Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

Hi.I just wanted to ask for some socializing tips to get rit of my lonliness. I dont even know if thats possible since every time i'm with someone i feel like that person is just not the person i'm looking for and dont talk. Every time, or most of the time we go out of home, i just sit there alone either listening to music or doing something on the phone. I just have problem with talking with people cause i just dont have much to say and i want to kinda have a person i can talk to about just about everything, and i thing i'll never find someone like that. Its also that i barely talk about stuff i like to talk about in real life since most of the people i know do not use linux, do not play pokemon, do not listen to video game music, aren't blind, ETC. The only subject i talk about with more people is Hary Potter.And its not that i'm completely closed. I'm talking with adults definitevly more than with people around my age which is 15. I just find teens not entertaining to talk with and i feel like talking with adults is just much better. I thing thats just in my family though, because my mum also says she found it hard to talk with people in school when she was a teen.So, do you have any tips for socialising with people around my age?


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheBlindSaiyan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I'm in the same boat TBH.As everyone keeps saying to me, "you'll find someone in the future! it'll all work out in the future!"I respect that we all want results now and right away, but the best thing to do is stay positive no matter what.Social distencing doesn't help either.I'm having to deal with isolation in college because the care staff play the covid card over and over again, when really they're just carrying over their discrimination from 2 years ago when they wouldn't help me meet people despite me asking for help socialising and making friends.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I had this problem about a year ago, too. I was in a state of depression. Okay, even now I'm not the most sociable, on the contrary, I just hope I can change something.To some it may sound ridiculous, but this site of seduction has managed to get me out of my prolonged bad state that lasted for several years.The site is in Romanian, but there are definitely serious materials and in other languages.www.artaseductiei.ro haven't ordered the book from the second link yet, but I saw a preview and I think it's great. As an additional tip, I recommend that you be interested in personal development.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : datajake1999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I have some close friends that I now talk to over FaceTime, but It isn't the same as hanging out in person. Before Covid, we listened to audio books and ate together, and had lots of fun. We are hoping we can get together in person at some point, either at the end of this year or the start of next year.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

Basically you need to wait out high school.  This gets better later.  When people are adults they group based off interests and not based off "we happen to be in the same class".  Also once you're 18 there's things like online dating, if you're looking for someone more than a friend.Everyone I've talked to and also my own experiences with it: if you're not super, super normal then you can't make up for the blindness in high school.  My brother managed it, but his hobbies are fishing and such and he lived in Florida, which is just about as normal as you get.  But most blind people, myself included, had a problem with this at that age.You might be able to find clubs or something but that depends where you are, and if the school will freak out because you wanted to attend something after class without supervision.@2If college means that you're over 18, care staff are involved, and you don't have something other than blindness going on, that's probably most of the problem.  People don't really want to have a third person in the relationship all the time.  Also, being independent turns you from someone that people pity to someone that people admire, for better or worse.If you're in high school (i.e. pre-18) the aid is *absolutely* the problem because any adult in that situation has authority over everyone else and you're essentially walking around with a teacher on your shoulder.  I didn't have an aid in high school, but I did for elementary and middle school, and the difference was amazing. Not amazing enough that I have close friends from that time, but people actually started interacting and having conversations.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

College will help a lot as said above, but you still need the nerves and the courage to go to social events and ask for people's contact. It is also a slow process getting people to hang out outside of campus. Partially because most people have jobs, and also because they already have a few friends and adding one more can be awkward unless you meet them and their group at the right place and time. However, joining clubs in college can definitely boost your chances of this, especially if the group travels frequently. That is showing them that you can manage off campus very well. I was about to start this process but covid hit 1 month into college. It hurt a lot. Hope your fortune is better.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

@4 I forgot to mention i'm home schooling since i starwted elementary school, so basicaly i've been home schooling for my whole lif. I was considering going to school to meet someone, but i guess i wont. My mum told me the safe, that when i'll be older i'll find more people.I remember back when i was like 11 i meet a guy who was a coder or just great at computer related stuff, and he was around 30 years old i guess. Honestly thats the only guy i've had so much fun talking with outside family/cousins. I was finally able to tell someone about what i like to do, even at the age of 11 i was really interested in computer related stuff, and he listened, he gave me tips, ETC. I saw him again at the age of 12 and a half, once again talked with hi alot and told them i installed android X86 on a HP laptop and didn't know what to do because no one could open the bios, ETC ETC.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

