Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-03 Thread Sébastien Luttringer via arch-dev-public
On Sun, 2019-06-02 at 05:55 +0200, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public
> On Sun, Jun 02, 2019 at 01:07:12PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
> > On 2/6/19 9:08 am, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> > > 1. Simplified repositories
> > > Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These
> > > threerepositories are there, because they have grown to this structure
> > > overtime. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of
> > > [core]and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:  - merge [extra]
> > > and [core]
> > 
> > I stopped reading here.   If you don't understand the difference
> > between[core] and [extra], you should ask.  Particularly before proposing
> > theremoval of [core].
> > Allan
> Hi Allan,I didn't propose the removal of [core], I proposed a discussion
> aroundthe current repository and organisation structure. Merging [core]
> and[extra] is just one of many ideas. If you have something to say, pleasedo
> so and don't keep your secret. I would be glad if you could share it.
> chris

[core] packages must land in [testing] and receive signoffs before reaching
[core].In other words, packages in [core] must receive positive feedback before
a wider diffusion.This introduce a latency to lower the risk of base components
So, before merging [core] and [extra] we should have a way to flag packages
which requires signoffs.

Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer

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Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-02 Thread Allan McRae via arch-dev-public
On 3/6/19 2:39 pm, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> 3. I don't like that devs and TUs live aside each other instead of
> finally realizing themselves as community or group.
The TUs are set up as an independent organisation with their own bylaws.
 Many of those bylaws were implemented to keep independence from the
developer team.  Saying that, almost all developers have been a Trusted
User, and there is a decent overlap currently.  I mostly see this as a
responsibility divide.

> I think the
> community as itself would work much better if we would have user-access
> based package repositories and just 'maintainers', instead of this
> dev/TU split.

I agree that the distinction between [extra] and [community] is rather
limited.  I think we need a better definition of what [extra] is, and
move packages that don't fit that definition out of [extra] and into
[community] where both devs and TUs can maintain them.  Or even merge
those two repos.

>> As Gaetan already mentioned, the process is clear: somebody suggests a
>> new developer and we discuss until a consensus is reached. Feel free to
>> document that somewhere in our wiki if you think it needs to be
>> documented. If you have specific concerns with that process, feel free
>> to share them. However, I do not think anybody in the dev team ever had
>> any objections against that procedure.
> What interests me is why is this whole process not transparent and
> public? I mean we discuss adding new TUs publicly. Of course this
> dicussion comes with all its good and bad parts, but atleast it's
> transparent and people get a reason why they are not elected.

You are very much overthinking what goes on when deciding on a new
developer.  "Electing" a developer is very different than electing a TU.
 People given developer positions have probably been around for years
and are already doing the job before they get formally offered it.   So
it is a case of someone saying "this person should be a developer" and
the rest going "OK".  There is usually no discussion, because the
candidate is well known already, and has obviously been doing a good job
to even be nominated.  Having TU style discussions on the suitability of
a candidate makes no sense in that situation.


Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-02 Thread Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public
On Sun, Jun 02, 2019 at 12:38:24AM -0400, Public mailing list for Arch Linux 
development wrote:
> Dear Christian,
> Thank you for your email.
> I do not share your point of view that the organization is chaotic. You
> successfully explained the three roles and each of its duties within two
> or three clear sentences. We could certainly have a more fine-grained
> hierarchy but our team is not very big and I personally do not think the
> benefits would outweigh the extra administrative work in the long run.
> Do you have any concrete evidence that adding more bureaucracy would
> benefit the project? Any evidence that our current organizational
> structure prevents people from contributing (which you seemed to imply
> with your statement above)?

Well, my proposal was to remove bureaucracy, not to add more

Here are various issues that I had in the past:

1. I am waiting since weeks for a separate section for legal related
content in our dev wiki for adding the AUR takedown request answer
template. This template was created by awesome team work and I think it
would be sad if it would be just gone. Furthermore people said that it
would be a good idea to have it somewhere for future takedown requests.

2. At the moment it's difficult to co-maintain packages between [extra]
and [community]. A developer who wants to allow co-maintainership by TUs
needs to move a package to [community]. In my opinion this step is
unnecessary and leads to unnecessary communication and workflows.

3. I don't like that devs and TUs live aside each other instead of
finally realizing themselves as community or group. I think the
community as itself would work much better if we would have user-access
based package repositories and just 'maintainers', instead of this
dev/TU split.

