Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Hi all.So, Ive desited to put this project on the shelf for a while, mainly because I thought more people was interested in this. I havent got much feedback on the menus Ive posted so far, but Im very glad for all the comments and help offers Ive got so far.Trust me, Ill come back to this project again later on.  I might come back to this in a month or so.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Hi,Wait, so in single player now theyve fixwd the arenas? HOw does arena selection workn ow? Before, even in practice moe, it was just random. Are you now always put on something like arkham, or is it a bit different?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Well, in my game it seems to select the same stage all the time when I enter the menu, but I have to confirm that, because Im not totally sure on this. That was what the guy who helped me said though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: death_rattlehead

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Even in practice mode the stages are randomized.As for your question regarding the stages SLJ, I was just referring to how the stages benefit characters while others do not, hence it becomes important to know which stage will work in your favor during a match.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Oh I see. Thank you. Ill correct the stage information in my guide in the next update.By the way, do you know if the combo meter in the battles menu is accessible?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: death_rattlehead

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Anything regarding combat, combos, meter management, stage setups I can help out if youd like. Basically deep fighting mechanics stuff.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: death_rattlehead

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Anything regarding combat, combos, meter management, stage setups I can help out if youd like. Basically deep fighting mechanics stuff.Also, stages are randomized so whenever you are about to choose the arena, the cursor randomly lands on a stage, unlike MK9. This was done due to stages being a major part of defining character matchups. SO even if you pick a stage in multiplayer, both players will end up chooseing their stage and the computer picks between those 2 giving a 50 50 chance of you or the other character landing on the desired stage.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Hi.Oh, thank you very much for your reply. thats good to know regarding to the stages. The randomise stages, arent those not only in multiplayer mode? It seems as when playing single player, you can choose the stages just fine.It would be very nice if you could help with the multiplayer menu, where my notes seems to be messed up.When Ive done the menus, I might work on the combat and combos. However, Im not sure on how much I should work on that though, sinse the other guides explains that very well. In this guide, my goal is to explain what would be helpful to us which the other guides doesnt explain. The reason for Im explaining the controls, is because I find it difficult to find those in accessible text at other places.You mention stage setup. I havent touched that yet. can you costumise the stages, or what do you mean?What do you think about the menus Ive got so far? Do you find those helpful?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

2014-02-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, because people are interested

Hi all.So you might thought this topic was dead and I had stopped working on the guide, but no. Im very, very proud to release a huge and very important update. Im currently working on the most difficult part in the guide, the menus. I now have all the important menus written in the guide, which I hope makes any sense.I havent messed around with the multiplayer part at alll, and I already know some of my notes was messed up there, so Im sure those menus arent 100% correct.In the settings menu, there are some brightness settings and visual settings which are missing. Ill try to get those added if you would like to have those in as well.In the first post in this topic, Ive added a heading where Ill list all the stuff which I should take a look at, and what Ill need some help on in the guide. This list will be expanding and changed in the future.Lastly, Ive just heard from guy whove writte
 n our favorite guide for Injustice on Hes very busy, but he seems to be willing to help with explanations and stuff, which Im really glad about.I hope you enjoy the menus as much as Ive enjoyed spending a lot of time on getting all those written.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

I recendly bought my play station and i have to set up a play station network acound first.I tested the ultimate edition at a friends playstation 3 and we couldnt find the accessibility mode to. I have to check on my playstation 3 if i have created my playstation network acound. If that doesnt work. I will try the game on my ps vita, and see, if that works.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Okay then Im totally out of ideas. In my Ultimate version of the game, I realized that the accessibility mode and newest patch was in the game from the very beginning, which was the reason for it wouldnt download the patch. Lol.I have no idea on what to do, sorry.Nice you have a Vita though. It would be interesting if you would write your experiences about the Vita inn an other topic.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi. if you want, you can buy the game on amazon or a standert games shop.I cant still find the accessibility mode. I have the play station version of the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

The playstation version of the game should have it, if you updated the game. Unless, for some reason, the ultimate edition doesnt have it... but theres no reason it shouldnt.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

I dont have a PS3 or an Xbox. Id like to buy it on CD for PC because I dont have steam.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.Simba: That is indeed weird, because the ultimate version does have it all by default.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.Simba: That is indeed weird, because the ultimate version does have it all by default. Are you sure you have the Ultimate version and not the normal version of the game?Check that your playstations firmware is updated and check if you are signed into your account. If you dont have any sighted help, please let me know and I can give you some tips on how to do it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cansino

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

If the stage selection is similar to the one from MK 9, when in the character selection press triangle, or the equivalent, and the stage selection menu will prompt. Just choose and press x, then choose your characterURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Unfortunately, stage selection doesnt work that way... it works more like every other fighting game where you choose the characters, then the stage. Im wondering if anyones gotten sighted assistance to confirm that the cursor starts on a random position though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

I Have, or at least I did a while ago. I have the list of levels written down though, but until NRS actually make it an option to have a random selection cursor, it remains useless.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi, where do I go to buy this game?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

So you confirms that it randomly selects an arena every time when you land on that screen? Thats bizarre... because theyve never done that before.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

harrylst wrote:Hi, where do I go to buy this game?You can buy the game on Steam, Playstation network or XBox live.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

I have never found use for the flip stance button in this game or MK. But there might be something Im not aware of... as for what arena you choose, thats hard to know without sighted assistance... but testing the interactibles is one way to find out as some are really obvious, like the turbine in the laboratory.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Oh, the flip stance in Injustice is very important. You need to press the flip stance button and the meter burn button to make a super move with your character. Pressing the meter burn only doesnt do the trick, but there might be other ways to activate the super move.In MK, I remember thats mentioned in the tutorial, but I dont remember if its really used for anything, sinse I havent played this game for too long, because of interests in lots of other games and other projects. How do you make the super moves if youre not using the flip stance button?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

