[Assam] Building Leadership Skills in Middle School Girls through Interscholastic Athletics.

2008-03-27 Thread umesh sharma
I do not know the finer details but my professional experience as shown that 
getting involved with sports (though not at the cost of studies)  increases 
confidence and  competitive spirit among girls and if  the girls  have never 
been  in middle school  sports  it is much harder  to  get started  in  high  

Though many schools may not have playgrounds in India - but for others - there 
is nothing simpler than running and racing each other . One of my students 
tells me that she can do 50 push-ups in one go - and is a Taekwondo black belt.



ERIC Identifier:  ED479832 
Publication Date: 2003-09-00 
Author: Hart, Lawrence; Gary, Juneau Mahan; Duhamel, Christie Creney; 
Homefield, Kimberly 
Source: ERIC Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse Building Leadership 
Skills in Middle School Girls through Interscholastic Athletics. ERIC Digest.
  The transition to intermediate or middle school, beginning as early as grade 
four, is 
often challenging due to an increase in academic load, additional choices in 
academic curricula, an expectation of increased autonomy, and instruction by 
subject area teachers. Because students change classes and teachers several 
times a day, maintaining personal relationships is often difficult (LeCroy  
Daley, 2001). Middle school-aged students must, at the same time, contend with 
intense and rapid changes in physical, emotional, and cognitive development, 
social approval, a large student body, and a student government as well as 
choices in sports programs and extracurricular activities. 
Harter (1986) found that change in self-esteem is most likely to occur during 
times of transition, such as changing schools. Changes in one's environment are 
usually the 
catalyst for changes in one's self-assessment, resulting in an increase or a 
decrease in 
self-esteem. The re-evaluation occurs due to changes in self-perceptions of 
competence or incompetence based upon the degree of mastery of new 
developmental tasks, a comparison of oneself to a different group of students, 
and/or the creation of new social networks. 
Eccles et al (1993) found that girls had lower self-esteem than boys in middle 
and the gender gap grew when girls transitioned from middle school to high 
Harter (1999) posits explanations for the decline in self-esteem: (1) girls are 
negatively affected by experiences with failure than are boys. The sensitivity 
may limit their willingness to take risks for rewards or advanced 
opportunities; (2) many girls experience a conflict between feminine goals and 
competitive achievements, resulting in increased anxiety in competitive 
situations; (3) girls are confronted with societal and school structures that 
favor boys and with pressure to conform to gender roles that limit their 
exploration; (4) girls are less satisfied with body image compared to boys, and 
this is compounded by pubertal changes; and (5) girls are more likely to worry 
about their problems than boys and this tendency to worry puts girls at risk 
for depression. 
Many middle schools offer interscholastic sports programs for boys and girls. 
Students obtain a position on a team by competing in a try-out, a new 
experience for most adolescents. Once selected, membership requires a 
commitment to compete in several games per week and practice for many hours 
Sports teams for girls flourished as a result on the Title IX Educational 
Amendments of 1972. Often referred to as Title IX, this federal law requires 
that almost all educational institutions provide educational opportunities to 
male and female students equitably, including their athletic programs and 
offerings (www.womenssportsfoundation.org). Title IX seeks to level the playing 
field for both genders by mandating equal opportunities for participation. 
Dobosz and Beaty (1999) assert that leadership is the capability to guide 
others in the achievement of a common goal. Leadership characteristics consist 
of many personal qualities, including self-esteem, determination, 
organizational aptitude, focus, tolerance, decisiveness, self-discipline, 
charisma, time management, self-confidence, social competence, communicating a 
vision, and sensitivity to the needs of others, among other qualities (Dobosz 
 Beaty, 1999). This digest will address empowerment, self-esteem, and time 
Middle school is the typical time for introduction to competitive sports for 
most adolescents. Thus, research collected at the start gate of middle 
school, if you will, will establish a benchmark of the impact of athletics on 
the development of leadership skills in girls. Yet, although Title IX has 
existed for over 30 years, limited research exists in examining this impact 
(Dobosz  Beaty, 1999). 

[Assam] Book : Innovation is not just about Technology - Yunus etc

2008-03-27 Thread umesh sharma

Probably, the most widely shared misconception about innovation is that it’s 
all about science and high tech. The rise of microlending, one of the most 
powerful innovations in recent years, shatters that notion. 
Economist Muhammad Yunus came up with the idea of micro-credit in 1974, after 
giving a woman in the village of Jobra, Bangladesh, $27 from his own pocket to 
help her make bamboo furniture. Previously, women in a village like Jobra 
either had no access to capital or they had to pay usurious rates to local loan 
sharks. Realizing that poor women were actually excellent credit risks and that 
giving them small loans could transform an entire local economy, Yunus formed 
Grameen Bank in 1976 to institutionalize what he called mi-crocredit. The bank 
has now loaned more than $6 billion to more than 7 million borrowers, and Yunus 
took home a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 in recognition of his innovative efforts. 
Microlending is not the only social innovation of recent years. We can also 
cite the advent of impartial consumer testing of products, carpool lanes on 
busy highways, carbon-offset schemes, and a thousand other examples.