> As Gaetan already mentioned, the process is clear: somebody suggests a
> new developer and we discuss until a consensus is reached. Feel free to
> document that somewhere in our wiki if you think it needs to be
> documented. If you have specific concerns with that process, feel free
> to share them. However, I do not think anybody in the dev team ever had
> any objections against that procedure.

What interests me is why is this whole process not transparent and
public? I mean we discuss adding new TUs publicly. Of course this
dicussion comes with all its good and bad parts, but atleast it's
transparent and people get a reason why they are not elected.

I am a big fan of the 'people can change' attitude, but this only works
if they know their mistakes. The only reason for private discussions
seems to be 'personal bias'. Atleast thats what I think if I think about
private elections or better selections of new devs. And personal bias
should never a criteria to select or deny somebodys contribution, it
should be based on technical questions.

> The idea of having a separate repository for (most) proprietary sounds
> sensible to me.

I have a few things to add regarding proprietary software, that we have
discussed in IRC. It would be nice to have atleast a list somewhere with
proprietary software and their license. I mean we can be glad, that the
TU asked for adding vivaldi browser to community, what if he would have
just added it? I guess it wouldn't be a problem, until somebody finds it
or we get a take down request for the package. Therefore I wonder how
many packages we may illegaly redistribute already? Maybe it would be
useful to track such packages somehow and a separate repository would be
a good starting point for this.

> Is there any hidden suggestion here?

Yes, a suggestion for user-isolated packages. This will be/can be
achieved via the move to a git repository.

> I am confused. You are saying we are mixing too many roles above and
> suggesting to reduce the number of roles now?

Well, I guess it's not possible to simplify all rules. But we could at
least start with simplifying the role of package maintainers and start
realizing us as one community not as two separate groups.

> > It would be also nice to form an actual roadmap (yes.. I know.. we are
> > not a company, but a roadmap or overview over all current projects
> > inside of our community would be nice). This way it would be also easier
> > to contribute for 'outsiders'.
> Does not sound like a bad idea to me. Feel free to create a draft.

A kanboard does exist already for it, and I hope more will be discussed
at meetups.

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Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-02 Thread Giancarlo Razzolini via arch-dev-public

Em junho 1, 2019 20:08 Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public escreveu:

Sorry for the huge mail, I didn't thought it would get so long. If you
feel attacked/angry or whatever about it, take a deep breath before you
answer. I hope for a constructive discussion without personal attacks.

Ok. Here we go.

At the moment we have the following three Groups (If I miss something feel
free to correct me):

- Devs
- Trusted Users
- Support Staff

The lines are not that clear cut, but in a general sense we have those 3. At 
that's what's on our website, so I'll give you that. I'm a perfect example of 
this is not always the case.

These three groups have the following 'features' and tasks:

- Devs:
  - Tasks:
The developers care about [core] and [extra] repositories, they form
a direction for the whole project 'arch linux' and they seem to have a
veto-permission for TU decisions. Furthermore they have access on most
infrastructure and they are maintaining/developing the core software
like pacman. Some devs also care about trademarks, legal requests
and finance or community events.

Devs can also care about [community], if they are also a TU. Also, regarding 
you said about veto, there's no such thing. Yes, devs *can* have a final say on 
but that's different from vetoing it. A veto, by definition, means no 
discussion at all.
I don't recall ever some dev simply saying something wouldn't happen and no 
regarding it. Also, common sense applies here (you can't get it on writing 

Regarding infrastructure, the devops team has access to the infrastructure, but 
that doesn't
mean dev's have access by default. Yes, a lot of people on the devops team are 
dev's, but it's
not a requirement, at all. I've applied to TU, to only then learn about the 
devops team. I would
probably started contributing there first, instead of applying to TU if I 
learned about it sooner.
By the way, this brings back the discussion about having a one stop page for 

  - How to be a developer?:
The developers will decide in a non public and secrete ritual who is
worthy to be a developer. The process is unclear.

There's no ritual. One of the things I did after becoming a dev was to go 
through arch-dev's archives.
I didn't saw any arcane rituals or goat sacrifices. It's basically: Hey, let's 
promote X to dev? +1.
Some discussion might ensue, but it's rare and I never saw one promotion that 
didn't go through in these
years I've been dev.

- Trusted Users:

I'll skip, you described this accurately.

