U.S. Adopts 'Contras Policy' In Belarus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[Whatever one thinks of Belarus President Alexander
Lukashenko, for the record he is neither a communist
nor, having been elected in elections deemed free by
everyone and being well ahead in current polls for the
upcoming one, a dictator in any standard sense of the
He has in fact pursued an independent course both in
foreign and domestic economic policies, and as such
incurred the displeasure - the homicidal rage
evidently - of the governing elite in Washington.
The following presents the starkest case study of how
the New World Order operates that one is likely to

THE TIMES (London)
US adopts 'Contras policy' in communist Belarus 
THE US Embassy in Belarus has admitted that it is
pursuing a policy similar to that in 1980s Nicaragua,
in which anti-government Contra rebels were funded and
President Lukashenko, a dictatorial Communist, is
heading for victory in presidential elections on

In an unusual admission, Michael Kozak, the US
Ambassador to Belarus, said in a letter to a British
newspaper that America’s “objective and to some degree
methodology are the same” in Belarus as in Nicaragua,
where the US backed the Contras against the left-wing
Sandinista Government in a war that claimed at least
30,000 lives. Mr Kozak was not available for comment. 

Washington said recently that allegations of
state-sanctioned death squads operating in Belarus,
Europe’s last bastion of communism, were “credible”.
Two former state prosecutors, who have been granted
political asylum in America, have said that victims
were murdered with a special pistol and buried in a
cemetery in Minsk. 

The ambassador’s disclosure has coincided with moves
by the Bush Administration to gain increased political
influence in Eastern Europe and the Balkans and with
reports in several European newspapers, which said
that former US servicemen believed to be working for
the CIA were escorted with Albanian guerrillas from a
village in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
earlier this year. 

Earlier in his career, Mr Kozak served as Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs
under Presidents Reagan and Bush, working in Panama,
Nicaragua and El Salvador, and was Ambassador to Cuba.
While Mr Kozak was serving in Nicaragua, Mr Reagan
famously compared the Contras to the French Resistance

President Lukashenko is popular and most Belarussians
fear that a new, pro-Western leader would bring the
poverty experienced by many Russians and Ukrainians
after the transition to a market economy. 

A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk told The Times
that the embassy helped to fund 300 non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), including non-state media, but
did not fund political parties, since that is banned
by law. He admitted that some of the NGOs were linked
to those who were “seeking political change”. 

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FYROM: Rebels Have 30 Times Weapons Collected: Intelligence Report [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-09-03 Thread Rick Rozoff

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The Herald (Scotland)
September 3, 2001   

[The last few paragraphs can be ignored]

Rebels stockpile up to 30 times the weapons collected
by Nato
THE Albanian rebel army which last week handed over
more than 3000 weapons to British and French soldiers
in Macedonia still has 30 times that amount of
firepower stashed in hidden caches, and could resume
hostilities within days if the fragile ceasefire
breaks down.

A secret Nato intelligence report claims that the
self-styled National Liberation Army still has up to
8000 modern assault rifles, 25,000 second world
war-vintage firearms, 55,000 pistols, more than 200
heavy machine-guns, 200 sniper rifles, about 50
anti-aircraft missiles, and 300 anti-tank missiles.

It also has 200 mortars and a stock of 5000 landmines.
Most are concealed in mountain caves or buried in
cellars or under manure piles in remote villages.

The report tallies almost exactly with the Macedonian
government's own intelligence estimate of the NLA's
90,000 available arms, and supports the accusation
that the collection of hardware is a token gesture at

The NLA claims that it could field six brigades
numbering about 16,000 fighters. Nato sources say the
total is closer to 2500, although in an emergency,
substantial reinforcements from the former Kosovo
Liberation Army would infiltrate from the neighbouring

Nato troops on the mountainous border detained almost
200 suspected guerrillas crossing into Kosovo from
Macedonia last week as Operation Essential Harvest got
under way.

There are also at least 2000-3000 second echelon
members of the NLA, non-combatants who carry out
reconnaissance, supply, and communications jobs, and
do not wear uniform. A source said: These volunteers
are not front-line guerrillas, but most of them
possess weapons.

