[amsat-bb] Thanks for sprout QSL card

2014-07-22 Thread andy thomas
Thanks to you and the Sprout team for the QSL card, issuance No. 5, for  
receiving and reporting telemetry from Sprout.  

73 de andy G0SFJ
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[amsat-bb] Thanks to K4FEG

2013-12-30 Thread wa4hfn
 The  Star Comm Group of Memphis, TN would like to Thank K4FEG  Frank Griffin
for the outstanding job he has been doing on the Grid Gorillas email BB . 
Informing everyone of the grids that are being activated. This service has 
helped us all to increase our grid count. There are lots of rare grids out 
there and This service has been a valualable tool.
 THANKS  FRANK  good job

 Star Comm Group
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for a great Symposium

2013-11-05 Thread James Luhn
A big THANK YOU to all who worked to make the Symposium a terrific event.  The 
panel at the dinner was really good.  I lost count of the number of door prizes 
handed out after the dinner.  Someone worked incredibly hard to secure so many 
prizes.  It was so nice so have an eyeball QSO with Hector (CO6CBF).  He is a 
terrific inspiration to all of us who work satellites.

Thanks Again,

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[amsat-bb] Thanks to Mike DK3WN

2013-03-01 Thread WA6FWF

Thank You Mike for version 8.3 of Online Kiss, the new version works 
fine with my KPC-9612.

73 Kevin WA6FWF
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for qsl card

2013-01-02 Thread Nitin Muttin
Agree Andy, I recieved my FITSAT qsl card ( #29) promptly by Air Mail, I am 
still awaiting some for which I had submitted reception reports.
Nitin [VU3TYG]

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for qsl card

2013-01-02 Thread andy thomas
this is just a public posting to thank the FITSAT-1 Niwaka team for their qsl 
card (number 124) acknowledging my reception of JQ6YEW, which I received in the 
post this morning.
In my opinion, following this tradition of ham radio proves the entitlement to 
the use of these frequencies which lie within the passbands of our transceivers.
I have listened for ham radio operators since 1968 and as a teenager at that 
time I sent my reception reports, seeking the goodwill of the operators. The 
thrill of QSl'ing hasn't gone away, although I am now licensed to transmit and 
hold my DXCC and Diamond DXCC on HF.
I wish more satellites would follow this tradition, as I am keeping my personal 
documentary record of the use of amateur satellites in this way.
With thanks for the card and my very best wishes to the FITSAT team
73 de andy g0sfj
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for the NOVA and Camera advice!

2012-09-09 Thread James Luhn
Thank you to all who helped me with NOVA.  I really feel dumb about my 
mistake of not looking up the REAL name of a satellite.  I appreciate no 
one mentioning my ignorance.

Thank you to all who commented on my camera on a beam.  I forgot about 
the need for a telephoto lens.  I also was not thinking about the 
advantage of the az-el rotator with respect to looking around the 
neighborhood(thanks Bob!). If I could get the correct keps, maybe I 
could even follow movement.  Don't be surprised if I post some unusual 
photos instead of the green cheese on the moon.

I have been a Ham for over 50 years and I am still trying to figure all 
of this stuff out.  Working satellites has been my highlight of my 50+ 
years.  This is one helluva great hobby!

Thanks Everyone,
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[amsat-bb] thanks for the help / info

2012-06-02 Thread Robert Coppock

 thank you to Bruce-kk5do , Rick-wa4nvm , Dave-kb1vph , Greg-ko6th , 
 Eric-on4hf , Scott-n1aia for the replies and help.  i was looking at the
 comet cf-4160 (must be the new version), if i need it, and will be on the
 air from grid cn81 soon.  i have a new LiIon battery on order, so i can run
 full power, 5W, from my th-f6a.thanks very much !
Robert   k f 0 g 

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for all the personal Emails!

2012-01-21 Thread K4FEG

It is nice to know that I am not alone in my way of thinking.
While we all want to encourage new people to come into the ranks of 
Amateur radio, we most of all want the to do it successfully and to 
enjoy their experiences.

I will offer one last Southern Folk Wisdom on the subject with regards 
as to what is essential for a successful and pleasant satellite 
Now for the Southern Folk Wisdom: /"Even a blind hog finds a hickory nut 
every once in a while."/ In other words, you may occasionally hear 
the satellite under ideal conditions WITHOUT a preamp, but WITH a preamp 
you will have a much more pleasant experience on the satellite and so 
will all the others that are on that pass with you!
Yah'll all have a nice day! I have a schedule on FO29 with Ireland! I 
will be using a preamp!

