[android-beginners] Re: How do you determine screen orientation at startup?

2009-06-28 Thread sm1


  int orientation = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay
().getOrientation(); //works in an Activity class

then you can use the 4 constants to determine what the int means:



On Jun 28, 1:23 pm, Jason Van Anden jason.van.an...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would like to know what the screen orientation is when my app
 starts.  Can someone please point me in the right direction?

 Thank You,
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[android-beginners] Re: String format of numbers into currency

2009-06-14 Thread sm1

short and sweet examples:



On Jun 14, 7:17 pm, MMC2 m...@mmc2.com.au wrote:
 Further to my formatting problem and your reply,

 I changed s from being a string to being a double and it now works.
 Thanks for your help. I would still appreciate your recommendation on  a
 writeup about string formatting and your thoughts on the sync connection
 described below.


 - Original Message -
 From: MMC2 m...@mmc2.com.au
 To: android-beginners@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:28 PM
 Subject: [android-beginners] Re: String format of numbers into currency

  Thanks Mark for your reply, but when I include the line you suggested

  String t=customFormat($###,###.###, s);

  I don't get an error message but the app crashes at run time. I comment
  the line
  and it runs ok. Can you help further please?

  On a separate issue. I frequently get a message unable to open sync
  connection when I try to run my app.
  I am using Eclipse. To get around it I restart my computer. I am using a
  laptop with approx 1.5Gig memory.
  Could you explain what the message means and would more memory help? Also
  could you recommend
  where I would find a good writeup on string formatting?



  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com
  To: android-beginners@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:52 AM
  Subject: [android-beginners] Re: String format of numbers into currency

  MMC2 wrote:
  I want to format a number that is held in a string called s to have a
  leading $ sign and two places after the decimal point. So partly
  following an example I wrote

  static public String customFormat(String pattern, String s ) {
        DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
        String stringformatoutput = myFormatter.format(s);
        return stringformatoutput;

  then in my code where  I went to use this I wrote

                         customFormat($###,###.###, s);
             String t = stringformatoutput;

  hoping to have my formatted string ready for output in t, but I get an
  error message that stringformatoutput cannot be resolved.

  Can someone set me straight please

  String t=customFormat($###,###.###, s);

  Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

  Need Android talent? Ask on HADO!http://wiki.andmob.org/hado
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[android-beginners] Re: Invokation Exception

2009-06-14 Thread sm1

As MrChaz wrote, you'll definitively need the Camera permission and
for checking if you are still getting exceptions, try this:

Camera cam = null;
  cam = Camera.open();
}catch(Exception ex){
//it is very important that the camera be released by the app that
opens it.
try{//try-finally block to ensure that the camera is released
  }catch(Exception ex){

  //other work here

  }catch(Exception ex){
Log.e(Camera. release(),+ex);


On Jun 13, 9:51 am, MrChaz mrchazmob...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Have you added the Camera permission to the manifest?

 On Jun 12, 11:32 am, Urizev uri...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am developing an application which uses the camera of my G2. The
  code using the camera is showed below:

                  Camera cam = Camera.open();
                  if (cam == null) {


  It throws and  Exception and I do not know why. Someone has any

  com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking

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[android-beginners] Re: Differentiating between Simulator and Real device

2009-05-09 Thread sm1

in the emulator, the DeviceID from the TelephonyManager is
000, i.e., 15 zeros. It is not that on a real device.

try (in an Activity for example):

  TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService
  // must have android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE


On May 8, 1:43 am, aa aagarwa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,
 I need to change urls depending on simulator v/s. real device. Do
 anyone know how can I detect simulator v/s. a real device.

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[android-beginners] Re: How to hide alert dialog programmatically?

2009-04-12 Thread sm1



all Dialog children have this method.


On Apr 12, 6:35 pm, SteleFreak mijatovste...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a way to hide alert dialog after it has been shown, but
 programmatically?? Or is the BACK button only way? Or if i need to
 implement a button , what method should I call for alert to be hidden?
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[android-beginners] Re: Cannot access Phone Number on HTC G1

2009-03-29 Thread sm1

Assuming that you are trying to read the phone number of a phone by
using your app (and not the Settings app), here's an example to be
used in an Activity class:

 TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService
  // android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
 String phoneNumber = tm.getLine1Number();


On Mar 26, 8:28 pm, julius jul...@msa.co.nz wrote:

 I have an application which is trying to access the Phone Number. It
 has the Access rights to:
 and this works in the emulator, however, on my phone it doesn't seem
 to be able to access the number. When I go into:
 Home = Menu = Setting = About phone = Status
 third from the top is 'Phone number' however it has nothing below this
 text, that is there is no phone number listed.