My own definition of innovation is both integrative and aspirational. I define 
it as the ability of individuals, companies, and entire nations to continuously 
create their desired future. Innovation depends on harvesting knowledge from a 
range of disciplines besides science and technology, among them design, social 
science, and the arts. And it is exemplified by more than just products; 
services, experiences, and processes can be innovative as well. The work of 
entrepreneurs, scientists, and software geeks alike contributes to innovation. 
It is also about the middlemen who know how to realize value from ideas. 
Innovation flows from shifts in mind-set that can generate new business models, 
recognize new opportunities, and weave innovations throughout the fabric of 
society. It is about new ways of doing and seeing things as much as it is about 
the breakthrough idea. Seen in this way, innovation is always in a state of 
evolution, with the nature of its practice evolving along
 with our ideas about the desired future. That is why innovation has meant 
different things at different periods in our nation’s history, a state of flux 
that has made it difficult to fashion a consensus around any one meaning of 
innovation itself. 
Version 1.0 of our national innovation capability, for instance, featured 
individual visionary inventors. Central casting gave us Benjamin Franklin and 
his kite, what we might call the artisanal model of innovation.

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
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[Assam] A run for a cause

2008-03-27 Thread Ankur Bora
Dear friends ,
  I participated in the ATT Austin Marathon last month. My run was to raise 
funds for Asha for education to support various educational Institutes in 
India. Meanwhile, I received the following news about severe damage by storm to 
one of the schools that we have been supporting. ( Pls find the email below). 
Asha Austin agreed to route the money collected through my fundraising effort 
to tide over this situation. I request your support. The site accepts credit 
card for payment. 
  Please note that all the financial details including receipts would be sent 
to you and the conribution is tax exempted.
  Ankur Bora
  Austin , Texas
  Respected Sir,
  Yesterday in the evening at 07 pm a strom bedly affected us.We lost two 
office rooms,half part of both boys and girls hostel.Our dining room is 
completly damage.We took shelter in the school ..All the clothes and books of 
the students were wet in the rain.The wind hits the cow shed ,pig shed .To day 
we busy to repair but couldnot complete it.We lost around two lacks.The GI 
sheet were completly damage.We canot complete to repair it in one week.
  To day the SDO (c) and SDC Titabar visite at Prajnalaya and suggest us to 
write an application about the damage.I wrote it and submite it .
  Yesterday evening it was a sorroful evening! All the children were cring with 
danger.Half an hour I was help less then.Our one teacher was hurt but it is  
very simple.I thank God no one injoure in the danger strom.
  I was unable to connect because the electric system is bedly affected. We can 
not get electric for two days.The school is going on.
  With Sincerely
  Prabudh Basak

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
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Re: [Assam] From TOI --Indian Special Court's Speed

2008-03-27 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
  Did you read the whole story? The case was pending for 15 years since 1993. 
The special court disposed off the case in one hour of hearing, in stead of 
sending Mr. Ghaffar home again. In my estimate that is a lot of progress.
  The court itself was set up last year - when last year the report does not 
say. Did it take one year for the court to start its business? Probably. The 
magistrate/s had to be appointed, court house had to be established, priority 
list of the cases had to be prepared. 
  The fact that the Maharashtra govt. came up with the idea to handle the riot 
related petty cases is commendable. Real success will be evident only if the 
court disposes off all assigned cases in a record time. It will be interesting 
to know if the special court has been given a deadline. If there is a potential 
that the magistrate/s get recognition for meeting the deadline, there is a 
likelihood that it will be met.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *** If I am not mistaken these 'special' courts were designed to 
provide fast justice, weren't they?


14 yrs in courts, 1 hour to walk free
27 Mar 2008, 0155 hrs IST,Rukmini Shrinivasan,TNN
Print Save EMail Write to Editor

MUMBAI: The much hyped but much delayed special courts, which the 
Maharashtra government set up last year to try 1992-93 riots cases, 
disposed of the first case on Tuesday: a man accused of stealing two 
cans of groundnut oil 14 years ago was acquitted.

Metropolitan magistrate R C Bapat Sarkar took a little over an hour 
to acquit Abdul Ghaffar, whose case was one of the priority cases 
specially selected by the government to be tried in the new courts.

Ghaffar (45), a sherbet seller on Mohammed Ali Road, was arrested in 
May 1993 for breaking into and stealing two cans of oil from a 
godown near his house in December 1992.

Dozens of us were rounded up during those days and charged with 
offences ranging from theft to murder depending on our 'look', 
Ghaffar said during a break from work at his house near Suleman Usman 
Bakery. I was in custody for two and a half months. They beat me up 
and tortured me in ways that I cannot tell you, he added.

Ghaffar was charged under Sections 380 (robbery) and 454 (trespass) 
of IPC. His trial began at the Mazgaon magistrate's court. My date 
would come up every two weeks. I'd go to court, sign my name, and 
then be told that the case was adjourned. I'd return home by evening, 
a day's earnings lost, said Ghaffar.

For the past two years, there was no hearing and Ghaffar was told by 
police that his case had been put in the dormant file.

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Re: [Assam] From TOI --Indian Special Court's Speed

2008-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta
   The fact that the Maharashtra govt. came up with the idea to 
handle the riot related petty cases is commendable.

*** When you set the standard so low, even excreta could be said to 
smell wonderful.

The IDEA is not NEW by any standard. It has been going around for decades.

So it took fifteen years to set this up? Where has desi-demokrasy  been so far?

If you can wait long enough , everything will be fine some day. 
Unfortunately  THOSE who only live ONCE, that could be a bit late, 
don't you think?

Did you see the following?

