Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

You could also run your own server at home but it would be about the same as Amazon AWS, except it won't work if your server goes down. Unless you are trying to save a bit of money on AWS, I don't think there's anything better than that. Or you could use some other general purpose cloud server like Google App Engine if you wanted to.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

You could also run your own server at home but it would be about the same as Amazon AWS, except it won't work if your server goes down. Unless you are trying to save a bit of money on AWS, I don't think there's anything better than that. Or you could use some other general purpose cloud server like Google App Engine if you wanted to.Edit: Actually, you could use Github, push the zip file and send a link to the repository.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

I'll preface this by saying that there are different things people discuss about this show. There's talk about what happens in the show, of course, but there's also a lot of talk about the show's schedule and direction ("when does the next season start" or "how many princesses will we end up with?" are some examples) and also talk about the show's creators (what they are doing, when are they making appearances and such). Since you've already visited Equestria Daily, you're probably pretty aware of this, or at least the perspect that website projects, which is pretty widely shared.The other thing to note is that the fandom is fairly large which means there are many groups that form within it. Each with their own appeal and own rules. And yes, sometimes even some rivalry between them. But I think this is a good thing because it gives you more of a choice as to where you want to go. I'll list some of the places I know
  here but I'm sure there many others. And, this is probably already obvious, but I'm going to state the obvious a lot. Like right now.  But that's because I don't know where you've been up to now.Ok, two more notes before I get down to the list. To answer your post in the other thread, Aaron, which I think these places are much nicer than the rest of the internet, I don't think they avoid misconceptions entirely. So if you've met people who thought that blind people can't use a computer, I think the truth is you'll still meet them there. However, since they may be fending stigmata of their own, they may be more willing to listen once you've explained. But from the get go, I think its inevitable that a number of participants think that way.Finally, my opinion will obviously seep through my description so I won't 
 try to hold back much. But just because I don't like some aspect of some site or other, it doesn't mean that you won't. And if joining them is what makes you happy and is what you were looking for, by all means do it!  I'm just one person with one opinion after all.Last thing before the list: Some of these places may also contain spoilers for future episode. I don't know if that kind of thing bothers you or not.List of pony places:1. Equestria Daily.Description: The most popular news site around. Shapes mainstream fandom opinions by its sheer popularity. Although, some people may be think that it tries too hard to make headlines and sound bites, and perhaps the lack of depth and sophistication in some cases.Accessibility: Discussions are mostly image free. Content is tagged which helps
  with searching for only accessible stuff. Except for fan fiction, it has a fairly strong bias for images and videos.Userbase: Being the "majority of the fandom" so to speak, I think it may be more difficult to pitch different ideas here.2. Canternet.Description: This is an IRC network formed by fans. Has quite a few large channels. Although I've had very little contact, I think this might be a good choice to start just because people are somewhat forced to chat in text here. A lot of the other websites I'll mention in the list have a channel on here (such as #EquestriaDaily, #ponychan)Accessibility: I would think it is good if you have a good IRC client.Userbase: I haven't been here often enough to know.Accessibility: Heavy use of images for emotes and images in signatures. Posts with images are allowed but not so frequent.3. PonychanD
 escription: An imageboard, which is said to have historically welcomed the exiles of 4chan who discovered the show (WARNING: Don't go to 4chan unless you know what you're getting yourself into. Ponychan by contrast is safe).Accessibility: I think the interface for the site itself is fairly accessible. But being an imageboard, that's a forum where each post can have an image displayed prominently alongside the text (or possibly no text at all) so obviously the informations from those images will be missed (they don't always have indicative filenames).Userbase: Having been there since the beginning, it has a fairly large number of users. Users and level of discourse vary greatly depending the "board" (a.k.a. subforum) you frequent. /pony/ is the main board for discussing the show but move very quickly (at least for me). So there may be far too many new posts that can be easily missed while you'r
 e typing. Or maybe not, I don't know.Sorry, spent to much time on the preface. I'll finish this list in a day or so. Other things I might talk about: The Round Stable, Derpy Hooves news, Reddit, game playing and making groups, myself. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

