Re: [arch-general] Weird artifacts after every pacman transaction

2017-10-27 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 10/28/2017 07:33 AM, Chorom Potro wrote:
> Hello,
> Couple of days ago my power was cut in the middle of an update (pacman was 
> updating purpose and atk), after the failed update my system would not run 
> any app because libpurpose and libatk was corrupted. So I did a force 
> reinstallation of both.
> Now everything is working but after each transaction I am seeing a bunch of 
> texts like these:
> ldconfig: File /usr/lib/ is empty, not checked.
> ...   Reinstall ffmpeg, it was probably part of the same botched update and
you haven't seen it yet because fewer apps depend on it.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Increase console size regardless of screen size

2017-08-27 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 08/27/2017 04:14 PM, Storm Dragon via arch-general wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am blind, and don't even have a screen connected to this computer. For some 
> reason, my console size is 30 lines and 80 columns. I've not seen this small 
> of a console before. they usually have 50+ lines and over 100 columns.
> I have searched for quite a while, but not found anything about increasing 
> the console size. I did find a python script that will set the screen to the 
> actual size, but it returns 30 80 as well, so no luck there either. One site 
> said you  could just export the lines and columns you want, but that failed, 
> even though the variables were set correctly.
> Is there any way to set the lines and columns regardless of the size your 
> computer believes the screen to be?
> Thanks for any help,
> Storm
I'd suggest trying to use "stty rows N columns M" to force terminal
size regarless of what the kernel believes it to be.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] xfce4-notifyd issues

2017-06-26 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 06/26/2017 06:30 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> Any idea how to resolve the conflict between these 2 notification 
> services?  (Without being forced to remove half of KDE?)
> For example, dbus seems to be selecting the kde plasma notification 
> service to respond to the org.freedesktop.Notifications service 
> messages, rather than the XFCE one.  Would you know if there's a way to 
> disable the plasma service, or tell dbus that the xfce one should have a 
> higher priority?
I'm not sure, but it looks like dbus is selecting the first one in
alphabetic order (here it chooses
org.freedesktop.mate.Notifications.service over
org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service). I don't know if there is a way to
specify a per-user override, but I would guess that symlinking
to /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
(or some similar name that comes before kde) has a fair chance of
solving the issue for you...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] xfce4-notifyd issues

2017-06-26 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 06/26/2017 04:32 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> My guess is because I have many KDE packages installed, even though I'm 
> not running KDE.  (My DE is XFCE.)
> I did that grep, but didn't see anything suspicious:
> [darose@darosedm services]$ find . -type f | xargs grep notify
Wrong grep. Try:
> grep org.freedesktop.Notifications -r /usr/share/dbus-1/services

and especially:
> grep org.kde.knotifications -r /usr/share/dbus-1/services

The second one in particular should not return anything but I'm betting
in your case it will...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] how to restore root and boot directory

2016-09-23 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 09/23/2016 07:46 PM, Fernando wrote:
> To list the packages that contains files in /boot use. You have to 
> reinstall those packages.
> pacman -Ql | grep " /boot/"
Or pacman -Qo /boot, which gives me:

/boot/ is owned by filesystem 2015.09-1
/boot/ is owned by intel-ucode 20160714-1
/boot/ is owned by linux 4.7.4-1
/boot/ is owned by linux-lts 4.4.21-1
/boot/ is owned by syslinux 6.03-6

So you need to reinstall at least "filesystem" and "linux" plus
whatever booloader you're using. Reinstalling "linux" should run
mkinitcpio automatically but your bootloader will need to be reconfigured.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 08/19/2016 06:12 PM, Jayesh Badwaik wrote:
> Okay, then other factors come in, Google and Redhat "actively" develop free 
> software. This 
> means that if they first write some software and then put a patent 
> application for it, most 
> often, the patent application can be invalidated through prior art. 
> Considering patents 
> take almost 12 to 18 months on average, 

Doesn't matter: what matters when considering prior art re
patentability is the date of first filing (*), not the date when the
patent is granted, so they can file first and publish the next day
without invalidating their own patent.


(*) Actually in the US, the law is even more permissive: you can patent
something that *you* have already published, provided that you file the
patent within six month of publishing the idea. Of course, this doesn't
apply if someone else published it first, and AFAIK it only applies in
the US.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 08/19/2016 03:28 AM, Hunter Connelly via arch-general wrote:
> Bash:ls -l | sed 's/ \+/,/g' | cut -d',' -f 5,9 | sort -g | tail -3

-->ls -sS | head -4 | tail -3

> PowerShell:  ls -file | sort -pr length | select length, name -l 3


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] kudos to Arch for packing keepassx 0.4.4-2

2016-06-21 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 06/21/2016 05:10 AM, David C. Rankin wrote:
> All,
>   Rarely to we have time to just stop and say kudos to a distro for smart
> choices in packaging, but kudos to Arch for packaging keepassx 0.4.4-2.
>   While keepassx2 is out, there is a simple efficiency and effective layout 
> for
> the original. Being a longtime user of keepassx, I've provided feedback to the
> project during version 2 development and have steadily watched it improve, 
> but I
> still prefer the original. Good job to the arch devs for packaging both 
> keepassx
> and keepassx2.
>   For those unfamiliar with the password management packages, I haven't found 
> a
> better package in over a decade. Try both, both are solid solutions.
I was'nt aware of keepassx2 until you mentionned it, but it appears
unable to import my keepassx db. So yay, thanks for keeping the legacy


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] gnome-keyring madness

2016-06-14 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 06/14/2016 02:21 PM, Kyle Terrien via arch-general wrote:
> Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> Take a look at
>>  ,
>> it should be your desktop environment that is auto starting.
> Thanks, but I tried that weeks ago.  It is not the autostart feature of
> the desktop environment that is starting gnome-keyring.  From what I can
> figure out, it is lightdm that is starting gnome-keyring.
Actually it's pam. Look in these files:



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] GTK2 GUIs became a PITA after upgrade

2016-04-12 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 04/12/2016 07:08 PM, Mauro Santos wrote:
> I was using clearlooks-phenix but with gtk 3.20 it is quite broken and
> it hasn't been updated in quite some time. I have no idea if the dev
> will code a new version for gtk 3.20+.
When launching a GTK3 application with the clearlooks phenix theme,
there are several warnings that feature such-and-such has been
deprecated and replaced by so-and-so. I've tried applying all the
suggested replacements and that got rid of the warnings, but
unfortunately it didn't fix the looks :( Downgrading for now and hoping
someone who knows more about GTK3 theme will update clearlooks phenix or
make some similar clearlooks-like theme for GTK 3.20+


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] pacman mirrorlist update

2015-06-19 Thread Jérôme M . Berger
On 06/19/2015 11:13 AM, Martti Kühne wrote:
 I'm planning to write some tools that would generally make handling of
 .pacnew files more accessible, too.
You mean like yaourt -C and pacdiffviewer?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Why are CA certifcates writable for every user?

