Fw: Otto Reich's appointment appears to be in toilet [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
To: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:09 AM
Subject: Otto Reich's appointment appears to be in toilet

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


The Guardian - Nov 28, 2001

Bush appointee linked to terrorism;
Diplomat tied to anti-Cuba violence

by Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

One of George Bush's key choices for a major diplomatic role in his
administration is almost certain now not to be appointed - because of
his links with terrorism. Otto Reich, a Cuban exile, was nominated by
the US president this year as under secretary of state for the
western hemisphere.

This week a source for the Senate foreign relations committee, which
has to confirm the appointment, said that Mr Reich's chances of being
confirmed were now almost zero. He was already a controversial choice
because in 1987, in his previous government role as director the
office of public diplomacy, he had been investigated by the
comptroller general who found that he had "engaged in prohibited,
covert propaganda activities" on behalf of the Nicaraguan Contras
then engaged in a guerrilla war against the elected Sandinista

Mr Reich's nomination was attacked by the former US ambassador to El
Salvador, Robert White, who said: "He was part of that team that put
into being a policy that was illegal."

But it is Mr Reich's relationship with another Cuban American,
Orlando Bosch, which now seems certain to derail his appointment.
Bosch was first arrested in 1968 for firing on a tanker docked in
Miami on the grounds that it was trading with Cuba. He was charged
with conspiracy to damage and destroy planes and ships bound for Cuba
and jailed for 10 years. Released after four years he went to
Venezuela and was arrested there in 1976 after a Cuban plane had been
destroyed by a bomb with the loss of 73 lives. He was acquitted and
Mr Reich then attempted to help him obtain a US visa.

Turning down the request for the visa, Joe Whitley, the associate
attorney general, wrote: "The United States cannot tolerate the
inherent inhumanity of terrorism as a way of settling disputes.
Appeasement of those who use force will only breed more terrorists.
We must look on terrorism as a universal evil, even if it is directed
toward those with whom we have no political sympathy."

Undeterred, Bosch illegally entered the US. In 1990, Bosch was
granted a pardon by President George Bush Sr and he still lives in
Florida. When Mr Reich was asked by the Senate foreign relations
committee if he did not consider Bosch to be a terrorist, he replied:
"I do not have sufficient knowledge of Mr Bosch's criminal activities
or record of convictions to pass judgment on his legal status."

But in the wake of September 11, Mr Reich's position has been deemed
untenable as the administration has made it clear that it disapproves
of terrorism in all its forms. Having a senior diplomat linked to a
man convicted of terrorist offences would seriously undermine such a

Yesterday, a Senate foreign relations committee source said that
Reich's name had now been sent back to the White House as being
unacceptable. The source indicated that Democrat senators on the
committee have asked for another name to be submitted.

(c) Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
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Fw: [CubaNews] Statement by Gladys Marín on Attack o=?i

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
To: CubaNews List 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Statement by Gladys Marín on Attack on Communist Party of Chile 

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Bill Koehnlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Statement by Gladys Marín on Attack on Communist Party of Chile


Gladys Marín tras salir en libertad:

"Aquí siguen actuando elementos fascistas"

"Compañeras y compañeros, amigas y amigos que nos acompañan, y
también los vecinos de este querido barrio San Pablo: en primer lugar
quiero saludarlos a ustedes, que en su actitud militante, de
resistencia, han estado todas estas horas acá, en esta nueva batalla
que nos ha tocado dar en nombre y para nuestro pueblo.

Aquí hemos estado luchando y resistiendo no sólo por un local para el
Partido Comunista. Hemos estado luchando por el derecho del pueblo,
de los trabajadores, de la gente sencilla, de la gente de Izquierda,
de los excluidos, por el derecho a ser respetados.

Ustedes ya saben lo ocurrido, han estado tantas horas acá: en forma
absolutamente sorpresiva, hoy en la tarde se hizo presente un
receptor judicial con la orden de desalojo del local del Partido
Comunista. Esta es una larga batalla. Este local se compró en plena
dictadura, con esa actitud valiente y visionaria y cargada de futuro
que tenían nuestros compañeros que en ese tiempo encabezaban la
dirección del Partido Comunista. Este local está vinculado a Víctor
Díaz, a Mario Zamorano y a todos y cada uno de nuestros detenidos

Fueron ellos, los que en ese tiempo de la dictadura y la
clandestinidad, cuando nos habían arrebatado todo y el dictador había
clausurado los partidos y los sindicatos, decidieron adquirir esta

Se la adquirió, naturalmente, a nombre de personas y por eso es que a
lo largo de estos 10 años hemos tenido esta larga batalla para
demostrar judicialmente lo que moral y políticamente, y desde todo
punto de vista, está claro: este local pertenecía y pertenece al
Partido Comunista. Pero sabemos cómo opera esta justicia: para los
que tienen los millones, para los ricos, para los que pueden hacer
los negociados. Y en una compra absolutamente fraudulenta adquirieron
este local. Han estado batallando nuestros abogados, Eduardo
Contreras y otros compañeros abogados, ayudando a defender este

Durante años, hemos tenido la amenaza de desalojo. Resistíamos,
resistíamos. Hemos discutido mil veces con el gobierno: nada nos

Entonces, llegan aquí con el desalojo. A mí me avisaron, yo estaba
con mi amigo Pedro Lemebel, que iba a colaborar con la franja.

Todas estas calles estaban rodeadas de micros de carabineros,
vestidos como quien va a la guerra. Decidimos resistir dentro del
local, más los compañeros que estaban en la calle, y así fue como se
logró permanecer un tiempo.

Tenemos que decir que aquí se tiene que investigar muy a fondo. La
solución que hemos logrado ahora y las explicaciones, no bastan.

Tratamos inútilmente de comunicarnos con el Intendente, no se logró
respuesta; personalmente llamé tres veces al ministro del Interior,
no fue posible hablar con él, solamente con el jefe de gabinete,
explicándole lo que estaba ocurriendo y que iba a suceder algo
terrible, como ocurrió con el ingreso salvaje, fascista, de las
fuerzas policiales, destrozando todo premeditadamente y golpeando a
todos como quien golpea a un enemigo que tiene al frente. Pero nos
alegramos de ser los enemigos de fuerzas represivas como éstas.

Es así cómo se defendieron los compañeros, como podían, en forma
valerosa. Más de 40 heridos: a todos nos arrastraron, estamos
golpeados, todos estamos contusos. No sabemos realmente las heridas
que tiene cada cual; a algunos los llevaron a la posta, que están
bastante graves.

Pero además quisieron inferirnos vejámenes, la grosería. Cómo se
querían vengar de que este Partido Comunista no desaparezca, cómo les
duele a los maricones. Este Partido Comunista, al cual quisieron
eliminar, extirpar hasta la raíz, este partido que ha pasado
persecuciones, clandestinidad, y estamos aquí de nuevo de pie.
Construyendo una Izquierda, construyendo o ayudando a construir
movimiento sindical, social, como necesitan los trabajadores.

La presencia de ustedes fue determinante para muchas cosas. En la
tercera comisaría, mientras estábamos metidos en un galpón, con
compañeros que estaban con un pre infarto, llegó el nuevo Director
General de Carabineros, el señor Cienfuegos. En un gesto que prefiero
mil veces: que vaya a dar la cara, mientras otros se esconden. Porque
llamamos al gobierno y no fueron capaces de ponerse al teléfono.

El nuevo Director de Carabineros nos aseguró que no estaba informado
de este hecho, que era una provocación, y que va a investigar al
igual que nosotros. Nos vamos a querellar contra Carabineros y contra
todas las fuerzas que provocaron este h

Fw: [CubaNews] Chilean Communist Immolates Himself (Espanol) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: mart 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:43 AM
Subject: [pttp] Fw: [CubaNews] Chilean Communist Immolates Himself (Espanol)

Forward from mart.
- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
To: CubaNews List 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Chilean Communist Immolates Himself (Espanol)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Bill Koehnlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

El Chileno - December 1, 2001


Dramática y acusadora carta entregó obrero autoinmolado

Por: Redacción y otras fuentes

"Ya han muerto más de 300 personas de mesotelioma pleural, que es el
cáncer producido por aspirar asbesto. Hago esta suprema protesta

1.- A la industria Pizarreño y su holding internacional, por no haber
protegido a sus trabajadores y sus familias del veneno del asbesto.
Denuncia en su carta el trabajador. Está grave en la Posta de

"Mi nombre es Eduardo Miño Pérez, CI: 6.449.449-K, militante del
Partido Comunista". "Soy miembro de la Asociación Chilena de Víctimas
del Asbesto. Esta agrupación reúne a más de 500 personas que están
enfermas y muriéndose de asbestosis. Participan las viudas de los
obreros de la industria Pizarreño, las esposas y los hijos que
también están enfermos solamente por vivir en la población aledaña a
la industria. Ya han muerto más de 300 personas de mesotelioma
pleural, que es el cáncer producido por aspirar asbesto. Hago esta
suprema protesta denunciando:

1.- A la industria Pizarreño y su holding internacional, por no haber
protegido a sus trabajadores y sus familias del veneno del asbesto.

2.- A la Mutual de Seguridad, por maltratar a los trabajadores
enfermos y engañarlos en cuanto a su salud.

3.- A los médicos de la Mutual, por ponerse de parte de la empresa
Pizarreño y mentirle a los trabajadores, no declarándoles su

4.- A los organismos de gobierno, por no ejercer su responsabilidad
fiscalizadora y ayudar a las víctimas.

Esta forma de protesta, última y terrible, la hago en plena condición
física y mental como una forma de dejar en la conciencia de los
culpables el peso de sus culpas criminales. Esta inmolación digna y
consecuente la hago extensiva también contra:

- Los grandes empresarios, que son culpables del drama de la
cesantía, que se traduce en impotencia, hambre y desesperación para
miles de chilenos.

