Re: Survive the Wild!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : conundrum via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hi,For goodness sake, can the speedhack sound be change to something else which is better? I know that intention is to punish people from speedhacking. But it is not reliable and people playing normally are affected as well. That type of sound, when hearing it on a loud volume in a headset, is terrible for the ears. As far as the game is for fun, you need to consider the effect it can cause from that screeching sound to your ears. Sam does not need to show his sexi voice in that manner. On the positive note, thank you smoke-j for the new craftable item. I have seen that this block shelter now is harder to destroy, and it has chairs and table inside which is good, compare to the old one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: our LC games site is alive!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lav andric via Audiogames-reflector


Re: our LC games site is alive!

The update is out!You can listen to the demo of the it here. can get the game here. should hopefully make things more clear with the mission.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

Oh, [[wow]], I just played both games for a bit, and, [[wow]], you've got something very hot brewing over here. Love it man, Keep it up. I'll be sure to have the funds to buy this game the day it releases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

You make some good points Lokar. But I do want to address some concerns below:On the subject of tracking, I once again reiterate that I do not mind placing a client tracker into Mush-Z. I do mind, however, that no one ever told mush-z users about it. I understand that the developers' goal was a noble one, and I do hope they identified the rule breakers successfully. But it could have been handled so much more transparently, even if after the data were collected, it was announced after the fact.About Draak and Shadowfax's coding, I have enormous respect for both of them, and I know it is difficult and time-consuming to learn a codebase they have never touched before, and when it comes to one as mammoth as Alter Aeon's the difficulty is only multiplied tenfold. I have seen the hours of effort they've put into content creation, and I laud them for it, but it does not change the fact that their efforts, whether it be areas or new game features, show a distinct lack of rigorous playtesting compared to the rest of the administration's work. A few hours of stress testing by a few hand-picked alpha testers for new features would help them enormously, as when bugs are brought to their attention the gods do fix them quickly, but why not handle them in a controlled environment instead? I am concerned that this pattern will dictate continued developments in Mush-Z.You mention that only 24 players are higher level than you and thus affected by the level change right now. If you are using your total levels leaderboard ranking for that number, keep in mind that the leaderboard does not show players who have logged in in 30 days, nor does it show players who did not level convert. But it does get your point across that there are only a relative few players currently impacted by these level costs. But new players should feel able to attain the elite player status with a reasonable amount of work, and seeing the experience-cost shaped roadblock does not encourage them to set out on that long journey (see post 9 of this thread).You mention that players such as Jonathon have discussed civilly with Dentin about the issues I have brought up. many players, including Jonathon, have tried in various ways to talk to Dentin, and waited patiently, for almost a year in fact, for a ray of hope. And the talking and the waiting has not resulted in much that will cut down on the 10-month estimate to level your fourth class from 36 to 37. I have Talked personally to many of these players and they feel shafted, even those whose heads are level. I do not even want to open the can of worms that is the level convert situation, but I know that also contributes to the discontent among these players.I really do hope that Dentin does decide to make a character and play it so that he can better understand the complaints of his high-level players.Thanks again for a civil discussion, and especially for telling me that I am charismatic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Ignotus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi there!I'm primarily a mudder, but also enjoy audio games and wanted to join in some of the discussions here. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

Good so far! Between this and the audio demos, I'm looking forward to this one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind youtubers?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind youtubers?

I like Liam irvin's channel, and this other guy who's channel is called "the tommy edison experience".He doesn't do games, and he's pretty mainstream, mostly explains stuff to sighted people, but he's a nice, funny guy, and he gets to do some cool stuff that I wish I could do, less mess with three d shapes and such.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: new game to try whilst flying

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game to try whilst flying

Well make sure you have the latest .net frameworks installed, as well as the older ones like 3.5, and use that little thing that kitchen sink games and swamp both give you that does something for vb games.Also I think you may need windows media player? I believe it uses that to play sounds but I'm pretty sure that doesn't come with the latest version of windows, I'd talk to Ian about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lokar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

This is only the second time I've ever posted on these forums, so if my formatting or anything else is a bit off I apologize.I want to start by stating that I have some pretty heavy bias against the player Teros as I do against all players who make it their purpose to cause problems on Alter Aeon, specifically people who cause problems to the detriment of other players and attempt to cause wide spread discontent. So take things I have to say about him personally with the appropriate measure of salt.First I feel like while this post is well worded, and there are some reasonable concerns, that it is absolutely an attack against the administration of the game. It's full of clear bias, half truths and hyperbole.I'm going to do my best to dissect the post and remain civil.On the first point, Mush-z and computer tracking. To be clear, the code does not actually track your computer, it tracks your client. Two distinctly different things, two things that are very common in all sorts of bigger brand games. This is not a piece of code put in to the client to spy on peoples computers, but rather just to keep track of who is who better. I'd be willing to bet that there is similar in Dclient (the unofficial name for the client Dentin made specifically for AA). The intent behind this is not to spy on anyone, but rather to better manage the player base. Something that is important in any online game. I asked on my private channel if anyone was familiar with this code and what it can and can't do and got the following response from one of the people you acknowledge worked on mush-z (though he says he hasn't done very much himself)[gate] Lokar: is anyone here familiar with this uuid stuff in the mushz code at all and know exactly what it can and can't do?[gate] Slej: I"ve read the code.[gate] Lokar: ugh I'm actually leaving now suddenly, but if you're familiar I'd like a description of what precisely it can do and how likely it is at all to be capable of what people seem to be paranoid it can do[gate] Lokar: I'll replay when I can[gate] Slej: when you first set up mush-z, it generates a random number for you. It's not based on machine ID or anything, it's just a totally random number that is long enough to be unique most of the time. Every time you log in to any character from that installation, that number gets sent to the mud.[gate] Slej: so Dentin can't tell I'm using a specific machine. If I copy mush to another machine or a flash drive with all my settings intact, it uses the same ID. If I decide to multiplay Lokar's character and pass it off as Lokar, even if I go through a proxy, Dentin will know about it because the same ID gets sent when I log into Lokar.[gate] Slej: Some people found out about this and really didn't like it, so they started modifying their code to send a stupid bogus string instead of the generated ID. Personally I'd just modify mine to send something random each time, but whatever floats their boat I guess. Teros sent Riddle his hacked XML, so when he lgoged in, it showed the same ID.(As a quick aside, some people may be familiar with the rules I enforce on my private channel on the Alter Aeon, I did ask permission before quoting Slej.)This code is not as malicious as you seem to imply, not even close in fact since it doesn't track your computer at all.Its important to note that if tracking bothers you so much, this very website gives you tracking cookies. I think everyone would probably agree they are very likely harmless though.As for the actual coding, who did it, and why they did it, the following conversation was had in bovine. (I edited this slightly, but only by removing irrelevant statements, including my own which honestly only displayed my clear bias I mentioned earlier)(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: Just doing a replay(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: for hte record, it was I specifically who put in the uid stuff(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: what was the specific reason?(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: no clue if athlon was around at that time or not, but Dentin and I talked about it, and it was me alone who put in the code, so if anyone wants to blame a mush-z dev, it is me, and I  did not discuss it with any other dev.(38 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: so honestly whether athlon was a dev at the time or not is not very relevant(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the reason for hte UID things?(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: nod(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: The reason was because we had situations where people would log on multiple chars from the same IP address and claim it was because it was another person who was at the same location behind a NAT, so getting the same IP(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: So putting in a unique identifier per client install was a way of providing another datapoint as to whether or not these people may or may not be telling the truth.(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the idea 

