Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Unfortunately it must be something with the encoding library BGT is using, and therefore Oriol can't do anything about it. I've actually seen this happen a few times.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I tried that with one of the files, and it didn't work. for some reason it's happening with every single file except for 1music.ogg. Strange.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

It may have something to do with the file, I've seen the ogg library do that. Try converting it to different formats, then back to ogg.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,I'm creating a beatstar soundpack. I posted a question somewhere else before learning about this thread, which I've figured out, but I have a new one. I have created the pack, the music files worked fine in the pack creation tool, but then when I play, the first level of music plays, but then it does not play the second level onward. it just gives you the commands in the correct rhythm without any music to keep the beat with.Can anyone make any suggestions as to why it might be doing this? I have 34 levels and they would stink without the music.Thanks, Blake


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

that is also very true, although this could apply to RR too to take that part of work off oriol's hands if he wants, since he did say he won't accept packs with issues


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Seems there are still packs being submitted, although Rhythm Rage may very well supercede that soon. Which begs the question of how many people would be interested in testing Beatstar packs anyway once Rhythm Rage is released.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

that's the thing though, if this actually became a thing you wouldn't have to test them all yourself, that would be the team's jobas to people losing interest, that's where if that started happening, said tester would inform oriol, who could either remove them from the list or just leave them on just in case they felt like returning, and recruit another personin theory anyways, not sure how well that would actually work in practicemy suggestion would be to give this a trial run assuming there are still packs being submitted


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hiyesI know that there are packs with rhythm  issuesbut that's not really my thing to do, yes having a testers team would be great but i get lots of packsand i cant test each and every one of thembut yes you are rightlots of packs have issuesand for rhythm rage i will not accept any pack which has rhythm issues because the level creators tool offers reliable ways to get the timing righti think that beatstar pack creators need to be more careful with their rhythms


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

In theory, that sounds great. I would worry that the testers might lose interest after a few months, though, and there would just be a huge backlog of packs that never get rated, and thus, never released, whether they're good or not.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I would personally rather have the packs that are done well over sheer quantity, and that's what the email part of things would be for, if a creator isn't even willing to put in effort to make a few changes then...


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

yeah, that would be good but it will remove a lot of packs from the game.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hey oriol, just a small suggestionhave you thought about gathering a sort of pack screening team for this game? I hate to be that guy, but some of the ones in the game now have a few problems, at least in my personal opinionbiggest one would be rhythm issues, but I'm not sure if that's just me or what and I can't think of any specific examples right nowthere are others too though, it's just been a while since I went on a pack downloading spreemy thought is the uploader would put down there email, then the pack would go to the team who would play test it, and it'd be approved, or denied and an email sent to the creator explaining what's wrong with itI would love opinions on this, from anyoneand if this becomes a thing I'd be willing to be a part of it


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

ooh! rage rage rage! cant wait for it!


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hii wil consider your suggestions though right now I am working on my sequel to beatstar which is rhythm rage, then I can  dedicate more time to beatstar again.i have noted down your ideas 


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Heh, I made that thing. BGT, midi, baloney_sandwich and vocalwriter are packs that I made.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Heh, I made that thing. BGT, midi, baloney_sandwich and vocalwriter were packs that I made.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

oh yes. that one is fun as well.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

It's 50 shades of eloquence. That pack gives me a laugh. Baloney_sandwhich is fun as well.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

