Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Thank you. Maybe one day I'll learn enough to make you something decent 


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@nolan Thank you!@sightlessgamer I think someone from CF2.5's extension development team was playing around with calling dll's but as far as I know there's nothing official or working. And don't be sorry for trying ideas, if I could come up with a viable solution myself I'd do it.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@nolan Yes Fusion 2.5 is graphical based. I don't think the mouse tracking is the issue, the mouse movement is pretty smooth, turns out it's the sound handling, it's not really set up for good 3d sound, which is what you need. Thanks for the offer of help, I've just been looking at Godot, Unity and Unreal Engine. The problem with Godot is that there's far fewer resources for learning, assets etc. I tried Unity before but didn't like it. I'm sighted so I'm going to give Unreal Engine a try but it will take some time to learn. It's designed for FPSs and it's blueprint system looks great. I've been wanting to use it for a while but didn't have a PC powerful enough to run it.Thanks again for the interest and offer of help.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@sightlessgamer I learned some BASIC a long time ago but have absolutely no knowledge of python or other languages for that matter. Starting from scratch would be a better option than trying to port this as this engine is based on object or sprite generated actions and events.I had hoped I could put something together that works, but whether it's engine limits regarding the sound or my lack of knowledge (probably both) I think @GrannyCheeseWheel is right, ultimately if I continue this using the Fusion 2.5 engine, you'll end up with an overall substandard product.Don't get me wrong, if enough people were prepared to put up with the jacked up, snappy, laggy motions as @GrannyCheeseWheel describes them, I'd continue, but if it's that bad I don't want to waste my time or anyone elses's continuing this.There are so many more talented people who can code in python and design sounds in this community alone that they would be in a better position than myself to code an audio FPS.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

OK thanks for testing, I can't improve it much more. Really sorry for disappointing everyone.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Fair enough. I've made some adjustment to the panning, my hearing isn't good enough to tell if its better. …


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok I'll see if I can do something with the sound.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok so it's likely the limits of the engine I'm using and it's ability to handle sound. So is this worth continuing?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

This is the fastest and smoothest I can get this:EDIT: Link removed, see new version below.Need a better way to navigate, while it seems smooth and fast, too easy to get lost.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

So this version has alterable mouse sensitivity. Use ] to increase and [ to decrease sensitivity. …'ll make sensitivity an adjustable menu option later.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

That's what I'm thinking. I'll see what I can do.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

This is the fastest and smoothest I can get this: … a better way to navigate, while it seems smooth and fast, too easy to get lost.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

This is the fastest and smoothest I can get this: …


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok the time interval between registering movements was too long. I need to get this right before I move on to doing anything else.Would you mind trying this please? EDIT: Link removed, updated.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

If it becomes a real problem, I'll see if I can do that. I've set the game resolution to 1024 x 768 which most PCs from 10 years ago can run, but that said, I understand resolution isn't such an issue for blind gamers, so if anyone is running lower than that I can either run it lower or make an option to choose.EDIT: Link removed, see below for new version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok the time interval between registering movements was too long. I need to get this right before I move on to doing anything else.Would you mind trying this please? …


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok so are the movement increments too sharp? I made it so a small movement rotates you by 1 or 2 degrees, larger movements by more. Is it over sensitive?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

If it becomes a real problem, I'll see if I can do that. I've set the game resolution to 1024 x 768 which most PCs from 10 years ago can run, but that said, I understand resolution isn't such an issue for blind gamers, so if anyone is running lower than that I can either run it lower or make an option to choose.Anyway, hope hope this works better: …


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

If I was coding in a text based language, yes. But the software I'm developing in uses actual objects, I talked about actual graphics in a reply to @Defender earlier. I've set the game resolution to 1024 x 768 which most PCs from 10 years ago can run, but that said, I understand resolution isn't such an issue for blind gamers, so if anyone is running lower than that I can either run it lower or make an option to choose.Anyway, hope hope this works better: …