There was a gun culture in the Balkans before the
Americans enshrined the right to bear arms in their
constitution in 1776. Every Albanian male and most
Slavs own rifles.

When Albania's government collapsed in 1997, upwards
of 500,000 military-grade rifles and machine-guns were
looted from army barracks. 

These are now scattered all over the region. Many
were used to oppose Serb forces in Kosovo in 1999.

On the other side, when the ethnic Albanian uprising
started six months ago, a panicked Macedonian
government handed out hundreds of assault rifles to
Slav civilians, ostensibly to allow them to defend

In practice, it allowed certain groups of hardliners
to form paramilitary units whose only purpose is to
terrorise their ethnic Albanian fellow-countrymen if
the opportunity arises.

The NLA is not, however, alone in retaining its
capacity for further conflict. Macedonia has sent
helicopter crews to Ukraine to be trained to fly and
fight Hind-D helicopter gunships. 

The five Hinds bought from Ukraine this year have been
manned by Ukrainian volunteers during the periodic
government offensives against rebel enclaves north of
Tetovo, the country's second city.

This ageing but still highly effective aircraft was
nicknamed The Devil's Cross, because of its shape,
by Afghan mujahideen during their guerrilla campaign
against Russian occupation in the 1980s.

The mujahideen learned to fear the Hind more than any
other weapon because of its ferocious array of
rockets, cannon, machine-guns, and grenade launchers.
Helicopter gunships are specifically designed for

Meanwhile, Macedonia's parliament will today resume a
key debate necessary to move along the peace effort
with the Albanian rebels, putting the process back on
track after a day in limbo when speaker Stojan Andov
suspended discussion.

Andov had insisted on a presidential guarantee that
everyone who fled fighting could return home safely.
Up to 120,000 people remain displaced by the fighting.

- Sept 3rd


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Bosnia refuses Russian 100 mln $ loan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Miroslav Antic
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2001-09-03 07:47 MSK - Bosnia refuses Russian 100 mln $ 
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Bosnia has 
refused a Russian offer of a non-monetary loan worth dlrs 100 million, the 
Sarajevo daily Oslobodjenje reported Sunday, citing Russia's ambassador to 
Bosnia. Speaking during a panel-discussion Saturday in Sarajevo, Aleksandar 
Griscenko said his government offered Bosnian authorities the loan of goods some 
three months ago. "We offered dlrs 100 million but they didn't want to take it," 
Griscenko said without giving details of what the goods were or why Bosnia 
declined the loan. The loan had been meant to be shared equally by Bosnia's two 
entities- the Muslim-Croat federation and the Serb republic. The Bosnian 
1992-1995 war, in which 200,000 people died, almost completely destroyed 
Bosnia's economy, leaving it with an unemployment rate of up to 70 percent. The 
country now largely depends on international aid and loans. It has received dlrs 
5 billion in donations from the international community since 1995. A group of 
Russian business representatives interested in lumber and hide-tanning 
industries is set to come to Bosnia soon, Griscenko told the paper. "There is no 
more ideology. The only important thing is business," Griscenko was quoted as 
saying. Bosnian officials were not available on Sunday to comment. -AP

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2001-09-03 Thread Miroslav Antic
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  MACEDONIA : Albanian National Liberation commander 
  Puci displays a rocket launcher at his headquarter in the 
  mountain village of Selce, above Tetovo, Saturday, 01 
  September 2001. Selce is held by rebel forces and surrounded 
  by Macedonian troops since March this year. 



