Re: FLTR pass qualification although it shouldn't through API program

2015-01-19 Thread Misi Mladoniczky

I don't know...

I would try to remove the Run-If, Save the FLTR and then add the Run-If
manually using field IDs instead of field names.

Do you really have the "1.1" etc in your field names? There are situations
where specifying dots have a meaning to separate different fields, such as
when referencing the different Status-History values. For example '15.1.2'
would mean the 'Status-History.Assigned.Time'. The currency fields also have
special meaning for dots.

So if there is a bug in your version of DevStudio, using field ids might fix
your problem: ('536870913' != 'DB.536870913' AND '536870913' = $NULL$)

The text will change back to database names when you save, but the values
stored in the DB might be different. You can verify this by exporting a
FLTR-DEF-file before and after you do this.

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)

Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at

> Hi Guys,
> I have two weird situations, maybe the reason is obvious but I'm focus on my
> code and don't catch this. So I hope you can help me or suggest what to do :)
> First I will describe my workflow and then I will describe my problem with it.
> There is a regular 'Form1' with character optiona 'Field1.1'.
> To this form is connected 'FLTR1' executed on Modify with qualification:
> ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
> 2 actions:
> - Set Field
>  From Name:'Form2'
>  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' = "Active") AND
> ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
>   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
>   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
>  Mapping:  'tmpField1.2'=$Request ID2$
> - Call Guide 'Guide1' Table Loop:None
> Filter Guide "Guide1" has only one 'FLTR2' which is also related to 'Form1'
> but without execution, with qualification:
> 'tmpField1.2' != $NULL$
> 1 action:
> - Set Field
>  Form Name:'Form2'
>  Qualification:'Request ID2' = $tmpField1.2$
>   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
>   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
>  Mapping:  'Field1.3'=$Field2.3$
> 1 else action:
> - Push Field
>  Form Name:'Form2'
>  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' > "Active") AND
> ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
>   If No Request Match:Create a New Request
>   If Multiple Request Match:Take No Action
>  Mapping:  'Status2'="Pending"
> 'Field2.1'="Value"
> 'Field2.2'=$Field1.1$
> So when value in 'Field1.1' on 'Form1' has been changed, but is not NULL then
> workflow should check whether such value already exist on 'Form2' in
> 'Field2.2' and if yes then take value from 'Field2.3' from 'Form2' and set to
> 'Field1.3' on 'Form1'.
> If such value doesn't exist on 'Form2' then records should be created.
> It is typical situation - so it should work without any problem. But it's not,
> for some reason 'FLTR1' is fire even when 'Field1.1' is NULL and it causes
> create on 'Form2' record with NULL value in 'Field2.2'.
> Update on 'Form1' is done by API. When I try simulate this situation by
> preparing test workflow which push data to 'Form1' to 'Field1.1' NULL value it
> works fine - 'FLTR1' doesn't fire. When I push some value to 'Field1.1' then
> workflow also work fine - check whether such value exist and if no create new
> record on 'Form2' but with value in 'Field2.2'. Also when I push directly to
> 'Form2' to 'Field2.2' with value NULL then my troubleshoot filter fire and
> send to me notification about this.
> So it looks like problem exist only when it is done by API program.
> To troubleshoot this issue I've created filter on 'Form2' which should execute
> on Submit, Modify when 'Field2.2'=$NULL$ and send to me notification about
> such situation. It is strange because although records are created with
> 'Field2.2'=$NULL$ the FLTR doesn't pass the qualification (I see it in the
> logs).
> This weird issue can be seen in gathered logs (FLTR, SQL and API):
> Server API log:
> /* Sat Jan 17 2015 16:10:00.0412 */+SE ARSetEntry -- schema Form1 entryId
> 101 from Unidentified Client (protocol 14) at IP address
> /* Sat Jan 17 2015 16:10:02.7688 */-SE   OK
> Server FLTR log:
> /* Sat Jan 17 2015 16:10:02.6351 */ 
> Checking "FLTR1" (500)
> --> Passed -- perform actions
>  0: Set Fields
>tmpField1.2 (536871628) =
>  1: Call Guide "Guide1"
> /* Sat Jan 17 2015 16:10:02.6367 */ 
> Checking "FLTR2" (500)
> --> Failed qualification -- perform else actions
>  0: Push Fields -> "Form2
> /* Sat Jan 17 2015 16:10:02.6370 */ C

Odp: Re: FLTR pass qualification although it shouldn't through API program

2015-01-19 Thread Piotr Sadowski
Hi Misi,

thanks for answer. I've already done this as well - remove Run If Qualification 
and it doesn't help. I even export this FLTR to def file and look how it looks 
in def fiel, just in case if this could be problem with Dev Studio.

No, my fields don't have name like 1.1, but I've changed names for purpose of 
this message. Although it is good to know about such situation which can occur 
if we use field name with dots - I didn't know about such "future" ;) But I 
think this will only happen when we use name only with numeric and dots without 
latters, as your given example '15.1.2'.