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lokar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

This is only the second time I've ever posted on these forums, so if my formatting or anything else is a bit off I apologize.I want to start by stating that I have some pretty heavy bias against the player Teros as I do against all players who make it their purpose to cause problems on Alter Aeon, specifically people who cause problems to the detriment of other players and attempt to cause wide spread discontent. So take things I have to say about him personally with the appropriate measure of salt.First I feel like while this post is well worded, and there are some reasonable concerns, that it is absolutely an attack against the administration of the game. It's full of clear bias, half truths and hyperbole.I'm going to do my best to dissect the post and remain civil.On the first point, Mush-z and computer tracking. To be clear, the code does not actually track your computer, it tracks your client. Two distinctly different things, two things that are very common in all sorts of bigger brand games. This is not a piece of code put in to the client to spy on peoples computers, but rather just to keep track of who is who better. I'd be willing to bet that there is similar in Dclient (the unofficial name for the client Dentin made specifically for AA). The intent behind this is not to spy on anyone, but rather to better manage the player base. Something that is important in any online game. I asked on my private channel if anyone was familiar with this code and what it can and can't do and got the following response from one of the people you acknowledge worked on mush-z (though he says he hasn't done very much himself)[gate] Lokar: is anyone here familiar with this uuid stuff in the mushz code at all and know exactly what it can and can't do?[gate] Slej: I"ve read the code.[gate] Lokar: ugh I'm actually leaving now suddenly, but if you're familiar I'd like a description of what precisely it can do and how likely it is at all to be capable of what people seem to be paranoid it can do[gate] Lokar: I'll replay when I can[gate] Slej: when you first set up mush-z, it generates a random number for you. It's not based on machine ID or anything, it's just a totally random number that is long enough to be unique most of the time. Every time you log in to any character from that installation, that number gets sent to the mud.[gate] Slej: so Dentin can't tell I'm using a specific machine. If I copy mush to another machine or a flash drive with all my settings intact, it uses the same ID. If I decide to multiplay Lokar's character and pass it off as Lokar, even if I go through a proxy, Dentin will know about it because the same ID gets sent when I log into Lokar.[gate] Slej: Some people found out about this and really didn't like it, so they started modifying their code to send a stupid bogus string instead of the generated ID. Personally I'd just modify mine to send something random each time, but whatever floats their boat I guess. Teros sent Riddle his hacked XML, so when he lgoged in, it showed the same ID.(As a quick aside, some people may be familiar with the rules I enforce on my private channel on the Alter Aeon, I did ask permission before quoting Slej.)This code is not as malicious as you seem to imply, not even close in fact since it doesn't track your computer at all.Its important to note that if tracking bothers you so much, this very website gives you tracking cookies. I think everyone would probably agree they are very likely harmless though.As for the actual coding, who did it, and why they did it, the following conversation was had in bovine. (I edited this slightly, but only by removing irrelevant statements, including my own which honestly only displayed my clear bias I mentioned earlier)(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: Just doing a replay(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: for hte record, it was I specifically who put in the uid stuff(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: what was the specific reason?(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: no clue if athlon was around at that time or not, but Dentin and I talked about it, and it was me alone who put in the code, so if anyone wants to blame a mush-z dev, it is me, and I  did not discuss it with any other dev.(38 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: so honestly whether athlon was a dev at the time or not is not very relevant(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the reason for hte UID things?(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: nod(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: The reason was because we had situations where people would log on multiple chars from the same IP address and claim it was because it was another person who was at the same location behind a NAT, so getting the same IP(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: So putting in a unique identifier per client install was a way of providing another datapoint as to whether or not these people may or may not be telling the truth.(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the idea 

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lokar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

This is only the second time I've ever posted on these forums, so if my formatting or anything else is a bit off I apologize.I want to start by stating that I have some pretty heavy bias against the player Teros as I do against all players who make it their purpose to cause problems on Alter Aeon, specifically people who cause problems to the detriment of other players and attempt to cause wide spread discontent. So take things I have to say about him personally with the appropriate measure of salt.First I feel like while this post is well worded, and there are some reasonable concerns, that it is absolutely an attack against the administration of the game. It's full of clear bias, half truths and hyperbole.I'm going to do my best to dissect the post and remain civil.On the first point, Mush-z and computer tracking. To be clear, the code does not actually track your computer, it tracks your client. Two distinctly different things, two things that are very common in all sorts of bigger brand games. This is not a piece of code put in to the client to spy on peoples computers, but rather just to keep track of who is who better. I'd be willing to bet that there is similar in Dclient (the unofficial name for the client Dentin made specifically for AA). The intent behind this is not to spy on anyone, but rather to better manage the player base. Something that is important in any online game. I asked on my private channel if anyone was familiar with this code and what it can and can't do and got the following response from one of the people you acknowledge worked on mush-z (though he says he hasn't done very much himself)[gate] Lokar: is anyone here familiar with this uuid stuff in the mushz code at all and know exactly what it can and can't do?[gate] Slej: I"ve read the code.[gate] Lokar: ugh I'm actually leaving now suddenly, but if you're familiar I'd like a description of what precisely it can do and how likely it is at all to be capable of what people seem to be paranoid it can do[gate] Lokar: I'll replay when I can[gate] Slej: when you first set up mush-z, it generates a random number for you. It's not based on machine ID or anything, it's just a totally random number that is long enough to be unique most of the time. Every time you log in to any character from that installation, that number gets sent to the mud.[gate] Slej: so Dentin can't tell I'm using a specific machine. If I copy mush to another machine or a flash drive with all my settings intact, it uses the same ID. If I decide to multiplay Lokar's character and pass it off as Lokar, even if I go through a proxy, Dentin will know about it because the same ID gets sent when I log into Lokar.[gate] Slej: Some people found out about this and really didn't like it, so they started modifying their code to send a stupid bogus string instead of the generated ID. Personally I'd just modify mine to send something random each time, but whatever floats their boat I guess. Teros sent Riddle his hacked XML, so when he lgoged in, it showed the same ID.(As a quick aside, some people may be familiar with the rules I enforce on my private channel on the Alter Aeon, I did ask permission before quoting Slej.)This code is not as malicious as you seem to imply, not even close in fact since it doesn't track your computer at all.Its important to note that if tracking bothers you so much, this very website gives you tracking cookies. I think everyone would probably agree they are very likely harmless though.As for the actual coding, who did it, and why they did it, the following conversation was had in bovine. (I edited this slightly, but only by removing irrelevant statements, including my own which honestly only displayed my clear bias I mentioned earlier)(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: Just doing a replay(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: for hte record, it was I specifically who put in the uid stuff(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: what was the specific reason?(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: no clue if athlon was around at that time or not, but Dentin and I talked about it, and it was me alone who put in the code, so if anyone wants to blame a mush-z dev, it is me, and I  did not discuss it with any other dev.(38 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: so honestly whether athlon was a dev at the time or not is not very relevant(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the reason for hte UID things?(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: nod(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: The reason was because we had situations where people would log on multiple chars from the same IP address and claim it was because it was another person who was at the same location behind a NAT, so getting the same IP(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: So putting in a unique identifier per client install was a way of providing another datapoint as to whether or not these people may or may not be telling the truth.(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the idea 

Re: Current Playroom installer labeled as a serious threat

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Current Playroom installer labeled as a serious threat

just add program files x86, and your downloads to the exceptions and be done with it. some might say that that's a risk, but it's still safer than disabling defender. not to mention defender will reenable itself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashaman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