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[amsat-bb] thanks for QSOs on Friday and Saturday

2011-12-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After a brief pause in my satellite operating (real life gets in the
way, from time to time), I was able to get on the air for some passes
Friday and today.  Thanks for all the QSOs when I was out at the hamfest
in Mesa AZ this morning, and yesterday while on a quick road trip to
southern Arizona. 

This morning's hamfest almost was washed out.  Just as things were
getting started and I was on an AO-7 pass around 1245 UTC, rain 
began to fall.  It was a light rain, which ended around the LOS time
on that pass.  After that, the crowds - buyers and sellers - started
showing up for the half-day hamfest.  I was able to get on 6 different
passes, two each on 3 different satellites (AO-7, SO-50, VO-52).  Thanks
to all who worked WD9EWK this morning, and especially for giving more 
than just a call and grid - getting a name and QTH helps illustrate the
coverage of our satellites.  I apologize to Joe K3SZH for not answering
your call on the later AO-7 pass; by that time, I was fighting QRN from
a series of noisy generators at the hamfest that were swamping my 2m 
downlink receiver.  Once again, thanks to the Superstition Amateur Radio 
Club for inviting AMSAT to their hamfest.  My next hamfest, including 
on-air satellite demonstrations, will be at the Thunderbird Amateur Radio 
Club's hamfest on Saturday, 7 January 2012, in Phoenix.  


Yesterday (Friday), I originally planned to make a day-trip to Flagstaff
in northern Arizona.  Due to bad weather throughout much of Arizona in 
the past day or two, I did not want to drive on the snowy and icy I-17
freeway up there.  Rather than stay home or give up the scheduled day 
off, I took a drive to southern Arizona and worked from a couple of 
locations in southern Arizona near the I-19 freeway between Tucson and 
the USA/Mexico border.  Both locations were in grid DM41 in Santa Cruz 
County AZ - an area I have visited many times in the past, but this was 
the first time I've worked satellites from this Arizona county (the last 
of the 15 Arizona counties I've worked from).  I was able to work an 
SO-50 pass followed by two AO-27 passes before driving back home in the 
late afternoon. 

The Friday QSOs have already been uploaded to the Logbook of the World
system.  Today's QSOs from the hamfest should be uploaded this evening
or tomorrow morning, depending on the status of the LOTW web site.  If
anyone would like to receive QSL cards for QSOs with WD9EWK at either
the hamfest and/or my Friday road trip only need to drop me an e-mail
with the QSO details.  If you're in the log, I will be happy to send 
you a card.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Thanks!!!

2011-11-02 Thread Hector Luis Martinez Sis
Hello Guys

Thanks very much to all who worked me during my Satellite Demonstration from 
the sea
walk of my city.

I appreciate your participation!

Hector, CO6CBF

 Genius is one per cent inspiration,
 and ninety-nine per cent
   -- Thomas A. Edison

Free the Cuban Five!
http://www.injusticia.cubaweb.cu/, http://www.antiterroristas.cu/
Participe en Universidad 2012, del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2012. Habana, Cuba.
Consulte la Enciclopedia Colaborativa Cubana: http://www.ecured.cu/
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for third certificate for arissat-1

2011-09-26 Thread andy thomas
Thanks for the sstv certificate, a commendably fast turnaround from CT-land !
73 de andy g0SFJ
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for second Arissat-1 certificate

2011-09-25 Thread andy thomas
Many thanks for the certificate from tlm report!
73 de andy G0SFJ
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for certificate Arissat-1

2011-09-15 Thread andy thomas
Great to receive this morning the certificate for the Russian secret word! Many 
73 de andy G0SFJ
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[amsat-bb] Thanks IC7000 help

2011-07-14 Thread Tom Lubbers K8TL
Thanks, for the help.
Seems most of my concerns were centered around a typo!!!  ICOM IC-910 manual 
(@2000) says CAT code for FM is 04 when in fact it is 05 as in all the other 
ICOMS I could research!!
All indications are the pair or IC-7000’s will work just fine and a lot less 
expensive than the 9100.  Set it up with the 910 as transmitter and 7000 as 
receiver and the other way around.  

Now what to do with the old 910??  Sell as is or repair and sell???


Tom K8TL

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for QSOs on Saturday at DM44 and DM54/DM55

2011-06-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I am still getting caught up after my quick trip to eastern Arizona, 
but I wanted to thank everyone who made QSOs with WD9EWK at the White 
Mountain Hamfest in Show Low AZ on Saturday morning, followed by QSOs
at two other locations after the hamfest Saturday afternoon/evening. 
It was fun to be up there at the hamfest, and also have the chance to 
put some of Arizona's rarely-heard grids on the birds for a few hours.