Yesterday I tested one more option - empty value in 'Field1.1' instead of NULL 
value. This also suggested me LJ LongWing on BMC Community. After change 
qualification from:
('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$) AND ('Field1.1' != "")

record are not created since yesterday. I will be watching this weird 
situation. If this suspicions will confirm then I will ask programmer to change 
API program which update value in 'Field1.1. It looks like this program update 
this field even when nothing has changed.

Best regards,

Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 11:04 Misi Mladoniczky  
> Hi,
> I don't know...
> I would try to remove the Run-If, Save the FLTR and then add the Run-If
> manually using field IDs instead of field names.
> Do you really have the "1.1" etc in your field names? There are situations
> where specifying dots have a meaning to separate different fields, such as
> when referencing the different Status-History values. For example '15.1.2'
> would mean the 'Status-History.Assigned.Time'. The currency fields also have
> special meaning for dots.
> So if there is a bug in your version of DevStudio, using field ids might fix
> your problem: ('536870913' != 'DB.536870913' AND '536870913' = $NULL$)
> The text will change back to database names when you save, but the values
> stored in the DB might be different. You can verify this by exporting a
> FLTR-DEF-file before and after you do this.
> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > I have two weird situations, maybe the reason is obvious but I'm focus on my
> > code and don't catch this. So I hope you can help me or suggest what to do 
> > :)
> >
> > First I will describe my workflow and then I will describe my problem with 
> > it.
> >
> > There is a regular 'Form1' with character optiona 'Field1.1'.
> > To this form is connected 'FLTR1' executed on Modify with qualification:
> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
> > 2 actions:
> > - Set Field
> >  From Name:'Form2'
> >  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' = "Active") AND
> > ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
> >   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
> >   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
> >  Mapping:  'tmpField1.2'=$Request ID2$
> > - Call Guide 'Guide1' Table Loop:None
> >
> > Filter Guide "Guide1" has only one 'FLTR2' which is also related to 'Form1'
> > but without execution, with qualification:
> > 'tmpField1.2' != $NULL$
> > 1 action:
> > - Set Field
> >  Form Name:'Form2'
> >  Qualification:'Request ID2' = $tmpField1.2$
> >   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
> >   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
> >  Mapping:  'Field1.3'=$Field2.3$
> > 1 else action:
> > - Push Field
> >  Form Name:'Form2'
> >  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' > "Active") AND
> > ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
> >   If No Request Match:Create a New Request
> >   If Multiple Request Match:Take No Action
> >  Mapping:  'Status2'="Pending"
> > 'Field2.1'="Value"
> > 'Field2.2'=$Field1.1$
> >
> > So when value in 'Field1.1' on 'Form1' has been changed, but is not NULL 
> > then
> > workflow should check whether such value already exist on 'Form2' in
> > 'Field2.2' and if yes then take value from 'Field2.3' from 'Form2' and set 
> > to
> > 'Field1.3' on 'Form1'.
> > If such value doesn't exist on 'Form2' then records should be created.
> >
> > It is typical situation - so it should work without any problem. But it's 
> > not,
> > for some reason 'FLTR1' is fire even when 'Field1.1' is NULL and it causes
> > create on 'Form2' record with NULL value in 'Field2.2'.
> > Update on 'Form1' is done by API. When I try simulate this situation by
> > preparing test workflow which push data to 'Form1' to 'Field1.1' NULL value 
> > it
> > works fine - 'FLTR1' doe

Re: Odp: Re: FLTR pass qualification although it shouldn't through API program

2015-01-19 Thread Misi Mladoniczky

If you create the record through the normal user interface such as ARUser.exe
or Mid-Tier, or via a Push-Fields, there will normally not be any zero-length
strings, only NULL.

If you submit through an API-programs or some other means, it might be
possible to send a zero-length string instead of a NULL.

How do you create the records?

If this is your actual problem, you might want to create a preceding filter
that sets it to NULL if it is "". This way you will know if this is causing
your problem by looking at the log.

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)

Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at

> Hi Misi,
> thanks for answer. I've already done this as well - remove Run If
> Qualification and it doesn't help. I even export this FLTR to def file and
> look how it looks in def fiel, just in case if this could be problem with Dev
> Studio.
> No, my fields don't have name like 1.1, but I've changed names for purpose of
> this message. Although it is good to know about such situation which can occur
> if we use field name with dots - I didn't know about such "future" ;) But I
> think this will only happen when we use name only with numeric and dots
> without latters, as your given example '15.1.2'.
> Yesterday I tested one more option - empty value in 'Field1.1' instead of NULL
> value. This also suggested me LJ LongWing on BMC Community. After change
> qualification from:
> ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
> to:
> ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$) AND ('Field1.1' !=
> "")
> record are not created since yesterday. I will be watching this weird
> situation. If this suspicions will confirm then I will ask programmer to
> change API program which update value in 'Field1.1. It looks like this program
> update this field even when nothing has changed.
> Best regards,
> Piotr
> Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 11:04 Misi Mladoniczky 
> napisał(a)
>> Hi,
>> I don't know...
>> I would try to remove the Run-If, Save the FLTR and then add the Run-If
>> manually using field IDs instead of field names.
>> Do you really have the "1.1" etc in your field names? There are situations
>> where specifying dots have a meaning to separate different fields, such as
>> when referencing the different Status-History values. For example '15.1.2'
>> would mean the 'Status-History.Assigned.Time'. The currency fields also have
>> special meaning for dots.
>> So if there is a bug in your version of DevStudio, using field ids might fix
>> your problem: ('536870913' != 'DB.536870913' AND '536870913' = $NULL$)
>> The text will change back to database names when you save, but the values
>> stored in the DB might be different. You can verify this by exporting a
>> FLTR-DEF-file before and after you do this.
>> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
>> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
>> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
>> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
>> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
>> > Hi Guys,
>> >
>> > I have two weird situations, maybe the reason is obvious but I'm focus on
>> my
>> > code and don't catch this. So I hope you can help me or suggest what to do
>> :)
>> >
>> > First I will describe my workflow and then I will describe my problem with
>> it.
>> >
>> > There is a regular 'Form1' with character optiona 'Field1.1'.
>> > To this form is connected 'FLTR1' executed on Modify with qualification:
>> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
>> > 2 actions:
>> > - Set Field
>> >  From Name:'Form2'
>> >  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' = "Active") AND
>> > ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
>> >   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
>> >   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
>> >  Mapping:  'tmpField1.2'=$Request ID2$
>> > - Call Guide 'Guide1' Table Loop:None
>> >
>> > Filter Guide "Guide1" has only one 'FLTR2' which is also related to
>> 'Form1'
>> > but without execution, with qualification:
>> > 'tmpField1.2' != $NULL$
>> > 1 action:
>> > - Set Field
>> >  Form Name:'Form2'
>> >  Qualification:'Request ID2' = $tmpField1.2$
>> >   If No Request Match:Set Fields to $NULL$
>> >   If Multiple Request Match:Use First Matching Request
>> >  Mapping:  'Field1.3'=$Field2.3$
>> > 1 else action:
>> > - Push Field
>> >  Form Name:'Form2'
>> >  Qualification:('Field2.1' = "Value") AND ('Status2' > "Active") AND
>> > ('Field2.2' = $Field1.1$)
>> >   

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread LJ LongWing
If you have sql turned on, weekday does that show?
On Jan 19, 2015 12:30 AM, "BradRemedy"  wrote:

> **
> Hi Guys
> We have a remedy 8.1 installation with full ITSM and SRM and this morning
> we have a problem where the remedy application service is not starting. The
> Service sits in a "Starting" status and the memory consumption of
> arserver.exe sits at 390mb and wont go any higher.
> I turned on some logging on the server start up and in the log file
> (arstartup_6392.log) it appears to be hanging on the "Loading field mapping
> information". There is no error in the arerror.log file which is adding to
> the confusion.
> The arstartup log file has the following entries:
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Server version
> = 8.1.02 201408260235*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Enabling Low
> Fragmentation Heap succeeded*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   InstallDir =
> C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Set up thread
> control block with key = 0*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> thread local storage block*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> multiple-byte environment*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LocalLanguage =
> ENS*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   ViewDir = en*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> License library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LicenseFilename
> = C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR
> System\Licenses\RemedyAppServer\arsystem.lic*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> Language setting and locale*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize the
> Decimal Math library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Open shared
> catalog*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create Mutexes*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption
> shared library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption
> static functions*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> default configuration information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> parse environment*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize date
> time information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> ApiGuidMap*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> notification strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize RPC
> queue type strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> filter strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> escalation strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load system
> configuration file*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080  
> arsCodeSet=windows-1252[0] arDbCodeSet=windows-1252[0]*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> pending lists*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create cache
> read write lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create full
> text status read write lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create modified
> date field Id List lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize fork
> proxy*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize user
> cache*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Open log files*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize XML
> parser*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load AR
> Extensions*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> process communication mechanism*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> thread list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Check multiple
> servers*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize dead
> thread list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> timed calls*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390  
> CreateRPCQueue(min=1, max=1, rpc=390600)*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Await cache
> ready ...*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9550   Check licensing*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
> InitializeServerCache: PerformPreCachePatchDatabaseUpgrades End*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
> InitializeServerCache: LoadInitialSchemaInfo Begin*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010   Loading group
> list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Initialize
> license pools*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Loading schema
> properties*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2670   Starting
> preload threads*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2820   Loading list of
> fields for all schemas*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.2130   Loading
> schema/group information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.4470   Loading schema
> getlist/index/archive/audit information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:45.1490   Loading
> schema/vui information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:45.3370   Loading field
> mapping information*
> *
> Anyone had this before? Appears that the field mapping information is
> corrupt or running into a problem and I am not sure how best to move
> forward with this.
> Any ideas would be appreciated
> Cheers
> Brad
> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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Odp: Re: Odp: Re: FLTR pass qualification although it shouldn't through API program

