[amsat-bb] volunteering

2009-10-19 Thread Steve Daniels

After reading various posts I decided that having time one my hands at the
moment, I would like to volunteer to help out in whatever capacity I can. I
think being able to help build a satellite is probably out of my league. But
I could help out collating information and updating websites etc. I run my
own web server built by myself and a few websites.

Hopefully someone can contact me for a discussion on how I can help.




Email st...@daniels270.eclipse.co.uk

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[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread k0vty
Gretting to the list

I wish to thank everyone that took part in the discussion of ITAR as it
pertains to Amateur Satellites.
I have learned many things.
I am sure others may have also.
It is obvious that Amateur Radio before satellites had few if any ITAR
Now we have a very specific ITAR path to travel with any Amateur

I submit that the AMSAT BOD is doing a good job for the membership on
this ITAR issue

There were a question or two dealing with security as it related to
indiduals that were 
working on ITAR compontents or the AMSAT facility itself.
At least it seemed to be a stretch for anyone to discuss that issue.

There are those like AMSAT that have a almost impossible time dealing
with ITAR
There are many more that have to do business or engineering work where
talking to anyone 
becomes a probems
I never had to concern myself with ITAR and that is the reason I needed
to learn more about ITAR.
I can assure all that there is another side to ITAR when the rules are
not followed and 
that is the side I worked for on for 37 years.
Think of all the testing that must take place when information is lost
when the ITAR rules are not followed.
No offense to any of my Amateur friends that have hard feeling because of
ITAR, I understand.
But like always there is always two side to any story.

Thanks again Gentlemen

Joe Murray K0VTY

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[amsat-bb] Re: MIR sound clip

2009-10-19 Thread Greg D.

Hi Bill,

Plays fine on my Linux box, once I got the quicktime capable plug-in for my 
browser (*).  I expect any machine with Quicktime support will work.

Greg  KO6TH

(*) see:  

> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
> From: mrbill...@mac.com
> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 12:55:21 -0500
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  MIR sound clip
> Here's a MIR clip I recorder years ago, using a cassette recorder  
> with vox, hooked to a Radio Shack scanner.
> The file is named 8-25-99, but I'm not sure when the recording happened.
> http://web.mac.com/mrbillmac/Site/MIR_sound_file.html
> The file plays okay from the web page, on a Mac... haven't tried it  
> on a PC yet.
> Bill Howell
> N5AB
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question

2009-10-19 Thread Elan Portnoy
Thanks for all the great responses. I'll try switching them around and see how 
it affects performance. Although I'm in Kansas City, RF pollution is not too 
bad at my particular location. One benefit of the filters is reduction of 
desensing the receiver when xmitting, especially with preamps on.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Weekend on the Birds

2009-10-19 Thread Glenn AA5PK
On Monday, October 19, 2009 at 9:19 PM, John Papay wrote:

> Activity is on the rise on the SSB  birds in general.  Many that have
> been active on the FM birds are getting equipment set up for the
> SSB/CW birds. It's nice to be able to have a qso that involves more
> than a callsign and grid exchange.  We hope to have FO-29 back soon
> but VO-52 and AO-7 are there for us every day.

John, you should have been on AO-7 Mode A during the ~0140Z pass.  There 
were six stations (that I know of) on that pass.  Most Mode A activity I've 
ever heard.

Glenn AA5PK 

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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Daniel Schultz
Robert WB5MZO, wrote:

>Are the people who are suppose to be the experts in building state of the
>satellites so thin skinned that a bulletin board
>slows their progress?  LOL

You missed my point entirely. The Amsat people who build the satellites mostly
don't have time to read Amsat-BB, so the thickness of their skin is not the
issue here. 

But Amsat-BB is not read only by Amsat members. Anyone who Google's "Amsat"
will find Amsat-BB very quickly. Negative and unprofessional comments on
Amsat-BB hurt our image as professional satellite builders and could quite
possibly kill our chance of finding our next ride to orbit. In the 1990's the
ESA management handed the president of Amsat-DL a pile of e-mail printouts
from Amsat-BB following the repeated launch delays on Phase 3D, it almost got
the satellite thrown off the Ariane 5 vehicle. With launches even harder to
find in today's world, we cannot allow such bickering to tarnish our image as
professionals who can be trusted not to screw up the mission. 

Dan Schultz N8FGV

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[amsat-bb] Re: Weekend on the Birds

2009-10-19 Thread Bob- W7LRD


73 Bob W7LRD 


- Original Message - 
From: "John Papay"  
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 7:19:46 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [amsat-bb]  Weekend on the Birds 

This past weekend on the birds was second to 
none that I've experienced in the past two 
years.  We had grid dxpeditions on the east and 
west coast, two hamfest demonstrations, the Boy 
Scout Jamboree stations and an Alaska Statehood 
special event station operating. 

Patrick, WD9EWK, was at the Old Pueblo Radio Club 
Hamfest in Tucson and made a big detour to continue 
down I-10 to the Arizona/New Mexico state line where he 
operated from in the afternoon.  Doug, KD8CAO, was at 
the Holland Michigan Lakeshore Super Swap Hamfest and 
put on a demonstration there. 

Mark WA8SME operated on one AO-27 pass from the DN00/DN01 
grid boundary, two very rare Nevada grids.  John W6ZKH 
operated from DM07 but had some trouble with his equipment 
on this particular pass.  He said he will go back some day. 
Mark also said he might be able to operate from DM07 in the 
near future. 

Then we had the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air with quite a 
few different stations operating on all of the FM birds including 
K2BSA/5, W0S, K5B etc. 

The most prominent grid dxpedition this weekend was by Richard, 
N2SPI.  He had originally planned to operate from FN53, FN56, 
FN57, FN66 and FN67 but he found a way to also operate from FN55 
and FN65 as well.  He worked on the FM birds as well as VO-52. 
This operation began Saturday morning and finished up Sunday afternoon, 
about 30 hours from the first qso until the last on AO-27 at 1853z. 
Richard operated at least one pass in each of seven grids and never 
operated on a grid boundary.  This was quite a trip!  Richard 
returned back to Massachusetts late Sunday night. 

The weekend rounded out with an announcement to look for KL5O, an 
Alaska Special Event Station, on the birds.  The AO-7 pass Sunday 
evening at 0043Z had at least 14 different stations operating 
including WV9E, KE5GFJ, WA4NVM, AA4FL, AA5PK, K6CDW, KE2CKO, K0OU, 
K3SZH, AJ9K, KD8CAO, W7LRD, K8YSE and KL5O!  KL5O was down around 
937 late in the pass.  So if you think that there is no one on AO-7, 
this should put that thought to rest. Many of them were talking about 
KL5O.  A special event does draw people to the birds just like it 
does on the HF bands.  Of course working Alaska is a special treat 
under any situation. I believe KL7XJ was the operator. 