2015-02-06 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
On 02/06/2015 01:27 AM, Tomasz Kramkowski wrote:
 On 05/02/15 19:20, Patrick Burroughs (Celti) wrote:
 their actual permissions are those of the target.
 From what I understand (and tests I've done, and discussions on arch
 channels on IRC) their actual permissions are inherited from the
 directory they are in AND from the permissions of a target.
 Actions that act on the target always inherit target permissions (read,
 write and execute). Actions that act on the link, however, always
 inherit the directory permissions (delete and move).
Delete and move always depend on the (parent) directory permission,
whether you operate on a symlink, a file or a subdirectory.

 This can be tested by symlinking a file from another user's home
 directory (which will obviously have to be done as root.

Actually, this does not need root. You can even create a symlink to a
non-existing file if you want. Actually *accessing* the symlink is
another matter of course.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Fwd: Kernel panic - after upgrade

2015-01-19 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
On 01/18/2015 11:20 PM, Uwe Koloska wrote:
 Am 18.01.2015 um 20:31 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 I would ignore 0 missing files to stay on top of things.

 sudo pacman -Qk | grep -v 0 missing files
 If you don't use english as your system language you should use the
 following or the grep misses the localized output:
   sudo LANG=C pacman -Qk | grep -v 0 missing files
Or `pacman -Qkq` which gives the same result while preserving the
language of the output.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] kernel compilation with ABS

2014-11-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Marcel Korpel wrote:
 * arnaud gaboury (Fri, 7 Nov 2014 13:01:11
 Not sure what you call the file, but I already tried many times to
 remove core/linux then run again $ ABSROOT=. abs core/linux.
 So you completely wiped out that directory (including linux-3.17.tar.xz
 which I wanted you to delete) and still get the same message,
 *including* the 'Resuming transfer' part? That's strange!
Unless he uses another source directory. What's the output from:

grep SRCDEST /etc/makepkg.conf ~/.makepkg.conf


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Apache (Roundcube) and /tmp

2014-06-17 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Ismael Bouya wrote:
 I tried to install roundcube (in community/), but it fails when it tries to
 check if he can write in his temp dir, which is a symlink that points to
 /tmp/roundcube and is rwx for http (and group http too).
 I have the same problem if I try to put the symlink to /var/tmp/roundcube, but
 it works with /var/lib/roundcube
 Note that I update the open_basedir each time, and absolutely no message show 
 the logs concerning fails to write in /var/tmp or /tmp (only when I forget to
 change the open_basedir value for php). Any idea where it can come from? Did I
 miss something in apache (or php?) configuration?
 Thanks in advance!

My guess is, this is an issue with systemd private temp. Namely
what roundcube sees as /tmp is not the real /tmp but is really a
folder with a name like /tmp/systemd-private- which probably
does not contain the roundcube folder. The same is true for
/var/tmp, but not for /var/lib which explains why it works there.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] netctl/systemd - permission error in dmesg - need fixing?

2014-05-02 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David C. Rankin wrote:
   Checking dmesg, I found the line:
 [2.865094] systemd[1]: Configuration file
 /etc/systemd/system/netctl@rlf_network\x2dstatic.service is marked
 world-inaccessible. This has no effect as configuration data is accessible via
 APIs without restrictions. Proceeding anyway.
   Checking /etc/systemd/system, I find the file with 0600 perms:
 -rw--- 1 root root  200 Dec  5 10:44 netctl@rlf_network\x2dstatic.service
   Checking /etc/netctl, the netctl file originally read IS world readable:
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root  424 Dec  4 08:20 rlf_network-static
   What is causing systemd or netctl to create the file in /etc/systemd/system
 with 0600, thereby causing the dmesg entry?
   Does this need to be fixed? (if so, I'll file - but is this a bug?)
   I found a similar, but unrelated thread here:
I'm not sure exactly what you did, but here the only netctl-related
files I have in /etc/systemd are in and
are symlinks to /usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl-ifplugd@.service

In your case if the file is directly in /etc/systemd/system then it
should probably be removed unless you have copied one of the
/usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl*@.service files and made
modifications to it in which case, you might want to look here for
info on how to override systemd unit settings:

If your file is in one of the *.target.wants folders then it should
definitely be a symlink.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Move from libjpeg-turbo to mozjpeg

2014-03-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
N30N wrote:
 Hi there,
 Mozilla have made a fork of the libjpeg-turbo package called mozjpeg,
 which features improved encoding:
 I'd like to propose making the switch. The library configuration
 defaults are the same as for libjpeg-turbo, in order to make transitions
 as painless as possible. A PKGBUILD can be found on the AUR:
 Thanks for your consideration,

mozjpeg offers slightly improved compression at the cost of up to
x10 increase in compression time (*). It may be something to
consider later if they manage to improve the speed although they
expect that it will always remain slower than libjpeg-turbo.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-10 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Tom Gundersen wrote:
 Options related to the init-system, such as where the lock-file is
 located should be indicated as an option in ExecStart. The reason this
 makes sense is that it must match what is specifid in PIDFile=. The
 same goes for any other option that systemd requires to be a certain
 value to function correctly. All these options are things that the
 admin would not usually change.

 However, options that are unrelated to the init-system should not be
 specified in ExecStart=, but should be configured in the applications
 own configuration file. It has nothing to do with systemd, so for
 systemd to just stupidly read it from one location and pass it on to
 the program without touching it seems wrong on a conceptual level.
Conceptually, you are right. Unfortunately not all applications
work that way today, so we need a way to pass the options to the
applications that don't.

 More concretely, why we should avoid /etc/conf.d (and why all distros
 should discourage similar use of their own config directories):
  * it is distro-specific, so once we switch to unit files provided by
 upstream, we would have to change the location of the configuration
 file ...
  * most packages have their own configuration file [...], what do we
 then do when one day the config files are extended
 to deal with all the options? If we drop /etc/conf.d support we'll
 have the same problems as above: package by package changing
From time to time, a package update requires changes to the
configuration. This would only be one more such time. Moreover, the
problem is the same once someone has customized the unit file.

