CMDB 2.0.1 - Where would you put this data?

2007-11-15 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Listers - 

Looking at the skinnied-down CDM, how would you track the following:

Server w/ two network cards that each have two specific IP addresses (for 
failover, for example) associated with them.

Server goes into ComputerSystem class, no problem.

>From there, I could:

1)  Put the Network card into Card class.  If I do, how to I say "this IP 
Address is associated with this card"?  Do I create an IP Endpoint CI to 
track the IP Address, then relate that to the Computer, thus 'kind of' 
relating this to the NIC card?

2)  Do I create a CI in the IP Endpoint class with a CTI of something 
like "Hardware/Component/NIC" and ignore the Card class?  That way I could 
directly relate the NIC Card and its associated IP Address(es) to the 
ComputerSystem w/ both a Component & a Dependency relationship.  But this 
ignores the fact that the actual device that delivers the Access Point is a 
card in the large percentage of cases...

3) Insert other great ideas here

Has anyone else modeled their computer-network data in CMDB 2.0?  If so, 
what did you do?  Another consideration is ease of reporting, which is 
rather difficult to say the least.

Lastly, the CDM has this blurb in the BMC_HostedAccessPoint relationship 
class definition:  "Heuristic: If the implementation of the AccessPoint is 
modeled, it must be implemented by a Device or SoftwareFeature that is part 
of the System hosting the ServiceAccessPoint."  This may be the key to my 
question, I just can't figure out what it means.

Please, weigh in on this topic!


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Re: How to parse contents of char field with multiple rows

2007-02-28 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Carey - 

Got it!  I actually had posted something this a.m. about it, b/c your post 
did lead me to what I needed to do - it seems that some of my posts make it 
and others don't, not sure what that's all about. 

Thanks for taking the time to "spell it out" - it is much appreciated!

Best regards!

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RESOLVED: Re: How to parse contents of char field with multiple rows

2007-02-28 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Carey - 

Thanks for the information, I appreciate your response - I'd done a search, 
but hadn't originally come up with anything specifically relevant.  

I tried what you suggested, and couldn't get it to quite work - but based 
on your input, played around with it a little after using a hex editor to 
figure out what the Remedy GUI was "doing".  Here is what I found:

The carriage return (, \n, 0D, etc.) is represented by a space, then a 
carriage return, then a line feed.  In writing your function, you need to 
write the function - I used "" where I wanted the carriage return to be, 
then go into the "editor" (click on the page-looking icon to the right of 
the Value field, for example), and hit the enter key where you want the CR 
to be.  It will look like a carriage return in the editor, but once you 
close it in the value field you will see something like this:  

REPLACE($Character Field$, "|",  "ababab")

Now - the fun's not over yet!  As Carey mentioned, there may be some 
trimming, etc. to do - but I found the most consistent way to be able 
to "grab" the CR is to do the following:

REPLACE($Character Field$, RIGHT( "|", 2),  "ababab").

Having said all of this, I did modify my original search of ARSList and did 
find a few posts on this - and it looks like the way carriage returns are 
represented have changed over the versions.  Does anyone know if this is 
the case?  If so, I'm thinking we'd modify some of our designs to avoid 
having something "break" in future versions.


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Re: How to speed up Import?

2007-02-28 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Thanks Axton, Rick - good info!  I appreciate the replies!


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Re: How to parse contents of char field with multiple rows

2007-02-27 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Carey - 

Thanks very much for the response, I appreciate your repeating this 

I've tried what you've suggested - and STRSTR is returning a -1 for no 
value found.  I've tried the following:

STRSTR($Character Field$, LTRIM( " \n"))
STRSTR($Character Field$, " \n")
STRSTR($Character Field$, LTRIM( " "))
STRSTR($Character Field$, " ")

After you mentioned that this had been "talked about" before on the list, I 
changed my search criteria and found a few threads - it seems that the way 
Remedy handles carriage returns may actually be version specific.  We are 
on ARS 7.0.01 Patch 001.  Wonder if this has some bearing?


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How to speed up Import?

2007-02-27 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi All - 

Importing slightly less then 200,000 records from our current system into 
Remedy (ARS 7.0.01 patch 001, CMDB 2.0.1 patch 002, BMC Asset 7.0.02 patch 
003, SQL Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server) from the command line 
(arimportcmd) using a private queue.  