Socheat wrote:Hello there,Thanks for the solution. Hoping to see the next version come out. Can't wait to play it!I got my program updated before releasing the new build, so hopefully this latest version will be playable for you when you get around to playing it.  Sent you a PM in the hopes we can find a solution that allows you to enjoy the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lokar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

This is only the second time I've ever posted on these forums, so if my formatting or anything else is a bit off I apologize.I want to start by stating that I have some pretty heavy bias against the player Teros as I do against all players who make it their purpose to cause problems on Alter Aeon, specifically people who cause problems to the detriment of other players and attempt to cause wide spread discontent. So take things I have to say about him personally with the appropriate measure of salt.First I feel like while this post is well worded, and there are some reasonable concerns, that it is absolutely an attack against the administration of the game. It's full of clear bias, half truths and hyperbole.I'm going to do my best to dissect the post and remain civil.On the first point, Mush-z and computer tracking. To be clear, the code does not actually track your computer, it tracks your client. Two distinctly different things, two things that are very common in all sorts of bigger brand games. This is not a piece of code put in to the client to spy on peoples computers, but rather just to keep track of who is who better. I'd be willing to bet that there is similar in Dclient (the unofficial name for the client Dentin made specifically for AA). The intent behind this is not to spy on anyone, but rather to better manage the player base. Something that is important in any online game. I asked on my private channel if anyone was familiar with this code and what it can and can't do and got the following response from one of the people you acknowledge worked on mush-z (though he says he hasn't done very much himself)[gate] Lokar: is anyone here familiar with this uuid stuff in the mushz code at all and know exactly what it can and can't do?[gate] Slej: I"ve read the code.[gate] Lokar: ugh I'm actually leaving now suddenly, but if you're familiar I'd like a description of what precisely it can do and how likely it is at all to be capable of what people seem to be paranoid it can do[gate] Lokar: I'll replay when I can[gate] Slej: when you first set up mush-z, it generates a random number for you. It's not based on machine ID or anything, it's just a totally random number that is long enough to be unique most of the time. Every time you log in to any character from that installation, that number gets sent to the mud.[gate] Slej: so Dentin can't tell I'm using a specific machine. If I copy mush to another machine or a flash drive with all my settings intact, it uses the same ID. If I decide to multiplay Lokar's character and pass it off as Lokar, even if I go through a proxy, Dentin will know about it because the same ID gets sent when I log into Lokar.[gate] Slej: Some people found out about this and really didn't like it, so they started modifying their code to send a stupid bogus string instead of the generated ID. Personally I'd just modify mine to send something random each time, but whatever floats their boat I guess. Teros sent Riddle his hacked XML, so when he lgoged in, it showed the same ID.(As a quick aside, some people may be familiar with the rules I enforce on my private channel on the Alter Aeon, I did ask permission before quoting Slej.)This code is not as malicious as you seem to imply, not even close in fact since it doesn't track your computer at all.Its important to note that if tracking bothers you so much, this very website gives you tracking cookies. I think everyone would probably agree they are very likely harmless though.As for the actual coding, who did it, and why they did it, the following conversation was had in bovine. (I edited this slightly, but only by removing irrelevant statements, including my own which honestly only displayed my clear bias I mentioned earlier)(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: Just doing a replay(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: for hte record, it was I specifically who put in the uid stuff(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: what was the specific reason?(39 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: no clue if athlon was around at that time or not, but Dentin and I talked about it, and it was me alone who put in the code, so if anyone wants to blame a mush-z dev, it is me, and I  did not discuss it with any other dev.(38 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: so honestly whether athlon was a dev at the time or not is not very relevant(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the reason for hte UID things?(37 minutes ago) [bovine] Mingo: nod(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: The reason was because we had situations where people would log on multiple chars from the same IP address and claim it was because it was another person who was at the same location behind a NAT, so getting the same IP(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: So putting in a unique identifier per client install was a way of providing another datapoint as to whether or not these people may or may not be telling the truth.(36 minutes ago) [bovine] Weyoun: the idea 

Re: Blind youtubers?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind youtubers?

I'm a blind YouTuber! My channel is blindgamer95 if you wish to check it out. I know, the name is kind of stupid. I'm considering whether I should change it or not. Also, I was not born in 1995 but 1997.I record lots of demos of audio games. I record the files as .wav first and then use a converter program on macOS called Adapter to convert them to a .mp4 file which YouTube uploads with no issue. I don't think there are any graphics in the videos, but I don't really care.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Blind youtubers?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Blind youtubers?

Hello guys!Does anyone know if there are blind youtubers? If yes, how are the videos made?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

[[wow]], those first 2 games sound cool, and those announced sound even better! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

Hello there,Thanks for the solution. Hoping to see the next version come out. Can't wait to play it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

Hello.I've deleted chrome... again, I guess I just don't like change when it comes to my browser.I don't think I'll be installing Chrome again unless Firefox really really screws up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

The closest to mage would, imo, be elemencers. I've been planning to do gameplay but if you ask for something particular such as elemencer style gameplay, someone had better do it. I don't have elemencer char.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

Hello.I read a lot of fan fiction and I noticed something annoying today with this Harry potter fan fiction group when using Chrome. … nge/18724/The story title and the reviews link are all smashed into one. so for example, Amalgum – Lockhart's Folly  by tkepnerreviewsDeath wants free of its Master.instead of.Amalgum – Lockhart's Folly  by tkepnerreviewsDeath wants free of its Master.DO you see the diffirence?I know it might seem that i'm being very picky but I read a lot of fan fiction and thought it would be the same on every browser, turns out I was wrong.I've tried turning screen layout off but that doesn't really make a difference to me.I wonder if there is a way to change it so that the website looks like the firefox layout?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

Hello.I read a lot of fan fiction and I noticed something annoying today with this Harry potter fan fiction group when using Chrome. … nge/18724/The story title and the reviews link are all smashed into one. so for example, Amalgum – Lockhart's Folly  by tkepnerreviewsDeath wants free of its Master.instead of.Amalgum – Lockhart's Folly  by tkepnerreviewsDeath wants free of its Master.DO you see the diffirence?I know it might seem that i'm being very picky but I read a lot of fan fiction and thought it would be the same on every browser, turns out I was wrong.I've tried turning screen layout off but that doesn't really make a difference to me.I wonder if there is a way to change it so that the website looks like the firefox layout?I've deleted my google account. I don't really need it and even if I hadn't I wouldn't be able to ask on google groups, they're quite fiddly with NVDA.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

Hello.I still have Firefox for one website, the mobile facebook site.I don't use facebook a lot but i've realised that when I do with chrome the mobile site seems a bit strange to me.There are buttons instead of links where as if I go on the mobile site using firefox, they're links and a lot quicker to navigate through.I doubt there's a way to change this for chrome but I thought i'd put it out there just in case there is.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

@keyIsFull, Yes. I'm aware of the stat swap option. If I did that though, it would require me to dump practices into a stat just to get it back to where I had it before. I'm also aware that Dentin gradually raised the charisma requirement on cleric spells, so it wasn't like things were just switched over right away. It doesn't make it any less annoying to me personally though. I really don't want to spend hours grinding a stat just to be able to play a character I've had since 2002 effectively again. Buying practices with credits is also an option, but then I'm paying to be able to play that character effectively again. Right now I really don't want to spend hours grinding practices, and as much as i'd love to donate to help the game stay up, I don't want to spend a ton of money on credits just to raise a stat in order to play effectively either. It's nothing against Dentin or the game. I just don't want to deal with it. Maybe someday.