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2001-09-03 Thread Miroslav Antic
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"Blowback" is the CIA-coined term for an unpleasant reality: foreign 
mercenaries, trained to fight America's wars so as to minimize or eliminate U.S. 
casualties, have a tendency to turn against the United States as political 
situations change. Afghanistan is often cited as the classic example of this 
reality, and this experience has started to dominate the thinking about the 
Albanian "bastard army" created by the CIA and the Pentagon for the ground 
invasion of Serbia under Milosevic. This invasion did not materialize -- the 
Serb Third Army and police left Kosovo to NATO troops and a United Nations 
Administration without any real ground combat. One of the basic provisions built 
into the Serb pullout was the total and effective disarmament of the so-called 
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). It was not implemented. NATO's 
"Wathchful Eye" The KLA "reprisals" against Serb civilians in 
Kosovo were defined as "justifiable retribution" by the top UN Officer, Bernard 
Kouchner. Through America's diplomatic intervention at Rambouillet and an air 
war against the Serbs, Kosovos moderate Albanians were completely marginalized 
in favor of the KLA. This has made any future cohabitation impossible and the 
KLA proved it via the ethnic cleansing of all non-Albanians from Kosovo, some 
300,000 all told, right under the "watchful eye" of the 40,000 NATO troops 
suffering from self-induced myopia. Over 1,000 Serbs were abducted in a 
relatively short time and never found (but for one large mass grave). Kosovo 
became a paradise for white slavers, drug dealers and all sorts of illegal 
activities. The UN response was to draft the KLA fighters into its constabulary 
-- the bastard army was still around, and very much in-charge of Kosovo. 
99-year Lease Because the American people are 
overwhelmingly against U.S. entry into foreign shooting conflicts, nothing 
frightens the occupants of the White House more than the sudden arrival home of 
body bags containing GIs. The Albanian militants are keenly aware of this major 
US fear. The CIA in Kosovo and the commanders at Camp Bondsteel readily perceive 
this awareness. After making more than just perfunctory noises during the 
presidential race about disengagement from Kosovo, President Bush has made a 
volte face. Bondsteel has a new lease of 99 years. It's been decided that the 
only way to avoid bodybags for American GIs is to help create a Greater Albania 
without seeming to be doing so. Witness 
Macedonia did not have a Milosevic. It did not attempt to expel its 
Albanian minority. But the Orwellian slogan of "Human Rights" (for Albanians who 
are denying them to all others in Kosovo) has predominated recently at two 
secret meetings in Prizren and Piskopelica. This is where American KFOR 
specialists laid out plans for all Albanian "liberation" armies to start 
terrorist activities inside Serbia, to follow this up in Montenegro in September 
and somewhat later in Greece as well. These meetings were uncovered by a 
reporter from the Serb paper Svedok ("Witness"), who apparently had direct 
Albanian contacts. Great Albania To avoid the 
body bags, locally destabilizing and shortsighted CIA-Pentagon field-operations 
are already on the way. For Serbia, under some DOS leaders that are totally 
subservient to the U.S., there is a new Orwellian "Partnership for Peace." Under 
its cover, demands have been made to cashier the top Serb Third Army generals 
familiar with Albanian tactics from Kosovo. One way or another, Albanians will 
have their Greater Albania. Peacefully where possible, violently where necessary 
but a combination of the two. NATO will piously mediate. 
Imperial Graveyard In order to impose its will 
and punish defiance, the Clinton administration weakened a legitimate state 
fighting an internal threat. No sane person could argue that it was necessary to 
destroy Serbias infrastructure, poison its soil, water and air, kill some 3,000 
Serb civilians and maim three times that number in order to turn Kosovo over to 
to the KLA. The net result is that America's current leaders are afraid of 
Albanians and are prepared to compound the Clintonite lunacy. The lesser evil 
would be to have the fortitude to remove all U.S. troops from Kosovo, close 
Bondsteel down and save billions of dollars -- despite European complaints about 
the unilateral exit. American involvement in the Balkans has already exposed the 
U.S. government as an imperial state. It could turn out in the long run that 
another empire will find its graveyard in the Balkans if interventionist hawks 
prevail in Washington. Raymond K.Kent 

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Demonstration before U.S. tank drill ground [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

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.Demonstration before U.S. tank drill ground
Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- South Korean people held a fierce
demonstration for more than an hour at the entrance to the U.S. tank drill
ground in Jangpha-ri, Phaphyong-myon, Phaju city, Kyonggi Province, blocking
the tank movement, on August 28, according to the South Korean newspaper
Hangyore. They strongly demanded the U.S. military make an open apology for
announcing on august 16 the U.S. troops will not be responsible for killing
people by tanks and take a measure for preventing damage caused by noise.

