Re: [amsat-bb] AO-73 Telemetry Question

2014-08-12 Thread Jerry Buxton


I recall in conversation with one of our Fox Team who was using an SDR 
application that MIGHT have been HDSDR, that the I-Q can be inverted.  I 
don't know if it's a setting or what, I don't use HDSDR software and as 
I said I'm not sure he was using HDSDR.  But it might be worth a look to 
see if you have such an option and switch it to see what happens.

Jerry Buxton, NØJY

On 8/12/2014 4:18 PM, Thomas Doyle wrote:


Recorded an AO-73 telemetry pass (RF recording)  this morning with HDSDR.
Later fed it from HDSDR into the sound card and then to the FCD Dashboard
(see pic). It appears the signal is making it to the Dashboard but nothing
seems to happen. I tired (Auto Tune) on/off, and narrowing the bandwidth of
the HDSDR filter to better match the bw of the signal but still nothing. It
does seem to lock on to the (Detected Frequency 2262 Hz) but that's about
all it does. The Dashboard is brilliant and I would like to get it working.

Due to deed restrictions no outside antennas are allowed so the signal is
not that strong here (about 5dB above the noise) and it might never work
from here. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Any suggestions that we
move to a new neighborhood that allows outside antennas will be forwarded
to my wife :-)

Tnx W9KE Tom Doyle
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Re: [amsat-bb] I want this. I want that. Here comes another FM LEO sat.

2014-07-22 Thread Jerry Buxton

On 7/22/2014 9:21 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:

Off the top of my head:

AO-51 - Battery failure (Problem fixed in Fox series - shorted
batteries will be cut loose from the circuit and the satellite will
operate when in the sun)
This is an original conops for Fox-1 that did not make it to reality.  
In fact this requirement was removed over a year ago because it could 
not be suitably implemented to fit in the space available on the PCB.  
You see, at that time new inhibit requirements that were received from 
the launch providers caused us to have to re-engineer the battery 
board.  Moving the battery fail feature to another board was not 
possible because we could not afford to be redesigning the whole 
satellite, moving things around from each board to another to find room, 
in the time left to delivery (at that point the launch had not yet 
slipped to 2015 and we were due to deliver in March 2014).  The choice 
had to be made to cut the battery fail protection from the battery board 
in order to incorporate the inhibits, to make the launch.
The removal of this feature was brought forth at the Symposium last 
year, but the tale lives on.  Yes, it was an outstanding feature but as 
has been pointed out in some of the other emails going on right now, 
there is a real limit to what we can fit in a 1U CubeSat and in the time 
and under the provisions allowed by our rideshare.

Don't think it didn't get cut without a fight! :-)

The Fox-1A Engineering Unit is sitting on the official AMSAT test table 
in my shack right now, having arrived FedEx this morning after some time 
in the shop for fixes to hardware that we found in the first round of 
EU testing and having a new IHU all installed.  I'm getting ready to 
load new software with the latest DSP and flight features.  Stay tuned...

Jerry Buxton, NØJY

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Re: [amsat-bb] ANS-199 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin - AMSAT Fox-1C Launch Opportunity Announced

2014-07-19 Thread Jerry Buxton

On 7/19/2014 3:24 PM, Phil Karn wrote:

However, the Fox-1A, Fox-1B, Fox-1C, and Fox-1D satellites will
eventually lead to the Fox-2 series of satellites.

I've been hearing that for years, so please forgive my skepticism. Tony
AA2TX himself told me that the analog Fox-1 would be followed by the
digital Fox-2. Now we have Fox-1B, Fox-1C, etc, that will also be
analog. Forgive me if I feel a little like Achilles racing the tortoise.
Ah, but the plan always was to build four of the Fox-1 series, which is 
a series of FM analog transponders.  Initially, one had a launch and the 
other three would be ready to fly if other opportunities came up.  If 
you're going to spend the time developing them, why not partner for free 
launches (ELaNa) for more than one?  The opportunities for an FM 
transponder and educational outreach are good.  I still have 
universities looking to partner.

Look at it this way... we are clearing the shelves with 3 out of 4 of 
the intended Fox-1 going to orbit, that really means that we can pretty 
much call it a day with Fox-1 and move on to Fox-2 now.  We will build 
them all and be done with them all by next May.  There will be more than 
one flying soon, so that we can learn how well they work and apply those 
lessons to Fox-2 while we're working out the design.  It's only the 

Jerry Buxton, NØJY

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Re: [amsat-bb] ANS-199 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin - AMSAT Fox-1C Launch Opportunity Announced

2014-07-19 Thread Jerry Buxton

On 7/19/2014 4:50 PM, Phil Karn wrote:

Ah, because launches are scarce and expensive, and (re)developing even
the same old thing consumes much of AMSAT's limited resources. And
they're limited because we have yet to interest more than a tiny niche
in what we're doing.

But you arguing about something that has already happened.  That makes 
no sense.
Arguing for doing something different, as you also did just a bit ago 
today, makes sense.
Why did the U.S. go back to the moon so many times?  I don't know. But 
we did, and that is done.  You could argue now that it had been done 
before, why did we do it over and over, it was the same old thing.  That 
doesn't change the facts.

There is an audience for these FM satellites.

It's great to have universities looking to partner, but what do they
bring to the table, really? Are we sure they're not just looking for
free spectrum?
Both universities that I am working with are building amateur radio 
ground stations and interesting the students in becoming hams.  We all 
benefit from that.  And some other universities want to fly an ADAC 
system.  We may benefit from that on Fox-2.

one flying soon, so that we can learn how well they work and apply those
lessons to Fox-2 while we're working out the design.