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@70 Yeah I didn't consider resolution to be an issue but it makes a difference to where the real mouse positions are on different PCs running different resolutions, so when I move my mouse it gives entirely different output values as to when you move yours if your screen res is different to mine. I'm going to test it on a different laptop, hoping I've fixed it.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok, think I might know what could be the issue, what screen sizes and resolutions are you running?I think I know what's going on, gonna try and fix it now.EDIT: It's to do with screen resolution, I've got it so mine's continuously rotating too. Fixing it now.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok, think I might know what could be the issue, what screen sizes and resolutions are you running?I think I know what's going on, gonna try and fix it now.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@67 I'm not finding that at all so it's not like I can reproduce it to see why it's happening for you. Might seem like a stupid question but are you using an optical mouse?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok, the beacons were really just a test, mostly for myself, to see if it was possible to navigate to them. You have to bear in mind I've never played an audio game before. You can ignore them, they'll be removed.@65 The mouse shouldn't rotate endlessly, but maybe yours is more sensitive than mine, might need to introduce some dead space.@63 Are you able to move towards a beacon at all? The W key moves you forward, the mouse so far only rotates you left and right.The sounds can be replaced if you can provide a better alternative Is anyone else having issues with the mouse?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok, the beacons were really just a test, mostly for myself, to see if it was possible to navigate to them. You have to bear in mind I've never played an audio game before. You can ignore them, they'll be removed.@65 The mouse shouldn't rotate endlessly, but maybe yours is more sensitive than mine, might need to introduce some dead space.@63 Are you able to move towards a beacon at all? The W key moves you forward, the mouse so far only rotates you left and right.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@Defender I would definitely limit the field of view to the audio field limit, pretty much all of what you're suggesting is possible, and yes, it would be done in a similar way to Swamp, but I could add visual effects, which I don't think Swamp has. Obviously I would work on those things after I have a good audio game working with all the important gameplay mechanics in place first.A dedicated server program would be something far into the future, I just don't want to get too far ahead of myself, would be pointless if the game turned out to be no good.So going forward, I need to tighten up mouse control and look at adding sensitivity options later on. I build options menus towards the end when I tie everything together. Vertical aiming is the next job, sound wise I was thinking of clicks that change pitch to denote the angle of your aim, as @Defender suggested in post #9?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@Defender, absolutely I can add a no gore filter, just a matter of setting a flag to check before playing the sound. If I get to the point of taking it online, I won't be adding a chat system as the server I'd need to use is run by someone else who runs it specifically for users of the Fusion 2.5 software, which is what I'm using. So I'd want to keep the bandwidth use and lag to a minimum. I guess there's things like Discord,Ventrilo or Teamspeak for those who want to chat. If people want to create their own server to run this, I have a demo of a hosting program that I could maybe adapt, but I have no idea how to set up a server, the thought of port forwarding and such gives me headaches As things would have it there are graphics, basic 2d shapes but they're hidden, so even sighted players will only see a black screen. Without the black screen, the play area is a complete mess of shapes and counters but I could look at hiding some and revealing the important things like the player and enemies, map features etc. at least in single player games. If we go online I'd prefer to keep the black screen and have a level playing field.I tend to build with accessibility in mind, but generally don't add those features until later. I'd definitely be up for adding custom key bindings and one handed play support; my past dev history has been making small games for motion impaired gamers, including a one button fighting game.Panning limit controls and pitch increment might be possible, might need help with those, something to think about later.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@Defender, no worries, I've been watching the boards for quite a while, to get a feel for the community and how best I can help, if at all. I understand where people are coming from and I realise I won't please everyone and will likely disappoint more than a few.That said, here's a quick update for you guys: …'ve disabled keyboard control for now, for those of you who insist on playing with keyboard (yeah I read those posts on another thread), I'll add it back in later. For those of you worried that the enemy soldier makes the same cry of pain every time a bullet hits him, that's just for me to know things are working. Final version will feature thumps as rounds hit body armour and squelches as flesh gets ripped, apologies to those of you who are squeamish. The sounds are not finalised yet and are functional rather than aesthetic.So, we now have mouse movement working, at least horizontally and I've worked out a system to add vertical aiming. What this means is, if my idea works, not only will you get accurate vertical aiming, but the option of headshots, recoil and working scopes.I'm done developing for tonight, I got some time over the weekend so I'm going to work on the vertical aiming stuff, if I can nail the basics down, that'll pave the way to add the other stuff like headshots and recoil later.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@44 Don't worry, I'll be sure to balance everything. Overheating would certainly be an issue, take that as a game mechanic, if you were using a vulcan m134 minigun 