@4 I forgot to mention i'm home schooling since i starwted elementary school, so basicaly i've been home schooling for my whole life. I was considering going to school to meet someone, but i guess i wont. My mum told me the same, that when i'll be older i'll find more people.I remember back when i was like 11 i meet a guy who was a coder or just great at computer related stuff, and he was around 30 years old i guess. Honestly thats the only guy i've had so much fun talking with outside family/cousins. I was finally able to tell someone about what i like to do, even at the age of 11 i was really interested in computer related stuff, and he listened, he gave me tips, ETC. I saw him again at the age of 12 and a half, once again talked with hi alot and told them i installed android X86 on a HP laptop and didn't know what to do because no one could open the bios, ETC ETC.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

Epistemic status: based on personal experience, specific to highschool-like environments; probably mostly wrong.Some points that might help.1. I've heard it said that people like talking about themselves, and while that's not true in the vast majority of the cases, it is certainly true enough. Try to figure out how to let people open up. Let, specifically, not make-you want to balance encouraging someone to talk and listening to them. The goal is building trust, so you'll have to talk about yourself, too, but be careful of context. You shouldn't go off-topic enough for the other person not to sympathize, at least until you're good friends. This takes a while though, and the next point helps facilitate the process.2. You've talked about how people don't use linux/play pokemon/listen to video game music, etc, which makes it hard to talk about things. But this is same from the other person's prospective. You don't watch movies or listen to pop music or follow the most recent instagram memes, so they don't have anything to talk about with you either. And yes, this is a catch-22, but when other people realize they do not share your interests, they have the choice of talking to many, many other people that do. You do not have this luxury. As such, it is useful to have at least a passing knowledge of the general interests that other people share, just so you have something to talk about. Not necessarily random memes and things, but music and movies and shows and so on are useful for small talk. And you want to do small talk because that eventually leads to better familiarity. It's the shared interests thing; eventually you can introduce people to what you actually like and they can do the same, but popular things are good as a starting point to scope out each other.3. This might be a little more contentious, want to figure out how to change your initial assessment for the people who don't know you. I did this by being really good at academics. You can do it by being good at anything that your school offers. Helps if it's a performance-like activity, but it doesn't have to be; the goal is to be known as "Stasp who's a really good  and also blind" rather than "Stasp, the blind person". Should this matter? no. Does it? yes.To explicitly state: this will not get you close friendships. I think it's really hard to do close friendships in high school, specifically with the kinds of interests you have, because people like sticking to their own groups and there isn't really a linux-using, pokemon-playing group for instance. But what this does let you is figure out how to interact with a lot of people at least to a rudimentary degree, and if you do that with enough people you'll find one or two people who you can relate to.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

Epistemic status: based on personal experience, specific to highschool-like environments; probably mostly wrong.Some points that might help.1. I've heard it said that people like talking about themselves, and while that's not true in the vast majority of the cases, it is certainly true enough. Try to figure out how to let people open up. Let, specifically, not make-you want to balance encouraging someone to talk and listening to them. The goal is building trust, so you'll have to talk about yourself, too, but be careful of context. You shouldn't go off-topic enough for the other person not to sympathize, at least until you're good friends. This takes a while though, and the next point helps facilitate the process.2. You've talked about how people don't use linux/play pokemon/listen to video game music, etc, which makes it hard to talk about things. But this is same from the other person's prospective. You don't watch movies or listen to pop music or follow the most recent instagram memes, so they don't have anything to talk about with you either. And yes, this is a catch-22, but when other people realize they do not share your interests, they have the choice of talking to many, many other people that do. You do not have this luxury. As such, it is useful to have at least a passing knowledge of the general interests that other people share, just so you have something to talk about. Not necessarily random memes and things, but music and movies and shows and so on are useful for small talk. And you want to do small talk because that eventually leads to better familiarity. It's the shared interests thing; eventually you can introduce people to what you actually like and they can do the same, but popular things are good as a starting point to scope out each other.3. This might be a little more contentious, want to figure out how to change your initial assessment for the people who don't know you. I did this by being really good at academics. You can do it by being good at anything that's normal-adjacent. Helps if it's a performance-like activity, but it doesn't have to be; the goal is to be known as "Stasp who's a really good  and also blind" rather than "Stasp, the blind person". Should this matter? no. Does it? yes.To explicitly state: this will not get you close friendships. I think it's really hard to do close friendships in high school, specifically with the kinds of interests you have, because people like sticking to their own groups and there isn't really a linux-using, pokemon-playing group for instance. But what this does let you is figure out how to interact with a lot of people at least to a rudimentary degree, and if you do that with enough people you'll find one or two people who you can relate to.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