We already know how well they'll work because we've done the same thing
many times before. I hate to say it, but this is no longer rocket
science. The physics is well understood, and those same physics tell us
how we could accomplish so much more with our (currently) limited resources.
We have already learned a great deal from an engineering process 
perspective, as well as about cramming a lot into a little cubesat. Not 
rocket science, but certainly for a large all volunteer group a valuable 
step toward what it will take to build something more complex.  I think 
you over estimate the ability of an all-volunteer workforce, in terms of 
churning out satellites akin to how a business does it.  Amateur radio 
is a hobby!

You see lemons.  I see lemonade.  But by all means, let's go for pink 
lemonade and keep on talking about Fox-2 opportunities while people 
enjoy what we have already done with the Fox-1 series!

Jerry Buxton, NØJY

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Re: [amsat-bb] The ERP Blues

2014-06-07 Thread Jerry Buxton

Then the instrumental break LEILA (AO-40) from Eric Clapton...

Got me on the QRP, LEILA
I'm beggin' darling please, LEILA
Darling won't you ease my ERP?


On 6/7/2014 2:02 PM, Mike Sprenger wrote:


Nobody loves me but AO-07
...and She could be jiving me too


On Jun 7, 2014, at 8:12 AM, JoAnne Maenpaa wrote:

The ERP Blues by W5PFG

Excellent indeed! I'm reminded of the fellow who was driving to a
hamfest when a wheel fell off his car. He sang, You Picked a Fine
Time to Leave Me Loose Wheel. (With apologies to Kenny Rogers)

73 de JoAnne K9JKM

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[amsat-bb] lituansat-1 sat

2014-06-06 Thread Jerry Ehlers
  HI;  I use Nova for tracking the birds .
Does anyone know why my Nova doesn,t show the Lituancasat-1
with the
catalog number  39569 Nova shows  39570 not 569 . Why??
   Please contact me by direct e -mail
   Jerry w0sat
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Re: [amsat-bb] Fox on ARRL website

2014-05-28 Thread Jerry Buxton

Hi Trevor,

The Fox-1 series will support High Speed (up to 9600) downlink.  For the 
Fox-1 we're launching next year, that means that the images from the 
Virginia Tech camera experiment will be downlinked on the high speed 
because of their size, and the high speed will also include the same 
telemetry that the Slow Speed telemetry (sub-audible data under 
transponder operations) conveys.
The High Speed mode must be commanded and will be activated by the AMSAT 
Operations Team for periods up to 24 hours.  Normally the satellite will 
run in the transponder/Slow Speed data mode.
The High Speed mode was designed to be experimental, and the Virginia 
Tech camera will take advantage of it.
The plan is for Fox-1 Series satellites to be able to support our 
partner's experiments which may require high speed telemetry or data 
downlink, and in such future cases if the experiment requires high speed 
all of the time then when the experiment has completed its mission we 
would turn the satellite back to transponder/slow speed telemetry.


On 5/28/2014 2:31 PM, M5AKA wrote:

The ARRL report on the Fox CubeSat at

One thing that surprised me in the article was when they said

The Phase 1 CubeSats also can handle high-speed digital communications.

My understanding had been that Fox Phase 1 would be low data rate and it would 
only be the Fox Phase 2 satellites that would support a high date rate ( 19200 
kbs ?)

Have I misunderstood ?

73 Trevor M5AKA
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Re: [amsat-bb] Appearing on

2014-05-26 Thread Jerry Buxton
I back Bob on this.  Unless you live in the sticks, and possibly even 
then it's not like there's no way to get your location on the internet 
via APRS without going through the ISS a few times a day. I have tried 
keyboard contacts via ISS, it's like calling CQ on a dead 10 meters at 
midnight most of the time.  At least the interference to that is less 
now with the lesser beacon activity. But there are so much better things 
to do with ISS than just add another digipeater to your unattended APRS 
beacon.  Maybe you do it a couple of times to prove that you can, but 
things like MAREA or yet to be thought of things seem much more an 
advancement of the art.


On 5/26/2014 10:58 AM, Robert Bruninga wrote:

The beacon while-unattended into a very valuable limited channel such as
the ISS and PCSAT digipeaters are disappointing to me.  The purpose of the
APRS digipeaters in space are for humans to contact humans, or for the rare
-out-in-the-atlantic or Pacific lone traveler or experiment.

The unattended beacons are intereference to that mission and are not

Bob, WB4aPR

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Re: [amsat-bb] NASA.all download from SatPC32

2014-05-26 Thread Jerry Buxton


(Just change www to ww2)


On 5/27/2014 12:33 AM, Tom Schuessler wrote:

To whom it may apply;

Is there something wrong with the AMSAT web site which is the repository for
the NASA.all Orbital Elements file?  In SatPC32 and via a web browser, the
URL will fail.

Tom Schuessler
2713 Lake Gardens Drive
Irving, Texas  75060
214-403-1464 (Cell)

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Re: [amsat-bb] NASA.all download from SatPC32

2014-05-26 Thread Jerry Buxton
Please forgive the typo amsat not amst there.  Here's the whole thing 
the right way, this time!


On 5/27/2014 12:49 AM, Jerry Buxton wrote:


(Just change www to ww2)


On 5/27/2014 12:33 AM, Tom Schuessler wrote:

To whom it may apply;

Is there something wrong with the AMSAT web site which is the 
repository for
the NASA.all Orbital Elements file?  In SatPC32 and via a web 
browser, the

URL will fail.

Tom Schuessler
2713 Lake Gardens Drive
Irving, Texas  75060
214-403-1464 (Cell)

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[amsat-bb] Keps

2014-05-08 Thread jerry keeton
I use the page to update Keps on satpc32 , but has not connected for 
several days . Problem with site or Me ? Other update sites work , but not 
accurate .
Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] keps

2014-05-08 Thread jerry keeton
Thanks Guys , Update working great . Now if You could help with the atmospheric 
conditions , please . Noisey here in Louisiana .