- Support Staff:
  - Tasks: They do various tasks like infrastructure administration,
wiki administration, bug wrangling, software contribution, forum
moderators, security team, but they have no access to any

Just to point out that some staff have access to a lot of stuff. Even if it's 
not clear

  - How to be a support staff:
It's unclear, mostly a new contributor just knows the right people
and does the right thing at the right time and get somehow
acknowledged by developers or TUs for their work.

Mostly because staffers are doing the work nobody wants to. I have the 
uttermost respect
for our bug wranglers, wiki, forums and other staff. Also, you didn't include 
in this our

1. Simplified repositories

Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These three
repositories are there, because they have grown to this structure over
time. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of [core]
and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:
  - merge [extra] and [core]
  - or use [extra] for a new purpose, like for example a proprietary
repository, for all proprietary software. (I know that this is not
possible for all packages, because we have binary blobs in device
drivers and kernel modules).

You forgot to mention that [core] has mandatory testing, even if, it's not 
enforced by the

3. Organisation structure

Depending on the repository access, we could reduce our organisation
structure to just two groups: Devs and maintainers (a similar approach
to big distributions like Debian). Devs could still have the
'superpower' for caring about infrastructure and legal/finance stuff and
the group of trusted users and support staff would merge to one group of
maintainers. With person-related access to package repositories we could
tear down the whole repository structure to one, maybe two, repositories
and we could give co-maintainership an actual meaning (permission to
modify a foreign package).

You're not account here for the bus factor. There's a reason why everyone can 
touch everyone's
else packages. We're a volunteer based distro. Sometimes people can't handle 
stuff, but are still
interested on the project.

4. More transparency

At the moment the recruiting 

Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-02 Thread Gaetan Bisson via arch-dev-public
[2019-06-02 06:06:35 +0200] Christian Rebischke:
> On Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 04:10:45PM -1000, Public mailing list for Arch Linux 
> development wrote:
> Thanks for your mail. I remember now that you have told me this some
> months ago. This leads to a question: Why are these types of dicussions
> not public?

Our discussion some months ago was public, just like this one.

Most discussions among devs are public. Some aren't because we feel
certain sensitive topics are better discussed in an environment where
nobody is afraid to speak their mind. That includes topics like the
addition of new developers, although like Lukas said in most cases those
solely contain positive support for the proposal.

Again, to the best of my knowledge, all devs are very happy with this
process and do not want to change it.

> Well, that's point. I don't really think the current system works as it
> could be. Why being happy with the current state of organisation if we
> could achieve much more with a more simplified and more contributor
> friendly model?

Feel free to explain what does not currently work as best as it could,
what could be simplified, what could be more contributor friendly, etc.
If you discussed specific problems, we could all have a go at proposing
solutions a little more realistic than overhauling our organisational

> If you and the others see no point in
> changing the current structure this is totally fine, I just think it's
> important to rethink processes from time over time.

What I think is most wrong with your current and previous "proposals" is
that you obviously don't understand how the present dev system works,
yet you want to change it! Have some humility, man, and remember this
system has worked for about a hundred devs and for over a decade.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Lukas Fleischer via arch-dev-public
Dear Christian,

Thank you for your email.

On Sat, 01 Jun 2019 at 19:08:30, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
> community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
> Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
> would like to propose a discussion about changes.

I do not share your point of view that the organization is chaotic. You
successfully explained the three roles and each of its duties within two
or three clear sentences. We could certainly have a more fine-grained
hierarchy but our team is not very big and I personally do not think the
benefits would outweigh the extra administrative work in the long run.

Do you have any concrete evidence that adding more bureaucracy would
benefit the project? Any evidence that our current organizational
structure prevents people from contributing (which you seemed to imply
with your statement above)?

>   - How to be a developer?:
> The developers will decide in a non public and secrete ritual who is
> worthy to be a developer. The process is unclear.

As Gaetan already mentioned, the process is clear: somebody suggests a
new developer and we discuss until a consensus is reached. Feel free to
document that somewhere in our wiki if you think it needs to be
documented. If you have specific concerns with that process, feel free
to share them. However, I do not think anybody in the dev team ever had
any objections against that procedure.

>   - or use [extra] for a new purpose, like for example a proprietary
> repository, for all proprietary software. (I know that this is not
> possible for all packages, because we have binary blobs in device
> drivers and kernel modules).

The idea of having a separate repository for (most) proprietary sounds
sensible to me.

