2008-02-11 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dear dada,
  I am fully agree with you.Me- my self belong to the military.But thre are 
incident that happen only in Assam or NEI. I have one secret VCD taken in 
Manipur on nude women protest and so on.
  Recently I wrote strongly  on a metter about China.Since you was away-it is 
re quoted now. I carry respect to all honest officers and man.Amidst that there 
are culprits who take some social norm advantages in Assam that nowhere exist 
in India. What 12 Bihar REgt and entire deploued Bihar Regt did in Assam are 
beyond anyones imagination on Indian Armys dark spot.
  Here re- written for you-
  I salute alongwith your two Army officer son also for honesty.I have large 
number of brave officers( COs) in my friends list, who never got any 
medal/promotions, other than retirement.
  Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 09:32:04 + (GMT)
Subject: Re: [Assam] China protests PM's assertion on Arunachal

  All these MW meant to save INDIA- not at all for North East India.Still NEI 
dnt have power grip power lines.What meghalaya Barapani gives are giving light 
of ray for some hours.
  This much MW will be directly taken to All western states including Delhi.Not 
a single phase or KW for  Assam or Arunachal. Look at historic Tehri project. 
Govt of India demolished history of India by destroying encient villages of 
Mahabharat and temples of 5000 BC. The power projected to give electricity to 
Delhi-MP-UP and Maharastra.Not for Uttaranchal/Uttarakhand. Only to please them 
Govt changed this state name twice. Till now no power is being generated and al 
the money gone- exhausted!! This dam is located at high seismic zone. Now none 
ask what Tehri is doing??
  Same way- Arunachal one also.There will be massive destructions of green 
vegetations, changes of hell of small rivulets,being high seismic zone- one 
fine day entire things will go wrong and as per wish of Delhi- Entire North 
East map will get lost alongwith its populations. It is 1000% well prediced 
now.So neither china will get Arunachal nor extremist problem will be there.All 
  What a clever idea by the advisors of PMO!! Assam is restricted area 
zone.Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur,Mizoram are Inner line permit zone for 
Indians.One way its isolated area for Indians to enter in the name of saving 
the tribes.China is clever enough to study these.They are not fools to study 
less what Delhi doing for North East. But one can find Bihari, Marowari in 
large numbers doing all heraferi there... countless.Pay money at the entry 
border and go- who bothers.
  The Air Foce radars supposed to be more high technology.But in North East- 
these as not at all working.A pilot need fly manually seeing like train 
drivers!! Can one believe this??The radars are outdated and installed with 
countries left over old russian parts.. they functions one fine day and another 
2-3 weeks remains as TBD( Temporary break down). The diesel supplied in 
thousands of gallons are being resold to the oil mafia!!! Officers are highly 
  Most of the times Indian aircraft do fly out of country as the radars dnt 
work.And seeing the ground, it is imposible to select Assam, Burma or China.As 
these border are peaceFULL.ONly Pakistan is real border and china Border with 
Can anyone still remember what them PM Nehru and defence minister VKK Menon 
said-in the lost war radio broadcast? My heart cries for the people of NEFA and 
Assam!! And they cried when Lata jee sanged the patriotic song.Not for the 
song, only to feel sad at the handing over of NEFA,Assam to China.But Delhi 
politics changed the song also.
  This is highly crucial time for Delhi to save Assam or Arunachal.What the 
Indian Army is doing since 30-12-1990 and did, can never be tolerated by 
people( I am not quooting ULFA, nor I am any supporter).Army has merely some 
role to bring patriotism to these people.Instead RAW/IB is highly active to 
break the region into parts by various means.The present various creation of 
lands are the example played by these agencies.
  Sorofuly the PM never stood for election although he got selected from Assam, 
but did nothing so far.he was hiding in shelter given by them CM- Hiteshwar 
Saikia and Hemaprabha baido. I feel bad that stil he never feels proud to be 
the PM from Assam seat of RS!! He says Axomiya still as Acchami!!!( Achamee- a 
offender of court).
  My writing here carries lot of sorows.In last China war, although it was a 
year before my birth, our present home was converted into shelter home for the 
wounded soldiers- who was asked to move back by any means.Same way lot many 
refugee from China, who could never go back stayed at our home campus with 
large Arunachale man- women and children.My father, mother and some other 
villagers did organized food, shelter and money.The defeating India tropps was 
walking back- exhausted, injured, without food.Pathetic.Our Assamese girld, 
women gave them shelter, cared them