The hamfest was at a new location in Show Low, on a college campus 
along the main street (Deuce of Clubs Avenue) instead of at a high
school a few blocks north of this location.  A smaller parking lot,
with trees all around, but not too many to block satellite signals.
Being up at 6500 feet (1981m) elevation made for a very nice morning. 
I made 23 QSOs on several passes using 2 linear transponders (AO-7,
VO-52) and 2 FM satellites (SO-50, SO-67) from grid DM44xf.  It was
good to hear Allen N5AFV operating as KK5W from Galveston Island in 
Texas throughout the morning and into the early afternoon.  Thanks to
Show Low's Kachina Amateur Radio Club for inviting me, so AMSAT could 
have a presence at eastern Arizona's only hamfest.

As with many hamfests here in Arizona, this was a half-day event.  We 
have lots of these smaller hamfests, instead of having fewer large 
events that seems to be common in other places.  After a quick stop 
for lunch, I set off for the DM54/DM55 boundary an hour or so northeast 
of Show Low along I-40.

Since I was not going to make it to the spot along I-40 on the grid
boundary in time for the 2002 UTC AO-27 pass, I stopped at Holbrook - 
a town along I-40, about 15 miles (25km) west of the grid-boundary 
spot.  I set up in a parking lot with a great view to the east in 
grid DM44ww along old US-66 north of I-40, and proceeded to log 11 
QSOs on that 7-minute pass.  

After this pass, I made the short drive over to the spot at the
DM54bx/DM55ba grid boundary.  This spot is along old US-66 just east 
of I-40 exit 303 in Navajo County.  I wanted to stay there for a few 
passes, and ended up staying for more than I had originally planned.  
I worked many passes on several active birds - AO-27, AO-51, SO-50, 
and SO-67 in FM; AO-7 and VO-52 in SSB; FO-29 in SSB and CW.  A total
of 65 QSOs were logged here.  I had operated from this spot almost 2 
years ago, and I don't think DM55 has been on the birds since then.  I
worked from DM54 last year after the hamfest in Show Low, and I think 
it had not been heard on the satellites since then. 

I need to print more QSLs for the DM54/DM55 QSOs, and make new cards
for the two locations from earlier on Saturday.  I have uploaded all
of these QSOs to Logbook of the World as WD9EWK (I do not add anything
like "/P" to my call for satellite QSOs from the continental USA).  If 
you would like to receive a QSL card - even if you've received electronic 
confirmation through LOTW - please e-mail me directly with the QSO 
details.  No need to mail me a card or SASE for those QSOs.  I will be 
happy to send out the cards.  



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[amsat-bb] Thanks for a royal time, from CO6CBF

2011-04-22 Thread hmartinez

I want to take a
minute to say thanks to people who have helped me to discover the fantastic 
world and who have had contact with me. I have spent a fantastic time on
Satellites. �I really have enjoyed it.


Yesterday, I
took from ND9M my grid locator number 100 and my 250 satellite contact.


Thanks for a
royal time.


Hector, CO6CBF




Genius is one per cent
and ninety-nine per cent 
-- Thomas A.

Free the Cuban Five!
http://www.injusticia.cubaweb.cu/, http://www.antiterroristas.cu/

Participe en Universidad 2012, del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2012. Habana, Cuba.

Consulte la Enciclopedia Colaborativa Cubana: http://www.ecured.cu/___
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[amsat-bb] Thanks to all for the replies! RE: Is there software to decode packet without a TNC?

2010-12-17 Thread vtnn43e

Thanks to all for the replies. It is appreciated 


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[amsat-bb] Thanks for the Symposium

2010-10-13 Thread Doug Kuitula
Hi all,
 I just wanted to add my thanks to the folks who put on this years AMSAT 
Symposium in Chicago. I had a wonderful time and absolutely enjoyed all of the 
speakers. Unfortunately, I had to leave to leave on Saturday, and was not able 
to be there Sunday for the tour of the Fermi Lab.
 I'm not sure where next years Symposium will be. But if it is anywhere near 
you, try to attend.
 Once again, Thanks!
 73 de Doug KA8QCU
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[amsat-bb] thanks for AO-51 & FO-29 QSOs today!