Due to the way the CMDB is structured, I'm importing to a form that has a 
number of display only fields, where I have workflow looking up the name of 
the form to import to (i.e. AST:ComputerSystem, AST:NetworkPort, etc.), 
then it pushes about 10 fields to the appropriate form.  ARS Server and DB 
server are on separate boxes, so there is network to contend with as well.

Within the limitations of what I've mentioned, does anyone have any 
thoughts on how to speed up the import?  I thought about splitting the 
source file up, running it on several different private queues, but most of 
this particular import is going into one of two forms, so I'm not sure if 
that would help.

Any advice from this experienced crowd?


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How to parse contents of char field with multiple rows

2007-02-23 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi All - 

Is there any way to parse the contents of a char field that is set to 
multiple rows, and has data that looks like this:

John Doe
123 Main Street
Anywhere, Anystate

Where there is a carriage return delimeter?  I notice in the dbase, spaces 
and carriage returns are "saved" as spaces - but when it's pulled up in the 
GUI, the text displays as if carriage returns are present.  Anyone know 
what does this?

I need to be able to grab a particular LINE of data (i.e. - "123 Main 
Street" in the above example).

Any help would be appreciated!


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Re: CMDB Toolkit/SMS 2000

2007-01-25 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi John, 

Although some might consider this more of an "Asset" application thing, I'm 
going to post it anyway, b/c although we have purchased the Remedy asset 
application - we won't be using 90% of it b/c we do all of our 
requisitioning/purchasing/financial stuff in another application. 

With that said, one of the main things we have found missing is a way to 
create "whole assets" that are made out of various other CI's.  Prime 
example:  we track computers, disks, CPUs and Network cards as separate 
CI's.  We also create assets manually through the GUI to get them into the 
CMDB (this is our "receiving" process).  We can't have our receiving folks 
create each individual CI, then relate them together, etc., when we're 
receiving 200 things at a time.

There seemed to be something promising in the asset app - "Configurations" -
 but we have not gotten this to work the way we'd want it to without a ton 
of effort in modifications.  

>From our standpoint we won't always want to go through all of the asset 
processes anyway (again, since we don't use the entire workflow) - so being 
able to create "systems" as a single entity, each of which create the 
correct CI's in the CMDB and relate them together would be very handy.

We'll be building this ourselves since we have a need for it, but I'd like 
to hear (or see) anyone else's thoughts on how to accomplish this.

We've not implemented our production CMDB yet (soon), but we are converting 
our existing asset app over, so I'd be interested in anything you may have 
found in terms of tips, tricks, etc. as well :)

My 2ยข, for what it's worth!  


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RAID info in CMDB

2007-01-23 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Listers - 

Is anyone storing RAID information (RAID level, adapter, bios, etc.) in the 
CMDB?  If so, what class did you use for this?

Just trying to get some ideas


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Re: What is Definitive Software Library (DSL)? and Updates downloadable

2007-01-02 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Yup, if you want to stick with the out-of-the-box DSL, Chris is right - 
you'll be stuck with the 

Software -> Application -> Third Party -> Product Name

categories - my question is - what good does this do for reporting 
purposes?  If almost everything sits in that one CTI (I think there is one 
for OS, and one other one for DB/s, but I forget...), it is no good to us.

The point of my post is to mention that we've put in an RFE that would 
enable people to modify the CTI's as they need to, and not have it "written 
over" by subsequent DSL updates.  Don't know how the RFE process works at 
BMC, but I would think the more the merrier in terms of requesting a 


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Question re: Self-join forms - what are they? (sp. AST: Forms for Asset 7.0 app)

2006-12-18 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Listers - 
Happy Holidays!

I have a basic question regarding self join forms (I'm specifically looking 
at AST: forms from the Asset 7.0 app).  For example - AST:ComputerSystem is 
a join of BMC.CORE:BMC_ComputerSystem to another 

What's the purpose of this?  If I trace this all back from a database 
standpoint, AST_ComputerSystem is a view, which is based on two other 
views, those are based on four other views, which are based on joins of 5 
tables, 2 views...etc...etc...lots of nesting.

I'm not sure I understand the design principle behind this, and it would be 
helpful if someone could point me to the documentation that might speak to 
this, or give me the "Remedy BackEnd Design for Dummies" synopsis.


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Re: Anyone using cmdb2.0.1/Asset 7.0 patch 2 and extended the cmdb?

