Re: How Can I Clean Out my HP Fan

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Can I Clean Out my HP Fan

Why Do Compressed Air Cans Get Cold? This video will tell you everything about canned compressed air and why there's liquid inside, as well as why it gets cold. Also, if it was liquid nitrogen, you wouldn't be able to hold the can, and after a while, the can would explode as liquid nitrogen's boiling point is very low, so after a while, the pressure inside the can would be too great for the thin walls. Given that we often buy canned air then leave it forgotten somewhere until we needed it, that would be a world of hurt when we forgot about the can and, a few hours later, it exploded.As to cleaning your laptop's fan, be sure that you stick something non conductive in through the grating to stand between the fan blades. You should never spray computer fans without halting the movement of the blades, as they can be damaged in this way. The compressed air is enough of a force on the blades to set them moving, so stick in a popsickle stick or something else first. Do be gentle and careful while doing this too, as you don't want to use too much force and damage or bend the fan blades.Kai


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Re: Something I need to vent about [JKR and viewpoints]

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I need to vent about [JKR and viewpoints]

At the end of the day, JKR's an irrelevant celebrity now. After the success of her books, she hasn't done anything else noteworthy, so she's sittin' pretty on the cash she made. And now that she isn't trying to sell her books anymore, she can be who she really is, rather than who her agent needed her to be. It's one of the perks of being rich and famous.I strongly disagree with her views and opinions, but since I've already read her books (and she doesn't seem to be putting out new material), anything she does is beneath notice. She'll only be interesting if she ever decides to try and publish again, at which point we can then put our money where our mouth is by refusing to purchase her new material.Kai


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JAWS / Excel: Select Between Boundaries

2020-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


JAWS / Excel: Select Between Boundaries

Hey guys.I'm using Excel 360 and am wondering if there is a way to select between two boundaries. In some applications, you can set a start selection marker, navigate to the end of the desired range, then press a key to select everything within that region. I'm hoping I can do this, but haven't found the right command / documentation for it.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: JAWS / Excel: Select Between Boundaries

2020-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JAWS / Excel: Select Between Boundaries

Thank you Simba. This is exactly what I was looking for. Googling all the right terms was failing me hardcore. You've just saved me tons of effort, so thank you again.Kai


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Re: **Important!** Extremely valuable items for sale!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: **Important!** Extremely valuable items for sale!

P'shaw. Aww these people worried about this virus. I'm not worried at all. I can't even afford the stuff. At worst I'll probably just have to worry about Bud Lite virus, though more likely it's gonna be the chai tea virus that gets me. See. You can't get the corona virus if you can't afford to buy the source. Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SP Repo - Go deep into Files!

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SP Repo - Go deep into Files!

Just LMAO. Juan (J, u, a, n) spelled as wan (w, a, n)?Yeah guys. How much does it hurt to check the spellings on names? Beyond names, are punctuations now just a myth (along with copyright laws)?Kai


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Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

Let It go


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

2020-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

Isn't this a form of thread piracy? If someone's posting JAWS related info and you come in shouting about NVDA as post #2, there is no relevancy to the original poster's topic. Beyond that, it's highly disrespectful to people who do prefer to use JAWS. Are they horrible just because they don't use your vaunted product of choice?If NVDA is so great, why are those who use it always so defensive and offensive? I cannot think of a single JAWS discussion where an NVDA fan has to horn in just to say "NVDA is so great and it's free!" That's fine, and NVDA may well be both of those things, but in that case, go start your own NVDA advertisement topic!I get it that you can't afford to or refuse to pay for JAWS, that's totally fine. I get it that you love NVDA, that's great. But what gives you guys the right to swarm JAWS topic in a such a shameful way to disparage those who do use that product? I like Amazon Music, you like Spotify. You don't see me trying to convince you to switch, do you?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

2020-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

NevEd wrote:Nobody gives a shit if you use JAWS. We're not even saying its a bad product, for the most part, but the company behind it, as well of its price.Its thread piracy because someone brought up another Screen Reader and triggered a debate about how good this JAWS offer was or not? Really?I think people are more passionate about NVDA than JAWS, because, first, its free and donation backed, no more plunking down $1200 or $800 for a JAWS license. Secondly, it actually works great for 99% of things.1. It does seem like a lot of people do "give a shit" if other people use JAWS. At the first mention of JAWS in almost any topic, you see people running in saying "Use NVDA instead!" This to me seems like a lot of people do seem to care that other people might use JAWS, as if it impacts their life in any way whatsoever.2. Yes. It is thread piracy when the original topic is about a JAWS offer, and then people come in full-tilt discussing a topic completely unrelated to JAWS. Post 2, if I may quote:omer wrote:i have a better offer wich costs 0.0 creditsits called n v d aFrom there on, look at how many posts are talking about NVDA, or bashing JAWS' developer, etc (none of which is on topic). This would be tantamount to someone opening a topic talking about a sale on Coke, and people flood in to brag that pepsy is better.3. I don't care whether or not NVDA is donation, or free, or works great for whatever. My point is that you guys need to grow the heck up and let people who appreciate JAWS, you know, appreciate JAWS. It's not a crime for anyone to like JAWS, and it certainly isn't good community conduct for you guys to rush JAWS topics espousing the greatness is that NVDA. Do you think anyone whose comfortable using and paying for JAWS will give a crap how you feel about NVDA?Being passionate is fine, but how about you guys go be passionate about NVDA in a topic specifically for that, rather than deliberately derailing a topic about JAWS just to shout how much you love NVDA? This screams insecurity in your product to me. Maybe that's why JAWS users don't need to scream and shout at every turn that JAWS is so great. It works for them, and they don't need to try to convince anyone else that it does.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