Activity is on the rise on the SSB  birds in general.  Many that have 
been active on the FM birds are getting equipment set up for the 
SSB/CW birds. It's nice to be able to have a qso that involves more 
than a callsign and grid exchange.  We hope to have FO-29 back soon 
but VO-52 and AO-7 are there for us every day. 

A big thanks to all of the grid dxpeditioners who spent a lot of time 
and money operating from places away from their homes.  They have given 
us many new grids.  I hope this encourages others to try their hand 
at operating from other grids.  It's a lot of work but you will have 
a lot of fun and satisfaction doing it. 

John K8YSE 

John Papay 

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Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Weekend on the Birds

2009-10-19 Thread John Papay
This past weekend on the birds was second to
none that I've experienced in the past two
years.  We had grid dxpeditions on the east and
west coast, two hamfest demonstrations, the Boy
Scout Jamboree stations and an Alaska Statehood
special event station operating.

Patrick, WD9EWK, was at the Old Pueblo Radio Club
Hamfest in Tucson and made a big detour to continue
down I-10 to the Arizona/New Mexico state line where he
operated from in the afternoon.  Doug, KD8CAO, was at
the Holland Michigan Lakeshore Super Swap Hamfest and
put on a demonstration there.

Mark WA8SME operated on one AO-27 pass from the DN00/DN01
grid boundary, two very rare Nevada grids.  John W6ZKH
operated from DM07 but had some trouble with his equipment
on this particular pass.  He said he will go back some day.
Mark also said he might be able to operate from DM07 in the
near future.

Then we had the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air with quite a
few different stations operating on all of the FM birds including
K2BSA/5, W0S, K5B etc.

The most prominent grid dxpedition this weekend was by Richard,
N2SPI.  He had originally planned to operate from FN53, FN56,
FN57, FN66 and FN67 but he found a way to also operate from FN55
and FN65 as well.  He worked on the FM birds as well as VO-52.
This operation began Saturday morning and finished up Sunday afternoon,
about 30 hours from the first qso until the last on AO-27 at 1853z.
Richard operated at least one pass in each of seven grids and never
operated on a grid boundary.  This was quite a trip!  Richard
returned back to Massachusetts late Sunday night.

The weekend rounded out with an announcement to look for KL5O, an
Alaska Special Event Station, on the birds.  The AO-7 pass Sunday
evening at 0043Z had at least 14 different stations operating
including WV9E, KE5GFJ, WA4NVM, AA4FL, AA5PK, K6CDW, KE2CKO, K0OU,
K3SZH, AJ9K, KD8CAO, W7LRD, K8YSE and KL5O!  KL5O was down around
937 late in the pass.  So if you think that there is no one on AO-7,
this should put that thought to rest. Many of them were talking about
KL5O.  A special event does draw people to the birds just like it
does on the HF bands.  Of course working Alaska is a special treat
under any situation. I believe KL7XJ was the operator.

Activity is on the rise on the SSB  birds in general.  Many that have
been active on the FM birds are getting equipment set up for the
SSB/CW birds. It's nice to be able to have a qso that involves more
than a callsign and grid exchange.  We hope to have FO-29 back soon
but VO-52 and AO-7 are there for us every day.

A big thanks to all of the grid dxpeditioners who spent a lot of time
and money operating from places away from their homes.  They have given
us many new grids.  I hope this encourages others to try their hand
at operating from other grids.  It's a lot of work but you will have
a lot of fun and satisfaction doing it.

John K8YSE

John Papay

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question

2009-10-19 Thread i8cvs
- Original Message -
From: "Joe Fitzgerald" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:33 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question
> >  what's the preferred
> > order?
> As ever "that depends".  In the specific case I was involved in at
> Worcester Polytech, we found that we could get the best trade off by
> putting the preamp at the antenna then knocking down the out of band stuff
> with the filter between the preamp and the receiver.   The losses in the
> filter hurt your system noise figure much more if you go ant -> filter ->
> preamp -> receiver
> If the out of band stuff is desensing your preamp, well, that is another
> story.  At +12 dBm for the ARR GaAs FET we were using there was no
> problem, even in an urban environment.
> -Joe KM1P

Hi Joe, KM1P

You are right and in fact:

It is a common EME procedure to put a passband cavity filter or an
interdigital passband filter at the output of the antenna mounted low
noise preamplifier because the insertion loss of it in dB decreases only
the gain of the preamplifier by the same amount in dB so that the
Noise Figure of the preamplifier is not degraded by the insertion loss
of the filter.

In this configuration we have  --> antenna --->a T/R coax relay>
preamplifier >cavity filter all antenna mounted and a coax cable
connected to the output of the preamplifier devoted only to receive
and directly going down the shack -->to the receiver.

In more details the antenna is connected to the common port of the
T/R coax relay while the preamplifier is connected to the normally
closed NC contact of the T/R relay

In order to transmit the TX power amplifier is connected directly to
another coax  cable dedicated only to transmit and it is connected at
the antenna via the normally open NO contact of the T/R relay.

The above configuration using a filter at the output of a preamplifier
is the best one because it do not degrade the preamplifier Noise Figure
but reduces the bandwidth providing a bonus in selectivity.

It is possible to improve the above configuration introducing between
the antenna and input of the preamplifier a filter plus a preamplifier
protection device designed by K3PGP showing a very low insertion
loss less than 0.1 dB at 432 MHz that without to deteriorate the
preamplifier Noise Figure provides in addition another bonus of
selectivity at the preamplifier input as you can realize reading the
following page:


>From 1977 I was a 432 MHz EME operator so that I actually use for
satellite the above discussed setup both for 2 meters and 70 cm
because I live in the center of the gulf on Naples with a terrific RF
pollution in every amateur and out of amateur band so that a filter
at the preamplifier input and output is also mandatory to reduce the
preamplifiers gain compression due of out of band strong nearby

It is evident that using a filter at the output of a preamplifier it becames
a complicated matter using a commercial preamplifier with two coax
relays into it and by using only one transmission line to receive and to
transmit because the preamplifier output filter must be a big one to
pass all the transmitter power and particularly it must be tuned in such
a way as not to introduce a high VSWR into the TX transmission line.

Best 73" de

i8CVS Domenico

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] WD5DWP needs help

2009-10-19 Thread Allen F. Mattis
If anyone can help Philip WD5DWP please respond to him directly - I 
do not believe he receives amsat-bb.

I still tune manually and can not help him.