  My date  would come up every two weeks. I'd go to court, sign my name, and
then be told that the case was adjourned. I'd return home by evening,
a day's earnings lost, said Ghaffar.

  I was in custody for two and a half months. They beat me up
and tortured me in ways that I cannot tell you,

*** That was summary punishment meted out, which continues to remain 
the centerpiece of Indian justice! Imagine that. That is 
desi-demokrasy for you.

At 5:43 AM -0700 3/27/08, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
   Did you read the whole story? The case was pending for 15 years 
since 1993. The special court disposed off the case in one hour of 
hearing, in stead of sending Mr. Ghaffar home again. In my estimate 
that is a lot of progress.
   The court itself was set up last year - when last year the report 
does not say. Did it take one year for the court to start its 
business? Probably. The magistrate/s had to be appointed, court 
house had to be established, priority list of the cases had to be 
   The fact that the Maharashtra govt. came up with the idea to 
handle the riot related petty cases is commendable. Real success 
will be evident only if the court disposes off all assigned cases in 
a record time. It will be interesting to know if the special court 
has been given a deadline. If there is a potential that the 
magistrate/s get recognition for meeting the deadline, there is a 
likelihood that it will be met.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   *** If I am not mistaken these 'special' courts were designed to
provide fast justice, weren't they?


14 yrs in courts, 1 hour to walk free
27 Mar 2008, 0155 hrs IST,Rukmini Shrinivasan,TNN
Print Save EMail Write to Editor

MUMBAI: The much hyped but much delayed special courts, which the
Maharashtra government set up last year to try 1992-93 riots cases,
disposed of the first case on Tuesday: a man accused of stealing two
cans of groundnut oil 14 years ago was acquitted.

Metropolitan magistrate R C Bapat Sarkar took a little over an hour
to acquit Abdul Ghaffar, whose case was one of the priority cases
specially selected by the government to be tried in the new courts.

Ghaffar (45), a sherbet seller on Mohammed Ali Road, was arrested in
May 1993 for breaking into and stealing two cans of oil from a
godown near his house in December 1992.

Dozens of us were rounded up during those days and charged with
offences ranging from theft to murder depending on our 'look',
Ghaffar said during a break from work at his house near Suleman Usman
Bakery. I was in custody for two and a half months. They beat me up
and tortured me in ways that I cannot tell you, he added.

Ghaffar was charged under Sections 380 (robbery) and 454 (trespass)
of IPC. His trial began at the Mazgaon magistrate's court. My date
would come up every two weeks. I'd go to court, sign my name, and
then be told that the case was adjourned. I'd return home by evening,
a day's earnings lost, said Ghaffar.

For the past two years, there was no hearing and Ghaffar was told by
police that his case had been put in the dormant file.

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[Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta
Can we raise OUR voices in support of these 'scribes'? It will be a 
worthy effort.



Scribes oppose Sai Baba temple near Bishnu Dol
 From Our Correspondent
  SIVASAGAR, March 26 - Scribes in Sivasagar, accredited to various 
newspapers and channels met DC Sivasagar NM Hussain and submitted a 
memorandum requesting him to intervene personally on behalf of 
District Administration in the construction of a three storey mandir 
of Sri Satya Sai Baba on a plot allegedly belonging to Sivasagar 
Municipality Board barely a few meters away from historic Bishnu-dol. 
It may be mentioned here that the three historic dols, Vishnu, Shiva 
and Devidol built by Borraja Draupadi Modambika, 2nd queen of King 
Shivasingha in 1731 AD are under preservation and protection of 
Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1988. According to ancient 
monuments and Archeological Sites  Remains Act 1959, no permanent 
construction on excavation work can be undertaken within a distance 
of 200 metres of the monuments protected by ASI. Therefore, the 
scribes feel that the construction of the Sai Temple should be halted 
and also other constructions in the entire area without ASI approved.

The scribes included Prof Sonaram Boruah, Prof Guna Baruah, Manoj 
Borthakur, Maniram Dutta, MI Bora, Mujhaheed Ali, Purusuttam Kalita, 
Ratu Das, Ratul Konwar, Konkan Bora and Jyotirmoy Rajkhowa. The 
scribes have also sent copies of the memorandum to regional director 
ASI, NE Circle, Sivasagar Development Authority and Sivasagar 
Municipality Board.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread Ram Sarangapani

The preservation of historical and ancient idols are, of course, paramount,
and all of us should support such efforts.

Some questions do arise though:

How is it possible for any private organization to build on land owned by
the Sivasagar Municipality Board?

It seems the Sai Baba temple is being built as we speak, so how did the
District authorities give it permissions? Aren't these authorities also
interested in the preservation of these ancient idols?

Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the Sai
Baba temple started? (when the permits were issued or the when the
foundations were just being laid). How does it benefit anyone at mid-waters?

Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

In Texas there was something vaguely similar.

A mosque was being built (on land purchased by some Muslim business people).
There was a Church nearby.
The issuing authorities of course issued permits without batting an eyelid.
But, no one protested when the permits were issued. Then there was a huge
public outcry against building of the mosque.
Now, I think it is in in litigation, and there is lot of ill feelings in
both communities.

Sometimes such confrontations can be deftly avoided with some prudence by
both the issuing authorities and the protesting public.