2006-12-05 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Rick - 

Thanks for the reply, and  I wouldn't be surprised if it were 
something as stupid as versions that we missed , although in this 
case we've updated all of our tools to the newest release/patch as per 
support's instructions.  I will, however, double check that, just in case. 

I'm wondering how this "pushes" the fields out to the AST forms, and how it 
manages the views.  I see how easy it could be to miss a delimiter in the 
view def or something like that

Haven't tried cmdbdriver to create- although that doesn't seem to be where 
the problem lies, since we can create attributes ok, they just get messed 
up when we sync the asset tool.

Remedy just got back to me saying they can't duplicate, so looks like I'm 
up a creek for now...bah!  


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Anyone using cmdb2.0.1/Asset 7.0 patch 2 and extended the cmdb?

2006-12-05 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hello all - 

We're having issues with extending our CMDB and getting it to sync with the 
Asset App.  We were told to upgrade to the versions above, and that did 
seem to fix the issue (fields not being pushed out to AST forms) at first, 
but we did a "second round" of additions to the CMDB (through Class Mgr, of 
course), and when we ran the Sync-UI workflow (from the CMDB2ASSET view of 
SHR:SchemaNames form), it completely trashed our AST: forms' views.  

For exapmle, fields that had been added successfully with the first sync 
and existed on the "Custom0" tab (as expected) of the AST:ComputerSystem 
form no longer show up.  In fact, the "Custom0" tab disappeared, and now we 
have "Custom73" through "Custom76". If I highlight one of the added fields 
in the "Find Fields" drop down, it does not "find" it. Even if I change the 
field's x:y coords to 0:0, it does not show up.  There are no fields at all 
on Custom73-75, and only one field (one of the 4 added with the 
second "sync") shows up on Custom76.  

However - if I take one of the "missing" fields out of the view and re-add 
it - all of a sudden, all of my custom fields, along with a slew of Remedy 
out-of-the-box fields show up right on top of everything.

I have opened a ticket with support for this - but what I am curious about 
is if anyone else is seeing these kinds of issues in their environment.  
We've been working on getting data in for awhile, and it seems we just run 
into issue after issue - I'm curious about anyone who is running this in a 
production environment (specifically - CMDB 2.0 or later, please!).

And, if you've got a suggestion for the above, do pass it along :)  


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Re: CMDB and naming conventions

2006-11-16 Thread Cindy Sapochetti

We create new classes in our own namespace.  In the CMDB2.0 Concepts & Best 
Practices Guide - it recommends this as a best practice

Here's the snippet:
"Whenever you extend the data model, you should use your own namespace
instead of BMC.CORE. This prevents your extensions from being overwritten
by new BMC classes when you upgrade to a future version of the CDM.
When creating namespaces, use the naming convention
COMPANYNAME.PURPOSE. For example, if the Acme Company created a set of
classes for storing data about buildings and other facilities-related CIs, 
they might store them in the namespace ACME.FACILITIES."

Hope this helps!

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:19:08 -0800, Jason Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Hi all,
>I am wondering what people are using for naming conventions when adding
>classes to the CMDB. There is the convention of adding a plus sign to the
>beginning of homegrown forms (and workflow). This doesn't appear to be an
>option when using the Class Manager unless you create a new Namespace
>starting with a plus.
>So here is the poll.
>1)   If you use the BMC Namespace how do you name your classes to
>indicate they are homegrown?
>2)   Does anybody create their own Namespace for their custom CMDB

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Re: Asset 7.0 - Bug?

2006-11-13 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
We're running Asset 7.0 and not having any issues with these classes (out 
of the modifications yet :))

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Re: CMDB Common Data Model

2006-11-13 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Oliver - 

Do you mean the HTML docs that all link together so you can traverse the 
CDM?  If so, you can (and probably should) modify the HTML docs to add any 
extensions.  I actually found this little blurb in the CMDB2.0 Concepts and 
Best Practices Guide (pg 73) - and amazingly, actually remembered it was 

Hope this helps.

Quoted from CMDB20 Concepts & Best Practices:

pg 73:

"Just as you need to occasionally look up information about classes in the
CDM, you will need to look up information about classes you create. One
easy way to document a class is to copy one of the existing HTML files in
\sdk\doc\cdm and modify it to fit your class. If
you copy the help file for a class with the same superclass as your class, 
will not need to change the information about inherited attributes and
After creating your HTML help files, be sure to make a backup copy of them
in a separate location so that they will not be overwritten when you 
install a
future version of the BMC Atrium CMDB."

