Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi thomas.I believe god or this higher power is energy.So when I meditate, something i need to get back in to, i am talking or using god power. I believe we all are part of god because, from what I believe, we all have a sole or spiritual self. TO me there is no difference in those two words. I believe astral projection is more than possible. I've had a dream where I actually woke up and wroled over but hear's the thing, I wroled over and fell back on to my bed from the air. Now i don't know if my body was in the bed or if my spiritual selfwas out of it but it felt so real so to me that's all the proof I need. I'm quite a simple person, I don't need science to explain away god to me. all i need is what i feel and believe in. Until scientists find proof they can say that god does or does not exist I'll let them figure  that out on there own. I believe science is awesome by the way, the  things people have figured out are am
 azing. For those that don't believe astral projection is possible, how is it; that a blind woman who astral projected said she could see color and saw Jesus and so on? Yes she could have been told to say it but for what reason would people have to do that? Scare tackticks? Perhaps, I don't know. Or people who die and have this out of body experience thing and then can tell the doctors who were working on them exactly what they were saying? Even the scientists are saying that they may not fully believe it but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that OBE's are real.As for religions. I really don't think I'll be folloiwng one in this life time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

Hmm, the difference in stereo is negligable, its hard to tell where anything is spacially. I'm going to assume that stomping sound is an enemy? The volume and stereo position of the stomping sound doesn't seem to change at all, so its difficult to tell what the proximity is to the player.What recording software are you using? I looked at your tracks in Audacity and they seem to be 2 channel mono. I ran into a similar problem recently trying to record some output with Audacity, fixed it by editing its Preferences under Devices, and changing the recording device from Mono Mix to Stereo Mix so it recorded the actual variable output in either channel.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

Hmm, the difference in stereo is negligable, its hard to tell where anything is spacially. I'm going to assume that stomping sound is an enemy? The volume and stereo position of the stomping sound doesn't seem to change at all, so its difficult to tell what the proximity is to the player.What recording software are you using? Looking at them in Audacity it looks like the two channels are vitually identical.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Update on my pokemon stadium problem, I figured out why it was doing that.It's my hard drive something is wrong with it or something, I copyed the pca-release folder to my second hard drive in this computer and it worked just fine loads in vba and in stadium 2 with no issues. I can finally enjoy the full pokemon stadium 2/pokemon crystal experience


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


games with star wars tematic

Hi people i wont to play any game with star wars temed. Do zou any know about this games i think all games online, mud, audio games, etc...please help me...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Tom, I am not religious either, indeed though I have studdied religions I now count myself an agnostic, however I have to disagree with your "rationality good, religion bad" pose here. A proverb I remember at one point states "Goodness whispers, evil shouts" which is unfortunately true, people have more of a tendency to remember the Muslims who fly planes into buildings and the catholic inquisition than say the combined Islamic/jewish funded soop kitchin for the homeless which I saw reported on the new the other day. Further than that, I do tend to find a lot of radical atheists are quick to assign religious motivations to what are essentially cultural, or life style biases, and attribute a person's "belief in god" as a course of an immoral action rather than say they're belonging to some religious or political group, being bought up in a particular culture, or being of one particular race. Indeed, it is noteable that both wor
 ld wars, not to mention the holocaust itself occurred for largely nationalistic and racially motivated reasons as opposed to religious ones. Myself, I don't think singling out "religion" and claiming "irrationality of beliefs" really addresses the question or cause as to why things happen, heck the bullying and abuse of disabled people which began this topic has nothing to do with religion. If I were to pick a route of all evil I'd say it's not "religion" but human kind's lovely habbit of saying "my gang is better than your gang,and if your not in my gang you don't count!" It doesn't matter if that gang is religious, cultural, political, racial, gender, s/xual orientation, disability or any or all combination of the above. The second humans form a group, the more likely it is that they count anyone who is not part of that particular group as a threat, and the more insula and less open to external ide
 as that group is, the more extreme forms of attack will be levelled at those threats, whether it's suicide bombers or soldiers being convinced to run face first into machine gun fire "for their country" Don't believe me? look at the recent debate on audeasy regarding braille and the refusal of certain people to believe information in other formats than that used by "the blind" as a group could be of use.Everything we do is irrational, the idea that "well if we all sat down and appealed to some great catagorical imperative" as KAnt thought the world would be perfect is in fact just as big a myth as anything in religion, sinse we simply have no ability to achieve objectivity, indeed I often think the western separation of the good, rational and the bad emotional is itself an extreme lie. One of the red dwarf books states that the only time a large number of people agree is when they are agreeing to disagree with another larg
 e number of people, and that is unfortunately true. Humanity is a pretty scummy species really where most people are content to sacrifice anyone remotely outside their little tribe just to feel part of something more than themselves.This is why I will always think the best of individuals, but so much hate what I refer to as "the collective", all those little unconscious tribal assumptions that band people together in their nice little cleaques and do in anyone who falls outside them. Really, humanity is a pretty shitty species over alll, and I don't see much hope of that changing any time soonn, religion or no religion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Tom, I am not religious either, indeed though I have studdied religions I now count myself an agnostic, however I have to disagree with your "rationality good, religion bad" pose here. A proverb I remember at one point states "Goodness whispers, evil shouts" which is unfortunately true, people have more of a tendency to remember the Muslims who fly planes into buildings and the catholic inquisition than say the combined Islamic/jewish funded soop kitchin for the homeless which I saw reported on the new the other day. Further than that, I do tend to find a lot of radical atheists are quick to assign religious motivations to what are essentially cultural, or life style biases, and attribute a person's "belief in god" as a course of an immoral action rather than say they're belonging to some religious or political group, being bought up in a particular culture, or being of one particular racial group with set beliefs. Indeed, it 
 is noteable that both world wars, not to mention the holocaust itself occurred for largely nationalistic and racially motivated reasons as opposed to religious ones. Myself, I don't think singling out "religion" and claiming "irrationality of beliefs" really addresses the question or cause as to why things happen, heck the bullying and abuse of disabled people which began this topic has nothing to do with religion. If I were to pick a route of all evil I'd say it's not "religion" but human kind's lovely habbit of saying "my gang is better than your gang,and if your not in my gang you don't count!" It doesn't matter if that gang is religious, cultural, political, racial, gender, s/xual orientation, disability or any or all combination of the above. The second humans form a group, the more likely it is that they count anyone who is not part of that particular group as a threat, and the more insula and 
 less open to external ideas that group is, the more extreme forms of attack will be levelled at those threats, whether it's suicide bombers or soldiers being convinced to run face first into machine gun fire "for their country" Don't believe me? look at the recent debate on audeasy regarding braille and the refusal of certain people to believe information in other formats than that used by "the blind" as a group could be of use.Everything we do is irrational, the idea that "well if we all sat down and appealed to some great catagorical imperative" as KAnt thought the world would be perfect is in fact just as big a myth as anything in religion, sinse we simply have no ability to achieve objectivity, indeed I often think the western separation of the good, rational and the bad emotional is itself an extreme lie. One of the red dwarf books states that the only time a large number of people agree is when they are agreeing to d
 isagree with another large number of people, and that is unfortunately true. Humanity is a pretty scummy species really where most people are content to sacrifice anyone remotely outside their little tribe just to feel part of something more than themselves.This is why I will always think the best of individuals, but so much hate what I refer to as "the collective", all those little unconscious tribal assumptions that band people together in their nice little cleaques and do in anyone who falls outside them. Really, humanity is a pretty shitty species over alll, and I don't see much hope of that changing any time soonn, religion or no religion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games with star wars tematic

Unfortunately, with Lukus arts having such a huge grip on copywrite, people have trouble creating Starwars themed audiogames. The only ones I've heard of therefore have been muds, such as Legends of the jedi found here I've not played it myself so I'm not sure what it's like, but it's on the's page of online games so I assume the access is okay.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games with star wars tematic

