Re: [Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

Yo.Um brad, the key that you have i s aread only. which means, any changes you make, will not be reflected on our folders. YOure welcome to set up your own BTSync folder, and share it here or on the website for everyone. I have a ton of fanfiction, so if you make one, i want a ful key Ill go over the steps on how to make one for you real quick, so you know, and can do it if you ever chose to.Ok. hit the add folder button. now, the first text field is where youd normally put a secret. but since youre not joining some one elses folder, dont put anything. Now, tab over until you get to the generate button. this will make a full key and put it in the ttext field. Now tab to the browse button. Hit it, and give it a few seconds to look at your computer and then find the folder you want to share.Hit Ok, then Ok aga
 in.Now your folder is created, but you still need to give out the do that, select the folder in the list view, and hit info (its a button you can tab to)The first edit box will have the full access secret. give this to people that you trust wont cut things out of the folder, cause if they do... bam. its gone!there will be a handy copy button, that will copy the full access. now the next field has your read only secret. People who have this one will get updates to the folder, but wont be able to change things in it. oh they can change them on there end all they like, but it wont affect any one else. now the next fields are for temporary keys. lets say i wanted to give you a key that would only last so long. id check what kind of key i wanted to give you with the radio button, (full or read only) and id hit new. then i could give you that one and if you didnt use it within 24 hours... no folder for y
 ou.Useful if you post it on public sites, as i think only one person can use it at a time.And, in answer to your question, no, if you remove the key to the harry potter fanfic on your computer, it wont affect us. you just wont update.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

Hi.Yes brad, you may have made a mistakeWhen you delete the key from the program, it will no longer sync that folder. so, if some one puts in a new story, you wont get it.the point of BTSync is to have it run on a folder all the time, its not a downloader, its a synchronizer.If you want to stay up to date on the HP fanfiction (i posted that, BTW its the one key here on the forum) I suggest pointing it at where you already have them stored on your computer. Its smart enough to tell if you have the folder already, and if you do, it will index it, and update what needs updating.And, why would you move them? there already nicely organized Yes, thats a read only key, so any changes you make wont be mirrored, and frankly im glad it is, cause... if it wasnt, you moving them out of the folder would hav
 e deleted it from everyone elses, two!But if you would like to stay up to date, go ahead and add that key again, and dome move anything.As to the site itself, i just like how files are freely available, and updated. for instants, i have a massive library of TV shows, movies, music, programs, operating systems. (that totals about 1.9 TB) And im always looking to expand it, and BTSync folders are a damn good way to do that.I got 5 gigs of ROMS from one of those folders, and they now happily reside inside my library, waiting for me to download them on my Jailbroken iPhone and play away.And, i dont know, i wouldnt post anything up there i didnt want to share, but its a nice way of getting content you didnt have before, and might not find, otherwise.I think there will be just enough people who think like this to keep the site around.URL: http://

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[Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

Hi everyone.For those of you who know and appreciate what BTSync is, this topic is for you.For those of you that dont? well... learn, a href="" />Any ways, in my travels of the net  i found this:a href="" />I think its pretty cool, and its a nice idea to list publicly available folders.Now, that being said, there are still risks.Mainly, dont run anything thats executable without scanning it first! but, that goes for anything you download from the internet.Also, it seems to be pretty unmoderated, that is, people make accounts, and post keys and descriptions of folders.It doesnt appear that the site admins personally go through them all, (and really, should you expect them to
 ?)Ive been looking through a few myself, and they seem (as a general observation) on point and, if not always well organized, to have the content they say they have.Just thought id put it up here in case you guys want to contribute with keys, and folders, of your own!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

Hi everyone.For those of you who know and appreciate what BTSync is, this topic is for you.For those of you that dont? well... learn... ways, in my travels of the net  i found this:http://www.bitsynckeys.comI think its pretty cool, and its a nice idea to list publicly available folders.Now, that being said, there are still risks.Mainly, dont run anything thats executable without scanning it first! but, that goes for anything you download from the internet.Also, it seems to be pretty unmoderated, that is, people make accounts, and post keys and descriptions of folders.It doesnt appear that the site admins personally go through them all, (and really, should you expect them 
 to?)Ive been looking through a few myself, and they seem (as a general observation) on point and, if not always well organized, to have the content they say they have.Just thought id put it up here in case you guys want to contribute with keys, and folders, of your own!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

