Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

ok time to throw my hat into the ring.due to me assisting my grand mother lately, also, add the fact that...since i'm usually one for having a short attention span i enjoy short fiction. fantisy and the like. horror of corse, as's a few of my favorite choices.pseudopod for horrorhttp://www.pseudopod.orggood horror fiction. everything from zombies, to warewolves, to vampires, to just about anything horror related in there, a lot of back logs to catch up on there for me.on the pseudopod page you can find links to...escape pod.a good scifi scyfy? sight.escape pod. which is by the same company.for fantisy, there is pod castlesame sight above will link you.also pseudopod will link you to...drabble cast.which is strange. it's the only way i can describe their short fiction.oddly enough you guys have already listed a lot of the ot
 her sights i usually go to.darker projects,Has Anyone mentionedhttp://www.brokensea.comyet?for books and a few dramas there'shttp://podiobooks.commost of my other sites envolvestories that are either incomplete, or not finished yet.i can post oodles more though? if you guys are interested.later,neo.p.s. yes, i do enjoy big finish. when i can scrape up the money to buy them though. they're expensive, but quite good.


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Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

I tried a couple of things from brokensea, like their epic fantasy grog and griffin, but their acting just seemed completely off, indeed the only half decent man was one chap I recognized from darker projects. Their audio was sometimes a bit roapy but that doesn't bother me as much as overblown or stilted acting. Psudopod I've heard of, but is it still possible to get their past output? Last I checked you had to actually pay for their older episodes which was a llittle weerd. If you like weerd short fiction, Varient frequencies and you can Find it here Their stuff ranges from disturbing horror, to sf and fantasy but tends to be very much of the steven king, weerder sort. I particularly enjoy their short series failed cities which is sort of a mix of distopia, cyberpunk and crime fiction, they also did a very disturbing christmas special which was rather awsome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

what a surprise to see you here Mr.! anderson! Sorry couldn't resist .I tried a couple of things from brokensea, like their epic fantasy grog and griffin, but their acting just seemed completely off, indeed the only half decent man was one chap I recognized from darker projects. Their audio was sometimes a bit roapy but that doesn't bother me as much as overblown or stilted acting. Psudopod I've heard of, but is it still possible to get their past output? Last I checked you had to actually pay for their older episodes which was a llittle weerd. If you like weerd short fiction, Varient frequencies and you can Find it here Their stuff ranges from disturbing horror, to sf and fantasy but tends to be very much of the steven king, weerder sort. I particularly enjoy their short series 
 failed cities which is sort of a mix of distopia, cyberpunk and crime fiction, they also did a very disturbing christmas special which was rather awsome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

That reminds me of a DC thing where the people of a starship of star trek meet the doctor, cybermen and dalics in some sort of diminutional rift of sorts. 


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Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

I've heard of that devin, though unfortunately it's the eleventh doctor so not quite as good,  now picard and  William heartnal in the same room? that! would be awsome. There is also the problem that the Borg are more than a little a knockoff of the cybermen, from their habbit of ocnverting other races to their catch phrase, being "resistance is futile", sinse in the classic series the cybermen's was "Resistance is useles" Oh, and btw, the Cybermen predate the Borg's creation by a good 20 years having first turned up in Doctor who in 1966. Then again I freely admit that while I enjoy startrek as a series to watch (indeed I'm watching ds9 at the second), I considder myself far more a hard core whoviann.


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Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : darkabomination via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

The Borg had more good episodes though. Cybermen are some of my favorite Who villains, but after the 70s they kinda just went downhill being used as generic mooks that lose their shit whenever you bust out some gold dust. Awesome in the 60s serials, though.Bleh, Modern has them now as robots shouting delete all the time, which misses the point. They're humans that have removed their humanity and emotions first, cybernetic enhancements are just for practicality. Now they're just cyborgs at best.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

Well I agree on the cybermen digenerating slightly in the 70's, although i did like the depiction of planet Telos in attack of the cybermen and the idea that the cybermen basically wiped out the planet's actual inhabitants to knick their criogenic technology. I will say the  bf audios have gone a long way to restoring the Cybermen, especially in spare parts which showed their creation, not to mention real time when you get to see cybermen from the end of time, and when they are definitely not! just robots.For the new series of Dr. who well I liked the initial introduction of the cybermen in the alternate universe, their easthetic as massive clomping steeel robots was genuinely scary, and at that point the cybermen emotion weakness hadn't been used to remove all menace from them, the episode "cyberwoman" from torchwood also gave a great idea of what the cyberman mindset was, though I do agree compared to the Daleks they're just not in the s
 ame league.As with most new who though, the cybermen pretty much went streight down the tubes when the mopht took over, turning into just another space empire of robots, also the defeated by emotion has been used so dam much these days it seems all you need to do to defeat the cybermen is start crying . Then again with the moph what do you expect? Regarding the Borg, the Borg in next gen are fantastic I will agree. They're unstoppable, alienn and relentless. Unfortunately voyager and the first contact film just turned them into complete and utter wusses, I also didn't personally like the idea of the Borg queen sinse I much preferd the alien idea that they literally were just a collective organism and needed no single leader.7 of 9 also,  nanoprobes? for god's sake!  half the plots in the later episodes of voyager turned into deus ex n
 anomachina! I honestly wondered why the borg hadn't conquered the hole galaxy if their nanopprobes could be made to pretty much resolve any plot. Then again much as I liked the idea of 7 as a character she just didn't seem to work in most of the plots she was in, and the hole borg war thing with species 8972 just seemed a wasted opportunity, sinse the borg as dodgy allies would've been much more interesting than the borg as fairly easily defeatable enemies. So, like anything it seems these depend on quality of writer, albeit I do still think the Borg are a bit blatant in terms of cyber ripoffs, though as I said I do think they worked in next gen, heck anything that can give captain Picard nightmares has to be bad :d.