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@40 I'm happy to have them on board and if they can improve the sounds I use I'm all for using their replacements. As for haters, can't force people to like or play it and as I'm taking no money for it, I don't really care. What I'm getting out of this is the fun of making something and having to think outside the box so to speak. If even only one person loves it then it's a win for me.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@39 yeah I fixed it in the current version I'm working on. So to update you all, I'm currently working on the mouse control. I've managed to tether the pointer to the centre of the screen and measure movements on both x and y axes. I'll still leave keyboard control in but wasd keys and mouse are the way forward.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@37 I'll likely go with 60 Frames/second. The turning motion will be exponential but capped at a predefined max turn speed, so a small motion will give a precise turn, keep moving and the turn speed increases. That's in now with keyboard but i'll adjust it. Already got snap to cardinal compass points and audio compass giving position and rough direction. I could possibly expand on navigation at some point in the future.@69 The software I'm using to develop this doesn't support binaural sound or FMOD, as I stated in my first post. I'm not the only dev making an FPS, I believe someone else posted recently asking about which platform to develop on, maybe they'll make something better or more to your liking. I'm fully aware this game may suck and it certainly won't please everyone but I'm hoping I can produce something at least a few people will get some enjoyment out of.@34 Naturally.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@33 That's no problem to move the keys, I'm looking to make WASD and mouse as the standard, like mainstream FPSs use.@31 I probably don't have it right either but hopefully it'll sound ok at the very least.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@33 That's no problem to move the keys, I'm looking to make WASD and mouse as the standard, like mainstream FPSs use.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Yeah this is the plan: 1. Create a viable working engine with decent shooting mechanics, decent enemy troops with AI that reacts to you and their objectives.2. Make an offline multiplayer experience, so Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch. If the AI is good enough maybe add CTF and Domination, for those who don't know, Domination is where there are 3 control points on the map, usually flags. You have to take control of the flags to earn points, winner is the first team to reach the victory score.3. Add some single player simple objective based missions, possibly with a vague backstory to tie them together.4. Look at online multiplayer. Regarding artillery, I thought of this. Call Of Duty has Kill streaks where the more kills you get without being killed you earn rewards such as calling in an airstrike. I probably could add something similar but would need to be carefully balanced or such things could be game-breaking.But yeah, got to get a decent engine working first or the rest is just pipe dreams 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Yeah this is the plan: 1. Create a viable working engine with decent shooting mechanics, decent enemy troops with AI that reacts to you and their objectives.2. Make an offline multiplayer experience, so Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch. If the AI is good enough maybe add CTF and Domination, for those who don't know, Domination is where there are 3 control points on the map, usually flags. You have to take control of the flags to earn points, winner is the first team to reach the victory score.3. Add some single player simple objective based missions, possibly with a vague backstory to tie them together.4. Look at online multiplayer. Regarding artillery, I thought of this. Call Of Duty has Kill streaks where the more kills you get without being killed you earn rewards such as calling in an airstrike. I probably could add something similar but would need to be carefully balanced or such things could be game-breaking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@21 That's a nice rifle, very unusual. @11 It's an automatic assault rifle, the sound is set up according to the instructions supplied in the sound set, there is a starting shot sound and a tail off for a single shot. If you fire a burst there is the opening shot sound followed by several random intermediate sounds for each round fired and a tail off when you release the trigger. On another thread recently I remember someone commenting about how most audio FPSs do gunfire wrong, they loop the same gun sound effect quickly to make it sound like automatic fire. If this is what you're expecting to hear in this game, you won't hear it!I added an accuracy factor to the gun. Each weapon I make will have an accuracy rating. Attachments such as stocks, grips, bipods etc. will affect this, likely at a cost to mobility. Again, if I add such features they'll be balanced.So I have several hours free tonight, got an idea on how to add vertical aiming so I'm going to try it out. Don't want to say too much at this stage but I'm pretty excited at the possibilities it could add.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@21 That's a nice rifle, very unusual. @11 It's an automatic assault rifle, the sound is set up according to the instructions supplied in the sound set, there is a starting shot sound and a tail off for a single shot. If you fire a burst there is the opening shot sound followed by several random intermediate sounds and a tail off when you release the trigger. On another thread recently I remember someone commenting about how most audio FPSs do gunfire wrong, they loop the same gun sound effect quickly to make it sound like automatic fire. If this is what you're expecting to hear in this game, you won't hear it!I added an accuracy factor to the gun. Each weapon I make will have an accuracy rating. Attachments such as stocks, grips, bipods etc. will affect this, likely at a cost to mobility. Again, if I add such features they'll be balanced.So I have several hours free tonight, got an idea on how to add vertical aiming so I'm going to try it out. Don't want to say too much at this stage but I'm pretty excited at the possibilities it could add.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@Defender and @GrannyCheeseWheel, you might find this interesting: I can't use the sounds because of copyright, but shows some nice gun handling.The M4 reloading sequence shows the forward assist pressed after loading the magazine, but no pull of the charging handle. I was pretty sure the sequence was load the mag, pull the charging handle to cock the gun, safety off, fire??