HI.@gellman yes, it does expose your IP. but then again, every time you visit a site, it exposes your IP address. Every time you send an email it exposes your IP address. heck. every time you visit it exposes it. (that is, if youre not running through something like tor all the time... which still exposes it to one person) As long as youre not leaving open anything (port wise) that you dont want the public to see, and you take precautions, you most likely wont run in to any trouble.that being said, yes youre absolutely right. But as for the VPN? heh thats your personal preference. and a good firewall policy? i have that already, shouldnt you, or, for that matter, anyone using the internet?Brad, hmm lets see. What version of windows are you running?Have you gone to the preference
 s tab, and hit check for updates in BTSync? (make sure youre up to date!)I assume youre using NVDA? make sure the add on is up to date. Let me know if any of that helps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: BitTorrent Sync keys! lots of 'em!

Hmm...Well windows 8. i dont have much experience with that, per say, but i cant think of any problems you should encounter.Maybe try running it as an administrator? let me know if you dont know how to o that, ill be glad to help.hmm... you say its only when you go to add a folder.Ok, are you using someone elses secret key? or generating your own? are you entering in a path for the folder, like H:\library or are you hitting the brows button?Let me know if any of that does it, BTSync is an amazing tool, and there are some really cool folders youre missing out on!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] BitTorrent Sync anyone?

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: BitTorrent Sync anyone?

YO.I figured id just bring this topic back  any ways, ive played with it, and i love it. it uses the fast and awesome bittorrent protacall to transfer files. There is an iOS, antroid, and windows phone app for it as well, and you can set those apps up just to have access to a folder, not actually try and download it all. I use this, for example, to stream a book to my iPhone and read it in voicedream. and i use it for lots of folders, and it has failed me very rarely.Ive even sent bittorrent a report on how fidly it can be with us NVDA users, and it seems like they fixed it!and even if they didnt, there is a nice little addOn in the NVDA db and BTSync folders that tfixes it up quite nicely.Just my thoughts rofl.URL: http://forum.audiog

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] good jailbreak apps?

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: good jailbreak apps?

yo.this may be a little late, but yes, there are definately good apps out there. just try flipping through the sections and see what u like. now:some good ones are...iFilewifi fo fumiSoundsiTransmitioniStreamNetwinterboardhaptic protether mepandora downloader (if u have the proper repository for that)springtomize 3vibe timeairplane toggleopensshtorany voicebtstackGPS phonexbmc (though this may be inaccessible)nmap (for you linux techies that should know what that is)terminalsaybyt SMS (or, alternately, quick reply)apt (what ever the latest version it)bleh, cant remember anymore right now. if ya got any questions, mention me on twitter.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

HiTo bring this topic back to the main page, i struggled with something similar to this a while ago.I came up with this, and it builds on fastfinges idea.First, i started with a BTSync folder.(before i go further, i want to point out that, while i did want dropbox like functionality, i also wanted access to, and the ability to sync my huge library.)OK. I started with BTSync, sharing what ever folders i wanted from my documents and library.Then, i added in an apache server, that allowed me to give out links. I eventually aliased /public, and put in an index.html to keep people from getting an index of the public folder.i also added a /library alias so i could stream and download what i wanted.Now at this point, i had BTSync syncing folders like books to my other laptops, and i was also able to give out links to the public folder and others.I then added an FTP, so i could upload from wherever and they all use the same direc
 tory structure. so, if i put in a file to a folder that is synced, it will sync over, and i can later give out a public link to it. I can also log in to the FTP, and upload just as easily, though of course there is no synchronization.Now this may seem overly complicated to you guys, and it probably is, but it suits my needs perfectly. Sertain small folders sync to my laptop and i can add or remove things, and there mirrored on my server. Now, there are a few drawbacks to this, the main one being, you need a server.But, since you mentioned you have a mac mini (which can be an excelint little headless server), you can do this, or adapt it to you rneeds. But, if youre mainly going for the storage and synchronization as well as public links way, i would think that maybe a BTSynced public folder on your PC aliased to /public on an apache instalation would give you the public link part. As for the storage, Filezilla seems all that u need, and the FTP server t
 hat i use is just an extra touch if you want others to be able to upload with out giving them full access to a BTSync.Again, that probably seems overly complicated, but i found it works quite well for me. Hope that helps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