here is what i think about beatstar. so, first of all, this game is grate, i mean in it's bop it stile. packs are grate as well, though some are long. i'm talking about face the music. who made it in the first place? ideas for the next update. 1. reset. why would you want to do that, you ask? because i said no to donating to beatstar when i wanted to say i'll do it later so donating acheavment is lost for me, . resetting will reset all. your packs, acheavments, safecards, all. 2. download all packs. yes yes that one. it's so annoying to go through each pack and press enter. you say: "some of the links are broken," true they are, but cant you code something that will check if link is working each week and if it doesn't work then it will be removed from your download list? oh, and if you reset, the packs that you downloaded or bot would just be in the buy 
 packs option. 3. have a way to skip the music in the chants game. 4. and i've been thinking on this option for quite a while now, have an option that would allow you to buy safecards in boxing game. you might say: "no no no! don't add that! people with millions of beatcoins would just buy a hole bunch of them and would get the higher score!" yes, i was thinking on that as well. the safecards would only work till level 11. why? because passt level 10 there's no acheavments to get. i got to level 11 and only through luck and a lots of button mash. 5. make a penalty for spamming buttons in boxing game, same thing you should do in thief, heh. 6. cant you add something like a payout table for slot machine? 7. add a way to skip stuff in soccer. i'd play that minigame more if you do that. 8. in keep the beat i'm always playing with some lag, can you make it a little more forgiving? that's it for ideas. again, this game is simple yet fun to play, and 
 that's why i keep coming back to it when i'm sick of rudolf killing me on impossible in shadowline. who made 50 shades of nvda or something? i lost it for first time cause i was laughing like mad. we need more packs like this! . ZStar is fun as well. death and destruction is hard but it's also fun, face the music is long, it took me over an h to do it. no joking. i almost fell asleep while doing it. really, if you gonna make a pack with 60 or over 60 levels can you make them fast? some levels felt like they took like 5 minutes. pipe pack got 36 levels but it was quick and challenging. how does memory game works? do i have to copy the stuff as they do it? so same beat and stuff? if so then it's harder then simon. other then that, there's not much more to say, if i'm forgetting some packs i really enjoy i'm sorry. most of them are fun, in there own way. 
 well that's it for now, and oh, i have 220 beatcoins. and i'm not bragging at all. 


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Also, there is not intro sound of downloading message of the day. It is just only music and nothing else.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

yes that's a known bug though I dont exactly know what is wrong with it, I'll do find a solution


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Problem... I was playing Wealthy chance and all of a sudden got this Error...Call stack size: 49Function: void deal()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void packloop2()Function: void changepacks()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void deal()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void sendscorebb()Function: void beatbox()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void beatbox()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainm
 enu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void main()


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Please, don't instal the game. Best is to download a zip (portable) version.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Bringing this thread back because I now have a problem. Just installed the newest version and coped over my entire packs folder... but the game is only detect two of my packs, and ignoring the other four or five I have. Is there any reason for this?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

If anyone wants a working version of the Nintendo famicom collection pack, it can be downloaded here. … ction.pack Also, in case that link goes down, I am hosting it on my Dropbox. Though who knows, maybe my link will go down first.  But anyway, here it is. … .pack?dl=1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

If anyone wants a working version of the Nintendo famicom collection pack, it can be downloaded here. … tion.pack. Also, in case that link goes down, I am hosting it on my Dropbox. Though who knows, maybe my link will go down first.  But anyway, here it is. … .pack?dl=1


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : waders1987 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Everytime I go to play Beatstar, it takes me back to the Smack me Default pack, and doesn't save the current sound pack. This needs to be fixed please.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

What about sounds2? Has anyone figured that one out recently?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

agreed with defender, post 127Pack Double dragon 1bopit bouncenintendo famicom collectionrefuses to download. it just says, completed right away, when pressing enter to download  those 3 packs


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I ran into an error today while playing Beatstar again, after way too long of an absence it turns out;  and decided I may as well also post about a few other minor glitches while I was at it.When playing beatstar memory on the default smack me pack, I believe I got a reversed sound to remember aposed to a spoken action, as I would normally in beat reverse instead, resulting in this error which I unfortunately have not been able to recreate.Begin errorCall stack size: 29Function: void memory()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void memory()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void options()
 Function: void mainmenu()Function: void options()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void learn()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void change_pack()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void changepacks()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void main()Call stack size: 29Function: void memory()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void memory()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void main
 menu()Function: void options()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void options()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void minigames()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void learn()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void start(uint, bool, bool)Function: void mainmenu()Function: void change_pack()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void changepacks()Function: void mainmenu()Function: void main()End errorThe following 3 packs refuse to download as of Thursday April 14th, 2016.Pack Double dragon 1bopit bouncenintendo famicom collectionBeatbox does not actually post your score even when you follow the prompt instructions perfectly after the game ends, it just exits back to the main menu
 .Finally, when the progress indicator is switched on and you are playing a pack with intros before each song, the indicator falls between the intro and the beginning of the actual track, which can really mess things up if the transition is supposed to be seamless.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

It's still an interesting song, though.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Not sure on the intro, but since the BEatstar Junkies were a team created in the making of the game, I think their anthem was done by Oriol himself.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I'm wondering, what is the song that was used in the beatstar intro? Also what is the song that plays when the Beatstar Junkies win? I really love them!


