[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-07 Thread 2fine4u
Very aptly said.  This is all, if not most of the grievances I have,
in a country that espouses, Liberty and Justice, For All, when
nothing could be further from the truth!  A country, so steeped in
racism, that it just rolls off their tongue, naturally!  I remember,
when Nixon said, I Am Not A Crook!  I knew he meant it literaly, but
figuratively, he was!  He stole, not money or goods, but the integrity
of the American Spirit, using his Winning By Any Means Necessary,
ideology, by spying on his enemies; his enemies being the American
People, who he thought were too stupid to understand, what was
really happening!  The murder and assassination of JFK, soured me
forever, that this was a country of laws.  What are laws?  They are
meant to bring justice to those wronged by physical, mental and
mismanaged force upon any citizen of these United States, by anyone
committing an offense against another or a group.  My understanding. 
Justice should be swift and undenied!  

There are those in this group, who proclaim, to not have a racist bone
in their body, when if they play themselves back, would note the
hypocrisy, they're denying.  ALL of us harbor some racist views.  It's
called survival of the fittest!  Those who have always been
entitled, feel threatened, whenever another group, threatens,
whether they will be denied that, which they've always enjoyed,
whether it be a job, a school, a home, where the address is for the
priviledged or a certain status in life.  It all dates back to
Europe, where monarchies reigned and if you were a part of the ruling
class, you'd lie, steal or kill, to ensure your status!  

Isn't that what it's all about today?  You are what you drive!  You
are, what you eat!  How much money you make, where you live, how you
live and who you dare associate with?  If you're not at least a
Christian, you're going to hell!  That anything less, like a Bhuddist
or Muslim, don't matter, doesn't count?  Heaven forbid, if you're one
of them Mormons!  Ask Mitt Romney or JFK, a Catholic, in 1960!

History repeats itself, over and over, again!  The secrecy in this
regime, the governments edict, that we don't NEED to know anything,
except what THEY dictate, to a public, asleep at the wheel, because
Government wants to nanny-sit, every aspect of our public and
personal lives, by tracking everything we do, even this internet
note, I'm writing now, to see who is on THEIR side and if not, subject
to arrest, torture and possibly disappeared, by the Republicans and
the Democrats, who are in bed together, to keep THEIR status, intact!

All I have to say, is we had better wake up, before these new Nazis,
shred our Constitution, which they already ignore and institute
martial law, divide and separate anyone who is not toting the party
line.  This happened in 1933, to the German, Polish and Austrian
people, when Hitler, virtually suspended and took over thier
governments!  The Bushes are originally from Germany and changed Busch
to Bush.  It's all online for now, but for how long?  George W. Bush,
tries to portray himself, as an old cowhand, but read where he was
born, where he went to school, the affluence of his grandfather
Prescott Bush, their relationship to the oil barons of Saudi Arabia
and their relationship to the Bin Laden family, before 9-11.  Trust
me, nothing is going to happen to Osama, no time soon!

We have sattelites that can read the numbers, on a license plate.  You
and I both know, they know, where Osama Bin Laden is and they're
making sure, no harm comes, to him. Bush is tracking our phone calls,
cell phones, EZ Passes and emails from Yahoo, MSN and Google.  There
are actions afoot, to track your debit, credit card transactions and
other computer driven actions, that can be requested at will,
bypassing FISA and any other agrencies, supposedly set up to thwart
their efforts.  Scary?  It's already happening, with cameras
surveilling your every move in Manhatten, supposedly to offset a
terror attack!  Where surveillance is needed, it's going begging, at
the ports and the airports, that the Keystone Kops TSA, misses! 

Our local law enforcement officers all dress like para-military,
designed to beat us back, from demonstrating in the streets, from
lessons learned in the 60's!  They taser anyone and have, for the
least little infraction, such as the man who didn't speak English, was
tasered to death, recently.  He was Polish and couldn't understand
English, had traveled to America, for the first time and had missed
his mother's pickup of him, so now he's dead and his mother demands to
know why!  Blacks and Whites, are engaging each other in coalition,
not  for the first time, but because, we're ALL in this, together and
all we want is Peace!  