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@Defender and @GrannyCheeseWheel, you might find this interesting: I can't use the sounds because of copyright, but shows some nice gun handling.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Ok a lot to go through, I think I'll look into how best to try and implement vertical aiming as my next job. @Defender, thanks for the details of mechanics, some good ideas there, I'll see what I can come up with.@GrannyCheeseWheel, I live in the UK so we have strict firearms restrictions as you probably know. That said, I have fired a rifle before, I own several airguns and have a reasonable knowledge of guns in general. I was aware of things like how you can chamber a round with some pistols, eject and reload the magazine to get an extra round - the Beretta 92F springs to mind.I've got a few good resources, things like the game World of Guns Disassembly which has loads of information on how guns work, you can strip them, load and fire them, so plenty of information.I'm aware of most the handling specifics you mentioned, the shotgun loading stuff not so much. So things like effective range, damage, ammo capacity, fire rate, projectile attenuation, bolt action vs gas operated rifles etc. are exactly the sort of things I was thinking about when I talk of weapon balancing. I thought most of these things would already be in the FPS games you have already? I think they would be fairly easy to implement.I've got quite a few sound effects but if either of you think you have something better or don't like the sound I'm using I'm happy to look at replacing them. As things develop I may need extra sounds, just not sure what yet, too early to say.Regarding cover, I've got sounds for terrain damage, I think it should be possible to create some sort of cover system, I'll look more closely at some of @Defender's suggestions.@GrannyCheeseWheel out of interest what assault rifle did you own?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@7 So what level of detail would you like? I guess eject magazine, reload full magazine, cock weapon? Safety on and off might be realistic but a bit pointless?


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Regarding item hoarding or overpowered griefing, there won't be any chance of that in this game. Hit points will be capped as will maximum loadout weight and size limits. If I choose to allow different character types or classes, they will be balanced, e.g. a bigger, stronger character might have more HPs and carry more weight but would move slower and have poorer accuracy.Unlocked items would be balanced and boost some areas while adding small penalties to other things - gives flexibility and allows for varied play styles.. If weapons, items and loadouts are balanced from the start, there's no chance for overpowered griefing or item hoarding, the playing field is fair allowing everyone to eventually get access to top level gear. No need to strip items from players - nothing worse than working hard for something only to have it removed. Unless you get bored and want to start again, but that should be your choice.


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Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@4 Thanks, some helpful information there. A few questions: How would you expect vertical aiming to be implemented? I can only pan sounds to left and right speakers, no idea how this would translate to vertical sound cues?What is it about the style of most audio FPSs that people dislike?Cover system - again, how do you envision this? What kind of mechanics etc.?If I do go with online play I would definitely need a lobby system and I wouldn't add a chat element precisely because it would impact server speed. I've posted this really to get feedback and to see what people want, all suggestions are welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