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Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : darkabomination via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

To be fair, the vast majority of Voyager is shit. Execs wanted another Trek series going, barely constructed a premise, and gave the job to inexperienced writers, thus the nonsensicle plots, wildly veering characterizations, and a heap of potential that was wasted.I will stick up for the Borg in First Contact, however. The queen was mitigated as it's strongly implied she's the core consciousness of the Borg, or at least the one that can have somewhat of a different will. And as a collective she states herself they know and see everything among all their species, she's only the manifestation so if her body died the mind would still be among the collective.Sadly, Voyager contradicted this and made her an individual separately leading them.


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Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

Well Dark Abomination I will admit I remember seeing first contact at the cinema when it originally came out and seeing the Borg queen with Data was quite freaky, however watching the film again now I am rather underwelmed by her as I said. Voyager I thought had some interesting potential as a series, and I was sort of interested up until season 3, albeit I didn't like the fact that basically other than the vedegan (the race with the plague), and species 84722, all of the races we ran into in the gamma quadrent weren't all that different to what we've seen before. There were thKason who were just generic nasty alien klingon knockoffs and were kicked from the lineup as soon as they were beginning to get some interesting backstory, and the Herojen who - m, hunt things! and not a lot else. It was a shame sinse there were glimmers of interesting plots, the Doctor, Chakotay and his lady friend who wound up being a cardassian (why the hell didn'
 t they keep her around), the maquis thing, but unfrotunately they all got stomped on in favour of just having janeway's ego dominate. Actually I did hear that the actress who played Janeway sort of took over the writing and being an obsessive feminist of the "kill all men" variety refused to include plots for male characters and tried to push what she thought of as "more female power plots" which unfortunately usually meant 7 doing something whacky with nanoprobes or Jameway bitching at the crew. I will say out of all the captains in the trek series I've seen (which is everyting bar enterprise), janeway is my least favourite. It's a shame I would've loved to see a really commanding and awsome female captain who was a genuinely strong leader in the bad situation Voyager ended up in, unfortunately we ended up with janeway who always came across far more like over baring mother in law than captain of a starship, and has moments that are do
 wn right creepy! That section where they find the crazy holodeck Irish village, and Janeway has a thing for the in keeper? i really get chills when she turns round to Paris and says "delete the wifee!" . Actually jameway would've been a much more scary borg queen than the real borg queen (and her voice is already robotic enough), :d.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

Well Dark Abomination I will admit I remember seeing first contact at the cinema when it originally came out and seeing the Borg queen with Data was quite freaky, however watching the film again now I am rather underwelmed by her as I said. Voyager I thought had some interesting potential as a series, and I was sort of interested up until season 3, albeit I didn't like the fact that basically other than the vedegan (the race with the plague), and species 84722, all of the races we ran into in the gamma quadrent weren't all that different to what we've seen before. There were thKason who were just generic nasty alien klingon knockoffs and were kicked from the lineup as soon as they were beginning to get some interesting backstory, and the Herojen who - m, hunt things! and not a lot else. It was a shame sinse there were glimmers of interesting plots, the Doctor, Chakotay and his lady friend who wound up being a cardassian (why the hell didn'
 t they keep her around), the maquis thing, but unfrotunately they all got stomped on in favour of just having janeway's ego dominate. Actually I did hear that the actress who played Janeway sort of took over the writing and being an obsessive feminist of the "kill all men" variety refused to include plots for male characters and tried to push what she thought of as "more female power plots" which unfortunately usually meant 7 doing something whacky with nanoprobes or Jameway bitching at the crew. I will say out of all the captains in the trek series I've seen (which is everyting bar enterprise), janeway is my least favourite. It's a shame I would've loved to see a really commanding and awsome female captain who was a genuinely strong leader in the bad situation Voyager ended up in, unfortunately we ended up with janeway who always came across far more like over baring school teacher from hell than captain of a starship, and has moments 
 that are down right creepy! That section where they find the crazy holodeck Irish village, and Janeway has a thing for the in keeper? i really get chills when she turns round to Paris and says "delete his wife!" . Actually jameway would've been a much more scary borg queen than the real borg queen (and her voice is already robotic enough), :d.


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