Unfortunately, with Lukus arts having such a huge grip on copywrite, people have trouble creating Starwars themed audiogames. The only ones I've heard of therefore have been muds and i've not tried any myself. the only mud I have the connection info for is Legends of the jedi found here, as I've said, I've not tried this personally. the writeup suggests it's heavily rp inforced more than being combat or exploration focused which likely isn't what your looking for, but maybe some other people have some suggestionsk, indeed I'd love to see a starwars rpg of some sort sinse it's such a colourful universe.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Whether or not we go to Heaven or Hell is determined by one single action: accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior, and in doing so believing that he came in the flesh, as the son of God to offer forgiveness of sins. That is what I know. Is baptism necessary for repentance? I haven't figured that out yet. The bible seems to indicate it's important, and I certainly was baptized, but the criminal on the cross next to Jesus was not, and Jesus said that the man would be with him in paradise. That is beyond the scope of this post, however.Just so we're clear. No good deed can earn you a place in heaven, whether you give a dollar to a hobo or donate your life's savings to an orphanage. No evil deed can lose you your place in heaven, whether you lie, kick puppies, kill jews or are in a homosexual relationship. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the father except through him.The old testament was given to us by God to show tha
 t man is evil through a divinely inspired recording of a series of historical events. After having eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, man died to his own righteousness and became dead in sin. That is why God told Adam he would die if he ate of the fruit in the garden. We do not have God's righteousness to keep us from being evil. Therefore God spent thousands of years calling out to us, trying to get us to turn to him for help. Often times we would, only to spit in his face and say, now that you've put us on stable ground again, we don't need you. This has not ended today, as we can see by looking at the state of affairs in America, and in many other countries.The new testament was given to us by God as a divinely inspired recording of his son walking the earth, teaching us how we should be living, making the old testament laws even harder, as if they weren't already impossible enough to follow. However, he then showed the ultimate act of m
 ercy by allowing his son to be killed by his creations, only to have him conquer death and create for us a singular, perfect path to heaven and freeing us from the bonds of the laws. As I said above, only one action is required to get on this path, an action so many are not willing to take, including myself up until about a year ago. The rest is simply guidelines for how we should be living and allowing God to change us. Even though to serve God is to serve your fellow man is not scripture, it is accurate, since that's basically what Jesus says when he tells us to love our neighbor as our self. Does this freedom give us license to do whatever we want in sin? No, Paul makes that perfectly clear. He calls into question your real, heartfelt acceptance of Jesus Christ's actions if you're still living in sin, hence his list of people he says will not inherit the kingdom of God. Same with James, when he says faith without works is dead, he's saying, do you really have 
 faith if you're just going to sit around all day doing nothing, not serving the kingdom or helping your fellow man out? Neither are saying that any action other than walking through the narrow gate that Jesus opened is any other way to get to heaven. So to say that a follower of Christ dies having done all good, is simply inaccurate. Anyone who says they have never sinned is a liar. The laws are still important, as they are like guard rails, guidelines to keep us from falling into Satan's traps, but they are by no means how we get into heaven.Both books are packed full of God's acts of mercy, and also the consequences for man's disobedience when we spit on them and tell God to stay out of our affairs. Nothing he can do to us on this earth compares to eternal punishment apart from him. Often times he uses consequences on this earth to try to get us to turn to him, because he sent his son, not to condemn the world, but so that all who believe in him would be
  saved. God is not an evil dictator, saying do this or be punished. He is a loving father who can tolerate no unrighteousness in his presence, being the most holy being all of existance. He gave us a free will choice to turn to him because he does not want mindless servants. He wants us to choose to love him, not to force us to love him or follow his laws. I have to respect IronCross32's post when he says, if what I'm doing lands me in Hell, so be it. Why anyone would make that choice, I have no idea, but it's far more honest than trying to build your own god.Where do I get my evidence for all of this? Any number of places.Http://www.carm.orghttp://www.coldcasechristianity.comEvidence demands a verdict by Josh McDowellThe Case for a Creator, The Case for Faith, and The Case for Christ, by Lee StrobelGod's not Dead, the movieJust to
  name a few.As for why there are so many religions, it's very simple. Assuming that God really does exist and that the bible really is his inspired word, Satan must exist as well. Satan,

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Whether or not we go to Heaven or Hell is determined by one single action: accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior, and in doing so believing that he came in the flesh, as the son of God to offer forgiveness of sins. That is what I know. Is baptism necessary for repentance? I haven't figured that out yet. The bible seems to indicate it's important, and I certainly was baptized, but the criminal on the cross next to Jesus was not, and Jesus said that the man would be with him in paradise. That is beyond the scope of this post, however.Just so we're clear. No good deed can earn you a place in heaven, whether you give a dollar to a hobo or donate your life's savings to an orphanage. No evil deed can lose you your place in heaven, whether you lie, kick puppies, kill jews or are in a homosexual relationship. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the father except through him.The old testament was given to us by God to show tha
 t man is evil through a divinely inspired recording of a series of historical events. After having eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, man died to his own righteousness and became dead in sin. That is why God told Adam he would die if he ate of the fruit in the garden. We do not have God's righteousness to keep us from being evil. Therefore God spent thousands of years calling out to us, trying to get us to turn to him for help. Often times we would, only to spit in his face and say, now that you've put us on stable ground again, we don't need you. This has not ended today, as we can see by looking at the state of affairs in America, and in many other countries.The new testament was given to us by God as a divinely inspired recording of his son walking the earth, teaching us how we should be living, making the old testament laws even harder, as if they weren't already impossible enough to follow. However, he then showed the ultimate act of m
 ercy by allowing his son to be killed by his creations, only to have him conquer death and create for us a singular, perfect path to heaven and freeing us from the bonds of the laws. As I said above, only one action is required to get on this path, an action so many are not willing to take, including myself up until about a year ago. The rest is simply guidelines for how we should be living and allowing God to change us. Even though to serve God is to serve your fellow man is not scripture, it is accurate, since that's basically what Jesus says when he tells us to love our neighbor as our self. Does this freedom give us license to do whatever we want in sin? No, Paul makes that perfectly clear. He calls into question your real, heartfelt acceptance of Jesus Christ's actions if you're still living in sin, hence his list of people he says will not inherit the kingdom of God. Same with James, when he says faith without works is dead, he's saying, do you really have 
 faith if you're just going to sit around all day doing nothing, not serving the kingdom or helping your fellow man out? Neither are saying that any action other than walking through the narrow gate that Jesus opened is any other way to get to heaven. So to say that a follower of Christ dies having done all good, is simply inaccurate. Anyone who says they have never sinned is a liar. The laws are still important, as they are like guard rails, guidelines to keep us from falling into Satan's traps, but they are by no means how we get into heaven.Both books are packed full of God's acts of mercy, and also the consequences for man's disobedience when we spit on them and tell God to stay out of our affairs. Nothing he can do to us on this earth compares to eternal punishment apart from him. Often times he uses consequences on this earth to try to get us to turn to him, because he sent his son, not to condemn the world, but so that all who believe in him would be
  saved. God is not an evil dictator, saying do this or be punished. He is a loving father who can tolerate no unrighteousness in his presence, being the most holy being all of existance. He gave us a free will choice to turn to him because he does not want mindless servants. He wants us to choose to love him, not to force us to love him or follow his laws. I have to respect IronCross32's post when he says, if what I'm doing lands me in Hell, so be it. Why anyone would make that choice, I have no idea, but it's far more honest than trying to build your own god.Where do I get my evidence for all of this? Any number of places.Http://www.carm.orghttp://www.coldcasechristianity.comEvidence demands a verdict by Josh McDowellThe Case for a Creator, The Case for Faith, and The Case for Christ, by Lee StrobelGod's not Dead, the movieJust to
  name a few.To touch upon the concept of heaven and hell, we'll never really know what they're like until we're there. The lake of fire seems to be those who willingly choose to follow S

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Whether or not we go to Heaven or Hell is determined by one single action: accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior, and in doing so believing that he came in the flesh, as the son of God to offer forgiveness of sins. That is what I know. Is baptism necessary for repentance? I haven't figured that out yet. The bible seems to indicate it's important, and I certainly was baptized, but the criminal on the cross next to Jesus was not, and Jesus said that the man would be with him in paradise. That is beyond the scope of this post, however.Just so we're clear. No good deed can earn you a place in heaven, whether you give a dollar to a hobo or donate your life's savings to an orphanage. No evil deed can lose you your place in heaven, whether you lie, kick puppies, kill jews or are in a homosexual relationship. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the father except through him.The old testament was given to us by God to show tha
 t man is evil through a divinely inspired recording of a series of historical events. After having eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, man died to his own righteousness and became dead in sin. That is why God told Adam he would die if he ate of the fruit in the garden. We do not have God's righteousness to keep us from being evil. Therefore God spent thousands of years calling out to us, trying to get us to turn to him for help. Often times we would, only to spit in his face and say, now that you've put us on stable ground again, we don't need you. This has not ended today, as we can see by looking at the state of affairs in America, and in many other countries.The new testament was given to us by God as a divinely inspired recording of his son walking the earth, teaching us how we should be living, making the old testament laws even harder, as if they weren't already impossible enough to follow. However, he then showed the ultimate act of m
 ercy by allowing his son to be killed by his creations, only to have him conquer death and create for us a singular, perfect path to heaven and freeing us from the bonds of the laws. As I said above, only one action is required to get on this path, an action so many are not willing to take, including myself up until about a year ago. The rest is simply guidelines for how we should be living and allowing God to change us. Even though to serve God is to serve your fellow man is not scripture, it is accurate, since that's basically what Jesus says when he tells us to love our neighbor as our self. Does this freedom give us license to do whatever we want in sin? No, Paul makes that perfectly clear. He calls into question your real, heartfelt acceptance of Jesus Christ's actions if you're still living in sin, hence his list of people he says will not inherit the kingdom of God. Same with James, when he says faith without works is dead, he's saying, do you really have 
 faith if you're just going to sit around all day doing nothing, not serving the kingdom or helping your fellow man out? Neither are saying that any action other than walking through the narrow gate that Jesus opened is any other way to get to heaven. So to say that a follower of Christ dies having done all good, is simply inaccurate. Anyone who says they have never sinned is a liar. The laws are still important, as they are like guard rails, guidelines to keep us from falling into Satan's traps, but they are by no means how we get into heaven.Both books are packed full of God's acts of mercy, and also the consequences for man's disobedience when we spit on them and tell God to stay out of our affairs. Nothing he can do to us on this earth compares to eternal punishment apart from him. Often times he uses consequences on this earth to try to get us to turn to him, because he sent his son, not to condemn the world, but so that all who believe in him would be
  saved. God is not an evil dictator, saying do this or be punished. He is a loving father who can tolerate no unrighteousness in his presence, being the most holy being all of existance. He gave us a free will choice to turn to him because he does not want mindless servants. He wants us to choose to love him, not to force us to love him or follow his laws. I have to respect IronCross32's post when he says, if what I'm doing lands me in Hell, so be it. Why anyone would make that choice, I have no idea, but it's far more honest than trying to build your own god or claiming he does not exist.Where do I get my evidence for all of this? Any number of places.Http://www.carm.orghttp://www.coldcasechristianity.comEvidence demands a verdict by Josh McDowellThe Case for a Creator, The Case for Faith, and The Case for Christ, by Lee StrobelGod's no
 t Dead, the movieJust to name a few.To touch upon the concept of heaven and hell, we'll never really know what they're like until we're there. The lake of fire seems to be those wh