Allen N5AFV

>From: "wd5dwp" 
>Subject: I need help
>Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:10:27 -0500
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3598
>X-pstn-neptune: 0/0/0.00/0
>X-pstn-levels: (S:25.07981/99.9 CV:99.9000 FC:95.5390 
>LC:95.5390 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
>X-pstn-settings: 5 (2.:2.) s cv gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
>X-pstn-addresses: from  [2484/120]
>Hi Allen:
>Do you know anyone who mignt help me. I am trying to connect my 
>computer to my 910h and my IC718.  Iwant to use HRD but have not 
>been able to get connected. I have a IC ct-17 interface.
>I dont Know of anyone in my area as we live in the country. Nearest 
>big city is 60mi in any direction.
>Pass this to any one you think might help.   I have long distance on 
>my phone so if they call me I will call them back so they wont have a charge.
>Phone: 985-839-2138
>73, wd5dwp Philip Buras

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[amsat-bb] Re: MIR sound clip

2009-10-19 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 16:21 -0700, laura halliday wrote:
> Bill N5AB wrote:
> > Here's a MIR clip I recorder years ago, using a cassette recorder
> > with vox, hooked to a Radio Shack scanner.
> > The file is named 8-25-99, but I'm not sure when the recording happened.

> > http://web.mac.com/mrbillmac/Site/MIR_sound_file.html

> > The file plays okay from the web page, on a Mac... haven't tried it
> > on a PC yet.

> It plays fine on a PC if you have the QuickTime plug-in, free from Apple.

For what it's worth, my Linux computer at home plays it just fine. The
one at work had issues, probably with the Javascript at mac.com.  I'll
look into it when I get the time.  I was surprised because the QT codecs
seem to be quite hit or miss under Linux.


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question

2009-10-19 Thread Jim Jerzycke
And I've been on the other side of things where the "noise" we had to filter 
out was so close to the signal we wanted, we had no choice but to put a tight 
bandpass filter at the antenna, ahead of the amp, to keep the amp from 
6 of one...half a dozen of the other
73, jim  KQ6EA

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Joe Fitzgerald  wrote:

> From: Joe Fitzgerald 
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question
> To: 
> Cc: amsat-bb@amsat.org
> Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 4:33 PM
> >  what's the preferred
> > order?
> As ever "that depends".  In the specific case I was
> involved in at
> Worcester Polytech, we found that we could get the best
> trade off by
> putting the preamp at the antenna then knocking down the
> out of band stuff
> with the filter between the preamp and the
> receiver.   The losses in the
> filter hurt your system noise figure much more if you go
> ant -> filter ->
> preamp -> receiver
> If the out of band stuff is desensing your preamp, well,
> that is another
> story.  At +12 dBm for the ARR GaAs FET we were using
> there was no
> problem, even in an urban environment.
> -Joe KM1P
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org.
> Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur
> satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

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[amsat-bb] Re: MIR sound clip

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones

Bill..well done...nice tower shots as well

Robert WB5MZO
> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
> From: mrbill...@mac.com
> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 12:55:21 -0500
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  MIR sound clip
> Here's a MIR clip I recorder years ago, using a cassette recorder  
> with vox, hooked to a Radio Shack scanner.
> The file is named 8-25-99, but I'm not sure when the recording happened.
> http://web.mac.com/mrbillmac/Site/MIR_sound_file.html
> The file plays okay from the web page, on a Mac... haven't tried it  
> on a PC yet.
> Bill Howell
> N5AB
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] Re: Filters and Preamps Question

2009-10-19 Thread Joe Fitzgerald

>  what's the preferred
> order?

As ever "that depends".  In the specific case I was involved in at
Worcester Polytech, we found that we could get the best trade off by
putting the preamp at the antenna then knocking down the out of band stuff
with the filter between the preamp and the receiver.   The losses in the
filter hurt your system noise figure much more if you go ant -> filter ->
preamp -> receiver

If the out of band stuff is desensing your preamp, well, that is another
story.  At +12 dBm for the ARR GaAs FET we were using there was no
problem, even in an urban environment.

-Joe KM1P

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: MIR sound clip

2009-10-19 Thread laura halliday

Bill N5AB wrote:

> Here's a MIR clip I recorder years ago, using a cassette recorder
> with vox, hooked to a Radio Shack scanner.
> The file is named 8-25-99, but I'm not sure when the recording happened.
> http://web.mac.com/mrbillmac/Site/MIR_sound_file.html
> The file plays okay from the web page, on a Mac... haven't tried it
> on a PC yet.

It plays fine on a PC if you have the QuickTime plug-in, free from Apple.

The audio reminds me of the closing warning from Glukoza's tune "Schweine", 
except that it's in the wrong language... :-)

Laura Halliday VE7LDH "Que les nuages soient notre
Grid: CN89mg pied a terre..."
ICBM: 49 16.05 N 122 56.92 W - Hospital/Shafte
Une connexion rapide à Messenger? C'est par ici!
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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones


It is OK, maybe suitsat 2 or whatever it is called with be a success or at 
least occur..if it flops then all the folks who are always gung ho to make 
excuses can have something else to do!  Work is also needed for those 
protecting inertia

Robert WB5MZO
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Mesbah-2

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones

Peter...as I said, someone is building a cubesat.

or something slightly bigger.

Robert WB5MZO

> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 22:29:44 +0200
> From: peter.guel...@kourou.de
> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  Mesbah-2
> http://www.astronautix.com/craft/mesbah2.htm
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones

> Samudra, N3RDX and S21X

interesting post...there are lots of volunteer organizations and all of them 
managed to do things without the endless whining of "they are all 
volunteers"...gee if that could lift things into orbit  

Robert WB5MZO
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones


LOL really it is funny.

If one person can knock them off their stride then the deserve to bilge...

I guess that any explanation for poor performance works

Robert WB5MZO
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
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[amsat-bb] Mesbah-2

2009-10-19 Thread Peter Guelzow
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[amsat-bb] MIR sound clip

2009-10-19 Thread Bill Howell
Here's a MIR clip I recorder years ago, using a cassette recorder  
with vox, hooked to a Radio Shack scanner.
The file is named 8-25-99, but I'm not sure when the recording happened.


The file plays okay from the web page, on a Mac... haven't tried it  
on a PC yet.

Bill Howell
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Trevor .
Thanks for the clarification. 

It might appear that those who join the AMSAT-NA board risk personal ruin 
should they inadvertantly misinterpret Federal Government regulations. 