2015-01-19 Thread Piotr Sadowski

Yes You are right. Record on 'Form1' is updated by API-program and probably 
this program set zero-length string instead of a NULL. My problem is that that 
I don't know what API-program update records on 'Form1', so I will need to find 
source. Now when I know that it was problem with empty string I can set 
appropriate Run If Qualification in FLTR, before that I thought that maybe some 
Remedy workflow push data to this form with a NULL value. But I went through 
all workflow and I did't find such 
I even created mimic workflow which pushed NULL value or empty string to 
'Field1.1' but it caused that previous qualification [('Field1.1' != 
'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)] of FLTR works fine. I didn't realize 
that it could behave different in Remedy clients vs API-program - that empty 
string is treated differently.

One more time thanks Misi for help!
Have a nice day!

Best regards,

Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 13:36 Misi Mladoniczky  
> Hi,
> If you create the record through the normal user interface such as ARUser.exe
> or Mid-Tier, or via a Push-Fields, there will normally not be any zero-length
> strings, only NULL.
> If you submit through an API-programs or some other means, it might be
> possible to send a zero-length string instead of a NULL.
> How do you create the records?
> If this is your actual problem, you might want to create a preceding filter
> that sets it to NULL if it is "". This way you will know if this is causing
> your problem by looking at the log.
> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
> > Hi Misi,
> >
> > thanks for answer. I've already done this as well - remove Run If
> > Qualification and it doesn't help. I even export this FLTR to def file and
> > look how it looks in def fiel, just in case if this could be problem with 
> > Dev
> > Studio.
> >
> > No, my fields don't have name like 1.1, but I've changed names for purpose 
> > of
> > this message. Although it is good to know about such situation which can 
> > occur
> > if we use field name with dots - I didn't know about such "future" ;) But I
> > think this will only happen when we use name only with numeric and dots
> > without latters, as your given example '15.1.2'.
> >
> > Yesterday I tested one more option - empty value in 'Field1.1' instead of 
> > NULL
> > value. This also suggested me LJ LongWing on BMC Community. After change
> > qualification from:
> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
> > to:
> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$) AND ('Field1.1' !=
> > "")
> >
> > record are not created since yesterday. I will be watching this weird
> > situation. If this suspicions will confirm then I will ask programmer to
> > change API program which update value in 'Field1.1. It looks like this 
> > program
> > update this field even when nothing has changed.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Piotr
> >
> > Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 11:04 Misi Mladoniczky 
> > napisał(a)
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I don't know...
> >>
> >> I would try to remove the Run-If, Save the FLTR and then add the Run-If
> >> manually using field IDs instead of field names.
> >>
> >> Do you really have the "1.1" etc in your field names? There are situations
> >> where specifying dots have a meaning to separate different fields, such as
> >> when referencing the different Status-History values. For example '15.1.2'
> >> would mean the 'Status-History.Assigned.Time'. The currency fields also 
> >> have
> >> special meaning for dots.
> >>
> >> So if there is a bug in your version of DevStudio, using field ids might 
> >> fix
> >> your problem: ('536870913' != 'DB.536870913' AND '536870913' = $NULL$)
> >>
> >> The text will change back to database names when you save, but the values
> >> stored in the DB might be different. You can verify this by exporting a
> >> FLTR-DEF-file before and after you do this.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
> >>
> >> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
> >> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> >> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
> >> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
> >>
> >> > Hi Guys,
> >> >
> >> > I have two weird situations, maybe the reason is obvious but I'm focus on
> >> my
> >> > code and don't catch this. So I hope you can help me or suggest what to 
> >> > do
> >> :)
> >> >
> >> > First I will describe my workflow and then I will describe my problem 
> >> > with
> >> 

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread Harshad Wagh
Hi Brad,I wonder if there is "Record Object Relationship" is set to true in under "Configuration" tab of "Server Information" tab then Remedy Application Service takes longer time to can check this in ar.cfg/ar.conf file and set it to "F" and try to start the Remedy application service.Thanks Harshad

 Original Message 
Subject: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup
From: BradRemedy 
Date: Mon, January 19, 2015 12:30 am
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