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Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Brain Station Public Alpha is Here

Now is the chance to check out Brain Station. The public Alpha has just been released.Head over to the Brain station page at to read all about the game and pick it up.Happy gaming:Liam


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Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashaman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

Updated Inheritance with a couple of small fixes.  (These only affect the Patreon only versions of the game.)  This should fix the Clock issue with the wrong day of the week appearing.  Also increased the likelihood of most interactive scenes to trigger to make them easier to find.CHEAT Build ($5 Version): Build ($1 Version): version is the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashaman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

kool_turk wrote:I've noticed a particular scene a couple of times where Anna stops working and is thinking about something.After asking if she is allright, your character basicly snubs her and tells her to make sure she gets her work done.I don't know about anyone else, but if I am asking if someone is ok, I'm not going to be a jerk to them in the next sentence.I know which scene you are talking about.  I'll take a look at it and see about smoothing the scene out a bit so kind characters come off a bit more compassionately.


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Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

I've noticed a particular scene a couple of times where Anna stops working and is thinking about something.After asking if she is allright, your character basicly snubs her and tells her to make sure she gets her work done.I don't know about anyone else, but if I am asking if someone is ok, I'm not going to be a jerk to them in the next sentence.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

i got board of the game after i had to grind after i leveled up each time.


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Re: Choicescript

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : The coll gamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choicescript

How can I turn my .txt file into an html file so I can open my game with my choices in my Firefox browser?


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : alisson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

the new world is like remort on muds, but you start on a new map with new skills and things to do


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Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

you can certainly come close though. for those who don't have internet, you could always use some kind of data I doubt the game will be that big, so downloading it and then registering it might not be a problem. I'm assuming the registration will be online sense any thing else would make it hackable, but I don't really no about such things


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Re: our LC games site is alive!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: our LC games site is alive!

hmm, here I cant even leave the airlock. pressing enter on 0 0 0 does nothing.


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Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

A plain text editor should do, its essentially like writing a book but with a particular writing style. If you'd like an example [here] is a draft script for The Hunt: Alien vs Predator by Peter Briggs from back in 1991 that never got made. There's also a bunch more [here] for a variety of films.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

Yes, the quests usually start in cities or towns or other settlements. It's a good idea to start at the beginning though, as most of the quests do have dependencies that you need to finish before you can o on to the next ones, I'd start in Vemarken and go from there even though it's a level 5 to 10 area to make sure you get everything. The quest lines really do take you almost everywhere there is to  go on the islands. Regarding your question about class tutorials, those are for brand new players. You can create another character and play through the tutorial and it will show you some of your class's basic abilities and outfit you with equipment, then drop you at the beginning of the new player quest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

A plain text editor should do, its essentially like writing a book but with a particular writing style. If you'd like an example [here] is a draft script for The Hunt: Alien vs Predator by Peter Briggs from back in 1991 that never got made. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Video Capture Software

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Video Capture Software

You should probably use OBS Classic, the newer version of OBS isn't all that accessible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

Yes, the quests usually start in cities or towns or other settlements. It's a good idea to start at the beginning though, as most of the quests do have dependencies that you need to finish before you can o on to the next ones, I'd start in Vemarken and go from there even though it's a level 5 to 10 area to make sure you get everything. The quest lines really do take you almost everywhere there is to  go on the islands.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

I could I suppose. I also cannot update because I fixed / changed a lot of things lolz


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

About these newbie class tutorials: I've never played them. How far into the Islands does it take you? With some quests, I notice that quests nearby with quest info doesn't give any description or hints, or sometimes the hints are pretty vague.If I were to login with my level 19 primary Necromancer or my primary mid-20s warrior, can I play through the class tutorials from there?Curious how they work, as I think a guided journey through those islands has a unique perspective I've never thought of.


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Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

It's a bit of a hit and miss and figuring out what to unjumble at times, but what OCR isn't?


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Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ShadowMamba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Screenwriting Software?

Edited the original post to make it clearer, sorry about that. I didn't mean script as in the language, I meant script as in screenwriting.


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Accessible Screenwriting Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ShadowMamba via Audiogames-reflector


Accessible Screenwriting Software?

Hey,I was wondering if anybody knows of any accessible script/screenplay-writing software out there for Windows? I know of several programs but none appear to be fully accessible.EDIT:Edited to make it clearer what I'm looking for, I didn't mean script as in computer scripting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Script-Writing Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Script-Writing Software?

Since most scripting languages just use a text file, I use Notepad++. It may not have all the bells and whistles of a dedicated scripting development environment, but it's free and accessible and quite capable to boot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: our LC games site is alive!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: our LC games site is alive!

Hello when I saved my game for some reason I can't find it I would appreciate if someone could tell me where to find it I am using windows 10 thanks


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Re: Accessible Script-Writing Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Script-Writing Software?

What kind of scripting are you trying to do?


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Re: new game to try whilst flying

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game to try whilst flying

Speaking of TB, I just got my laptop fixed, and tried to play the game, but it keeps giving me an arror. I have the win-zip arcive, so it is not that. Anyone have an ideas as to what I can do to play it again? It is a good game, and I finaly got hold of some new, for me, map packs.


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Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

I get lag when I stream though so I really don't use it at all, but I can confirm that OCR works with all the games I have.


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Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

it works already. if you would just read other topics instead of being like this about almost everything then maybe you would see others using ocr for a lot of games already.


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Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

also a few monsters do cause errors like machine king and blast something. can't remember what exactly it is, but I'll check again and report back. think its an error with the effects of these cards.


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Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

also some cards cause errors like trap cards if you try to flip them face up or activate effedcts and things.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

Hi. The game is great. Kool sounds and good design. The real problem is leveling and winning gold. To be honest, I am level 18 master and I don't have what to do. The most areas are for teams so playing a solo game can be impossible. Also a variety of quests can increase the play ability.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

it works already if you would just read other topics instead of being like this about almost everything then maybe you would see others using ocr for a lot of games already.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Accessible Script-Writing Software?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ShadowMamba via Audiogames-reflector


Accessible Script-Writing Software?

Hey,I was wondering if anybody knows of any accessible script-writing software out there for Windows? I know of several programs but none appear to be fully accessible.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

Yeah new world sounds like a higher level area, so it sounds like the way to get more interest in the game is to change the old world experience to match the new world.


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Re: our LC games site is alive!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: our LC games site is alive!

I also have like 60 or so parts and i'm not sure on how to finish the mission. Maybe the mission is bugged or something as I went in to my ship and tried to finish it it said the planet is not yet repaired so... I'm kinda stuck now


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Re: Achieving best possible results with OCR?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Achieving best possible results with OCR?

If the game has 3D text, then attempting windows 10 OCR is a waste of your time. Attempting any OCR, for that matter, is a waste of time -- it won't work. Unless your game uses normal text, not 2D or 3D, OCR isn't going to work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

I can't imagine this working. Nearly every game, if not every game, uses 3D graphics and text, not text that can be OCRed like a VM in VMware would use. Unless NVDA and Windows 10 have suddenly gained the ability to OCR 3D Text, this probably has a 0-2 percent chance of success, and even 2 percent will probably yield garbage.


