Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread Sunder
Hi Guys

What a concert it was. Really Mindblowing, the selection of songs and the way 
it was executed, everything was so perfect. Still I couldn't believe that I was 
there in the show. Most of the time I was busy in capturing the songs in my 
cam, there are around 2.2 GB of video tht I captured which I will try to upload 
as soon as possible. As many have told what exactly has happened in the 
concert, I have only one thing to say, My life is fulfilled after seeing him 
perform live on stage. The highlight is the the Kwaja mere kwaja song, I saw a 
round light ring(ooli vattam) behind his head when he sang that song, what a 
devotion he showed. Thats why god has given him such a musical gift to him. 

As Lakki said, we were in touch but due to the crowd we were unable to meet. 
Hope we all will meet soon. 

By the way if any of you guys took some good pictures send it across to me and 
the group as I concentrated only on videos and forgot to take pictures :-)

Take care


- Original Message 
Sent: Saturday, 19 April, 2008 4:35:58 PM
Subject: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted. 
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and a 
half hours of sheer bliss!
A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz; Aravind; 
Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in touch 
through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – would 
have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful getting 
to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep the 
spirit alive.. 
The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that would 
have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The absence of 
a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any gap between the 
songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was going like clock work. 
Blaaze came in a few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at 
the beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part to 
interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary 
of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a 
performer like him. He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support 
and said mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin 
on his face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" 
The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a bit 
confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late (6 
instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel, 
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also printed 
out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences that 
caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First is the 
extent to which ARR's live vocals have improved – almost to the point of being 
totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he 
would have put in the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya 
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference), he 
has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those songs 
where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were some of the 
visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in 
blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik and 
Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan and 
Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful renditions 
and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's singing was the 
surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and unbelievable presence on 
stage. He even took it a step further after the 'humma humma' song making the 
audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was fun to watch him 
interacting so nicely with the audience!
Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)


2008-04-19 Thread mohan suresh

  A: Mr Krishnamurti, last time we were speaking together, we were going into 
beauty, and just as we came to the end of our conversation the question of 
seeing and its relation to the transformation of man which is not dependent on 
knowledge or time, was something we promised ourselves we would take up next 
time we could come together. 
 K: Sir, what is seeing, and what is listening, and what is learning? I 
think the three are related to each other: learning, hearing and seeing. What 
is seeing, perceiving? Do we actually see, or do we see through a screen 
darkly? A screen of prejudice, a screen of our idiosyncracies, experiences, our 
wishes, pleasures, fears, and obviously our images about that which we see and 
about ourselves? So we have this screen after screen between us and the object 
of perception. So do we ever see the thing at all? Or is it the seeing is 
coloured by our knowledge, mechanical, experience, and so on and so on, or our 
images which we have about that thing, or the beliefs in which the mind is 
conditioned, and therefore prevents the seeing, or the memories which the mind 
has cultivated prevents the seeing? So seeing may not take place at all. And is 
it possible for the mind not to have these images, conclusions, beliefs, 
memories, prejudices, fears, and without having those screens
 just to look? I think this becomes very important because when there is a 
seeing of the thing which I am talking about, when there is a seeing you can't 
help but acting. There is no question of postponement. 
 A: Or succession. 
 K: Succession. 
 A: Or interval. 
 K: Because when action is based on a belief, a conclusion, an idea, then 
that action is time-binding. And that action will inevitably bring conflict and 
so on, regrets and all the rest of it. So it becomes very important to find out 
what it is to see, to perceive. What it is to hear. Do I ever hear? When one is 
married, as a wife or a husband, or a girl or a boy, do I ever hear her or him? 
Or I hear her, him, through the image I have built about her or him? Through 
the screen of irritations, screen of annoyance, domination, you know all that, 
the dreadful things that come in relationship. So do I ever hear directly what 
you say, without translating, without transforming it, without twisting it? Do 
I ever hear a bird cry, or a child weep, or a man crying in pain? You follow, 
sir? Do I ever hear anything? 
 A: In a conversation we had about a year ago, I was very struck by 
something you said which I regard, for myself, personally, immensely valuable. 
You said that hearing was doing nothing to stop, or interfere with seeing. 
Hearing is doing nothing to stop seeing. That is very remarkable because in 
conversation the notion of hearing is regarded an intimately associated with 
command. We will say, won't we, now hear me, hear me out. And the person thinks 
that they have to lean forward in the sense of do something voluntarily. 
 K: Quite, quite. 
 A: It's as though they have to screw themselves up into some sort of 
agonized twist here. Not only to please the one who is insisting that they are 
not hearing, but to get up some hearing on their own. 
 K: Quite. So does a human being, Y or X, listen at all? And what takes 
place when I do listen? Listen in the sense without any interference, without 
any interpretation, conclusion, like and dislike, you know all that takes 
place, what happens when I actually listen? Sir, look, we said just now, we 
cannot possibly understand what beauty is if we don't understand suffering, 
passion. You hear that statement, what does the mind do? It draws a conclusion. 
It has formed an idea, verbal idea, hears the words, draws a conclusion, and an 
idea. A statement of that kind has become an idea. Then the may says, how am I 
to carry out that idea? And that becomes a problem. 
 A: Yes, of course it does. Because the idea doesn't conform to nature and 
other people have other ideas and they want to get theirs embodied. Now we are 
up against a clash. 
 K: Yes. So can I listen to that, can the mind listen to that statement 
without any forming an abstraction. Just listen. I neither agree nor disagree, 
just actually listen completely to that statement. 
 A: If I am following you, what you are saying is that were I to listen 
adequately, or just let's say listen - because it's not a question of more or 
less - I am absolutely listening or I am absolutely not listening. 
 K: That's right, sir. 
 A: Yes. I would not have to contrive an answer. 
 K: No. You are in it. 
 A: Yes. So like the cat, the action and the seeing are one. 
 K: Yes. 
 A: They are one act. 
 K: That's right. 
 A: They are one act. 
 K: That's right. So can I listen to a statement and see the truth of the 
statement or the falseness of the statement, not in comparison but in the very 
statement that you are 

Re: [arr] rahman in dubai airport with me

2008-04-19 Thread senthil kumar
dear sathish
  see the attached photo 

Dear Friend, 
  Please attach that photo.
  ( ARRahman My Life )

senvkumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  hai guys 

i was very happy and excited to see our boss in dubai airport, because 
i have been waited for this moment for 16 years to meet him .he was 
with his family and kids, i took a photograph with him.

iam very very happy to see him ,for me i think that one of my 
commitment in my life is fullfilled by seeing our boss.

when i asked about why u did not play mustafa song in sharjah 
concert,he replied that due to time concern we cannot play that.

guys iam very very countless times happy to see our boss

long live rahman..

  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.<><>

[arr] Answer - Re: Iruvar and its Background score

2008-04-19 Thread sureshmechnit

--- In, "sureshmechnit" 
> How well you know Iruvar and its background score... Check here
> Please answer only in the comments section of the post, so that 
> everyone will have the fun of guessing

[arr] Sharjah Concert Photos!

2008-04-19 Thread Sunil VG
Concert Highlights:

   - ARR was in his element. His singing was top notch, almost flawless.
   He was energetic and even worked up the audience!
   - Hariharan, Madhushree, Tanvi, Neethi Mohan, Benny Dayal & Naresh
   Iyer gave memorable performances.
   - Audio was mind blowing with almost no hiccups which is absolutely
   remarkable for a live show of this magnitude.
   - Stage settings, lighting and motion graphics were in total harmony
   with the music.
   - All in all, THE best concert I've seen. Three and a half hours of
   pure adrenaline rush!

Here are some images from the show...


Re: [arr] Re: Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread mehroof sm
Great CONCERT !!! even people doesnt know how they passed three and half 
hours... really Only AR can make this happen.
  Have you guys noticed the ambience while he was singing the devotional 
khawaja Mere Khawaja.
  After the concert,  I rushed into the VVIP parking area where I met AR Rahman 
travelling alone in a BMW and waved his hands to all the fans [includes me ]we 
started shouting "RAHMAN"  and the security has got a hard job to clear 
the way for his car to get from there. This time Rahman got busy with his 
Blackberry Mobile.
  - Mehroof Mohamed 

riyazeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey Lakki..great description of the concert..especially the timing of 
the songs!!...nice to meet up with the fellow group members and as we 
spoke about it, we should try and organise some sort of a get 
together...ARR Rocks!!


--- In, Sreejith Ullattil 
> Hey
> Great mail...ofcourse the tidbits was the highlight of the show 
(i cud just write down the songs in the order), but u even noted the 
> About the photos, i am gonna upload them on facebook...any 
thoughts if i shd upload them elsewhere? (there's around 180 
pics...and i will never delete any, even if its blurry)
> Once again, i am still sitting today with eyes closed cause i too 
am seeing the concert in front me (screensaver) and i have the songs 
playing in my room in the same order...
> An amazing birthday gift to myself...Thank you ARR and thanks to 
the those i met yesterday...
> Cheers
> Skreech / Sreejith
> Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards 
the end)
> Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go 
wasted. Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended 
at 12. Three and a half hours of sheer bliss!
> Fans
> A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; 
Riyaz; Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; 
myself. Was also in touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; 
Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – would have texted you if you had 
posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful getting to meet you all; 
we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep the spirit 
> Concert
> The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard 
work that would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to 
be smooth. The absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as 
there was hardly any gap between the songs. It showed the amazing 
team work as everything was going like clock work. Blaaze came in a 
few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at the 
beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part 
to interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th 
anniversary of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a 
great achievement for a performer like him. He thanked everyone 
tremendously at the end for the support and said mischievously that 
he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin on his face showed 
that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" shouts..
> The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times 
they seemed a bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening 
the gates one hour late (6 instead of 5) and slight lack of 
coordination with Security personnel, everything seemed set. Snacks, 
drinks, etc were available and they also printed out booklets with 
some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
> Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other 
differences that caught my attention in comparison to the previous 
Dubai concert. First is the extent to which ARR's live vocals have 
improved – almost to the point of being totally flawless now! I can 
only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he would have put in 
the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
> Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs 
like Chaiyya Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the 
press conference), he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on 
the singing. For those songs where dancers were involved, the 
choreography was good and so were some of the visual effects. I am 
however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in blue for 
the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
> Songs
> Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as 
well. Karthik and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy 
performances. Hariharan and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. 
Nithi gave some beautiful renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and 
the others as well. Our man's singing was the surprise package of 
them all – excellent vocals and unbelievable presence on stage. He 
even took it a step further after the 'humma humma' song making t

[arr] How to buy the T-Shirts in Abudhabi?