@4 Thanks, some helpful information there. A few questions: How would you expect vertical aiming to be implemented? I can only pan sounds to left and right speakers, no idea how this would translate to vertical sound cues?What is it about the style of most audio FPSs that people dislike?If I do go with online play I would definitely need a lobby system and I wouldn't add a chat element precisely because it would impact server speed. I've posted this really to get feedback and to see what people want, all suggestions are welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Thanks very much for taking a look. I'll look into the echo, is this just with the gunfire? The trigger is pretty sensitive and I think the enemy gets multiple hits at the minute even with a short burst.I'm using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to develop it: I think I found the problem with the echo; something as small as not destroying the bullet immediately on contact with the enemy, hence triggering the echo effect 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Designing an Audio FPS

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Designing an Audio FPS

Thanks very much for taking a look. I'll look into the echo, is this just with the gunfire? The trigger is pretty sensitive and I think the enemy gets multiple hits at the minute even with a short burst.I'm using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to develop it:


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Designing an Audio FPS

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Designing an Audio FPS

So as the title says, I'm trying to build an audio FPS.I've watched a few clips on Youtube for ideas:'m working on the main engine, so far it's a very early alpha build - you can move around, navigate to some extent and shoot an assault rifle. There is one enemy with limited AI, if he see's you he will hunt and shoot you, otherwise he stands still. As you start the game you can hear him breathing. Damage isn't built in yet so neither of you take damage. Neither are weapon statistics such as fire rate, magazine capacity and reloading, bullet damage etc. Also needs more weapons adding.I've added 3 beacons that can be turned on or off, they won't be in the final game, they're there just as a test for how well the navigation in the game works (or doesn't).I've added quick direction keys (shift+arrows) to help orientate the player, also a voiced compass the gives co-ordinates and the direction you're facing.Sound effects. I took advantage of the Black Friday sales and spent around $50 (£40) on sounds, thanks to Defender for pointing out the sales in the other thread.If you want to try it out what I've done so far, the link is here: … sure to read the text file enclosed in the zip as it has all the keys explained.Again, this is just a very early alpha, nowhere near a final game.Things I want to add: Mouse + WASD support, possibly support some gamepads.A menu screen - whole game will be self voiced, you will be able to choose your loadout before starting from a wide choice of weapons and kit, I want weapons to be modifiable, e.g. adding silencers, scopes, foregrips etc. all having an affect on the weapon's performance.Multiple enemies with AI that allows them to guard positions, patrol an area, search and actively hunt the player.Possibly have a campaign mode with serveral missions to play through.Offline multiplayer with bots - Deathmatch, Team deathmatch, Domination, CTFMultiple difficulty levels.A cover system of some sort and maybe be able to use terrain to your advantage.Ambient sound that aids players in navigating the map.Eventually I'd like to add multiplayer for deathmatch, team deathmatch, domination and ctf games.Probably lots of other stuff I've forgotten.As a side note, I'm sighted and building this using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 software, I apologise I can't add binaural sound as it doesn't support it.Lastly, if I get this done and it turns out ok, it will be a free game, won't be charging a penny for it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what's the best language for audiogames(not python)

2020-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's the best language for audiogames(not python)

Is the Appgamekit accessible at all?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

I've made 3 slightly different movement demos, download here: … the included Read Me text file for details.@Honk Movement demo 2 is the closest I can get to what you detailed on the discord server. I think it's brutal, I could make the time window before you fall over bigger but I still think it's brutal.Movement 3 is a bit better, I don't like the delay window though. Movement 1 is best in my opinion, I'd change it so you can't step while the stepping sound is already playing, but I wouldn't punish the player for trying i.e. by making them fall over. I just think movements 2 and 3 are too frustrating. Just my opinions though, happy to go with what you decide on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Honk, I didn't take it that way, just thought if someone else was more able to do a better job I'd be happy to hand over the reigns. Equally, your suggestion of an alternative spin on this sounds good too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Omer If you want to code this please do, I don't mind stepping aside for anyone who wants to have a go at it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. Edit: just checked, I don't think it's possible in Fusion 2.5. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post in the general forum asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. Edit: just checked, I don't think it's possible in Fusion 2.5. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@Gaki_shonen: Running away too could definitely work. We'd need to decide from what. Are there safe zones? Is there any way to escape or turn the tables on the pursuer?@defender: I don't use unpacked sounds - to get the engine to do that is messy. The sounds I used come as free to use samples with the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 library. I could zip and upload them then PM you a download link if you want to mod them. Alternatively if you have sounds of your own you want to use, PM me a download link and a text file explaining what each sound is for and i'll put them into the engine.It would be easy to make the fly move. I could also add obstacles but we'd need to define the mechanics for each of these: How does the fly move? How do you locate it? What are the obstacles? How are they represented in sound? What happens if you collide with them? @CAE_Jones: This started in Meatbag's post asking for people to post game ideas, it's an idea by Honk - as such he's the lead designer and project owner. Some nice ideas there but we need to start small; as you can see from Gaki and defenders' suggestions, small things raise many design questions, how to implement them and coding challenges. I checked out Tierzoo's spider list, again some possibilities there that could be looked at down the line.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.Maybe different game modes?You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose.Your original plot of a hatchling racing it's siblings to a fly or flies caught in the web sounds like a good start. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose.Your original plot of a hatchling racing it's siblings to a fly or flies caught in the web sounds like a good start. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Spider Simulator - Communication thread

