[Asterisk-Users] IAXy's apparantly failing in the field

2005-01-21 Thread Brent Goran

I am not sure if this is the place for Digium user-to-user discussion, but...

We have deployed many (20+) IAXy's in the field. At a couple of locations, the IAXy's have just stopped working after 1 or 2 days use. No lights go on, no DHCP lease is renewed as far as we can tell, and of course no dialtone and no registration with the server.

Has anyone else experienced high failure rate with these devices?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] iax.conf qualify=yes not working?

2005-01-12 Thread Brent Goran


In these cases, the IAXy cannot be called by another extension. Yes they are behind a firewall router, but in two cases, just a cheapie Linksys WRT54G (or similar Linksys). I also use a WRT54G and do not have this problem with my IAXy.

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 08:15 +0100, Wilson Pickett wrote:

  In some cases, the IAXy device and/or Asterisk are not communicating their
 qualification, because iax2 show peers shows the device as status UNKNOWN.
 However, when a user picks up the telephone plugged into the IAXy, they can
 place a call just fine within our Asterisk server.

Are the IAXy behind firewalls or routers? It sounds like the message
sent by asterisk is not geting through. The IAXy would still know how
to call out, but can they be called? If UNKNOWN, I assume not.
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[Asterisk-Users] iax.conf qualify=yes not working?

2005-01-11 Thread Brent Goran

We have many IAXy devices in the field now.

In all cases, in iax.conf, we have qualify=yes, so that using iax2 show peers, we can see whether or not the device is currently online.

In some cases, the IAXy device and/or Asterisk are not communicating their qualification, because iax2 show peers shows the device as status UNKNOWN. However, when a user picks up the telephone plugged into the IAXy, they can place a call just fine within our Asterisk server.

Can anyone tell me if there are any conditions which might affect the functioning of the qualify feature, while still allowing outbound calls to go through?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] IAX2 (IAXy) and DTMF Question

2005-01-04 Thread Brent Goran

In my particular configuration, by the time the IAXy gets DTMF, it's just audio (e.g. not out-of-band in any way). The SIP modems play the audio of DTMF quite nicely, while the IAXy plays it quite warby, thus my DTMF-driven application (which is plugged into the IAXy) can't decode them.

Are there codec settings in the IAXy which might do a better job of rendering DTMF as audio?

Thank you,


On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 01:56 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Looks like the IAXy at the originating end converts the audio DTMF into an
 IAX DTMF message (and strips the DTMF out in the process).  Meanwhile
 the IAXy at the answering end doesn't convert the DTMF indication message
 back into tones.

FYI, Mark implemented DTMF in the latest version of the IAXy firmware that
is in CVS head.  It will make it's way to the stable branch at some point.

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[Asterisk-Users] IAX2 (IAXy) and DTMF Question

2005-01-03 Thread Brent Goran

I am having trouble with a DTMF-based application on Asterisk 1.0.3.

Specifically, when two IAX2-based devices are talking, when they send DTMF to eachother, the other side only hears clicks, and maybe a millisecond of DTMF tone, but not any real duration.

Furthermore, when one IAXy device calls the Echo test program, we can hear our echo, but when we punch DTMF in, we get the same effect (can't hear it, or can only hear clicks).

In contrast, when a SIP device calls the Echo test program, we can punch DTMF all day and hear it echoed back to us.

Can anyone tell me if we're doing something wrong?

Thank you,


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[Asterisk-Users] IAX2 and DTMF

2004-12-30 Thread Brent Goran

For efficiency  reliability, when SIP transmits DTMF as non-audio data, it uses RFC2833 or INFO.

My question is - (not knowing much about IAX2) - when IAX2 transmits DTMF as non-audio data - is it also using RFC2833 and/or INFO, or it it using some other IAX2-specific mechanism with its own name?

Thank you,


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[Asterisk-Users] Command-line dialer/recorder for asterisk?

2004-12-27 Thread Brent Goran

I'm somewhat new to Asterisk and am tasked with having it perform some automated functions. Is there a way with the current system (and/or extra modules out there to:)

1. Launch something from a command line (on the Asterisk server) to:
2. Dial an extension
3. Issue some DTMF sequences,
4. Record the output to a WAV (or GSM) file, and
5. exit

Any quick pointers would be greatly appreciated,


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[Asterisk-Users] SIP dtmf=rfc2833 not working

2004-12-21 Thread Brent Goran
We are testing some DTMF-driven applications over VOIP (legacy systems
which use fast pulses of standard DTMF tones).

The applications work fine when Digium IAXy's are used - no loss or
garbling of DTMF tones.

However, when we use SIP modems (such as Sipura 1000's), the DTMF tones
are frequently uninterpretable and our applications have to ask for

I am under the impression that the IAXy is digitizing DTMF tones and
sending just the pure data, rather than the audio representation, and
that this explains why the IAXY's work flawlessly in this application.

I am also under the impression that SIP modems should also support a
mode like this.. We have tried:


in sip.conf, and we have also tried turning on DTMF Tx: to AVT on
the Sipura, but this does not affect reliability at all.

So my question is:

1) Are we doing anything wrong, or is there something more we should be
doing, to enable DTMF translation (ala rfc2833) in Asterisk and/or our
SIP modems?

2) Is there any kind of debugging mode in Asterisk which we can turn on,
which will show once and for all whether or not we really have
successfully enabled rfc2833?

We are using Asterisk 1.0.3, by the way.

Thank you very much in advance!


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[Asterisk-Users] Optimizing Sipura/Asterisk for DTMF?

2004-12-17 Thread Brent Goran
We have an application which is primarily DTMF driven (automated on both
sides), which we are trying to deploy over VOIP and Asterisk (using some
Sipuras and some IAXY's).

We are finding that in around half the cases, the Asterisk server can't
decode the DTMF digits from the field office (or at least some of them).
Though, when we place voice calls for testing, we can hear eachother
quite well.

I was wondering if there are any settings in Asterisk and/or in SIP
clients such as the Sipuras, which will optimize the connections for
DTMF rather than voice?

Thank you in advance,


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] How to tell Who's Online?

2004-12-16 Thread Brent Goran
On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 17:41 +0100, Wilson Pickett wrote:
  if I'm missing something obvious, but I couldn't find any console
  command to show users online.
 sip show peers
 iax2 show peers

Thank you,

Do you know, if an IAXy device (or anything else speaking IAX2)
disappears, how long will it be (minutes, hours?) before Asterisk
notices they are offline, and iax2 show peers will reflect the change
of online status?


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[Asterisk-Users] How to tell Who's Online?

2004-12-16 Thread Brent Goran
We have an Asterisk server online, with many SIP clients (some Sipuras,
some laptops), and we're also using some IAXy's.

I've been trying to find a simple way to check who's online, meaning
who is reachable at the moment, without actually going through and
dialing everybody. Is there a way to do this with Asterisk? I am sorry
if I'm missing something obvious, but I couldn't find any console
command to show users online.

Thank you,


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