OTOH the /etc/conf.d file could be marked as a config file in the
package and therefore go through the pacnew/pacsave mechanism on
updates. Today, most Arch users are used to checking for
pacnew/pacsave files regularly so they would spot the change as soon
as the /etc/conf.d file got removed from the package and a .pacsave
appeared in its place.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-10 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Daniel Micay wrote:
 The issue with /etc/conf.d is that it's Arch-specific. There are still
 a lot of cases where the packages themselves still provide the units,
 but there is a push to get them upstream whenever possible to remove a
 lot of burden from the packagers, and share more work between
Well, once the unit is upstreamed, the /etc/conf.d/foo file gets
renamed to foo.pacsave and the onus of providing a way to specify
the options falls to upstream. But for the time being, we need a
solution for the units that are provided in Arch packages.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-09 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:
 Hello list,
 from a reply I got to a bug report (FS#32817, reply is private) I found
 out that configuration files in /etc/conf.d are deprecated and that the
 supported way is to replicate and customize service files.
 Imagine that in /usr unit file the daemon is being called as binary
 -d. So I create the /etc unit file that supersedes it and calls it as
 blah -d -n1. Then the package gets updated and the /usr unit file
 changes to binary -d --lock=/whatever/path.
 As you can see I won't get the update because I've overriden the unit
 file, I won't get any warning either, but if the original unit file
 called binary -d --lock=/whatever/path $BLAH_ARGS there would have
 been no such problem.
 /etc/conf.d is a weaker but more elegant mechanism. I'm not saying it
 should replace unit files, but it should work *with* unit files, as the
 Arch way even if not in Freedesktop's - Fedora's recommendations. Of
 course anyone will still be free to copy and customize the unit file.
 So I'm curious to know why this mechanism was deprecated? Is it speed we
 gain by not including the EnvironmentFile directive in the systemd unit
 file? Is there some other reason I might be missing?
Note that this is not an isolated request. At least FS#32354,
FS#32336 and FS#32275 report the same for different packages.

Note also that the systemd devs have stated that although the right
way(tm) would be for all daemons to take their parameters from some
config file of their own, using EnvironmentFile is an acceptable
workaround for daemons that still take parameters from the command
line. See:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] SystemD: Is there a way to disable PrivateTmp globally?

2012-11-02 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Dave Reisner wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 10:48:53AM +0100, Rodrigo Rivas wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:11 PM, Jan Steffens wrote:

 The files are in subdirectories. /tmp/systemd-private-XX is bound to
 /var/tmp/systemd-private-XX is bound to /var/tmp.

 Also you can get which directories are used by which process with the
 following command:

 $ sudo grep systemd-private /proc/*/mountinfo

 I don't know if there is a proper tool to do that, though.

 Find the pid of the process, and findmnt can show you a pretty layout of
 the mount namespace:
   findmnt -N pid
Thanks a lot Jan, Rodrigo and Dave. That takes care of the main
reasons why I didn't want private tmp.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] What is FONT_MAP for?

2012-11-02 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Jan Steffens wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Damjan wrote:
 On чет, 01 ное 2012 14:28:43 CET, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Tom Gundersen wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  So what is FONT_MAP for?
 Check the setfont(8) manpage.

 Thanks. So if I understand correctly, it is useful for programs
 that output 8 bit characters that are not valid UTF-8 sequences and
 serves to convert their output into valid unicode for display, right?
 some console fonts don't have a Unicode map, so they're essentially an
 index - glyph file where index is from 0-255. A unicode map adds a
 Unicode Code Point - index mapping.


 Now I'm confused. According to setfont(8), there are two kinds of
 maps (not counting the keymap): the console map (option -m) and the
 unicode font map (option -u). What you describes appears to be the
 unicode font map but that still leaves the other one.

 BTW, which does FONT_MAP refer to? I tried to grep through /etc to
 see how it is used in the initscripts, but this only shows the
 vconsole.conf entry...

 If you look at man vconsole.conf, you see there's both FONT_MAP and
 FONT_MAP refers to the console map, not the unicode font map.
Thanks Jan. So the unicode font map is for when the font file does
not provide the association between unicode character and glyph
index, like Damjan wrote. What about the console map? Is it what I
described: a mapping from 8 bits to Unicode for programs that output
extended ASCII characters? This is what I understood from the
setfont man page, but given Damjan's earlier post I prefer to ask
for confirmation.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] What is FONT_MAP for?

2012-11-01 Thread Jérôme M. Berger

I've looked in the wiki, but I cannot find what FONT_MAP is for.
This wiki page seems to confuse it with the keymap: since it
says Now, set the proper keymap, [...]: FONT_MAP= However, I
thought the keymap was configured with KEYMAP=

My system appears to work with:

I can't type accented characters in the console (neither the text
consoles F1-F6, nor the X terminals like urxvt or konsole) but those
characters are displayed fine when I cat a UTF-8 file. Not a big
issue, just curious.

So what is FONT_MAP for?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] SystemD: Is there a way to disable PrivateTmp globally?

2012-11-01 Thread Jérôme M. Berger

Is there a way to disable Private Tmp globally? I know I can
disable it by copying all the affected unit files to /etc/systemd
and removing it there but is there a way to disable it once and for all?

The reasons I want to disable it are:
- I don't need it: this is a single user machine that sits behind a
firewall and doesn't run any publicly available servers, so the
security issues that private tmp solves are not important for this
- I want to know where the files are, and I especially do not want
them in a tmpfs. According to the docs I was able to find, private
tmp is implemented using kernel namespace but that tells me
nothing about where the data is stored;
- I want to be able to access those files for debugging purposes.
For example, I have some custom Apache modules that dump debug
information to files in /tmp and I need to be able to access them.
However, I haven't found any way to access the private tmp of a
service, even as root.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] What is FONT_MAP for?

2012-11-01 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Damjan wrote:
 On чет, 01 ное 2012 14:28:43 CET, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Tom Gundersen wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  So what is FONT_MAP for?

 Check the setfont(8) manpage.

 Thanks. So if I understand correctly, it is useful for programs
 that output 8 bit characters that are not valid UTF-8 sequences and
 serves to convert their output into valid unicode for display, right?
 some console fonts don't have a Unicode map, so they're essentially an
 index - glyph file where index is from 0-255. A unicode map adds a
 Unicode Code Point - index mapping.
 Most fonts in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts should have bult-in maps
 (haven't checked though). For those that don't have it, there's the -m
 option in setfont or FONT_MAP.
 Without an unicode map, you must make sure the loaded font has the same
 layout as the charset you're using. Without the unicode map you can't
 use utf8
Now I'm confused. According to setfont(8), there are two kinds of
maps (not counting the keymap): the console map (option -m) and the
unicode font map (option -u). What you describes appears to be the
unicode font map but that still leaves the other one.

BTW, which does FONT_MAP refer to? I tried to grep through /etc to
see how it is used in the initscripts, but this only shows the
vconsole.conf entry...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] systemd native files in etc

2012-08-24 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Oon-Ee Ng wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 The 23/08/12, Ike Devolder wrote:

 No there is no package providing those files.

 why ?

 if arch would provide you with defaults every time the defaults get updated
 you would get *.pacnew files in your etc. since those files are depending on
 your system and are user choice it would not be good to provide those.
 What upgrade are you talking about? OP is talking about configuration
 files not willing to be upgraded for years (if not for their whole life

 I tend to think it's a mistake.

 Nicolas Sebrecht
 If the files are provided in linked packages to their functionality,
 there'd be a new .pacnew everytime the linked package was updated.
According to the pacman man page (and my own experience), a .pacnew
is created only if the file from the new package is different from
the file from the old package. If both are the same, then no .pacnew
is generated even if the user modified the file.