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,I finally got around to update beatstar to the newest version, but I do have a few problems with it.First, I can't play the new minigames. In the minigames menu, when I try to arrow past beatbox, the game just jumps back to the main menu. The same happens when I go to the minigame menu and just press up arrow to get to the last entry.Second, some packs don't register as completed for me. I just completed the bopit pack for example, but it still says I have 9 of 9 levels unlocked, not that I already completed it even though I did.Since some of you have already played the new minigames, I suppose something has gone wrong with my updating or something. Any suggestions what I can do now? I'd rather not lose my game progress if possible.Thanks for helping.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

ok i will note that about learn actions


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,@key: the wealthy chance game reminds me of the deal or no deal arcade game, in which there is more of a risk and I think that's why there are the smaller beatcoins, otherwise you'll keep winning loads. I don't know if arcades are as popular in the US as they were in the UK but there was always that element of risk vs reward.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Yeah, I know there is the element of risk vs reward, but you cana lways get reward if you just wait for the bank to offer you more than 1 beatcoins. Yet no one will play the game if there's a very low chance of getting a reward also. So it's a catch 22.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

just a tip, in the minni game selection menue, ware it says press f1 for help. there's not yet any help descriptions for wealthy chance and keep the beet. for example. the rest of the games has a f1 description. but when you press f1 on keep the beat or wealthy chance, it just keeps quiet


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I think you should also remove some of the smaller beatcoin amounts from the deal or no deal game. As it stands, your chance of getting a case with a good amount of beatcoins or safeguards is so little that the best strategy is to keep randomly picking cases until the bank offers you 25 or 3 beatcoins, then just go with that, because you probably picked out one of the really crappy cases like 50 beatcoins.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

lol , better $500 :d. @turtlepower17 good suggestion


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I have another suggestion about a place in the game where being able to interrupt the speech would be useful. When you click on learn the actions, I think it would be nice if, when you press one of the action keys, the speech explaining what to do would be interrupted, because once you've played a pack or two, you know what the action keys are. As it stands, I find it very distracting to try to learn the sounds for a new pack while that description is playing, so I usually wait until after it's done. I would still like to have the option to silence it if possible, though.At Aaron, thanks for explaining, I understand keep the Beat a lot better now.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

HiUm yeah I could do that, for a donation of $200!No just joking.. I have noted it and if I remember... i will add to next version Oh btw beatstar works under windows xp again 


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Could someone explain a bit more about how Keep the Beat is played? From the description, it seems like you should try to time your press of the enter key to just slightly after the second beat is played, but this isn't working for me, nor is hitting it slightly before. Does anybody have any tips?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,You time it pretty much exactly as the second beat. In a 4/4 musical beat, you hit on the second high hat note, not on the snare drum. So, you hear the bass rdum, then you press enter on the the next thing you hear, like a high hat would work. So, it's bass, enter, snare, enter, bass, enter, snare, enter.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hello ,  oriol really all your games are excellent and keep up the great job. One suggestion for beatstar : could you possibly add the abbility to skip when comentator announces scores after every kick in beatball. It is an awesome minigame , but hearing scores each time and wayting for them to finish when i already know them is a bit annoying. Thanx and beatstar is really great.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

If you really want to see a blatant ripoff, and a bad one at that, of Liam's trophies, look at Ultrocity audio's "Doomed". to that, this is practically original, ROFL.Awesome job on the new update Oriol, I gave you a thumbs up and I'm checking it out now! (happy)