2008-04-19 Thread SATHISH AVT
Dear Friend,
  I am in Abudhabi now,So can you give me the details that how to get this 
T-Shirt?I need T-Shirt in 40 size.
  (ARRahman - My Life)
n_farsad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hello Rahmaniacs,

Now its time for the rahmaniacs to wear the exclusive wardrobe of the
maestro. T shirts with ARR quote and the great maestro waving the
hands in the air. Won't it be gorgeous wearing it. A... I would
love to wear it. The exclusive wardrobe is designed n the brand LEE.
Quality assured with a good print.

T shirt also designed for Female Rahmaniacs. Have a look at the
wardrobe by clicking this link

Place your order today itself

Hola ARR


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [arr] rahman in dubai airport with me

2008-04-19 Thread SATHISH AVT
Dear Friend, 
  Please attach that photo.
  ( ARRahman My Life )

senvkumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  hai guys 

i was very happy and excited to see our boss in dubai airport, because 
i have been waited for this moment for 16 years to meet him .he was 
with his family and kids, i took a photograph with him.

iam very very happy to see him ,for me i think that one of my 
commitment in my life is fullfilled by seeing our boss.

when i asked about why u did not play mustafa song in sharjah 
concert,he replied that due to time concern we cannot play that.

guys iam very very countless times happy to see our boss

long live rahman..


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[arr] Is ARR Sharjah contest will telecast in tv channels?

2008-04-19 Thread SATHISH AVT
Dear Rahmanics,
  Anybody know in which tv channels is going to telecast this ARR Sharjah 
contest.But i heard that it will be telecasting in one malayalam channel in 
Abudhabi,sorry i don't know that malayalam channel name exactly.Please anybody 
record ARR Sharjah contest, if it telecast in any channel.
  (ARRahman - God of Music)
  Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
  Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted. 
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and a 
half hours of sheer bliss!
  A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz; 
Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in 
touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – 
would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful 
getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep 
the spirit alive.. 
  The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that would 
have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The absence of 
a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any gap between the 
songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was going like clock work. 
Blaaze came in a few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at 
the beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part to 
interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary 
of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a 
performer like him. He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support 
and said mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin 
on his face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" 
  The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a 
bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late (6 
instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel, 
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also printed 
out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
  Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences that 
caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First is the 
extent to which ARR's live vocals have improved – almost to the point of being 
totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he 
would have put in the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
  Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya 
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference), he 
has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those songs 
where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were some of the 
visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in 
blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
  Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik 
and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan 
and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful 
renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's 
singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and 
unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the 'humma 
humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was 
fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
  Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
  08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
  08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
  08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
  08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
  08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
  09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
  09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal
  09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali
  09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR
  09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR
  09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR
  09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra
  09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR
  09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, Madhusree, Javed 
  09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hariharan, Madhusree
  09:48 ATHIRADI(Sivaji) à Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Benny, Synora, Mohd Aslam, ARR
  09:55 CHAIYYA CHAIYYA (Dil Se) à Javed Ali, Rahna, Mohd Aslam, 
  10:02 3 minutes of AZZEM-O-SHAN (Jodha Akbar) intro, changing to o-oh-o-o in 
RUKMANI (Roja) and then to a 

Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail and vithur detailed mail on koffee with anu

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
Thanks Murali... God Bless

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 8:59 PM, murali ramakrishnan <

>   very happy to note that the concert went on well. wishing 100% more
> success for chennai concert onn apr 20th.
> vithur i have seen the repeated program of koffee with anu, hats off
> to you, u have not missedout
> a single line in ur mail from the program.we appreciate u for ur work.
> happy to note that lot of dedicated rahmannna fan's r there in our group,.
> once again Rahmannna all the best for chennai program
> murali
>  --
> To:
> Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:22:34 -0700
> Subject: Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail
>   Hey
> Great mail...ofcourse the tidbits was the highlight of the show (i cud
> just write down the songs in the order), but u even noted the time...
> About the photos, i am gonna upload them on facebook...any thoughts if i
> shd upload them elsewhere? (there's around 180 pics...and i will never
> delete any, even if its blurry)
> Once again, i am still sitting today with eyes closed cause i too am
> seeing the concert in front me (screensaver) and i have the songs playing in
> my room in the same order...
> An amazing birthday gift to myself...Thank you ARR and thanks to the those
> i met yesterday...
> Cheers
> Skreech / Sreejith
> *Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  (sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
> Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted.
> Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three
> and a half hours of sheer bliss!
> *Fans*
> A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz;
> Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in
> touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand.
> (Sanjay – would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was
> wonderful getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets
> try and keep the spirit alive..
> *Concert*
> The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that
> would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The
> absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any
> gap between the songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was
> going like clock work. Blaaze came in a few times just for the very
> essentials like to set the feel at the beginning and later to introduce the
> musicians. ARR also did his part to interact with the audience. He
> highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary of his first concert in
> Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a performer like him.
> He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support and said
> mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin on his
> face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more"
> shouts..
> The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed
> a bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour
> late (6 instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security
> personnel, everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and
> they also printed out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc
> which was useful..
> Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences
> that caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert.
> First is the extent to which *ARR's live vocals* have improved – almost to
> the point of being totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of
> sadhakam / practice he would have put in the past years to reach where he's
> now. Truly amazing!
> Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya
> Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference),
> he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those
> songs where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were
> some of the visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the
> solo dancer in blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if
> I liked the idea or not!
> *Songs*
> Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well.
> Karthik and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances.
> Hariharan and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some
> beautiful renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well.
> Our man's singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals
> and unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the
> 'humma humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him
> but it was fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
> Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singe

Re: [arr] Jodhaa Akbar Boxoffice

2008-04-19 Thread Reformed Sinner
Dhruv - these stats need not be true. so dont read too much into it. u know
how things work in our media right :) they can write anything and get away
with it.


On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Dhruv Shenoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   What is the definition of Hit according to ? What would
> you say if the film's budget were around 48-50 crores and if the
> collections were around 62 crores, wouldn't you call a film HIT , then what
> is wrong with ibosnetwork which is still showing that the film has done an
> average buisness in India. When most of the boxoffice sites are showing good
> reports on JA boxoffice collection  then why does this site show only the
> negative things about this film . Are they jealous of JA? To be frank the
> film had tried to manage its hold on the theatres even after the release of
> the film RACE, whose collections dropped heavily after first week and
> then they are declaring this film to be first blockbuster of the year. But
> in reality the film(RACE) still has to recover from its heavy budget . Dont
> you think lot of injustice has been made by the inorder to
> defame the film Jodhaa Akbar .
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: [arr] Rahman's movie has a tagline

2008-04-19 Thread Thulasi Ram
great to know this news.. but whats up with this line???
In mean time the buzz is that in this new film Rahman would be striking it
as good as Taal after a long break.

*there's been three musical blockbuster in a row.. RDB, Guru and JA.. then y
do they use as good as comparison? huh...

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 8:12 PM, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Rahman's movie has a tagline April 19th - TV guide -- supplement of
> Deccan Chronicle carried this news (Page 5)
> A.R.Rahman upcoming film *Ada* will carry a tagline "A musical journey by
> A.R.Rahman". And this is the first time when a film of rahman would carry a
> tagline. The movie directed by Tanvir Ahmed has been in making for a long
> time and stars Rahul Roy and few new comers. Rahman says the music is
> special to him as he tried some special stuff for the first time. "I have
> used different beats and sounds in the songs. I have also rendered an
> Italian feel to one of the songs", says Rahman, adding that the audience
> should appreciate the album for its variety. Tha last Hindi film that Rahman
> had composed music was for Mani Ratnam's *Guru* which had bagged
> nominations in almost every award shows this year. He had also provided
> music for *Elizabeth : The golden age*.
> In mean time the buzz is that in this new film Rahman would be striking it
> as good as *Taal* after a long break. As ardent Rahman fans, we certainly
> hope so.
> --
> regards,
> Vithur
> Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny,
> no one can give. Be happy always

Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread Thulasi Ram
excellent write-up.

Rahman on a roll!

