Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

this poem gave me some words to use on scrabble, thankyou for my new weapons


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

I like it. It reminds me a bit of Daniel Higgs, who isn't for everybody, but he's one of the few people, actually the only person I know of offhand, who does poems as songs, which is what they started out as before, at some time, they became primarily written and secondarily spoken. He uses a lot of religious imagery, but it's in a very mystic, not literal sense. He plays around with dualities a lot. Here's an example, I can dig up more if anybody's interested.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

To me it sounded like being trapped in something so sad that it becomes this depressive trippy state of being. I get the cog in the big machine thing too. That we're pushed on and on but have no reason why or where we're going. It's well written but I sence it comes from a dark place.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

AAnd a qwick advice  :   () A person who has regard in writing only to the taste of his century thinks more of his person than of his writings: it is always necessary to reach for what is perfect; the justice that  is sometimes refused us by our contemporaries will be offered to us by posterity.n  interesting poem, @1, What  were your sources?  Did you have any inspiration for it?   I know this is a horible question, since, there nothing worst than reminding a poet about inspiration.  May be the poem is a bit also about the nature of stangnation, worth rereading it.Also, may be you wwould like to read the poems of light by Lucian Blaga.Never to try to think to your audience so much, this is not really, for a poet it is necesary, if not prudent to write as if posterity is near, at the same time thinking to much at your opera makes it uninteligable, makes it seem as if you rich for the contemporary, and poems even novels must not be that.There were great writers who were very obsessed by the way in which their writings will be preserved.  This is what I call a writers signess.  May be I will try to write a list of things to avoid.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

An  interesting poem, @1, What  were your sources?  Did you have any inspiration for it?   I know this is a horible question, since, there nothing worst than reminding a poet about inspiration.  May be the poem is a bit also about the nature of stangnation, worth rereading it.Also, may be you wwould like to read the poems of light by Lucian Blaga.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

The whole time I was reading I felt like my life was on display.  I don't really know how to put it save for saying that it feels like you're always aware of this necessity to, as long as you're alive at least, keep some semblance of equanimity, no matter how bad, or even how good things get.  Both good and bad, if you allow them can make you giddy with unsettling and disturbing dizziness to the point where the former can lead to the latter if left unchecked, and the latter can keep you from experiencing the former if given too much attention.Of knives and tongues?  Words can be weapons... I know that far too well.  Interestingly enough, sometimes the very things you say you'll never say to other people are the things you end up saying when you're angry or upset or you feel like you're losing your grip on things.  Even when the words are well intended, the audience and the timing are wrong.  Sometimes, you're the audience and you're not ready to receive the richness of reality or the lash of lies and in your lack of knowledge of which is being offered or presented you can't help but reject them both.Anyway, perhaps I'm overphilosophizing this thing.  It's been about 15 years since I've delved deep into the world of poetry and lyrical content.  I used to be into this like, a lot, but I feel well out of touch right now and like writing much more would debase this wonderful work.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

I've never performed it - I only wrote the damn thing a couple of weeks ago - but I'm acutely aware of how I would want it to sound out loud. Speaking it would definitely add another dimension to it though, that's for sure.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

I definitely think you could add a whole lot more meaning to the words if you were to perform this at a slam; it has the spoken word feel about it. I'd come to hear that.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

Zarvox, you've hit at the overall meaning of the poem. There is no possible way you could parse all the imagery without knowing me really, really well though, so don't feel bad.And that goes for you too, Defender. lolThis poem means several things to me. Several dozen. I won't spill them all out at this point, but a few things that might help:The maze, nexus, labyrinth, is either life or memory; take your pick.There are Jewel and Finger Eleven references that mean a lot to me because of who they represent.There is misery in the middle and hope at the end.I tried playing tricks with words (bang, silly-sweet, your honour and more) to evoke echoes, repetition, and the blurring of the line between perception and pretend.This whole poem came about after a good event (someone seeking my advice) made me realize just how rarely such things happen to me. I was feeling very, very small when I wrote that poem, one tiny speck of dust in a monumental machine whose only toil was to grind us down and spit out blood when it was done. In other words, it's extremely navel-gaze-ish, but that's where my head and heart were, so I wrote.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

Poetry is too hard for me. So good job lol. My interpretation is that you try but you fail, but your grit tells you to move forward. That's as far as I got to understanding.


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

Poetry is too hard for me. So good job lol


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Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

o, pretty words!And that's basically as far as my comprehension of poetry goes.So if it means a single thing to you, just know that a complete noob appreciates it at least, even though I got lost after the first like, 6 sentences.