HiTo bring this topic back to the main page, i struggled with something similar to this a while ago.I came up with this, and it builds on fastfinges idea.First, i started with a BTSync folder.(before i go further, i want to point out that, while i did want dropbox like functionality, i also wanted access to, and the ability to sync my huge library.)OK. I started with BTSync, sharing what ever folders i wanted from my documents and library.Then, i added in an apache server, that allowed me to give out links. I eventually aliased /public, and put in an index.html to keep people from getting an index of the public folder.i also added a /library alias so i could stream and download what i wanted.Now at this point, i had BTSync syncing folders like books to my other laptops, and i was also able to give out links to the public folder and others.I then added an FTP, so i could upload from wherever and they all use the same direc
 tory structure. so, if i put in a file to a folder that is synced, it will sync over, and i can later give out a public link to it. I can also log in to the FTP, and upload just as easily, though of course there is no synchronization.Now this may seem overly complicated to you guys, and it probably is, but it suits my needs perfectly. Sertain small folders sync to my laptop and i can add or remove things, and there mirrored on my server. Now, there are a few drawbacks to this, the main one being, you need a server.But, since you mentioned you have a mac mini (which can be an excelint little headless server), you can do this, or adapt it to you rneeds. But, if youre mainly going for the storage and synchronization as well as public links way, i would think that maybe a BTSynced public folder on your PC aliased to /public on an apache instalation would give you the public link part. As for the storage, BTSyncing some folders seems all that u need, and the
  FTP server that i use is just an extra touch if you want others to be able to upload with out giving them full access to a BTSync.Again, that probably seems overly complicated, but i found it works quite well for me. Hope that helps.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] nvda addons dropbox folder

2013-12-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: nvda addons dropbox folder

Hi.oliver2...@aol.comcan you please add that?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help! hard drive problems!

2013-10-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: Help! hard drive problems!

First off, thank you all for such prompt responses!Im glad to know that there is even a chance in hell i can get my... oh, 39,000 songs back!  not to mention all the family photos, videos, and self writen applications and documents i cant get back.@blyBy Ill contact you via skype, if that is amenable, and again, thanks for everyones help and segestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] apache2.4

2013-10-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: apache2.4

I agree with FastfingeYa gotta make sure apache knows, with, and without the www prefacing the domain name.I run apache successfully on windows (nnot such an easy feat) lol, making it play nice with windows updates, firewalls, and I love it.I need to switch to ubuntu, but I dont wanna lose the data on my harddrive.I guess i should back it up... but im lazyURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] eloquence driver for nvda

2013-09-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: eloquence driver for nvda

Hi,here is the driver i use. it says 2011 but it works just fine with all versions so far. … 2011.1.exeURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about the new iphones?

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: what do you think about the new iphones?

I definately think apple has made a comeback on this one.already samsung is promising 64 bit chips in new devices.As for the 5Ss fingerprint sensor... remarkable.Another thing they didnt go in to detail at all in the video was the new m7 chip, the new camera and flash, and the excilent software around them.Ill probabbly be upgrading to the 5s, but not just yet though, let the lines outside apple and carier stores disipate a little.Also, a small opinion on the 5c preorder, I think they did it because its a new iPhone line and they want to draw attention and hyp to it. Also for those customers who are on the fence about the 5S or 5c might be more likely to chose the new 5C.In part, it was also to draw attention to the fact that the 5S WASNT there to preorder.I think overall apple has done well this yearURL: http://for

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] JAWS 15 in beta. let's debate how bad it is???

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: JAWS 15 in beta. let's debate how bad it is???