@7This is a typical nerd experience for lack of a better way to put it.  I was memorizing powers of 2 in middle school because I was curious how high I could go before I could stop doing the math in my head.  High school was mostly hanging out on muds; there was a time when most of Alter Aeon hated my guts, but back then muds had a lot of adults on them still.  Even if you weren't home schooled you'd have these sorts of problems, and very few people stay friends after high school anyway.@8 isn't probably wrong though, they're very much right.  Try to see if you can pick up a hobby that other people share.  Mine is cooking.  And going on Netflix or something and finding movies you like can also go over well.  honestly if you end up watching Netflix with friends, you'd be surprised how well "can we turn on the descriptive audio?" goes over--I haven't done it a lot but the reaction is mostly "The what? Huh, that's cool, sure".


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

@2, Agree. I'm the same way. I mostly talk to older people than myself. As for finding the right person... again with two here, the right person will come up and it'll all work itself out, but waiting is the hard part. I think the best advice I can give is talk to the people your close to. It won't get rid of loneliness completely, but it'll push it back  good bit.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

If you find you can't relate to people your age, no need to feel bad about it. Feel free to find older friends and that's perfectly fine. Small talk won't really get you far, if you aren't good at it and it simply takes all your effourt to simulate that strange behaveour. If you're a nerd, just try not to seem being not one and stick with those similar to yourself and that will work out and feel way better, rather than trying to act "normal" and again, simulate or emulate things not native to you. This all might sound like some rounded off crap, but I'm just trying to express my experience of life in as few words as possible and not make it more complicated or litter things with more personal examples not relevant here.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I would agree with others that it gets much better at university, however once you finish university it gets worse again, because that's when those few people you've met who are in your interest/interlect bracket move on to do things like procreate and once more forget you exist, and since most adults (at least in the UK), prefer to think blind people don't exist by default, your pretty much back where you started. Bare in mind here, I am speaking as someone who at one point ran the philosophy society, organised major events and was a part of the community, someone whose done stage productions and even been in the Guinness book of records. I have taught myself the art of conversation, I don't engage in blindisms, I know what being accepted looks like, the plane fact is, it just doesn't happen very much. My lady is convinced this is England, she said things were better in other parts of Europe, and I did notice at least the ice breaking part, and getting people to actually recognise I am the same species was a little less difficult when I was  in the states, albeit the options for conversation were far more limited. And all of this of course long before social distancing and covid, indeed, the sort of frightening part about social distancing for my lady and I is that it really has made very little difference to us, given that, unlike apparently most people, we do not find the idea of going into crowded, noisy spaces and imbibing neurotoxins, whilst either yelling incoherently or jiggling around in an uncoordinated fashion to be a worthwhile method of recreation.So I'm afraid at the moment my best advice on loneliness is, get used to it.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I would agree with others that it gets much better at university, however once you finish university it gets worse again, because that's when those few people you've met who are in your interest/interlect bracket move on to do things like procreate and once more forget you exist, and since most adults (at least in the UK), think blind people don't exist by default, your pretty much back where you started. Bare in mind here, I am speaking as someone who at one point ran the philosophy society, organised major events and was a part of the community, someone whose done stage productions and even been in the Guinness book of records. I have taught myself the art of conversation, I don't engage in blindisms, I know what being accepted looks like, the plane fact is, it just doesn't happen very much. My lady is convinced this is England, she said things were better in other parts of Europe, and I did notice at least the ice breaking part, and getting people to actually recognise I am the same species was a little less difficult when I was  in the states, albeit the options for conversation were far more limited. And all of this of course long before social distancing and covid, indeed, the sort of frightening part about social distancing for my lady and I is that it really has made very little difference to us, given that, unlike apparently most people, we do not find the idea of going into crowded, noisy spaces and imbibing neurotoxins, whilst either yelling incoherently or jiggling around in an uncoordinated fashion to be a worthwhile method of recreation.So I'm afraid at the moment my best advice on loneliness is, get used to it.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

