[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Cartouche

I have the same problem, can you details how you fixe it ?
Thanks you.

On 31 mar, 02:46, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you.  The dump operation helped me isolate the problem.  The
 class files are indeed identical (confirmed by cmp).  The problem was
 more insidious.  The dx command worked OK on the original system, but
 not on the new one.  Here's why:

 The proximate cause was that I was sloppy installing java.  The new
 (Debian) system has a java command that does this:

 b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ java
 Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
           to invoke CLASS.main, or
        gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
           to execute a jar file
 Try `gij --help' for more information.

 ...while the original system runs a Sun version. Changing a link in /
 etc/alternatives fixed the problem.  Of course, someone naive like me
 likes to believe this shouldn't matter - dx should work in either
 jre.  OK, not naive.  Idealistic.

 Thanks again.

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Cartouche

I have the same problem, can you detail how you fix it ?
Thanks you.

On 30 mar, 22:18, Dan Bornstein danf...@android.com wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com

  Now I'm preparing for a trip and I want to continue development
  on my netbook, but I'm haviing trouble with the build process.  It
  appears to run the compiler OK, and generates a set of class files
  identical to that on my first system (verified all checksums), but
  unlike the first system, the netbook build fails in the dx phase with
  messages as shown below. [...]

      [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
     [apply] trouble processing:
     [apply] invalid constant pool index 
     [apply] ...while parsing attributes[1]
     [apply] ...while parsing Code attribute at offset 0715
     [apply] ...while parsing attributes[0]
     [apply] ...while parsing methods[0]
     [apply] ...while parsing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class
     [apply] ...while processing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

 The message invalid constant pool index  is a smoking gun. In
 classfiles constant pool index 0 is *always* invalid, so, though you
 say that the classfiles are identical, this is evidence that, at least
 by the time dx gets to run, they are not.

 You might try to diagnose this further by comparing the class
 Apprise.class from a known-good run (from the old machine) with the
 version of the file that dx complained about. You can try good old
 cmp (binary compare), and you might also want to do an annotated
 dump of the two files. dx --dump Name.class can do the latter.


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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Bill Michaelson

Oh, hey, no problem.  Sometimes it's not a matter of getting the right
fix from someone, but rather, a sympathetic and intelligent
correspondent.  I work alone and that's, uh, lonely.  And I can't
blame you for wanting to double-check my assumptions.  I would do the

I'll try to get you more useful info on that failure mode, but
unfortunately, this development environment is still rather opaque to
me, so I'll be stumbling along... so standby.

On Mar 30, 8:58 pm, Dan Bornstein danf...@android.com wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:46 PM, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com

  The dx command worked OK on the original system, but
  not on the new one.  Here's why:

  The proximate cause was that I was sloppy installing java.  The new
  (Debian) system has a java command that does this:

  b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ java
  Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
           to invoke CLASS.main, or
        gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
           to execute a jar file
  Try `gij --help' for more information.

  ...while the original system runs a Sun version. Changing a link in /
  etc/alternatives fixed the problem.  Of course, someone naive like me
  likes to believe this shouldn't matter - dx should work in either
  jre.  OK, not naive.  Idealistic.

 Agreed, and since dx isn't doing anything particularly fancy, this
 perhaps indicative of a bug in gij. We've seen bugs in JREs creep up
 before, and there is even a bit of code in dx that detects one of the
 known failure modes, but yours is a new one (at least for me). I'd
 love to be able to detect it, so if you are so inclined, please try
 tracking down what the most immediate failure is. (That is, by the
 time it turns into a bogus constant pool index, it's probably too
 late, as that could have been a legitimate complaint.) If you can
 figure that out, then we can probably add another bit of detection
 code and maybe save some folks a little time down the line.

 Thanks for following up, and my apologies that I steered you in the
 wrong direction to begin with.

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Bill Michaelson

Cartouche - for my system, it was simply a matter of changing a
symbolic link so that the Sun runtime environment is use when the java
command is invoked from a shell.  On the Debian system I'm using, that
link is in /etc/alternatives.  And in my case I did this:

cd /etc/alternatives
ln -s -f /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

On Mar 31, 10:33 am, Cartouche hafid.s...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the same problem, can you detail how you fix it ?
 Thanks you.

 On 30 mar, 22:18, Dan Bornstein danf...@android.com wrote:

  On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com

   Now I'm preparing for a trip and I want to continue development
   on my netbook, but I'm haviing trouble with the build process.  It
   appears to run the compiler OK, and generates a set of class files
   identical to that on my first system (verified all checksums), but
   unlike the first system, the netbook build fails in the dx phase with
   messages as shown below. [...]

       [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
      [apply] trouble processing:
      [apply] invalid constant pool index 
      [apply] ...while parsing attributes[1]
      [apply] ...while parsing Code attribute at offset 0715
      [apply] ...while parsing attributes[0]
      [apply] ...while parsing methods[0]
      [apply] ...while parsing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class
      [apply] ...while processing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

  The message invalid constant pool index  is a smoking gun. In
  classfiles constant pool index 0 is *always* invalid, so, though you
  say that the classfiles are identical, this is evidence that, at least
  by the time dx gets to run, they are not.

  You might try to diagnose this further by comparing the class
  Apprise.class from a known-good run (from the old machine) with the
  version of the file that dx complained about. You can try good old
  cmp (binary compare), and you might also want to do an annotated
  dump of the two files. dx --dump Name.class can do the latter.

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Bill Michaelson

Oh, and here is the result with the Sun JRE for comparison...

b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ dx --dump bin/classes/net/from/apprise/
reading bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class...
begin classfile
magic: cafebabe
major_version: 0031
constant_pool_count: 007b

  0001: method{android.app.Activity.init:()V}
  0002: string{6095326873}
  0003: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0004: string{SMS_SENT}
  0005: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0006: method{android.app.Activity.onCreate:(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V}
  0007: string{Apprise}
  0008: string{Here}
...stuff omitted again...
  0076: utf8{sleep}
  0077: utf8{(J)V}
  0078: utf8{unregisterReceiver}
  0079: utf8{(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V}
  007a: utf8{(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/
end constant_pool
access_flags: public|super
this_class: type{net.from.apprise.Apprise}
super_class: type{android.app.Activity}
fields_count: 0003

  access_flags: private|static|final
  name: TAG
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  attributes_count: 0001

name: ConstantValue
length: 0002
value: string{Apprise}
  end attributes[0]
end fields[0]

  name: tDest
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
end fields[1]

  name: SENT
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
end fields[2]
methods_count: 0002

  access_flags: public
  name: init
  descriptor: ()V
  attributes_count: 0001

name: Code
length: 0047
max_stack: 0002
max_locals: 0001
code_length: 0011
: aload_0 // 00
0001: invokespecial method{android.app.Activity.init:()V}
0004: aload_0 // 00
0005: ldc string{6095326873}
0007: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/
000a: aload_0 // 00
000b: ldc string{SMS_SENT}
000d: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/
0010: return
attributes_count: 0002

  name: LineNumberTable
  length: 0012
  line_number_table_length: 0004
  0004 18
  000a 19
  0010 49
end attributes[0]

  name: LocalVariableTable
  length: 000c
  local_variable_table_length: 0001
  ..0011  this Lnet/from/apprise/Apprise;
end attributes[1]
  end attributes[0]
end methods[0]

  access_flags: public
  name: onCreate
  descriptor: (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
  attributes_count: 0001

name: Code
length: 0136
max_stack: 0006
max_locals: 0008
code_length: 0082
: aload_0 // 00
0001: aload_1 // 01
0002: invokespecial method{android.app.Activity.onCreate:(Landroid/
0005: ldc string{Apprise}
0007: ldc string{Here}
0009: invokestatic method{android.util.Log.d:(Ljava/lang/
000c: pop
000d: aload_0 // 00
000e: ldc #+7f02
0010: invokevirtual method{net.from.apprise.Apprise.setContentView:
0013: invokestatic method
0016: astore_2 // 02
0017: aconst_null
0018: astore_3 // 03
0019: aload_0 // 00
001a: iconst_0 // #+00
001b: new type{android.content.Intent}
001e: dup
001f: ldc string{net.from.Apprise.IGNORE_ME}
0021: invokespecial method{android.content.Intent.init:(Ljava/
0024: iconst_0 // #+00
0025: invokestatic method{android.app.PendingIntent.getBroadcast:
0028: astore 04
002a: aload_0 // 00
002b: iconst_0 // #+00
002c: new type{android.content.Intent}
002f: dup
0030: ldc string{net.from.Apprise.SMS_SENT}
0032: invokespecial method{android.content.Intent.init:(Ljava/
0035: iconst_0 // #+00
0036: invokestatic method{android.app.PendingIntent.getBroadcast:
0039: astore 05
003b: new type{net.from.apprise.Apprise$APBR}
003e: dup
003f: aload_0 // 00
0040: invokespecial method{net.from.apprise.Apprise$APBR.init:
0043: astore 06
0045: aload_0 // 00
0046: aload 06
0048: new type{android.content.IntentFilter}
004b: dup
004c: aload_0 // 00
004d: getfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/
0050: invokespecial method{android.content.IntentFilter.init:
0053: invokevirtual method

[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-31 Thread Bill Michaelson

OK, Dan, here are fragments of the output resulting from 'dx --dump
bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class' when gij is used.  Results
are similar for any class file.  Unfortunately, it's not an outright
crash with a stack dump and I suppose this only gives you an
approximate idea of where it runs off the rails at best.  So if there
is a switch or incantation that will yield something more useful, say
the word and I'll do that...

b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ dx --dump bin/classes/net/from/apprise/
reading bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class...
begin classfile
magic: cafebabe
major_version: 0031
constant_pool_count: 007b

  0001: method{android.app.Activity.init:()V}
  0002: string{6095326873}
  0003: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0004: string{SMS_SENT}
  0005: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0006: method{android.app.Activity.onCreate:(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V}
  0007: string{Apprise}
  0008: string{Here}
...stuff omitted from post...
  0075: utf8{java/lang/Thread}
  0076: utf8{sleep}
  0077: utf8{(J)V}
  0078: utf8{unregisterReceiver}
  0079: utf8{(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V}
  007a: utf8{(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/
end constant_pool
access_flags: public|super
this_class: type{net.from.apprise.Apprise}
super_class: type{android.app.Activity}
fields_count: 0003

  access_flags: private|static|final
  name: TAG
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  attributes_count: 0001

name: ConstantValue
length: 0002
value: string{Apprise}
  end attributes[0]
end fields[0]

  name: tDest
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
end fields[1]

  name: SENT
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
end fields[2]
methods_count: 0002

  access_flags: public
  name: init
  descriptor: ()V
  attributes_count: 0001

name: Code
length: 0047
max_stack: 0002
max_locals: 0001
code_length: 0011
: aload_0 // 00
0001: invokespecial method{android.app.Activity.init:()V}
0004: aload_0 // 00
0005: ldc string{6095326873}
0007: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/
000a: aload_0 // 00
000b: ldc string{SMS_SENT}
000d: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/
0010: return
attributes_count: 0002

  name: LineNumberTable
  length: 0012
  line_number_table_length: 0004
  0004 18
  000a 19
  0010 49
end attributes[0]

  name: LocalVariableTable
  length: 000c
  local_variable_table_length: 0001

trouble parsing:
invalid constant pool index 
...while parsing attributes[1]
...while parsing Code attribute at offset 072f
...while parsing attributes[0]
...while parsing methods[0]
...while parsing bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-30 Thread Dan Bornstein

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com
 Now I'm preparing for a trip and I want to continue development
 on my netbook, but I'm haviing trouble with the build process.  It
 appears to run the compiler OK, and generates a set of class files
 identical to that on my first system (verified all checksums), but
 unlike the first system, the netbook build fails in the dx phase with
 messages as shown below. [...]

 [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
[apply] trouble processing:
[apply] invalid constant pool index 
[apply] ...while parsing attributes[1]
[apply] ...while parsing Code attribute at offset 0715
[apply] ...while parsing attributes[0]
[apply] ...while parsing methods[0]
[apply] ...while parsing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class
[apply] ...while processing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

The message invalid constant pool index  is a smoking gun. In
classfiles constant pool index 0 is *always* invalid, so, though you
say that the classfiles are identical, this is evidence that, at least
by the time dx gets to run, they are not.

You might try to diagnose this further by comparing the class
Apprise.class from a known-good run (from the old machine) with the
version of the file that dx complained about. You can try good old
cmp (binary compare), and you might also want to do an annotated
dump of the two files. dx --dump Name.class can do the latter.

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-30 Thread BeWillDir

Thank you.  The dump operation helped me isolate the problem.  The
class files are indeed identical (confirmed by cmp).  The problem was
more insidious.  The dx command worked OK on the original system, but
not on the new one.  Here's why:

The proximate cause was that I was sloppy installing java.  The new
(Debian) system has a java command that does this:

b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ java
Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
  to invoke CLASS.main, or
   gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
  to execute a jar file
Try `gij --help' for more information.

...while the original system runs a Sun version. Changing a link in /
etc/alternatives fixed the problem.  Of course, someone naive like me
likes to believe this shouldn't matter - dx should work in either
jre.  OK, not naive.  Idealistic.

Thanks again.

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[android-developers] Re: dex failure

2009-03-30 Thread Dan Bornstein

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:46 PM, BeWillDir wmmichael...@gmail.com
 The dx command worked OK on the original system, but
 not on the new one.  Here's why:

 The proximate cause was that I was sloppy installing java.  The new
 (Debian) system has a java command that does this:

 b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ java
 Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
  to invoke CLASS.main, or
   gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
  to execute a jar file
 Try `gij --help' for more information.

 ...while the original system runs a Sun version. Changing a link in /
 etc/alternatives fixed the problem.  Of course, someone naive like me
 likes to believe this shouldn't matter - dx should work in either
 jre.  OK, not naive.  Idealistic.

Agreed, and since dx isn't doing anything particularly fancy, this
perhaps indicative of a bug in gij. We've seen bugs in JREs creep up
before, and there is even a bit of code in dx that detects one of the
known failure modes, but yours is a new one (at least for me). I'd
love to be able to detect it, so if you are so inclined, please try
tracking down what the most immediate failure is. (That is, by the
time it turns into a bogus constant pool index, it's probably too
late, as that could have been a legitimate complaint.) If you can
figure that out, then we can probably add another bit of detection
code and maybe save some folks a little time down the line.

Thanks for following up, and my apologies that I steered you in the
wrong direction to begin with.


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