 I suspect that this is obtained from the SIM card, but I could be
 wrong. Does anyone know where I might be able to configure this or
 where the number comes from?

 Note that if I call someone, my phone number turns up on his/her

 Thanks for any help.

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[android-beginners] Re: separating the decimal from the whole?

2009-03-23 Thread sm1

here's a slower but sometimes more precise way, e.g., if you're
dealing with currency:

double d = 124.50d;
BigDecimal ii = new BigDecimal(+d);
Log.d(whole and decimal,BigDecimal ii = +ii+ = new BigDecimal
(\\+d); d = +d);
Log.d(whole and decimal,whole = ii.intValue() = +ii.intValue
Log.d(whole and decimal,decimal = ii.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE)
= +ii.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE));

extracts from the log:

BigDecimal ii = 124.5 = new BigDecimal(+d); d = 124.5
whole = ii.intValue() = 124
decimal = ii.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE) = 0.5


On Mar 23, 3:28 pm, droozen droozenr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm a bit confused about your question. You ask a question and then
 pretty much answer it. :) There's other ways, as you say, but that's
 pretty much how you do it in java, too.

 x = 124.5
 y = x - int(x) (so now y = 0.5 and x = 124.5)
 z = x - y (so z = 124.0

 a = y * 3 ( a now = 1.5 )
 b = z + a ( here's you're only error. 124 + 1.5 will give you b =
 125.5, unless you are casting it to an int)

 Some other ways.

 String myX = Double.toString(x); (gives you x as a string)
 String s = myX.substring(myX.indexOf(.) + 1) (s = everything after
 the .)
 String r = myX.substring(0, myX.indexOf(.) (r = everything before
 the .)

 a = Double.parseDouble(s) * 3 (Turn everything after the . back into a
 double and multiply)
 b = Double.parseDouble(r) + a (And turn everything before the . back
 into a number and finish your calc

 Of course, using string manipulation like this you'll have to have a
 lot more checks for nulls and whatnot (what if there is no decimal
 part, converting it to a string might not yield a . in the string).

 Best way is as you posted, though.

 On Mar 20, 10:36 pm, Jintsubo jints...@gmail.com wrote:

  So I having a good crack at my first Android app, I've completed all
  the tutorials and suddenly realised I haven't a clue about how to do
  simple mathematics in Java. I have some (self taught) experience in
  PHP, Python etc, I'm no expert but I have managed to get the things
  done that I want to do.

  What I can do in Python but can't for the life of me figure out in
  javndroid; how to separate the decimal from the whole.

  for example, 124.50. I want to do some calcs using only the 0.50 and
  then when I'm finished, add it back onto the 124.0.

  x = 124.50
  y = x - int(x) (there are other ways but for simplicity sake)... y =
  z = x - y = 124.0

  a = y * 3 = 1.5
  b = z + a = 125.0

  Any pointers greatly appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS permission

2009-03-21 Thread sm1

i tried this permission in one of my apps and it ran fine, on an adp1.

i seached the issues and found nothing;
here http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list

there may be another problem in your app or what you're trying to do
is not supported by the current version of android. it is currently
quite limited in the audio functions accessible by apps.

maybe someone else here knows about this, and if not then please post
in the issues list. these get looked at by android/google staff, but
you have to be patient, many issues don't get timely attention. the
staff appear to be overworked these days.


On Mar 18, 1:45 pm, Beth emez...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello there,

 I first wrote to the android developer group about this and I got no
 responses.  Has anybody successfully set the MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS use
 permission?  I try to set it and get a permission exception with every
 run of my application.  Thanks for any insight you might have.

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[android-beginners] Re: MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS permission

2009-03-21 Thread sm1

my app also uses-permission WRITE_SETTINGS. maybe you could add this
one also and try.

