Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

mara wrote:Well, do you know Spanish?I could eventually help, but i wish i know this language a bit better


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Well, do you know Spanish?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Well, the spanish monster translation needs to be re done...


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

This is a JRPG. Things don't always make sense as western RPGs make sense of them.I wouldn't imagine a crab shooting thousands of needles everywhere, or a golem being able to find a massive, sharp rock in any terrain to drop on his enemies. Or a fish shooting bubbles without being in water. Or walking on land for that matter. Or a sword being able to float in mid air. If we start trying to imagine things based on realism, nothing about this game nor Pokemon nor most JRPGs make sense.The bombs don't really make sense on any monster, except maybe magical doll, who's description says it has a hidden arsenal of weaponry.I made this mistake with Manamon a while back, trying to apply evolutionary principles to the game and make sense out of that. It didn't work any better then, than trying to imagine Breed Memorial's monsters as realistic does now.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@70: Ryon gets mostly physical moves running on a fairly weak strength stat. Its strength is worth raising though--combination attack can do quite a bit of damage.Maybe use the Monster Rancher wiki as reference for what should be what; it seems to be the closest equivalent to this game.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I would not imagine a ghoul throwing a bomb.Ryan sounded to me like nectarish.I didn't breed a pure ryan yet and don't have its moveset.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Honestly, Gao is one I'm not totally sure about, but ghoul is the closest I can come phonetically.I'm not sure what he was thinking with ryan. The barks and howls are definitely odd as opposed to roar, growl etc. But google translate is literally spelling out the phonetic word. So if you were to write it in Romaji it would look like Raion. Since the first letter would be capitalized, Google Translate then thinks it's a name and sounds it out, thus you get Ryan.Gao could easily be something that just doesn't translate, like Reme. Google seems to be better at translating actual Japanese words, as opposed to the words that try to sound like English words.Unfortunately my knowledge is very light, so I can't help out with translation. I'm trying to learn more though.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Honestly, Gao is one I'm not totally sure about, but ghoul is the closest I can come phonetically.I'm not sure what he was thinking with ryan. The barks and howls are definitely odd as opposed to roar, growl etc. But google translate is literally spelling out the phonetic word. So if you were to write it in Romaji it would look like Rion. Since the first letter would be capitalized, Google Translate then thinks it's a name and sounds it out, thus you get Ryan.Gao could easily be something that just doesn't translate, like Reme. Google seems to be better at translating actual Japanese words, as opposed to the words that try to sound like English words.Unfortunately my knowledge is very light, so I can't help out with translation. I'm trying to learn more though.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

That's interesting. I thought Ryon was a dog, in truth. SO gau is ghoul? Perhaps ghoul  means something different in Japanese culture. It would be nice if someone knowledgeable in Japanese and English both could help out with the translations. Sadly, ENglish is my only language--I would be glad to help.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I did not know about lion and ghoul, but that does make sense, so thanks for explaining it. I think I was getting confused by moves like Bark and Howl, which lions don't really do. More a dog thing.And this is generally why I was against simplifying type names to pokemon types. This game is very definitely its own thing.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Just in case anyone cares, as someone with a light knowledge of Japanese, some of the translations suggested are pretty far off.Ryan, for example. Since L and R in Japanese come off as kind of a D sound, what they're trying to say is Lion. I know, it sounds more like a dog or wolf to me too.Gao is ghoul. I'm amused at the Hyena thing because I didn't even think of that until someone said it. But it kind of does sound like it's laughing, especially in it's defeat sound.Laby is indeed rabbit. In japanese it would end up sounding something like Dabi, thus the odd translation.Trying to create English words out of Japanese phonetics has become a thing and so especially when using google translate, some things are just odd. But one thing to keep in mind is that these aren't meant to be types. They are meant to be very specific monsters. Magical Doll isn't meant to just be called magic type. It's actually a little animated doll. And when you cross it with a golem, it's an animated doll with really big arms, not just a rock/magic type.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I didn't say that it was complete.For now, I don't feel like coming back to it.I know I should have a look at the beginning scenes. That is my highest priority once I come back to it.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@46, the poste that i am talking about is @41