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Spin Spin: a Poem

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Spin Spin: a Poem

I wrote this while in a very peculiar state of mind. I'm wondering what any of you who are more into poetry (free verse, in this case) will think of it.Spin, SpinWhen a door closesIn the quiet, quiet, with a bang!Metallic bang, a bang trails away on little echo feetAnd leaves you in the listening darkAt the twist, somewhere in the nexusMetal walls that chatter when you touchAnd flagstones with no flags, onlyGraveheads you must walk upon, for now theDoor is gone, gone, gone. Walk on.And so the time will pass, and airWill sometimes billow, silly-sweet,And othertimes with tempest-teeth tearAt the ragged standard you bear,Your honour. "Your Honour! I objectTo this travesty of traps andTurnings, this maze of lost regardsAnd what are those eyes in the ceiling, in cupboards?"But with, within and without the windWander and weary, weaken and worryToward the center, and the sunlight you forsookSo many years ago, when you putKnives in your tongue, and drewFear-blood from care, frost from rebukeAnd then, at last! Brightness, brightnessFolding in, furling outAll the broken walls behindAll the chasms, mute and blindLeft behind at the centerA stumble, knee-bound, hands so small I knowNot a mirage, not a dream, not a wishOf a thousand miles of memory fogBut the reality, begun and shornOn whims, so fickle but so aching softYou bathe in that light like silken azure lightningElectrocuted with knowledge, remembrance, regretThe labyrinth was progress, this cagedCurrent is failure-stasis, current is failure-stasis, current is--And there is an end, terminal defeatSwift retreat from another tryAs the maze creaks and groans about youIts supports, they fall onto dead-sand slopesOne by one, clink-clink. "How are you?" "My my, that climb is too steep!"When the walls fall all the wayTo wherever it is walls will,There you will be, weeping evening tearsLit like a penitent angel with cruciform blue lashesStrung up in your center, the maelstromA heartbeat away all around,Humming doom like a song-shroud,But its taste is warm cinnamonVelvet oblivion, goodnight, goodnightAnd are there sweet tones in death-music to match the bitter?Open, open, the darkTurns inside in and darkside outAnd perhaps the wrecks and rails you rodeHere will turn you free uponAnother romantic axis, all blades and desireWhirl away, a rising siren whirrAnd spin the sphere onward. Spin. Spin.


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Re: A Poem

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem

Jayde wrote:Now if you could only turn that understanding inward.Also, I don't know where this poem came from, but it actually sounds like it was written by, or in the spirit of, someone whose parents or people were slaves.yup, this is the source for it, took a simple google search. Now it would be good to know what really moved or touched you about it?


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Re: A Poem

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem

Now if you could only turn that understanding inward.Also, I don't know where this poem came from, but it actually sounds like it was written by, or in the spirit of, someone whose parents or people were slaves.


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A Poem

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


A Poem

I am normally not into poetry. it's a form of art that is generally too high brow for me, and that most of the time, I find myself unequipped to properly take in the meaning as I don't consider myself to be all that intelligent. Coming across this one though, has rocked me a little. In some ways, it's reaffirmed some of my own beliefs. I think it will take me some time to fully digest this one. Here is the poem in its full text.I am come of the seed of the people, the people that sorrow;Who have no treasure but hope,No riches laid up but a memory of an ancient gloryMy mother bore me in bondage, in bondage my mother was born,I am of the blood of serfs;The children with whom I have played, the men and women with whom I have eatenHave had masters over them, have been under the lash of masters,and though gentle, have served churls.The hands that have touched mine,the dear hands whose touch Is familiar to meHave worn shameful manacles, have been bitten at the wrist by manacles,have grown hard with the manacles and the task-work of strangers.I am flesh of the flesh of these lowly, I am bone of their bone I that have never submitted;I that have a soul greater than the souls of my people’s masters,I that have vision and prophecy, and the gift of fiery speech,I that have spoken with God on the top of his holy hill.And because I am of the people, I understand the people,I am sorrowful with their sorrow, I am hungry with their desire;My heart is heavy with the grief of mothers,My eyes have been wet with the tears of children, I have yearned with old wistful men,And laughed and cursed with young men; Their shame is my shame, and I have reddened for itReddened for that they have served, they who should be freeReddened for that they have gone in want, while others have been full,Reddened for that they have walked in fear of lawyers and their jailors.With their Writs of Summons and their handcuffs,Men mean and cruel.I could have borne stripes on my bodyRather than this shame of my people.And now I speak, being full of vision:I speak to my people, and I speak in my people’s name toThe masters of my people:I say to my people that they are holy,That they are august despite their chains.That they are greater than those that hold themAnd stronger and purer,That they have but need of courage, and to call on the name of their God,God the unforgetting, the dear God who loves the peopleFor whom he died naked, suffering shame.And I say to my people’s masters: BewareBeware of the thing that is coming, beware of the risen peopleWho shall take what ye would not give.Did ye think to conquer the people, or that law is stronger than life,And than men’s desire to be free?We will try it out with you ye that have harried and held,Ye that have bullied and bribed.Tyrants… hypocrites… liars!I don't believe in god, but I do believe that we are all children of the earth. That none of us are better than any others. That we are all equal and should have equal rights and equal access, without segregation and without judgement and prejudice.I believe that religion has created too much strife for humankind, and that we can still be spiritual, but that holding to this ancient view of one god is holding us back. But if such a being exists, or has existed, or will exist, then every one of us carries a sliver of divinity within us.But that piece, however small shines with the glory of the divine itself, whether that comes from one being, or whether we and our earth and the stars are that being.But it isn't just us who carries divinity, it's all living things. Everything from birds and bees, to the largest of mammals carries a spark of de vine.We as humans are divided by so many things. What we need is unity, but unity frightens us. Unity would be a manifestation of the divine as one being rather than the sliver of it that we carry within us. It would be glory beyond any glory we have known. It would be power beyond all power we could have imagined; however, power purified by a single purpose cannot lead to corruption because the light it brings would be incompatible with the darkness within us.As humans, we have adapted in so many ways. But so far, we have not adapted to one another. Which name to call god is not important. Who did what millennia ago is not important. What is relevant here is that we have killed, are killing, and will kill each other over details which should be trivial.


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

@mayana you're welcome. I consider that a good logical explanation, not a rant 


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

@arceus Aww, thank you! I'm glad something good came out of that long rant. 


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong and not say anithing about the poem. But@2, these were some  of the best words i've heard todaySo if evidence for a god is ever found, and evidence that that avoidance of knowledge was what they originally planned for us, then I see that as all the more reason not to worship them.


