[Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-16 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Error running Swamp

HI Aprone and all,so, after a month or more of being left without a working computer as my old one broke and I had to search for an affordable and reasonable new one, then try to get used to Windows 8 to finally decide to downgrade the new machine back to Windows 7, etc, I was exhilarated to find out about the new Swamp update. Honestly, I think the Kaldobsky gamer accounts are in fact a good decision. They won't earn you anything significant in practice, I think the 2 dollars per month from each customer are barely going to be enough to maintain the server costs and everything, but if it at least helps to keep the number of hackers and cheaters to a minimum, then it's by all means a good thing. You should in fact have started charging even more for the accounts so that you would receive even more of a reward in return for your excelent, incredible work that can never be appreciated truly enough. And I'm saying that with the knowledge of everything you've
  previously stated on this forum regarding this matter - whether you should produce games just as a hobby and for free or sell them commercially. With the extra days remaining up until the end of the month during which the purchase was made being added to your total account time for free, the entire month not being counted against your time remaining in the account if you go that entire month without playing, etc, the whole thing is a more than fair deal for anyone sensible and mature. The others would never really appreciate the true effort behind the games anyway, so don't deserve anything better than the ordinary freebies they already have and had even before Swamp and your other games appeared on the scene.So, I downloaded the game to my new machine, purchased a Kaldobsky gamer account and tried to run it. I got a "Runtime error 52: Bad file name or number" error. I installed Winkit, ran checkup.exe and then even windows64bit.bat manually etc but still keep
  getting the same error. The error appears every single time as soon as I start the game and there is no debuglog.txt or similar file. Any idea as to what could be wrong? Should I manually create files like progress.ini before trying to run the game or something like that? I know you had suggested things like this in the past to people in different situations but I can't remember the exact steps you were recommending for these people to try and under which circumstances they were valid.Many thanks for a reply in advance, congratulations for finally taking the undoubtedly difficult but in the long run very beneficial decision, for you as well as the entire community, and keep up the fabulous work! :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172216#p172216

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-16 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

Hi,nope, that file didn't get created for me yet. I am using the freshly unpacked game executable without any extra files such as progress.ini or debuglog.txt having the time to be created yet.I remember there was a group of people, most of which, if not all, being from the Czech Republic, which had trouble running the game with a certain Sapi voice on the system. I was one of them a few months ago. You had to send a modified version of the game executable to us which had Sapi support completely disabled altogether so that we could run the game at all. However, I think I know which Sapi voice was causing the trouble, and I don't even have that particular voice installed on my current system at all. I think I did manage to get the game running on the old Windows 7 system eventually, even without the modified Sapiless version, but I can't remember what had to be done in order to achieve that any more. The only significant difference between the old and the
  new system should be that this new one is a 64-bit edition. I've also experienced the same behavior with Castaways on the old Windows 7 32-bit system. That game I didn't manage to get running though, unlike Swamp. Castaways and Swamp are the two of your games that I would love to play the most on this new system. So, basically I mean that I'm getting the exact same error even with a freshly unpacked Castaways folder on this new system too.Hope you might get some more ideas to try. :-)Thanks,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172250#p172250

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

Hi,unfortunately, my UAC is turned off completely and I have tried running the game as administrator as well as normally as one of the very first things. still getting the same error all the time, no matter what. I was getting it even when I first tried to run the game without Winkit installed. Then I installed that thing, even allowing it to overwrite some of the files with older versions than what I actually had on the system already, registered the needed files and all that, but it still won't run. I even tried running it in XP SP3 compatibility mode but still no luck.thanks,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172553#p172553

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

Hi,thanks for the useful tips. Unfortunately, neither of them worked. I'm definitely running the game from my hard drive, having unpacked the full download archive that was up on your site around the time the 3.2B patch was released. I made sure my antivirus or firewall wasn't blocking the Swamp executable, and although the readonly attribute for the exe was "partially checked" for some strange reason, unchecking it completely didn't change anything either. Not sure what else I could try next...LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172588#p172588

