Israel occupation expands to Dora [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 9 April 2002. Israeli Forces Move Into the Southern West Bank Town
of Dora, Witnesses Say.

JERUSALEM -- Israeli troops and tanks moved into the southern West Bank
town of Dora early Tuesday, witnesses said.

The new incursion came as troops were pulling out of the northern West
Bank cities of Tulkarem and Qalqiliya amid increasing U.S. pressure for
Israel to wrap up its 12-day offensive against militants in the West

Witnesses in Dora said that tanks and armored personnel carriers rolled
into the town before dawn as helicopters provided cover from the air.

The sound of gunbattles could be heard, witnesses said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Peru truth commission hears horror stories [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner



Peru truth commission hears horror stories

Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 09:30 JST

HUAMANGA, Peru - Grim-faced, fighting tears, peasants on Monday told
horror stories of rape and torture from years of violence by the
military, police and rebels that killed 30,000 as Peru's truth
commission held its first public hearings.
  Pointing her finger to her temple like a gun, Angelica Mendoza, 72,
who wore the typical broad-brimmed white hat and wide skirts of the
Peruvian Andes, told the Truth and Reconciliation Commission how her
19-year-old son was dragged out of bed by hooded soldiers in 1983,
never to be seen again.

  Liz Valdez, 22, recounted how her mother was hauled off by police,
raped and then tortured to death in 1991, leaving her - she was then
aged 12 - and her 8-year-old brother orphans.

  Twenty-year-old Rebecca Gamboa, living proof of Peru's painful past,
heard for the first time full details of how she was conceived when
her mother was gang raped by soldiers at the age of 16. Tears poured
down her cheeks as she listened.

  The emotional accounts were delivered in a university auditorium in
Huamanga, near Ayacucho, the southern city where Peru's bloodiest
rebel group, Shining Path, was born.

  It is the first time a Latin American truth commission has held
public hearings. Peru created its truth board last year with a
mandate to shed light on human rights atrocities committed under
three governments between 1980 and 2000.

  For much of that time, Peru was wracked by parallel wars by Shining
Path and the smaller Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, or MRTA,
both seeking to impose a communist state. The military responded with
take-no-prisoners tactics.

  Many poor Andean villagers lived in the cross-fire between the armed
forces, who threatened to treat anyone who did not help them as rebel
collaborators, and guerrillas, who killed anyone they suspected of
helping the military.

  "These hearings seek to end the silence that had become intolerable,"
the commission's President Salomon Lerner said.

  Dozens of peasant women turned out for the first day of the hearing,
many clutching red balloons to symbolize drops of blood and
photographs of relatives who died or disappeared.

  Peru estimates that in addition to those killed by leftist rebels or
the military, some 6,000 people simply vanished. The commission
reckons there are over 150 mass graves in Peru.

  Mendoza, her hair in braids and wearing a wide, pleated white skirt,
told Reuters in halting Spanish how 30 hooded soldiers broke down her
door on July 12, 1983, and dragged her son Arquimedes Ascarza out of
bed, accusing him of being a Shining Path rebel. She was beaten with
a rifle butt.

  "'Bastard old woman, leave your terrorist son or we'll take you as
well'," she recalled a soldier telling her.

  Choking back tears as she sat at the front of the auditorium in the
same university where her son had studied mine engineering, Mendoza
told her story to the commission in the Andean language Quechua, and
pulled out a scrap of paper with a note from her son which she says a
soldier delivered to her home.

  "I'm fine, don't worry, but try to get money for me to have a trial.
Otherwise they're going to kill me in the barracks," her son wrote.
Mendoza now heads a national association of the victims of those
detained, kidnapped or disappeared.

  Valdez, in tears, told how her mother had been out shopping with a
friend on May 7, 1991, when a police officer dragged her away,
bundled her into a sack with her wrists tied and took her to a police
station. She was never seen alive again.

  "I know who did this, I have the name, the photo, but I've never said
it out of fear. But when the time comes, I will," Valdez told
Reuters. "The commission is going to help me."

  Valdez held a daily vigil at the police station, where an officer
told her he had tortured her mother. One day he told her she had
said: "Tell my daughter to look after her brother and to be strong,
because I'm not going to get out of here."

  Gamboa's mother Giorgina told her harrowing tale of rape - but said
she was by no means unique. "I'm asking for justice. The guilty
should pay for the damage they did us," she said.

  Around 800 people thronged the town square in Huamanga on Sunday
night with candles and silhouettes representing their "disappeared"
relatives in a poignant vigil.

  But the commission has stirred controversy, too. Some 20 protesters
from the opposition American Popular Revolutionary Alliance party,
who say some of its members are biased, protested on the doorstep of
the auditorium during the hearing and were ushered away by police.

  Alleged atrocities during the 1985-1990 government of their leader,
former President Alan Garcia, will come under the commission's

(Compiled from wire reports)

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Li criticizes Bush's "axis of evil" remark [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner



Li criticizes Bush's "axis of evil" remark

Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 10:30 JST

TOKYO - China's top legislator Li Peng, in separate talks with
leaders of two Japanese opposition parties Friday, criticized the
"axis of evil" remarks made in January by U.S. President George W
Bush, lawmakers said.

  Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress, held talks at the State Guesthouse in Tokyo with Social
Democratic Party leader Takako Doi and Japanese Communist Party
Chairman Kazuo Shii. 

(Kyodo News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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Re: Xinhua: Saddam Defies U.S. Threats of Military Attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message - 
Cc: IAC Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Xinhua: Saddam Defies U.S. Threats of Military Attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


>  Saddam Defies U.S. Threats of Military Attacks 
>  Xinhuanet 2002-04-07 03:11:28 
> BAGHDAD, April 7 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on 
> Sunday vowed to defend his regime against possible military attacks
>  from the United States, the state-run Iraq TV reported.
> "We will fight against them (the enemy) with missiles, planes, 
>  stones ... and all what we have and we will defeat them," Saddam 
>  was quoted ed as saying.

Perhaps what is required is not so much a response to
the nature of the threat poses by US/UK but a counter to
the policy used to 'legitimise' that threat, that is to say the 
claim of the right to 'weapons inspection'.

It is said that within every nutshell of reaction there resides
the kernel of revolution while one-way weapons inspection
can only said to be the wildest of demagogic impositions,
two-way inspection of defense, that is to say US inspection
of Iraq's defenses while Iraq inspects US defenses would
represent a true revolution in co-operative relations between

As a point of fact, mutual defense inspection between nations
is the highest form of international co-operation attainable and
represents a leap forward for any and every nation.




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Peace Activists Confront Bush-Blair Get-together [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis & Action ... ]

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- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: ; ; 
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 12:37 AM
Subject: Peace Activists Confront Bush-Blair Get-together

X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Apr  8 06:15:24 2002
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 16:20:21 EDT
Subject: Peace Activists Confront Bush-Blair Get-together
MIME-Version: 1.0

Peace Activists Confront Bush-Blair Get-together

Over 2000 peace activists, mostly Arabs and Palestinians took part in a
demonstration in front of GW Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas on April
6.  The event was organized by Dallas Peace Center and others in
support of the Palestinian struggle and against US-British plans to
invade Iraq.

The demonstration took place despite the Police declarations that only
125 automobiles and a total of 600 individuals would be allowed to take
part in the protest.

No US news media were present. There was, however, a strong foreign
media presence, including BBC and the Guardian.

Prepared by IACUS   " JC


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Enron suit implicates 9 US banks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


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. Monday, 8 April, 2002, 21:49 GMT 22:49 UK
Enron suit implicates 9 US banks

University of California regents are the lead plaintiffs

The University of California has filed an amended complaint in its lawsuit against
Enron, alleging nearly a dozen investment banks and law firms colluded to defraud
The university filed the revised class-action lawsuit on Monday in US District Court
in Houston on behalf of thousands of other stockholders, who lost at least $25bn
(£17.4bn) by investing in failed energy-trader Enron.

The wrongful conduct which underlies this case was not limited to Houston, but also
took place on Wall Street

William Lerach
plaintiff attorney

The revised lawsuit, 500 pages in length, accuses the firms not only of participating
in deception but of profiting from it, too.

"This fraud was worldwide in its scope, years long in its duration, unprecedented in
its size," said William Lerach, the lead attorney representing the plaintiffs.

Looking beyond Enron

The scheme's sheer immensity meant it could not have been accomplished by Enron
executives alone, "no matter how dishonest or energetic they may have been", Mr Lerach
told reporters during a press conference on Monday in San Francisco.

University of California officials said the educational system lost $145m attributable
to the collapse of Enron's stock price.

The original class-action lawsuit filed last October named 29 top Enron officials and
its embattled auditor Arthur Andersen and has been frozen ever since Enron filed for
bankruptcy last December.

Among those named in that lawsuit were former chairman and chief executive Kenneth Lay
and another former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling.

'Pyramid' scheme

The amended shareholder suit was accompanied by a similar complaint filed by former
Enron employees who lost their pension funds as a result of the bankrupt firms' now
worthless stock.

Arthur Andersen
29 Enron ex-officials
Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan
Merrill Lynch
Lehman Brothers
Bank of America
Canadian Imperial Bank
Vinson & Elkins
Kirkland & Ellis

Both complaints named the same nine Wall Street investment banks, accusing them of
acting to defraud investors.

In mounting their latest legal manoeuvre, the plaintiffs have implicated some of Wall
Street's most prestigious investment banks with the hopes of recouping some of the
billions of dollars they have lost.

The named banks include Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, CSFB,
Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, JP Morgan and Canadian Imperial Bank.

"The wrongful conduct which underlies this case was not limited to Houston, but also
took place on Wall Street, where Enron's investment banks and lawyers helped create,
structure and sell securities which propped up the Enron pyramid," the employee
complaint read.

'No alternative'

Analysts on Monday said the plaintiffs face an uphill battle in getting a court to
agree the banks and law firms are liable for shareholder losses.