Where did all the technical jobs, go?  India, China and Ireland!  Why?
Cheap labor!  Why are all of our kids, pets and ourselves in jeopardy,
from illness?  Lead paint in toys, plastic in our pet foods and
biogenetic food, on our shelves, by 

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 12/4/2007 2:53:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Easy  cowboy! I was just busting your chops because we're pals. I 
do that to all  my friends. Particularly Werner.

Is there some sort of symbol you can  type in the Internet world to 
let someone know your jabbing them in jest  and not in earnest?

Reminds me of the old saying:
When someone says it's not about the money,
you know it's the money.

**Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest 

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread MarioAPNJ
Very reassuring words to me as a resident.  If I were a local  politician, I 
would welcome such collaboration and reasonable words, even if we  didn't 
agree on everything.
In a message dated 12/4/2007 2:44:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Seriously, I am being completely consistent. I speak the truth  -
always, then and now. What did I say about Terry that was not true?  I
asked him to follow through on the Library Square lights and he did.  I
alays liked him. He has a great personality.

And Bruno. Well, I  even liked him even when we were butting heads.

I take nothing back of  what I have said in the past, except in some
instances where it got  personal and I think I even took it back back then.

I never tried to  uncover malfeasance that was not there. I never
suggested anyone did  anything untoward. I gave everyone the benefit of
the doubt. I called it  like I saw it. When I did it was not I that
started the hostilities. Even  you and I kissed and made up.

I guess the only ones I have not made up  with are Big John, Larry and
Aaron. I never said anything that wasn't true  about any of them,
although I think Big John is okay. Larry and Aaron still  suck in my book.

Bruno was kind enough to update me on the game because  I contacted him
when there was a discussion about having a parade for APHS  and Pee Wee
footbal teams. I knew he would be interested and he is the  parade
meister. I gave a large donation to help in the Pee Wee trip and  made
Chetrit an even larger one. Bruno did the right thing.

I have  not gone over to the dark side. Only kidding, I am not
suggesting they are  the dark side.

But unlike a lot of people in this town, I will not be a  prisoner of
the past, and that has nothing to do with preservation which I  am for.

My assessment of how this redevelopment was handled by both  Partners
and the City has not changed. Nor do take back what I think is a  fact,
that the June WRP that was disavowed was the plan and that C-8  could
not be rebuilt without amendment. The disavowal of the real plan  and
its aftermath was shameful. I can say that at the same time as  wanting
and supporting the Esperanza.

But, I am in earnest when I  say that we need to move on. Were mistakes
made? Surely. The voters spoke  in the last election. This is the city
government we have and if it helps  matters, I will work with the
goverment I have. 

I will not be  anyone's blind cheerleader. I can disagree with someone
I support and agree  with someone I don't. I will be no one's enemy. I
will give credit where  credit is due.

And like the Ghost of Tom Joad, I will be ready to say  what is wrong
when I see it. While I will not forget the past, I refuse to  be its
prisoner. Life is too short.


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread Jersey Shore John

The Unpology: How Republicans Never Say They're Sorry

In 1997, Seinfeld introduced Americans to the unvitation. The  
unvitation enables the cynical person to seemingly satisfy the  
demands of social etiquette by extending an invitation to an event or  
gathering which they know the recipient will - or must - reject.

As we fast forward to 2007, Americans are witnessing Republicans  
perfect a similar act of social hypocrisy and cynicism: the Unpology.  
Facing recriminations for ethical failings, racist behavior, sexist  
statements or outright criminality, this new generation of Republican  
wrong-doers delivers the facade of apology by uttering obligatory  
words of remorse devoid of actual regret, contrition - or even an  
admission of guilt.