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi, personally I do not believe that god has a sun. Jesus was a proffet.So we face a controdiction according to the Bible here: So the Bible says that Jesus is the sun of God, but then priests don't get merried, right? So why does God have a sun, yet priests are not allowed to get merried?Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games with star wars tematic

oh i playing tactical battle maps star wars and this is verry good job...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games with star wars tematic

i find on google search a online web brofser based games rpg set in star wors universe. now i register and see is it accesible here is link if any wont to try...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi@bladestorm. It's great that you have your belief but for me there is no hell neither really is there a heaven. There are realms, places the spirit can go to learn.You no there's so many more peaceful religions out there. If I follow one in my life time, be it through my own experience or getting a girlfriend. I'd follow a religion like sikhism. I wonder, how many Americans have heard of Sikhism? It seems Christianity is the big, in fact huge, thing in America                   but why?Why would I consider following sikhism. 1. There is no mention of hell in sikhism.2. There's mention of meditating on god's name.3. There are certain rules you must follow, keeping your hair long, not fighting unless it is the very very last thing you must do and others that I don't know of.4. They're very very peaceful people.In fact, I do think this is the religio
 n I will follow when I've done a bit more research.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Do you guys have any tips for Stadium 2?  I think I played it years ago but can't remember anything about the layout  or what exactly to do.  I'd love to get the full experience to


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

Well, I downloaded this to give it a try, but from everyone's descriptions that this is just a harder version of Entombed, I think I'll pass.I like the concept of Entombed and apparently your game as well, but right now, I'm having enough difficulty with Entombed. Your game sounds like it would be frustrating rather than challenging to me, and that isn't my idea of being entertained.I can understand some people wanting a hard game, they are obviously better game players than I am. If you want your game to appeal to a larger audience than just hard core highly skilled game players, consider allowing the player to set the difficulty level he or she wants to play at.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games with star wars tematic

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games with star wars tematic

I absolutely love anything Star Wars, I will definitely be giving this a shot!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi.I personally do not find this topic interesting anymore. I'll keep it up if people want to carry on writing things.But if I see one person promoting one religion over the other. I will take this topic down.BladeStorm360 I'm glad you've found your piece and way of life but saying this is the way and there is no other way is the reason I am writing what I wrote above. So this is a warning.Anything else like this and I will take this topic down.It is better to say, I think Christ is the way, or this is why I believe Christ is the way. Do not say, the way to heaven is through Christ and that is it. That may be what the bible says but there are lodes more religions who would say, the way to piece, is by doing this or that action.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Humans are inharrently flawed beings, do you disagree?If not, how can you believe the evidence (by humans!) that god exists? furthermore, the bible has passed through time, through countless translations. Relatedly, it has passed through countless human hands. How can we, humans, be trusted enough to have not made any modifications? we are imperfect beings, after all.Other than humans and the bible, I see no evidence of god's existence.And I'm kind of amazed that taking Jesus as one's king is the only way to heaven. So people who have lived all their life for humanity, and have not discovered Christianity. Will not go to heaven?Sorry, I'd rather try to save myself from this god by disbelief rather than trust in him, for a god like him isn't really a god I would be proud to give my allegiance to.And I'm curious. If Satan is as powerful as god, (if not feel free to correct me), theoretically he would have full control over 
 his realm. If I follow Satan and go to hell, again, theoretically I might be in a better place than heaven.And about homosexuals. America passed a law allowing this a while ago.So if you're (genetically!) a homosexual, you'll be sent to hell without any chanse to repent? I...find that action far more akin to a dictator than a loving god.Again, I have done no research on Christianity, so these are just from the things I have heard. Please feel free to correct me if I had anything wrong.


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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

how do you get new weapons?do I need to draw a relic for this?also, if you want to add me, my ID is tyro.


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Re: The zombie apocalypse has just started. Look to your left.

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The zombie apocalypse has just started. Look to your left.

To my left is a sleeping guide dog.


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Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

We'll see.  I'm terrible at SoundRTS, but I'd give it a second chance if a bunch of people are making mods for it.


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tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

hello, I'm considering making a first campagne for tactical battle. Cause its my first, it'll probably will not be the fansiest one, I don't really even know if I'll get around to it but with the holladays rolling along, I'll have more time than before. Now I'm wondering, what sort of campagne should I create for you? I have just about all the sounds I would need to pull off a good campagne. please vote above or tell me in a reply. most votes gets the campagne in that genre.


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tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

so I was actually going to create a pole for this, but it didn't create the pole for some reason so I can't exactly do that. So I'm considering making a map campagne for tactical battle. With the holladays rolling along, I'll have more time to do it than before. Just tell me what you wanna see and I'll try making it.


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Frabulous news

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Frabulous news

greetings and salutations to all on this frabulous day. Why is it frabulous? Well I don't know. what does it mean to be frabulous? Well again, I'm not sure, however I do know it is frabulous today, it wasn't frabulous yesterday and it might well not be frambulous tomorrow, so today is a perfect instance of frabulosity! I therefore encourage all to enjoy the frambulofication of the world and inbrabulate in all frabulings as I infrabuse some frabulous news! First off, did your parents ever say to you "what happens if you tell stories?" well for new developer Joshua Auriemma, the answer seems to be he develops games about them. your story is a unique interactive gamebook style adventure for Ios. It differs however significantly from similar games sinse it uses both a more organic form of story telling using data from your phone, and also emphasizes mystery and discovery as you begin in an icy forest and must go on from there. This is a cas
 e where a developer actually began with accessibility off the bat, prompted by the success of the fantastic (and frabulous), A dark room , and Your story uses some similar techniques such as employing the magic tap gesture to make more choices in the game. For more information you can Visit Joshua's website, or just chat to the developer directly in This topic. If anyone's eager to get streight out into the cold and begin exploring this surreal experience, you can Visit the ap store directly here. Next up, we've got another, rather more violent interactive story from our old pals over at choiceofgames. This one i
 s the murderously frabulous It's killing time, (and yes, murderously frabulous is an entirely cromulant escalating tortological double superlative). The new game from choiceofgames puts you into the well styled boots of an international assassin for hier, a world of fast cars, deadly gadgets and betrayal. Read the full announcement Here on the choiceofgames website, and use This topic for comments. Also remember that like all of the choiceofgames and the related hosted games titles, It's killing time is playable directly online over at, or on the google or Ios stores. Now it's time to talk stars! huge, balls of frabuling gas burning millions of miles away over millions of years, then finally collapsing either i
 nto neutron stars, white dwarfs, red elves, green humans, blue orcs or indeed frab holes. As reported in This topic, Darren from audeasy came across a re frabulized game, starship  traders. Begining originally as tsar wars back in the bbs days, the game, after going through a few name changes and alterations is still up and going. This is a similar game to trade wars in which you play a starship captain, trading in various commodities, earning microbots and building military gear, spaceships, star bases and many other items as you patrol around a truly gigantic set of galaxies full of planets, black holes and other players out to ally with or plunder you.The game has a highly easy to understand interface, and is pure text, and several people have already dove in and got started. To join in yourself head over to The star traders website, and of course rememb
 er This here topic for questionings, commenting and any random frabberings you might have. Lastlywe have yet more space trading with Astro empires, as reported in This thread by forumite and big fan of resource style games, Pelantas. Astro empires is a different affair from starship traders sinse there you have a hole empire of planets, ships and fleets to command, with technology to research and different things to make. Apparently the research and growth side of this one in particular is quite different to other games of it's type, so any would be star generals should Frab over to Astro empires website and get building. And that is all for now. I'm completely frabbed, so will go and frab out for a frab  until I have frabbed up enough frab to be feeling more frabulous again. frabby frabbing!