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I think there will be a bug on the french translation of the game, sometimes there is a question mark only that is for the (à) sign. What should i do to prevent NVDA/jaws to get a weird pronounciation?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jade you;re probably right about not needing pokemon type names--things like type effectiveness and such don't apply in this game either; just physical or magical, at least that's what I gathered from something I read. Can't remember where though. As it is the changes have already been made and are live in the latest update. I hope the dictionary is a work in progress and not a finished product; it's good but could always be better.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I said before and will say again that a lot of the types that are going to supposedly be updated aren't needed. Just call gau beast, and call ryan canid or dog. Leave stuff like golem, pixie, plant, zombie and whatnot alone. We don't need pokemon types. Bah.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

THe translation is pretty good, but you might want to make a few changes. The monster that cackles like a hyena should probably be called hyena instead of normal. Both it and the dog are normal and get normal type moves for the most part.  The monster called air should probably just be called bird, but all monster created with bird in their breeding would be listed as  air and whatever. Same with the hyena and dog, BTW; normal plus whatever type.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Yeah.But if the translation was clear enough, I would edit it instead of creating a guide.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

we need a detailed guide listing the efects of items bt


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

we need a detailed guide listing the efects of items btw


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Me too.It again became boring.I don't feel like messing with the translation dictionaries too.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I don't bother with contests, honestly. I find them extremely one-dimensional and boring. Marathons are similar for me, but that might just be because I suck at them. I like battles and flag races, and really, even those get pretty repetitive pretty fast. I'm a bit burnt out on the game again, so I'll probably come back in six months to see what has changed.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jayde: Thanks. The bear is looking at low 900's in health and concentration now--those are the easiest stats to raise, and health is one of the species stronger stats anyway. Everything els is in the high 700's except intelligence. As for the mango, I think it helps prevent your monster from becoming thin; it's the fruit version of the delicious meat. THat's just speculation on my part, based on what happened when I chose the bananas over the fruit during a longish training bout.Is there any real reason to do all four competitions? Contests at higher levels get really frustrating. You can't train for them, just make guesses on what they're looking for. Beauty is probably health and overall condition. Coolness I'm pretty sure is power. Clever and sturdy are pretty self-explanatory. All just guesses though.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

No. I didn't say to only feed food that it likes. I said to only feed stat-boosting food. If you have something that hates grain, feed super cereal sometimes to increase toughness. For bears, this is difficult, though, because they like everything except fish, I think, and even fish they don't dislike. But yeah. If you're given the option to eat the mango (more expensive fruit), and your monster likes fruit, eat the banana instead; free intelligence increase. If your monster likes fish, and you're told to eat a fish fry, eat the fish bowl instead (power increase). And like I said, sometimes feed your monster stuff it doesn't like just to get stats. This will work to help improve stats, and is especially useful if you don't do a lot of supplement stacking.I honestly don't know a lot about pampering vs. super-sparta or whatever. Like I have no idea what effect it actually has on stats, competitions, stat growth or anything else. There needs to be better info about this overall.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

But wouldnt that get you a pampering policy?  I have a blue dragon on one of my saves that Pril, for some strange reason, insists should be eating lots and lots of cheap grapes despite that fruit is what she, meaning the dragon,  hates. Should I be prepared to use lots of fruit gummies?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips is not all that difficult to get into the 700 range. 800 is tricky. 900 is much harder, but not impossible. Trust me on this. I have raised over a dozen monsters into that range and have pretty much opened up everything this game has to offer.Here's a big tip. You know all the food recommendations you're given? Ignore about half of them. If it doesn't raise stats, don't eat it.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

50 it's easier if you can get the monster to live longer, and if the monsters have high stats to start with. the miltens or whatever they're called take about a month or maybe six weeks off the life span, so I've decided to only use them for something I plan to fuse later to get something stronger. The bear I have has most of its stats in the mid 200's, so I can probably get up to 800 onmost stats. I've only managed to get into the low 900's on one stat on one monster, and that was by overusing the training supplements as well as doing competition after competition. The megaprotons aren't instantly fatal, only the supplements seem to have serious negative effects.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Jayde wrote:If you train a bunch and only fight at or above your ranking, you should be fine. Once you hit b rank and higher, competitions are actually the best way to gain stats. Gulping a few stat-increasers won't utterly wreck you either, especially earlier in life. I can routinely get into the 800-900 stat range, and that's more than enough to take almost any challenge down. I'm less enthusiastic about the bear, though, since most of his attacks are physical and only Bear Cross is amazing...and even there, a 15-second cooldown is major ouch.It's quite hard to increase stats up to 700, the only one i got into this level is a golem + dragon with insane moves!