As AmericaBlog notes this morning, Rep. Bill Sali (R-ID) is just the  
latest Republican to offer Americans an unpology that is neither  
heartfelt nor sincere. On August 8th, Sali in an interview with the  
Christian American Family News Network joined CNN's Glenn Beck in  
attacking Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to  

We have not only a Hindu prayer being offered in the Senate, we have  
a Muslim member of the House of Representatives now, Keith Ellison  
from Minnesota. Those are changes - and they are not what was  
envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Despite the Constitution's clear ban on religious tests for office,  
Sali refused to back down on his claim that the Founding Fathers  
fought for principles found in Scripture and that the dangerous  
part is straying from these principles. But August 16th, even Sali  
recognized that propriety demanded the form, if not the actual  
content of, an apology to Ellison:

I think that Keith deserves a call from me - not necessarily because  
of what's in my heart or in my mind, but because of how it's been  
We learned this morning that the Sali unpology was completed with a  
private email to Ellison. As Sali spokesman Wayne Hoffman put it, He  
said that he wanted to make sure that Congressman Ellison understood  
that he meant no harm or disrespect.

Sali's is just the latest example of a specific type of faux  
Republican remorse, the Conditional Unpology. That is, the  
conservative in question is not objectively sorry per se, but wishes  
to expresses a patina of regret only to those who may have been  
offended. Here, contrition is contingent on the perception of  
offense in the eye of the beholder.

The Conditional Unpology has a rich tradition in the recent history  
of Republican cynicism. Virginia Senator George Allen's macaca  
moment provides just one classic example. Refusing to acknowledge  
the racist baggage of his macaca comment, Allen delivered this  
textbook unpology:

Yesterday, I apologized to anyone who may have [been] offended by  
the misinterpretation of my remarks. That was certainly not my  
intent...I never want to embarrass or demean anyone and I apologize  
if my comments offended this young man.
(It is worth noting that President Bush often relies on a cousin of  
the conditional unpology, the conditional eulogy. Bush noted the 2002  
death of Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone by offering the  
conditional comfort, May the good Lord bless those who grieve.)

Allen's pitfall suggests another relative of the conditional  
archetype is the Inadvertent Unpology. In this scenario, the guilty  
Republican claims he merely misspoke, accidentally used the wrong  
words or was unaware of the hidden meanings of terms he casually  
bandied about. Consider for example, the serial tar baby racist  
slurs of Tony Snow, Mitt Romney and John McCain. Snow claimed his  
critics were unfamiliar with the pathways of American culture,  
while Romney spokesman Eric Ferhnstrom insisted his man was unaware  
that some people find the term objectionable and he's sorry if  
anyone's offended. (The closest President Bush came to acknowledging  
error also hinged on a mere linguistic stumble: Using bad language  
like, you know, 'bring them on' was a mistake.)

A third class of feigned GOP admissions of guilt is the  
Transformational Unpology. Here, the miscreant claims that the  
passage of time, tectonic shifts in social norms or some profound  
personal experience has so altered the wrong-doer as to make him now  
incapable of repeating the offense. Take for example the case of  
Trent Lott (R-MS). In the wake of his disastrous 2002 praise for  
legendary segregationist Strom Thurmond, Lott tried (unsuccessfully)  
to keep his Senate Majority Leader post by using the that was then,  
this is now approach on BET. I'm part of the region and the history  
that has not always done what it was supposed to do, Lott said,  
adding I'm now trying to find a way to deal with the understandable  
hurt that I have caused. Unfortunately for Lott, the times are a- 
changin' defense didn't work so well for someone from the land where  
the old times there are not 

[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread justifiedright
What you are actually saying below is that I'm lying to Dan.

Of course, in your usual punkish way, you won't utter the words, 
rather you hide behind innuendo.

Internet tough guy hiding behind his computer.  Meet in the real 
world and call me a liar, sissy.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 12/4/2007 2:53:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 Easy  cowboy! I was just busting your chops because we're pals. I 
 do that to all  my friends. Particularly Werner.
 Is there some sort of symbol you can  type in the Internet world 
 let someone know your jabbing them in jest  and not in earnest?
 Reminds me of the old saying:
 When someone says it's not about the money,
 you know it's the money.
 **Check out AOL's list of 
2007's hottest 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 12/6/2007 9:17:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Of  course, in your usual punkish way, you won't utter the words, 
rather you  hide behind innuendo.