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

If you really want to see a ripoff, and a bad one at that, of Liam's trophies, look at Ultrocity audio's (Doomed). to that, this is practically original, ROFL.Awesome job on the new update Oriol, I gave you a thumbs up and I'm checking it out now! (happy)


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,thanks Threeblacknoises, I'll do just that.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Really. Why? Why did you have to use that elius engine that makes games not work on xp? Why?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

HiWhat do you mean sapi 5 can't stop talking?Why don't you run the game with your reader enabled? You'll get no such issue. I'll try to look into the sapi thing but oh well.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,I have an update problem. When I start the game it tells me that there is a new update, and when I press enter to download it immediately tells me the download was successful, but there is no update in my game folder. And this happens every time now when I try to run the game. What should I do now? I really don't want to reinstall everything because I don't want to loose my progress.ThanksTikki


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Tikki, just download the portable installer from the website,Replace everything in it over your current installation, and you won't lose any progress.From now on, downloading the installer is how you get updates, as the game will tell you when a new update goes live.Orial, SAPI says all info, then it plays the sound for the currently selected  pack.I can't use any key to stop it, and the arros don't do anything until SAPI stops talking.JAWS has an issue with backspace.Their is a delay with that key.Also, when running beatstar with JAWS, I sometimes have trouble hearing the info over the sound, that's why I gave my suggestion about the I key giving info, and letting the pack selection feature work as before with just playing the pack sounds and the end-user having the choice to get what info they need.Later!PS: Really liking the new game...


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

And, I have a same problem with updater. It is better to download a normal portable (zip) file and play.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hay Orial, I like the new update, save for one thing.Now, when you're moving through your soundpacks, it gives info on the pack before it plays the sound.This is a slite problem, as sapi 5 can't stop talking and let me move through the list to the pack I want.You said that the I key can give info, and space will give the name as well as info.I'd like to humbly request that you make it so we can get the number of levels and so on with the I key, and that the sound for each pack will play like before.If space also gave the name like it did before, this would be the ultimate version of beat star!Thanks for reading, and for an awesome game!Later!


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Yes, shurely, this number anouncing is very anoying bug. Please, could You fix that?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Oriol, please, could You fix this bug with saying number, if You change a sound pack?Thank You.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Naturally this game reminds me of bopit so Im very fond of it . The one thing that annoyed me was that I bought a couple of packs, Where the ending sequence when you lost took a ridiculous amount of time . The one Ive noticed this most on is dragon pong.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,well, you could make it so that you can escape to get out, but you lose if you do it. After all, if you now just wait around to die in beat boxing for example the result is just the same, but when you are able to press escape you dont have to wait until the game ends by itself. I dont really have another idea to prevent escaping out of a minigame to being used as a cheating method. 


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

yes wellI made it like that so you cant avoid losingIf this is a problem I will make it escapeable. Anyway guys I finished exams last week and Ill be able to work on more minigames!


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,I tried playing beatbox yesterday but then I had to go, and tried pressing escape and nothing happened, so I had to let the computer kill my character, at level 2.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Yes ofcourse Aaron, this is interesting bug.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

HiSometimes I cant change my soundpack, but as far as I know that this thing depends on my level, but how can I know how many soundpacks I can unlock or the like, uhm, dont know how to explain because I didnt understand the new idea very well.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Yes, ofcourse and same is in a football game. But, maybe it must be, like that. I dont know, why, but I think It.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Bathab via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!



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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi!I dont know, this is bug or what, but when I selected another pack, Ill hear a number after selection.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,Sorry about te buying and changing bug, its been resolved in the latest version.Illl come up with more minigames in the near future And beatslots has been rebalanced a bit, though I guess i cant do much about the people who already obtained so many beatcoins lol.Liam sure, I guess audio trophies was your idea wasnt it? Though games have been doing that for ages. I went against adding date based trophies however, like christmas day and so on because I dont see the point in people having to wait until christmas or having to change the date to get a trophy *smile*


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,I have figured ot what the number is when you select a pack. Lets ssay youve got 97 packs in your diectory and you select the first pack, it will say 0. So, its basically saying what number soundpack it is youve selected.I think its a bug, however this is actually quite interesting, although if theres a way it could be made into a keystroke for those who want it, I think that could be cool just as a statistic. For example in the mainstream game Rock Band according to some sighted folks, on the screen there is a little number in the corner telling you how many songs you have in total in the menu.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