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Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying out google chrome and Nvda

Thanks to Brad and nuno, I know I've seen that option while poking around I couldn't remember where it was, I'll give it a try, but I'm back on ie for the second since I'm briefly at my parents for the night but don't have time to install  chrome onto this machine.@Brad as regards spellcheck try what I mentioned in post 9 regarding  language section of settings. I have seen this both turned on and off and it works.I think the spelling  text fields thing just relates to what you type into a search engine, where as  turning it off and on in settings applies everywhere.


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Re: Quests about C and C++

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Quests about C and C++

@10, irrelevant. Just because a product doesn't fully work with your screen reader doesn't mean you can't use it. And I didn't say you should use unity -- I was saying that it's a choice. Xenko is another choice, too, you know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

While I was a mush-z developer back in 2012-2014, I had no idea that it contained tracking code. I was never consulted about whether or not it should be added, nor did I read about it in the changelogs, nor was it mentioned on zt. The xml file itself is 600 kb, and over 25000 lines, and it is ridiculous to think that I would read through all of it, or even if I had somehow done that, understand exactly what every line of code was supposed to do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: our LC games site is alive!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lav andric via Audiogames-reflector


Re: our LC games site is alive!

Holy shit dood, you only need 5.There's a new ship avtivity coming up. I'll record the demo and then release the update.I'll post the links when it's done.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

While I was a mush-z developer back in 2012-2014, I had no idea that it contained tracking code. It was never mentioned in the changelogs, nor was it mentioned on zt whenever it was added. The xml file itself is 600 kb, and over 25000 lines, and it is ridiculous to think that I would read through all of it, or even if I had somehow done that, understand exactly what every line of code was supposed to do.


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OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


OCR and Xbox Game Streaming

For those who might want to try and OCR their Xbox One games under Windows 10, The following instructions may help:1. have your Xbox on and connected to the same network as your computer2. Make sure that no controllers are plugged into your PC.3. Make sure all streaming options are ticked under broadcast and capture in your Xbox One settings.4. Now go to connection in the Xbox App and connect to the console.  When you click stream, you'll see a message saying that no controllers are connected to your PC.  Press tab to get to the continue button and press enter on it.5. Alt tab a couple of times to go away and back into the app and you should be able to press insert+r to OCR and, depending on the game, you might see text appearing.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

No, new world is a completely new area. You get to it when you reach level50


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

Is new world considered higher level? Perhaps then all you need to do is fix the low level experience?


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Re: Mr. Robot TV Show Discussion

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mr. Robot TV Show Discussion

In my personal opinion, it's not possible to follow without audio description.If you can manage it, well, okay. Good luck though.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

@Key:I'm 100% with you that including tracking of players by installation without consent is wrong. The issue has been discussed several times (including earlier today), and solutions are apparently on the table to deal with it.I would, however, point out that you yourself were a mush-z developer both while and after the system was introduced, so its not very fair of you to point the finger at "them" without acknowledging your own roll in the situation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a soundfont?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a soundfont?

I'll try to answer your questions in order.Green Gables Fan wrote:What does QT mean, and how does NVDA work alongside it?I don't know what QT actually is beyond the bare basics, but it's a framework for building applications. Some QT applications are not very accessible, but I heard that NVDA is better at working with QT applications, or at least those written with the later versions of QT. I'm not sure if NVDA is the only thing that can use QT applications.I saw some other files in the archive with the extension .sf2, .sfArk, and .sfpack. Unfortunately Virtual MIDI Synth cannot play the latter two...This is because SFArc and SFPack are old sf2 compression formats which you will need the old decompression programs, by the same name, to work with. You will have to decompress them to sf2 to load them. The programs are x86 so far as I know, so they should still work on modern systems. I haven't used these programs as of late, so can't really say for sure if they'll work, but I am pretty sure they will.Virtual midi synth as well as any other current driver that uses the Bassmidi libraries has its own sound font compression format known as sf2pack. This format basically compresses the samples to a format such as flac, wv, etc. This can in some cases produce files much smaller than sfpack or sfarc could, particularly since the wv format does allow some quality loss to compress the samples further. Virtual midi synth should come with the facility, but I don't remember for sure if it does or not. If it comes with sfz support, then sf2pack should also be supported and utilities should be provided to compress and decompress files.I tried opening up a .SF2 file in notepad II, but it just came up as gibberish.Hence why you need a soundfont editor like polyphone, or compiler like sf2comp. .sf2 is a file format with its own specs, it isn't a scripting language.You had said that a .SFZ file is like a text file. If that is the case, where's the sample itself? Is it inside the .sfz file?No, sfz files are just a text file with the sfz extention which sets up a script for playing wav files. When you load a sample, you are telling your player what file to look for. Paths are specified relative to the sfz file, unless for some reason you need an absolute path. Some players can load other files such as ogg or flac.Do you have any direct links to some of these programmes? Are they still being developed? Is it in any open-source repository, like GitHub?I haven't tested the download link on this page, but here is a page for sf2comp. If this doesn't work, I will upload it to Google Drive and link to that. You will also need sfedt32.dll to use this program, I have it somewhere (can't remember where but I know I have it because sf2comp wouldn't work without it), and so if needed I will hunt for it and upload. I think it's in the system32 folder of my machine, since that is where I put my 'set and forget' dlls. Be warned, sf2comp is a command line program. That, in combination with no creation manual, gives it an awfully steep learning curve! It's not meant for sf2 creation, its purpose was more for editing, but it can create if you are knowledgeable and patient enough.Here's the homepage to Polyphone. I haven't played much with this program but there is a blind person on this forum who has, and I plan to become more familiar with it at some point.And finally, the homepage to Sforzando. This is a vst plug-in that can load sfz and sf2 files. I wouldn't recommend using sf2 with it though as sometimes it doesn't convert things properly. It is definitely not a replacement for Virtual Midi Synth's sf2 support. I only use Sforzando for sfz files.Sforzando's UI is difficult to use, so loading instruments is a pain. You might also need the Sforzando access script from this page. Instructions for using the script are provided in the download. BE sure to get the Sforzando script, not the SFZ one, that is for a totally different vst which is much older. It's useful to have around, perhaps, but Sforzando is often the better option.About development statuses and repositories: Sf2comp is certainly not being developed (last version was released in 2001 iirc). The features that were since added to the sf2 format aren't supported by most third-party players, in fact Fluidsynth is the only third party interpreter I know of that supports those features, and that player has issues of its own, last I used it. Hardly anything current on Windows uses it these days, so that makes it difficult to have ongoing support for, especially for someone like me who likes to make soundfonts. You're not missing much, I'm not even sure if Polyphone supports those extra things.Polyphone and Sforzando are still actively developed, though I'm not sure if any of these programs have a repository. I don't expect Sforzando to have one, as it is the free incarnation of their Aria player, but Polyphone might. I haven't looked.Let me know if you 

Re: Adventure At C:

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure At C:

That's just it Phoenix1991, everything unlockable within the stage builder, viruses, an feetures, is tied to accomplishments; Especially those tied to speed running a stage, or stat growth.That's why I gave you that list.I can't remember what accomplishment unlocks what virus or feature, because the game doesn't tell you when you've unlocked something, it's just their.Due to a bug in the game regarding the cheats control panel within the stage builder, I know that your power must be at a sirtain level to unlock the malware virus, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.The only thing I can think of to get a defenatibe list would be to contact Aaron Baker, but I doubt even he remembers what condission unlocks what.I do kow that you must have a difficulty mod of 5 unlocked to be able to place custom viruses within your stage, and I think Arrors requies you to have 500 HP, but I could be wrong about that.Again, the game doesn't tell you when you've unlocked something.All I can remember for sirtain is that once I finished all the accomplishments I listed, I had everything unlocked.Sorry I can't be of more help.PS: the accomplishment with having default stats is not required to unlock anything.Later!