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   (sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
> Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted.
> Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three
> and a half hours of sheer bliss!
> *Fans*
> A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz;
> Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in
> touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand.
> (Sanjay – would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was
> wonderful getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets
> try and keep the spirit alive..
> *Concert*
> The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that
> would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The
> absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any
> gap between the songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was
> going like clock work. Blaaze came in a few times just for the very
> essentials like to set the feel at the beginning and later to introduce the
> musicians. ARR also did his part to interact with the audience. He
> highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary of his first concert in
> Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a performer like him.
> He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support and said
> mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin on his
> face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more"
> shouts..
> The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed
> a bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour
> late (6 instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security
> personnel, everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and
> they also printed out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc
> which was useful..
> Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences
> that caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert.
> First is the extent to which *ARR's live vocals* have improved – almost to
> the point of being totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of
> sadhakam / practice he would have put in the past years to reach where he's
> now. Truly amazing!
> Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya
> Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference),
> he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those
> songs where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were
> some of the visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the
> solo dancer in blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if
> I liked the idea or not!
> *Songs*
> Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well.
> Karthik and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances.
> Hariharan and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some
> beautiful renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well.
> Our man's singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals
> and unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the
> 'humma humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him
> but it was fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
> Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
> 08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
> 08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
> 08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
> 08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
> 08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
> 09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
> 09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal
> 09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali
> 09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR
> 09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR
> 09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR
> 09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra
> 09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR
> 09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, Madhusree,
> Javed Ali
> 09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hariharan, Madhusree
> 09:48 ATHIRADI(Sivaji) à Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Benny, Synora, Mohd Aslam,
> 09:55 CHAIYYA CHAIYYA (Dil Se) à Javed Ali, Rahna, Mohd Aslam,
> 10:02 3 minutes of AZZEM-O-SHAN (Jodha Akbar) intro, changing to o-oh-o-o
> in RUKMANI (Roja) and then to a line from VEERAPANDI (Thiruda Thiruda) àARR, 
> Mohd, Shivmani
> 10:05 Shivamani on a roll non-stop for 13 minutes
> 10:19 Blaaze comes in rapping ORU KUDAI SUNLIGHT (Sivaji) and moves on to
> introduce

RE: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail and vithur detailed mail on koffee with anu

2008-04-19 Thread murali ramakrishnan

very happy to note that the concert went on well. wishing 100% more success for 
chennai concert onn apr 20th.
vithur i have seen the repeated program of koffee with anu, hats off to 
you, u have not missedout
a single line in ur mail from the program.we appreciate u for ur work.
happy to note that lot of dedicated rahmannna fan's r there in our group,.
once again Rahmannna all the best for chennai program

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:22:34 
-0700Subject: Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

Great mail...ofcourse the tidbits was the highlight of the show (i cud just 
write down the songs in the order), but u even noted the time...
About the photos, i am gonna upload them on facebook...any thoughts if i shd 
upload them elsewhere? (there's around 180 pics...and i will never delete any, 
even if its blurry)
Once again, i am still sitting today with eyes closed cause i too am seeing the 
concert in front me (screensaver) and i have the songs playing in my room in 
the same order...
An amazing birthday gift to myself...Thank you ARR and thanks to the those i 
met yesterday...
Skreech / SreejithLakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted. 
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and a 
half hours of sheer bliss!
A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz; Aravind; 
Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in touch 
through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – would 
have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful getting 
to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep the 
spirit alive.. 
The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that would 
have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The absence of 
a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any gap between the 
songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was going like clock work. 
Blaaze came in a few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at 
the beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part to 
interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary 
of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a 
performer like him. He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support 
and said mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin 
on his face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" 
The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a bit 
confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late (6 
instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel, 
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also printed 
out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences that 
caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First is the 
extent to which ARR's live vocals have improved – almost to the point of being 
totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he 
would have put in the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya 
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference), he 
has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those songs 
where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were some of the 
visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in 
blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik and 
Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan and 
Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful renditions 
and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's singing was the 
surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and unbelievable presence on 
stage. He even took it a step further after the 'humma humma' song making the 
audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was fun to watch him 
interacting so nicely with the audience!
Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (any

RE: [arr] Anthi Mantharai (Tear Drop)

2008-04-19 Thread murali ramakrishnan

u r right. the director praised him for his contribution when the movie 
released. already msv and rajasir 
has said that rahmannna is a genius.
certainly a good movie which is national awrd winner.
anna should score music for such type of films which will remain forever in 
peoples thoughts

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:40:26 
+0530Subject: Re: [arr] Anthi Mantharai (Tear Drop)

can any one post the once uploaded songs of anthimantharai--- On Sat, 19/4/08, 
kenny_korg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: kenny_korg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [arr] Anthi Mantharai (Tear 
Drop)To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Saturday, 19 April, 2008, 8:56 AM

Yesterday In Malaysia Astro channel 202 (VEllitirai) they showed Anthi 
Mantharai movie which is music by our Boss Rahman.Whenever i wathch this movie 
definately my tear will flow down from my eyes.the reason is because the story 
and acting really touch my heart,But the background music is the one always 
made my tear fall down.The music is unexplainable in this movie.I can bet if a 
person is a Music Lover sure their tears also will flow.If u dont believe watch 
this movie alone without any distubance.I hope veteran Music Directors like 
M.S. Wiswanathan, Ilayaraja, and more and also new music directors should watch 
this music.If they watch this movie, sure they will believe that RAHMAN's music 
is soulful music and i bet their tears also will flow from their eyes..i feel 
like wanna hug Rahman and I hope i can hug Rahman once.I love u Man.Kenny 
Rogers* if u r a real Rahman fan and not yet watch this movie make sure u watch 
this movie I highly recommend this movie** Thanks for Bharithiraaja for 
selecting the right music directors for this movie...

Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Join them now. 

Education: Are exams worrying you all the day long? Write to MSN education 
experts for help.

[arr] Buy Exclusive Ar rahman T shirt

2008-04-19 Thread n_farsad
Hello Rahmaniacs,

Now its time for the rahmaniacs to wear the exclusive wardrobe of the
maestro. T shirts with ARR quote and the great maestro waving the
hands in the air. Won't it be gorgeous wearing it. A... I would
love to wear it. The exclusive wardrobe is designed n the brand LEE.
Quality assured with a good print.

T shirt also designed for Female Rahmaniacs. Have a look at the
wardrobe  by clicking this link

Place your order today itself

Hola ARR

[arr] A R Rahman - The Music Wizard Speaks His Heart PART II

2008-04-19 Thread Thulasi Ram

A R Rahman - The Music Wizard Speaks His Heart II [Thursday, April 17, 2008]

After bringing the Mozart of Asia A.R.Rahman more closely to IndiaGlitz
viewers on 12 April, here comes the follow up.

IndiaGlitz brings to all its viewers the second part of the video interview.

Unwind yourself and log on to to catch the music maestro
speak about his films, his aspiration and achievements, his favorites and
above all his contemporaries.

An epitome of simplicity, Allah Rakkah Rahman dedicates all his towering
achievements to the Almighty. A role model for youths to follow, he has
brought laurels to Tamil film music in global arena.

A short man with tall achievements, he is an inspiration for every
up-and-coming musician. Be it films, pop albums or devotional songs, he is
there with full vigor and energy.

A man of few words, he unwinds himself in this exclusive chat with
IndiaGlitz. Relax, sit back and enjoy the legend speak...

Over to Rahman...


Re: [arr] Anthi Mantharai (Tear Drop)

2008-04-19 Thread KrishnA
Did ever this film released in India?  If so; where I can get VCDs or


On 4/18/08, ragu ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can any one post the once uploaded songs of anthimantharai
> --- On *Sat, 19/4/08, kenny_korg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: kenny_korg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [arr] Anthi Mantharai (Tear Drop)
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 19 April, 2008, 8:56 AM
>  Yesterday In Malaysia Astro channel 202 (VEllitirai) they showed
> Anthi Mantharai movie which is music by our Boss Rahman.
> Whenever i wathch this movie definately my tear will flow down from
> my eyes.
> the reason is because the story and acting really touch my heart,
> But the background music is the one always made my tear fall down.
> The music is unexplainable in this movie.
> I can bet if a person is a Music Lover sure their tears also will
> flow.
> If u dont believe watch this movie alone without any distubance.
> I hope veteran Music Directors like M.S. Wiswanathan, Ilayaraja, and
> more and also new music directors should watch this music.
> If they watch this movie, sure they will believe that RAHMAN's music
> is soulful music and i bet their tears also will flow from their
> eyes..
> i feel like wanna hug Rahman and I hope i can hug Rahman once.
> I love u Man.
> Kenny Rogers
> * if u r a real Rahman fan and not yet watch this movie make sure u
> watch this movie I highly recommend this movie
> ** Thanks for Bharithiraaja for selecting the right music directors
> for this movie...
> --
> Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Join them 
> now.

[arr] Re: Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread riyazeth
Hey Lakki..great description of the concert..especially the timing of 
the songs!!...nice to meet up with the fellow group members and as we 
spoke about it, we should try and organise some sort of a get 
together...ARR Rocks!!


--- In, Sreejith Ullattil 
> Hey
>   Great mail...ofcourse the tidbits was the highlight of the show 
(i cud just write down the songs in the order), but u even noted the 
>   About the photos, i am gonna upload them on facebook...any 
thoughts if i shd upload them elsewhere? (there's around 180 
pics...and i will never delete any, even if its blurry)
>   Once again, i am still sitting today with eyes closed cause i too 
am seeing the concert in front me (screensaver) and i have the songs 
playing in my room in the same order...
>   An amazing birthday gift to myself...Thank you ARR and thanks to 
the those i met yesterday...
>   Cheers
>   Skreech / Sreejith
> Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards 
the end)
>   Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go 
wasted. Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended 
at 12. Three and a half hours of sheer bliss!
>   Fans
>   A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; 
Riyaz; Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; 
myself. Was also in touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; 
Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – would have texted you if you had 
posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful getting to meet you all; 
we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep the spirit 
>   Concert
>   The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard 
work that would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to 
be smooth. The absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as 
there was hardly any gap between the songs. It showed the amazing 
team work as everything was going like clock work. Blaaze came in a 
few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at the 
beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part 
to interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th 
anniversary of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a 
great achievement for a performer like him. He thanked everyone 
tremendously at the end for the support and said mischievously that 
he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin on his face showed 
that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" shouts..
>   The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times 
they seemed a bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening 
the gates one hour late (6 instead of 5) and slight lack of 
coordination with Security personnel, everything seemed set. Snacks, 
drinks, etc were available and they also printed out booklets with 
some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
>   Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other 
differences that caught my attention in comparison to the previous 
Dubai concert. First is the extent to which ARR's live vocals have 
improved – almost to the point of being totally flawless now! I can 
only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he would have put in 
the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
>   Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs 
like Chaiyya Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the 
press conference), he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on 
the singing. For those songs where dancers were involved, the 
choreography was good and so were some of the visual effects. I am 
however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in blue for 
the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
>   Songs
>   Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as 
well. Karthik and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy 
performances. Hariharan and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. 
Nithi gave some beautiful renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and 
the others as well. Our man's singing was the surprise package of 
them all – excellent vocals and unbelievable presence on stage. He 
even took it a step further after the 'humma humma' song making the 
audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was fun to watch 
him interacting so nicely with the audience!
>   Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
>   08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
>   08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
>   08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana 
>   08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
>   08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
>   09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
>   09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Kart

Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread $*$ PaVaN $*$
Awesome ! Thanks for sharing it..Hope all you guys had a great 
time..Now..Waiting for the Pics.. 
  Thanks again for your reports..

Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
  Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted. 
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and a 
half hours of sheer bliss!
  A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz; 
Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in 
touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – 
would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful 
getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep 
the spirit alive.. 
  The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that would 
have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The absence of 
a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any gap between the 
songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was going like clock work. 
Blaaze came in a few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at 
the beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part to 
interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary 
of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a 
performer like him. He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support 
and said mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin 
on his face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" 
  The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a 
bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late (6 
instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel, 
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also printed 
out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
  Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences that 
caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First is the 
extent to which ARR's live vocals have improved – almost to the point of being 
totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he 
would have put in the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
  Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya 
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference), he 
has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those songs 
where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were some of the 
visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in 
blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
  Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik 
and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan 
and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful 
renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's 
singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and 
unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the 'humma 
humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was 
fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
  Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
  08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
  08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
  08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
  08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
  08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
  09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
  09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal
  09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali
  09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR
  09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR
  09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR
  09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra
  09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR
  09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, Madhusree, Javed 
  09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hariharan, Madhusree
  09:48 ATHIRADI(Sivaji) à Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Benny, Synora, Mohd Aslam, ARR
  09:55 CHAIYYA CHAIYYA (Dil Se) à Javed Ali, Rahna, Mohd Aslam, 
  10:02 3 minutes of AZZEM-O-SHAN (Jodha Akbar) intro, changing to o-oh-o-o in 
RUKMANI (Roja) and then to a line from VEERAPANDI (Thiruda Thiruda) à ARR, 
Mohd, Shivmani
  10:05 Shivamani on a roll non-stop for 13 minutes
  10:19 Blaaze comes in rapping ORU KUDAI SUNLIGHT (Sivaji) and moves on to 
introduce the musicians / technicians involved

[arr] Re: Sivaji Ayngaran DVD released!

2008-04-19 Thread noorulwahid
as said in the zulm,
quality in par with ayngaran recent releases
as we are in there, we shld know better on what to expect
i have watched the dts disc and it replicates the cinema experience 

--- In, just me! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> noorulwahid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I 
got mine yesterday from Oli's m3. And it was great to hear Rahman's 
>  music in such quality  after a really long time.
>  --- In, just me!  wrote:
>  >
>  > noorulwahid, yea its me. i the one on zulm as well... ya i 
>  jothi they said by this week end... dunno if true .they have been 
>  saying dis for a long time 
>  > 
>  > noorulwahid  wrote: I 
>  contacted Original M3,and they said it might take a week or two. 
>  >  Hope it arrives before that.
>  >  I'm planning to set up my home theatre properly for the first 
>  >  (and I've been thinking of it for a very long time, thanks to 
>  >  Loong Delay)
>  >  and darkey07,(zulm nickname) if you are here (or if this is 
>  do 
>  >  respond, and I shall inform you of the latest updates
>  >  
>  >  --- In, just me!  
>  >  >
>  >  > haha ya but its only available online dunno when we can get 
>  in 
>  >  the stores.. still waiting to buy it in singapore... sigh..
>  >  > 
>  >  > noorulwahid  wrote: 
>  >  Sivaji Ayngaran DVD released!
>  >  >  
>  >  >  The DVD has been dispatched from UK.
>  >  >  And some have already got them in their hands
>  >  >  After almost a year, the long wait is finally over.
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Just hope to get it soon in the stores
>  >  >  You may also order at for the 3 DISC 
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Cant wait to hear Rahman's music in cinema quality!
>  >  >  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  
>  >  >
>  >  > 
>  >  >
>  >  > -
>  >  > You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
>  >  Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.
>  >  >
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  
>  >
>  > 
>  >
>  > -
>  > You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
>  Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.
>  >
> -
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  
Try it now.

[arr] A pocketful of Passion - ARR

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
*A pocketful of passion*
Saturday April 19 2008 13:44 IST

*Anil Srinivasan*

Not too long ago, a group of us took a trip through an ancient landscape.
Through the night, we travelled to various temples allowing the vibration of
a thousand years of glorious heritage to cut through the layers of our mind
and touch the core of our being. Although it did not register at the time, I
had been humming film songs throughout that night, unmindful of the
splendours that were unfolding along the way. I realised that the journey
came alive only due to its anchoring in film songs, which my memory served
up that night. I realised that I was not alone in the experience of this
particular sensation. Film music seems to have taken hold of our memories.
Our lives consist of moments framed by these melodies, each instant carved
around the inescapable rhythms of a cherished film song.

It is the end of a long day. As I veer through the unforgiving Chennai
traffic, I listen more consciously to the music playing on one of the FM
channels. It is a tribute to A R Rahman, and I listen with delight to a few
tracks that I had heard back in college. The nostalgic trip notwithstanding,
I change channels to observe that there are very few alternatives to film
music on our airwaves.

Back home, ensconced in the comfort of my favourite chair, I realised this
is a phenomenon that has afflicted television programming as well. Indeed,
film music has endured and triumphed over all other forms of musical
expression, cutting across all sociological divides. Rather than view this
in a negative light and term this a poor and damaging 'substitute' to
prevalent classical music or its resident standards, I tried to understand
the underlying elements of film music that make it so universally appealing.
As a classical musician, this is of tremendous personal importance.

To me, a good film song encapsulates the very fabric of life in the realm
without. It has the quintessential doses of passion, romance, excitement,
sadness and joy. As a song progresses from the opening 'pallavi' line
(motif) to the subsequent 'charanams' (stanzas), it has created a story that
is credible, complete and identifiable. Each line seems to be following
logically from the previous one and I am able to complete the melody in my
mind even if the radio is switched off. There is comfort in this consistency
and satisfaction in my ability to understand how the song ends.

And yet, as a musician who has spent a substantial amount of time 'on the
other side', I know that each line of the melody has been harmonised
differently. I am aware that the orchestration has been laid out so
carefully that subsequent stanzas are never the same and yet made to appear
similar. There is tremendous clarity in this seeming chaos, a guiding
principle behind each composition. The harmonics in the composition are
giving it depth, layers of meaning that allow the mind to wander, reflect
and form coherent images of the story within.

And then the inescapable percussion! Rhythm dominates our songs, each groove
being selected to represent the mood behind the piece. A fast paced swing
rhythm to paint the colour of youth, a slow-moving barcarolle for a
reflective and contemplative flavour or a folksy, fast-paced rhythm to get
your mind to dance the evening away. Rhythm brings in the consistency and
affords the mind a tremendous amount of relief. To me, rhythm is not so much
about passion or exciting the primal senses as it is about imbuing a
composition with distinctive shape. The beat offers the wandering mind an
anchor, a place to return to after an interesting dialogue with one's
imagination. Film music and its creators have perfected the art of crafting
this percussive predictability. It is this predictability that allows us a
sense of control and being able to discern a song's definition and pattern.
And makes us want to move with the melody.

In an era beset with multiplicity and complex lifestyles, film songs have
become moments of truth. Like well-thumbed books, they have become places
for the mind to delight in. Despite its seeming 'lack of complexity', when
compared to music in the classical realm, I find the best film songs
abundant in consumer psychology. There are no open-ended passages that offer
themselves up for a listener's interpretation. Nor are the compositions
meant to. They are a slice of life, offered with appropriate seasonings,
pocketfuls of passion that are meant to be enjoyed whole.

*Author is a well-known classical pianist based in Chennai


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

Re: [arr] rahman in dubai airport with me

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
Hi senvkumar

That would have been a memorable experience for you. Great to know this. Am
happy for you

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 6:05 PM, senvkumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   hai guys
> i was very happy and excited to see our boss in dubai airport, because
> i have been waited for this moment for 16 years to meet him .he was
> with his family and kids, i took a photograph with him.
> iam very very happy to see him ,for me i think that one of my
> commitment in my life is fullfilled by seeing our boss.
> when i asked about why u did not play mustafa song in sharjah
> concert,he replied that due to time concern we cannot play that.
> guys iam very very countless times happy to see our boss
> long live rahman..
> senthil
> dubai
> 00971-50-2596659


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

[arr] Re: Rahman's movie has a tagline

2008-04-19 Thread Chord
The last Hindi film was JA, not Guru.