HiI havent tried the pro version of Beatstar yet but I did played around with the normal older beatstarIts fun although I am not quite good at it. but as long as Im having fun I dont mindTheres this niggleing little issue that I havent been able to figure out,though.When I select the download soundpack option, Im told to arrow and then press enter on the pack I want to download. but when I press arrow keys nothing seem to happen. or at least I here no sounds, no clicks or sounds to indicate which pack Im about to press enter on and downloadso what I have to do is press enter wait for a pack to download and then go to the buy soundpack option to see what pack I have downloadedIs there something Im doing wrong or we cant here the pack we are downloading before we download it?editedgrryf


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,Your screen reader reads the packs that are downloading. It supports NVDA, I dont know about jaws because of its silly keyhook.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

[ a-t ] the best in the world that is a bug in beatstar download game.exe from post 25 and replace it in your beatstar folder than it will start working


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

HiI havent tried the pro version of Beatstar yet but I did played around with the normal older beatstarIts fun although I am not quite good at it. but as long as Im having fun I dont mindTheres this niggleing little issue that I havent been able to figure out,though.When I choose the buy a soundpack option from the main menu, I get a list or what I think Is a list as It makes no sound. if I up and down arrow a bit and press enter, a pack is downloaded and is available for me to switch to.Can I see the pack Im buying before I buy it? see or better put could I listen to its title,or the name or something that tells me that a certain pack is of so and so type. I.E the alter pack the harry potter pack and so on.or is it supposed to be random. a random pack is chosen and you buy it when you press enter? Using jaws with win7 64bitgrryf


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

lol Liam... I dont think you can get on his case for ripping off trophies, since console games have been doing that since the late 2000s... but audio messages before trophies, thats something else. lol Unless youre specifically refering to the audiogames market.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

at aaron:yeah it suports the jaws. im using only the jaws whilei play the beat star and it worksperfectly


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Lol. You realize I gotta bust your chops a bit for ripping off the trophies thing right? Other than that this game is a lot of fun.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi guise, I really love this game, but i tried to download the WWE soundpack, however when i download it, and press buy, and select it, and press enter? nothing happens, any idea why? and thank you, 


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I have a suggestion for an achievement, since beatcoins are currently so easy to come by.And yes, as a side note, when you win at Beat Slots, you can get sometimes nearly a million beatcoins. Its cool, but slightly ridiculous.Now for my suggestion. I once bought about 200 safeguards, sat back, and let a pack play itself. So, what about including an achievement that if you do that, youll get something like the lazy player? Im sure there would be a much more creative name for it, but I think it would be a cool thing to be able to unlock anyway.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

OK, but this, that I cant buy one sound pack, which is awaylable I dont know, this is a bug or what.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi. Well Ive tried the game finally, and I definitely like, indeed I went to the buy button on the site and donated the 10 euroes, though weerdly wneough even though I downloaded the game from the link I got after returning from paying I dont see any donator achievement but hay, I didnt donate to get stuff, also I havent seen the achievement that is supposed to pop up for starting the game five times though I am fairly sure I mustve done.I have unlocked slots and several other achievements and am working to unlock the other minigames, I definitely like the reverse and this, though Im certainly far from the millions mark .I particularly like how the get achievement messages can be heard again, that was one thing that always got up my nose slightly with Judgement day sinse I thought the trophy messages were fun
 , though I do hope you plan to add more achievements for things like beating numbers of soundpacks, getting a number of right hits or beatcoins, playing various games etc, sinse achievements are cool! Definitely worth the 10 euroes.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi. Well Ive tried the game finally, and I definitely like, indeed I went to the buy button on the site and donated the 10 euroes, though weerdly wneough even though I downloaded the game from the link I got after returning from paying I dont see any donator achievement but hay, I didnt donate to get stuff, also I havent seen the achievement that is supposed to pop up for starting the game five times though I am fairly sure I mustve done.I have unlocked slots and several other achievements and am working to unlock the other minigames, I definitely like the reverse and this, though Im certainly far from the millions mark .I particularly like how the get achievement messages can be heard again, that was one thing that always got up my nose slightly with Judgement day sinse I thought the trophy messages were fun
 , though I do hope you plan to add more achievements for things like beating numbers of soundpacks, getting a number of right hits or beatcoins, playing various games etc, sinse achievements are cool! Also, as a miner suggestion, the menu is getting a bit large and so while its a miner thing, perhaps some menu hotkeys for things like learn game sounds and download a soundpack could be helpful (when grabbing a bunch of new packs I do find arrowing down to download over and over again can be a bit waring on the fingers).Definitely worth the 10 euroes.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,@geovani this seems to currently be a bug for some players. Ive not experienced this myself yet though.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