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Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

I probably wouldn't put too much stock in the difficulty at this stage, as it is still an alpha version .   many, many things will undoubtedly change in future


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Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Hi everyone,After being silence for a while, due to busy weeks and crashing editors ... i can announce that the nonvisiongames website is up, running and back in the race again. Below the newly added newspost and everything will become (hopefully) clear. and i will add the first post with a new link to download your_adventure.28-06-2015  Finally! We are live again! ... Uhm ... Did I yell that out loudly? humm ... probably ...  After some busy weeks, together with the fact that the editor we used for the website crashed completely, the website is up again. However not in the shape as you have known it from the past.  As i said, the editor we used crashed, and after some discussions of our team, we desided to rebuild the website from the ground up. This is rather sad, since I (pelantas) started this work and my friends contributed to this website. and that's all gone. We still own the old pages of text, but these are useless without the editor. 
 However I can salvage the reviews for the larger part, but that will take some time. And to be back in the race again, I desided to build a basic website with the necessary pages for now.  But on the bright side we have finished a new patch of the your_adventure game. The number of the version is still beta 1, but this is patch 2, this are the additions and changes:  patch 2 for beta 1  - added a new system of fishing (this is a game of reaction)  - added a new system of harvesting (you can start this one when you're off to do something else)  - when your energy gets to zero, you will stop harvesting and turn back automaticly to the grane fields (in this case for the harvesting activitie)  - instead of one result being positive or negative, while hahrvesting ... there are 4 results, two positive, to negative, this brings back the old good or false system, that's true, but this prevents you are walking away with to much grane.  -
  raised the needed experience for harvesting to 40, since this is a automated system now.  - added a keystroke to rail in your fish, to stop harvesting and to check your energy while harvesting. see the read me for the keys.  Find it on the our games page Happy gaming and forgive us for being offline for such a long time.hthgreetz mike


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NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

Hi, NVDA divides words with capitol letters. That behaviour began to happen since 2015.1. For example it used to read sapi32.dll correctly, now it reads sa pi 32.dll. I see this happening in the eloquence driver. Does anyone know the cause of this?


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Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

Hello!I recently started playing Erion MUD.I won't say alot here. Just check thic great adventureerionmud.comPort 1234.My nick there is Gushasad. If you need somethink type tell gushasad message. I am lv 127 - I will remort soon .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

Hi!I'v pressed the play button after enter, and here is the result:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reality mud client, a small and lightweight portible mud client

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reality mud client, a small and lightweight portible mud client

Hi!I have a questions.How to create a sound packs? Why links to a reality MUD client to download doesn't work?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

Um... its supposed to do that, that's how it reads out words correctly which are not spaced.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

Interesting, in JAWS, if SAPI starts with a capital s, JAWS pronounces it as sappy, but if it starts with a lower case s, JAWS spells it, s ay p i.Strange...


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : moore2it via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

So I'm having trouble finding the hidden machine part for the power plant in Misty's gym, anyone have any tips?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

First of all, don't you just love Apple telling you what you can and can't do? Every time I hear about them doing crap like that, I'm glad I avoid their products as much as possible.---I just finished installing Windows on my new SSD using the talking PE. Man is that thing fast, after Windows was installed, it only took 10 to 15 seconds to boot to the desktop, way cool!I only encountered two problems during the process.The first was a hardware problem. In my laptop, there is some unused space above the hard drive and there are no guide rails to keep the hard drive in place, it's held by the power and data connection at one end and a piece of the laptop's case on the other. If you try to install a hard drive with the laptop upside down so you can access the bottom, the hard drive will sag into the unused space and miss the power and data connections. The solution was to flip the laptop right side up while installing t
 he hard drives.The second problem came when it was time to start Narrator, it took several attempts to get it to behave, it seemed to keep unloading when I close the ease of access window to continue the install. Eventually it stayed put and I was able to finish the install. There were no further problems after that.I have my old hard drive back in the laptop so I can finish preparing my files for migration to the SSD.--Oh, and for all you JAWS nay-sayers, NVDA showed that it too could be flakey by not reading the contents of several windows when they openned making the install take longer than it should have because I didn't know the installer was prompting me for more information.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

What about...highlander or incredible hulk based map set?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

I think that wee need a campain of any historicaly event. for example 100 years wars. or conquest of great alexander or somethink historical event. I hope that you can understand me, english is not my national language and verry is bad my apologies for that...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

@Giovani, try refreshing. I unfortunately have noticed the web interface does go splirky occasionally. @Darren, well I've given this a try. Thanks for the hint about the coms menu, I didn't realize that was there or that the website actually runs three games, one last resort set in the io hotel, one starship traders set in space (which I was on before), and game zero, which is the combined one that I am on now. I've done some wandering around, however there are a few things that are weerd. The computrade seems a bit pointless and just seems to lose me money and move in circles, though auto trade is handy provided I make sure to go to each different type of trading point. The one thing i find weerd is that letters next to room numbers don't seem to correspond to  what is around them which is odd. I also haven't seen any other players yet. it also doesn't help that the manual seems a bit none specific to the hotel portion of the
  game. Certainly a nice way around though and I'll say I wish other old bbs games worked so nicely in browsers, although is pretty good for most things includine trade wars, still I've give starship traders a go.


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Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Sik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

magurp244 wrote:Hmm, the difference in stereo is negligable, its hard to tell where anything is spacially.I have been considering last night to change it again so only the corners of the level are marked (reducing sound overload a lot), but honestly at this point I'm getting convinced that the idea itself simply doesn't work at all.magurp244 wrote:The volume and stereo position of the stomping sound doesn't seem to change at all, so its difficult to tell what the proximity is to the player.Yeah, I need to update that =/magurp244 wrote:What recording software are you using?Raw log straight off the game's sound engine.magurp244 wrote:Looking at them in Audacity it looks like the tw
 o channels are vitually identical.I thought so at first too, but playing it shows that the L and R volume bars are completely different (so there's obviously a difference).


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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

@Hanif: That is your character name, not your friend ID. Go to menu>friends to find your ID.


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Brad, just as an aside... you realize in your last post you essentially did what you said you don't appreciate on religion doing over another... why take the topic down just because one group of people, in this case Christians are simply professing we're believes? As bladestorm said, our job is to simply express and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, not force anyone to believe it. Telling us what to say or not say is not respectful, nor is taking down this topic... because quite frankly, this is actually the most civilized discussion about these matters I've seen on this forum to date! lolThere isn't much I have to say after bladestorm's post, save that I agree with him completely as well. @Tward though, I will say that I'm not so sure about your idea that sociological and psychological reasons are the only explanations for someone's faith, especially your ascertion that someone who is born into a particular faith stays that way. I actuall
 y see many more Christians who were born into the faith then leave it because of college life, whether it be because of what you said, them questioning and not finding any satisfactory answers or because they see the restraints on partying and especially having  some fun with the opposite gender to be troublesome and irritating. But atheists and agnostics becomes Christians later in life as well... and the same applies to any other faith. I have known muslim friends who've walked away from that faith, and also the opposite... I have heard stories and met some people who have embraced Islam at an older age and not coming from any sort of Islamic background. Bladestorm and I are examples of that as well, both having found our faith in christ relatively recently, and for me at least, never having a Christian family or much of a Christian presence that was in any way positive when I was young. As for all the other questions... if and when I can get myself to wake up, I might b
 e able to write something longer. Last thing though. burak, your question about priests getting married is assuming that God had to be maried to have a son... which is not true. Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus... and the Bible said that she conceived as a result of a miracle from the holy spirit. And priests don't marry, yes, but that is specific to Catholics... christian pastors are often married and have kids of their own.


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Re: Snow Race 1.0.1030.105 released!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : alisson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Snow Race 1.0.1030.105 released!

I dani. I'll be waiting a new versiónd and this game with online mode if possible, I love this game


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

oh sorry for it a game center ID? if so, my ID is hanif*65


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forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

I know the game Forum wars found here  has been kicking around on's online accessible games list  for some time,and I gave it a try earlier today.The game is a turn based rpg based around defeating web forums by causing all the thread in them pwnage. Each thread in a forum is like a monster battle which takes your ego, and you fight back with abilities like drooling on your keyboard. At level 2 you can choose different classes like the hacker, the emo kid and the troll. Bookmarks are like places in other games, with the S talk tab for chatting to npc contacts that give missions, the forums list for looking up different forums to slay (either ones created by the games community members or ones in the story), and the drugs are fun sight for purchicing your healing items.Firstly, the reason I've never got that far in the game is that getting past the initial cut sceen is a little odd. You
  start off with a fairly standard multiple choice question set and then get dropped onto the parody web search version of google. What you need to do is first type into the box, and then look towards the bottom where you start getting messages from Shallow Assophagus, who is your first npc in the game. Just click on responses and continue, and then you'll be put into the tutorial and go to your first battle. The battle screen is a bit narly sinse it has the battle log up top and your abilities with lots of mouseovers. I'd recommend turning off the display of community images under options and turning on the display of numbers in battle so you can keep watch on what is going on, also note that while the text of the forum replies and your attacks is there for commic value, the battle log shows what's going on stats wise in terms of damage so I'd watch that. Battles are actually moderately tactical sinse each ability has cool down time and you als
 o have a limited pool of mana, (or the closest thing the character classes have to mana). I also had a look at the shop, and htere are some interesting options for those who might want to donate to the game, such as for example buying extra forum visits if you don't want to wait for the dayly adventure counter to fill up and just want to play through the story, or indeed buying super cheater options to make the game ridiculously easy, though unfortunately the episodes 2 and 3 of forum wars story do need to be purchiced. I actually think it's a pretty well designed game. The problem for me is the humour is a little off for my taste, sinse while the principle of playing classes like troll and emo kid is an interesting one in itself, the actual execution just seems crude and unsubtle to me with nothing particularly whimsical or satyrical it's just sort of "yeah you can be an emo kid and go on about self harm and your parents", or "yeah you ca
 n be a jail bate girl and threaten to get people arrested for child molestation online and cause major havoc", (and you can imagine what the troll class is like).I'm also not sure on the inference that basically your justified in causing enough assorted flamingg, heartache and forum vandalism that you cause various forums to be shut down just because your basically a bitch. It's not really satyrical, sinse a decent satyr usually comes at things sideways or with at least a little bite rather than a streight up complaint, indeed the hole game feels rather to me like one of those wrants about nasty people who cause havoc on forums you often get posted by nasty people who cause havoc on forums. It's sort of the cyber bullying or havoc version of something like psychostrike, though I suppose it's a nice way for anyone who wants to be an utter douchenozzle online to have a go in a game, albeit as I said some of the character classes felt more like a 
 complaint on the part of the developers than a way for players to innact their forum vandalizing fantasies.As I said though, the game design actually i thought looked pretty cool, which is why I'm posting this reminder topic even though I have currently reached level 2 myself and probably shan't be playing anymore.I am aware this isn't exactly the world's most glowing recommendation, but as I have tried the game and as the game mechanics are fun from a turn based rpg perspective I'd thought I'd let people know anyway sinse my objections were more with the writing style, and also because I do wonder how many people had a few access shenanigans with the game being as I did notice it's not the usual sort of interface you'd seen in a browser game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