On Mar 21, 12:10 pm, sm1 sergemas...@gmail.com wrote:
 i tried this permission in one of my apps and it ran fine, on an adp1.

 i seached the issues and found nothing;

 there may be another problem in your app or what you're trying to do
 is not supported by the current version of android. it is currently
 quite limited in the audio functions accessible by apps.

 maybe someone else here knows about this, and if not then please post
 in the issues list. these get looked at by android/google staff, but
 you have to be patient, many issues don't get timely attention. the
 staff appear to be overworked these days.


 On Mar 18, 1:45 pm, Beth emez...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello there,

  I first wrote to the android developer group about this and I got no
  responses.  Has anybody successfully set the MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS use
  permission?  I try to set it and get a permission exception with every
  run of my application.  Thanks for any insight you might have.

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[android-beginners] Re: How do I set the value of an EditText

2009-03-21 Thread sm1

i use

  myEditText.setText(hello, TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);

works fine

On Mar 21, 5:55 am, Tseng tseng.priv...@googlemail.com wrote:
 An error message would be helpful Otherwise it's hard to help you,
 other than guessing what could be the reasons for it.

 Maybe you haven't set the ID correctly, using a wrong ID (which
 doesn't even exist in the XML Layout file) or you're using
 setContentView/setView after you have using findViewById. This could
 throw up a NullPointer Exception when you try to access (because
 findViewById returns 0 if no layout has been set or the View with this
 ID was not found).

 On Mar 20, 9:00 pm, Lovedumplingx lovedumpli...@gmail.com wrote:

  That's what I thought too but I crash the task every time the activity
  that contains this code is started:

  EditText userText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.userText);

  This is the basic way I thought to have the value set but it crashes
  every time.

  On Mar 19, 10:53 pm, Isaac Waller ad...@isaacwaller.com wrote:

   A String _is_ a CharSequence. There is no need for a cast.

   On Mar 19, 3:35 pm, Will sem...@gmail.com wrote:

Cast the String to a CharSequence.

String x = foo;
ET.setText((CharSequence) x);

On Mar 19, 10:43 am, Lovedumplingx lovedumpli...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok...so I've scoured and scoured and played and fiddled but I can't
 figure it out.

 I want to allow the user to set preferences for an application and I
 want the preferences to be displayed in theEditTextarea if/when they
 come back to change them again.

 In my head I'm thinking I would be able to use setText() but no...that
 takes a CharSequence and I have a string and don't know how to make a
 CharSequence (which according to what I've read is supposed to be a
 read-only thing anyway).

 So...does anyone know how to put text into anEditTextfield without
 relying on the XML?  I really want to do this via application

 Thanks.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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[android-beginners] Re: how to read specific part in a string

2009-03-15 Thread sm1

Looks good guruk. It's quite fast. I timed it.

fyi: The code I posted earlier can also work with input of xml tags
with attributes, such as

Hello, this is a test start attr1=\value1\12345/start ...

which is common with tags, and it also avoids raising the nasty
RuntimeException IndexOutOfBoundsException (by method substring) when
a tag is not in the given string, which can happen in my apps.
Exceptions such as these are normally not indicated by Eclipse Europa
because, being RuntimeException children, they do not require a throws
clause in the method signature when they are not caught by a try-catch
in the method. These things often are what makes the difference
between a 3-star and a 4-star rating.

For handling absent tags without having to manage the exception
downstream, I recommend the use of {if(xstart0)return ;}

  String x1tag =  + xtag + ;
  String x2tag = / + xtag + ;
  int xstart = xhtml.indexOf(x1tag);
  if(xstart0)return ;
  int x1len = x1tag.length();
  int xend = xhtml.indexOf(x2tag);
  if(xend0)return ;
  return xhtml.substring(xstart + x1len, xend);

Or you could use a try-catch clause in the method if you know that the
exception will not occur frequently and you don't want to do anything
with the exception, and you want to keep going, such as:

  String x1tag =  + xtag + ;
  String x2tag = / + xtag + ;
  int xstart = xhtml.indexOf(x1tag);
  int x1len = x1tag.length();
  int xend = xhtml.indexOf(x2tag);
  return xhtml.substring(xstart + x1len, xend);
}catch(Throwable resume){
  return ;


On Mar 14, 2:38 pm, guruk ilovesi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi and thanks for all your great help

 So I also like to share what I use now

 public String TakeIt (String xtag, String xhtml)
                 String x1tag =  + xtag + ;
                 String x2tag = / + xtag + ;
                 int xstart = xhtml.indexOf(x1tag);
                 int x1len = x1tag.length();
                 int xend = xhtml.indexOf(x2tag);
                 return xhtml.substring(xstart + x1len, xend);

 And as Usual.. one Problem is solved, the next appear.

