Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

[[wow]], Brad. You always seems to help a lot of people.


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Re: null access point - help with some code?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: null access point - help with some code?

Hi.@jotes I wanted to be more clean with the code as I wasn't sure how the file ... well I knew you could do that, it just seemed messy to me.@Cae_Jones thanks, I'll try that. I actually attempted something similar but mine was inefficient and caused compilation errors 


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Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

Hi.I'm still loving the game, and I finally seem to have unlocked the last part of the last task in Prelude, which I look forward to complete.There is only one thing which makes me really mad about the game: The battery usage. I have tested this in the weekend, because I didn't had much time to play the game. I have an iPhone 7 including the smart battery cover. Normally, my phone can hold the battery for two or three days, depending on how much I use it. When Land of Livia is running, both the battery in the smart cover and the phones battery is drained in one day. There is nothing wrong with my battery. I got a new battery in my phone two weeks ago. As soon as I close Land of Livia in the app switcher, my phone returns to normal battery usage again.I have talked to other players about this issue. Three other blind people who are playing the game are having the same issue. It's weird that not everyone is having this issue. I really hope it'll be fixed very soon.@Nolly: You are simply awesome at explaining things. You should consider doing guides, reviews etc. Big thumbs up to you... 


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Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

Hi.Really awesome stuff. Keep up the great job.


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Re: help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : angel_diva22 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

Okay, some questions.1. Does this use 3.5 MM jacks? 1/4 inch? RCA, etc... info would be helpful so we can better help you.2. Full model number? Yes, we know it is a Pile pad, but again, their are so many mixers.Also, forgot to add. Do you mean 33 channel mixer, or 3 channel? You say 3 in the body of your post, but in the subject, it says 33. As much detail on all these things, including how you are connecting the mixer, detail about the mixer as well, would be wonderful to have.Thanks in advance for any clarification, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : angel_diva22 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

Okay, some questions.1. Does this use 3.5 MM jacks? 1/4 inch? RCA, etc... info would be helpful so we can better help you.2. Full model number? Yes, we know it is a Pile pad, but again, their are so many mixers.Thanks in advance for any clarification.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

On the rp question, I don't have a problem with rp itself in Cr since rp and none rp channels are separated fairly well, and as a player who is primarily a none rp person myself I appreciate that. That being said, I do think the newbie channel and character distinctions are a little strange being as if you ask a question like "where can I find such and such" on the newbie channel it's counted as a question that should be Ic, or if you need a longer than one line answer to something. it would be helpful if perhaps people were a little less militant on the newbie channel in terms of question answering methinks. In terms of rp, one thing I really like in flexibel survival is the way characters are given in game rewards of xp and salvage items for rp. You don't need to do anything major for this, just use the say command to speak in a room with characters and the "pose" command to do something. It's also an fs tradition that some places, especially one particular lobby close to a newbie entrance), are sort of an unofficial rp hub, so even if your not naturally an rp person you can just duck in there and say "hi I'm feeling tired!" or something like that. Rp rarely happens in fs over channels, even though the universe allowas'd be great if A, cr had some official places for people to go and do rp which tended to have a character or two hanging out there to rp with, and B, cr had some sort of reward system to encourage people for doing it. i'm not against rp in a game, but getting into an established group on an ic channel, especially one where my character is essentially just listening on a radio network to conversations between established in universe people and doesn't have a clear way in does not encourage me to get involved, where as wandering into a galactic cafe or similar likely would, especially if there was a chance of me getting points out of it ./I also would like to see some in universe encouragement of discussing in game activities in a universal way, so that situations such as the one darren mentioned above were less likely and being able to say "hay I was just out of sector  and I had to abandon an asteroid since a bunch of vacus were chasing me"  be encouraged, not discouraged, this is also where making the activities a bit more varied would be nice,  manifestly the more variety in objects, events etc there is, the better players can construct histories for their characters out of those events.


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Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

Hi.@those that can't buy A heros' call.Email me at and I'll buy it for you.I may not be able to buy it straight away but I willl get to you as soon as I can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

I agree with angel, it's not a big deal but I did enjoy the self voicing in beatstar pro.


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Re: on the fence about an ipad/tablet

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: on the fence about an ipad/tablet

@Orko, I confess I'm a trifle confused as to why you'd just use an Iphone for communication and require a separate device for games and aps and Ios things, indeed when I was buying an Iphone back in 2012 i did consider an Ipad instead, but went with the phone for the converse reason namely that if I was going to wander around with a portable device it might as well! do phone and have contacts and such on it. Unless, like my brother your specifically looking to have the Ipad for the larger screen I'm a little confused why  wouldn't use an Iphone for Ios things if you already have one and would want a separate device instead.I do gather that talkback has improved a lot on Android and I would be interested to have at least a play with an Android device to see how it works, (especially given that I've heard a lot of contrary ideas about how good/bad talkback is and would like to make up my own mind), but at the moment my issue is it doesn't seem Android can do a lot that is specifically Android related and not possible on other platforms. As I said, I use windows for usual computery things like email, file management  and writing and browsing the net, while I use Ios for Ios things like running Ios games, satnav, phone contacts etc.Even if we leave  possible setup shenanigans with an android device, I don't really see what more it would give me access too at the moment or  what specifically I could do with one that I can't do at the moment with Ios/windows without the inconvenience of learning another screen reading system, os and possibly going through irritating setup problems into the bargain. I admit the idea of a Windows tablet with full windows capabilities and a longer battery life than my laptop's current four hours would be good, assuming I could find a keyboard which was both portable and which I was happy typing on, then  I grew up in the nineties so my definitions of what is "portable" in terms of computer hardware are probably different from other people's, even before the craze on tablets I used to wander around with my laptop, and was not above sitting with it on station platforms, in front of cafes, or on a boat going down the nile . Actually on the  five hour flight out to egypt in 2010 I just stuck my laptop on my knee and alternated playing audiogames and reading.Still as my laptop is absolutely fine and likely will remain so for the next four or five years at least it's a defered decision, and who knows where the Ios windows dynamic,  or possibly even Android will be at that point.


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Re: College Degrees and Employment

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: College Degrees and Employment

@Afrim, it's a bit difficult for me to say precisely what is happening since to be brutally honest, yeah, it's university and it's not easy, at Durham at least you were expected! to be at a certain academic standard for being there and while the lecturers would always provide assistance, from answering questions to providing reading lists (which I can tell you as someone who has had to do their own research are a god send), your still expected to put in the work yourself, and quite a lot of work at that.I do know when I was having a serious problem in both metaphysics and in philosophical logic the tutors for both subjects were willing  to help, particularly the logic tutor who's tree diagram method obviously didn't work too well with a vi student, he even offered to personally teach me a completely different approach to propositional calculus, though I didn't take him up on this and found a way of creating  trees using a numerical system instead.Of course, doing a masters (which was probably work wise the hardest thing I have done) given the extremely! limited time (it was basically like writing four undergrad dissertations in a year), then doing a phd does change my perspective on this, these days the idea of writine a 2k essay with all the books provided sounds like something I could get done over lunch, hell most of the book reviews I have done on are pretty much that length .


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Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

I'm afraid I disagree completely JaceK about the battle descriptions in Mecha ace. After all if your not going to describe a battle what is the point in having one? they gave a real sense of the world and I was totally in it while reading, considering options carefully and really bothered about myself and the people under my command. Then  again since once upon a time I did try to novelize the playstation rpg xenogears, I probably have a soft spot for battles between giant robots .MEcha ace had More of  a Gundam seed vibe for me than battletech or mech warrior, since battletech is far more about a distant future society where mechs are a part of the culture, where as like Gundam mecha ace happens in a rebellion of earth colonies against an authoritarian earth, also like Gundam there are heroes and villains on both sides and a lot of ideals about battle and honour, though not with the cultural stratification and formal duelling codes that battletech had.Btw, I'm still! waiting for tthat  mech fighting audiogame .


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Re: Audiogames In JavaScript?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiogames In _javascript_?

