Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

As everyone else has said, I can't give you an answer either way, but I have a kidney transplant and my transplant clinic advised me to get it; getting my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine tomorrow morning. There are probably more factors to consider, such as your current dose of your immunosuppressant and which medicines you are on.


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Re: Do you also like to rock and press your eyes?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do you also like to rock and press your eyes?

I got the talk about how pressing on your eyes makes them look sunken when very young so dodged that bullet. Even now, if I have to rub my eye for some reason, I'm careful to use barely any pressure. Also got lucky that I only developed a habit of rocking when sitting in a rocking chair or on a swing or something. Though I do almost feel uncomfortable when I need to sit on something that can't rock. When I heard about blind people rocking back and forth all the time, I tried it to see what the appeal was and found it uncomfortable. I do have a bad habit of messing with my beard constantly if I don't keep it trimmed; caught myself doing it unconsciously while writing this post.


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Re: What is the Weirdest/Funniest AI Generated Text You've Discovered

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is the Weirdest/Funniest AI Generated Text You've Discovered

This one cracks me up every time: … t/.compactYou'll need to OCR the image to read it though. There's tons of good ones on that sub.


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Re: Copypasta thread

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copypasta thread

Found this on Spacebattles but not sure where it's from.They dream...because they fear.They fear a world that they're helpless to change.Then, they feared a world where a black man and a white woman, or a white man and a black woman will be a thing. Now, they fear that two men or two women living together in holy matrimony having the same rights as a man and a woman in holy matrimony will be a thing. Tomorrow, they may fear a day when a human and a member of the Klingon or Twi'lek race would get married...but still they fear because it is not the world they know anymore. It is different. Changed. Even alien.They pray for prosperity, yet fear that their prosperity is nothing but ephemeral dust. They fear the poor and destitute because they know deep in the hearts that they too could be the same and know that they too would be spit upon as poor and destitute, so they fight to rid themselves of that fear...and yet only perpetuate it. For as they seek to rid American society of the social net, they forget that if they fall, there will be nothing to catch them.They fear a world with no clear enemy. In times past, it was the Indians or the Mexicans or the Spanish or the Germans (twice), or the Soviet Union. Now, there is a new enemy. One that cannot be defeated by destroying the Death Star or killing the Evil Overlord. One that hides behind children and fights with bombs and beheadings. But they forget that such things are the last dying gasp of a world that's changing before them, a future that is as slow and inexorable as a steamroller...and just as devastating. A future where Muslim women can have the same rights as women in other nations. A future where the imams who cry hate and the pastors who cry hate will be forgotten as dust in the winds of history. A future...that is, as the Christ said, one that will leave them in outer darkness, with wailing and gnashing of teeth because they cannot conceive of a future without an enemy to fight or a crusade or jihad to fight and the ephemeral prosperity it brings.Because they fear, they become angry that they fear. Because they get angry, their hearts fill with hate. And because their heart fills with hate, they bring suffering. And with suffering...brings revenge and more fear.That is why they dream of becoming our masters. Because they fear.