@Vlad, what do you mean? If you mean delete all your progress, beatcoins earned, soundpacsk unlocked etc, then the file you want is called beatstar.dat and is in my documents. If you mean just configuring options in the game, Im a little unsure why youd need to, but just redownload the game as its quite small. I have a rather odd bug as well with downloading soundpacks which actually has existed before Beatstar pro, though sinse it causes no problem at all I havent bothered about it. For some reason there is a pack called pack double dragon 1 which is always listed in the directory to download, but when I hit enter to download it I get an instant ping and am deposited back in the main menu. The odd thing is Ive already downloaded both the double dragon 1 and double dragon 2 packs, which are listed according to their propper names, eg, double dragon 1 rather than pack double dragon 1 to be hones
 t though as I do have the double dragon 1 pack I dont particularly care anyway, in the scheme of things its hardly an evil bug, however if anyone is experiencing supposedly undownloadable packs it might be the same thing, and certainly doesnt mean the packs havent downloaded.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hi. i have a question. how can i delete my beat star conviguration file?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,By the same token, if you are on windows 7 or 8 you can go to c:\users\your username\documents and dleete beatstar.dat


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,yeah, I noticed that getting beatcoins is rather easy right now, especially if you get lucky when playing the minigames. There is hardly any need to play soundpacks for coins at all as soon as you got the minigames. So, maybe the prize for new soundpacks should indeed be raised, but I dont know if it would make a huge difference now, since everyone who has so many beatcoins available probably has all the packs already purchased anyway. So, I really have no idea how to fix that. But just for your information, I certainly dont have millions of beatcoins. In fact, I have close to none right now since I bought a new pack and quite a number of saveguards with the coins I had. But I only had something like 3 coins and not a million or more.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zseli via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

One thing about beatcoins: I have also played beat slots a lot, but i alwayslose or win about 30 and then lose again, so i will never make it upto a nmmilion again. As for my new pack, i will try to upload it when my other computer starts working again.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : yukionozawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi.I have a suggestion regarding the soundpack browser screen. When Im browsing soundpacks to change, I would like to know if the selected soundpack is completed. Is it possible?