I know the game Forum wars found here  has been kicking around on's online accessible games list  for some time,and I gave it a try earlier today.The game is a turn based rpg based around defeating web forums by causing all the thread in them pwnage. Each thread in a forum is like a monster battle which takes your ego, and you fight back with abilities like drooling on your keyboard. At level 2 you can choose different classes like the hacker, the emo kid and the troll. Bookmarks are like places in other games, with the S talk tab for chatting to npc contacts that give missions, the forums list for looking up different forums to slay (either ones created by the games community members or ones in the story), and the drugs are fun sight for purchicing your healing items.Firstly, the reason I've never got that far in the game is that getting past the initial cut sceen is a little odd. You
  start off with a fairly standard multiple choice question set and then get dropped onto the parody web search version of google. What you need to do is first type into the box, and then look towards the bottom where you start getting messages from Shallow Assophagus, who is your first npc in the game. Just click on responses and continue, and then you'll be put into the tutorial and go to your first battle. The battle screen is a bit screwy sinse it has the battle log up top and your abilities with lots of mouseovers. I'd recommend turning off the display of community images under options and turning on the display of numbers in battle so you can keep watch on what is going on, also note that while the text of the forum replies and your attacks is there for commic value, the battle log shows what's going on stats wise in terms of damage so I'd watch that. Battles are actually moderately tactical sinse each ability has cool down time and you al
 so have a limited pool of mana, (or the closest thing the character classes have to mana). I also had a look at the shop, and htere are some interesting options for those who might want to donate to the game, such as for example buying extra forum visits if you don't want to wait for the dayly adventure counter to fill up and just want to play through the story, or indeed buying super cheater options to make the game ridiculously easy, though unfortunately the episodes 2 and 3 of forum wars story do need to be purchiced. I actually think it's a pretty well designed game. The problem for me is the humour is a little off for my taste, sinse while the principle of playing classes like troll and emo kid is an interesting one in itself, the actual execution just seems crude and unsubtle to me with nothing particularly whimsical or satyrical it's just sort of "yeah you can be an emo kid and go on about self harm and your parents", or "yeah you c
 an be a jail bate girl and threaten to get people arrested for child molestation online and cause major havoc", (and you can imagine what the troll class is like).I'm also not sure on the inference that basically your justified in causing enough assorted flamingg, heartache and forum vandalism that you cause various forums to be shut down just because your basically a bitch. It's not really satyrical, sinse a decent satyr usually comes at things sideways or with at least a little bite rather than a streight up complaint, indeed the hole game feels rather to me like one of those wrants about nasty people who cause havoc on forums you often get posted by nasty people who cause havoc on forums. It's sort of the cyber bullying or havoc version of something like psychostrike, though I suppose it's a nice way for anyone who wants to be an utter douchenozzle online to have a go in a game, albeit as I said some of the character classes felt more like a
  complaint on the part of the developers than a way for players to innact their forum vandalizing fantasies.As I said though, the game design actually i thought looked pretty cool, which is why I'm posting this reminder topic even though I have currently reached level 2 myself and probably shan't be playing anymore.I am aware this isn't exactly the world's most glowing recommendation, but as I have tried the game and as the game mechanics are fun from a turn based rpg perspective I'd thought I'd let people know anyway sinse my objections were more with the writing style, and also because I do wonder how many people had a few access shenanigans with the game being as I did notice it's not the usual sort of interface you'd seen in a browser game.


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi Tward,Here is the proof you've asked for.“Do they not look at the sky above them?― How We have made it and adorned?...” (Qaf, 50/6)  The following is stated in another verse:“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors: verily in that are Signs for those who know.” (ar-Rum, 30/22)Another sign is Allah's two names, Malik and Malik. One of them means King, the other owner. Have you ever heard of anyone saying "I am the King and owner of this kingdom?"Sincere regards,Thunderfist799


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My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Hello peeps, or something to that effect. How's everyone? For all who care/give a flying muffin mixed with a bag of mutant corn chips, I recently acquired an Acer chromebook 11, board identifier gnawty, 2 gigs of ram, intel celleron/bay trail chipset, 16 gig SSD. Knowing me, the first thing I did with it was put it in developer mode and use crouton, the linux chroot installer, to put a copy of debian jessie, along with the gnome desktop and about 6 gigs of software, including vlc, icedove (debian's version of thunderbird), ocr feeder to scan documents, and wine, along with some audio games like the kitchens inc stuff, and just because it's awesome, gta2. With this ugly hack of a setup along with my android phone, the nexus 5 with tethering support, I have all I need to work regarding my summer internship, using google docs to write and share internal documentation for the organization, as well as game on my free time, using vlc to listen to the PG13 stream on my bre
 ak and on the paratransit. I do have a few questions though. How can you manage preferred networks and add apps to the shelf using chromevox? Also, do any of you have suggestions for apps that are both accessible with chromevox and on android, with or without ugly ass hacks to make them so? Thanks for your help in advance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

LOL!This sounds about as appealing as Prison Tycoon. :-\


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: recording on ps4?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: recording on ps4?

I'm sure you can. All the HDMI does is output audio and Video.Maybe the PS4 detects that there isn't any output so, it doesn't work? That's the only reason why i would think, the PS4 would not work without any sort of output. Then again, I don't know, because I personally do not own a PS4.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

I am having an interesting issue.  I finally got the PE downloaded and burned, and it boots and works great.  Right up until the time I run my setup.exe from my windows ISO that I have on a USB.  I get the opening screen to set language, currency, etc., then I click next, which takes me to a screen with the "Install now" button.  When I click that button, I get the following error:  "Windows encountered an internal error while initializing com."  I next tried loading the actual install DVD that I made, thinking that the problem could have been since I was using a USB drive, but the same error came up at the exact same point in that case as well.  What in the world...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Has anyone ever challenged a sighted person to an audio game?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Has anyone ever challenged a sighted person to an audio game?

hi.My sister was trie to play bk3 and she was beaten about six levels.She was  tried also treasure hunt or entombed but bk3 was the best for her.Also my sighted friend is still playing sound rts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

hi there jeen, now just a tip. i am glad u got windows installed. 1 tip though. if your laptops got more then say six gigs of ram. i recommend u to disable your paging file. it has to do with the fact that the ssd does no longer need this, personally i disable it on mine even with 4 gigs of ram installed, i'd not do it if u have any thing lower.  and if, u wil never use software that, loads or needs all six gigs. its safe to disable the file since space on your ssd is at a premium. and the paging file would mostly be useful if u go beyond that limmit, for windows will then use that file on your drive, as if it was ram. a very slooow process. another tip is to disable the superfetch service in windows. this is redundant technology and was mostly obtomised for pc's that had, hardrives in them, what this does is to look at what u use over time, and load the files in the background in to memory. this is why for example. if u had a hardrive and u opened an ap. it m
 ite be slow the first time, but much faster next times around. superfetch, also known as prefetch? looks at other thingsas well. how ever. because u now have an ssd, file access times, is no longer an issue. you'll be better off disabling this, saving u some ram usage. and to insure u get the fastest access times possible. another tip would also be to disable your hybernation file if u not using it, because, its a space hog and can take any ware between 4 and 12 gigs of space. if u wish not to disable any of these things. u are free to leave them as they are, and no harm wil be done. however i thought that i'd share this ssd optomisation tips with you. welcome to the ssd club. o yes. they fast. very, believe me, once u on a ssd, you'd not wanna go back to a painful slow 5400 laptop drive. its, its agony, what model ssd are u running? and how big is it, in size whise


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Candy Crashers two

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Candy Crashers two

I think, if she will have acces to her computer, she will working on that.I dont think, that it is offtopic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA divides words written in capitol letters

its the way it does text to phoneme conversion, I don't really understand it tbh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Hi there!I'm going to assume that you are on the "Stable" channel of Chrome OS at this time. I would wait till Chrome OS 44 comes out, which won't be too long... Its currently in the "beta" channel.Lets tackle the "Networking" thing first.Please see This Article from OMG Chrome, for more info on Network Shares.As for accessible apps, the Google Drive suite of apps are accessible of course, and so are the apps from One DriveFor a great Podcast Player, please have a look at the Podcast App within the Chrome Web Store. (Yes, that's what its actual name is.) As for a great offline HTML/Markdown Editor, please have a look at Stack EditAh, and I can't forget, a "wonderful!" media player called 3PM Player , which also works offline.Now, remember I said that Chrome OS 44 is in the "beta" channel? With Chrome OS 44, Chromevox jumps to the "next generation." Its name, is "Chromevox Next," and once it arrives to the stable channel, more to Chrome on the web be open to you, among it being "Android" Apps.Keep in mind, Android apps support with "Chromevox Next," just like with Chromevox Next in general, is still "development,' and although works ok for me, may be a bit much.If ya have anymore questions, or wish to clarify things, please comment!PS. I've been a Chrome OS user since December of 2014, and also own an Acer Chromeb
 ook 11.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

Yahe, I thinkh I will probably rewrite the code from the ground up. It was very clunky and impossible to easily expand.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tactical battle campagne, what would you guys like?