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Re: Copypasta thread

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copypasta thread

From The Bonehunters, Malazan Book of the Fallen book 6:--- Quote ---It seemed so easy for so many people to divide war from peace, to confine their definitions to the unambivalent.  Marching soldiers, pitched battles and slaughter.  Locked armouries, treaties, fetes, and city gates opened wide.  But Fiddler knew that suffering thrived in both realms of existence – he’d witnessed too many faces of the poor, ancient crones and babes in mothers arms, figures lying motionless on the roadside or in the gutters of streets – where sewage flowed unceasing like rivers gathering their spent souls.  And he had come to a conviction, lodged like an iron nail in his heart, and with its burning, searing realization, he could no longer look upon things the way he used to, he could no longer walk and see what he saw with a neatly partitioned mind, replete with its host of judgements – that critical act of moral relativity – this is less, that is more.  The truth in his heart was this: he no longer believed in peace.It did not exist except as an ideal to which endless lofty words paid service, a litany offering up the delusion that the absence of overt violence was sufficient in itself, was proof that one was better than the other.  There was no dichotomy between war and peace – no true opposition except in their particular expressions of a ubiquitous inequity.  Suffering was all-pervasive.  Children starved at the feet of wealthy lords no matter how secure or unchallenged their rule.There was too much compassion within him – he knew that, for he could feel the pain, the helplessness, the invitation to despair, and from that despair came the desire – the need – to disengage, to throw up his hands and simply walk away, turn his back on all that he saw, all that he knew.  If he could do nothing, then, damnit, he would see nothing.  What other choice did he have?---End QuoteAny time a thread on fantasy comes around I always plan to write a post on why Malazan is my favorite series of all time. The more I go back and read through these quotes I think letting the books speak for themselves would be just as convincing. Here's another from Reaper's Gale, book 7:--- Quote ---‘You two,’ Hood said, turning away, ‘are worse than advocates. And you don’t want to know what I do with the souls of advocates.’ A heartbeat later and the Lord of Death was gone. Menandore frowned. ‘Shadowthrone, what are advocates?’ ‘A profession devoted to the subversion of laws for profit,’ he replied, his cane inexplicably tapping as he shuffled back into the woods. ‘When I was Emperor, I considered butchering them all.’ ‘So why didn’t you?’ she asked as he began to fade into a miasma of gloom beneath the trees. Faintly came the reply, ‘The Royal Advocate said it’d be a terrible mistake.’--- End quote ---


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Re: Copypasta thread

2020-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copypasta thread

To continue the trend, have some more GPT-3. Here it described a D campaign  setting:The Kingdom of Galania stretches from the western banks of Lake Opola to the sun-baked dunes of the southern desert. It encompasses the coastal hills, craggy pine forests and fertile green fields that line the gentle banks of the Opolan river. The nations of Delerg and Jicol are Galania's closest neighbours, with the Pirate Isles and Nalin beyond. The nation's capital is Restov, a city basking in the glory of its recent restoration. Other major cities include the bustling port of Musselbrook and the ancient university city of Ashton.The current ruler of Galania is King Harkan VII, an aged but fairly popular king. Harkan inherited the throne from his father, Harkan VI, who in turn inherited it from his father, Harkan V. It is a stable monarchy that has lasted over seven hundred years, surviving countless wars and rebellions.Despite this stability, Galania is undergoing dramatic social changes. The nation has always been fairly traditional, but in recent years it has begun to experience the same problems as other parts of the world. A growing discontent with 'modern' ideas, rebellions and other issues threaten the underpinnings of Galania's society.Galania itself covers a vast area, and despite its size many places in Galania can accurately be described as wilderness. Vast forests, snow-capped mountains, untamed plains and barren deserts all challenge the brave or foolhardy to attempt to tame them.Despite Galania's size, its population is meager. Most of its land is thinly populated, with small hamlets and towns spread out across its landscape. Most Galanians live a simple life, working on farms or running a shop in a local town. Some tough it out as a wanderer, traveling from place to place to hunt or to work.However, some Galanians don't live in Galania at all. Delerg and Jicol are both backed by Galatian influence, with Galatian troops acting as 'peacekeepers' to keep the locals in line and taxes flowing into the royal coffers. Recently Galania has increased its naval presence in the Nalin province of the Pirate Isles, attempting to reign in the chaotic lawlessness that reigns there.The Kingdom of Nalin is a curious situation. It is a kingdom ruled over by an Empress, Christa, but it has remained at peace with Galatia for centuries. There are rumors that the Galatian royalty have blackmail material on the Nalin royals, but whatever the reason the relationship benefits both parties. Nalin soldiers fight with Galatian soldiers on the continent of Aziia, and a strong Nalin navy protects Galatia interests in the Nalin province of the island chain.There are two other major powers on the continent of Aziia. The first is the Karn Empire, a sprawling empire of humans ruled by an Emperor. The Karnites are well-known for their prowess in magic. While initially hostile to foreign interference, their aggressive expansion over the years have convinced Galatia that they will someday turn their eyes towards Aziia. The other is the Tulan Kingdom, a pseudo-feudal society of halflings ruled by a 'High King'. Despite their small stature, they've managed to maintain their independence through shrewd politics and venerable cunning. Neither power has made any moves towards Galatia... yet.The final continent is that of Ibyss. Unlike the other three, there are no major powers or kingdoms on this landmass. It is a land of halflings, hobgoblins, and various tribes of 'savage' humans. While there isn't (yet) any threat of a large military takeover, the Ibyssian people have been rapidly advancing due to a pact their leaders made with demons long ago. While this has led to an explosion of progress in technology, magic is heavily regulated by Ibyssian law.Ibyss also contains the infamous island prison of Dranak, where the most dangerous of criminals are sent to be locked away for life. The island is covered in a permanent magical darkness, into which no light exists. It is rumored that there are multiple rival factions fighting against each other within the prisons, as well as several demon lords vying for power. The demons themselves have been known to occasionally escape and terrorize the surrounding islands.While it isn't common knowledge, there is also said to be a continent-sized cloud of fog known as the Dens above the ocean waters in the middle of the northern ocean.