--- In, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahman's movie has a tagline April 19th - TV guide -- supplement of
> Chronicle carried this news (Page 5)
> A.R.Rahman upcoming film *Ada* will carry a tagline "A musical
journey by
> A.R.Rahman". And this is the first time when a film of rahman would
carry a
> tagline. The movie directed by Tanvir Ahmed has been in making for a
> time and stars Rahul Roy and few new comers. Rahman says the music is
> special to him as he tried some special stuff for the first time. "I
> used different beats and sounds in the songs. I have also rendered an
> Italian feel to one of the songs", says Rahman, adding that the audience
> should appreciate the album for its variety. Tha last Hindi film
that Rahman
> had composed music was for Mani Ratnam's *Guru* which had bagged
> in almost every award shows this year. He had also provided music for
> *Elizabeth
> : The golden age*.
> In mean time the buzz is that in this new film Rahman would be
striking it
> as good as *Taal* after a long break. As ardent Rahman fans, we
> hope so.
> -- 
> regards,
> Vithur
> Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to
deny, no
> one can give. Be happy always

Re: [arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread Sreejith Ullattil
  Great mail...ofcourse the tidbits was the highlight of the show (i cud just 
write down the songs in the order), but u even noted the time...
  About the photos, i am gonna upload them on facebook...any thoughts if i shd 
upload them elsewhere? (there's around 180 pics...and i will never delete any, 
even if its blurry)
  Once again, i am still sitting today with eyes closed cause i too am seeing 
the concert in front me (screensaver) and i have the songs playing in my room 
in the same order...
  An amazing birthday gift to myself...Thank you ARR and thanks to the those i 
met yesterday...
  Skreech / Sreejith

Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
  Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted. 
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and a 
half hours of sheer bliss!
  A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz; 
Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in 
touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand. (Sanjay – 
would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was wonderful 
getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets try and keep 
the spirit alive.. 
  The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that would 
have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The absence of 
a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any gap between the 
songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was going like clock work. 
Blaaze came in a few times just for the very essentials like to set the feel at 
the beginning and later to introduce the musicians. ARR also did his part to 
interact with the audience. He highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary 
of his first concert in Dubai and that in itself is a great achievement for a 
performer like him. He thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support 
and said mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin 
on his face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more" 
  The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a 
bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late (6 
instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel, 
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also printed 
out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was useful..
  Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences that 
caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First is the 
extent to which ARR's live vocals have improved – almost to the point of being 
totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of sadhakam / practice he 
would have put in the past years to reach where he's now. Truly amazing!
  Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya 
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference), he 
has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those songs 
where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were some of the 
visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the solo dancer in 
blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if I liked the idea 
or not!
  Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik 
and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan 
and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful 
renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's 
singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and 
unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the 'humma 
humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him but it was 
fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
  Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
  08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
  08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
  08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
  08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
  08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
  09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
  09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal
  09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali
  09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR
  09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR
  09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR
  09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra
  09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR
  09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, Madhusree, Javed 
  09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hari

[arr] Re: Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread Ganesh
Wonderful concert...Truly professional sum-up of the concert Lakki
It was so nice talking to the team...

Let us soon meet up, as few of us are in Abu dhabi...

BR//Ganesh (050-6422679)

--- In, Lakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)
> Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go 
> Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. 
Three and
> a half hours of sheer bliss!
> *Fans*
> A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; 
> Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was 
also in
> touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later 
> (Sanjay – would have texted you if you had posted your number 
earlier.) Was
> wonderful getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people 
now; lets
> try and keep the spirit alive..
> *Concert*
> The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work 
> would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be 
smooth. The
> absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was 
hardly any
> gap between the songs. It showed the amazing team work as 
everything was
> going like clock work. Blaaze came in a few times just for the very
> essentials like to set the feel at the beginning and later to 
introduce the
> musicians. ARR also did his part to interact with the audience. He
> highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary of his first concert 
> Dubaiand that in itself is a great achievement for a performer like
> him. He
> thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support and said
> mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the 
grin on his
> face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want 
> shouts..
> The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they 
seemed a
> bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one 
hour late
> (6 instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security 
> everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they 
> printed out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc 
which was
> useful..
> Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other 
> that caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai 
concert. First
> is the extent to which *ARR's live vocals* have improved – almost 
to the
> point of being totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of
> sadhakam / practice he would have put in the past years to reach 
where he's
> now. Truly amazing!
> Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like 
> Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press 
> he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For 
> songs where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so 
> some of the visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence 
regarding the
> solo dancer in blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to 
figure out if
> I liked the idea or not!
> *Songs*
> Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. 
> and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. 
> and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some 
> renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our 
> singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and
> unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further 
after the
> 'humma humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo 
not him
> but it was fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!
> Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:
> 08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR
> 08.42 KHALBALI (RDB) à ARR
> 08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana 
> 08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam
> 08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer
> 09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)
> 09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal
> 09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali
> 09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR
> 09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR
> 09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR
> 09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra
> 09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR
> 09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, 
Madhusree, Javed
> Ali
> 09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hariharan, Madhusree
> 09:48 ATHIRADI(Sivaji) à Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Benny, Synora, Mohd 
> 09:55 CHAIYYA CHAIYYA (Dil Se) à Javed Ali, Rahna, Mohd Aslam,
> 10:02 3 minutes of AZZEM-O-SHAN (Jodha Akbar) intro, changing to o-

[arr] rahman in dubai airport with me

2008-04-19 Thread senvkumar
hai guys 

i was very happy and excited to see our boss in dubai airport, because 
i have been waited for this moment for 16 years to meet him .he was 
with his family and kids, i took a photograph with him.

iam very very happy to see him ,for me i think that one of my 
commitment in my life is fullfilled by seeing our boss.

when i asked about why u did not play mustafa song in sharjah 
concert,he replied that due to time concern we cannot play that.

guys iam very very countless times happy to see our boss

long live rahman..

[arr] Sharjah Concert in detail

2008-04-19 Thread Lakki
(sorry – long mail. Some interesting tidbits towards the end)

Exhilarating experience, as expected. All this waiting didn't go wasted.
Concert started on the dot at 8.30 pm (10 pm IST) and ended at 12. Three and
a half hours of sheer bliss!


A few of us met up at the concert: Fameeb and friends; Mehroof; Riyaz;
Aravind; Vishnu and friend; Sreejith and sister; Sunil; myself. Was also in
touch through the concert with Ganesh; Siad; Sunder; and later Anand.
(Sanjay – would have texted you if you had posted your number earlier.) Was
wonderful getting to meet you all; we have a good number of people now; lets
try and keep the spirit alive..


The professionalism was evident through out and also the hard work that
would have gone in to stick to the timings and the flow to be smooth. The
absence of a Compere didn't seem to bother anyone as there was hardly any
gap between the songs. It showed the amazing team work as everything was
going like clock work. Blaaze came in a few times just for the very
essentials like to set the feel at the beginning and later to introduce the
musicians. ARR also did his part to interact with the audience. He
highlighted that this was the 10th anniversary of his first concert in
Dubaiand that in itself is a great achievement for a performer like
him. He
thanked everyone tremendously at the end for the support and said
mischievously that he hoped to do this again after 5 years – the grin on his
face showed that he anticipated the "no, we want sooner, we want more"

The organizers also seemed to have done well, though at times they seemed a
bit confused. Except for a few glitches like opening the gates one hour late
(6 instead of 5) and slight lack of coordination with Security personnel,
everything seemed set. Snacks, drinks, etc were available and they also
printed out booklets with some of the singers introductions, etc which was

Apart from not having a compere, there are a couple of other differences
that caught my attention in comparison to the previous Dubai concert. First
is the extent to which *ARR's live vocals* have improved – almost to the
point of being totally flawless now! I can only imagine the hours of
sadhakam / practice he would have put in the past years to reach where he's
now. Truly amazing!

Second is the absence of dancers for some key danceable songs like Chaiyya
Chaiyya. True to his word (he mentioned this during the press conference),
he has ensured that the focus would in fact be on the singing. For those
songs where dancers were involved, the choreography was good and so were
some of the visual effects. I am however slightly on the fence regarding the
solo dancer in blue for the 'Tere bina' song – still trying to figure out if
I liked the idea or not!


Hindi dominated slightly but there was a good mix of Tamil as well. Karthik
and Benny stood out for their lively and high energy performances. Hariharan
and Blaaze interacted well with the audience. Nithi gave some beautiful
renditions and certainly Chitra, Naresh and the others as well. Our man's
singing was the surprise package of them all – excellent vocals and
unbelievable presence on stage. He even took it a step further after the
'humma humma' song making the audience sing the "humma" part. Soo not him
but it was fun to watch him interacting so nicely with the audience!

Following are the songs sung with time it started and the singers:

08:40 JAGE HAI (Guru) à Chitra, ARR


08:48 KADHAL ROJAVE / ROJA JANEMAN (Roja) à Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam

08:53 BARSO RE (Guru) à Neethi Mohan, Mohamed Aslam

08:58 LOSE CONTROL (RDB) à Blaaze, Mohamed Aslam, Naresh Iyer

09:00 3 minutes with the Guitarist (anyone know his name?)

09:03 GIRLFRIEND (Boys) à Karthik, Benny Dayal

09:09 JASHN-E-BAHARA (Jodha Akbar) à Javed Ali

09:15 KANNALANE / KEHANA HE KYA (Bombay) à Chitra, ARR

09:19 KABHI NEEM NEEM / SANDA KOZHI (Yuva/AE) à Madhusree, ARR

09:24 ROOBARU (RDB) à Naresh Iyer, ARR

09:28 JIYA JALE (Dil Se) à Chitra

09:33 DIL SE RE (Dil Se) à ARR

09:36 EDHAYAM / IN LAMHON KE DAMAN (Jodha Akbar) à Karthik, Madhusree, Javed

09:42 VAAJI VAAJI (Sivaji) à Hariharan, Madhusree

09:48 ATHIRADI(Sivaji) à Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Benny, Synora, Mohd Aslam,

09:55 CHAIYYA CHAIYYA (Dil Se) à Javed Ali, Rahna, Mohd Aslam,

10:02 3 minutes of AZZEM-O-SHAN (Jodha Akbar) intro, changing to o-oh-o-o in
RUKMANI (Roja) and then to a line from VEERAPANDI (Thiruda Thiruda) à ARR,
Mohd, Shivmani

10:05 Shivamani on a roll non-stop for 13 minutes

10:19 Blaaze comes in rapping ORU KUDAI SUNLIGHT (Sivaji) and moves on to
introduce the musicians / technicians involved

10:24 PRAY FOR ME BROTHER (Pray For Me Brother) à ARR

10:31 BOMBAY THEME (Bombay) à Naveen on Flute

10:34 KHWAJA MERE (Jodha Akbar) à ARR, Javed Ali, Mohd Aslam

10:42 AE HAIRATHEY AASHIQUI (Guru) à Hariharan, Sadhana, Mohd Aslam, Dr.