73's  WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Re: Fox-1 launch delay

2014-05-06 Thread Jerry Buxton

Hi Nick,

You did not miss anything, the information you read in the Journal is as 
new to you as it is to us.  It was learned at the time Barry was writing 
his Apogee View in March but due to Tony's illness and passing the 
Journal issue was delayed a week or two in order to include the 
information about Tony.  That then, slightly delayed the delivery of 
this news about the launch delay.

I will talk about it at Dayton.  See you there!



On 5/6/2014 9:35 AM, wrote:

Perhaps I missed this information earlier someplace else, but reading in the 
March/April 2014 AMSAT Journal just received yesterday, I note in Barry Baines 
column, Apogee View, that the launch date for the ELaNa-12 group of satellites, 
which includes Fox-1, has been re-scheduled from December, 2014 to August 2015 
due to changing govermental priorities. Barry points out, that while AMSAT is 
dissappointed in the launch schedule slippage, it will result in more time to 
to complete and test the satellite prior to delivery and allow greater 
confidence in the spacecraft's readiness.

Reading further, it also appears the possibility exists FOX-1 might get moved 
to the ELaNa-11 mission currently scheduled for March/April 2015. ELaNa-11 is 
projected for a slightly different orbit, resulting in a lower apogee and 
shorter orbital life.

More news may be available at the AMSAT forum in Dayton later this month.

73, Nick, KB1RVT

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[amsat-bb] Re: Fox-1 launch delay

2014-05-06 Thread Jerry Buxton

Hi Paul,

From the Fox-1 Team, thanks for the support and well wishes.  We're 
working hard to fulfill everyone's expectations!

I will have additional information about the launch opportunities, at 
the AMSAT forum in Dayton.


On 5/6/2014 11:19 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:

My thoughts regarding the two launch possibilities:

I hope that, if given the choice, that AMSAT sticks with ELaNa-12. The
11 year orbit and 780 km apogee is much better than an apogee in the
600 km range and a 6.5 year orbital life. Given that Fox-1 is the
first amateur satellite designed for it's batteries to eventually die,
we should give it the opportunity! Also, since it's so hard to get a
launch these days, it's best that when we do get a launch, it can stay
in orbit for as long as possible.

And for everyone waiting for a new FM satellite who is disappointed by
the delay: The good news is that we should get a new Mode U/V FM
satellite at approximately the same time Fox-1 was supposed to launch.
The QB50p2 satellite is scheduled for launch on June 19th with an
AMSAT-F U/V FM transponder on board. After six months, the satellite
is supposed to be turned over for amateur use, if all goes well.

Regardless of what happens, best of luck to everyone working on the
Fox program. I am making a small recurring monthly contribution to the
program and I hope that everyone who is able to do so provides
whatever support they can.


Paul, N8HM

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[amsat-bb] Re: N American Satellite Activity UP

2014-03-29 Thread Jerry Buxton
When Fox-1 is completed, the whole design kit and kaboodle will be 
published to shed the ITAR shroud (as we have done with what has been 
developed as we go along, in the AMSAT-NA Space Symposium Proceedings) 
and anyone who wants to build one can use it or adapt it (hopefully 
keeping the ham transponder!) for their CubeSat RF design and fly it 
in/from/for another country with their experiments.  The idea being as 
JoAnne said, the radio part is proven and provides a platform so they 
can concentrate on their experiments and build a CubeSat that handily 
just happens to contain a transponder for hams during, or when they are 
done with, their experiments.
Of course if ITAR restrictions are eased or removed, then AMSAT-NA could 
collaborate with other countries as well and incorporate their 
experiments as we are doing with our U.S. partners now.


On 3/28/2014 8:31 PM, JoAnne Maenpaa wrote:

Hi Bernhard,

Now if I could only convince them to include a
transponder for us hams ...

FUNcube boards and the AMSAT-NA Fox-1 boards include the capability to
transmit telemetry data modes and support a voice transponder. Not
sure what ITAR issues prevent Fox-1 boards being used in other
country's satellites.

The Fox-1 boards supply the avionics radio half of the satellite
leaving the students to concentrate on designing their scientific
payload. Fox boards have a documented interface for experimenters to

FUNcube switches between ham voice/cw modes and full power telemetry.
Fox-1 boards would provide the capability to support both voice and
low-rate telemetry stream simultaneously or switch to a high speed
data link with no voice.

73 de JoAnne K9JKM
Editor, AMSAT Journal

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[amsat-bb] ZACUBE

2014-03-16 Thread jerry keeton
Just before ZACUBE-01 reaches its' apex , I hear a signal that sounds like 
pactor . That is on 14.099 . Never seem to find the correct software for 
decoding . Just wondering if that is zacube since I hear it on every pass ?

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Fwd: rotors

2014-01-19 Thread Jerry Ehlers
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM
Subject: rotors

   I have a good working 5400B control box and  the azimuth and elevation
  that need repairs all for $250.00 payment US postal money order
plus shipping in lower 48 only.
 Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] Fwd: rotors

2014-01-19 Thread Jerry Ehlers
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Fwd: rotors

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM
Subject: rotors

   I have a good working 5400B control box and  the azimuth and elevation
  that need repairs all for $250.00 payment US postal money order
plus shipping in lower 48 only.
 Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] Fwd: rotors

2014-01-19 Thread Jerry Ehlers
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: rotors

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Fwd: rotors

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM
Subject: rotors

   I have a good working 5400B control box and  the azimuth and elevation
  that need repairs all for $250.00 payment US postal money order
plus shipping in lower 48 only.
 Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] rotors

2014-01-18 Thread Jerry Ehlers
   I have a good working 5400B control box and  the azimuth and elevation
  that need repairs all for $250.00 payment US postal money order
plus shipping in lower 48 only.
 Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] BPSK