"They clearly have a large challenge before them," said Christopher Bebel, a Houston
lawyer. "However, they have no alternative. They have to pursue this course of action
to have a chance of locating sufficient funds."

Part of the reason for the inclusion of new defendants is that Andersen may prove
unable to come anywhere near meeting the plaintiffs' demands for compensation.

When the lawsuit was first prepared last autumn, it seemed feasible to extract
hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from Andersen - the world's fifth
largest accounting firm - and former top Enron officials.

But the scale of the class-action suit has ballooned to $25bn, and Arthur Andersen's
further existence has been called into question, as company after company has fired or
failed to renew contracts with the firm.

Defending against charges

Two of the newly named banks denied the latest charges.

"We believe there is no basis for this claim, and we intend to vigorously defend
against it," a spokesman for Merrill Lynch said.

London-based Barclays Capital told Dow Jones news agency the bank "does not believe
there is a basis for a successful claim to be brought against it".

Citigroup and JP Morgan declined to comment, while Bank of America, CIBC, Deutsche
Bank and Lehman were not reachable.

For its part, CSFB has previously defended its role in advising Enron, saying its work
"was reviewed by the ratings agencies, outside counsels, and the accounting firms".

Also implicated in the partnerships are the law firms Vinson & Elkins and Kirkland &
Ellis, who helped shepherd the deals through. Both firms have said they would
challenge the charges

The suit accuses Enron executives and advisors of a long list of offences, centring on
the off-balance-sheet partnerships that were used to conceal

France is not anti-Semitic - Chirac [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



   Monday, April 8, 2002 

  France is not anti-Semitic - Chirac 
  PARIS, April 8 (Reuters) - French President Jacques Chirac on Monday 
  condemned a wave of attacks on Jewish synagogues and other sites in 
  France, saying the French were not anti-Semitic.
  His comments, made during a combined interview with four Jewish 
  stations, were followed just hours later by the discovery of an attempted 
  arson attack on a Jewish student union office at Paris's Jussieu 
  Three Molotov cocktails were found near the UEJF office, a university 
  official said, adding there had been no fire.
  "There are undisputedly anti-Semitic acts that are unacceptable and 
  totally contrary to the principles of our republic, and which, I repeat, 
  must be condemned in the most severe and complete terms," Chirac said.
  "But that does not mean the French are anti-Semitic."
  Chirac, who is running for re-election in a two-round presidential vote 
  this month and next, was speaking just a day after thousands marched in 
  Paris to express support for Israel but also to protest recent attacks on 
  Jewish sites in France.
  Concern that the attacks coincide with mounting violence in the Middle 
  East, where Israeli troops have entered Palestinian cities in retaliation 
  for suicide bombings, led Prime Minister Lionel Jospin to call for calm 
  among French Jews and Arabs.
  At the weekend, firemen rushed to put out a fire in the basement of a 
  Jewish pre-school in Marseille and arsonists threw petrol-filled bottles 
  into a Jewish sports club in the southern city of Toulouse. This follows 
  attacks on synagogues and Jewish cemeteries around the country last week. 
  No one has been hurt.
  In Strasbourg, eastern France, two men aged in their 20s, were 
  officially placed under investigation on Monday, suspected of placing a 
  homemade bomb in a Jewish cemetery there on Friday. The bomb was 
  discovered before it exploded.
  Jospin, Chirac's closest rival in the presidential election, in which 
  crime has emerged as a key issue, said on Sunday the Middle East conflict 
  must not be allowed to play itself out within French borders.
  "If we want to talk about peace in the Middle East, we have to show 
  first that we are capable of living peacefully together at home," Jospin 
  told a rally in Paris. "We cannot accept that horrible passions and 
  antagonism are imported to France."
  The pro-Israel demonstrations on Sunday were preceded by about a dozen 
  pro-Palestinian marches on Saturday in cities across France.
  Chirac has been invited to visit Paris's largest mosque on Tuesday to 
  meet senior representatives of the Muslim population and discuss tensions 
  between Muslims and Jews in 

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US: Accountancy Company Fire 7 000 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


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.Monday, 8 April, 2002, 17:26 GMT 18:26 UK
Andersen to lay off 7,000

The accountancy firm Andersen has said it will lay off 7,000 workers at its US arm
Arthur Andersen.

Of all the issues we have confronted recently, none compare to actions we are now
forced to take with our employees

Larry Gorrell
Andersen blamed the Enron scandal for the layoffs, which will be executed over the
next few months.
About a quarter of Andersen's US workforce will lose their jobs.
"Of all the issues we have confronted recently, none compare to actions we are now
forced to take with our employees," said Larry Gorrell, managing partner of the firm's
US operations.
Cuts inevitable
Staff working in Andersen's audit and administrative units will be hit the hardest by
the cuts.
Heavy cuts are expected at the firm's Chicago headquarters where 5,300 people work.
Andersen warned last month that the job cuts in the US were inevitable.
Breaking up
Andersen's problems have been mounting in recent years, along with a criminal
indictment and substantial lawsuits brought by shareholders for its role in the demise
of Enron.
Many of Andersen's clients, scared off by the scandal, have walked into the open arms
of the accountant's competitors.
The competitors have been actively snapping up bits of Andersen's business too.
Most of Andersen's US tax practice will be sold to its rival Deloitte & Touche.
While internationally, Andersen's network is being carved up by its rivals.


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Bosnia, under Western pressure, sacks soldiers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Bosnia, under Western pressure, sacks 
SARAJEVO: Bosnia's Muslim-Croat federation has approved plans 
to lay off 10,000 professional soldiers, a cut of more than 40 percent. More 
than six years after the Bosnian war, international organisations sponsoring the 
peace process have warned that future assistance to the impoverished country 
partly depends on a reduction in military spending. In relative terms it far 
exceeds Western levels.
Post-war Bosnia consists of two highly autonomous territories, 
the federation and the Serb republic, which boast their own separate armed 
forces -- bitter battlefield enemies during the 1992-1995 conflict. Late on 
Wednesday, the lower house of the federation parliament gave the green light for 
the government to borrow 100 million marka ($45.1 million) from commercial 
banks, enabling it to compensate the soldiers, who will be laid off by end of 
The government would pay back the loans with the help of donor 
funds and privatisation proceeds. The decision means the federation defence 
ministry can go ahead with its pledge to cut the armed forces by 10,000 soldiers 
to 13,200 in a bid to reduce costs. It must also be approved by the upper house, 
but this is seen as a formality as it is dominated by the ruling parties. Around 
8,600 soldiers and ministry officials have already voluntarily applied to leave 
their jobs, Federation Defence Minister Mijo Anic said this week, adding the 
final number was likely to exceed 10,000.
Bosnia's Serb republic had earlier announced plans to cut its 
armed forces by half from 12,000 by 2005. The World Bank says military 
expenditure accounts for 10.5 percent of the federation's gross domestic product 
and for seven percent in the Serb republic -- well above the European Union 
average of 2.6 percent and the U.S. average of 4.6 percent.
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Depleted uranium in Serbia and Montenegro widespread but low level [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Depleted uranium in Serbia and Montenegro widespread but low level 

Depleted uranium (DU) in Serbia and Montenegro used to strengthen weapon tips 
in the 1999 conflict in Kosovo is widespread in five sites, but at a low level, 
and does not pose an immediate significant hazard to the environment or to human 
health, a new report has revealed.
The findings of the study, published by the United Nations Environment 
Programme (UNEP) and funded by the Swiss Government, are consistent with those 
of a 2001 survey by the UNEP. Together, the two surveys have covered the entire 
area that was affected by ammunition with depleted uranium tips during the 
Kosovo conflict. 
There was much confusion last year when the UNEP called for all areas hit by 
depleted uranium-tipped shells to be cordoned off, although NATO denied any link 
between DU and 21 leukaemia deaths among troops (see related story and related story). 
The study was completed in cooperation with the World Health Organisation 
(WHO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The work was carried out by 14 
international experts at the end of October and beginning of November last year 
at the invitation of the Yugoslav authorities. 
Despite the lack of an immediate risk from DU, the UNEP warns that there are 
precautionary measures that authorities in the region need to take. The most 
important is to protect groundwater from corroding DU tips, which the UNEP 
investigators found had decreased in mass by 10-15% due to corrosion. It is 
important that water quality at the DU sites should be monitored every year, 
says the team. 
Air pollution from the depleted uranium is also an issue that local 
authorities need to be aware of. Airborne DU particles were found at two of the 
sites, which, although below international safety limits, have implications for 
site decontamination and construction work that could stir up DU dust. The dust 
was also found to be widely dispersed into the environment following the 
explosion of DU rounds. 
Fortunately, the researchers found that the authorities had followed previous 
advice from the UNEP to signpost and fence off the depleted uranium sites. 
“This new study makes an important contribution to our scientific 
understanding of DU’s environmental behaviour,” said UNEP Executive Director 
Klaus Toepfer. “Even if the observed levels of contamination are low, we learn 
that particles of DU dust can even now be detected in soil samples and in 
sensitive biological indicators such as lichen.” 
“The team was surprised to find DU particles still in the air two years after 
the conflict’s end,” added Pekka Haavisto, Chairman of the UNEP Depleted Uranium 
Assessment Team. 
In addition to the main findings of the study, its authors also noted a 
number of additional important facts, namely that: 

  the coordinates of one DU site identified by the Yugoslav authorities had 
  not been provided to the UNEP by NATO, highlighting the need for accurate and 
  timely information on DU sites; 
  the WHO found no evidence to link DU to the chromosome changes reported in 
  six individuals who had been assisting with depleted uranium site 
  decontamination for four months; and 
  it is very difficult to fully decontaminate depleted uranium sites, 
  especially when funds and technical support are limited.
“Continued monitoring is clearly needed, and the local population should be 
informed about DU issues,” said Toepfer. “Fortunately, although a complete 
clean-up may not be technically possible, decontamination operations have 
already started in both Serbia and Montenegro.”