@Ghorthalon: Oriol told me about your audio game template for Node. Mind linking it here, or is it not available for everyone interested in JS?I think I prefer the syntax of Python over JS, but people like Danny have had issues with Python and macOS so hopefully I can persevere and learn this for new games on macOS's sake.Thanks.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I haven't tried the google home myself, the echo dot was a christmas present from my brother to my lady and I back in 2016, though I will say with the echo dot what is impressive are the alexa skills, and how well those translate to google home i'm not sure.@Orko I'd like to say I'm surprised but I'm really not. My mum once got very irate at kids deliberately chucking devil bangers in front of her guide dog,  no actual damage and luckily said dog was so relaxed she didn't even notice the pop, but obviously said kids thought it was funny to see if they could scare the guide dog and potentially injure the blind person relying on it. Frankly this is one reason I moved out of Nottingham where my parents live and have no intention of moving back. In the Uk at least I can say ordering a new cane would be comparatively quick, I also always kept a spare one just in case indeed I still do  those few occasions I'm not out with my dog. I do have a similar but rather more amusing cane story though. Once In newcastle I was getting on the underground train,  what is called a metro or a subway train in other parts of the world. I was rather late so walked fairly briskly from the escalator to the train, I heard the ping which meant the doors were closing just as I reached the train. This would normally have been fine because the doors have a sensor so if they close on a solid object they spring back open, which would've let me get on. Only problem? The doors didn't close on my hand and spring back open, but on my cane. The cane itself was fine, but was stuck in the rubber edging of the doors, and because my cane was too thin to trigger the auto sensor there it was, sticking out of the door at the side of the train. I tried to pull it out but that was no good, and just then the train started off so I let go pretty sharpish and off my cane went up the line! I'm standing there wondering what the heck I should do, stuck in the middle of newcastle without a cane and pretty much expecting to never see my cane again, when two minutes later a chap appears and hands me my cane back. Apparently he'd seen what happened and the cane made it up the train to the next station, he grabbed it and  back and delivered it to me. A very nice chap, also a very lucky cane . Needless to say if I thought the doors were closing on an undderground train from that point on I always made sure to put an actual part of my body in the doors not my cane . As for me, yesterday I went speaker shopping and bought some pretty amazing cambridge audio quad speakers. It's a very expensive set, indeed I paid a rather scary amount of cash out of my savings, on the other hand these are a vast improvement over my former logitech ones, indeed they're probably the best thing you can get in terms of speakers for a living room and I am hoping that like my former logitech set they'll last  at least 10 years, hopefully as long as 15 (I got my logitech ones in 2004). Plus because richer sounds, the place where I bought said speakers are a very nice shop they gave me a discount on a couple of extra speakers we can stick into the kitchin, which will be really useful  we're washing up.We need to wait for the hifi place to get them in and then for them to be installed, but it'll be great to finally have speakers back. As for other stuff, nothing majorly of note accept learning a bit more music, continuing with words of radience, which is now getting to be amazingly, awesomely awesome a lot of playing of land of Livia, which is great to do while reading.


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Re: Node.js libraries suitable for audio games

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Node.js libraries suitable for audio games

Hmm okay, now where to find this template.Can anyone give a link?Thanks.


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Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverEagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

For me the trouble isn't Paypal, I can use that. The thing is, if you convert 20 dollars in my currency they become too much which I can't afford as I have to use that money towards the cost of living.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

I love choice of the cat.It's probably the largest one they have currently, 60 words or something.All the others I saw had only 10 to 20 words.No matter what you do in choice of the cat, you always end up adopted.I can get it so one of them doesn't like you, but the other still ends up signing the form to adopt you.What do I have to do for the family not to want me?There is also an achievement where you find out how that tomcat next door lost his eye.I haven't managed that one yet.Every time I play, I usually find something new, even if it is something small.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Cool little update!I'm really going to enjoy this new fighting pit and book. :-)I would like to see improvements to the cup game in the marsh and get some of the various (smaller) areas and minigames that are mentioned while exploring but not actually in yet in the next update.I am hoping that's not too much to deal with do to your work starting...If the work obligation wasn't going to be an issue for several months at least, then I'd really be pushing for the bigger things, like all the opened doors  mentioned in posts 612-803-960-363, the population building mentioned in 82 as it really is simplistic right now, and the major event from 767 again.But the Nomads, southern sea folk, and Vampires did provide a much needed breath of life to the game, so I don't want to be greedy.Starting at least the framework on the women or second major event could maybe be managed with your new schedule, but that's up to you.These big gaps just make the game feel lopsided is all, even if it is still quite enjoyable!Also...H!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Cool little update!I'm really going to enjoy this new fighting pit and book. :-)I would like to see improvements to the cup game in the marsh and get some of the various (smaller) areas and minigames that are mentioned while exploring but not actually in yet in the next update.I am hoping that's not too much to deal with do to your work starting...If the work obligation wasn't going to be an issue for several months at least, then I'd really be pushing for the bigger things, like all the opened doors  mentioned in posts 612-803-960-363, the population building mentioned in 82 as it really is simplistic right now, and the major event from 767 again.But the Nomads, southern sea folk, and Vampires did provide a much needed breath of life to the game, so I don't want to be greedy.Starting at least the framework on the women or second major event could maybe be managed with your new schedule, but that's up to you.These big gaps just make the game feel lopsided is all, even if it is still quite enjoyable!Also...H!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Cool little update!I'm really going to enjoy this new fighting pit and book. :-)I would like to see improvements to the cup game in the marsh and get some of the various (smaller) areas and minigames that are mentioned while exploring but not actually in yet in the next update.I am hoping that's not too much to deal with do to your work starting...If the work obligation wasn't going to be an issue for several months at least, then I'd really be pushing for the bigger things, like all the opened doors  mentioned in posts 612-803-960-363, the population building mentioned in 82 as it really is simplistic right now, and the major event from 767 again.But the Nomads, southern sea folk, and Vampires did provide a much needed breath of life to the game, so I don't want to be greedy.Starting at least the framework on the women or second major event could maybe be managed with your new schedule, but that's up to you.These big gaps just make the game feel lopsided is all, even if it is still quite enjoyable!Also...(b)H!(/b)


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Re: Reaper Multi Recording.

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reaper Multi Recording.

I don't know, I don't think so without hardware. You can go into preferences and set it to shared loopback and then you will get all system sounds. If you then open up mmsys.cpl and open the properties for your mic, go in and check the listen box and hit apply or OK, it'll all go into one thing. There is one caveat though, its all one channel on one track so you can't edit just the voice or just the system sounds. I know its not what you asked for, but its the closest I could come.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Re: tools, I'm at this moment standing by a bookshelf I made, where the only other assistance was another blind person helping to keep it from falling apart while we put the clamps on during the glue-drying phase. None of the tools were modified for accessibility. The worst thing that happened is that I got overcautious at one point with the banding iron and burned one of my knuckles, which I imagine at least 1 of 10 sighted people would have done at some point.When it comes to alternative techniques, I think Enes is saying that they're almost always inferior in some way—speed being the most apparent (the fastest Braille readers are still slower than the average print reader, for example). Exactly which alternatives are always inferior or limiting might not be so clear-cut, but, yeah, cars are the most obvious one. An hour walk would be 3-6 minutes by car, and driving in the rain is much nicer than walking in the rain (Why have I still not bought rainboots?). Canes are an extra item, taking up a hand, which need to be stored somewhere out of the way when not in use. Assistive technology such as Jaws or Braille devices multiply the cost of computers, while getting practically none of the graphics power that is part of the price of the original device. Whether or not one would say these are inferior, performance wise, they still inflict an additional cost, which, while reduced in a world where the blind market was more like the sighted market, would not go away. (Unless that hypothetical market made innovation accelerate dramatically enough to offset the cost, but no sense in relying on markets to deliver miracles.)That said, I imagine we'd still disagree over more specific nonvisual techniques, though which specifically, I'm not sure.Re: multiple disabilities, I agree not enough effort seems to have gone into such not-so-uncommon cases. I will say that there was a client at LCB in 2016 with hearing loss and a guide dog, and I got the impression they were treated more reasonably than most, according to the stories. I don't know what accommodations were made for the hearing loss, but they seemed OK with not taking their dog on assignments, while using said dog everywhere else, and didn't take grief over it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Re: tools, I'm at this moment standing by a bookshelf I made, where the only other assistance was another blind person helping to keep it from falling apart while we put the clamps on during the glue-drying phase. None of the tools were modified for accessibility. The worst thing that happened is that I got overcautious at one point with the banding iron and burned one of my knuckles, which I imagine at least 1 of 10 sighted people would have done at some point.When it comes to alternative techniques, I think Enes is saying that they're almost always inferior in some way—speed being the most apparent (the fastest Braille readers are still slower than the average print reader, for example). Exactly which alternatives are always inferior or limiting might not be so clear-cut, but, yeah, cars are the most obvious one. An hour walk would be 3-6 minutes by car, and driving in the rain is much nicer than walking in the rain (Why have I still not bought rainboots?). Canes are an extra item, taking up a hand, which need to be stored somewhere out of the way when not in use. Assistive technology such as Jaws or Braille devices multiply the cost of computers, while getting practically none of the graphics power that is part of the price of the original device. Whether or not one would say these are inferior, performance wise, they still inflict an additional cost, which, while reduced in a world where the blind market was more like the sighted market, would not go away. (Unless that hypothetical market made innovation accelerate dramatically enough to offset the cost, but no sense in relying on markets to deliver miracles.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I take a great delight in perusing over the arguments raised by Enes, portraying blindness as a tragedy, rather than a mere physical nuisance. But, let's add something else to the mix. Remember post 135, where I initially talked about people who are not only blind, but people with combined disabilities? Yes, Jonathan Mosen has Norries, and in a 2013-2014 blog post, I can't remember which one, he had expressed his views about the lack of audio quality for podcasting when one wears hearing aids.