2010-10-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for all the QSOs on AO-51 and FO-29 this afternoon/evening,
from the parking lot of the Holiday Inn hosting this year's AMSAT
Symposium here in the Chicago area (grid EN62aa).  With 15 QSOs on
the AO-51 pass at 2235 UTC, and 5 more on the FO-29 pass around 
2330 UTC, it was a great way to enjoy the nice weather outside the
hotel.  Thanks to W4DFU for showing up on both of these passes, as 
part of the College Satellite Night.  

For both of these passes, I had audiences - something I had not
planned on.  I'm not operating as an "official station" for the 
Symposium, but as an opportunity to work from yet another different
location.  I had an audience of 1 for the AO-51 pass (Mark N8MH 
wandered out to see what I was doing), then a larger audience when 
I was on FO-29.  I'm sorry I didn't note the names and calls of 
everyone who was outside for the later pass.  Along with John K8YSE, 
the rest of the crowd were hams from the Chicago area - most of whom 
John and I followed to a nearby restaurant for dinner after that pass. 
Photos were taken, so they may surface at some point.  :-)  

I'm looking forward to the official start of the Symposium tomorrow
afternoon.  I plan on working a few more passes between now and
Sunday morning, and then more activity once the Symposium closes
before returning home Monday evening.  73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Elk Grove Village, Illinois

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[amsat-bb] Thanks !

2010-10-04 Thread PA3GUO

Thanks a lot to all the HAMs that helped me with my 'useless' experiment.

Your reports (and especially your many kind words) were really appreciated !

Henk, PA3GUO
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[amsat-bb] thanks to K8YSE for so many grids!

2010-09-08 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Now that John K8YSE is back home after a month or so on the 
road, it's time to say THANK YOU  Thanks for all the grids,
so many that may not have been on the air in many years - if

In looking through my log, preparing to send my QSL request to
K8YSE, I logged QSOs with K8YSE and K8YSE/VE3 in a total of 22 
different grids.  All but 2 of those are new grids for my 
satellite log.  If all of this matches up with John's log, this 
will probably be the motivation to finally write out a satellite 
VUCC application.  

Whenever you settle down at home, John, I'm sure there would be
interest in hearing about your many thousands of miles motoring
around Lake Superior and those very remote places in northwestern
Ontario.  Thanks again for all your work on the road!



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[amsat-bb] thanks for QSOs during AO27 demo

2010-07-31 Thread Patrick STODDARD

Thanks for the QSOs during the last AO27 pass. It was nice to hear much of
North America on the pass.  Even Larry XE2/KI6YAA from another part
of this city.  

I do not know if I will work any of the upcoming AO51 passes,
since I need to make my drive home sometime this afternoon or 
evening.  Apparently there has been
a lot of rain in my home 
city Phoenix.  

Thanks to everyone who made QSOs with XE2/WD9EWK over the past 
couple of days.  73!

Patrick XE2/WD9EWK - Mexicali, Baja California

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for the TI Support

2010-07-15 Thread Mark Spencer
I want to offer my sincerest thanks to the satellite community, Drew, and
AMSAT for the support that you gave us during the TI-2 Space this year.  We
are in day 4 of the teachers institute and will be wrapping up the day with
some last minute satellite contact opportunities.  But over the last three
days, your support in making contacts with the teachers, and in particular,
the dedicated SSTV activity on AO51 last night, has made the TI-2 Space a
huge success this year.  I wish each of you could have seen the glowing
light bulbs in the teachers' heads at each successful satellite contact.  I
am confident that they will be taking what they learned this week back into
their classrooms to make space "alive" for their students.  Thanks for the
patience you showed as these novice satellite operators learned the tricks
of the trade.  I can tell you that I am warn out (in a good way)
facilitating their learning experience.  (It is also a hoot to see 8
satellite ground stations, and antennas operating at one time.)  I think we
may have a record of "work around the table via satellite" awards.


Thanks again for your support, and I'll be seeing you on the birds when I
recover and am back at the home QTH next week.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] thanks for QSOs tonight in CN89

2010-07-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD

I had fun working those 3 passes earlier.  I was in Burnaby, a suburb to the 
east of Vancouver in CN89lg, and made QSOs all across North America.  Even
XE2AT called me on AO7.  I logged 13 QSOs on a western AO51 pass, 7 on AO7, 
and 4 more on FO29.  Fun!

I still plan on bing at CO60/CO70 tomorrow.  No guarantees on how early,
but with sunset around 0500 UTC up here I may work more passes than I 
originally planned.  Please note my call here does not use the traditional
VE prefix... when I obtained my Canadian license in 2002, VE7EWK was
already issued.  The VA prefix had been available in many provinces
for a couple of years, and I went with VA7EWK.  This is the first time in 8+
years VA7EWK has been on anything other than local repeaters; I used
CJ7EWK on satellites from Vancouver in late 2008.