- Contra la guerra imperialista, que masacra a miles de civiles
pobres e inocentes para incrementar las ganancias de la industria
armamentista y crear la dictadura global.

- Contra la globalización imperialista hegemonizada por Estados
- Unidos.

- Contra el ataque prepotente, artero y cobarde contra la sede del
Partido Comunista de Chile. Mi alma que desborda humanidad, ya no
soporta tanta injusticia", finaliza la misiva.

SANTIAGO.- A las 11:40 horas, un hombre identificado como Eduardo
Miño Pérez irrumpió en un acto de conmemoración del Día Mundial del
Sida en la Plaza de la Constitución y se autoinfirió una herida
cortopunzante en el abdomen, para posteriormente quemarse a lo bonzo.

Un minuto después, fue socorrido por personal policial de La Moneda,
que acudió rápidamente con un extintor para apagar las llamas de su
cuerpo. Posteriormente, los efectivos le aplicaron mantas mojadas
para aliviar sus quemaduras.

En un primer momento fue atendido por el seremi de Salud, Mario
Salcedo, y el doctor Oscar Vargas, director del Hospital de
Melipilla, siendo trasladado más tarde a la Posta Central, donde
permanece en grave estado.

Críticas a Pizarreño

Miño Pérez entregó una carta a la guardia policial en las puertas del
Palacio de La Moneda.

Prohibido en Chile

El 12 de julio de este año comenzó a regir plenamente el Decreto 656
del ministerio de Salud que prohibe la producción, uso e importación
de asbesto en Chile. Esto fue confirmado hoy por el secretario
general de gobierno, Claudio Huepe, quien destacó que los organismos
del ministerio de Salud se han encargado de fiscalizar a las empresas
que trabajan con este material. Con respecto a la empresa Pizarreño,
el secretario de Estado indicó que ésta ha cambiado los
procedimientos de fabricación para eliminar el uso del asbesto.

A su vez, en julio de este año, el director del Servicio
Metropolitano de Salud del Ambiente (Sesma), José Concha, informó que
la entidad fiscalizó a nueve industrias de la Región Metropolitana
-entre ellas Pizarreño, Fibrocementos Maipú, Indubal, Cabal, Indupaq
y Cementa- que trabajaban con asbesto. En la ocasión se comprobó que
todas las empresas estaban cumpliendo con la norma.

"Hicimos inspecciones y comprobamos que el asbesto fue reemplazado
como materia prima por la fibra de vidrio", sostuvo Concha, quien
anunció que realizaría un estudio para medir el efecto de la
exposición poblacional al cuestionado material en aquellas personas

Divide and Conquer. Yugoslavia Revisited [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


  December 1, 2001
  Break Up Afghanistan? Why Not?
  AN FRANCISCO - Should Afghanistan even exist?

  As representatives of rival Afghan factions met in Bonn this week to
begin shaping a new government for their long-suffering land, American
specialists have been debating whether it makes sense to try to reconstitute
a single, unified country.

  Many scholars, intellectuals and policymakers are considering how to
create a broad-based Afghan government, but a handful of experts argue that
Afghanistan is a failed state destined to spread instability forever.

  Among those who urge the end of Afghanistan is Eden Naby, a longtime
associate at Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies. She has argued in
several recent speeches that Afghanistan should be broken down into "allied
independent states."

  "Getting rid of the idea or concept of Afghanistan is very difficult,
just as getting over the idea of Yugoslavia was difficult," Ms. Naby said
after she addressed the Middle East Studies Association last month in San
Francisco. "There is a sense that this kind of thing shouldn't be allowed to
happen, because it can have a domino effect. But I think the idea of
Afghanistan breaking up has already practically happened. There is no common
language, nothing common to all these people. The expected amalgamation of
ethnic groups into a nation never happened there."

  Ms. Naby said that much of the Afghans' already weak sense of national
identity faded during the last generation because of the resurgence of
warfare and a lack of education.

  "A loose coalition of states would work better, but there's an obvious
incentive against it," Ms. Naby said. "There will probably soon be a lot of
money dangling in front of tribal leaders on condition that they stay
together in some fashion. That may be decisive, at least for the time being.
But in the long run no one wants a strong Afghanistan."

  Larry P. Goodson, the author of "Afghanistan's Endless War," asserts
that strong central governments have been a curse on Afghanistan for more
than a generation. He said they disrupted, perhaps forever, the regional and
ethnic balances that once kept Afghanistan fairly stable, and turned the
country into "a mass of rubble and mine-strewn fields" in which half the
prewar population has been killed, wounded or forced into exile.

  "The old order in Afghanistan is gone, and it's unclear how much of it
is gone forever," Mr. Goodson told a panel at the San Francisco meeting.
"Everything flows from the depth of the destruction of Afghanistan's people
and physical infrastructure. The level of destruction is so complete that no
prewar entities emerged unscathed."

  Mr. Goodson did not support the idea of dividing Afghanistan, but said
he hoped foreign aid for the its reconstruction would be sent to regions and
communities rather than to Kabul. The aid, he said, should be given to local
leaders who agree to three conditions: no forced expulsion, equal treatment
for all citizens, and surrender of heavy weapons. He acknowledged that the
last condition "might be the most difficult."

  Afghanistan's borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century
political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.

  The British authorities in India and the Czar's government in Russia
both sought to control Afghanistan as a way of blocking each other's
expansionist ambitions. For most of the 19th century, a series of Pashtun
emirs and kings ruled the country, but tribal leaders held considerable
power. During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful
attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border
between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern
Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was
then India and is now Pakistan.

  As recently as the 1970's, some Pashtun leaders in Afghanistan were
pushing to create a new state, Pashtunistan, by joining with Pashtuns in
Pakistan. Ms. Naby said they might now revive their campaign. If they do,
they would certainly come into conflict with Pakistan, which would stand to
lose large amounts of territory to such a new state.

  Many scholars point out, however, that Afghanistan is hardly the only
country in the world with arbitrary borders and a mix of ethnic and
religious groups. Those factors, they say, are not sufficient reason to
break up a state that has existed, albeit on shifting territory, for more
than 250 years.

  "Afghanistan is about the size of France, which is an effective size
for a country," said Thomas Barfield, an anthropologist at Boston
University, who has lived with nomadic Afghan tribes. "You hear a lot of
talk about ethnic hatred in Afghanistan. There's also a history of ethnic
cooperation. You don't have this situation of Serbs and Croats and B

Re: McDonalds Must Eat Words In McChina Name Battle - SCMP [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


With all the due respect, this is not the place for this matter, maybe a
generalist anti-globalisation list. I would like to ask all the list members
to stay on topic. Otherwise, this forum will turn useless with

Francisco Javier Bernal
co-list manager

- Original Message -
From: Stasi
To: Anti-NATO
Cc: LeftNet Post
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 6:55 AM
Subject: UK: McDonalds Must Eat Words In McChina Name Battle - SCMP

South China Morning Post

Wednesday, November 28, 2001
McDonald's must eat words in McChina name battle
REUTERS in London
Updated at 11.38am:
McDonald's, the world's largest restaurant company, on Tuesday lost a legal
bid to stop a British-based restaurateur from using the name ''McChina''.
A judge at London's High Court said the US fast food giant, which has 29,000
outlets worldwide, was trying to monopolise the ''Mc'' prefix.
Judge David Neuberger overruled an earlier decision to prevent restaurateur
Frank Yu Kwan Yuen from registering ''McChina'' as a British trademark.
''It appears to me on analysis that McDonald's are virtually seeking to
monopolise all names and words with the prefix Mc or Mac,'' the judge said.
Mr Yuen said he hoped to create ''a new generation of Chinese food'' with
fast food restaurants across Britain.
Mr Yuen, who moved to England from China in 1967, said he had adopted the Mc
prefix to signify ''son of'', as in Scottish names.
However, his trademark application was rejected after McDonald's said it
breached its established trademarks including McDonald's, MacDonald's, Mc
and Mac.
The Illinois-based company said it feared the McChina name would confuse
customers into thinking the Chinese fast food restaurants were owned by
Rejecting McDonald's evidence, the judge said there was an ''absence of any
evidence of confusion''.
After the hearing, Mr Yuen was quoted by the Times newspaper as saying he
was ''as happy as a drunken prawn''.
Mr Yuen opened the first McChina restaurant in Wimbledon, southwest London
in 1991, under the names McChina Stir Fried and McChina Wok Away.

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Fw: [Fwd: It Can Happen Here, to you!] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


Last night I sent out a news article from the New York Times entitled "It
Can Happen Here" to several friends and contacts. One of my friends
forwarded to a friend of his who wrote this incredibly powerful and moving
reply that truly needs to be read, forwarded and published
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 8:13 AM
Subject: [Fwd: It Can Happen Here, to you!]

 This is a reply that I got from the  e-mail, "It can happen here"!
 This is very well said, this is true America, 300 plus years
 of advancement, but yet nothing has changed, the powers to be
 are still seeking, destroying and dominating.

  Original Message 
 Subject: It Can Happen Here, to you!

 I cannot think of another country in which I would rather reside at this
 time.  However I realize the citizens of this country have been living in
 Alice's Wonderland much too long.

 I guess I tend not to get too overly excited about losing my civil rights
 in this country and articles such as the one I just read.  You see, I
 cannot forget the days that the white kids rode by us on the new school
 bus and yelled at us calling us Nigger as we stood waiting for the old
 dilapidated school bus to pick us up.  I cannot forget that when I bought
 ice cream in Hamilton's drug store in Keysville, that no matter how hot
 it was, I had to go outside and eat mine.  I could not stay inside in the
 air conditioning and enjoy it.  I remember when I went to Randolph-Henry
 for the first time in the eighth grade how I would have a whole table to
 myself in the cafeteria because the white children did not want to sit
 anywhere near me.