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

If you train a bunch and only fight at or above your ranking, you should be fine. Once you hit b rank and higher, competitions are actually the best way to gain stats. Gulping a few stat-increasers won't utterly wreck you either, especially earlier in life. I can routinely get into the 800-900 stat range, and that's more than enough to take almost any challenge down. I'm less enthusiastic about the bear, though, since most of his attacks are physical and only Bear Cross is amazing...and even there, a 15-second cooldown is major ouch.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

So, I reincarnated my bear in my first save--and I was really sorry I used the bear claws on something trivial. The result isn't half bad--I had a set of burning wings--but it could have been so much better. Fortunately my second save has both the bear claws and the jewel, so all I have to do is raise a couple of ryonsryons for fusion purposes.  So, I have a question. I want my bear to live a full lifespan but I still want to compete in the competitions. Which, apparently, are stressful enough even for the winners that they shorten lifespan. How many competions per year would be ideal? As a side note, my character in the first save is a true ancient at 100 years old.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

So, I reincarnated my bear in my first save--and I was really sorry I used the bear claws on something trivial. The result isn't half bad--I had a set of burning wings--but it could have been so much better. Fortunately my second save has both the bear claws and the jewel, so all I have to do is raise a couple of ryonsryons for fusion purposes.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Yeah, that's true.Morokuma has to update the game in order for the new translation to be used.I'm wondering why didn't he do it like Yukio, that is, the game checks for a new version and dictionary updates separately.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

ilyas booneehee wrote:@peeka sannthat'd be a greate idea/*//Please quote one of my posts so that i can see what you're talking about.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@peeka sannthat'd be a greate idea/*//


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Unfortunately I'm not in Morokuma's house. I don't know what he's doing.Besides, Morokuma, unlike Yukio from nyanchan games, doesn't know English. The reason for this is unknown.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Hi @42:No need to revert the changes if they've already been made. Any idea on when the next version will be out?I went back to my first save, and apparently I had a bear jewel in the previous game. I managed to make a third gen bear that was absolutely terrifying as a baby. Sadly, I used a megaproton and a health and reflex booster, so at four years old and 1 month he's at maturity.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

The updated dictionary will be used as soon as the new version of breed memorial is out.I don't feel like reverting the changes right now.Btw, There's a wheel in the ruins.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

ilyas booneehee wrote:@peeka san, what rank are you in? the character not the mon sterI'm in the ss rank.Guys, how about a skype group for this game, it seems popular here.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Finally beat the major colosseum competition, plus the cup that gives you the bear  jewel, though my third gen dragon gave his last for that jewel. R.I.P., great heart. now I have to start over from first gen, and I don't want to waste my bear jewel ona  first gen fusion. Back to the drawing board.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Yes, that's how you do it, but it doesn't appear to create Ciara anymore. Really hoping that monster is not a limited-time legendary, because it was pretty damn good at what it did. I can't wait to make a second or third-generation bear or Ciara.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

As far as I remember, you can obtained a moonstone by partisipating and winning the Contest Mystic cup.I forgot what rank the contest actually on, I think its either s or a.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Most of the names are self-explanatory; we all know what a pixie is, for example. The names for some of the monsters could use some revision; the how or however you spell it, I always thought it was a baboon or som such. The monster descriptions could also be more detailed. Example: dragon. Description, monster with motif of dragon,  and that's it. All nitpicking aside, unless the Japanese descriptions are more detailed than this, it really doesn't matter all that much.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Seconded jayd as well yo.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I kind of agree with Jayde. Just because it is a creature battling game, doesn't mean that it has to be like pokemon.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

You have to get a fan letter with a bell in it, then let a monster die, yup. That's what was said earlier.Currently playing with a magical doll+sound type that's actually not bad overall.Really, really wish there was a way to speed up contests, especially the intro. One of the reason I don't like contests is because they take like 5 minutes, and all you do is click. Very little strategy.To whoever's updating translations or whatever, some things that need tweaking I think:Thander = thunderCurse Kill = Killing Curse?Binta = ? (not sure on this one)And please do bear in mind the proposed type changes. We really don't need this to sound even more like pokemon, IMO. Let it be its own thing, and don't change to grass/water/bug/fighting/dark/fairy/undead/rock types if it's not needed. I personally feel that really, the only ones that absolutely need a translation are laby, catty, monrail, Ciara (maybe), birden, ryan, reme and gau, because those are straight-up mistranslations. Worm, fish, magical doll, devil, golem, pixie, zombie, ghost, dragon, slime, plant, bear and goblin are actually pretty self-explanatory.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@peeka san, what rank are you in? the character not the mon ster