It would therefore be a good idea to have these files in a package,
because if an option is added to one of the files then it will be
immediately apparent.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] OT: [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-15 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Or much better self responsibility, sorry, I couldn't
 resist. Use jackd, read the ff manual and control audio streams
 yourself. Automation always tends to fail.
How I agree that manual control will give better results assuming
one knows what he is doing, but... Tell me, have you calibrated your
monitor? Most people are quite happy with good enough for things
outside their main domains of activity/interest. You, as a sound
engineer, will want more from your sound setup. People working in
video or photography will want more from their displays. Others will
be happy so long as their computer just works(tm). To each his own.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] OT: [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-13 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2012-08-12 at 19:38 +0200, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  Actually, that's one point where PA is right (even though it's
 wrong on a lot of other points): doing it like (2) avoids amplifying
 the quantification noise if the sound card applies the master gain
 in analog (or uses higher bit depths internally before the DACs as
 some do).

  When cascading amplifiers, it is always better to put the highest
 possible gain on the first stages (always leaving enough headroom to
 avoid clipping/distortion) so that later stages will not amplify the
 noise from the first stages (or so that they will reduce it along
 with the signal). The only case when this rule does not hold is when
 doing digital processing in floating point (because then the
 quantification noise is defined as a proportion of the actual signal
 instead of its potential maximum).

 If you do a mix you should keep the first stages within a good level
 that fits to the operating points of the op-amps, when ever possible,
 but you do the mix at that point, followed by sub groups followed by the
 master, the earlier the stage, the more you'll work with levels, you do
 less work for the sub groups and the most less work for for the master.
 You won't readjust the master continuous, especially not for a live
Two points:

- You don't readjust the master continuously, but you don't
add/remove sources on the fly either. You adjust the master in the
beginning when you setup your system, but the reason you can do that
is because you know exactly what sources you will have and what
kinds of levels those sources generate.

- Keep the first stages within a good level that fits the operating
points of the op-amps. In practice, this is done by using the
maximum level that does not produce distortion. When talking digital
signals, this means keep the level at 0dB for as long as possible.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] OT: [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-13 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Fons Adriaensen wrote:
 16 bit means that there are 2^16 possible values for a sample. So the
 signal is quantised to the nearest level. Except in some special cases,
 the error (a rounding error) is random and appears as noise. For a
 16-bit card, that noise will have a level that is 98 dB lower than
 the maximum amplitude sine wave it can produce. Let's assume the card
 is not really 'perfect' and you actually have 95 dB of dynamic range.
Where does that 98dB come from? A factor of 2 is roughly 3dB, so 16
bits should mean 3x16=48dB, no? Taking this figure, your example
where the maximum level is set to 110dB will leave 62dB for pure
noise, i.e between the level of a TV set and a handheld electric
mixer (1) so perfectly audible.

BTW, I generated a minimum amplitude signal in audacity and played
it with my speaker volume set to max and it was perfectly audible
(even with my window open and the birds singing outside). Since
quantification noise is half that, it should be audible too.

 If you don't believe this then ask yourself why speakers having
 an integrated amplifier and a digital input are so popular in
 professional circles. There is no 'volume' control on those (at
 least not one you'd normally use) the only way to play at low
 levels is by not using all the bits.

I doubt those use 16 bits input. Even low-end hi-fi digital
recorders support 24 bits, which gives -72dB for the noise and
starts indeed to be acceptable. But most end-user will simply set
their system to CD quality (or leave it at the default which is
usually that same 16bits 44kHz, whatever name the app chose to gave it).

 But there's not reason why a software mixer
 shouldn't use floating point, or a fixed point format (e.g.
 32 bit integers) that provides enough room above and below.

Well, 16 bits integers should be faster to process. The difference
is not important when your computer is doing nothing but audio
processing anyway, but we're talking end-user system here and sound
mixing is simply a background process that should not take too much
time from the real work of the computer, even if this results in
less than optimal sound quality. You might argue that the difference
in computing requirements is very little, but keep in mind that the
real work could be a computer game where every cycle counts.

This is especially true in the most common case where there is a
single sound source: PA can send the sound directly to the sound
card without wasting any time adjusting the gain in software first.




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] OT: [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-12 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Fons Adriaensen wrote:
 It is never necessary. It it were that would imply that a sound
 card without any gain controls (equivalent to a fixed 0 dB gain)
 would fail in some cases. It doesn't. In fact many PRO cards are
 just like that.
 If you have apps A, B, C with volumes a, b, c you can always
 set the HW gain to unity gain (0dB), and send 
   s = a * A + b * B + c * C (1)
 to the soundcard. What would be the advantage of doing what
 PA does, which is
 * m = maximum of a, b, c)
 * Set the master to m,
 * send 
   s = a/m * A + b/m * B + c/m * C(2)
 It can only generate trouble, basically you forfeit any
 headroom the system would have. 
Actually, that's one point where PA is right (even though it's
wrong on a lot of other points): doing it like (2) avoids amplifying
the quantification noise if the sound card applies the master gain
in analog (or uses higher bit depths internally before the DACs as
some do).

When cascading amplifiers, it is always better to put the highest
possible gain on the first stages (always leaving enough headroom to
avoid clipping/distortion) so that later stages will not amplify the
noise from the first stages (or so that they will reduce it along
with the signal). The only case when this rule does not hold is when
doing digital processing in floating point (because then the
quantification noise is defined as a proportion of the actual signal
instead of its potential maximum).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Glibc 2.16.0-2 and /lib problem : the answer ;)

2012-07-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
fredbezies wrote:
 Well, Tom gave the answer. Boot on rescue-CD / rescue USB-key.
 Remove /lib.
Careful about that! The current stable kernel (3.4.4-2) still has
its modules in /lib/modules/ so if you remove /lib you may not be
able to boot!

 And create a symlink : ln -sf /usr/lib lib
 I think there will be a lot of problem for a lot of users when glibc
 2.16.0-x will be uploaded on core.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Huge log file for SLiM

2012-07-03 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
 I deleted the /var/log/slim.log file, however the filesystem still
 reports being full... That is weird. Sure, 27G files aren't a common
 occurence. I hope my filesystem is not thrashed.
Have you restarted slim since deleting /var/log/slim.log? If not,
the running process still has a handle on the file which prevents
the space from being reclaimed.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Installing to RAID .. cannot reboot

2012-06-21 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
D. R. Evans wrote:
 Paul Gideon Dann said the following at 06/21/2012 03:41 AM :
 On Wednesday 20 Jun 2012 11:27:54 D. R. Evans wrote:
 When I try to reboot, I receive the error message:
   ERROR: device /dev/md0 not found
   ERROR: unable to find root device /dev/md0
 To me, this sounds like the RAID array is being given the wrong name, or the 
 mdadm hook isn't being added to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.