> At the moment a TU can access all packages inside of the [community]
> repository. Therefore they are able to modify packages in a good or bad
> manner. This can have nice effects and bad effects, how the past has
> shown to use, such as:
>   - rapid updates in case of security vulnerabilities (good effect)
>   - updates of packages, because somebody thought it needs an update,
> but the real reason for the delay was a bug inside of the new
> version of a software (bad effect)

Is there any hidden suggestion here?

> Depending on the repository access, we could reduce our organisation
> structure to just two groups: Devs and maintainers (a similar approach
> to big distributions like Debian). Devs could still have the
> 'superpower' for caring about infrastructure and legal/finance stuff and
> the group of trusted users and support staff would merge to one group of
> maintainers. With person-related access to package repositories we could
> tear down the whole repository structure to one, maybe two, repositories
> and we could give co-maintainership an actual meaning (permission to
> modify a foreign package).

I am confused. You are saying we are mixing too many roles above and
suggesting to reduce the number of roles now?

> At the moment the recruiting process for developers is pretty unclear,
> as well as the actual decision making inside of the developers group,
> veto permissions and other things. This leads to a 'they vs/with us'
> thinking and makes it difficult to increase contribution in the
> community. Therefore I would like to propose more transparency for
> all groups who are involved in Arch Linux development and more
> communication between devs and TUs. At the moment the devs will mostly
> say:"Ok, this is a TU thingie, so I don't need to get involved in this
> question regarding TU rules or rules for community or anything else".

We made the process transparent already. Again, feel free to document it
in a more "accessible" place.

If you think these discussions should be public, please explain why.
Most of the time, it is just a suggestion and a bunch of "+1", so
nothing exciting there. And *if* a developer ever brings up a concern
with somebody not being suited for the team due to, say, personal
concerns or inappropriate behavior, I guess that candidate would prefer
having that issue discussed in private.

> It would be also nice to form an actual roadmap (yes.. I know.. we are
> not a company, but a roadmap or overview over all current projects
> inside of our community would be nice). This way it would be also easier
> to contribute for 'outsiders'.

Does not sound like a bad idea to me. Feel free to create a draft.

Best regards,

Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public
On Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 04:10:45PM -1000, Public mailing list for Arch Linux 
development wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> [2019-06-02 01:08:30 +0200] Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public:
> > inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
> > community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
> > Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
> > would like to propose a discussion about changes.
> I seem to recall we've had a similar discussion just a couple of months
> ago but allow me to reiterate some key points.
> First, contrary to what you keep saying, the process by which devs make
> decisions is very clear: by discussing things until a consensus emerges.
> In extreme cases where a consensus cannot be reached, we can take a vote
> or let our leader decide, but this has never happened in the nine years
> I've been a dev.

Hi Gaetan,
Thanks for your mail. I remember now that you have told me this some
months ago. This leads to a question: Why are these types of dicussions
not public?

> I've been a dev. To the best of my knowledge, we're all very happy with
> this system and do not want to change it.

Who do you mean with 'we'? Are you sure you speak for all devs and TUs

> Second, our current organizational structure has served us well for many
> years. What problem are you trying to solve by overhauling it? What
> piece of evidence do you have that your suggestions will fix those
> problems? I'm certainly going to support imposing more bureaucracy just
> for the sake of bureaucracy. Again, if a certain system works for TUs,
> I'm glad and I'm certainly not going to impose my views on how TUs work;
> after all, that's why the TUs were made a self-governing body.

Well, that's point. I don't really think the current system works as it
could be. Why being happy with the current state of organisation if we
could achieve much more with a more simplified and more contributor
friendly model? And this 'self-governing body' is exactly what I don't
like. It increases this 'we and them' like thinking. Furthermore my
suggestions are not the best solution, it was just a start for
discussing our current structure. If you and the others see no point in
changing the current structure this is totally fine, I just think it's
important to rethink processes from time over time.

> Cheers.
> -- 
> Gaetan

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Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public
On Sun, Jun 02, 2019 at 01:07:12PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
> On 2/6/19 9:08 am, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> > 1. Simplified repositories
> > 
> > Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These three
> > repositories are there, because they have grown to this structure over
> > time. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of [core]
> > and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:
> >   - merge [extra] and [core]
> I stopped reading here.   If you don't understand the difference between
> [core] and [extra], you should ask.  Particularly before proposing the
> removal of [core].
> Allan

Hi Allan,
I didn't propose the removal of [core], I proposed a discussion around
the current repository and organisation structure. Merging [core] and
[extra] is just one of many ideas. If you have something to say, please
do so and don't keep your secret. I would be glad if you could share it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Allan McRae via arch-dev-public
On 2/6/19 9:08 am, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> 1. Simplified repositories
> Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These three
> repositories are there, because they have grown to this structure over
> time. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of [core]
> and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:
>   - merge [extra] and [core]

I stopped reading here.   If you don't understand the difference between
[core] and [extra], you should ask.  Particularly before proposing the
removal of [core].


Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Eli Schwartz via arch-dev-public
On 6/1/19 7:08 PM, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Sorry for the huge mail, I didn't thought it would get so long. If you
> feel attacked/angry or whatever about it, take a deep breath before you
> answer. I hope for a constructive discussion without personal attacks.
> inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
> community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
> Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
> would like to propose a discussion about changes.
> Please don't see this thread as an attack on your current position or
> whatever.
> I would like to propose a more democratic, simplified and more
> contribution friendly approach for our current hierarchy and
> organisation structure.
> At the moment we have the following three Groups (If I miss something feel
> free to correct me):
> - Devs
> - Trusted Users
> - Support Staff
> These three groups have the following 'features' and tasks:
> - Devs:
>   - Tasks:
> The developers care about [core] and [extra] repositories, they form
> a direction for the whole project 'arch linux' and they seem to have a
> veto-permission for TU decisions. Furthermore they have access on most
> infrastructure and they are maintaining/developing the core software
> like pacman. Some devs also care about trademarks, legal requests
> and finance or community events.

Core software like pacman... no one maintains pacman except for Dave,
Allan, and Andrew. Being a dev does not give you authority to maintain
or develop core software, being the appointed caretaker of core software
gives you that authority.

I'm a frequent contributor to pacman, despite being only a TU.

I, a TU, am also the maintainer and developer of a different core
infrastructure -- dbscripts. This is mainly because I volunteered to do so.

Jouke Witteveen is the maintainer and developer of netctl, which is
apparently our blessed networking utility and even distributed in [core]
and as part of the official installation media and install process (not
to knock his great work, but I still don't understand this choice :p as
my attempted bug report to add networkmanager to the archiso should
prove). Jouke is neither a TU nor a Dev, his only responsibility to the
Arch Linux project is as the netctl project lead.

On the topic of infrastructure, there are currently 37 Developers, and a
mere 9 of them have access to the infrastructure. I'm not positive about
this, but think one or more of these 9 may have been there since before
being accepted as a Dev. The 10th person with infrastructure access does
happen to be a forum moderator, but is not a Dev or a TU, and seems to
be happy with his current level of contribution (which is admittedly

> Therefore I would like to propose a discussion around the following
> things:
> 1. Simplified repositories
> Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These three
> repositories are there, because they have grown to this structure over
> time. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of [core]
> and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:
>   - merge [extra] and [core]
>   - or use [extra] for a new purpose, like for example a proprietary
> repository, for all proprietary software. (I know that this is not
> possible for all packages, because we have binary blobs in device
> drivers and kernel modules).

Nope nope nope. The division between [core] on the one hand and
[extra]/[community] on the other, is described here:
And there's pretty good and inviolable reasons for the split -- it makes
no sense to try merging it with anything else. It's unrelated to who has
access to package there -- but it does make some sense to restrict
packaging for [core] to the core project Devs.

Whether the split between [extra] and [community] makes sense is another
topic, one which could, I guess, be argued. In that case, it's a lot
more accurate to describe it as "two repos that are mostly similar in
terms of what software goes there, with nebulously defined boundaries
except for the former being restricted to only Devs".

> 2. Repository access
> At the moment a TU can access all packages inside of the [community]
> repository. Therefore they are able to modify packages in a good or bad
> manner. This can have nice effects and bad effects, how the past has
> shown to use, such as:
>   - rapid updates in case of security vulnerabilities (good effect)
>   - updates of packages, because somebody thought it needs an update,
> but the real reason for the delay was a bug inside of the new
> version of a software (bad effect)

I'd *probably* argue that "somebody thought it needs an update" is not
really a wonderful reason to bump someone 

Re: [arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Gaetan Bisson via arch-dev-public
Hi Christian,

[2019-06-02 01:08:30 +0200] Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public:
> inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
> community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
> Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
> would like to propose a discussion about changes.

I seem to recall we've had a similar discussion just a couple of months
ago but allow me to reiterate some key points.