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

Hui Tzu said to Chuang Tzu, "I have a big tree of the kind men call shu. Its trunk is too gnarled and bumpy to apply a measuring line to, its branches too bent and twisty to match up to a compass or square. You could stand it by the road and no carpenter would look at it twice. Your words, too, are big and useless, and so everyone alike spurns them!"Chuang Tzu said, "Maybe you've never seen a wildcat or a weasel. It crouches down and hides, watching for something to come along. It leaps and races east and west, not hesitating to go high or low‑until it falls into the trap and dies in the net. Then again there's the yak, big as a cloud covering the sky. It certainly knows how to be big, though it doesn't know how to catch rats. Now You have this big tree and you're distressed because it's useless. Why don't you plant it in Not‑Even‑Anything Village, or the field of Broad‑and‑Boundless, relax and do nothing by its side, or lie down for a free and easy sleep under it? Axes will never shorten its life, nothing can ever harm it. If there's no use for it, how can it come to grief or pain?"  Zhuangzi (chuang-Tsu), Ch. 1, Tr. Burton Watson


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

@wing of eternity, the powem is depressing and i didn't read through the whole thing but yeah, sometimes I feel we've taken 2 steps forward and many steps back, in other words; we've advanced but some problems still stay the same.I intend to fix what I can while I'm still here.


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

watch the people their life and dreams, and tell me that they had really changed, technologyn did not change the harts of man,. We have the same flaws, the same moral problems, and the same struggles, but presented in a different shell, in another form. The question is how many things do we have to discover before we look to out wretchiedness?How much will it take till we will examin our harts, and what we truly desire?cause technology won't save us .knowledge is good but at times I wander if humans do really seek it?did we discover things ? yes! did they made our lifes easyer? yesbut what aboutu desire ? the same desire of  that we had 2000 years ago we still have, and did all that we discovered help us? no


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

watch the people their life and dreams, and tell me that they had really changed, technologyn did not change the harts of man,. We have the same flaws, the same moral problems, and the same struggles, but presented in a different shell, in another form. The question is how many things do we have to discover before we look to out wretchiedness?How much will it take till we will examin our harts, and what we truly desire?cause technology won't save us .knowledge is good but at times I wander if humans do really seek it?


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

Brad's post pointing out a line he liked has made me realize that while I do dislike the poem in general, I did pause a to reread the last 4 lines."I know my life's a pain and but a span,I know my sense is mocked with everything;And to conclude, I know myself a man,Which is a proud and yet a wretched thing."A bit more pessimistic than my current mood is; I definitely wouldn't say that life is on the whole a pain. It's got its ups and downs. But it is always good to acknowledge and accept our mortality. Everything is dust in the wind, and all that. Yes, I do love that song.And our senses indeed aren't perfect, and can be fooled. And I'm not even talking about disabilities here. Think more like the color of the dress argument, or those visual illusions, or instruments played in such a way that your brain just automatically puts lyrics to them. And I'm sure we've all had itchy hair after thinking about flees or lice (Sorry for the inconvenience!)So we mustn't be too proud and confident of ourselves. To be human is to be flawed. We must realize our flaws so we can fix them or at least work around them. For example, learning about cognitive biases can help us become better people and make better decisions.But that's knowledge, too.


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

I really like this line; We interpret laws, which other men have made,But read not those which in our hearts are writ. It's true, quite afew people are not willing to listen to their hearts or souls and would rather do what is put in front of them instead of examine what they wish to do with the information they're given.Yes this powem has a christian slant but I don't think this thread will turn into a drama thread.


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Re: a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a poem of knowledge

Ah. A religious poem. There is no way this topic could catch on fire, none at all.I am not some deep fountain of knowledge. I have not visited a school specialized on literature, nor have I taken any courses elsewhere. I haven't even taken the time to look up any notes on this poem after reading it. These are just my thoughts right after reading the poem -- some of which I must admit I rushed through -- and worth exactly as much as you paid for them."Why did my parents send me to the schoolsThat I with knowledge might enrich my mind?"Because, dear author, if they did not, you would not have been able to write this poem.But seriously. If the author had not gone to school, he would not have known nearly as many words as he did. He would not have known the many myths that are mentioned in this poem. He would not have read any other poems, the style of which no doubt inspired him. And if he somehow did know all these things, it would've helped him little if he did not hire a scribe, for he would not have known the letters to write his thoughts on knowledge down.Funny how that works, huh?If you haven't guessed yet, I disagree with this poem almost completely. And sure, it's not surprising that there are poems with such a message. Even the most devout of Christians have to admit that in the past, it generally was not in the best interests of the church to ensure that the common folk were literate and well-learned. Makes them much harder to boss around. So of course there would be people writing seemingly wise poems about how bad knowledge is.But it does surprise me that now, centuries after that, some are able to read that and think, "Yeah, sounds about right." Because heck, look around you.Look at the chair you sit on. Would it not be much less comfortable if humans never thought of sitting on anything else but the ground? Or the wheels on which it might rest, if it is an office chair. Those would not be a thing if some time, long long ago, some humans didn't realize moving rocks was much easier if they put them on logs first. (I assume, at least; now I need to learn how wheels came to be!)And, connecting to the point I made above, look at the words this is written in. Wouldn't it be a shame if the knowledge of language wasn't passed on to you? To me? To all the amazing strangers that will read my post after it's sent, and think I'm wrong, or right, or just overthinking this way too much?And let's not even begin talking about the computer you're using, the hardware within, the binary system, math, software, screen reader, internet ...That's just a tiny, tiny fraction of what pursuing knowledge has brought us. Isn't it beautiful and worth it?And yes, of course our desire to learn, change and invent has brought us bad things, too. Weapons, poisons, torture devices, fake science to justify treating some races worse than others because of the shape of their skulls, constant survailance ... a LOT of things. Because we can't have the good without the bad, and probably never will. No pleasure without pain, love without break-ups, equality without hate, peace without war, life without death. Because we are imperfect. Human.And sure, sometimes we are overachieving. Sometimes, the wings melt. But at least those wings were made, and that's a beautiful start.Our curiosity and thirst for knowledge is a part of what has made this world so connected that COVID was able to spread all around it so quickly (though tbf, the main reason for globalization would probably be greed ... but let's not get too off topic). But it's also the thing helping our scientists in finding ways to help save people from it. Because science is awesome like that.I am not going to say that if you agree with the poet that our thirst for knowledge is ultimately bad for us, you should stop using all that it has brought us and go live naked in a cave. Please do stay here and enjoy medicine, cooked food, art, technology. Maybe just ask yourself why we have those things.Supposing a garden of Eden did exist, would humanity be safer there, if that "forbidden fruit" had not been consumed? Perhaps. But here, there's much more to life than just safety and ignorant bliss. So if evidence for a god is ever found, and evidence that that avoidance of knowledge was what they originally planned for us, then I see that as all the more reason not to worship them.TL;DR: Knowledge is awesome, and oh dear, I am so going to regret posting this later when a fight starts ...