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Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

I'd be interested to see this.My memory of things is that level 5 and 6, in particular, were downright mean, and moving the refugees/prisoners around in level 6 was a nightmare. I'd love an audio or even a text walkthrough of this one though. This game pulled absolutely zero punches after the first level.


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help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


help with pyle pad 30 3 channel mixer

hello allI got a pyle 3 channel mixer usb inter face, and i need to know how to record with it, i can record but i can't hear my pc when doing so, and when i press both of the buttons to the left down, i can hear my pc, but the mixer won't record it. if anyone has one and can help me, i'd appreciate it. thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I've always understood, both from reading and from personal experience, that how much or whether blindness is a disability or an inconvenience is largely up to the individual's own atitudes rather than any hard and fast rules.First of all, my current level of vision is that if I focus a bit, I can just barely make out sources of light, otherwise, I won't notice a window on a bright sunny day.For example, from my own experience, recently I had to go to a doctor's office for some physical therapy for a shoulder injury. Since I had been there twice before with a sighted person to guide me, I didn't have Aira then, I knew the layout of the building and could find and use the elevators to get to the right floor and to find the right office on that floor, all without assistance.On my last visit, there was another blind person there. He had been coming to the building for months for some other medical reason, but was totally helpless, he still had to be guided by a sighted assistant Further, from the conversation I learned that he was only partially blind and had been that for far longer than I'd been blind. The impression I got was that he was letting his vision impairment define him as completely helpless or fully disabled, and allowing an assistant to do everything for him, he seemed like he wasn't even willing to try. While I, on the otherhand, do my best to make my blindness only an inconvenience, and like somebody else here on the forums, don't let my blindness stop me from doing whatever I want..---Did I hear somebody correctly? They said something to the effect that the blind can't use tools. I live alone in a one bedroom apartment, and have for as long as I can remember. For minor maintenance tasks, I do the work myself because the management here leaves a lot to be desired, taking months to do even the simplest of maintenance tasks. Some examples of simple tasks I've done myself are:* Changed the rubber flapper valve in the toilet tank, no tools required, but still.* Installed a bidet on the toilet, no tools should have been required but somebody used a wrench on one of the fittings and over tightened it.* Installed a wall bracket for an aerosol fire extinguisher, cordless drill and cordless screwdriver.* Installed a set of broom and mop holders on a wall in the storage closet, cordless drill and a cordless screwdriver.* Replaced a screen and install a grille on the front screen door. Tool to press the rubber tubing that holds the screen cloth in place, razor knife to trim excess screen cloth, cordless drill, and cordless screwdriver.Tools? Despite being blind, I have no problems using them. On top of that I know a number of blind people who do woodworking as a hobby, and they are quite good at it. Talk about tools! One guy I know has converted his garage into a complete woodworking shop with lots of power tools, and his walls are covered with all kinds of hand tools as well, no matter the task, he's got the tool for it. He makes the nicest furnature.---And what's wrong with having to find ways of doing things without the benefit of sight? Would you rather be dependant on some one else to do those things? Even sighted people have to find and learn their own way to do some things, why shouldn't a blind person be able to do the same for themselves?---Those reports that say that sighted people get 80% of their information through their eyes, and that that means a blind person is missing 80% of the world is patently wrong from very flawed thinking.Sure, a sighted person probably does get 80% of their information about the world around them through their eyes, but that is 80% out of the full 100% of information they gather. Take out the eyes due to blindness and the pie doesn't suddently drop to only 20%, no, the other senses will adjust to fill in the missing 80%. So instead of the ears providing 10% of the sensory information in a sighted person, they might provide 50% to a blind person, touch might go from 5% to 20%, and so on.Some information is lost simply because it is purely visual, but a lot of information about your surroundings can still be obtained using your other senses.For example, to get to the grocery store next door, I have to find and follow several walls. A sighted person would just look at the walls to find and follow them. But I find and follow them just as easily using my ears to hear the sounds echoing off them that sighted people don't hear because they don't need to. Do I feel handicapped or disabled or incapable because I can't see the walls? No! Despite my tinnitus, which isn't all that bad, my ears work just fine so I can hear the walls and get to the grocery store with no problem.---I could go on with other examples from my own experiences to debunk the claims made as to why the NFB's "commandments" are so wrong, but I think I've said enough to make my point.---And finally. I don't know if it was in

Re: New audio drama podcasts of note

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New audio drama podcasts of note

I love Marsfall, White Vault, Phenomenon, and Congeria. I've listened to all available episodes in all these podcasts. I want more!


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Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

Whoa. OK, I'm reinstalling steam for this. So it's self voicing? How about options and the like?


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

This is a quick update with a few additions to various places but no particular themeI hope you guys enjoy it!**NEW RACE**They're a funny looking one, a race of reptile like creatures (as if we don't have enough races)there are 126 million different faces you can expect to see too!* Added Skeerok race to the game* Added Skeerok face generator (126'360'000) **DETYAN EDITIONS**Detyan or Dtyn8 is a member of our reddit community and has shown an amazing abilityfor creative writing, so I've tried my best to put this in the game, we have one of his booksin the library as well as some references to a creature he created which made me laugh,hopefully we've got more to come from him* Added Northern Nursery Rhymes for children book to the library (credit Detyan)* Added Detyan the master of Zoological exploration to the hall of zoology in the blackmarket* Added Ooooh Snake Sanctuary to Songwood in the West (credit Detyan)* Added Ooooh Snake Animation (credit Detyan)* Added Sanctuary Master with 4 sets of dialogue* Added book 'On Ooooh snakes' to the sanctuary**BRAWL PIT EXPANSION 2**Last update lots was added to the brawl pit, but my plans were not entirely completedand so in this update I've continued development on it, there are now more prefixesthat fighters can get as well as some tweaks and a much needed system in place to stopunbeatable champions forming in the pit.* Added Lucky prefix to the brawl pit (automatically gives fighter highest possible luck meaning more critical hits)* Added Unlucky prefix to the brawl pit (automatically gives fighter lowest possible luck meaning less critical hits)* Added Unlucky prefix to the brawl pit (Adds 30% to the fighters health)* Added Unlucky prefix to the brawl pit (Adds 10% to the fighters health)* Added Frail prefix to the brawl pit (halves the fighters HP)* Added Champion of the brawl pit wears the crown of the brawl pit if he wins it (100 wins+)* Fixed crown of the brawl pit missing line* Added 3 new brawl pit lines* Added event that if pit champion loses 50% or more Hp during a fight (1 in 4 chance of a 5% permanent health drop)**EXTRAS**I love it when games have lots of extras and bits to explore, so I've added a bunch ofextra content to the warsim folder itself* Added Warsim Gifs to extras folder* Added Warsim Misc art to extras folder* Added warsim face pics to extras folder* Added Ascii Art text files to extras folder**EVERYTHING ELSE**A bunch of random stuff, two bug fixes, a new location in the blackmarket, a few trillion new human faces and some tweaks to slavery with independent kingdoms* Added 244'707'552'625'540 new human faces* Added independent kingdoms with slavers get more income* Added Book rental stall to the blackmarket (3 rentable books + special dialogue)* Fixed can't afford blessing blackmarket stall incorrect message* Fixed goblin dancer yellow skin bug


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Re: Fire fight. Does anyone saw or heared about this?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DarfVader via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fire fight. Does anyone saw or heared about this?