10:50 VAARI VAARI (Rising)à Sad

Re: [arr] vellai pookal translation in english..

2008-04-19 Thread ardhendu das
thanks a lot srini for the help..

Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Srini... Superb work.. Song of peace has been translated nicely to 
give peace 

  On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Srini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As you know, this is a song for peace in Srilanka.. Here's goes 
my version of the translation :)

  VeLLai PookaL ulagam engum malarhavae (Let the white flower {peace} blossom 
everywhere in the world)
vidiyum Bhoomi amaidhikaaga vidihavae (Let the world wake up for peace)
manmel manjal veluchcham vizhuhavae (Let the yellow blaze (sunlight) fall on 
malarae sombal muRiththu ezhuhavae (Let the flower stretch itself waking up)
kuzhanthai vizhikattumae (Let the child awake)
Thaayin katha kathappil  (to the warmth of the mother)
ulagam vidiyattumae  (Let the world dawn)
piLLayin sirumugha siRippil (VeLLai) (with the to the small smile of the child)
  kaatrin perisaiyil (In the music of the wind)
mazhai paadum paadalgalum oru maunam poal inbam tarumooOO (in the music the 
rain sings, can they give the joy of silence)
koadi keertanamum kavi koartha vaarthaiygalum thuLi kaNNer poal arththam 
tharumo (VeLLai) (One crore Keerthanas, the words framed by a poet, Can they 
give the meaning of a little tear)
  yengusiru kuzhanthai than kaigal neetidumo (Where a child reaches its arms)
angu thondrayo koLLai nilavae  (can you appear there, beautiful moon)
enghu manidha Inam poar oyinthu sayinthidumo (Where the human race puts an end 
to war)
angu koovadho veLLai kuyilae (VeLLai) (Can you sing other, you white kukoo)
  Movie Name: Kannathil Muthamittal (2002)
Singer: Rahman AR
Music Director: Rahman AR
Year: 2002
Producer: Mani Ratnam, Srinivasan G
Director: Mani Ratnam
Actors: Madhavan, Nandita Das, Simran

- Original Message - 
  From: arr_sri9 
  Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 7:27 PM
  Subject: [arr] vellai pookal translation in english..

hi everybody,
can anybody plz translate the beautiful song vellai pookal 
song from the movie kannathil muthamittal sung by our boss in ENGLISH?
thanking you all,

  Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to know how.   


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no one 
can give. Be happy always   


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2008-04-19 Thread undisputed_jithin2002
Guys arent we having a fans meet in chennai.It wud be really nice if we 
have one.I'l be leaving from Bangalore today.Once again ,if there is 
any meet pls do contact me-my no is 9916511996(karnataka)..Looking 
forward forward for the concert.Thanx a lot vithur.t.c


2008-04-19 Thread ramadoss johnson
hai guys 
  Dubai concert rocked all the ways .It is really amazing to watch live ARR 
concert .Salam to our boss...
  R Johnson

 From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India.  Click here.

Re: [arr] to vithur

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
enjoy with those VVIP Passes that you have... I have given you contact
number of venkat for T Shirts. he is to be contacted

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 3:05 PM, vju_shah2006 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Hey buddy hw r u?..Listen i have got the VVIP passes for Rahman Sir's
> changing notes concert.Can u just provide me with ur contact number so
> we can get in touch. and i also want to buy ARR tshirts so if u can
> provide me with the address. Thanx man do reply


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

[arr] Aamir Khan : Producer of Intruder?

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
*Aamir Khan: Producer or intruder?
*19 Apr, 2008 10:35 am ISTlINDIATIMES MOVIES





Add your 

[image: /photo.cms?msid=2963453] Aamir Khan has proved that he is one of
the few talented directors from the industry who believes in perfection. It
is learnt that Aamir who was known for his ghost direction for most of his
movies, repeats history, yet again.

Aamir's next production Jaane Tu Yaa Jane Na marks the debut of his nephew
Imraan Khan. However Mansoor Khan who was a recluse from the Bollywood
circuit for several years, decided to make a come back when he came to know
that his cousin Nauzhat's son Imraan is making his debut in this film.

Needless to say, Aamir and Mansoor both are very particular that the film
has to be a right film for Imraan's career, hence both are keeping a check
on everything, from scripting to directing. The two are so engrossed that
they have apparently forgotten that a known writer Abbas Tyrewala, is the
director of the film.

A unit hand informs that Aamir has been involved since the scripting stage
of the film. "Abbas Tyrewala is one of the best known script writers of the
film, but as usual Aamir gives his creative inputs. Things were okay till
the scripting and direction stage but now the film is complete", revealed
the unit hand.

Continuing on the same vein, the insider said, "But when Tyrewala started
editing it, Aamir began attending the editing room more often. Earlier he
gave some inputs but later when the director did not agree with his views,
Aamir started intruding more and made changes accordingly. Once when
Tyrewala disapproved of Aamir's excessive involvement with the editing of
the film, Aamir was enraged. Finally Aamir had a heated argument with the

It can be recalled that Jane Tu Ya Jane Na was initially supposed to be
produced by Jhamu Sughand but however things didn't fall in place and Aamir
came to rescue his nephew's debut project. Aamir chose A R Rehman instead of
Himesh Reshmmiya who was supposed to compose the music of JTYJN.

Aamir is infamous for his interfering act. Before this he was known for
interfering in Amol Gupte's work and eventually he ended up directing Tare
Zameen Par which marked his directorial debut. "This time he is producing
his second as a producer but Aamir showed more interest in scripting and
editing of this film. It won't come as a surprise to anyone if Aamir drops
director Abbas's name as a director," opines the source.

Abbas Tyrewala was unavailable for the comment.


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

Re: [arr] Chennai concert..urgent info needed and fans meet

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
No. Video Cam or any sort of Camera is not allowed.. Dont take the risk of
getting it.

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 11:31 AM, undisputed_jithin2002 <

>   Guys,i wanted to take my handycam for the concert but its written no
> entries for handy cam.Anybody of u takin?and are we not having a fans
> meet.any info on this pls mail me immedietly. or my no-9916511996..its
> urgent


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

[arr] Hema sardesai Talks - ( Semi ARR)

2008-04-19 Thread Vithur

Hema Sardesai is without a doubt one of India's finest singers. The lady
from Goa with a mellifluous voice has been singing since the tender age of 8
and has already lent her voice to over 50 films including *Sapnay*, *Garam
Masala*, *Josh*, *Chak De! India*, *Biwi No. 1*, *Takshak*, *Asoka*, *Khushi
*, and *Asambav*. Hema not only has a beautiful voice but a beautiful
heart—she refuses to compromise her values for success and devotes a lot of
her time to social work. Enjoy this interview with Hema
Sardesai and learn more about how she decides to take on an assignment, what
her favorite songs are, what her take on talent searches is, and much more…

*You've worked with some of Bollywood's finest music directors, including A.
R. Rahman, Anu Malik, Nadeem-Sharvan, Himesh Reshammiya, Vishal-Shekhar,
Aadesh Shrivastava, and Viju Shah. Which of these music directors do you
feel has been able to bring out the best of your talent and has used your
voice to its fullest potential? *

these gentlemen have in their own way given me opportunities to sing
different kinds of songs and therefore they all have contributed in a way to
me exploiting my capabilities as a singer in many ways.

*You've delivered a number of hit songs such as Awaara Bhavaren (Sapnay),
Hai Re (Khushi), Apun Bola (Josh), Ishq Chandi Hai (Biwi No. 1), Main Kudi
Anjaani (Zor), Jaan Meri (Takshak), and recently recorded a song for Chak
De! India. Yet, you've also been very selective with the amount of songs
you've recorded. How do you decide to lend your voice to a particular song?
For example, do you take a look at the lyrics first? *

I am very selective about the songs I sing. Double meaning or sleazy songs
are a strict no no for me. Yes, with certain music directors I do check the
lyrics before singing. But I am very proud to say that it is more and mostly
my strong stance against ''compromising,'' or starkly speaking my firm stand
against the famous ''casting couch'' scenario is why I sing much lesser
songs than most singers. Of course, I have been blessed to have worked with
decent music directors. I walk tall because of the way I lead my life and am
able to strongly stand for social causes such as ''save the girl child'',
''drug abuse'' etc. I am very happy this way.

*Out of the many wonderful and varied songs you've lent your voice to, which
one is your favorite song? *

Lots of them including ''Badal Pe Paon Hai'', ''Awaara Bhavaren'', ''Apun
Bola'', ''Hai re Hai re'', and my *Hindustani Gudiya* album songs and latest
album *Jhoom* songs are all favorites.

*Who are some of your favorite, current singers? *

They are all my friends and I think they all have something or the other
that is special.

*Who are some of the new music directors you see a lot of potential in? *

Salim Sulieman and Monty Sharma.

*You've done a number of concerts in addition to charity shows for
organizations such as UNICEF. Which country is your favorite place to
perform in—is there a particular city/country where the audience really
responds well? *

Everywhere I have gone I have been showered with overwhelming love by the
audience. Honestly I cannot say any one place. You must be there with me to
actually see it. It is always so wonderful!

*What's the best compliment you've received from a fan? *

A TV anchor who said she was my fan said, ''You are the perfect blend
between modernity and tradition." Also at one of my shows in New Delhi, a
little girl's father, told me that he would want his daughter to be like me
when she grows up.

*How did you decide to take on music as a career choice? If you had to
choose an alternative career, what would it be? *

Music just happened to me when extraordinary compliments whenever someone
heard me hum or sing reached my parents ears since I was 6 years old. Social
work and filmmaking would also be great as careers. Social work I am doing
simultaneously, anyway.

*Which actress do you think is best suited for your voice? *

Kajol and Karisma and Sushmita and Aishwarya and Preity Zinta and Kareena.