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

SLJ, I am using Microsoft Security Essentials (and I do know it's practically not secure at all, so please don't even start pointing that out or criticizing me for it, anyone :-), so I can see clearly that it has not labeled the game as a potential threat or anything. I don't think disabling it to be 100% sure is necessary, therefore, but I can still try anyways.Aprone, sorry for the long delays, I have had hardly any time to spend at the computer at all these last few days so it takes me long to make any progress or try anything new, but I will definitely contact you when I see you on Skype. I have also tried to change my regional and language settings to US English, the formats of times, dates and numbers, the default language for programs that don't support unicode, or whatever that particular entry in the dialog is called, and all, although I know this has not been needed in the past, but still no luck.I also made sure I was using the US Englis
 h keyboard when trying to run the game, I always play Swamp with it anyway,although the game has also worked for me with the Czech keyboard before. No difference.Thanks,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172712#p172712

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Hi,yeah, you're right in principle. You can use just the 1D function as you don't care about volume, and determine the panning randomly. You also need the player's position which is always in the center in this case. That's the key difference between the play-1d and play_stationary functions - the stationary one doesn't need the player's position but you can't pan the sounds played through it.A line similar to this one should do the trick:the_pool.play_1d ("the_sound.ogg", 0, random (-40, 40), false);HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172899#p172899

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

I use giro on an iPhone 4S and it works perfectly. No idea about iPads or other idevices though.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172900#p172900

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Ah, you're right, I forgot that even the volume gets altered when playing in 1D. So the thing that's different in 2D is the pitch, not the volume, but you don't need to care about that at the moment.Just try setting the volume step of your respective pool to 0. That should fix the issue.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172922#p172922

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

Hi,yeah, it seems strange to me as well. I would think it's something that Aprone uses differently than other developers or does not use when it should be used or something like that to take other languages into account. Apparently, the people who got the issue are just a small percentage of the entire Swamp community though, which is even more strange. Not sure if its just the Czech players or others are included but if it were just us, then Iwonder what's so specific about our Sapi. :-DI can use Sapi perfectly finein other games that use it and other non-gaming software, just not in either of Aprone's games that uses it, especially Castaways and Temporal which I would love to play a lot. :-)The more serious issue (sorry for bringing up yet another one) for me now is that I can't seem to be able to connect to the server. I choose multiplayer game in the main menu, enter my gamer password, choose create new character and enter his name and th
 en wait. It says "connecting to master server" and after a while "The server appears to be off-line, or it cannot be contacted for some other reason". I tried it several times with the same results. The ending part of the debuglog.txt file that seems related to this says the following:Attempting to connect to the server.Identification step 1.Identification step 2. convert.Convert done.Identification step 3. 184592576Getting G E TG E T succeeded.So again, sorry for this question, but any idea as to what I might want to do? :-)Thanks,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172923#p172923

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Yeah, as long as your sound_pool is global, you can do it mostly anywhere. I myself usually do it as one of the very first instructions in my main function.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172929#p172929

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Is it really necessary to use multiple sound pools? I try to avoid this at all costs and recommend doing the same. If you load all your sounds right before they are about to be played, in other words you don't load them anywhere specifically at all and they only get read and triggered through the play functions of the sound_pool class, there is no reason why having multiple pools should reduce the loading times. If you have dozens or hundreds of sounds in your game, I recommend loading them all in advance (see the performance optimizations tutorial) and then just playing them through the one single sound pool. You won't need to care about the array of preloads any further then, it's there just to make sure that the sounds are loaded into memory first of all and that they stay there no matter when they are needed, unless you explicitly clear the array.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Yeah, that's what I said. Just having different sound pools is not going to increase or decrease the loading lag by any amount in any way, there is no reason to. For music, ambience and other individual sounds like this that I need to manipulate often semi-statically, in other words I know what file is going to be played through them at what moment and with what exact settings, or if it simply feels more convenient to treat the single sound separately, I use the good old individual sound objects. I find this the best solution. So, in my working development scripts I have just a single sound pool and between approximately 3 to 5 separate sound objects. This has really proved to work the best for me.HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172944#p172944