Patrick VA7EWK/WD9EWK - sailing between Horseshoe Bay and Nanaimo,
British Columbia, watching the sunset

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[amsat-bb] thanks for DM32/DM42 QSOs yesterday

2010-05-09 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks to all the stations that made QSOs with WD9EWK yesterday,
while I was down at the DM32xx/DM42ax grid boundary near Maricopa
AZ.  I parked along a road, a couple hundred yards/meters south
of the spot where four grids come together (those two, plus DM33
and DM43).  I logged a total of 50 QSOs on 7 passes - 2 each on 
AO-51, SO-50, and AO-7; plus one FO-29 pass - in just over 3 hours.
I was unsuccessful on an FO-29 pass with maximum elevation of 8 
degrees from that location a few minutes past  UTC, south of the 
Southern Pacific transcontinental railroad line and near a Nissan 
automotive test center.  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon, 
a warm day in the central Arizona desert - around 95F/35C outside 
when I started, but comfortable for the last pass I worked at 
0220-0240 UTC on AO-7 at sunset.  

I have written out cards for anyone who requested confirmation for
QSOs made yesterday.  Those will go to the post office tomorrow
morning.  I also wrote out additional cards for stations that I've
never worked from DM32 before, some with SASEs if those stations 
are new for my log, since DM32 is particularly rare on the satellites
(most of the grid is a military bombing range, with a small part 
extending into northern Mexico).  Please e-mail me if you would like
to receive a QSL card for a QSO from DM32/DM42.  

Since the northeast corner of grid DM32 is less than an hour's drive
from downtown Phoenix, this is a location I visit periodically.  If
you need DM32 for your satellite log and missed me yesterday, please
let me know.  We can make arrangements for a quick stop down there
even in the summertime to make a QSO.  



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[amsat-bb] thanks

2010-05-07 Thread Larry Gerhardstein

I want to thank all of the good folks who helped me get my satellite 
station on the air.  This has been a process since about last fall.  We 
were gone during the winter and restarted the project when I returned 
home.  I'd like to recognize W4AS, K7WIN, PE0SAT, KB7ADL, K0VTY, N6NKF, 
Scott Hagerman (non ham), AA5PK, K6LCS, G8IFF, certainly others ... and 
most of all Erich DK1TB, author of SatPC32, who spent much time 
researching drivers, answering questions, and attempting to duplicate 
problems I have been having.

A few lessons learned... from all this.

1) Don't jump to conclusions.  My rotor control spent about 3 months at 
Yaesu service only to learn nothing wrong with it.  The technician at 
Yaesu never suggested the trouble could be fixed by optical isolation of 
the RS232 line going to the rotor control box.

2) Do not assume the nature of a RS232 cable.  Use an ohm meter and 
determine if it is good or bad, straight through or cross-over or 
null-modem.  If I had started out using the ohm meter on my cables, that 
would have saved me much time and frustration.  Both GS-232 and CI-17 
call for straight through serial cables.  I made the mistake of using 
two null modem cables; unfortunately I did not know they were not 
straight through until later when I thought to use an ohm meter.

3) Don't assume you can construct a straight through RS232 cable by 
connecting two null modem cables in series.  This may work, and it may not.

4) Before installing optical isolators in the RS232 lines, make certain 
the devices are compliant with the isolators.  I tried optical isolation 
in both the rotor control and the rig control lines.  An isolation 
device between computer and GS232 rotor interface was needed.  However, 
the CI-17 does not like them.

5) The optical isolators from CF that I used seem to have polarity.  
Make certain the female end of the isolator is against the computer's 
male connector.  Do not turn the isolator around and use sex-changers 
between computer and isolator.  This was just a random thing I tried 
it did not work.

6) When running into difficulty as I did, document everything.  I kept 
repeating the same trials over and over, wasting time, and about driving 
myself to madness.

7) In my opinion when using Windows 7 of Vista 64-bit, only install 
drivers designed for those systems.  Drivers for 32-bit are not reliable 
in 64-bit applications and may cause the computer to crash to blue screen.

8) Before ordering USB to serial conversion devices make certain the 
drivers that come with those gadgets are compatible with the computer 
operating system you plan to use.  Many days after I received my KeySpan 
device, I called Tripp Lite.  The sales person there told me they do not 
presently have a 64-bit driver for the USA49WG.  Wish I had known that.

