Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone

No, you're just saying that you are Not a PUPPET like him! You agree to disagree, which is as American as Apple Pie! Bush is like a spoiled brat! If you don't play the game his way, he grabs up the game and stalks off, pouting like the brat/dictator/anarchist, HE is! I'm waiting for the concentration camps to open. Oh, I forgot, they closed down Dome City and opened one at the Astro Dome!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--Lighty[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Isn'tthatwhatwehavenow?Ifyoudon'tagreewitheverythingthispresidentsaysordoesyouhavebeendeemedun-american.Ipaycloseattentiontoconservativepublicationsandblogs.Idon'tseeanyoneonoursidecallingyoursideun-American.Iconstantlyseeyoursideaccusingusofcallingyouun-American.Verycuriousbehavioronyourpart.Maybeit'ssomesortofguiltyfeelingforyourpostions?Readcloselyintothatlastline.KindasoundslikewhatpeoplewouldhavesaidinGermanybackintheday,doesn'tit?Ifwedon'tblindlyfollowthispresidentIguesswemustbewrongandsomehowfeel"guilty"aboutit.Not.Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepage!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone

can you spell "Half-Past Dumb"?SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--"sandy"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Whyshouldyouembarressyourlovingfamilylikethat?;~),"bluebishop82"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Mario,sinceIsaid"ThankYou"forcallingmeaDittohead,didn'tthattipyouoffthatIknewwhatitwas?Onceagain,ThankYou!IweartheDittoheadtagproudly!Mega-dittos,Rush!!!Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepage!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread eorslady


Who do we blame I really don't know who is the blame but we need to work 
together to help everyone that needs help. 



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference to your 

It's jingoist sentimment, 


[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 11:57:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Rev,I appreciate you sentiment, but one can 
still talk while operating a shovel, and thank the Lord for 
that! In my quite long winded post, I made documentation available 
that clearly displays the power brokers who have the president's ear have 
been zealously advocateding invasion of Iraq and throwing intense 
financial focus towards that effort for a decade before 
9/11/2001. It's jingoist sentimment, similar to "Until then pick 
up a tool and start building, protecting and comforting our fellow 
Americans, instead of tearing down." that heloed contribute to Jefferson 
Parish being denied funds that WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES. In fact, there is 
nothing more American than speaking one's mind.tony 
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I was to 
blame someone I would blame Terrorist at Large Usama Bin 
Laden. He planned and acted out the attack of the United States of 
America which  occurred on September 11 th. 
 He had trained others to fly commercial aircraft as if they were 
nuclear  bombs and crash them into our 
buildings.  That event caused our Government to have to 
adopt a plan to prevent the  repeat of such 
attacks.  Prior to that event Sadam Hussien was the number 
one concern of every  American who was worried about terrorist 
activity.  I remember a movie with Bruce Willis called 
"Armegedon" In the movie broken  pieces of a meteor were 
crashing into New York City and a cab driver looking  out his 
window screams; "Sadam Hussien is bombing us!"  Today, 
years later...  No other planes have been hijacked and 
used in a similar manner. Thank you  Lord! 
 Saddam Hussien is captured. Thank You Lord!  The 
Taliban is out of power in Afganistan. Thank You Lord!  
Afganistan is a democratic society. Thank You Lord!  Iraq 
is struggling through the early days of democracy just like America 
did  in 1776 - 1863. It took us over 80 years to get our act 
together. Yet the  opposition wants it done in 4. Please 
don't forget it took us well in the  1960's to stop oppressing 
our black americans!   If you do not like the present 
Government... Vote against it in the next  General 
Election. Until then pick up a tool and start building, 
protecting and  comforting our fellow Americans, instead of 
tearing down.  Don't be a Katrina in human 
form!  God Bless America! God Bless The 
afflicted! God Bless the Military! God Bless The 
President! The Congress, the Senate, The Jersey Shore, the chat members, 
the world.  Thank you for your Tender Mercies Oh 
God!  Kevin 
Brown Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

Sorry for the previous 
incomplete post.