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U.S. attempt to set up new military bloc assailed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

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U.S. attempt to set up new military bloc assailed
  Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The United States is pushing forward
with its moves to establish a new security organization of military bloc
type while strengthening close military cooperation with its allies. in this
regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says: It is the U.S.
strategic attempt to set up a new security organization of NATO type in
the Asia-Pacific region and put Asia under its military control with the
organization as a lever.
By tightening a military nexus with Japan and South Korea and staging
joint military exercises with them the U.S. seeks to strengthen a triangular
military alliance and rally other Asian countries around it and thus
organize NATO of Asian version. All U.S. military actions, its moves for the
military nexus and bilateral and multilateral joint military exercises in
areas around the Korean peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region are
prompted by its strategy of aggression and domination to establish its
hegemonism in the region.
The U.S. had once organized a military bloc for aggression in Asia only
to dismantle it in face of strong protest and denunciation by Asian
countries against it.
The trend of the present times is peace, progress and prosperity, not
confrontation and aggravation of tensions.
Anyone who goes against this trend is bound to be forsaken by history.
The U.S. tries to set up a new military bloc in the Asia-Pacific region
and put the region under its control with military strength. But it is as
foolhardy as trying to revert the trend of history. What is more powerful
and mightier than weapon is the strength of the popular masses advancing the
The Asian people will never allow the U.S. to frame up a structure of
confrontation in the vast Asian continent advancing toward a bright future
and bring a black cloud of war to it.

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Warmongers hit for projected war huddle [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

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.Warmongers hit for projected war huddle
Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the
Japan-U.S. security consultative committee meeting to be held in New York
in September. The meeting of the Brasshats of the U.S. and Japan is supposed
to make public a report what they call cooperation program based on the
Japan-U.S. guidelines for defense cooperation.
The updated guidelines published in 1997 is a document for war that
legalised the U.S.-Japan joint military actions beyond the territory of
The news analyst says:
The projected meeting is designed to tighten the military ties of the
U.S. and Japan keen to take the road of confrontation and war against peace
and detente in Asia and the report is a dangerous war scenario.
A joint war scenario the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries are to make
public is targeted against the DPRK, the primary object.
The Korean peninsula is in the areas covered by the guidelines.
The U.S. imperialists consider it the top priority of their Asia
strategy to stifle the DPRK by force by mobilizing the Japan Self-Defence
Forces under the cooperation program based on the guidelines and
establish military domination over the Korean peninsula.
The Japanese reactionaries adopted laws related to the updated
guidelines in 1999 to retake the right to participate in war and the right
of belligerency. As a result, they are able to conduct military operations
in any area of the world under the pretext of aid to the U.S. forces.
Japan's war preparations have been rounded off economically and
militarily and in terms of laws. The dispatch of the SDF overseas is the
last phase for the realisation of Japan's wild ambition for reinvasion.
The Bush administration that emerged in January worked out a new
military strategy to provoke the second Korean war.
Availing themselves of this opportunity, the Japanese reactionaries the
U.S. and the Japanese reactionaries' plan to convene the are watching for a
chance to invade the DPRK. Security consultative committee meeting and
make public a war plan is to attain this purpose.
Their dangerous war moves compel the DPRK to strengthen its
countermeasure with high vigilance against them.
If they ignite the second Korean war, the DPRK will mercilessly destroy
the aggressors with the mobilization of all its efforts.
They are well advised to bear in mind that the Korean war of aggression
will lead them to self-destruction.

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Communists of Greece on Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 10:13 AM
Subject: CP of Greece, Statement by the PB of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece
[KKE] regarding the developments in FYROM

News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
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  CP of Greece, Statement by the PB of the CC of the Communist Party of
Greece [KKE] regarding the developments in FYROM

  From: Communist Party of Greece, 21.08.2001
http://www.kke.gr , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Greece [KKE]

   Regarding the developments in FYROM

The situation created in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
(F.Y.R.O.M.) of ''divide and rule'' by the NATO and the European Union
(E.U.) still remains a dangerous one. Despite the ''peace agreement''
signed by the parties of the Albanian minority and the
Slavomacedonians, there are no signs for the reversal of the
destabilisation. In the case of F.Y.R.O.M. it may even lead to its
dismantling with unforeseeable consequences for the entire Balkans and
especially for our country, to which new responsibilities have been
assigned by the NATO

UCK's disarmament, which constitutes a condition of the treaty, is
doubtful whether it can be realised without taking measures that would
force them to do it.