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@jayde, i unlocked the sound type by letting a monster die, it was a strong one.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Sound type is called Reme or something like that, at present, and unlocks in a manner described earlier in this thread.Monrail, Ciara and Bear are all pure type monsters that have to be earned through specific conditions. I don't remember them all. They're quite good, all of them; I'd say Monrail is the weakest and probably Ciara is the strongest, due to its moves, but they can probably all be pretty good.I'm also pretty sure that everyone's unlocks via files are different. Saying "this file in this directory unlocks this type" is not universal to everyone.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

i want to know what are sound and bairs and mondrails and sierras? does the dictionary in your games say hot water instead of jim and medicenal herb instead of parc or something like that. because i am in rank a and i am stil going. do these things get unlocked after rank s? thank you


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jayde: Muse is sound and pixie; one of the files in the breed memorial folder has it, and it looks decent.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jade: Muse is sound and pixie; one of the files in the breed memorial folder has it, and it looks decent.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Is all this translation thing in the game already or is it still in the work? I have the game at v1.35 which I'm not sure is the latest version or not. If there's update changes for the translation, does running translate checker update the thing or do I have to download it manually?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I don't know what a muse is, but mine was pure sound when it started. I then bred it and got a sound-ghost type that worked pretty well and won three out of four king's cup tournaments (the only one it didn't get was the marathon, and I hate marathons because lol they're random).Few things.1. I wish you wouldn't change some of these type names the way you're suggesting. Let devils stay devils, let fish stay fish (or call them aquatic). Let zombies stay zombies. Let golems stay golems. The way I always think of them are this way:Birden = bird (aerial)Dragon = dragonWorm = insectRyan = dogLaby = rabbitCatty = felineDevil = devil/demonMagical Doll = clockwork/marionetteZombie = zombieMonrail = trainCiara = fairyPixie = pixieBear = bearReme = soundGhost = ghostclub = crab/crustaceanGau = beastFish = aquaticplant = plantThe way you're suggesting changing them, it sounds a lot more like pokemon than it needs to.2. Did Moon Stones break? I'm like 95% sure that's how you get Ciara, but every time I use it, it doesn't work that way.3. Speaking of jewels, how do you get more bear/monorail/Ciara jewels? It's been awhile, almost a year since I played previously. I don't remember.4. Is Marathon one of the areas where if you play for yourself vs. letting the computer do it, you'll do a ton better? If so, any tips on being good at them? I was within an ace of having a monster get the King's Cup for all areas, like I said, and if I'm a little careful, I think I can do the marathon. Any tips are appreciated though.5. Does anyone actually think going to the ruins is worth it most of the time? It seems like most of what I get is random grass and flowers, kinda don't do much. I'm sacrificing literally dozens of stat points for this; I think the rewards need to be upgraded a bit. Or I'm missing something insane, one of the two.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jade doy ou mean letting a mon die after you get the bell in the fan letter? I have a last that I'm really reluctant to sacrifice to the cause.Edit: Nevermind, works exactly as described. I found a Muse, and it looks like it could be really dangerous once levelled. ANy tips for playing with pixies and their derivatives?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@Jade doy ou mean letting a mon die after you get the bell in the fan letter? I have a last that I'm really reluctant to sacrifice to the cause.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

sound type, what sound type


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

is siea the pixy ghost you're talking about


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Guys, there is no single best monster. Ciara is pretty good, though.I unlocked a sound type in precisely the way a previous user described. Sad though, because my pixie-ghost had 700 or more in every stat, and was pretty damn good at almost everything she did. This sound type didn't start with amazing stats, but it's not too bad either.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

hello.i had a pixy from a combination that had 266 intelegence and the move flame out of the box, but it had not much helth. i accidentelly participated in a high rank calesioum compitition annd my pixy got a terrible ingeryafter that, it diedhealth 107, power 114, intelegence 266, consentration 127, reflexes 171, tuffness 973 months oldand i don't have any pixy dual pieceand searching the computer and hammering enter on eech file just to see that this isn't any tipe of pixy, just airl, fairiel, gonxy, draless, etcwhat is the best pixy if you don't train any of themthanks