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Incident Mgmt 7.0 Product Categorizations & Software

2006-11-12 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hello Listers - 

In IM, as far as I can tell, Product Categorization comes from the Product 
Catalog, and the Product Catalog is loaded with software that is created 
when you load the DSL.

DSL Software Products are all categorized as "Software/Application/Third 
Party" or "Software/Operating System/Third Party" (or similar, am not in 
front of it right now). This baffles me - as there is no way to re-
categorize this in any meaningfull way as far as I can tell...?

In our current implementation of the Help Desk application (5.5), we have 
numerous categorizations of software which we do reporting on that is 
essential to the way our desk operates and is measured.  Should we add our 
own products in another Class?  

For example, let's say someone calls in regarding not being able to print 
from MS Word.  In the DSL it might be "Software/Application/Third 
Party/Microsoft/Word" in the "Product" class.  We might currently have it 
set up as "Software/Client Application/Desktop Productivity" - should we 
enter that product in the "System Software" class to differentiate?

How would that affect software reconciliation/management in terms of 
licensing, tying to contracts, etc.?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  I've also posed this question to 
Remedy Support to see if they have any insight.


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Re: EIE 7.0 Issues ("hanging" + API Error)

2006-10-31 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Kelly - 


EIE.cfg was actually set to 5 minutes before I started having these 
issues.  Set it to 1 to see if I could get something more kicked off, and 
backed it out to 200 to see if things would "catch up".  Starting and 
stopping the service did nothing.  Only thing that enabled everything to 
run once was a reboot - then it "died" again, even with the setting at 60 
to check once an hour.

Right now it's not working on any setting - so I've got an open ticket w/ 
Remedy, and we're rebuilding our dev env. as well.  


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Re: CMDB Question

2006-10-30 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
We'll be in the same boat as well.  After a first pass look at where to put 
things, we're thinking of creating either a subclass under 
BMC_HardwareSystemComponent, or a cat. subclass under Media for the SAN 
devices themselvesremains to be seen what our folks need to track about 
them though for final decision.

We don't have any of the Remedy/BMC topology stuffif anyone does and it 
gives a clue, please let us know!


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Re: ITSM 7.0 PDL-Contracts relationship question - WAS RE: sanity check

2006-10-30 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Silly question - but when you say relate contract to an item in the product 
catalog - do you mean relate a contract to an asset (CI)?  If so, what type 
of asset and what type of contract?


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EIE 7.0 Issues ("hanging" + API Error)

2006-10-30 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Listers - 

Having issues with EIE 7.0 "hanging" after working for about a week.  I 
have several active data exchanges which worked until 2 days ago, then just 
stopped.  Have debugging on, and after restarting EIE service, eiemain.dbg 
would just show "Starting to look for changes to data exchange definitions" 
and then nothing more.  Since this is a dev server, eie.cfg has a 
ConfigInterval set to 1 - but it never "continues" to check each minute, it 
just seems to hang.

I rebooted the box this a.m. (Windows 2003 server), and got the following 
in eiemain.dbg (see below).  Two things to note: API error and the fact 
that after 9:43, it never cycled again to look for changes.

I tried looking up the API error, no luck. 

Does anyone have any ideas?  I'm stuck!


EIEMain.dbg log:

[08:58:36,10/27/06] - Starting to look for changes to data exchange 
[09:41:16,10/27/06] - Starting to look for changes to data exchange 
[09:41:17,10/27/06] - CreateDataExchangelist: AR API returned error during 
ARGetListEntry, Error = 2
[09:41:20,10/27/06] - Failed to retrieve any active data exchange defined 
on AR System: scrmdy07
[09:41:20,10/27/06] - Starting threads to manage event driven requests
[09:41:20,10/27/06] - Immediate async thread started.
[09:41:20,10/27/06] - Event Request cleanup thread started.
[09:41:20,10/27/06] - Waiting for 1 minutes to look for changes to data 
exchange definitions.
[09:42:33,10/27/06] - Starting to look for changes to data exchange 
[09:42:40,10/27/06] - CreateDataExchangelist: AR API returned error during 
ARGetListEntry, Error = 2
[09:42:40,10/27/06] - Failed to retrieve any active data exchange defined 
on AR System: scrmdy07
[09:42:40,10/27/06] - Waiting for 1 minutes to look for changes to data 
exchange definitions.
[09:43:57,10/27/06] - Starting to look for changes to data exchange 

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Re: CMDB/DSL - Cleaning Up Product Dictionary Entries

2006-10-30 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Michael - 

No solution for you, but we will likely do something similar.  We've done 
some editing of the DSL behind the scenes, using the forms you've already 
mentioned, and have not seen issues.  We'll likely build our own 
maintenance form(s) as well for any future DSL updates.