 Please if you know how to update a Gallery and also a Listview after a

 Great People!!

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[android-beginners] Re: how to read specific part in a string

2009-03-14 Thread sm1

I don't think that it can be done using StringTokenizer.

On Mar 14, 12:17 pm, Albert Hernández albert.hernan...@gmail.com
 I think that the methods proposed here are very heavy:
 XML Parsing is too much for that easy task
 Check it manually is not optimal

 I suggest you to have a look on the class 


 On Mar 13, 11:57 pm, sm1 sergemas...@gmail.com wrote:

  I do it this way (it works for me):

     * @param tag The tag without the angle bracket, i.e.,
     *             the given value does not start with lt;.
     * @param str The string containing the tags and data.
     * @return empty string when tag absent or str invalid.
    String takeit(String tag,String str){
        int i = str.indexOf(+tag+);
          i = str.indexOf(+tag+ );
        if(i0) {
          return ;//tag not found
        String s = str.substring(i);
        i = s.indexOf();
        if(i0) {
          //no matching end-angle-bracket ()
          return ;
        s = s.substring(i+1);//the returned string begins with the data
  of this tag
        int j = s.indexOf(/+tag+); //in this version,  tag/
  tags are not used.
        if(j0) {
          //TODO Log.d(...)
          return ;
        s = s.substring(0,j); // j is the position of the end-tag.
        return s.trim();
      }catch(Exception ex){
        /* TODO maybe
        Log.d(myClass,ex+ - Thread.currentThread()
                     +.takeit() returning empty string;
                     + tag = +tag
                     +; str = +str
        return ;


  On Mar 12, 4:34 pm, EECOLOR eeco...@gmail.com wrote:

   I think that would be something like this:

   public String takeit(String str, String tag)
    return str.replace(.*? + tag + (.*?)/ + tag + .*, $1);


   Greetz Erik

   On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:14 PM, guruk ilovesi...@gmail.com wrote:

i have a long String and need to capture some text in between of some

for example:

myString=Hello, this is a test start12345/start and here i like
to say markioioidddad/marki what is that opxmarknotwise/
opxmark and now i close;

How would you do in java regex or any short thing like:

starttag = takeit(myString,start);          //result = 12345
marktag =takeit(myString,marki);         //result = oioidddad
opxmark=takeit(myString,opxmark);    //result == notwise

thanks a lot from your java newbie :)

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[android-beginners] Re: how to read specific part in a string

2009-03-13 Thread sm1

I do it this way (it works for me):

   * @param tag The tag without the angle bracket, i.e.,
   * the given value does not start with lt;.
   * @param str The string containing the tags and data.
   * @return empty string when tag absent or str invalid.
  String takeit(String tag,String str){
  int i = str.indexOf(+tag+);
i = str.indexOf(+tag+ );
  if(i0) {
return ;//tag not found
  String s = str.substring(i);
  i = s.indexOf();
  if(i0) {
//no matching end-angle-bracket ()
return ;
  s = s.substring(i+1);//the returned string begins with the data
of this tag
  int j = s.indexOf(/+tag+); //in this version,  tag/
tags are not used.
  if(j0) {
//TODO Log.d(...)
return ;
  s = s.substring(0,j); // j is the position of the end-tag.
  return s.trim();
}catch(Exception ex){
  /* TODO maybe
  Log.d(myClass,ex+ - Thread.currentThread()
   +.takeit() returning empty string;
   + tag = +tag
   +; str = +str
  return ;


On Mar 12, 4:34 pm, EECOLOR eeco...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think that would be something like this:

 public String takeit(String str, String tag)
  return str.replace(.*? + tag + (.*?)/ + tag + .*, $1);


 Greetz Erik

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:14 PM, guruk ilovesi...@gmail.com wrote:

  i have a long String and need to capture some text in between of some

  for example:

  myString=Hello, this is a test start12345/start and here i like
  to say markioioidddad/marki what is that opxmarknotwise/
  opxmark and now i close;

  How would you do in java regex or any short thing like:

  starttag = takeit(myString,start);          //result = 12345
  marktag =takeit(myString,marki);         //result = oioidddad
  opxmark=takeit(myString,opxmark);    //result == notwise

  thanks a lot from your java newbie :)

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[android-beginners] Re: g1 developer firmware update

2009-03-13 Thread sm1

Merci Jean-Baptiste.