Religious groups often want to force their presence in some place or the
other, just because they have a 'right' to do so. And their reasoning seems
to be to propogate their brand of religion - make it more palatable among
the natives, so to speak :)

Also would a Naam Garh have made a difference? Don't know.

Skeptical as always:)


On 3/27/08, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can we raise OUR voices in support of these 'scribes'? It will be a
 worthy effort.



 Scribes oppose Sai Baba temple near Bishnu Dol
 From Our Correspondent
 SIVASAGAR, March 26 - Scribes in Sivasagar, accredited to various
 newspapers and channels met DC Sivasagar NM Hussain and submitted a
 memorandum requesting him to intervene personally on behalf of
 District Administration in the construction of a three storey mandir
 of Sri Satya Sai Baba on a plot allegedly belonging to Sivasagar
 Municipality Board barely a few meters away from historic Bishnu-dol.
 It may be mentioned here that the three historic dols, Vishnu, Shiva
 and Devidol built by Borraja Draupadi Modambika, 2nd queen of King
 Shivasingha in 1731 AD are under preservation and protection of
 Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1988. According to ancient
 monuments and Archeological Sites  Remains Act 1959, no permanent
 construction on excavation work can be undertaken within a distance
 of 200 metres of the monuments protected by ASI. Therefore, the
 scribes feel that the construction of the Sai Temple should be halted
 and also other constructions in the entire area without ASI approved.

 The scribes included Prof Sonaram Boruah, Prof Guna Baruah, Manoj
 Borthakur, Maniram Dutta, MI Bora, Mujhaheed Ali, Purusuttam Kalita,
 Ratu Das, Ratul Konwar, Konkan Bora and Jyotirmoy Rajkhowa. The
 scribes have also sent copies of the memorandum to regional director
 ASI, NE Circle, Sivasagar Development Authority and Sivasagar
 Municipality Board.

 assam mailing list

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta

To give you a nasty  reply:

Do you think the questions you ask about permits, neighborhood's 
apporval etc. have any merit in the context? What--have you become 
American or something ?

How did the municipality land got to Sai Baban's? Good question Ram. 
But not a smart one if you forgot what I mean.

  Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the Sai
Baba temple started?

I have been trying to educate you folks about that., But obviously 
you don't learn do you?

  Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

Take a wild guess!

  Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

Take another wild guess!

 Bottom line Ram is this: These are structures of  Assam's 
historical /archaeological heritage . The deserve not to be 
desecrated by new construction within its visual bounds -- no matter 
dedicated to what god/s , no matter how beautiful. It is a matter of 
cultural aesthetics, something our people need a ahuge amount of 
educating on.

Incidentally, when I become the Emperor of Xiboxagor, one of the 
first things I will do  will be to tear down that horrible water tank 
that was built rifght near the Xibo-doul, nearly a quarter century 

*** The Texan Mosque v/s the Church  is an issue of religious 
bigotries on the part of the Church-wallas.
The Moswquewallas got the permit obviously because it is an area 
zoned for Places of Worship.  So the Zoning authorities  were not at 
fault. When the dispute goes to litigation, I would bet you a dollar 
the Mosque-wallas will win. Exactly similar thing happened right here 
in St. Louis, TWICE. Both the times the Mosques got built.

c-da :-)

At 8:48 AM -0600 3/27/08, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

The preservation of historical and ancient idols are, of course, paramount,
and all of us should support such efforts.

Some questions do arise though:

How is it possible for any private organization to build on land owned by
the Sivasagar Municipality Board?

It seems the Sai Baba temple is being built as we speak, so how did the
District authorities give it permissions? Aren't these authorities also
interested in the preservation of these ancient idols?

Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the Sai
Baba temple started? (when the permits were issued or the when the
foundations were just being laid). How does it benefit anyone at mid-waters?

Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

In Texas there was something vaguely similar.

A mosque was being built (on land purchased by some Muslim business people).
There was a Church nearby.
The issuing authorities of course issued permits without batting an eyelid.
But, no one protested when the permits were issued. Then there was a huge
public outcry against building of the mosque.
Now, I think it is in in litigation, and there is lot of ill feelings in
both communities.

Sometimes such confrontations can be deftly avoided with some prudence by
both the issuing authorities and the protesting public.

Religious groups often want to force their presence in some place or the
other, just because they have a 'right' to do so. And their reasoning seems
to be to propogate their brand of religion - make it more palatable among
the natives, so to speak :)

Also would a Naam Garh have made a difference? Don't know.

Skeptical as always:)


On 3/27/08, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can we raise OUR voices in support of these 'scribes'? It will be a
  worthy effort.



  Scribes oppose Sai Baba temple near Bishnu Dol
  From Our Correspondent
  SIVASAGAR, March 26 - Scribes in Sivasagar, accredited to various
  newspapers and channels met DC Sivasagar NM Hussain and submitted a
   memorandum requesting him to intervene personally on behalf of
  District Administration in the construction of a three storey mandir
  of Sri Satya Sai Baba on a plot allegedly belonging to Sivasagar
  Municipality Board barely a few meters away from historic Bishnu-dol.
  It may be mentioned here that the three historic dols, Vishnu, Shiva
  and Devidol built by Borraja Draupadi Modambika, 2nd queen of King
  Shivasingha in 1731 AD are under preservation and protection of
  Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1988. According to ancient
  monuments and Archeological Sites  Remains Act 1959, no permanent
  construction on excavation work can be undertaken within a distance
  of 200 metres of the monuments protected by ASI. Therefore, the
  scribes feel that the construction of the Sai Temple should be halted
  and also other constructions in the entire area without ASI approved.