9) Make sure the baud rate in the transceiver matches the baud rate 
being set up in the CAT setup menu.  If you can affort it, get a RS232 
serial data analyzer.  I downloaded the free version of 232Analyzer.  
Full version is about $140.  232Analyzer helped a lot and allowed me to 
see both data transmitted and received.  This led me to the mismatched 
baud rates in the ICOM and SatPC32.

These are the issued I stumbled on.  Different computer hardware, 
different ham gear, different operating systems may produce different 
results.  Beware of Murphy.

73, Larry W7IN

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[amsat-bb] Thanks - re: Arecibo

2010-04-17 Thread David Barber
Thanks guys, had a blast.  A brilliant Saturday evening.

Not enough antenna gain or power here to work you but hearing you over the
last two evenings has been very satisfying.  Hope to listen again tomorrow.

Congratulations to all and to those that made it, I heard several UK
stations confirmed.

Best wishes and thank you to you all.




-Original Message-
From: moon-net-boun...@list-serv.davidv.net
[mailto:moon-net-boun...@list-serv.davidv.net] On Behalf Of
Sent: 17 April 2010 16:39
To: moon-...@list-serv.davidv.net
Subject: [Moon-net] Arecibo Update


Hello from Arecibo: 

Update for today (Saturday) : we have diagnosed our amplifier problem and
are hard at work on repairs.  With any luck we should be good for 350-400
W today.  We have also located a power supply for a solid-state amp that
should be good for a bit more power, maybe 500 W.   

Keep your fingers crossed...  we *should* be 10-13 dB louder today. 

Operating plans for today: SSB at first, then CW.  As before, we Tx on
432.045 and Rx on 432.050 - 432.060.   

If we exhaust the CW pileup we will go to JT65B.  In JT65B mode, KP4AO
will transmit first on 432.045.  Please call us between 432.045 and
432.049.  Expected QSO pattern will be like this: 

1. CQ KP4AO FK68 

2.    KP4AO


4.     RO 

5. RRR 

6.  73 

(... tail-ender...) KP4AO G4XYZ IO83     


... and so on.  We will not send 73s; please feel free to call us
following our "RRR" transmission, as G4XYZ did in the example above. 

On Sunday we may work any mode, depending on available activity.  We will
certainly be on JT65B for at least half of our Sunday moon window. 

Remember: please limit yourself to one QSO with us, regardless of mode. 

73, Joe, K1JT   ... for the KP4AO team 

Moon-Net posting and subscription instructions are at

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[amsat-bb] Thanks! RARSFest quick wrap-up

2010-04-03 Thread Mark L. Hammond
Hello Alan WA4SCA and John K8YSE,

Thank you both for the SO-50 contacts at the Raleigh Hamfest (RARSFest)!  I 
appreciate your sharp ears and return calls.  It made the demo successful.  The 
location wasn't great (tall metal buildings!) but the biggest problem was a 
setting on my radio that I FINALLY figured out.

Somehow, some way at Dry Tortugas the 2M uplink on my FT-817 had been changed 
from the rear SO-239 (which I use with the Elk) to the front BNC connector...it 
explains why I had no success on the boat ride from the island to Key West and 
why I couldn't work anybody during my first pass attempt on AO-27 today.  Glad 
to figure that bugger out!  I had the 435 band going to the right connector, 
but since the 2M band was "hidden" because of split memory channels it took me 
a while to figure it out.  I was transmitting into a BNC connector without any 
antenna--hi hi.

The hamfest was well attended with many out of town hams in the area because of 
the Easter weekend.  The weather was great (warm), and the RARS club is always 
a great host.  They donate the booth (with power) and take good care of us.  
Thanks go to Chuck K4HF and RARS! 


Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]

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[amsat-bb] Thanks to AA5UK/KH6 for the FO-29 QSO tonight!

2010-03-31 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks to Adrian AA5UK/KH6 for the FO-29 QSO this evening!  It was
nice to work another station from Hawaii.  I have worked Hawaii a
few times, and I worked the grid Adrian has been working from (BL02) 
a few times last fall when Ron W6ZQ went out there.  This was my
first non-FM satellite QSO with Hawaii, and it was fun despite 
being out in my normal "home QTH" (Phoenix city park on the 
DM33xp/DM43ap grid boundary) well after local sunset.  

On that FO-29 pass, I heard a few stations blindly calling for Adrian 
even though he was somewhere else on the downlink.  Even if he is 
trying to work around a particular spot on the downlink, be ready to 
tune around to find him.  For much of that FO-29 pass, he was about
10 kHz below the center of the downlink.  Adrian is the rare DX on 
these passes, and there is more to a transponder's downlink than 
just the 5 to 10 kHz around the center of the downlink.  