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

TL,DR version: I beatbox, with luck on my side it seems.Some contextIn a recent post as you may or may not know, I had a fair amount to say about the new version of beat star in terms of possible refinements. One such suggested refinement was to scale down the difficulty of the level 10 AI in Beatbox as its potential to block far too much and output damage that exceed the players by a similarly large margin was making it near impossible for anyone to beat it and claim the champion boxer achievement.An UnBeatable challengeThat was what I thought when I loaded up the game earlier. I wasnt sure how far Id get, or if Id even get to level 10 as I had before, or if I even wanted to (only to be frustrated by the AI).A shocking battleAfter breezing through the first few levels, crushing any opponent that stood in my way, part of me began to hope... began to think that maybe there wa
 s actually a chance of beating what is basically the final boss. Although the game goes on for longer than 10 levels, even its creator has acknowledged that he cant get passed the one that follows it.When I reached level 9 I was ready for a hard slog to the finish: to either live through to beat the next guy down, or to perish in the act of attempting it with the current foe. However, after a furious flurry of fists, the Level 9 opponent lay sprawled across the floor with bruises and blood covering his body.The real clincherNow, I thought to myself, comes the moment where I either screw up the game, or I triumph at it. Round one seemed to go similarly to the other Level 10 first rounds Id gone through - the computer pummelling me within an inch of my proverbial health bar. Then, in a sudden blur of motion, my fighter came back to claim the round with a double-fisted blow to the nose of the large enemy, knocking him out cold.
 My rationale was still one of keeping calm and trying to carry on as best I could, as for all I knew Id get hammered into the ground by the revived assassin. However...The end was in sightHad I known what would come next I might have thought a little differently. But maybe not being aware of future events is a good thing in this case. I fought hard to get hits in during the opening of round 2, but realised that the opponent had regained consciousness with a vigorous streak in him. Close to the point of death, my fighter charged in, delivering a series of desperate but brutal punches. Eventually, one that the enemy couldnt see coming brought him crashing to the ground in a hail of dirt and his broken teeth. my fighter had achieved what he had not originally set out to do at the beginning of the tournament: claim his rightful place as champion.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zseli via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi oriol. I love beatstar pro so far, i will give you some feedback as well. First, beat box: I did get to level 11 once, and i cant beleave that i did. Well, it was kind of cheeting, because i pressed u and j and when i herd a punch come in, i tried to block it with the other keys. But i did it somehow! Beatcoins and glitches: As someone said, getting a million beatcoins makes the game say 1, as if you just have 1 beatcoin. My friend played beat slots a lot, and he somehow made it glitch in a way that i never would anticipate. It sometimes said: You have won: Beatcoins. And, what do you know? He lost some. It works the other way around. He made it up to 246 milion this way. I am still struggling in the 6 millions, but i will make it there eventually. I also want to say that i have a new soundpack coming out. If anyone wants to know, what its about, its a classic troopanumm pack. It has some weird stuff in the pre level sounds, and m
 y microphone, witch, by the way, sounds crap. Anyway, i will post the linmk to that later on in this topic, because its related to beatstar pro. So, i hope youve enjoied my rant, and oriol, keep up the good work!


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi guysOk .. well I might consider changing the AI of level 10 boxing.ONe thing.. guys, how can you get so many beatcoins this is outrageous. lolI will add million sound files, but Im a bit hesitant as no one should be able to get so many beatcoins... makes me want to price soundpacks at 5 instead of 5000 hehh


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello Oriol.You could put that in the football minigame we choose the team?Greetings and thanks.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ondrosik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi oriol, I have probably another bug. In random mode I dont get the freeze me sound e. g. I still have to press some keys, it doesnt play the a1 file.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I havent read all posts so I apologize if this has been brought up before.Maybe its just me, or do the sounds sound the same for the default soundpack for pinch me and shake me when in reverse mode.Those two get me every time.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,That becasue the defaulkt pack is based on an iPhone game called smack me, and that game used the same sounds for hose actions, so oriol went for authenticity. It gets much, much easier when you get your first five thousand beatcoins, thats when the fun really begins because you can buy a hole ton of soundpacks. Remember to download them all first, and you can download as many as you want without spending anything. Downloading causes them to go into the shop, and from there, you can buy them. SO, to recap, downloading the soundpacks is like restocking the soundpack shop.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