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Why is America promoting Hague inquisition? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Monday, April 8, 2002

Why is America promoting Hague inquisition?

Posted: April 8, 20021:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aleksandar 

© 2002 

BELGRADE – Why is it in America's interest to promote injustice in the 
We have grave-faced U.S. officials, such as Pierre Richard Prosper, the U.S. 
ambassador for "war crimes," coming to Belgrade these days just to tell the 
fragile Yugoslav government that it "must" cooperate with what can only be 
described as the kangaroo court in The Hague, or else. 
And "else" means being denied not only U.S. aid (which is not a bad thing in 
itself, not because it comes from the U.S. but because no country should base 
its policy on foreign handouts) but also U.S. support in international financial 
institutions such as IMF and the World Bank (also not bad, except when a country 
is so debt-ridden that it needs support to have a portion of its debts to these 
institutions written off), as well as U.S. encouragement for much-needed foreign 
investment to start coming in after almost a decade of economic sanctions. 
These U.S. officials are coming into a sovereign country – although the 
concept of sovereignty is fast becoming obsolete under the New Order – to demand 
compliance with a "court" that could never pass muster in the United States as 
long as it is still a free and democratic land. For the International Criminal 
Tribunal for War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia is an institution that is both 
judge and prosecutor, that is financed by foreign governments, that allows 
anonymous witnesses, that uses NATO troops to hunt down "suspects" even in their 
own countries with brutal force and that has no jury. 
It is a court in which politics and what is left of international law mix. It 
is a court where "justice" is micromanaged so that the context of a regional 
tragedy is blurred and the small fry caught in its net can take the attention 
away from the big fish that stoked the flames of war to begin with. This "court" 
is the perfect example of how the law can be used as a bludgeon of political 
control and foreign policy. It relativizes the very concept of law. It is the 
modern version of Kafka's "Trial." 
And the U.S. is throwing its substantial diplomatic and political weight 
behind this institution. The question is why? 
Is it because it is the model of the future that needs legitimization abroad 
before it can be applied at home? If so, then Americans should take heed and 
follow its proceedings. Except – it is almost impossible to do so. 
For all its publicity, its richly-funded apparatus (almost $500 million since 
its inception in 1993), its lofty proclamations of promoting "justice" and the 
"prosecution of war criminals," it is very hard to actually follow the 
tribunal's proceedings. And that is strange, considering that the working of 
this court is such an important pillar of U.S. policy that countries are being 
blackmailed to accept it. 
It is doubly strange considering the fact that at this very moment standing 
trial before this "court" – after being kidnapped by masked men from his own 
country – is a man, Slobodan Milosevic, whose name filled the headlines of the 
mainstream media during the previous decade. He was dubbed the "Butcher of the 
Balkans" by these same media and has already been convicted by their editorial 
staffs as "the biggest war criminal since Hitler," as the main "Balkan warlord," 
as the man responsible for unspeakable atrocities and crimes, "ethnic cleansing" 
and other deeds too terrible to mention. 
Could it be that his trial is denied proper coverage because it has exposed 
all the weaknesses of the Hague tribunal? Because of the fact that most of the 
"evidence" gathered by the "prosecution" has proven to be nothing more than 
hearsay? Because of the fact that the "witnesses" for the "prosecution" have 
been exposed as liars by Milosevic himself, who has taken to waging his own 
defense rather than recognizing the tribunal by accepting the services of 
lawyers on its payroll? 
And yet, this is a court that the U.S. is trying to impose on the country of 
Yugoslavia, in violation of its constitution. Can the cause of justice and 
democracy be promoted through injustice and inquisition? 
There is no mistaking the fact that Milosevic was an old-fashioned commie who 
used nationalist rhetoric to promote his own agenda and secure his grip on 
power. There is no mistaking the fact that, even before the international 
sanctions against Yugoslavia, his economic policy of mixing old-style statist 
socialism with mafia-style crony capitalism was driving his country on a course 
of ruin in any case. And there is no mistaking of his complicity (along with 
other Balkan – and Western – leaders) in starting a bloody and destructive civil 
war that ripped the former Yugoslavia asunder. 
However, old Yugoslav anti-communists, this writer incl

Brzezinski: Moral Imperative, National Interest [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


 Brzezinski: Moral Imperative, National Interest

York Times | April 7, 2002 | ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI
Posted on 4/6/02 9:19 PM Pacific by Watchmaker

April 7, 2002  
Moral Duty, National Interest  
WASHINGTON — For more than half a century the Middle East — along 
with Europe and Asia — has been one of the three zones strategically vital to 
the United States' national interest. Domination by a hostile power or the 
outbreak of a major conflict in any of these three zones would pose a forceful 
challenge to America's ability to maintain the global equilibrium on which 
international stability depends. 
America stepped into the Middle East as British and French colonial 
domination receded. Gradually, the United States became the principal guarantor 
of the region's peace and also of stable access to the region's oil resources. 
In recent years the centrality of that role was underscored by the American 
military action against Iraq in the Persian Gulf war. 
At the same time, the United States' commitment to assuring Israel's 
survival, motivated by a sense of moral obligation to a people that had suffered 
immeasurably, has built an ever closer American-Israeli relationship based on 
political and military collaboration. But given the intensity of Arab-Israeli 
hostility, that relationship has also inevitably collided with America's 
interest in preserving its influence over the Arab states. 
Obviously, a final peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians would 
be best. But from the American standpoint, even an absence of war, provided the 
situation was stable, would be tolerable.   
The current crisis poses a grave threat to United States interests. One can 
argue forever as to whether Yasir Arafat or Ariel Sharon is more responsible for 
its eruption. What is clear is that the two cannot reach peace together and 
neither can impose his version of it on the other. 
Ultimately, the 4.8 million Jewish Israelis cannot permanently sustain the 
subjugation of 4.5 million Palestinians (1.2 million of whom are second-class 
Israeli citizens), while Israel's own democracy and sense of moral self-respect 
would be jeopardized by continuing to do so. The Palestinians have neither the 
power nor the international support to drive the Israelis into the sea, while 
their terror tactics are morally indefensible. 
The Israeli sense of outrage at the suicide bombings is understandable. Any 
Israeli government would have had to react in the face of such provocation. But 
it is important to note that Mr. Sharon's retaliation over the last year has 
focused largely on undermining the existing Palestinian Authority, much in 
keeping with his decade-long opposition to the Oslo peace process and his 
promotion of colonial settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. 
With the Palestinian Authority in shambles, the Palestinians are likely to 
slide into a state of anarchy, with their leadership gravitating toward more 
extremist underground elements. In Israel, and especially among the Likud Party, 
more voices are likely to be heard advocating the expulsion of the Palestinians 
from the territories. Arab resentment at America's apparent partiality will 
rise, placing in greater jeopardy regimes that are viewed as friendly to the 
United States. 
In these circumstances, America cannot ignore world public opinion. There is 
a nearly unanimous global consensus that United States policy has become 
one-sided and morally hypocritical, with clear displays of sympathy for Israeli 
victims of terrorist violence and relative indifference to the (much more 
numerous) Palestinian civilian casualties. At risk is America's ability to 
maintain international support for the war on terrorism, and especially for 
plans to deal with Saddam Hussein. 
The United States response, therefore, has to be guided by a strategic 
awareness of all the interests involved, and not by the claims of any single 
party. The course followed in recent times, with its largely procedural emphasis 
on cease-fires and confidence-building measures while waiting for the parties to 
agree on their own, has become a prescription for procrastination. 
It is now painfully evident that left to themselves, the Israelis and the 
Palestinians can only make war. Their suspicion of each other's motives and 
mutual hatred is too great to permit the needed compromise. Moreover, each side 
has powerful factions even more extremist than the current leadership, with 
Benjamin Netanyahu poised to challenge Ariel Sharon while some unknown Islamist 
militant steps into Yasir Arafat's shoes if he is killed in the current 
President Bush's statement on the crisis on Thursday took an important step 
toward shedding the administration's ambiguous and, of late, somewhat incoherent 
posture. But it falters on three points. 
First, by noting that an immine

News, 8.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 8th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Kirch Files for Insolvency

   With the Kirch Group's filing for insolvency in a Munich court
   Monday, the scramble for the remains of Leo Kirch's fallen media
   empire officially began.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   Internet address below:,3367,1439_A_492842_1_A,00.html

   Defiant Israel Puts Toll Beyond 200

   Israeli commanders have said army incursions into West Bank
   Palestinian cities will continue beyond next Friday, when U.S.
   Secretary of State Colin Powell is due in the region.
   Israel's admission, in defiance of worldwide calls to withdraw,
   coincided with mounting casualty figures. Israel's army said it had
   killed at least 30 Palestinians it described as armed in Nablus
   alone over the weekend - putting the total from its 10-day offensive
   at 200 Palestinians and seven soldiers killed. Palestinian sources
   put weekend losses at more than 70 Palestinians killed. Latest
   reports say Israeli helicopters had fired again at Jenin's refugee
   camp overnight. On Sunday Hizbollah shelled northern Israel from
   Lebanon, injuring five people. Residents sheltered in bunkers.

   Powell's First Stop - Morocco

   U.S. Secretary of State Powell has left Washington, heading first to
   Morocco, after saying he would only meet Palestinian President
   Yasser Arafat, who's besieged in Ramallah, "if circumstances permit".
   Powell is due to have talks later today in Rabat with Morocco's King
   Mohammed and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. On Wednesday, Powell heads
   to Madrid, where EU foreign ministers also consult U.N.
   Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and Russia's foreign minister. Igor
   Ivanov made telephone calls on Sunday to Israeli Prime Minister
   Ariel Sharon and Arafat, demanding that both support peace efforts.

