[Andromda-user] OCL statement too simple?

2005-07-12 Thread Matthias Bohlen
Hi all,

I have a question on an OCL statement that was translated too

I have two entities called Instrument and Quote and an OCL query
with the following query string:

context Instrument::findOrderedQuotes() : Collection(Quote)
 body: quotes-sortedBy(date)

quotes is the role name in an composition from Instrument to Quote.

The translation produced by AndroMDA was:

public java.util.Collection findOrderedQuotes(final int transform)
return this.findOrderedQuotes(transform, order by date);

There is no from clause in the Hibernate query string - I presume
that the query cannot be really executed.

What I expected was something like this:

  from a.b.c.Quote as entity
  where entity.instrument = instrument
  order by date

Am I missing something?



Matthias Bohlen
Consulting that helps project teams to succeed...


Phone: +49 (170) 772 8545

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [DAO accessors] DAO accessors

2005-07-12 Thread Gary Struthers

I had a problem that looks like a Spring bug, not an Andromda bug. An Entity 
subclass was named URIAddressDao. At runtime there was this error:

org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BootstrapException: Unable to 
initialize group definition. Group resource name 
[classpath*:beanRefFactory.xml], factory key [beanRefFactory]; nested exception 
is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 
with name 'beanRefFactory' defined in URL 
 Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not instantiate class 
constructor threw exception; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 
with name 'userServiceTarget' defined in class path resource 
[applicationContext.xml]: Error setting property values; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.NotWritablePropertyException: Invalid property 
'uRIAddressDao' of bean c
 lass [com.valuechaintocode.service.user.UserServiceImpl]: Bean property 
'uRIAddressDao' is not writable or has an invalid setter method: Does the 
parameter type of the setter match the return type of the getter?

I changed the class name and the problem cleared. I guess Spring has a bug with 
URI beginning a class name.

I noticed all DAO base classes have public set methods but protected get 
methods. Why is that?
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [DAO accessors]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this is not a Spring bug neither an AndroMDA bug, it is related to the way some 
reflection APIs used at runtime (such as commons-bean) resolve members based on 
the name

if the property name starts with a sequence of capitals the API gets confused, 
the behavior is different from the one found in the JDK

to answer your other question: we prefer to restrict as much as possible class 
members as to improve encapsulation and reusability, but unfortunately the 
setter accessor needs to have a public visiblity since Spring uses it
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Bpm4Struts cartridge] [entity object as parameter]

2005-07-12 Thread szroland

I filed the issue here:
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[Andromda-user] [Bpm4Struts cartridge] [entity object as parameter]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

great, and thanks for being verbose in the issue description.. I'm not sure 
when I'll have time to start on it but probably one of the coming weekends, it 
will not be in the 3.1-RC1 release, but most probably in one of the 
RC2-SNAPSHOT releases (I have many other issues to implement :-) )
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Project generator] [packaging question (or suggestion!)]

2005-07-12 Thread skabeat

in that case it would be better to create a new component, let's say 
core-client, which would have its own project.xml just like the core and all 
the other components

that way it would be very easy to manage it, and have it produce an artifact

it would also be more straightforward to decide where to put your client code: 

I would suggest you try to do that and let us know if it works for you, if you 
then send us the files for that core-client component (I was thinking about 
project.xml, project.properties, maven.xml and the directory structure) then 
we'll be able to include it in the andromdapp:generate project generator plugin
(end of quote)

Maybe it's a little more complicated, how can you know what you need in 
core-client? Does it depend on the used buisness layer cartridge? Do we need 
only abstract classes (or interfaces)? Does andromda should generates files in 

I really would like to investigate this right now but unfortunetly I don't have 
enough time ressource at the moment, even if I'm using andromda wich saves me 
lot of time ;-) I might try to have a look anyway

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[Andromda-user] [Bpm4Struts cartridge] [entity object as parameter]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yup I will, in the meantime I've been thinking this through and I have a good 
feeling about this feature, I don't think any major issues will popup
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Project generator] [packaging question (or suggestion!)]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think AndroMDA wouldn't need to generate anything in the core-client (it 
could though), I would consider this a component where the user writes the 
client manually .. in fact there could be more than one of these components (if 
you have a complicated/distributable) application architecture
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Metafacades] [Combining Metafacades, Templates and Stereotypes] Combining Metafacades, Templates and Stereotypes

2005-07-12 Thread MArtin

Hi @all,

we are gambling with the new AndroMDA. Now we try to map our old Helper-Classes 
from AndroMDA 2.x to the new MetaFacades-concept. 