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-22 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Error running Swamp

Lol, thanks for letting me know and I'll be looking forward to meeting you online so that I could finally be able to test the cool new features of the update and get back into the game again after many months. :-DIt's a funny issue but I'm happy it's not more difficult to fix than switching to the main server or caused by an error on my part. I was beginning to feel bad and silly for having to bug you with issues like this. :-)Thanks once again,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=172943#p172943

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] panning in bgt

2014-04-23 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: panning in bgt

Yeah,I haven't used the extended playing methods yet, so this didn't occur to me. In either case, you can set different pan and volume steps for different sounds as needed even when using a single pool, and it works just fine.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=173036#p173036

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

2014-04-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

Someone actually found this feature disappointing or unnatural? It's the best, most immersive and most realistic method of control and of correlation with the auditory environment that I've ever experienced in an audiogame so far! I definitely have to agree on that! :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=173152#p173152

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

2014-04-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Papa Sangre 2: Gyro Control

Someone actually found this feature disappointing or unnatural? It's the best, most immersive and most realistic method of control and of correlation with the auditory environment that I've ever experienced in an audiogame so far! I definitely have to agree on that! :-) And I'm totally, completely and definitely blind since birth. :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=173152#p173152

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game development roadmap survey

2014-04-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: game development roadmap survey

I have to agree with the guys who had problems when actually submitting the results. It's not clear whether the survey was actually posted successfully or not, I just get the same page as before, that even still allows me to edit the answers, the only change is that it now says 100% above the first question.Other than that, though, I had no issues filling out the actual questions.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=173155#p173155

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] three-d velocity 2: some questions

2014-04-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: three-d velocity 2: some questions

I would think so, if not more. :-DI can understand why someone could see this as inappropriate or just dislike it, but to others it's a feature that belongs into such a story, and at least there is a warning about this on the game's page.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=173157#p173157

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-14 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi Defender,I have to agree with something of what you've said. In that case though, you should be pleased when you find out that a lot of this has been improved in TDV 2, bugs, audio quality, inconsistencies and inaccuracies... I know some people were trying to convince Munawar to make parts of the game more challenging, complex and/or realistic but he refused to do so, arguing that he wants the game to still be enjoyable and playable even to the less experienced VI gamers who are not up to such complexity yet, or who just aren't as interested in flight sims and thus even aware of some of the associated concepts in the first place. I do personally hope that this does still get improved in TDV 2 as well.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=151773#p151773

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Upgrade Pricing For Three-D Velocity 2

2013-11-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Upgrade Pricing For Three-D Velocity 2

Yes, joystick support is said to have been improved in TDV 2, although I don't have a flight controller yet, so I couldn't appreciate the implementation of joystick controls in either version anyway. The controls of the aircraft as such, both with the keyboard and a flight controller, have also been changed so that it is more realistic and resembles real life fighter jets now, the AI has been improved, many bugs have been fixed, and more.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=154315#p154315

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Old BGT audio language tutorial

2013-11-30 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Old BGT audio language tutorial

Or rather it should be on the BGT page, not in the package itself, I think. If it's not, I can upload it to Dropbox for you, just let me know, just like I replied on the Blastbay forum.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=156799#p156799

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Enum constants in BGT

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Enum constants in BGT

You don't use the entire enum as such. Rather, you are supposed to check the individual constants as they are needed in your code. The enums are there just for the sake of convenience and better structure, in my opinion. Despite that, I have already found them very useful myself though. Someone, correct me if I understand the purpose of enums wrong.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157319#p157319

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Old BGT audio language tutorial

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Old BGT audio language tutorial

Sorry for the long delay. I have already uploaded it and sent the link to the Blastbay forum topic.HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157320#p157320

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[Audiogames-reflector] Shades of Doom 1.2 crashing on Windows 7

2013-08-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Shades of Doom 1.2 crashing on Windows 7