2013-12-02 Thread jerry keeton
What software program is used to capture  bpsk ? I see there are several of 
the just launched satellites that are send data 1200 BPSK .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] keps

2013-11-25 Thread Jerry Ehlers
Is the keps available in the AMSAT Format not  the 2 line for
AO-73 ???
  Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] Nova for AO-73

2013-11-25 Thread Jerry Ehlers
 Can anyone help get me get AO-73 on my Nova???
  I have put the Keps in but it says its the wrong catalog
contact  me off line
Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] Fwd: linear sats

2013-11-20 Thread Jerry Ehlers
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jerry Ehlers
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:40 AM
Subject: linear sats
To: amsat...@amsat.og

  Hi: How many of these new  birds that were launched or going to
be are
linear birds ?
  What are the modes and when will they be in service. ???
I,m not interested in Cubesats .
   Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] free rides

2013-09-13 Thread jerry keeton
I drove a bucket truck during My last few years at work . Had a wren build a 
nest in the boom one year . She would hide out during the day while We were on 
the jobsite and would return in the evenings when We parked the truck . The 
eggs hatched and all was well . I was amazed they actually survived .

Jerry Keeton WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Satellite LookDown Software

2013-07-04 Thread Jerry
I was fooling around today and tried to download the v1.25 version of 
Satellite Lookdown (I had use the v1.0 before just fine).  When I 
unzipped the files and clicked on the .exe file all I getnow don't 
laughis a sound of someone knocking!
I just can't find what I'm doing wrong.  The author has no email address 
that I can find, so I'm hoping someone here can provide some assistance.

Tnx  73
Jerry France
Lake Havasu City, AZ
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[amsat-bb] Re: Satellite LookDown Software

2013-07-04 Thread Jerry
BTW...I forgot to add this to the msg below.  I am running W7/64/w Net4 
installed.  The v1.0 ran just fine, but unfortunately I cannot find that 
older version now.

Many tnx

On 7/4/2013 4:25 PM, Jerry wrote:
I was fooling around today and tried to download the v1.25 version of 
Satellite Lookdown (I had use the v1.0 before just fine).  When I 
unzipped the files and clicked on the .exe file all I getnow don't 
laughis a sound of someone knocking!
I just can't find what I'm doing wrong.  The author has no email 
address that I can find, so I'm hoping someone here can provide some 

Tnx  73
Jerry France
Lake Havasu City, AZ
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[amsat-bb] packet and ISS

2013-05-27 Thread jerry keeton
If You use UISS software for packet , You can click on the  help  option in 
the top menu line and then click on stations heard via IGATE . this will show 
if and when the packet was last active and also the call sign .
Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] objects

2012-10-08 Thread jerry keeton
Does anyone have the Frequencies to match the  objects  recently added to 
tracking on satPC 32  ?

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] sstv

2012-09-08 Thread jerry keeton
I have in the past received as many as 2 images from seeds II on one pass . 
Don't know if it's still operational or not .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] for sale

2012-09-07 Thread Jerry Ehlers
Hi: i have some transverters for sale.

  1- Spectrum  International  Model  MMV 1296
  in the box with paper works
 asking   $125.00 or offers

  1-SSB linear power amplifier model 2310
   500to 700 MV output 10 watts
This is in the box too.asking  $150.00
  or offer
   Will ship in lower 48 states only.
  Thank you
Jerry w0sat
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[amsat-bb] delphi

2012-03-14 Thread jerry keeton
Delphi 64

I continue to try to capture telemetry from DO 64 but as yet have not been 
successful . Using Rascal software and 2M FM . Get good reception and the  
sync  light flashes on and off , but I have never recieved a packet . Do I 
need sideband radio ? Can't figure why I don't recieve packets .
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[amsat-bb] Delphi

2012-03-14 Thread jerry keeton
Thanks for the replies , My suspicions confirmed . Thought it sounded a little 
off frequency .

73's WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] HamSatDroid

2012-02-08 Thread jerry keeton
I have a Motorola Milestone , just updated to version 8.0 . Both worked very 
well . Only thing
I would like to see added would be Beacon Frequiencies fo each satellite . 
Thanks Guys for a great APP.
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[amsat-bb] Re: sat prog

2012-01-25 Thread Jerry

What's the best for W7/64?
Jerry France
Lake Havasu City, AZ

On 1/25/2012 11:56 AM, Thomas Doyle wrote:

You can't go wrong with SatPC32. The best thing about the program is Erich
Eichmann DK1TB. He donates all the proceeds from your purchase to AMSAT. He
also provides the BEST customer support of any thing I have ever seen in
the software field. He should at the very least get a satellite named after

73 W9KE tom ...

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:05 AM, alan  wrote:

whats the newer or best satellite tracking program for win xp and or vista
32 bit?
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[amsat-bb] pc sat

2012-01-12 Thread jerry keeton
are attempts still in the works for restoring pcsat ? Just came over and seen 
echo s from command-1  A couple other calls as well .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] ISS Packet

2011-11-25 Thread jerry keeton
The active ISS Packet is on 437.550 MHZ. Not much activity as yet . I copied it 
on a couple passes.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] satellite traffic

2011-10-24 Thread jerry keeton
I have at times patiently awaited the pass of the ISS to work a different 
packet station only to miss the opportunity by the repeater being busy the 
entire pass by trying to deliver BBS mailbox messages to someone and that 
station never retrieves his mail . It's just one of those things We endure . I 
have been calling 2   HF traffic nets for several years and have attempted to 
pass traffic to someone in the same town as the message is to be passed to , 
only to have that station deny taking that traffic . Why would anyone check in 
to a traffic net and then refuse to handle local traffic ? Sometimes I just 
don't get it , but We hang in there regardless . 73's

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] oscar 17

2011-10-08 Thread jerry keeton
I heard the packets also , checked the sats path and found NO-44 was passing . 
Don't remember the time , but a strong signal for NO-44 .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] uars satellite

2011-09-18 Thread jerry keeton
Anyone tracking the failed satellite re entry ? Any keps ? 