 I remember when I started working for the Department of Corrections, I
 was told that even though I had a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice, the
 only thing I was qualified to do was be a correctional officer (only
 requirement is a high school diploma or GED).  I remember when I was
 conducting a certification audit in Abingdon, Virginia, for the
 Department of Corrections a few years ago, I decided to go out for a walk
 after dinner.  As I was walking down the road, a bunch of whit kids drove
 by and yelled out the window, "Hey Nigger."  I look at the prison
 population and wonder how all those Black men were able to acquire the
 means (money, planes, ships, etc.) to import all those drugs that they
 were caught dealing and for which they subsequently received significant
 prison sentences.

 I cannot forget that man who was tied to the back of a pickup in TEXAS
 and dragged to his death - his only crime being that he was a Black man.
 I cannot forget that AMERICA dropped not one, but two atom bombs during
 World War II.  I cannot forget that while Hitler was busy taking the Jews
 off to internment camps, AMERICA was busy detaining the
 Japanese-Americans simply because they were Japanese.  The Tuskegee
 Experiments did not occur in Germany.  They occurred right here in
 America.  I have difficulty discerning the difference between a Jew going
 to an internment camp and a Black people being hanged by the Ku Klux
 Klan.  The results were the same for the victims.  Both were deprived of
 their civil rights.  Only the numbers, as they have been reported, are
 significantly different.  I cannot forget that today we have a serious
 problem with racial profiling, particularly DWB (driving while black).

 It annoys the hell out of me for store detectives and clerks to follow me
 around in a department store simply because of the color of my skin.  I
 have been making loans from the Bank of Charlotte County ever since I
 started gainful employment.  Yet when I go in there now, after 20 years
 of paying loans off on time (early in many cases), for some reason I come
 out feeling like Lightning asking the Boss for a handout.  If you ever
 looked at Amos and Andy, you know who Lightning was.

 I hope you will understand and forgive me if I don't get too wrung up
 about losing my civil rights.  Peoples civil rights are being eroded, but
 whose civil rights are they in the first place?  Maybe those who are not
 Black will understand what it's like to live in a country that was stolen
 simply because it was there for the taking.  Maybe those who are not
 Black will understand what it's like to be someplace where you are not
 wanted, but you are not here by choice in the first place.  Maybe those
 who are not Black will someday understand why America is so hated around
 the world.  Maybe those who are not Black will understand why I haven't
 yet put a flag on my car (even though it is a foreign car).  But, I'm
 afraid that only those who are BLACK LIKE ME will understand how it has
 already happened here in so many cases.

That's all for now.  Catch ya later.

From: Miroslav Antic
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 7:13 PM
Subject: It Can Happen Here


Fw:Scripting the Big Lie: Pro-war Propaganda Proliferates [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: Peter S. Lopez de Sacra 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 11:21 PM
Subject:  Scripting the Big Lie: Pro-war Propaganda Proliferates

Scripting the Big Lie: Pro-war propaganda proliferates 

Via Workers World News Service 
Reprinted from the Nov. 29, 2001 
issue of Workers World newspaper 

By Heather Cottin 

The titans of the military-industrial-media complex are 
working around the clock trying to annihilate the truth so 
people in the United States won't care what happens to the 
people of Afghanistan. Using every propaganda vehicle, the 
Bush administration is driving hard to control the minds and 
hearts of the public here and, if possible, around the 
world. Those who would oppose them are run over. 

In a briefing, Bush spokesperson Ari Fleischer warned 
reporters that, in times like these, "people have to watch 
what they say and watch what they do." CNN and other major 
commercial news organizations are obeying Fleischer's 

During the bombing of Afghanistan, network news outlets 
endlessly repeated, "Taliban claims are nearly impossible to 
verify." CNN has ordered reporters to frame reports of 
civilian deaths with reminders that "the Pentagon has 
repeatedly stressed that it is trying to minimize" such 
casualties, and that "the Taliban regime continues to harbor 
terrorists who are connected to the Sept. 11 attacks that 
claimed thousands of innocent lives in the U.S." 

In a special report Nov. 5 that took other media to task for 
letting the world know about the slaughter of innocents in 
Afghanistan, Fox News anchor Brit Hume said, "Civilian 
casualties are historically, by definition, a part of war, 
really. Should they be as big news as they've been?" 

Mara Liasson from National Public Radio agreed, "Look, war 
is about killing people. Civilian casualties are 

U.S. News & World Report columnist Michael Barone added, "I 
think the real problem here is that this is poor news 
judgment on the part of some of these news organizations. 
Civilian casualties are not, as Mara says, news. The fact is 
that they accompany wars." 

A memo circulated to editors at the Panama City, Fla., News 
Herald and leaked to Jim Romenesko's Media News warned: "DO 
NOT USE photos on Page 1A showing civilian casualties from 
the U.S. war on Afghanistan. DO NOT USE wire stories which 
lead with civilian casualties from the U.S. war on 
Afghanistan ... play down the civilian casualties, DO IT." 


A New York Times article on Nov. 11 delineating the "Battle 
to Shape Public Opinion" explained in detail how the Bush 
administration was setting up "a round-the-clock war news 
bureau" in Washington, London and Islamabad to help develop 
a "message of the day." 

The Times called the effort a "21st-century version of the 
muscular propaganda war that the United States waged in the 

The State Department brought in former advertising executive 
Charlotte Beers to sell the U.S. line. This message 
"dovetails with the domestic news management" under the 
supervision of Karen P. Hughes, the White House 
communications director. Beers holds meetings with foreign 
correspondents "closed to American journalists." 

"We can't give out our propaganda to our own people," said 
Price Floyd, deputy director of media outreach at the State 
Department. Heavens, no. 

According to the Times, the State Department and Defense 
Department aren't allowing any real information out about 
military operations. "Clark Hoyt, the Washington editor for 
the Knight Ridder newspaper chain, said 'American forces are 
engaged in combat overseas, and we are basically shut out.'" 
The Frankfurter Rundschau wrote, "Substantial amounts of 
information about current military actions and their 
consequences is subject to censorship by parties to the 


This is total war, even if incredibly one-sided, and the 
administration has drafted Hollywood. 

The heads of the Warner Brothers television studio and of 
the CBS and Fox broadcasting networks are actively 
collaborating in a scheme to spread the U.S. government's 
message through the movies. 

The New York Times reported on Nov. 11 that several dozen 
top Hollywood executives met with Karl Rove, President 
Bush's senior adviser, to find "common ground on how the 
entertainment industry can contribute to the war effort, 
replicating in spirit if not in scope the partnership formed 
between filmmakers and war planners in the 1940s." 

The Sunday Herald of Scotland noted, "Hollywood stars and 
scriptwriters are rushing to bolster the new message of 
patriotism, conferring with the CIA and brainstorming with 
the military about possible real-life terrorist attacks." 

Many of the "stars" are thrilled. Actor Tom Cruise, 
concerned about his upcoming role as a CIA operative in his 
next movie, wants to show the "CIA in as p

Re: Fw:Scripting the Big Lie: Pro-war Propaganda Proliferates [WWW.STOPNATO.O...

2001-12-02 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 12/2/2001 6:23:16 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


This is total war, even if incredibly one-sided, and the 
administration has drafted Hollywood. 

It's quite a coincidence that all of these documentaries like Behind the Veil just so happened to have been produced this past summer and they are running almost 24-7. People have been so duped it's pathetic.
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Fw: NATO Enlargement Daily Brief [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


 Looking for masochists wanting to check a Latvian exilees lobby website.


> - Original Message -
> From: Elizabeth Morrow Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:44 PM
> Subject: NET: NATO Enlargement Daily Brief
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Workers World: Israel, Palestine And The US War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Stasi


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 6, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Richard Becker

What is the Bush administration really trying to accomplish 
at this time by sending a retired Marine general and an 
assistant secretary of state to negotiate between the 
Palestinians and Israel?

After a decade of intensive but failed talks involving 
presidents and prime ministers, is it conceivable that a 
much lower-level delegation could achieve a just peace in 
the Middle East?

No, a real peace agreement is not the objective here. The 
goal instead is pacification. What Washington is seeking is 
diplomatic cover for its war effort. Public opinion 
throughout the Middle East is highly inflamed over Israel's 
brutal repression of the Palestinian people, as well as the 
U.S./UN sanctions on Iraq.

Even among Washington's European allies, there is strong 
popular opposition to Israel's use of U.S.-supplied 
helicopters and missiles to assassinate Palestinian leaders 
and wreak havoc on the people.

Holding together the U.S. war "coalition," especially if the 
Bush national security team decides to take the war to Iraq, 
Yemen or anywhere else in the Middle East, requires at least 
a feigned attempt to calm the struggle in Palestine.

The soldier, retired general Anthony Zinni, and the 
diplomat, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs 
William Burns, landed in Israel on Nov. 26, one week after 
Secretary of State Colin Powell's "major policy speech" on 
the Palestine-Israel conflict. The level of representation 
was treated with editorial disdain by Israel's leading 
newspapers. Instead of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, 
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has appointed a retired 
"hard-line general," Meir Dagan, as his lead negotiator in 
the talks.

Zinni and Burns arrived 14 months after the start of the 
second Palestinian Intifada (uprising). Since September 
2000, more than 700 Palestinians have been killed and 20,000 
wounded. Thousands of homes, offices and other buildings in 
the mere 5 percent of Palestine that is under the tenuous 
control of the Palestinian Authority (PA) have been 
destroyed. In the same time period, 190 Israelis have been 
killed, though Israeli deaths always receive far more 
attention in the corporate media here.