I'll preface this by saying that there are different things people discuss about this show. There's talk about what happens in the show, of course, but there's also a lot of talk about the show's schedule and direction ("when does the next season start" or "how many princesses will we end up with?" are some examples) and also talk about the show's creators (what they are doing, when are they making appearances and such). Since you've already visited Equestria Daily, you're probably pretty aware of this, or at least the perspect that website projects, which is pretty widely shared.The other thing to note is that the fandom is fairly large which means there are many groups that form within it. Each with their own appeal and own rules. And yes, sometimes even some rivalry between them. But I think this is a good thing because it gives you more of a choice as to where you want to go. I'll list some of the places I know
  here but I'm sure there many others. And, this is probably already obvious, but I'm going to state the obvious a lot. Like right now.  But that's because I don't know where you've been up to now.Ok, two more notes before I get down to the list. To answer your post in the other thread, Aaron, which I think these places are much nicer than the rest of the internet, I don't think they avoid misconceptions entirely. So if you've met people who thought that blind people can't use a computer, I think the truth is you'll still meet them there. However, since they may be fending stigmata of their own, they may be more willing to listen once you've explained. But from the get go, I think its inevitable that a number of participants think that way.Finally, my opinion will obviously seep through my description so I won't 
 try to hold back much. But just because I don't like some aspect of some site or other, it doesn't mean that you won't. And if joining them is what makes you happy and is what you were looking for, by all means do it!  I'm just one person with one opinion after all.Last thing before the list: Some of these places may also contain spoilers for future episode. I don't know if that kind of thing bothers you or not.List of pony places:1. Equestria Daily.Description: The most popular news site around. Shapes mainstream fandom opinions by its sheer popularity. Although, some people may be think that it tries too hard to make headlines and sound bites, and perhaps the lack of depth and sophistication in some cases.Accessibility: Discussions are mostly image free. Content is tagged which helps
  with searching for only accessible stuff. Except for fan fiction, it has a fairly strong bias for images and videos.Userbase: Being the "majority of the fandom" so to speak, I think it may be more difficult to pitch different ideas here.2. Canternet.Description: This is an IRC network formed by fans. Has quite a few large channels. Although I've had very little contact, I think this might be a good choice to start just because people are somewhat forced to chat in text here. A lot of the other websites I'll mention in the list have a channel on here (such as #EquestriaDaily, #ponychan)Accessibility: I would think it is good if you have a good IRC client.Userbase: I haven't been here often enough to know.Accessibility: Heavy use of images for emotes and images in signatures. Posts with images are allowed but not so frequent.3. PonychanD
 escription: An imageboard, which is said to have historically welcomed the exiles of 4chan who discovered the show (WARNING: Don't go to 4chan unless you know what you're getting yourself into. Ponychan by contrast is safe).Accessibility: I think the interface for the site itself is fairly accessible. But being an imageboard, that's a forum where each post can have an image displayed prominently alongside the text (or possibly no text at all) so obviously the informations from those images will be missed (they don't always have indicative filenames). There is occasional dissent about rules, banning and board structure. Sometimes criticized for its "hugboxing". Although, I was never active enough for these things to be noticeable to me.Userbase: Having been there since the beginning, it has a fairly large number of users. Users and level of discourse vary greatly depending the "board" (a.k.a. subforum) you frequent. /pony/ is the main board for discussing the show but move very quickly (at least for me). So there may be far too many new posts that can be easily missed while you're typing. Or maybe not, I don't know.Sorry, spent to much time on the preface. I'll finish this list in a day or so. Other things I might talk about: The Round Stable, Derpy Hooves news, Reddit, game playing and making groups, myself. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