I havnt, and probabbly wont use JAWS 15 beta or anything JAWS related.After i switched to NVDA, there is no going back! i love NVDA!any ways, JAWS does hog processor power like a bitch, and NVDA is real light on my system.and i love now that i have NVDA i can just make a portable version with all my settings and addons, i have like 20, and pop it on a flashdrive and i know that any computer i might stroll up to will be accessible for me!None of that display chaning manager shit with NVDA!lol just my thoughtsURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

[[wow]]. some really interesting points made here.I agree with you Thomas, and even though i wasnt around back then, i can see why that was a major hit to apple.If people started using microsoft, especially businesses and colidges, why switch over to something that isnt as compatible and costs more?Things started out that way, and kept on heading that way.But while microsoft was busy keeping on top of the PC market, apple snuck in and made the iPod.Now, microsoft had little to none juristiction over the portable multimedia devices, so as we see they have been playing catch up to apple on that front for some years now.Also with the cell phones, microsoft didnt have much to do with them as far as i know, until iPhone came along and microsoft was like, uh! oh no ya dont! Bang! Windows phone was born. lolSo, now i think they are at an inPass.Microsoft holds the PC market slightly, and apple and google domonate the
  cell phone market.I hope that microsoft comes back with cortana.Oddly, when i heard the name cortana, it made me think of halo, that AI that belonged to the masterChief.Which, i soon remembered, microsoft owns and made Halo loljust my thoughtsURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux Ubuntu server!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: Linux Ubuntu server!

Thanks lol ill try thatI got word that the server doesnt come with speech installed, so ill probabbly end up using sighted assistance and SSHAA well, was gonna set it up for SSH any way lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] need an accessible clock for windows (for multiclocking)

2013-08-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: need an accessible clock for windows (for multiclocking)

Hi,I Dont know for sure,, and dont quote me on this, but Im almost 100 percent sure Windows 7 has a solution for this. I remember some where i saw where u can add multiple clocks to the system tray. Worth looking in to, if you have windows.Also, if u want to go the iPhone root, go to the clock app. Its usually on youre first home screen unless you have moved it. go to the first tab at the botum of the clock app that is called clock, and add all the clocks ya need.Hope this helpsURL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Linux Ubuntu server!

2013-08-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Linux Ubuntu server!

Hi every one.So, for all you linux know hows out there, I figured i would create this topic so you can discuss things regarding the Ubuntu server distro. More spisifically, my own problems at the moment.So, ive got a server already. Of sorts. As in, its a capable Dell laptop, 32 bit, that is running windows XP with a few server applications installed and running all the time.Ive been wanting to get in to linux for a while now, and i wanted to start with my very own ServerInABox. lol.So, ive read a good portion of the documentation, and noticed that is says somewhere that if you press control s after youve inserted the live CD, (which I burned from the iso) it would start Orka.I tried this with no luck.So, any advice, tips, helpful links, or bits of information im missing here?Thanks in advanceURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Google speech recognition addon for NVDA!

2013-08-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: Google speech recognition addon for NVDA!

HiI love this! great work lol who ever did this.Just one thing, i wish it had an option not to stop after 10 seconds. Yes, I know, less accurate, but... if youre dictating a long piece of text...also, i may release a modifyed version with the apple dictation sounds, they make more sense to me if any one is interestedURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Hi.Nice work on this! i like having this along with my eSpeak and vocalizer voices ahahahaha and all of them were free! ahahaha!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Blademan

The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

Hello allSo, i just got the Raspberry pi, and had high hopes for it.Of course before buying i did my research and found an accessible Linux distrubution.(for those of you who dont know what a raspberryPi is, check out recommended distrubutions it comes with arent accessible out-of-the-box, so i found the accessible Arch-Linux distrobution at http://www.raspberryvi.organd downloaded it. I wrote the image to an SD card after formatting it, and popped it in my Pi connected through my composite TV out cable.And... nothing. no change on the screen, no audio, no slight warming up of the Pi as it had done on other distros... Nothing.So, my main question for you guys is...? am i doing something wrong? i dont think my pi is broken, as with other distros i can see commands scrolling on the screen, but wi
 th this one... nothing.I was wondering...? Hoping that some one might have a working accessible Pi, or know of a resource they could point me tward.Just thinking of the potential of a small palm sized linux box that runs on nothing but a standard android power supply with network connectivity makes me want to tinker. But i cant unless its accessible. lolAny help is apreciated as always.URL:

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