@3 Since this is a separate thread and we're not clogging anything else up, this works for me. I don't really use discord but if Honk or anyone else feels it would be better we could move to it. At least here anyone else who stumbles upon this and finds it interesting can view the previous conversations and bring themselves up to speed.@Honk: Redefinable keys could be done. Redefinable keys will naturally allow for intuitive controls.I was aware of the cheese aspect but it's very easy to apply penalties for falling e.g. lose a life, time penalty or whatever else you want, I didn't do anything with it as this was just a movement concept.So we've got a menu requirement for redefinable keys, volume controls for the spider's steps and possibly other noises.You need to come up with a game idea now - something to embed the movement mechanics in and give it purpose. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

'Developer's Room - Share code, talk to other developers, try early alphas and projects not ready for new releases.'This game is definitely in alpha state hence why I posted it here. I've realised I need to create some sort of tutorial / practice mode so players can learn which sounds relate to which punches are being thrown. Added to the 'Things to do' list. I'll be including full documentation when I release the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

Thanks for the kind replies, I'll see how far I can take this. And thanks for the offer for voice acting, Haramir, I may take you up on that at some point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

Yeah I've got the crowd effects covered, I'll be adding them later once everything else is in place.Forgot to mention I'll be adding ambient effects and an improved main menu system with more options (not decided what yet but I've got a few ideas).Career mode of some sort could be a possiblity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Title Fight alpha 0.1

Yeah I've got the crowd effects covered, I'll be adding them later once everything else is in place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Title Fight alpha 0.1

I thought I'd try and create a boxing game and came up with Title Fight.This is the first audio-only game I've made, not sure if it's got the potential to be any good. If anyone wants to try it out, I'm posting the link below: … 1.exe?dl=0If you like it and think it's worth developing I'll continue with it.What I've done so far:Basic introduction screen, game starts straight away. Only 1 match, 1 difficulty setting.Keys are:  Left Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your leftRight Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your rightS = Left JabD = Straight RightA = Left HookF = Right HookA+Down Arrow = Left Body Hook, F+Down Arrow = Right Body HookSpace Bar = Uppercut.ESC - quit the match, exit the program.You play as the challenger. The match has 10 rounds, 1 minute each. You recover a little between rounds.Use Jabs and straight rights to set up your power shots, they use the least stamina. Hooks do more damage but use more stamina to throw. Uppercut is the most powerful punch. Body hooks also knock the wind out of your opponent - reducing his stamina. If you run out of stamina, you'll breathe hard until you recover. You can hear your breathing in your left speaker, your opponent's breathing in your right speaker if he runs out of stamina (gases out).As you take damage your heart rate quickens - you can hear it beating when you take a punch, again left speaker for your heart rate, right speaker for your opponent's. Most punches have unique sound effects.Your opponent has 4 target areas: Right side of head (hit him with a left jab or left hook), left side of head (straight right, right hook or uppercut), (Right side of body (left body hook) and left side of body (right body hook). Mix up your punches as if you hit the same area over and over he will react and block them.If I continue this, I plan to add:More speech from the commentator.Different opponents with different strengths, weaknesses and different punch combos.Flash knockdowns with the ability to beat the count or end the fight suddenly.Cuts system - a bad cut will end the fight.The ability to edit your boxer's stats, e.g toughness, power, stamina to create your own unique fighter.If you try it, I hope you enjoy it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Title Fight alpha 0.1