  The scribes included Prof Sonaram Boruah, Prof Guna Baruah, Manoj
  Borthakur, Maniram Dutta, MI Bora, Mujhaheed Ali, Purusuttam Kalita,
  Ratu Das, 

[Assam] U.S. 'meddling' angers Pakistanis

2008-03-27 Thread Ram Dhar

How well do you know your celebrity gossip?
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread mc mahant

What is this Sai BABA anyway?
Godman,Political leader,Kind of preacher,Cult hero?ASSAMESE?No!!
If someone must build a SAI BABA  (living) Monument-- it should be inside the 
Jail-- North BANK OF Borpukhuri.mm Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:32:57 -0500 To: 
assam@assamnet.org From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Assam] From AT--- What 
an Abomination!  Can we raise OUR voices in support of these 'scribes'? It 
will be a  worthy effort.  cm
http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/details.asp?id=mar2708\State2   Scribes 
oppose Sai Baba temple near Bishnu Dol From Our Correspondent SIVASAGAR, 
March 26 - Scribes in Sivasagar, accredited to various  newspapers and 
channels met DC Sivasagar NM Hussain and submitted a  memorandum requesting 
him to intervene personally on behalf of  District Administration in the 
construction of a three storey mandir  of Sri Satya Sai Baba on a plot 
allegedly belonging to Sivasagar  Municipality Board barely a few meters away 
from historic Bishnu-dol.  It may be mentioned here that the three historic 
dols, Vishnu, Shiva  and Devidol built by Borraja Draupadi Modambika, 2nd 
queen of King  Shivasingha in 1731 AD are under preservation and protection of 
 Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1988. According to ancient  
monuments and Archeological Sites  Remains Act 1959, no permanent  
construction on excavation work can be undertaken within a distance  of 200 
metres of the monuments protected by ASI. Therefore, the  scribes feel that 
the construction of the Sai Temple should be halted  and also other 
constructions in the entire area without ASI approved.  The scribes included 
Prof Sonaram Boruah, Prof Guna Baruah, Manoj  Borthakur, Maniram Dutta, MI 
Bora, Mujhaheed Ali, Purusuttam Kalita,  Ratu Das, Ratul Konwar, Konkan Bora 
and Jyotirmoy Rajkhowa. The  scribes have also sent copies of the memorandum 
to regional director  ASI, NE Circle, Sivasagar Development Authority and 
Sivasagar  Municipality Board.  
___ assam mailing list 
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Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread Ram Sarangapani

I am as sentimental as you are on the preservation of historical
/archaeological heritage. We can never emulate or replicate these original

The essence of what I'm trying to say is that a lot these problems could be
at least be warded off. Here, I blame the Municipality for being lax, the
Sai Baba people to trying to somehow take advantage of a possibly corruupt
district authority.
I'm also quite sure that the ASI is totally unaware of what is happening.
They might get into it after the temple is finisfed and you have devotees
running around.

But this:

Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of
the Sai Baba temple started?

 I have been trying to educate you folks about that., But obviously
 you don't learn do you?

Hehehe! Still hasn't filtered thru yet, C'da. You will have to be much

I'm wondering, why these interested people did not protest right at the
begining. Why really wait till the temple is half-done?

Now, of course, it is entirely possible that they had no earthly idea that
the Baba temple people was going up.

Incidentally, when I become the Emperor of Xiboxagor

Now, there you have my full support, because I know, you will atleast  be
ever vigilant and pre-empt any attempts that may affect ancient architecture
and historical monuments.:):)


On 3/27/08, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 To give you a nasty  reply:

 Do you think the questions you ask about permits, neighborhood's
 apporval etc. have any merit in the context? What--have you become
 American or something ?

 How did the municipality land got to Sai Baban's? Good question Ram.
 But not a smart one if you forgot what I mean.

   Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of
 the Sai
 Baba temple started?

 I have been trying to educate you folks about that., But obviously
 you don't learn do you?

   Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next
 to a
 historical site?

 Take a wild guess!

   Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next
 to a
 historical site?

 Take another wild guess!

  Bottom line Ram is this: These are structures of  Assam's
 historical /archaeological heritage . The deserve not to be
 desecrated by new construction within its visual bounds -- no matter
 dedicated to what god/s , no matter how beautiful. It is a matter of
 cultural aesthetics, something our people need a ahuge amount of
 educating on.

 Incidentally, when I become the Emperor of Xiboxagor, one of the
 first things I will do  will be to tear down that horrible water tank
 that was built rifght near the Xibo-doul, nearly a quarter century

 *** The Texan Mosque v/s the Church  is an issue of religious
 bigotries on the part of the Church-wallas.
 The Moswquewallas got the permit obviously because it is an area
 zoned for Places of Worship.  So the Zoning authorities  were not at
 fault. When the dispute goes to litigation, I would bet you a dollar
 the Mosque-wallas will win. Exactly similar thing happened right here
 in St. Louis, TWICE. Both the times the Mosques got built.

 c-da :-)

