[amsat-bb] FO-29 examination operation

2009-08-27 Thread Mineo Wakita
A trouble occurs on FO-29 CW and Transponder now.
The control station tries for restoration hard.
They say as follows.

We plan the next test use until Monday.

28 Aug, 12:03 UTC
28 Aug, 22:10 UTC
29 Aug, 21:15 UTC
30 Aug, 22:05 UTC

We may not turn on a transmitter by the influence such as buildings
depending on a direction of AOS at the time of the schedule.
The amateur station who wants to use the transponder please perform
uplink after hearing the CW telemetry of FO-29.

FO-29 doubles with a receiver for communication without being equipped
with the receiver for exclusive use of the command.
When many stations do uplink during command work, please understand it
because it takes many time when we turn on the transponder.

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

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[amsat-bb] Re: FO-29 examination operation

2009-08-27 Thread PE0SAT
On Thu, August 27, 2009 09:41, Mineo Wakita wrote:

Hi Mineo,

> FO-29 doubles with a receiver for communication without being equipped
> with the receiver for exclusive use of the command.
> When many stations do uplink during command work, please understand it
> because it takes many time when we turn on the transponder.

Is there a place where amateurs can have a look at what the status is of
the planned actions?

And maybe offer there help, the last year this has been done a couple of
times with for example COMPASS-1.

> JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

PE0SAT, Jan van Gils

With regards PE0SAT
Internet web-page http://www.ham.vgnet.nl/

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[amsat-bb] Re: FO-29 examination operation

2009-08-27 Thread Mineo Wakita
Hi, you wrote:
> Is there a place where amateurs can have a look at what the status is of
> the planned actions?

this examination of FO-29 operate only over Japan.
I will announce it again if this examination for restoration succeeds.

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

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[amsat-bb] Activation of EM94 (SC)

2009-08-27 Thread Rick
Hi guyz.  In private e-mails a couple of folks have indicated that they need
grid EM94 in South Carolina.  I'm going to get a very early start on
Saturday, 08/29/09, so as to be in EM94 to try to hit the AO-51 pass @ about
11:19Z.  I think it'll work.  (Yea, I know that's *really* early, but the
next pass I could hit won't be until mid-late afternoon -long after I need
to be at my destination.)  I plan on being there absent unforeseen
circumstances, e.g., rain.

Pls QSL as per previous message.


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[amsat-bb] Re: WD9EWK cards arrived today!!!!!!

2009-08-27 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I guess the Post Office doesn't work quite as quickly down here 
(difference of two weeks!) but thanks Patrick!

And Al, your card for the V/S contact arrived yesterday and mine to you 
will be in the mail today!




Allen Vinegar wrote:
> Thanks Patrick, mine arrived today! Quite impressed with your personal 
> postage stamp!!!
> 73,
> Al W8KHP
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

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[amsat-bb] Fw: Re: "best" rotators

2009-08-27 Thread John Heath

- Forwarded Message 
From: John Heath 
To: apbid...@mailaps.org
Sent: Thursday, 27 August, 2009 4:29:04 PM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: "best" rotators

If you have the money the AlphaSpid is a very strong and well engineered unit. 
Probably last for many years.
The unit I got runs on AC or DC. I built a dedicated 24V AC supply for mine, 
nothing more complicated than a big toriodal transformer in a box with switch, 
fuses, and an "on"  light. Better than running it off the radio DC supply.

If its available, get the "mouse" control with it. They have used a computer 
mouse and connected to the up/down and left right controlls. Its very neat to 
use on the operating desk.

As in WA4SCA's post mine works fine with automatic satellite tracking. 

73 John G7HIA

PS - no financial involvement with the company, just a happy customer.

From: Alan P. Biddle 
To: rswa...@twcny.rr.com; amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009 6:46:27 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: "best" rotators


Do take a look at the AlphaSpid RAK-1 rotator.  They are not cheap, but far
stronger than the Kenpro/Yaesu units, and can be controlled by the usual
computer programs.  Recently MFJ has started importing them, though they are
hard to find on the web site except in the catalog.

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Water as a rocket fuel

2009-08-27 Thread John Heath
Thanks to Bob for starting an interesting thread. 

On boeard electrolysis of water to produce  Hydrogen/Oxygen rocket fuel.

An most interesting paper on the subject at 
It does work in space.

Could it get us from LEO to MEO?

Since Bob is a can do guy I will follow this one with great interest, way to go 

73 John G7HIA
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[amsat-bb] Re: Water as a rocket fuel

2009-08-27 Thread Bruce Bostwick
On Aug 27, 2009, at 10:48 AM, John Heath wrote:

> On boeard electrolysis of water to produce  Hydrogen/Oxygen rocket  
> fuel.
> An most interesting paper on the subject at 
> https://e-reports-ext.llnl.gov/pdf/236614.pdf
> It does work in space.