Hi.It’s an fps that for some reason wasn’t released here. I’ll upload as soon as I get home, probably in a few hours, if I don’t fall asleep first.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

hi,I will respond here.Firstly, comparing blindness to being an african american in the 19th century is like comparing oranges and apples. There is really no relationship, other than the imaginary ones people seem to suit their ideologies with. Firstly, the major difference is that race is indeed a neutral concept, unlike blindness which is a physical disability. Unlike blindness, being chinese, or african american, or native american do not affect your biological capabilities, or your physical limitations. Blindness, is not neutral, it is inherently bad, as it puts you at a direct disadvantages with sighted peers, furthermore it places physical limitations on what you can do. African americans were barred from performing many tasks by the society in the Us at the time. This was completely different. I really can't believe the nonsense people spew sometimes.Furthermore, on selecting deaf children, here is an article as proof that this happening. … alresearchalso this … vidteatherThis is really sick. Reading these seriously makes my blood boil, for reasons I will explain. I will begin by saying that having a baby, and not utilizing the appropriate medical treatments is, and should be legally considered parental abuse. This is no different than tieing your child to a post  and isolating them from the world. The reason is this. Anyone here who has studied linguistics to moderate levels will know that there is a critical period for the acquisition of the first language. What a critical period is is that if a certain thing won't happen in development of an organism, it is impossible to regain that function after a time. In other words, the changes are perminent. Language is one such function. The critical period for language is up to 5 years. What this means is that children need exposure to language at these years to develop, they need to hear the language, or see it, in the case of sign language. By not allowing their child to be exposed to spoken language, these parents are perminently, irreversably ruining their child's life, by isolating them from at least 90% of the world who uses spoken language as a medium. Even if this child decides to get cochliar implementation when he/she is legally allowed to do so, he/she will never be able to learn how to speak, or to use language, due to closing of the critical period window of language acquisition. This is criminal, to the highest extent. The largest proof of the critical period comes from Geni, a child who was tied to a post, and isolated from the world by her father for 12 years before being found. Read more here. though she was stimulated to learn language, she was ultimately unsuccessful.As for disability and society, I would say that disability is 30% society, and 70% biological and physically limiting. As for alternative techniques, yes they are inferior most of the time to their sighted counterparts. For instance accessibility. Accessibility will always be merely a shadow of true visual access to the GUI.  Assisibility technologies, and other alternative methods try to imitate the  regular technique. As for driving, it is the most independant form of travel, which blind people are deprived from. And public transportation, and walking can be much more inconvenient  compared to it. I would advise you to look at the world, not through an ideology, which is built on falsehoods, butt independantly,  and neutrally.


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Re: A hero's call lag?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A hero's call lag?

common game troubleshooting steps are thus:1. update graphics drivers2. Update sound drivers3. check for, and install latest bios firmware4. check for updated chipset driversNot saying this either wil or will not work, but just putting the info out there.


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Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choice of games, the fielder's choice

Couple of things here:Ground Zero has some pretty atrocious writing. I love all of the options, and one ending for Ground Zero is actually really bittersweet. But if we're going to talk about writing/story quality, I'm sorry, but let's be real here. If nothing else, Choiceofgames seems to have a better handle on its quality control There are few to no spelling and grammar issues, if nothing else, and no juvenile dialogue. Choice of the Cat, in fact, was written quite well, just as one example.As far as a slider pitcher having a fastball? Virtually all pitchers except dedicated knuckleballers can and do throw fastballs. It might not be their bread and butter pitch, but they're still apt to throw it.And yes, pounding the same pitch over and over is going to lower the chance that it's a strike; that just makes sense, as the tutorial itself said. Exact pitch location isn't gotten into, as that would've been pretty freaking difficult to manage.It's still a neat little game though.And sorry, but no, I'm afraid there'll be no gifting from me. I don't have steam, among other things.


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Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Incidentally, the reason it looked like just a lava river is because when you came back through the door, the scaffold is just a tiny bit off center, so you probably scanned directly south and found only lava. If you look left or right, you should find the scaffold.There are basically five big dungeons, the volcano being the second. There are a whole pile of side-areas and a few mini-dungeons attached to the main story as well. Personally, if we're talking main story here, once you get through the volcano, you're maybe 30% done, and it gets harder. But again, this will be as bad as it gets. Just remember to save your stats over when you beat the game.


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Fire fight. Does anyone saw or heared about this?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Fire fight. Does anyone saw or heared about this?

Hello all,When i visited today i found an audio called playing fire fight, and i want to get that game. The developer is IDT productions, so if anyone has a link where i can get it, please can you give it to me? Thanks in advance!


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Re: Classic 6Dragons updates

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Vladaar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Classic 6Dragons updates

@abdullah_mohammad@darkGreetings, apparently is down so that link won't work until the website domain is back up.However, I put it up on our server for now.  You can get it directly at you for your patience,Vladaar


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Me, personally? If I am going to lend my excess computer power to somebody, I'd want to know what my computer is being used for. If these people aren't willing to be completely transparent about that, I'd be real suspicious and careful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I think we're having the sort of branching conversations that reddit is better for than forums, .It's been said that it's very difficult, if not impossible with current technology, to resolve the precise balance of nature vs nurture, since the magnitude of the impact of one or the other will vary wildly depending on [strike]luck[/strike] circumstance. I'm not sure how much that generalizes to blindness, since visual acuity can be measured.It's hard to quantify, precisely, but I think it might help if we could put numbers on it—what percentage of the problems related to blindness that you experience do you believe are inherent to blindness, and what percent are the result of social forces?My top-of-the-head answer is something like 80% social, but I'd need to take a few minutes to break it down in more detail before giving my final answer.(If you have more categories besides those two, go ahead and include those  !


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Well I'd be carefull about this site.I tried searching, its got a 100% trust rating from scamadviser.And a lot of adds and reviews obviously comitioned by them.In one people asked for replys to questions and never got answers.There was however another which was a malware site a lot of that sites results popped up on google searches.While I couldn't find anything spaciffically dangerous about earn money network, excepts for adds on it, there is precious information including indipendant information on  the net.So yeah it may be ok, probably is.When I was at school, I had to deal with a friend that said a site like epipo existed where you could get cash by viewing adds.Only one time that something like this worked for me.I downloaded some mp3 music back in 1996 and had to register email addresses and download some extraction program.On running this, every so often pops and emails from this mp3 site popped up on my pc asking me to listen to music came up.After 6 months of this I was thanked for reading and listening and to put in my address and other information to get a free cd.After I did this all the emails and popups went away.A cd came in the mail with a lot of weird music on it.But that was 1996.Now days any such so called earn money program is probably a scam.I mean if you are desperate to earn cash I guess that works but even so.I have had to deal with to many such things, ie a user I work with regularly has all these crazy schemes to get money.I end up once or twice a year reformatting her pc, to clear ransomware, malware and other things as well as changing all her passwords and helping her to cancel all bank cards.If you think you can handle it all fine.But bitcoin is now a criminal currency, so eventually bitcoin will either be banned outright and made alegal or regulated.So enjoy it while it lasts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

@enesMost of your examples of why the NFB's "commandments" are wrong are simply misguided and uninformed people making bad decisions that do not in any way represent what the NFB is about.And most of your other examples are just your opinion, which is meaningless in this discussion because I seriously doubt that what you think represents the NFB's view either.But since you've already decided that you are right and the NFB is wrong, there really is no point in discussing this any further with you.Bye.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

That depends on whether you use Amazon or not. Since I have been a long time customer of Amazon, the choice for me was easy, so I got an Echo. But if I hadn't been an Amazon customer, I'd have probably purchased a Google Home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Well, I got it and I am not sure what it does, but on my old computer I am staying on s3 cause it is slow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