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a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


a poem of knowledge

this poem in all it's glory is meant to simbolise all the horors, the great things, and the worse things that the human soul is capable of producing. I consider it a it a piece of art that can rival big Baroque poets, with it's stratifyed leyars of metaphors, with the precise description of some myths, and the way in which the alegories present them selvs.A great shame that no one, but a fiew have read it, and that's not more widlyknown. give your imput if you wish.!the poem is called :"from Nosce Tiepsum: of Human Knowledge"I will paste it here for your convenience.from Nosce Tiepsum: of Human Knowledge".I hope that some one will read it and reflect on it seriously"!Why did my parents send me to the schoolsThat I with knowledge might enrich my mind?Since the desire to know first made men fools,And did corrupt the root of all mankind. For when God's hand had written in the heartsOf the first parents all the rules of good,So that their skill infused did pass all artsThat ever were, before or since the flood, And when their reason's eye was sharp and clear,And, as an eagle can behold the sun,Could have approached th'eternal light as nearAs the intellectual angels could have done, Even then to them the spirit of lies suggestsThat they were blind, because they saw not ill,And breathes into their incorrupted breastsA curious wish, which did corrupt their will. For that same ill they straight desired to know;Which ill, being nought but a defect of good,And all God's works the devil could not showWhile man their lord in his perfection stood. So that themselves were first to do the ill,Ere they thereof the knowledge could attain;Like him that knew not poison's power to kill,Until, by tasting it, himself was slain. Even so by tasting of that fruit forbid,Where they sought knowledge, they did error find;Ill they desired to know, and ill they did,And to give passion eyes, made reason blind. For then their minds did first in passion seeThose wretched shapes of misery and woe,Of nakedness, of shame, of poverty,Which then their own experience made them know. But then grew reason dark, that she no moreCould the fair forms of good and truth discern;Bats they became, that eagles were before,And this they got by their desire to learn. But we, their wretched offspring, what do we?Do not we still taste of the fruit forbid,Whiles with fond fruitless curiosityIn books profane we seek for knowledge hid? What is this knowledge but the sky-stolen fireFor which the thief still chained in ice doth sit,And which the poor rude satyr did admire,And needs would kiss, but burnt his lips with it. What is it but the cloud of empty rain,Which when Jove's guest embraced, he monsters got?Or the false pails which oft being filled with pain,Received the water, but retained it not? Shortly, what is it but the fiery coachWhich the youth sought, and sought his death withal?Or the boy's wings, which when he did approachThe sun's hot beams, did melt and let him fall? And yet, alas, when all our lamps are burned,Our bodies waste, and our spirits spent,When we have all the learned volumes turned,Which yield men's wits both help and ornament, What can we know, or what can we discern,When error chokes the windows of the mind,The diverse forms of things, how can we learn,That have been ever from our birthday blind? When reason's lamp, which like the sun in sky,Throughout man's little world her beams did spread,Is now become a sparkle which doth lieUnder the ashes, half extinct and dead; How can we hope that through the eye and earThis dying sparkle, in this cloudy place,Can recollect these beams of knowledge clear,Which were infused in the first minds by grace? So might the heir whose father hath in playWasted a thousand pound of ancient rent,By painful earning of a groat a dayHope to restore the patrimony spent. The wits that dived most deep and soared most high,Seeking man's powers, have found his weakness such;Skill comes so slow and life so fast doth fly,We learn so little and forget so much. For this the wisest of all mortal menSaid, He knew nought but that he nought did know;And the great mocking master mocked not then,When he said, Truth was buried deep below. For how may we to others' things attain,When none of us his own soul understands?For which the devil mocks our curious brain,When, Know thyself, his oracle commands. For why should we the busy soul believe,When boldly she concludes of that and this;When of herself she can no judgment give,Nor how, nor whence, nor where, nor what she is? All things without, which round about we see,We seek to know, and how therewith to do;But that whereby we reason, live, and be,Within ourselves we strangers are thereto. We seek to know the moving of each sphere,And the strange cause of th'ebbs and floods of Nile;But of that clock within our breasts we bear,The subtle motions we forget the while. We that acquaint ourselves with every zone,And pass both tropics 

a poem of knowledge

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


a poem of knowledge

this poem in all it's glory is meant to simbolise all the horors, the great things, and the worse things that the human soul is capable of producing. I consider it a it a piece of art that can rival big Baroque poets, with it's stratifyed leyars of metaphors, with the precise description of some myths, and the way in which the alegories present them selvs.A great shame that no one, but a fiew have read it, and that's not more widlyknown. give your imput if you wish.!the poem is called :"from Nosce Tiepsum: of Human Knowledge"I will past it here for your convenience.from Nosce Tiepsum: of Human Knowledge