73 Trevor M5AKA 


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread jeffk13057
I'm surprised this guy has enough time to send emails...finding a cure for 
cancer, peace in the Middle East and healthcare reform certainly must take up a 
lot of time!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Donald Jacob 
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:01:12 
Cc: Amsat BB
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

Bob,Right on the money! All I have seen from on the BBS from this guy is
"after the fact"
 and "I can tell you how to do it" and no where does he even attempt to
help. He is
the greatest Monday Morning quarterback.
He is a troll and unfortunately we do fall for his tactics.
If, in fact, he is a -- test pilot-- thank God I live in California and not
or any where near his flight path! Which makes me want to know what aircraft
he tests so that I can stay clear of them.
I hope not to fall for the "loud mouth troll that knows everything and wants
to tell
all that he does".  He knows that if he ever tries to do what he tells
others to do
he will fail. And come to think of it, most of us know that he is talk and
no action too.


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Robert Bruninga  wrote:

> Rocky,
> I think you miss the point...
> >> 4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group
> >> full of whining little people who think
> >> they could have designed it better or...
> > this is the one I always find amusing.
> > Almost comical and certainly childish.
> Yes, I think he was referring to you and your incessant
> fruitless posts...
> > Are the people who are suppose to be the
> > experts in building state of the art satellites
> > so thin skinned that a bulletin board
> > slows their progress?  LOL
> Yes, they probably are... On the one hand, small mind kibitzers
> lambast all the "dooers" in the AMSAT organization for not
> maintaining a presence here and responding to every little bite
> and jab and complaint, while you then want to lambast them for
> trying to respond to your childish and uninformed incessant
> opinions...
> > "Just say no"  either stop building satellites
> > and move on to something that wont be at all
> > critical...or just tune out and stop reading.
> In fact some of them have.  And I don't blame them one bit.  The
> damage done by so many trolls and kibitzers such as yourself is
> real and hurts the organization.
> > It is the childhood equivalent of "he called me a name"
> Yes, he did, and it seems he was talking directly to you.
> As am I.
> > LOL
> > things are hard
> > Robert WB5MZO
> And you are the one that really makes them that way.
> Bob
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Filters and Preamps Question

2009-10-19 Thread Elan Portnoy
On both 70cm and 2 meter antennas, I have DCI filters tuned to sat passbands as 
well as ARR preamps. My question is: what's the preferred order? Presently, I 
have the filters closer to the antennas, with the assumption I'd be better off 
supressing spurs first, thus preventing them from hitting preamps and desensing.

Any thoughts? 
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Donald Jacob
Bob,Right on the money! All I have seen from on the BBS from this guy is
"after the fact"
 and "I can tell you how to do it" and no where does he even attempt to
help. He is
the greatest Monday Morning quarterback.
He is a troll and unfortunately we do fall for his tactics.
If, in fact, he is a -- test pilot-- thank God I live in California and not
or any where near his flight path! Which makes me want to know what aircraft
he tests so that I can stay clear of them.
I hope not to fall for the "loud mouth troll that knows everything and wants
to tell
all that he does".  He knows that if he ever tries to do what he tells
others to do
he will fail. And come to think of it, most of us know that he is talk and
no action too.


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Robert Bruninga  wrote:

> Rocky,
> I think you miss the point...
> >> 4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group
> >> full of whining little people who think
> >> they could have designed it better or...
> > this is the one I always find amusing.
> > Almost comical and certainly childish.
> Yes, I think he was referring to you and your incessant
> fruitless posts...
> > Are the people who are suppose to be the
> > experts in building state of the art satellites
> > so thin skinned that a bulletin board
> > slows their progress?  LOL
> Yes, they probably are... On the one hand, small mind kibitzers
> lambast all the "dooers" in the AMSAT organization for not
> maintaining a presence here and responding to every little bite
> and jab and complaint, while you then want to lambast them for
> trying to respond to your childish and uninformed incessant
> opinions...
> > "Just say no"  either stop building satellites
> > and move on to something that wont be at all
> > critical...or just tune out and stop reading.
> In fact some of them have.  And I don't blame them one bit.  The
> damage done by so many trolls and kibitzers such as yourself is
> real and hurts the organization.
> > It is the childhood equivalent of "he called me a name"
> Yes, he did, and it seems he was talking directly to you.
> As am I.
> > LOL
> > things are hard
> > Robert WB5MZO
> And you are the one that really makes them that way.
> Bob
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Joe
Maybe AMSAT should make a PIO?

Robert Bruninga wrote:

>I think you miss the point...
>>>4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group 
>>>full of whining little people who think 
>>>they could have designed it better or... 
>>this is the one I always find amusing.  
>>Almost comical and certainly childish.
>Yes, I think he was referring to you and your incessant
>fruitless posts...
>>Are the people who are suppose to be the 
>>experts in building state of the art satellites 
>>so thin skinned that a bulletin board
>>slows their progress?  LOL
>Yes, they probably are... On the one hand, small mind kibitzers
>lambast all the "dooers" in the AMSAT organization for not
>maintaining a presence here and responding to every little bite
>and jab and complaint, while you then want to lambast them for
>trying to respond to your childish and uninformed incessant
>>"Just say no"  either stop building satellites 
>>and move on to something that wont be at all 
>>critical...or just tune out and stop reading.
>In fact some of them have.  And I don't blame them one bit.  The
>damage done by so many trolls and kibitzers such as yourself is
>real and hurts the organization.
>>It is the childhood equivalent of "he called me a name"
>Yes, he did, and it seems he was talking directly to you.
>As am I.
>>things are hard
>>Robert WB5MZO
>And you are the one that really makes them that way.
>Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
>Version: 8.5.421 / Virus Database: 270.14.21/2445 - Release Date: 10/19/09 
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Robert Bruninga
I think you miss the point...

>> 4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group 
>> full of whining little people who think 
>> they could have designed it better or... 

> this is the one I always find amusing.  
> Almost comical and certainly childish.

Yes, I think he was referring to you and your incessant
fruitless posts...

> Are the people who are suppose to be the 
> experts in building state of the art satellites 
> so thin skinned that a bulletin board
> slows their progress?  LOL

Yes, they probably are... On the one hand, small mind kibitzers
lambast all the "dooers" in the AMSAT organization for not
maintaining a presence here and responding to every little bite
and jab and complaint, while you then want to lambast them for
trying to respond to your childish and uninformed incessant

> "Just say no"  either stop building satellites 
> and move on to something that wont be at all 
> critical...or just tune out and stop reading.

In fact some of them have.  And I don't blame them one bit.  The
damage done by so many trolls and kibitzers such as yourself is
real and hurts the organization.

> It is the childhood equivalent of "he called me a name"

Yes, he did, and it seems he was talking directly to you.
As am I.

> things are hard
> Robert WB5MZO

And you are the one that really makes them that way.


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Congrats to Sumbadilisat team!

2009-10-19 Thread Mark L. Hammond
Wow, glad to learn of the first QSOs on Sumbadilisat!

It must be hugely rewarding to make those first contacts.  Bravo to AMSAT-SA!


Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] I: Trouble Adding Satellite to DOPPLER.SQF

2009-10-19 Thread Francesco Grappi
Hi David,
you must have the same "satellite name" on file DOPPLER.SQF and kepler file
Frank IW4DVZ

> -Messaggio originale-
> Da: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] Per
> conto di David Wing
> Inviato: lunedì 19 ottobre 2009 18.21
> A: 'Amsat-BB'
> Oggetto: [amsat-bb] Trouble Adding Satellite to DOPPLER.SQF
> Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to get SUMBDILA
> frequency
> information added into SatPC32.  The satellite recently showed up on my
> satellite list the last time I updated my keps but there was no
> frequency
> information.
> I've updated the DOPPLER.SQF with the following:
> SUMBDILA,435350,145880,FM,FM,NOR,0,0
> I inserted this in the middle of the file (just after the AO-51
> entries),
> saved the file, restarted SatPC32 and still did not see the frequency
> info
> when I selected the satellite and went to the CAT Tuning window.
> I rebooted the PC and had the same results...no frequency info appears
> in
> the CAT Tuning window
> It seems pretty straightforward to add this to the file but I must be
> doing
> something wrong.
> Currently running a registered copy of v.12.8
> 73
> David
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the
> author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Trouble Adding Satellite to DOPPLER.SQF

2009-10-19 Thread David Wing
Never mind...figured it out.  There are multiple DOPPLER.SQF files and I had
updated the wrong one.

-Original Message-
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of David Wing
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:21 AM
To: 'Amsat-BB'
Subject: [amsat-bb] Trouble Adding Satellite to DOPPLER.SQF

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to get SUMBDILA frequency
information added into SatPC32.  The satellite recently showed up on my
satellite list the last time I updated my keps but there was no frequency

I've updated the DOPPLER.SQF with the following:


I inserted this in the middle of the file (just after the AO-51 entries),
saved the file, restarted SatPC32 and still did not see the frequency info
when I selected the satellite and went to the CAT Tuning window.

I rebooted the PC and had the same results...no frequency info appears in
the CAT Tuning window

It seems pretty straightforward to add this to the file but I must be doing
something wrong.

Currently running a registered copy of v.12.8


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Samudra Haque
Robert WB5MZO

> Are the people who are suppose to be the experts in building state of the art 
> satellites so thin skinned that a bulletin board
> slows their progress?  LOL

I want to remind you each and every time you write a message: AMSAT is
a volunteer run group of space-craft experimenters sharing a hobby and
a purpose: Ham Radio & Education. As you should know there is only one
paid employee of AMSAT at the headquarters and everyone else is just a

With regard to the skill and qualification of the "experts" you refer
to in your e-mail, perhaps you have seem to have the expertise of
being a cynic and a critic  - in addition to being right on everything
you say, according to yourself - meanwhile, others are lending their
varied expertise in the areas they feel most comfortable electrical,
mechanical, thermodynamics, Solar PV etc. etc. and in certain cases,
actual donations to fund further R&D at their own cost. I am not sure
where you have found any documentation from AMSAT-NA that we have any
portion of capability or indeed requirement to build "state of the art
satellites".  All the bits of stuff that have been incorporated into
satellites so far are probably best described as hobby kits or more
exactly waste material from other projects.

Are you faulting AMSAT members for wanting to work  for $0.00 and
pursuing a dream of being creative - and to have  chance to tell their
children, look I built that and it is in Space ? Are you criticizing
the current activity and past activity and anything that they may come
up with in the future because, according to you, these AMSAT "experts"
don't have the right stuff ? Or are you just trying to get noticed ?

Ok then, assuming you want the spotlight and  are correct in your
conviction that you know what you are doing, what is your
recommendation for steps going forward ? Put your thinking cap on
instead of and submit a development plan that will use the annual dues
from about 1900 paying members and organize a working group amongst
your friends in the amsat community -- and build -- a satellite -- and
launch it into space. Or, you could start a campaign to get votes from
the members to become the next President of AMSAT-NA... coming up

BTW, you can write off your donation to AMSAT on your taxes, but then
you already knew that.

Looking forward to reading about  your development plans soon.

Samudra, N3RDX and S21X
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Trouble Adding Satellite to DOPPLER.SQF

2009-10-19 Thread David Wing
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to get SUMBDILA frequency
information added into SatPC32.  The satellite recently showed up on my
satellite list the last time I updated my keps but there was no frequency

I've updated the DOPPLER.SQF with the following:


I inserted this in the middle of the file (just after the AO-51 entries),
saved the file, restarted SatPC32 and still did not see the frequency info
when I selected the satellite and went to the CAT Tuning window.

I rebooted the PC and had the same results...no frequency info appears in
the CAT Tuning window

It seems pretty straightforward to add this to the file but I must be doing
something wrong.

Currently running a registered copy of v.12.8


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Quite an update about Sumbandilasat...

2009-10-19 Thread Tim - N3TL
I add my congraultions! Well-done, all!

From: Andrew Glasbrenner 
To: Amsat-BB 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:59:07 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Quite an update about Sumbandilasat...

posted at http://sumbandilamission.blogspot.com/ .

Congratulations to the SA-AMSAT team!

73, Drew KO4MA
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Quite an update about Sumbandilasat...

2009-10-19 Thread Samudra Haque
Have they put in the request to be assigned a AMSAT callsign or has it
been approved already ?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner
> posted at http://sumbandilamission.blogspot.com/ .
> Congratulations to the SA-AMSAT team!
> 73, Drew KO4MA
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Samudra Haque
Bob, Bruce et. al.,

This is probably a very reasonable thread of discussion to follow,
compared to other snippy comments/jibes/frivolous remarks that I have
seen on amsat-bb recently. I have started up a separate private thread
to allow us to discuss a managed bulletin board to supplement the open
mailing list to accomodate:

+ potential need to have a closed community of registered members
discussing itar-covered topics

+ a searchable archive of topics, posts that users can leave in the
archive on a permanent basis and stop repeating ad nauseum

+ optional open-forums and closed-forums depending upon the
affiliation of a particular member. An example of this is the IEEE,
which as an organization provides the IEEE scanner publication to all,
but only the referred journals/publications to members who are part of
 a particular society. So, if you not a member of the AESS society,
you won't get the AESS Journal, but you may become a member (of your
choice) of any society that you wish. In my analog, amsat-bb will and
should be open for general users not involved in satops, satengg,
mission planning, but only using it as a hobby. Separately, if there
was an amsat-engineering or some other forum should in my opinion only
be open to those that have agreed to sign a volunteering agreement
with AMSAT agreeing to comply with a written policy, that is inclusive
of the ITAR regs for "U.S. Persons".