   Pro-Israel Rallies

   Solidarity rallies in support of Israel and against anti-semitism
   drew tens of thousands of people in France on Sunday - in contrast
   to pro-Palestinian protests staged on Saturday.
   In Paris 50,000 attended a pro-Israel rally that was overshadowed by
   a stab wound to a police officer during a melee between pro-and-anti
   demonstrators. Similar pro-Israel rallies took place in Toulouse,
   Lyon, Strasbourg and Marseille. Pro-Palestinian protests took place
   on Sunday in Brussels, Barcelona, Ottawa, Bahrain, Beirut and Rabat.
   Moroccan police estimated a crowd of 1.5 million. Three attacks were
   made on synagogues in France over the weekend - the third late on
   Sunday in a northern suburb of Paris. The news agency AP says petrol
   bombs were thrown. Property damage was limited. The arsonists fled.

   Hungary's Orban Trails - Run-off Likely

   Hungary appears headed for a run-off election on April the 21st,
   with the opposition Socialists edging ahead of Prime Minister Viktor
   Orban's conservative alliance after Sunday's poll.
   With 90 percent of votes counted, the Socialists, led by prime
   ministerial candidate Peter Medgyessy, have nearly 42 percent. Their
   likely allies, the liberal Free Democrat Alliance have 5.8 percent.
   Orban's alliance, Fidesz, trails on 41.4 percent. The far-right MIEP
   fell below the five-percent hurdle, denying it seats in parliament.
   Hungary's complex system combines direct and proportional voting.
   The country is a leading candidate for EU enlargement in 2004.

   FARC Blamed for Car Bombing

   Police in Colombia have blamed leftist FARC rebels for Sunday's car
   bomb attack in a crowded street that killed 12 people and injured
   another 67 in the city of Villavicencio.
   It lies 60 kilometres from Bogota. Police said night revellers were
   drawn by a small detonation early on Sunday morning. A 50-kilogram
   car bomb then exploded. No group has yet claimed responsibility.
   Only hours earlier, a priest had been shot dead in the province of
   Huila while officiating at communion. President Andres Pastrana
   ended peace talks with FARC in February, ahead of elections in May.
   A front-runner is Alvaro Uribe, who's promised a crackdown.

   Spotlight on Ex-Soviet States

   German President Johannes Rau has criticised censure of Russia's
   media and the war in Chechnya during an award ceremony in Cologne
   for "Memorial", a human rights network in former Soviet states.
   Memorial received the Lew Kopelew Prize for pioneer work in
   documenting crimes of the Stalinist era. President Rau said
   commentators on Russian TV were being silenced. Referring to
   Chechnya's war between Russian forces and separatists, Rau said no
   war should harm civilians. His remarks precede a

Fw: Urgent: Eyewitness report from West Bank #2 (The way it came!) [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


- Original Message - 
To: AMANA e-mail Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:58 AM
Subject: Urgent: Eyewitness report from West Bank #2 (The way it came!)

> Dear All:
> I am the director of the Khalil Sakakini Cultural
> Centre in Ramallah . As I am under siege at home, 
> i am sending out this email to
> journalist friends, & others, to ask to please get our
> message out & disseminated further.
> I hope this message will not become morbid fodder for
> chain emails to draw pity, or prayers, or donations,
> but rather actions. We are doing our bit by resisting
> & or standing steadfast, & ask the world to please do
> its bit in the name of our common humanity, each
> according to his her/own capacity. We do not want to
> become the red indians of the Arab world, but simply
> want to live free, in peace & dignity on this land.
> I will start by a few paragraphs' overview of the
> situation "live" as i see it, & follow it with 9
> suggestions of what we would please like to see happen
> in the media & elsewhere in the outside world.
> Firstly tonight -Sunday- we have heard numerous
> reports of 30 Palestinian policemen executed in cold
> blood by Israeli soldiers in a building where they
> sought refuge on Irssal street in Ramallah. This was
> after 5 Palestinian officers were executed by being
> shot to the head & then had their corpses thrown on
> the pavement for hours on Friday. Ambulances are
> prevented from reaching their destinations & 2
> hospitals have either been broken into (Arabcare) or
> shot at (Nazer Maternity Hospital). If this continues,
> it will be another Chechnya or Sarajevo in the making.
> Personally, I have been shut at home since Friday
> morning, like all the tens of thousands of inhabitants
> of Ramallah & El-Bireh, & no prospect of an end soon.
> We did not have electricity for one day, but thank God
> it got reestablished today Sunday.
> One of the employees of the Sakakini Center had the
> Israeli army burst into his village (Kobar) yesterday,
> destroy belongings & arrest his younger brother,
> alongside 30 other young men from the village.
> The cleaning lady of the Center lives in a house with
> an outhouse for toilets. For 3 days the Israelis have
> been posted by the door to her house & preventing all
> exit. When the eldest today sneaked out to the
> outhouse, the Israelis caught him & beat him. His
> school teacher father tried to intervene, the Israelis
> beat him & arrested him.
> One of the board members of our center was arrested
> with all the employees of the office building where he
> was working late Thursday night. They were all
> blindfolded & had their hands tied & placed in one
> room for 16 hours. The Israelis destroyed some office
> furniture & stole hard drives from computers. They all
> untied themselves once they realized the Israelis had
> gone on to bigger prey.
> My brother in law & his wife & their 3 under-10 year
> old kids are without phone & electricity since Friday
> & cannot go live w/ someone else as they would be shot
> at.
> My next door neighbor's 70+ year old father lives
> near Yasser Arafat's office. The Israelis broke into
> his home Friday, broke everything w/ the butt of their
> rifles (TV, sinks, furniture, etc.. ) & then stole
> some money.
> There are reports also of Israeli soldiers breaking
> into banks & change offices & jewelery stores &
> stealing money & jewelry.
> In El Bireh, they arrested Saturday 150 young men
> between 16-45 years of age after calling out for men
> of this age bracket to get out, they are grouping them
> in Ramallah's Old City.
> The only local private TV station in town that used to
> air hourly news & advice (Watan TV) has been seized by
> the Israelis on Friday, & they are now airing
> pornographic films. Journalists have been ordered out
> of Ramallah today Sunday.
> All neighborhoods are abuzz with talk of who is next
> in Israeli home incursions. As for me & many others,
> there is the human instinct of crying out for help
> when in danger.
> What we have done: With our means we have made phone
> calls to appeal for help & pressure on the
> international community to a number of high level
> officials in a number of neigboring countries, as well
> as sent appeals to the media like this one.
> Below are 9 modest &/or utopic suggestions & requests:
> 1- This is a long siege please keep the pressure to
> have our story told & appeals for action continuous.
> 2- The Centre's admin.& finance director, Ms. Manal
> Issa has collected about 10 testimonies by children
> around her describing conditions under siege as well
> as drawings she has scanned. These testimonies in
> Arabic can be obtained directly from her at:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will translate them tomorrow to
> englsih & have them available. I am also asking that
> anybody who gets this emai

Fw: Jenin Update [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


- Original Message -
From: Palestine Monitor Alquds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Jenin Update

> The Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
> Jenin Update
> 8th April 2002
> The United Nations refugee camp of Jenin, a one-kilometer square patch of
> land home to 15,000 people, has for the past five days been under a
> sustained Israeli military attack. Israeli forces have used apache
> helicopters, tanks, and ground-to-ground missiles to shell and bombard the
> civilians in the camp. The Israelis themselves estimate that more than one
> hundred people have already been killed in the onslaught; Palestinians
> believe the number will be much higher as many of the 100s of injured will
> die because, since the beginning of this atrocity, they have been
> from receiving medical care.
> Yesterday in the camp soldiers rounded up males between the ages of 15-45
> and interned them in a yard. One elderly man was shot dead by soldiers as
> obeyed their orders and left his house.
> Bulldozers have been used to destroy homes in order to make the streets
> alleyways wide enough for tanks to move down when the Israeli army
> eventually takes over the whole camp. The camp has not had electricity or
> water for five days now, and Dr. Barghouti reports that the Medical Relief
> Committees have received calls from people who have no food or water and
> have been reduced to drinking dirty water running in the streets. People
> injured in the streets, and the bodies of those killed sit in the houses
> streets, decomposing.
> At the same time the sick and wounded are still being denied medical care.
> few hours ago the Red Cross coordinated the movement of three ambulances,
> from the city of Jenin to the camp. A mere 50 yards from the hospital the
> ambulances were fired upon and forced to return to the hospital, yet more
> proof of the discrepancy between what the army and government says the are
> doing, and the reality of the situation.
> A woman (she did not want her name used) whose son was killed on Friday,
> she has yet to see or bury his body described the past days to us. She
> “we were inside the camp, sitting inside our homes with shells falling all
> around us, from everywhere. In the streets we could see a few bodies of
> dead and many people injured from the shelling– they were close but we
> couldn’t get them because of the danger. Many houses were destroyed, and
> was smoky because of the fires. We have stayed there five days – we had no
> electricity, no food, and no water.
> At 5AM this morning the soldiers banged with their guns on our door. They
> said we had to leave – so the 60 men, women and children who were in our
> house left. They made us leave with their guns pointed on us – all the way
> to where they had gathered all the men, women and children together. Then
> they forced the men to strip to their underclothes. We had to wait and
> sitting on the ground for hours, the soldiers even spat on us. Then they
> took the men away – we don’t know where. At 11 am they let us, the women
> children, leave the camp – forced us into the city – where there is still
> curfew. Where can we go? Some of the people have family in the city – and
> some of the city people have taken us – but now there is a bigger problem
> for them. Already there was not enough food, no water, and no electricity
> the city. And now all of us have to also be with them - these people we do
> not know.”
> This is the third time since 1948 that these people in Jenin refugee camp
> have been forced to leave their homes by the Israeli army.
> For more information contact Juliana at the Palestine Monitor
> +972 (0)2 5834021 or +972 (0)2 5833510


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"Terrorism" Is a Term that Requires Consistency [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and activism


"Terrorism" Is a Term that Requires Consistency:
Newspaper and its critics both show a double standard on "terror"

April 8, 2002

A group called Minnesotans Against Terrorism (MAT)-- which includes Gov.
Jesse Ventura, Sen. Paul Wellstone and other prominent political figures--
has condemned the Minneapolis Star Tribune for what it calls a "double
standard" on the use of the word "terrorism." But in fact, neither the
newspaper nor the organization applies the term "terrorism" in a
consistent way-- a problem that is widespread throughout U.S. media.