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] fast 1 and fast2

2011-09-15 Thread jerry keeton
With Fast 1 and Fast 2 being so far apart , are they still able to communicate 
with each other ?
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[amsat-bb] Fast 2

2011-09-07 Thread jerry keeton
(P 22:40 FAST2BEACONUI,?,F0 (1200 baud):
F21001633 38263.461363903952.94 -3773326.54 +4430538.23+0.0+0.0 
   +0.0+1372283286 017 017 014 018 027

09/07/2011  2240Z

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] FO-70

2011-09-02 Thread jerry keeton
Fast 2 beacon09 02 2011   00:01 Z

23:59 FAST2BEACONUI,?,F0 (1200 baud):
F21001633 38263.461363903952.94 -3773326.54 +4430538.23+0.0+0.0 
   +0.0+1334283286 033 024 030 031 034
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[amsat-bb] Re: [suitsat2] ARISSat-1 Transmissions over North America Thursday PM

2011-08-19 Thread Jerry Zdenek
Do we know which callsigns were sent out over CW?  There's a limited set 
of 32 CW Ids that are sent when the SD card is not available.  Also, did 
we get any of the stock SSTV images?

Are we still seeing this?  I pulled the one of the latest STP files 
(201108182126711), and it's indicating that call signs are being sent 
from the SD card currently, and the MET is 1h 7s.

I didn't instrument the FM mission enough to be able to tell from the 
telemetry stream if it's getting more from the SD card or not, 


On 8/18/2011 6:33 PM, Gould Smith wrote:

During the 2320Z pass of ARISSat-1 over North America this evening a
number of changes to the 2m FM transmissions were noted.
1) Male voice for telemetry means that the female voice files on the SD
card could not be read
2) No greetings, mean that the greetings stored on the SD card could not
be read.
4) MET of 2M while the satellite was still in a long period of sunlight
- satellite must have reset during sunlight
4) FM transmissions consisted of voice ID, male telemetry and SSTV image
in rotation
Please send your BPSK telemetry into the server.
Gould, WA4SXM

suitsat2 mailing list

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[amsat-bb] KB1GVR

2011-08-17 Thread jerry keeton
I think Mark was My first 2 way packet contact on ISS and also NO 44 . Thought 
I had a qsl card from Him but can't find it . He was one of the few that could 
reach NO-44 when no one else was getting there . Miss You on the birds Mark .

Congrats Kevin , not much traffic on NO-44 ( w3ado-1 ) I guess because it's so 
hard to reach . Will look for You there.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] eclipse

2011-08-09 Thread jerry keeton
You can get an idea of how close to eclipse a satellite is by watching Delphi 
tonight as it approaches daylight . It is solar only and will power up just 
before aos shadow reaches the daylight line on Satpc32 tracker . Interesting to 

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] transponder ?

2011-08-04 Thread jerry keeton
I recall the actual birthplace of ARISsat-1 was SuitSat-2 . I may be mistaken. 
However after following the progress , I never recall it's intentions of being 
a SSB Transponder . It seems the two ssb birds that are in orbit and useable do 
not get near the traffic the FM birds get . There is only one digital sat 
working which sees a lot of traffic . I enjoy the digital birds much more than 
listening to rag chew on voice . There is always HF and VHF repeaters for 
ragchewing . I really would prefer a digipeater on the Lunar surface . And 
someone could set up a link from the in orbit sats so We could skip from RS0ISS 
to other satellites . But I applaud the crew that built ARISsat , it would have 
been one great machine for the entire Ham community.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] gps accuracy

2011-08-03 Thread jerry keeton
In regaurds to gps accuracy , You must remember to give the unit sufficient 
time to update the correct coordinates . Usually takes one minute of stationery 
movement to get the correctly display . While searching for survey corners , I 
was actually walking past or over monuments because the gps unit was not 
keeping up with My steps . If You are trying to confirm four courners , It's 
going to take You several minutes to correctly confirm 4 different coordinates 
. Just a thought .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] weather sats

2011-07-15 Thread jerry
basic software is FreeWare .Frequency range is 137 MHZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat

2011-07-07 Thread jerry keeton
Thanks for the reply Peter,

I am  not a school teacher . lol  I have a mere setup for a satellite 
station , FM only . I would not attempt to set up a portable station for a 
classroom event and expect to recieve
any of the downlinks We look forward to from ARISSAT . I have only downloaded 2 
or 3 sstv pictures from Seeds 2 . That is with My controlled antenna and FM 
station . Is it so easy to receive sstv from Seeds ? I hear it and hear a good 
signal , but don't copy the pic very successfully . I think it will be the same 
power output that is from Seeds .? 500mw?  I will be listening , but still have 
My doubts.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-07-06 Thread jerry
After years of anticipating the launch of SuitSat-2 and then ARISSat-1 , I for 
one have lost My interest in it. I think even with peak performance , it will 
take a class a ground station to hear any of the formats We're expecting . 
Definitely not a school project . I hope it proves Me wrong .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Re: CA Ham Plates - Warning!

2011-06-29 Thread Jerry
Same here in Arizona, but I don't mind paying the little extra fee.  I'm 
proud of my amateur status.  Of course, some hams are just plain cheap!
Jerry France
Lake Havasu City, AZ

On 6/29/2011 2:49 PM, Tony Langdon wrote:
 At 03:57 AM 6/30/2011, w4upd wrote:
 This is already the case in Florida. The Amateur tag is listed as a
 vanity plate and you are charged accordingly. This state has hundreds of
 vanity plates.
 It's the same down here, amateur plates are a special category of
 vanity plates, and attract a vanity fee.