+ The key issue of course is that in the U.S.A, we must be in
compliance with all laws, and those "Federal" laws trump individual
association/non-profit laws that one may think of.

That said, I would like to submit to the amsat-bod through amsat-bb
(Hey, I don't have access, I am a newbie!)

Have you looked at:
http://www.research.ucla.edu/researchpol/memos/Memo_Ofac.htm and
considered the implications of adopting a restatement of our bye-laws
to reflect our current role as a fundamental research institution in
amateur space systems and potentially amateur rocketry as well ?

I urge all to review THIRD (A, B, F, G) once again from

But more importantly, Bob, or any other competent amsat member, we
must spend the time to read ourselves thoroughly
http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2002/aprqtr/22cfr121.1.htm that
might offer the chance to request a WAIVER. The reason for this would
be based upon the following question:

Why should AMSAT Satellites with clearly defined specifications be
considered as SME (Significant Military Equipment) given that they
follow ARRL/IARU/ITU spec for frequency, and their systems are
composed of all non-military sourced components ? If there is an
opportunity to expand on this in a formal working group for AMSAT,
sign me up please !

I am not minimizing the effect of ITAR regs on foreign co-operation,
those will obviously have to be developed under a restricted TAA (Tech
Asst. Agreement) but perhaps this would be good in a way as it would
force AMSAT-NA to focus on increasing membership of domestic U.S.
persons and build satellites that are designed using local talent
(implying educating U.S. youth using mature workforce). Also, ITAR now
implies unrestricted publication of data/articles for ITAR covered
subjects are also restricted, even for a TAA:

I quote: {please note, I am only copying, but do not know if this is
the current and valid version from congress ?}

Category XV--Spacecraft Systems and Associated Equipment

* (a) Spacecraft, including communications satellites, remote
sensing satellites, scientific satellites, research satellites,
navigation satellites, experimental and multi-mission satellites.

* Note to paragraph (a):
Commercial communications satellites, scientific satellites,
research satellites and experimental satellites are designated as SME
only when the equipment is intended for use by the armed forces of any
foreign country.

(b) Ground control stations for telemetry, tracking and control of
spacecraft or satellites, or employing any of the cryptographic items
controlled under category XIII of this subchapter.
(c) Global Positioning System (GPS) receiving equipment specifically
designed, modified or configured for military use; or GPS receiving
equipment with any of the following characteristics:
(1) Designed for encryption or decryption (e.g., Y-Code) of GPS
precise positioning service (PPS) signals;
(2) Designed for producing navigation results above 60,000 feet
altitude and at 1,000 knots velocity or greater;
(3) Specifically designed or modified for use with a null steering
antenna or including a null steering antenna designed to reduce or avoid
jamming signals;
(4) Designed or modified for use with unmanned air vehicle systems
capable of delivering at least a 500 kg payload to a range of at least
300 km.
Note: GPS receivers designed or modified for use with military
unmanned air vehicle systems 

[amsat-bb] Quite an update about Sumbandilasat...

2009-10-19 Thread Andrew Glasbrenner
posted at http://sumbandilamission.blogspot.com/ .

Congratulations to the SA-AMSAT team!

73, Drew KO4MA
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones


4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group full of whining little people who
think they could have designed it better or that it operates on the wrong band
or mode, and complaining loudly when the mission falls months or years behind
its original launch date. 

this is the one I always find amusing.  Almost comical and certainly childish.

Are the people who are suppose to be the experts in building state of the art 
satellites so thin skinned that a bulletin board
slows their progress?  LOL

If so then I suggest that they channel The Former First lady Nancy Reagan and 
"Just say no"  either stop building satellites and move on to something that 
wont be at all critical...or just tune out and stop reading.

It is the childhood equivalent of "he called me a name"


things are hard

Robert WB5MZO

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Rocky Jones


Why would they fly ballast on their rocket when they could have flown a ham

I didnt ask why.

Your list sounds a lot like my 10 year olds explaining why something didnt get 
done when they know that they should have done it.  Their first inclination 
(and that is a hallmark of childhood) is to try and blame someone or something 
elses.  .

Nothing in life is easy except inertia.  

Robert WB5MZO

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Bob McGwier
Bruce Robertson wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:31 PM,   wrote:
>> Hi Bob (N4HY)
>> Thanks for taking the time to ponder for the BB and me some of the twists
>> and turns
>> of ITAR issues.
>> I hope the BB apprecaites your time and effort.
>> Here are a few more questions?
> I have a further question, if I may, and Bob needn't feel obliged to answer 
> it.
>  Given that AMSAT-NA is by definition a collaboration between amateurs
> on both sides of the US/Canada border, do we have a clear idea where
> ITAR stands with respect to Canadian collaborators? I know that in
> 1999 the previous exemption was revoked, but that in 2001 there were
> some changes again.
> 73, Bruce
Working with Candians and discussing satellites is a deemed export and 
must be treated as a munition transfer even between Canadians and 
Americans.  We need a technical assistance agreement with our Canadian 
brethren in amateur satellite service work.  The tough part for this is 
that we really need to work out the technical assistance agreement with 
an umbrella organization for our Canadian colleagues to be legal or be 
granted a specific exemption or work out the agreements with 
individuals.  Since Canadians are members of AMSAT-NA what organization 
could easily serve this role?  What individual would do this on their 
own without an umbrella group over them?  You have to agree to go to a 
federal prison or pay a ridiculous fine if you violate this as an 
individual.  Who would expose themselves to this?

If I sound overly negative about ITAR that is simple.  I am truly  
negative about its application to amateur radio satellites with an open 
door and publication policy on what we are doing in a not-for-profit 
mode as a 501c3 educational organization.  If I were to work on a DOD 
satellite, I would expect to keep my mouth shut or go to prison.  I have 
no trouble at all distinguishing the difference.  ITAR and the amateur 
radio and amateur satellite services are confounded in paranoia built in 
a time when the Soviet Union existed and thank goodness those days are 
over.  But what has resulted is a new set of boogie men to take their 
place and it being even harder to see how amateur radio satellites 
contribute to their evil insidious plots against us!

I am unconvinced that even trying to stop commercial companies from 
discussing the technology used in their satellites for non-defense 
purposes serves a serious security need for the U.S. since I believe all 
of the serious potential adversaries on our radar have developed 
rockets, spacecraft, weaponized warheads on the rockets, and more and 
ITAR did NOTHING to prevent it except for a delaying action that allowed 
the potential adversaries to build their own independent means but for 
these purposes, getting the shackles off the ankles of amateur radio,  I 
don't care about this argument.  My primary argument is that it makes 
absolutely no sense to stop AMSAT-NA, AMSAT-UK,  and AMSAT-DL and 
AMSAT-ZL and AMSAT-VK . from talking things over to make rational 

More than one of these entities just mentioned is trapped in a dilemma 
for their programs posed by ITAR because we cannot help them without an 
onerous agreement they are unwilling to sign up to.