** Hi GuysWe have a remedy 8.1 installation with dyThe arstartup log file has the following entries:Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Server version = 8.1.02 201408260235Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Enabling Low Fragmentation Heap succeededMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   InstallDir = C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystemMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Set up thread control block with key = 0Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize thread local storage blockMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize multiple-byte environmentMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LocalLanguage = ENSMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   ViewDir = enMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize License libraryMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LicenseFilename = C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR System\Licenses\RemedyAppServer\arsystem.licMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize Language setting and localeMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize the Decimal Math libraryMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Open shared catalogMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create MutexesMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption shared libraryMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption static functionsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize default configuration informationMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize parse environmentMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize date time informationMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize ApiGuidMapMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize notification stringsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize RPC queue type stringsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize filter stringsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize escalation stringsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load system configuration fileMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   arsCodeSet=windows-1252[0] arDbCodeSet=windows-1252[0]Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize pending listsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create cache read write lockMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create full text status read write lockMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create modified date field Id List lockMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize fork proxyMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize user cacheMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Open log filesMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize XML parserMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load AR ExtensionsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize process communication mechanismMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize thread listMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Check multiple serversMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize dead thread listMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize timed callsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   CreateRPCQueue(min=1, max=1, rpc=390600)Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Await cache ready ...Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9550   Check licensingMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010   InitializeServerCache: PerformPreCachePatchDatabaseUpgrades EndMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010   InitializeServerCache: LoadInitialSchemaInfo BeginMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010   Loading group listMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Initialize license poolsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Loading schema propertiesMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2670   Starting preload threadsMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2820   Loading list of fields for all schemasMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.2130   Loading schema/group informationMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.4470   Loading schema getlist/index/archive/audit informationMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:45.1490   Loading schema/vui informationMon Jan 19 2015 08:54:45.3370   Loading field mapping information*Anyone had this before? Appears that the field mapping information is corrupt or running into a problem and I am not sure how best to move forward with this.Any ideas would be appreciatedCheersBrad _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_ 

_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

Re: Odp: Re: Odp: Re: FLTR pass qualification although it shouldn't through API program

2015-01-19 Thread Misi Mladoniczky

The MidTier and ARUser.exe both translates all empty strings to NULL and also
strips LEADING and TRAILING spaces off strings.

Therefore I think it good practice to have all API-programs do the same.

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB,

> Hi,
> Yes You are right. Record on 'Form1' is updated by API-program and probably
> this program set zero-length string instead of a NULL. My problem is that that
> I don't know what API-program update records on 'Form1', so I will need to
> find source. Now when I know that it was problem with empty string I can set
> appropriate Run If Qualification in FLTR, before that I thought that maybe
> some Remedy workflow push data to this form with a NULL value. But I went
> through all workflow and I did't find such
> workflow.
> I even created mimic workflow which pushed NULL value or empty string to
> 'Field1.1' but it caused that previous qualification [('Field1.1' !=
> 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)] of FLTR works fine. I didn't
> realize that it could behave different in Remedy clients vs API-program - that
> empty string is treated differently.
> One more time thanks Misi for help!
> Have a nice day!
> Best regards,
> Piotr
> Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 13:36 Misi Mladoniczky 
> napisał(a)
>> Hi,
>> If you create the record through the normal user interface such as
>> ARUser.exe
>> or Mid-Tier, or via a Push-Fields, there will normally not be any
>> zero-length
>> strings, only NULL.
>> If you submit through an API-programs or some other means, it might be
>> possible to send a zero-length string instead of a NULL.
>> How do you create the records?
>> If this is your actual problem, you might want to create a preceding filter
>> that sets it to NULL if it is "". This way you will know if this is causing
>> your problem by looking at the log.
>> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
>> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
>> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
>> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
>> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
>> > Hi Misi,
>> >
>> > thanks for answer. I've already done this as well - remove Run If
>> > Qualification and it doesn't help. I even export this FLTR to def file and
>> > look how it looks in def fiel, just in case if this could be problem with
>> Dev
>> > Studio.
>> >
>> > No, my fields don't have name like 1.1, but I've changed names for purpose
>> of
>> > this message. Although it is good to know about such situation which can
>> occur
>> > if we use field name with dots - I didn't know about such "future" ;) But
>> I
>> > think this will only happen when we use name only with numeric and dots
>> > without latters, as your given example '15.1.2'.
>> >
>> > Yesterday I tested one more option - empty value in 'Field1.1' instead of
>> > value. This also suggested me LJ LongWing on BMC Community. After change
>> > qualification from:
>> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$)
>> > to:
>> > ('Field1.1' != 'DB.Field1.1') AND ('Field1.1' != $NULL$) AND ('Field1.1'
>> !=
>> > "")
>> >
>> > record are not created since yesterday. I will be watching this weird
>> > situation. If this suspicions will confirm then I will ask programmer to
>> > change API program which update value in 'Field1.1. It looks like this
>> program
>> > update this field even when nothing has changed.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Piotr
>> >
>> > Dnia Poniedziałek, 19 Stycznia 2015 11:04 Misi Mladoniczky 
>> > napisał(a)
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I don't know...
>> >>
>> >> I would try to remove the Run-If, Save the FLTR and then add the Run-If
>> >> manually using field IDs instead of field names.
>> >>
>> >> Do you really have the "1.1" etc in your field names? There are
>> situations
>> >> where specifying dots have a meaning to separate different fields, such
>> as
>> >> when referencing the different Status-History values. For example
>> '15.1.2'
>> >> would mean the 'Status-History.Assigned.Time'. The currency fields also
>> have
>> >> special meaning for dots.
>> >>
>> >> So if there is a bug in your version of DevStudio, using field ids might
>> fix
>> >> your problem: ('536870913' != 'DB.536870913' AND '536870913' = $NULL$)
>> >>
>> >> The text will change back to database names when you save, but the values
>> >> stored in the DB might be different. You can verify this by exporting a
>> >> FLTR-DEF-file before and after you do this.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)
>> >>
>> >> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
>> >> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
>> >> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
>> >> Find these products, and

