engage the folks in Newington in the matter of
League policy on several occasions, before ultimately letting my membership
lapse --- and all I ever got back for my efforts was the proverbial
stonewall, or the usual party line.

The truth of the matter is, they have a pre-set course of action they're
following, and that is that --- irregardless of what you, I, or others might
think, or may advance forward which might be contrary to the chosen route.
To change direction in any way, based upon subsequent outside input, would
be an admission of error on their part...and big organizations (be they
governments, manufacturers, whatever) I've found, do NOT like to admit to
having made mistakes.

Yes, I accept the fact that there are no other replacements anywhere on the
horizon to pick up on the good deeds that the ARRL has done --- and indeed,
CONTINUES to do on behalf of Amateur radio, everywhere --- still, to sit
back and to say  do NOTHING is wrong, too.

I personally tried, failed, and ultimately decided to vote with my feet,
by simply leaving...I could not accept the country/League, right or
wrong! mantra that so many apparently have...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:00 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] Re: Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

 There's a difference in articles published in the
 club's magazine, QST, when they're written by
 subscribers compared to articles that are written by
 club staff at the ARRL.

 The difference is that the articles carrying a staff
 byline represent official League policy to some
 degree. All other views are those of outsiders --
 those outside the political environment in Newington.

 So, regardless of the $65/page the club magazine might
 pay for outside freelance articles about AM, vintage
 gear, homebrewing, or the category we favor here on
 this reflector, the value of that story does not carry
 the same weight as the implied endorsement reflected
 in an article on AM presented by a League staffer.

 That's just the way it is. And it's why you won't see
 anything positive written by them, about AM. It's not
 their prevailing mood to accommodate us. Ask me if you
 need detailed proof.


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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 6:39 AM, EP Swynar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Paul et al,

  I honestly HAVE tried to engage the folks in Newington in the matter of
  League policy on several occasions, before ultimately letting my membership
  lapse --- and all I ever got back for my efforts was the proverbial
  stonewall, or the usual party line.

My experience as well, Eddy. Tried membership when I was first
licensed in the early 80s, got discouraged and dropped it after a few
years. A decade or so later, some big promises about the League
listening and acting on the member's wishes were promoted (you need
to be a member to have a voice and other BS), gave in another try for
3 years. Ended up feeling like I'd been lied to in order to raise
membership numbers.

Not only were my reps not listening, they were openly hostile to
anything involving tubes, AM, and so on. When asking one Tom Frenaye
why they wouldn't run some basic articles on a simple 1 or 2 tube 40m
CW transmitter or such to teach newcomers the basics and offer them a
means beyond buying a new Yaecomwood to get on the air, I received the
ARRL official eye-roll, explanations about no one being interested in
'that stuff', new rigs being too complex for users to maintain
themselves, and so on. This happened on several occasions, generally
accompanied by the 'oh, great - another one of them' comments between
the ARRL rep and the guy at the table selling ARRL books. They just
shook their heads in disgust and talked down to me, apparently hoping
to discourage me from pursuing my current interest in amateur radio.

It had the exact opposite result, of course: it made me see just how
broken and backwards the ARRL had become, and made clear to me why
some 80% of licensed hams opt *not* to be members. As Irb used to say,
That's quite a message!

In all my years, I've never heard any AMer or classic gear user
suggest or support the banning of any mode - SSB, CW, or otherwise.
Not once. I have heard many complaints about the level of
intelligence, sloppy operating habits, etc of some SSB users, but that
issue is not mode-specific.

We've all heard folks from other modes call for the banning of AM, and
despite the occasional 'pay no attention to that man behind the
curtain' remarks from the ARRL, it's quite clear that they do not
support the mode of AM to the same level as, say - SSB contesting - if
at all.

The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a technical publication is
a clear indication of the path taken by the League, and no doubt helps
explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail
Lobby. Not only do they not promote the basics of amateur radio like
homebrewing (old or new technology), they downright discourage it.
That is not an opinion, it is based on factual comments by the ARRL
director for our area and others.