*What is your take on the current situation in the Bollywood music scene? *

I am disappointed that talent that shells out hit after hit continuously and
certainly, does not get the deserving accolades. I don't think it's the
singer that counts in most circumstances; it is what the singer can give
other than the voice that counts. 'Tis a shame!!!

*What is the number one mistake you see aspiring singers make? *

They ''compromise'' with the lure of fame and money and then are very very
remorseful and disrespect themselves because of that, wh


2008-04-19 Thread Vithur
This is awesome. ARR did so many of his old songs, which he didnt do in
Chennai before, or in Jaipur.

Expecting the same from him in Chennai tomorrow... Thanks

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 1:49 PM, vino_09 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   The Sharjah concert by ARR was awesomethere is no other term to
> describe itARR intro...Drums by Sivamani etcall rocked to the
> core...below are the list of songs played
> Jaage Hain - Chitra, ARR (Intro)
> Khalbali - ARR Continuesafter that welcome by ARR
> Kadhal Rojave (Tamil & Hindi Mix) - Hariharan & Sadna Sargam
> Barso Re - Neeti Mohan
> Loose Control - Blaaze, Naresh Iyer, Mohd. Aslam (Rocked)
> Girlfriend - Karthik, Benny DayalElectronic Guitarist
> Steveplayed the instrumentlike Crazyman it rockedand
> then the intro of Girlfriend...super...
> Jashn-E-Bahara - Javed Ali (Beautiful)
> Kanalane (Bombay) - Chitra (Tamil & Hindi Mix)...Rahman did the
> traditional Alaapcrowd goes crazy...when ARR starts singing
> Kabhi Neem Neem - Madhushree (Tamil & Hindi Mix)Alaap by ARR
> Robaroo - Naresh Iyer, ARR
> Jiya Jale - Chitra...Naveen's flutesuper
> Dil Se Re - ARR (I still get Goosebumps...when ARR sings this)
> In Lamhon Ke Daaman - Karthik (Tamil), Javed Ali (Hindi), Madhushree
> Vaaji Vaaji (Sivaji) - Hariharan, Madhushree.Rahman proves that
> music has no language barrierthe crowd got beserk with this
> song
> Athiradee (Sivaji) - ARR (with Sunglasses), Naresh Iyer, Mohd. Aslam,
> Sayanorasong ROCKED to the CORECrowd again goes beserk
> Chaiyya Chaiyya - Javed Ali, Mohd. Aslam, Rehaina
> Azeem-O-Shan Shahenshah/Veerapandi Kotiyale - ARR...the song starts
> withAzeem-O-Shan Shahenshah beatsand
> Veerapandi Kotiyale...beatsu must b there to experience
> was magnificentcrowd was clapping non stop
> ARR takes breakduring which Sivamani...does his Drumshe was
> rocking.plzyed the drumsused a suitcase to create
> music...used a 5 gallon empty water bottleto make
> music...superb...
> Style - Blaaze lets the crowdsing along with him.and
> introduces...all the musicians on the stage
> Pray For Me Brother - ARR, BlaazeBlaazesaysto
> light up phones..whole stadium was dark...and only
> light of mobile phoneswere was so nice and beautiful
> to see
> Bombay Theme - Naveen
> Khwaja Mere Khwaja - ARR, Javed Ali, Mohd. Aslam...setting llke the
> movie song
> Ay Hairathe - Hariharan, Sadhna Sargam
> Main Vaari - Sadhna Sargam
> Madhuraike Pogathee - Benny Dayal, Backup Singer (dont remember her
> name)
> Mayya Mayya - Neeti MohanSuperb performance
> Chanda Re - Hariharan (Tamil & Hindi Mix)
> Tere Bina - ARR, Mohd. Aslam, Javed Ali
> Ghanana Ghanana (Alaap) - Chitra, Madhushree, Hariaharan, Karthik
> Thottal Poo Malarum - Hariharan, Sayanora
> Telephone Dhun (Tamil & Hindi Mix) - Hariharan, Sayanora
> Rang De Basanti - Chitra, ARR, and a new guy...dont know who he
> is...he wasnt introduced...
> Sa Re Ga Me - Blaaze, Naresh Iyer, Sayanora, Benny Dayal
> Humma Humma - ARR (Rap by Blaaze)ARR asks the crowd to sing
> Vande MataramConcert ends
> The concert was superb...and we r all waiting for the nexthope
> asARR wont take another 5 years...for him to perform
> again in UAEI wont forget this superb concert
> UAE Fansplease key in your thoughts...if I have missed out
> anything


Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no
one can give. Be happy always

Re: [arr] Rahman's movie has a tagline

2008-04-19 Thread Prabhu Rajagopal
wow this is nice to hear always, ARR himself coming out and appreciating his
innovations.. This has made me curious! An Italian feel... this should be

On 19/04/2008, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Rahman's movie has a tagline April 19th - TV guide -- supplement of
> Deccan Chronicle carried this news (Page 5)
> A.R.Rahman upcoming film *Ada* will carry a tagline "A musical journey by
> A.R.Rahman". And this is the first time when a film of rahman would carry a
> tagline. The movie directed by Tanvir Ahmed has been in making for a long
> time and stars Rahul Roy and few new comers. Rahman says the music is
> special to him as he tried some special stuff for the first time. "I have
> used different beats and sounds in the songs. I have also rendered an
> Italian feel to one of the songs", says Rahman, adding that the audience
> should appreciate the album for its variety. Tha last Hindi film that Rahman
> had composed music was for Mani Ratnam's *Guru* which had bagged
> nominations in almost every award shows this year. He had also provided
> music for *Elizabeth : The golden age*.
> In mean time the buzz is that in this new film Rahman would be striking it
> as good as *Taal* after a long break. As ardent Rahman fans, we certainly
> hope so.
> --
> regards,
> Vithur
> Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny,
> no one can give. Be happy always

[arr] to vithur

2008-04-19 Thread vju_shah2006
Hey buddy hw r u?..Listen i have got the VVIP passes for Rahman Sir's 
changing notes concert.Can u just provide me with ur contact number so 
we can get in touch. and i also want to buy ARR tshirts so if u can 
provide me with the address. Thanx man do reply

[arr] Re: Rahman's movie has a tagline

2008-04-19 Thread rayrai2k
Rangeela had a tag line "A R Rahman's First Original Hindi score"

The Hindi version of Indian (Hindustani) had "A R Rahman's Musical
Bonanza" when released in the cassette & CD Covers

--- In, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahman's movie has a tagline April 19th - TV guide -- supplement of
> Chronicle carried this news (Page 5)
> A.R.Rahman upcoming film *Ada* will carry a tagline "A musical
journey by
> A.R.Rahman". And this is the first time when a film of rahman would
carry a
> tagline. The movie directed by Tanvir Ahmed has been in making for a
> time and stars Rahul Roy and few new comers. Rahman says the music is
> special to him as he tried some special stuff for the first time. "I
> used different beats and sounds in the songs. I have also rendered an
> Italian feel to one of the songs", says Rahman, adding that the audience
> should appreciate the album for its variety. Tha last Hindi film
that Rahman
> had composed music was for Mani Ratnam's *Guru* which had bagged
> in almost every award shows this year. He had also provided music for
> *Elizabeth
> : The golden age*.
> In mean time the buzz is that in this new film Rahman would be
striking it
> as good as *Taal* after a long break. As ardent Rahman fans, we
> hope so.
> -- 
> regards,
> Vithur
> Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to
deny, no
> one can give. Be happy always

Fwd: [arr] Sharjah concert vowwwwwwwwwww amazing(song list)

2008-04-19 Thread renil rajan
intro was with jaage hain followed by khalbali(after
that songs are not in order).the last song was vande
mataram.I may have missed few songs.

1.jaage hain
3.dil se re
4.roja janneman
8.secret of success
9.pray for me brother
10.tera bina
12.chanda re
13.barso re
14.ik onkar
15.rang de basanti
16.vaaji vaaji
17.sunlight (starting few lines)
18.khwaja mere khwaja
19.mein vaari vaari(mangal pandey)
20.telephone manipol (hindi -tamil fusion)
21.mayaa mayaa(guru)
22.madhurayke pogathedey
23.loose control lamhon ke(jodhaa akbar)
25.humma humma
26.vande mataram


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ--- Begin Message ---
hi brother. vow
  yesterday  i went rahman sir concert voww it was fantastic very huge 
crowd  around 25000 to 3 peoples. vowww  amazing this is my third time
  first one 1998 in dubai. second one also dubai 2003,people are enjoying 
rahman sir  show was start as local time 8.30.p.m. and finish at  12 a.m
  arround 30 songs he played it was amazing
  great rahman sir

fani kalyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Oh bro..u dont miss a single line where thers ARR in it 
anywhere in da world..awesome ..the group is so lucky to have a dedicated 
rahmaniac like you
My prayers for you too
God bless

--- On Thu, 4/17/08, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  From: Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [arr] A Prayer on behalf of ARR
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2008, 10:35 PM


Sachin Tendulkar, A.R.Rahman, Abdul Kalam, Rahul Dravid and CHO - VAAZHGA 

  http://sukhinobhava nthu.blogspot. com/2008/ 04/vaazhga- valamudan_ 17.html

Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to deny, no one 
can give. Be happy always 

  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 


 Meet people who discuss and share your passions.  Join them now.--- End Message ---


2008-04-19 Thread vino_09
The Sharjah concert by ARR was awesomethere is no other term to 
describe itARR intro...Drums by Sivamani etcall rocked to the 
core...below are the list of songs played

Jaage Hain - Chitra, ARR (Intro)

Khalbali - ARR Continuesafter that welcome by ARR

Kadhal Rojave (Tamil & Hindi Mix) - Hariharan & Sadna Sargam

Barso Re - Neeti Mohan

Loose Control - Blaaze, Naresh Iyer, Mohd. Aslam (Rocked)

Girlfriend - Karthik, Benny DayalElectronic Guitarist 
Steveplayed the instrumentlike Crazyman it rockedand 
then the intro of Girlfriend...super...