 At 8:48 AM -0600 3/27/08, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
 The preservation of historical and ancient idols are, of course,
 and all of us should support such efforts.
 Some questions do arise though:
 How is it possible for any private organization to build on land owned by
 the Sivasagar Municipality Board?
 It seems the Sai Baba temple is being built as we speak, so how did the
 District authorities give it permissions? Aren't these authorities also
 interested in the preservation of these ancient idols?
 Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the
 Baba temple started? (when the permits were issued or the when the
 foundations were just being laid). How does it benefit anyone at
 Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to
 historical site?
 In Texas there was something vaguely similar.
 A mosque was being built (on land purchased by some Muslim business
 There was a Church nearby.
 The issuing authorities of course issued permits without batting an
 But, no one protested when the permits were issued. Then there was a huge
 public outcry against building of the mosque.
 Now, I think it is in in litigation, and there is lot of ill feelings in
 both communities.
 Sometimes such confrontations can be deftly avoided with some prudence by
 both the issuing authorities and the protesting public.
 Religious groups often want to force their presence in some place or the
 other, just because they have a 'right' to do so. And their reasoning
 to be to propogate their brand of religion - make it more palatable among
 the natives, so to speak :)
 Also would a Naam Garh have made a difference? Don't know.
 Skeptical as always:)
 On 3/27/08, 

[Assam] Tata to buy Ford's Jaguar, Land Rover for $2.3 bln - Reuters

2008-03-27 Thread Ram Sarangapani
Now, how about that TATA-Jag?


By Sumeet Chatterjee and Kevin Krolicki

MUMBAI/DETROIT (Reuters) - India's Tata Motors Ltd (TAMO.BO:
Profile http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=TAMO.BO,
Research http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=TAMO.BO)(
TTM.N: Quote http://www.reuters.com/stocks/quote?symbol=TTM.N,
Research http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=TTM.N)
announced a $2.3 billion deal on Wednesday to buy Jaguar and Land Rover from
Ford Motor Co (F.N: Quote http://www.reuters.com/stocks/quote?symbol=F.N,
Profile http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=F.N,
a transaction that gives the Indian automaker a line-up ranging from the
world's cheapest car to some of its more expensive.

For Tata, which plans to launch the ultra-cheap $2,500 Nano or People's
Car, the addition of the profitable Land Rover brand provides an edge
against Indian rival Mahindra  Mahindra Ltd (MAHM.BO:
Profile http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=MAHM.BO,
Research http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=MAHM.BO),
which had also pursued a deal with Ford.

Ford, for its part, gets to shed the money-losing Jaguar brand and gains a
cash infusion at a time when the U.S. market is slumping and it is
attempting to bounce back from combined losses of more than $15 billion over
the past two years.

The sale price is roughly 40 percent of what Ford paid for the two brands.
Ford acquired Jaguar for $2.5 billion in 1989, but failed to turn the
British nameplate into a higher-volume brand. Ford paid $2.75 billion for
Land Rover in 2000.

The deal also underscores the shifting balance of power in the global auto
industry, where India and other emerging markets are expected to account for
almost all of the growth in production over the next five years. None of the
established European automakers, including BMW AG or Daimler AG (DAIGn.DE:
Quote http://www.reuters.com/stocks/quote?symbol=DAIGn.DE,
Research http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=DAIGn.DE),
pursued Jaguar and Land Rover.

They face a new competitor in Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata, a jet-flying
businessman, and his Tata Motors, India's No. 3 car maker and a unit of the
far-flung Tata conglomerate that got its start making locomotives after
World War Two.

Ford will contribute up to $600 million to Jaguar and Land Rover pension
plans after the closing of the deal, expected in the second quarter. Ford
will also continue to supply engines and related components, while providing
financing for dealers for up to a year, both companies said. Ford will net
about $1.7 billion, in line with expectations.

Ford is selling Jaguar and Land Rover to focus on turning around its
money-losing operations in North America. Ford says it is on track to return
to profitability in 2009, although its restructuring has been complicated by
a U.S. economy at risk of tipping into recession and its own more limited
success in buying out high-wage union workers, analysts have said.

It certainly gives them a little bit of cash, Erich Merkle, an analyst at
Michigan-based IRN Inc said of the impact of the deal on Ford. It would
stop the bleeding (caused by Jaguar) and allow them to focus resources.

With the deal, Ford disbands its Premier Automotive Group, whose only
remaining brand is Volvo. Analysts expect Ford eventually to spin off the
safety-oriented Swedish auto brand, but only after returning it to

Tata Motors shares closed down 0.1 percent at 679.40 rupees in a Mumbai
market. Ford shares were down almost 2 percent at $5.90 on the New York
Stock Exchange.


Analysts have expressed concern about how Tata Motors would fund the deal
and how it would fit the luxury brands into its stable of trucks, buses and
cars, including the planned Nano, the world's cheapest car.

Tata has announced plans to raise $4 billion, which is expected to help
finance the Ford deal and the manufacture of the Nano, which it unveiled in

The deal comes at a time when tight credit markets have raised borrowing
costs and shut down deals. Standard  Poor's placed Tata Motors on review
for a possible downgrade in January, citing the potential increase in its
debt load from the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover.