The organization's grievance against the Star Tribune is that the paper
says it avoids using the term "terrorist" in its reports on the Mideast
conflict. As the paper's assistant managing editor, Roger Buoen, explained
in a comment to the paper's ombudsman (2/3/02):

"Our practice is to stay away from characterizing the subjects of news
articles but instead describe their actions, background and identity as
fully as possible, allowing readers to come to their own judgments about
individuals and organizations.

"In the case of the term 'terrorist,' other words-- 'gunman,' 'separatist'
and 'rebel,' for example-- may be more precise and less likely to be
viewed as judgmental. Because of that we often prefer these more specific

"We also take extra care to avoid the term 'terrorist' in articles about
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because of the emotional and heated
nature of that dispute."

This policy of avoiding the term "terrorism" in favor of more specific
descriptions is a defensible policy-- so long as it is applied
consistently. But Buoen went on to acknowledge that the paper does make

"However, in some circumstances in which non-governmental groups carry out
attacks on civilians, the term is permitted. For example, Al Qaeda is
frequently referred to by the Star Tribune and other news organizations as
a 'terrorist network,' in part because its members have been convicted of
terrorist acts and because it has been identified by the United States and
other countries as a terrorist organization."

Here the paper is making distinctions that are not defensible. First, to
limit "terrorism" to "nongovernmental groups" is an illogical restriction.
Does a plane being blown up stop being terrorism if it turns out that some
nation's intelligence agency secretly ordered its destruction? To make
such an arbitrary distinction over the use of a word with such powerful
connotations certainly doesn't sound like "allowing readers to come to
their own judgments." (The Star Tribune's ombudsman noted that the
Associated Press also reserves the word "terrorist" for non-governmental

Similarly, to decide that it is all right to label Al Qaeda as a
"terrorist network," not because its specific actions fit a definition of
terrorism, but because the U.S. government has used that label  in public
statements or in legal actions, is not allowing readers to make up their
minds but letting the state make up their minds for them.

Furthermore, the September 11 attacks are certainly an "emotional and
heated" subject-- probably more so than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
for most of the Star Tribune's readers. Since the reasons the paper cites
for calling Al Qaeda "terrorist" also apply to the Palestinian
organization Hamas, one can't help but wonder if the Star Tribune's
different treatment of these groups has to do with the greater degree of
outrage its readers would feel if the paper declined to use the term in Al
Qaeda's case.

So MAT has a point when it charges the paper with a double standard. But
the organization itself has a similar double standard when it comes to its
definition of terrorism. "Calling the targeted killing of innocent
civilians anything but terrorism is completely unconscionable," says Marc
Grossfield, the group's co-founder, in a press release (4/2/02). But do
they really mean it?

FAIR asked Grossfield if his organization would refer to the bombing of
Hiroshima as a terrorist act. "No, we would not," he responded. Yet it
would seem to fit MAT's definition precisely: Hiroshima was targeted
precisely because the city, lacking significant military targets, had
escaped previous bombing damage, so its destruction by a single bomb would
send the starkest possible message to Japan about the price the nation
would pay if it refused to surrender. So why isn't that targeting of
civilians, who died on a scale undreamed of by any suicide bomber,
considered to be terrorism?

"The use of weapons of mass destruction in WWII against an evil force who
had engaged in genocide is not something that this organization is willing
to judge," was MAT's official response.

So targeting civilians stops being terrorism when it's done to combat an

[BBC] Vatican outrage over church siege in Bethlehem [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


>From Our Own Correspondent  

Monday, 8 April, 2002, 16:19 GMT 17:19 UK 

Vatican outrage over church siege

Israel says the fire broke out by accident 

The Vatican has issued a stern warning to Israel to respect religious
sites in line with its international obligations, following a gun
battle around Bethlehem's besieged Church of the Nativity. 
Spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Vatican was following events
"with extreme apprehension" and trying to establish the truth about the
fighting that flared early on Monday. 

Israel says its troops are under orders not to fire at holy places and
blamed Palestinian militants for a fire near the church, which is
revered by Christians as the birthplace of Jesus Christ. 

Several hundred Palestinian gunmen and civilians fleeing Israeli tanks
have been holed up in the church complex for nearly a week, along with
a group of monks and nuns. 

A spokesman for Catholic monks in the Holy Land said earlier that
Israeli soldiers were guilty of an "indescribable act of barbarity". 

Israel had broken its international obligations and risked "long-term
and incalculable" consequences, Father David Jaeger said. 

Speaking from Rome, he said monks at the church had reported damage to
"sacred spaces" and evidence that Israeli troops had entered the

The Pope, who has urged people to pray for peace in the Middle East, on
Monday described the violence in the Holy Land as having reached
"unimaginable and intolerable" levels. 

The Israeli army says Palestinian gunmen provoked a fire which broke
out near the Church of the Nativity on Monday. 

Gunmen had opened fire from a belltower, wounding two Israeli border
policemen in a nearby rooftop look-out, an army officer told Reuters
news agency. 

He said the Israelis returned fire and a smoke grenade started the
blaze in a second-floor meeting hall overlooking the Basilica of St
Catherine, adjacent to the Church of the Nativity. 

One Palestinian gunman was shot dead in the battle, the Israeli source

But a priest inside the church, Father Amjad Sabbara, told the BBC that
the Palestinian killed was a police officer who had been trying to
douse the flames. 

He said the blaze had burned for an hour, destroying a piano, chairs,
altar cloths and ceremonial cups. 

Father Sabbara estimated that there were 240 people in the church. Some
were armed, he said, but they were "not using their arms". 

The Mayor of Bethlehem, Hanna Nasser, told the BBC that mosaics inside
the Basilica of St Catherine had been "affected by the bullets". 

The Israeli army has been conducting a major military operation across
the West Bank for over a week, in response to a wave of suicide
bombings by Palestinian militants. 

"It really involves going through the cities and refugee camps and
taking out the infrastructure of the terrorists: weapons, documents,
explosive material, laboratories," army spokesman Captain Jacob Dalal
told the BBC. 

Israeli troops have been using loudspeakers to demand the surrender of
the Palestinians inside the Nativity complex. 

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Monday that his soldiers would not
"defile the holiness of the site as the [Palestinians] have" but added
that the troops would remain in place until the gunmen inside were

In Britain, Foreign Office Minister Ben Bradshaw described Israeli
actions in the area as "totally unacceptable". 

The Vatican is reported to be working out an agreement with the
Israelis on safe passage for the Palestinians inside the church to the
Gaza Strip. 

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FW: Robert Fisk on current ME crisis!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 08:01
To: jonathan
Subject: Robert Fisk on current ME crisis!!!

R Fisk comments on G Bush's speech .

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

(article not for cross posting)


   The Independent

Robert Fisk: A speech laced with obsessions and little else

05 April 2002

   Ariel Sharon could not have done better. The heaping of blame upon an
   occupied people, the obsessive use of the word terror - by my rough
   count there were 50 references in just 10 minutes - and the brief,
   frightened remarks about "occupation" and (one mention only) to Jewish
   settlements and the need for Israeli "compassion" at the end were
   proof enough that President Bush had totally failed to understand the
   tragedy he is supposedly trying to solve.

   The mugger became the victim and the victim became the mugger. What, I
   wonder, is the exact distance between the Rose Garden and Bethlehem?
   So the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is travelling to "the
   region'' next week. Next week? Why not now?

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

   The speech was laced with all the "war on terror'' obsessions: Iraq as
   a sponsor of terror for donating money to a family of Palestinian
   "martyrs'', and Syria for not making up its mind if it is "for or
   against terror''.

   The European Union, fearful of rising oil prices and their effect on
   the eurozone economy, had earlier dispatched a mission to Israel; with
   typical contempt, Mr Sharon told its members they could not visit
   Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. The delegation, which had earlier announced
   that the Americans had failed in their mission as peacemaker in the
   Middle East, simply packed up and left Tel Aviv within hours.

   But will Mr Powell do any better? The dollar has fallen against world
   currencies because of the Middle East crisis - as good a reason as any
   for Mr Bush to act - and the possible restrictions on Middle East oil
   production, though more damaging to Europe, must have helped to prompt
   the President's decision to dispatch Mr Powell.

   The Palestinian suicide bombings, however, were the core of Mr Bush's
   address. He talked of the 18-year-old Palestinian girl who blew
   herself up and killed a 17-year-old Israeli girl, the Jewish state's
   "dream'' of peace with its neighbours. "Terror must be stopped ... no
   nation can negotiate with terrorists ... leaderships not terror ...
   you're either with the civilised world or you're with the terrorists
   ... all in the Middle East ... must move in word and deed against
   terrorists ... I call on the Palestinian Authority to do everything in
   their power to stop terrorist activities.'' Arafat had agreed to
   control "terrorism'' - "he failed'.' The reoccupation of the West Bank
   was a "temporary measure'', Mr Bush announced, trusting the word of
   the Israeli occupiers. "Suicide bombing missions could well blow up
   the only hope of a Palestinian state.''