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Re: Making a soundfont?

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a soundfont?

I'll try to answer your questions in order.Green Gables Fan wrote:What does QT mean, and how does NVDA work alongside it?I don't know what QT actually is beyond the bare basics, but it's a framework for building applications. Some QT applications are not very accessible, but I heard that NVDA is better at working with QT applications, or at least those written with the later versions of QT. I'm not sure if NVDA is the only thing that can use QT applications.I saw some other files in the archive with the extension .sf2, .sfArk, and .sfpack. Unfortunately Virtual MIDI Synth cannot play the latter two...This is because SFArc and SFPack are old sf2 compression formats which you will need the old decompression programs, by the same name, to work with. You will have to decompress them to sf2 to load them. The programs are x86 so far as I know, so they should still work on modern systems. I haven't used these programs as of late, so can't really say for sure if they'll work, but I am pretty sure they will.Virtual midi synth as well as any other current driver that uses the Bassmidi libraries has its own sound font compression format known as sf2pack. This format basically compresses the samples to a format such as flac, wv, etc. This can in some cases produce files much smaller than sfpack or sfarc could, particularly since the wv format does allow some quality loss to compress the samples further. Virtual midi synth should come with the facility, but I don't remember for sure if it does or not. If it comes with sfz support, then sf2packi should also be supported and utilities should be provided to compress and decompress files.I tried opening up a .SF2 file in notepad II, but it just came up as gibberish.Hence why you need a soundfont editor like polyphone, or compiler like sf2comp. .sf2 is a file format with its own specs, it isn't a scripting language.You had said that a .SFZ file is like a text file. If that is the case, where's the sample itself? Is it inside the .sfz file?No, sfz files are just a text file with the sfz extention which sets up a script for playing wav files. When you load a sample, you are telling your player what file to look for. Paths are specified relative to the sfz file, unless for some reason you need an absolute path. Some players can load other files such as ogg or flac.Do you have any direct links to some of these programmes? Are they still being developed? Is it in any open-source repository, like GitHub?I haven't tested the download link on this page, but here is a page for sf2comp. If this doesn't work, I will upload it to Google Drive and link to that. You will also need sfedt32.dll to use this program, I have it somewhere (can't remember where but I know I have it because sf2comp wouldn't work without it), and so if needed I will hunt for it and upload. I think it's in the system32 folder of my machine, since that is where I put my 'set and forget' dlls. Be warned, sf2comp is a command line program. That, in combination with no creation manual, gives it an awfully steep learning curve! It's not meant for sf2 creation, its purpose was more for editing, but it can create if you are knowledgeable and patient enough.Here's the homepage to Polyphone. I haven't played much with this program but there is a blind person on this forum who has, and I plan to become more familiar with it at some point.And finally, the homepage to Sforzando. This is a vst plug-in that can load sfz and sf2 files. I wouldn't recommend using sf2 with it though as sometimes it doesn't convert things properly. It is definitely not a replacement for Virtual Midi Synth's sf2 support. I only use Sforzando for sfz files.Sforzando's UI is difficult to use, so loading instruments is a pain. You might also need the Sforzando access script from this page. Instructions for using the script are provided in the download. BE sure to get the Sforzando script, not the SFZ one, that is for a totally different vst which is much older. It's useful to have around, perhaps, but Sforzando is often the better option.About development statuses and repositories: Sf2comp is certainly not being developed (last version was released in 2001 iirc). The features that were since added to the sf2 format aren't supported by most third-party players, in fact Fluidsynth is the only third party interpreter I know of that supports those features, and that player has issues of its own, last I used it. Hardly anything current on Windows uses it these days, so that makes it difficult to have ongoing support for, especially for someone like me who likes to make soundfonts. You're not missing much, I'm not even sure if Polyphone supports those extra things.Polyphone and Sforzando are still actively developed, though I'm not sure if any of these programs have a repository. I don't expect Sforzando to have one, as it is the free incarnation of their Aria player, but Polyphone might. I haven't looked.Let me know if you 

Re: Adventure At C:

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure At C:

That's just it Phoenix1991, everything unlockable within the stage builder, viruses, an feetures, is tied to accomplishments or stat growth.That's why I gave you that list.I can't remember what accomplishment unlocks what virus or feature, because the game doesn't tell you when you've unlocked something, it's just their.Due to a bug in the game regarding the cheats control panel within the stage builder, I know that your power must be at a sirtain level to unlock the malware virus, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.The only thing I can think of to get a defenatibe list would be to contact Aaron Baker, but I doubt even he remembers what condission unlocks what.I do kow that you must have a difficulty mod of 5 unlocked to be able to place custom viruses within your stage, and I think Arrors requies you to have 500 HP, but I could be wrong about that.Again, the game doesn't tell you when you've unlocked something.All I can remember for sirtain is that once I finished all the accomplishments I listed, I had everything unlocked.Sorry I can't be of more help.PS: the accomplishment with having default stats is not required to unlock anything.Later!


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an annoying problem with my computer regarding certain games

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


an annoying problem with my computer regarding certain games

This probably belongs into the off topic room, but since it's something about a few games, here goes.I recently came across a really strange problem. After windows update installed a boatload of some updates on my machine, it caused certain games to be hit with a strange error thingy. What i mean is, after this update crap, games like SBYW, SBRW and sammy center have started spamming me with error messages saying music volume could not be set or something like that. Not only that, but SBYW, for whatever reason, decided to clear its settings. I have a feeling some permission crap with the settings data files or something like that got screwed hardcore during that update process, but am not sure about it so haven't gone fiddling around. Funny thing is, when I run those games as administrator, that problem won't occur but when I don't, it starts spamming me with all that error crap about music volume being unable to set, blah blah blah. So, most likely it's some permissions stuff that's preventing those data files from being accessed, even though i'm an admin on this new computer, but i'm not running under the hidden admin account of doom So, i'm guessing I should just make all of those games always run as admin if they start that spam crap? Or is there some permission crap i'll have to fiddle with? The one that's spamming me the most is SBYW, when starting it, when going to the multiplayer menu, and when exiting the server, at least those things give that error thingy. And during that shitstorm, SBYW also decided to clear out it's settings for whatever reason. That's really odd.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

for my part, I'm simply going to use this post to say that this mindset that seems to exist amongst free game devs and those who kiss up to them, stating that playerbases have no right to voice their oppinion because the game is a privilege and not a right, where players who have honest concerns and choose to speak about them because it involves not only their personal wishes but those of the overall community as well... I humbly submit that if you code something and people find ways to exploit it before you release it the error lies with the way you coded it, and punishing everyone else for it hardly makes any sense.  That's where the wrong truly lies.


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Re: Video Capture Software

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Video Capture Software

I'm bringing this one back. I want to know how i can record some pokemon 3ds game play and do commentary over it? I know i will need a capture card for the 3ds. Any good ideas on a webcam, or should i avoid trying to film my face? This would be for my youtube channel. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

I was actually referring more to the registration system itself since you can always back up the download file. Of course backing up the registration information itself is never a bad idea whenever possible. I know I for one plan to back up the game itself and, if applicable, the registration info. But of course that's going to depend on what the game's registration system turns out to be. I certainly don't want to see the game pirated if that can be at all avoided without unduely inconveniencing legitimate players. The trouble of course is that no registration system is completely proof against hackers.