The wording, though. "Normal" is a fuzzy, context-dependent concept, but the way it's generally used, it's pretty hard to say that blindness is "normal". That's not just because most people think of blindness as abnormal, but because all the blind people in the world are, what, less than 5% of the population? There would be advantages to normalizing extreme rarities such as blindness, but too much normalizing could conceivably reduce encouragement for relevant medical research and children with disabilities. The deaf I get, even if I do not agree, because of the ways in which hearing loss affect communication. Linguistic isolation is a good way to develop a distinct culture. For blindness, though, the only reason to prefer passing on a hereditary eye condition is to encourage the passing on of nonvisual life skills, which isn't what I'd call a good reason to select the blind embryo over the others! However, I would not encourage actively avoiding passing on a disability if and only if the parents know based on clear evidence that their child(ren) will be able to take it without major reduction in quality of life, and I suspect those conditions are very rarely met. However, that push when Eugenics was still in for maried couples with hereditary blindness to not have children was a terrible idea, since generations of blind parents is a good place to expect the relevant knowledge to accumulate. Also I object to mandatory antinatalism on principal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

[[wow]].I am away doing other things for a little and I come back.It depends on what you guys call minor and probably has to do with your location more than anything else.I do have a cane ofcause and I strive to not be guided, I do still use guides, a cane is no good on the grass and in crouds I have my mum or others holding my cane so people don't trip over it.Where I can sence the crouds will be to large I simply don't use cane as its just to difficult to even bother using.While I have had trouble with the local blind services they are quite tame to say the nfb.Ofcause being an adult I am expected to ask for assistance not given it.Still I am given free things.I am not entitled feeling or expect free things but I am happy if I don't have to pay for something.One thing as long as you after recieving a free thing help  someone else then it does work out.As for  cars and driving, self driving vehicles are round the corner sooner or later no one will need to drive like we do.As for the rest of it.Blindness could be a desese some conditions are genetic.You can't catch blindness, you could catch viruses that could cause blindness but hmmm its not a big issue.How major is blindness.As long as you accept your limitations, I can't drive, maintain things, use tools and a few other things then its fine.It is a major issue ofcause but not as major as having no brain, being deaf to, being unable to walk.If anyone here thinks blind ness is a major issue go see the movie breathe you don't need audio description to get the gist and look it up on wikipedia.You should also listen to interviews about the main character.You will then know what major is!Being blind in the grand scheme of things if thats all you are is not a major thing, in fact its quite minor.Now as a kid to a teen and through certain stages of life it was major to me.A lot of things have improved since then.Grabbing all chances was one of the hardest things I found hard to do.I do sadly have those in my family 1 person that says because I am blind that its just to hard to work and I am slower.I accept that getting a job and keeping is a challenge especially with how things stack for normals these days.However sadly, as soon as you are disabled some people assume you get a job because people feel sorry for you, or that they want to make themselves feel good and this is not the case.Now here in new zealand we do have some millitant elements, we also have a few supportive elements.For whatever reason we have managed to get a ballance which has got things done to a point things could always be better but even so.Sometimes I liken nfb to the un, resolutions are passed.Sometimes they have effect but sometimes not, in fact most are probably never followed at all.Forcing someone to do something doesn't mean well that they will do it or do it to the best of their ability.I am happy we live in a place where a lot of the mainstream tech is now usable by us.Software wise its all on marketing, and what is used.Not much we can do about that.In the end users must do things themselves and tell whoever what it is and ask them to look at it mostly they listen.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Probably you are right, but in my country, they like to stole from blind people or people with motorik problems.Well, I am happy cause tomorow and twesday the schools will be closed because it is too cold here and I eskaped from my music teacher.Today I had fun with Alexa on my phone, I just discovered it works ok, not with all the things, only with basic ones, but a good test before I will get mine.And I am curious, what is better, the ecow dot or google hom mini?


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I am going to respond to what you have said. I am not trying to change your opinion; I just want to explain what exactly the NFB is advocating, and what they mean by their statements.James Omvig wrote:(3)the physical condition of blindness is nothing more than a normal, human 'characteristicenes wrote:This is one which really is out of touch with reality. There is nothing normal about blindness.  Furthermore,  blindness is not a characteristic.Kenneth Jernigan gave a whole speech on this very subject, and in that speech, he said, "By definition a characteristic-any characteristic-is a limitation." But then he asks, "Are blind people more limited than others?" I believe that the answer, as with all characteristics, depends on many variables. In America for most of the nineteenth century, being an African American would not have been a very desirable characteristic because it is highly likely that you would have been enslaved. Today, I would argue that it is far less of a negative characteristic. In the past, blindness was likewise far more limiting than it is now, because we now have access to far more information than we would have had even twenty years ago.enes wrote:It can encourage people to have disabled children over  regular children,  which some among the deaf are doing, using IVF, to implant specificly chosen deaf embryos, and then forgoing treatment to make them perminently deaf.I would have thought that most people, given the choice, would not actively choose to have children with disability.enes wrote:Here is also a blog post from jonathan mosen, where he talks about how excited he is  about the possibility of having grandchildren with norrie disease, which is a disease that causes blindness, and possibly deafness and mental impairment. … dchildren/This should demonstrate my point.I don't think this is what he is saying; he just said that he would not feel very bad about it because of the increased accessibility of today's world, but he is just one out of over 300 million people in the world with vision impairment.James Omvig wrote:(4) given "proper training" and opportunity, the average blind person can do the average job in the average place of  business, can have a family, can be a tax paying and participating citizen and can be in every way a contributing member of society who can compete on terms of absolute equality with his or her sighted neighborsenes wrote:This is also disconnected from reality. The truth of the matter is, even if blind people have access to everything a sighted person has, we will never be on equal footing with sighted people.Why not? If a blind person has gone to college and has found a job with a large company and has all of the necessary information in an accessible format, or if there is an easy way to get access to the information, why is he not equal to a sighted person doing the same job in the same place of business?enes wrote:We do almost everything slower than a sighted person with comparable skill.I would attribute at least some of this slowness due to the lower expectations placed on blind people than sighted people.James Omvig wrote:(5) with proper training and opportunity, blindness is not a tragedy. It literally can be reduced to the level of a physical 'inconvenience' or 'nuisance'enes wrote:This is also completely false. As been stated numerous times, by me and others in this topic, blindness is most definitely not a minor nuisance. It is a major disability which affects everything you do, as well as the way you choose to do it, and even in some cases, e.g, driving, whether you can do it at all.I agree that it does affect some parts of life quite significantly. We can't drive (but we could get public transportation, and with self-driving cars, this will become less of a problem), we can't pick up a book and read it (but this is constantly changing for the better) and we can't just pick up a box of something in the supermarket and know what it is (but technology mostly mitigates this problem). However, we can't fill out paperwork and we can't sometimes use technology that we want to use, but what else? Just because we use alternative techniques to perform a task does not mean that our methods for doing things are inferior to those done by sighted people. This is also explored in Freedom for the Blind. If you can think of something that is complicated significantly by blindness, then I would agree that it is a limitation placed on us by our blindness, but by and large, in developed countries, we are quite able to live with our blindness only being a second thought most of the time.James Omvig wrote:(6) the actual, physical limitations associated with the characteristic of blindness can easily be overcome by using 'alternative techniques' for doing without sight what you would do with sight if you had itenes wrote:Second, there are not 

Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar cross platform? oh my, oh my!