Adrian will be out there for a few more days before heading home, so
if you have a shot to try working him - go for it!  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Thanks to the travelers

2010-02-18 Thread Gkcarr
Great work, Guys. Much apprecaited.

-Original message-
From: "Rick - WA4NVM" wa4...@comcast.net
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 22:10:25 -0600
To: "Tim - N3TL" n...@bellsouth.net,  amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org
Subject: [Spam] [amsat-bb]  Thanks to the travelers

> Ditto Super Job!
> Rick - WA4NVM
> > Thanks to Jim, ND9M, and Patrick, WD9WEK, for taking the time and making 
> > the
> > effort to activate so many grid for satellite operators. Many of the grids
> > they've worked passes from are fairly rare.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thank again guys, Safe travels!
> >
> >
> >
> > 73,
> >
> >
> >
> > Tim - N3TL
> >
> > Athens, Ga. - EM84ha
> >
> > ___
> > Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> > Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb 
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Thanks to the travelers

2010-02-18 Thread Rick - WA4NVM

Ditto Super Job!

Rick - WA4NVM

> Thanks to Jim, ND9M, and Patrick, WD9WEK, for taking the time and making 
> the
> effort to activate so many grid for satellite operators. Many of the grids
> they've worked passes from are fairly rare.
> Thank again guys, Safe travels!
> 73,
> Tim - N3TL
> Athens, Ga. - EM84ha
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb 

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Thanks to the travelers

2010-02-18 Thread Tim - N3TL
Thanks to Jim, ND9M, and Patrick, WD9WEK, for taking the time and making the
effort to activate so many grid for satellite operators. Many of the grids
they've worked passes from are fairly rare.


Thank again guys, Safe travels!




Tim - N3TL

Athens, Ga. - EM84ha

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[amsat-bb] Thanks

2010-01-06 Thread w3vvp
Thanks to all who replied to my request for help on HO-68. Don't know of any 
one in 50 mile circle who ia into satellities,so no one around to ask 
questions or compare notes. Thanks to all againGeorge 

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[amsat-bb] Thanks

2009-12-23 Thread Bob Herrell
Thanks to all those who set me straight on the CAT files. Still learning 
all this stuff. Hope to work you soon.
Happy Holidays.

Bob AJ5C

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4713 (20091223) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


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Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Thanks to everyone for outdoor box suggestions.

2009-11-20 Thread Michael Tondee
I want to thank everyone who made suggestions and alerted me to cautions 
to take into consideration in choosing an outdoor box to house my new 
 In the end I got to my local Lowes and got the one Drew suggested. It's 
a very nice quality box and it has loads of room, much more than I 
actually need right now but I have no idea what else I may decide to 
mount up there in the future so the extra room is a good thing.
 I'm slowly but surely plodding along on getting my station going.
I was so tired I slept away most of a vacation day today and my XYL 
insist on dragging me to a church softball game tomorrow even though I 
have a nagging arm injury and can't swing a bat. She says we can "just 
watch". To make things worse, rain will move in late tomorrow afternoon.
Oh well,
Michael, W4HIJ

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for 3 new grids on AO-27 this afternoon!

2009-11-18 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks to John W6ZKH, Alvaro XE2AT, and Ismael XE1AY for 3 new 
grids in the log during an AO-27 pass around 2043 UTC this 
afternoon.  As "advertised", John and Alvaro were on from unusual
spots - W6ZKH from DM07 in California, XE2AT from EK19 in Veracruz
on the Mexican Gulf coast.  XE1AY was also in there from DL91 in
central Mexico, another new one for the log.  

Alvaro - it is nice to see you operate from different parts of 
Mexico once again.  It's been a while.  :-)  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for the many positive remarks to FM satellites over Europe

2009-10-14 Thread OZ1MY
HI all,
I got an overwhelming responce to the e-mail :-)
NO negative ones - that is the best thing about it.

May be the problem makers do not read amsat-bb :-(
That leaves it to us to help them to a good operating 
An e-mail like that probably must go out at least once 
a year since we get new operators (good thing) on the 

Thanks to all who responded.

Greetings from sunny and cold Copenhagen.
73 OZ1MY

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[amsat-bb] thanks

2009-10-12 Thread Nick Pugh K5QXJ
A big thanks to Frank and his team for a fantastic conference


Nick  k5qxj



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[amsat-bb] thanks for contacts during WD9EWK demo tonight!