Secretary Powell's Nov. 20 speech included the usual 
formulations, calling for the Palestinians to desist from 
the struggle and the Israelis to "show restraint."

Israel's war criminal prime minister, Sharon, showed his 
government's "restraint" two days later when the Israeli 
Army (IDF) assassinated Mahmoud Abu Hanoud, one of the top 
leaders of the Hamas-Islamic Resistance Movement. Abu 
Hanoud, along with two associates, was blown to bits by a 
missile fired at his car from a U.S.-provided helicopter.

Then, on Nov. 24, an Israeli army booby-trap exploded in the 
Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza, killing five young boys 
from the same family.

Both of these attacks took place inside Zone A, the tiny 
part of Palestine that is supposed to be exclusively 
controlled by the PA. Since September, IDF units have 
occupied large parts of Zone A.

Huge Palestinian marches in the West Bank and Gaza protested 
these killings. Palestinian urban guerrilla units launched a 
mortar attack on an Israeli base in Gaza, killing an Israeli 
soldier, the first reported Israeli death from a mortar.

When Israel struck back with massive firepower, it was 
called "retaliation" in the U.S. mainstream media, although 
the same term was not applied to the Palestinian mortar 
attack. "Retaliation" implies moral justification, something 
always conferred on the Israelis in the U.S. media and never 
on the Palestinians.


The widely publicized stance of the Sharon regime is that 
there can be no resumption of negotiations until the 
Palestinians desist from the struggle.

Sharon specifically says that there must be "seven days of 
absolute quiet." Of course, the Israeli army doesn't have to 
end its occupation for the same week.

Sharon restated his position immediately following Powell's 
speech, demanding again that the Palestinians halt their 
struggle--in essence, call off the Intifada--as a pre-
condition for any further talks.

At the same time, Sharon directed the Israeli Army to 
assassinate one of the top leaders of the Intifada. Such a 
high-level hit could only have been carried out with the 
prime minister's approval.

The assassination of Abu Hanoud and the murder of the five 
Palestinian children in Khan Younis follow scores of other 
political murders. In August, U.S.-supplied helicopters and 
missiles were used by the IDF to assassinate Abu Ali 
Mustafa, the general secretary of the largest Palestinian 
leftist party, the Popular Front for the Liberation of 

Workers World: Womesn Liberation & Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Stasi


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 6, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Minnie Bruce Pratt

As U.S. bombing and troop presence has intensified in 
Afghanistan, the mainstream media have issued a barrage of 
articles, photographs, opinion pieces and interviews 
claiming this war will liberate Afghan women. They present 
it as a "collateral benefit," that the war will reverse the 
Taliban's cruel oppression of women and even give women a 
chance to get political rights under a new government.

Government officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, 
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, and Secretary of 
State Colin Powell have addressed the same subject in news 
conferences, briefings and interviews.

Most dramatically, "First Lady" Laura Bush was in front of 
the microphone on Nov. 17, instead of her husband, for the 
president's usual Saturday radio address, so she could 
testify about the oppression of Afghan women under the 

This media blitz has been orchestrated through the 
governmental Coalition Information Center, set up to counter 
any criticism of the U.S. war. The campaign is coordinated 
by spin-doctors like public relations industry legend 
Charlotte Beers, former chair of giant ad agency J. Walter 
Thompson. Four of the key "gatekeepers" of this campaign are 
women, including chief Pentagon spokesperson Victoria Clarke 
and Mary Matlin, chief political adviser to Vice President 

Matlin said of these women's commitment to advocating for 
the war: "I think we probably bring--and I don't mean this 
to sound sexist--but we probably have more of a subconscious 
outrage at these issues...This is something that crosses my 
mind every day: a third of these women in pre-Taliban days 
were doctors, lawyers and teachers. You can't help but be 
outraged." (New York Times, Nov. 11)


What pre-Taliban days is she talking about? The outrage is 
ours if we look at the real history of women's liberation in 
Afghanistan. Yes, terrible things have been done to women 
under the Taliban rule. But how did the Taliban come into 
existence? And what was the role of the United States?

In 1978 a revolution created a secular government in 
Afghanistan that tried to liberate the workers and peasants 
from the grip of feudal landlords. The secular government 
was based on a young socialist movement, the Progressive 
Democratic Party of Afghanistan. The revolutionaries 
cancelled mortgage debts of laborers and tenants; these 
debts had been inherited over generations so that feudal 
warlords held land workers as virtual serfs. And they 
promoted the welfare and liberation of women.

This revolutionary government immediately moved to improve 
the terrible conditions women had endured. It set up 
literacy programs especially for women, whose illiteracy 
rate was 96 percent. It trained more teachers and published 
textbooks in local languages. It organized brigades of women 
to go into the countryside to provide medical services and 
by 1985 increased hospital beds by 80 percent.

Decrees were issued abolishing the bride price so women 
could be free to choose their marriages and prohibiting the 
punishment of women for losing their virginity before 
marriage. Women were able to train and then work as doctors, 
teachers and lawyers.

Did the U.S. government know of these things? These facts 
about the Afghan revolution can be found in a book published 
by the U.S. Department of the Army entitled, "Afghanistan--a 
Country Study for 1986."

Yet it was this enlightened government that U.S. President 
Jimmy Carter set out to overthrow by organizing a massive 
counter-revolutionary army of religious fundamentalists in 
1979. This CIA-orchestrated and funded war forced the Afghan 
government to call for Soviet military assistance. What 
followed was a bitter conflict that lasted more than a 
decade and eventually overthrew the progressive regime. More 
years of war followed as the Taliban, the Northern Alliance 
and other factions, all of which drew their power from the 
feudal landlord class, fought for supremacy. (Workers World, 
Oct. 10, 1996)

The CIA facilitated the formation of Osama bin Laden's 
organization back in the 1980s to attack the progressive 
government in Afghanistan. As vice president, George Bush 
Sr. oversaw the operation. Subsequently, bin Laden's troops 
murdered teachers, doctors and nurses, disfigured women who 
took off the veil, and shot down civilian airliners with 
U.S.-supplied Stinger missiles. (Workers World, Oct. 4)


Now Bush and the generals claim to care about the rights of 
women living in the counter-revolution they financed and 
engineered. But the U.S. has consistently disregarded the 
plight and status of women in Afghanistan. 

NZ: Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Stasi


Ananova :

Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people

A New Zealand demonstration in support of global capitalism attracted 25

The Walk For Capitalism in Auckland attracted people who believe in the free
market system.

They tied blue ribbons to Starbucks cafes and other businesses as a gesture
of thanks.

The walk was organised by Melbourne-based Prodos Institute and was held in
107 other cities worldwide. Protester David Pritchard, a customer services
manager, says capitalists are unfairly painted as bullies with no interest
in the environment or the poor.

"If life is about the pursuit of happiness, selfishness is a virtue," Andrew
Atlas, a civil engineer with a 'Taxation is Theft' sign stuck to his back

Other demonstrators held placards saying 'I own my life, I am not a slave, I
am a capitalist' and 'Capitalism is Good', the Stuff website reports.

Story filed: 17:59 Sunday 2nd December 2001

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Re: NZ: Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread STEVE KACZYNSKI


I dare say an anti-capitalist demo of 25 people would have attracted no 
publicity at all.

Steve K.

>From: Stasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Peoples War <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: Redskins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LeftNet Post 
>Subject: NZ: Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people  
>Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 19:05:33 -
>Ananova :
>Pro-global capitalism demo attracts 25 people
>A New Zealand demonstration in support of global capitalism attracted 25
>The Walk For Capitalism in Auckland attracted people who believe in the 
>market system.
>They tied blue ribbons to Starbucks cafes and other businesses as a gesture
>of thanks.
>The walk was organised by Melbourne-based Prodos Institute and was held in
>107 other cities worldwide. Protester David Pritchard, a customer services
>manager, says capitalists are unfairly painted as bullies with no interest
>in the environment or the poor.
>"If life is about the pursuit of happiness, selfishness is a virtue," 
>Atlas, a civil engineer with a 'Taxation is Theft' sign stuck to his back
>Other demonstrators held placards saying 'I own my life, I am not a slave, 
>am a capitalist' and 'Capitalism is Good', the Stuff website reports.
>Story filed: 17:59 Sunday 2nd December 2001

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Thousands of Serbs Return Home [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: Please Forward to STOPNATO

[U.N. figures show that of the 1.8 million who were uprooted in the war, about 785,000 
have returned to their prewar homes. About 380,000 are abroad, leaving about 635,000 
people in Bosnia who are living in someone else's house and waiting to return to their 
own rightful homes. ABOUT HALF ARE SERBS, the United Nations says...The biggest hurdle 
is simply getting squatters to move out. Feraget, the U.N. refugees spokeswoman, said 
that if, for instance, the 24,000 Croatian Serbs in the republic would go back to 
Croatia, their homes could be reclaimed by the Muslims and Croats who own them.]

Thousands of Serbs Return Home
.c The Associated Press

DZEVAR, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - It's freezing outside, but it warms Rade Kragulj's 
heart just to be able to fix the leaky roof on the house he left behind during 
Bosnia's war. 

At 62, after six years as a refugee, he is finally home, even if he is a Serb and his 
home is in territory now under Muslim control. 

With the return home of Kragulj and thousands of other Bosnian Serbs, U.N. officials 
feel they have turned a corner in efforts to undo the human tragedy of a 3 1/2-year 
war that uprooted 1.8 million people. 

``Finally this year, we're seeing real results for all of our work since 1996,'' said 
Aida Feraget, the U.N. refugee agency's Bosnia spokeswoman. 