 Extract from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf (sorry about any possible wrapping issue):
Try adding raid1 there...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] Console font not working anymore

2012-05-17 Thread Jérôme M. Berger

Following a system update, I noticed that the console font is not
set anymore (I can't tell how recent this is since I don't go to the
console everyday). After some judicious editing of
/etc/rc.d/functions (to remove a 2/dev/null and add a sleep so that
I can see the error messages) and some googling, I found that the
issue was due to the framebuffer not being initialized. I now have
two issues:

First issue: how can I find the right value for the vga= option?
According to
there are three ways, none of which work:
- GRUB recognized value - does not list my monitor resolution
(1920x1080) and the other 16:9 codes listed (1280x720) appear to be
wrong since they result in a distorted display;
- hwinfo --framebuffer - does not show anything. I looked through
the full hwinfo output without options, but there didn't seem to be
anything framebuffer related there;
- vbetest - does not work in 64 bits.

Second issue: when I activate the framebuffer with some default
resolution (say 1024x768 vga=773), the font is set properly, but it
is not kept: a few seconds after setting the font, the screen
resolution changes and the font goes back to the default. Once the
computer has finished booting, if I log in as root, source
/etc/rc.conf and /etc/rc.d/functions, then call set_consolefont
manually, the console fonts are set properly and kept until I reboot.

I have a fully up to date 64bits Arch install. The relevant hardware is:
- CPU: Athlon 64X2 3800+
- Graphic card: ATI Radeon HD 4350
- Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster P2370

Thanks in advance,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Console font not working anymore

2012-05-17 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Patrick Burroughs wrote:
 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Second issue: when I activate the framebuffer with some default
 resolution (say 1024x768 vga=773), the font is set properly, but it
 is not kept: a few seconds after setting the font, the screen
 resolution changes and the font goes back to the default. Once the
 computer has finished booting, if I log in as root, source
 /etc/rc.conf and /etc/rc.d/functions, then call set_consolefont
 manually, the console fonts are set properly and kept until I reboot.
 The framebuffer is reset because KMS is enabled. I would remove any
 'vga' line from your config and try enabling early KMS in your
Thanks, that fixed both issues for me.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-19 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Norbert Zeh wrote:
 Jérôme M. Berger [2012.04.19 0757 +0200]:
  Same again, since the latest -Syu the normal image fails to mount
 my RAID arrays but the fallback image works. This is even with
 raid456 in MODULES...
 This is just a shot in the dark, but which MODULES line are you referring to,
 the one in rc.conf or the one in mkinitcpio.conf?  For the module to be loaded
 as part of your ramfs, it should probably be included in the latter.
The latter. If you read the whole thread, you'll see that I had the
same symptoms last week and solved the issue by adding raid456 to
MODULES in mkinitcpio.conf. Then this morning the issue appeared
again: although raid456 was in the initramfs (as evidenced by
running lsmod when the boot failed) the RAID arrays were not found
(as evidenced by cat /proc/mdstat).

Funny thing is: tonight it worked although I hadn't changed
anything (no updates, no config changes, nothing).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-18 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Gour wrote:
 On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:22:15 +0200
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

   Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal
 image. The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID
 arrays are not recognized.
 Have you tried to boot with liveCd, chroot, rebuild your images? (don't
 forget to mount /boot).

 Well, the fallback image works so I don't need a livecd to rebuild
 the images. However I have made some tests that caused the fallback
 image to fail too and in that case I did rebuild the image from a

 Can you access your RAID arrays from within liveCD?

 Yes, as well as with the fallback image.

  I believe I have progressed: when listing the contents of the
 initramfs, the md_mod and raid456 modules are not included. And
 since my root partition uses RAID-5... I'll try to add md_mod
 manually and see if that helps.

   It is confirmed: I don't know where md_mod comes from (it appears
 in lsmod but I can't find it on the disk), but adding raid456
 manually to MODULES fixes the issue. Anybody know why it suddenly
 stopped being included in my initramfs?
Same again, since the latest -Syu the normal image fails to mount
my RAID arrays but the fallback image works. This is even with
raid456 in MODULES...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-11 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Gour wrote:
 On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:22:15 +0200
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal
 image. The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID
 arrays are not recognized.
 Have you tried to boot with liveCd, chroot, rebuild your images? (don't
 forget to mount /boot).
Well, the fallback image works so I don't need a livecd to rebuild
the images. However I have made some tests that caused the fallback
image to fail too and in that case I did rebuild the image from a

 Can you access your RAID arrays from within liveCD?
Yes, as well as with the fallback image.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-11 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Gour wrote:
 On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:22:15 +0200
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

 Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal
 image. The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID
 arrays are not recognized.
 Have you tried to boot with liveCd, chroot, rebuild your images? (don't
 forget to mount /boot).

   Well, the fallback image works so I don't need a livecd to rebuild
 the images. However I have made some tests that caused the fallback
 image to fail too and in that case I did rebuild the image from a
 Can you access your RAID arrays from within liveCD?

   Yes, as well as with the fallback image.

I believe I have progressed: when listing the contents of the
initramfs, the md_mod and raid456 modules are not included. And
since my root partition uses RAID-5... I'll try to add md_mod
manually and see if that helps.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-11 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Gour wrote:
 On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:22:15 +0200
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal
 image. The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID
 arrays are not recognized.
 Have you tried to boot with liveCd, chroot, rebuild your images? (don't
 forget to mount /boot).

  Well, the fallback image works so I don't need a livecd to rebuild
 the images. However I have made some tests that caused the fallback
 image to fail too and in that case I did rebuild the image from a

 Can you access your RAID arrays from within liveCD?

  Yes, as well as with the fallback image.

   I believe I have progressed: when listing the contents of the
 initramfs, the md_mod and raid456 modules are not included. And
 since my root partition uses RAID-5... I'll try to add md_mod
 manually and see if that helps.
It is confirmed: I don't know where md_mod comes from (it appears
in lsmod but I can't find it on the disk), but adding raid456
manually to MODULES fixes the issue. Anybody know why it suddenly
stopped being included in my initramfs?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-10 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Jochen Maes (Gcool) wrote:
 mdadm_udev supports assembling the array via udev. The idea is to
 replace mdadm with mdadm_udev.
Thanks, but I get the same result with mdadm_udev as with mdadm
(and same with the latests kernel update for what it's worth).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-10 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Gour wrote:
 On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:22:15 +0200
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal
 image. The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID
 arrays are not recognized.
 I had similar/same problem after recent upgrade and, after trying
 downgrading kernel etc., noticed that, somehow, my mkinitcpio.conf got
 messed during upgrade and was missing some of the required hooks.
 My conf looks like:
 HOOKS=base udev mdadm_udev autodetect lvm2 pata scsi sata usb filesystems 
 I've raid-1 setup with everything under lvm2.
My conf looks like this:

HOOKS=base udev fsck autodetect pata scsi sata mdadm filesystems
usbinput shutdown

RAID-1 or 5 depending on the partitions, no lvm.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger

Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal image.
The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID arrays are
not recognized.