Having said that, we put in an RFE for better overall DSL management 
capabilities, including the ability to categorize the software as you like, 
instead of just "Software-Application-Third Party", which does zip for our 
reporting.  The more RFE's they get on this, the more likely they'll  beef 
it up I would think.


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Re: cmdb 2.0 data

2006-10-19 Thread Cindy Sapochetti

In addition to what Murtuza has said, you'll also need to set up your 
product catalog with the products set up in the same classes that you are 
importing into (i.e. BMC_ComputerSystem) before you populate the CMDB.  If 
you don't - you'll get menu pattern matching errors.

Good luck!

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ITSM 7.0 permissions summary ?

2006-10-17 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hello all, 

Is there any particular document that summarizes the permissions 
(application permissions, etc.) in ITSM 7.0 - rather than having to slog 
through all the user manuals where it says something like "to do this you 
have to be an Asset Manager"?

Just looking for a chart or something that might make it easier for us to 
figure out what kinds of things we have to add, etc.


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Re: Merges Vs. Submit and Modify for Filters

2006-10-13 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Lisa  -

Well whaddya know!  I'm glad I asked - b/c I didn't even notice that 
option!  I was under the impression that you couldn't "key" on any data for 
an update, so this is great news.


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Re: Merges Vs. Submit and Modify for Filters

2006-10-13 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Lisa - 

Can you tell me how you are able to update through an import?  In reading 
this post, I'm interested in trying to figure out what you're doing b/c we 
have a number of instances where an update through a straight import would 
come in handy.

Or - are you importing a file and handling your data matching via workflow?

Just curious - thx.

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Re: ITSM 7 - Operational Categories vs Product Categories

2006-10-05 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Chris-

No problem, glad you could make sense of my ramblings :)  It's just so nice 
to know that we're not alone in our "gee, we really want to figure this 
out" dilemma.

In terms of the DVD drives - IMO your requirements and setup should help 
you determine which of the options (lump in CDROM class, create new 
attributes in CDROM class, or create new subclass) you should select.  For 
example - are there different reporting needs that are required where you 
have to break them out; are there attributes that you track on one that you 
do/don't track for the other; how do you get the info into the CMDB - 
autodiscovery or will "data entry" be an issue in terms of people knowing 
how to create a dvd vs. cd drive?

Remedy suggests a good rule of thumb is if a class has the attributes you 
need - use it; if there's only a few attributes missing, add them to the 
existing class; if you need a layer of specific categorization, see if an 
abstract class (no instances in that class, and attributes are stored at 
parent class level) will work; create a subclass. They also suggest not 
going more then 5 levels deep in terms of classes.  If you've ever looked 
at the sql on the back end, there are lots of nested views and joins, so 
weigh your classification needs against the potential performance hit you 
might see. 

And I totally agree - the whole mandatory 3 tier categorization drives me 
nuts; I hope it is something they can continue to improve upon to make it 
more flexible and less "I need to stick a word in here...let's call 
itMonkey" :) 

Keep me posted on your setup, I'm always looking to share ideas!

Best Regards,

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Re: ITSM 7 - Operational Categories vs Product Categories

2006-10-04 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Chris, 

We, too, are going through the same thing.  I can only speak to product 
categories, the DSL and the CMDB, as that is what my group deals with.  
I've done a little research, and posed some questions to Remedy, and here's 
what we've learned so far:

The "5 levels of Product Categories" is the Tier 1, 2, 3, Product Name, 
Model/Version.  You're right - entries from the DSL are "set" and out of 
the box, they are not modifiable.  The answer I got re: modification of at 
least the Tier 1-3 structure to meet more of an industry standard 
(i.e. "DBMS Software", "Desktop Tools", etc.), they said that it was a good 
recommendation for an RFE.  So, unless you want to modify and potentially 
face upgrade issues, further classification could/would be done at the CI 
level (you could extend the "Product" class, which holds software instances 
(more on that below) to have a further classification structure for the 
installed software).