Persuading Serbs, Muslims and Croats to return to the homes they abandoned during the 
war remains Bosnia's biggest challenge. 

Many feel they can never live together again because of the ethnic hatred stirred up 
in a war that killed at least 200,000 people. 

Bosnia is now under international administration, carved up into a Muslim-Croat 
federation and a Bosnian Serb republic. 

In some parts, nationalist politicians have obstructed the repatriation process with 
complicated bureaucracy. People who dared to return to territory no longer under their 
ethnic group's control have sometimes met a violent reception. 

But in the first nine months 2001, these so-called minority returns were up by 65 
percent to 56,683, according to the United Nations. That's only about nine percent of 
those waiting to go home, but still, it's a ``returnee boom,'' Feraget said. 

The main reasons: New laws require squatters to give up homes that aren't theirs; 
obstructive local officials are being removed; and U.N. police and NATO troops are 
visiting returnees to make sure they feel safe. 

These steps, along with an overall decline in violence and the simple passage of time, 
have made displaced Bosnians feel more secure, Feraget said. 

The Kragulj family came back from 20 miles away to find that their house in Dzevar, 
110 miles northwest of Sarajevo, had been shelled during the 1992-95 war, then 
dynamited by vengeful Muslims. 

``Friends gave us a pig and a few hens, and that's all we have,'' said Kragulj, who 
with his wife, Dusanka, barely gets by on a pension worth $45 a month. 

Although their town is now Muslim-controlled, their neighbors are friendly Serbs and 
Croats, also newly returned, and Kragulj says he'll never move again. 

``They looked sick all the time for six years when they were refugees,'' said the 
couple's 25-year-old son, Nenad. ``As soon as they came back to their ruins, my 
parents suddenly looked alive again. 

``There's no place like home.'' 

Another returnee, Petar Rajlic, lives alone in a hovel but has laid the foundation for 
a new house where the old one stood. 

``I don't have money to finish it and to bring my wife and daughter back,'' said 
Rajlic, 68, who earns the equivalent of $75 a month. ``Unfortunately, we are coming 
back on our own, without any help. But our only future is here, back on our own 

U.N. figures show that of the 1.8 million who were uprooted in the war, about 785,000 
have returned to their prewar homes. About 380,000 are abroad, leaving about 635,000 
people in Bosnia who are living in someone else's house and waiting to return to their 
own rightful homes. About half are Serbs, the United Nations says. 

Bosnians say more than 50,000 houses and apartments are needed to house returnees. But 
Slobodan Nagradic, a government minister for refugees, said the state doesn't have the 
cash and no longer can depend on donors. 

``Foreign donations are now going to Kosovo, Macedonia and elsewhere,'' he said. 

While most of the returnees are Serbs, the Bosnian Serb Republic is criticized for 
doing little to help Muslims and Croats return to their homes. 

The biggest hurdle is simply getting squatters to move out. Feraget, the U.N. refugees 
spokeswoman, said that if, for instance, the 24,000 Croatian Serbs in the republic 
would go back to Croatia, their homes could be reclaimed by the 

One Kunduz survivor is US citizen [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters (with additional material by AP). 2 December 2001. American
Taliban Fighter in U.S. Custody - Report.

NEW YORK and TASHKENT -- A 20-year-old American who fought with the
Taliban and survived a bloody prison uprising near Mazar-i-Sharif last
week has been taken into custody by U.S. special forces troops, Newsweek
magazine said on its Web site on Sunday.

A spokesman for U.S. Central Command, which is running the military
campaign on Afghanistan, confirmed that a man claiming to be an American
was in the control of U.S. military forces.

"Military forces in Afghanistan do have in their control a man who calls
himself a U.S. citizen," Marine Maj. Brad Lowell, a Central Command
spokesman, said.

"He was among the al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners; he was held by the
Northern Alliance in Mazar-i-Sharif. He is injured and is being given
medical assistance by U.S. forces," he told Reuters.

The man, described by Newsweek as "a white, educated-sounding,
apparently middle-class American," who identified himself only as Abdul
Hamid, was taken into custody on Saturday at a hospital where he had
been taken for treatment of minor gunshot and shrapnel wounds.

The special forces soldiers who detained Hamid took him aside for
treatment and later left with him, doctors told the magazine. A Northern
Alliance military source said the U.S. soldiers had taken Hamid to
Mazar-i-Sharif, Newsweek said, adding that U.S. forces refused to
comment on his whereabouts.

Hamid told Newsweek earlier he was a Washington, D.C., native but
indicated he grew up elsewhere in the United States. He said he
converted to Islam at age 16 and later went to Pakistan to study the
Koran, Newsweek said.

Hamid said he came into contact with Taliban teachings while studying in
Pakistan and traveled to Afghanistan six months ago to help "because the
Taliban are the only government that actually provides Islamic law," the
magazine reported.

He fought with the Taliban at the siege of Kunduz in northern
Afghanistan and surrendered along with hundreds of other fighters after
the two sides negotiated a deal.

Hamid later was transferred along with hundreds of other prisoners to
Qala-i-Jhangi fortress west of Mazar-i-Sharif, where a revolt ensued a
week ago. The uprising was violently put down by U.S. warplanes and
Northern Alliance ground forces.

Several hundred prisoners were believed to have been killed.

Many of the prisoners who emerged from the basement were injured, Dr.
Arif Salimi, head of the local health office in the nearby city of
Mazar-e-Sharif, said. Some were being treated in hospitals and others
imprisoned again.

Video tape from the fortress Saturday and acquired by Associated Press
Television News showed the prisoners, many of them visibly weak and thin
after days without food or water.

One man, who appeared to be near death, was carried on a stretcher into
a truck for transport along with the weakest prisoners. Others appeared
to be in pain.

Two of the prisoners said they were from Yemen, and when one was asked
what he was doing in Afghanistan, he answered "jihad," or holy war.

"The conditions (of the prisoners) are what you can expect from people
who have been without food or drinking water for six days, in a
basement, traumatized, shocked," Olivier Martin, of the International
Committee for the Red Cross, said in an interview on the APTN video from
the scene.

In Geneva, the Red Cross said it had begun registering some of the
Taliban prisoners. "Registering for us is a key thing," spokeswoman Kim
Gordon-Bates said.

"Once a person exists, they can't disappear."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Re: Bush's Inexperience is Showing...by Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


MessageThis Margolis seems to outscore his own bullsh*t record:

"The Northern Alliance is not a merry band of pro-American freedom fighters
battling the wicked Taliban, but a Russian front organization run by leaders
of the revived Afghan Communist party. It has also reopened the heroin trade
the Taliban had shut down. "

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Fwd: Secret US Plan for Iraq War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---

The Observer
Deember 2, 2001


Bush orders backing for rebels to topple Saddam

Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver

America intends to depose Saddam Hussein by giving armed support to Iraqi
opposition forces across the country, The Observer has learnt.
President George W. Bush has ordered the CIA and his senior military
commanders to draw up detailed plans for a military operation that could
begin within months.

The plan, opposed by Tony Blair and other European Union leaders, threatens
to blow apart the increasingly shaky international consensus behind the
US-led 'war on terrorism'.

It envisages a combined operation with US bombers targeting key military
installations while US forces assist opposition groups in the North and
South of the country in a stage-managed uprising. One version of the plan
would have US forces fighting on the ground.

Despite US suspicions of Iraqi involvement in the 11 September attacks, the
trigger for any attack, sources say, would be the anticipated refusal of
Iraq to resubmit to inspections for weapons of mass destruction under the
United Nations sanctions imposed after the Gulf war.

According to the sources, the planning is being undertaken under the
auspices of a the US Central Command at McDill air force base in Tampa,
Florida, commanded by General Tommy Franks, who is leading the war against

Another key player is understood to be former CIA director James Woolsey.
Sources say Woolsey was sent to London by the hawkish Deputy Defence
Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, soon after 11 September to ask Iraqi opposition
groups if they would participate in an uprising if there was US military

The New York Times yesterday quoted a senior administration official who
admitted that Bush's aides were looking at options that involved
strengthening groups that opposed Saddam. Richard Armitage, the Deputy
Secretary of State, said that action against Iraq was not imminent, but
would come at a 'place and time of our choosing'.

Washington has been told by its allies that evidence it has presented of an
Iraqi link to 11 September is at best circumstantial. However, US proponents
of extending the war believe they can make the case for hitting Saddam's
regime over its plan to produce weapons of mass destruction.

A European diplomat said last week: 'In the past week the Americans have
shut up about Iraqi links to 11 September and have been talking a lot more
about their weapons programme.'

The US is believed to be planning to exploit existing UN resolutions on
Iraqi weapons programmes to set the action off.

Under the pre-existing 'red lines' for military action against Iraq - set
down by Washington and London after the Gulf War - evidence of any credible
threat from weapons of mass destruction would be regarded as sufficient to
launch military strikes along the lines of Operation Desert Fox in 1998,
when allied planes made large-scale strikes against suspected Iraqi weapons

Opposition by Blair and French President Jacques Chirac may not be enough to
dissuade the Americans. One European military source who recently returned
from General Franks's headquarters in Florida said: 'The Americans are
walking on water. They think they can do anything at the moment and there is
bloody nothing Tony [Blair] can do about it.'

Bush is said to have issued instructions about the proposals, which are now
at a detailed stage, to his Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, three weeks
ago. But Pentagon sources say that a plan for attacking Iraq was developed
by the time Bush's order was sent to the Pentagon, drawn up by Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz, chairman of the joint chiefs General Richard Myers, and

The plan is to work with a combination of three political forces: Kurdish
rebels in the north of Iraq, radical Sunni Muslim groups in and around
Baghdad, and, most controversially, the Shia opposition in the south.