Hi.I like the idea, but, I liked alot beatstar with your voice, not nvda.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I thought the ambassador thing was folded into 10, which, yeah, that is unfair and obnoxious, and is a function of the increased statistical weight a single member of a group has as the group gets smaller. That's a problem that is apparent to just about every visible minority, and it is troublesome that groups like the NFB seem to encourage ambassadorship when everyone without a pathological need to be special would generally prefer otherwise. (#notAllAmbassadorsAreLikeThat  )The social model of disability is clearly not correct, but I think this is more the nature vs nurture thing as applied to blindness, and in that sense, I feel like reality is much closer to the social model than you seem to. Mostly I just want to do my own thing without having to run to my parents or some random civilian for every little thing, and the truth is that this is almost as possible as it is for, say, a traveler who took a plane somewhere and didn't bother with a rental car. Shopping less so, if you'd need to read labels (and you generally do), unless you use one of the latest apps and take 3× as long as everyone else. Otherwise, my main issues are people. (Also not having much money and wanting to make games with graphics.) I'd definitely prefer more braille and better braille tech, but I'm not going to go demanding people retrofit their buildings and make signs that are easy to find with a cane but not your face, or that Google share some of their billions to make braille/tactile tech be halfway decent. ... Wait, no, I'd totally tell Google to do that, if they ever asked for my opinion . But I agree it's unreasonable to throw a fit over it and people who do tend to make us all look bad more than they accomplish anything.I will grant you that my house needs some repairs, which I have not gotten around to because my options are to either bug family about it, hire someone to do it, or obtain all the tools and materials (which would probably mean going to a hardware store and hoping no one questions the blind person buying a box of nails etc) and feeling around places that the wildlife has taken a fondness to. Also I'm a little unhappy about the facd that doing it right would require ejecting the stray cats who hide under my house in bad weather (and probably deter rodents and snakes), but mostly I want to minimize unwanted questions or encounters with critters. Whereas if I could see, even without a car, the hardware store would not be the least bit anxiety-inducing, and I'd be able to spot things that might bite sting or otherwise inconvenience me without doing anything special to protect myself. Half of that problem is a psychosocial one, and the other half is because of blindness directly. OTOH, how many sighted people would do it themselves, instead of hiring a repairman? I'd rather do it myself, just because I like that sort of thing, but I'm kinda caught between an unpleasant society and a hornets' nest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I am going to respond to what you have said. I am not trying to change your opinion; I just want to explain what exactly the NFB is advocating, and what they mean by their statements.James Omvig wrote:(3)the physical condition of blindness is nothing more than a normal, human 'characteristicenes wrote:This is one which really is out of touch with reality. There is nothing normal about blindness.  Furthermore,  blindness is not a characteristic.Kenneth Jernigan gave a whole speech on this very subject, and in that speech, he said, "By definition a characteristic-any characteristic-is a limitation." But then he asks, "Are blind people more limited than others?" I believe that the answer, as with all characteristics, depends on many variables. In America for most of the nineteenth century, being an African American would not have been a very desirable characteristic because it is highly likely that you would have been enslaved. Today, I would argue that it is far less of a negative characteristic. In the past, blindness was likewise far more limiting than it is now, because we now have access to far more information than we would have had even twenty years ago.enes wrote:It can encourage people to have disabled children over  regular children,  which some among the deaf are doing, using IVF, to implant specificly chosen deaf embryos, and then forgoing treatment to make them perminently deaf.I would have thought that most people, given the choice, would not actively choose to have children with disability.enes wrote:Here is also a blog post from jonathan mosen, where he talks about how excited he is  about the possibility of having grandchildren with norrie disease, which is a disease that causes blindness, and possibly deafness and mental impairment. … dchildren/This should demonstrate my point.Jonathan Mosen was actually interviewed a few years ago, and asked to explain his opinion. I can't link to it because the interview is no longer online, but please believe me when I say that he did not want to have a grandchild with disability; he just said that he would not feel very bad about it because of the increased accessibility of today's world.James Omvig wrote:(4) given "proper training" and opportunity, the average blind person can do the average job in the average place of  business, can have a family, can be a tax paying and participating citizen and can be in every way a contributing member of society who can compete on terms of absolute equality with his or her sighted neighborsenes wrote:This is also disconnected from reality. The truth of the matter is, even if blind people have access to everything a sighted person has, we will never be on equal footing with sighted people.Why not? If a blind person has gone to college and has found a job with a large company and has all of the necessary information in an accessible format, or if there is an easy way to get access to the information, why is he not equal to a sighted person doing the same job in the same place of business?enes wrote:We do almost everything slower than a sighted person with comparable skill.I would attribute at least some of this slowness due to the lower expectations placed on blind people than sighted people.James Omvig wrote:(5) with proper training and opportunity, blindness is not a tragedy. It literally can be reduced to the level of a physical 'inconvenience' or 'nuisance'enes wrote:This is also completely false. As been stated numerous times, by me and others in this topic, blindness is most definitely not a minor nuisance. It is a major disability which affects everything you do, as well as the way you choose to do it, and even in some cases, e.g, driving, whether you can do it at all.I agree that it does affect some parts of life quite significantly. We can't drive (but we could get public transportation, and with self-driving cars, this is becoming less of a problem), we can't pick up a book and read it (but this is constantly changing for the better), we can't just pick up a box of something in the supermarket and know what it is (but technology mostly mitigates this problem), but what else? Everything I have mentioned here has a workaround, and just because we use alternative techniques to perform a task does not mean that our methods for doing things are inferior to those done by sighted people. This is also explored in Freedom for the Blind. If you can think of something that is complicated significantly by blindness, then I would agree that it is a limitation placed on us by our blindness, but by and large, in developed countries, we are quite able to live with our blindness only being a second thought most of the time.James Omvig wrote:(6) the actual, physical limitations associated with the characteristic of blindness can easily be overcome by using 'alternative techniques' for doing without sight wh

Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

This is actually pretty addicting. Even if it's just me spamming the left and right shift keys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

Hi,it's a free to play pinball game on mainstream consoles such as xbox, ps4, steam to mess around with, if nothing else.  I used to love the pinball on windows xp, and could occasionally keep the ball in for a fair while. 


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Re: College Degrees and Employment

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: College Degrees and Employment

@Dark, well it actually sounds quite better than mine as you seem to have had a more structured curriculum, but the program as far as I can understand allows you to work more than study, and by study I mean read and memorise, without having a sense of what you're reading. That may also depend on the discipline, though philosophy and linguistics are related.Our curriculum consisted of four modules in the first year, two modules in the second year, and two in the third year. However, we have many subjects that are organised in a semester basis. We also have language practice (first year), IELTS (second year), and Integrated Skills (third year) which are organised in four seminars per week. Translation and interpreting has an important role at our university. And so the curriculum is complete. The program, as I said in my previous post is not badly arranged, but the amount of information the student should deal with is staggering, provided that he's not been in contact with any fraction of that information before and the professors expect him to discuss the knowledge he gains in an academic level.


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Re: anyone know what's up with JGT?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone know what's up with JGT?

Could be a problem with Ian's server?


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Re: Classic 6Dragons updates

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Classic 6Dragons updates

greetings @darklink is not working.Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.We can’t connect to the server at


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I would disagree. The ambassador of the blind crap, as well as the socialization of disability is also quite bad. So is the portrayal  of blindness of something minor.These creeds are quite bad in my opinion, and they aren't just an idea.  People can choose to take actions beleaving in this crap.  For instance, I listened to a rare disease conference, in which a carrier of a genetic disease, with blindness, as well as mental impairment and hearing loss as symptoms lamented that she couldn't get pregnant with another person with the disease. May I also mention that she also had two aflicted family members in a nursing home? This is  just sick, with the truest sense of the word in my opinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I would disagree. The ambassador of the blind crap, as well as the socialization of disability is also quite bad. So is the portrayal  of blindness of something minor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

anyone know what's up with JGT?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jfayre via Audiogames-reflector


anyone know what's up with JGT?

Hi,I'm trying to log into the Japanese Games Translator add-on and it's timing out. Website doesn't seem to work either. Does anyone know what's up?


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Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

vaibhavbhandari, do you remember what you were having trouble with? Maybe I can try to help you in this thread.I spent the past two hours dusting stuff off on the text side of things, and it's been a lot of fun. I can, when I'm on top of my game and have a little luck on my side, make it through the first two stories with high amounts of health without cheating. Story 3 and up isn't going to be fun though, since that is when the game really starts to let loose. Like I say I've beaten the game at least once, but I'm not looking forward to this.What I've been doing most is working out strategies to eliminate all the enemies on sight so they don't hit me much, and to dodge the most difficult traps. That, I think, will be the key to a successful playthrough, and it is for this reason that I've been fixing my text walkthrough and describing some strategy for each fighting spot, and obviously the audio will show that as well when I do it. I think this game honestly needs both types of walkthrough when I think about it, because I can take all the time in the world to explain a strategy via text which is useful in its own right, but I can't show you how it's actually meant to be done.If you have questions about the game, or information you'd like to share, now would be the time and place to ask or tell, so either I or someone else can respond. I feel games like this need a little more attention. I almost grew up with this game so I am, in a way, very fond of it despite its cruel disposition.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

vaibhavbhandari, do you remember what you were having trouble with? Maybe I can try to help you in this thread.I spent the past two hours dusting everything off on the text side of things, and it's been a lot of fun. I can, when I'm on top of my game and have a little luck on my side, make it through the first two stories with high amounts of health without cheating. I've worked out strategies to eliminate all the enemies up to that point on sight so they don't hit me much. That, I think, will be the key to a successful playthrough, and it is for this reason that I've been fixing my text walkthrough and describing some strategy for each fighting spot, and obviously the audio will show that as well when I do it. I think this game honestly needs both types of walkthrough when I think about it, because I can take all the time in the world to explain a strategy via text which is useful in its own right, but I can't show you how it's actually meant to be done.If you have questions about the game, or information you'd like to share, now would be the time and place to ask or tell, so either I or someone who's looking at the thread can respond. I feel games like this need more attention, and I almost grew up with this game so I am, in a way, very fond of it despite its cruel disposition.