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Re: Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator

2016-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sajad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator

Thank you. I need suggestions to make it better


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Re: Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator



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Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator

2016-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sajad via Audiogames-reflector


Sajad Aliraqi releaces a new program: Poem generator

Hello everybody.A new program by Sajad Aliraqi, is called Poem generator, version 0.1 In short, this program generates a poem for you, and for a person if you would like to write a poem for a special person.You can take it as a kind of fun, or whatever, it depends on you.Let's see your names in a poem, and if you didn't understand anything tell me and I'll write an example poem since there is no documentation file for now.This program was created experimentally to discover my skills and what I reached to.Another versions coming, just suggest me any suggestion.Thanks Muhammad Hajjar for everything.Make sure that you have WinRar for Windows, because the file is a ZIP file.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

moderation!Effective immediately, I am closing this topic. I am still very surprised that this has been aloud to happen. I'd suggest, for the last time, stop insulting the developer if you want your bans removed from his server. These topics have gotten way out of hand.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

moderation!Effective immediately, I am closing this topic. For those involved, I'd suggest, and I am saying this for the last time, to find your own ways of solving this ban, in a friendly! way. If I see any more topics about being banned from the playroom there will absolutely be consequences!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hello guys.@Dark, as I said before my intention is not to be pleasing and to have a childish behaviour consurning another platform, in this case the quentinC's playroom. I'm just here to talk again, with solid arguments, about what happened to me yesterday, and I'm happy that Aminiel was able to notice it. However, I'm oneof those who really think its not just enough saying plizz plizz plizz, as we deathmach NB players say hahaha.@aminiel: I understand she can be a good translator, and nobody can't say no to that, but how is she as a person? or as a helper? consider that one can be quite good at sertain things, but not at some others. I'm not here to say anything about her, but just to put my cards on the table for consideration.And yes as you said, its quite weird since I didn't even said anything, I just opened my playroom tonight and then joined a free table, afterwards I got banned with the same reason, the same 50 years of 
 ban, and not even a possibility to clarify things. I'd just like to say to all of those telling me to speak things with them, that its just impossible cuzz they're never open to talk or listen.Continuing with what you said, Aminiel, changing my username? heck, I have this siervodejusticia account for 2 years, and nobody said nothing to me reegarding this thing. Everybody in the playroom knows who I am, a devoted Christian whose always ready to deffend what I believe in, everybody knows me as the servant or el siervo in spanish, and changing my username will never change my identity and the way people knows me and treats me. I'm not gonna talk about this "religion" subject again cuzz its not necessary, in that point I disagree with a lot of things but that'll definitly leave us no wheree. If you consider I have to change my username I'll  do it without refusing, but please take into consideration as well that when I opened my first  
 account back in 2010, my username was faith93 and nobody told me anything about it, nor banned me. That's another subject I don't wish to talk about here, but I leave it to  you as a note.Finally, I just want all this to finish,I just wanna move freely  into the tables I wish, without being afraid of been kicked out suddenly, for no aparent reason. Thanks for your atention, and sorry for any inconvenients again


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hi again.OK Aminiel, no probs. If you make a final desision please let me  know through this forum, or via a PM here, so I can know as well what to do with my installed coppy of quentinC's playroom. Again thanks for your atention


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hi again.OK Aminiel, no probs. If you make a final desision please let me  know through this forum, or via a PM here, so I can know as well what to do with my installed coppy of quentinC's playroom. Again thanks for your atention.Edit: I'm not a good french speaker, and I've heard that in order to apply to be a helper you might have some french knoledge. I can speak english and spanish, being english my second language of course. I always wanted to aply for  a position like that, and I myself understand what a responsability it is to have authority and power, since I'm preparing myself to be a pastor. Therefore, sincee I don't speak french quite well, I don't know if I could qualify for that


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@aminiel: I understand she can be a good translator, and nobody can't say no to that, but how is she as a person? or as a helper? consider that one canbe quite good at sertain things, but not at some others. I'm not here to say anything about her, but just to put my cards on the table for consideration.As already explained, it was the solution of facility. We don't know other spanish speaking people, so the easiest was to set the translators we already know also as helpers.IF you have better suggestions and/or if you want to apply, yo know where to write.It was perhaps not the best choice, but now that it has been done, I can't simply go back by saying "sorry but this evening you are no longer helper".She will be contacted personally to discuss about that ban and we hope we will get an explanation of the whole story. From that moment on, we will be able to decide some
 thing for you and for her.Changing your nickname isn't an obligation. Personally I'm not shocked. It's just a simple suggestion to be clear in any case.About the religion thing, everyone is of course completely free to believe in what he wants. This is your personal sphere and we have nothing to do in it.However, given that the playroom is a multicultural space, we must be extremely careful and pay attention to any useless exposure of your beliefs, which can quickly be taken as attacks by others.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@Aminiel;: I have An Important QuestionWhy do You ignore all of My Emails?I Contacted You more than 3 times, but unfortunately All of my Emails went to No one, I Think You Ignoring anyoneAlso You Ignored An Important Message from Playroom's Democracy teamthat's Why people are adding Topics About bans in, since this isn't  A Second place to Talk about bans in Online games, and that's Isn't Allowedbut What do You Think about this PoemI want Your OpenianI posted  this Poem so I'll be Accepted in Playroom's Democracy teamalso: Carl Carlos AKA Swiss-carl is the Owner of this team, and the Old Name of the Team is Playroom Distroyers team


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

sincirry, I doo say something: this contains strong language.MR. You're a motherfucker!MR. You are banning me!MR. You abused Mayya!How in the world there's bad frends?And Also, I didn't did something bad that the two MR.S have did, but in the spanish playroom they banned me for no reason...