hmm, I think dark is right in a sence, I am not yet at university, hell, I can't even decide to which university should I go, but in all honesty I find lownlyness a great friend. Haven't you learned by now that lownlyness brings the most creative thoughts?


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

If you find a truely deep passion in life, it wouldn't hurt that much even while being alone. For example I have electronic music, which yes, also can and does give me oportunities to engage with more people, is still a worthwile thing to enjoy also while by myself.Again, it might seem somewhat contradictary to most things others might say and think, but don't be afraid of being a nerd, if your type just happens to be such. An introvert is nod a bad thing, nore are any kind of differences/weirdnesses - autistic traits or other similar things, however people decide to mockingly call them.My point isn't to debunk anybody's beliefs, rather to show, that simply simulating any kind of popular behaveours isn't gonna help much. Yes, for a while it may look like that, but after some time it will eventually turn around and work in completely opposit direction simply draining you of energy and generating all kind of bad feelings, like being a failure or simply losing the sense of your true self.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

While I'm very in to creativity, solo exploration and contemplation myself, and therefore would not disagree with the last two posts, I'm afraid my point in post 12 was a little harsher than that. The plane fact is, that despite all people's talk about acceptance and diversity and what not with any disability, your always dealing with a perception of difference, that most of society views you as an intrinsically different sort of human being not like others. With blindness (and I believe with deafness), you can intensify that perception ten fold.This isn't to say that it is always like that, or that there aren't skills you can learn as detailed in this topic, just that for the majority of the time, you will find yourself put into the "weird blind person", box, and there won't be a lot you can do about it, since it's not ultimately you who has the key to that box. It is frustrating as hell, and you will run into it again and again, however myself, I am coming to realise that ultimately since you cannot change other people, you are best off trying to change yourself. for the last three years, I have had no RL friends other than the one I am married to. My previous friends live at a distance and our contact is infrequent, and efforts to find anything resembling people of similar interest and intellect where we are have failed entirely. High school is pretty crappy, but try having your wife diagnosed with cancer, and then spending two hours in the supposed cancer support drop in centre only for have literally no one to speak to you.Then, when you actually raise this to the cancer support charity,  to get invited to an under forties support group they're setting up, only to be literally kicked out on a technicality after the first meeting. This is why I say just get used to loneliness. As a blind person you will be on your own resources far more than other people, you won't be able to make casual friends or simply fit into social groups, neither will friendship mean as much to others as it does to you, since they always have the opportunity  being accepted elsewhere.Work on cultivating inner resources, coping alone, get tough, and when you find those few accepting places or that one special person, do anything you can to grab the opportunity with both hands, even if it means extensive travel or a lot of work. sorry if people find this overly pessimistic, but honestly, if I'd realised that there was actually nothing wrong with me, and everything wrong with the way the world works a lot sooner, I'd have been far better putting my time into trying to learn to cope alone, than into castigating myself.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