Internet tough guy hiding behind his computer.  Meet in the real 
world and call me a liar, sissy.

The above says more about you than it does me.

**Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest 

[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread justifiedright
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 12/6/2007 9:17:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 Of  course, in your usual punkish way, you won't utter the words, 
 rather you  hide behind innuendo.
 Internet tough guy hiding behind his computer.  Meet in the real 
 world and call me a liar, sissy.
 The above says more about you than it does me.

Damn right it does.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

Meet in the real 
 world and call me a liar, sissy.

Why didn't you just call him a fag?

Come on Tom, you are better than this.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread justifiedright
Dan those two words aren't synonyms.  I've never been told that the 
word sissy has been usurped by the gay community.  To me a sissy is 
someone who postures as a tough guy and then shrinks when challenged.  
It has zero to do with sexual orientation. 

In those posts we had yesterday, I said I was playfully ribbing you.  
You said I was ribbing you.  I then adopted the moniker of Blind 
Cheerleader from your post to be self-depricating and because I 
thought it was funny.

Then he shows up and calls me a liar.  Out of nowhere.  Unprovoked.  
Apropos of nothing.  A personal attack, and a damned vicious one to 

Do you have anything to say to him about that?  If you don't, I'm not 
going to consider anything you say to me about this, because you 
aren't being even handed if you don't have something to say to him.

In fact, to nip it in the bud from turning into a full scale flame 
war, everyone should say something to him, because him calling me a 
liar was completely unprovoked and came out of nowhere.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
 Meet in the real 
  world and call me a liar, sissy.
 Why didn't you just call him a fag?
 Come on Tom, you are better than this.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread justifiedright
Bull Shit.  You made a post just about me.  No begging off with a 
post about me and him.

He deserves one just about him.  I didn't attack him out of nowhere.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  Dan those two words aren't synonyms.  I've never been told that 
  word sissy has been usurped by the gay community.  To me a 
sissy is 
  someone who postures as a tough guy and then shrinks when 
  It has zero to do with sexual orientation. 
 I am going to let it drop because I do not want this to become a
 battle - but I think you are wrong about the word sissy. Just think
 about it. But in any event, the both of you should just let it drop
 and move on.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread theshortsalepro
Sissy Bars.  Could be Georgies, or on the back of a Harley.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-06 Thread theshortsalepro
I thought a sissy bar was on a Harley, not a social club.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-05 Thread 2fine4u
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

 Excellent! You can hire me to do opposition research.  I've got the 
 goods on everyone ;-)
You are so crazy!

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-05 Thread 2fine4u
Can you put that in writing?  I'm all for it!

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  Interesting, Dan.  For the past couple of months you've pushed for 
  a let's put the past behind us and move forward together agenda, a 
  stark contrast to the past several years of trying to uncover some 
  sort of malfeasance by various parites.
  You've also thrown serveral nice comments Terry Reidy's way of late.
  Now the Deputy Mayor, once a fairly frequent target of yours, is 
  emailing you in what appears to be a social setting.
  Is there any disclosures in order here? :-)
 They promised me they would support me in my bid to be mayor in the
 next election.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread justifiedright
Thanks but who's winning?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, denise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Asbury Park Pee Wee's Gamehalf time score 19-0 in florida
 Be a better sports nut!  Let your teams follow you 
 with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.  

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, denise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Asbury Park Pee Wee's Gamehalf time score 19-0 in florida

We have 19? Yippee!

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread denise
Sorry---Yes  We have 19

- Original Message 
From: dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12:15:58 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, denise denisemchd@ ... wrote:

 Asbury Park Pee Wee's Gamehalf time score 19-0 in florida

We have 19? Yippee!


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread denise

- Original Message 
From: denise [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12:44:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

Sorry---Yes  We have 19

- Original Message 
From: dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12:15:58 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, denise denisemchd@ ... wrote:

 Asbury Park Pee Wee's Gamehalf time score 19-0 in florida

We have 19? Yippee!