   On it went, 11 September-speak applied to the Middle East. Israel's
   enemies must be eliminated - Al Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and
   Hizbollah, which yesterday beat up a UN observer on the Lebanese
   border in the most dangerous incident of its kind since the Israeli
   withdrawal in 2000. The whole Bush speech revolved around Israel's
   wellbeing, with scarcely three minutes devoted to the Palestinians and
   their 35 years under occupation. Israel should, Mr Bush decided, show
   a "respect'' for and "concern'' for the Palestinian people.

   There was some ritual mention of UN Security Council resolutions 242
   and 338, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied
   in the 1967 war but which Mr Sharon has already said he cannot accept,
   and an appeal to halt settlement building. But Jewish settlements are
   still being built, at an ever-faster rate, on Palestinian land.

   Only a heart of stone could not respond to the suffering of those
   Israeli families whose loved ones have been so wickedly cut down by
   the Palestinian suicide bombers. But where was Mr Bush's compassion
   for the vastly greater number of Palestinians who have been killed by
   the I

FW: Why Bush is addicted to perpetual War!!/Iraq,war & propaganda [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 15:04
To: Kofi Amegashie; jonathan; Mark Dapin
Subject: Why Bush is addicted to perpetual War!!/Iraq,war & propaganda

Why Bush Is Addicted to Perpetual War
Ted Rall, AlterNet
March 19, 2002

I began working on a graphic-novel update and parody of "1984" a few years
ago. An awful lot had changed since Orwell posited his dystopian vision of
the future from his late-1940s deathbed, and I accounted for those
differences in my own version, 2001's "2024."

In order to acknowledge the collapse of Soviet Communism and the failure of
fascism to reemerge as a potent political force, I ditched Orwell's
oppressive totalitarian state in favor of an entertainment-fueled nihilism
in which dimwitted citizens frittered away their lives watching web TV and
working at slightly overpaid jobs to buy worthless junk ... on web TV,
natch. Where Orwell envisioned endless rows of soldiers marching in perfect
unison to the strains of the Two-Minute Hate, I saw a world where nations
had been replaced by trading blocs and the objects of hatred were the
immigrants in our midst.

The six months following The Really Bad Thing That Happened have made clear
that I wasn't the only guy boning up on Orwell.

In "1984," the elite Inner Party rules the rattled and irradiated citizens
of Oceania through three conduits of fear and intimidation: surveillance,
terrorism and perpetual warfare.

The Oceanians had their two-way telescreens; we suffer a 10,000-employee
National Security Agency that relies on automated voice-recognition and
keyword software (Echelon, not to be confused with the more picayune and
widely-reported Carnivore system) to monitor millions of e-mails, faxes and
phone calls each day. But few Americans give much thought to this wholesale
violation of their privacy; only those who are doing something wrong, they
tell themselves, have anything to worry about.

The first eight months of the Bush Administration were characterized by
political insecurity. Bush, widely derided as unintelligent and oafish, had
carried less than half of the popular vote in 2000, and many Democrats
believed that he had bullied his way into the Oval Office. Jim Jeffords'
defection from the GOP, partially a reaction to Bush's hard turn to the
right after his inauguration, cost Republicans control of the Senate. Most
analysts expected big Democratic gains in the 2002 Congressional elections,
due both to the stagnating economy and to historical trends against
incumbency in mid-term.

The White House saw September 11 as a golden opportunity. The first
catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil sparked an unprecedented case
of leadership projection: desperate for protection and answers (why do they
hate us? can we kill them before they kill us?), Americans wishfully
compared Bush to FDR and Churchill. Approval ratings hit 92 percent. But
Bush's political advisors knew that peaking early wouldn't guarantee
reelection in 2004. Bush's father had been turned out of office just 20
months after the Gulf War ratcheted his score up to 91.

The Bushies have lifted their reelection strategy straight out of "1984,"
and not just by creating ominous-sounding agencies like the Office of
Homeland Security, the supposedly-closed Office of Strategic Information,
and a "Shadow Government." As in "1984," the Bush regime tolerates zero
dissent -- a two-party system in name only has been distilled to one in
which only Republicans express acceptable opinions. And an absence of
follow-up attacks has been met by endless alerts, advisors and empty
hysterics in the name of security, most recently culminating with Tom
Ridge's much-mocked color-code warning system.

But Americans don't seem to miss their Democratic Party very much; after
all, Clinton spent more time sucking up to big business than worrying about
the fact that ordinary people can't afford to see a doctor. And unless Bush
resorts to the Orwellian tactic of setting off bombs to kill his own
citizens, the passage of time will inevitably yield to the complacency that
could cost him '04.

That leaves "1984's" most potent political tool: perpetual warfare. Just as
Oceania was always at war with Eurasia or Eastasia -- who could keep
track? -- the "war on terror," we are told, will continue indefinitely.

Indefinitely is just another word for forever.

Thus hundreds, possibly thousands, of American troops are headed to the
Philippines to fight a rag-tag outfit of 80 jungle bandits. Our boys are
scouring the back hills of far-flung Yemen in search of Al Qaeda fighters on
the lam from our ongoing war in Afghanistan. We've set up bases in
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to fight Central Asia's Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan -- never mind that the world hasn't heard from them
since they kidnapped four American mountain climbers in 2000.

China, Indonesia, the former S

FW: ME crisis;Total failure in US FP! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 08:28
To: jonathan; Kofi Amegashie; Ayo Obisanya
Subject: ME crisis;Total failure in US FP!

This Sinking Ship of Fools
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | 04.01.02

Recent events in the Middle East have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that
the Bush administration's complete lack of engagement with Israel and
Palestine will stand as a historic example of deadly poor judgment. What we
see is an administration that is hopelessly in over its head, groping for a
solution far past the time when one could be reached, and all the while
hedging its bets to keep a conflict with Iraq on the table.

Consider the timetable of events: The Bush people came to Washington filled
with scorn for the peacemaking efforts of the departing Clinton
administration. On the eve of the election of hard-liner Sharon as Israeli
Prime Minister, the Bush administration refused to send a peace envoy to the
last-gasp talks between Israel and Palestine in Egypt. Weeks later, Bush
pulled out the highly visible CIA brokers who had been stage-managing a
cessation of the conflict. All the while, Bush and his people parroted the
same asinine rhetoric: we'll help make peace once y'all stop shooting at
each other...or, to put it another way, we'll help make peace once you make

As scenes of horror flash across CNN today, Israeli and Palestinian
representatives speak out. Salting their comments are heartfelt laments at
the absence of Bill Clinton and American engagement in any peace talks.
Sadly for them and their people, the days of American engagement are long
past. The current administration's opinion of the efforts made by Clinton
were summed up by White House press secretary Ari Fleischer last month, who
stated that, "You can make the case that in an attempt to shoot the moon and
get nothing, more violence resulted." Though he was later forced to
apologize for the claim that Clinton's peace efforts led to war, there is no
mistaking the truth that Fleischer was stating the opinion of the Bush White

Attempting to explain the Bush administration's appalling negligence in
dealing with this conflict requires an examination of several factors.
Foremost among them is what appears to be an astounding lack of ability
among Bush's foreign policy people. The one true 'policy wonk' on the staff,
Condoleeza Rice, is a world-renowned expert on a nation that no longer
exists - the Soviet Union. No one else seems capable of dealing with the
complexities of the issue. Beyond that lies a deep fear of failure: no one
in the White House wants to make an effort at peace in that region and risk
the appearance of falling short. This combination of ignorance and cowardice
has borne bloody fruit.

There is one man in the administration with the clout and deft touch to have
an impact in this conflict. Secretary of State Colin Powell is well known
and much respected on the world stage, yet he has been noticeably absent of
late. He has visited the region only twice since taking his position. When
the administration needed to gather support for a war with Iraq a few weeks
ago, it was not Powell but Vice President Cheney who made the whirlwind tour
of the Middle East. Cheney's efforts came to naught, at least publicly;
after his trip, the Arab League released statements warning America against
a war with Iraq.

Powell's silence to date on the Israel/Palestine conflict lies at the crux
of the matter. He is ensconced in an administration that wants nothing to do
with the conflict. Because Powell holds deep reservations about a war with
Iraq, he does not want to undermine his standing in the administration by
taking an unpopular position on the current situation. Powell is keeping his
powder dry because he will need all the clout he can swing to direct Bush
and the administration's chief Iraq war-hawk, Paul Wolfowitz, away from a
dangerous conflict with Saddam Hussein. The one man who could pull Israel
and Palestine away from each other's throats has his hands tied because this
administration wants war elsewhere in the region.

Powell's reticence may not amount to much in the long run, however. It is
becoming clear that the Bush administration will attack Iraq. American troop
presence in the region, particularly in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, has
increased from 25,000 to 80,000 in recent months. Weapons and communications
equipment are being pulled out of storage and brought to a secret base in
Qatar, which could serve as a command and control point for an Iraq action
that is away from Saudi Arabia, a nation not supportive of any Iraq plans.
Asked whether America plans war against Iraq, General Tommy Franks replied,
"Let me put it this way. We are increasing or improving our command and
control capacity in all of my region."

The violence between Israel and P


2002-04-08 Thread TOOLGT


BAGHDAD, April 8 (Reuters) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Monday announced an immediate suspension of Iraq's oil exports for a month in protest at Israel's incursion into Palestinian areas of the West Bank. 

web link 
In a speech broadcast over Iraqi media, the Iraqi leader,President Saddam Hussein said: "The Iraqi leadership declared the complete stoppage of oil exports starting from this afternoon April 8 for a period of 30 days when we will further decide policy, or until the Zionist entity's armed forces have unconditionally withdrawn from the Palestinian territories." 

The decision came as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to press ahead with a 10-day-old military offensive, in direct defiance of demands from Washington for a withdrawal. 

Saddam said: "The decision is basically taken against the Zionist entity, and the American aggressive policy and not against anyone else. 

It is not meant to harm anyone but those who have decided to harm the Palestinian people." 


There was no immediate response to the Iraqi decision from two other Muslim oil producing nations, Iran and Libya, who have said they too would embargo oil supplies but only if the ban found support from all Arab producers. 