Hi guys,I wanted to get back to SOD after a long time today, so I installed it on my Lenovo running windows 7 32-bit with service pack 1 for the first time. However, as soon as I clicked through all the product security dialogs, saying that I didn't want to use the ordering wizard or to enter my registration at the moment, the game crashed on me. This happened several times consistently, no matter whether I installed the game to the default location or to a different folder on my D partition.Does anyone know anything about this? Is SOD 1.2 known not to work on Windows 7, or can anything at all be done about it?Thanks a lot in advance,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=145617#p145617

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Shades of Doom 1.2 crashing on Windows 7

2013-08-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Shades of Doom 1.2 crashing on Windows 7

Hi Phil,thanks for the tips.I thought I already had the VB6 libraries but I still installed the kit as you recommended.There was one version conflict during the installation, and that was with the dx8vb.dll file in the kit being older than the one I already had. I still replaced it anyway.I also installed the game to my user folder as you suggested.Earlier in the morning, I also attempted to downgrade my installation of Directx to the version 9.0C from June 2010 according to a video I found on Youtube. I used a different installation file than the one they linked to as I thought mine was newer and it should still work with the game but other than that, I did everything exactly as they demonstrated and I assume it went fine.I also set the game executable to be run in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP3 and set it not to be run as administrator.I'm still getting the exact same results as before though, the game crashes as soon as it s
 peaks my user code with the standard Windows dialog saying that the program has stopped working.So I'm not sure what else I might try next at this point, if anything.I guess I can only hope for David to release an update to the game, with a newer engine core at least. :-)Thanks for the help everyone.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=145683#p145683

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Fighting game

2013-08-31 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Fighting game

This thread is an excellent opportunity for me, if I am one of the two mentioned guys, to provide some news then. :-DFinally, real life circumstances have allowed me to get back to spending most of my productive time working on games again. In a few months or perhaps half a year at the very latest, if all goes well, after hopefully releasing a few smaller games in order to gain some finances to bring this project all the way to the end, I'll renew intense development of a Mortal Kombat like game that I have in the works but that had to be shelved temporarily. In fact, I already have a working but very rough and basic alpha version ready. There used to be a small development team helping me with this but it has more or less fallen apart, so I'm now the only person still intending to finish this project through actual actions. Voice acting, original music and more audio will definitely be needed a lot then, and someone to collaborate on the game/story/character desig
 n is never a bad ide aeither. If anyone of you who have already showed interest here will still be available and willing to participate when I myself am ready to pull this thing out of the grave again, I'll certainly let you know. :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=146749#p146749

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Fighting game

2013-09-01 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Fighting game

So do I. It's just that real life was keeping me from working on it very regularly or intensively up until recently. Now, the real matter is money, which I plan to get through some smaller games first like I said. I really do hope this works out!LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=146889#p146889

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

2013-12-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

Seal, the reactions to your post didn't sound aggresive to me at all. In fact, the only post from which I got the impression of sounding harsh if not aggressive was your own original complaint.I don't want to argue with anyone, humiliate anyone, become worst enemies for eternity or anything, but I think the other guys who reacted to you were all right. Just as you have the right to write what's in your head, as you said, freely, so do I and everyone else. Thus, allow me to say that constructive criticism, feedback and specific suggestions for improvements are always welcome and perfectly fine, but contraproductive, negative comments like this are, in my eyes, no better than exagerated drunken talks among a group in a pub, who are all filled with testosterone and don't consider the future or any circumstances they don't see fit for their opinion, and don't even have to.The voice acting in TDV2 isn't terrible as a whole, and it's c
 ertainly many times better than what we heard in TDV1. Orion and Chase, for instance, aren't performed poorly either, the people doing them just don't have sufficient recording equipment, that's all, although I do have to admit honestly that I also like Dark as Julius the best. Even his performance of this role improved considerably when compared to what he did for TDV1 though. Everyone gets better with experience. Like SLJ said, neither Munawar, his sound designers nor the voice actors themselves are professional in the true sense of the word. I know it's easily said that everyone should hire professional actors with professional microphones and recording equipment, gather up in a professional studio, record all the lines there and finally get a professional sound engineer to remaster all the recordings to get the best possible quality. None of us has the money to make that possible though, so the point you keep on making is totaly irrelevant. I second SLJ on th
 is one: If you know that this could be done better, and how exactly that should be, go make your own game that'll blow TDV2 away. Everyone would thank you for that and you would become famous and very well appreciated in the entire audiogaming community. Otherwise, if that's not an option, we've heard your opinions countless times already and we know them in and out. Enough is enough.Sorry, everyone. I hope I won't be forced to react to discussions like this any more. Just like Seal, everyone else of us has also tried to state their opinions countless times already, but more or less to no avail. And feeding useless quarrels just so that they could keep on growing like weeds is no use either.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=158880#p158880