We want to specify special Methods for each template on one stereotype. i.e.:

Stereotype: Entity

Templates: EJBImpl and TransportObject

I want to generate two classes: EntityEJBImpl and EntityTO. For these two 
classes I want to use special MetaFacades, because I need a function to 
generate an ejbCreate-signature on the one hand for the EJBimpl and a public 
constructor for the TO. 

But I do not want to have the possibility to call the 
getEjbCreate-functionality in the TO-template. 

We tried to map the Stereotype Entity to the template EJBImpl and the 
Metafacade EJBMetaFacade and we mapped Entity to the template 
TransportObject and the MetaFacade TOMetaFacade. 

Both Metafacades inherit from EntityMetafacade, because they are specializing 
this one.

Are we wrong in understanding the idea of the MetaFacades?

regards, MArtin
AVIs Samsung-Forum: www.samsung-forum.de
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[Andromda-user] [Metafacades] [Combining Metafacades, Templates and Stereotypes]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it's not entirely clear to me what you are trying to do .. I mean, can't you 
just construct the method/constructor signatures in the templates ?

it's also not technically correct to say that a stereotype maps to a facade, 
not in your example anyway; what is going on is that you map an element from 
the model to a facade, and the fact is has a stereotype is a condition which is 

take a look at the Spring or Hibernate cartridges for good examples of facades, 
you'll immediately see how it's done

also, it's good to have functionality in the facades, but don't overdo it, 
although it's theoretically more sound, it's very hard to maintain this 
consistently over an entire cartridge in practice since not everything need to 
be configurable

if you would push this to the extreme your templates would only contain 
variables and constructs, but barely any plain text .. and that's not very 
readable is it

anyway, I'm not sure what you're doing with your mappings, there is no 
EntityMetaFacade .. where did you find it ? (we only have a facade called 
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Installation Configuration] [Corruptions in UMLMetafacadeModel-3.1-M1.xml.zip in EAP 10.0]

2005-07-12 Thread Trudy Cool

Sounds like you should report this to NoMagic.
(end of quote)

I have done that.

I assumed you also would want to know.  

I have built andromda-src-3.1-M1.zip successfully because (obviously) modifying 
AndroMDA's xml.zip files is unecessary for that.  But, I am proceeding with my 
attempt to add composite-id support to the hibernate cartridge as mentioned. 
and will need to be sure I am working from uncorrupted diagrams.  I'll have to 
go back to 9.5

For what it's worth, I have found a MagicDraw log file that shows dozens of 
lines like these...


nbsp; nbsp;at 

nbsp; nbsp;at 

nbsp; nbsp;at 

nbsp; nbsp;at 

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.c.a.l.a#40;l.java#58;183#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.c.a.l.a#40;l.java#58;125#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.c.a.n.f#40;n.java#58;520#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.c.a.n.q#40;n.java#58;1142#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.c.a.n.a#40;n.java#58;803#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.u.a#40;u.java#58;564#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.u.a#40;u.java#58;60#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.magicdraw.d.cb.execute#40;cb.java#58;1408#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.c.d.c#40;d.java#58;119#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at com.nomagic.c.f.run#40;f.java#58;149#41;

nbsp; nbsp;at java.lang.Thread.run#40;Unknown Source#41;

2005-07-11 18#58;18#58;17,789 #91;Load Project#93; 

ERROR LOAD - Marking corrupted#58; 



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[Andromda-user] [Metafacades] [Combining Metafacades, Templates and Stereotypes]

2005-07-12 Thread MArtin

hmm... ok, I take another example:

I want to generate an Exception for every Entity, and every Service. 
All exceptions should have the same structure, the difference is just the Name. 

For getting the name I need some logic. (i.e. putting a suffix 
PersistenceException or ServiceException).