2008-02-10 Thread shantikam hazarika
Dr. Bikash:
I have seen your reaction to the news.
You have noted in the news that the army authorities have apologised for the 
incident. Why the matter is still being carried out further? Just some local 
leaders who are always in the look out for issued.
There have been aberrations in the behaviour of the military personnel in 
dealing with common people, however you will also notice that whenever reported 
 they respond very fast. For example all the army rape case cases that have 
been proven have been dealt very swiftly by the army, while  in majority of the 
cases the allegations were proved to be false too. You may compare their 
response to the cases where politicians have misbehaved with officials or 
common public and have gone scot free. Also Govt officials have never been held 
to account. What happened to the Chief Election Commissioner of Assam who 
extorted in public Rs. 5000 from the local unit of Spastic Society?
Few years back, Father Thomas of Donbosco was put into great embarrassment by 
the army and it made headlines. I wrote a very strong letter to the Divisional 
Commander at Rangiya and he rang me up and apart from feeling sorry he also 
told me how that action was necessary at that particular moment and it helped 
in carrying out certain operations.
There are definitely black sheep and many army personnel have taken advantage 
of the situations prevailing. However, when reported, it is not easy for them 
to hide and enquiries have to be carried out. But most complaints against 
security forces'  atrocities are motivated by interested persons. If you 
remember the Kakopathar incident a few years ago, where the CRPF was involved, 
it was the poor ignorant village folks who were instigated by some self 
appointed leaders who later on scooted when the goings started becoming tough, 
leaving the poor villagers leaderless.
At the same time, there is a need for reorienting the Defence forces' outlook 
which is trained basically to deal with the enemy, not own people. Greater 
sensitisation and training is required before they are deployed for such CI and 
internal security duties. This has been a failure on their part. Also Army PR 
is very poor, it is abysmal. 
My son served for six months in CI operations in Assam and his tales were 
astounding. Their intelligence system often are better and whenever they try to 
raid a suspicious agency, the agencies raise a hue and cry about atrocities to 
divert attention. I will not be surprised if the Don Bosco in Sonari is not 
exactly confining itself to pious endeavours only. 
When I visited the area where my son had served, I found the villagers were 
adamant that the army  should NOT move out. They were singing nothing but 
praise of the army and were expressing distrust of the civilian administration 
There are two sides to every thing. There needs to be a lot more to be done. Do 
we really have the will to solve our problems and face the basic issue which 
has forced the defenders of our borders to operate inside our own heartland.
Regards and best wiahses.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:06:09 +> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> ONLY IN ASSAM> > Friends,> Please see this:-> 
>\State4> Army draws 
> flak over manhandling of school headmaster> From Our Staff Correspondent> 
> DIBRUGARH, Feb 9 – The teachers and students of St Joseph's School, Sonari in 
> Sivasagar district have demanded public apology from the Army personnel of 
> the 66 Field Regiment for the latter's offensive behaviour with the 
> headmaster of the school on Wednesday.> > A troupe of Army personnel from the 
> 66 Field Regiment reportedly held Fr Martin Lakra, the headmaster of the 
> School on his neck and also allegedly used foul language when the headmaster 
> denied them access to the school basketball court in view of the School's 
> annual sports week. > > Although the Army officials of the regiment later 
> asked for forgiveness from the school headmaster in presence of the police 
> and local SDO (Civil), the act has not healed the wounds of the agitated 
> teachers and students. Since the Army insulted the headmaster in presence of 
> school students and teachers, the apology both verbal and written should be 
> made in public, the students and teachers demanded while vehemently 
> condemning the indecent act of the Army.> > Dr.Bikash Kumar Das> Bangalore> 
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2008-02-10 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
  Please see this:-\State4
  Army draws flak over manhandling of school headmaster
  From Our Staff Correspondent
 DIBRUGARH, Feb 9 – The teachers and students of St Joseph's School, Sonari in 
Sivasagar district have demanded public apology from the Army personnel of the 
66 Field Regiment for the latter's offensive behaviour with the headmaster of 
the school on Wednesday.

A troupe of Army personnel from the 66 Field Regiment reportedly held Fr Martin 
Lakra, the headmaster of the School on his neck and also allegedly used foul 
language when the headmaster denied them access to the school basketball court 
in view of the School's annual sports week. 

Although the Army officials of the regiment later asked for forgiveness from 
the school headmaster in presence of the police and local SDO (Civil), the act 
has not healed the wounds of the agitated teachers and students. Since the Army 
insulted the headmaster in presence of school students and teachers, the 
apology both verbal and written should be made in public, the students and 
teachers demanded while vehemently condemning the indecent act of the Army.

Dr.Bikash Kumar Das
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