IMO, it's not up to us to go back and give them yet *another*
opportunity to kick us in the teeth. It's up to them to demonstrate to
us that they clearly support all modes and interests in the amateur
radio theater equally, regardless of numbers involved or advertising
revenue. Only then will they get my support and membership again. Lip
service won't cut it.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Walter - K5EST
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a technical publication is
a clear indication of the path taken by the League, and no doubt helps
explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail
 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

end snipped

Hi Todd and all,

You took the words right out of my mind! Great posting and I have
seen the exact same thing living in two different states and two
different callsign regions.

I like AM, CW, Lighthouses, flying kites for 80 and 160 antenna you guys already know, I'm old school.
When attending a hamfest, convention, etc., I just walk right
by the Amateur Radio Retail Lobby (thanks Todd, for the
new name for the Newington club) and don't even bother to
speak. I mainly just stare at them and they are quick to
find someone else to try to spew their yibberish on!

Y'all just made my daythanks!

73Walter - K5EST - Missouri
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Greg Mijal
Come to think of it.  I'm still Po'd  at them for the incentive licensing
malarky from the late 1960's
Never have joined the ARRL.  Probably never will..
Kinston NC
- Original Message -
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 6:39 AM, EP Swynar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Paul et al,

   I honestly HAVE tried to engage the folks in Newington in the matter of
   League policy on several occasions, before ultimately letting my
   lapse --- and all I ever got back for my efforts was the proverbial
   stonewall, or the usual party line.

 My experience as well, Eddy. Tried membership when I was first
 licensed in the early 80s, got discouraged and dropped it after a few
 years. A decade or so later, some big promises about the League
 listening and acting on the member's wishes were promoted (you need
 to be a member to have a voice and other BS), gave in another try for
 3 years. Ended up feeling like I'd been lied to in order to raise
 membership numbers.

 Not only were my reps not listening, they were openly hostile to
 anything involving tubes, AM, and so on. When asking one Tom Frenaye
 why they wouldn't run some basic articles on a simple 1 or 2 tube 40m
 CW transmitter or such to teach newcomers the basics and offer them a
 means beyond buying a new Yaecomwood to get on the air, I received the
 ARRL official eye-roll, explanations about no one being interested in
 'that stuff', new rigs being too complex for users to maintain
 themselves, and so on. This happened on several occasions, generally
 accompanied by the 'oh, great - another one of them' comments between
 the ARRL rep and the guy at the table selling ARRL books. They just
 shook their heads in disgust and talked down to me, apparently hoping
 to discourage me from pursuing my current interest in amateur radio.

 It had the exact opposite result, of course: it made me see just how
 broken and backwards the ARRL had become, and made clear to me why
 some 80% of licensed hams opt *not* to be members. As Irb used to say,
 That's quite a message!

 In all my years, I've never heard any AMer or classic gear user
 suggest or support the banning of any mode - SSB, CW, or otherwise.
 Not once. I have heard many complaints about the level of
 intelligence, sloppy operating habits, etc of some SSB users, but that
 issue is not mode-specific.

 We've all heard folks from other modes call for the banning of AM, and
 despite the occasional 'pay no attention to that man behind the
 curtain' remarks from the ARRL, it's quite clear that they do not
 support the mode of AM to the same level as, say - SSB contesting - if
 at all.

 The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a technical publication is
 a clear indication of the path taken by the League, and no doubt helps
 explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail
 Lobby. Not only do they not promote the basics of amateur radio like
 homebrewing (old or new technology), they downright discourage it.
 That is not an opinion, it is based on factual comments by the ARRL
 director for our area and others.

 IMO, it's not up to us to go back and give them yet *another*
 opportunity to kick us in the teeth. It's up to them to demonstrate to
 us that they clearly support all modes and interests in the amateur
 radio theater equally, regardless of numbers involved or advertising
 revenue. Only then will they get my support and membership again. Lip
 service won't cut it.

 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Peter Markavage
And, after all these years, he's still the Director. Majority of the
voting members in your Division must still like his representation.

The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
80's. No reason to keep it in QST.

Pick up a 50's QST and count the monthly ads. Pick up a current QST and
count the ads. Most likely, you'll find that given the total number of
magazine pages in each one, there will be a higher  percentage of ads per
month in the 50's mag. Ads generate revenue to keep the business in the
black. Books sales generate revenue to keep the business in the black.
They have very few other options to generate revenue. Membership dues
helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other revenue generators.

Personally, I believe they've demonstrated support for all modes and
interests as best as one can given all the modes and interests that
prevail within the amateur radio fraternity. Backing away, i.e. let some
other member put the fire of enlightenment upon them, and then I might
return, is not the answer. But, it's an easy way to save $39 a year.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:56:05 -0400 Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Not only were my reps not listening, they were openly hostile to
 anything involving tubes, AM, and so on. When asking one Tom 
 why they wouldn't run some basic articles on a simple 1 or 2 tube 
 CW transmitter or such to teach newcomers the basics and offer them 
 means beyond buying a new Yaecomwood to get on the air, I received 
 The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a technical publication 
 a clear indication of the path taken by the League, and no doubt 
 explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail
 Lobby. Not only do they not promote the basics of amateur radio 
 homebrewing (old or new technology), they downright discourage it.
 That is not an opinion, it is based on factual comments by the ARRL
 director for our area and others.
 IMO, it's not up to us to go back and give them yet *another*
 opportunity to kick us in the teeth. It's up to them to demonstrate 
 us that they clearly support all modes and interests in the amateur
 radio theater equally, regardless of numbers involved or 
 revenue. Only then will they get my support and membership again. 
 service won't cut it.
 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Peter Markavage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And, after all these years, he's still the Director. Majority of the
  voting members in your Division must still like his representation.

Which brings us back to the 20% membership of US licensed hams vs. 80%
not members +/-. Less a case of so many liking him as so few left to
vote for him.

  The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
  80's. No reason to keep it in QST.

Could also be looked at as an additional expense which makes little
sense in a world of declining hams. If the ARRL is truly concerned
about being thrifty with the membership's dollars, wouldn't it make
sense to cut maybe half the junk out of QST and add some technical
content back into the publication that really started it all for them?

  Ads generate revenue to keep the business in the
  black. Books sales generate revenue to keep the business in the black.
  They have very few other options to generate revenue. Membership dues
  helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other revenue generators.

I don't think anyone ever minded the ads so much as the overall lack
of content since the 80s, or '75'76 when they went to the larger

  Personally, I believe they've demonstrated support for all modes and
  interests as best as one can given all the modes and interests that
  prevail within the amateur radio fraternity.

Pick up any QST Pete, and compare the pages on, sayAM, or CW to
the pages of contest results. In reality, the ARRL doesn't openly
condemn other modes. More the 'benign neglect' approach mentioned a
while back by Don, K4KYV.

  Backing away, i.e. let some
  other member put the fire of enlightenment upon them, and then I might
  return, is not the answer.

Approximately 80% of the licensed amateur population appears to
disagree with that statement, Pete. That doesn't say a lot for the
organization that claims to represent the interests of US Amateurs.
It's not a matter of enlightening them, for the most part they've made
it clear that their minds are made up as to the path we all must

Don't get me wrong - I'd like nothing more than to have the ARRL
become a representative organization for us and see the contesters in
Newington replaced by more well-rounded hams. It shouldn't conflict
with their publishing business and could only help the overall picture
with increased revenues not only from dues, but additional book sales
and an overall vibrant organization (what a concept!). There's just no
way I can give my money to a group who's approach involves saying
'join if you want a voice, give me your money, so I can tell you how
wrong you are'.

I'm not looking for an organization or publication to cater
specifically to my particular interest. Electric Radio does an
incredible job there. All I expect is equal and fair treatment, not
being ignored in favor of a segment that many see as creating
intentional interference and behavior that goes against the amateur
creed, sanctioned by the ARRL and rewarded through multiple pages of

From the ARRL, 'back in the day':

Considerate...never knowingly uses the air in such a way to lessen
the pleasure of others.

Sounds like any contesters you know?

I know you enjoy stirring the pot on this subject Pete, but it's
pretty clear that the ARRL lost its way some time ago and has been
going downhill since. Dismissing low membership as somehow being a
small piece of the pie doesn't excuse the behavior or downward spiral.
Particularly since they're supposed to serve at the pleasure of the
membership. All 20%. But I guess when you're running a contest

Good luck in the corntest!

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ  (o:
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RE: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Nick England
OK - just for the heck of it, try an experiment...won't cost you anything
but a few seconds of your time. Instead of walking past the ARRL table at
the next hamfest, make a point of saying something like - I sure wish the
ARRL supported homebrewing and AM operation. Don't argue, don't get drawn
into a discussion, just make your statement and walk away. And get every
single one of your buddies at the hamfest to do the same thing.

With apologies to Arlo Guthrie:
You know, if one person, just one person says it they may think he's really
sick and they won't listen to him.  And if two people, two people say it, in
harmony, they may think they're both AM'ers and they won't listen to either
of them.
And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking by
saying Please support homebrewing and AM and walking away. They may think
it's an organization.  And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I
said fifty people a day walking by saying support homebrewing and AM and
walking away.  And friends they may think it's a movement. And that's what
it is, the AMRadio movement, and all you gotta do to join is to say support
homebrewing and AM the next time you see an ARRL guy.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Walter - K5EST
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:21 AM
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a technical publication is
a clear indication of the path taken by the League, and no doubt helps
explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur Radio Retail
 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

end snipped

Hi Todd and all,

You took the words right out of my mind! Great posting and I have
seen the exact same thing living in two different states and two
different callsign regions.

I like AM, CW, Lighthouses, flying kites for 80 and 160 antenna you guys already know, I'm old school.
When attending a hamfest, convention, etc., I just walk right
by the Amateur Radio Retail Lobby (thanks Todd, for the
new name for the Newington club) and don't even bother to
speak. I mainly just stare at them and they are quick to
find someone else to try to spew their yibberish on!

Y'all just made my daythanks!

73Walter - K5EST - Missouri
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread John Flood

With apologies to Arlo Guthrie:

But who is going to pick up the garbage  sorry I couldn't resist

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Mack Rogers
Come on now Todd, don't hold back, tell us what you
really think! LOL

Mack Rogers

--- Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 6:39 AM, EP Swynar
  Hi Paul et al,
   I honestly HAVE tried to engage the folks in
 Newington in the matter of
   League policy on several occasions, before
 ultimately letting my membership
   lapse --- and all I ever got back for my efforts
 was the proverbial
   stonewall, or the usual party line.
 My experience as well, Eddy. Tried membership when I
 was first
 licensed in the early 80s, got discouraged and
 dropped it after a few
 years. A decade or so later, some big promises about
 the League
 listening and acting on the member's wishes were
 promoted (you need
 to be a member to have a voice and other BS), gave
 in another try for
 3 years. Ended up feeling like I'd been lied to in
 order to raise
 membership numbers.
 Not only were my reps not listening, they were
 openly hostile to
 anything involving tubes, AM, and so on. When asking
 one Tom Frenaye
 why they wouldn't run some basic articles on a
 simple 1 or 2 tube 40m
 CW transmitter or such to teach newcomers the basics
 and offer them a
 means beyond buying a new Yaecomwood to get on the
 air, I received the
 ARRL official eye-roll, explanations about no one
 being interested in
 'that stuff', new rigs being too complex for users
 to maintain
 themselves, and so on. This happened on several
 occasions, generally
 accompanied by the 'oh, great - another one of them'
 comments between
 the ARRL rep and the guy at the table selling ARRL
 books. They just
 shook their heads in disgust and talked down to me,
 apparently hoping
 to discourage me from pursuing my current interest
 in amateur radio.
 It had the exact opposite result, of course: it made
 me see just how
 broken and backwards the ARRL had become, and made
 clear to me why
 some 80% of licensed hams opt *not* to be members.
 As Irb used to say,
 That's quite a message!
 In all my years, I've never heard any AMer or
 classic gear user
 suggest or support the banning of any mode - SSB,
 CW, or otherwise.
 Not once. I have heard many complaints about the
 level of
 intelligence, sloppy operating habits, etc of some
 SSB users, but that
 issue is not mode-specific.
 We've all heard folks from other modes call for the
 banning of AM, and
 despite the occasional 'pay no attention to that man
 behind the
 curtain' remarks from the ARRL, it's quite clear
 that they do not
 support the mode of AM to the same level as, say -
 SSB contesting - if
 at all.
 The fact that QST is no longer promoted as a
 technical publication is
 a clear indication of the path taken by the League,
 and no doubt helps
 explain why some of us refer to them as the Amateur
 Radio Retail
 Lobby. Not only do they not promote the basics of
 amateur radio like
 homebrewing (old or new technology), they downright
 discourage it.
 That is not an opinion, it is based on factual
 comments by the ARRL
 director for our area and others.
 IMO, it's not up to us to go back and give them yet
 opportunity to kick us in the teeth. It's up to them
 to demonstrate to
 us that they clearly support all modes and interests
 in the amateur
 radio theater equally, regardless of numbers
 involved or advertising
 revenue. Only then will they get my support and
 membership again. Lip
 service won't cut it.
 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Joe Bento
I'll be at Dayton this year.  Rather than just avoid the table as I've 
done in years past, I take up your suggestion.

Joe, N6DGY
Pleasant Grove, UT

Nick England wrote:

OK - just for the heck of it, try an experiment...won't cost you anything
but a few seconds of your time. Instead of walking past the ARRL table at
the next hamfest, make a point of saying something like - I sure wish the
ARRL supported homebrewing and AM operation. Don't argue, don't get drawn
into a discussion, just make your statement and walk away. And get every
single one of your buddies at the hamfest to do the same thing.

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Peter Markavage
** My comments

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:23:52 -0400 Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Peter Markavage [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  And, after all these years, he's still the Director. Majority of 
   voting members in your Division must still like his 
 Which brings us back to the 20% membership of US licensed hams vs. 
 not members +/-. Less a case of so many liking him as so few left 
 vote for him.

**Not my problem. You're the one that dropped your membership. I can
still vote when the time comes to elect a Director.

   The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in 
   80's. No reason to keep it in QST.
 Could also be looked at as an additional expense which makes little
 sense in a world of declining hams. If the ARRL is truly concerned
 about being thrifty with the membership's dollars, wouldn't it make
 sense to cut maybe half the junk out of QST and add some technical
 content back into the publication that really started it all for 

** I'm not sure what junk you're talking about. Or is junk things that
you're not interested in reading? QEX is a viable magazine for people who
want in depth technical articles and it is generating additional revenue
for them. Makes no sense to bring those types of technical articles back
into QST.

   Ads generate revenue to keep the business in the
   black. Books sales generate revenue to keep the business in the 
   They have very few other options to generate revenue. Membership 
   helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other revenue 
 I don't think anyone ever minded the ads so much as the overall 
 of content since the 80s, or '75'76 when they went to the larger

**I became a member to support an organization; I didn't become a member
because I wanted a magazine subscription. I would have become a member
even if they didn't have a monthly magazine.

   Personally, I believe they've demonstrated support for all modes 
   interests as best as one can given all the modes and interests 
   prevail within the amateur radio fraternity.
 Pick up any QST Pete, and compare the pages on, sayAM, or CW to
 the pages of contest results. In reality, the ARRL doesn't openly
 condemn other modes. More the 'benign neglect' approach mentioned a
 while back by Don, K4KYV.

** You're behind the times. Full contest results haven't been in QST for
years. They're in the members only part of the web site. In May 2008
issue, a total of 7 pages devoted to some type of contest activity
including one for contest calendar and one for upcoming Field Day. That's
7 pages out of 168 pages. You do the math.
   Backing away, i.e. let some
   other member put the fire of enlightenment upon them, and then 
 I might
   return, is not the answer.
 Approximately 80% of the licensed amateur population appears to
 disagree with that statement, Pete. That doesn't say a lot for the
 organization that claims to represent the interests of US Amateurs.
 It's not a matter of enlightening them, for the most part they've 
 it clear that their minds are made up as to the path we all must
 Don't get me wrong - I'd like nothing more than to have the ARRL
 become a representative organization for us and see the contesters 
 Newington replaced by more well-rounded hams. It shouldn't conflict
 with their publishing business and could only help the overall 
 with increased revenues not only from dues, but additional book 
 and an overall vibrant organization (what a concept!). There's just 
 way I can give my money to a group who's approach involves saying
 'join if you want a voice, give me your money, so I can tell you 
 wrong you are'.

** Maybe you just haven't given them a convincing argument as a member to
make some specific changes.

 I'm not looking for an organization or publication to cater
 specifically to my particular interest. Electric Radio does an
 incredible job there. All I expect is equal and fair treatment, not
 being ignored in favor of a segment that many see as creating
 intentional interference and behavior that goes against the amateur
 creed, sanctioned by the ARRL and rewarded through multiple pages 
 From the ARRL, 'back in the day':
 Considerate...never knowingly uses the air in such a way to lessen
 the pleasure of others.
 Sounds like any contesters you know?

** II think they only sponsor about 12 or 13 contests (phone and/or CW
and/or RTTY) in a year. Lots of amateur interest in contests based on the
number of participants. Some bad apples are bound to pop up. What's that
have to do with ARRL membership?

 I know you enjoy stirring the pot on this subject Pete, but it's
 pretty clear that the ARRL lost its way some time ago and has been
 going downhill since. Dismissing low membership as somehow being a
 small piece of the pie doesn't 

Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Peter Markavage
OK, it's loud noise, but add pub sales and ad rev. still exceed
membership dues by about a million. So, in order to keep revenue viable,
if membership goes down, in order to make up the difference, more push
for ad and pub. revenue. Begging in other arenas is also a viable
alternative but I think they tapped most of them. So, if you kill your
membership, you're forcing them to extract revenue from these other
sources. Of course, either way, they can draw some monies for certain
projects from the contributions and support bucket. The over all point is
that stopping your membership doesn't solve some of the issues that have
been discussed here recently and in the past with ARRL/QST etc. Of
course, just adding 8 more pages to QST each month (that's the increment)
for ads, if the push was there, could add a nice monetary perk each
month. You could also kill a column or two and not add any additional
pages. It will be interesting to read the 2007 Annual Report which should
be available for read on the ARRL web site in June.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:40:12 -0500 Robert Nickels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Peter Markavage wrote:
  Membership dues helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other 
 revenue generators.

 Sorry Pete, but that's simply not correct.  Membership dues are the 
 largest single source of ARRL income.   From the 2007 Annual Report 
 most recent one that is available for the Year Ended December 31, 
 Revenues and Contributions:
 Membership dues $5,016,089
 Net publication sales $3,435,316
 Advertising revenue $2,541,503
 Investment income (restricted and unrestricted) $415.288
 Examination fees and other $328,694
 Program and service fees $418,503
 Government grant awards $122,397
 Contributions and support (restricted and unrestricted)  $1,368,399
 I went back to the earliest report on the website, for FY 1995, and 
 that year Dues brought in $4.4M, Publications $4.3M and Ads $3.1M, 
 the shift toward dues as a larger share of ARRL income has been the 
 at least the past 12 years.
 73, Bob W9RAN
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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Robert Johnson

After reading all these replies.. I had an idea.

I'm no fan of the ARRL, and perhaps, it is time for a second voice for 
us.. why dont we start something to compete with the league?

Robert Johnson

Whoever has an opinion of his own, and honestly expresses it,
will be guilty of heresy. Heresy is what the minority believe;
it is the name given by the powerful to the doctrine of the weak.
Robert G. Ingersoll 

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread bob mccully

--- John Flood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With apologies to Arlo Guthrie:
 But who is going to pick up the garbage  sorry I
 couldn't resist

John, The red VW microbus, of course!  Bob  


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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Joseph Bento
Be sure you do.  I'm reviewing the 27 8x10 color glossy photos with  
circles and lines and a paragraph on the back of each one.

Just another case of American blind justice.

Joe, N6DGY
Pleasant Grove, UT

On Apr 24, 2008, at 4:07 PM, bob mccully wrote:

--- John Flood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With apologies to Arlo Guthrie:

But who is going to pick up the garbage  sorry I
couldn't resist


John, The red VW microbus, of course!  Bob


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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread k0ng

Good Luck!!

If the ARRL had to depend on income from just AM and CW, even the CEO would
starve. Besides, Wayne Green essentially tried to get a new organization
going with little results. If he couldnt do it, no one can (IMHO).

If ya wanna crab about sumpin, crab about the shipping cost for books.
Something like 40% (?) of the cost of the book. I like their books but can
no longer afford them without a loan.

73, Charlie, K0NG (sorry for the bw Conard).

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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Bob Bruno - K2KI

How cosmic is this? I listened to that entire song today.

Bob de k2ki

Joseph Bento wrote:
Be sure you do.  I'm reviewing the 27 8x10 color glossy photos with 
circles and lines and a paragraph on the back of each one.

Just another case of American blind justice.

Joe, N6DGY
Pleasant Grove, UT

On Apr 24, 2008, at 4:07 PM, bob mccully wrote:

--- John Flood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With apologies to Arlo Guthrie:

But who is going to pick up the garbage  sorry I
couldn't resist


John, The red VW microbus, of course!  Bob


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Re: [AMRadio] My ARRL, Right or Wrong...!!!

2008-04-24 Thread Kim Elmore

I generally sit on my hands, but I'm feeling waggish so...

At 01:23 PM 4/24/2008, you wrote:

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Peter Markavage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And, after all these years, he's still the Director. Majority of the
  voting members in your Division must still like his representation.

Which brings us back to the 20% membership of US licensed hams vs. 80%
not members +/-. Less a case of so many liking him as so few left to
vote for him.

A false premise. The same ratios roughly hold for the overall US 
electorate (I'm not talking only registered voters, I'm talking the 
eligible electorate). Given the premise made here, are we to assume 
that the large majority of the electorate that doesn't bother to vote 
feels the same way about? Imagine what could be done if everyone 
actually took the time and made the effort to make an informed 
electoral choice! The same applies to the ARRL. I find it difficult 
to sympathize with those complaining about something in which they 
refuse (despite eligibility) to participate.

  The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
  80's. No reason to keep it in QST.

Could also be looked at as an additional expense which makes little
sense in a world of declining hams. If the ARRL is truly concerned
about being thrifty with the membership's dollars, wouldn't it make
sense to cut maybe half the junk out of QST and add some technical
content back into the publication that really started it all for them?

If you don't like the technical article content, write one and submit 
it. TAs (technical advisors) perform the peer review for 
submissions to all League publications. Are you a TA? Have you seen 
the nature of what gets submitted? I am, and I do.

  Ads generate revenue to keep the business in the
  black. Books sales generate revenue to keep the business in the black.
  They have very few other options to generate revenue. Membership dues
  helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other revenue generators.

I don't think anyone ever minded the ads so much as the overall lack
of content since the 80s, or '75'76 when they went to the larger

But, I keep hearing that It's all those Yaecomwood ads that ruined 
QST. Or the vast, rice-box conspiracy to manipulate us into 
appliance operating zombies. Which is it?

  Personally, I believe they've demonstrated support for all modes and
  interests as best as one can given all the modes and interests that
  prevail within the amateur radio fraternity.

Pick up any QST Pete, and compare the pages on, sayAM, or CW to
the pages of contest results. In reality, the ARRL doesn't openly
condemn other modes. More the 'benign neglect' approach mentioned a
while back by Don, K4KYV.

Hmmm... The same holds for PSK-31, or RTTY, or MFSK16, or (gasp!) 
slopbucket! Red herring, methinks.

  Backing away, i.e. let some
  other member put the fire of enlightenment upon them, and then I might
  return, is not the answer.

Approximately 80% of the licensed amateur population appears to
disagree with that statement, Pete. That doesn't say a lot for the
organization that claims to represent the interests of US Amateurs.
It's not a matter of enlightening them, for the most part they've made
it clear that their minds are made up as to the path we all must

Again, the same ratios roughly hold for the US electorate. And again, 
a false premise. This shows that there are only a few eligible voters 
interested enough to actually make the effort to vote and that such 
characteristics hold for the small majority of voters that are also hams.

Don't get me wrong - I'd like nothing more than to have the ARRL
become a representative organization for us and see the contesters in
Newington replaced by more well-rounded hams.

Actually, in my experience, some of the most well-rounded hams are 
the contesters.

It shouldn't conflict
with their publishing business and could only help the overall picture
with increased revenues not only from dues, but additional book sales
and an overall vibrant organization (what a concept!). There's just no
way I can give my money to a group who's approach involves saying
'join if you want a voice, give me your money, so I can tell you how
wrong you are'.

I think that's an false characterization of the ARRL. Flawed as it 
is, it's all we have and we'd best make the best of it.

I'm not looking for an organization or publication to cater
specifically to my particular interest. Electric Radio does an
incredible job there. All I expect is equal and fair treatment, not
being ignored in favor of a segment that many see as creating
intentional interference and behavior that goes against the amateur
creed, sanctioned by the ARRL and rewarded through multiple pages of

With the phone band expansion, I simply do not believe that there is 
a lack of space on the bands. That some may have decided that they, 
by God! own a particular