Iraqi officials said their suspension would be lifted once the Iraqi leadership was satisfied that Israel had withdrawn from the West Bank. 

Iraq exports oil under a humanitarian exchange with the United Nations, permitted as an exception to 1990 Gulf War sanctions. 

Despite its hardline on Iraq, the U.S. is easily the world's biggest consumer of Iraqi crude, taking more than half of Baghdad's oil and depending on Iraqi supplies for about nine percent of its huge imports. 

Iraqi Oil Minister Amir Muhammed Rasheed confirmed the suspension of exports had been implemented at 1000 GMT from both its export points on the Gulf and through Turkey. Turkish pipeline company Botas said it had yet to be notified. 

About a third of Iraq's crude exports are piped north through Turkey to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan with the rest shippped from Iraq's Gulf port of Mina al-Bakr. 

The stoppage helped propel oil prices higher, adding $1.04 to benchmark Brent to $27.03 a barrel, near a six-month high.  


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Xinhua: Saddam Defies U.S. Threats of Military Attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Stasi



  Saddam Defies U.S. Threats of Military 



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-07 


     BAGHDAD, April 7 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi 
  President Saddam Hussein on Sunday vowed to defend his regime against 
  possible military attacksfrom the United States, the state-run Iraq TV 
  reported.   "We will fight against them (the enemy) with 
  missiles, planes, stones ... and all what we have and we will defeat 
  them," Saddam was quoted ed as saying.   Saddam made the 
  remarks at a meeting with his younger son Qusay,who heads the elite 
  Republican Guard and the military bureau of theruling Arab Baath 
  Socialist Party, and senior military officials including Minister of 
  Military Industrialization Abdul Tawab Mulla Howeish and Defense 
  Minister Sultan Hashem Ahmed.    "If half of your air 
  defense capabilities are destroyed, you will fight with the other 
  half. If the other half is also destroyed, you will fight by using 
  daggers," Saddam said.    U.S. President George W. Bush, at 
  a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair on 
  Saturday, reiterated that the U.S. policy was to topple the Saddam 
  regime and said all options were on the table.   Bush 
  has branded Iraq as part of an "axis of evil" and strongly warned that 
  Iraq may become the next target of the U.S.-led war on terror after 
  Afghanistan.  Enditem

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Israel attacks Bethlehem church [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 8 April 2002. Fire in Compound of Church of Nativity After

BETHLEHEM -- Israeli troops ringing the Church of the Nativity fired
Monday upon one of Christianity's holiest shrines, throwing a smoke
grenade into the compound that sparked a fire near an adjacent church.

A Palestinian policeman, who was trying to extinguish the fire, was shot
and killed by an Israeli sniper, said a fellow policeman in the
compound. The Israeli military said Palestinian gunfire wounded two
Israeli border police officers.

Israeli officials and senior Franciscans in Rome, whose clerics are
among those inside, appeared increasingly at odds as the standoff
stretched into a seventh day.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told parliament hours after the
pre-dawn violence that soldiers would surround the church until the
gunmen release the clerics, whom he described as hostages, and

The Franciscans, however, accused Israel of violating a pledge not to
attack the church. They maintained that the clerics aren't hostages and
will remain in the compound throughout the standoff.

The fire burned in a second-floor meeting hall above the courtyard of
St. Katherine's, a Roman Catholic church in the compound adjacent to the
Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus
was born.

The blaze, which burned for an hour before a fire crew could arrive,
destroyed a piano, chairs, altar cloths and ceremonial cups. It sent
plumes of smoke into the sky, which glowed orange as the sun rose.

"While the people were trying to put out the fire, Israelis opened fire
and killed one Palestinian whose body is still inside the church," said
Father Amjad Sabara.

[N.B.] A Palestinian policeman, who gave only his first name, Salah,
said an Israeli soldier shot a Palestinian policeman, 23-year-old Khaled
Syam, in the head as he went to put out the fire.

Palestinian firefighters were stopped and searched before being allowed
to go to Manger Square to put out the fire. They weren't allowed inside
the compound, but witnesses said they sprayed water over the wall to
extinguish the blaze.

A senior Israeli officer said Palestinians rang the church bells before
dawn, signaling gunmen in a bell tower of the compound to fire on two
Israeli border police manning a nearby rooftop lookout over the church.

The two border policemen were injured and scrambled inside an attic
where they threw a smoke grenade into the compound, starting the fire,
the officer said on condition of anonymity. Gunmen inside the compound
fired rifles and threw hand grenades, and soldiers returning fire killed
one Palestinian, he said.

[N.B.] A Catholic missionary news agency in Rome quoted the Rev.
Giovanni Battistelli, the Franciscan's top representative in the Holy
Land, as saying: "Nobody opened fire from inside the basilica compound.
It was an attack carried out by Israeli forces."

Father Gianfranco Pinto Ostune, a spokesman for the Franciscan Church in
Rome, said Franciscan friars in the compound found material
"unequivocally belonging to the Israeli army."

A Palestinian policeman, who would not give his name, said four M-16
assault rifles and two Israeli army bulletproof vests were found on a

Battistelli said the Franciscans, among some 60 clerics inside the
church, would stay put to protect the site. If they left, he said,
"(Israeli) soldiers would be free to attack."

A spokesman for the office of the Custodian of Catholic sites in the
Holy Land characterized it as an Israeli attack in "violation of every
canon of human decency."

"I've been warning for days now that an attack is imminent and on behalf
of my brothers calling on the church and the world to intervene with the
Israeli government," the Rev. David Jaeger told Associated Press
Television News in Rome.

"What we heard instead (was) lying - promises day after day, hour after
hour from the Israeli government to the whole world that they will never

Sharon, who is under growing U.S. pressure to immediately withdraw from
West Bank Palestinian cities, said Monday the army will not leave
Bethlehem yet.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Is India going the way of 1930s Germany? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)

Foreign Policy in Focus
[March 27, 2002]

Is India going the way of 1930s Germany?
By Arun R Swamy

The recent rounds of violence between religious groups in India do 
more than reveal the fragility of India's secular state. They 
highlight the inability of Indian democracy to combat what is 
essentially a fascist onslaught.

At first glance what is happening in India appears to be another - if 
extreme - case of religious passion gone awry. A train carrying Hindu 
activists from the disputed religious site of Ayodhya was firebombed 
by a mob, killing 58 of the activists. Several days of revenge 
attacks by Hindus against Muslims followed in the state of Gujarat, 
killing more than 700.

However, India's Hindu nationalists have always resembled 1930s 
European fascists more than they do contemporary "fundamentalists". 
Members of the core organization of Hindu nationalism, the Rashtriya 
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), founded in the 1920s, are given paramilitary 
instruction, not religious, and wear khaki uniforms reminiscent of 
Mussolini's brownshirts. While the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), 
founded in the 1960s, is mainly concerned with religion, it still 
does not prescribe how Hindus should worship or behave - an 
impossible task given the diversity of Hindu religious practice.
Instead, like all Hindu nationalists, it is bent on characterizing 
Muslims as alien and hostile while seeking to unify Hindus around a 
romantic nationalism, in which military prowess plays a central role. 
Hindu nationalists' emphasis on international prestige has won them 
the support of the Westernized middle class, typically the target of 
Islamic fundamentalism. Their focus on demonizing Muslims rather than 
promoting Hinduism is illustrated even by the dispute over Ayodhya, 
where extremist Hindu groups destroyed a 16th-century Muslim mosque 
in 1992, sparking nationwide sectarian riots in which more than 2,000 
people died.

Hindu nationalists claim that a temple on the same site honoring the 
birthplace of the Hindu deity, Rama, was torn down to make way for 
the mosque. For Hindu extremist groups, the claim that a temple was 
torn down to build a mosque - for which there is no concrete evidence 
- was at least as important as the claim that Rama was born at the 
site. The destruction of the mosque was commonly spoken of in terms 
of retaking territory that had been lost to invaders.

Hindu nationalists have identified other mosques that they wish to 
destroy, claiming that these, too, were built on temple sites. For 
none do they claim the sanctity associated with the birthplace of 
Rama. Indeed, the purpose of claiming a particular site as Rama's 
birthplace - for which there is no basis in theology or tradition - 
was to justify tearing down the existing mosque.

It is this fascist ideology, and the fact that a party espousing it 
is at the head of the national government, that makes the recent 
anti-Muslim pogroms in Gujarat so much more disturbing than earlier 
rounds of riots. As horrific as the recent violence was, more died in 
1992. But the political establishment's response this time has been 
ambivalent and feeble. The paralysis in the political system is 
emboldening the Hindu extremist organizations responsible for the 
Gujarat "riots" to press their agenda more forcefully. There are 
times when India seems to resemble Germany in the 1920s and early 

The analogy to the rise of Hitler is not one that should be made 
lightly, but there are many parallels. The Gujarat attacks were not 
spontaneous expressions of mob rage but were highly organized and 
brutally efficient, probably identifying Muslim homes and businesses 
through the use of public records. The state government was almost 
certainly complicit in the wave of violence that affected the entire 
state and saw no effort by the police to control it. The central 
government was slow to dispatch the army, and has attempted to put 
the focus on the train attack, for which they blame Pakistani 

The state government initially sought to limit judicial inquiry to 
investigating the train attack, to use its emergency powers only 
against those accused of the train attack, and to offer higher levels 
of compensation to the (Hindu) victims of the train attack on the 
grounds that they were victims of terrorism. Even many liberal 
intellectuals and politicians, whose protests forced the state 
government to retract some of these measures, have tacitly accepted 
the idea that several days of targeted anti-Muslim violence can be 
equated with the attack on the train, and even resulted from it.
Worse, there has been no effort by those in power to hold those 
responsible for the Gujarat attacks accountable. The national 
government, run by the same party as the state government, the 
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has chosen not to use its 


2002-04-08 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Korean people's just cause supported by Indian party
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A. B. Bardhan, general secretary of the
National Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI), expressed resentment
at Bush's listing the DPRK as part of "an axis of evil," noting that the CPI
would continue to take measures for solidarity with Korea's socialist cause
in the future, too. He said this when he met a delegation of the Workers'
Party of Korea to the 18th congress of the CPI on March 30.
    He said that his party was greatly encouraged by socialist Korea which
has foiled the U.S. imperialists' vicious moves to isolate and stifle the
DPRK under the wise army-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Recalling that President Kim Il Sung paid deep attention to the CPI
activities in his lifetime, he stressed that the CPI would take
organizational measures to significantly commemorate the president's 90th
birth anniversary this year.