In reference to Eboz/Tony's 

 It's jingoist 
Right on!

But be forewarned those who would use such terms as jingoist and 
McCarthy. Some here will refer to Godwin's or somebody else's law 
and then declare the discussion over.

George Bush (and all the jingoists): Always certain. Usually 



[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 11:57:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Rev,I appreciate you sentiment, but one can 
still talk while operating a shovel, and thank the Lord for 
that! In my quite long winded post, I made documentation available 
that clearly displays the power brokers who have the president's ear have 
been zealously advocateding invasion of Iraq and throwing intense 
financial focus towards that effort for a decade before 
9/11/2001. It's jingoist sentimment, similar to "Until then pick 
up a tool and start building, protecting and comforting our fellow 
Americans, instead of tearing down." that heloed contribute to Jefferson 
Parish being denied funds that WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES. In fact, there is 
nothing more American than speaking one's mind.tony 
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I was to 
blame someone I would blame Terrorist at Large Usama Bin 
Laden. He planned and acted out the attack of the United States of 
America which  occurred on September 11 th. 
 He had trained others to fly commercial aircraft as if they were 
nuclear  bombs and crash them into our 
buildings.  That event caused our Government to have to 
adopt a plan to prevent the  repeat of such 
attacks.  Prior to that event Sadam Hussien was the number 
one concern of every  American who was worried about terrorist 
activity.  I remember a movie with Bruce Willis called 
"Armegedon" In the movie broken  pieces of a meteor were 
crashing into New York City and a cab driver looking  out his 
window screams; "Sadam Hussien is bombing us!"  Today, 
years later...  No other planes have been hijacked and 
used in a similar manner. Thank you  Lord! 
 Saddam Hussien is captured. Thank You Lord!  The 
Taliban is out of power in Afganistan. Thank You Lord!  
Afganistan is a democratic society. Thank You Lord!  Iraq 
is struggling through the early days of democracy just like America 
did  in 1776 - 1863. It took us over 80 years to get our act 
together. Yet the  opposition wants it done in 4. Please 
don't forget it took us well in the  1960's to stop oppressing 
our black americans!   If you do not like the present 
Government... Vote against it in the next  General 
Election. Until then pick up a tool and start building, 
protecting and  comforting our fellow Americans, instead of 
tearing down.  Don't be a Katrina in human 
form!  God Bless America! God Bless The 
afflicted! God Bless the Military! God Bless The 
President! The Congress, the Senate, The Jersey Shore, the chat members, 
the world.  Thank you for your Tender Mercies Oh 
God!  Kevin 
Brown Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference toBB's 

I pay close attention to conservative 
  publications and blogs. I don't see anyone on our side calling your 
  side un-American.
Try the Spice Girls for starters, or if they're too pop-culture for 
you, Ambassador Joseph Wilson; he's the poster boy for all Americans targeted by 
this Karl Rove administration.