I thought I'd try and create a boxing game and came up with Title Fight.This is the first audio-only game I've made, not sure if it's got the potential to be any good. If anyone wants to try it out, I'm posting the link below: … 1.exe?dl=0If you like it and think it's worth developing I'll continue with it.What I've done so far:Basic introduction screen, game starts straight away. Only 1 match, 1 difficulty setting.Keys are:  Left Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your leftRight Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your rightS = Left JabD = Straight RightA = Left HookF = Right HookA+Down Arrow = Left Body Hook, F+Down Arrow = Right Body HookSpace Bar = Uppercut.ESC - quit the match, exit the program.You play as the challenger. The match has 10 rounds, 1 minute each. You recover a little between rounds.Use Jabs and straight rights to set up your power shots, they use the least stamina. Hooks do more damage but use more stamina to throw. Uppercut is the most powerful punch. Body hooks also knock the wind out of your opponent - reducing his stamina. If you run out of stamina, you'll breathe hard until you recover. You can hear your breathing in your left speaker, your opponent's breathing in your right speaker if he runs out of stamina (gases out).As you take damage your heart rate quickens - you can hear it beating when you take a punch, again left speaker for your heart rate, right speaker for your opponent's. Most punches have unique sound effects.Your opponent has 4 target areas: Right side of head (hit him with a left jab, left hook or uppercut), left side of head (straight right or right hook), (Right side of body (left body hook) and left side of body (right body hook). Mix up your punches as if you hit the same area over and over he will react and block them.If I continue this, I plan to add:More speech from the commentator.Different opponents with different strengths, weaknesses and different punch combos.Flash knockdowns with the ability to beat the count or end the fight suddenly.Cuts system - a bad cut will end the fight.The ability to edit your boxer's stats, e.g toughness, power, stamina to create your own unique fighter.If you try it, I hope you enjoy it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Title Fight alpha 0.1

2019-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Graeme via Audiogames-reflector


Title Fight alpha 0.1

I thought I'd try and create a boxing game and came up with Title Fight.This is the first audio-only game I've made, not sure if it's got the potential to be any good. If anyone wants to try it out, I'm posting the link below: … 1.exe?dl=0If you like it and think it's worth developing I'll continue with it.What I've done so far:Basic introduction screen, game starts straight away. Only 1 match, 1 difficulty setting.Keys are:  Left Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your leftRight Arrow Key - Block punches coming to your rightS = Left JabD = Straight RightA = Left HookF = Right HookA+Down Arrow = Left Body Hook, F+Down Arrow = Right Body HookSpace Bar = Uppercut.ESC - quit the match, exit the program.You play as the challenger. The match has 10 rounds, 1 minute each. You recover a little between rounds.Use Jabs and straight rights to set up your power shots, they use the least stamina. Hooks do more damage but use more stamina to throw. Uppercut is the most powerful punch. Body hooks also knock the wind out of your opponent - reducing his stamina. If you run out of stamina, you'll breathe hard until you recover. You can hear your breathing in your left speaker, your opponent's breathing in your right speaker if he runs out of stamina (gases out).As you take damage your heart rate quickens - you can hear it beating when you take a punch, again left speaker for your heart rate, right speaker for your opponent's. Most punches have unique sound effects.Your opponent has 4 target areas: Right side of head (hit him with a left jab, left hook or uppercut), right side of head (straight right or right hook), (Right side of body (left body hook) and left side of body (right body hook). Mix up your punches as if you hit the same area over and over he will react and block them.If I continue this, I plan to add:More speech from the commentator.Different opponents with different strengths, weaknesses and different punch combos.Flash knockdowns with the ability to beat the count or end the fight suddenly.Cuts system - a bad cut will end the fight.The ability to edit your boxer's stats, e.g toughness, power, stamina to create your own unique fighter.If you try it, I hope you enjoy it.


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