How about an Avengers themed one? But you're taking on Chitauri aliens? So you've got Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Thor and each has there respective skills/powers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Hi there!I'm going to assume that you are on the "Stable" channel of Chrome OS at this time. I would wait till Chrome OS 44 comes out, which won't be too long... Its currently in the "beta" channel.Lets tackle the "Networking" thing first.Please see This Article from OMG Chrome, for more info on Network Shares. As for accessible apps, the Google Drive suite of apps are accessible of course, and so are the apps from One DriveFor a great Podcast Player, please have a look at the Podcast App within the Chrome Web Store. (Yes, that's what its actual name is.) As for a great offline HTML/Markdown Editor, please have a look at Stack EditAh, and I can't forget, a "wonderful!" media player called 3PM Player , which also works offline.Now, remember I said that Chrome OS 44 is in the "beta" channel? With Chrome OS 44, Chromevox jumps to the "next generation." Its name, is "Chromevox Next," and once it arrives to the stable channel, more to Chrome on the web be open to you, among it being "Android" apps, and better support for playing media streams, where that video/audio screen now reads. Same with  the built-in Audio/Video programs within the Files app.Keep in mind, Android apps support with "Chromevox Next," just like with Chromevox Next in general, is still "in development,' If ya have anymore questions, or wish to clarify things, ple
 ase comment!PS. I've been a Chrome OS user since December of 2014, and also own an Acer Chromebook 11. I have never used Cruton before, though I have dived in the world of GNU/Linux over the years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi.I see your point. ok. I will change that post.sorry if i offended anyone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

[[wow]], this is a really cool game! Thanks for sharing it!Something I noticed,the thread title says 1.0, but the game says it's 0.9. Though I guess it doesn't matter much, the game seems very polished and complete as is.You wrote this with BGT? Unlike other games written with that tool kit, this game works fine with JAWS running.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi./edit/for anyone who is knew to this topic. I deleted the post i had hear since it was worded in a way I didn't mean.I personally do not find this topic interesting anymore. but will keep it up so that people may express themselves and ask questions/end of edit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Oh, I am sure there is plenty of the nasty out there Gene. It's just that where something like Flexible survival, see database entry here was so overthetop it was grotesque, indeed if it weren't for my genophobia I'd probably have spent time with flexible survival, the writing in Forum wars just struck me as basic, common place complaints about internet sterriotypes.Still, as I said, the game did have mechanics to recommend it, for example it has community tpp;s tp add new forums to fight, and items to use on a weekly basis, so you'd never get tired of seeing the same enemy descriptions as happens in some browser games, also i do like the idea of a game doing what KoL and Twilight heroes and all the other dayly turn limit turn based rpgs do and actually giving you an option for virtually unlimited turns to finish the story so long as you don't want to be in player 
 league tables. The Payed items werent' massively expensive either from what I gathered by looking at the online store. Still, if you want decent browser rpgs I'd suggest Puppet nightmares, core exiles,   Kingdom of Loathing, Drakor or possibly even Sryth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Oh, I am sure there is plenty of the nasty out there Gene. It's just that where something like Flexible survival, see database entry here was so overthetop it was grotesque, indeed if it weren't for my genophobia I'd probably have spent time with flexible survival, the writing in Forum wars just struck me as basic, common place complaints about internet sterriotypes.Still, as I said, the game did have mechanics to recommend it, for example it has community tpp;s tp add new forums to fight, and items to use on a weekly basis, so you'd never get tired of seeing the same enemy descriptions as happens in some browser games, also i do like the idea of a game doing what KoL and Twilight heroes and all the other dayly turn limit turn based rpgs do and actually giving you an option for virtually unlimited turns to finish the story so long as you don't want to be in player 
 league tables. The Payed items werent' massively expensive either from what I gathered by looking at the online store. Still, there are better written comedy games out there like Kingdom of loathing, or for that matter Puppet nightmares, though to what extent that is comedy and to what extent a really serious rpg with some commical elements is debatable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Oh, I am sure there is plenty of the nasty out there Gene. It's just that where something like Flexible survival, see database entry here was so overthetop it was grotesque, indeed if it weren't for my genophobia I'd probably have spent time with flexible survival, the writing in Forum wars just struck me as basic, common place complaints about internet sterriotypes.Still, as I said, the game did have mechanics to recommend it, for example it has community assistance addding new forums and threads to fight, and items to use on a weekly basis, so you'd never get tired of seeing the same enemy descriptions as happens in some browser games, also i do like the idea of a game doing what KoL and Metroplexity and Twilight heroes and all the other dayly turn limit turn based rpgs do and actually giving you an option for virtually unlimited turns to finish the story so long as y
 ou don't want to be in player league tables. The Payed items werent' massively expensive either from what I gathered by looking at the online store. Still, there are better written comedy games out there like Kingdom of loathing, or for that matter Puppet nightmares, though to what extent that is comedy and to what extent a really serious rpg with some commical elements is debatable sinse the story can get  surprisingly dark and surreal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Oh, I am sure there is plenty of the nasty out there Gene. It's just that where something like Flexible survival, see database entry here was so overthetop it was grotesque, indeed if it weren't for my genophobia I'd probably have spent time with flexible survival, the writing in Forum wars just struck me as basic, common place complaints about internet sterriotypes.Still, as I said, the game did have mechanics to recommend it, for example it has community assistance addding new forums and threads to fight, and items to use on a weekly basis, so you'd never get tired of seeing the same enemy descriptions as happens in some browser games, also i do like the idea of a game doing what KoL and Metroplexity and Twilight heroes and all the other dayly turn limit turn based rpgs do and actually giving you an option for virtually unlimited turns to finish the story so long as y
 ou don't want to be in player league tables. The Payed items werent' massively expensive either from what I gathered by looking at the online store. Still, there are better written comedy games out there like Kingdom of loathing, see db page here , or for that matter Puppet nightmares]db page here , though to what extent that is comedy and to what extent a really serious rpg with some commical elements is debatable sinse the story can get  surprisingly dark and surreal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Hi there!I'm going to assume that you are on the "Stable" channel of Chrome OS at this time. I would wait till Chrome OS 44 comes out, which won't be too long... Its currently in the "beta" channel.Lets tackle the "Networking" thing first.Please see This Article from OMG Chrome, for more info on Network Shares. As for accessible apps, the Google Drive suite of apps are accessible of course, and so are the apps from One DriveFor a great Podcast Player, please have a look at the Podcast App within the Chrome Web Store. (Yes, that's what its actual name is.) As for a great offline HTML/Markdown Editor, please have a look at Stack EditAh, and I can't forget, a "wonderful!" media player called 3PM Player , which also works offline.Now, remember I said that Chrome OS 44 is in the "beta" channel? With Chrome OS 44, Chromevox jumps to the "next generation." Its name, is "Chromevox Next," and once it arrives to the stable channel, more to Chrome on the web be open to you, among it being "Android" apps, and better support for playing media streams, where that video/audio screen now reads. Same with  the built-in Audio/Video programs within the Files app.Keep in mind, Android apps support with "Chromevox Next," just like with Chromevox Next in general, is still "in development,' To run Chromevox Next for a single page, add #chromev
 ox_next_test to a link in the address bar, like so: you'd like to try Chromevox Next everywhere throughout the operating system itself, visit the "Chromevox Options" screen, and enter the word "next."To go back to the current Chromevox way of speaking, toggle Chromevox off/on with CTRL-alt-Z like usual.If ya have anymore questions, or wish to clarify things, please comment!PS. I've been a Chrome OS user since December of 2014, and also own an Acer Chromebook 11. I have never used Cruton before, though I have dived in the world of GNU/Linux over the years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

Well Nuno, that is probably the most unspecific recommendation of a "next great rpg" I've ever heard . What is so great about this game? Hell from your description I don't even know what the setting is, it could be a game about picking your nose for all you've said . I also would like to know if the "erion" of the title refers to Erion who created Angel gift, aka Robjoy on this forum, aka robbert who used to work for lighttech interactive. Hell even if this nothing to do with Erion, you really! haven't given any information at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

Well Nuno, that is probably the most unspecific recommendation of a "next great rpg" I've ever heard . What is so great about this game? From your description I don't even know what the setting is, it could be a game about picking your nose for all you've said . I also would like to know if the "erion" of the title refers to Erion who created Angel gift, aka Robjoy on this forum, aka robbert who used to work for lighttech interactive. Even if this is nothing to do with Erion, you really haven't given anyone a reason to play this game, and perhaps if your recommending a game you've played for 127 levels you might know a little about it and could explain about some unique features of the game that could attrac
 t people's interest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

hi,partly agreed with dhruv there.but I had a couple  of questions, which I'm not sure how to put here but would anyone, specially a Christian , be kind enough to explain them individually on a private case I get similar views from more than 1 person, i'll try and bring that up here again