2020-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: amazing JAWS offer for those in the UK!

NevEd wrote:Nobody gives a shit if you use JAWS. We're not even saying its a bad product, for the most part, but the company behind it, as well of its price.Its thread piracy because someone brought up another Screen Reader and triggered a debate about how good this JAWS offer was or not? Really?I think people are more passionate about NVDA than JAWS, because, first, its free and donation backed, no more plunking down $1200 or $800 for a JAWS license. Secondly, it actually works great for 99% of things.1. It does seem like a lot of people do "give a shit" if other people use JAWS. At the first mention of JAWS in almost any topic, you see people running in saying "Use NVDA instead!" This to me seems like a lot of people do seem to care that other people might use JAWS, as if it impacts their life in any way whatsoever.2. Yes. It is thread piracy when the original topic is about a JAWS offer, and then people come in full-tilt discussing a topic completely unrelated to JAWS. Post 2, if I may quote:omer wrote:i have a better offer wich costs 0.0 creditsits called n v d aFrom there on, look at how many posts are talking about NVDA, or bashing JAWS' developer, etc (none of which is on topic). This would be tantamount to someone opening a topic talking about a sale on Coke, and people flood in to brag that pepsy is better.Would it be ok for me to raid this NVDA doesn't read Visual studio Combo boxes topic and shout that NVDA clearly isn't cutting it and that the poster in question should be using JAWS?3. I don't care whether or not NVDA is donation, or free, or works great for whatever. My point is that you guys need to grow the heck up and let people who appreciate JAWS, you know, appreciate JAWS. It's not a crime for anyone to like JAWS, and it certainly isn't good community conduct for you guys to rush JAWS topics espousing the greatness is that NVDA. Do you think anyone whose comfortable using and paying for JAWS will give a crap how you feel about NVDA?Being passionate is fine, but how about you guys go be passionate about NVDA in a topic specifically for that, rather than deliberately derailing a topic about JAWS just to shout how much you love NVDA? This screams insecurity in your product to me. Maybe that's why JAWS users don't need to scream and shout at every turn that JAWS is so great. It works for them, and they don't need to try to convince anyone else that it does.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

I realize I'm late to the party, but I really object to cartertemm's heavy handedness in his moderation. True it's only a warning, but allowing such frivolous warnings to go sets a precedent, especially when they're set against the stark community failure of the rest of the posters in the offending topic by being extremely offensive and rude, rather than politely pointing out the lack of spoilers and leaving it at that.Guidelines wrote:You will not face punishment for failing to adhere to our guidelines unless you are doing so repeatedly for a prolonged period of time.Does Simba's refusal to modify a single topic's title in this topic constitute repeated offenses? Are we now holding guidelines as official rules? I thought guidelines were, you know, just guidelines.Rules wrote:5. Please consider others when you post. While some users do not mind having game details discussed at length, others do not want their experience spoiled. As such, we ask that you clearly mark any game info that could constitute a spoiler with some sort of text which denotes it as such.The rules page clearly state that "we ask", not that "we require". This is a guideline for courtesy and consideration -- it is not written as a mandate.If we take a look at the available BB codes, we see that they don't even have a spoiler tag, which further reinforces the idea that spoilers aren't as important as people are blowing the issue up to be.I'm personally protesting any warnings or reprisals that might've been granted to and directed at the original poster, simply on merit of documentation and implementation. There are no true facilities to be able to hide text behind a spoiler tag. There are no actual rules, just a guideline request. There is no reason, therefore, that the original poster should've received so much vitriol from some of the posters in this topic, a few of whom I would have supposed had the maturity to refrain from lashing out at the original post in the manner they chose.If this is going to be the new norm where we can be reprimanded for "guidelines" and not "rules", and where it's perfectly ok for community members to express hostility towards another poster without themselves receiving any kind of correction, then this forum is probably no longer the kind of place I wish to frequent.Kai


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Re: Wanted,person who broke Luna RSS, reward!