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, denise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What are you feeding those babies? That's great!. What, one more game
and they are national champs?

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread justifiedright
The other team was from Rhode Island.  

I forget if there is one or two more games left.  I think it's one.

A Couple of years back Asbury had a Pee Wee team down there.  They 
shut out Hawaii, but then lost to a team from Texas in the 

Maybe 2007 is out year.

Go Bishops!

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, denise denisemchd@ wrote:
 What are you feeding those babies? That's great!. What, one more game
 and they are national champs?

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

 The other team was from Rhode Island.  
 I forget if there is one or two more games left.  I think it's one.

bruno just emailed me about the win. they play for the championship on

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread justifiedright
Interesting, Dan.  For the past couple of months you've pushed for 
a let's put the past behind us and move forward together agenda, a 
stark contrast to the past several years of trying to uncover some 
sort of malfeasance by various parites.

You've also thrown serveral nice comments Terry Reidy's way of late.

Now the Deputy Mayor, once a fairly frequent target of yours, is 
emailing you in what appears to be a social setting.

Is there any disclosures in order here? :-)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  The other team was from Rhode Island.  
  I forget if there is one or two more games left.  I think it's one.
 bruno just emailed me about the win. they play for the championship 

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

 Interesting, Dan.  For the past couple of months you've pushed for 
 a let's put the past behind us and move forward together agenda, a 
 stark contrast to the past several years of trying to uncover some 
 sort of malfeasance by various parites.
 You've also thrown serveral nice comments Terry Reidy's way of late.
 Now the Deputy Mayor, once a fairly frequent target of yours, is 
 emailing you in what appears to be a social setting.
 Is there any disclosures in order here? :-)

They promised me they would support me in my bid to be mayor in the
next election.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread justifiedright
Excellent! You can hire me to do opposition research.  I've got the 
goods on everyone ;-)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  Interesting, Dan.  For the past couple of months you've pushed 
  a let's put the past behind us and move forward together 
agenda, a 
  stark contrast to the past several years of trying to uncover 
  sort of malfeasance by various parites.
  You've also thrown serveral nice comments Terry Reidy's way of 
  Now the Deputy Mayor, once a fairly frequent target of yours, is 
  emailing you in what appears to be a social setting.
  Is there any disclosures in order here? :-)
 They promised me they would support me in my bid to be mayor in the
 next election.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

 Excellent! You can hire me to do opposition research.  I've got the 
 goods on everyone ;-)

Seriously, I am being completely consistent. I speak the truth -
always, then and now. What did I say about Terry that was not true? I
asked him to follow through on the Library Square lights and he did. I
alays liked him. He has a great personality.

And Bruno. Well, I even liked him even when we were butting heads.

I take nothing back of what I have said in the past, except in some
instances where it got personal and I think I even took it back back then.

I never tried to uncover malfeasance that was not there. I never
suggested anyone did anything untoward. I gave everyone the benefit of
the doubt. I called it like I saw it. When I did it was not I that
started the hostilities. Even you and I kissed and made up.

I guess the only ones I have not made up with are Big John, Larry and
Aaron. I never said anything that wasn't true about any of them,
although I think Big John is okay. Larry and Aaron still suck in my book.

Bruno was kind enough to update me on the game because I contacted him
when there was a discussion about having a parade for APHS and Pee Wee
footbal teams. I knew he would be interested and he is the parade
meister. I gave a large donation to help in the Pee Wee trip and made
Chetrit an even larger one. Bruno did the right thing.

I have not gone over to the dark side. Only kidding, I am not
suggesting they are the dark side.

But unlike a lot of people in this town, I will not be a prisoner of
the past, and that has nothing to do with preservation which I am for.

My assessment of how this redevelopment was handled by both Partners
and the City has not changed. Nor do take back what I think is a fact,
that the June WRP that was disavowed was the plan and that C-8 could
not be rebuilt without amendment. The disavowal of the real plan and
its aftermath was shameful. I can say that at the same time as wanting
and supporting the Esperanza.