 73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Board political opinion

2011-06-29 Thread Jerry
Atta boy Ted!

On 6/29/2011 2:41 PM, Ted wrote:
 And AMSAT is not the place to debate politics. His comments were a public
 insult. And THAT is my opinion. Maybe you two are too young to remember who
 saved Europe's ass 5 years ago

 -Original Message-
 From: Nigel A. Gunn []
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 2:26 PM
 To: Ted
 Cc: 'Gordon JC Pearce';
 Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] AMSAT Board  political opinion

 As, for decades, the US government has seen fit to force itself upon any
 country with which it doesn't agree, anyone, anywhere has a right to an
 opinion, even if it doesn't suit you.

 I don't agree with Gordon most of the time but he has a right.

 On 29/06/11 22:11, Ted wrote:
Also,your 'opinion' on our country is of very little interest to me.


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[amsat-bb] sat for emergencies

2011-06-28 Thread jerry keeton
Actually the net control station would only have to confirm each station 
calling.Station info passed when calling and net control confirms station info 
. Much more organized than 50 operators calling 50 other operators. Checking 
into a net is very organized . I can't see where it would be a waste of time. 
Guess I'm dense.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Face Book ?

2011-06-28 Thread jerry keeton
Do We have an AMSAT NA face book page ? sure would be an easier forum than e 
mailing back and fourth. lol

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] (no subject)

2011-06-28 Thread jerry
I can see where a bbs mailbox would be of help during an emergency . That way a 
complete message could be passed . 

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Field Day

2011-06-27 Thread jerry keeton
My take on the field day sats:

Why not some one on the East Coast and some one on the West Coast volunteer to 
operate as a net . That way there would not be the 2 way confusion . A net 
control could confirm the contacts much faster and get many more contacts. Just 
a thought.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Fast 1 and 2

2011-06-24 Thread jerry keeton
I have lost Fastrac 1 and Fastrac 2 from My list of satellites in satpc32 . How 
do I get them back ?

Jerry WB5LHD

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[amsat-bb] aprs contacts

2011-06-06 Thread jerry keeton
I have many qsl cards from hams I have made contact with using packet on the 
ISS . I don't acknowledge a qso unless He acknowledges My call sign in return . 
What really takes the time from a pass is when someone has mail and doesn't 
download it from RS0ISS-11 mail box. Can't get to the repeater when it's trying 
to deliver mail . 

 I find NO-44 active for packet , but doesn't get much traffic . It is very 
hard to reach at times , but still usuable .

I agree also , psk31 would very much limit the contacts made on a pass. I use 
psk31 on FM and it is very quiet and pleasant to use , but don't think it would 
make a good digital format for satellite work .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] moon bounce

2011-06-04 Thread jerry
Is this a good time for EME comm. ? Moon seems right for it  , but never tried 
it . Is psk31 possible ? What freq. ? Orbitron says 145.000 ? Going to send cq 
throughout the day via PSK 31 on 145.000. Maybe a waste of time .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2011-06-03 Thread Jerry Clement
Hey Kevin,

A real stretch was working Hawaii from Alberta. I worked Richard WH6FC on AO51, 
from my mobile, with Richard using a Arrow with his handheld. He also has a 
nice QSL card. The pass was a minute and a half, and a degree or so of 
elevation. Gotta love it!

Jerry VE6AB
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
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[amsat-bb] GO-32

2011-04-25 Thread jerry keeton
recieved this from GO-32 on 435.325   9600k

1:Fm 7-14 To Z-7 Via c8-10*,,-8,-8,-8 RR P/F R1  [DAMA] [EAX25][18:06:01]
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[amsat-bb] fast12

2011-04-08 Thread jerry keeton
UTEXAS needs to do something with Their website if They want data sent to them 
. If anyone is interested , here is the 12:00 noon pass :

17:09 FAST2BEACONUI,?,F0 (1200 baud):
F21001630493718.5877830589824 21+0.1765+0.0588+0.6000 -3903952.94 -3773326.54 
+4430538.23364283286 010 013 010 015 025

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Oscar 57

2011-03-30 Thread jerry keeton
Has anyone ever heard an AFSK signal from Oscar 57 ?
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[amsat-bb] UO-11

2011-03-25 Thread jerry keeton
If anyone copied the 1600 UTC pass of UO-11 , could You post a couple packet 
strings or email them to Me . Just for reference . Thanks
Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] 432 PreAmp

2011-03-14 Thread Jerry
I am considering placing a 432 preamp (ARR P432VDG) in the 432 line 
coming from the splitter on my Arrow.  Do I have a danger in the 2M 
signal overloading this preamp back through the 432 antenna on the 
Arrow?  Hope I've composed this question so that it could be understood.
Tnx for any ideas.
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[amsat-bb] 145.825

2011-03-10 Thread jerry keeton
Also Fast2 xmitts packet on 145.825 . UO-11 was very clear this morning .
UOSAT-2   1005062024440

UOSAT-2   1005062024445

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[amsat-bb] UO 11

2011-02-20 Thread jerry
I have copied a good bit of telemetry data from UO-11 . If anyone is interested 
I would post it of e mail it .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] TISAT-1

2011-02-14 Thread jerry keeton
?Heard TISAT-1 beacon @ 03:30 Z .Good signal .

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT

2011-02-07 Thread jerry
Has anyone found the software for the BPSK modes ?
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[amsat-bb] FM birds

2011-02-02 Thread jerry
I gave up a long time ago trying to make a contact on FM . I heard My downlink 
several times , and maybe got one reply .  Can't get a word in edgeways with
the regular bunch on there on every pass . Not worth the effort to Me . 
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[amsat-bb] x-quad

2011-01-30 Thread jerry
Hello Group

Is there anyone who compared the WIMO X-quads with crossyagi's?