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

OMG,  my GOd this was presicely what I didn't wanted to happen.Abdulroman and Luiscarlos, why on earth don't you make a life? a purpose driven life instead of saying why do you and why this and  why the other? if you're gonna say something, for goodness sake, say it with solid and strong arguments instead of saying useless, endless and unedifying stuff. I completely get to the point of why the admins say stuff like that, because this can be a chance for people like these guys to come up again with their crap. Definitly, after all this ends up, it'll be good to have this thread  closed and all over, because this leads only to more junky discussions


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

hi?moderators will warn you againstop acting be kid!arguing, insulting, swearing, doesn't solve! your issue!if you want to stay audiogamestry be nicethat never solve!


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

moderation!@luiscarlosgm: While it's true that some swear words are aloud on this forum, that does not give you an excuse to aim bad language directly at another person. Consider this a warning.Now, a message for everyone: I'd suggest giving aminuel time to consider his decision and contact the people involved, rather than repeating your points over and over again. We now know what happened, but posting angrily to the developer won't really help. Again, I must say please try to be civil and reasonable about it. Yes it is an annoying situation, but it might, honestly, be best to wait and stop sending the developer emails for now and let him contact the other playroom moderators involved.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

ok andy, I will rếpct, but I'm not the one because i'm insulting at ábdul, but doesn't mean that I'm the same as him.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Thank you very much Abdul for definitely destroying any constructive discussion.Dark, could you please permanently delete this topic as soon as possible ? With Abdul's crap, it definitely no longer makes sens.Loba has been notified by PM on our platform. If there are news, concerned people will be informed by e-mail. The story here is now definitely closed.Please note that any further ban-related question or complain regarding the playroom on or any other similar forum or mailing list will be completely ignored. Once more: this kind of discussion has to be private.If you have a complain or a ban-related question, please use our contact page at still stay open to discuss anything else regarding the playroom here, although it would certainly be better to post on our dedicated forum directly, depending on the subject.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Thank you very much Abdul for definitely destroying any possibly constructive discussion.Dark, could you please permanently delete this topic as soon as possible ? With Abdul's crap, it definitely no longer makes sens.Thank you in advance.Loba has been notified by PM on our platform. If there are news, concerned people will be informed directly by e-mail. The story here is now definitely closed.Please note that any further ban-related question or complain regarding the playroom on or any other similar forum or mailing list will be completely ignored. Once more: this kind of discussion has to be private.If you have a complain or a ban-related question, please use our contact page at still stay open to discuss anything else regarding the playroom here, although it would certainly be better to post on our dedicated forum directly, depending on the sub
 ject. For your information, you can go to the playroom forum on the web at or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F in the windows client.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hello all,That's sad that this forum is again taken as a 2nd playroom support. Sorry to the team, I'm not responsible for this as I'm not the original poster of this topic.Now that we are here again, this story is gently turning to a real dipomatic incident.No, I won't, and can't give the boot to loba-solitaria or any other helper right now; at least not before having got explanations.She made an excellent translation work, you should understand that I can't say her good bye so easily after that much work.More generally, would you give the boot to anyone like a piece of crap ?I have still no explanations about what effectively happened. At the moment it's the word from a single person against the word from another person. I'm not a loyer or a judge, it's ahrd to me to know exactly who is right and who isn't. Please understand that this is a problem. I can't trust anyone.Moreover, if she leaves, who will replace her ? Please come up with the miracle solution if you have it.However, that being said, this ban:User" "siervodejusticia with the reason "Creación y difusión de audio insultante e indigno sobre usuarios"seem effectively extremely strange for at least two reasons :1 - This is a ban forever, and helpers  have been recently reminded that permanent bans should be reserved to offending usernames like "hitler", "fuck" and jaws crash words. I don't have the impression that the username in question here is in that categoryNotice though, when translating the name, it seems to mean "servant of the justice" which can be seen as a political or religious message, what is forbidden on the playroom. If you are finally unbanned, I would recommand changing your username to avoid all future possible doubts and confusions. You aren't on the playroom to make propaganda of political and/or religious messages.2 - It seems that the ban is for the same reason as the previous one. As far as I know, normally when you get out of jail, if you don't redo what you did before, you are free again as if you did nothing (you paid for your fault). With the same reasonning, something appears indeed wrong here.I can't unban you right now, otherwise you are probably going to be banned again. I will try to contact Loba-solitaria shortly and let you know here if there are news. I can't promise anything. I just hope that this story will have an happy end, because it's gently going to come on my nerves. I like solving computer problems, not other people's problems.For other people who have similar problems, please avoid to post on or any other public forum. It's too late for this particular story, so we will finish it publicly, but normally, bans should be discussed in private and only in private.It's better for us as well as for, which would certainly prefer not being a 2nd support place for a particular game.If you write to us good e-mails in english, there is no reason why we wouldn't answer to it. Explain the whole story in details and not just "please please please unban me please" with no other argumentations and/or 100 spelling errors. That's the same as "I want to translate the playroom into XYZ language" without other info/arguments/references. I can say it, most e-mails we get are made of  less than 10-15 words, without "good morning" and "thank you", and are written in about 30 seconds. Completely useless, no chance that we will pay attention to it.Nobody is perfect, me neither, and we aren't in a professional situation so there is no need to be ultra formal, but still, please make a reasonnable effort in your writing if you want to draw our attention.I should still admit that, sometimes, we haven't answered to some e-mails we should sincerely have to. I'm very sorry for this. WE have all a quite busy life and not always the time and/or will to work for the playroom all the time.With the hope that things will finally be clarified. Sorry, I'm just a developer, not a social guy.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Moderation! @abdulrahman.essam, I'm afraid it doesn't matter who wrote the poem, you posted it, and it is insulting, hence the warning. To Abdul, Andy and everyone else, the faq is very clear on this matter. Complaining about bans or bad behaviour from other games on this forum is not allowed, sinse it just causes endless trouble and aggravation, see The site and forum faq found here for the official rules. I cannot judge what Aminiel or the admins of Quentin C's playroom may or may not have done, and to be brutally honest I do not care, sinse my concern is this! forum not the playroom, and it is clear from rather too much bitter experience that complaints of bans from other games on here just cause a massive amount of stress and arguements.I would suggest people contact Aminiel directly via e-mail to discuss any grievences, and leave them off the forum. Indeed, I haven't 
 seen Aminiel himself on here for quite some time, so all having a huge bitching fest about the playroom admins will do is cause arguementation.I will not close this topic, sinse if people wish to discuss things a little more dispassionately or have some constructive comments to make I'd much rather people did so, though as Aaron's closure of the last topic on this matter shows, this topic will! be closed if it's doing nothing but serving as a massive bitch party .