Re: SRM Approval Chain with SRM-Level and SRM-AdHoc approval proces

2015-01-19 Thread Nagidi Pavan
Hi Onkar,

Please let us know if you could find any solution to you problem. If YES,
could you please share the solution!

Thanks in advance.

On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 3:46 PM, onkar shinde 

> **
> Hi Experts,
> I am trying to develop the SRM approval chain for Client's one requirement.
> Here is the scenario:
> 1. There would be 2 designated approvals for each SR. (Level wise, they
> should approve one after another and then only SR should get initiated)
> 2. If end user enters any approver's name explicitly (i.e AdHoc approval
> process), then SR should 1st go to this particular approval and then after
> its approval should trigger above level approval process.
> I am able to designed this process, but thing is when Adhoc approver
> approves the request, the SR status moves into Initiated. However other
> Level Process is invoked and their signature do get attached to request for
> their approval, but that is of hardly any meaning. (as SR is already got
> initiated after adhoc approver's approval)
> I know this is the AdHoc approval process and this is the way it works.
> Does any one modify and added extra approval rules to get this kind of
> working done or any similar to that.
> Ideas are welcome.
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Onkar Shinde
> Senior Software Engineer
> Vyom Labs Pvt. Ltd.
> BSM Solutions & Services || ITIL Consulting & Training
> Telephone: +91-20-6632-1000
> Mobile: +91-7709008719
> Email:
> Web:
>  _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
"Where the Answers Are, and have been for 20 years"

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread BradRemedy

I checked in the ar.cfg file and the "Record-Object-Relationship" is set to
"F". As a test I restarted the entire server yet the service still says
"Starting" with the memory usage for the arserver.exe process sitting at
390mb. It will stay like this for hours and wont start.

There is nothing in the arerror log file besides the remedy version
information and the startup log file has the same entries as per my
original post.

The last line is still "Mon Jan 19 2015 13:40:05.7000   Loading field mapping information"

Thanks in Advance

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Harshad Wagh 

> **
> Hi Brad,
> I wonder if there is "Record Object Relationship" is set to true in under
> "Configuration" tab of "Server Information" tab then Remedy Application
> Service takes longer time to start.
> you can check this in ar.cfg/ar.conf file and set it to "F" and try to
> start the Remedy application service.
> Thanks
> Harshad
>   Original Message 
> Subject: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup
> From: BradRemedy 
> Date: Mon, January 19, 2015 12:30 am
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> **
> Hi Guys
> We have a remedy 8.1 installation with dy
> The arstartup log file has the following entries:
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Server version
> = 8.1.02 201408260235*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Enabling Low
> Fragmentation Heap succeeded*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   InstallDir =
> C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Set up thread
> control block with key = 0*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> thread local storage block*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> multiple-byte environment*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LocalLanguage =
> ENS*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   ViewDir = en*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> License library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LicenseFilename
> = C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR
> System\Licenses\RemedyAppServer\arsystem.lic*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
> Language setting and locale*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize the
> Decimal Math library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Open shared
> catalog*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create Mutexes*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption
> shared library*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load encryption
> static functions*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> default configuration information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> parse environment*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize date
> time information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> ApiGuidMap*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> notification strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize RPC
> queue type strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> filter strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> escalation strings*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load system
> configuration file*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080  
> arsCodeSet=windows-1252[0] arDbCodeSet=windows-1252[0]*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
> pending lists*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create cache
> read write lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create full
> text status read write lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create modified
> date field Id List lock*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize fork
> proxy*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize user
> cache*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Open log files*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize XML
> parser*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load AR
> Extensions*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> process communication mechanism*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> thread list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Check multiple
> servers*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize dead
> thread list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
> timed calls*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390  
> CreateRPCQueue(min=1, max=1, rpc=390600)*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Await cache
> ready ...*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9550   Check licensing*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
> InitializeServerCache: PerformPreCachePatchDatabaseUpgrades End*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
> InitializeServerCache: LoadInitialSchemaInfo Begin*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010   Loading group
> list*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Initialize
> license pools*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0330   Loading schema
> properties*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2670   Starting
> preload threads*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.2820   Loading list of
> fields for all schemas*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.2130   Loading
> schema/group information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:44.4470   Loading schema
> getlist/index/archive/audit information*
> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:45.1490   Loading
> schema/vui information*
> *Mon Jan 19 201

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread Jason Miller
I would definitely run a trace on the db as LJ mentioned to see what if any
activity is going on. You can also turn on a startup log by adding a switch
in you armonitor.cfg/config file. I can't think of it off the top of my
head but it has been mentioned on the list before and should be on

Wait... I think it might be  -i.  It gets added to the line that actually
starts arserver.