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Re: GpT3 makes a job. Went great!

2020-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GpT3 makes a job. Went great!

Yeah, it is obvious that NFB related content was part of the training material but that it really doesn't truly understand the subject.At16 guessing you used parts of OOTP for that one? I just fed it a battle scene from the Phoenix on the Sword by Robert E. Howard and this is what it came up with. No editing by me, all the AI: He knocked a outlaw's knife out of his hand and kicked the fellow in the chest, breaking his ribs. He buried his blade deep in the belly of another. As fast as they fell before him the Cimmerian moved on without pause, turning from the path of bloody destruction to find new victims.Outlaws crowded about him, but he was like a wolf in the center of a pack of snarling hounds, fast and deadly. He smashed an outlaw's nose with the heavy pommel of the sword, sending him sprawling to drive his blade through a bulging eye. He knocked another outlaw's dagger aside with his ax before burying it in the man's throat. With a superhuman feat of strength he ripped the blade free, even as an outlaw tried to hold the blade fast and another jammed his dagger into the Cimmerian's ribs. He screamed in agony as blood ran down his chest, but with a roar he ripped the dagger out and plunged it into the outlaw's groin.His enemies fell back for a moment, realizing the fury of the man who nearly wiped out their band with barely any effort. The Cimmerian stood among the bodies of eight men, three dead at his feet, five writhing in their last death-throes. He was blood from head to toe, his eyes were manic, and he breathed like a winded stag."Come on, you dogs! Who's next?" he roared.There was a moment of pause as the remaining outlaws looked at each other, and the Cimmerian laughed madly. Then one stepped forward with a sword raised in his hand."Come on then!"They swarmed him, but the Cimmerian was like a demon unleashed. A sweeping stroke cleaved a outlaw's foot off at the ankle, and he screamed. The next man tried to plunge a dagger into his side, but the Cimmerian twisted and ripped it out of his hand before slamming the pommel into his face. He fell senseless to the ground, and the Cimmerian used his blade to hack off his head.He hacked down another with a wild swing that nearly took the man's arm off at the shoulder, he stumbled back screaming as blood poured from his ruined flesh. The blade bit into his neck and felled him. The next man thrust with his sword, the Cimmerian side-stepped and ran him through. He twisted the blade and ripped it free, blood running down the silvered steel.One man tried to run, but the Cimmerian cleaved his arm off at the shoulder. He fell screaming while the Cimmerian turned to face the others. Another tried to attack from his flank, but the Cimmerian blocked his blade, stepped inside the reach of his sword and jammed the pommel into his face. The outlaw crumpled to his knees and the Cimmerian cleaved his head in two.He turned to face the rest of them, bloody and torn, but unbroken. They formed a circle around him, weapons raised, but none were willing to rush him. He grinned, blood dripping from his teeth like a wolf."Is that all then? Am I the last one left?" he laughed madly.The men looked at each other and one man slowly lowered his sword. Another did likewise, and the rest quickly followed suit. The Cimmerian stood alone surrounded by the bodies of his enemies, laughing harshly."Looks like I'm the last one left. Good, I was tired of killing your friends." He looked down at himself, staring at the blood that covered him. "I need a bath."With that, he laughed again and walked off into the woods, leaving them behind.They quickly forgot about him, breaking up the bandit group and returning to their homes.There are some obvious oddities but I'm blown away by this. I'll get bogged down in trying to wrangle it into saying what I'm looking for sometimes, but then I remember that we now have an AI that can consistently produce writing that is almost indistinguishable from that written by a human and *is* indistinguishable in most cases.