@Ogomez92:I definitely appreciate the time and effort youve put into this complex game, its good to see things in essence catching up to the mainstream gaming scene. However, I have a few things to run by you that I feel are very worthy of note for fixing/investigating in the infuriating insect department:The first and most important thing is pricing of the mini games. 1 beatcoins, for some (myself included until I had a very fortunate brainwave that saved me from hours of pointless grinding) is a lot of beatcoins for some people. I believe this should be lowered to 5000, the Beatball game to 7000 and the BeatBoxing game to 1. This would make the games far more affordable and provide the player with a choice of whether to buy a soundpack or the games, something that I feel is sorely needed here.The difficulty of beatboxings final level is a gigantic leap from level 9. I can consisten
 tly get to level 10, but level 10s AI, subjectively speaking, crosses the line between a good challenge and an impossible, rage enducing element that is pointless to even attempt. If this could be scaled down to be more in line with the rest of the levels, maybe with a slight decrease in the enemys health to compensate for the insane amount of blocking, that would be most appreciated.The volume of music used in packs (both menus and levels) is altered by the windows volume of beatstar.exe. Ive never seen this in any other application. This means that any pack I make cannot be submitted due to quiet menus, quiet levels and apack creater that doesnt check the integrity of the pack (whether files like Win.ogg and fail.ogg are present for example, instead just compiling it anyway.Allowing different settings to be manually cleared - this includes the donation tracker (I pressed the dont donate but
 ton as I wasnt sure exactly what the donate button would do at the time), but I still wanted the achievement for clicking donate which I now cant get. See scrolling battles for how this could be easily achieved.I know these might be complicated to rectify, but as good as the game is, I really think that these bugs should be fixed first, as it would make the experience less frustrating and more like the game when it was first released - a more fun partially casual experience that makes grinding far less of a chore than it is now.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,I think your point just made me realized something, and I hadnt thought of this before. I now think the reason why the minigames are in the ten thousand range Is people might just end up buying the minigame without touching another soundpack, and Im not sure thats a good idea. After all since the new version came out Ive been playing more minigames than actual beatstar modes, yet the idea would be to unlock soundpacks, so I think Oriol has done that on purpose for new players so that they will move toward buying a soundpack, and a lot of the packs reward more coins than the default smack me pack, which would make it easier to get the minigames.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi Sightless Kombat1. The pricing of the mini games I feel is appropriate. It takes me about an hour to get 10 to 15k beatcoins by beating soundpacks, it shouldnt be that hard.2. The difficulty of beatbox is ok. In fact I got to level 11. Yes, in level 10 its a bit hard, but you can still block the attacks, try to pay attention. *smile*3. Im not sure what you mean about the volume? Why would you change the volume of beatstar.exe?4. Ill make a clear achievements option. In fact there is one, press alt+r while you are getting an achievement *smile*


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello.To my achievements are well sound packsI have 19 achievements for now.I can not win at level 10 of the boxing minigame.I think there is much difference between the level 9 and 10 en dis minigame.But I keep trying to beat him.greetings.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,Another idea could be to copy the name and artist of the song to the clipboard in case you might want to buy it on iTunes or whatever.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

@Ogomez92:Thanks for your response. I changed the volume of Beatstar.exe as when the everything from when the game loads, to the menu sounds and music, is far too loud and overpowers NVDA.As for beatbox, I have tried and failed to beat level 10 and wonder if you are using a debug mode of some kind - the damage scaling seems really off. My blocks dont seem to have an impact on the computer at all, which makes sense. But if I ever try to make a move on the AI and get hits in, I get crushed (even while putting up a solid offense.)As for achievements, Ill have to see if I can get another one to clear the achievement cash, which is trickier than it sounds with a lot of the packs. Beating 10? Does that mean 10 different packs? I can only seem to get 7 sounds on beatstar memory as well which is annoying as all hell. 
 Thanks for considering what Ive said though, I look forward to hopefully seeing improvements and updates to the game in the future.@aaron:Your idea makes sense - I get that, I just think that 15k and 12k is a little much considering a lot of packs are really tricky and not as coin lucrative as others.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,first, I think the costs for the minigames are perfectly fine. I maybe played oneand a half hour yesterday and already purchased two of them, along with a new soundpack. And the game should be about the packs and playing, not to set a record for being the first one to unlock everything. At least thats how it is for me. But even if you want the minigames as fast as possible for some reason, it shouldnt take that long to get the coins for them.I have another suggestion. Since you put all the songs of the football teams into the game, it would be cool to get a song as a prize if you win with your team, but only then. So, if the other team wins you would hear their song at the end of the game too of course, but you wouldnt get the prize, only if you won. I know that the beatball game is random and it may take a while to get all the songs this way and I already can see the first people complain because they cant get every prize after 5 minutes of 
 play, but for me the randomness of the game would be what makes it kind of fun when trying to get all the songs.Well, that was quite a bit longer than intended and maybe I rambled a bit here, but you should get my point. 


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