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Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

I think it's worth mentioning that having limited internet access also goes for people who just happen to live in the country.If you're outside city limits, greedy internet service giants think you don't matter.


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Re: Mr. Robot TV Show Discussion

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MSlion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mr. Robot TV Show Discussion

is it possible to follow this show without audio description? the quality of the audio description on the megamall is not that great?


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Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nina0116 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

zk: witch monster did you try to check the attack power of?


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Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashaman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inheritance NSFW Text Based Game

Rico wrote:Thank you, I already read it when I posted and found some content already. - Ah, there is one more thing: I noticed that the player is sometimes referred in first and sometimes in second person during the game, sometimes both in the same sentence. I think these things are difficult to find in a growing mass of code, so I hope I am not too late with this.When I originally started writing content for the game about a year ago, I was in the first person.  Not long after that, I opted to change it to second person.  I've been trying to catch all of the inconsistencies, but its still a WIP.  If you know of any specific instances, feel free to report them and I'll get to fixing them as soon as I am able.In other news:Working on a bug fix that should be out this evening.  One of our coders was able to locate the bug reported by Rico here on this site and fix the clock.  Also went through and increased the frequency of some of the interactive scenes so that they should be a little easier to trigger.  Expect the fix to be up in about 8 hours from the time of this post (Gives a little more time for anyone to report something if they see something.


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Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daniel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

Hi,Phantom power is basically 48 volts that allows the element in the condenser to work propperly, and I won't get into the science here. The pre-amp is part of the audio interface. As for AHK, it's basically a utility that allows you to create virtual interfaces for applications. I.E. the focusrite software for instance isn't accessible either the 2i2 or 2i4 versions, so someone put together a script that allows you to change the buffer size/sampling rate. The script then as I understand it has window posissions recorded and makes the apropriate selection in the application. Whilst I'm sure there are people with more AHK knowledge then I who could chime in here, this is how I understand it.Also, the software has been made to work just as well with the script, which I'm happy to send to you if you like, although I'm not the creator.A package such as the one you describe should be good to get started, and do feel free to pose any question you might have when you get all set up.HTH,Daniel


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2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector



Hey. So I'm trying to set up quorum, I grabbed all the packages, the latest version of quorum, etc. When I launch it and type in code, I can't see the output of it. I tried to get my computer to say something and it didn't work. The project ran, but I couldn't  hear any speech. Is there something I need to do?


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

+1 to that loxias. My antagonizing of Dentin did nothing to help the game, so hopefully with that gone, he might actually begin playing a character.


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Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

What exactly is Phantom Power? I know that condenser microphones need power in the form of electric current to power it up. The Yeti Blue stereo condenser microphone is powered by USB, and the preamp is in the computer, and with monitoring, you can get almost no latency. But the way you described phantom power sounds like power that is sort of there but not really, like a ghost, hence the word phantom.Also, what does AHK stand for, and how does the auto hot sript work? Also, why would the 2I4 software not be as accessible as the 2I2?The package I'm going to buy will have the condenser mic included, as well as the headphones and possibly some other stuff.


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Re: What's wrong with the guide dog schools

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What's wrong with the guide dog schools

Okay, I didn't read all of the previous posts, but strangely enough I was talking to a friend of mine last week about the different guide dog schools out there. My friend chose Leader Dogs in Michigan because they have been known to be less strict, more accommodating, and they work with people who are deaf-blind, or blind and have another combined disability. In Oregon, none of the instructors there had any experience working with a deaf-blind student, me, although I prefer the term blind and hard-of-hearing. Their only experience is with blind people, and deaf people, but not the two combined.I had asked if there were any legal or ethical codes these schools were breaking by not following standard procedure both for humans and animals. For example, if a guide dog becomes aggressive, there are procedures with animal control to deal with a dog-on-dog situation. If it involves a person, it will involve the police.Let me tell you why I am so hesitant to get a guide dog. When I was eleven or twelve, in 2006, on Sunday, 25 June 2006, at around 23:0 PDT GMT-8:00 US and Canada, one of the ladies who used to board at my mother's house came home with a Blue Heeler. She let me play with the dog, whose name was soda. He and I wandered off to the grass, where I sat down to do something. Suddenly, the dog attacked me without warning and bit my nose pretty badly. Luckily, the nerve endings had broken so I couldn't feel too much pain, but I had bled quite a bit. So I had to be driven to the emergency room so I could get stitched up. I needed four stitches, and I didn't get out of the hospital until around 4:00 Monday morning. I rode back to my dad's house, for my parents were divorced.Ever since that experience, I've been reluctant to be around dogs because I am afraid of such an episode repeating itself. I also developed irrational fears about feeding dogs. I was offered a dog treat, but I was afraid that if I handed the dog its treat, it would accidentally bite my fingers in the process because the dog would lunge at its food.In 2012, I started slowly adapting to working with small puppies as I know those are very easy to work with, but from now on, I don't think I would feel comfortable with a guide dog, unless I could get a puppy who grew up knowing me and getting used to me. But the problem would come on how to train it and at the same time getting me used to it.When I asked about why blind people didn't mind being told what to do by  the schools, that they just roll over on command, and they don't mind when instructors talk to them in condescending tones, I was like, well, have they been raised to think that way? Myself, I would much rather make my own choices, have total ownership of the dog, and not let the school interfere. Besides, if I sign a contract that surrenders their ownership of the dog to me, they should not, under any circumstance check up on you randomly, and I'm sure a LegalShield attorney could talk to you about the legal contract and what the school is legally obligated to do.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : alisson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

yea, an other problem of the old world to the new world its the lak of equipment. in the new world they have a lot of equipments for all levels, and in the old world well, we have one equipment for one clash.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

I remember a time, a good 7 or 8 years ago by now I think, when I saw Dentin basically say something to the effect of "I'm not even enjoying playing my own game." He had decided to play the newly created newbie islands to see what the experience was like, after not having played the game for a while. It was after this time we got things such as continuous regen in place of on-tick regen, a far more polished newbie experience, levelling without having to consult a trainer, being restored to full health upon levelling, and plenty of other quality of life changes. I don't think anybody will argue with me when I say that the game improved a lot in this time.In terms of the high level experience, I think something like this is happening again. Dentin rarely if ever plays his own game. He has a full time job, a girlfriend, and has to manage the game, plus whatever personal hobbies he may have, so I don't fault him for this. But I do think it is not hitting him as hard as it otherwise would how frustrating things can be for high levels at times. He has statistics which enables him to track many things, such as how much exp is being gained, where it is coming from, how often areas are visited, etc. But statistics cannot track player feelings and emotions. Only engaging with the player base or playing your game alongside them can do that.This leads to rifts in communication between him and the players where both sides feel like they are not being understood. Some players are better at expressing it than others, and unfortunately the toxic ones are often louder and more visible, which makes Dentin not want to have a discussion.This frustration leads to a lack of desire to communicate, which is part of why Dentin doesn't always share his long term goals, to explain why changes such as these are happening. So all players see is their level costs skyrocketing and in some cases players being forced to lose levels. It's pretty natural to be upset over something like this when you aren't blessed with the bigger picture.All that is to say I understand why Teros and others are frustrated. I am to an extent as well, although I know Dentin has goals that are going to take time to reach, and understand that things are supposed to be better once we get there. I do hope that cracking down on troublesome behavior will help us get there, as Dentin will no longer be distracted and discouraged by seeing it every day.My advice to those who are discontent is to try to think of how you'd want to be approached in this situation, and try to be receptive when you talk to Dentin. If you feel you've tried that and he's not listening, that's fair. It means you don't see things from the same viewpoint. If you're no longer enjoying the game and feel like you aren't being listened to, leave for a while. Don't stick around for no better reason than to sarcastically spread your negativity around, creating an us vs them environment where you're either against Dentin or labelled as a lacky. That helps no one, especially not the game.I have spent many an enjoyable afternoon or evening playing this game, or else talking with the great friends I've made on here. We just released a set of 10 areas of which I was pretty much the primary director. Therefore I want to see this game continue to grow and improve. It can't do that if players are going to spread their negativity. It also can't do that if huge, game-altering changes aren't understood by the player base.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