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Alright, I'm going to list the changes so that you can continue translating.Spoilers, press the h key if you don't want to see the new changes now.old name=new namedevil=darkgolem=rockworm=bugfish=watergoblin=fightingmontrail=trainzombie=undeadlaby=rabbitgow=normalreem=soundplant=grasspixie=fairyI didn't change the rest type names, but, assuming you read them, I'm open for suggestions.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

mara wrote:As soon as the new version is out, some types will be renamed, so prepare accordingly.Oh, a french translation is in progress, should we wait the next update then?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I believe the whole new item thing is going to unlock a new kind of monster when your current one dies. I was given some sort of a bell or something similar and I actually got a brand new monster without messing with the association. I was going to check it out but I got my first dragon and I was excited to train him first.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Are there any tips for using the equipment that increases one or two stats while subtracting from another?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Picked this game back up and I have one tip.If you get into a competition of some kind, any kind really, and you lose, you're going to lose popularity, sometimes a crapton of it. I went from 77 popularity down to 48 for coming fourth out of six in a contest once; needless to say, I reloaded immediately.Generally I try to build semi-evenly because I can usually get a monster into the 700-800 range of stats without struggle, across the board, and at that point I can handle nearly any challenge. My current monster has stats in the 400-500 range at just over two years old, is in peak period and I've only used two megaprotons on it (very early in life). I'm just training and doing contests/flag races/coliseum battles, and it's actually going pretty well.I do have one question. I just got a fan letter which said something like, "Hold on, there's something in here", and it said I got an item, but I don't actually have any new items. My breeder guide said that the monster would like it if we decorated the farm with it, but I see absolutely no benefit, change or acquisition of any kind. Is this just extra flavour text? It's the first time I've seen it.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

As soon as the new version is out, some types will be renamed, so prepare accordingly.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

bookrage wrote:concentration/accuracy is only half of the story. Attacks have stats as well and there are traits that increase or decrease accuracy as well. If you use a lot of attacks that have high accuracy ratings, concentration isn't probably as important. on the other hand, if most of your attacks are relatively inaccurate, concentration needs more stressing.I thought it was intelligence, my bad 


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

concentration/accuracy is only half of the story. Attacks have stats as well and there are traits that increase or decrease accuracy as well. If you use a lot of attacks that have high accuracy ratings, concentration isn't probably as important. on the other hand, if most of your attacks are relatively inaccurate, concentration needs more stressing.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

I think it's the accuracy in battle.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Also, please confirm for me, if a monster has a low amount of concentration, their attack won't hit, right?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Here is ther current stats with a 9 months rock-zorus (dragon + Golem):Helth 168, power 297 (trained a little), intelligence 178 (well trained), concentration 158 (didn't train that much), reflexes 149 (didn't train much), toughness 208.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

okay a couple things.when I said pixies, I meant literally pixies, you have to take combinations as they come. a little stress is okay if you get rid of it quickly, playing minigames at the park and stuff works pretty well. as for things like beauty and such, the stats in other modes of play besides  the basic 6, a mix of those stats plus some abilities and traits of certain monsters, plus their species types contribute to for when you need to change focus, best thing to do is focus on the stats they need now, but those punch and kick abilities from the pixie aren't really meant for heavy damage anyway. They are cheap, rapid-fire attacks. In their case, what they should be used for is simply whittling away at enemy life so you have a higher percentage when time runs out, those attacks were never meant to be killing blows and you should go for endurance early on in terms of not getting hit as a pixie and being super-accurate.That said, it is a bad idea to completely ignore any stat, you just want to specialize in what your monster already excells in.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

so can anyone tell me how to trane those sup stats or I don't know what they're called, like footpower, stamina, buty, coolness, etc


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

@4:Pixies might not need strength, but what about the combination species?Let's take Gonxi for example. I have owned two of them so far, and I trained the strength of the first one, while I neglected the strength of the second one.But the problem with them is that they start out with punch and kick, both of which use strength as their damaging stat.I think at least in the case of this species, strength should be focused in the early days, since this is the only stat which would do damage in the tournament, while as they start to unlock magical attack later, the focus should be shifted. What do you think about that?


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nsoft15 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Can i make my club live longer somehow?And do you know any other secrets in game than jukebox?Regards.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

To your 7th suggestion, i don't know if you have to do this, when you give something your monster don't like, it may stress a little.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Wow this is super helpful. Most of this stuff I already knew but there was some interesting bits there that I had no idea about. Thanks.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

that is another way the game resembles the old Monster Rancher series, as I have found a few things that help in those old games that have translated over to this one I'll tell you.1. avoid injuries and running away. The game keeps track of how many times this happens, it will greatly weaken offspring from combinations if that happens a lot 2. don't just combine all the time, train both halves of a combination before combining, this will create much stronger offspring.3. avoid letting your monster get too fat or too thin this quickly lowers its life span.4. don't be cruel to your monsters, but be firm if they misbehave. being too nice makes their training suffer, as does being too harsh.5.  don't overuse what basically amount to steroids. the stuff that makes their training work a lot better also drastically shortens their life spans.6. when your monster is getting old, unless you intend it to die, save every single week. when it does die, reload your last save, freeze and either combine or get your next monster.7. follow Pirll's recomendations for food.8. save your money 9. focus your training on what your monster is good at. Don't neglect any stat entirely, but you'll succeed more if you focus on their main stats. For example, pixies don't need a lot of strength.10. it is frequently better to be accurate in fighting rather than powerful. "A heavy weapon does a lot of damage, but it does have to hit."11. a great champion monster is often several generations in the making, just like champion pedgree dogs or horses, don't expect a lot of success with your monsters in the first generation or even the second or third.


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nsoft15 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

me too


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Re: Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : PatrykK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial Tips

Hi. I have the same problem here.


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Breed Memorial Tips

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Breed Memorial Tips

Hello all,So this is probably a very general question and I won't be surprised if it's difficult to answer but I thought I would ask anyway.I've been playing Breed Memorial off and on for a relatively long time. I think it's a game with a unique and cool concept behind it and it's rather enjoyable to play through. I've had several monsters over the course of my playing time but unfortunately none of them seemed able to do much after a certain point in their career especially when it came to competitions. Most of them were able to reach rank A in the majority of categories of competition almost effortlessly but then the difficulty seemed to increase dramatically from there. Not exactly certain why that is but I feel like it might be related to the way I train them up or that I don't pick ones that have good enough base stats. I've done some poking around on this forum but haven't found anything that I could use to my advantage. Perhaps I didn't use the right key words? Either way, any sort of tips that might make it easier to get through the game, whether they're related to battle strategies, training or anything else you consider of importance, would be much appreciated.


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Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

2019-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

Alright so a question for those who complete the game:I've just been promoted to master rank, and it's now April of the following year. Which event in the colosseum is the King's cup. THe only one I see so far is the tournament battle that offers 1 gold and a jewel fragment. Is that it? I'm playing with a very strong monster but's hit retirement age and King's cup would be it's last battle ... yes, it's gender unknown. Red dragon with all stats at 600 except reflexes which is 528. Hopefully someone can  help.


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Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

2019-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

I disagree with the marathon computer control being better. I was consistently able to do better just because I could pace it so my stamina lasted longer than the rest in their interval training method.


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Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

2019-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mongoo_4044 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Breed Memorial tips and tricks

also your compeeting in the marathon contest; you better press no on the if you want to control your monster dialog: because it's best to let the monster go it self; because it will be much easyer and the monster will stop when the stamina is running out


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Breed Memorial tips and tricks

2019-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Breed Memorial tips and tricks

So, recently got back into Breed Memorial after a longish absence, and since the Breed Memorial topic is quite, quite long I thought I'd start a new topic for tips and tricks. Anyone can chime in with their thoughts and experiences. I'll start off with what most probably know by now. If you're training a monster to beat the game, don't use any of the stat booster-they're all fatal eventually. I used the training that boosts all stats for a month, and my monster didn't see it's third birthday. This happened quite a few times until I experimented with using just one. If you check your monster's status after using the full training booster as a baby at two months old it will say growth period, not baby. so the training boosters at least give you those stats by accelerating the growth of the monster. Live fast, die young. I would restrict their use to growing monsters for fusion purposes. Now for a question: are all the stat boosters like this, or just the most expensive ones? I have an underpowered dragon that I would really like to boost, but I also want to have it long enough to beat the game. Besides, I like dragons. LOL


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