While I'm very in to creativity, solo exploration and contemplation myself, and therefore would not disagree with the last two posts, I'm afraid my point in post 12 was a little harsher than that. The plane fact is, that despite all people's talk about acceptance and diversity and what not, with any disability, your always dealing with a perception of difference. Most of society views you as an intrinsically different sort of human being. With blindness (and possibly with deafness, facial diplegia and maybe some other conditions as well), you can intensify that perception ten fold.This isn't to say that it is always like that in every situation, or that there aren't skills you can learn as detailed in this topic, just that for the majority of the time, you will find yourself put into the "weird blind person", box, and there won't be a lot you can do about it, since it's not ultimately you who has the key to that box. It is frustrating as hell, and you will run into it again and again, however myself, I am coming to realise that ultimately since you cannot change other people, you are best off trying to change yourself. for the last three years, I have had no RL friends other than the one I am married to. My previous friends live at a distance and our contact is infrequent, and efforts to find anything resembling people of similar interest and intellect where we are have failed entirely. High school is pretty crappy, but try having your wife diagnosed with cancer, and then spending two hours in the supposed cancer support drop in centre only for have literally no one to speak to you.Then, when you actually raise this to the cancer support charity,  to get invited to an under forties support group they're setting up, only to be kicked out on a technicality after the first meeting with no alternative, (so much for supporting people with cancer).This is why I say just get used to loneliness. As a blind person you will be on your own resources far more than other people, you won't be able to make casual friends or simply fit into social groups, neither will friendship mean as much to others as it does to you, since they always have the opportunity  being accepted elsewhere.Work on cultivating inner resources, coping with emotional problems  alone, get tough, and when you find those few accepting places or that one special person, do anything you can to grab the opportunity with both hands, even if it means extensive travel or a lot of work. sorry if people find this overly pessimistic, but honestly, if I'd realised that there was actually nothing wrong with me, and everything wrong with the way the world works a lot sooner, I'd have been far better putting my time into trying to learn to cope , than into castigating myself.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

Thanks everyone for the advice. I was also planning on participating in the student exchange programs and go to US/UK/some where else where English is spoken since i dont have much trouble comunicating in English, and i thing it may kinda make me meet new people and maybe find someone with similar interests as me, but i may be mistaken


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

If you feel being ready for such thing, go for it! If that's somebody else's pressure on you, don't.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

@17 no, no one is pressing on me to do so. I want to do this on my own.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

It might work out for you.  It might not.  English speaking countries tend to be better at dealing with disabilities in general.  But don't assume it'll be better.  If you go into it as "and now I'm somewhere where friends will happen" that's setting yourself up for disappointment.  "maybe friends will happen but also here's a bunch of other reasons I want to do it" is how you need to view something like that.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I'm less certain I  agree with Camlorn about "english speaking countries" being automatically better for disability, ", my lady's experiences in Germany suggest different, as does what I've heard of Scandinavia. However, I totally agree with Camlorn about travelling being a good idea.Travelling is a good thing to do because it's good to see other places and get an alternative perspective, and if your thinking of trying it on that basis, definitely go for it.On the other hand, assuming that travelling to another country will automatically solve friendship related problems is probably less advisable since it's more likely to end in disappointment.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I did say tend to be better.  Germany is good, I've heard at least okay things about Spain and Norway, China or Iran are terrible, I know someone in India who can't get a CS degree because his high school/etc wouldn't help/let him take the math and science required.  If you take a hat and you put all the English speaking countries in and you draw from the hat you're much more likely to get something at least passable, but that doesn't mean there aren't good countries that don't speak English because there certainly are.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

I know. I just wanted to go with English since Polish is my primary language and English i use on a daily basiss, and i dont really know any other language good enough to just decide something like 'Hell yeah lets go to Japan!' I  know that these student exchange programs tend to teach you some language basics when you start off but i probably am more than a basic English speaker at that point, so that would by far be the easiest option.


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

try to expand your intrests, go out of your comfort zone, and give other subjects a shot, try to be intrested in what the other person is talking about.  conversation will flow better


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Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for dealing with lonelyness?

# 15 I don't see things so pessimistic. I'm in high school for blind children and a colleague of mine has dozens of friends. And I'm not exaggerating at all. Blind or sighted alike. The truth is that she stays in boarding school, so she automatically met more people and that made her more extroverted.What I mean is that being blind does not mean that you are doomed to a life of loneliness.I follow the principle of not believing until I see, in almost every field, except religion.It seems absurd to me to have hopes for something and then to be disappointed that it is not happening.I'm not saying you should never be happy, but you have to have a healthy dose of skepticism.


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