(Co)Author: DttSP, Quiktrak, PowerSDR, GnuRadio 
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
"You don't need to see the whole staircase, just
 take the first step.", MLK.
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[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Bob McGwier
Trevor . wrote:
> As was commented earlier ITAR certainly does makes it tricky when try to sell 
> something to an American customer who isn't allowed to tell you what they 
> want. 
> Am I right in thinking the penalty for a US citizen who incorrectly 
> interprets ITAR and inadvertantly breaches it can be a 4 figure fine or jail 
> term ?  

No.  It is six figures in many cases.  I know a tale.  I will NOT attest 
to its veracity since I was not there but I believe it.  Somewhere in 
the world associated with space and military we allowed (a) foreign 
national(s) to use our facilities to monitor one of their launches as 
they needed a world wide network for it and we were playing nice.  One 
of their nationals asked "May we put an antenna on that tower and cover 
this location for our hand held communications for coordination of our 
activities".  The question was answered.  The company that employed the 
person answering the question was fined in excess of $100,000 for 
answering the question as an ITAR violation because they aided the 
ground station support for the launch and that was a DEEMED export and 
not an approved one.

I was once told that it is simply impossible to follow ITAR to the 
letter and achieve any purpose.  What you do is negotiate a document of 
exceptions and reporting and call it a technical assistance agreement.  
Once that is approved you are allowed to communicate but heaven help you 
even if you inadvertently exceed the authority of that document.  I just 
cannot afford personally to take such risks especially after making a 
full mea culpa on those things which were done wrong before and being 
told "do not do this again or it will be tougher".
> I infer from previous comments on this list that ITAR also prevents detailed 
> discussion of an amateur satellite via an email list that is open to non-US 
> citizens and might also impact on a Wiki or articles written by US Nationals 
> in publications such as the AMSAT Journal.  
> 73 Trevor M5AKA 
One can only hope there is some sanity turned on amateur radio 
spacecraft in particular some day since we are not-for-profit and have 
education and international comity as our goals.


(Co)Author: DttSP, Quiktrak, PowerSDR, GnuRadio 
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
"You don't need to see the whole staircase, just
 take the first step.", MLK.
Active: Facebook,Myspace,LinkedIn

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Bob McGwier
k0...@juno.com wrote:
> Hi Bob (N4HY)
> Thanks for taking the time to ponder for the BB and me some of the twists
> and turns 
> of ITAR issues.
> I hope the BB apprecaites your time and effort.
> Here are a few more questions?
> 8.) How do exclusionary zones with in the US work as in the AO-40
> integration and shipping
>  zone, as it relates to ITAR?
These deal only with tariffs, taxation, etc.  As soon as you move a 
piece of electronics from outside any such zone into that zone with the 
purpose being to do any export or even a DEEMED export, it is covered.
> 9.) How does Amsat-NA insure ITAR security among it's own engineering
> staff?
After our MEA CULPA to the state department,  we are being instructed on 
how to comply and every person working with us will be subjected to the 
treatment, err uhh, training.
> 10.) Does the German Government have ITAR like laws for the AMSAT-DL
> folks to follow?
They have export control laws as do all governments.  Germans are by 
their nature (from my experience) rule abiding law followers and do not 
want to sign documents exposing themselves to onerous restrictions.  So 
far as I know,  they do not force foreign citizens (non-Germans) to sign 
a document that says for the purposes of the satellite exercise,  it 
doesn't matter where in the world you are, or even if it is illegal for 
you to sign such a document in your own country,  you will agree you are 
subject to German law.  The chutzpah involved in such a set of rules on 
our part is almost too much to wrap your mind around, especially applied 
to amateur radio satellites since these rules interfere with the purpose 
of amateur radio world wide.
> 11.) Are there any ITAR shipping limitation involved as to methods and
> ports?
I do not understand what this means.
> Global is getting to mean many things it would appear.
> Thanks you sir, when you get more spare time .
> Regards
> Joe Murray K0VTY

(Co)Author: DttSP, Quiktrak, PowerSDR, GnuRadio 
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
"You don't need to see the whole staircase, just
 take the first step.", MLK.
Active: Facebook,Myspace,LinkedIn

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Ken Ernandes
Dan -

Great points - especially #4 !!!

73, Ken Ernandes N2WWD

-Original Message-
>From: Daniel Schultz 
>Sent: Oct 18, 2009 11:51 PM
>To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
>Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch
>Someone wrote:
>>as I recall there were 50 some odd pounds of ballast launched with the
>>bad it wasnt an amateur repeater.
>>to bad we didnt have something to use that excess performance...they flew
>>ballast on the flight
>Why would they fly ballast on their rocket when they could have flown a ham
>1. Ballast does not need to be tested for Electromagnetic Compatibility or
>contamination of the primary payload. The Interface Control Document for a
>block of concrete can be exceedingly simple, with no need to pay a room full
>of engineers to review it for completeness and accuracy.
>2. Ballast does not need to have a separation interface tested and qualified,
>there is no chance of it coming loose inside the payload shroud during
>3. Ballast is certain to be ready in time for the launch date, without
>bringing another organization into the mix. There is no need to conduct a
>crash engineering program to design a satellite structure that will fit on the
>Atlas and then test and certify the satellite for compliance with the Atlas
>vibration and acoustic specifications.  
>4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group full of whining little people who
>think they could have designed it better or that it operates on the wrong band
>or mode, and complaining loudly when the mission falls months or years behind
>its original launch date. 
>If you were the Colonel in charge of the mission, you could not make a safer
>choice than launching a block of concrete ballast. A ham satellite is just a
>lot of additional risk and headache with no possible gain for you or your
>future career. 
>Somewhere in the world there may be an officer who is willing to take that
>risk. That is how Oscar-1 was launched in 1961. The challenge is to find that
>person and nurture a relationship with him or her. If they are reading the
>comments on Amsat-BB they are probably thinking "there is no way I would ever
>want to have a relationship with that wacky organization"
>Dan Schultz N8FGV
>Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch

2009-10-19 Thread Ken Ernandes
Dan -

Great points - especially #4 !!!