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Re: College Degrees and Employment

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: College Degrees and Employment

@CAE_Jones, I think you're correct.  Hence my post earlier about experience versus the education.  Obtaining a degree is important, yes, but I believe the experience you receive through working at a company is invaluable.  This university is fairly decent at field placement, but the CS curriculum isn't the most amazing.  If I'm not mistaken, we do hold a spot on the top 50 universities for CS, but barely scraping by to hold one of the lower spots.  Carnegie Melon has one of the most extensive programs and infinite list of resources available to their students.  I encourage potential undergrads to look for a university that can juggle between a good education and a good set of resources and opportunities to gain "real-world" experience.


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Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing a Hero's call

maybe  joseph can add direct credit card payment support without paypal?so you guys can get it without paypal's authorization


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Re: Griff 1 sound positioning

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff 1 sound positioning

Hi Eternal Gamer, I've finished Gryff 1 in Windows 10, but I had to open it in compatibility mode. You have to focalize the file exe of the game, press alt and enter. Go to compatibilityy tab and select the checkbox open it in compatibility mode, and select windows 7. Then press enter. But this method doesn't work for Gryff 2.I agree about your concern. About this developer there are a lot of discussions that you can find in the forum.Cheers,Ambro


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Hmm. I stand corrected. That list could use some "almost"s. 6 in particular is hyperbolic without an "almost" or "nearly" or "the vast majority of", due to things like nonverbal communication and visual art. 3 is outright wrong, and 7 is not all that clear but I think Enes covered that pretty well.But the rest seem fine at face value, even though you know there are plenty who use 10 to irritate everyone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Hi,Thing is, you have to know what it's doing. If it is in fact a botnet, that is illegal, and just saying I didn't know it was a botnet likely won't cut it, because really, it's an application that appears to give you money for nothing. Come on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

alright: more problems. Yea! Who loves problems?When I pasted in the following, the python prompt returned me a big fat nothing.I will post the code below, using > again to represent a single space.>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi":>>print("hello") #this causes an error with the indentationThat script does nothing at all besides the error.It also should be noted that I have tried something like this:>user_input = input("enter something.")>if user_input == "hi":>print("hello") #the script returns another error about the indentation.Finally, I have tried something like this:>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi":print("hello") #this is the only part that works. The input and the if statement get skipped.


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Re: A hero's call lag?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jabberwocky via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A hero's call lag?

I experience the same thing as Nocturnus sometimes, and always right when it goes into battle. It only happens to me if I run the game with NVDA. I switched to sapi, and so far, it hasn't happened again. I'm also running the game in a VM, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


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Re: null access point - help with some code?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: null access point - help with some code?

I would guess that coinrun starts out with the array full of nulls, rather than creating all the coins and their handles when you resize it, so you need to create coins before you try to modify them. So at the top of the for loop that sets the properties of the coins, you'd need two lines:coin temp;@coinrun[counter]=temp;HTH


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

here is a study, done by the max plank institue for psycholinguistics, which also shows that there  is a clear dominance of vision over all other senses


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

what is FX pinball can you tel somethink more about this


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

alright: more problems. Yea! Who loves problems?When I pasted in the following, the python prompt returned me a big fat nothing.I will post the code below, using > again to represent a single space.>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi":>>print("hello")That script does nothing at all.It also should be noted that I have tried something like this:>user_input = input("enter something.")>if user_input == "hi":>print("hello") #this script doesn't do anything besides just sitting there. the python returns nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

alright: more problems. Yea! Who loves problems?so when I paste in the script it says invalid indentation on line that says print("hello"). I will post the code below, using > again to represent a single space.>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi":>>print("hello") #this line causes an error with the indentation.It also should be noted that I have tried something like this:>user_input = input("enter something.")>if user_input == "hi":>print("hello") #this script doesn't do anything besides just sitting there. the python returns nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

hi,Sure. Here is that post.(3) the physical condition of blindness is nothing more than a normal, human 'characteristic,' This is one which really is out of touch with reality. There is nothing normal about blindness.  Furthermore,  blindness is not a characteristic. It is arguably one of the most serious disabilities. This view of blindness as a neutral characteristic is dangerous. It can encourage people to have disabled children over  regular children,  which some among the deaf are doing, using IVF, to implant specificly chosen deaf embryos, and then forgoing treatment to make them perminently deaf. Here is also a blog post from jonathan mosen, where he talks about how excited he is  about the possibility of having grandchildren with norrie disease, which is a disease that causes blindness, and possibly deafness and mental impairment. … dchildren/This should demonstrate my point.(4) given "proper training" and opportunity, the average blind person can do the average job in the average place of  business, can have a family, can be a tax paying and participating citizen and can be in every way a contributing member of society who can compete on terms of absolute equality with his or her sighted neighbors;This is also disconnected from reality. The truth of the matter is, even if blind people have access to everything a sighted person has, we will never be on equal footing with sighted people. Having access does not make one equal. We do almost everything slower than a sighted person with comparable skill. Having a screen reader does not make the disability disappear.  This time difference will always be there, unless in the distant future everyone gets brain implants, in which case  this conversation can be had again.(5) with proper training and opportunity, blindness is not a tragedy. It literally can be reduced to the level of a physical 'inconvenience' or 'nuisance'; This is also completely false. As been stated numerous times, by me and others in this topic, blindness is most definitely not a minor nuisance. It is a major disability which affects everything you do, as well as the way you choose to do it, and even in some cases, e.g, driving, whether you can do it at all.(6) the actual, physical limitations associated with the characteristic of blindness can easily be overcome by using 'alternative techniques' for doing without sight what you would do with sight if you had it; Same as previous.  Firstly, blindness isn't a characteristic. Second, there are not always alternative techniques in doing everything, reading the body language, or facial expressions of people around you for example. In the remaining cases, it can take a longer amount of time to accomplish the same.(7) the concept of the 'hierarchy of sight' ... is nothing more than a myth and is completely false; Out of all of the creeds of this cult, this one is by far the dumbest.  Science has consistently shown that there is indeed a hierarchy of  senses, with sight being at the top. It is estimated that 80% of environmental information  obtained by a sighted person comes from sight.  Furthermore, it is also known that sight overrides all other senses, in terms of processing in the brain. I will believe the word of science, not the myths of a crackpot ideology.(8) ... 'IT IS RESPECTABLE TO BE BLIND,' and the blind, themselves, are primarily responsible for pushing back the frontiers of ignorance and changing what it means to be blind in the broader society; There is nothing respectable about being blind, just like there is no respect in being born in a certain place. Also, I am not an ambassador of the blind, I am only responsible for my own well being. Noone has the right to impose ambassadorial duties on me (10) the "real" problem of blindness is not the physical loss of eyesight at all, but rather is to be found in the wide range of societal misunderstandings and misconceptions about blindness shared by the blind and sighted alike ..."While it is true that society's atitude does have impact on a blind person's life, a majority  of  the hardships experienced by the blind are unrelated to society, and are completely due to the actual physical limitation of the disability.


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Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

Just read the release notes.


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a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

Hi.I realise that fx pinball won't be fully playable, but I'll be able to have fun with it never the less.  Regardless, I just downloaded it and was very surprised to see that menu choices and table choices speak.  OCR works pretty well as well, but I wasn't expecting that.


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Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

This topic never stops amazing me. Keep up the awesome work sir!