Today it is becoming even more obvious that the whole operation for the
support of UCK and the reassurance of  the ability to act even outside
Kossovo, only happened for NATO to legitimise its presence in FYROM not
caring less about the consequences of these operations.

If  NATO and EU indeed wanted peace in the region and the normalisation
of the situation in the Balkans, they would apply the decision for UCK's
disarmament in Kossovo and they wouldn't  allow their military bases
operations, from where they launched their attacks to Southern Serbia
and FYROM. Even today, if there was any intention of taking measures for
the dissolution of UCK's military bases in Kossovo, and the deployment
of the Serbian troops in the borders between Kossovo and FYROM, as
stated in the U.N. resolution number 1244, the normalisation of the
country's situation could have started.

NATO forces deployment, for as long as UCK keep their weaponry, will in
effect divide the country in two, de facto separating it in two national
zones, reversing the already decided before even beginning to be

The Greek government, faithfully implementing the policy of the «New
World Order», continues to support these intervening actions of the NATO
and EU, practically turning the Greek Third Army Force into  a NATO part
and participating in the NATO forces in FYROM by sending initially 350
troops. This policy only serves the imperialistic interests, plutocracy
and not our people's interests.

Under these circumstances the Communist Party of Greece calls the Greek
people, all those who worrying about the continuation of the policy of
interventions in the frame of the «New World Order» in the Balkan region
and who have from the very beginning expressed in various ways their
opposition, to continue under united initiatives their multiple action,
by strengthening the antimilitary, anti imperialistic and democratic
movement of the country.

It calls the communists, the young men and women communists to get in
the front line of our people's struggle through the mass organisations.

· For non-participation of Greek troops in operations outside the
country's borders

·  For the return of our troops from Bosnia and Kossovo

· In support of the all-Balkans international people's movement against
NATO and the ''stabilisation pact for S.E. Europe''!

·  For NATO's retreat from the Balkans

Athens 21.8.2001
The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the C.P.G.


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China, North Korea Get Their Act Together [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.President Jiang Gets Warm Welcome in DPRK

Chinese President Jiang Zemin
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/jiangzemin.shtml  started a
three-day visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/dprk.html ) on Monday, spurring
hopes of progress on the Korean peninsula a day after Pyongyang said it
would resume talks with Seoul.

Jiang arrived in the capital of DPRK accompanied by Vice Premier Qian Qichen
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/qianqichen.shtml , and Zeng
Qinghong, the head of the Communist Party's organisation department.

President Jiang was warmly greeted by DPRK leader Kim Jong-il and crowds of
workers who lined the route from the airport to the city centre, Korea
Central News Agency said.

Jiang's visit to DPRK, the first by a Chinese president since 1992, has been
hailed in South Korea as a shot in the arm for the faltering Korean
reconciliation process.

President Jiang Gets Warm Welcome in DPRK

Seoul hopes that Jiang will encourage Kim to make good on his pledge to
visit South Korea. 

Jiang's visit follows two trips to China by Kim since last year. A trip to
China in May 2000 paved the way for his historic summit with South Korean
President Kim Dae-jung in Pyongyang the next month.

He made his second visit to China in January and toured Shanghai
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/Shanghai.html 's stock

However some analysts said the focus of President Jiang's visit was still
likely on bilateral issues including a planned railway link to Russia
http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/russia.html , and plans to
provide aid and electricity to DPRK.

It clearly is a heavyweight visit, said one Western diplomat.

Relations between the two Koreas thawed last year, raising high hopes for
reconciliation after half a century of enmity since the 1950-53 Korean War.

But the process then ground to a standstill by Washington's decision to
brand DPRK a rogue state and to put US-North Korean ties on hold.

Tokyo-based news agency Radiopress quoted DPRK newspaper Rodong Shinmun as
saying Jiang's visit was important in strengthening and developing ties
between the Chinese and the North Korean people and also for establishing a
better environment for peace on the Korean peninsula and in Asia.

Jiang was also expected to encourage his hosts to launch economic reforms
after Kim witnessed the results of Beijing
http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html  achievements
of reform and opening-up on his trips to China.