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

2013-12-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

Well, I personally do not know. The voice sounds similar to me, just with very different intonation, and others claim it with such certainty that I have sort of adapted that opinion without thinking about it too much, I guess. Not a good thing to do in general. :-)I think Dark himself or Munawar are the only people entitled to clear the confusion for good. :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=158900#p158900

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

2013-12-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Three-D Velocity 2 Trailer

Seal, the reactions to your post didn't sound aggresive to me at all. In fact, the only post from which I got the impression of sounding harsh if not aggressive was your own original complaint.I don't want to argue with anyone, humiliate anyone, become worst enemies for eternity or anything, but I think the other guys who reacted to you were all right. Just as you have the right to write what's in your head, as you said, freely, so do I and everyone else. Thus, allow me to say that constructive criticism, feedback and specific suggestions for improvements are always welcome and perfectly fine, but counterproductive, negative comments like this are, in my eyes, no better than exagerated drunken talks among a group in a pub, who are all filled with testosterone and don't consider the future or any circumstances they don't see fit for their opinion, and don't even have to.The voice acting in TDV2 isn't terrible as a whole, and it's 
 certainly many times better than what we heard in TDV1. Orion and Chase, for instance, aren't performed poorly either, the people doing them just don't have sufficient recording equipment, that's all, although I do have to admit honestly that I also like Dark as Julius the best. Even his performance of this role improved considerably when compared to what he did for TDV1 though. Everyone gets better with experience. Like SLJ said, neither Munawar, his sound designers nor the voice actors themselves are professional in the true sense of the word. I know it's easily said that everyone should hire professional actors with professional microphones and recording equipment, gather up in a professional studio, record all the lines there and finally get a professional sound engineer to remaster all the recordings to get the best possible quality. None of us has the money to make that possible though, so the point you keep on making is totaly irrelevant. I second SLJ on t
 his one: If you know that this could be done better, and how exactly that should be, go make your own game that'll blow TDV2 away. Everyone would thank you for that and you would become famous and very well appreciated in the entire audiogaming community. Otherwise, if that's not an option, we've heard your opinions countless times already and we know them in and out. Enough is enough.Sorry, everyone. I hope I won't be forced to react to discussions like this any more. Just like Seal, everyone else of us has also tried to state their opinions countless times already, but more or less to no avail. And feeding useless quarrels just so that they could keep on growing like weeds is no use either.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=158880#p158880

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying to learn BGT again

2014-01-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Trying to learn BGT again