Jerry, ON4CJQ

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[amsat-bb] close encounter

2011-01-29 Thread jerry
There is supposed to be a close encounter of DO-64 and another satellite . I've 
misplaced the info . Does anyone have an update ?
Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] nano sail

2011-01-25 Thread jerry keeton
?Just heard a packet signal on 437.305 - 437.300 . Did not print so don't know 
which sat it was .
That was 15 minutes ahead of fast1 but was in the LOS path best I could tell . 
Didn't see anyother sat with that downlink anywhere close . Maybe NanoSail 
still ticking ?

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] oscar 11

2011-01-22 Thread jerry
I attached an  m wav recording of Oscar 11 on the morning pass . This is what I 
usually hear on a good pass . Is there
packet signal in there ? I've tried psk and afsk but never get a print ? 

Jerry WB5LHD___
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[amsat-bb] nano sail

2011-01-20 Thread jerry keeton
I heard packet signals at least 2 minutes ahead of the FASTRAC packet. Didn't 
get a print of the signal . I see the spamers have taken over the forums page 
on the fastrac website . They need to clean it out.

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] fastrac

2011-01-20 Thread jerry keeton
can someone tell which of the lines are the te
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI00,?,F0 (1201 baud):
FAST1 Is Now Connected. GO HORNS!

23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI13,?,F0 (1201 baud):
.F772001619429944.99113151619589824191-0.7059+0.5686+0.6000 +1452528.94 
+1623706.94 +6669636.31 -5843.71082 +4495.65898  +164.25
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI16,?,F0 (1201 baud):
00 -1389   850 3.032c0 9 0.00+0.000+0.00   628  3868 2.995 
027 0.00+0.000+0.00   553  27
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI17,?,F0 (1201 baud):
92 2.991 018 0.00+0.000+0.00  2128  6368 3.001 029 
0.00+0.000+0.00  3290   530 3.003 0 0
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI10,?,F0 (1201 baud):
 0.00+0.000+0.00 0 0 0.000 026 0.00
+0.000+0.00  -674 -1434 3.001c0 5 0.0
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI11,?,F0 (1201 baud):
0+0.000+0.00 -2768 -7028 3.002c0 2 0.00+0.000
+0.00  -121  6617 2.995 0 0 0.00+0.
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI12,?,F0 (1201 baud):
000+0.00 0 0 0.000 025 0.00+0.000+0.00   898  
-361 3.001c04944.
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWRR2,?
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI23,?,F0 (1201 baud):
f77 1


23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI24,?,F0 (1201 baud):
gpsmmc 147415

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[amsat-bb] nano sail

2011-01-20 Thread jerry
Let Me try this again . 
I was getting computer and radio set up to listen for Nano Sail sat. I heard 
packet signal before I had the station ready to recieve . It was close to 2 
minutes ahead of fastrac .Fastrac was at 0 deg. elevation when I heard the 
first packet signal. Could NanoSail be that far ahead of Fastrac ?
 In packet strings below , can anyone tell Me which are the telemetry  values 
Thanks , Jerry WB5LHD

Fastrac . S23:25 FAST2/KD5SZV*KE5DTWUA,?
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI00,?,F0 (1201 baud):
FAST1 Is Now Connected. GO HORNS!

23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI13,?,F0 (1201 baud):
.F772001619429944.99113151619589824191-0.7059+0.5686+0.6000 +1452528.94 
+1623706.94 +6669636.31 -5843.71082 +4495.65898  +164.25
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI16,?,F0 (1201 baud):
00 -1389   850 3.032c0 9 0.00+0.000+0.00   628  3868 2.995 
027 0.00+0.000+0.00   553  27
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI17,?,F0 (1201 baud):
92 2.991 018 0.00+0.000+0.00  2128  6368 3.001 029 
0.00+0.000+0.00  3290   530 3.003 0 0
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI10,?,F0 (1201 baud):
 0.00+0.000+0.00 0 0 0.000 026 0.00
+0.000+0.00  -674 -1434 3.001c0 5 0.0
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI11,?,F0 (1201 baud):
0+0.000+0.00 -2768 -7028 3.002c0 2 0.00+0.000
+0.00  -121  6617 2.995 0 0 0.00+0.
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI12,?,F0 (1201 baud):
000+0.00 0 0 0.000 025 0.00+0.000+0.00   898  
-361 3.001c04944.
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWRR2,?
23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI23,?,F0 (1201 baud):
f77 1


23:25 FAST1KE5DTWI24,?,F0 (1201 baud):
gpsmmc 147415


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[amsat-bb] unknown signal

2011-01-10 Thread jerry
Robert G8ATE

Thanks for the reply . I live in the boonies , at least 10 miles from the 
nearest super market scanner . So I think
I can rule that out . I do have a remote weather station , Maybe from that , 
but I've never seen it before . I thought maybe that or some internal software 
message ? I just thought it strange it happened as GO32 was overhead and that 
is what I was listening for. 

Thanks again
Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] GO-32

2011-01-10 Thread jerry
Thanks Mike   (  DK3WN )

Recieved this this afternoon . I think I can safetly say it is GO-32 . Guess I 
need the software to decode it when it comes over .My station is not much , 
surprised I get this much . I use UISS set at 9600bps to capture the signal .
Thanks again .
Jerry WB5LHD

Fm VLK-12 To -11 I R0 S0 pid=0 [DAMA] [EAX25][17:56:59]
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[amsat-bb] unknown signal

2011-01-07 Thread jerry keeton
Was monitoring 435.325 listening for GO-32 . Got the message below but not sure 
if that is from Oscar 32 . Was on 9600 bps . Anyone have any clues?