I'll finish this list first and then answer.4. The Round Stable Description: Forums created by members of the Something Awful website. Has a front page with news for the last two years. Offers an alternative perspective that also less focused on fan creations. It has rather eloquent creator and so attracted similar members. Eloquent doesn't mean already to the point though. Sometimes criticised for its stricter rules.Accessibility: There's relatively heavy use of images in user profiles and signatures. Discussions have an average amount of emoticons, which while tagged by name, are not always used in their original context so it could get confusing. Some threads have large text walls so it may be better to start there. Some threads are heavy in linked images.Userbase: Smaller than the other places but still with many users, I believe.5. Sub
 reddit /r/mylittleponyDescription: A link aggregator, meaning that it contains a bunch of user submitted links to other sites that are sorted by user votes (in some sense). Sometimes considered an art dump by others due to the large number of images links to fan created drawings. Also a bit hard to socialise due to its format.Accessibility: Does have discussions sometimes, especially when new episodes airs. Its possible to comment on all the links. Comments sometimes contains emoticon images.Userbase: 63627 users with 186 active right now. Pretty nice moderators in my humble opinion although its mostly a hands-off site that runs on its own.6. Rainbow Dash NetworkDescription: A twitter-like socialising site (1000 character limit). I've never used it so can't say much more.Accessibility: Seems pretty going, being more or less all text, except for picture.Userbase: There seems to be a good nu
 mber of users. However, it doesn't seem to be mentioned so prominently on other sites anymore. I don't know why.7. Derpy Hooves newsDescription: Perhaps the second biggest news site, although still not too well known I believe. It is also uncensored, although not prominently so (Equestria Daily doesn't feature articles unsafe for the young-uhns). Digs a bit deeper into rumours and stories.Accessibility: Nothing particularly noticeable for a news site (obviously pretty visual-heavy).Userbase: Being less popular, there are much fewer comments so its hard to tell except for the editorial team, which seems good to me.8. Equestria GamingDescription: Pony themed games and reviews. Still quite unknown I believe but might be a good place to find links to other things or projects. ( is not mentioned there; I haven't tried submitting it.)Accessi
 bility: The site itself is like any news site but most games are pretty bad with accessibility I think.Userbase: Same are Derpy Hooves news. Few comments so its hard to tell.9. meDescript - Wait! I'm not a website! But just wanted to answer about contact information at such. My e-mail iscantorlot at-sign derpymail dot org(I spelled it out to avoid spam but this makes it not possible to copy and paste.) I don't have a twitter account though. Unfortunately, I tend to reply rather slowly to e-mail because of lack of time. But go ahead and e-mail me anytime!I'm avoiding Skype to keep my anonymity. Most fans are not this crazy though.  So I'm sure you can find a Skype group if you chat with them long enough. I feel voice gives away too much information, that's all (I didn't credit myself in-game).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

@aaron: Equestria Daily is perfect for that kind of thing then. I think the /r/mylittlepony subreddit tends to get these news a tad earlier though. But has the accessibility issue mentioned (though your could sift through titles and only look at self posts or posts with lots of comments). Oh and the show creators tweet teasers sometimes. I'll edit this post with their twitter account when I find them.I didn't realize IRC wasn't easy to setup, being more or less entirely text based. Quite honestly, I'm not sure how much more a dedicated IRC client would do.@fastfinge: That's for finding Jesus for me.  That's fixed now. Although the Wikipedia disambiguation page suggests that stigmata is also the plural of stigma? What? This is more confusing than I though. (The stigmata pa
 ge talked about wounds like you said.)And now you know I never commented on Equestria Daily. I know they changed their commenting system a few times. I guess its Intense Debate now. E-mail is probably the better choice here anyways. Did you get a reply?It may otherwise be possible to incite people to write them given the size of the fandom and the large number of fans looking to contribute but generally don't know how. Maybe even have a narrator to make like DV.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