The most adventurous ingredient in the anti-Iraqi proposal is the use of US
ground troops, Pentagon sources say. 'Significant numbers' of ground troops
could also be called on in the early stages of any rebellion to guard oil
fields around the Shia port of Basra in southern Iraq.

--- End Message ---

: [MESN] [fwd] Uri Avnery on the Holy Alliance, past and present [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2001-12-02 Thread mart


 - Original Message -
 From: "Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: "Middle East Socialists Network" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 6:13 PM
 Subject: [MESN] [fwd] Uri Avnery on the Holy Alliance, past and present
 [The following article of  Israeli columnist/peace activist Uri Avnery
 puts the
 wars and the challenges of the present world in historical perspective.]


Uri Avnery - Nov. 17. 2001
At the reception desk of the War-Against-Terror Coalition, 
there lies  application form for new partners. After stating his 
name, country and  function  (king / president / emir / dictator / tyrant), 
the applicant is invited to  answer the  question: "Do you have 
local opponents that you wish to have branded as terrorists and 
dealt with accordingly?"

Nearly all the applicants so far have answered this question with
great  enthusiasm. Vladimir Putin designated the Chechnyian rebels, 
Spain mentioned  the Basque ETA, Turkey the Kurds, India the 
Kashmiris, just to mention a few of  a long list. In short, every 
potentate, big and small,  pointed a finger at the people he oppresses, 
hoping that the United States  will help him get rid of their war of 
liberation. "Send in the big bombers," they beg, "and blow these 
miserable terrorist bandits sky-high!"

All this might remind students of history of events nearly 200 
years ago. After the downfall of Napoleon, the tyrant who 
promoted liberty throughout Europe, the rulers of the continent 
decided to set up an insurmountable wall to any further aspirations 
of national and social liberation. "All this nonsense about democracy, 
freedom, equality and constitutions has to stop once and for all,
" they told each other.

And so in 1815 the Czar of all the Russians, the Emperor 
of Austria and the King of Prussia signed an agreement, 
which they called the Holy Alliance, to institute the rule of 
God in Europe. Abusing the name of the  mild and vaguely 
socialist rabbi from Nazareth, they created in reality an 
international mafia of the Iron Fist.

Wherever an oppressed people dared to raise its head in 
rebellion, all the rulers of Europe would band together, one 
for all and all for one, to help their threatened colleague. The 
Russians, for example, sent troops to  squash the Hungarian 
and Italian rebellions against Austria; the secret  services of all 
cooperated against the socialists and anarchists.

Almost all the rulers of the continent joined the Alliance, 
as did  England in practice, without doing so formally. The 
Pope, vicar of Christ,  did not, and neither did the Ottoman 
Sultan, who, not being a devout Christian, had to oppress his 
many peoples without outside help.

Henry Kissinger, one of the modern admirers of the alliance 
and its major statesman, the Austrian Prince Metternich, credits 
it with  maintaining order in Europe for many decades. Less 
morally-handicapped  historians might point out that this unholy 
coming-together of reactionary  princes held up the progress of 
Europe throughout the 19th century, denying liberty to many 
peoples and allowing narrow-minded  kings and aristocrats to 
hold on to their privileges against far more  productive and 
forward looking social forces. Nothing very holy about that.

Under the umbrella of the War Against Terror, a new Holy 
Alliance is in the making. George W. Bush is now the supreme 
judge who decides who  is a terrorist and who is not, as once 
a mayor of Vienna decided who is a Jew. (Karl Lueger, who 
was elected in 1897 on an anti-Semitic platform,  once cheered 
a Viennese team at a football match against Hungarians.  Told 
that the Viennese team is Jewish, he answered: "What the hell, 
it's I who decides who is a Jew!")

The inherent danger of this development is that the new 
alliance will hold up the most needed reform of the 21st 
century, the narrowing of the gap between North and 
South, the rich and the poor nations. The abominable 
outrages of Osama bin Laden and his ilk may be seen, 
in times to come, as the first manifestation of the coming 
fight of the teeming billions of deprived and oppressed 
members of mankind against the privileged few, who
almost literally drown in their own fat. The timely 
recognition of this problem and a determined effort to 
deal with it, while there still is time, may prevent an 
imminent world-wide disaster. Fighting for the unlimited 
Western hegemony and monopoly of the world's riches, 
camouflaged as anti-terrorism, will lead to a world-wide 
catastrophe in the future.

In the meantime, George W. and his advisors, female and male, 
will  have to decide whether Arafat is a terrorist or an ally in the 
new equation. Ariel Sharon, an unofficial ("Don't call me, I'll call 
you")  member of the coalition, insists that he, like Putin, has the 
right to call his enemies terrorists, so that h

Fw: [iac-disc.] FW: Sponeck: Iraq must be freed of economic sanctions, kills peo

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: Rania Masri 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 8:09 PM
Subject: [iac-disc.] FW: Sponeck: Iraq must be freed of economic sanctions, kills 


 Monday, November 26, 2001   



Sponeck: Iraq must be freed of economic sanctions, kills people 
Former UN assistant secretary general Hans-C. Graf Sponeck says Iraqis 
shouldn't be paying price 
after 11 years 


by F. Abbas Rana 

The Hill Times 


Hans-C. Graf Sponeck, former assistant secretary general of the United 
Nations Organization and United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, says enough 
is enough: the U.S.-led UN economic sanctions against Iraq must be lifted though 
military sanctions should remain in place. 

"The suffering of Iraqi people outweighs the political objectives that you 
want to achieve by imposing sanctions," said Mr. Sponeck in an interview last week 
with The Hill Times. 

Mr. Sponeck, who was in Canada recently to participate in conferences 
organized by the Canadian Network to End Sanctions on Iraq (CANESI), was interviewed 
by The Hill Times in Ottawa. He worked for the United Nations for over 30 years but 
quit last year in protest, arguing that the policy of economic sanctions against Iraq 
is a failure. 

As a UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, he was primarily responsible 
for the Oil for Food Program which is a "six-monthly renewable effort to help the 
Iraqi people to survive by supplying them with what they need physically in exchange 
for Iraqi oil. This program is entirely financed by Iraqi oil revenue." 

As a retired former UN assistant secretary general, Mr. Sponeck lives in 
Geneva, Switzerland and follows invitations to speak, write and make documentaries 
about the situation in Iraq. Recently, he made a documentary with a Swiss television 
network about Iraq. The title of the documentary is Why. This documentary is finished 
but it has not yet been released. 

"It is all about why Iraqis have to pay a price? Why are they punished for 
something that they have not done?" 

Mr. Sponeck paints a very grim picture of today's Iraq, a country 
suffering after 11 years of U.S.-led UN economic sanctions. These sanctions were 
imposed on Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait. 

Said Mr. Sponeck: "After 11 years of sanctions, everything related to the 
quality of life has become much worse directly as a result of sanctions as is 
reflected in UN documents. According to a UNICEF report, there has been a 160 per cent 
increase in the children-under-five mortality between 1990 and the year 2000 because 
of poor polluted water, malnourishment and lack of medicines and this is directly 
related to the sanctions. " 

According to CANESI, an estimated 1.3 million Iraqis have died since 1991 
from hunger and disease directly resulting from sanctions. The sanctions are supported 
by the U.K. and Canada. 

Mr. Sponeck is critical of the Oil for Food Program for its inadequacy to 
help the common Iraqi people. Only $119.70 is given to one person for a year. 

"There is too little money for the needs of the Iraqi people. One hundred 
and nineteen dollars and seventy cents. That is nothing," said Mr. Sponeck. "That 
covers everything from electricity to agriculture, water, sanitation, food and 
medicine. How can that be? I read yesterday in the press here that the per capita 
spending by Canada on the military is $265 per person per year. That was considered 
very inadequate in the newspaper that I read. NATO average is $500, I read. Now for 
Iraqis, their entire life is valued in terms of what they are getting, $119.70." 

NDP MP Svend Robinson (Burnaby-Douglas, B.C.), his party's foreign affairs 
critic, said he agreed with Mr. Sponeck's conclusion about the U.S.-led sanctions 
against Iraq and considers Mr. Sponeck a courageous person. 

"Absolutely, I fully support Hans Sponeck. Both Mr. Sponeck and Dennis 
Halliday, his predecessor, have been very clear on this issue. The economic sanctions 
are inhumane. There have been over half a million children die as innocent victims. 
Saddam Hussein has not been touched in any way by these sanctions and they should be 
lifted immediately. I fully support his criticism of the existing program," said Mr. 

But Liberal MP Bill Graham (Toronto Centre-Rosedale, Ont.), chairman of 
the prestigious House Foreign Affairs Committee, said he didn't agree with Mr. Sponeck 
about the inadequacy of the money generated by the Oil for Food Program. 


Lori Berenson Update -- Nov. 30 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Steve Wagner


*   Free Lori Berenson!   *
* http://www.freelori.org *

--- Mark Berenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

November 30, 2001

To:  All Friends and Supporters of Lori Berenson


  Today is a particularly sad day for us - it marks the sixth
anniversary of Lori's arrest on a public bus in downtown Lima.  It is
incredible to think that Lori has spent six full years - that is 2,
193 days, practically one in every five of her life -- behind bars,
mostly under horrendous and sometimes life-threatening conditions. 
Her appeal to Peru's Supreme Court following her June 20 sentencing
has not yet been looked at.  By Peruvian "law," which is rarely
followed, the appeals process is supposed to take two weeks.  More
than five months ago, following the sentencing, the U.S. State
Department urged Peru to expedite the appeals process but, instead,
our Peruvian ally has chosen to "slow it down." 