The Tata Group has made a number of overseas takeovers in recent years,
including last year's $13 billion buy of Anglo- Dutch steelmaker Corus by
Tata Steel Ltd (TISC.BO:
Profile http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=TISC.BO,

Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
  As you know people of Assam gone mad.All got hidden treasure of ULFA bosta 
money!!!  They dnt want old God or goddesses.Saibaba- the saviour from IT- 
Income Tax.All ove the world people are mad- to have drinks, drugs, sex 
unlimited,save income tax for donations  etc etc.
  We need to stop all these in Assam.Saibaba is nothing but like you and me.But 
worst is he was brought up like an magician.. lagter he found people of 
Karnataka and Andhra are fools.. so he started fooling all Better is PC 
Sorcar Jr and Sr.
  Better to have a cleaner assam away from all these so called God.I feel what 
I do is more than these people...I to have miracle in my profesion what medical 
science told IMPOSSIBLE!!.

mc mahant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What is this Sai BABA anyway?
Godman,Political leader,Kind of preacher,Cult hero?ASSAMESE?No!!
If someone must build a SAI BABA (living) Monument-- it should be inside the 
Jail-- North BANK OF Borpukhuri.mm Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:32:57 -0500 To: 
assam@assamnet.org From: 

Dr.Bikash Kumar Das
 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.
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[Assam] RealPlayer Video Link: United Nations Webcast - Human Rights Council Seventh Session

2008-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:34:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RealPlayer Video Link: United Nations Webcast - Human Rights
  Council Seventh Session
X-Chzlrs: 0


   Dr. M. Hazarika 
has sent you a 
RealPlayer video link:

Nations Webcast - Human Rights Council Seventh Session

   Dear All. I hope the information on this link will be 
informative.Sorry that my delivery was hapmpered by a sore throat I 
was nursing in the last few days. Mukul Hazarika

   This message was sent from 
RealPlayer. http://realplayer.com  for free and download web video 
directly to your computer. 

assam mailing list

[Assam] Lord Macaulay's Address to Brit. Parliament

2008-03-27 Thread Ram Sarangapani

Someone sent this to me. It is Macaulay's view of the India of 1835. The
last lines are truely machiavellian. It seems Macaulay has been successful -
at least in some parts of India.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] A run for a cause

2008-03-27 Thread umesh sharma

Thats a innovative idea. Thanks for hooking me up with ASHA for Education. 
After Parijat Academy now Pranjanalaya cause  could be taken up. Hope you got 
the tiny bit of financial help for the cause from my VISA power account.


Ankur Bora [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear friends ,
  I participated in the ATT Austin Marathon last month. My run was to raise 
funds for Asha for education to support various educational Institutes in 
India. Meanwhile, I received the following news about severe damage by storm to 
one of the schools that we have been supporting. ( Pls find the email below). 
Asha Austin agreed to route the money collected through my fundraising effort 
to tide over this situation. I request your support. The site accepts credit 
card for payment. 
  Please note that all the financial details including receipts would be sent 
to you and the conribution is tax exempted.
  Ankur Bora
  Austin , Texas
  Respected Sir,
  Yesterday in the evening at 07 pm a strom bedly affected us.We lost two 
office rooms,half part of both boys and girls hostel.Our dining room is 
completly damage.We took shelter in the school ..All the clothes and books of 
the students were wet in the rain.The wind hits the cow shed ,pig shed .To day 
we busy to repair but couldnot complete it.We lost around two lacks.The GI 
sheet were completly damage.We canot complete to repair it in one week.
  To day the SDO (c) and SDC Titabar visite at Prajnalaya and suggest us to 
write an application about the damage.I wrote it and submite it .
  Yesterday evening it was a sorroful evening! All the children were cring with 
danger.Half an hour I was help less then.Our one teacher was hurt but it is  
very simple.I thank God no one injoure in the danger strom.
  I was unable to connect because the electric system is bedly affected. We can 
not get electric for two days.The school is going on.
  With Sincerely
  Prabudh Basak

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
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[Assam] NYTimes.com: Yes, Running Can Make You High

2008-03-27 Thread jaipurschool
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

exercise esp running in the open is good - but too much of anything is bad : 
Atee Sarvatra Varjyet(Atee - Extreme Sarvatra (in Everything) Varjyet (is 
forbidden)as the Sanskrit saying goes. Too much ruins studies and might make 
you narcissist. Any comments? Umesh Umesh

Personal Best: Yes, Running Can Make You High
That blissful mood after an intense workout is no coincidence, a study shows.



This e-mail was sent to you by a friend through NYTimes.com's E-mail This 
Article service.  For general information about NYTimes.com, write to [EMAIL 

NYTimes.com 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From AT--- What an Abomination!

2008-03-27 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
What I remember during my childhood, when I was probably in Class-X, In the 
Siva Doul Complex, prayer meetings of Sai Baba followers were held regularly on 
  However, I am of the opinion that allowing prayer in a temple complex does 
not entitle one to build a temple in the near vicinity of such an old temple 
complex against the law.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To give you a nasty reply:

Do you think the questions you ask about permits, neighborhood's 
apporval etc. have any merit in the context? What--have you become 
American or something ?

How did the municipality land got to Sai Baban's? Good question Ram. 
But not a smart one if you forgot what I mean.

 Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the Sai
Baba temple started?

I have been trying to educate you folks about that., But obviously 
you don't learn do you?

 Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

Take a wild guess!

 Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

Take another wild guess!

 Bottom line Ram is this: These are structures of Assam's 
historical /archaeological heritage . The deserve not to be 
desecrated by new construction within its visual bounds -- no matter 
dedicated to what god/s , no matter how beautiful. It is a matter of 
cultural aesthetics, something our people need a ahuge amount of 
educating on.