2009-09-21 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks to the 14 stations in the western parts of the USA and 
Canada for making contacts with WD9EWK during my demonstration 
for the Tri-City Amateur Radio Association in Goodyear, Arizona,
on AO-51 tonight.  A special thank-you goes out to Rick WA4NVM - 
sorry we could not hook up and complete a QSO, which could have
been the 15th during the demonstration.  You were the easternmost 
station I heard on that pass, and I did mention that to the crowd
during the demo.  Clint K6LCS, who seems to have a never-ending
lineup of demonstrations on various weeknights around southern 
California, took time to drop in on the pass and say hello to the
group.  Thanks!  With you and other experienced satellite operators
showing up, that helps make a good impression on those who have had
little or no exposure to satellite operating before tonight.  

Even though the demonstration came before, and not after, the
presentation I gave to the club - it all worked out very well.
The club moved its meeting location to this spot in grid DM33tk, 
which looked out over an open field to the west.  The club also 
requested that members show up an hour or so earlier than the normal 
starting time for their monthly meetings, to take in the satellite
demonstration.  Their flexibility to accomodate an AO-51
demonstration is great, and thanks also have to go to AMSAT's AO-51 
Operations Group for ensuring a V/U FM voice repeater would be 
available for this evening.  

After the meeting and presentation, I followed several members
to a post-meeting gathering at a nearby restaurant.  I stayed
there for an hour or so, until the gathering began to break up.
It was a fun time to keep chatting with the club members about 
satellite operating and other radio-related topics.  

Time for bed...  73!


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[amsat-bb] Thanks for contacts at demo!

2009-09-17 Thread Mark L. Hammond
 Thanks to the several of you that helped make my demonstration tonight a
success.  Signals were great on the QRP repeater, and the JARS club enjoyed
hearing all of you (from Vermont, to Georgia to Tennesse to Kansas!).

I had a "scribe" and I think her writing says:


I think that's the list..If you need a card, let me know.


Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Thanks for certificates

2009-08-24 Thread andy thomas
Am overwhelmed with certificates!!

My AMSAT-India VO-52 certificate arrived a couple of weeks ago, and if I didn't 
thank publicly then, my apologies, and thanks now.

My ARISS-25 anniversary certificate arrived today, courtesy of Christophe, 

And (for those who know Wash.DC) please pass on my thanks to NW3DC for their 
W3A certificate, celebrating the inauguration of the 44th US President, all 
greatly appreciated, paricularly for the reasons I wrote on my QSL card!

Finally for those who enjoy reading stories to kids, I hope you enjoy mine on:


73 de andy G0SFJ


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[amsat-bb] thanks to amsat and nasa

2009-07-21 Thread andy thomas

I write this just after the liftoff from the moon +40 years.

Many thanks to amsat and to nasa for the thrilling participation in the moon 
landing - again,+40. 

Last night as the *live* audio came over the 'net I sms/texted my (grown up) 
kids as if it were live - GO for powered descent, 44000 ft, 60 seconds etc - 
and they really got excited about it! "Sorry what?" "Where are you getting this 
from?" "Wicked!" My teenage son said how he could tell his son (if and when he 
will ever have one, hi) how his father and grandfather heard and saw it live, 
and how he experienced it "live" with his own father: and so the generations go 

and to get a picture live from space, with the voice of JFK - another story - 
Buzz, and Neil, made a superb evening and worthy of such an anniversary.

many thanks

andy G0SFJ


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[amsat-bb] Thanks - attic Antennas

2009-06-19 Thread john heath
Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems that small yagis and quagis are OK in roof spaces provided that the 
liner underneath the roof tiles is not metalised.
Contrary to my expectations, rain and snow on the roof doesn't cause problems.
DH5MK has some nice pictures of his attic antenna installation on his web site.

73 John G7HIA
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[amsat-bb] Thanks to all who help!

2009-06-10 Thread kd8bxp
I just wanted to say publicly thanks to everyone who responded to my SO50 
Learned a lot and ready to try again (in a few days probably weather pending)

- I really think the amsat-bb is a group of very hekpful people despite reading 
a couple of the posts about "don't ask stupid questions or you didn't look it 
up so I am not helping". 

Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry

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[amsat-bb] Thanks to the A0-51 control team

2009-05-28 Thread Rick - WA4NVM
Drew and Gould,

Thanks for getting A0-51 back up on the last pass. (around 0010utc)
Not sure who pulled the trigger, but I know both of you keep the bird
working for our ongoing communications.

Thanks again for the fast service,

Rick - WA4NVM 
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