The helper layer of the help file is where those so called include scripts are described in detail. the actual BGT scripts performing the defined functionality are stored in the BGT folder itself, in the subfolder called includes. You don't need to worry about them in greater detail other than reading about what they do in the help file.If you want to use one of these in your game, you need to use the #include directive which is described in chapter 13 of the language tutorial, called Using multiple scripts. When you do this, the engine will first look for the file with the provided name in its own include directory; if it cannot be found there, it will look for the file iin your current working directory, that is the directory where your main script is saved. Only if the include file cannot be found in either of these two locations, the engine will throw a compilation error.A loop must always be used whenever you want to do anything with the keyboard. If you only
  do something like:if (key_pressed (KEY_ESCAPE))in your code, without a loop, it will perform the instruction just once. In other words, it will look just now and only now, only once, to see if escape is pressed. It sees that it's not, because to make it work in this case, you would need to have escape pressed literally at the same millisecond when it is actually checking the state of the key, which is practically impossible to do. Then, since escape is not pressed and there are no more instructions to carry out after that check, the script will simply exit. When execution has reached the last instruction in the main function and there is nothing more to do, the script just stops running. What you need to do is keep checking if the key is pressed over and over again, until you explicitly tell the engine to do something else, every few milliseconds. That's what loops are used for. Without them, you wouldn't be able to establish the continuum of the game, so
  to speak, in any way.Hope this helps,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=160443#p160443

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

People are right that SL1 is already fine as is, but if Liam is going to update it anyway, that would be totally fantastic, especially because it would work better on newer systems.Raygrote, unfortunately, it seems that Liam doesn't archive those streams anywhere yet. It sucks as I have also missed some of them and would have loved to hear them a lot. :-)Regarding the autolicensing system, I believe some of them can be pretty secure if done properly, maybe even more than an ordinary human who can forget, overlook or simply make a mistake because of exhaustion, etc. After all, anyone can make their own system or hire an external programmer to do it for them nowadays, or use an already established, premade one. At least I would assume these things work the same as any other software in this regard. Look at the Apple's App store, for instance. Do you find that not secure? :-)I believe the reason why more developers don't use such technology yet is bec
 ause it takes more effort or money or both to get it implemented properly, probably knowledge to get it running as well...Just my thoughts.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161297#p161297

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS Audiogaming

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: iOS Audiogaming

Has anyone managed to get Aurify running without crashes on the iPhone 4S, and even iOS 7? I think that game has been outdated for ages, crashing on the newer devices and OS versions, which sucks as it looked like a great innovative game.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161299#p161299

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2014-01-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

Excuse me for writing about this when I didn't even bother to double check it now but still... I believe I've looked at his timeline through the Twitter website several times, and the tweets were visible there fine, so anyone could look for the stream links from there. The problem is, though, that the links didn't seem to work for me any more when the streams have already finished. I guess they really work just as live streams, not as recordings once the streaming is complete, which is bad. :-)LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161436#p161436

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Perilous hearts help

2014-01-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Perilous hearts help

That corpse eating things are vultures in the game world. They are not documented or explained anywhere in the game itself yet, that's right. You can't do anything about them, they are there probably just to prevent the playing area from getting cluttered with useless corpses. Whenever the vultures automatically eat a corpse after it has been lying around for some time, another living animal of the same type as the original one is created somewhere else in the level.You have to do something with the raw whole boar first in order to be able to eat it. That's the first puzzle in the game and it's not bad at all. :-)HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161621#p161621

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm having a problem with setting up difficulty settings with BGT

2014-01-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: I'm having a problem with setting up difficulty settings with BGT

That shouldn't be the cause of the problem. The do while loop to run the menu is in fact recommended in the Memory Train tutorial itself. It's there to make sure that the main menu is run again and again until you explicitly exit the game, that it is displayed again once a game round or keyboard practice session is completed. So, its purpose in this example game is not to make sure that the menu itself runs in a loop.HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161622#p161622

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: i want to create audio games

Look through the help file more carefully. The screen reader functions are described in the foundation layer function reference under user interaction, and then in one of the appendices which is caled screen reader distribution.I admit that some more thorough documentation as to the structure of the reference sections could come in handy to a beginner though.HTH,LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=164964#p164964

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Idea to audiogame

2014-02-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumGeneral Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Idea to audiogame

Exactly, everything seems to be a matter of either money or one's own personal control these days. Plus, I don't think it's relevant to use one's country as a reason for being able or unable to purchase something. It's rather one's job and other opportunities to earn money on one's own, like a personal business. I'm from the Czech Republic which is the neighboring country to Slovakia but I was still perfectly able to purchase BGT anyway.LukasURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=165536#p165536

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