  Tonight we will be thinking of Lori, her courage, and her strength of
conviction.  We know she is innocent and we will continue in our
efforts to bring her home so that this is the last November 30th that
she spends incarcerated. 


  An updated version of the book "Lori: My Daughter Wrongfully
Imprisoned in Peru" has just been published in paperback by
Northeastern University Press.  This edition includes a new 45-page
Epilogue recounting Lori's civilian trial and the frustrations we
faced as we followed the circus-like spectacle during the more than
three months we lived in Lima.

  The book can be purchased from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or ordered
directly from the publisher at Northeastern University Press - all on
the internet.  For those of you who want to order a case of books as
holiday gifts there is a 50% discount if ordered through the
publisher.  Please contact Jill Bahcall, Associate Director,
Northeastern University Press, 360 Huntington Avenue, 416CP, Boston,
MA 02115.  Her telephone is (617) 373-5481, her fax is (617)
373-5483, her email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the website is

  On Sunday, November 18, Mark spent the day with Lori in Santa Monica
de Chorrillos Prison, celebrating their birthdays - Lori was 32 on
November 13 and Mark will be 60 on December 29 but won't be returning
to Peru before then.  Mark brought in a large birthday cake that was
shared with other prisoners and their visitors and also loads of
summer clothing donated to the prisoners from some of Lori's
supporters in California.  

Rhoda and Mark Berenson

Website:  http://www.freelori.org   

Do You Yahoo!?
Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.

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Fw: [C-I] Breaking 'Bin Laden's Ant Farm' = CBS News/World [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


"But Tora Bora is dug so deep into solid rock that short of a nuclear bomb 
there may not be a weapon in the U.S. arsenal that can penetrate it."

How convenient. It seems that the U.S. propaganda media is preparing 
us for the use of nuclear weapons first, against Afghanistan and then against 
*whomever* is next on their target list. This is not a war on terrorismit is a 
war, by terrorism!

- Original Message - 
From: Peter S. Lopez de Sacra 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject: [C-I] Breaking 'Bin Laden's Ant Farm' = CBS News/World


Breaking 'Bin Laden's Ant Farm' 

a.. Will Be Tough To Smoke Bin Laden, Al-Qaida Out Of Mountain Fortress 

JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Nov. 28, 2001
  AP / CBS  
  Osama bin Laden may be hiding out in Tora Bora. 
(CBS) A provincial military commander believes Osama bin Laden is still in 
Afghanistan, hiding in the eastern mountains. 

Specifically, the commander thinks bin Laden is in a cave fortress known as Tora Bora. 
The massive hideout was built by the U.S. to house forces fighting the Soviet Army in 
the 1980s. 

The complex - nicknamed "bin Laden's ant farm," is burrowed deep into Gree Khil peak 
-- soaring 13,000 feet above the village of Tora Bora. 

It is virtually impregnable -- a latticework of tunnels, storage rooms for arms and 
munitions, and accommodations for up to a thousand fighters. 

Ventilation shafts bring fresh air 1,200 feet inside the mountain. A nearby river 
provides hydroelectric power to the complex. 

Now, at least 2,000 of bin Laden's al-Qaida fighters are believed to be hiding there, 
reports CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston. 

The main entrance is sloped upward to protect against air attack and emergency exits 
are hidden behind rocks and mud walls. Pictures taken for CBS News by an Afghan show 
damage caused by U.S. planes not far from where a Taliban loyalist is seen supervising 
the repair of the main road to the fortress. The photographer would have faced 
imprisonment had he been captured. 

Hezmat Ali, in charge of security for the province, admits he does not control Tora 
Bora -- it is in the hands of the Taliban and bin Laden's Arab fighters. 

"They do not let anybody go there. The Arabs took all their weapons to the stronghold 
and they are not allowing anybody in the area, not even the local villagers," says 

As local tribal elders prepare to go to Tora Bora to negotiate peace, the military 
commander of the province confirms that American advisors are in eastern Afghanistan 
and he has talked to them. But he does not want U.S. troops deployed here. 

"This is our area and we don't need force. We can solve this problem by ourselves," 
says Haji Zaman. 

Meanwhile, American jets continue to pound every known bin Laden camp, focusing on 
caves, including some outside Jalalabad. 

The military has bunker-busting bombs that can crack open hardened concrete shelters. 
But Tora Bora is dug so deep into solid rock that short of a nuclear bomb there may 
not be a weapon in the U.S. arsenal that can penetrate it. 

"It will be a tough fight. I think they are already prepared for a hard fight. Now 
they are positioned in their stronghold. Their chant is either we win or we die," says 

The elders will try to persuade bin Laden's forces to surrender their last outpost in 
eastern Afghanistan. But if the talks fail, a long fight could be in store. 

©MMI CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, 
broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this 

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Re: One Kunduz survivor is US citizen [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 12/2/2001 3:35:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The man, described by Newsweek as "a white, educated-sounding,
apparently middle-class American," who identified himself only as Abdul
Hamid, was taken into custody 

It was reported that his named is Jeffrey Walker from Washington, DC.
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Fwd: This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---

International Action Center
39 W. 14 Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646


Dear Friend,

 We need your help.  The outrageous demonization that the wars of the
past decade in the Balkans are the fault of the Serbian people and their
leaders must be answered.

Our second book on the decade of wars that dismembered Yugoslavia is
ready to go to the printers.  This well-researched and documented book,
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' has involved hundreds of hours of
work by a dedicated staff of volunteers.

Now we are depending on your support.

Four years ago the International Action Center published 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  That book proved to be a powerful tool for informing the public
about US war plans in the Balkans.  It went into three printings, was
translated into Serbian and Greek, and sections of it appeared in
publications in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French, German and Russian.

Our new book, 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' fills a great
void.  There is no truthful record published in the US of NATO war crimes in
the bombing of Yugoslavia.  No one has exposed the illegal kidnapping and
detention of President Slobodan Milosevic by the US-sponsored International
Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia or the crime of NATO occupation of the
entire region.

The truth needs to be told.  The US/NATO attack on Yugoslavia was truly
the "foot in the door," as the late Sean Gervasi pointed out in 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  It has led to yet another US war, this time in Afghanistan.  As
the United States military moves deeper into Central Asia, once again
keeping the truth about this new war from the people of the United States,
we must not forget the lies and aggression in Yugoslavia.

Over 30 of the most courageous and articulate voices opposing US/NATO
war crimes during and after the bombing of Yugoslavia have contributed to
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  This 360-page book details the
media campaign that hid the brutal destruction of Yugoslavia in the 79-day
NATO war.  The 20-page photo section clearly shows the civilian targets.
The historical record of the People's Tribunals held in the United States
and Europe charging NATO with war crimes are included in this volume along
with the US funding and control of the International Criminal Tribunal based
at The Hague.

 You know how important it is that there be an accurate record of these
crimes.  You know how difficult it is to live knowing the truth, but unable
to get it out.  'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' will enable
activists and scholars here and abroad to understand what is at stake.  NATO
occupation is no solution for any of the peoples in the region.  The
prospect for a common struggle against outside domination and the thugs who
have sold out to the multi-national corporations will be aided by the
knowledge this book has to offer.

You can do something important.  You can help the International Action
Center publish 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  Please help to
sponsor the printing and distribution of this vital work, which will be
available both in English and in Greek by February 2002.  The Serbian
edition will be available soon after.  The budget for this book is modest
because our labor is voluntary, but we need to raise $25,000 to do a first
press run.

You can have your name listed as one of the people who made this book
possible.  Donors of $1,000 will be featured in the book as sponsors.
Contributors of $100 or more will be thanked in print as well.  You will
also receive two copies of the book that can be given to a library, school,
journalist, elected official or whoever you choose.  In order to have your
name listed in the acknowledgements we must hear from you by December 31.
You can make a tax-deductible donation by writing your check to People's
Rights Fund/NATO Book II.

Your help has been decisive in the past.  Please ensure that the truth
about Yugoslavia is documented for the 21st century and for future
generations.  Your contribution will enable this to happen.

   With enduring appreciation for your generosity and commitment,
Brian BeckerHeather CottinSara Flounders
Gloria La Riva  Milos RaickovichNadja Tesich

This is Peace?  NATO's Balkan Occupation

The war in Yugoslavia signalled the start of US strategy to move into
Eastern Europe and beyond

Fw: Ashcroft's polie state not so new [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: Karen Lee Wald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 10:58 PM
Subject: Ashcroft's polie state not so new