In terms of hardware, it's more flexible from the standpoint that you've 
got to create the products yourself.  We, too, had "Hardware" as Tier 1 
category, however, if you follow what we feel is the spirit of the CMDB, 
CTI are used to made differentiations  a class - for example, the 
Computer System class might have a CTI like Personal Computer/Desktop/-None-
, or Personal Computer/Laptop/-None-. I don't like the -None-, but until 
Remedy gets that locking us into a mandatory 3 (or 5) tier structure is 
quite limiting, we've got to live with it.

In terms of components - like Video Card - you could create the product in 
the "BMC_Card" class, with a CTI like Video Card/Something/Something 
(sorry, not up on video card stuff); another example would be a mouse - 
could go into the class BMC_Pointing Device with a CTI of 
Wireless/Ergonomic/-None- or USB/Ergonomic/-None-, etc.

Point is, you've got to create the products with the right "classes" first, 
then differentiate/categorize further from there with CTI.  

Lastly, remember that CTI is only mandatory at the Product level - once you 
create CI's, there is no restriction on CTI, so you might even want to 
create "generic" components in the right class and utilize that.  That way 
you avoid the "Dell Video Card, HP Video Card, IBM Video Card", etc.

The way it all ties together (Product Catalog/DSL/CMDB) is that the DSL is 
just pulling entries from the Product Catalog that are are set up to be in 
the System Component/Product class.  (Personally, I think "Product" is a 
bad name for this class, as it is misleading - a product can be any 
product, not just softwarestill waiting for an answer from Remedy on 

The way the product catalog ties to the CMDB is that once you create the 
product entries, specifying the particular class - when you create an 
instance of the CI in the class, the menu options are based on the CTI of 
the product that you created.  

Hopefully this helps somewhat and is not too convoluted to follow :)  I 
just know that we are struggling with the same thing and no one ever posts 
back to the more "generic/esoteric/design" type questions, so just wanted 
to give a shout out.

Good luck, and let me know how you fare going forward!

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CMDB/DSL - Product Class vs. Software Class

2006-09-28 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi all, 

I'm posting this to Remedy support as well, but does anyone understand why 
the class the  DSL "products" are in is the "Products" class and not 
the "Software" class?  

For example, if you install the sample data, there are a few Computer 
systems created - a Unix server and a Desktop system.  Both of these 
instances reside in the "Computer System" class, and the products hierarchy 
they are created from starts with Computer System.

Yet, if you want to create an instance of what is really a Software CI 
(software asset installation which would be related to a computer, for 
example), you have to create it in the "Product" class if you want to use 
any of the DSL entries.

Does anyone have any insight on this? 


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Re: Getting Ciscoworks data into CMDB 2.0

2006-09-26 Thread Cindy Sapochetti

Thanks very much, that's a place to start!  I appreciate the reply.

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Product Catalog for creating CI's in CMDB2.0

2006-09-25 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hello all, 

Here's our situation:  We're migrating our existing asset mgmnt system to 
the Remedy platform.  Currently, our process for creating assets is manual, 
done at our receiving dock as follows:  user selects some basic info 
(product, date rec'd, serial #, etc.).  Once the product is selected, the 
program brings up the "default attributes" of that product, and the user 
has the ability to change them if needed.   The program creates the assets 
based on the serial #s entered, with all the applicable attributes of that 

For example, when they select a computer "Acme PC", the program will create 
a new Acme PC with the serial #, and the default info of 40GB hard drive, 1 
GB ram, 2 GHz CPU, etc.

I do not see a way to  do this out of the box (with or without the 
Asset Application).  It seems you have to create the Computer System CI, 
then a Disk Drive CI and relate it to the computer system CI, etc. - 
definitely not something that our receiving folks are going to get done.

One thought was to create some kind of "maintenance" catalog, which would 
keep the default info, along with which class it would need to be created 
in, etc.

Has anyone created something similar, or have any thoughts on a good way to 

Best Regards,
Cindy Sapochetti

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Re: Getting Ciscoworks data into CMDB 2.0

2006-09-22 Thread Cindy Sapochetti
Hi Jack, 

I was wondering if you'd be able to share what classes/etc. you've been 
populating from Cisco/Smart?  We're new to the Remedy platform and are 
trying to get our brains around the whole "class structure".  We're 
currently using CMDB 2.0, and I know some of the classes have changed, but 
if you could see your way to sharing your current mapping, or any other 
info, it would sure help us out a lot.

Best Regards,
Cindy Sapochetti

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