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

I posted this out on the spanish playroom.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hello all,That's sad that this forum is again taken as a 2nd playroom support. Sorry to the team, I'm not responsible for this as I'm not the original poster of this topic.Now that we are here again, this story is gently turning to a real dipomatic incident.No, I won't, and can't give the boot to loba-solitaria or any other helper right now; at least not before having got explanations.She made an excellent translation work, you should understand that I can't say her good bye so easily after that much work.More generally, would you give the boot to anyone like a piece of crap ?I have still no explanations about what effectively happened. At the moment it's the word from a single person against the word from another person. I'm not a loyer or a judge, it's ahrd to me to know exactly who is right and who isn't. Please understand that this is a problem. I can't trust anyone.Moreover, if she leaves, who will replace her ? Please come up with the miracle solution if you have it.However, that being said, this ban:User" "siervodejusticia with the reason "Creación y difusión de audio insultante e indigno sobre usuarios"seem effectively extremely strange for at least two reasons :1 - This is a ban forever, and helpers  have been recently reminded that permanent bans should be reserved to offending usernames like "hitler", "fuck" and jaws crash words. I don't have the impression that the username in question here is in that categoryNotice though, when translating the name, it seems to mean "servant of the justice" which can be seen as a political or religious message, what is forbidden on the playroom. If you are finally unbanned, I would recommand changing your username to avoid all future possible doubts and confusions. You aren't on the playroom to make propaganda of political and/or religious messages.2 - It seems that the ban is for the same reason as the previous one. As far as I know, normally when you get out of jail, if you don't redo what you did before, you are free again as if you did nothing (you paid for your fault). With the same reasonning, something appears indeed wrong here.I can't unban you right now, otherwise you are probably going to be banned again. I will try to contact Loba-solitaria shortly and let you know here if there are news. I can't promise anything. I just hope that this story will have an happy end, because it's gently going to come on my nerves. I like solving computer problems, not other people's problems.For other people who have similar problems, please avoid to post on or any other public forum, including the playroom forum. It's too late for this particular story, so we will finish it publicly here, but normally, bans should be discussed in private and only in private.It's better for us as well as for, which would certainly prefer not being a 2nd support place for a particular game.EDIT: dark say it all, this forum isn't made to complain about particular gamesIf you write to us good e-mails in english, there is no reason why we wouldn't answer to it. Explain the whole story in details and not just "please please please unban me please" with no other argumentations and/or 100 spelling errors. That's the same as "I want to translate the playroom into XYZ language" without other info/arguments/references. I can say it, most e-mails we get are made of  less than 10-15 words, without "good morning" and "thank you", and are written in about 30 seconds. Completely useless, no chance that we will pay attention to it.Nobody is perfect, me neither, and we aren't in a professional situation so there is no need to be ultra formal, but still, please make a reasonnable effort in your writing if you want to draw our attention.I should still admit that, sometimes, we haven't answered to some e-mails we should sincerely have to. I'm very sorry for this. WE have all a quite busy life and not always the time and/or will to work for the playroom all the time.With the hope that things will finally be clarified. Sorry, I'm just a developer, not a social guy.I would suggest to delete completely this topic and the other one once everything is finished. I'm really talking about deletion and not only locking/closing. This so called poem has trully nothing to do here.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@Dark can we just have this topic at the minimum closed, but maybe also deleted, It just seems like its a reiteration of the same thing, plus, the other was closed for people getting out of hand.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Thank you for the message Aminiel, I personally am quite aware your not responsable for any aggravation, you just made a rather fun game which lots of people have enjoyed. I fully well agree with you, and not just as regards the playroom, a polite, well worded enquiry by e-mail regarding a ban is worth any number of complaining messages on the forum, this is not just true of Quentin C playroom, but of pretty much any game.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@jackI didn't Create this Topic because of the previous topic is closedI Posted this Poem, because   Carl Carlosencouraged  me to Post this Poem Because Carl want's People knows that Playroom is really A Bad Platform@ethin it's True that I Got A Worning because carl's Poem Contains Insults to Aminiel@dark Yeah I Posted it because i encouraged to Post it