What I meant was the flip stance button has no important function other than pulling off your super. I dont consider that using the flip stance button... I just consider those as one simultaneous button press. Pressing the button by itself doesnt do anything other than something visual, as far as Ive found.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Oh, I see. Sorry for the confusion. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi,Have they fixed the random arena issue? Basically when I played quite a while back, I couldnt learn the arena layouts because every time I selected a character, the arena it picked was random, as in, it put the cursor on a random arena each time, and the menu wrapped.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Apparently not; its not a bug. youre right though, they could have use random select for arena list as an option or something.The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.So, how do you know what arena you choose before you hit x, and is it possibel to switch quickly to an other arena? Maybe in the pause menu? Arenas and knocking enemies out are the only two things I need to learn how to master when it comes to the basics.  Its nice to have the arenas described, but it seems to be difficult to know what youre choosing.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Yeah, but if the options menu in the pc version is different, it would be nice to have those in the guide. But well see when I got all the menus written. Ill wait to post those until Ive got them all.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.The pc controls and the information about the Options.ini file regarding to the accessibility mode has now been added to the guide. Thank you so much Bradp. Youll be added to the thanks too section for sure when I start to write this. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

I can help with combat and the like, since I probably delved deeper into the theory and mechanics side of things than a lot of people being the geek that I am. lol If you let me know here what you want to be there, I can write up a little something... though Im sure there are a lot of people who are better than me at this game. hahahaURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Assault_freak: Thank you! That would be very much appreciated. Do you have better ways of describing the basics which I have described so far in the guide?Can you explain what Flip stance means and what the character does when pressing the button? Do you know how to knock the enemy out of the arena, fight while doing so and knock the enemy back into the arena again? Im having trouble on finding out how that works, or I dont fully understand how it works. Have you played the game online, and if yes, can you give some tips on this part?there are a number of things which I havent tried in the game yet, but Ive only had this for a few days.  But well, this is a start. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Those are all very easily answered. Flip stance doesnt do anything... its a visual thing, as far as I know. As for the arena transitions, you hold back and press heavy attack... or you can do a bounce cancel by pressing back, back and the meter burn buutton during a combo. But it has to be at one corner of the stage or another... it does not work just anywhere on the stage. And you cant fight during the transition. Check the guide on gamefaqs where all the arenas are described.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

and how do we no what music is assigned to what arena?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Thanks for your answers. I have to check out the arenas again and see if I can get this to work. The only thing is that I dont know what arena Im choosing. Lol.Flip stance does make a small sound when pressing the button.I think Ill wait with the online gameplay until Ive got more used to the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi all.Ive spent most of the day messing around with the game, getting used to the basics and reading about it, trying to figure out all what it have to offer. Im surprised that the game offers that much gameplay. When all is completed, you can start on getting all the trophies. Ive send a long mail to Berserker, asking about a lot of things which he doesnt mention in his guide, and Im really looking forward to his answer.Have any of you tried the online gameplay? Is it good or bad?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.Im very proud to announce that the first part of the guide is in the article room of the forum: … 27#p160727The introduction is done, and Im currently working on the controls for the different consoles. Im so glad I finally got started on the guide.I have a question and a request:What does Flip stance mean, and what does the character do when pressing the flip stance button?I find it difficult to read the controls in Berserkers guide, and read what button does what, so it would be really nice, if someone can give me the XBox controls. If someone have the pc controls, they would be awesome to have as well.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Ive now added the accessibility mode and how it works. Ive started on describing the basics in the game, which will take some time for me to finnish, sinse Im still learning the basics about the meters etc. Im having trouble on knocking the enemy out of the arena or to different places. Ive tried back and heavy attack at different places on the arena, but without any luck. When I can master this and when Ive mastered some special moves by using the meter, I can finnish all about the basics. I must say Im really excited about making this. By the way, if someone is willing to help me on doing spel checking and correct some gramatics errors, it would be very appreciated. Just give me your skype details, and we can chat about it which would work better than talk about it when Im writing all this in text.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi, i cant find the accessibility mode in the opptions/gameplay settings.I only haveStorry difficulty round timestorry sup titles and zomby modeWhat do i need to do?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

the options menus should be the same accept on pc.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi all.If enough people are interested, Ill work on a guide for Injustice, the very accessible 2D fighting game for ps3, ps4, XBox, Psp vita, Nintendo and pc.I have already got most of the menus, all important menus. I hope I can get some help from some of the more experienced players, regarding to combat, and how things works out from a blind gamers perspective.If you say go for it, Ill create the guide in the articles room, where Ill start out by explaining the menus, the basics I know, and then use this topic to discuss how things works, get tips and explanations which I then will put in the guide. I know many people knows much more about this game than me, but Im willing to put together what I find relevant for such a guide.Ive found an awesome an detailed guide on, so Ill only mention whats relevant for blind gamers which this guide doesnt mention.Comments and ideas are very much appre

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi,This would be awesome.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

it would. by the way, a good combo that does a fare bit of damage for most chars is back and heavy attack, then when they rebound off something, do it again, idk what the timing is, but my cousin uses it all the time for stage transions and does a heep of damage.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi.Thank you for your positive comments. I might get some time to get started on this tomorrow. right now, I need a brake after having written an other pretty long article in the articles room. Thanks for the first tip. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Hi, i wuld be interested in the guide.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seb2314

Re: Working on a guide for Injustice, if people are interested

Of course, a guide would be awesome.URL:

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