I have checked that the mdadm hook is still present in

I have tried re-running mkinitcpio -p linux - no change.

I have tried downgrading mkinitcpio to the previous version -
mkinitcpio complains about a missing file:
/lib/modprobe.d/usb-load-ehci-first.conf then neither image works.

I have tried downgrading the kernel - no change.

Is there something that I need to change in my configuration or
should I file a bug?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot boot since latest -Syu

2012-04-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Thanks for your reply,

Jochen Maes (Gcool) wrote:
 Have you also upgraded the mkinitcpio package to 0.8.6 (see for details on why)?
Yes, mkinitcpio is at 0.8.6-2. I only tried downgrading to see if
that solved my RAID problem, but it makes it worse.

 Also, consider using the mdadm_udev hook.
Is that in addition to or instead of the mdadm hook? mkinitcpio -H
mdadm_udev does not give much information.


 2012/4/7, Jérôme M. Berger

  Since yesterday's upgrade, I cannot boot using the normal image.
 The fallback image still works. The issue is that my RAID arrays are
 not recognized.

  I have checked that the mdadm hook is still present in

  I have tried re-running mkinitcpio -p linux - no change.

  I have tried downgrading mkinitcpio to the previous version -
 mkinitcpio complains about a missing file:
 /lib/modprobe.d/usb-load-ehci-first.conf then neither image works.

  I have tried downgrading the kernel - no change.

  Is there something that I need to change in my configuration or
 should I file a bug?




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk

2012-03-09 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David Rosenstrauch wrote:
 Been seeing a weird quirk with KDE's konqueror recently.  Was wondering
 if this is something unique to my personal configuration, or if it's an
 upstream bug that needs to be filed.  Can some KDE user confirm?
 1) Launch konqueror in file manager mode.  e.g.:
 [darose@daroselin ~]$ konqueror /tmp
 2) Go to the right pane, which lists the files in /tmp.  Find an empty
 area in the pane and right-click on it.  (i.e., don't right-click on a
 file)  That pops up a menu.
 3) Select Create New.  That pops up a sub-menu.
 4) Select Text File   That pops up a box to enter the file name.
 5) Enter a file name of (for example) foobar.txt.
 6) The file that gets created is foobar.txt.desktop.
 7) WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
 Anyone else seeing this behavior too?
Same issue here, both with Konqueror and Dolphin (makes sense as I
understand they use the same kpart for file browsing).

Latest 64 bits 4.8.1 packages.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] fakeroot package() - mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied

2012-03-03 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David C. Rankin wrote:
 On 03/03/2012 04:39 PM, Allan McRae wrote:
   I'm not sure what makepkg needs to tell it to put the packages in the 
 from within the Makefile. Anyone else been bitten by this? Any quick fix?

 make INSTALL_ROOT=$pkdir install

 What determines whether you need:
   make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
   make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install
 Can you grep something before building and tell?
A lot of software uses the GNU autotools to generate the makefiles.
You can tell by the presence of the files (or and For most of those DESTDIR should work
(unless the developer added some custom rules that don't follow the
usual practice).

For other software, there is no easy way to tell. I have seen
DESTDIR, DEST_DIR and INSTALL_ROOT among others (plus some software
does not have a way to install like that and you need to change the
prefix and cross your fingers that it will work).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Help needed to find a system/graphics related bug in my Music Notation Editor. (Little time and effort for you)

2012-01-19 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Nils wrote:
 Hello list!
 I hope this is not offtopic and I hope to find help here because Archlinux 
 has python3 as default python. 
 I have a software, a Music Notation Editor,  here that can start in a 
 one-liner and I need to find a bug that only occurs on some systems.
 git clone git://  cd Laborejo  
 This will download and run my software Laborejo as normal user without 
 installing anything. The only modifications to your system are new dir 
 .laborejo in your home directory and the downloaded files via git. The only 
 dependency is pyqt and git to download it 
 You will see 5 lines and a symbol. The symbol must be perfectly alingned 
 within the five lines (one pixel above can be tolerated). It should look like 
 Do you see that symbol shifted up or down or is it correct?
 Could you please answer me with the following information attached: Your 
 graphic driver (type (ati, nvidia, intel etc. and closed or open source?) 
 and desktop enviroment/window manager (Gnome, KDE, xfce, i3 etc.). If you 
 want to add more information like qt version or X-Server it would be nice as 
 well. Everything display related helps:
 I believe closed nvidia drivers will shift the symbol. I tested it myself on 
 ati and intel graphics, both 32 and 64 bit and it looked good, both on Linux 
 and Windows. Other users with ati and intel GPU's had no problem. But two 
 persons with an nvidia card had the wrong display. 
 It would be very nice to hear from you!
 *The only modifications to your system are new dir .laborejo in your home 
 directory and the downloaded files via git.
Shifted up (and so are the note heads if I add some notes to the
score). ATI Radeon HD 4350 with the open-source drivers and Awesome
WM on a 64 bits box.

Package versions

extra/python 3.2.2-2
extra/pyqt 4.9-2
extra/python2 2.7.2-4
extra/python2-pyqt 4.9-2
extra/xf86-video-ati 6.14.3-1
extra/xorg-server 1.11.3-1
archlinuxfr/awesome 3.4.11-3

uname -a

Linux  3.1.9-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 14 09:11:37 CET 2012
x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ AuthenticAMD


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] pacman/libalpm/libfetch do not honor TMPDIR

2011-11-30 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Leonid Isaev wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 19:50:46 +0100
 Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  And if your machine only boots very rarely (because it runs
 continuously or because you hibernate it instead of rebooting) then
 your temporary folder is never cleaned up. The solution that makes
 the most sense is to have /tmp on a disk and to use tmpwatch [1][2]
 in a cron job to clean it up regularly.


 I am not sure what you mean, but we have uptimes averaging 170 days on the
 cluster (arch/rhel/ubuntu) and never had a single problem with overfull
 ext2 /tmp (FS size ~10Gb).
You can afford to waste *10Gb of RAM* with files that are not
accessed for over 5 months? Man, you're rich :)

 Again, you are thinking pure desktop (even not workstation) -- the most
 important file in your /tmp is a youtube video. What about various backup
 solutions which run continuously over the above 5 month period? Or various
 user data which they put in /tmp? Or data from compilation? Or situations when
 RAM is a resource?
No, actually I'm thinking mostly server (with an average uptime of
6 months). The long uptime means that cleaning /tmp on boot makes no
sense since booting happens so rarely. Therefore some other means
of cleaning it is required and cron+tmpwatch is the best way to do
it (you could of course roll your own script to replace tmpwatch,
but why go to the trouble when someone else has already done it and
tested it in all the stupid corner cases with race conditions,
symlinks and so on).

Another issue with force cleaning /tmp on boot is that those
twice-a-year reboots are often due to external problems (power
outage for example). In that case, it is often useful to still have
access to the files you were using 5 min before the reboot even if
those files will stop being useful in a day or two and can then
safely be removed.