[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 4:31:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
--- In, Lighty 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 9/2/05 3:14 PM, "bluebishop82" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I liked McCarthy. I 
Long for the old House Un-American Activities  
Committee!!!   Isn't that what we have now? If 
you don't agree with everything this president says or does you have 
been deemed un-american.I pay close attention to conservative 
publications and blogs. I don't see anyone on our side calling your 
side un-American. I constantly see your side accusing us of calling 
you un-American. Very curious behavior on your part. Maybe it's some 
sort of guilty feeling for your postions? And with the way 
this guy has ruined our reputation around the world,...That's 
your fault for believing he has. Follow more closely than the Main 
Stream Media showing nothing but our few detractors as if there is no one 
else and you will find the overwhelming majority of the world respects us 
and is on our side. You just have to tune out of ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN once 
in a while.I'm kinda happy to be thought of as un-american. As 
least when the dust settles I can say I wasn't one of the sheep 
that followed without really paying attention to what was going 
on.You start out complaining that people are calling you un-American, 
then say you are happy to be un-American. Reap what you 
sow. We had the ENTIRE world in our corner after 9/11. He blew 
all of that by losing interest in the Taliban and trying to 
finish his daddy's war. A war that his father knew would 
turn out like it has today. Guess I need to give poppy a 
little credit on this one...George H.W. Bush was leading a UN 
coalition that operated under an agreement that said nothing more than get 
Iraq out of Kuwait. Once he did, it was over. He had no coalition or 
UN agreement to conquor Saddam. However, he went into Iraq anyway, and all 
the liberals went ballistic and said he was exceeding his UN authority. They 
called him all kinds of names like imperialist, etc. So as not to be 
over-thrown, Saddam gave up and signed on to WMD inspections.Now 
flash forward to 2002. Saddam violated 18 resoultions of the UN for 
not letting the WMD inspections take place. Under President Clinton, 
congress voted for the use of force to oust Saddam and appropriated money to 
do it. Bush implements the Clinton plan, and suddenly you guys aren't 
for it anymore and are flip flopping on your suport for his 
father.My side stays consistant. You guys are all over the 
board. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference toBB82's 

I liked McCarthy. I Long for the 
  old House Un-American Activities Committee!!!
McCarthy died totally discredited, and a pathetic drunk. Only a Rush 
history revisionist ditto-head would believe otherwise.

If I were to "long" for a return of influence by any Republican, it would 
be for the likes of Eisenhower, or William Buckley, or even Barry Goldwater: all 
honorable men who didn't practice slime politics.Original Message 

[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 3:15:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
I liked McCarthy. I Long for the old House 
Un-American Activities Committee!!!--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Sorry for the previous incomplete post.  In reference to 
Eboz/Tony's comment:It's jingoist 
sentimment, Right on!  But be forewarned those who 
would use such terms as jingoist and McCarthy.  Some 
here will refer to Godwin's or somebody else's law and then declare 
the  discussion over.  George Bush (and all the 
jingoists): Always certain. Usually wrong! 
 Original Message  Subj: 
[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame  Date: 9/2/2005 11:57:53 AM 
Eastern Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
( Sent on:   
Rev, I appreciate you sentiment, but one can still talk while 
operating  a shovel, and thank the Lord for that! 
 In my quite long winded post, I made documentation available that 
 clearly displays the power brokers who have the president's ear 
have  been zealously advocateding invasion of Iraq and 
throwing intense  financial focus towards that effort for a decade 
before 9/11/2001.  It's jingoist sentimment, similar to 
"Until then pick up a tool  and start building, protecting 
and comforting our fellow Americans,  instead of tearing 
down." that heloed contribute to Jefferson Parish  being 
denied funds that WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES. In fact, there is  
nothing more American than speaking one's mind.  tony 
--- In, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  If I was to blame someone I would blame 
Terrorist at Large Usama  Bin Laden.  He 
planned and acted out the attack of the United States of  America 
which   occurred on September 11 th.  
  He had trained others to fly commercial aircraft as if they 
were  nuclear   bombs and crash them into 
our buildings.That event caused our 
Government to have to adopt a plan to  prevent the  
 repeat of such attacks.Prior to 
that event Sadam Hussien was the number one concern of  
every   American who was worried about terrorist 
activity.I remember a movie with Bruce Willis 
called "Armegedon" In the  movie broken   pieces 
of a meteor were crashing into New York City and a cab  driver 
looking   out his window screams; "Sadam Hussien is 
bombing us!"Today, years 
later...No other planes have been hijacked 
and used in a similar manner.  Thank you   
Lord!Saddam Hussien is captured. Thank 
You Lord!The Taliban is out of power in 
Afganistan. Thank You Lord!Afganistan is 
a democratic society. Thank You Lord!
Iraq is struggling through the early days of democracy just like 
 America did   in 1776 - 1863. It took us 
over 80 years to get our act  together. Yet the 
  opposition wants it done in 4. Please don't 
forget it took us  well in the   1960's to stop 
oppressing our black americans! If you 
do not like the present Government... Vote against it in  the 
next   General Election. Until then pick up a tool 
and start building,  protecting and   
comforting our fellow Americans, instead of tearing down. 
   Don't be a Katrina in human form! 
   God Bless America!  God Bless The 
afflicted!  God Bless the Military!  God Bless The 
President!  The Congress, the Senate, The Jersey Shore, the chat 
members, the  world.
Thank you for your Tender Mercies Oh God!
Kevin Brown 
 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference to your 