"International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Vishwanath
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The "International Kim Il Sung Prize"
council on April 1 decided to award "International Kim Il Sung Prize" to
Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the Juche
Idea. He was awarded the prize for having ardently espoused the immortal
Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and made distinguished services
for accomplishing the glorious cause of global independence and peace.

Diverse activities to see "Arirang" performance brisk in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Different circles of South Korea are
reportedly conducting diverse activities to see the mass gymnastic and
artistic performance "Arirang" to be staged at the May Day Stadium in
Pyongyang. The solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration
inaugurated a steering team to watch the "Arirang" performance and put
application ads in MBC and internet, while displaying posters introducing
the performance at public places in different parts of South Korea.
    The organization sent to the Ministry of Unification a list of
applicants for visits to Pyongyang to see the "Arirang" performance
collected as of March 29 and a letter to the authorities requesting them to
enable the South Koreans to make free tours of Pyongyang to enjoy the
    Meanwhile, the Pusan solidarity for implementing the south-north joint
declaration is conducting such brisk information services as displaying
posters on the "Arirang" performance at crowded places of Pusan and
explaining its citizens the significance of the performance.
    The (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) sent an official
notice calling for the organization of the KCTU groups to see the "Arirang"
performance to its affiliated organizations.
    The reunification solidarity for the implementation of the June 15
South-North Joint Declaration and peace on the Korean Peninsula inputted an
introductory article to homepage under the title "The Mass Gymnastic And
Artistic Performance 'Arirang'".
    The "National Students Federation for Travel", the "South Korean Youth
League" and its affiliated organizations and the South Korean federation of
university student councils are busy making arrangements to form a council
for collecting applicants to see the mass gymnastic and artistic performance
"Arirang" and expressing solidarity with them.

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FW: What's in a name? - Shpresa - Hope [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan
Title: What's in a name? - Shpresa - Hope


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 08 April 2002 10:04To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: What's in a name? - Shpresa - 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns 
Hamstead  Road
    Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0121-554-7891
 Web site:

What's in a name? - Shpresa - 
 To Shpresa, a young Albanian 
mother, her name is her way of life.  Shpresa means hope and that is 
how she survives each moment of the day.  After her terrifying experience 
at Yarl's Wood detention centre on the night of February 14th, and, all that 
preceded and followed, it is only hope that keeps her 
going. 'The reason I fled to England is because 
of a blood feud,' she explains,   'I damaged family honour, we are 
Muslim and I fell in love and married a Catholic without family permission. My 
brothers have sworn they will kill us and our two children.  It is the law 
of the Kanun.  They have already killed my 
brother-in-law.'  The Kanun of Lek Dukajini 
is a strict, 15th century, code of laws governing marriage, birth, death, 
hospitality and inheritance, which has been handed down orally through the 
generations and used as a system for administering justice in northern Albania, 
which historically has remained isolated from central government law.  With 
the collapse of communism in 1991 and the subsequent lack of law and order, the 
number of vendetta killings has soared.  
But, how more civilised is British 'justice' that seeks to return her to 
this? "It was very early in the morning', said 
Shpresa, 'We were awoken by banging on the door, my husband opened it and seven 
officers burst into our home.  Outside, police cars and vans blocked the 
street.  They said 'pack quickly, you're being deported.' Almost 
hysterical, Shpresa woke her children and packed a few clothes while her husband 
desperately tried to explain that their case 'wasn't finished.'  The 
response was 'move more quickly.' Taken first to 
the Regional Immigration Centre, they were searched then transported to Yarl's 
Wood.  It was like a prison', reflected Shpresa, 'surrounded by high barbed 
wire fencing, patrolled by guards and with locked doors. We had one room with 
three narrow beds and slept each with a child in our arms.   There was 
a bathroom, but no water came from the 
taps.'  On the ninth day of their detention 
fire broke out. 'It was 8pm,' said Shpresa, 'our 
children were sleeping when we heard much noise.  We didn't know it was the 
fire alarm because there'd been no fire instructions.  Friends on the 
landing shouted 'Come out quickly, the building's on 
fire.' Choking, acrid smoke had already 
begun to seep into their room, situated on the first floor where the fire 
originated, when, panicking with fear and gasping for breath they'd  
grabbed their babies and stumbled out into the suffocating black corridor.  
'I was so scared, recalled Shpresa,  'The fire was very close and we were 
almost overcome by smoke.  Thankfully, we located the stairs and got 
out.  We were last from the building, but nobody noticed.  No one was 
counting.  The young parents, each with a 
babe in arms (18 and 4 months), were forced to remain outside all night. In bare 
feet and dressed only in a tee shirt, Shpresa begged to be allowed inside 
because the youngest child was going blue with cold.  She was 
refused.  Then, after twelve freezing hours, on the excuse the camp shop 
had been raided, they were humiliatingly searched, and bused to a detention camp 
near London.  Twenty hours passed before food and drink were 
offered. Two days later, Shpresa was separated 
from her husband. 'I was given a ticket, taken 
to the station and left with my babies,' said Shpresa.  'I couldn't stop 
crying because I missed my husband and I couldn't speak any 
English.'  Shpresa described her nightmare 
journey back to her home in the north of England.   How, before 
breakfast and without food, drink, nappies and money she'd waited four hours for 
a train that only went part way to her destination.  How she'd got lost, 
then eventually found a policeman and was taken to a bed and breakfast 
hostel.   How the following morning, still without food and nappies, 
she was taken to the town's Civic Centre where she'd waited four hours for the 
housing provider to come and take her home.

 Shpresa was 48 hours without 
food or drink.  Her two babies were sustained by suckling from their 
mother's breasts. 

    Bravely optimistic about an 
uncertain future, Shpresa, continues to live in hope.


Letter from a Detainee

Wednesday 3rd April 2

Community Media Guide (a useful tool) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


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London Guardian's news summary, Mon., 8 Apr 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.


  The Middle East again dominates the broadsheets. The Guardian leads
on Israel's defiance of US demands to pull out of the occupied
territories, and the Telegraph on Tony Blair's declaration that
Britain will take military action against Iraq, while the Independent
reports that the EU is considering sanctions against Israel. The
Times says that Mr Blair and Mr Bush have formulated a plan to send
international observers to police a truce in the West Bank.

  Speaking after two days of talks at George Bush's ranch, Mr Blair
yesterday brushed aside mounting opposition among Labour MPs to
declare that Britain supported a "regime change" in Iraq. But the
Independent doubts the "linkage" (the foreign policy concept of the
moment, it says) between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida suggested by Mr Bush. Despite plenty of opportunity Saddam
has been either "uninterested or unsuccessful" in sponsoring
anti-American terrorism, it argues. All the papers carry Baghdad's
reply to the sabre-rattling: a threat to fight back with "stones,
missiles and war planes".

  The Mirror's front page is taken up with a cartoon showing Mr Blair
as the president's poodle. "Sit, beg, fetch, roll over ... KILL,"
Mr Bush in full Texan cowboy dress. Inside, the political commentator
Paul Routledge says that the prime minister obviously enjoyed his
stay in the "poodle parlour" as he "appeared for the cameras with
what's left of his hair all fluffy and nice".

  More than 30 Palestinians were killed yesterday in the West Bank as
Israeli troops pushed further into Jenin and continued their
onslaught in Nablus. US officials say Mr Bush has put his credibility
on the line by twice calling for a withdrawal, the Guardian reports.
Its Jerusalem correspondent, Suzanne Goldenberg, says that Ariel
Sharon is shoring up far right support for his coalition government,
and despite US demands is likely to continue the assault until
Thursday or Friday.

* Get out now, US tells defiant Sharon,2763,680653,00.html
* Washington's patience pushed to the limit,2763,680498,00.html
* Times: Blair and Bush in new plan for Israel,,2-260528,00.html
* Telegraph: We are ready to hit Iraq, says Blair

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A million Moroccans march against the Racist Settler State [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread mart-remote

"Jim Yarker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


a million Moroccans march against the Racist Settler State

Sun, 7 Apr 2002 15:14:31 -0400

Sunday, 7 April, 2002, 12:27 GMT 13:27 UK 
Huge anti-Israel march in Morocco



By Stephanie Irvine BBC correspondent in Rabat 

A crowd estimated to at least one million people has gathered in the centre of the Moroccan capital, Rabat, chanting slogans and waving Palestinian flags and banners. 
Some American flags have been set alight and riot police line the streets, but there has been no violence so far. 
The demonstration has been called by the Moroccan Association in Support of the Palestinian Struggle to denounce what it calls Israel's crimes against the Palestinians and to call for peace. 
There have been unofficial protests and strikes by high-school students all over the country for the last two weeks, but this one is official. 
It has the backing of all the main political parties, some of whom have been bussing in supporters from around the country. 
With the demonstrations, the authorities may be hoping to channel the strong pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel feelings among ordinary Moroccans. 
Morocco has traditionally played a role as peace-maker and intermediary in the Middle East. 
And the Washington Post reports that US Secretary of State Colin Powell will stop off in Morocco for talks with King Mohammed VI before going on to talks with other Arab leaders and Israel. Do You Yahoo!?
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