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

hi,partly agreed with dhruv there.but I had a couple  of questions, which I'm not sure how to put here but would anyone, specially a Christian , be kind enough to explain them individually on a private case I get similar views from more than 1 person, i'll try and bring that up here againthanksSkype id: sid5120


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Hi there!I'm going to assume that you are on the "Stable" channel of Chrome OS at this time. I would wait till Chrome OS 44 comes out, which won't be too long... Its currently in the "beta" channel.Lets tackle the "Networking" thing first.Please see This Article from OMG Chrome, for more info on Network Shares. As for accessible apps, the Google Drive suite of apps are accessible of course, and so are the apps from One DriveFor a great Podcast Player, please have a look at the Podcast App within the Chrome Web Store. (Yes, that's what its actual name is.) As for a great offline HTML/Markdown Editor, please have a look at Stack EditAh, and I can't forget, a "wonderful!" media player called 3PM Player , which also works offline.Now, remember I said that Chrome OS 44 is in the "beta" channel? With Chrome OS 44, Chromevox jumps to the "next generation." Its name, is "Chromevox Next," and once it arrives to the stable channel, more to Chrome on the web be open to you, among it being "Android" apps, and better support for playing media streams, where that video/audio screen now reads. Same with  the built-in Audio/Video programs within the Files app.Keep in mind, Android apps support with "Chromevox Next," just like with Chromevox Next in general, is still "in development,' To run Chromevox Next for a single page, add #chromev
 ox_next_test to a link in the address bar, like so: you'd like to try Chromevox Next everywhere throughout the operating system itself, visit the "Chromevox Options" screen, and enter the word "next."To go back to the current Chromevox way of speaking, toggle Chromevox off/on with CTRL-alt-Z like usual.Ah, almost forgot about Android Apps. Only Chromevox Next works with Android apps ported over to Chrome OS, although not all of them will work with it, thus "trial and error."Podcast Addict" is one of the apps which works with CVN, though do to it being a "ported" Android app, don't expect it to speak everything. I've talked to the creator of the Podcast Addict app, which I purchased aw
 hile back on Android, so Google still got work to do for Android app accesibility with Chrome OS app there.   By the way, for a listing of all Android apps and games ported to Chrome OS, please This Section of the Chrome Web Store.If ya have anymore questions, or wish to clarify things, please comment!PS. I've been a Chrome OS user since December of 2014, and also own an Acer Chromebook 11. I have never used Cruton before, though I have dived in the world of GNU/Linux over the years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : steffanne86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I bought the game, but everytime I launch it it says unable to access guidedog please make sure that it is running running the installed shortcut should fix this problem. I want to register my game but like I said it won't let me do it either. Thanks in advance for your help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

hi,good concept. will try the thing again after reading dark's  two-quarters encouraging post above.  anyways, I tried the game at least 4 years earlier, but the interface was quite unfriendly as to barely being able to select an option on the entire page.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BariBariFutsal

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BariBariFutsal

Hello@Dark for example, Ghana defends evil and good brand rivals, Italy defends well, strikers usually go to your own net to check or recover the ball, making passes always advances Spain, England has a more vertical direct attack and so on.Arabia also plays making passes, but has much less quality than Spain when attacking.An example of strategy, I squeezed the right arrow, and all my players start to defend, exept a striker, he will stay in the penalty area to wait for a ball.If you press the P key, you can give orders espesíficas, like putting a career, move a player to be left in midfield or to go to the rival area, or very close to defend your own net.The player movement is automatic, but you can control with the commands I said, every arrow keys change the strategy, and these strategies vary if you have the ball or if you have the opponent.And with the letter P, you can give orders to other players, so everyone can use strategies according to their tastes and preferences, and the varied level of the various national teams is very realistic and similar to real life.Vipgameszone sports games are good, but bored pretty fast for being so repetitive and monotonous in my opinion.The Baribarifutsal I bought several months ago, and even today I still entertaining for their game modes and have real national teams.A good reading of the game help more little practice goes a long way to understand how to exploit this game well.The most fun for me is to play a few practice games, it makes me remember when I had vision and could play Pes and FIFA.It is also good that you can upload your matches and tournaments you won Internet, so you can compare your performance with other players.Greetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

hi,good concept. will try the thing again, now having read dark's  two-quarters encouraging post above.  anyways, I tried the game at least 4 years earlier, but the interface was quite unfriendly as to barely being able to select an option on the entire page.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

hi,agreed with dark. just as there are a whole bunch of muds out there, mentioning out the positive and distinguishable aspects of the mud should help those who seek to even put forward a thought of trying the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

hii have a problembecause of the antyvirus i can'taccess that site.please  give me a drop box link


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

illyriad a medieval build-it-up game rather unique

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


illyriad a medieval build-it-up game rather unique

Hi all,I was stumbling around the web for a good friend of mine. you can call it a quest where i was searching for an browser game with rpg features and building buildings, crafting stuff, training units etc. In my oppinion this quest has been sucessfull, since i found something that has use for these points i just mansioned.This game is called illyriad. You are a character in the land of illy. you have got a piece of land where you'll build buildings on. You already own 25 buildings, these are:- 5 lumberjacks- 5 claypits- 5 ironmines-5 quarries- 5 farmyards.This leads us to a poinf of the game what is a bit weird ... you have over 50 building spaces, but they aren't labled. for me hey are labled as "outline1" and "outline2" but when you keep in mind that the first 25 buildings are your resource buildings, and you can start building from space 26 and you can remember where you build your other buildi
 ngs, there is no reason why you can't keep track of where you placed wich building. though i recommend you work down the list when you are using a screenreader. from 26 to 27 and so forth.What makes this game unique (for what i have gathered so far.):- i thought there were hundreds of researches to be done.- buildings to produce weaponary and armor, without these two no troops. each product needs a resource.- however the map is rather complex to be navigated on you can work around this, more below.- a very helpfull and friendly community. i told i was new and people loaded caravans full of resources toward my city, really awsome.- not your standard soldier x and y, you also have trade units, like caravans and diplomatic units like thieves.- due to this researches there are tons of unlockables, you can build a tannery when you have researched the technology tanning for example.There is no more where i am thinking of right now. b
 ut about the map:This map is rather graphical, but when you know to wich player you want to send a caravan to, you should go to the global rankings, fill out said players username, hit is name in the list that pops up, navigate a bit toward the bottom and view his/hers towns. you will arrive on the map, use the heading button to go to his towns directly. hit saids town name, navigate to the bottom again and select send resources.I haven't tried that yet, but i asume it won't be taht difficult afterwards.You will discover that there is a market. that one is in my eyes a very pain to navigate. i can't get my head around it, probably someone of you can help me with this? but when that part is inaccessible you can ask on the chat channel if someone can send you a particular good and you can send your caravan with some coins to pay him/her. doesn't seem like to be a huge problem.To try out this toy, head to: mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Snow Race 1.0.1030.105 released!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Snow Race 1.0.1030.105 released!

HelloI liked the game is good. I wish you to continue developing and updating it with more features and improvements.Seriously, good job, the idea is very original and innovative.Greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : RTR_Assassin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

OK, so this new system is supposed to keep cowards from disconnecting during a fight? Maybe that was your original intention, but this system is quickly being abused by all of the people you are trying to limit by taking out the look and where commands and reducing knife sharpness to 300. Here's basically the problem.Say I am experiencing lag and decide to disconnect to fix it, in order to fight someone. Lag often prevents me from being able to attack because the server doesn't respond to key presses when it lags. So, I disconnect. Next thing I know, I am back on shore because I've been killed. I wasn't able to defend myself, or run away. So, this system is actually helping players who do nothing but kill other players basically slaughter who they want.Imagine you're in the middle of a storm. Suddenly, your router goes offline and you can no longer play. This means whoever is nearby can walk over with a weapon in hand and take you out. The next
  time you log on, you're starting over on shore. You lose everything you had and have to build up from scratch.The point I'm making is that no other game allows a player to kill another player that suddenly disconnects. Though UltraPower has some issues with the server, Mason wouldn't intentionally implement killing players who go offline for the next thirty seconds. This isn't a fair solution for the problem. Let's face it, if someone doesn't want to fight, it's their choice.The other point I will make is that the fighting system is still very unbalanced. Unlike RTR and UP, there is no way to know exactly where an enemy is using sound. The p command gives you an idea, but the description is still to general. In front and very slightly to the left sounds accurate, until you try aiming a bow. I've missed on many occasions, even though the opponent was in front and very slightly to the left and within range. A little beep or hum in t
 he center would probably help out a little. The other thing is that not everyone has access to rock guns and revolvers. 'This basically allows players who have those weapons to kill who they want because they can fire at much greater distances than players with bows, never mind getting in close with a spear, hammer, or knife.It is possible that the problem comes down to the headset I'm using. The Logitech h800 really doesn't have high quality audio output, since it was primarily designed to make vOIP calls through Skype and other applications; so, it isn't exactly a gaming headset. As I mentioned before, adding defensive maneuvers, such as blocking, parrying, or dodging would definitely improve the fighting system.Hope these suggestions can help improve the game. I know you're doing what you can to please everyone, but these problems will make the game less enjoyable in the long run.