How many times do I have to read 
  that my thinking is akin to McCarthyism 
As you have asked of others in the past, I ask you to re-read my 
post. You alluded to McCarthy, and I commented on him.

I know satire very well, and it requires a bit more finesse to be 

BTW: "Dittohead" is a term of endearment among Rushians. If you 
read it carefully, you'll see that I finessed the sentence with "Only" to avoid 
a direct hit, in case you were simply being sarcastic.

To say that "Joe may have gone too far" is a terrific use of 


    [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 5:11:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Dittohead! Thank you Mario! By 
the way you do know satire and sarcasm when you read it, don't you? 
How many times do I have to read that my thinking is akin to McCarthyism 
before I have a little fun and claim that I am like him?Joe may have 
gone too far, but on a serious note, his original intentions were 
good. There were Commies here, Commies were un-American and would have 
doomed us all if we didn't stop them.Funny how I can get called names 
like McCarthyist without anyone crying foul, but if I were to call one of 
you guys a Commie people would erupt at me. Double standards are 
fun!--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote:   In reference to BB82's comment: 
   I liked McCarthy. I Long for the old 
House Un-American Activities  Committee!!! McCarthy died 
totally discredited, and a pathetic drunk. Only a Rush  
history revisionist ditto-head would believe otherwise.  
If I were to "long" for a return of influence by any Republican, it 
would be  for the likes of Eisenhower, or William Buckley, or even 
Barry Goldwater: all  honorable men who didn't practice slime 
politics.   ====Original Message==== 
 Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame  Date: 
9/2/2005 3:15:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ( Sent on:  
 I liked McCarthy. I Long for the old House Un-American 
Activities  Committee!!!   --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Sorry for the previous incomplete post.   
In reference to Eboz/Tony's comment: 
  It's jingoist sentimment,  Right 
on!But be forewarned those who would use 
such terms as jingoist and  McCarthy.   
Some here will refer to Godwin's or somebody else's law and then 
 declare the   discussion over.  
  George Bush (and all the jingoists): Always 
certain. Usually  wrong!   
Message====  Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Who  
to blame   Date: 9/2/2005 11:57:53 AM Eastern Daylight 
Time From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 ( Sent on:  
  Rev,  I appreciate you sentiment, but one 
can still talk while  operating   a shovel, and 
thank the Lord for that!In my quite long 
winded post, I made documentation available that   
clearly displays the power brokers who have the president's ear  
have   been zealously advocateding invasion of Iraq and 
throwing intense   financial focus towards that effort for 
a decade before 9/11/2001.It's 
jingoist sentimment, similar to "Until then pick up a tool 
  and start building, protecting and comforting our 
fellow  Americans,   instead of tearing down." 
that heloed contribute to Jefferson  Parish   
being denied funds that WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES. In fact, there 
is   nothing more American than speaking one's 
--- In, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   If I was to blame someone I would 
blame Terrorist at Large  Usama   Bin 
Laden.   He planned and acted out the attack of the United 
States of   America which
occurred on September 11 th.   
He had trained others to fly commercial aircraft as if they  
were   nuclearbombs and crash them 
into our buildings.  That 
event caused our Government to have to adopt a plan to   
prevent therepeat of such attacks. 
 Prior to that event Sadam Hussien was 
the number one concern of   every  
  American who was worried about terrorist activity. 
 I remember a movie with Bruce Willis 
called "Armegedon" In the   movie broken  
  pieces of a meteor were crashing into New York City and a 
cab   driver lookingout 
his window screams; "Sadam Hussien is bombing us!"  
Today, years later...  
No other planes have been hijacked and 
used in a similar  manner.   Thank you   
 Lord!  Saddam Hussien 
is captured. Thank You Lord!  
The Taliban is out of power in Afganistan. Thank You Lord! 
 Afganistan is a democratic 
society. Thank You Lord!   