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Re: GpT3 makes a job. Went great!

2020-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GpT3 makes a job. Went great!

GPT3 by way of AI Dungeon has consumed my life over the last couple of days. The Dragon model at AI dungeon uses GPT3, but a subscription of $9.99 a month is required though there is a 7 day free trial available. I threw some BVI content at it  to see what it would come up with and it started to throw some serious shade at NFB without prompting. I only removed my prompts for it to keep typing, this is entirely generated by the AI.Let's face it...The status quo is boring. That's why the National Federation of the Blind has been advocating for extended trials of carbon fiber canes in place of obsolete aluminum ones for as long as anyone can remember. The NFB has also been long opposed to speaking software and doesn't shy away from threatening lawsuits against any and all forms of accessible technology designed to specifically aid the blind with independent navigation.Let's address the NFB's unsubstantiated fears around the use of speaking software. Any tech or app that announces what is on a user's screen isn't going to be able to relay information about what's directly underneath (e.g. an online test) unless it uses robotic voice commands that announce the item and then read it out loud. If you are looking at a computer, you are most likely sitting in a room where nobody is talking.The NFB's demands that all blind people be able to feel the ground when they cross a street are just as laughable! Allowing the blind to cross the street at all is a mixed blessing at best. First of all, do you live in the stone age? We have cars now. Second, there's no way you can feel every pebble and crack on the ground and judge for yourself whether or not it is safe to cross.In conclusion, the NFB is a legacy-focused organization run by reactionary conservatives encouraging people to wallow in pity and wait for others to provide their basic needs. Let's move forward, not backwards!


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Re: are their any good harry potter fanfics with these criterias?

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: are their any good harry potter fanfics with these criterias?

Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw By: LeadVonE  Harry Potter has been banged up for ten years in the hellhole brig of Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, and his traitorous brother, the not-really-boy-who-lived, has royally messed things up. After meeting Fate and Death, Harry is given a second chance to squash Voldemort, dodge a thousand years in prison, and snatch everything his hated brother holds dear. H/Hr/LL/DG/GW.Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Harry P., Hermione G., Daphne G., Ginny W.] - Chapters: 57 - Words: 646,435 - … Served-RawDelenda Est By: Lord Silvere  Harry is a prisoner, and Bellatrix has fallen from grace. The accidental activation of Bella's treasured heirloom results in another chance for Harry. It also gives him the opportunity to make the acquaintance of the young and enigmatic Bellatrix Black as they change the course of history.Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P., Bellatrix L. - Chapters: 46 - Words: 392,449 isn't the main character but...The Red Knight By: Demon Eyes Laharl  When Ron Weasley realized he was reborn to the world with his memories mostly intact, he felt it was a second chance to do better. However, he slowly realizes that this world was different from his own. Making new friends and earning new enemies, he has to use his experience from his previous life not only to reach his goals, but also to survive. AURated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Humor - Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., Daphne G. - Chapters: 47 - Words: 201,919 three very well written  and some of my favorite HP fanfics of all time. The first one may sound a bit self indulgent, but is actually well done.