Jiang's entourage also included Guo Boxiong, member of the Central Military
Commission and deputy chief of the People's Liberation Army General Staff,
and Wang Gang, director of the Communist Party's General Office.

Chinese, DPRK Leaders Begin Talks in Pyongyang.
Visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin started talks on Monday with Kim Jong
Il, general- secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) Central
Committee and chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
The two leaders are expected to exchange views on the further development of
China-DPRK relations in the new century and major international and regional
issues of common concern.
Jiang, who is also general-secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)
Central Committee, arrived in Pyongyang Monday noon for a three-day official
visit to the DPRK at the invitation of Kim.

Jiang Says Visit to DPRK Bound to Further Bilateral Ties.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin expressed his conviction Monday in Pyongyang
that his visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is bound
to further the traditional friendship between the two ruling parties,
countries and peoples.
In a speech made upon his arrival here, Jiang also expressed his belief that
the visit will help promote the common prosperity and development of the two
countries and make contributions to safeguarding peace and stability of the
Korean Peninsula and the region as a whole.
Jiang was here to start a three-day official goodwill visit at the
invitation of Kim Jong Il, general-secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea
(WPK) Central Committee and chairman of the National Defense Commission.
Saying he brought with him the Chinese people's deep friendship, Jiang, also
general-secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee,
expressed his greetings and best wishes to the Korean people.

Under the firm leadership of the WPK in the past half a century and more,
Jiang said, the brave and diligent Korean people have set up the people's
government, gained the victory of the liberation of the Fatherland and made
notable accomplishments in the socialist construction.
In the past 

Bush Courts Unions, Addresses Economy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread MsDarkstarOne

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK


Even though people are hurting today - and I know they are - I'm confident 
with the basic underpinnings of the economy. I'm confident we can recover,'' 
Bush told several hundred unionized carpenters as he sought to make inroads 
with a traditionally Democratic voting bloc.

A HREF=aol://4344:3167.laborday.21070240.683837958 AOL News: Bush Courts 
Unions, Addresses Economy/A 

Bush Courts Unions, Addresses Economy

.c The Associated Press

KAUKAUNA, Wis. (Sept. 3) - President Bush said Monday there are ''some 
problems on the horizon'' for the economy, but promised American workers 
during a Labor Day trip to union country that better times lie ahead.

''Even though people are hurting today - and I know they are - I'm confident 
with the basic underpinnings of the economy. I'm confident we can recover,'' 
Bush told several hundred unionized carpenters as he sought to make inroads 
with a traditionally Democratic voting bloc.

He said the economy is not ''clicking on all cylinders.''

The eight-hour trip to Detroit and this blue-collar Green Bay suburb 
reflected a new strategy to help Bush weather the political effects of an 
economic slowdown. He will travel to several key states this month to express 
sympathy with hard-bitten workers while using the budget showdown in 
Washington to frame his economic message.

Bush's father, former President Bush, lost his 1992 re-election bid after 
then-Arkansas Bill Clinton portrayed the incumbent as out of touch with 
middle-class workers struggling with a sour economy.

Determined to avoid his father's plight, Bush used the word concerned at 
least three times. Twice, he said he was worried about laid-off workers and 
their families. His message: I care.

''We've got some problems on the horizon. One of my jobs is not to shrink 
from the problems but to deal with them,'' Bush said. ''On this Labor Day, 
I've got to tell you, I'm concerned about working families. I'm concerned 
about our economy. It's not as strong as it should be.''

He said the economy has grown by a 1 percent in the past year.

''That's not good enough for America,'' Bush told a friendly crowd at the 
Northern Wisconsin Council of Carpenters before heading to Detroit to attend 
a Teamsters picnic, where the reception was less enthusiastic.

Some White House aides say they are concerned that using the bully pulpit to 
express sympathy with troubled workers could exaggerate the economic 
situation, lower consumer confidence, reduce consumer spending and further 
damage the economy.

The president and his political advisers determined this summer that he could 
not afford politically to play down the economic woes, aides said. The 
officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Bush believes he has 
struck the right balance in expressing both sympathy and confidence.