Incidentally, when I become the Emperor of Xiboxagor, one of the 
first things I will do will be to tear down that horrible water tank 
that was built rifght near the Xibo-doul, nearly a quarter century 

*** The Texan Mosque v/s the Church is an issue of religious 
bigotries on the part of the Church-wallas.
The Moswquewallas got the permit obviously because it is an area 
zoned for Places of Worship. So the Zoning authorities were not at 
fault. When the dispute goes to litigation, I would bet you a dollar 
the Mosque-wallas will win. Exactly similar thing happened right here 
in St. Louis, TWICE. Both the times the Mosques got built.

c-da :-)

At 8:48 AM -0600 3/27/08, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

The preservation of historical and ancient idols are, of course, paramount,
and all of us should support such efforts.

Some questions do arise though:

How is it possible for any private organization to build on land owned by
the Sivasagar Municipality Board?

It seems the Sai Baba temple is being built as we speak, so how did the
District authorities give it permissions? Aren't these authorities also
interested in the preservation of these ancient idols?

Why did the interested public not protest before the construction of the Sai
Baba temple started? (when the permits were issued or the when the
foundations were just being laid). How does it benefit anyone at mid-waters?

Lastly, why did the Sai Baba people want to build a temple right next to a
historical site?

In Texas there was something vaguely similar.

A mosque was being built (on land purchased by some Muslim business people).
There was a Church nearby.
The issuing authorities of course issued permits without batting an eyelid.
But, no one protested when the permits were issued. Then there was a huge
public outcry against building of the mosque.
Now, I think it is in in litigation, and there is lot of ill feelings in
both communities.

Sometimes such confrontations can be deftly avoided with some prudence by
both the issuing authorities and the protesting public.

Religious groups often want to force their presence in some place or the
other, just because they have a 'right' to do so. And their reasoning seems
to be to propogate their brand of religion - make it more palatable among
the natives, so to speak :)

Also would a Naam Garh have made a difference? Don't know.

Skeptical as always:)


On 3/27/08, Chan Mahanta wrote:

 Can we raise OUR voices in support of these 'scribes'? It will be a
 worthy effort.



 Scribes oppose Sai Baba temple near Bishnu Dol
 From Our Correspondent
 SIVASAGAR, March 26 - Scribes in Sivasagar, accredited to various
 newspapers and channels met DC Sivasagar NM Hussain and submitted a
  memorandum requesting him to intervene personally on behalf of
 District Administration in the construction of a three storey mandir
 of Sri Satya Sai Baba on a plot allegedly belonging to Sivasagar
 Municipality Board barely a few meters away from historic Bishnu-dol.
 It may be mentioned here that the three historic dols, Vishnu, Shiva
 and Devidol built by Borraja Draupadi Modambika, 2nd queen of King
 Shivasingha in 1731 AD are under preservation and protection of
 Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1988. According to ancient
 monuments and Archeological Sites  Remains Act 1959, no permanent
 construction on excavation work can be undertaken within a 

[Assam] Arunachal MP slams UPA on Tibet issue

2008-03-27 Thread Pradip Kumar Datta
Arunachal MP slams UPA on Tibet issue
   Khiren Rijiju, MP from Arunachal Prdaesh addressing the media people in a 
press meet about the recent development in the China, Tibet at Guwahati Circuit 
House in Guwahati on March 26. (UB Photos) 
  Guwahati | March 26: Lok Sabha MP from Arunachal Pradesh Kiren Rijiju has 
condemned the UPA government’s stand on the Tibet issue and said that he and 48 
other MPs of the Lok Sabha sent a memorandum to the international community 
like the UN and the EU seeking to exert pressure on the Chinese government to 
stop the violence in Tibet.
 “We have been bullied by the Chinese government since ages and India is 
behaving like a small tiny nation,” said Rijiju who is currently in Assam while 
adding that India should take a strong stand as the crisis in Tibet is not the 
internal issue of China or Tibet. “I on behalf of the party convinced 48 MPs of 
the Lok Sabha and sent an appeal to the UN, the EU and other international 
communities seeking that international pressure should be exerted on China so 
that the crisis in Tibet could be stopped,” said Rijiju who is also heading the 
All India Parliamentarian Forum on Tibet. 
“Our party also believes that the country should have normal relations with 
China particularly when our economy is growing. But it is a fact that we are 
affected by the crisis. Dalai Lama is in Dharamsala and there are thousands of 
Tibetans living in India. We want them to go back to Tibet safely,” said Rijiju.
The BJP MP came to Assam as the party has assigned him to strengthen the 
party’s base in three Lok Sabha seats —Guwahati, Karimganj and Silchar ahead of 
the next Lok Sabhapolls. “The Lok Sabha polls could be any time. The BJP is 
ready for the polls. I have visited the places — Guwahati, Karimganj and 
Silchar and could sense that the people of Assam are now feeling that time have 
come to give a chance to the BJP,” said the MP while adding that precaution 
would be taken to avoid the miscalculations of last Lok Sabha Polls. “The 
Congress government in Assam has not taken up any effort on the issue of 
The state government is responsible for everything and this time they (Congress 
government) would not have the opportunity to blame the Centre as the same 
party is leading the UPA coalition,” he said. The BJP has always done well in 
Lok Sabha polls and the party had in the past won 290 seats more than one time. 
“We are sure to do well in the next Lok Sabha polls as well and we have started 
the preparations early,” he added.

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