2020-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wanted,person who broke Luna RSS, reward!

I posted several things in the original Luna topic that I don't think were looked at. Case in point: There is no explicit option to terminate the program. Clicking the exit button doesn't exit, it minimizes the application or something. There are still Luna processes in the task manager.The back button no longer works when playing a podcast stream, forcing you to alt + f4 the window. And despite it playing the overly long exit sound, the application isn't exiting, or at least it isn't cleaning up properly since the aforementioned task manager presence is exhibited.The download entire archive option no longer does anything. I tested on a podcast stream from iTunes and another one that wasn't (Graphic Audio's Behind The Mic). Checking the download folder for the associated podcast showed no downloads.Kai


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Re: Problem with sunrise waterfall.

2020-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with sunrise waterfall.

You guys are being rather presumptuous and judgmental. It's no one's place to expect that another person should learn HTML, especially when they weren't even soliciting such an input. They only wanted to know how to work with a program that helps them design an end product, be it capably or not. It's very disrespectful and rude of you guys to just step in and say learn HTML instead.Not everyone has the inclination or desire to learn HTML. This is tantamount to those of you who are using BGT and someone comes along and says BGT sucks, use C. If your post was asking how to do something in BGT, are you going to appreciate such input?There are clear benefits to learning HTML to be sure, but I could say the same about learning Assembly language, C++, or any number of sophisticated languages.Can we just let this harping on about how the OP should learn HTML end? It's in no one's interest to be driving your personal opinions down someone's throat when that's not what they were looking for. Please respect someone's desire to do things the way they wish, rather than ridiculing and mocking them for not doing things the way you think is best.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with sunrise waterfall.

2020-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with sunrise waterfall.