So, now I have more than one way to solve this: 

1. Logic in the template:


#set#40;$className = $#123;class.name#125;ServiceException#41;

#elseif #40;$class.isEntity#41;

#set#40;$className = $#123;class.name#125;PersistenceException#41;


I think, this is not the proper position for this logic. I think its better to 
do that in a MetaFacage. So, we come to solution 2:

2. Doing the name-logic in the MetaFacade

Then I have in each of my EntityFacade and my ServiceFacade a method 
getExceptionName. I can call this method in every template, where I use the 
EntityFacade repectively the ServiceFacade.

So, I think, thats also not a good way. Thats the reason why I want to use 
version 3:

3. using a special EntityExceptionFacade and a ServiceExceptionFacade

This special facades can handle the functionality to generate the 
Exception-Name. And in the template-deskriptor I want to do this:



nbsp; nbsp; path=templates/mytemplates/service.java.vsl

nbsp; nbsp; outputPattern=$generatedFile

nbsp; nbsp; outlet=exceptions

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;generateEmptyFiles=false

nbsp; nbsp; overwrite=true

nbsp; nbsp;modelElements variable=service

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;modelElement stereotype=Service

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;type 

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;/modelElement

nbsp; nbsp;/modelElements



nbsp; nbsp; path=templates/mytemplates/entity.java.vsl

nbsp; nbsp; outputPattern=$generatedFile

nbsp; nbsp; outlet=exceptions

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;generateEmptyFiles=false

nbsp; nbsp; overwrite=true

nbsp; nbsp;modelElements variable=entity

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;modelElement stereotype=Entity

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;type 

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;/modelElement

nbsp; nbsp;/modelElements



nbsp; nbsp; path=templates/mytemplates/exception.java.vsl

nbsp; nbsp; outputPattern=$generatedFile

nbsp; nbsp; outlet=exceptions

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;generateEmptyFiles=false

nbsp; nbsp; overwrite=true

nbsp; nbsp;modelElements variable=exception

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;modelElement stereotype=Entity

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;type 

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;/modelElement

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;modelElement stereotype=Service

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;type 

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;/modelElement

nbsp; nbsp;/modelElements



metafacade class=de.dpcom.metafacades.uml.ServiceFacadeLogicImpl

nbsp; mapping class=org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Classifier$Impl

nbsp; nbsp; stereotypeService/stereotype

nbsp; /mappingnbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 


metafacade class=de.dpcom.metafacades.uml.EntityFacadeLogicImpl

nbsp; mapping class=org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Classifier$Impl

nbsp; nbsp; stereotypeEntity/stereotype

nbsp; /mappingnbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 


metafacade class=de.dpcom.metafacades.uml.ServiceExceptionFacadeLogicImpl

nbsp; mapping class=org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Classifier$Impl

nbsp; nbsp; stereotypeService/stereotype

nbsp; /mappingnbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 


metafacade class=de.dpcom.metafacades.uml.EntityExceptionFacadeLogicImpl

nbsp; mapping class=org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Classifier$Impl

nbsp; nbsp; stereotypeEntity/stereotype

nbsp; /mappingnbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 


But If I do this, nothing is generated for my Exceptions...

Do you understand now, what I want to do?

AVIs Samsung-Forum: www.samsung-forum.de
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created] COmpile errors

2005-07-12 Thread ky1931

I get the following error message:

C:Documents and SettingsOwnertestspringcartridgecoretargetsrcorgpanacheP

LMpartCarDaoBase.java:324: incompatible types

found   : java.util.Collection

required: java.util.List

return results;

I am using the andromda profile. The error is in the findByCriteria method 
where the return type is List, however the variable that is returned is a 
Collection. Where do I have to fix this? 

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[Andromda-user] [Project generator] [packaging question (or suggestion!)]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We could actually generate the spring service locator to a module like that (as 
well as remote client configuration for spring)
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Hibernate cartridge] [modeling question]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sure :)   Again make the default values namespace properties as well if you 
have time.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Either upgrade to the last 3.1-R1-SNAPSHOT (I fixed that bug lasg night), or 
change your criteria query to returna datatype::Collection instead of a 
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Installation Configuration] [Corruptions in UMLMetafacadeModel-3.1-M1.xml.zip in EAP 10.0]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great..thanks for filing the issue with No Magic.  About the composite-id 
support, see if you can possibly support that in a generic manner as well on 
the Entity metafacade (that metafacade is defined in the UML metafacades, and 
is where the current identifier support is maintained)...that way it should be 
fairly easy to support in other ORM cartridges as well.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Spring AOP xml files]

2005-07-12 Thread agarneau

Thank you.

I went through jBoss doc and will set up everything today.

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[Andromda-user] [Translation] [OCL translation too simple?] OCL translation too simple?

2005-07-12 Thread mattes3

Hi all,

I have a question on an OCL statement that was translated too simplistically:

I have two entities called Instrument and Quote and an OCL query

with the following query string:

context Instrument#58;#58;findOrderedQuotes#40;#41; #58; 

nbsp;body#58; quotes-sortedBy#40;date#41;

quotes is the role name in an composition from Instrument to Quote.

The translation produced by AndroMDA was:

public java.util.Collection findOrderedQuotes#40;final int transform#41;


nbsp; nbsp; return this.findOrderedQuotes#40;transform, order by date#41;;


There is no from clause in the Hibernate query string - I presume that the 
query cannot be really executed.

What I expected was something like this:

from a.b.c.Quote as entity

nbsp; where entity.instrument = instrument

nbsp; order by date

Am I missing something?

Matthias Bohlen

Consulting that helps project teams to succeed...



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[Andromda-user] [Translation] [OCL translation too simple?]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With the OCL queries, you can currently only return one or more of the entities 
from the entity that's the context (all OCL queries need to start with 
allInstances() - select(some expression) at the moment, for example:



body findInvalidByPerson :

allInstances() - select( certificate |

   certificate.person.id = personId

   and (certificate.validityStart  date or 
certificate.validityEnd  date)

   or (certificate.validityStart = certificate.validityEnd))

   - sortedBy(certificate.person.id)

   - sortedBy(certificate.validityStart)
(end of quote)

file a JIRA issue with the query you're attempting to execute and when I get 
some time I'll add support for those.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Metafacades] [Combining Metafacades, Templates and Stereotypes]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hmm .. it looks fine at first sight, although I would not use the stereotype 
attributes in the cartridge descriptor, since you already specify them in the 
metafacades.xml descriptor, so it's redundant

I'll take a closer look at it this evening .. and let you know if I find 
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Spring's mergeMappingUri: What To Use For name A] Spring''s mergeMappingUri: What To Use For \quot;name\quot; Attribute?

2005-07-12 Thread bschalme

I'm trying to merge some more Velocity templates into Spring, but it seems to 
ignore the contents of the filename I set for the mergeMappingUri.

I'm using AndroMDA 3.1-M1.

In my project's andromda.xml file, in the spring namespace, I set property 

I know andromda is finding SpringMergeMappings.xml, because when I rename it, 
the mda goal bombs on a FileNotFoundException.

I'm wondering if the value of name attribute in the mappings element in my 
SpringMergeMapping.xml file is significant; I tried SpringMerge and 
SpringMergeMappings - no joy. What is the value of the name attribute 
supposed to be?

Thanks for developing such a great product!

Brian Schalme
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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class] Axis can''t find WSDelegator class

2005-07-12 Thread akinard

I am using AndroMDA v. 3.1-RC1-SNAPSHOT, JBoss 4.0.1sp1, and Axis 1.2.1.

After successfully building my small EAR project, copying the *.ear to my JBoss 
deploy directory, and sucessfully running java 
webservice/target/src/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd, I get the following when I 
check the Axis status page:

Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details#58;

Fault - Could not find class for the service named#58; 

Hint#58; you may need to copy your class files/tree into the right location 
#40;which depends on the servlet system you are using#41;.; nested exception 

nbsp; nbsp;java.lang.ClassNotFoundException#58; No ClassLoaders found 
for#58; com.cisco.step.commitarch.service.CommitServiceWSDelegator




nbsp;faultString#58; Could not find class for the service named#58; 

Hint#58; you may need to copy your class files/tree into the right location 
#40;which depends on the servlet system you are using#41;.; nested exception 

nbsp; nbsp;java.lang.ClassNotFoundException#58; No ClassLoaders found 
for#58; com.cisco.step.commitarch.service.CommitServiceWSDelegator





I also get the following trace from JBoss:

17#58;17#58;43,858 ERROR #91;JavaProvider#93; Exception#58;

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException#58; No ClassLoaders found for#58; 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged#40;Native Method#41;

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; at 

I'm sure this means I have a class file in the wrong place or I've missed a 
step in setting up my webservice, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Any help would be appreciated.