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference toBB's 

Once again, Thank You! I wear 
  the Dittohead tag proudly! Mega-dittos, 

Ditto: "Oh...My...God."

[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 6:00:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Mario, since I said "Thank You" for calling 
me a Dittohead, didn't that tip you off that I knew what it was? Once 
again, Thank You! I wear the Dittohead tag proudly! Mega-dittos, 
Rush!!! Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread luvinasburypark

In reference to your 

LOL Mario! You crack me 
More sarcasm, eh? lolOriginal Message 

[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame
9/2/2005 6:08:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
LOL Mario! You crack me up!--- 
  In reference to BB's comment:
Once again, Thank You! I  wear the Dittohead tag 
proudly! Mega-dittos, Rush!!!   Ditto: 
Original Message====  Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: 
Who to blame  Date: 9/2/2005 6:00:45 PM Eastern Daylight 
( Sent on:   
Mario, since I said "Thank You" for calling me a Dittohead, 
didn't  that tip you off that I knew what it was? Once 
again, Thank You! I  wear the Dittohead tag proudly! 
Mega-dittos, Rush!!!  
 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
~--  Get fast access to your favorite 
Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page _Click Here!_ 
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Links Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread Lighty
 Funny how I can get called names like McCarthyist without anyone
 crying foul, but if I were to call one of you guys a Commie people
 would erupt at me.  Double standards are fun!
Actually I'll be the first to admit that so called communism as you
describe the Russians and stuff is far from the original idea of communism
as I perceive it.  And I'll admit to being a Bellamist.  That is, I think
the writing of Edward Bellamy would lead to a better society or even a
Utopian society.  And I'm well aware that some of the aspects are based on
communism.  They just don't deal with the guns or military aspects of
communism that have dominated places like Russia, Cuba or China.
Personally, I think they have butchered the idea of communism in the same
way the Taliban has butchered the idea of Muslim religion; however, the
president always points out that not all Muslims believe that way.  Somehow
people think all communists think the same way -the Russian way.  I'd like
to believe that the communes of the '60s were a more representative manner
of communism.

For those of you that are very religious, I ask you what is more God-like?
The idea of everyone helping one another and sharing resources together or
capitalism where everyone is out for themselves?  Communism was most likely
here first before humans got greedy.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread Lighty
Title: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

BTW: Dittohead is a term of endearment among Rushians. If you read it carefully, you'll see that I finessed the sentence with Only to avoid a direct hit, in case you were simply being sarcastic.

The entire idea of Dittoheads show how ridiculous that culture really is. Would you rather admit to being a sheep blindly agreeing with everything someone says or prefer to have your own thoughts? Dittoheads think Rush only tells the truth when a zillion facts will show otherwise.


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-02 Thread Lighty
  Isn't that what we have now?  If you don't agree with everything
 president says or does you have been deemed un-american.
 I pay close attention to conservative publications and blogs.  I
 don't see anyone on our side calling your side un-American.  I
 constantly see your side accusing us of calling you un-American.
 Very curious behavior on your part.  Maybe it's some sort of guilty
 feeling for your postions?

Read closely into that last line.  Kinda sounds like what people would have
said in Germany back in the day, doesn't it?

If we don't blindly follow this president I guess we must be wrong and
somehow feel guilty about it.


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