Bush is courting organized labor and rank-and-file union members, hoping to 
drive wedges wherever possible in a key Democratic voting bloc. His 
schedulers carefully chose the friendliest possible audiences; the 
carpenter's union broke away from the Democratic-leaning AFL-CIO last year 
and the Teamsters have a history of supporting GOP candidates.

''It's no secret. This isn't an administration we're going to agree with all 
the time,'' said Douglas McCarron, president of the carpenters' union. ''But, 
Mr. President, we didn't agree with the last administration all the time, 

The Wisconsin crowd was filled with union members who cheered wildly for the 
president, shouted his name and thrust union hats at him to sign.

One man threw a hard hat several feet in the air for Bush to catch. A Secret 
Service agent lunged forward, arms extended, but Bush beat him to the catch 
with a two-handed grab.

The president gave the agent a wink, then started to put the helmet on the 
agent before thinking better of it.

At the Detroit picnic, some Teamsters joined with members of other unions to 
protest Bush's appearance. They carried pre-printed placards accusing Bush of 
hurting Social Security.

Hand-lettered posters took aim at Bush's strategy of courting unions. ''We're 
being used,'' read one. A second said: ''This is divide and conquer.''

Bush told the crowd that some parents are having trouble feeding their 
children because of the bad economy. ''People are hurting,'' he said. 
''People are suffering.''

The Teamsters delayed their endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate 
Al Gore in 2000 while Bush courted union President James P. Hoffa, who was 
honored at a GOP convention reception.

With the help of building trades unions, the Teamsters helped Bush pass his 
energy package in the House on the belief that the plan will produce jobs. 
Still, the two part ways on several issues, including the president's push to 
give Mexican trucks broad access to U.S. roads.

In both cities, Bush 

RE: Why Russia Didn't Veto the ICTY [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Rick Rozoff

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Dear Jacques,
 I agree with you on every point you make.
There may some wisdom at the moment in focusing our
attention on the Western/NATO policy makers who are
creating and exacerbating conflicts around the world,
but we can't afford to forget the betrayal of the
Yeltsin clique, which the Putin government seems to be
continuing, of not only Yugoslavia, but Russia itself
as well as other peoples and regions.
Just yesterday Vladimir Putin laid a wreath on the
grave of Mannerheim in Finland, Hitler's ally in World
War II in the invasion of the then USSR.
A distinction should always be made, as you've done,
between Russia as a nation and the Russians as a
people - who have consistently demonstrated solidarity
with the people of Yugoslavia and the Balkans in
general and firm opposition to NATO expansion and
aggression, and whichever particular person (lately
with Western bribes and 'election assistance') is head
of state.
Leaders come and go, mass sentiment lasts.
Defending Yugoslavia in 1999 - with all means at its
disposal - was the best way of Russia also defending
itself. Those who abandoned Yugoslavia then are
complicit in the drive of NATO to encircle Russia.
I trust the Russian people to know how to deal with
such behavior.

--- Jacques Protic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
 K, Many of us have been lead to accept the
 explanation as you have outlined,
 having said this I feel this is a feeble excuse on
 the part of Russians to
 justify their inactions. (the fact is that the
 overwhelming majority of
 Russian popular opinion and certainly amongst armed
 forces has always been
 and still is very pro - Yugoslav). Unfortunately for
 Yugoslavia, I believe
 the behind the scenes politics between the two
 (Moscow / Washington), has
 resulted in my opinion in the Russian fudge which
 deserted Yugoslavia (not
 Milosevic) at the perhaps most crucial point in
 their history. Even our
 Chinese friends who purport to be Yugoslav friends
 have chosen to remain
 neutral by abstaining from key UN votes. Jacques PS
 - I would like to know,
 why the state of the art Russian anti - aircraft
 weapons have not been
 provided prior and during the bombing (sorry I must
 have forgot the UN
 embargo that Russians have supported)! What happened
 to the Russian
 satellite and other forms of intelligence when
 Croatia attacked Slavoinia
 with massive US logistic and other support
 particularly after the US have
 downgraded Bosnian - Serb military communications!
 by pre-emptive and timely
 bombing If I was cynical I would assume Russians
 have been bought of and
 ignoring the public posturing on Star wars etc we
 may even see Russia as a
 full NATO member, sooner than later! Finally,
 Yeltsin is history, look out
 for Putin deeds on the same issues.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday September 03 2001 18:04
 Subject: Re: Why Russia Didn't Veto the ICTY
 Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
 Dear Party of Citizens,
 the Russian position in the Balkans is complex, but
 was definately colored
 by animosity between the Yeltsin clan and Milosevic,
 b/c this last one
 suported the hardliner coup in late August 1991
 and also supported the
 forces of the parliament during the October 1993
 standoff where Yeltsin
 order tanks to supress Russian communists and
 nationalists who were opposing
 his policies.  Russia failed to use its veto on a
 number of key occasions
 especially during the Bosnian war.
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 stopnato @listbot.com that
 has been shut down
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Human Rights, Open Society, Rule Of Law In NATO Stronghold [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-03 Thread Rick Rozoff