Jerry WB5LHD

1:Fm -2 To vr-2 I P R3 S2 pid=7C Len=7 [17:19:51]

2:Fm -2 To vr-2 I P R3 S2 pid=7C Len=7 [17:19:51]
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[amsat-bb] Mix W

2011-01-04 Thread jerry
Trevor M5AKA

I use MixW to recieve packet from Fastrac .1200bps.
Often , I hear the signal , but it doesn't print . Tonight I had a 57 Degree 
pass and copied very well. 

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] Go32

2010-12-20 Thread jerry keeton

I hear a lot of noise from GO32 on it's pass on the beacon downlink of 435.325 
. It is supposed to be 9600bps , but I can't copy any packet . Is the noise the 
packet beacon ?

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] new sats

2010-11-20 Thread jerry
Is there a tracking map yet for the new sats. ?

Jerry WB5LHD
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[amsat-bb] SO-67

2009-11-15 Thread Jerry Felts
How do I set my FT-60R up for SO-67?? Its only one freq isn't it?

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota
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[amsat-bb] 736 R

2009-11-15 Thread Jerry
   Hi : I  have a  Yaesu  FT-736 R All Mode in like new

  This unit has recently been checked out with new
tone  board.

It cost over $370.00 total with labor.

 I  want to sell this unit so I can buy another

I,m asking  $600.00 plus shipping costs.

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[amsat-bb] tracking programs

2009-10-27 Thread Jerry
 Hi : I keep reading on the BB that a lot of people have trouble with

There satellite tracking programs.

 I can remember getting on FO-20 every day for years with about 

   4 operators every day for years without a tracking program at

   Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] grid square maps

2009-10-21 Thread Jerry
 Hi : Just go to the hamfests and they give nice color Grid square
maps for free.

 In the last year I get one or two and give them away at the
club meetings.

 Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] FO-29

2009-10-16 Thread Jerry Felts
Is FO-29 active??  I can't tell from AMSAT'S webpage.

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota
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[amsat-bb] reduced price

2009-09-23 Thread Jerry
  Hi: I still have my ST-1 Tracker by AEA  for sale.

I have all the cables software, books,


Other documentation.

 I will sell it all  for $75.00 or offer plus shipping.

  The other thing I have is the Pakratt 232

  The model is PK -232 MBX with books . cables

   And other documentation for $75.00

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[amsat-bb] Re: for sale

2009-09-21 Thread Jerry

   Hi : Thank you everyone that had an interest in the pre amps.
 They have been sold
I will reduce the prices on the 440 amps
The TE I will sell for $175.00 
And the Mirage for $150.00
   These are both 440- 100 watt amps
The TE has a built in pre amp though 
 Jerry w0sat

-Original Message-
From: Jerry [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 7:00 PM
To: ''
Subject: for sale

 Hi : I have  a  Mirage 440   100 watt amp for sale 

And   TE systems   440  100   watt  amp for sale

I also have a Landwehr 2 meter   pre amp

   And a  Landwehr 440 pre amp  for sale

Please contact me off  line if interested

Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] Re: for sale

2009-09-20 Thread Jerry

 I have sold the LandWehr Pre amps 
  I want to thank every one that
Sent an E-mail about the pre amps.
Some one is also talking to me about
   The 440 amps.
I will let everyone if they are sold
  Or not.
  Thank everyone again
Jerry w0sat

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 7:00 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] for sale

 Hi : I have  a  Mirage 440   100 watt amp for sale 

And   TE systems   440  100   watt  amp for sale

I also have a Landwehr 2 meter   pre amp

   And a  Landwehr 440 pre amp  for sale

Please contact me off  line if interested

Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] for sale

2009-09-19 Thread Jerry
 Hi : I have  a  Mirage 440   100 watt amp for sale 

And   TE systems   440  100   watt  amp for sale

I also have a Landwehr 2 meter   pre amp

   And a  Landwehr 440 pre amp  for sale

Please contact me off  line if interested

Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] FW: GB rotor control

2009-09-14 Thread Jerry

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 6:57 PM
Subject: GB rotor control

Help: I,m working on a Yaesu  G1000DXA rotor control unit.

The rotor will show only 30 degees of rotation.

  Has any one had a problem like that.???

  I put a spare control on it and indicator

Works fine and is accurate.

 Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] K5OE's Eggbeater antenna's

2009-09-13 Thread Jerry Felts
Does anyone have the plans to build a K5OE Potatoe Masher 2?? His
website is no longer online.  Just wondering and hoping someone saved
the plans.

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota
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[amsat-bb] downconverter and tracking

2009-08-26 Thread Jerry
  I have a Drake downconverter   with a patch feed for 2.4

  I used it every day on AO- 40 

  I also have a AEA  ST-1 tracking system 

If interested contact me off line.

  Jerry w0sat


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[amsat-bb] AO-27 pass 2030

2009-08-19 Thread Jerry Felts
Will the 2-3 stations I just worked on  the AO-27 of 2030 please email
me?  My digital recorder did not work and I was depending on it for

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota
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[amsat-bb] AO-27

2009-08-17 Thread Jerry Felts
Am I doing something wrong or is AO-27 just very hard to hit with a
FT-60R  handheld, and ELK ant?  I have no problems hearing it but
working it is another thing!!

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota
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[amsat-bb] tracker

2009-08-13 Thread Jerry
 Hi: Does any one out there have interest in my AEA ST-1 satellite Tracker

 If some one is interested contact me by e-mail  off the amsat


 Jerry w0sat

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[amsat-bb] uhf amp

2009-08-07 Thread Jerry
  Hi: I,m in a need of a manual for a TE Systems RF power amp 

   Model  4410G .

  I would settle for a copy or schematic.

Jerry w0sat

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