Well, using a URFC for the electrolytic separation takes care of most  
of the ullage and gas separation problems I mentioned in an earlier  
post.  (And having arrived at that solution independently, I'm  
convinced it's a viable research path if nothing else. ;)  It also has  
the benefit of being able to turn the separated H2 and O2 back into  
water and electrical power (minus losses, of course) if needed -- not  
sure what additional support systems that would need, but it's a  
tantalizing side benefit.

Storing the water still requires some means of eliminating unnecessary  
headspace in the water tank to avoid the requirement for ullage -- I'm  
still partial to the idea of a sylphon-type bellows inside a slightly  
larger tank pressurized with helium or nitrogen -- to maintain water  
flow into the FC.

And as before, these are *not* hypergolic fuels, so using them in  
engines still requires exactly timed valve opening/closing rates and  
synchronization between fuel/oxidizer valves and ignition on startup,  
which are considerably more complex systems than the ones used to  
control hypergolic engines and RCS thrusters.  (All a hypergolic  
engine has to do is open and close the fuel/oxidizer valves at the  
right rates and relative timings.)

That being said, it's an intriguing idea.  Regenerative fuel cell  
based electrolysis is pretty interesting in and of itself.  :)

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[amsat-bb] BoD Elections

2009-08-27 Thread Timothy J. Salo

I still haven't returned my ballot for the AMSAT Board of
Directors election, in part because I don't feel that I
have really good information on which to make a decision.
I would like to vote for a Board that will be effective and
strengthen the organization.  It is particularly important
to select the best possible board because, in my view, AMSAT
is an organization in serious trouble.  But, I would prefer
to base my vote on the recent accomplishments, recent
positions during board meetings, and explicit near-term
objectives of the candidates.  I would prefer to not simply
use a blunt strategy of voting against all incumbents and for
all challengers. Unfortunately, I don't feel that I really
know much about the activities of the individual board members.

To remedy this, I suggest that the close of the BoD elections
be postponed until at least thirty days after the following
have been published:

o A list of all Board meetings held over the last year
o Minutes from all of these Board meetings
o Minutes from all AMSAT committee meetings of the last year

We can certainly have a discussion about the appropriate
level of transparency for the Board and its committees, and
whether the Board is meeting those objectives.  Here is what
the D.C. statutes under which AMSAT is incorporated have to
say on the matter:

   Each corporation shall keep correct and complete books and
   records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings
   of its members, board of directors, and committees having any
   of the authority of the board of directors; ... All books and
   records of a corporation may be inspected by any member having
   voting rights, or his agent or attorney, for any proper purpose
   at any reasonable time.


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: BoD Elections

2009-08-27 Thread Tim - N3TL
Tim and all,

This is an interesting post and - with no disrespect intended - one that should 
have been made when you first received your ballot.

It's interesting because I suspect you or I would get as many answers as the 
number of people we asked about what it will take to strengthen AMSAT. I have 
my own thoughts in that regard, and I'm confident you have yours. I suspect 
they would be at least inconsistent, if not quite divergent. That's not to 
suggest there's anything wrong with that; it's just to point out that "being 
effective and strengthening AMSAT" will - like many other things - be in the 
eyes of the beholders.

All of that notwithstanding. I've read the AMSAT Bylaws published on the Web 
site. It seems to me that doing what you're suggesting would take a Bylaw 
change because the specific voting deadline and the date of announcement of 
results are included in Article III-4 as Sept. 15 and Sept. 30, respectively. 
Article IV of the Bylaws defines the process of amending the bylaws, with such 
amendment not taking effect until 30 days after announcement by the Board (of 
its approval of a Bylaw change) has either been mailed to the membership by the 
Secretary or officially published in a publication of the corporation. And 
then, of course, objection by 10 percent of the membership to the Bylaw change 
would trigger a full vote by the membership. So the best-case scenario is a 
Board vote to change that is not challenged. That would take until the end of 
September to accomplish.

There's nothing sacred, I suppose, about the new Board being in place at the 
annual meeting, but it would be highly unusual for that not to be the case, in 
my opinion. It's virtually impossible for AMSAT to do what you suggest and hold 
an election before the annual meeting. I suspect you know that. You've taken 
the time to research the District of Columbia statutes for corporations like 
AMSAT. I'm confident that you also researched the applicable AMSAT Bylaws.