Jashn-E-Bahara - Javed Ali (Beautiful)

Kanalane (Bombay) - Chitra (Tamil & Hindi Mix)...Rahman did the 
traditional Alaapcrowd goes crazy...when ARR starts singing

Kabhi Neem Neem - Madhushree (Tamil & Hindi Mix)Alaap by ARR

Robaroo - Naresh Iyer, ARR

Jiya Jale - Chitra...Naveen's flutesuper

Dil Se Re - ARR (I still get Goosebumps...when ARR sings this)

In Lamhon Ke Daaman - Karthik (Tamil), Javed Ali (Hindi), Madhushree

Vaaji Vaaji (Sivaji) - Hariharan, Madhushree.Rahman proves that 
music has no language barrierthe crowd got beserk with this 

Athiradee (Sivaji) - ARR (with Sunglasses), Naresh Iyer, Mohd. Aslam, 
Sayanorasong ROCKED to the CORECrowd again goes beserk

Chaiyya Chaiyya - Javed Ali, Mohd. Aslam, Rehaina

Azeem-O-Shan Shahenshah/Veerapandi Kotiyale - ARR...the song starts 
withAzeem-O-Shan Shahenshah beatsand 
Veerapandi Kotiyale...beatsu must b there to experience 
was magnificentcrowd was clapping non stop

ARR takes breakduring which Sivamani...does his Drumshe was 
rocking.plzyed the drumsused a suitcase to create 
music...used a 5 gallon empty water bottleto make 

Style - Blaaze lets the crowdsing along with him.and 
introduces...all the musicians on the stage

Pray For Me Brother - ARR, BlaazeBlaazesaysto 
light up phones..whole stadium was dark...and only 
light of mobile phoneswere was so nice and beautiful 
to see

Bombay Theme - Naveen

Khwaja Mere Khwaja - ARR, Javed Ali, Mohd. Aslam...setting llke the 
movie song

Ay Hairathe - Hariharan, Sadhna Sargam

Main Vaari - Sadhna Sargam

Madhuraike Pogathee - Benny Dayal, Backup Singer (dont remember her 

Mayya Mayya - Neeti MohanSuperb performance

Chanda Re - Hariharan (Tamil & Hindi Mix)

Tere Bina - ARR, Mohd. Aslam, Javed Ali

Ghanana Ghanana (Alaap) - Chitra, Madhushree, Hariaharan, Karthik

Thottal Poo Malarum - Hariharan, Sayanora

Telephone Dhun (Tamil & Hindi Mix) - Hariharan, Sayanora

Rang De Basanti - Chitra, ARR, and a new guy...dont know who he 
is...he wasnt introduced...

Sa Re Ga Me - Blaaze, Naresh Iyer, Sayanora, Benny Dayal

Humma Humma - ARR (Rap by Blaaze)ARR asks the crowd to sing 

Vande MataramConcert ends

The concert was superb...and we r all waiting for the nexthope 
asARR wont take another 5 years...for him to perform 
again in UAEI wont forget this superb concert

UAE Fansplease key in your thoughts...if I have missed out 

[arr] 'Chaturbhujam' this album is by a r rahman?

2008-04-19 Thread Kali Dasan
 'Chaturbhujam' this album is by a r rahman?
anybody tell about that...

The Rahman Lover

  Connect with friends all over the world. Get Yahoo! India Messenger at

[arr] Sharjah Concert - The Experience

2008-04-19 Thread Mr Kumaraswamy R
Sharjah Concert was  Fantabulous ! Amazing !! Unbelievable !!
Boss rocked Sharjah last night,  He made everyone dance for this tunes!
Concert started on time as planned.  Artists arived at 8:20pm and taken their 
positions,  Sivamani came on stage with huge applaus at 8:25pm. At 8:30 no sign 
of our boss there... the Whole crowd had their eye on stage waiting for the 
Boss. A Funky looking guy on bright-Yellow-hooded-jersy and Long Shorts, 
appeared!  That was Blazee, He gave a intro on the concert and asked the crowd 
"Are you ready" and left the stage.

    At 8:35 suddenly there was a lady-voice singing a Hindi melody (I dont know 
that song,Sorry) and we found Chitra standing up at one cornor of the stage and 
lending her ever-green voice.  After a minute or two a male voice joined us 
from Top of the stage and you know who it is !  Yes thats our boss!  He 
appeared neatly dressed, along with group dancers in all white even faces 
covered.   That was Awesome !
After that song He spoke for a minute saying its good to be back in 
Dubai/Sharjah after 10 Years (First on 1998)... and ended with saying "Hope you 
like the concert".

Then he was on his job rightaway with  "Kalbali from RDB". then it rained music 
till mid night.
Following are the songs I could remember. Correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Hindi song by Chitra/AR
2. Kalbali - ARR
3. Kadhal Rojave - Roja by Hariharan (Hindi & Tamil)
4. Jashn e Bahaara - Jodha Akbar by Javed Ali
4. Barso Re - from Guru 
6. Kannalane - Chitra
9. Fusecontrol -  Naresh Iyer
10. Jiyajale - Chitra
11. Dil Se Re - ARR
12. In Lamhon Ke Daaman Mein  - Javed Ali
14. Chanda Re chanda Re - Hariharan / Sadhanan Sargam  (Hindi & Tamil)
17. Chaiya Chariya
Sivamani took over for 15 minutes. Showing his skills on veriety of instruments 
from Drums to Spoons to suitcase to Water bottle.  He was great!

18. Pray for me Brother - ARR 
20. Kwaja mere Kawaja - ARR ( He wore a scarf on his head and sat infront of 
Harmonium, It was Top class ) 
22. Sanda Kozhi - Yuva (hindi/Tamil) by Madhushree
23. Maduraikku Pogathadi from ATM
24. Thottal Poo Malarum - Hariharan
25. Azeem Oh Shah - Chorus ( ARR ended the song with Veerapandi koottaiyiley 
line from Thiruda Thiruda(Chor Chor)  ) 
26. Mayya Mayya from Guru
28. Tere Bina from Guru- ARR
29. Ik Onkar - Chitra
30. Rang de Basanti 
31. Oru Koodai Sun Light - Blazee
32. Break the Rules from Boys
33. Hamma Hamma - ARR / Blazee  (Blazee sung few english lines with Humma, not 
sure he wrote himself )
34. Maah Thuje Salam

On a whole it was a awesome experience.
The stage and background screen setting were great. The background screen was 
showing different clippings for each song( eg. Barso Re got Rain on the 
background & Dil Se re got whole stage on Fire ). For most of the songs the 
whole stadium was singing along and dancing.  
Also, Group dancers were there for most of the songs  with colorful robes and 
added more spice for the songs!
Also the touching moment was for Pray for me brother. Before the song Blazee 
asked the crowed to show the Cell phone light.  Ppl did so till the end of the 
song... It was like everyone lighting a candle. It was really touching.
The concert is still running in front of my eyes..  He is great

Kumar R


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Re: [arr] Sivaji Ayngaran DVD released!

2008-04-19 Thread just me!

noorulwahid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I got mine 
yesterday from Oli's m3. And it was great to hear Rahman's 
 music in such quality  after a really long time.
 --- In, just me! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > noorulwahid, yea its me. i the one on zulm as well... ya i called 
 jothi they said by this week end... dunno if true .they have been 
 saying dis for a long time 
 > noorulwahid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I 
 contacted Original M3,and they said it might take a week or two. 
 >  Hope it arrives before that.
 >  I'm planning to set up my home theatre properly for the first time 
 >  (and I've been thinking of it for a very long time, thanks to the 
 >  Loong Delay)
 >  and darkey07,(zulm nickname) if you are here (or if this is you) 
 >  respond, and I shall inform you of the latest updates
 >  --- In, just me!  wrote:
 >  >
 >  > haha ya but its only available online dunno when we can get it 
 >  the stores.. still waiting to buy it in singapore... sigh..
 >  > 
 >  > noorulwahid  wrote: 
 >  Sivaji Ayngaran DVD released!
 >  >  
 >  >  The DVD has been dispatched from UK.
 >  >  And some have already got them in their hands
 >  >  After almost a year, the long wait is finally over.
 >  >  
 >  >  Just hope to get it soon in the stores
 >  >  You may also order at for the 3 DISC 
 >  >  
 >  >  Cant wait to hear Rahman's music in cinema quality!
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >
 >  > 
 >  >
 >  > -
 >  > You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
 >  Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.
 >  >
 > -
 > You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
 Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[arr] Chennai concert..urgent info needed and fans meet

2008-04-19 Thread undisputed_jithin2002
Guys,i wanted to take my handycam for the concert but its written no 
entries for handy cam.Anybody of u takin?and are we not having a fans 
meet.any info on this pls mail me immedietly. or my no-9916511996..its 

[arr] ****SHARJA CONCERT********

2008-04-19 Thread aju alex
OUR BOSS ROCKS YESTERDAY NIGHT..Yesterday  late  night only i returned 
after the show.Still i coulnt get rid of from the thrilling experience got 
from the showThe show was really marvelous and  amazing.We people enjoyed 
the show,,,truelly speaking   I WAS IN A HEAVENLY  EXPERIENCE  THROUGH OUT THE 

After a long wait for 4 hours for opening the gates we people are not feeling 
even after standing up to 12

We people should be proud to get such a great star.

The fast songs from BOYS(Girl Friend...& Secret of Success...), Shivaji shake 
the  whole  gallery.and  for the  song  PRAY FOR  ME  BROTHER..THE 
memorable  day  in my whole life..thank godand  thank u  


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[arr] It was Raining Music in Sharjah

2008-04-19 Thread Mr Kumaraswamy R
Sharjah Concert was  Fantabulous ! Amazing !! Unbelievable !!
Boss rocked Sharjah last night,  He made everyone dance for this tunes!
I'm preparing the details of the concert. Would mail you guys after a while.
Kumar R


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