73, Ken Ernandes N2WWD

-Original Message-
>From: Daniel Schultz 
>Sent: Oct 18, 2009 11:51 PM
>To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
>Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch
>Someone wrote:
>>as I recall there were 50 some odd pounds of ballast launched with the
>>bad it wasnt an amateur repeater.
>>to bad we didnt have something to use that excess performance...they flew
>>ballast on the flight
>Why would they fly ballast on their rocket when they could have flown a ham
>1. Ballast does not need to be tested for Electromagnetic Compatibility or
>contamination of the primary payload. The Interface Control Document for a
>block of concrete can be exceedingly simple, with no need to pay a room full
>of engineers to review it for completeness and accuracy.
>2. Ballast does not need to have a separation interface tested and qualified,
>there is no chance of it coming loose inside the payload shroud during
>3. Ballast is certain to be ready in time for the launch date, without
>bringing another organization into the mix. There is no need to conduct a
>crash engineering program to design a satellite structure that will fit on the
>Atlas and then test and certify the satellite for compliance with the Atlas
>vibration and acoustic specifications.  
>4. Ballast does not have an e-mail group full of whining little people who
>think they could have designed it better or that it operates on the wrong band
>or mode, and complaining loudly when the mission falls months or years behind
>its original launch date. 
>If you were the Colonel in charge of the mission, you could not make a safer
>choice than launching a block of concrete ballast. A ham satellite is just a
>lot of additional risk and headache with no possible gain for you or your
>future career. 
>Somewhere in the world there may be an officer who is willing to take that
>risk. That is how Oscar-1 was launched in 1961. The challenge is to find that
>person and nurture a relationship with him or her. If they are reading the
>comments on Amsat-BB they are probably thinking "there is no way I would ever
>want to have a relationship with that wacky organization"
>Dan Schultz N8FGV
>Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Bruce Robertson
Thank-you, Daniel for this helpful reply. Your 'diode' analogy was excellent.

Using the links provided by Samudra above, I was able to find some
parts of ITAR that exempt Canada. Specifically, 126.5(b), which in
turn has restrictions on *it* in the following passages. One of these
restrictions is on "all spacecraft in category XV(a) except commercial
satellites". This is a bit frustrating, since it seems likely that the
regulation means by 'commercial satellites' 'satellites with no
national security implications'; but for we amateurs, if we read the
letter of the law, 'commercial' excludes us as an apparent

I fully admit that I might have misunderstood the regulations, since
they are, quite appropriately, written in a particular sub-dialect of
legal language. Obviously any speculation on this list is no
substitution for the professional opinion of a lawyer.

Finally, let me say that I really appreciate the board tackling this
issue so directly. It must seem pretty tangential to the corp's larger
project, and I know if I were in their shoes I'd find it rather
frustrating work.

73, Bruce

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Daniel Kekez  wrote:
> Bruce Robertson wrote:
>>  Given that AMSAT-NA is by definition a collaboration between amateurs
>> on both sides of the US/Canada border, do we have a clear idea where
>> ITAR stands with respect to Canadian collaborators? I know that in
>> 1999 the previous exemption was revoked, but that in 2001 there were
>> some changes again.
> To the best of my knowledge, Canada holds no special status with regard
> to ITAR.
> Consider ITAR to be a "goods and information diode": Canada can sell
> space technology to an American company and can provide information.
> However, the American company cannot describe their application in
> detail or send any information North of the border without a Technical
> Assistance Agreement in place between the particular organizations. And
> US export permits are needed to send space technology to Canada.
> Furthermore, if a Canadian company wishes to use US technology on a
> Canadian satellite and then launch with foreign launcher, the country
> from which the launch takes place must also be specified (and approved)
> on the US Export Permit. The US State department must be satisfied that
> all precautions are being taken to protect the technology when it is in
> a foreign country.
> Canada does have its own restrictions for space technology under the
> Controlled Goods Program legislated by the Defence Production Act. And
> export permits are needed when sending space technology outside of the
> country. The process, however, is far less onerous than ITAR. Details on
> the Canadian system can be found at
> http://www.ssi-iss.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/dmc-cgd/apropos-about/apercu-overview-eng.html
> 73,
> -Daniel, VA3KKZ

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: ao7 hand held ants//amsat listening

2009-10-19 Thread paul robinson
Hi guys thanks for responding and i fully understand whats involvedbut from 
a sat opp point of view it would be nice if we could manage one bird like a07 
...that is its hight? and transponder ever 25 years? or so...?? and not have to 
rely on 25 year old tech...that works and works well...im a big beleaver 
...keep it simple it works and lasts
Thanks for all ur hard work and im sure im not alone in saying keep up the good 
work and lets hope a ride comes along to for fill our needs..so we can keep 
this great part of the hobby on going! de paul ..raining in scotland

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: ITAR is interesting to me

2009-10-19 Thread Trevor .
As was commented earlier ITAR certainly does makes it tricky when try to sell 
something to an American customer who isn't allowed to tell you what they want. 

Am I right in thinking the penalty for a US citizen who incorrectly interprets 
ITAR and inadvertantly breaches it can be a 4 figure fine or jail term ?  

I infer from previous comments on this list that ITAR also prevents detailed 
discussion of an amateur satellite via an email list that is open to non-US 
citizens and might also impact on a Wiki or articles written by US Nationals in 
publications such as the AMSAT Journal.  

73 Trevor M5AKA 


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Cheap CP 2.4 ghz antenna?

2009-10-19 Thread John Melton
Hi Greg,

I have used a quad patch Wi-Fi antenna, hand pointed, with great results 
  on AO-51 mode S.

-- John g0orx/n6lyt

On 10/18/09 23:12, Greg D. wrote:
> Hi folks,
> So I have a pair of 14 dbi flat panel "Wi-Fi" antennas, complete with pigtail 
> and N connector.  I assume they're linearly polarized.  Satellite downlinks 
> really ought to be circular, if possible.
> For satellite use, could I simply mount the two on my Az/El rotor boom, with 
> one rotated 90-degrees from the other, and with a 1.23 inch shim behind it 
> (for the 1/4 wave offset, if I did the math right), then combine the two 
> antennas with a simple "T" connector?  The impedance would be wrong, but for 
> Rx only, probably irrelevant.  I'd be feeding it into a Kuhne preamp, and 
> from there to the Drake downconverter.
> As a receive setup for the likes of AO-40, this probably wouldn't be all that 
> good.  My 30" screened BBQ Grill with helix feed, after all, was barely up to 
> the job.  But for AO-51's V/US mode, I'd think it would be fine, offer a 
> whole lot less wind resistance, and weigh a whole lot less too.
> Since AO-51's 2.4 ghz antenna is linearly polarized, it probably doesn't 
> matter whether the result is left-hand or right-hand polarized, so it doesn't 
> matter that I forget which "hand" rule to use for figuring it out...
> I've also heard that these panel antennas may have great numerical gain, but 
> also have a lot of loss (cheap PC board materials), so maybe this isn't too 
> good of an idea.  What do you think?
> Greg  KO6TH
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