Finally, for what it's worth, it's also impossible to, as you write vote 
"against all incumbents and for all challengers." Two of the five candidates 
are current directors. A third has served on the Board the past year as an 
Alternate. The other two candidates are not incumbents. We are asked to select 
no more than four. Since the is an odd-numbered year, the Bylaws require four 
Board positions to be filled in this election. It's not possible to avoid 
returning two current Directors (or one current Director and the current 
Alternate) to the Board, unless I'm missing something in the Bylaws.

Can you help me understand why you didn't make this post earlier, when there 
would have been enough time to act as you suggest without incurring the need 
for a Bylaw change? 

73 to all,

Tim Lilley - N3TL

From: Timothy J. Salo 
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Cc: b...@amsat.org
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:40:52 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] BoD Elections


I still haven't returned my ballot for the AMSAT Board of
Directors election, in part because I don't feel that I
have really good information on which to make a decision.
I would like to vote for a Board that will be effective and
strengthen the organization.  It is particularly important
to select the best possible board because, in my view, AMSAT
is an organization in serious trouble.  But, I would prefer
to base my vote on the recent accomplishments, recent
positions during board meetings, and explicit near-term
objectives of the candidates.  I would prefer to not simply
use a blunt strategy of voting against all incumbents and for
all challengers. Unfortunately, I don't feel that I really
know much about the activities of the individual board members.

To remedy this, I suggest that the close of the BoD elections
be postponed until at least thirty days after the following
have been published:

o A list of all Board meetings held over the last year
o Minutes from all of these Board meetings
o Minutes from all AMSAT committee meetings of the last year

We can certainly have a discussion about the appropriate
level of transparency for the Board and its committees, and
whether the Board is meeting those objectives.  Here is what
the D.C. statutes under which AMSAT is incorporated have to
say on the matter:

  Each corporation shall keep correct and complete books and
  records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings
  of its members, board of directors, and committees having any
  of the authority of the board of directors; ... All books and
  records of a corporation may be inspected by any member having
  voting rights, or his agent or attorney, for any proper purpose
  at any reasonable time.


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] ARISS 25th Anniversary Certificate

2009-08-27 Thread Tim - N3TL
Hey everyone,

Can someone who is or was involved with ARISS during the 25th Anniversary event 
please contact me off the BB?

I was excited to recive my 25th Anniversary Certificate today - until I opened 

It confirms an SWL report, and I submitted proof of a 2-way contact with 
another amateur over the repeater. The certificate is very nice, but I'd like 
to inquire about getting a certificate that actually confirms what I claimed (a 
claim that included the other station's QSL and mine) - a 2-way contact.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Tim - N3TL
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: BoD Elections

2009-08-27 Thread Dee
You bring up some good points. Anyone can be on the ballot by following the
rules of nomination. If you feel strongly about all this, change comes from
within.  I think you should personally attend one of the BOD meetings and/or
a membership meeting as is held at the Symposium on a yearly basis.  There,
you can bring this up and have a more interested audience.
There are no "secret" happenings - it is all out in the open. Besides having
your ideas heard, you can meet the players in the organization face to face
and develop friends who feel similar to how you do, as well as finding out
why opposition exists.
As Tim, N3TL, points out, now is not the time to bring this up.
Hope to see you in Maryland.
Dee, NB2F
P.S. All the nominees are hard workers and deserve credit just for asking to
do more for "FREE."

-Original Message-
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Timothy J. Salo
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:41 PM
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Cc: b...@amsat.org
Subject: [amsat-bb] BoD Elections


I still haven't returned my ballot for the AMSAT Board of Directors
election, in part because I don't feel that I have really good information
on which to make a decision.
I would like to vote for a Board that will be effective and strengthen the
organization.  It is particularly important to select the best possible
board because, in my view, AMSAT is an organization in serious trouble.
But, I would prefer to base my vote on the recent accomplishments, recent
positions during board meetings, and explicit near-term objectives of the
candidates.  I would prefer to not simply use a blunt strategy of voting
against all incumbents and for all challengers. Unfortunately, I don't feel
that I really know much about the activities of the individual board

To remedy this, I suggest that the close of the BoD elections be postponed
until at least thirty days after the following have been published:

o A list of all Board meetings held over the last year o Minutes from all of
these Board meetings o Minutes from all AMSAT committee meetings of the last

We can certainly have a discussion about the appropriate level of
transparency for the Board and its committees, and whether the Board is
meeting those objectives.  Here is what the D.C. statutes under which AMSAT
is incorporated have to say on the matter:

   Each corporation shall keep correct and complete books and
   records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings
   of its members, board of directors, and committees having any
   of the authority of the board of directors; ... All books and
   records of a corporation may be inspected by any member having
   voting rights, or his agent or attorney, for any proper purpose
   at any reasonable time.


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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