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@dark My Friend bobo told me to Post this Poem  because carl Wants his Poem to be Popularalso: this Poem Descrives how the Admins are banning People for RandomIt's True that Carl insulted Some Admins Because of This


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Moderation! @abdulrahman.essam, as the faq says,online bans from other games are not a matter to complain about in this forum, if you have Insulting behaviour is also definitely not! allowd heree either, this so called poem is rather insulting.This is an official warning, don't do this again.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@dark My Friend bobo told me to Post this Poem  because carl Wants his Poem to be Popularalso: this Poem Descrives how the Admins are banning People for Random


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Playroom Platform is Badrandom people  got bannedin the forum there are topics about banone of the post is by swiss manif We say to Admins Hithey ban us by saying bytheir forum topics are spammedAminiel, and Mayya are really damnedplayroom has Bad Helperstheir work is banning usersthey randomly banned fellow playerbut they also ban abusers more rarepeople are starting to hate this platformbecause admins are deleting posts in their forumaminiel has banned me and the reason is fakebut He didn't ban Alireza's account called RikkPplayroom platform is really Badpeople are still complaning about banthis Poem is Written by Carl Carlos AKA Swiss-carl, and It's Taken by Bobo,Edited by Carl Carlos AKA Swiss-carl for special reasons of Mister Marino


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Moderation! @abdulrahman.essam, as the faq says,online bans from other games are not a matter to complain about in this forum, if you have an issue, take it up politely with the admins of the playroom. Similarly, insulting behaviour of any sort is not allowd here, and this rhyme of yours is getting pretty insulting. This is an official warning, please don't do this again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Moderation! @abdulrahman.essam, as the faq says,online bans from other games are not a matter to complain about in this forum, if you have  a problem with the admins of Quentin C playroom, take it up with them politely, don't spread hassle about it here.Insulting behaviour is also definitely not! allowd heree either, this so called poem is rather insulting.This is an official warning, don't do this again.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@dark My Friend bobo told me to Post this Poem  because carl Wants his Poem to be Popular


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Oh, here we go again. Abdulrahman: This poem is basically a rip on Aminiel and the playroom. The bans topic was closed, good move. Do we need another topic? No. So please, if you are desperate to solve the issues about banning, do it privately. Thank you.


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

@abdulrahman.essam, can you please back off? You are really starting ot irritate many users on here because of your behavior. Keep this up and I assure you, despite me not being a moderator, that you will be banned by one of the mods on here. While that does sound like an order, it is a true fact. You just got an official warning. A note of warning: get two mores of those and your out. And that is not an order; that is a fact. It's happened to me before. You don't want it done to you, do you?


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Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

Hello guys.At first, I'd like to apologize with the moderation of this forum, because suddenly my topic got a bunch of uncensicle messages, of guys like Abdulroman talking and complaining about  pure mumbo jumbo.  and I'm so sorry if I'm getting kind of rude, but basically what happened to me a few minutes ago is really getting me quite pissed off and fed up at the same time. my main motivation to create my first topic, was  to let aminiel know what was going onn, since I know he's part of this forum, and I definitly can't  write to QCSalon because I'm not a french speaker.Now getting to my main subject here. @aminiel,  I've been banned again with the same reasons as my first ban, a  few minutes ago, just in the same moment I entred the platform to join a group of friends at a table. What the hell is wrong with this thing, and how is it possible that you get banned immediately after joining a free table? 
 without eeven talking? this is getting out of control dude, again and again I keep saying that this is a personal thing rather than an administrative one.I just want this  crap to stop, because its just so disappointing that you still get banned when everything was over, supposedly. oh and, you told these admins something about bans forever? well let me tell you, that these guys could be even unauthorizing you, cuzz I got banned this time, for ever. not 1 day or 2, not even a week, but forever!I just want all this to finish, or else I prefer not to step my feet  into your platform any more. this is just going quite far. If that's the case, why those who are insulting and  really harming are not banned yt?  in your rules, in that freakin rules you wrote,  you said no discrimination to any group and person, and I've been treated as "evangelical fagget" in a free table, yes you heard right. This isn't more a complain f
 or being banned, but its rather a new notification of all this stupid, and injustified situation. I don't want this either to turn into a thread for all to complain, but since the other topic got closed because of some pricks that have nothign else to do, well I just used this opportunity.again I apologize to the AG mods because my first thread turned into a madness house, but I just want to expose my situation again.A final word: @Abdul, swiscarl, bibo, bobo,  stop this non cense once and forever, OK?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Poem about QuentinC's Playroom

This just goes to show that aminiel has not learned the point everyone has been trying to get across ot him and that is to remove all moderators who ahve been being rude to others, permanently. this unauthorized banning clearly shows that one, aminiel is going the completely wrong way with administration, and two, he did not do as he said he did, and if he did, he'd better remove all the other "helpers" that are on that playroom, because this clearly shows that the helpers are playing favorites, which then shows that the playroom is a terrible platform to be one because the admins ban people for no apparent reason other than personal ones which should and are not valid reasons to ban someone in the first place. So, aminiel, talk to your helpers, and get this sorted out, or your going to have many unhappy players.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: survive the wild! the poem

2015-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: survive the wild! the poem

hahaha, thanks a lot!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: survive the wild! the poem

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: survive the wild! the poem

hahahahahahahahahah very good


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

survive the wild! the poem

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


survive the wild! the poem

hiI made this thing because I was just bored, and decided. Hey! sam is my best friend.lets make something for him.sure, I played this game at school, when we were receiving classes.m I tryed to make all my words to rime. But as my english is poor, well the poem is messed it is. … m.rar?dl=0if you like this thing, please thum up. Thanks!


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