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Re: Best antivirus

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best antivirus

I used the free version of Avast since v4, considering how long ago it was, it's hard to believe that that was only two versions ago.But when I lost my vision, I switched to Security Essentials, because I'd heard it was pretty good and I had doubts about Avast being accessible because it was becoming heavily skinned.But, in the two years I've been using Security Essentials, I know it has dropped the ball several times and let something nasty through.So now I'm thinking of going back to Avast, because I remember that I really liked it.


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Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Once you got into the game I wouldn't say the thing was actively difficult for the most part interface wise, it's just that most of the links had slightly different names and functions. for example "bookmarks" was sort of like your travel link, and S talk was your npc contacts, while the game's actual discussion forums were referd to amusingly enough as flame bate . I didn't try the in game chat or any multiplayer so I don't know if there has been overhaul there. With the battle screen, things were a trifle complex sinse there were lots of unlabeled random images as links which didn't do anything, but all the important info was readable, and so long as you keep watching the battle log up top and the abilities bar further down where you activated your attacks things were fine,  heck you could read the mock forum postings
  if you wished too.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

when you launch the game and it says that messagee about unable to launche guidedog client, turn on your screen reader and alt tab, you should find yourself in the guide dog client, (you might even be there by default). Enter your name and password and Yellowbonnet should load up fine. It would be nice if the game actually launched guide dog client first letting you log in and then launching the game correctly rather than opening the game and complaining at you, but it's not really a major deal and I suspect it's something that will be fixed when Guidedog and/or yellow bonnet gets an update.Alternatively


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

when you launch the game and it says that messagee about unable to launche guidedog client, turn on your screen reader and alt tab, you should find yourself in the guide dog client, (you might even be there by default). Enter your name and password and Yellowbonnet should load up fine. It would be nice if the game actually launched guide dog client first letting you log in and then launching the game correctly rather than opening the game and complaining at you (especially when I have launched the game from the programs menu so don't know what it's moaning about with the installed shortcut business), but it's not really a major deal and I suspect it's something that will be fixed when Guidedog and/or yellow bonnet gets an update.


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Re: Accessible radios?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible radios?

As far as an accessible radio goes, this is what I have: … AM-FM.htmlIt's made by Cobolt Systems Lt.:


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Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deal or No Deal 1.0

[[wow]], this is a really cool game! Thanks for sharing it!Something I noticed,the thread title says 1.0, but the game says it's 0.9. Though I guess it doesn't matter much, the game seems very polished and complete as is.You wrote this with BGT? Unlike other games written with that tool kit, this game works fine with JAWS running.Tip: For JAWS users, NVDA may have a way to do this too, if you set the speak digits threshhold  to 8 and turn on speak $ option for Deal or no Deal, the money amounts will be more natural. It will say Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars instead of dollar three five zero zero zero zero.


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Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

I'm sure the game has appeal to some people, just I wouldn't want to be a prison wardon or owner, as in Prison Tycoon, being a hacker and trashing forums just doesn't appeal to me, even as a fantasy. Probably because I've been a forum administrator and know how much work it is.


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Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

cool! thanks! What I meant by preferred networks was editing, mainly forgetting wireless networks. Thanks for the list of apps and the tips on chromevox-next. Also, as a side order of awesomeness, from what I read while looking at the chromium command line flags, on touch screen devices, chromevox and other accessibility services  appear to support android-style explore by touch.


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Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

I'll have to keep an eye on it then.


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Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

cool! thanks! What I meant by preferred networks was editing, mainly forgetting wireless networks. Thanks for the list of apps and the tips on chromevox-next. Also, as a side order of awesomeness, from what I read while looking at the chromium command line flags, on touch screen devices, chromevox and other accessibility services  appear to support android-style explore by touch. I wonder if chromevox have touchpad support?


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Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Chromebook setup, and a few questions

Does "CVN" work with chrome for pc/mac? Or is all this only avalable on chrome OS? And if so, is there a way to run chrome os on a vm?


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Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

I found what I think is a great deal, a 300GB SSD by a top SSD maker for a hair over $200. The drive is an Intel 2.5-Inch 300 GB Internal Solid State Drive SSDSC2BB300G401  I do occcasionally use hibernate so I'll keep that, but the paging file and superfetch I can probably do without. I believe I know where the paging file setting are, but not how to turn off superfetch.The hard drive I'm replacing was 320GB and it had about 210GB free. I don't think I'll be having any space problems for a while. :-D


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Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

Dark wrote:Well Nuno, that is probably the most unspecific recommendation of a "next great rpg" I've ever heard . What is so great about this game? From your description I don't even know what the setting is, it could be a game about picking your nose for all you've said . I also would like to know if the "erion" of the title refers to Erion who created Angel gift, aka Robjoy on this forum, aka robbert who used to work for lighttech interactive. Even if this is nothing to do with Erion, you really haven't given anyone a reason to play this game, and perhaps if your recommending a game you've played for 127 levels you might know a little about it and could explai
 n about some unique features of the game that could attract people's interest.Pretty much sums up what I was thinking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

Oddly enough though I obviously am a forum administrator, it isn't necessarily the forum attacking motivation that bothers me, indeed the hacker class is one of the ones that bothers me least. It's more just the execution. Real life emo kids usually have actual problems so taking the micky by replicating comments about self harm is just pretty sad, the same goes for the "permanoob" class which is supposedly about the well meaning person who is not an experienced net user,  indeed having been one of these myself for quite some time I always have sympathy and try to help people with basic questions rather than seeing them as there to be laughed at.Yes, trolls and s/xually promiscuous people who get a kick out of supposedly disturbing others or causing trouble exist, but simply building a game engine to replicate their behaviour in rpg attacks is to me just sad, rather than humourus (particularly sinse in reality such people rarely get to actuall
 y distroy forums).I definitely think the game could! have been a lot of fun if it had writing that was a bit more sharp and witty rather than just riding that one trick "oooh look it's a game about internet sterriotypes pony" all the way through. For example, imagine if it were more rpg like and the troll had a weapon called the flaming club of flaming expletives, or the permanood had a quest to find the missing any key.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum wars, a browser rpg about trolling

You're right, making fun of those people is about as pathetic as the guy who recorded a video of a blind girl running into a wall and then posting it on facebook as humor. Not ($*%(#*%($* funny.I can see how, if they had had decent writers that could paint it as a satire, it might be more entertaining.From what you've said about it though, I'll keep an eye, or should I say ear, on it. It may become worth playing, but not right now.


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Greetings, as requested, i've implemented a system where you can see your bounty in status report. Enjoy.


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Science can not prove that homosexuality is genetic, though they are trying. At least I have not found any research proving it as such. If it can be done beyond the shadow of a doubt, I will question God's motive in calling homosexuality evil.Having said that, absolutely in no way, even if homosexuality were genetic, would they be sent to hell because they are homosexuals. As I said above, man can perform no action other than believing in the son of God to determine the destination of his eternal soul. God extends this offer to all, including homosexuals, murderers, those that practice genocide and any other crime you can think of. Ted Bundy was saved by Jesus Christ on death row, just before he was killed, and that man raped, murdered and then had sex with the corpses of at least 30 victims, by his own confession. Since God is the ultimate judge, not I, I have no reason to doubt that his salvation is genuine until I get to Heaven and find out one way or the other. For
  God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that all who believe in him would not parish, but would instead have everlasting life.Druv, I agree 100% that humans are flawed beings, though interestingly I disagree with one of your previous posts about what's evil and what's fine. For example, I do not in any way think that trapping animals in cages and keeping them there long term for study and entertainment is ok. Yes, God gave us responsibility over all the earth including the animals, but I fail to see how locking a Siberian tiger away in a cage for people to stare at all day is being responsible with God's creation. I also do not hunt for sport, I hunt for food. Jesus commanded us through Peter to kill and eat, and just after the flood, he told Noah that he was now allowed to eat the flesh of living things. However, we were to make the deaths quick and painless and not waste anything, and there are stipulations, such as do not eat an animal wi
 th it's life's blood still in it. In other words, make sure it's dead before you start eating it, and drain out the blood. Many of these guidelines are in place to keep us protected from consequences. For example, some researchers thought that aids was started by certain tribes in Africa drinking monkey blood. Killing animals responsibly, for food, is ok and not evil because we are the keepers of God's creation and he commanded us to do so. Killing animals for sport hunting, especially if you're not going to eat the flesh, is most definitely irresponsible if not outright evil. There are many people in my town that enjoy trapping cats and killing them for no other reason than that they find them annoying, and this makes me very angry. Often times I have to go to God seeking forgiveness for my anger at a person like that.As for evidence, well, it's true that humans discovered the evidence, but they did not put it there. God did that. By your logic 
 we may as well discount all of science, because if humans are unable to be logical in any way, then all of science is so flawed as to be completely unusable. However, this also goes back to what I said above. It's not my goal to hammer you with evidences and scriptures over and over to make you believe, you have to make the choice to do that. I can only tell you what God has done for you, attempt to debate your arguments and leave it at that. What it amounts to is that when people pick a side, they will find evidences backing their side, plain and simple, as can be seen in evolutionary theory, a theory that is dying and yet is still being taught as scientific fact.


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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

Hmm, do you know how to buy event relics? I can't seem to figure it out, the only thing I can seem to click on are the rare and common draws.


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