 Hibernating is a purely windows concept, doing it on a linux machine is
 basically looking for trouble, especially because hibernation gives no 
 over shutting down.

I never reboot my laptop unless I just upgraded the kernel and I
don't have any issues. Hibernation has two benefits over shutting down:
- Waking up is faster (ok, that's a small benefit because booting
Arch is very fast, but still...)
- When waking up from hibernation, you get your desktop exactly the
way you left it, including any open files and tasks in progress.
This is especially useful when using a laptop on the move: start
working on something in the train, hibernate when you arrive at your
station, then wake up when you reach your desk and immediately pick
up where you left off).

This has nothing to do with windows (although I admit that
hibernating is a purely laptop concept: I don't hibernate my desktop
PC and even less my servers).

 And IMHO putting a simple hook into /etc/pm is much more
 rational than having yet another daemon.

What other daemon? Cron is already running anyway, so all that is
needed is a simple hook in /etc/cron.daily.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] pacman/libalpm/libfetch do not honor TMPDIR

2011-11-29 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David Rosenstrauch wrote:
 On 11/25/2011 11:55 AM, Leonid Isaev wrote:
 Actually, what is stupid is keeping /tmp in RAM. It is an important
 dir, where
 you might have an valuable info in case of a system crash. I could never
 understand the logic behind this choice.
 Actually, I think it makes a lot of sense.  It lets you truly use it as
 a repository for temporary files.  Any files written there will get
 automatically wiped out at the next boot.
And if your machine only boots very rarely (because it runs
continuously or because you hibernate it instead of rebooting) then
your temporary folder is never cleaned up. The solution that makes
the most sense is to have /tmp on a disk and to use tmpwatch [1][2]
in a cron job to clean it up regularly.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] pacman -Sl

2011-09-03 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Joker-jar wrote:
 Hello! I just made `pacman -Ql ...` analogue for don't installed packages.
 Enjoy ;)
You mean like “pkgfile -l” ?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Ethernet stopped working after update

2011-06-27 Thread Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 On 06/26/2011 04:53 PM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 What does route say in this case? I had a similar problem with
 the update which was due to the gateway being ignored. At that point
 I switched to netcfg which worked fine...

 Looks fine to me. Same output as I get on my laptop.
 # route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface UG0  00
 eth0   U 0  00
Not the same issue then, I did not have the first line... Switching
to netcfg might still be an option however.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Ethernet stopped working after update

2011-06-26 Thread Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Trying dhcp with the old syntax fails, and configuring a static ip
 appears to succeed, but then fails when I try to do something with the
 eth0=eth0 netmask broadcast
 gateway=default gw
What does route say in this case? I had a similar problem with
the update which was due to the gateway being ignored. At that point
I switched to netcfg which worked fine...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] vbox PUEL: copy/pate Arch host - Arch guest not working: VBoxclient-all started

2011-02-07 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David C. Rankin wrote:
 On 02/06/2011 06:10 AM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Cannot you just display everything on the host X server by setting
 DISPLAY to the appropriate value?

 Thanks Jerome,
 That's what I'm doing. I have Arch on my laptop (as the host running
 kdemod3) and I have virtualbox running with Arch installed in that (as
 the guest with fluxbox) to build Trinity in. It's all running on my
 laptop so it should all be the host X server. Am I missing something??
Yes, you are missing something: from what you are describing the
guest applications are running on the *guest* X server (the fact
that it is in turn running inside a virtual machine which runs on
the host server is irrelevant). You should make them run on the host
X server instead:

- Do not start an X server on the guest (whether with fluxbox or any
other wm);

- Run “export DISPLAY=192.168.x.x:0” in the guest console (replace
with the host IP address);

- Then run a terminal (xterm, urxvt or whatever) from the guest
console. This should open a new window in the *host* environment
(i.e in kdemod3), with the terminal actually running in the *guest*
environment. You might need to play with “xauth” to authorize the
guest to connect on the host.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] vbox PUEL: copy/pate Arch host - Arch guest not working: VBoxclient-all started

2011-02-06 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
David C. Rankin wrote:
 I have setup Arch in virtualbox to provide a clean environment for
 the trinity build. Xorg+fluxbox for the environment. One problem I'm
 having is copy/paste between the host and guest does not work. I have
 the LinuxAdditions installed and shared folders (mounted uid,gid), X,
 flux, and copy/paste within the guest works fine, but I can't get it to
 copy/paste from host-to-guest or guest-to-host. xorg.conf is:
 22:18 alchemy:~ cat cnf/vbox/linux-guest/xorg.conf
 # VirtualBox generated configuration file
 # based on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse0
 Driver  vboxmouse
 Option  Device /dev/vboxguest
 Option  CorePointer yes
 Section Monitor
   Identifier   Monitor[0]
   ModelNameVirtualBox Virtual Output
   VendorName   Oracle Corporation
 Section Device
   BoardNameVirtualBox Graphics
   Driver   vboxvideo
   Identifier   Device[0]
   VendorName   Oracle Corporation
 Section Screen
   SubSection Display
 Depth  24
 Modes 1280x800
   Device   Device[0]
   Identifier   Screen[0]
   Monitor  Monitor[0]
 ~/.xinitrc is:
 No display manager installed. I've been through and updated a few areas,
 but I still couldn't find the trick for making host/guest copy/paste
 work. Anybody know a way to get this working.
Cannot you just display everything on the host X server by setting
DISPLAY to the appropriate value?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Need help understanding meta-PKGBUILDs

2011-02-02 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Tavian Barnes wrote:
 On 2 February 2011 01:10, David C. Rankin wrote:
 On 02/01/2011 10:41 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
 (3)   Lastly, if anybody has interest, please look over the PKGBUILDs and 
 let me
 know where I'm doing something stupid. I have done quite a bit of reading 
 to digest PKGBUILDs and how to apply them to a large project like Trinity. I
 don't claim to be an expert on them, so I know there are places where they 
 improving. Thanks.
 Just a note. In addition to the tqtinterface and trinity-arts, 
 PKGBUILD is now working and open for comment:

 so far so good -- a little PKGBUILD knowledge... is a dangerous thing :P

 David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

 I don't see why you need meta packages; groups should do fine.  I
 think the only reason that Arch's meta packages exist is to provide an
 upgrade path from the pre-splitpkg KDE days.
Except that when you install a group, if a package gets added to
the group later it will not be automatically installed when you
upgrade. With a meta-package it will.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on pulseaudio [WAS: PulseAudio in [testing]]

2010-11-30 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Ulf Winkelvos wrote:
 On 29.11.2010 23:25, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Morgan Gangwere wrote:
 As well, Pulse still doesn't work on my Alienware laptop. Realtek
 chipset, hda_intel picks it up as being generic. things almost work,
 except headphones. PA will only let sound go through the front
 speakers, while ALSA just has a switch. Its a known WONTFIX bug, too.