First, contrary to what you keep saying, the process by which devs make
decisions is very clear: by discussing things until a consensus emerges.
In extreme cases where a consensus cannot be reached, we can take a vote
or let our leader decide, but this has never happened in the nine years
I've been a dev. To the best of my knowledge, we're all very happy with
this system and do not want to change it.

Second, our current organizational structure has served us well for many
years. What problem are you trying to solve by overhauling it? What
piece of evidence do you have that your suggestions will fix those
problems? I'm certainly going to support imposing more bureaucracy just
for the sake of bureaucracy. Again, if a certain system works for TUs,
I'm glad and I'm certainly not going to impose my views on how TUs work;
after all, that's why the TUs were made a self-governing body.



Description: PGP signature

[arch-dev-public] Proposal for a new organisation structure

2019-06-01 Thread Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public
Hello everybody,

Sorry for the huge mail, I didn't thought it would get so long. If you
feel attacked/angry or whatever about it, take a deep breath before you
answer. I hope for a constructive discussion without personal attacks.

inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
would like to propose a discussion about changes.

Please don't see this thread as an attack on your current position or

I would like to propose a more democratic, simplified and more
contribution friendly approach for our current hierarchy and
organisation structure.

At the moment we have the following three Groups (If I miss something feel
free to correct me):

- Devs
- Trusted Users
- Support Staff

These three groups have the following 'features' and tasks:

- Devs:
  - Tasks:
The developers care about [core] and [extra] repositories, they form
a direction for the whole project 'arch linux' and they seem to have a
veto-permission for TU decisions. Furthermore they have access on most
infrastructure and they are maintaining/developing the core software
like pacman. Some devs also care about trademarks, legal requests
and finance or community events.

  - How to be a developer?:
The developers will decide in a non public and secrete ritual who is
worthy to be a developer. The process is unclear.

- Trusted Users:
  - Tasks:
The trusted users care about the [community] repository, somehow some
TUs have more tasks like: security team involvement, wiki
administration, infrastructure administration, maintainership of
software projects and other infrastructure projects like docker
images, reproducible builds etc. Furthermore they care mostly about
the package quality in the AUR (eg. answering submitted requests...)

  - How to be a trusted user?:
It's well documented, we have rules for misbehavior, rules for
applying, guidelines for moving packages into community and more.

- Support Staff:
  - Tasks: They do various tasks like infrastructure administration,
wiki administration, bug wrangling, software contribution, forum
moderators, security team, but they have no access to any

  - How to be a support staff:
It's unclear, mostly a new contributor just knows the right people
and does the right thing at the right time and get somehow
acknowledged by developers or TUs for their work.

Ok, I hope this gives a good overview over all three groups. Besides
these groups, we have also people in more than of these groups. Anthraxx
is for example listed as (dev,tu and support staff) on our website, I am
listed as (tu and support staff) and so on.

So what is my actual proposal. Well my proposal is to simplify the whole
organisational structure, tear down bureaucracy, tear down 'walls' and
unify the community  and make it easier for
'outsiders' to contribute to the project we all love.

Therefore I would like to propose a discussion around the following

1. Simplified repositories

Currently we have [core], [extra] and [community]. These three
repositories are there, because they have grown to this structure over
time. At the moment I don't see any real meaning for the split of [core]
and [extra]. So one suggestion would be to either:
  - merge [extra] and [core]
  - or use [extra] for a new purpose, like for example a proprietary
repository, for all proprietary software. (I know that this is not
possible for all packages, because we have binary blobs in device
drivers and kernel modules).

2. Repository access

At the moment a TU can access all packages inside of the [community]
repository. Therefore they are able to modify packages in a good or bad
manner. This can have nice effects and bad effects, how the past has
shown to use, such as:
  - rapid updates in case of security vulnerabilities (good effect)
  - updates of packages, because somebody thought it needs an update,
but the real reason for the delay was a bug inside of the new
version of a software (bad effect)

3. Organisation structure

Depending on the repository access, we could reduce our organisation
structure to just two groups: Devs and maintainers (a similar approach
to big distributions like Debian). Devs could still have the
'superpower' for caring about infrastructure and legal/finance stuff and
the group of trusted users and support staff would merge to one group of
maintainers. With person-related access to package repositories we could
tear down the whole repository structure to one, maybe two, repositories
and we could give co-maintainership an actual meaning (permission to
modify a foreign package).

4. More transparency

At the moment the recruiting process for developers is pretty unclear,
as well as