On Jan 19, 2015 8:28 PM, "BradRemedy"  wrote:

> **
> Hi,
> I checked in the ar.cfg file and the "Record-Object-Relationship" is set
> to "F". As a test I restarted the entire server yet the service still says
> "Starting" with the memory usage for the arserver.exe process sitting at
> 390mb. It will stay like this for hours and wont start.
> There is nothing in the arerror log file besides the remedy version
> information and the startup log file has the same entries as per my
> original post.
> The last line is still "Mon Jan 19 2015 13:40:05.7000   004696> Loading field mapping information"
> Thanks in Advance
> Brad
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Harshad Wagh 
> wrote:
>> **
>> Hi Brad,
>> I wonder if there is "Record Object Relationship" is set to true in under
>> "Configuration" tab of "Server Information" tab then Remedy Application
>> Service takes longer time to start.
>> you can check this in ar.cfg/ar.conf file and set it to "F" and try to
>> start the Remedy application service.
>> Thanks
>> Harshad
>>   Original Message 
>> Subject: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup
>> From: BradRemedy 
>> Date: Mon, January 19, 2015 12:30 am
>> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> **
>> Hi Guys
>> We have a remedy 8.1 installation with dy
>> The arstartup log file has the following entries:
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Server version
>> = 8.1.02 201408260235*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Enabling Low
>> Fragmentation Heap succeeded*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   InstallDir =
>> C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Set up thread
>> control block with key = 0*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>> thread local storage block*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>> multiple-byte environment*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LocalLanguage
>> = ENS*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   ViewDir = en*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>> License library*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920  
>> LicenseFilename = C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR
>> System\Licenses\RemedyAppServer\arsystem.lic*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>> Language setting and locale*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize the
>> Decimal Math library*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Open shared
>> catalog*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create Mutexes*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load
>> encryption shared library*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load
>> encryption static functions*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> default configuration information*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> parse environment*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> date time information*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> ApiGuidMap*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> notification strings*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize RPC
>> queue type strings*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> filter strings*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> escalation strings*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load system
>> configuration file*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080  
>> arsCodeSet=windows-1252[0] arDbCodeSet=windows-1252[0]*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> pending lists*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create cache
>> read write lock*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create full
>> text status read write lock*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Create
>> modified date field Id List lock*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> fork proxy*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize
>> user cache*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Open log files*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Initialize XML
>> parser*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9080   Load AR
>> Extensions*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
>> process communication mechanism*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
>> thread list*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Check multiple
>> servers*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
>> dead thread list*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Initialize
>> timed calls*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390  
>> CreateRPCQueue(min=1, max=1, rpc=390600)*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9390   Await cache
>> ready ...*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.9550   Check
>> licensing*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
>> InitializeServerCache: PerformPreCachePatchDatabaseUpgrades End*
>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:40.0010  
>> Initialize

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread BradRemedy
Hi Jason

I did get SQL profiler running and checked what was being called by remedy
and found the following entries:

SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.553
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.553
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
Audit Logout 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.180
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
Audit Logout 166 2015-01-20 07:38:57.217
Audit Logout 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.020
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.563
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.567
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.570
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.570
Audit Logout 171 2015-01-20 07:38:57.280
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.633

Not sure what the system is trying to do - should i leave it and see ?

I have also logged this with BMC Software to see if they have any ideas.

As always, thanks for the suggestions and help guys - it is really
appreciated. I am hoping my company approves my proposal to attend the BMC
Engage event this year so that I can meet you guys and thank you in person.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Jason Miller 