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

And self-determination

Tuesday September 4, 9:18 AM

Catholic pupils face gauntlet of hate in N.Ireland
BELFAST, Sept 4 (AFP) - 
Catholic children Tuesday feared another gauntlet of
hate during their journey to school, a day after
violent sectarian protests terrified pupils walking to
lessons through a Protestant area of Belfast.

The governors of Holy Cross Primary School urged
parents to take their children to lessons by an
alternative route in order to avoid more disturbances
which Monday saw a mother and 15 police officers
injured by missiles.

The Red Hand Defenders, a loyalist paramilitary group,
warned Catholic parents to stay away from the main
route to the school.

Pupils aged four to 11 were left in tears after they
were subjected to torrents of abuse as they walked
through a gauntlet of Protestant demonstrators as they
returned to classes after summer holidays.

Police used screens and riot shields to open a pathway
for the youngsters and their parents.

Local loyalists see Catholics' use of the main route
to the school as an encroachment into a Protestant

On Monday evening tensions escalated as rival gangs of
Catholics and Protestants hurled petrol bombs, bricks
and bottles at each other in the Ardoyne Road area,
and several shots were fired.

It was the latest episode in a stream of sectarian
unrest that has plagued the north of the city
throughout the summer.

A police spokesman said several officers had been
injured by stones during attempts to quell the
rioting. None of the injuries was believed to be

Nationalists and loyalists blamed each other for
starting the latest violence.

Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Irish Republican
Army (IRA), put the blame on the largest loyalist
paramilitary group, the Ulster Defence Association
(UDA). The UDA has in the past used the Red Hand
Defenders as a cover name.

Meanwhile, Nigel Dodds, a parliamentary deputy of the
Democratic Unionist Party, said he saw petrol bombs
and blast bombs being thrown by nationalist mobs into
the loyalist White City Estate.

A police spokeswoman confirmed that a pipe bomb had
exploded in the garden of a house.

Sinn Fein's chief negotiator Martin McGuinness said
UDA attacks on the Catholic community were designed to
provoke the IRA into retaliation.

The governors of Holy Cross School urged parents to
take their children by an alternative route Tuesday
morning in a bid to avoid more violence.

The chairman of governors, Aidan Troy, said: If
tomorrow morning a little girl was hit with a bottle
... and somebody said to me 'Did you not say
anything?', I don't think I could hold my head up.

The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), the province's
police force, came under fire from loyalists who
claimed heavy-handed policing had exacerbated the
situation, while Catholics said police had not
provided enough protection for parents and pupils.

But RUC Chief Constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan brushed
aside the complaints, vowing that his officers would
be on hand Tuesday to do everything possible to ensure
that the children get to school.

Standing amid the broken glass which littered the
school gates, Holy Cross Principal Anne Tanney had
described the protesters as sick.

A lot of the children were too traumatised to stay
here and that's the worst thing that could have
happened to them, she said.

No child should have to endure that.

Monday's unrest came at a delicate stage in Northern
Ireland's troubled peace process, coinciding with the
latest meeting between Ulster Unionist Party leader
David Trimble and his hardline Democratic Unionist
Party counterpart Reverend Ian Paisley on police
reforms proposed by the British government, a key
issue in the peace process.

The primarily Catholic republicans and nationalists
want to unite Northern Ireland with the Irish
Republic, while mostly Protestant loyalists and
unionists back continued rule by Britain over the

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