But, I am in earnest when I say that we need to move on. Were mistakes
made? Surely. The voters spoke in the last election. This is the city
government we have and if it helps matters, I will work with the
goverment I have. 

I will not be anyone's blind cheerleader. I can disagree with someone
I support and agree with someone I don't. I will be no one's enemy. I
will give credit where credit is due.

And like the Ghost of Tom Joad, I will be ready to say what is wrong
when I see it. While I will not forget the past, I refuse to be its
prisoner. Life is too short.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread justifiedright
Easy cowboy!  I was just busting your chops because we're pals.  I 
do that to all my friends.  Particularly Werner.

Is there some sort of symbol you can type in the Internet world to 
let someone know your jabbing them in jest and not in earnest?

Very truly yours,

The Blind Cheerleader

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  Excellent! You can hire me to do opposition research.  I've got 
  goods on everyone ;-)
 Seriously, I am being completely consistent. I speak the truth -
 always, then and now. What did I say about Terry that was not 
true? I
 asked him to follow through on the Library Square lights and he 
did. I
 alays liked him. He has a great personality.
 And Bruno. Well, I even liked him even when we were butting heads.
 I take nothing back of what I have said in the past, except in some
 instances where it got personal and I think I even took it back 
back then.
 I never tried to uncover malfeasance that was not there. I never
 suggested anyone did anything untoward. I gave everyone the 
benefit of
 the doubt. I called it like I saw it. When I did it was not I that
 started the hostilities. Even you and I kissed and made up.
 I guess the only ones I have not made up with are Big John, Larry 
 Aaron. I never said anything that wasn't true about any of them,
 although I think Big John is okay. Larry and Aaron still suck in 
my book.
 Bruno was kind enough to update me on the game because I contacted 
 when there was a discussion about having a parade for APHS and Pee 
 footbal teams. I knew he would be interested and he is the parade
 meister. I gave a large donation to help in the Pee Wee trip and 
 Chetrit an even larger one. Bruno did the right thing.
 I have not gone over to the dark side. Only kidding, I am not
 suggesting they are the dark side.
 But unlike a lot of people in this town, I will not be a prisoner 
 the past, and that has nothing to do with preservation which I am 
 My assessment of how this redevelopment was handled by both 
 and the City has not changed. Nor do take back what I think is a 
 that the June WRP that was disavowed was the plan and that C-8 
 not be rebuilt without amendment. The disavowal of the real plan 
 its aftermath was shameful. I can say that at the same time as 
 and supporting the Esperanza.
 But, I am in earnest when I say that we need to move on. Were 
 made? Surely. The voters spoke in the last election. This is the 
 government we have and if it helps matters, I will work with the
 goverment I have. 
 I will not be anyone's blind cheerleader. I can disagree with 
 I support and agree with someone I don't. I will be no one's 
enemy. I
 will give credit where credit is due.
 And like the Ghost of Tom Joad, I will be ready to say what is 
 when I see it. While I will not forget the past, I refuse to be its
 prisoner. Life is too short.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright

 Easy cowboy!  I was just busting your chops because we're pals.  I 
 do that to all my friends.  Particularly Werner.
 Is there some sort of symbol you can type in the Internet world to 
 let someone know your jabbing them in jest and not in earnest?

(tongue in cheek)

I knew you were only ribbing, but better to clear the air.

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[AsburyPark] Re: PEE WEE

2007-12-04 Thread apoojo
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
   I never tried to uncover malfeasance that was not there. I never
 suggested anyone did anything untoward. I gave everyone the benefit 
 the doubt. I called it like I saw it. When I did it was not I that
 started the hostilities.

 I will not be anyone's blind cheerleader. I can disagree with 
 I support and agree with someone I don't. I will be no one's enemy. 
 will give credit where credit is due.
cant beat that

  While I will not forget the past, I refuse to be its
 prisoner. Life is too short.

excellent closing if we all heeded your lead this would be a much 
better City, thank you for your words of wisdom,  

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