 This bug is even worse for me: the only output that PA will
 recognize on my system is the HDMI output from my *video* card! I
 don't have any HDMI capable peripheral to even try to hear it! Alsa
 outputs to my true sound card without any problem...

 did you try manual driver loading? in /etc/pulse/
Yes, that doesn't work. I don't remember the command, but there is
a way to list all the sinks recognized by PA. Manual loading only
works to select amongst the recognized sinks.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on pulseaudio [WAS: PulseAudio in [testing]]

2010-11-30 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Sander Jansen wrote:
 2010/11/29 Jérôme M. Berger
 Morgan Gangwere wrote:
 As well, Pulse still doesn't work on my Alienware laptop. Realtek
 chipset, hda_intel picks it up as being generic. things almost work,
 except headphones. PA will only let sound go through the front
 speakers, while ALSA just has a switch. Its a known WONTFIX bug, too.
 So most likely the driver needs to be fixed instead.
This bug is even worse for me: the only output that PA will
 recognize on my system is the HDMI output from my *video* card! I
 don't have any HDMI capable peripheral to even try to hear it! Alsa
 outputs to my true sound card without any problem...

 You could perhaps file a bug with PA. Or find help on the PA mailinglist.
I did (well actually, *I* didn't: I went to look and saw that
someone else had already asked). The answer was: Who is stupid
enough to have more than one sound card anyway?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on pulseaudio [WAS: PulseAudio in [testing]]

2010-11-29 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Morgan Gangwere wrote:
 As well, Pulse still doesn't work on my Alienware laptop. Realtek
 chipset, hda_intel picks it up as being generic. things almost work,
 except headphones. PA will only let sound go through the front
 speakers, while ALSA just has a switch. Its a known WONTFIX bug, too.
This bug is even worse for me: the only output that PA will
recognize on my system is the HDMI output from my *video* card! I
don't have any HDMI capable peripheral to even try to hear it! Alsa
outputs to my true sound card without any problem...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Getting firefox to use the PDF I want?

2010-07-23 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
 It would appear that on Jul 21, Magnus Therning did say:
 After installing Gimp it became the default application for PDFs,
 something I didn't really want.
 How do I get firefox to use the correct application?
 It would appear that on Jul 21, Nilesh Govindarajan did say:

 It would appear that on Jul 21, Magnus Therning did say:
 Ah, forgot to mention that I've looked there already.  There is no mention of
 PDF there, and I can't find a way to add an entry to it.
 But where, and how do I change the settings?
 I used  the search box inside Firefox-Edit-Preferences-Applications to
 pull up what to do with pdf and was then able to set it to okular. But
 then I no longer get the selection pop-up that would let me override the 
 and use evince if I wanted to... And if I select always ask the pop-up
 doesn't offer okular except by clicking my way to the search box where I need
 to point or type the full path. IE: /usr/bin/okular rather than just okular
 So I decided to just set it and forget it. 
 Hope this helps.
Note that if you set it up once in the pop-up, it will remember it
for the next time *even if it doesn't say so*. So the next time you
get the Open with... dialog with apparently no application
selected, you can just hit OK and it should open in okular...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Getting firefox to use the PDF I want?

2010-07-23 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Mauro Santos wrote:
 On 07/23/2010 08:12 PM, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
  Note that if you set it up once in the pop-up, it will remember it
 for the next time *even if it doesn't say so*. So the next time you
 get the Open with... dialog with apparently no application
 selected, you can just hit OK and it should open in okular...

 However it will forget whatever you had there once you select any other
 option (such as save) instead of open.
True, OTOH you can always save through the right click menu, in
which case it will keep the selection in the Open with... dialog.
At which point it will only forget it if you try to open with some
other app once. (Of course if you're going to use the right-click
menu for save anyway, you might as well store okular as the default
action and not bother with the dialog)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] $BROWSER variable and Google Earth

2010-07-20 Thread Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
 Maybe try exporting the $BROWSER in /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile.
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 06:40:09PM +0200, F. Gr. wrote:
 2010-07-20 13:08 +0300, Aleksis Jauntēvs wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 1:00 PM, solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:
 in fact, it works if I run it from a command line in a terminal.

 but not from gnome menu.

 It is not a bug. Your .bashrc or .zshrc files are sourced only in
 Yes, I didn't think that was a bug and perhaps it will be so; but, some
 time ago there were no problems.

- Because it makes discussion hard to follow.
- Why?
- Please do not top post.

That being said, you should put any variable declaration that you
want accessible to GUI apps in ~/.xprofile (or ~/.profile if you
want them also accessible in the console).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] [PATCH] gdisk patches

2010-07-17 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Mark Pustjens wrote:
 On Sat, 17 Jul 2010, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
 On 07/17/2010 01:23 AM, Mark Pustjens wrote:
  On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Ionuț Bîru wrote:

   On 07/16/2010 10:11 PM, Mark Pustjens wrote:
Hi List,
  Below a patch wich fixes two bugs in the gdisk package. They
 have been
submitted uptream but not yet been accepted.
then we don't need them if upstream did that

  They didn't do anything :) Submitted only a few hours ago.

 post a link to the bug report or mailing list so we can follow the
 As i said in my original post: there is no place for a bug report, nor
 is there a mailing list.

But you're right, it's not easy to find and I can't guarantee that
the dev will get the message or that he'll answer...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Do I need HAL?

2010-06-21 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Matthew Monaco wrote:
 On 06/21/2010 06:35 AM, Guillermo Leira wrote:

 How can I know if I still need HAL?

 Best regards,

 Guillermo Leira
 After an upgrade, it will remain on your system if you do a pacman -Qdt
According to that rule, I don't need xorg-server !??? Some packages
are missing a dep here, I think...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Cannot install shaman from AUR

2010-06-04 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Madhurya Kakati wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 10:41 AM, xenof0nt wrote:
 Shaman is deprecated. Just don't use it anymore.

 On Sat, 05 Jun 2010 08:07:32 +0300, Madhurya Kakati

 i am unable to install shaman from AUR via yaourt error is
 is there any other option? and please don't tell me to use pacman. I
 do use it. Just want to try out a graphical frontend.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] test

2010-05-29 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Armando M. Baratti wrote:
 If you're trying some sort of program (like an automatic troller, or
 something like this :-) on the list, you can test it on any normal mail
 account, the list will behave the same.
Ah, but if he's using some sort of news-to-mail gateway (like
gmane), he can't guarantee how the list will behave until he tries...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Script to check monitor blank state

2010-05-25 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Markus wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 i would like to write a little script, that suspends my computer
 if a few circumstances are met.
 One should be, that my screen should be blanked. I already did a google
 search on this, but i only found howtos of getting it to work / disable it.
 It looks like xset q does not print the actual state.
 Maybe there is a hook for screen blanking?
Here, xset q has a line that says: Monitor is On. Couldn't you
use that?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature