Re: [AMRadio] Valiant Problems

2004-06-10 Thread Jim Wilhite

Increase the size of the fuse to 1.8 amp. or so.  Johnson had problems with
that in some transmitters, even the Valiant II.  There was a factory notice
about it and they first changed it to a slo-blo fuse which fixed most
problems.  That rating is right on the ragged edge and should have been 1.5
times the actual current draw.  You might want to measure it to see what the
supply is drawing to be sure it is proper, meaning less than about 1.5 amps
or so.  Put an ammeter in the variac setup to measure it.

The manual specs the modulator at 50-70 mils.  Use the meter on the
transmitter and set the current in that range with the meter set in the MOD

The later manual specs the RF amp. grid bias at -69 volts with respect to
ground.  That setting will do what you want.

Also be sure to set the clamp pot after you get it right.

Be absolutely sure the meter shunts are tight.  They used nichrome wire for
the shunts with which will not take solder.  They are just crimped tightly
then solder is flowed over them to hold them in place.   Chances are, over
the years heat and current flow has loosened the solder.  You can replace
them with wire wound resistors of the proper value and wattage rating.  The
meter has an internal resistance of 20 ohms, as I recall.

73  Jim
de W5JO

 Could really use some help here from those of you who have had experience
with the Johnson Valiant xmtr. Three questions...

 1) Why does the 1.6 amp slo-blo low voltage transformer primary fuse blow
after an hour or so of just sitting there with the filament switch on with
no plate voltage applied? The 300 vdc and -250 vdc bias circuits are reading
as they should when measured. Transformer and filter choke case temperature
are warm to the touch but not HOT. Line voltage is @ 110vac thru a Variac.

 2) What is the correct setting for the voltage at the modulator grids (pin
5)? Page 9 of the ops manual says -55 volts, page 31, socket voltage chart
says -46 volts, and the assembly manual eratta sheet says -35 volts.

 3) What is the correct voltage for the RF amp bias? Page 8 of the ops
manual  the socket voltage chart says -70 volts, service bulletin #1 says
-52 volts and the assembly manual errata sheet says -85 volts.

 Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bill, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-10-12 Thread w5sum
well, I just looked in the notes on that valiant and what I installed
were the large  6KV mica transmitting caps. I had to locate them whereever
I could find room for them and route them to the switch. You'll have to do 
the same.

Beware of putting 2KV, 2.5KV or 3KV mica's in there. I have blown a few of 
them in valiants. the 6KV will hand in there no matter what. In my rig, the
330pf SET had blown.. visible carbon burns on them and etc.. I changed it out
with a 330pf 2.5KV mica and it lasted about a week. I changed it out with a 
330pf set and it acted better but still somewhat squirrelly in its tuning on 
75M. After closer inspection it was found that the 150pf set were carbon 
tracked too but on the BACKSIDE where you would not see it if you did not 
physically move the caps over so you could look LOL

changed that set out, also with a 6KV mica and she has performed beautifully 
every since.


On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 22:41:09 -0400, Anthony W. DePrato wrote
 The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
 formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
 I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!
 Ronnie love the above line.. i did also..
 thanks ill put out a request for a set of them. guess ill try for 
 two of each as i have two of the killer transmitters 73 Tony
 Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
 Since 1962
 CQ DX Hall Of Fame # 35
 AMRadio mailing list

The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-10-12 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

Ronnie W5SUM:
were you talking about the A2 series or F2 series caps listed below..

(CFT)A2000150AOG 150 pF 2.5 wkvdc (5kv test) $10
(CFT)F2B00150ARA  150 pF 5 kv 1.5 amps $65

(CFT)A2000330AOG 330 pF 2.5 wkvdc (5kv test) $ 8

since you were talking about the high cost i take it you put the $65.00 
units in ?
73 Tony wa4jqs  

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[AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-10-12 Thread Anthony W. DePrato


just wonder if the ceramic door knobs below would work ? they are HT 50 type

CFC)HT580140-5 140pF 5kv 10a $19

(CFC)HT580300-75 300pF 7.5kv 7.4a $20

73 Tony wa4jqs

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[AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-10-11 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

Ronnie W5SUM:
I just reread your email about the 330pf and 150 pf   series/parallel 
silver mica's
glad i did.. i have ordered two sets of caps now that have got dumb and got 
another valiant last Friday..figured i would do one then the other.. i 
found the silver mica's at 1000v in mousers but i think ill go with your 
suggestion and look for transmitting caps. (anyone have them out there.. 
before i spend my xyl's car payment on them ?)
just finished up one of my SX 99 receivers this week and put the other one 
on the bench while i am waiting for parts. just about have it recapped 
also. well i needed to clean one of the benches off for the valiant so i 
got the Zenith D-116 finished up today and back in the case. got a two 
wheeler and  dragged the old girl out to the shop.. set up the A frame and 
put her on the bench hi hi.. while i was recovering i was thinking what 
receiver i wanted to use with the second Valiant . saw an SX 101 A setting 
under the bench nice clean unit.. power it up worked great.. but has  28 
BB's in her.. so set her on the other bench and will start recapping her 
this week . Je no wonder I never have any time to get on the air..

If you come up with any more great ideals while i have the transmitter on 
the bench let me know.. BTW thinking about buying a small crane to use 
around here .. wonder where i can find some HO gage track.

73 Tony wa4jqs

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-10-11 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!

Ronnie love the above line.. i did also..
thanks ill put out a request for a set of them. guess ill try for two of 
each as i have two of the killer transmitters

73 Tony

Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
Since 1962
CQ DX Hall Of Fame # 35

Re: [AMRadio] Valiant problems

2003-10-06 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

At 03:49 PM 10/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:

ah a glutton for pain eh? LOL...   man those valiants will put you to the
test om !!!

get it working and put that beast on the air...   3880 or 3885 any morning
4am - 6am central.. someone is always there!!



Well Ronnie i alway was hard headed.. i listen a lot on 3880 and also 7285 
even hear a station sometimes on 14285. but the  25 watts out of the ht 
37's i have does not do very well lol. putting the thunderbolt on the other 
bench and redoing the old girl also. then watch out hi hi.. have an 2kd5 
waiting for the other valiant.. now if i can just find that #%#% resistor 
that is changing value on me in this sx 99 audio is great for about 
15  mins then gets distorted. man i hate checking resistors snip test snip 
test snip test solder ,solder ,solder  hi hi..  oh well now to get the 
silver mico's ordered..
Ronnie you might as well find your notes and send them too me while i 
freeze out in the work shop all winter.. hummm could hook up that glove 
680a and r390 setting under the bench.. hu
73 Tony wa4jqs  

Re: [AMRadio] Valiant problems

2003-10-06 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

get it working and put that beast on the air...   3880 or 3885 any morning
4am - 6am central.. someone is always there!!
no wonder i never hear anyone i am chasing dx on 20 cw at that hour.. guess 
i better drop down in freq

73 Tony wa4jqs

Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
South Sandwich Island Antarctic Dxpedition Group

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-26 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

hi Ronnie:
would love to get your ideals on the Valiant. got my caps ordered today.. 
only $65.00 worth to replace all the eletro's and .005 disks.

40 of those .
wanted to do it right when i put it on the bench.. btw i may have another 
one next month.. if things work out.
73 Tony wa4jqs 

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-26 Thread w5sum
well I don't have all of my  notes right here in front of me but let me tell 
you what I can remember right off the top of my head.

#1, your doing the right t hing shotgunning all of the caps, regardless if 
they are paper bypasses, ceramic disks, or electrolytics. Thats an important 
first step.

Now.. look on your schematic at the output section. They use series/parallel 
silver mica's to come up with the output loading caps. These are notorious 
for going bad on you. If they don't just fail right off, th ey can do 
squirrely things to your output loading, cause rf spurs in area's where you 
don't want them, and, if they fail, can actually take out the rf choke that 
is in the B+ line and etc.   Those damn things are receiving silver mica's 
rated 500v each. Barely adequate, if that. Why Johnson did this I will never 

One of the series/parallel combo's adds up to 330pf and one adds up to 150pf 
( I think ). Replace each of these with a SINGLE 3000V or 6000V transmitting 
mica. You can get them from Surplus Sales in Nebraska. They are not cheap, 
but what price for replacing a lot of other stuff that can be burned up if 
those originals fail?  You will have a small difficulty finding room for 
these big caps, but you can do it. I did.  Also, there is another little cap 
that is multi section in there, total capacitance is 1200pf. I have never had 
one fail but it could. Just look at it real good.

Okay.. the VFO.. its a bitch to get into BUT.. you want to pry it open and 
remove that bastard 18K 2 watt resistor. You want to add a small solder stip 
somewhere under the chassis, right beneath the VFO and tie a new 18K 5 watt
ceramic resistor, across the solder strip, with one end of the resistor 
soldered to the ground lug that attaches the solder strip to the chassis. 
Then run a wire from the other end of the new 18K resistor ( the end above 
ground ) to the point inside the VFO where the original resistor was hooked 
up.  That factory resistor is well known for failure and when it goes, it 
eats up all kinds of components in the VFO. Its well worth the trouble to 
move it out of there, plus, it takes some heat out of the VFO.

Tubes.   don't put 6146A's, B's or W's in your Valiant. It was designed 
around plane jane 6146's.   You can still get them. I have the name of a 
fellow at home somewhere, down in florida that will sell you amperex 6146's 
for a very good price, brand new in the boxes. The modulation section 
especially likes them, and the RF will be much easier to neutralize with 

Examine the bandswitch real well, as well as the switch that switches 
capacitance in and out of the output loading. Look for carbon traces. If they 
are there, on the ceramic, scrub them off with a pencil eraser IF you can get 
to them. If not, get it off the best you can.

And WHILE you have the beast out of its cabinet, clean all switches and 
controls with De-Oxit.

after you get everthing changed out, neutralize the rig, and set the idling 
modulator current as per specs in the manual. 


man.. its a bitch to pry it out of that cabinet when all the screws are in 
it, and you can visually see fire inside ( this happened to me when a 
modulation transformer shorted to ground ).

Valianta are not operator freindly. I love them, they are good radio's but if 
you don't want to be working on a radio a lot.. a valiant is not a good rig 
to have. Its not as reliable as a Ranger.  But its a damned sight better than 
a DX100 or Apache LOL

good luck with your rig and holler at me if I can help in any way.


On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:35:16 -0500, Anthony W. DePrato wrote
 hi Ronnie:
 would love to get your ideals on the Valiant. got my caps ordered 
 today.. only $65.00 worth to replace all the eletro's and .005 
 disks. 40 of those . wanted to do it right when i put it on the 
 bench.. btw i may have another one next month.. if things work out. 
 73 Tony wa4jqs 
 AMRadio mailing list

The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-26 Thread Jim Wilhite
You got that right Ronnie Valiants aren't operator
friendly..What's this about being better than a DX 100.  I
have a DX 100 I will put up against your Valiant any day.  Heh,
Heh.  Where's the shoot out???

72   (QRP for 73)

de W5JO

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

 Valianta are not operator freindly. I love them, they are good
radio's but if
 you don't want to be working on a radio a lot.. a valiant is
not a good rig
 to have. Its not as reliable as a Ranger.  But its a damned
sight better than
 a DX100 or Apache LOL

 good luck with your rig and holler at me if I can help in any


 On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:35:16 -0500, Anthony W. DePrato wrote
  hi Ronnie:
  would love to get your ideals on the Valiant. got my caps
  today.. only $65.00 worth to replace all the eletro's and
  disks. 40 of those . wanted to do it right when i put it on
  bench.. btw i may have another one next month.. if things
work out.
  73 Tony wa4jqs
  AMRadio mailing list

 The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
 formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
 I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!
 AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-26 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

Ronnie and Jim:
thanks for the info..and Jim dx 100's are ok for qrp... hi hi.. looks like 
i have my winter project guess ill put the  51j3 and r 390 back under the 
bench..oh well.. sounds a bit like recapping an sx 42 or sx 62a hi... ok on 
the combo mic's ill get the book back out and get them ordered.. i had 
forgotten about the 18k deal.. knew there was something eating at the back 
of my brain now i recall what it was.. .
maybe i should think about restoring one of my HT 32's  it might get done 
faster hi..

73 Tony wa4jqs

Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
Since 1962
CQ DX Hall Of Fame # 35

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-26 Thread w5sum
I just traded my valiant off LOL

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 18:35:55 -0600, Jim Wilhite wrote
 You got that right Ronnie Valiants aren't operator
 friendly..What's this about being better than a DX 100.  I
 have a DX 100 I will put up against your Valiant any day.  Heh,
 Heh.  Where's the shoot out???
 72   (QRP for 73)
 de W5JO
 - Original Message - 
 From: w5sum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 3:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems
  Valianta are not operator freindly. I love them, they are good
 radio's but if
  you don't want to be working on a radio a lot.. a valiant is
 not a good rig
  to have. Its not as reliable as a Ranger.  But its a damned
 sight better than
  a DX100 or Apache LOL
  good luck with your rig and holler at me if I can help in any
  On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:35:16 -0500, Anthony W. DePrato wrote
   hi Ronnie:
   would love to get your ideals on the Valiant. got my caps
   today.. only $65.00 worth to replace all the eletro's and
   disks. 40 of those . wanted to do it right when i put it on
   bench.. btw i may have another one next month.. if things
 work out.
   73 Tony wa4jqs
   AMRadio mailing list
  The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
  formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
  I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!
  AMRadio mailing list
 AMRadio mailing list

The AM voice of Shreveport, Louisiana USA
formerly WN5AIA and WB5AIA
I got my Extra Class the old fashioned way... I earned it!

RE: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-24 Thread Jim candela


There are many possible modifications for the Valiant. A plethora of 
are touched upon at the following link:

Good Luck!

PS Plan on having that Valiant out of the case, and on it's side for the
next 6 months!  Also beware of the last screw into the case effect. This is
when you finally think you are done, and the case gets put back on.
Somewhere along the way a screw or two got lost. Go to the coffee can full
of hardware to find replacements. You find two screws, but they are 1 long
8-32 whereas the originals were 1/2 long 8-32. At last you are done, and
you set up everything nice on the operating table making cable routing neat,
and in general the shack ready for a picture (first time in a year). You
turn on your receiver, hear W5OMR calling a CQ with an S-meter pegging
signal, and that excellent 250 TH audio. You then zero beat him with your
valiant, and when he pauses you hit the plate switch. What happens then?
Well that last screw you put in extended into the Valiant high voltage area
shorting it out. The 866's flash over pulling high current, the lights dim,
the fuse does not blow (you forgot that you replaced the fuse with a sawed
off volume control shaft), you hit the plate switch, and it doesn't shut off
because the contacts are welded on now. Finally the house circuit breaker
pops, but too late for your HV plate transformer, and 866's. They are toast.
The moral of the story here is to leave the last two screws out, and enjoy
your wonderful Valiant! :)

Jim Candela

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jim Wilhite
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems


Mouser has some 16 uf. 450 volt caps for the bias.  In the same
listing as those, you will find 80s.  I believe 80 is what the HV
circuit used.  Part numbers are 75- TVA1803.1  for the 16s and
75-TVA1716 for the 80s.  Don't know what the Thunderbolt had but
will bet you can find them at Mouser also.  800-346-6873.

As for audio mods to the Valiant, Steve W8TOW has some and there
are others that do the job.  I believe I have some and will copy
to send to you if you want.  Let me know.   I am surprised Steve
hasn't posted his web site for you to look by now, surely he will
read your post and do so soon.  If he doesn't, do a Google for
his call.

73  Jim
de W5JO

- Original Message -
From: Anthony W. DePrato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] valiant problems

 Well after setting for over a year . i wanted to fire the
valiant up last
 weekend.. everything went great till i keyed the relay..
HUMMM.  man do
 not remember that hum in the  75A2 last time i keyed the
 switch the meter to MOD keyed transmitter PEG.. fuse
blows... OK... put
 in another fuse fire it up ok key dowkey antenna relay
HU... this is
 not right hi hi start undoing antenna . SPARK SPARK.. bad
sign... got
 the old  260 out  have  60 volts a.c. to ground..  well no
wonder it
 hummmed hi.. hi.. now to find some 15 mfd 450v caps jezzz why
not just
 recap the whole transmitter while i have it on the bench... do
the Audio
 mod also... my question where was the audio mod found ? have to
get the old
 AES book out tomorrow and order the caps..
 guess i should just recap the Thunderbolt while i am at it..
 what is a good place to find HV caps ?
 fired up the HT 37 SX 115 on 40mts . and worked a few stations
running 20
 watts high power AM hi hi..
 Thanks for any help
 73 Tony wa4jqs

 Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
 Since 1962
 CQ DX Hall Of Fame # 35

 AMRadio mailing list

AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-24 Thread Geoff/W5OMR
 turn on your receiver, hear W5OMR calling a CQ with an S-meter pegging
 signal, and that excellent 250 TH audio. You then zero beat him with your
 valiant, and when he pauses you hit the plate switch. What happens then?
 Well that last screw you put in extended into the Valiant high voltage area
 shorting it out. The 866's flash over pulling high current, the lights dim,
 the fuse does not blow (you forgot that you replaced the fuse with a sawed
 off volume control shaft), you hit the plate switch, and it doesn't shut off
 because the contacts are welded on now. Finally the house circuit breaker
 pops, but too late for your HV plate transformer, and 866's. They are toast.
 The moral of the story here is to leave the last two screws out, and enjoy
 your wonderful Valiant! :)

Please tell me this didn't happen to you this morning, Jim

It would have been nice to work ya.

I did talk to ol' Uncle Ed, up in Harrisburg, PA/WA3PUN as well as Bill,
WA3YNR... along about 2am, I went inside the house (I forget why) but
I never made it back out.  6 hours later, I know everyone is not on 3.880


I need some regular sleeping habits.

73 = Best Regards,

RE: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-24 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

Hi Jim:
thanks for the site info.. ill check it out.. yep been there done that hi 
hi.. also... i now check it out before it leaves the bench... learned not 
to  fix everything back nice and neat till it have been test ran hi... done 
it too many times..

have a great weekend..
73 Tony wa4jqs  

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Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-24 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

HI Ronnie:
How have you been ? been a while since we talked.. i ordered all the  disks 
for the power supply the a.c. line filters figured i would just replace 
them all while i was in it. ill check all the tubes also.. i think that 
most of the caps are leaking. and one of the l/c filter caps is bad also 
?.. yes would like all the help i can get.. i may have another one in a 
couple weeks if a trade works out..
73 Tony wa4jqs 

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-24 Thread Jim Candela
That scenerio happened several times in the past when I had my PP 805, and PPP 
808's on the air (circa 1983 to 86). Dam switch contacts kept welding!

 turn on your receiver, hear W5OMR calling a CQ with an S-meter pegging
 signal, and that excellent 250 TH audio. You then zero beat him with your
 valiant, and when he pauses you hit the plate switch. What happens then?
 Well that last screw you put in extended into the Valiant high voltage area
 shorting it out. The 866's flash over pulling high current, the lights dim,
 the fuse does not blow (you forgot that you replaced the fuse with a sawed
 off volume control shaft), you hit the plate switch, and it doesn't shut off
 because the contacts are welded on now. Finally the house circuit breaker
 pops, but too late for your HV plate transformer, and 866's. They are toast.
 The moral of the story here is to leave the last two screws out, and enjoy
 your wonderful Valiant! :)

Please tell me this didn't happen to you this morning, Jim

It would have been nice to work ya.

I did talk to ol' Uncle Ed, up in Harrisburg, PA/WA3PUN as well as Bill,
WA3YNR... along about 2am, I went inside the house (I forget why) but
I never made it back out. 6 hours later, I know everyone is not on 3.880


I need some regular sleeping habits.

73 = Best Regards,

AMRadio mailing list

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Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Wilhite

Mouser has some 16 uf. 450 volt caps for the bias.  In the same
listing as those, you will find 80s.  I believe 80 is what the HV
circuit used.  Part numbers are 75- TVA1803.1  for the 16s and
75-TVA1716 for the 80s.  Don't know what the Thunderbolt had but
will bet you can find them at Mouser also.  800-346-6873.

As for audio mods to the Valiant, Steve W8TOW has some and there
are others that do the job.  I believe I have some and will copy
to send to you if you want.  Let me know.   I am surprised Steve
hasn't posted his web site for you to look by now, surely he will
read your post and do so soon.  If he doesn't, do a Google for
his call.

73  Jim
de W5JO

- Original Message - 
From: Anthony W. DePrato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] valiant problems

 Well after setting for over a year . i wanted to fire the
valiant up last
 weekend.. everything went great till i keyed the relay..
HUMMM.  man do
 not remember that hum in the  75A2 last time i keyed the
 switch the meter to MOD keyed transmitter PEG.. fuse
blows... OK... put
 in another fuse fire it up ok key dowkey antenna relay
HU... this is
 not right hi hi start undoing antenna . SPARK SPARK.. bad
sign... got
 the old  260 out  have  60 volts a.c. to ground..  well no
wonder it
 hummmed hi.. hi.. now to find some 15 mfd 450v caps jezzz why
not just
 recap the whole transmitter while i have it on the bench... do
the Audio
 mod also... my question where was the audio mod found ? have to
get the old
 AES book out tomorrow and order the caps..
 guess i should just recap the Thunderbolt while i am at it..
 what is a good place to find HV caps ?
 fired up the HT 37 SX 115 on 40mts . and worked a few stations
running 20
 watts high power AM hi hi..
 Thanks for any help
 73 Tony wa4jqs

 Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
 Since 1962
 CQ DX Hall Of Fame # 35

 AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] valiant problems

2003-09-23 Thread Anthony W. DePrato

Hi Jim:
thanks.. ill give them a call tomorrow from work. ill get the thunderbolt 
book out and just kill two birds at once. hi.. ill check out steve's site.. 
thanks for the great info.. found me a OS8 scope this summer. this one has 
case cover book looks like new. had been setting for years.. think ill 
recap it also then i think ill be set for a fair AM station.

cu on the air soon.
73 Tony wa4jqs