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Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

I don't recall for sure who made the tapes. They were made using a mod, and were audio only.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Node.js libraries suitable for audio games

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Node.js libraries suitable for audio games

Hmm okay, now where to find this template.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

Yeh I also tried playing actually twice but I couldn't ever beat that game so if someone can do a walk through then it will be great because for some reason I did not understand how to play it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

you are missing the colons after the condition iftry putting this>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi":>>print("hello")


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

so this is what i'm trying to paste into my python prompt. I think if someone can point out what am I doing wrong it would clear it up for me: (Note, I'll use a > symbol to represent a single space as AG forum doesn't like python's indentation.)>user_input = input("enter something")>if user_input == "hi">>print("hello")I'm sorry for so many questions guys, I'm trying to understand this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moving away from BGT and learning python

so this is what i'm trying to paste into my python prompt. I think if someone can point out what am I doing wrong it would clear it up for me: user_input = input("enter something") if user_input == "hi"  print("hello")I'm sorry for so many questions guys, I'm trying to understand this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Hi.Ah there, must have skipped those when I looked through the page, I set the thing to s5, but it doesnt hop over the 25 mark, sort of stays there, processor shows that the load is about 98 percent.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: null access point - help with some code?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: null access point - help with some code?

what are the errors that you are getting?and why did you open the file, if you aren't writing nothing to it?you could do this"output.txt", "w");for(int heh=0; heh{lol.write(hunt+""+feck[heh].y+", "+feck[heh].x+"\r\n");lol.close();}}


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

Yeah I totally agree. I don't use Dropbox anymore because I don't have enough space and my public links seem to have permanently been suspended. I haven't had that issue with Drive, but if it was posted on the archive that would be even better. I will certainly keep that in mind. Thanks for expressing your interest!As an aside, do you remember anything about the recordings you mentioned? I haven't heard any of them, but that doesn't surprise me as of late. Were they cool in any way?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

Yeah I totally agree. I don't use Dropbox anymore because I don't have enough space and my public links seem to have permanently been suspended. I haven't had that issue with Drive, but if it was posted on the archive that would be even better. I will certainly keep that in mind. Thanks for expressing your interest!


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

they are labeled from s1 to s5, right under dashboard and above your balance.


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Hi.Stupid question I guess, but how do I change  the speed? I can't find any buttons on the dashboard for that.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

I'd be quite interested in seeing this, on multiple levels.There have been a couple recordings of the game made over the years, but as far as I know they're no longer available, and none of them included actual descriptions of why something worked.I never managed to get terribly far in the game, so I'd really like to see somebody take it on.Also, since there aren't any recordings around, a walkthrough would be great to add to This would also make sure that it was available forever, not just until it was removed from dropbox or whatever system hosted it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

that's your performance rating. Increase the speed for a better performance. I get about 6100 on the highest speed but it all depends on what other processes you are running and how much power the program uses. Profilling is your status, it will change to profilled after a while.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

@gamecreator have you adjusted the speed from the software? On the dashboard the speed options are marked from s1 to s5, s5 being the fastest.


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Hi.Hmm ok, on the dashboard the thing still says profiling, there is a bar down there, going from 25/100 up to 30/100 and than down again, don't know what it's doing there.My computer is quite powerfull, i7 6700 HQ, 16 gig ram, gtx 1070 graphics.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

HHHi, well, I can't click the help icon in the program, can I find the info on the site?Did you let the program run for 24 hours full for the 4 dollars or how long?Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

I left it running for about 15 hours. You should be able to access the help just hit enter on it and then hit enter on the questions you want answered.


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Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamecreator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

well, my post here. haha. Yea, i've used this tool for a while, but it seems my computer isn't so good with it. 5 days and made just a dollar? even i left the computer at maximum speed (you can change those settings in the settings screen), and nothing, so i decided to get out of it. Lol


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Reaper Multi Recording.

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Reaper Multi Recording.

Hello I do podcast editing and recording with reaper. I would like to record two inputs in reaper. One is a skype input and another is my microphone. I want my microphone on one track and skype on the second track. Is this possible? I can't use asio because I can't hear my screen reader when recording.


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would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


would anyone be interested in a walkthrough of Technoshock?

Hi all,In 2006 I think, I discovered Technoshock and found just how brutally hard it was. The game is still available even now, so you can still download and try it if you want. It's free, so why not? While it's meant for much older versions of Windows, it still works fairly well on newer ones. I highly recommend though that you play the game not only with headphones, but with virtual 3D sound. Playing it just in stereo is considerably more difficult. In order to get virtual 3D you'll have to use things that emulate Direct Sound hardware acceleration. There are solutions even for Win10 that allow for this, and if they don't work or you can't find them, you can use an XP VM and do it, which is probably what I'll end up doing because it's more stable. IF you'd like more information on how to do this, let me know and I will make a post about it.I recently took an interest in this game again, as I do every couple years. I beat it in 2011, with the help of a lot of cool people in the original Technoshock thread, and I think in 2015 I beat it again. i'd like to have another go at it in 2018, and make it mean something. LolBecause the game is so hard, I thought a walkthrough would be written for it by now, but it doesn't seem to have happened yet. I started a text walkthrough back in 2011, and it's about 60 percent done, though I never finished it. I have more than once checked it and realized I miswrote something, so it probably would be a while before it's finished.For years I have been thinking of doing an audio walkthrough. That would force me to be more familiar with the game and would be more entertaining to make. For the record, I was very inspired by Raul Gallegos's walkthroughs of Shades of Doom and GMA Tank Commander. Obviously I am not him and I wouldn't have his style exactly, but it would be a lot of fun for me. The audio walkthrough would be in multiple parts, with each part being a level or story of the game. Doing both a text and an audio version would not only be most helpful for people who work in different ways, but would be a nice way for me to check my info. I would not look at the text while recording the audio though. I would instead rehearse the level before recording so that I'd have it down first.I plan to use the original sounds of the game, and not a mod. I realize that some people may hate the original sounds, but I believe using a mod will confuse more people. I plan to post my audio walkthrough on Anyaudio, but will also link to it and my text walkthrough on Google Drive eventually. Maybe the text version could be in the articles room when I eventually finish it? We'll have to see, that's a while down the road.I can't say for sure when anything will be finished, as I really am not good at predicting that. I will be busy for a few weeks from now, so I definitely wouldn't expect it done soon. But, I may be able to start the audio walkthrough and release a few parts of it sooner.So would anyone be interested in this, or is Technoshock one of those forgotten games that nobody cares about? Lol


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null access point - help with some code?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


null access point - help with some code?

I'm not gonna be apologizing for using bgt heh, although I'm supposed to get around to learning something else. But after not having used it for years I figured I'd rewrite one of my favourite games - super deecout.I could've used simpler code but I wanted the function to be reusable.Anyway this throws up an error I can't seem to solve. I don't remember how to work with handles it seems.class coin{double x;double y;coin(){}} coin@[] generate_coinmap(int coin_counter, int map_size) { coin@[] coinrun;  coinrun.resize(coin_counter); int tempy; int tempx;for(int counter=0; counter {coinrun[counter].y=random(1, map_size);coinrun[counter].x=random(1, map_size);tempy=coinrun[counter].y;tempx=coinrun[counter].x;for(int counter2=0; counter2<=counter; counter2++){if((coinrun[counter2].y==tempy)&&(coinrun[counter2].x==tempx)){counter--;break;}}}return coinrun;}// this next part was just to test the coin list generator but is incomplete because of the runtime errors.void main(){file lol;coin@[] feck;feck=generate_coinmap(20, 20);string hunt;"output.txt", "w");for(int heh=0; heh{hunt+""+feck[heh].y+", "+feck[heh].x+"\r\n";}}


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

well my internet runs fine but I guess it's quite ressource intensive. I have made about 4 dollars in a day. It's not much but more than I expected. The only major issue is that you need to have 50 dollars in your main balance or 2.5 usd in your working balance to be able to cash out. Read the help to know what are these.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible method to earn a little extra income

Hi.Hmm, sounds interesting, my computer is also running quite often, so why not try to cash in a bit while I am in school.Two questions though, how heavy is the program on your internet connection, and how much is the payout actually? Don't expect it to be high, but I would be curious.Possibly not more one euro or so per week, or is that even to much?Greetings Moritz.


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