I remember a time, a good 7 or 8 years ago by now I think, when I saw Dentin basically say something to the effect of "I'm not even enjoying playing my own game." He had decided to play the newly created newbie islands to see what the experience was like, after not having played the game for a while. It was after this time we got things such as continuous regen in place of on-tick regen, a far more polished newbie experience, levelling without having to consult a trainer, being restored to full health upon levelling, and plenty of other quality of life changes. I don't think anybody will argue that the game improved a lot in this time.In terms of the high level experience, I think something like this is happening again. Dentin rarely if ever plays his own game. He has a full time job, a girlfriend, and has to manage the game, plus whatever personal hobbies he may have, so I don't fault him for this. But I do think it is not hitting him as hard as it otherwise would how frustrating things can be for high levels at times. He has statistics which enables him to track many things, such as how much exp is being gained, where it is coming from, how often areas are visited, etc. But statistics cannot track player feelings and emotions. Only engaging with the player base or playing your game alongside them can do that.This leads to rifts in communication between him and the players where both sides feel like they are not being understood. Some players are better at expressing it than others, and unfortunately the toxic ones are often louder and more visible, which makes Dentin not want to have a discussion.This frustration leads to a lack of desire to communicate, which is part of why Dentin doesn't always share his long term goals, to explain why changes such as these are happening. So all players see is their level costs skyrocketing and in some cases players being forced to lose levels. It's pretty natural to be upset over something like this when you aren't blessed with the bigger picture.All that is to say I understand why Teros and others are frustrated. I am to an extent as well, although I know Dentin has goals that are going to take time to reach, and understand that things are supposed to be better once we get there. I do hope that cracking down on troublesome behavior will help us get there, as Dentin will no longer be distracted and discouraged by seeing it every day.My advice to those who are discontent is to try to think of how you'd want to be approached in this situation, and try to be receptive when you talk to Dentin. If you feel you've tried that and he's not listening, that's fair. It means you don't see things from the same viewpoint. If you're no longer enjoying the game and feel like you aren't being listened to, leave for a while. Don't stick around for no better reason than to sarcastically spread your negativity around, creating an us vs them environment where you're either against Dentin or labelled as a lacky. That helps no one, especially not the game.I have spent many an enjoyable afternoon or evening playing this game, or else talking with the great friends I've made on here. We just released a set of 10 areas of which I was pretty much the primary director. Therefore I want to see this agme continue to grow and improve. It can't do that if players are going to spread their negativity. It also can't do that if huge, game-altering changes aren't understood by the player base.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

The targeting system works similarly to this one from [[wow]]. You just have to learn it.The one thing I particulalry dislike in the game is that there is soo much imbalance between old and new world. Old world is just boring after a while, and in the new one, you have millions of activities to do. Even basic mechanics are changed, as far as I know.


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Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daniel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a decent audio interface

Hi,I can personally speak to the focusrite stuff, as I use a 2i2 nearly every day and it's great for what it does. As you doubtless already know, the 2i2 and 2i4 are quite similar, although the 2i4 has four outputs instead of two. They both have phantom power which is nice, as it's required if you're using condensers. As for the software, if you do end up getting the 2i4 there is a ahk(auto hotkey) script for making the asio driver accessible for setting things such as sampling rate/buffer size.If you have any specific questions, do ask and I can do my best to answer you, or if I don't know the answer at least point you in the right direction.HTH,Daniel


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Re: Adventure At C:

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : phoenix1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure At C:

I was wondering how you unlock custom enemies in stage builder. Any help would be appreciated in unlocking the different features. I got a list of accomplishments, which did not answer my question. Thank you!


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

I must confess I haven't played this game a ton. I like the idea, but the endless grind with almost nothing else to do put me off pretty quickly. Also I think the lack of information there is on this game to english players is probably another reason this game hasn't been gaining traction here. I'd be happy to help compile english resources if people would be up for that sort of thing, but again I'd have to play the game for a bit to get more of an idea. Maybe I'm alone here, but I wonder if the targeting system could be more refined. Maybe it's just the lag between the server, but it seems really jumpy and I spend more time missing than I do actually scoring hits. This game has a lot of potential though, especially with the binaural audio. I understand that not every game needs to be spoon fed, but I also wonder if my problem with soloing anywhere at low levels relates to my targeting problem I mentioned previously.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

Shadowfax, everyone who has read my post understands that I have been banned from the game; I have nothing to hide. I will admit that I have disobeyed rules in the past, did not finish my building project, and may have made some unreasonable requests in regards to that project. None of this has anything at all to do with the original post, so I ask that you pleaes stay on topic and do not derail this into another battle of insults like what many of the Redspot topics have become. We are more mature than that, are we not?P.S.: It seems that most people actually did not know about the mush-Z Iuid system until this post brought it to their attention.


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Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : alisson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Return OF The King Feetback

yea... I agree with all the posts, level up witout paying its super frustrate. spetially Wen you reach level 30, its a nightmare levelup witout a member card.The hunter need a lot of monei, and this game not give mucho money wen you kill the enemies, its injust because, the enemies drop potions for the mages, warriors and summoner but they not drop amo for hunter.


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Re: What's wrong with the guide dog schools

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What's wrong with the guide dog schools

I agree with @Nocturnus here. There's nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there's no reason to undermine what someone has to say just because their experience with the topic doesn't match what you've experienced in the past. Honestly though, these kinds of experiences seem to be somewhat common across specialized organizations. I've never had my own experience with any of these places, but I do know someone who is looking into starting the process. I'll give them the heads up and keep track of their experience.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

@16: Dentin is not banning you for not having it. The player in question was frozen because he used the same bit of code as Teros/keyIsFull, who just had been banned, indicating that they were the same person. Said player also got unfrozen when it was clear that it wasn't the case.


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Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

I've stopped playing alter around may or april, and now I don't think i'll be playing again. I've logged in a few times since then to read chat messages and board posts and things, but now that I know about that tracking thing in mush-z, and that dentin seems to ban players who don't have it, there's really no reason for me to log in again, as I don't wanna be tracked. I also found that passed level 18 or 19 there wasn't much in the wa of areas for grinding, and quests weren't really my thing. I won't get into the social drama, but I found many of the players to be rather trollish, and dentin was always blunt when issues or game suggestions were discussed.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : MissouriMud via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

I hope everyone is well.  I've been an audio-game junkie for years on regular games, muds, online rpg's, etc.  Figured it was time I made a user to post on the forums.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Old introductions topic

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Aziz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old introductions topic

Hello, this is Aziz Alshemmari from Kuwait, I just made an account in here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Aziz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hello, this is Aziz Alshemmari from Kuwait


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

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