New episode day for the interested! (likely no transcript of any sort at the moment though...)@fastfinge: That exact thought crossed my mind! Transcripts would probably bug me because its not the character's voices but I don't know what your setup is (to have both the transcript and listen to the show at the same time). Its possibly also easier to find people to write transcripts (narrators would likely have had to read from a transcript anyway).A side remark: Someone sighted watching the show is likely to miss most of what's in that description or only be left with a vague impression of it. It just happens too fast. I mean the background music that we hear during those few second could be given an extensive description as well. Although some of the visuals are much more central. The central parts and ideas can probably be describe more briefly.Or maybe you could have different voices talking at differen
 t distances depending on how prominent it is? I wonder if it'd be possible to get that to even work though. Even in the best case, we'd still be funneling two sources of information (audio and visual) into a single one (audio only).This reminds me that I wanted to say something else about this "background ponies" phenomenon (TV Tropes article on the topic Warning: website that is potentially a huge time sink). If someone doesn't interact with the fan community, it is possible and I'd say even very likely to watch the entire show without being able to distinguish between the background characters, much less have names for them. So to some extent, that's pretty equal footing or even a bit of an advantage for the one with the transcript (they are called by name there despite having unremarkable visuals). (Of course, there's the eventual problem when they point out th
 at such and such can be seen for half a second sitting awkwardly way over there in the background while some much more noticeable thing is happening in the foreground (I think Fluttershy running around in this case?).)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

@fastfinge: That's actually a really interesting setup. I can't think of a better way if you want to get everything. Now to see if there's some way to stir some interest in transcripts in the community...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-04-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

I keep forgetting to mention this here. My Litte Investigations, which is a fairly popular project was recently released and is fully voiced. Unfortunately the interface is custom made and entirely mouse driven. But since they used an open format for their files, it's plausible to it turn into some kind of interactive fiction with the same resources. The moving around in this game isn't actually all that important.Here's the only playthrough I found that doesn't talk over the game audio (Youtube video). You can play this video up to 9 minutes in without spoiling anything (up to then, the game only involves clicking when a character stops talking to advance the dialogue).Last line before gameplay starts: Twilight: "Don't worry Rarity, I'll get to the bottom of this before the other investigation team even gets here."URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-05-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

@fastfinge: That's some seriously wicked dream and a great read.So apparently,  other transcript, after S2 were there all along. Even goes up to the last episode. Were these added recently after your e-mail? Or did I just miss them??URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help finding people to discuss something with

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: help finding people to discuss something with

Yay! Happy watching then! Its a bit funny that you dreamed of fanfic before you watched the series. Although in the early fandom, I read stories of people going to meetups having never watched the show just because they liked the people. I don't know if they are true but just the idea is kind of funny. To each their own!I think the mobile version of Google docs is more text friendly (example: … ic?pli=1). You get this if you put mobilebasic instead of edit in the url. I actually set my browser to send a phone's user agent sometimes and this makes a lot of websites load faster and text friendly!Oh, I haven't checked if they are the same as yours but there are voice only audio of episodes here.P.S., I'll be away for a couple of weeks. Just a preemptive "not dead" note.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Python and Functions

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: Python and Functions

You haven't told us what overtime is in "number is overtime". I think if you can tell us what overtime is supposed to be, you'll also answer your own question. It also looks like your computepay function pasted here is missing a return statement. Right now it always returns null.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Python and Functions

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: cantorlot

Re: Python and Functions

Ok, then what if you get number into a variable before printing anything? (How'd you get 9 from 49, 10 from 50 and so on?)From your message it looks like you have two different formulas for overtime.The first one is rate*hours + 1.5*hours*overtime_hours.The second one is computepay(hours, rate) +1.5*rate*hours*overtime_hoursThere's an extra "rate" in the bottom one. In both, multiplying hours by the number of hours you work over looks out of place. Can you check the first formula again?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list