> **
> I would definitely run a trace on the db as LJ mentioned to see what if
> any activity is going on. You can also turn on a startup log by adding a
> switch in you armonitor.cfg/config file. I can't think of it off the top of
> my head but it has been mentioned on the list before and should be on
> Wait... I think it might be  -i.  It gets added to the line that actually
> starts arserver.
> Jason
> On Jan 19, 2015 8:28 PM, "BradRemedy"  wrote:
>> **
>> Hi,
>> I checked in the ar.cfg file and the "Record-Object-Relationship" is set
>> to "F". As a test I restarted the entire server yet the service still says
>> "Starting" with the memory usage for the arserver.exe process sitting at
>> 390mb. It will stay like this for hours and wont start.
>> There is nothing in the arerror log file besides the remedy version
>> information and the startup log file has the same entries as per my
>> original post.
>> The last line is still "Mon Jan 19 2015 13:40:05.7000  > 004696> Loading field mapping information"
>> Thanks in Advance
>> Brad
>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Harshad Wagh 
>> wrote:
>>> **
>>> Hi Brad,
>>> I wonder if there is "Record Object Relationship" is set to true in
>>> under "Configuration" tab of "Server Information" tab then Remedy
>>> Application Service takes longer time to start.
>>> you can check this in ar.cfg/ar.conf file and set it to "F" and try to
>>> start the Remedy application service.
>>> Thanks
>>> Harshad
>>>   Original Message 
>>> Subject: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup
>>> From: BradRemedy 
>>> Date: Mon, January 19, 2015 12:30 am
>>> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>>> **
>>> Hi Guys
>>> We have a remedy 8.1 installation with dy
>>> The arstartup log file has the following entries:
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Server
>>> version = 8.1.02 201408260235*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Enabling Low
>>> Fragmentation Heap succeeded*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   InstallDir =
>>> C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Set up thread
>>> control block with key = 0*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>>> thread local storage block*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>>> multiple-byte environment*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   LocalLanguage
>>> = ENS*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   ViewDir = en*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>>> License library*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920  
>>> LicenseFilename = C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR
>>> System\Licenses\RemedyAppServer\arsystem.lic*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>>> Language setting and locale*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Initialize
>>> the Decimal Math library*
>>> *Mon Jan 19 2015 08:54:39.8920   Open shared
>>> catalog*

Re: Remedy 8.1 SP2 - Hanging on Startup

2015-01-19 Thread Jason Miller
Hi Brad,

It would be cool to meet you in person.  I didn't notice in your original
email you already had turned on the startup log I mentioned in my last
email (I blame a small phone screen, yeah that is it).

I have seen a seemingly recursive drop table activity like what you are
seeing however that was always after the system (7.6..04) had been up for a
while and was in the process of blowing out the stack (REF KA321632).  The
KA mentions recursive workflow however we never were able to find any kind
of filter loop.  There was also a set of hotfixes for both the AR server
and the Mid Tier that was supposed to address a expand menu API call that
was known to send the AR stack through the roof.  I asked Support about the
mass drop table activity around the time our server was about to eat up its
stack space (after a while I could tell by the logs when a server restart
was coming due to an exhausted stack) but didn't really get a good answer
as to what was performing all of the drop activity.

Do you have API/Filter/SQL logging turned on as well?  It would be
interesting to know what API calls are happening while the server is
hanging during start up.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:23 PM, BradRemedy  wrote:

> **
> Hi Jason
> I did get SQL profiler running and checked what was being called by remedy
> and found the following entries:
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.553
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.553
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal5212 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal8000 166 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> Audit Logout 182 2015-01-20 07:38:58.180
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal7664 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.560
> Audit Logout 166 2015-01-20 07:38:57.217
> Audit Logout 178 2015-01-20 07:38:58.020
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.563
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.567
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.570
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal7732 171 2015-01-20 07:38:58.570
> Audit Logout 171 2015-01-20 07:38:57.280
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0int6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0float6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0char6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.627
> SQL:BatchStarting DROP TABLE AR0decimal6804 183 2015-01-20 07:38:58.633
> Not sure what the system is trying to do - should i leave it and see ?
> I have also logged this with BMC Software to see if they have any ideas.
> As always, thanks for the suggestions and help guys - it is really
> appreciated. I am hoping my company approves my proposal to attend the BMC
> Engage event this year so that I can meet you guys and thank you in person.
> Cheers
> Brad
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Jason Miller 
> wrote:
>> **
>> I would definitely run a trace on the db as LJ mentioned to see what if
>> any activity is going on. You can also turn on a startup log by adding a
>> switch in you armonitor.cfg/config file. I can't think of it off the top of
>> my head but it has been mentioned on the list before and should be on
>> Wait... I think it might be  -i.  It gets added to the line that actually
>> starts arserver.
>> Jason
>> On Jan 19, 2015 8:28 PM, "BradRemedy"  wrote:
>>> **
>>> Hi,
>>> I checked in the ar.cfg file and the "Record-Object-Relationship" is set
>>> to "F". As a test I restarted the entire server yet the service still says
>>> "Starting" with the memory usage for the arserver.exe process sitting at
>>> 390mb. It will stay like this for hours and wont start.
>>> There is nothing in the arerror log file besides the remedy version
>>> information and the startup log file has the same entries as per my
>>> original post.
>>> The last line is still "Mon Jan 19 2015 13:40:05.7000  >> 004696> Loading field mapping information"
>>> Thanks in Advance
>>> Brad
>>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Harshad Wagh >> > wrote:
 Hi Brad,

 I wonder if there is "Record Object Relationship" is set to true in
 under "Configuration" tab of "Server Information" tab then Remedy
 Application Service takes longer time to start.
 you can check this in ar.cfg/ar.conf file and set it to "F" and try to
 start the Remedy application service.