 Towards a Police State
by Tom Burghardt
 Editor, Antifa Info-Bulletin
SAN FRANCISCO, December 1, 2001--Three days shy of the 32nd anniversary of
 the FBI orchestrated assassination of Black Panther Party leaders Fred
 Hampton and Mark Clark in Chicago, Attorney General John Ashcroft is
 planning to loosen restrictions on FBI spying on religious and political
 groups in the United States.
With the "war against terrorism" as a flag of convenience, senior White
 House and Justice Department officials seek to "modify" rules governing FBI
 conduct, according to the New York Times. Unnamed DoJ officials allege that
 the Attorney General's guidelines, in place since the 1970s when disclosure
 of widespread abuses by the Bureau's domestic counterinsurgency program
 COINTELPRO shocked the country, are "outmoded and geared to obsolete
 investigative methods" that "at times hobbled FBI counterterrorist efforts."
Leaving FBI Director Robert Mueller's mendacity aside, proposed
 "modifications" follow administration measures to establish secret military
 tribunals to try foreign terrorism suspects; the detention of more than
 1,200 people, nearly all of whom are unconnected to the September 11
 attacks; a government dragnet that seeks to interrogate more than 5,000
 immigrants, mostly from the Middle East and license to monitor internet
 communications and conduct warrantless break-ins virtually at will. The
 latest blow to civil liberties from the illegitimate Bush regime, a
 government that came to power as the result of massive fraud and
 conspiracy, is one more step towards the imposition of a police state.
Under current DoJ guidelines, the FBI is prohibited from infiltrating
 political groups or conducting surveillance operations at mosques or
 churches unless investigators first find probable cause that a crime is
 being planned or that a member may have broken the law. With the September
11 attacks as a pretext, and claiming that "some Islamic militants have
 sometimes met at mosques," high-ranking members of the Bush Justice
 Department are seeking broad authority to spy on alleged terrorist suspects
 no matter where they are.
Curiously, neither the Times nor "senior officials" have commented on the
 apparent double-standard used to determine which groups or churches are to
 be targeted. When neo-Nazi mass killer Timothy McVeigh was indicted for the
 1995 Oklahoma City massacre, neither the Justice Department nor the FBI
 sought to infiltrate the network of white supremacist churches that
 nurtured McVeigh and his terrorist cohorts. And despite an on-going
 campaign of murder and arson by home-grown antiabortion militants, the
 government never used its formidable investigatory resources to smash the
 violent network of "holy warriors" spawned by the Christian Right. Could it
 be the Attorney General, a fundamentalist abortion opponent, is leery of
 alienating the reactionary social base of the Republican party?
With more than enough circumstantial evidence to charge the administration
 with covering-up the massive intelligence failure--or worse--that led to
 the September 11 atrocity, the White House is moving with breath-taking
 speed to shred constitutional protections in the hope of preempting
 opposition from below; of real concern to political and economic elites
 given the serious nature of today's deepening economic and social crisis.
If history is a guide for analyzing the scope of repressive policies now
 being implemented by this administration, we're in for a rocky ride. During
 the 1980s, the church-based Sanctuary movement and a score of Central
 American solidarity groups were targets of illegal FBI "counterterrorist"
 operations. Employing a former FBI employee as an infiltrator, the Bureau
 sought to undermine the work of individuals and organizations opposed to
 the Reagan administration's murderous policies. Thousands of U.S. citizens
 were targeted by FBI surveillance operations and "dirty tricks" by
 right-wing groups in cahoots with the Bureau. A similar pattern has emerged
 today among the ideological heirs of the John Birch Society-connected
 Western Goals and the alarmist Council for Inter-American Security. Just
 last month, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a right-wing
 pressure group founded by Lynne Cheney, the wife of U.S. vice president
 Dick Cheney, blasted academic opponents of Bush administration policies as
 "the weak link in America's response to the attacks."
If an individual or a group can be demonized as a "weak link" in America's
 new holy war, are they not equally culpable as the criminals 

Re: This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


There is a rash of viruses going around  at present and being transmitted through 
the various listserves. Could you please just post to the group using normal text 
and dispense with the attachments?
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 11:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> ---
> > 

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Re: Fw: [C-I] Breaking 'Bin Laden's Ant Farm' = CBS News/World [WWW.STOPNATO....

2001-12-02 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 12/2/2001 8:03:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"But Tora Bora is dug so deep into solid rock that short of a nuclear bomb 
there may not be a weapon in the U.S. arsenal that can penetrate it."
How convenient. It seems that the U.S. propaganda media is preparing 
us for the use of nuclear weapons first, against Afghanistan and then against *whomever* is next on their target list. This is not a war on terrorismit is a 
war, by terrorism!

I swear that I read on the scroll at the bottom of CNN that they are considering using gas. Anyone else aware of this?
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: [Ad Hoc] The Next G8 Summit Won't Look Like The Last One [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


 - Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 10:57 PM
 Subject: Fwd: FW: [Ad Hoc] The Next G8 Summit Won't Look Like The Last One
From: "one huemyn to another" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FW: [Ad Hoc] The Next G8 Summit Won't Look Like The Last One
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 14:00:05 -0800

After reading the following, add in what we are now hearing about Bill
C-42. Bill C-42 you ask? Just heard about it on Thursday Nov.29/01. It gives
the Canadian federal government the ability to declare any Crown lands a
high security" area and militarize it for unspecified reasons. Does anyone
 else have any light to shine on Bill C-42?

-Original Message-
Subject: [Ad Hoc] The Next G8 Summit Won't Look Like The Last One


Next G8 Summit Won't Look Like The Last One 
November 28, @02:53AM

  by Naomi Klein

Ever since Vancouver hosted the APEC conference in 1997,
Canadian politicians have faced a dilemma. How do you clamp down on messy
street protests without violating fundamental laws that guarantee freedom
of assembly and prohibit political interference with policing?
 Post September 11, the answer has revealed itself, as
> elegant
 > >as
 > >it is brutal: ditch the laws.

For the past month, civil libertarians and politicians have
duking it out over whether Bill C-36 could be used against political
protesters. Justice Minister Anne McLellan says the law is designed to
target terrorists and terrorist groups," and insists it isn't an attempt
to crack down on "legitimate political activism and protests," such as the
demonstrations during the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City.
 In the face of these assurances, as well as minor amendments
to the bill, many have relaxed, convinced that the right to dissent is still
protected in Canada. That's because they haven't looked at Canada's other
 anti-terrorism law, Bill C-35.
Bill C-35 has been quietly making its way through  parliament, downplayed 
as a "housekeeping" measure. On the surface, all the bill does
is expand the definition of an "internationally protected person", those
foreign dignitaries who are granted diplomatic immunity when they come to
town. Some opposition MPs have objected to this largesse, saying Canada
should not be a safe haven for foreign criminals, even if they are

 These concerns about "protected persons" only tell part of
 the story. The rest is revealed when C-35 is cross referenced with several
 clauses in Bill C-36 which classify many actions taken against those
"protected persons" as terrorist activities. As Dr. Michael Clinchy of
the  University of Western Ontario has argued, taken on their own, both
sections  > >look benign. But taken together, they form a one-two punch that 
will knock out the right to protest outside of international meetings.

 Call it the Kananaskis Clause, since the legal combo is clearly
designed to kick in for the next G8 summit in June, to be held in
Kananaskis, Alberta.

It works like this. First, Bill C-35 defines "internationally
protected persons" as "representatives of a foreign state that is a
of or participates in an international organization." The idea is taken
from the UN Convention granting diplomatic immunity to politicians attending
UN  conferences. But Bill C-35 expands the UN definition to include foreign
 visitors attending bilateral or multilateral meetings of any kind. That
means delegates to a trade summit with China, an APEC summit, and yes, a
G8  meeting. In a pen stroke, these events will be placed behind a shield of
 diplomatic immunity.
 Next, C-36 steps in, defining interference with "protected
 persons", including visiting dictators, as not just criminal acts but
 terrorist ones. Bill C-36 states that anyone who commits "a violent
 attack  on the official premises, private accommodation or means 
of transport of an  internationally protected person that is likely to 
endanger [that  person's]  life or liberty" has committed a terrorist act. 
In fact, anyone who  "threatens" to commit any of these acts is guilty 
of terrorism, and will  lose many of their constitutional rights as outlined 
in the rest of the  bill.  

 These vague definitions raise many questions: is blocking a  road  on 
the way to a summit an attack on the "means of transportation" of
 "internationally protected persons" that restricts their "liberty?" 
Was  pushing against the chain link fence that surrounded so much of 
Quebec City  during the Summit of the Americas in April "a violent attack 
on the  official  premises" of a protected conference?
If both C-35 and C-36 become law (which looks very likely)  and  a  
group  puts out a flyer announcing its intention to block the road on the  
way  into Kananaskis (a pledge some have already made), its m

John Ashcroft for President? (& Bush lets demos off the hook on Tribunals) [WWW.

2001-12-02 Thread Steve Wagner


Sunday, December 2, 2001 (SF Chronicle)
Matier & Ross Report
by Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross

SAY WHAT?: John Ashcroft for president?

  Make that "very possibly a future president of the United States,"
says ABC pundit and New Yorker magazine legal affairs writer Jeffrey

  Toobin -- who was in town the other day promoting his new book,
"Too Close to Call" -- sees it this way:

  If V.P. Dick Cheney's health keeps him from running for the White
House when his boss George W. moves on, there will be a split between
backers of Colin Powell and Tom Ridge -- leaving room for Attorney
General Ashcroft with his new image as the country's tough top lawman.

  These days, Ashcroft has been at the center of a high-profile
debate over the recently announced military tribunals for suspected

  Toobin says that for all the congressional wailing, most members
were actually relieved that the president ordered the detentions
first consulting them.

  "The issue is so hard -- especially for Democrats," Toobin said.
"They don't want to be in the position of voting against any
anti-terrorism legislation, but they also have constituencies who
strongly believe in civil liberties, so Bush let them off the hook.
This way the
tribunals happen, but they didn't have to vote against it."


Chronicle columnists Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross appear
Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays. They can also be heard on KGO Radio on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Phil Matier can be seen regularly on

Got a tip? Call them at (415) 777-8815. Their e-mail address is
Copyright 2001 SF Chronicle

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Re: Bush's Inexperience is Showing...by Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread mart


It seems that Margolis has forgotten, or has trouble accepting that his CIA pals 
have switched sides and no longer support his other best pals, the wahabe Taliban 
"freedom fighters", that Margolis cheered on an and praised so much in Kosovo! 
Margolis is a fascist. Miroslav knows this too and I don't know he still persists on 
posting crap from Margolis.

- Original Message - 
From: Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Bush's Inexperience is Showing...by Eric Margolis 
 This Margolis seems to outscore his own bullsh*t record:
 "The Northern Alliance is not a merry band of pro-American freedom fighters
 battling the wicked Taliban, but a Russian front organization run by leaders
 of the revived Afghan Communist party. It has also reopened the heroin trade
 the Taliban had shut down. "

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