Post 26: Is this really ok? Is it really acceptable to mock someone else's desire and ability? Is it perhaps what you would've liked to have heard when you were first starting out at a young age and said I wanted to develop games but I don't know how to make a web page yet? Is it what you'd like to hear right now if an employer said he needs a project done and done quickly, and their company only uses Corporate Development Script, Opus 7.2?Why are we so ready to be such dicks of late? I swear almost every topic has an undue amount of trolling from various community members, even in topics that you'd have thought should be relatively safe. Perhaps the original poster is quite young and just started. Perhaps he's new to technology and hasn't had time to obsess over computers enough to be as much of a nerd as you are. Pursuant to my prior condition: perhaps the OP never had the economical means to obtain a computer and so is just now experiencing the cyber world. Perhaps he never had the inclination to try learning how to code but now that he has a game idea, is taking baby steps.I'm very ashamed at the behaviour exhibited here. Is this the welcoming audio games community image we're trying to project, or is this the destructive "I'm better than you, worm" community mentality we're now espousing?How hard is it for you guys to show at least a little bit of decency and respect towards your fellow members? We don't all have the same privileges, interests, or acumen. How dare you guys think it's ok to mock, insult, and otherwise demean another forum member so bluntly? (Yes, @rory-games, I'm looking at you). Some of you have even been the target of such reprehensible behaviour in the past and made poor decisions because of it. Is this ok to come back and pass the buck along, especially since I can pretty much swear that you probably didn't enjoy it happening to you? What hypocrisy!Please grow up and learn how to respect one another. Learn how to control yourselves in public platforms. Stop being the ignorant, judgmental, pompass individuals that you are and realize that the world doesn't revolve around you.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Jayde et al. I do get where you're coming from about the Alter Aeon sound pack (hey, they took sounds of mine that weren't made for AA to use in that as well), but I actually think that in the case of the AA sound pack, it's actually ok. The sound pack is in essence a fan mod which (so far as I know) isn't trying to profit from the content they're using. I don't actually think it's even hosted on the Alter Aeon server, just linked to from there. In a case like this, I actually think they're ok, albeit in a slighty grey area but using so many assets from so many titles.My justification for this view is this: A lot of video games eventually amass a selection of fan mods that alter portions of the game to resemble other games. Street Fighter 4 and 5, for instance, both have tons of fan mods that change different characters to look like other IP from other companies (including Capcom's own), and none of the companies have ever sent a C&D to these modders. The only time something came close was because the modders were running a Patreon for the mod, and people who paid certain amounts either got early access or exclusive content (which reused Capcom IP).I still don't like that the sound pack has so much borrowed material (including my own), but since it's a free-to-use fan mod (AA might be Pay-to-win, but the mod isn't), I don't think they'd get in trouble for it, nor would for promoting it. If modders can reuse sprites and media from other games under the fan-mod umbrella without legal rammifications, I think the AA sound pack will be just fine.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Why do we keep having this argument over, and over, and over, and...Honestly. If you guys really don't like the rules in place here on, you know, a site to discuss games and not the illegal distribution of multimedia, you can always go open up your own forum where you can make your own rules and deal with the consequences (if any) there.The mod team is doing what's right for the group as a whole, including the site's owner(s). You guys seem to forget that is actually being paid for and footed by someone (who has their name on the bills, and so if the shit hits the fan, they're the ones who have to deal with the blowback. Should that happens, I will wager they would rather disavow themselves of and shut it down, rather than fight a court case that they didn't bargain for.If you're gonna download movies, tv shows, music, and star wars porn, no one's saying you can't somewhere else -- the site's mods just don't want it done here. Is that so how to grasp?Does this always have to be a recurring battle? I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, you know, where he just recycles the plot with new characters and places.I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Jesus fucking Christ on a corkscrew. They just can't win with some of you, can they? You just have to bicker and bicker and rehash the same arguments repeatedly, as if there aren't more appropriate things we couldn't be discussing... you know, like... games.The world's a hard place, Billy. Ya ain't always gonna get everythin' that ya ask fer from the bakery. Sometimes they ain't gonna have bearclaws, and ya might have ta settle fer 'dem maple bars. But I'ma tell ya hwat, Billy. If'n Jimmy's Bakery ain't got none 'dem bearclaws, it ain't the end of tha world, ya heared? But even if ya'll just can't be a'livin' wit'out 'em, maybe instead of a'hollerin' and a'hootin' all through Jimmy's shop 'bout yer problem, ya could head on' over ta Grandma Dana's Dessert Pantry, where they specialize in bearclaws. Ya lissenin ta me boy?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Why do we keep having this argument over, and over, and over, and...Honestly. If you guys really don't like the rules in place here on, you know, a site to discuss games and not the illegal distribution of multimedia, you can always go open up your own forum where you can make your own rules and deal with the consequences (if any) there.The mod team is doing what's right for the group as a whole, including the site's owner(s). You guys seem to forget that is actually being paid for and footed by someone (who has their name on the bills, and so if the shit hits the fan, they're the ones who have to deal with the blowback. Should that happens, I will wager they would rather disavow themselves of and shut it down, rather than fight a court case that they didn't bargain for.If you're gonna download movies, tv shows, music, and star wars porn, no one's saying you can't somewhere else -- the site's mods just don't want it done here. Is that so hard to grasp?Does this always have to be a recurring battle? I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, you know, where he just recycles the plot with new characters and places.I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Jesus fucking Christ on a corkscrew. They just can't win with some of you, can they? You just have to bicker and bicker and rehash the same arguments repeatedly, as if there aren't more appropriate things we couldn't be discussing... you know, like... games.The world's a hard place, Billy. Ya ain't always gonna get everythin' that ya ask fer from the bakery. Sometimes they ain't gonna have bearclaws, and ya might have ta settle fer 'dem maple bars. But I'ma tell ya hwat, Billy. If'n Jimmy's Bakery ain't got none 'dem bearclaws, it ain't the end of tha world, ya heared? But even if ya'll just can't be a'livin' wit'out 'em, maybe instead of a'hollerin' and a'hootin' all through Jimmy's shop 'bout yer problem, ya could head on' over ta Grandma Dana's Dessert Pantry, where they specialize in bearclaws. Ya lissenin ta me boy?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Star Wars: A New Cope, where we learn how Luke's dealing with his addiction for unspeakable acts. Star Wars: The Jedi Night, where Jedi masters try to prove that they can really go the distance. Star Wars: The Emperor Bareback, which requires no explanation. Star Whores: featuring Jabba The Slutt. Star Wars: Rogue Won, a crossover where a member of the X-Men and Princess Leia Lot battle for Hans Solo's love (Hint, the title gives away the ending).What do you say to someone who makes Star Wars jokes? May the farce be with you.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Star Wars: A New Cope, where we learn how Luke's dealing with his addiction for unspeakable acts.Star Wars: The Jedi Night, where Jedi masters try to prove that they can really go the distance.Star Wars: The Emperor Bareback, which requires no explanation.Star Whores: featuring Jabba The Slutt and Princess Leia Lot.Star Wars: Rogue Won, a crossover where a member of the X-Men and Princess Leia Organa battle for Hans Solo's love (Hint, the title gives away the ending).What do you say to someone who makes Star Wars jokes? May the farce be with you.Kai


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Re: Looking for a new headset.

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a new headset.

I like these Sennheiser GSP 300 headphones. The microphone flips to mute, and it sounds pretty good (much better than the HyperX microphones). There are cheaper headsets from that company though (as well as much more expensive), and they all have superior microphones compared to HyperX's offerings. I know this because I've downed the Sennheiser pc131, pc-300, pc-151, and this model I'm now recommending. I've also owned the original HyperX Cloud, Cloud 2, and now the Cloud Alpha.Kai


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