On Mar 13, 5:36 pm, Jean-Baptiste Queru j...@android.com wrote:


 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Michael Bollmann

 michael.bollm...@googlemail.com wrote:

  this might be a stupid question... but ill ask anyway :)

  i received my g1 developer phone today
  when i run my software it warns me that i'm developing with sdk 1.1
  and my phone runs 1.0

  is there any official update source?
  (searching the net brought only some strange homebrew solutions)

  thanks in advance

 Jean-Baptiste M. JBQ Queru
 Android Engineer, Google.

 Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
 will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further
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[android-beginners] Re: Background Color

2009-03-11 Thread sm1

an example of what Mark had in mind, I think:


also you could use Java code, such as in this example for a subclass
of Dialog, such as an AlertDialog instance:

  getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable( new ColorDrawable
(Color.DKGRAY) );

Note that the last technique is not guaranteed to be supported over
the long term.

Romain Guy from Google had a nice post recently on performance issues
for backgrounds:


On Mar 11, 1:26 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 AJ wrote:
  I'm a complete newb here (got a Hello World app working, but otherwise
  my mind is a blank slate as far as Java goes), but how do you set the
  background color for an application that will utilize nothing but text
  and simple shapes?

 Put an android:background attribute on the appropriate elements of your
 layout XML. It can either be a simple color or a reference to a Drawable
 resource (e.g., PNG, gradient).

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Published!
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[android-beginners] Re: How to format time in millis to human readable?

2009-03-08 Thread sm1

There may be built-in methods for such things as 5 minutes ago but I
don't know any yet.

for the current time in human-readable form, using some default date
display format (which may or may not be dependent on user-preferred
locale and date format selection, this remains TBD for Android), the
fastest way is:

+new Date()

and with a given time in millis, it would be as in:

 Build.TIME +Build.TIME+ = +new Date(Build.TIME)

Calendar is recommended for conversions (e.g., time zone changes) and
for other calculations with dates, such add, after, before, compareTo.

When you create a Calendar, it is already set to the current time:

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

is usually equivalent and preferable to:

long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); //don't do these 4
Date date = new Date(millis);
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

And if you need to use SimpleDateFormat, because for example you don't
want to use the default format you get from Date, then take special
care because some implementations are not multithreaded, therefore
unless you know for sure that Android's implementation is
multithreaded, then don't cache the instance and use a local variable
that only lives in the method, don't use a field. This makes
SimpleDateFormat somewhat expansive to use but usually it is only used
for some UI work (i.e., not background work), therefore using it may
be OK for many apps.

happy coding

On Mar 8, 4:33 am, TAKEphONE shimo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there any internal method/object I can use to return a format
 like the built-in call log does ?

 (i.e. 5 minutes ago, 2 days ago...)

 On Mar 6, 2:55 pm, Tseng tseng.priv...@googlemail.com wrote:

  I wouldn't really use this method to be honest. Even the Android
  Documentation sugest to use native methods, instead of writing your
  own stuff for methods which are already available (i.e. simple date

  [Use Native 

  On Mar 6, 1:20 pm, droozen droozenr...@gmail.com wrote:

   Sometimes I construct my human readable strings in a separate function
   by myself, mostly because I imagine it's faster. Something like.

   int iMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // Months from the calendar
   are offset by one. Add one if you want human readable.
   int iDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

   String month = Integer.toString(iMonth);
   if(iMonth  10){
       month = 0 + month; // Otherwise, you might get something like
   1/1/1900, instead of 01/01/1900


   String day = Integer.toString(iDay);
   if(iDay  10){
       day = 0 + day;


   String humanReadable = month + / + day + / cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

   But really, you should be using SimpleDateFormat, I suppose...

   On Mar 6, 5:55 am, Łukasz Warchoł warchol...@gmail.com wrote:

   - Show quoted text -
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