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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Spring's mergeMappingUri: What To Use For name A]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Brian,

Actually the name inside the mappings file isn't significant for merging (only 
when used for mapping types, like the JavaMappings.xml, etc).  You say you're 
trying to merge in new templates...are you using the mergeLocation as well to 
specify the location of these new templates? 

Thanks for developing such a great product! 
(end of quote)

You're welcome :)
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class] Re: Axis can''t find WSDelegator class

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

akinard wrote:
After successfully building my small EAR project, copying the *.ear to my JBoss 
deploy directory, ...
(end of quote)

just a small sidenote here, if you open/create your build.properties, either in 
the root of your project or in your home directory, you can include the 
following line:


if you have set this property, and your JBOSS_HOME is properly set in the 
environment, then won't need to copy anything manually anymore, just do this in 
the root of your project:

maven deploy

this will copy the .ear to $JBOSS_HOME/server/${jboss.config}/deploy
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Andrew,

Check and make sure you have that class 
com.cisco.step.commitarch.service.CommitServiceWSDelegator in your your 
project-core.jar...it should be generated to your core/target/src directory 
and then packaged in that core jar.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB] ANYBODY?

2005-07-12 Thread wciesiel

Does ANYONE use remote connection to service generated with AndroMDA 

I've made an experiment - made clear appliaction, added one service and two 
Entities and still - TransactionManager is not being created if called from 
remote application... ANY solution/advice? I am stuck with my work for 3rd day 
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Does JTA Transaction manager require any configuration] Does JTA Transaction manager require any configuration

2005-07-12 Thread wciesiel

on JBoss side? If so - could anybody me give URL with some 


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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to resolve it (haven't had much time today), but hopefully will 
resolve it soon.  In the meantime, comment out the dataSource namespace 
property (from the spring namespace) and use the local datasource properties 
by defining the following in the spring namespace as well:

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; property 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; property 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; property 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; property 

This will cause the local transaction manager to be used (which is the 
HibernateTransactionManager) instead of the JtaTransactionManager ...this 
should work fine for connecting remotelylet me know if you can't get this 
to work.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread wciesiel

I'm not very much proficient in JBoss internals but one thing came across while 
I was trying to fix this problem:

exceptions thrown in JBoss by spring are mentioning UserTransaction not being 
bound - while in JBoss configuration files (and JMX-console) I find only 
CLIENTUserTransaction  - isnt' it the root of the problem?
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take a look at these javadocs, as of 1.2 the user JNDI transaction manager is 
resolved automatically: 

And as you've seen, its resolving it fine when spring is initialized from a call

within the ear...its just when its initialized from a remote call that it seems 
to not find the JNDI transaction object.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread wciesiel

Thanx for temporary work-around - it (using localTransactionManager) is working.

I understand that you've managed to replicate this problem - it isn't just some 
misconfiguration on my part?
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 it isn't just some misconfiguration on my part?
(end of quote)

Nope, same thing happens to me as well when I try to connect remotely.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Configuration of hibernate version?]

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

Just as an update - I downloaded the latest snapshot, re-generated the project, 
and it now works.  It looks like indeed there was some missing items from the 
generated project with the version I was using.

Just as an FYI - I had gone back to the NON-snapshot version on your advice due 
to a different problem.  Apparently, things have progressed since about two 
weeks ago, so now the snapshot is working better.

I'm getting a little frustrated trying to chase down all of these issues, but 
I guess that is the price to pay for being on the bleeding edge.
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok I found a solution (), seems you need to set the userTransaction to null on 
the JtaTransactionManager in order for the regular transaction manager to be 
used (don't know why spring isn't smart enough to auto-detect this), I added 
the ability to set this in the spring cartridge (next continous build will have 
it), so once you get this fix, add these two properties to your spring 
namespace (and uncomment the dataSource property so you have the 
JtaTransactions again):

property name=userTransactionNamenull/property

property name=transactionManagerNamejava#58;/TransactionManager/property

I tested it, and it works for me...let me know if it works ok for you as well.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class]

2005-07-12 Thread akinard


Thanks for the jboss tip.


The com.cisco.step.commitarch.service.CommitServiceWSDelegator class is present 
in my projectname-core.jar.  So somehow Axis isn't seeing it.


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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm strange...if you want to send me your project as a zip, I'll build it and 
try it out here.  The only time I've had things happen like that (meaning the 
class was there but jboss or something said it couldn't find it), was when the 
name was too long (windows has a 256 character limit on the full path and will 
truncate class name so it looks like the class doesn't exist), however that 
class name isn't that long.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [maven creat-schema and mysql]

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

What did you fix?!  I'm struggling with the same issues right now.  You are 
asking the same questions I am, so whatever you found out would be helpful!
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created] Still no SQL generated

2005-07-12 Thread ky1931

After all the changes, still no sql is being generated. I have compiled the mda 
folder as well as the whole project. All class files are generated, but there 
are no sql files.

Any thoughts.
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[Andromda-user] [Installation Configuration] [web-inf/lib for tomcat] web-inf/lib for tomcat

2005-07-12 Thread tejunekim

when i was switching my testing from jboss to tomcat, i noticed that it wasnt 
able to find the dependencies, despite them being referenced in 
core/project.xml. so i had to go into the repository and put the jar files on 
common/lib under tomcat. it seemed like some jar files get pulled into 
web-inf/lib in the war file. is there a way to add them in there, so that i 
dont have to do this copy and paste (esp for the production server)?
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[Andromda-user] [Installation Configuration] [web-inf/lib for tomcat]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you generate an application with the andromdapp maven plugin and choose the 
war option, you should get an app that has all the dependencies bundled in the 
war, in order to bundle dependencies yourself, you'll need to add:

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; properties

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; /properties

to the dependency you want bundled (in the web/project.xml).
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paste the output of your build when you type: maven core.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL] Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

OK - I've been trying to get a demo project created with AndroMDA using mySQL, 
and was getting stuck at maven create-schema. For the benefit of others, here 
is what I had to do...

FIRST thing I learned: you have to install the mySQL JDBC driver on JBoss 
according to these directions 
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector/j/en/cj-jboss-config.html).  Don't foget to 
change you dbname, user, and pass in the sample XML to be that of YOUR 

My FIRST attempt at maven create-schema after the above installation used this 

In my project's root dir, under the file project.properties













but this resulted in:


File.. C#58;homejkozjavakudzukDemomaven.xml

Element... ant#58;sql

Line.. 229

Column 62

java.sql.SQLException#58; No suitable Driver for 

Apparently, the database name MUST be part of the URL, so I changed 
project.properties above with


THIS resulted in 


File.. C#58;homejkozjavakudzukDemomaven.xml

Element... ant#58;sql

Line.. 229

Column 62

java.sql.SQLException#58; Unknown database 'kdemo'

I THEN went into the mySQL console, and manually created the database kDemo.

Finally, I got:



nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; Executing file#58; 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.book2contents' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.book2contents' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.business_entry' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.personal_entry' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; 9 of 13 SQL statements executed successfully


That is where I'm at right now.  I'm not sure about the table doesn't exist 
error, as they ARE created in the database.  I'm investingating the possibility 
of a CASE error (I've had problems before where table names are case sensitive, 
so I want to look at the schema created.

What I've learned, however, is that the mySQL JDBC jar does NOT have to be in 
the Maven repository, only in the JBoss lib dir.  A datasource has to be 
created, and the JDBC URL HAS to include a database name, but you have to 
MANUALLY create that database.  Doesn't appear that the scripts will do that 
for you?  I would have assumed it would have.

Any ideas/feedback?
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Configuration of hibernate version?]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yeah, unfortunately even a minor issue can block an entire project .. if you're 
also learning Maven, Spring, AndroMDA or whatever then I guess it's pretty hard 
to figure things out and at the end you lose some time

we do what we can to make it easier for people .. but we're only 2 frequent 
committers so we can't cover everything all the time (it takes a week or so to 
make sure a distribution is working 100%)
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2462#2462
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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Axis can't find WSDelegator class]

2005-07-12 Thread akinard

Path length would be a good guess, but my project is being built and deployed 
on a Linux box.  I will email Chad a zipped copy of the project.
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Andromda-user mailing list

[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL]

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

Problem solved (I think)...

It appears that the FIRST ENTRIES in the schema-create.sql lines are ALTER 
TABLE ... DROP FOREIGN KEY...[i].  If the database is being created for the 
first time, the tables obviously don't exist, thus the errors.

Running maven create-schema a SECOND time results in a series of [i]table 
already exists errors.  When using mySQL, the resulting schema-create.sql has a 
series of 

-- SKIP drop table if exists ADDRESS_BOOK...

-- SKIP drop table if exists BOOK2CONTENTS...


Is there a reason those drop tables are commented out?  Removing the --SKIP 
in front of each line results in a file that can be run (and re-run).

Is this schema-create.sql file generated by AndroMDA, or by a Hibernate tool?
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2465#2465
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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL]

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

I just did, and it looks like AndroMDA is the culprit!  From core/maven.xml:


nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 
nbsp;match=^#40;alter table .* drop constraint|drop table#41;

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 
nbsp;replace=-- SKIP 1

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 

So, it looks like the DROP TABLE is getting commented out on purpose.  Anyone 
know the reason?
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[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread wciesiel

OK, it's working. Issue closed - thanks for the assistance on this.
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Andromda-user mailing list

[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL]

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

Chad -

I think I know what is going on now.  This may be a small bug.  If the maven 
andromdapp:generate cartridge were modified so that the above section had this 

match=^#40;alter table .* drop constraint|alter table .* drop foreign 
key|drop table#41;

(notice I added |alter table .* drop foreign key)

then ALL of the initial lines would be commented out.  The mySQL dialect uses 
drop foreign key rather than drop constraint.  If all of the initial lines 
were commented out, then the INITIAL maven create-schema would run without 
error.  Once the database table has been created, one could comment OUT the 
entire ant:replaceregexp section above, and subsequent re-builds of their 
project would result in the alter table and drop tables being executed (on what 
then would be pre-existing tables in the database.

Make sense?

BTW - is the process of using AndroMDA really that one should run maven 
drop-schema before ever re-creating it?  If so, dis-regard the one could 
comment out comment above.

I'm gathering that the author of this piece had no choice regarding the 
presence of the alter table and drop table lines in create-schema.sql (since 
they are generated by the hibernate SchemaExport process), so they simply opted 
to comment out that section once it was created.
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2469#2469
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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BTW - is the process of using AndroMDA really that one should run maven 
drop-schema before ever re-creating it? If so, dis-regard the one could 
comment out comment above. 
(end of quote)

Yep...its assumed you would run drop-schema before running create-schema 

It looks like your tables are created succesfully though right?



nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; Executing file#58; 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.book2contents' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.book2contents' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.business_entry' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; Failed to execute#58; alter table 

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; #91;ERROR#93; java.sql.SQLException#58; Table 
'kdemo.personal_entry' doesn't exist

nbsp; nbsp; #91;sql#93; 9 of 13 SQL statements executed successfully


Its ok if you get the errors (its assumed you will the first run) everything 
should still be created fine.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2470#2470
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AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
Andromda-user mailing list

[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [Something strange is going on while instanitalizing EJB]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great..no problem...glad its finally working.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2471#2471
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
Andromda-user mailing list

[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [andromda version transition problem] andromda version transition problem

2005-07-12 Thread linuxiicnmpl


I don't know wether here is the right place to post this topic. If not, don't 
kick me :-).

I had been using MagicDraw9.5 and andromda-3.0-RC1 for several weeks,  
everything run smoothly. A few days ago, I found a new version 
andromda-3.0-final, and I updated to this new version. In MagicDraw, I alerted 
configuration to reference andromda-profile-3.0.xml.zip. 

From then on things get strange, for example, the generated DDL is not same as 
before(I didn't change anything), spring cartridge can't generate sevice 
classes. What's the matter? Is this about MagicDraw or andromda? Is there a 
way to transit from old version to new version safely?(I have to create a 
project and redraw all diagrams to solve this problem)
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2472#2472
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
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[Andromda-user] [Newbie corner] [Configuring AndroMDA project to use mySQL]

2005-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Believe it or not, I DON'T run to this forum and ask a question for every 
quesiton I have.
(end of quote)

I wasn't saying you did :)

Feel free to submit a patch that handles it in a cleaner way, I really 
haven't had anyone else complain about it so I didn't know was an issue.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2475#2475
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core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
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[Andromda-user] [Hibernate cartridge] [Modeling an associated class as an ordered list?] Modeling an associated class as an ordered list?

2005-07-12 Thread joelkoz

I'm trying to model something like this:

ToDoList (1) --- (0..*) ToDoEntry

and I want ToDoEntry to be ordered (i.e. use the Hibernate List mapping).

I've added two tagged values to the association end near ToDoEntry:

a. @andromda.hibernate.collection.type=list

b. @andromda.hibernate.collection.index=listPosition

The resulting ToDoList.hbm.xml DOES have use list for the association 
mapping, but it does NOT contain the index column entry, and thus generates 
an error.

Does listPosition have to be an already existing attribute in ToDoEntry?  Am 
I using the correct tag to specify the column name?
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2476#2476
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
Andromda-user mailing list

[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created]

2005-07-12 Thread ky1931







[echo] Compiling to C:Documents and SettingsOwnertestspringcartridgecore




  NOTE: Targetting JVM 1.4, classes

  will not run on earlier JVMs


[javac] Compiling 22 source files to C:Documents and SettingsOwnertestspr






[echo] No test source files to compile.


[echo] No tests to run.


[echo] Building ejb testspringcartridge-core-1-0

[jar] Building jar: C:Documents and SettingsOwnertestspringcartridgecore


[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: Hibernate 2.1.8

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: hibernate.properties not found

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: using CGLIB reflection optimizer

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration addFile

[java] INFO: Mapping file: C:Documents

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration addFile

[java] SEVERE: Could not configure datastore from file: C:Documents

[java] java.net.MalformedURLException: C:Documents (The system cannot find

the file specified)

[java]  at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:221)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.main(SchemaExport.


[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport ma


[java] SEVERE: Error creating schema

[java] net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: java.net.MalformedURLException: C:

Documents (The system cannot find the file specified)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.main(SchemaExport.


[java] Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: C:Documents (The system c

annot find the file specified)

[java]  at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:221)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  ... 1 more

[java] net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: java.net.MalformedURLException: C:

Documents (The system cannot find the file specified)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.main(SchemaExport.


[java] Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: C:Documents (The system c

annot find the file specified)

[java]  at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:221)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  ... 1 more

[replaceregexp] [ERROR] The following file is missing: 'C:Documents and Set


[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: Hibernate 2.1.8

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: hibernate.properties not found

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: using CGLIB reflection optimizer

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment clinit

[java] INFO: using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration addFile

[java] INFO: Mapping file: C:Documents

[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration addFile

[java] SEVERE: Could not configure datastore from file: C:Documents

[java] java.net.MalformedURLException: C:Documents (The system cannot find

the file specified)

[java]  at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:221)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.main(SchemaExport.


[java] Jul 12, 2005 9:19:18 PM net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport ma


[java] SEVERE: Error creating schema

[java] net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: java.net.MalformedURLException: C:

Documents (The system cannot find the file specified)

[java]  at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addFile(Configuration.java


[java]  at 

[Andromda-user] [Spring cartridge] [SQL Scripts not being created]

2005-07-12 Thread ky1931


One thing that I noticed is that although there were error the build says that 
it was successful.

Also hibernate specific configuration is in the project.xml file at the project 
level. However the project.xml in the core directory is very thin and  does not 
include any database configurations. 

Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2478#2478
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar
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[Andromda-user] [Bpm4Struts cartridge] [NoClassDefFoundError on generated code] NoClassDefFoundError on generated code

2005-07-12 Thread thorman


I get a NoClassDefFoundError on the generated code when I try to use a normal 

I have added an incoming/outgoing Collection to a page and added the following 

Collection labelList = new Vector();

Collection valueList = new Vector();

labelList.add( Test1 );

valueList.add( 1 );



but I get a NoClassDefFoundError error even though I can see that the class 

Has anyone any input on this error, I have never had this error before !

// Mikael

Here is the exception:

07:36:16,796 ERROR [[jsp]] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception



at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)



at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)

at org.apache.commons.el.ArraySuffix.evaluate(ArraySuffix.java:314)

at org.apache.commons.el.ComplexValue.evaluate(ComplexValue.java:145)









at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:97)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)



at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:264)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)









at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtil.doInclude(TilesUtil.java:137)



at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doEndTag(InsertTag.java:460)