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Re: Favorite Videogame Music

2018-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Favorite Videogame Music

I've been on a major touhou kick recently. Touhou is a series of bullet hell shooters that have been produced since the mid 90s with  ZUN being the  only designer, programmer, artist, and composer. music from the PC98 and related  Seihou Project was posted earlier in the thread, but here are some I personally like from the windows era.Embodiment of Scarlet Devil:Stage 1: A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry: 1 boss:   Rumia's Theme - apparitions Stalk the Night 4 Boss:  Patchouli Knowledge's Theme: Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret  Room 5 Boss: Sakuya Izayoi's Theme: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial - more well known;Stage 6 Boss: Remilia Scarlet's Theme - Septette for the Dead Princess Stage Boss: Flandre Scarlet's Theme - U.N. Owen was Her? Cherry Blossom:Stage 3 Boss: Alice Margatroid's Theme - Doll Judgment … p;index=25Extra Stage Boss: Ran Yakumo's Theme - A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-Fantasy Stage Boss: Yukari Yakumo's Theme - Necrofantasia - Night:The two main player characters were bosses in this game and had awesome themes:Stage 4 (uncanny) Boss: Reimu Hakurei's Theme - Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle 4 (powerful) Boss: Marisa Kirisame's Theme - Love-colored Master Spark Stage Boss: Fujiwara no Mokou's Theme - Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke of Faith:Stage 5 Boss:  Sanae Kochiya's Theme - Faith is for the Transient People Animism Stage 6 Boss: Utsuho Reiuji's Theme - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion is pretty hands off when it comes to Touhou fanworks which means that there are thousands  of remixes in any genre you can think of. This folk/Irish-ish version of U.N. Owen was Her?: this western version of Faith is for the Transient People: good examples of that. Some of my favorite remixes:Vocal U.N. Owen was Her? Opus is generally pretty good if you like metal/power metal. Here's Love Colored Master Spark: Necrofantasia: for something completely different, a vocal cover of Doll Judgement by Iosys


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Re: JoyToKey Questions

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JoyToKey Questions

This should work to have gamepad buttons press multiple keys:1. set a key out of the GPD's range (9 or above I think) to one of the keys you want to be triggered when pressing a button on the GPD-win.2. Switch to the Options tab and select the button called Configure Button Alias (Mapping)...3. Find the key that is out of range of the GPD's gamepad and you should see that it currently says that it is triggered by itself.4. tab past OK and you should see a combo box where you can choose to have the button triggered by a button on the GPD win. Now if you tab back to the list of buttons you should see that the button is now triggered by the button you associate a profile with an application:1. Choose Associate profiles with applications from the settings menu (ALT+S then A are the shortcuts).2. Choose add and enter the name that will be shown in the list of associations in the first unlabeled edit field and the application path in the second (Remember the .exe extension; I always forget and it breaks things).3. Choose the profile you are going to be associating from the combo box and you should be good to go. I'll sometimes forget which edit field  is which but the list of associations details what you've entered for each field so it makes for a quick reminder.HTH


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Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

H. P. Lovecraft wrote The Beast in the Cave when he was 14. You can find it here: … on/bc.aspxI'd intended to use that as an example that there are  instances of other young people from around the turn of the century that were good writers at young ages (I'm guessing from better education than we get at that age now) but that story wasn't published until 1918 so might have been changed from the version he wrote at 14. I found a bio of him here: states he paraphrased the odyssey at  age 7 in an 88 line poem. Apparently  that poem is only in the book The Ancient Track: The Complete Poetical Works of H. P. Lovecraft but I couldn't find an accessible copy so can't speak to the quality of his writing at that age.


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Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

2016-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need fantasy book recommendations

You would probably like the  Finder's Stone trilogy. The books are  The Azure bonds, The Wyvern's Spur, and Song of the Saurials. These are also set in the Forgotten Realms setting like most of Salvatore's stuff. If you are a fan of his sort of magic heavy high fantasy you might like Raymond E. Feist's work. His Midkemia  books take place in a D ^&  D inspired setting beginning with Magician. The series is now complete and I believe that it is at least 20 books long. If you would want something darker and heavier, I highly recommend  Steven Erikson's  Malazan book of the Fallen series beginning with Gardens of the Moon. This series is more philosophical  but is still a magic heavy, heroic high fantasy and is my favorite series of all time. Note that all of these are on Bookshare


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